path: root/autoopts/funcs.def
diff options
authorLorry Tar Creator <>2012-08-11 16:45:31 +0000
committerLorry <>2012-10-18 12:43:06 +0000
commit7c432b265ed7ca5f8304938db73912df8ce35032 (patch)
treec95de7bee7b742ed92b9924d904adca706e48d80 /autoopts/funcs.def
Imported from /srv/lorry/lorry-area/autogen/autogen-5.16.2.tar.gz.HEADautogen-5.16.2master
Diffstat (limited to 'autoopts/funcs.def')
1 files changed, 1620 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/autoopts/funcs.def b/autoopts/funcs.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3696339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoopts/funcs.def
@@ -0,0 +1,1620 @@
+/* -*- buffer-read-only: t -*- vi: set ro:
+ *
+ *
+ * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE (funcs.def)
+ *
+ * It has been extracted by getdefs from the following files:
+ *
+ * autoopts.c
+ * alias.c
+ * boolean.c
+ * check.c
+ * configfile.c
+ * cook.c
+ * enum.c
+ * env.c
+ * file.c
+ * find.c
+ * genshell.c
+ * load.c
+ * makeshell.c
+ * nested.c
+ * numeric.c
+ * pgusage.c
+ * putshell.c
+ * reset.c
+ * restore.c
+ * save.c
+ * sort.c
+ * stack.c
+ * streqvcmp.c
+ * text_mmap.c
+ * time.c
+ * tokenize.c
+ * usage.c
+ * version.c
+ * ../compat/pathfind.c
+ */
+autogen definitions options_h;
+#line 594 "autoopts.c"
+ library = 'opts';
+ header = 'your-opts.h';
+ lib_description =
+'These are the routines that libopts users may call directly from their
+code. There are several other routines that can be called by code
+generated by the libopts option templates, but they are not to be
+called from any other user code. The @file{options.h} header is
+fairly clear about this, too.';
+#line 206 "cook.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'ao_string_cook';
+ private;
+ what = 'concatenate and escape-process strings';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char*';
+ arg_name = 'pzScan';
+ arg_desc = 'The *MODIFIABLE* input buffer';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'int*';
+ arg_name = 'lnct_p';
+ arg_desc = 'The (possibly NULL) pointer to a line count';
+ };
+ ret-type = 'char*';
+ ret-desc = 'The address of the text following the processed strings.
+The return value is NULL if the strings are ill-formed.';
+ doc =
+'A series of one or more quoted strings are concatenated together.
+If they are quoted with double quotes (@code{"}), then backslash
+escapes are processed per the C programming language. If they are
+single quote strings, then the backslashes are honored only when they
+precede another backslash or a single quote character.';
+ err = '@code{NULL} is returned if the string(s) is/are mal-formed.';
+ srcfile = 'cook.c';
+ linenum = '206';
+#line 35 "cook.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'ao_string_cook_escape_char';
+ private;
+ what = 'escape-process a string fragment';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'pzScan';
+ arg_desc = 'points to character after the escape';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char*';
+ arg_name = 'pRes';
+ arg_desc = 'Where to put the result byte';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'unsigned int';
+ arg_name = 'nl_ch';
+ arg_desc = 'replacement char if scanned char is \n';
+ };
+ ret-type = 'unsigned int';
+ ret-desc = 'The number of bytes consumed processing the escaped character.';
+ doc =
+'This function converts "t" into "\\t" and all your other favorite
+escapes, including numeric ones: hex and ocatal, too.
+The returned result tells the caller how far to advance the
+scan pointer (passed in). The default is to just pass through the
+escaped character and advance the scan by one.
+Some applications need to keep an escaped newline, others need to
+suppress it. This is accomplished by supplying a \'\\n\' replacement
+character that is different from \\n, if need be. For example, use
+0x7F and never emit a 0x7F.';
+ err = '@code{NULL} is returned if the string is mal-formed.';
+ srcfile = 'cook.c';
+ linenum = '35';
+#line 164 "tokenize.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'ao_string_tokenize';
+ what = 'tokenize an input string';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'string';
+ arg_desc = 'string to be tokenized';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'token_list_t*';
+ ret_desc = 'pointer to a structure that lists each token';
+ doc =
+'This function will convert one input string into a list of strings.
+The list of strings is derived by separating the input based on
+white space separation. However, if the input contains either single
+or double quote characters, then the text after that character up to
+a matching quote will become the string in the list.
+The returned pointer should be deallocated with @code{free(3C)} when
+are done using the data. The data are placed in a single block of
+allocated memory. Do not deallocate individual token/strings.
+The structure pointed to will contain at least these two fields:
+@table @samp
+@item tkn_ct
+The number of tokens found in the input string.
