diff options
authorTristan Maat <>2018-02-06 16:59:19 +0000
committerJürg Billeter <>2018-02-14 12:44:52 +0100
commit82133828a93bb3df4d0d8bd6ccbfa2e933a15c40 (patch)
parent955b184ea1a21bc3b0d81a1f6f7103b152157a58 (diff)
image_authoring.rst: Add image creation documentation
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/image_authoring.rst b/doc/source/image_authoring.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44431c31e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/image_authoring.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+.. _image_authoring:
+Authoring System Images
+This section forms a guide to creating system images with BuildStream.
+Building a Linux image
+.. note::
+ This page does *not* list all files required for the project, it
+ merely comments on noteworthy sections. See `this repository
+ <>`_ for the full project.
+Setting up the project
+To create an image, we will want to use the x86image plugin from the
+``bst-external`` repository. The ``bst-external`` repository is a
+collection of plugins that are either too niche or unpolished to
+include as plugins in the main repository, but are useful for various
+If you have not already, install the latest version of this
+.. code:: bash
+ git clone
+ cd bst-external
+ pip3 install .
+This should make bst-external plugins available to buildstream. To use
+the x86image and docker plugins in our project, we need to set up
+plugins in our ``project.conf``:
+.. literalinclude:: image/project.conf
+ :caption: project.conf
+ :linenos:
+ :language: yaml
+ :lines: -17
+We also set aliases for all project pages we will be fetching sources
+from, should we later want to change their location (e.g. when we
+decide that we want to mirror the files in our datacenter for
+performance reasons):
+.. literalinclude:: image/project.conf
+ :caption: project.conf (continued)
+ :language: yaml
+ :lineno-start: 17
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: 18-
+Base System
+The base system will be used to *build* the image and the project, but
+it won't be a part of the final result. It should contain everything
+that is required to build both the project and the tools required to
+create an image.
+The x86image plugin requires a specific set of tools to create an
+image. To make using this plugin easier, we provide an alpine-based
+base system using docker that contains all required tools:
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/base.bst
+ :caption: elements/base.bst
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
+This image only provides musl-libc and busybox for building, should
+your project require GNU tools it will be simpler to create your own
+and ensure that your base system includes the following packages:
+* parted
+* mtools
+* e2fsprogs
+* dosfstools
+* syslinux
+* nasm
+* autoconf
+* gcc
+* g++
+* make
+* gawk
+* bc
+* linux-headers
+Image Contents
+The final linux image will consist of several elements that can be
+broadly summarized in four scopes:
+1. A sysroot
+2. An initramfs
+3. A Linux kernel
+4. Project-specific elements
+A sysroot
+Before we create the elements to make an actual image, we will set up
+the sysroot that will form the user space. For this tutorial, we will
+create a very simple system.
+The sysroot must contain everything required to run a Linux system -
+this will usually be `GNU coreutils
+<>`_ or `BusyBox
+<>`_ - and any runtime dependencies,
+if these tools are not statically linked - often `glibc
+<>`_ or
+`musl <>`_.
+For this tutorial we will build a BusyBox + musl system:
+.. code:: yaml
+ kind: stack
+ description: The image contents
+ depends:
+ - contents/busybox.bst
+A keen eye may notice that this does not include a ``musl.bst``
+dependency - this is because the busybox element itself is set to
+run-depend on musl, which we use later to stage sysroot content, but
+not the base system.
+For the specifics of the included elements, refer to the accompanying
+project repository.
+An initramfs
+Now that we have defined the basic sysroot we can also set up an
+`initramfs <>`_ - we do
+this now, because we have defined the most basic root file system that
+will be booted into (for the sake of brevity we will not set up any
+kernel modules, otherwise these should be built first and included in
+the initramfs).
+For our initramfs we will want an ``init`` and ``shutdown`` script,
+and a copy of the sysroot created previously. We start with an
+initramfs-scripts element:
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/image/initramfs/initramfs-scripts.bst
+ :caption: elements/image/initramfs/initramfs-scripts.bst
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
+This will simply place the ``init`` and ``shutdown`` scripts located
+in ``files/initramfs-scripts`` in ``/sbin``, where they can later be
+found and executed.
