path: root/src/buildstream/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/buildstream/')
1 files changed, 683 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/buildstream/ b/src/buildstream/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d07c56cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/buildstream/
@@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 Codethink Limited
+# Copyright (C) 2018 Bloomberg Finance LP
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+# Authors:
+# Tristan Van Berkom <>
+# Chandan Singh <>
+"""Abstract base class for source implementations that work with a Git repository"""
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+from import Mapping
+from io import StringIO
+from tempfile import TemporaryFile
+from configparser import RawConfigParser
+from .source import Source, SourceError, SourceFetcher
+from .types import Consistency, CoreWarnings
+from . import utils
+from .utils import move_atomic, DirectoryExistsError
+GIT_MODULES = '.gitmodules'
+# Warnings
+WARN_INCONSISTENT_SUBMODULE = "inconsistent-submodule"
+WARN_UNLISTED_SUBMODULE = "unlisted-submodule"
+WARN_INVALID_SUBMODULE = "invalid-submodule"
+# Because of handling of submodules, we maintain a _GitMirror
+# for the primary git source and also for each submodule it
+# might have at a given time
+class _GitMirror(SourceFetcher):
+ def __init__(self, source, path, url, ref, *, primary=False, tags=[]):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.source = source
+ self.path = path
+ self.url = url
+ self.ref = ref
+ self.tags = tags
+ self.primary = primary
+ self.mirror = os.path.join(source.get_mirror_directory(), utils.url_directory_name(url))
+ self.mark_download_url(url)
+ # Ensures that the mirror exists
+ def ensure(self, alias_override=None):
+ # Unfortunately, git does not know how to only clone just a specific ref,
+ # so we have to download all of those gigs even if we only need a couple
+ # of bytes.
+ if not os.path.exists(self.mirror):
+ # Do the initial clone in a tmpdir just because we want an atomic move
+ # after a long standing clone which could fail overtime, for now do
+ # this directly in our git directory, eliminating the chances that the
+ # system configured tmpdir is not on the same partition.
+ #
+ with self.source.tempdir() as tmpdir:
+ url = self.source.translate_url(self.url, alias_override=alias_override,
+ primary=self.primary)
+[self.source.host_git, 'clone', '--mirror', '-n', url, tmpdir],
+ fail="Failed to clone git repository {}".format(url),
+ fail_temporarily=True)
+ try:
+ move_atomic(tmpdir, self.mirror)
+ except DirectoryExistsError:
+ # Another process was quicker to download this repository.
+ # Let's discard our own
+ self.source.status("{}: Discarding duplicate clone of {}"
+ .format(self.source, url))
+ except OSError as e:
+ raise SourceError("{}: Failed to move cloned git repository {} from '{}' to '{}': {}"
+ .format(self.source, url, tmpdir, self.mirror, e)) from e
+ def _fetch(self, alias_override=None):
+ url = self.source.translate_url(self.url,
+ alias_override=alias_override,
+ primary=self.primary)
+ if alias_override:
+ remote_name = utils.url_directory_name(alias_override)
+ _, remotes = self.source.check_output(
+ [self.source.host_git, 'remote'],
+ fail="Failed to retrieve list of remotes in {}".format(self.mirror),
+ cwd=self.mirror
+ )
+ if remote_name not in remotes:
+ [self.source.host_git, 'remote', 'add', remote_name, url],
+ fail="Failed to add remote {} with url {}".format(remote_name, url),
+ cwd=self.mirror
+ )
+ else:
+ remote_name = "origin"
+[self.source.host_git, 'fetch', remote_name, '--prune',
+ '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*', '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*'],
+ fail="Failed to fetch from remote git repository: {}".format(url),