+@item tok_list
+An array of @code{tkn_ct + 1} pointers to substring tokens, with
+the last pointer set to NULL.
+@end table
+There are two types of quoted strings: single quoted (@code{\'}) and
+double quoted (@code{"}). Singly quoted strings are fairly raw in that
+escape characters (@code{\\\\}) are simply another character, except when
+preceding the following characters:
+@code{\\\\} double backslashes reduce to one
+@code{\'} incorporates the single quote into the string
+@code{\\n} suppresses both the backslash and newline character
+@end example
+Double quote strings are formed according to the rules of string
+constants in ANSI-C programs.';
+ example =
+#include <stdlib.h>
+int ix;
+token_list_t* ptl = ao_string_tokenize(some_string)
+for (ix = 0; ix < ptl->tkn_ct; ix++)
+@end example
+Note that everything is freed with the one call to @code{free(3C)}.';
+ err =
+'NULL is returned and @code{errno} will be set to indicate the problem:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{EINVAL} - There was an unterminated quoted string.
+@code{ENOENT} - The input string was empty.
+@code{ENOMEM} - There is not enough memory.
+@end itemize';
+ srcfile = 'tokenize.c';
+ linenum = '164';
+#line 77 "configfile.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'configFileLoad';
+ what = 'parse a configuration file';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'pzFile';
+ arg_desc = 'the file to load';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'const tOptionValue*';
+ ret_desc = 'An allocated, compound value structure';
+ doc =
+'This routine will load a named configuration file and parse the
+text as a hierarchically valued option. The option descriptor
+created from an option definition file is not used via this interface.
+The returned value is "named" with the input file name and is of
+type "@code{OPARG_TYPE_HIERARCHY}". It may be used in calls to
+@code{optionGetValue()}, @code{optionNextValue()} and
+ err =
+'If the file cannot be loaded or processed, @code{NULL} is returned and
+@var{errno} is set. It may be set by a call to either @code{open(2)}
+@code{mmap(2)} or other file system calls, or it may be:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{ENOENT} - the file was not found.
+@code{ENOMSG} - the file was empty.
+@code{EINVAL} - the file contents are invalid -- not properly formed.
+@code{ENOMEM} - not enough memory to allocate the needed structures.
+@end itemize';
+ srcfile = 'configfile.c';
+ linenum = '77';
+#line 765 "makeshell.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'genshelloptUsage';
+ private;
+ what = 'The usage function for the genshellopt generated program';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'int';
+ arg_name = 'exitCode';
+ arg_desc = 'usage text type to produce';
+ };
+ doc =
+'This function is used to create the usage strings for the option
+processing shell script code. Two child processes are spawned
+each emitting the usage text in either the short (error exit)
+style or the long style. The generated program will capture this
+and create shell script variables containing the two types of text.';
+ srcfile = 'makeshell.c';
+ linenum = '765';
+#line 32 "alias.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionAlias';
+ private;
+ what = 'relay an option to its alias';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'unsigned int';
+ arg_name = 'alias';
+ arg_desc = 'the aliased-to option index';
+ };
+ ret-type = 'int';
+ doc =
+'Handle one option as if it had been specified as another. Exactly.
+Returns "-1" if the aliased-to option has appeared too many times.';
+ srcfile = 'alias.c';
+ linenum = '32';
+#line 33 "boolean.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionBooleanVal';
+ private;
+ what = 'Decipher a boolean value';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Decipher a true or false value for a boolean valued option argument.
+The value is true, unless it starts with \'n\' or \'f\' or "#f" or
+it is an empty string or it is a number that evaluates to zero.';
+ srcfile = 'boolean.c';
+ linenum = '33';
+#line 260 "enum.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionEnumerationVal';
+ what = 'Convert from a string to an enumeration value';
+ private;
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'the program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOD';
+ arg_desc = 'enumeration option description';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const * const *';
+ arg_name = 'paz_names';
+ arg_desc = 'list of enumeration names';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'unsigned int';
+ arg_name = 'name_ct';
+ arg_desc = 'number of names in list';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'uintptr_t';
+ ret_desc = 'the enumeration value';
+ doc = 'This converts the optArg.argString string from the option description
+into the index corresponding to an entry in the name list.
+This will match the generated enumeration value.
+Full matches are always accepted. Partial matches are accepted
+if there is only one partial match.';
+ srcfile = 'enum.c';
+ linenum = '260';
+#line 151 "file.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionFileCheck';
+ private;
+ what = 'Decipher a boolean value';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'teOptFileType';
+ arg_name = 'ftype';
+ arg_desc = 'File handling type';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tuFileMode';
+ arg_name = 'mode';
+ arg_desc = 'file open mode (if needed)';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Make sure the named file conforms with the file type mode.
