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authorTristan Van Berkom <>2017-07-10 22:03:05 +0900
committerTristan Van Berkom <>2017-07-10 22:03:05 +0900
commit8764d1ceacae942c4208807847aaad9d3ef42a23 (patch)
parent1a94040648b50f087ef133eeccf8e30a37bad7b7 (diff)
Adding documentation about setting up artifact caches.
2 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/artifacts.rst b/doc/source/artifacts.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08531e2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/artifacts.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+.. _artifacts:
+Artifact Caches
+BuildStream revisions output of each element under it's specific
+cache key in a local artifact cache.
+This artifact cache can however be shared with others, or automated
+builders can be made to contribute to a shared artifact cache so
+that developers dont need to build everything all the time, instead
+they can download prebuilt artifacts from a shared cache, if an artifact
+is available for the specific cache keys they need.
+This page outlines how to setup and use a shared artifact cache.
+Setting up the user
+A specific user is not needed for downloading artifacts, but since we
+are going to use ssh to upload the artifacts, you will want a dedicated
+user to own the artifact cache.
+.. code:: bash
+ useradd artifacts
+You will also need to install BuildStream on the artifact server in order
+to receive uploaded artifacts over ssh. Follow the instructions for installing
+BuildStream :ref:`here <installing>`
+.. note::
+ When installing BuildStream on the artifact server, it must be installed
+ in a system wide location, with ``pip3 install .`` in the BuildStream
+ checkout directory.
+ Otherwise, some tinkering is required to ensure BuildStream is available
+ in ``PATH`` when it's companion ``bst-artifact-receive`` program is run
+ remotely.
+Initializing the cache
+Now that you have a dedicated user to own the artifact cache, change
+to that user, and create the artifact cache ostree repository directly
+in it's home directory as such:
+.. code:: bash
+ ostree init --mode archive-z2 --repo artifacts
+This should result in an artifact cache residing at the path ``/home/artifacts/artifacts``
+Serve the cache over https
+This part should be pretty simple, you can do this with various technologies, all
+we really require is that you make the artifacts available over https (you can use
+http but until we figure out using gpg signed ostree commits for the artifacts, it's
+better to serve over https).
+Here is an example, note that you must have a certificate **pem** file to use, and
+as usual.
+.. code:: python
+ import http.server, ssl, os
+ # Maybe use a custom port, especially if you are serving
+ # other web pages on the same computer
+ server_address = ('localhost', 443)
+ artifact_path = '/home/artifacts'
+ # The http server will serve from it's current
+ # working directory
+ os.chdir(artifact_path)
+ # Create Server
+ httpd = http.server.HTTPServer(
+ server_address,
+ http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler)
+ # Add ssl
+ httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket,
+ server_side=True,
+ certfile='localhost.pem',
+ ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
+ # Run it
+ httpd.serve_forever()
+Configure and run sshd
+You will need to run the sshd service to allow uploading artifacts.
+For this you will want something like the following in your ``/etc/ssh/sshd_config``
+.. code:: bash
+ # Allow ssh logins/commands with the artifacts user
+ AllowUsers artifacts
+ # Dont allow password authentication for artifacts user
+ #
+ # Also lets restrict these logins to only running
+ # the artifact receive process
+ Match user artifacts
+ ForceCommand bst-artifact-receive
+ PasswordAuthentication no
+User Configuration
+The user configuration for artifacts is documented with the rest
+of the :ref:`user configuration documentation <config>`.
+Assuming you have the same setup used in this document, and that your
+host is reachable on the internet as ```` (for example),
+then a user can use the following user configuration:
+.. code:: yaml
+ #
+ # Artifacts
+ #
+ artifacts:
+ # A url from which to download prebuilt artifacts
+ pull-url:
+ # A url to upload built artifacts to
+ push-url:
+Also, if you have used a custom port for uploading
+artifacts, there is no syntax for specifying that in
+the URL.
+Instead the user must specify this in their own ssh
+configuration in ``~/.ssh/config``
+This can be done with the following snippet, assuming
+the same ```` url, and port ``10000``:
+.. code:: bash
+ Host
+ Port 10000
+Authenticating Users
+In order to give permission to a given user to upload
+artifacts, simply use the regular ``ssh`` method.
+First obtain the user's public ssh key, and add it
+to the authorized keys, like so:
+.. code:: bash
+ cat >> /home/artifacts/.ssh/authorized_keys
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index d42848d0c..e91707fdb 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ off the ground installing it on a new host.
* :ref:`projectconf`
* :ref:`format`
* :ref:`public`
+* :ref:`artifacts`