diff options
4 files changed, 8733 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000..9837432
--- /dev/null
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+# Author: Steven J. Bethard <>.
+"""Command-line parsing library
+This module is an optparse-inspired command-line parsing library that:
+ - handles both optional and positional arguments
+ - produces highly informative usage messages
+ - supports parsers that dispatch to sub-parsers
+The following is a simple usage example that sums integers from the
+command-line and writes the result to a file::
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='sum the integers at the command line')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'integers', metavar='int', nargs='+', type=int,
+ help='an integer to be summed')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--log', default=sys.stdout, type=argparse.FileType('w'),
+ help='the file where the sum should be written')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ args.log.write('%s' % sum(args.integers))
+ args.log.close()
+The module contains the following public classes:
+ - ArgumentParser -- The main entry point for command-line parsing. As the
+ example above shows, the add_argument() method is used to populate
+ the parser with actions for optional and positional arguments. Then
+ the parse_args() method is invoked to convert the args at the
+ command-line into an object with attributes.
+ - ArgumentError -- The exception raised by ArgumentParser objects when
+ there are errors with the parser's actions. Errors raised while
+ parsing the command-line are caught by ArgumentParser and emitted
+ as command-line messages.
+ - FileType -- A factory for defining types of files to be created. As the
+ example above shows, instances of FileType are typically passed as
+ the type= argument of add_argument() calls.
+ - Action -- The base class for parser actions. Typically actions are
+ selected by passing strings like 'store_true' or 'append_const' to
+ the action= argument of add_argument(). However, for greater
+ customization of ArgumentParser actions, subclasses of Action may
+ be defined and passed as the action= argument.
+ - HelpFormatter, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, RawTextHelpFormatter,
+ ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter -- Formatter classes which
+ may be passed as the formatter_class= argument to the
+ ArgumentParser constructor. HelpFormatter is the default,
+ RawDescriptionHelpFormatter and RawTextHelpFormatter tell the parser
+ not to change the formatting for help text, and
+ ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter adds information about argument defaults
+ to the help.
+All other classes in this module are considered implementation details.
+(Also note that HelpFormatter and RawDescriptionHelpFormatter are only
+considered public as object names -- the API of the formatter objects is
+still considered an implementation detail.)
+__version__ = '1.1'
+__all__ = [
+ 'ArgumentParser',
+ 'ArgumentError',
+ 'ArgumentTypeError',
+ 'FileType',
+ 'HelpFormatter',
+ 'ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter',
+ 'RawDescriptionHelpFormatter',
+ 'RawTextHelpFormatter',
+ 'Namespace',
+ 'Action',
+import copy as _copy
+import os as _os
+import re as _re
+import sys as _sys
+import textwrap as _textwrap
+from gettext import gettext as _
+def _callable(obj):
+ return hasattr(obj, '__call__') or hasattr(obj, '__bases__')
+ONE_OR_MORE = '+'
+PARSER = 'A...'
+REMAINDER = '...'
+_UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR = '_unrecognized_args'
+# =============================
+# Utility functions and classes
+# =============================
+class _AttributeHolder(object):
+ """Abstract base class that provides __repr__.
+ The __repr__ method returns a string in the format::
+ ClassName(attr=name, attr=name, ...)
+ The attributes are determined either by a class-level attribute,
+ '_kwarg_names', or by inspecting the instance __dict__.
+ """
+ def __repr__(self):
+ type_name = type(self).__name__
+ arg_strings = []
+ for arg in self._get_args():
+ arg_strings.append(repr(arg))
+ for name, value in self._get_kwargs():
+ arg_strings.append('%s=%r' % (name, value))
+ return '%s(%s)' % (type_name, ', '.join(arg_strings))
+ def _get_kwargs(self):
+ return sorted(self.__dict__.items())
+ def _get_args(self):
+ return []
+def _ensure_value(namespace, name, value):
+ if getattr(namespace, name, None) is None:
+ setattr(namespace, name, value)
+ return getattr(namespace, name)
+# ===============
+# Formatting Help
+# ===============
+class HelpFormatter(object):
+ """Formatter for generating usage messages and argument help strings.
+ Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
+ provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ prog,
+ indent_increment=2,
+ max_help_position=24,
+ width=None):
+ # default setting for width
+ if width is None:
+ try:
+ width = int(_os.environ['COLUMNS'])
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ width = 80
+ width -= 2
+ self._prog = prog
+ self._indent_increment = indent_increment
+ self._max_help_position = max_help_position
+ self._width = width
+ self._current_indent = 0
+ self._level = 0
+ self._action_max_length = 0
+ self._root_section = self._Section(self, None)
+ self._current_section = self._root_section
+ self._whitespace_matcher = _re.compile(r'\s+')
+ self._long_break_matcher = _re.compile(r'\n\n\n+')
+ # ===============================
+ # Section and indentation methods
+ # ===============================
+ def _indent(self):
+ self._current_indent += self._indent_increment
+ self._level += 1
+ def _dedent(self):
+ self._current_indent -= self._indent_increment
+ assert self._current_indent >= 0, 'Indent decreased below 0.'
