diff options
authorCrestez Dan Leonard <>2010-02-03 14:08:55 +0200
committerCrestez Dan Leonard <>2010-02-03 14:08:55 +0200
commit2ad9001556917f199470ba0467ed84d4305248eb (patch)
parent61f83856fb1365e8c9df525dbcc5b74708ddbfe4 (diff)
Add a find_unique_completion_pair proc.
Given a list of items this proc finds a (part, full) pair so that when completing from $part $full will be the only option.
2 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/lib/library.exp b/test/lib/library.exp
index 60062ccd..45949006 100644
--- a/test/lib/library.exp
+++ b/test/lib/library.exp
@@ -684,6 +684,73 @@ proc split_words_bash {line} {
}; # split_words_bash()
+# Given a list of items this proc finds a (part, full) pair so that when
+# completing from $part $full will be the only option.
+# Arguments:
+# list The list of full completions.
+# partName Output parameter for the partial string.
+# fullName Output parameter for the full string, member of item.
+# Results:
+# 1, or 0 if no suitable result was found.
+proc find_unique_completion_pair {{list} {partName} {fullName}} {
+ upvar $partName part
+ upvar $fullName full
+ set bestscore 0
+ set list [lsort $list]
+ set n [llength $list]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
+ set cur [lindex $list $i]
+ set curlen [string length $cur]
+ set prev [lindex $list [expr {$i - 1}]]
+ set next [lindex $list [expr {$i + 1}]]
+ set diffprev [expr {$prev == ""}]
+ set diffnext [expr {$next == ""}]
+ # Analyse each item of the list and look for the minimum length of the
+ # partial prefix which is distinct from both $next and $prev. The list
+ # is sorted so the prefix will be unique in the entire list.
+ #
+ # In the worst case we analyse every character in the list 3 times.
+ # That's actually very fast, sorting could take more.
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $curlen} {incr j} {
+ set curchar [string index $cur $j]
+ if {!$diffprev && [string index $prev $j] != $curchar} {
+ set diffprev 1
+ }
+ if {!$diffnext && [string index $next $j] != $curchar} {
+ set diffnext 1
+ }
+ if {$diffnext && $diffprev} {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ # At the end of the loop $j is the index of last character of
+ # the unique partial prefix. The length is one plus that.
+ set parlen [expr {$j + 1}]
+ if {$parlen >= $curlen} {
+ continue
+ }
+ # Try to find the most "readable pair"; look for a long pair where
+ # $part is about half of $full.
+ if {$parlen < $curlen / 2} {
+ set parlen [expr {$curlen / 2}]
+ }
+ set score [expr {$curlen - $parlen}]
+ if {$score > $bestscore} {
+ set bestscore $score
+ set part [string range $cur 0 [expr {$parlen - 1}]]
+ set full $cur
+ }
+ }
+ return [expr {$bestscore != 0}]
# Start bash running as test environment.
proc start_bash {} {
diff --git a/test/unit/find_unique_completion_pair.exp b/test/unit/find_unique_completion_pair.exp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ec7f040d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/find_unique_completion_pair.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Note: This test actually tests a function in the test library. It doesn't
+# need bash running; but it doesn't hurt either.
+# Run one test. Look below for usage.
+proc test_find_ucp {{list} {epart} {econt} {eret 1}} {
+ set efull "$epart$econt"
+ set rret [find_unique_completion_pair $list rpart rfull]
+ if {$eret != $rret} {
+ if {$eret} {
+ fail "find_unique_completion_pair: Nothing found for {$list}"
+ } else {
+ fail "find_unique_completion_pair: Expected failure for {$list}"
+ }
+ } elseif {!$eret} {
+ pass "find_unique_completion_pair: No results for list {$list}"
+ } elseif {$rpart != $epart || $rfull != $efull} {
+ fail "find_unique_completion_pair: Got \"$rpart\", \"$rfull\" \
+ instead of \"$epart\", \"$efull\" for list {$list}"
+ } else {
+ pass "find_unique_completion_pair: Got \"$epart\", \"$efull\" \
+ for list {$list}"
+ }
+test_find_ucp {a} 0 0 0
+test_find_ucp {ab} a b
+test_find_ucp {a ab abcd abc} 0 0 0
+test_find_ucp {a ab abcde abc} abcd e
+test_find_ucp {user1 user2} 0 0 0
+test_find_ucp {root username2 username1} ro ot
+test_find_ucp {root username21 username2} ro ot
+test_find_ucp {long_user_name lang_user_name long_usor_name} lang_us er_name
+test_find_ucp {lang_user_name1 long_user_name lang_user_name long_usor_name} \
+ long_use r_name
+test_find_ucp {root username} user name
+test_find_ucp {a aladin} ala din
+test_find_ucp {ala aladin} alad in