path: root/AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp b/AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp
index 44c041e..7c6fb9f 100644
--- a/AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp
+++ b/AudioManagerUtilities/src/CAmSocketHandler.cpp
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include <features.h>
#include <csignal>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "CAmDltWrapper.h"
#include "CAmSocketHandler.h"
@@ -44,38 +45,44 @@ namespace am
CAmSocketHandler::CAmSocketHandler() :
mPipe(), //
mDispatchDone(1), //
+ mfdPollingArray(), //
+ mSetPollKeys(MAX_POLLHANDLE), //
mListPoll(), //
mListTimer(), //
mListActiveTimer(), //
- mLastInsertedHandle(0), //
- mLastInsertedPollHandle(0), //
- mRecreatePollfds(true)
+ mSetSignalhandlerKeys(MAX_POLLHANDLE), //
+ mSignalHandlers(), //
+ mRecreatePollfds(true),
+ mError(internal_error_codes_e::NO_ERROR)
,mStartTime() //
if (pipe(mPipe) == -1)
+ mError = internal_error_codes_e::PIPE_ERROR;
logError("Sockethandler could not create pipe!");
- //add the pipe to the poll - nothing needs to be proccessed here we just need the pipe to trigger the ppoll
+ //add the pipe to the poll - nothing needs to be processed here we just need the pipe to trigger the ppoll
short event = 0;
sh_pollHandle_t handle;
event |= POLLIN;
- addFDPoll(mPipe[0], event, NULL, [](const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t, void*)
+ if (addFDPoll(mPipe[0], event, NULL, [](const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t, void*)
{}, [](const sh_pollHandle_t, void*)
- { return (false);}, NULL, NULL, handle);
+ { return (false);}, NULL, NULL, handle) != E_OK)
+ mError |= internal_error_codes_e::FD_ERROR;
+ if (addSignalFd() != E_OK)
+ mError |= internal_error_codes_e::SFD_ERROR;
- for (auto it : mListTimer)
+ for (auto it : mListPoll)
- close(it.fd);
+ close(it.pollfdValue.fd);
@@ -214,6 +221,72 @@ namespace am
+ * Adds a signal handler filedescriptor to the polling loop
+ *
+ */
+ am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::addSignalFd()
+ {
+ sh_pollHandle_t handle;
+ int fdErr;
+ sigset_t sigset;
+ /* Create a sigset of all the signals that we're interested in */
+ fdErr = sigemptyset(&sigset);
+ if (fdErr != 0)
+ {
+ logError("Could not create sigset!");
+ return (E_NOT_POSSIBLE);
+ }
+ fdErr = sigaddset(&sigset, SIGINT);
+ if (fdErr != 0)
+ logWarning("Could not add SIGINT");
+ fdErr = sigaddset(&sigset, SIGHUP);
+ if (fdErr != 0)
+ logWarning("Could not add SIGHUP");
+ fdErr = sigaddset(&sigset, SIGQUIT);
+ if (fdErr != 0)
+ logWarning("Could not add SIGQUIT");
+ fdErr = sigaddset(&sigset, SIGTERM);
+ if (fdErr != 0)
+ logWarning("Could not add SIGTERM");
+ fdErr = sigaddset(&sigset, SIGCHLD);
+ if (fdErr != 0)
+ logWarning("Could not add SIGCHLD");
+ /* We must block the signals in order for signalfd to receive them */
+ fdErr = sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &sigset, NULL);
+ if (fdErr != 0)
+ {
+ logError("Could not block signals! They must be blocked in order to receive them!");
+ return (E_NOT_POSSIBLE);
+ }
+ /* Create the signalfd */
+ int signalHandlerFd = signalfd(-1, &sigset, 0);
+ if (signalHandlerFd == -1)
+ {
+ logError("Could not open signal fd!");
+ return (E_NOT_POSSIBLE);
+ }
+ auto actionPoll = [this](const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t, void*)
+ {
+ const VectorSignalHandlers_t & signalHandlers = mSignalHandlers;
+ /* We have a valid signal, read the info from the fd */
+ struct signalfd_siginfo info;
+ ssize_t bytes = read(pollfd.fd, &info, sizeof(info));
+ assert(bytes == sizeof(info));
+ /* We have a valid signal, read the info from the fd */
+ for(auto it: signalHandlers)
+ it.callback(it.handle, info, it.userData);
+ };
+ /* We're going to add the signal fd through addFDPoll. At this point we don't have any signal listeners. */
+ return addFDPoll(signalHandlerFd, POLLIN | POLLERR | POLLHUP, NULL, actionPoll, [](const sh_pollHandle_t, void*)
+ { return (false);}, NULL, NULL, handle);
+ }
+ /**
* Adds a filedescriptor to the polling loop
* @param fd the filedescriptor
* @param event the event flags
@@ -234,27 +307,15 @@ namespace am
return (E_NON_EXISTENT);
//create a new handle for the poll
- sh_pollHandle_t lastHandle(mLastInsertedPollHandle);
- do
+ if (!nextHandle(mSetPollKeys))