+ self._level -= 1
+ class _Section(object):
+ def __init__(self, formatter, parent, heading=None):
+ self.formatter = formatter
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.heading = heading
+ self.items = []
+ def format_help(self):
+ # format the indented section
+ if self.parent is not None:
+ self.formatter._indent()
+ join = self.formatter._join_parts
+ for func, args in self.items:
+ func(*args)
+ item_help = join([func(*args) for func, args in self.items])
+ if self.parent is not None:
+ self.formatter._dedent()
+ # return nothing if the section was empty
+ if not item_help:
+ return ''
+ # add the heading if the section was non-empty
+ if self.heading is not SUPPRESS and self.heading is not None:
+ current_indent = self.formatter._current_indent
+ heading = '%*s%s:\n' % (current_indent, '', self.heading)
+ else:
+ heading = ''
+ # join the section-initial newline, the heading and the help
+ return join(['\n', heading, item_help, '\n'])
+ def _add_item(self, func, args):
+ self._current_section.items.append((func, args))
+ # ========================
+ # Message building methods
+ # ========================
+ def start_section(self, heading):
+ self._indent()
+ section = self._Section(self, self._current_section, heading)
+ self._add_item(section.format_help, [])
+ self._current_section = section
+ def end_section(self):
+ self._current_section = self._current_section.parent
+ self._dedent()
+ def add_text(self, text):
+ if text is not SUPPRESS and text is not None:
+ self._add_item(self._format_text, [text])
+ def add_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix=None):
+ if usage is not SUPPRESS:
+ args = usage, actions, groups, prefix
+ self._add_item(self._format_usage, args)
+ def add_argument(self, action):
+ if is not SUPPRESS:
+ # find all invocations
+ get_invocation = self._format_action_invocation
+ invocations = [get_invocation(action)]
+ for subaction in self._iter_indented_subactions(action):
+ invocations.append(get_invocation(subaction))
+ # update the maximum item length
+ invocation_length = max([len(s) for s in invocations])
+ action_length = invocation_length + self._current_indent
+ self._action_max_length = max(self._action_max_length,
+ action_length)
+ # add the item to the list
+ self._add_item(self._format_action, [action])
+ def add_arguments(self, actions):
+ for action in actions:
+ self.add_argument(action)
+ # =======================
+ # Help-formatting methods
+ # =======================
+ def format_help(self):
+ help = self._root_section.format_help()
+ if help:
+ help = self._long_break_matcher.sub('\n\n', help)
+ help = help.strip('\n') + '\n'
+ return help
+ def _join_parts(self, part_strings):
+ return ''.join([part
+ for part in part_strings
+ if part and part is not SUPPRESS])
+ def _format_usage(self, usage, actions, groups, prefix):
+ if prefix is None:
+ prefix = _('usage: ')
+ # if usage is specified, use that
+ if usage is not None:
+ usage = usage % dict(prog=self._prog)
+ # if no optionals or positionals are available, usage is just prog
+ elif usage is None and not actions:
+ usage = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)
+ # if optionals and positionals are available, calculate usage
+ elif usage is None:
+ prog = '%(prog)s' % dict(prog=self._prog)
+ # split optionals from positionals
+ optionals = []
+ positionals = []
+ for action in actions:
+ if action.option_strings:
+ optionals.append(action)
+ else:
+ positionals.append(action)
+ # build full usage string
+ format = self._format_actions_usage
+ action_usage = format(optionals + positionals, groups)
+ usage = ' '.join([s for s in [prog, action_usage] if s])
+ # wrap the usage parts if it's too long
+ text_width = self._width - self._current_indent
+ if len(prefix) + len(usage) > text_width:
+ # break usage into wrappable parts
+ part_regexp = r'\(.*?\)+|\[.*?\]+|\S+'
+ opt_usage = format(optionals, groups)
+ pos_usage = format(positionals, groups)
+ opt_parts = _re.findall(part_regexp, opt_usage)
+ pos_parts = _re.findall(part_regexp, pos_usage)
+ assert ' '.join(opt_parts) == opt_usage
+ assert ' '.join(pos_parts) == pos_usage
+ # helper for wrapping lines
+ def get_lines(parts, indent, prefix=None):
+ lines = []
+ line = []
+ if prefix is not None:
+ line_len = len(prefix) - 1
+ else:
+ line_len = len(indent) - 1
+ for part in parts:
+ if line_len + 1 + len(part) > text_width:
+ lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
+ line = []
+ line_len = len(indent) - 1
+ line.append(part)
+ line_len += len(part) + 1
+ if line:
+ lines.append(indent + ' '.join(line))
+ if prefix is not None:
+ lines[0] = lines[0][len(indent):]
+ return lines
+ # if prog is short, follow it with optionals or positionals
+ if len(prefix) + len(prog) <= 0.75 * text_width:
