path: root/AudioManagerUtilities/test
diff options
authorGENIVI Audio Manager Maintainer <>2018-03-13 13:42:24 +0100
committerGitHub <>2018-03-13 13:42:24 +0100
commitf8ae08f9225de2a10796ef4cef705530b1ddc3e2 (patch)
treea3ece549d48b4b15653b60102f6ea4bd4599f8b2 /AudioManagerUtilities/test
parentf32875117e54fd4887f3256d19518d3f62db6225 (diff)
parent1d273417806ee5a6b1a8e92586f149f0f7877253 (diff)
Merge pull request #30 from GENIVI/revert-26-utilityUpdates_CAPI_fixes
Revert "Utility updates capi fixes"
Diffstat (limited to 'AudioManagerUtilities/test')
3 files changed, 95 insertions, 406 deletions
diff --git a/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSerializerTest/CAmSerializerTest.cpp b/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSerializerTest/CAmSerializerTest.cpp
index b18b284..49c6738 100644
--- a/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSerializerTest/CAmSerializerTest.cpp
+++ b/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSerializerTest/CAmSerializerTest.cpp
@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ struct SerializerData
V2::CAmSerializer *pSerializer;
-#define ASYNCLOOP 100
void* ptSerializerSync(void* data)
SerializerData *pData = (SerializerData*) data;
@@ -98,7 +96,6 @@ void* ptSerializerSync(void* data)
return (NULL);
void* ptSerializerASync(void* data)
SerializerData *pData = (SerializerData*) data;
@@ -109,7 +106,7 @@ void* ptSerializerASync(void* data)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
- for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ASYNCLOOP; i++)
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; i++)
testStr = pData->testStr;
pData->pSerializer->asyncCall(pData->pSerCb, &MockIAmSerializerCb::dispatchData, i, testStr);
@@ -194,7 +191,7 @@ TEST(CAmSerializerTest, asyncTest)
- for (int i = 0; i < ASYNCLOOP; i++)
+ for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
EXPECT_CALL(serCb,dispatchData(i,testStr)).WillOnce(DoAll(ActionDispatchData(), Return(true)));
diff --git a/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSocketHandlerTest/CAmSocketHandlerTest.cpp b/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSocketHandlerTest/CAmSocketHandlerTest.cpp
index 3908c2e..ecd38fe 100644
--- a/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSocketHandlerTest/CAmSocketHandlerTest.cpp
+++ b/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSocketHandlerTest/CAmSocketHandlerTest.cpp
@@ -30,17 +30,15 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
-#include "CAmDltWrapper.h"
-#include "CAmSocketHandler.h"
+#include "CAmSocketHandler.h"
+//todo: expand test, implement more usecases
+//todo: test removeFD
#define SOCK_PATH "/tmp/mysock"
-#define TIMERS_TO_TEST 100
using namespace testing;
using namespace am;
@@ -50,11 +48,6 @@ static const char * TEST_SOCKET_DATA_FINAL = "finish!";
static const std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::high_resolution_clock> TP_ZERO;
-struct TestUserData
- int i;
- float f;
MockIAmSignalHandler *pMockSignalHandler = NULL;
static void signalHandler(int sig, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context)
@@ -156,52 +149,11 @@ void am::CAmTimer::timerCallback(sh_timerHandle_t handle, void* userData)
-CAmTimerStressTest::CAmTimerStressTest(CAmSocketHandler *myHandler, const timespec &timeout, const int32_t repeats) :
- MockIAmTimerCb(), mpSocketHandler(myHandler), mUpdateTimeout(timeout), pTimerCallback(this, &CAmTimerStressTest::timerCallback), mRepeats(repeats), mId(0), mHandle(0)
-void am::CAmTimerStressTest::timerCallback(sh_timerHandle_t handle, void* pUserData)
- mpSocketHandler->removeTimer(handle);
- MockIAmTimerCb::timerCallback(handle, pUserData);
