path: root/AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp b/AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp
index 56df45c..9ee7996 100644
--- a/AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp
+++ b/AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp
@@ -42,12 +42,7 @@ namespace am
CAmSocketHandler::CAmSocketHandler() :
- mReceiverCallbackT(this, &CAmSocketHandler::receiverCallback), //
- mCheckerCallbackT(this, &CAmSocketHandler::checkerCallback), //
- mTimerCallbackT(), //
- mPipe(), //
+ mPipe(), //
mDispatchDone(1), //
mListPoll(), //
mListTimer(), //
@@ -56,7 +51,7 @@ namespace am
mLastInsertedPollHandle(0), //
- ,mStartTime() //
+ ,mStartTime() //
if (pipe(mPipe) == -1)
@@ -68,13 +63,13 @@ namespace am
short event = 0;
sh_pollHandle_t handle;
event |= POLLIN;
- addFDPoll(mPipe[0], event, NULL, &mReceiverCallbackT, &mCheckerCallbackT, NULL, NULL, handle);
+ addFDPoll(mPipe[0], event, NULL, [](const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t, void*){}, [](const sh_pollHandle_t, void*){ return (false);}, NULL, NULL, handle);
- for(auto it: mListTimer)
+ for (auto it : mListTimer)
@@ -103,24 +98,38 @@ namespace am
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &mStartTime);
- while (!mDispatchDone)
+ timespec buffertime;
+ //freeze mListPoll by copying it - otherwise we get problems when we want to manipulate it during the next lines
+ std::list<sh_poll_s*> listPoll;
+ VectorListPoll_t::iterator listmPollIt;
+ auto preparePollfd = [&](const sh_poll_s& row)
- //first we go through the registered filedescriptors and check if someone needs preparation:
- std::for_each(mListPoll.begin(), mListPoll.end(), CAmShCallPrep());
+ CAmSocketHandler::prepare((sh_poll_s&)row);
+ pollfd temp = row.pollfdValue;
+ temp.revents = 0;
+ mfdPollingArray.push_back(temp);
+ };
+ while (!mDispatchDone)
+ {
if (mRecreatePollfds)
//there was a change in the setup, so we need to recreate the fdarray from the list
- std::for_each(mListPoll.begin(), mListPoll.end(), CAmShCopyPollfd(mfdPollingArray));
+ std::for_each(mListPoll.begin(), mListPoll.end(), preparePollfd);
mRecreatePollfds = false;
+ else
+ {
+ //first we go through the registered filedescriptors and check if someone needs preparation:
+ std::for_each(mListPoll.begin(), mListPoll.end(), CAmSocketHandler::prepare);
+ }
//block until something is on a filedescriptor
- timespec buffertime;
if ((pollStatus = ppoll(&mfdPollingArray[0], mfdPollingArray.size(), insertTime(buffertime), &sigmask)) < 0)
if (errno == EINTR)
@@ -138,36 +147,26 @@ namespace am
if (pollStatus != 0) //only check filedescriptors if there was a change
//todo: here could be a timer that makes sure naughty plugins return!