+ indent = ' ' * (len(prefix) + len(prog) + 1)
+ if opt_parts:
+ lines = get_lines([prog] + opt_parts, indent, prefix)
+ lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
+ elif pos_parts:
+ lines = get_lines([prog] + pos_parts, indent, prefix)
+ else:
+ lines = [prog]
+ # if prog is long, put it on its own line
+ else:
+ indent = ' ' * len(prefix)
+ parts = opt_parts + pos_parts
+ lines = get_lines(parts, indent)
+ if len(lines) > 1:
+ lines = []
+ lines.extend(get_lines(opt_parts, indent))
+ lines.extend(get_lines(pos_parts, indent))
+ lines = [prog] + lines
+ # join lines into usage
+ usage = '\n'.join(lines)
+ # prefix with 'usage:'
+ return '%s%s\n\n' % (prefix, usage)
+ def _format_actions_usage(self, actions, groups):
+ # find group indices and identify actions in groups
+ group_actions = set()
+ inserts = {}
+ for group in groups:
+ try:
+ start = actions.index(group._group_actions[0])
+ except ValueError:
+ continue
+ else:
+ end = start + len(group._group_actions)
+ if actions[start:end] == group._group_actions:
+ for action in group._group_actions:
+ group_actions.add(action)
+ if not group.required:
+ if start in inserts:
+ inserts[start] += ' ['
+ else:
+ inserts[start] = '['
+ inserts[end] = ']'
+ else:
+ if start in inserts:
+ inserts[start] += ' ('
+ else:
+ inserts[start] = '('
+ inserts[end] = ')'
+ for i in range(start + 1, end):
+ inserts[i] = '|'
+ # collect all actions format strings
+ parts = []
+ for i, action in enumerate(actions):
+ # suppressed arguments are marked with None
+ # remove | separators for suppressed arguments
+ if is SUPPRESS:
+ parts.append(None)
+ if inserts.get(i) == '|':
+ inserts.pop(i)
+ elif inserts.get(i + 1) == '|':
+ inserts.pop(i + 1)
+ # produce all arg strings
+ elif not action.option_strings:
+ part = self._format_args(action, action.dest)
+ # if it's in a group, strip the outer []
+ if action in group_actions:
+ if part[0] == '[' and part[-1] == ']':
+ part = part[1:-1]
+ # add the action string to the list
+ parts.append(part)
+ # produce the first way to invoke the option in brackets
+ else:
+ option_string = action.option_strings[0]
+ # if the Optional doesn't take a value, format is:
+ # -s or --long
+ if action.nargs == 0:
+ part = '%s' % option_string
+ # if the Optional takes a value, format is:
+ # -s ARGS or --long ARGS
+ else:
+ default = action.dest.upper()
+ args_string = self._format_args(action, default)
+ part = '%s %s' % (option_string, args_string)
+ # make it look optional if it's not required or in a group
+ if not action.required and action not in group_actions:
+ part = '[%s]' % part
+ # add the action string to the list
+ parts.append(part)
+ # insert things at the necessary indices
+ for i in sorted(inserts, reverse=True):
+ parts[i:i] = [inserts[i]]
+ # join all the action items with spaces
+ text = ' '.join([item for item in parts if item is not None])
+ # clean up separators for mutually exclusive groups
+ open = r'[\[(]'
+ close = r'[\])]'
+ text = _re.sub(r'(%s) ' % open, r'\1', text)
+ text = _re.sub(r' (%s)' % close, r'\1', text)
+ text = _re.sub(r'%s *%s' % (open, close), r'', text)
+ text = _re.sub(r'\(([^|]*)\)', r'\1', text)
+ text = text.strip()
+ # return the text
+ return text
+ def _format_text(self, text):
+ if '%(prog)' in text:
+ text = text % dict(prog=self._prog)
+ text_width = self._width - self._current_indent
+ indent = ' ' * self._current_indent
+ return self._fill_text(text, text_width, indent) + '\n\n'
+ def _format_action(self, action):
+ # determine the required width and the entry label
+ help_position = min(self._action_max_length + 2,
+ self._max_help_position)
+ help_width = self._width - help_position
+ action_width = help_position - self._current_indent - 2
+ action_header = self._format_action_invocation(action)
+ # ho nelp; start on same line and add a final newline
+ if not
+ tup = self._current_indent, '', action_header
+ action_header = '%*s%s\n' % tup
+ # short action name; start on the same line and pad two spaces
+ elif len(action_header) <= action_width:
+ tup = self._current_indent, '', action_width, action_header
+ action_header = '%*s%-*s ' % tup
+ indent_first = 0
+ # long action name; start on the next line
+ else:
+ tup = self._current_indent, '', action_header
+ action_header = '%*s%s\n' % tup
+ indent_first = help_position
+ # collect the pieces of the action help
+ parts = [action_header]
+ # if there was help for the action, add lines of help text
+ if
+ help_text = self._expand_help(action)
+ help_lines = self._split_lines(help_text, help_width)
+ parts.append('%*s%s\n' % (indent_first, '', help_lines[0]))
+ for line in help_lines[1:]:
+ parts.append('%*s%s\n' % (help_position, '', line))
+ # or add a newline if the description doesn't end with one
+ elif not action_header.endswith('\n'):