+The mode specifies if the file must exist, must not exist or may
+(or may not) exist. The mode may also specify opening the';
+ file = 'don\'t, open just the descriptor (fd), or open as a stream
+(FILE* pointer).';
+ srcfile = 'file.c';
+ linenum = '151';
+#line 1066 "configfile.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionFileLoad';
+ what = 'Load the locatable config files, in order';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'pzProg';
+ arg_desc = 'program name';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'int';
+ ret_desc = '0 -> SUCCESS, -1 -> FAILURE';
+ doc =
+'This function looks in all the specified directories for a configuration
+file ("rc" file or "ini" file) and processes any found twice. The first
+time through, they are processed in reverse order (last file first). At
+that time, only "immediate action" configurables are processed. For
+example, if the last named file specifies not processing any more
+configuration files, then no more configuration files will be processed.
+Such an option in the @strong{first} named directory will have no effect.
+Once the immediate action configurables have been handled, then the
+directories are handled in normal, forward order. In that way, later
+config files can override the settings of earlier config files.
+See the AutoOpts documentation for a thorough discussion of the
+config file format.
+Configuration files not found or not decipherable are simply ignored.';
+ err = 'Returns the value, "-1" if the program options descriptor
+is out of date or indecipherable. Otherwise, the value "0" will
+always be returned.';
+ srcfile = 'configfile.c';
+ linenum = '1066';
+#line 211 "configfile.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionFindNextValue';
+ FIXME = 'the handling of \'pzName\' and \'pzVal\' is just wrong.';
+ what = 'find a hierarcicaly valued option instance';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'const tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'an option with a nested arg type';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'const tOptionValue*';
+ arg_name = 'pPrevVal';
+ arg_desc = 'the last entry';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'name';
+ arg_desc = 'name of value to find';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'value';
+ arg_desc = 'the matching value';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'const tOptionValue*';
+ ret_desc = 'a compound value structure';
+ doc =
+'This routine will find the next entry in a nested value option or
+configurable. It will search through the list and return the next entry
+that matches the criteria.';
+ err =
+'The returned result is NULL and errno is set:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{EINVAL} - the @code{pOptValue} does not point to a valid
+hierarchical option value.
+@code{ENOENT} - no entry matched the given name.
+@end itemize';
+ srcfile = 'configfile.c';
+ linenum = '211';
+#line 137 "configfile.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionFindValue';
+ what = 'find a hierarcicaly valued option instance';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'const tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'an option with a nested arg type';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'name';
+ arg_desc = 'name of value to find';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'value';
+ arg_desc = 'the matching value';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'const tOptionValue*';
+ ret_desc = 'a compound value structure';
+ doc =
+'This routine will find an entry in a nested value option or configurable.
+It will search through the list and return a matching entry.';
+ err =
+'The returned result is NULL and errno is set:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{EINVAL} - the @code{pOptValue} does not point to a valid
+hierarchical option value.
+@code{ENOENT} - no entry matched the given name.
+@end itemize';
+ srcfile = 'configfile.c';
+ linenum = '137';
+#line 166 "restore.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionFree';
+ what = 'free allocated option processing memory';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ doc = 'AutoOpts sometimes allocates memory and puts pointers to it in the
+option state structures. This routine deallocates all such memory.';
+ err = 'As long as memory has not been corrupted,
+this routine is always successful.';
+ srcfile = 'restore.c';
+ linenum = '166';
+#line 280 "configfile.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionGetValue';
+ what = 'get a specific value from a hierarcical list';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'const tOptionValue*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptValue';
+ arg_desc = 'a hierarchcal value';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'valueName';
+ arg_desc = 'name of value to get';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'const tOptionValue*';
+ ret_desc = 'a compound value structure';
+ doc =
+'This routine will find an entry in a nested value option or configurable.
+If "valueName" is NULL, then the first entry is returned. Otherwise,
+the first entry with a name that exactly matches the argument will be
+returned. If there is no matching value, NULL is returned and errno is
+set to ENOENT. If the provided option value is not a hierarchical value,
+NULL is also returned and errno is set to EINVAL.';
+ err =
+'The returned result is NULL and errno is set:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{EINVAL} - the @code{pOptValue} does not point to a valid
+hierarchical option value.
+@code{ENOENT} - no entry matched the given name.