- sh_timerHandle_t handle1;
- mpSocketHandler->addTimer(mUpdateTimeout, &pTimerCallback, handle1, &(*((TestUserData*)pUserData)), true);
-CAmTimerStressTest2::CAmTimerStressTest2(CAmSocketHandler *myHandler, const timespec &timeout, const int32_t repeats) :
- MockIAmTimerCb(), mpSocketHandler(myHandler), mUpdateTimeout(timeout), pTimerCallback(this, &CAmTimerStressTest2::timerCallback), mRepeats(repeats), mId(0)
-void am::CAmTimerStressTest2::timerCallback(sh_timerHandle_t handle, void* pUserData)
- std::cout<<"timerCallback handle=" << handle <<std::endl;
- #endif
- MockIAmTimerCb::timerCallback(handle, pUserData);
CAmTimerMeasurment::CAmTimerMeasurment(CAmSocketHandler *myHandler, const timespec &timeout, const std::string & label, const int32_t repeats, void * userData) :
- MockIAmTimerCb()
- , pTimerCallback(this, &CAmTimerMeasurment::timerCallback)
- , mSocketHandler(myHandler)
- , mUpdateTimeout(timeout)
- , mUpdateTimePoint(std::chrono::seconds{ mUpdateTimeout.tv_sec } + std::chrono::nanoseconds{ mUpdateTimeout.tv_nsec })
- , mLastInvocationTime()
- , mExpected(mUpdateTimePoint - TP_ZERO)
- , mRepeats(repeats)
- , mpUserData(userData)
- , mDebugText(label)
+ MockIAmTimerCb(), pTimerCallback(this, &CAmTimerMeasurment::timerCallback), //
+ mSocketHandler(myHandler), mUpdateTimeout(timeout), mUpdateTimePoint(std::chrono::seconds
+ { mUpdateTimeout.tv_sec } + std::chrono::nanoseconds
+ { mUpdateTimeout.tv_nsec }), mLastInvocationTime(), mExpected(mUpdateTimePoint - TP_ZERO), mRepeats(repeats), mpUserData(userData), mDebugText(label)
@@ -249,137 +201,25 @@ void am::CAmTimerMeasurment::timerCallback(sh_timerHandle_t handle, void* userDa
std::cout << mDebugText << " Init measurment " << std::endl;
mLastInvocationTime = t_end;
- mSocketHandler->updateTimer( handle, mUpdateTimeout);
+ mSocketHandler->updateTimer(handle, mUpdateTimeout);
void* playWithSocketServer(void* data)
- int socket_ = *((int*)data);
- struct sockaddr_in servAddr;
- unsigned short servPort = 6060;
- struct hostent *host;
- if ((host = (struct hostent*) gethostbyname("localhost")) == 0)
- {
- std::cout << "ERROR: gethostbyname() failed\n" << std::endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- memset(&servAddr, 0, sizeof(servAddr));
- servAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*) (host->h_addr_list[0])));
- servAddr.sin_port = htons(servPort);
- sleep(1);
- int ret = connect(socket_, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr));
- if (ret < 0)
- {
- std::cerr << "ERROR: connect() failed\n" << std::endl;
- return (NULL);
- }
- for (int i = 1; i <= SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT; i++)
- {
- std::string string(TEST_SOCKET_DATA);
- send(socket_, string.c_str(), string.size(), 0);
- }
- std::string string(TEST_SOCKET_DATA_FINAL);
- send(socket_, string.c_str(), string.size(), 0);
+ CAmSocketHandler *pSockethandler = (CAmSocketHandler*) data;
+ pSockethandler->start_listenting();
return (NULL);
void* playWithUnixSocketServer(void* data)
- int socket_ = *((int*)data);
- struct sockaddr_un servAddr;
- memset(&servAddr, 0, sizeof(servAddr));
- strcpy(servAddr.sun_path, SOCK_PATH);
- servAddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
- sleep(1);
- int ret = connect(socket_, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr));
- if ( ret < 0)
- {
- std::cerr << "ERROR: connect() failed\n" << std::endl;
- return (NULL);
- }
- for (int i = 1; i <= SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT; i++)
- {
- std::string stringToSend(TEST_SOCKET_DATA);
- send(socket_, stringToSend.c_str(), stringToSend.size(), 0);
- }
- std::string stringToSend(TEST_SOCKET_DATA_FINAL);