+ parts.append('\n')
+ # if there are any sub-actions, add their help as well
+ for subaction in self._iter_indented_subactions(action):
+ parts.append(self._format_action(subaction))
+ # return a single string
+ return self._join_parts(parts)
+ def _format_action_invocation(self, action):
+ if not action.option_strings:
+ metavar, = self._metavar_formatter(action, action.dest)(1)
+ return metavar
+ else:
+ parts = []
+ # if the Optional doesn't take a value, format is:
+ # -s, --long
+ if action.nargs == 0:
+ parts.extend(action.option_strings)
+ # if the Optional takes a value, format is:
+ # -s ARGS, --long ARGS
+ else:
+ default = action.dest.upper()
+ args_string = self._format_args(action, default)
+ for option_string in action.option_strings:
+ parts.append('%s %s' % (option_string, args_string))
+ return ', '.join(parts)
+ def _metavar_formatter(self, action, default_metavar):
+ if action.metavar is not None:
+ result = action.metavar
+ elif action.choices is not None:
+ choice_strs = [str(choice) for choice in action.choices]
+ result = '{%s}' % ','.join(choice_strs)
+ else:
+ result = default_metavar
+ def format(tuple_size):
+ if isinstance(result, tuple):
+ return result
+ else:
+ return (result, ) * tuple_size
+ return format
+ def _format_args(self, action, default_metavar):
+ get_metavar = self._metavar_formatter(action, default_metavar)
+ if action.nargs is None:
+ result = '%s' % get_metavar(1)
+ elif action.nargs == OPTIONAL:
+ result = '[%s]' % get_metavar(1)
+ elif action.nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE:
+ result = '[%s [%s ...]]' % get_metavar(2)
+ elif action.nargs == ONE_OR_MORE:
+ result = '%s [%s ...]' % get_metavar(2)
+ elif action.nargs == REMAINDER:
+ result = '...'
+ elif action.nargs == PARSER:
+ result = '%s ...' % get_metavar(1)
+ else:
+ formats = ['%s' for _ in range(action.nargs)]
+ result = ' '.join(formats) % get_metavar(action.nargs)
+ return result
+ def _expand_help(self, action):
+ params = dict(vars(action), prog=self._prog)
+ for name in list(params):
+ if params[name] is SUPPRESS:
+ del params[name]
+ for name in list(params):
+ if hasattr(params[name], '__name__'):
+ params[name] = params[name].__name__
+ if params.get('choices') is not None:
+ choices_str = ', '.join([str(c) for c in params['choices']])
+ params['choices'] = choices_str
+ return self._get_help_string(action) % params
+ def _iter_indented_subactions(self, action):
+ try:
+ get_subactions = action._get_subactions
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self._indent()
+ for subaction in get_subactions():
+ yield subaction
+ self._dedent()
+ def _split_lines(self, text, width):
+ text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(' ', text).strip()
+ return _textwrap.wrap(text, width)
+ def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent):
+ text = self._whitespace_matcher.sub(' ', text).strip()
+ return _textwrap.fill(text, width, initial_indent=indent,
+ subsequent_indent=indent)
+ def _get_help_string(self, action):
+ return
+class RawDescriptionHelpFormatter(HelpFormatter):
+ """Help message formatter which retains any formatting in descriptions.
+ Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
+ provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
+ """
+ def _fill_text(self, text, width, indent):
+ return ''.join([indent + line for line in text.splitlines(True)])
+class RawTextHelpFormatter(RawDescriptionHelpFormatter):
+ """Help message formatter which retains formatting of all help text.
+ Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
+ provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
+ """
+ def _split_lines(self, text, width):
+ return text.splitlines()
+class ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter(HelpFormatter):
+ """Help message formatter which adds default values to argument help.
+ Only the name of this class is considered a public API. All the methods
+ provided by the class are considered an implementation detail.
+ """
+ def _get_help_string(self, action):
+ help =
+ if '%(default)' not in
+ if action.default is not SUPPRESS:
+ defaulting_nargs = [OPTIONAL, ZERO_OR_MORE]
+ if action.option_strings or action.nargs in defaulting_nargs:
+ help += ' (default: %(default)s)'
+ return help
+# =====================
+# Options and Arguments
+# =====================
+def _get_action_name(argument):
+ if argument is None:
+ return None
+ elif argument.option_strings:
+ return '/'.join(argument.option_strings)
+ elif argument.metavar not in (None, SUPPRESS):
+ return argument.metavar
+ elif argument.dest not in (None, SUPPRESS):
+ return argument.dest
+ else:
+ return None
+class ArgumentError(Exception):
+ """An error from creating or using an argument (optional or positional).