- //freeze mListPoll by copying it - otherwise we get problems when we want to manipulate it during the next lines
- std::list<sh_poll_s> listPoll;
- mListPoll_t::iterator listmPollIt;
- //remove all filedescriptors who did not fire
- std::vector<pollfd>::iterator it = mfdPollingArray.begin();
- do
+ listPoll.clear();
+ //stage 0+1, call firedCB
+ for (VectorListPollfd_t::iterator itMfdPollingArray = mfdPollingArray.begin(); itMfdPollingArray != mfdPollingArray.end(); itMfdPollingArray++)
- it = std::find_if(it, mfdPollingArray.end(), eventFired);
- if (it != mfdPollingArray.end())
+ if (CAmSocketHandler::eventFired(*itMfdPollingArray))
- listmPollIt = mListPoll.begin();
- std::advance(listmPollIt, std::distance(mfdPollingArray.begin(), it));
- listPoll.push_back(*listmPollIt);
- listPoll.back().pollfdValue = *it;
- it++;
+ listmPollIt = mListPoll.begin() + (itMfdPollingArray - mfdPollingArray.begin());
+ am::CAmSocketHandler::sh_poll_s * pollItem = &((am::CAmSocketHandler::sh_poll_s&) (*listmPollIt));
+ listPoll.push_back(pollItem);
+ CAmSocketHandler::fire(pollItem);
- } while (it != mfdPollingArray.end());
- //stage 1, call firedCB
- std::for_each(listPoll.begin(), listPoll.end(), CAmShCallFire());
+ }
//stage 2, lets ask around if some dispatching is necessary, the ones who need stay on the list
- listPoll.erase(std::remove_if(listPoll.begin(), listPoll.end(), noDispatching), listPoll.end());
+ listPoll.erase(std::remove_if(listPoll.begin(), listPoll.end(), CAmSocketHandler::noDispatching), listPoll.end());
//stage 3, the ones left need to dispatch, we do this as long as there is something to dispatch..
- listPoll.erase(std::remove_if(listPoll.begin(), listPoll.end(), dispatchingFinished), listPoll.end());
+ listPoll.erase(std::remove_if(listPoll.begin(), listPoll.end(), CAmSocketHandler::dispatchingFinished), listPoll.end());
} while (!listPoll.empty());
@@ -175,6 +174,7 @@ namespace am
else //Timerevent
//this was a timer event, we need to take care about the timers
+ //find out the timedifference to starttime
@@ -194,7 +194,8 @@ namespace am
timespec currentTime, correctionTime;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &currentTime);
correctionTime = timespecSub(currentTime, mStartTime);
- std::for_each(mListActiveTimer.begin(), mListActiveTimer.end(), CAmShSubstractTime(correctionTime));
+ std::for_each(mListActiveTimer.begin(), mListActiveTimer.end(), [&correctionTime](sh_timer_s& t)
+ { t.countdown = timespecSub(t.countdown, correctionTime);});
@@ -213,16 +214,18 @@ namespace am
* Adds a filedescriptor to the polling loop
* @param fd the filedescriptor
* @param event the event flags
- * @param prepare a callback that is called before the loop is entered
- * @param fired a callback that is called when the filedescriptor needs to be read
- * @param check a callback that is called to check if further actions are neccessary
- * @param dispatch a callback that is called to dispatch the received data
+ * @param prepare a std::function that is called before the loop is entered
+ * @param fired a std::function that is called when the filedescriptor needs to be read
+ * @param check a std::function that is called to check if further actions are neccessary
+ * @param dispatch a std::function that is called to dispatch the received data
* @param userData a pointer to userdata that is always passed around
* @param handle the handle of this poll
* @return E_OK if the descriptor was added, E_NON_EXISTENT if the fd is not valid
- am::am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::addFDPoll(const int fd, const short event, IAmShPollPrepare *prepare, IAmShPollFired *fired, IAmShPollCheck *check,
- IAmShPollDispatch *dispatch, void *userData, sh_pollHandle_t & handle)
+ am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::addFDPoll(const int fd, const short event, std::function<void(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)> prepare,
+ std::function<void(const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)> fired, std::function<bool(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)> check,