- send(socket_, stringToSend.c_str(), stringToSend.size(), 0);
- return (NULL);
-void* threadCallbackUnixSocketAndTimers(void* data)
- int socket_ = *((int*)data);
- struct sockaddr_un servAddr;
- memset(&servAddr, 0, sizeof(servAddr));
- strcpy(servAddr.sun_path, SOCK_PATH);
- servAddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
- sleep(1);
- int ret = connect(socket_, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr));
- if ( ret < 0)
- {
- std::cerr << "ERROR: connect() failed\n" << std::endl;
- return (NULL);
- }
- for (int i = 1; i <= SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT; i++)
- {
- std::string stringToSend(TEST_SOCKET_DATA);
- usleep(500000);
- send(socket_, stringToSend.c_str(), stringToSend.size(), 0);
- }
- std::string stringToSend(TEST_SOCKET_DATA_FINAL);
- send(socket_, stringToSend.c_str(), stringToSend.size(), 0);
+ CAmSocketHandler *pSockethandler = (CAmSocketHandler*) data;
+ pSockethandler->start_listenting();
return (NULL);
-TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest, stressTestUnixSocketAndTimers)
- pthread_t serverThread;
- int socket_;
- CAmSocketHandler myHandler;
- ASSERT_FALSE(myHandler.fatalErrorOccurred());
- CAmSamplePluginStressTest::sockType_e type = CAmSamplePlugin::UNIX;
- CAmSamplePluginStressTest myplugin(&myHandler, type);
- EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,receiveData(_,_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1);
- EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,dispatchData(_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1);
- EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,check(_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1);
- for(int i=0;i<myplugin.getTimers().size();i++)
- {
- EXPECT_CALL(*myplugin.getTimers()[i],timerCallback(_,_)).Times(AnyNumber());
- }
- if ((socket_ = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
- {
- std::cout << "socket problem" << std::endl;
- }
- ASSERT_GT(socket_, -1);
- //creates a thread that handles the serverpart
- pthread_create(&serverThread, NULL, threadCallbackUnixSocketAndTimers, &socket_);
- myHandler.start_listenting();
- pthread_join(serverThread, NULL);
- shutdown(socket_, SHUT_RDWR);
TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest, timersOneshot)
CAmSocketHandler myHandler;
@@ -507,73 +347,6 @@ TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest, timersGeneral)
-TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest, timersStressTest)
- CAmSocketHandler myHandler;
- ASSERT_FALSE(myHandler.fatalErrorOccurred());
- sh_timerHandle_t handle;
- TestUserData userData;
- userData.i = 1;
- userData.f = 1.f;
- timespec timeout4;
- timeout4.tv_nsec = 0;
- timeout4.tv_sec = 60;
- timespec timeoutTime;
- timeoutTime.tv_sec = 0;
- timeoutTime.tv_nsec = 10000000;// 0,01
- std::vector<CAmTimerStressTest*> timers;
- for(int i=0;i<TIMERS_TO_TEST;i++)
- {
- CAmTimerStressTest *ptestCallback1 = new CAmTimerStressTest(&myHandler, timeoutTime, 0);
- ptestCallback1->setId(i);
- timers.push_back( ptestCallback1 );
- myHandler.addTimer(timeoutTime, &(ptestCallback1->pTimerCallback), handle, &userData, true);
- EXPECT_CALL(*ptestCallback1,timerCallback(_,&userData)).Times(AnyNumber());
- }
- timespec timeoutTime11, timeout12, timeout13;
- timeoutTime11.tv_sec = 1;
- timeoutTime11.tv_nsec = 34000000;
- CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback11(&myHandler, timeoutTime11, "repeated 1", std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
- timeout12.tv_nsec = 100000000;
- timeout12.tv_sec = 0;
- CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback12(&myHandler, timeout12, "repeated 2", std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