+ The string value of this exception is the message, augmented with
+ information about the argument that caused it.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, argument, message):
+ self.argument_name = _get_action_name(argument)
+ self.message = message
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.argument_name is None:
+ format = '%(message)s'
+ else:
+ format = 'argument %(argument_name)s: %(message)s'
+ return format % dict(message=self.message,
+ argument_name=self.argument_name)
+class ArgumentTypeError(Exception):
+ """An error from trying to convert a command line string to a type."""
+ pass
+# ==============
+# Action classes
+# ==============
+class Action(_AttributeHolder):
+ """Information about how to convert command line strings to Python objects.
+ Action objects are used by an ArgumentParser to represent the information
+ needed to parse a single argument from one or more strings from the
+ command line. The keyword arguments to the Action constructor are also
+ all attributes of Action instances.
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ - option_strings -- A list of command-line option strings which
+ should be associated with this action.
+ - dest -- The name of the attribute to hold the created object(s)
+ - nargs -- The number of command-line arguments that should be
+ consumed. By default, one argument will be consumed and a single
+ value will be produced. Other values include:
+ - N (an integer) consumes N arguments (and produces a list)
+ - '?' consumes zero or one arguments
+ - '*' consumes zero or more arguments (and produces a list)
+ - '+' consumes one or more arguments (and produces a list)
+ Note that the difference between the default and nargs=1 is that
+ with the default, a single value will be produced, while with
+ nargs=1, a list containing a single value will be produced.
+ - const -- The value to be produced if the option is specified and the
+ option uses an action that takes no values.
+ - default -- The value to be produced if the option is not specified.
+ - type -- The type which the command-line arguments should be converted
+ to, should be one of 'string', 'int', 'float', 'complex' or a
+ callable object that accepts a single string argument. If None,
+ 'string' is assumed.
+ - choices -- A container of values that should be allowed. If not None,
+ after a command-line argument has been converted to the appropriate
+ type, an exception will be raised if it is not a member of this
+ collection.
+ - required -- True if the action must always be specified at the
+ command line. This is only meaningful for optional command-line
+ arguments.
+ - help -- The help string describing the argument.
+ - metavar -- The name to be used for the option's argument with the
+ help string. If None, the 'dest' value will be used as the name.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ dest,
+ nargs=None,
+ const=None,
+ default=None,
+ type=None,
+ choices=None,
+ required=False,
+ help=None,
+ metavar=None):
+ self.option_strings = option_strings
+ self.dest = dest
+ self.nargs = nargs
+ self.const = const
+ self.default = default
+ self.type = type
+ self.choices = choices
+ self.required = required
+ = help
+ self.metavar = metavar
+ def _get_kwargs(self):
+ names = [
+ 'option_strings',
+ 'dest',
+ 'nargs',
+ 'const',
+ 'default',
+ 'type',
+ 'choices',
+ 'help',
+ 'metavar',
+ ]
+ return [(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in names]
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ raise NotImplementedError(_('.__call__() not defined'))
+class _StoreAction(Action):
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ dest,
+ nargs=None,
+ const=None,
+ default=None,
+ type=None,
+ choices=None,
+ required=False,
+ help=None,
+ metavar=None):
+ if nargs == 0:
+ raise ValueError('nargs for store actions must be > 0; if you '
+ 'have nothing to store, actions such as store '
+ 'true or store const may be more appropriate')
+ if const is not None and nargs != OPTIONAL:
+ raise ValueError('nargs must be %r to supply const' % OPTIONAL)
+ super(_StoreAction, self).__init__(
+ option_strings=option_strings,
+ dest=dest,
+ nargs=nargs,
+ const=const,
+ default=default,
+ type=type,
+ choices=choices,
+ required=required,
+ help=help,
+ metavar=metavar)
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
+class _StoreConstAction(Action):
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ dest,
+ const,
+ default=None,
+ required=False,
+ help=None,
+ metavar=None):
+ super(_StoreConstAction, self).__init__(
+ option_strings=option_strings,
+ dest=dest,
+ nargs=0,
+ const=const,
+ default=default,
+ required=required,
+ help=help)
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, self.const)
+class _StoreTrueAction(_StoreConstAction):
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ dest,
+ default=False,
+ required=False,
+ help=None):
+ super(_StoreTrueAction, self).__init__(
+ option_strings=option_strings,
+ dest=dest,
+ const=True,
+ default=default,
+ required=required,
+ help=help)
+class _StoreFalseAction(_StoreConstAction):
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ dest,
+ default=True,
+ required=False,
+ help=None):
+ super(_StoreFalseAction, self).__init__(
+ option_strings=option_strings,
+ dest=dest,
+ const=False,