+@end itemize';
+ srcfile = 'configfile.c';
+ linenum = '280';
+#line 237 "enum.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionKeywordName';
+ what = 'Convert between enumeration values and strings';
+ private;
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOD';
+ arg_desc = 'enumeration option description';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'unsigned int';
+ arg_name = 'enum_val';
+ arg_desc = 'the enumeration value to map';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'char const *';
+ ret_desc = 'the enumeration name from const memory';
+ doc = 'This converts an enumeration value into the matching string.';
+ srcfile = 'enum.c';
+ linenum = '237';
+#line 478 "load.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionLoadLine';
+ what = 'process a string for an option name and value';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'opts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'line';
+ arg_desc = 'NUL-terminated text';
+ };
+ doc =
+'This is a client program callable routine for setting options from, for
+example, the contents of a file that they read in. Only one option may
+appear in the text. It will be treated as a normal (non-preset) option.
+When passed a pointer to the option struct and a string, it will find
+the option named by the first token on the string and set the option
+argument to the remainder of the string. The caller must NUL terminate
+the string. The caller need not skip over any introductory hyphens.
+Any embedded new lines will be included in the option
+argument. If the input looks like one or more quoted strings, then the
+input will be "cooked". The "cooking" is identical to the string
+formation used in AutoGen definition files (@pxref{basic expression}),
+except that you may not use backquotes.';
+ err = 'Invalid options are silently ignored. Invalid option arguments
+will cause a warning to print, but the function should return.';
+ srcfile = 'load.c';
+ linenum = '478';
+#line 1116 "configfile.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionLoadOpt';
+ private;
+ what = 'Load an option rc/ini file';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Processes the options found in the file named with
+ srcfile = 'configfile.c';
+ linenum = '1116';
+#line 43 "load.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionMakePath';
+ private;
+ what = 'translate and construct a path';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char*';
+ arg_name = 'pzBuf';
+ arg_desc = 'The result buffer';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'int';
+ arg_name = 'bufSize';
+ arg_desc = 'The size of this buffer';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'pzName';
+ arg_desc = 'The input name';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'pzProgPath';
+ arg_desc = 'The full path of the current program';
+ };
+ ret-type = 'bool';
+ ret-desc = 'true if the name was handled, otherwise false.
+If the name does not start with ``$\'\', then it is handled
+simply by copying the input name to the output buffer and
+resolving the name with either
+@code{canonicalize_file_name(3GLIBC)} or @code{realpath(3C)}.';
+ doc =
+'This routine will copy the @code{pzName} input name into the
+@code{pzBuf} output buffer, not exceeding @code{bufSize} bytes. If the
+first character of the input name is a @code{\'$\'} character, then there
+is special handling:
+@code{$$} is replaced with the directory name of the @code{pzProgPath},
+searching @code{$PATH} if necessary.
+@code{$@} is replaced with the AutoGen package data installation directory
+(aka @code{pkgdatadir}).
+@code{$NAME} is replaced by the contents of the @code{NAME} environment
+variable. If not found, the search fails.
+Please note: both @code{$$} and @code{$NAME} must be at the start of the
+@code{pzName} string and must either be the entire string or be followed
+by the @code{\'/\'} (backslash on windows) character.';
+ err = '@code{false} is returned if:
+@bullet{} The input name exceeds @code{bufSize} bytes.
+@bullet{} @code{$$}, @code{$@@} or @code{$NAME} is not the full string
+and the next character is not \'/\'.
+@bullet{} libopts was built without PKGDATADIR defined and @code{$@@}
+was specified.
+@bullet{} @code{NAME} is not a known environment variable
+@bullet{} @code{canonicalize_file_name} or @code{realpath} return
+errors (cannot resolve the resulting path).';
+ srcfile = 'load.c';
+ linenum = '43';
+#line 727 "nested.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionNestedVal';
+ private;
+ what = 'parse a hierarchical option argument';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Nested value was found on the command line';
+ srcfile = 'nested.c';
+ linenum = '727';
+#line 340 "configfile.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionNextValue';
+ what = 'get the next value from a hierarchical list';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'const tOptionValue*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptValue';
+ arg_desc = 'a hierarchcal list value';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'const tOptionValue*';
+ arg_name = 'pOldValue';
+ arg_desc = 'a value from this list';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'const tOptionValue*';
+ ret_desc = 'a compound value structure';
+ doc =
+'This routine will return the next entry after the entry passed in. At the
+end of the list, NULL will be returned. If the entry is not found on the
+list, NULL will be returned and "@var{errno}" will be set to EINVAL.
+The "@var{pOldValue}" must have been gotten from a prior call to this
+routine or to "@code{opitonGetValue()}".';
+ err =
+'The returned result is NULL and errno is set:
+@itemize @bullet
+@code{EINVAL} - the @code{pOptValue} does not point to a valid
+hierarchical option value or @code{pOldValue} does not point to a
+member of that option value.
