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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index db9fdd4cb..5cc001977 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -1,45 +1,3 @@
-* WARNING: New versioning scheme for Automake.
- - Beginning with the release 1.13.2, Automake has started to use a
- more rational versioning scheme, that should allow users to know
- which kind of changes can be expected from a new version, based
- on its version number.
- + Micro releases (e.g., 1.13.3, 2.0.1, 3.2.8) introduce only bug
- and regression fixes and documentation updates; they should not
- introduce new features, nor any backward-incompatibility (any
- such incompatibility would be considered a bug, to be fixed with
- a further micro release).
- + Minor releases (e.g., 1.14, 2.1) can introduce new backward
- compatible features; the only backward-incompatibilities allowed
- in such a release are new *non-fatal* deprecations and warnings,
- and possibly fixes for old or non-trivial bugs (or even inefficient
- behaviours) that could unfortunately have been seen and used by
- some as "corner case features". Possible disruptions caused by
- this kind of fixes should hopefully be quite rare, and their
- effects limited in scope.
- + Major versions (now expected to be released every 18 or 24 months,
- and not more often) can introduce new big features (possibly with
- rough edges and not-fully-stabilized APIs), removal of deprecated
- features, backward-incompatible changes of behaviour, and possibly
- major refactorings (that, while ideally transparent to the user,
- could introduce new bugs). Incompatibilities should however not
- be introduced gratuitously and abruptly; a proper deprecation path
- should be duly implemented in the preceding minor releases.
- - According to this new scheme, the next major version of Automake
- (the one that had previously been labelled as "1.14") will actually
- become "Automake 2.0". Automake 1.14 has already been released as
- the last minor release, and the present one is a bug-fixing release
- following up on that one.
- - See discussion about automake bug#13578 for more details and
- background: <>
* WARNING: Future backward-incompatibilities!
- Makefile recipes generated by Automake 2.0 will expect to use an