+ default=default,
+ required=required,
+ help=help)
+class _AppendAction(Action):
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ dest,
+ nargs=None,
+ const=None,
+ default=None,
+ type=None,
+ choices=None,
+ required=False,
+ help=None,
+ metavar=None):
+ if nargs == 0:
+ raise ValueError('nargs for append actions must be > 0; if arg '
+ 'strings are not supplying the value to append, '
+ 'the append const action may be more appropriate')
+ if const is not None and nargs != OPTIONAL:
+ raise ValueError('nargs must be %r to supply const' % OPTIONAL)
+ super(_AppendAction, self).__init__(
+ option_strings=option_strings,
+ dest=dest,
+ nargs=nargs,
+ const=const,
+ default=default,
+ type=type,
+ choices=choices,
+ required=required,
+ help=help,
+ metavar=metavar)
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ items = _copy.copy(_ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, []))
+ items.append(values)
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
+class _AppendConstAction(Action):
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ dest,
+ const,
+ default=None,
+ required=False,
+ help=None,
+ metavar=None):
+ super(_AppendConstAction, self).__init__(
+ option_strings=option_strings,
+ dest=dest,
+ nargs=0,
+ const=const,
+ default=default,
+ required=required,
+ help=help,
+ metavar=metavar)
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ items = _copy.copy(_ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, []))
+ items.append(self.const)
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, items)
+class _CountAction(Action):
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ dest,
+ default=None,
+ required=False,
+ help=None):
+ super(_CountAction, self).__init__(
+ option_strings=option_strings,
+ dest=dest,
+ nargs=0,
+ default=default,
+ required=required,
+ help=help)
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ new_count = _ensure_value(namespace, self.dest, 0) + 1
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, new_count)
+class _HelpAction(Action):
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ dest=SUPPRESS,
+ default=SUPPRESS,
+ help=None):
+ super(_HelpAction, self).__init__(
+ option_strings=option_strings,
+ dest=dest,
+ default=default,
+ nargs=0,
+ help=help)
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ parser.print_help()
+ parser.exit()
+class _VersionAction(Action):
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ version=None,
+ dest=SUPPRESS,
+ default=SUPPRESS,
+ help="show program's version number and exit"):
+ super(_VersionAction, self).__init__(
+ option_strings=option_strings,
+ dest=dest,
+ default=default,
+ nargs=0,
+ help=help)
+ self.version = version
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ version = self.version
+ if version is None:
+ version = parser.version
+ formatter = parser._get_formatter()
+ formatter.add_text(version)
+ parser.exit(message=formatter.format_help())
+class _SubParsersAction(Action):
+ class _ChoicesPseudoAction(Action):
+ def __init__(self, name, help):
+ sup = super(_SubParsersAction._ChoicesPseudoAction, self)
+ sup.__init__(option_strings=[], dest=name, help=help)
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ prog,
+ parser_class,
+ dest=SUPPRESS,
+ help=None,
+ metavar=None):
+ self._prog_prefix = prog
+ self._parser_class = parser_class
+ self._name_parser_map = {}
+ self._choices_actions = []
+ super(_SubParsersAction, self).__init__(
+ option_strings=option_strings,
+ dest=dest,
+ nargs=PARSER,
+ choices=self._name_parser_map,
+ help=help,
+ metavar=metavar)
+ def add_parser(self, name, **kwargs):
+ # set prog from the existing prefix
+ if kwargs.get('prog') is None:
+ kwargs['prog'] = '%s %s' % (self._prog_prefix, name)
+ # create a pseudo-action to hold the choice help
+ if 'help' in kwargs:
+ help = kwargs.pop('help')
+ choice_action = self._ChoicesPseudoAction(name, help)
+ self._choices_actions.append(choice_action)
+ # create the parser and add it to the map
+ parser = self._parser_class(**kwargs)
+ self._name_parser_map[name] = parser
+ return parser
+ def _get_subactions(self):
+ return self._choices_actions
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ parser_name = values[0]
+ arg_strings = values[1:]
+ # set the parser name if requested
+ if self.dest is not SUPPRESS:
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, parser_name)
+ # select the parser
+ try:
+ parser = self._name_parser_map[parser_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ tup = parser_name, ', '.join(self._name_parser_map)
+ msg = _('unknown parser %r (choices: %s)' % tup)
+ raise ArgumentError(self, msg)
+ # parse all the remaining options into the namespace
+ # store any unrecognized options on the object, so that the top
+ # level parser can decide what to do with them
+ namespace, arg_strings = parser.parse_known_args(arg_strings, namespace)
+ if arg_strings:
+ vars(namespace).setdefault(_UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR, [])
+ getattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR).extend(arg_strings)
+# ==============
+# Type classes
+# ==============
+class FileType(object):
+ """Factory for creating file object types
+ Instances of FileType are typically passed as type= arguments to the
+ ArgumentParser add_argument() method.