+@code{ENOENT} - the supplied @code{pOldValue} pointed to the last entry.
+@end itemize';
+ srcfile = 'configfile.c';
+ linenum = '340';
+#line 90 "numeric.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionNumericVal';
+ private;
+ what = 'process an option with a numeric value.';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Decipher a numeric value.';
+ srcfile = 'numeric.c';
+ linenum = '90';
+#line 201 "usage.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionOnlyUsage';
+ what = 'Print usage text for just the options';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'int';
+ arg_name = 'ex_code';
+ arg_desc = 'exit code for calling exit(3)';
+ };
+ doc =
+'This routine will print only the usage for each option.
+This function may be used when the emitted usage must incorporate
+information not available to AutoOpts.';
+ srcfile = 'usage.c';
+ linenum = '201';
+#line 33 "pgusage.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionPagedUsage';
+ private;
+ what = 'Decipher a boolean value';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Run the usage output through a pager.
+This is very handy if it is very long.
+This is disabled on platforms without a working fork() function.';
+ srcfile = 'pgusage.c';
+ linenum = '33';
+#line 73 "makeshell.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionParseShell';
+ private;
+ what = 'Decipher a boolean value';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Emit a shell script that will parse the command line options.';
+ srcfile = 'makeshell.c';
+ linenum = '73';
+#line 176 "version.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionPrintVersion';
+ private;
+ what = 'Print the program version';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'opts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'od';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'This routine will print the version to stdout.';
+ srcfile = 'version.c';
+ linenum = '176';
+#line 607 "autoopts.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionProcess';
+ what = 'this is the main option processing routine';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'int';
+ arg_name = 'argc';
+ arg_desc = 'program arg count';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char**';
+ arg_name = 'argv';
+ arg_desc = 'program arg vector';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'int';
+ ret_desc = 'the count of the arguments processed';
+ doc =
+'This is the main entry point for processing options. It is intended
+that this procedure be called once at the beginning of the execution of
+a program. Depending on options selected earlier, it is sometimes
+necessary to stop and restart option processing, or to select completely
+different sets of options. This can be done easily, but you generally
+do not want to do this.
+The number of arguments processed always includes the program name.
+If one of the arguments is "--", then it is counted and the processing
+stops. If an error was encountered and errors are to be tolerated, then
+the returned value is the index of the argument causing the error.
+A hyphen by itself ("-") will also cause processing to stop and will
+@emph{not} be counted among the processed arguments. A hyphen by itself
+is treated as an operand. Encountering an operand stops option
+ err = 'Errors will cause diagnostics to be printed. @code{exit(3)} may
+or may not be called. It depends upon whether or not the options
+were generated with the "allow-errors" attribute, or if the
+ERRSKIP_OPTERR or ERRSTOP_OPTERR macros were invoked.';
+ srcfile = 'autoopts.c';
+ linenum = '607';
+#line 214 "putshell.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionPutShell';
+ what = 'write a portable shell script to parse options';
+ private;
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'the program options descriptor';
+ };
+ doc = 'This routine will emit portable shell script text for parsing
+the options described in the option definitions.';
+ srcfile = 'putshell.c';
+ linenum = '214';
+#line 58 "reset.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionResetOpt';
+ private;
+ what = 'Reset the value of an option';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'This code will cause another option to be reset to its initial state.
+For example, --reset=foo will cause the --foo option to be reset.';
+ srcfile = 'reset.c';
+ linenum = '58';
+#line 123 "restore.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionRestore';
+ what = 'restore option state from memory copy';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ doc = 'Copy back the option state from saved memory.
+The allocated memory is left intact, so this routine can be
+called repeatedly without having to call optionSaveState again.
+If you are restoring a state that was saved before the first call
+to optionProcess(3AO), then you may change the contents of the
+argc/argv parameters to optionProcess.';
+ err = 'If you have not called @code{optionSaveState} before, a diagnostic is
+printed to @code{stderr} and exit is called.';
+ srcfile = 'restore.c';
+ linenum = '123';
+#line 648 "save.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionSaveFile';
+ what = 'saves the option state to a file';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ doc =
+'This routine will save the state of option processing to a file. The name
+of that file can be specified with the argument to the @code{--save-opts}
+option, or by appending the @code{rcfile} attribute to the last
+@code{homerc} attribute. If no @code{rcfile} attribute was specified, it
+will default to @code{.@i{programname}rc}. If you wish to specify another
+file, you should invoke the @code{SET_OPT_SAVE_OPTS(@i{filename})} macro.