- timeout13.tv_nsec = 333000000;
- timeout13.tv_sec = 3;
- CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback13(&myHandler, timeout13, "oneshot 3");
- myHandler.addTimer(timeoutTime11, &testCallback11.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL, true);
- EXPECT_CALL(testCallback11,timerCallback(_,NULL)).Times(AnyNumber());
- myHandler.addTimer(timeout12, &testCallback12.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL, true);
- EXPECT_CALL(testCallback12,timerCallback(_,NULL)).Times(AnyNumber());
- myHandler.addTimer(timeout13, &testCallback13.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL);
- EXPECT_CALL(testCallback13,timerCallback(_,NULL)).Times(AnyNumber());
- CAmTimerSockethandlerController testCallback4(&myHandler, timeout4);
- myHandler.addTimer(timeout4, &testCallback4.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL);
- EXPECT_CALL(testCallback4,timerCallback(_,NULL)).Times(1);
- myHandler.start_listenting();
- for(int i=0;i<timers.size();i++)
- {
- if(timers[i])
- delete timers[i], timers[i]=NULL;
- }
CAmSocketHandler myHandler;
@@ -581,15 +354,15 @@ TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest,playWithTimers)
timespec timeoutTime, timeout2, timeout3, timeout4;
timeoutTime.tv_sec = 1;
timeoutTime.tv_nsec = 34000000;
- CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback1(&myHandler, timeoutTime, "repeated 1", std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
+ CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback1(&myHandler, timeoutTime, "repeatedCallback 1", std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
timeout2.tv_nsec = 2000000;
timeout2.tv_sec = 0;
- CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback2(&myHandler, timeout2, "repeated 2", std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
+ CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback2(&myHandler, timeout2, "repeatedCallback 2", std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
timeout3.tv_nsec = 333000000;
timeout3.tv_sec = 3;
- CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback3(&myHandler, timeout3, "oneshot 3");
+ CAmTimerMeasurment testCallback3(&myHandler, timeout3, "oneshotCallback 3");
timeout4.tv_nsec = 0;
timeout4.tv_sec = 8;
CAmTimerSockethandlerController testCallback4(&myHandler, timeout4);
@@ -617,7 +390,7 @@ TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest,playWithTimers)
ASSERT_EQ(handle, 4);
- EXPECT_CALL(testCallback3,timerCallback(handle,NULL)).Times(2);
+ EXPECT_CALL(testCallback3,timerCallback(handle,NULL)).Times(2); //+1 because of measurment
myHandler.addTimer(timeout4, &testCallback4.pTimerCallback, handle, NULL);
@@ -711,52 +484,94 @@ TEST(CAmSocketHandlerTest,playWithUNIXSockets)
CAmSamplePlugin::sockType_e type = CAmSamplePlugin::UNIX;
CAmSamplePlugin myplugin(&myHandler, type);
- ASSERT_TRUE(myplugin.isSocketOpened());
EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,receiveData(_,_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1);
EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,dispatchData(_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1);
EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,check(_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1);
+ //creates a thread that handles the serverpart
+ pthread_create(&serverThread, NULL, playWithUnixSocketServer, &myHandler);
+ sleep(1); //we need that here because the port needs to be opened
if ((socket_ = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
std::cout << "socket problem" << std::endl;
- ASSERT_GT(socket_, -1);
- //creates a thread that handles the serverpart
- pthread_create(&serverThread, NULL, playWithUnixSocketServer, &socket_);