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ - mode -- A string indicating how the file is to be opened. Accepts the
+ same values as the builtin open() function.
+ - bufsize -- The file's desired buffer size. Accepts the same values as
+ the builtin open() function.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, mode='r', bufsize=None):
+ self._mode = mode
+ self._bufsize = bufsize
+ def __call__(self, string):
+ # the special argument "-" means sys.std{in,out}
+ if string == '-':
+ if 'r' in self._mode:
+ return _sys.stdin
+ elif 'w' in self._mode:
+ return _sys.stdout
+ else:
+ msg = _('argument "-" with mode %r' % self._mode)
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ # all other arguments are used as file names
+ if self._bufsize:
+ return open(string, self._mode, self._bufsize)
+ else:
+ return open(string, self._mode)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ args = [self._mode, self._bufsize]
+ args_str = ', '.join([repr(arg) for arg in args if arg is not None])
+ return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, args_str)
+# ===========================
+# Optional and Positional Parsing
+# ===========================
+class Namespace(_AttributeHolder):
+ """Simple object for storing attributes.
+ Implements equality by attribute names and values, and provides a simple
+ string representation.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ for name in kwargs:
+ setattr(self, name, kwargs[name])
+ __hash__ = None
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return vars(self) == vars(other)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not (self == other)
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return key in self.__dict__
+class _ActionsContainer(object):
+ def __init__(self,
+ description,
+ prefix_chars,
+ argument_default,
+ conflict_handler):
+ super(_ActionsContainer, self).__init__()
+ self.description = description
+ self.argument_default = argument_default
+ self.prefix_chars = prefix_chars
+ self.conflict_handler = conflict_handler
+ # set up registries
+ self._registries = {}
+ # register actions
+ self.register('action', None, _StoreAction)
+ self.register('action', 'store', _StoreAction)
+ self.register('action', 'store_const', _StoreConstAction)
+ self.register('action', 'store_true', _StoreTrueAction)
+ self.register('action', 'store_false', _StoreFalseAction)
+ self.register('action', 'append', _AppendAction)
+ self.register('action', 'append_const', _AppendConstAction)
+ self.register('action', 'count', _CountAction)
+ self.register('action', 'help', _HelpAction)
+ self.register('action', 'version', _VersionAction)
+ self.register('action', 'parsers', _SubParsersAction)
+ # raise an exception if the conflict handler is invalid
+ self._get_handler()
+ # action storage
+ self._actions = []
+ self._option_string_actions = {}
+ # groups
+ self._action_groups = []
+ self._mutually_exclusive_groups = []
+ # defaults storage
+ self._defaults = {}
+ # determines whether an "option" looks like a negative number
+ self._negative_number_matcher = _re.compile(r'^-\d+$|^-\d*\.\d+$')
+ # whether or not there are any optionals that look like negative
+ # numbers -- uses a list so it can be shared and edited
+ self._has_negative_number_optionals = []
+ # ====================
+ # Registration methods
+ # ====================
+ def register(self, registry_name, value, object):
+ registry = self._registries.setdefault(registry_name, {})
+ registry[value] = object
+ def _registry_get(self, registry_name, value, default=None):
+ return self._registries[registry_name].get(value, default)
+ # ==================================
+ # Namespace default accessor methods
+ # ==================================
+ def set_defaults(self, **kwargs):
+ self._defaults.update(kwargs)
+ # if these defaults match any existing arguments, replace
+ # the previous default on the object with the new one
+ for action in self._actions:
+ if action.dest in kwargs:
+ action.default = kwargs[action.dest]
+ def get_default(self, dest):
+ for action in self._actions:
+ if action.dest == dest and action.default is not None:
+ return action.default
+ return self._defaults.get(dest, None)
+ # =======================
+ # Adding argument actions
+ # =======================
+ def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ add_argument(dest, ..., name=value, ...)
+ add_argument(option_string, option_string, ..., name=value, ...)