+ fail_temporarily=True,
+ cwd=self.mirror)
+ def fetch(self, alias_override=None):
+ # Resolve the URL for the message
+ resolved_url = self.source.translate_url(self.url,
+ alias_override=alias_override,
+ primary=self.primary)
+ with self.source.timed_activity("Fetching from {}"
+ .format(resolved_url),
+ silent_nested=True):
+ self.ensure(alias_override)
+ if not self.has_ref():
+ self._fetch(alias_override)
+ self.assert_ref()
+ def has_ref(self):
+ if not self.ref:
+ return False
+ # If the mirror doesnt exist, we also dont have the ref
+ if not os.path.exists(self.mirror):
+ return False
+ # Check if the ref is really there
+ rc =[self.source.host_git, 'cat-file', '-t', self.ref], cwd=self.mirror)
+ return rc == 0
+ def assert_ref(self):
+ if not self.has_ref():
+ raise SourceError("{}: expected ref '{}' was not found in git repository: '{}'"
+ .format(self.source, self.ref, self.url))
+ def latest_commit_with_tags(self, tracking, track_tags=False):
+ _, output = self.source.check_output(
+ [self.source.host_git, 'rev-parse', tracking],
+ fail="Unable to find commit for specified branch name '{}'".format(tracking),
+ cwd=self.mirror)
+ ref = output.rstrip('\n')
+ if self.source.ref_format == 'git-describe':
+ # Prefix the ref with the closest tag, if available,
+ # to make the ref human readable
+ exit_code, output = self.source.check_output(
+ [self.source.host_git, 'describe', '--tags', '--abbrev=40', '--long', ref],
+ cwd=self.mirror)
+ if exit_code == 0:
+ ref = output.rstrip('\n')
+ if not track_tags:
+ return ref, []
+ tags = set()
+ for options in [[], ['--first-parent'], ['--tags'], ['--tags', '--first-parent']]:
+ exit_code, output = self.source.check_output(
+ [self.source.host_git, 'describe', '--abbrev=0', ref, *options],
+ cwd=self.mirror)
+ if exit_code == 0:
+ tag = output.strip()
+ _, commit_ref = self.source.check_output(
+ [self.source.host_git, 'rev-parse', tag + '^{commit}'],
+ fail="Unable to resolve tag '{}'".format(tag),
+ cwd=self.mirror)
+ exit_code =
+ [self.source.host_git, 'cat-file', 'tag', tag],
+ cwd=self.mirror)
+ annotated = (exit_code == 0)
+ tags.add((tag, commit_ref.strip(), annotated))
+ return ref, list(tags)
+ def stage(self, directory):
+ fullpath = os.path.join(directory, self.path)
+ # Using --shared here avoids copying the objects into the checkout, in any
+ # case we're just checking out a specific commit and then removing the .git/
+ # directory.
+[self.source.host_git, 'clone', '--no-checkout', '--shared', self.mirror, fullpath],
+ fail="Failed to create git mirror {} in directory: {}".format(self.mirror, fullpath),
+ fail_temporarily=True)
+[self.source.host_git, 'checkout', '--force', self.ref],
+ fail="Failed to checkout git ref {}".format(self.ref),
+ cwd=fullpath)
+ # Remove .git dir
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(fullpath, ".git"))
+ self._rebuild_git(fullpath)
+ def init_workspace(self, directory):
+ fullpath = os.path.join(directory, self.path)
+ url = self.source.translate_url(self.url)
+[self.source.host_git, 'clone', '--no-checkout', self.mirror, fullpath],
+ fail="Failed to clone git mirror {} in directory: {}".format(self.mirror, fullpath),
+ fail_temporarily=True)
+[self.source.host_git, 'remote', 'set-url', 'origin', url],
+ fail='Failed to add remote origin "{}"'.format(url),
+ cwd=fullpath)
+[self.source.host_git, 'checkout', '--force', self.ref],
+ fail="Failed to checkout git ref {}".format(self.ref),
+ cwd=fullpath)
+ # List the submodules (path/url tuples) present at the given ref of this repo
+ def submodule_list(self):
+ modules = "{}:{}".format(self.ref, GIT_MODULES)
+ exit_code, output = self.source.check_output(
+ [self.source.host_git, 'show', modules], cwd=self.mirror)
+ # If git show reports error code 128 here, we take it to mean there is
+ # no .gitmodules file to display for the given revision.