- myHandler.start_listenting();
+ memset(&servAddr, 0, sizeof(servAddr));
+ strcpy(servAddr.sun_path, SOCK_PATH);
+ servAddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+ if (connect(socket_, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr)) < 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << "ERROR: connect() failed\n" << std::endl;
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i <= SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT; i++)
+ {
+ std::string stringToSend(TEST_SOCKET_DATA);
+ send(socket_, stringToSend.c_str(), stringToSend.size(), 0);
+ }
+ std::string stringToSend(TEST_SOCKET_DATA_FINAL);
+ send(socket_, stringToSend.c_str(), stringToSend.size(), 0);
pthread_join(serverThread, NULL);
- shutdown(socket_, SHUT_RDWR);
pthread_t serverThread;
+ struct sockaddr_in servAddr;
+ unsigned short servPort = 6060;
+ struct hostent *host;
int socket_;
CAmSocketHandler myHandler;
CAmSamplePlugin::sockType_e type = CAmSamplePlugin::INET;
CAmSamplePlugin myplugin(&myHandler, type);
- ASSERT_TRUE(myplugin.isSocketOpened());
EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,receiveData(_,_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1);
EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,dispatchData(_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1);
EXPECT_CALL(myplugin,check(_,_)).Times(SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT + 1);
+ //creates a thread that handles the serverpart
+ pthread_create(&serverThread, NULL, playWithSocketServer, &myHandler);
+ sleep(1); //we need that here because the port needs to be opened
if ((socket_ = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP)) < 0)
std::cout << "socket problem" << std::endl;
- ASSERT_GT(socket_, -1);
- //creates a thread that handles the serverpart
- pthread_create(&serverThread, NULL, playWithSocketServer, &socket_);
- myHandler.start_listenting();
+ if ((host = (struct hostent*) gethostbyname("localhost")) == 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << "ERROR: gethostbyname() failed\n" << std::endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ memset(&servAddr, 0, sizeof(servAddr));
+ servAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr*) (host->h_addr_list[0])));
+ servAddr.sin_port = htons(servPort);
+ if (connect(socket_, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr)) < 0)
+ {
+ std::cout << "ERROR: connect() failed\n" << std::endl;
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i <= SOCKET_TEST_LOOPS_COUNT; i++)
+ {
+ std::string string(TEST_SOCKET_DATA);
+ send(socket_, string.c_str(), string.size(), 0);
+ }
+ std::string string(TEST_SOCKET_DATA_FINAL);
+ send(socket_, string.c_str(), string.size(), 0);
pthread_join(serverThread, NULL);
- shutdown(socket_, SHUT_RDWR);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
@@ -773,11 +588,11 @@ am::CAmSamplePlugin::CAmSamplePlugin(CAmSocketHandler *mySocketHandler, sockType
mSocketHandler(mySocketHandler), //
mConnecthandle(), //
mReceiveHandle(), //
- msgList(),
- mSocket(-1)
+ msgList()
int yes = 1;
+ int socketHandle;
struct sockaddr_in servAddr;
struct sockaddr_un unixAddr;
unsigned int servPort = 6060;
@@ -785,30 +600,26 @@ am::CAmSamplePlugin::CAmSamplePlugin(CAmSocketHandler *mySocketHandler, sockType
switch (socketType)
case UNIX:
- mSocket = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if(mSocket==-1)
- return;
+ socketHandle = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
unixAddr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
strcpy(unixAddr.sun_path, SOCK_PATH);
- bind(mSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &unixAddr, strlen(unixAddr.sun_path) + sizeof(unixAddr.sun_family));