+The recommend usage is as follows:
+optionProcess(&progOptions, argc, argv);
+if (i_want_a_non_standard_place_for_this)
+@end example';
+ err =
+'If no @code{homerc} file was specified, this routine will silently return
+and do nothing. If the output file cannot be created or updated, a message
+will be printed to @code{stderr} and the routine will return.';
+ srcfile = 'save.c';
+ linenum = '648';
+#line 71 "restore.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionSaveState';
+ what = 'saves the option state to memory';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ doc =
+'This routine will allocate enough memory to save the current option
+processing state. If this routine has been called before, that memory
+will be reused. You may only save one copy of the option state. This
+routine may be called before optionProcess(3AO). If you do call it
+before the first call to optionProcess, then you may also change the
+contents of argc/argv after you call optionRestore(3AO)
+In fact, more strongly put: it is safest to only use this function
+before having processed any options. In particular, the saving and
+restoring of stacked string arguments and hierarchical values is
+disabled. The values are not saved.';
+ err = 'If it fails to allocate the memory,
+it will print a message to stderr and exit.
+Otherwise, it will always succeed.';
+ srcfile = 'restore.c';
+ linenum = '71';
+#line 423 "enum.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionSetMembers';
+ what = 'Convert between bit flag values and strings';
+ private;
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'the program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOD';
+ arg_desc = 'enumeration option description';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const * const *';
+ arg_name = 'paz_names';
+ arg_desc = 'list of enumeration names';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'unsigned int';
+ arg_name = 'name_ct';
+ arg_desc = 'number of names in list';
+ };
+ doc = 'This converts the optArg.argString string from the option description
+into the index corresponding to an entry in the name list.
+This will match the generated enumeration value.
+Full matches are always accepted. Partial matches are accepted
+if there is only one partial match.';
+ srcfile = 'enum.c';
+ linenum = '423';
+#line 28 "numeric.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionShowRange';
+ private;
+ what;
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'void *';
+ arg_name = 'rng_table';
+ arg_desc = 'the value range tables';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'int';
+ arg_name = 'rng_count';
+ arg_desc = 'the number of entries';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Show information about a numeric option with range constraints.';
+ srcfile = 'numeric.c';
+ linenum = '28';
+#line 226 "stack.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionStackArg';
+ private;
+ what = 'put option args on a stack';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Keep an entry-ordered list of option arguments.';
+ srcfile = 'stack.c';
+ linenum = '226';
+#line 64 "time.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionTimeDate';
+ private;
+ what = 'process an option with a time and date.';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Decipher a time and date value.';
+ srcfile = 'time.c';
+ linenum = '64';
+#line 28 "time.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionTimeVal';
+ private;
+ what = 'process an option with a time duration.';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Decipher a time duration value.';
+ srcfile = 'time.c';
+ linenum = '28';
+#line 563 "nested.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionUnloadNested';
+ what = 'Deallocate the memory for a nested value';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptionValue const *';
+ arg_name = 'pOptVal';
+ arg_desc = 'the hierarchical value';
+ };
+ doc =
+'A nested value needs to be deallocated. The pointer passed in should
+have been gotten from a call to @code{configFileLoad()} (See
+ srcfile = 'nested.c';
+ linenum = '563';
+#line 35 "stack.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionUnstackArg';
+ private;
+ what = 'Remove option args from a stack';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Invoked for options that are equivalenced to stacked options.';
+ srcfile = 'stack.c';
+ linenum = '35';
+#line 315 "usage.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionUsage';
+ private;
+ what = 'Print usage text';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'pOptions';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'int';
+ arg_name = 'exitCode';
+ arg_desc = 'exit code for calling exit(3)';
+ };
+ doc =
+'This routine will print usage in both GNU-standard and AutoOpts-expanded
+formats. The descriptor specifies the default, but AUTOOPTS_USAGE will
+over-ride this, providing the value of it is set to either "gnu" or
+"autoopts". This routine will @strong{not} return.
+If "exitCode" is "AO_EXIT_REQ_USAGE" (normally 64), then output will to
+to stdout and the actual exit code will be "EXIT_SUCCESS".';
+ srcfile = 'usage.c';
+ linenum = '315';
+#line 268 "find.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionVendorOption';
+ private;
+ what = 'Process a vendor option';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions *';
+ arg_name = 'pOpts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc *';
+ arg_name = 'pOptDesc';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'For POSIX specified utilities, the options are constrained to the options,
+@xref{config attributes, Program Configuration}. AutoOpts clients should
+never specify this directly. It gets referenced when the option
+definitions contain a "vendor-opt" attribute.';
+ srcfile = 'find.c';
+ linenum = '268';
+#line 31 "version.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionVersion';
+ what = 'return the compiled AutoOpts version number';
+ ret_type = 'char const*';
+ ret_desc = 'the version string in constant memory';
+ doc =
+'Returns the full version string compiled into the library.