+ if exit_code == 128:
+ return
+ elif exit_code != 0:
+ raise SourceError(
+ "{plugin}: Failed to show gitmodules at ref {ref}".format(
+ plugin=self, ref=self.ref))
+ content = '\n'.join([l.strip() for l in output.splitlines()])
+ io = StringIO(content)
+ parser = RawConfigParser()
+ parser.read_file(io)
+ for section in parser.sections():
+ # validate section name against the 'submodule "foo"' pattern
+ if re.match(r'submodule "(.*)"', section):
+ path = parser.get(section, 'path')
+ url = parser.get(section, 'url')
+ yield (path, url)
+ # Fetch the ref which this mirror requires its submodule to have,
+ # at the given ref of this mirror.
+ def submodule_ref(self, submodule, ref=None):
+ if not ref:
+ ref = self.ref
+ # list objects in the parent repo tree to find the commit
+ # object that corresponds to the submodule
+ _, output = self.source.check_output([self.source.host_git, 'ls-tree', ref, submodule],
+ fail="ls-tree failed for commit {} and submodule: {}".format(
+ ref, submodule),
+ cwd=self.mirror)
+ # read the commit hash from the output
+ fields = output.split()
+ if len(fields) >= 2 and fields[1] == 'commit':
+ submodule_commit = output.split()[2]
+ # fail if the commit hash is invalid
+ if len(submodule_commit) != 40:
+ raise SourceError("{}: Error reading commit information for submodule '{}'"
+ .format(self.source, submodule))
+ return submodule_commit
+ else:
+ detail = "The submodule '{}' is defined either in the BuildStream source\n".format(submodule) + \
+ "definition, or in a .gitmodules file. But the submodule was never added to the\n" + \
+ "underlying git repository with `git submodule add`."
+ self.source.warn("{}: Ignoring inconsistent submodule '{}'"
+ .format(self.source, submodule), detail=detail,
+ return None
+ def _rebuild_git(self, fullpath):
+ if not self.tags:
+ return
+ with self.source.tempdir() as tmpdir:
+ included = set()
+ shallow = set()
+ for _, commit_ref, _ in self.tags:
+ if commit_ref == self.ref:
+ # rev-list does not work in case of same rev
+ shallow.add(self.ref)
+ else:
+ _, out = self.source.check_output([self.source.host_git, 'rev-list',
+ '--ancestry-path', '--boundary',
+ '{}..{}'.format(commit_ref, self.ref)],
+ fail="Failed to get git history {}..{} in directory: {}"
+ .format(commit_ref, self.ref, fullpath),
+ fail_temporarily=True,
+ cwd=self.mirror)
+ self.source.warn("refs {}..{}: {}".format(commit_ref, self.ref, out.splitlines()))
+ for line in out.splitlines():
+ rev = line.lstrip('-')
+ if line[0] == '-':
+ shallow.add(rev)
+ else:
+ included.add(rev)
+ shallow -= included
+ included |= shallow
+[self.source.host_git, 'init'],
+ fail="Cannot initialize git repository: {}".format(fullpath),
+ cwd=fullpath)
+ for rev in included:
+ with TemporaryFile(dir=tmpdir) as commit_file:
+[self.source.host_git, 'cat-file', 'commit', rev],
+ stdout=commit_file,
+ fail="Failed to get commit {}".format(rev),
+ cwd=self.mirror)
+, 0)
+[self.source.host_git, 'hash-object', '-w', '-t', 'commit', '--stdin'],
+ stdin=commit_file,
+ fail="Failed to add commit object {}".format(rev),
+ cwd=fullpath)
+ with open(os.path.join(fullpath, '.git', 'shallow'), 'w') as shallow_file:
+ for rev in shallow:
+ shallow_file.write('{}\n'.format(rev))
+ for tag, commit_ref, annotated in self.tags:
+ if annotated:
+ with TemporaryFile(dir=tmpdir) as tag_file:
+ tag_data = 'object {}\ntype commit\ntag {}\n'.format(commit_ref, tag)
+ tag_file.write(tag_data.encode('ascii'))
+, 0)