+ bind(socketHandle, (struct sockaddr *) &unixAddr, strlen(unixAddr.sun_path) + sizeof(unixAddr.sun_family));
case INET:
- mSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
- if(mSocket==-1)
- return;
- setsockopt(mSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int));
+ socketHandle = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
+ setsockopt(socketHandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes, sizeof(int));
memset(&servAddr, 0, sizeof(servAddr));
servAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
servAddr.sin_port = htons(servPort);
- bind(mSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr));
+ bind(socketHandle, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof(servAddr));
- if (listen(mSocket, 3) < 0)
+ if (listen(socketHandle, 3) < 0)
std::cout << "listen ok" << std::endl;
@@ -816,12 +627,12 @@ am::CAmSamplePlugin::CAmSamplePlugin(CAmSocketHandler *mySocketHandler, sockType
} /* if */
int a = 1;
- ioctl(mSocket, FIONBIO, (char *) &a);
- setsockopt(mSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *) &a, sizeof(a));
+ ioctl(socketHandle, FIONBIO, (char *) &a);
+ setsockopt(socketHandle, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *) &a, sizeof(a));
short events = 0;
events |= POLLIN;
- mySocketHandler->addFDPoll(mSocket, events, NULL, &connectFiredCB, NULL, NULL, NULL, mConnecthandle);
+ mySocketHandler->addFDPoll(socketHandle, events, NULL, &connectFiredCB, NULL, NULL, NULL, mConnecthandle);
std::cout << "setup server - listening" << std::endl;
@@ -908,62 +719,3 @@ bool am::CAmSamplePlugin::check(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void *userData)
return false;
-CAmSamplePluginStressTest::CAmSamplePluginStressTest(CAmSocketHandler *mySocketHandler, sockType_e socketType):CAmSamplePlugin(mySocketHandler,socketType)
-, mTimers()
- sh_timerHandle_t handle;
- TestUserData userData;
- userData.i = 1;
- userData.f = 1.f;
- timespec timeoutTime;
- timeoutTime.tv_sec = 0;
- timeoutTime.tv_nsec = 10000000;// 0,01
- for(int i=0;i<TIMERS_TO_TEST;i++)
- {
- CAmTimerStressTest2 *ptestCallback1 = new CAmTimerStressTest2(mySocketHandler, timeoutTime, 0);
- ptestCallback1->setId(i);
- if(E_OK==mySocketHandler->addTimer(timeoutTime, &(ptestCallback1->pTimerCallback), handle, &userData, true))
- {
- mTimers.push_back( ptestCallback1 );
- ptestCallback1->setHandle(handle);
- }
- EXPECT_CALL(*ptestCallback1,timerCallback(_,&userData)).Times(AnyNumber());
- }
- for(int i=0;i<mTimers.size();i++)
- {
- if(mTimers[i])
- delete mTimers[i], mTimers[i]=NULL;
- }
-void CAmSamplePluginStressTest::receiveData(const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)
- CAmSamplePlugin::receiveData(pollfd, handle, userData);
- sh_timerHandle_t handle1;
- for(int i=0;i<mTimers.size();i++)
- {
- am_Error_e resultRemove = mSocketHandler->removeTimer(mTimers[i]->getHandle());
- am_Error_e resultAdd = mSocketHandler->addTimer(mTimers[i]->getUpdateTimeout(), &(mTimers[i]->pTimerCallback), handle1, NULL, true);
- std::cout << "receiveData return removeTimer=" << resultRemove << " return addTimer=" << resultAdd <<std::endl;
- #endif
- mTimers[i]->setHandle(handle1);
- }
-bool CAmSamplePluginStressTest::dispatchData(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)
- return CAmSamplePlugin::dispatchData( handle, userData);
-bool CAmSamplePluginStressTest::check(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData)
- return CAmSamplePlugin::check( handle, userData);
diff --git a/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSocketHandlerTest/CAmSocketHandlerTest.h b/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSocketHandlerTest/CAmSocketHandlerTest.h