+ std::function<bool(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)> dispatch, void* userData, sh_pollHandle_t& handle)
if (!fdIsValid(fd))
return (E_NON_EXISTENT);
@@ -251,12 +254,11 @@ namespace am
pollData.handle = mLastInsertedPollHandle; = event;
pollData.pollfdValue.revents = 0;
- pollData.userData = userData;
pollData.prepareCB = prepare;
pollData.firedCB = fired;
pollData.checkCB = check;
pollData.dispatchCB = dispatch;
+ pollData.userData = userData;
//add new data to the list
@@ -267,13 +269,45 @@ namespace am
+ * Adds a filedescriptor to the polling loop
+ * @param fd the filedescriptor
+ * @param event the event flags
+ * @param prepare a callback that is called before the loop is entered
+ * @param fired a callback that is called when the filedescriptor needs to be read
+ * @param check a callback that is called to check if further actions are neccessary
+ * @param dispatch a callback that is called to dispatch the received data
+ * @param userData a pointer to userdata that is always passed around
+ * @param handle the handle of this poll
+ * @return E_OK if the descriptor was added, E_NON_EXISTENT if the fd is not valid
+ */
+ am::am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::addFDPoll(const int fd, const short event, IAmShPollPrepare *prepare, IAmShPollFired *fired, IAmShPollCheck *check, IAmShPollDispatch *dispatch, void *userData, sh_pollHandle_t & handle)
+ {
+ std::function<void(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)> prepareCB; //preperation callback
+ std::function<void(const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)> firedCB; //fired callback
+ std::function<bool(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)> checkCB; //check callback
+ std::function<bool(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)> dispatchCB; //check callback
+ if (prepare)
+ prepareCB = std::bind(&IAmShPollPrepare::Call, prepare, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
+ if (fired)
+ firedCB = std::bind(&IAmShPollFired::Call, fired, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3);
+ if (check)
+ checkCB = std::bind(&IAmShPollCheck::Call, check, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
+ if (dispatch)
+ dispatchCB = std::bind(&IAmShPollDispatch::Call, dispatch, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
+ return addFDPoll(fd, event, prepareCB, firedCB, checkCB, dispatchCB, userData, handle);
+ }
+ /**
* removes a filedescriptor from the poll loop
* @param handle
* @return
am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::removeFDPoll(const sh_pollHandle_t handle)
- mListPoll_t::iterator iterator = mListPoll.begin();
+ VectorListPoll_t::iterator iterator = mListPoll.begin();
for (; iterator != mListPoll.end(); ++iterator)
@@ -299,11 +333,21 @@ namespace am
* @param userData pointer always passed with the call
* @return E_OK in case of success
- am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::addTimer(const timespec timeouts, IAmShTimerCallBack* callback, sh_timerHandle_t& handle, void * userData, const bool repeats)
+ am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::addTimer(const timespec & timeouts, IAmShTimerCallBack* callback, sh_timerHandle_t& handle, void * userData, const bool repeats)
- assert(!((timeouts.tv_sec == 0) && (timeouts.tv_nsec == 0)));
+ std::function<void(const sh_timerHandle_t handle, void* userData)> callbackFunc;
+ callbackFunc = std::bind(&IAmShTimerCallBack::Call, callback, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2);
+ return addTimer(timeouts, callbackFunc, handle, userData, repeats);
+ }
+ am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::addTimer(const timespec & timeouts, std::function<void(const sh_timerHandle_t handle, void* userData)> callback, sh_timerHandle_t& handle, void * userData, const bool repeats)
+ {
+ assert(!((timeouts.tv_sec == 0) && (timeouts.tv_nsec == 0)));
sh_timer_s & timerItem = mListTimer.back();
@@ -339,7 +383,7 @@ namespace am