+ _, tag_ref = self.source.check_output(
+ [self.source.host_git, 'hash-object', '-w', '-t',
+ 'tag', '--stdin'],
+ stdin=tag_file,
+ fail="Failed to add tag object {}".format(tag),
+ cwd=fullpath)
+[self.source.host_git, 'tag', tag, tag_ref.strip()],
+ fail="Failed to tag: {}".format(tag),
+ cwd=fullpath)
+ else:
+[self.source.host_git, 'tag', tag, commit_ref],
+ fail="Failed to tag: {}".format(tag),
+ cwd=fullpath)
+ with open(os.path.join(fullpath, '.git', 'HEAD'), 'w') as head:
+[self.source.host_git, 'rev-parse', self.ref],
+ stdout=head,
+ fail="Failed to parse commit {}".format(self.ref),
+ cwd=self.mirror)
+class _GitSourceBase(Source):
+ # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
+ # The GitMirror class which this plugin uses. This may be
+ # overridden in derived plugins as long as the replacement class
+ # follows the same interface used by the _GitMirror class
+ def configure(self, node):
+ ref = self.node_get_member(node, str, 'ref', None)
+ config_keys = ['url', 'track', 'ref', 'submodules',
+ 'checkout-submodules', 'ref-format',
+ 'track-tags', 'tags']
+ self.node_validate(node, config_keys + Source.COMMON_CONFIG_KEYS)
+ tags_node = self.node_get_member(node, list, 'tags', [])
+ for tag_node in tags_node:
+ self.node_validate(tag_node, ['tag', 'commit', 'annotated'])
+ tags = self._load_tags(node)
+ self.track_tags = self.node_get_member(node, bool, 'track-tags', False)
+ self.original_url = self.node_get_member(node, str, 'url')
+ self.mirror = self.BST_MIRROR_CLASS(self, '', self.original_url, ref, tags=tags, primary=True)
+ self.tracking = self.node_get_member(node, str, 'track', None)
+ self.ref_format = self.node_get_member(node, str, 'ref-format', 'sha1')
+ if self.ref_format not in ['sha1', 'git-describe']:
+ provenance = self.node_provenance(node, member_name='ref-format')
+ raise SourceError("{}: Unexpected value for ref-format: {}".format(provenance, self.ref_format))
+ # At this point we now know if the source has a ref and/or a track.
+ # If it is missing both then we will be unable to track or build.
+ if self.mirror.ref is None and self.tracking is None:
+ raise SourceError("{}: Git sources require a ref and/or track".format(self),
+ reason="missing-track-and-ref")
+ self.checkout_submodules = self.node_get_member(node, bool, 'checkout-submodules', True)
+ self.submodules = []
+ # Parse a dict of submodule overrides, stored in the submodule_overrides
+ # and submodule_checkout_overrides dictionaries.
+ self.submodule_overrides = {}
+ self.submodule_checkout_overrides = {}
+ modules = self.node_get_member(node, Mapping, 'submodules', {})
+ for path, _ in self.node_items(modules):
+ submodule = self.node_get_member(modules, Mapping, path)
+ url = self.node_get_member(submodule, str, 'url', None)
+ # Make sure to mark all URLs that are specified in the configuration
+ if url:
+ self.mark_download_url(url, primary=False)
+ self.submodule_overrides[path] = url
+ if 'checkout' in submodule:
+ checkout = self.node_get_member(submodule, bool, 'checkout')
+ self.submodule_checkout_overrides[path] = checkout
+ self.mark_download_url(self.original_url)
+ def preflight(self):
+ # Check if git is installed, get the binary at the same time
+ self.host_git = utils.get_host_tool('git')
+ def get_unique_key(self):
+ # Here we want to encode the local name of the repository and
+ # the ref, if the user changes the alias to fetch the same sources
+ # from another location, it should not affect the cache key.