- ++mLastInsertedPollHandle;
- if (mLastInsertedPollHandle == MAX_POLLHANDLE)
- {
- mLastInsertedPollHandle = 1;
- }
- if (mLastInsertedPollHandle == lastHandle)
- {
- logError("Could not create new polls, too many open!");
- return (E_NOT_POSSIBLE);
- }
- } while (mSetPollKeys.find(mLastInsertedPollHandle) != mSetPollKeys.end());
- mSetPollKeys.insert(mLastInsertedPollHandle);
+ logError("Could not create new polls, too many open!");
+ return (E_NOT_POSSIBLE);
+ }
sh_poll_s pollData;
pollData.pollfdValue.fd = fd;
- pollData.handle = mLastInsertedPollHandle;
+ pollData.handle = mSetPollKeys.lastUsedID; = event;
pollData.pollfdValue.revents = 0;
pollData.prepareCB = prepare;
@@ -269,6 +330,7 @@ namespace am
handle = pollData.handle;
return (E_OK);
@@ -317,7 +379,7 @@ namespace am
if (iterator->handle == handle)
iterator = mListPoll.erase(iterator);
- mSetPollKeys.erase(handle);
+ mSetPollKeys.pollHandles.erase(handle);
mRecreatePollfds = true;
return (E_OK);
@@ -326,6 +388,50 @@ namespace am
+ * Adds a callback for any signals
+ * @param callback
+ * @param handle the handle of this poll
+ * @param userData a pointer to userdata that is always passed around
+ * @return E_OK if the descriptor was added, E_NON_EXISTENT if the fd is not valid
+ */
+ am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::addSignalHandler(std::function<void(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, const signalfd_siginfo & info, void* userData)> callback, sh_pollHandle_t& handle, void * userData)
+ {
+ if (!nextHandle(mSetSignalhandlerKeys))
+ {
+ logError("Could not create new polls, too many open!");
+ return (E_NOT_POSSIBLE);
+ }
+ mSignalHandlers.emplace_back();
+ mSignalHandlers.back().callback = callback;
+ mSignalHandlers.back().handle = mSetSignalhandlerKeys.lastUsedID;
+ mSignalHandlers.back().userData = userData;
+ handle = mSetSignalhandlerKeys.lastUsedID;
+ return E_OK;
+ }
+ /**
+ * removes a signal handler from the list
+ * @param handle is signal handler id
+ * @return E_OK in case of success, E_UNKNOWN if the handler was not found.
+ */
+ am_Error_e CAmSocketHandler::removeSignalHandler(const sh_pollHandle_t handle)
+ {
+ VectorSignalHandlers_t::iterator it(mSignalHandlers.begin());
+ for (; it != mSignalHandlers.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (it->handle == handle)
+ {
+ it = mSignalHandlers.erase(it);
+ mSetSignalhandlerKeys.pollHandles.erase(handle);
+ return (E_OK);
+ }
+ }
+ return (E_UNKNOWN);
+ }
+ /**
* adds a timer to the list of timers. The callback will be fired when the timer is up.
* This is not a high precise timer, it is very coarse. It is meant to be used for timeouts when waiting
* for an answer via a filedescriptor.
@@ -356,25 +462,14 @@ namespace am
//create a new handle for the timer
- sh_timerHandle_t lastTimerHandle(mLastInsertedHandle);
- do
+ if (!nextHandle(mSetTimerKeys))
- ++mLastInsertedHandle;
- if (mLastInsertedHandle == MAX_TIMERHANDLE)
- {
- mLastInsertedHandle = 1;
- }
- if (lastTimerHandle==mLastInsertedHandle)
- {
- logError("Could not create new timers, too many open!");
- mListTimer.pop_back();
- return (E_NOT_POSSIBLE);
- }
- }while (mSetTimerKeys.find(mLastInsertedHandle) != mSetTimerKeys.end());
- mSetTimerKeys.insert(mLastInsertedHandle);
- handle=mLastInsertedHandle;
+ logError("Could not create new timers, too many open!");
+ mListTimer.pop_back();
+ return (E_NOT_POSSIBLE);
+ }
+ //create a new handle for the timer
+ handle = mSetTimerKeys.lastUsedID;
timerItem.countdown = timeouts;
timerItem.callback = callback;
@@ -473,7 +568,7 @@ namespace am
if (it->handle == handle)
it = mListTimer.erase(it);
- mSetTimerKeys.erase(handle);
+ mSetTimerKeys.pollHandles.erase(handle);
return (E_OK);
@@ -911,5 +1006,29 @@ namespace am
+ bool CAmSocketHandler::nextHandle(sh_identifier_s & handle)
+ {
+ //create a new handle for the poll
+ const sh_pollHandle_t lastHandle(handle.lastUsedID);
+ do
+ {
+ ++handle.lastUsedID;
+ if (handle.lastUsedID == handle.limit)
+ {
+ handle.lastUsedID = 1;
+ }
+ if (handle.lastUsedID == lastHandle)
+ {
+ logError("Could not create new polls, too many open!");
+ return (false);
+ }
+ } while (handle.pollHandles.find(handle.lastUsedID) != handle.pollHandles.end());
+ handle.pollHandles.insert(handle.lastUsedID);
+ return (true);
+ }