timespec currentTime;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &currentTime);
if (!mDispatchDone)//the mainloop is started
- timerItem.countdown = timespecAdd(timeouts, timespecSub(currentTime, mStartTime));
+ timerItem.countdown = timespecAdd(timeouts, timespecSub(currentTime, mStartTime));
@@ -347,7 +391,7 @@ namespace am
timerItem.countdown.it_value = timeouts;
- if(repeats)
+ if (repeats)
timerItem.countdown.it_interval = timeouts;
@@ -357,25 +401,35 @@ namespace am
timerItem.countdown.it_interval = zero;
- timerItem.callback = callback;
- timerItem.userData = userData;
timerItem.fd = -1;
+ timerItem.userData = userData;
am_Error_e err = createTimeFD(timerItem.countdown, timerItem.fd);
if (err != E_OK)
return err;
- mTimerCallbackT.emplace_back(callback);
- err = addFDPoll(timerItem.fd, POLLIN, NULL, &mTimerCallbackT.back(), &mTimerCallbackT.back(), NULL, NULL, handle);
+ static auto actionPoll = [](const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData){
+ uint64_t mExpirations;
+ if (read(pollfd.fd, &mExpirations, sizeof(uint64_t)) == -1)
+ {
+ //error received...try again
+ read(pollfd.fd, &mExpirations, sizeof(uint64_t));
+ }
+ };
+ err = addFDPoll(timerItem.fd, POLLIN, NULL, actionPoll, [callback](const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)->bool{
+ callback(handle, userData);
+ return false;
+ },
+ NULL, userData, handle);
if (E_OK == err)
timerItem.handle = handle;
- mTimerCallbackT.pop_back();
return err;
@@ -611,6 +665,7 @@ namespace am
logError("Failed to set timer duration");
+ return (E_OK);
//go through the list and remove the timer with the handle
std::list<sh_timer_s>::iterator it(mListActiveTimer.begin());
@@ -634,7 +689,7 @@ namespace am
am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::updateEventFlags(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, const short events)
- mListPoll_t::iterator iterator = mListPoll.begin();
+ VectorListPoll_t::iterator iterator = mListPoll.begin();
for (; iterator != mListPoll.end(); ++iterator)
@@ -665,12 +720,20 @@ namespace am
void CAmSocketHandler::timerUp()
//find out the timedifference to starttime
- timespec currentTime, diffTime;
+ static timespec currentTime, diffTime;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &currentTime);
diffTime = timespecSub(currentTime, mStartTime);
+ static auto countdownUp = [&](const sh_timer_s& row)->bool
+ {
+ timespec sub = timespecSub(row.countdown, diffTime);
+ if (sub.tv_nsec == 0 && sub.tv_sec == 0)
+ return (true);
+ return (false);
+ };
//now we need to substract the diffTime from all timers and see if they are up
- std::list<sh_timer_s>::reverse_iterator overflowIter = std::find_if(mListActiveTimer.rbegin(), mListActiveTimer.rend(), CAmShCountdownUp(diffTime));
+ std::list<sh_timer_s>::reverse_iterator overflowIter = std::find_if(mListActiveTimer.rbegin(), mListActiveTimer.rend(), countdownUp);
//copy all fired timers into a list
std::vector<sh_timer_s> tempList(overflowIter, mListActiveTimer.rend());
@@ -680,7 +743,7 @@ namespace am
mListActiveTimer.erase(mListActiveTimer.begin(), it);
//call the callbacks for the timers
- std::for_each(tempList.begin(), tempList.end(), CAmShCallTimer());
+ std::for_each(tempList.begin(), tempList.end(), CAmSocketHandler::callTimer);
@@ -689,19 +752,31 @@ namespace am
void CAmSocketHandler::timerCorrection()
//get the current time and calculate the correction value
- timespec currentTime, correctionTime;
+ static timespec currentTime, correctionTime;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &currentTime);
correctionTime = timespecSub(currentTime, mStartTime);
mStartTime = currentTime;
+ static auto countdownZero = [](const sh_timer_s& row)->bool
+ {
+ if (row.countdown.tv_nsec == 0 && row.countdown.tv_sec == 0)
+ return (true);
+ return (false);
+ };
+ static auto substractTime = [&](sh_timer_s& t)
+ {
+ t.countdown = timespecSub(t.countdown, correctionTime);
+ };
if (!mListActiveTimer.empty())
//subtract the correction value from all items in the list
- std::for_each(mListActiveTimer.begin(), mListActiveTimer.end(), CAmShSubstractTime(correctionTime));