+ key = [self.original_url, self.mirror.ref]
+ if self.mirror.tags:
+ tags = {tag: (commit, annotated) for tag, commit, annotated in self.mirror.tags}
+ key.append({'tags': tags})
+ # Only modify the cache key with checkout_submodules if it's something
+ # other than the default behaviour.
+ if self.checkout_submodules is False:
+ key.append({"checkout_submodules": self.checkout_submodules})
+ # We want the cache key to change if the source was
+ # configured differently, and submodules count.
+ if self.submodule_overrides:
+ key.append(self.submodule_overrides)
+ if self.submodule_checkout_overrides:
+ key.append({"submodule_checkout_overrides": self.submodule_checkout_overrides})
+ return key
+ def get_consistency(self):
+ if self._have_all_refs():
+ return Consistency.CACHED
+ elif self.mirror.ref is not None:
+ return Consistency.RESOLVED
+ return Consistency.INCONSISTENT
+ def load_ref(self, node):
+ self.mirror.ref = self.node_get_member(node, str, 'ref', None)
+ self.mirror.tags = self._load_tags(node)
+ def get_ref(self):
+ return self.mirror.ref, self.mirror.tags
+ def set_ref(self, ref_data, node):
+ if not ref_data:
+ self.mirror.ref = None
+ if 'ref' in node:
+ del node['ref']
+ self.mirror.tags = []
+ if 'tags' in node:
+ del node['tags']
+ else:
+ ref, tags = ref_data
+ node['ref'] = self.mirror.ref = ref
+ self.mirror.tags = tags
+ if tags:
+ node['tags'] = []
+ for tag, commit_ref, annotated in tags:
+ data = {'tag': tag,
+ 'commit': commit_ref,
+ 'annotated': annotated}
+ node['tags'].append(data)
+ else:
+ if 'tags' in node:
+ del node['tags']
+ def track(self):
+ # If self.tracking is not specified it's not an error, just silently return
+ if not self.tracking:
+ # Is there a better way to check if a ref is given.
+ if self.mirror.ref is None:
+ detail = 'Without a tracking branch ref can not be updated. Please ' + \
+ 'provide a ref or a track.'
+ raise SourceError("{}: No track or ref".format(self),
+ detail=detail, reason="track-attempt-no-track")
+ return None
+ # Resolve the URL for the message
+ resolved_url = self.translate_url(self.mirror.url)
+ with self.timed_activity("Tracking {} from {}"
+ .format(self.tracking, resolved_url),
+ silent_nested=True):
+ self.mirror.ensure()
+ self.mirror._fetch()
+ # Update self.mirror.ref and node.ref from the self.tracking branch
+ ret = self.mirror.latest_commit_with_tags(self.tracking, self.track_tags)
+ return ret
+ def init_workspace(self, directory):
+ # XXX: may wish to refactor this as some code dupe with stage()
+ self._refresh_submodules()
+ with self.timed_activity('Setting up workspace "{}"'.format(directory), silent_nested=True):
+ self.mirror.init_workspace(directory)
+ for mirror in self.submodules:
+ mirror.init_workspace(directory)
+ def stage(self, directory):
+ # Need to refresh submodule list here again, because
+ # it's possible that we did not load in the main process
+ # with submodules present (source needed fetching) and
+ # we may not know about the submodule yet come time to build.