+The returned string cannot be modified.';
+ srcfile = 'version.c';
+ linenum = '31';
+#line 192 "version.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'optionVersionStderr';
+ private;
+ what = 'Print the program version to stderr';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptions*';
+ arg_name = 'opts';
+ arg_desc = 'program options descriptor';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tOptDesc*';
+ arg_name = 'od';
+ arg_desc = 'the descriptor for this arg';
+ };
+ doc =
+'This routine will print the version to stderr.';
+ srcfile = 'version.c';
+ linenum = '192';
+#line 29 "../compat/pathfind.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'pathfind';
+ what = 'fild a file in a list of directories';
+ ifndef = 'HAVE_PATHFIND';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'path';
+ arg_desc = 'colon separated list of search directories';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'file';
+ arg_desc = 'the name of the file to look for';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'mode';
+ arg_desc = 'the mode bits that must be set to match';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'char*';
+ ret_desc = 'the path to the located file';
+ doc =
+'pathfind looks for a a file with name "FILE" and "MODE" access
+along colon delimited "PATH", and returns the full pathname as a
+string, or NULL if not found. If "FILE" contains a slash, then
+it is treated as a relative or absolute path and "PATH" is ignored.
+@strong{NOTE}: this function is compiled into @file{libopts} only if
+it is not natively supplied.
+The "MODE" argument is a string of option letters chosen from the
+list below:
+Letter Meaning
+r readable
+w writable
+x executable
+f normal file (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
+b block special (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
+c character special (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
+d directory (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
+u set user ID bit (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
+g set group ID bit (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
+k sticky bit (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
+s size nonzero (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
+@end example';
+ example =
+'To find the "ls" command using the "PATH" environment variable:
+#include <stdlib.h>
+char* pz_ls = pathfind( getenv("PATH"), "ls", "rx" );
+<<do whatever with pz_ls>>
+free( pz_ls );
+@end example
+The path is allocated with @code{malloc(3C)}, so you must @code{free(3C)}
+the result. Also, do not use unimplemented file modes. :-)';
+ err = 'returns NULL if the file is not found.';
+ srcfile = '../compat/pathfind.c';
+ linenum = '29';
+#line 209 "streqvcmp.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'strequate';
+ what = 'map a list of characters to the same value';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'ch_list';
+ arg_desc = 'characters to equivalence';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Each character in the input string get mapped to the first character
+in the string.
+This function name is mapped to option_strequate so as to not conflict
+with the POSIX name space.';
+ err = 'none.';
+ srcfile = 'streqvcmp.c';
+ linenum = '209';
+#line 119 "streqvcmp.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'streqvcmp';
+ what = 'compare two strings with an equivalence mapping';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'str1';
+ arg_desc = 'first string';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'str2';
+ arg_desc = 'second string';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'int';
+ ret_desc = 'the difference between two differing characters';
+ doc =
+'Using a character mapping, two strings are compared for "equivalence".
+Each input character is mapped to a comparison character and the
+mapped-to characters are compared for the two NUL terminated input strings.
+This function name is mapped to option_streqvcmp so as to not conflict
+with the POSIX name space.';
+ err = 'none checked. Caller responsible for seg faults.';
+ srcfile = 'streqvcmp.c';
+ linenum = '119';
+#line 156 "streqvcmp.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'streqvmap';
+ what = 'Set the character mappings for the streqv functions';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char';
+ arg_name = 'From';
+ arg_desc = 'Input character';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char';
+ arg_name = 'To';
+ arg_desc = 'Mapped-to character';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'int';
+ arg_name = 'ct';
+ arg_desc = 'compare length';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Set the character mapping. If the count (@code{ct}) is set to zero, then
+the map is cleared by setting all entries in the map to their index
+value. Otherwise, the "@code{From}" character is mapped to the "@code{To}"
+character. If @code{ct} is greater than 1, then @code{From} and @code{To}
+are incremented and the process repeated until @code{ct} entries have been
+set. For example,
+streqvmap(\'a\', \'A\', 26);
+@end example
+will alter the mapping so that all English lower case letters
+will map to upper case.
+This function name is mapped to option_streqvmap so as to not conflict
+with the POSIX name space.';
+ err = 'none.';
+ srcfile = 'streqvcmp.c';
+ linenum = '156';
+#line 78 "streqvcmp.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'strneqvcmp';
+ what = 'compare two strings with an equivalence mapping';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'str1';
+ arg_desc = 'first string';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'str2';
+ arg_desc = 'second string';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'int';
+ arg_name = 'ct';
+ arg_desc = 'compare length';
+ };
+ ret_type = 'int';
+ ret_desc = 'the difference between two differing characters';
+ doc =
+'Using a character mapping, two strings are compared for "equivalence".