index 6cda2b3..ba2bf51 100644
--- a/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSocketHandlerTest/CAmSocketHandlerTest.h
+++ b/AudioManagerUtilities/test/AmSocketHandlerTest/CAmSocketHandlerTest.h
@@ -101,21 +101,23 @@ namespace am
CAmSamplePlugin(CAmSocketHandler *mySocketHandler, sockType_e socketType);
- virtual ~CAmSamplePlugin(){ shutdown(mSocket, SHUT_RDWR); }
+ ~CAmSamplePlugin()
+ {
+ }
+ ;
void connectSocket(const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData);
- virtual void receiveData(const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData);
- virtual bool dispatchData(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData);
- virtual bool check(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData);
+ void receiveData(const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData);
+ bool dispatchData(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData);
+ bool check(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData);
TAmShPollFired<CAmSamplePlugin> connectFiredCB;
TAmShPollFired<CAmSamplePlugin> receiveFiredCB;
TAmShPollDispatch<CAmSamplePlugin> sampleDispatchCB;
TAmShPollCheck<CAmSamplePlugin> sampleCheckCB;
- bool isSocketOpened() { return mSocket>-1; }
- protected:
+ private:
CAmSocketHandler *mSocketHandler;
sh_pollHandle_t mConnecthandle, mReceiveHandle;
std::queue<std::string> msgList;
- int mSocket;
class CAmTimerSockethandlerController: public MockIAmTimerCb
@@ -160,54 +162,6 @@ namespace am
TAmShTimerCallBack<CAmTimer> pTimerCallback;
- class CAmTimerStressTest: public MockIAmTimerCb
- {
- CAmSocketHandler *mpSocketHandler;
- timespec mUpdateTimeout;
- int32_t mRepeats;
- int32_t mId;
- int32_t mHandle;
- public:
- explicit CAmTimerStressTest(CAmSocketHandler *SocketHandler, const timespec &timeout, const int32_t repeats = 0u);
- virtual ~CAmTimerStressTest();
- int32_t getId() { return mId; }
- void setId(const int32_t id) { mId=id; }
- int32_t getHandle() { return mHandle; }
- void setHandle(const int32_t id) { mHandle=id; }
- timespec getUpdateTimeout( ) { return mUpdateTimeout; }
- void timerCallback(sh_timerHandle_t handle, void * userData);
- TAmShTimerCallBack<CAmTimerStressTest> pTimerCallback;
- };
- class CAmTimerStressTest2: public MockIAmTimerCb
- {
- CAmSocketHandler *mpSocketHandler;
- timespec mUpdateTimeout;
- int32_t mRepeats;
- int32_t mId;
- int32_t mHandle;
- public:
- explicit CAmTimerStressTest2(CAmSocketHandler *SocketHandler, const timespec &timeout, const int32_t repeats = 0u);
- virtual ~CAmTimerStressTest2();
- int32_t getId() { return mId; }
- void setId(const int32_t id) { mId=id; }
- int32_t getHandle() { return mHandle; }
- void setHandle(const int32_t id) { mHandle=id; }
- timespec getUpdateTimeout( ) { return mUpdateTimeout; }
- void timerCallback(sh_timerHandle_t handle, void * userData);
- TAmShTimerCallBack<CAmTimerStressTest2> pTimerCallback;
- };
class CAmTimerMeasurment: public MockIAmTimerCb
CAmSocketHandler *mSocketHandler;
@@ -234,20 +188,6 @@ namespace am
void SetUp();
void TearDown();
- class CAmSamplePluginStressTest: public CAmSamplePlugin
- {
- std::vector<CAmTimerStressTest2*> mTimers;
- public:
- CAmSamplePluginStressTest(CAmSocketHandler *mySocketHandler, sockType_e socketType);
- virtual ~CAmSamplePluginStressTest();
- void receiveData(const pollfd pollfd, const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData) final;
- bool dispatchData(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData) final;
- bool check(const sh_pollHandle_t handle, void* userData) final;
- std::vector<CAmTimerStressTest2*> & getTimers() { return mTimers; }
- };
} /* namespace am */