+ #
+ self._refresh_submodules()
+ # Stage the main repo in the specified directory
+ #
+ with self.timed_activity("Staging {}".format(self.mirror.url), silent_nested=True):
+ self.mirror.stage(directory)
+ for mirror in self.submodules:
+ mirror.stage(directory)
+ def get_source_fetchers(self):
+ yield self.mirror
+ self._refresh_submodules()
+ for submodule in self.submodules:
+ yield submodule
+ def validate_cache(self):
+ discovered_submodules = {}
+ unlisted_submodules = []
+ invalid_submodules = []
+ for path, url in self.mirror.submodule_list():
+ discovered_submodules[path] = url
+ if self._ignore_submodule(path):
+ continue
+ override_url = self.submodule_overrides.get(path)
+ if not override_url:
+ unlisted_submodules.append((path, url))
+ # Warn about submodules which are explicitly configured but do not exist
+ for path, url in self.submodule_overrides.items():
+ if path not in discovered_submodules:
+ invalid_submodules.append((path, url))
+ if invalid_submodules:
+ detail = []
+ for path, url in invalid_submodules:
+ detail.append(" Submodule URL '{}' at path '{}'".format(url, path))
+ self.warn("{}: Invalid submodules specified".format(self),
+ detail="The following submodules are specified in the source "
+ "description but do not exist according to the repository\n\n" +
+ "\n".join(detail))
+ # Warn about submodules which exist but have not been explicitly configured
+ if unlisted_submodules:
+ detail = []
+ for path, url in unlisted_submodules:
+ detail.append(" Submodule URL '{}' at path '{}'".format(url, path))
+ self.warn("{}: Unlisted submodules exist".format(self),
+ detail="The following submodules exist but are not specified " +
+ "in the source description\n\n" +
+ "\n".join(detail))
+ # Assert that the ref exists in the track tag/branch, if track has been specified.
+ ref_in_track = False
+ if self.tracking:
+ _, branch = self.check_output([self.host_git, 'branch', '--list', self.tracking,
+ '--contains', self.mirror.ref],
+ cwd=self.mirror.mirror)
+ if branch:
+ ref_in_track = True
+ else:
+ _, tag = self.check_output([self.host_git, 'tag', '--list', self.tracking,
+ '--contains', self.mirror.ref],
+ cwd=self.mirror.mirror)
+ if tag:
+ ref_in_track = True
+ if not ref_in_track:
+ detail = "The ref provided for the element does not exist locally " + \
+ "in the provided track branch / tag '{}'.\n".format(self.tracking) + \
+ "You may wish to track the element to update the ref from '{}' ".format(self.tracking) + \
+ "with `bst source track`,\n" + \
+ "or examine the upstream at '{}' for the specific ref.".format(self.mirror.url)
+ self.warn("{}: expected ref '{}' was not found in given track '{}' for staged repository: '{}'\n"
+ .format(self, self.mirror.ref, self.tracking, self.mirror.url),
+ detail=detail, warning_token=CoreWarnings.REF_NOT_IN_TRACK)
+ ###########################################################
+ # Local Functions #
+ ###########################################################
+ def _have_all_refs(self):
+ if not self.mirror.has_ref():
+ return False
+ self._refresh_submodules()
+ for mirror in self.submodules:
+ if not os.path.exists(mirror.mirror):
+ return False
+ if not mirror.has_ref():
+ return False
+ return True
+ # Refreshes the BST_MIRROR_CLASS objects for submodules
+ #
+ # Assumes that we have our mirror and we have the ref which we point to
+ #
+ def _refresh_submodules(self):
+ self.mirror.ensure()
+ submodules = []
+ for path, url in self.mirror.submodule_list():
+ # Completely ignore submodules which are disabled for checkout
+ if self._ignore_submodule(path):
+ continue
+ # Allow configuration to override the upstream
+ # location of the submodules.
+ override_url = self.submodule_overrides.get(path)
+ if override_url:
+ url = override_url
+ ref = self.mirror.submodule_ref(path)
+ if ref is not None:
+ mirror = self.BST_MIRROR_CLASS(self, path, url, ref)
+ submodules.append(mirror)
+ self.submodules = submodules
+ def _load_tags(self, node):
+ tags = []
+ tags_node = self.node_get_member(node, list, 'tags', [])
+ for tag_node in tags_node:
+ tag = self.node_get_member(tag_node, str, 'tag')
+ commit_ref = self.node_get_member(tag_node, str, 'commit')
+ annotated = self.node_get_member(tag_node, bool, 'annotated')
+ tags.append((tag, commit_ref, annotated))
+ return tags
+ # Checks whether the plugin configuration has explicitly
+ # configured this submodule to be ignored
+ def _ignore_submodule(self, path):
+ try:
+ checkout = self.submodule_checkout_overrides[path]
+ except KeyError:
+ checkout = self.checkout_submodules
+ return not checkout