+We then define our initramfs as the intersection between our
+initramfs-scripts and sysroot content:
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/image/initramfs/initramfs.bst
+ :caption: elements/image/initramfs/initramfs.bst
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
+Finally we create an element that produces the cpio archive and
+compress it using gzip:
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/image/initramfs/initramfs-gz.bst
+ :caption: elements/image/initramfs/initramfs-gz.bst
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
+A Linux kernel
+Now that our final environment is set up, we create the Linux kernel
+that will drive it. Setup for this is a little less intricate since it
+only involves building a single project:
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/image/linux.bst
+ :caption: elements/image/linux.bst
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: -16
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/image/linux.bst
+ :caption: elements/image/linux.bst (continued)
+ :language: yaml
+ :lineno-start: 272
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: 272-
+The main complexity in compiling a Linux kernel is its configuration;
+the 'correct' settings depend a lot on the project. The remaining
+configuration should be quite portable to other builds, however, and
+simply deals with placing files in the correct locations.
+Project-specific elements
+Finally, our project-specific files should be included. For a real
+project, this may be an installer, 'rescue' applications such as
+parted, distribution-specific files or similar.
+In our case, we will include a ``hello`` script that simply prints
+``Hello World!``, as is tradition:
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/contents/hello.bst
+ :caption: elements/contents/hello.bst
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
+We also update the ``contents.bst`` file to include our project
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/contents.bst
+ :caption: elements/contents.bst
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
+While our ``hello`` element run-depends on busybox, our contents
+*must* include a working set of coreutils - we make this explicit by
+also depending on busybox.
+Creating the image
+Now that all image content is defined, we can create the elements that
+actually build the image. The x86image plugin requires two elements:
+- A base system that contains the tools to create an image
+- An element that contains the system we want to create an image of
+We already have ``base.bst``, which conveniently contains all tools we
+need (we could have used a separate base system to create the image),
+but we still need to create a system element.
+For the system element, we simply collect the image content elements
+and their runtime dependencies:
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/image/system.bst
+ :caption: elements/image/system.bst
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
+We can now define our image element - we start by depending on the
+above elements:
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/image-x86_64.bst
+ :caption: elements/image-x86_64.bst
+ :language: yaml
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: -12
+We then set a few parameters to suit our system:
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/image-x86_64.bst
+ :caption: elements/image-x86_64.bst (continued)
+ :language: yaml
+ :lineno-start: 16
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: 16-31
+The correct values for these parameters will depend on the specific
+image created, but for this project the following values were used:
+ The size of ``/boot`` as created by ``image/system.bst`` - the
+ system can be inspected using ``bst checkout``.
+ The size of ``/`` as created by ``image/system.bst``.
+ The default size of 512 should work in most cases, your
+ requirements may differ.
+ The desired size for the swap partition.
+ The kernel arguments - the image plugin will by default create the
+ following ``/etc/fstab``:
+ .. code::
+ /dev/sda2 / ext4 defaults,rw,noatime 0 1
+ /dev/sda1 /boot vfat defaults 0 2
+ /dev/sda3 none swap defaults 0 0
+ Hence we specify ``root=/dev/sda2`` and ``rootfstype=ext4``.
+ ``image/initramfs-scripts.bst`` defines our init script as
+ ``/sbin/init``, hence we set ``init=/sbin/init``.
+ Finally, qemu (which we will use to try out this image)
+ requires our console to be on ttyS0, so we specify
+ ``console=ttyS0``.
+ The default name of the kernel name as created by
+ ``image/linux.bst`` is ``vmlinuz-4.14.3``, and since this is easier
+ than renaming it we specify that value.
+The final configuration specifies which dependencies to use as the
+base/system elements, and creates a script to launch our image using
+.. literalinclude:: image/elements/image-x86_64.bst
+ :caption: elements/image-x86_64.bst (continued)
+ :language: yaml
+ :lineno-start: 32
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: 32-
+Building the image
+We have now defined everything required to build a basic Linux
+image. With bst and the bst-external plugin repository installed, we
+can now build and boot our image.
+We first run ``bst track --deps all image-x86_64.bst`` to determine
+references for all sources used to build this project. We then run
+``bst build image-x86_64.bst`` to build and finally ``bst checkout
+image-x86_64.bst image`` to retrieve our finalized image.
+To test the result, simply run ``cd image/ && ./``
+(perhaps as root), and the image should boot.