+ std::for_each(mListActiveTimer.begin(), mListActiveTimer.end(), substractTime);
//find the last occurrence of zero -> timer overflowed
- std::list<sh_timer_s>::reverse_iterator overflowIter = std::find_if(mListActiveTimer.rbegin(), mListActiveTimer.rend(), CAmShCountdownZero());
+ std::list<sh_timer_s>::reverse_iterator overflowIter = std::find_if(mListActiveTimer.rbegin(), mListActiveTimer.rend(), countdownZero);
//only if a timer overflowed
if (overflowIter != mListActiveTimer.rend())
@@ -714,11 +789,74 @@ namespace am
mListActiveTimer.erase(mListActiveTimer.begin(), it);
//call the callbacks for the timers
- std::for_each(tempList.begin(), tempList.end(), CAmShCallTimer());
+ std::for_each(tempList.begin(), tempList.end(), CAmSocketHandler::callTimer);
+ /**
+ * prepare for poll
+ */
+ void CAmSocketHandler::prepare(am::CAmSocketHandler::sh_poll_s& row)
+ {
+ if (row.prepareCB)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ row.prepareCB(row.handle, row.userData);
+ } catch (std::exception& e)
+ {
+ logError("Sockethandler: Exception in Preparecallback,caught", e.what());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * fire callback
+ */
+ void CAmSocketHandler::fire(sh_poll_s* a)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ a->firedCB(a->pollfdValue, a->handle, a->userData);
+ } catch (std::exception& e)
+ {
+ logError("Sockethandler: Exception in FireCallback,caught", e.what());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * event triggered
+ */
+ bool CAmSocketHandler::eventFired(const pollfd& a)
+ {
+ return (a.revents == 0 ? false : true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * should disptach
+ */
+ bool CAmSocketHandler::noDispatching(const sh_poll_s* a)
+ {
+ //remove from list of there is no checkCB
+ if (!a->checkCB)
+ return (true);
+ return (!a->checkCB(a->handle, a->userData));
+ }
+ /**
+ * disptach
+ */
+ bool CAmSocketHandler::dispatchingFinished(const sh_poll_s* a)
+ {
+ //remove from list of there is no dispatchCB
+ if (!a->dispatchCB)
+ return (true);
+ return (!a->dispatchCB(a->handle, a->userData));
+ }
* is used to set the pointer for the ppoll command
* @param buffertime
@@ -742,17 +880,12 @@ namespace am
am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::createTimeFD(const itimerspec & timeouts, int & fd)
- fd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0);
if (fd <= 0)
logError("Failed to create timer");
- if (fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK))
- {
- logError("Failed to set to non blocking mode");
- return E_NOT_POSSIBLE;
- }
if (timerfd_settime(fd, 0, &timeouts, NULL))
@@ -763,65 +896,16 @@ namespace am
- void CAmSocketHandler::CAmShCallFire::operator()(sh_poll_s& row)
- {
- try
- {
- row.firedCB->Call(row.pollfdValue, row.handle, row.userData);
- } catch (std::exception& e)
- {
- logError("Sockethandler: Exception in FireCallback,caught", e.what());
- }
- }
- void CAmSocketHandler::CAmShCallPrep::operator()(sh_poll_s& row)
- {
- if (row.prepareCB)
- {
- try
- {
- row.prepareCB->Call(row.handle, row.userData);
- } catch (std::exception& e)
- {
- logError("Sockethandler: Exception in Preparecallback,caught", e.what());
- }
- }
- }
- void CAmSocketHandler::CAmShCallTimer::operator()(sh_timer_s& row)
+ void CAmSocketHandler::callTimer(sh_timer_s& a)
- row.callback->Call(row.handle, row.userData);
+ a.callback(a.handle, a.userData);
} catch (std::exception& e)
logError("Sockethandler: Exception in Timercallback,caught", e.what());
- void CAmSocketHandler::CAmShCopyPollfd::operator()(const sh_poll_s& row)
- {
- pollfd temp = row.pollfdValue;
- temp.revents = 0;
- mArray.push_back(temp);
- }
-bool CAmSocketHandler::CAmShCountdownUp::operator()(const sh_timer_s& row)
- timespec sub = timespecSub(row.countdown, mDiffTime);
- if (sub.tv_nsec == 0 && sub.tv_sec == 0)
- return (true);
- return (false);
-bool CAmSocketHandler::CAmShCountdownZero::operator()(const sh_timer_s& row)
- if (row.countdown.tv_nsec == 0 && row.countdown.tv_sec == 0)
- return (true);
- return (false);