diff options
authorChun-wei Fan <>2012-12-10 15:11:39 +0800
committerChun-wei Fan <>2012-12-10 19:13:41 +0800
commit59d018644c8774fb7f6994e8499cb745b58745f9 (patch)
parent5235e68efe4be99b3aec710526c2e340c548c2d0 (diff)
build: Add gengir.bat to build introspection for ATK.
This adds a Windows .bat file to build the introspection files for ATK, which requires: -An MSVC-built version of ATK -A valid build of gobject-introspection, preferably done with MSVC. -A MinGW GCC installation to run the pre-processor during the dumping stage* -A Python installation -Properly configured set of pkg-config (.pc) files for GLib and its deps. This does not require a MSYS/Cygwin/BASH shell installed on the Windows system *Note that the generated and built dumper program is still compiled and linked with the Microsoft compiler.
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/win32/gengir.bat b/build/win32/gengir.bat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f85adc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/win32/gengir.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+@echo off
+setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
+rem Needed environmental variables:
+rem PLAT: Windows platform-Win32 (i.e. x86) or x64 (i.e. x86-64)
+rem CONF: Configuration Type, Release or Debug
+rem VSVER: Visual C++ version used
+rem Check the environemental variables...
+if /i "%PLAT%" == "Win32" goto PLAT_OK
+if /i "%PLAT%" == "x64" goto PLAT_OK
+if /i "%PLAT%" == "x86" (
+ set PLAT=Win32
+ goto PLAT_OK
+if /i "%PLAT%" == "x86-64" (
+ set PLAT=x64
+ goto PLAT_OK
+goto ERR_PLAT
+if "%VSVER%" == "9" goto VSVER_OK
+if "%VSVER%" == "10" goto VSVER_OK
+if "%VSVER%" == "11" goto VSVER_OK
+if /i "%CONF%" == "Release" goto CONF_OK
+if /i "%CONF%" == "Debug" goto CONF_OK
+goto ERR_CONF
+if "%BASEDIR%" == "" goto ERR_BASEDIR
+if not exist %BASEDIR% goto ERR_BASEDIR
+if not exist %PKG_CONFIG_PATH%\gobject-2.0.pc goto ERR_PKGCONFIG
+if "%MINGWDIR%" == "" goto ERR_MINGWDIR
+if not exist %MINGWDIR%\bin\gcc.exe goto ERR_MINGWDIR
+set CC=cl
+set BINDIR=%CD%\vs%VSVER%\%CONF%\%PLAT%\bin
+set INCLUDE=%BASEDIR%\include\glib-2.0;%BASEDIR%\lib\glib-2.0\include;%INCLUDE%
+set PYTHONPATH=%BASEDIR%\lib\gobject-introspection;%BINDIR%
+echo Setup .bat for generating ATK .gir's...
+rem =================================================================================================
+rem Begin setup of atk_gir.bat to create Atk-1.0.gir
+rem (The ^^ is necessary to span the command to multiple lines on Windows cmd.exe!)
+rem =================================================================================================
+echo echo Generating Atk-1.0.gir...> atk_gir.bat
+echo @echo on>> atk_gir.bat
+echo.>> atk_gir.bat
+rem ================================================================
+rem Setup the command line flags to g-ir-scanner for Atk-1.0.gir...
+rem ================================================================
+echo python %BASEDIR%\bin\g-ir-scanner --verbose -I..\.. --add-include-path=..\.. ^^>> atk_gir.bat
+echo --namespace=Atk --nsversion=1.0 --include=GObject-2.0 ^^>> atk_gir.bat
+echo --no-libtool --pkg=glib-2.0 --library=atk-1-vs%VSVER% ^^>> atk_gir.bat
+echo --reparse-validate --add-include-path=%BASEDIR%\share\gir-1.0 ^^>> atk_gir.bat
+echo --pkg-export atk --warn-all --c-include "atk/atk.h" ^^>> atk_gir.bat
+echo -I..\.. -DATK_DISABLE_DEPRECATED -DATK_COMPILATION -DATK_LOCALEDIR=\"/dummy/share/locale\" ^^>> atk_gir.bat
+echo --filelist=atk_list ^^>> atk_gir.bat
+echo -o Atk-1.0.gir>> atk_gir.bat
+echo.>> atk_gir.bat
+echo Completed setup of .bat for generating Atk-1.0.gir.
+echo.>> atk_gir.bat
+rem ===================================================
+rem Finish setup of atk_gir.bat to create Atk-1.0.gir
+rem ===================================================
+rem =======================
+rem Now generate the .gir's
+rem =======================
+CALL atk_gir.bat
+rem Clean up the .bat for generating the .gir files...
+del atk_gir.bat
+rem Now compile the generated .gir files
+%BASEDIR%\bin\g-ir-compiler --includedir=. --debug --verbose Atk-1.0.gir -o Atk-1.0.typelib
+rem Copy the generated .girs and .typelibs to their appropriate places
+mkdir ..\..\build\win32\vs%VSVER%\%CONF%\%PLAT%\share\gir-1.0
+move /y *.gir %BASEDIR%\share\gir-1.0\
+mkdir ..\..\build\win32\vs%VSVER%\%CONF%\%PLAT%\lib\girepository-1.0
+move /y *.typelib %BASEDIR%\lib\girepository-1.0\
+goto DONE
+echo You need to specify a valid Platform [set PLAT=Win32 or PLAT=x64]
+goto DONE
+echo You need to specify your Visual Studio version [set VSVER=9 or VSVER=10 or VSVER=11]
+goto DONE
+echo You need to specify a valid Configuration [set CONF=Release or CONF=Debug]
+goto DONE
+echo You need to specify a valid BASEDIR.
+goto DONE
+echo You need to specify a valid PKG_CONFIG_PATH
+goto DONE
+echo You need to specify a valid MINGWDIR, where a valid gcc installation can be found.
+goto DONE