+Each input character is mapped to a comparison character and the
+mapped-to characters are compared for the two NUL terminated input strings.
+The comparison is limited to @code{ct} bytes.
+This function name is mapped to option_strneqvcmp so as to not conflict
+with the POSIX name space.';
+ err = 'none checked. Caller responsible for seg faults.';
+ srcfile = 'streqvcmp.c';
+ linenum = '78';
+#line 235 "streqvcmp.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'strtransform';
+ what = 'convert a string into its mapped-to value';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char*';
+ arg_name = 'dest';
+ arg_desc = 'output string';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'src';
+ arg_desc = 'input string';
+ };
+ doc =
+'Each character in the input string is mapped and the mapped-to
+character is put into the output.
+This function name is mapped to option_strtransform so as to not conflict
+with the POSIX name space.
+The source and destination may be the same.';
+ err = 'none.';
+ srcfile = 'streqvcmp.c';
+ linenum = '235';
+#line 244 "text_mmap.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'text_mmap';
+ private;
+ what = 'map a text file with terminating NUL';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'char const*';
+ arg_name = 'pzFile';
+ arg_desc = 'name of the file to map';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'int';
+ arg_name = 'prot';
+ arg_desc = 'mmap protections (see mmap(2))';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'int';
+ arg_name = 'flags';
+ arg_desc = 'mmap flags (see mmap(2))';
+ };
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tmap_info_t*';
+ arg_name = 'mapinfo';
+ arg_desc = 'returned info about the mapping';
+ };
+ ret-type = 'void*';
+ ret-desc = 'The mmaped data address';
+ doc =
+'This routine will mmap a file into memory ensuring that there is at least
+one @file{NUL} character following the file data. It will return the
+address where the file contents have been mapped into memory. If there is a
+problem, then it will return @code{MAP_FAILED} and set @code{errno}
+The named file does not exist, @code{stat(2)} will set @code{errno} as it
+will. If the file is not a regular file, @code{errno} will be
+@code{EINVAL}. At that point, @code{open(2)} is attempted with the access
+bits set appropriately for the requested @code{mmap(2)} protections and flag
+bits. On failure, @code{errno} will be set according to the documentation
+for @code{open(2)}. If @code{mmap(2)} fails, @code{errno} will be set as
+that routine sets it. If @code{text_mmap} works to this point, a valid
+address will be returned, but there may still be ``issues\'\'.
+If the file size is not an even multiple of the system page size, then
+@code{text_map} will return at this point and @code{errno} will be zero.
+Otherwise, an anonymous map is attempted. If not available, then an attempt
+is made to @code{mmap(2)} @file{/dev/zero}. If any of these fail, the
+address of the file\'s data is returned, bug @code{no} @file{NUL} characters
+are mapped after the end of the data.';
+ see = 'mmap(2), open(2), stat(2)';
+ err = 'Any error code issued by mmap(2), open(2), stat(2) is possible.
+Additionally, if the specified file is not a regular file, then
+errno will be set to @code{EINVAL}.';
+ example =
+'#include <mylib.h>
+tmap_info_t mi;
+int no_nul;
+void* data = text_mmap("file", PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, &mi);
+if (data == MAP_FAILED) return;
+no_nul = (mi.txt_size == mi.txt_full_size);
+<< use the data >>
+ srcfile = 'text_mmap.c';
+ linenum = '244';
+#line 317 "text_mmap.c"
+export_func = {
+ name = 'text_munmap';
+ private;
+ what = 'unmap the data mapped in by text_mmap';
+ arg = {
+ arg_type = 'tmap_info_t*';
+ arg_name = 'mapinfo';
+ arg_desc = 'info about the mapping';
+ };
+ ret-type = 'int';
+ ret-desc = '-1 or 0. @code{errno} will have the error code.';
+ doc =
+'This routine will unmap the data mapped in with @code{text_mmap} and close
+the associated file descriptors opened by that function.';
+ see = 'munmap(2), close(2)';
+ err = 'Any error code issued by munmap(2) or close(2) is possible.';
+ srcfile = 'text_mmap.c';
+ linenum = '317';
+vers-curr = "147461";
+vers-min = "102400";
+vers-min-str = "25:0:0";
+vers-sovers = "36:5:11";
+library = opts;
+ *
+ * This file is used to construct options.h + doc files. Because it is
+ * such a nuisance to get the build ordering correct, we distribute
+ * this. It should be constructed after all binaries are built.
+ */