+ """
+ # if no positional args are supplied or only one is supplied and
+ # it doesn't look like an option string, parse a positional
+ # argument
+ chars = self.prefix_chars
+ if not args or len(args) == 1 and args[0][0] not in chars:
+ if args and 'dest' in kwargs:
+ raise ValueError('dest supplied twice for positional argument')
+ kwargs = self._get_positional_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)
+ # otherwise, we're adding an optional argument
+ else:
+ kwargs = self._get_optional_kwargs(*args, **kwargs)
+ # if no default was supplied, use the parser-level default
+ if 'default' not in kwargs:
+ dest = kwargs['dest']
+ if dest in self._defaults:
+ kwargs['default'] = self._defaults[dest]
+ elif self.argument_default is not None:
+ kwargs['default'] = self.argument_default
+ # create the action object, and add it to the parser
+ action_class = self._pop_action_class(kwargs)
+ if not _callable(action_class):
+ raise ValueError('unknown action "%s"' % action_class)
+ action = action_class(**kwargs)
+ # raise an error if the action type is not callable
+ type_func = self._registry_get('type', action.type, action.type)
+ if not _callable(type_func):
+ raise ValueError('%r is not callable' % type_func)
+ return self._add_action(action)
+ def add_argument_group(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ group = _ArgumentGroup(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self._action_groups.append(group)
+ return group
+ def add_mutually_exclusive_group(self, **kwargs):
+ group = _MutuallyExclusiveGroup(self, **kwargs)
+ self._mutually_exclusive_groups.append(group)
+ return group
+ def _add_action(self, action):
+ # resolve any conflicts
+ self._check_conflict(action)
+ # add to actions list
+ self._actions.append(action)
+ action.container = self
+ # index the action by any option strings it has
+ for option_string in action.option_strings:
+ self._option_string_actions[option_string] = action
+ # set the flag if any option strings look like negative numbers
+ for option_string in action.option_strings:
+ if self._negative_number_matcher.match(option_string):
+ if not self._has_negative_number_optionals:
+ self._has_negative_number_optionals.append(True)
+ # return the created action
+ return action
+ def _remove_action(self, action):
+ self._actions.remove(action)
+ def _add_container_actions(self, container):
+ # collect groups by titles
+ title_group_map = {}
+ for group in self._action_groups:
+ if group.title in title_group_map:
+ msg = _('cannot merge actions - two groups are named %r')
+ raise ValueError(msg % (group.title))
+ title_group_map[group.title] = group
+ # map each action to its group
+ group_map = {}
+ for group in container._action_groups:
+ # if a group with the title exists, use that, otherwise
+ # create a new group matching the container's group
+ if group.title not in title_group_map:
+ title_group_map[group.title] = self.add_argument_group(
+ title=group.title,
+ description=group.description,
+ conflict_handler=group.conflict_handler)
+ # map the actions to their new group
+ for action in group._group_actions:
+ group_map[action] = title_group_map[group.title]
+ # add container's mutually exclusive groups
+ # NOTE: if add_mutually_exclusive_group ever gains title= and
+ # description= then this code will need to be expanded as above
+ for group in container._mutually_exclusive_groups:
+ mutex_group = self.add_mutually_exclusive_group(
+ required=group.required)
+ # map the actions to their new mutex group
+ for action in group._group_actions:
+ group_map[action] = mutex_group
+ # add all actions to this container or their group
+ for action in container._actions:
+ group_map.get(action, self)._add_action(action)
+ def _get_positional_kwargs(self, dest, **kwargs):
+ # make sure required is not specified
+ if 'required' in kwargs:
+ msg = _("'required' is an invalid argument for positionals")
+ raise TypeError(msg)
+ # mark positional arguments as required if at least one is
+ # always required
+ if kwargs.get('nargs') not in [OPTIONAL, ZERO_OR_MORE]:
+ kwargs['required'] = True
+ if kwargs.get('nargs') == ZERO_OR_MORE and 'default' not in kwargs:
+ kwargs['required'] = True
+ # return the keyword arguments with no option strings
+ return dict(kwargs, dest=dest, option_strings=[])
+ def _get_optional_kwargs(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ # determine short and long option strings
+ option_strings = []
+ long_option_strings = []
+ for option_string in args:
+ # error on strings that don't start with an appropriate prefix
+ if not option_string[0] in self.prefix_chars:
+ msg = _('invalid option string %r: '
+ 'must start with a character %r')
+ tup = option_string, self.prefix_chars
+ raise ValueError(msg % tup)
+ # strings starting with two prefix characters are long options
+ option_strings.append(option_string)
+ if option_string[0] in self.prefix_chars:
+ if len(option_string) > 1:
+ if option_string[1] in self.prefix_chars:
+ long_option_strings.append(option_string)
+ # infer destination, '--foo-bar' -> 'foo_bar' and '-x' -> 'x'
+ dest = kwargs.pop('dest', None)
+ if dest is None:
+ if long_option_strings:
+ dest_option_string = long_option_strings[0]
+ else:
+ dest_option_string = option_strings[0]
+ dest = dest_option_string.lstrip(self.prefix_chars)
+ if not dest:
+ msg = _('dest= is required for options like %r')
+ raise ValueError(msg % option_string)
+ dest = dest.replace('-', '_')
+ # return the updated keyword arguments
+ return dict(kwargs, dest=dest, option_strings=option_strings)
+ def _pop_action_class(self, kwargs, default=None):
+ action = kwargs.pop('action', default)
+ return self._registry_get('action', action, action)
+ def _get_handler(self):
+ # determine function from conflict handler string
+ handler_func_name = '_handle_conflict_%s' % self.conflict_handler
+ try:
+ return getattr(self, handler_func_name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ msg = _('invalid conflict_resolution value: %r')
+ raise ValueError(msg % self.conflict_handler)
+ def _check_conflict(self, action):
+ # find all options that conflict with this option
+ confl_optionals = []
+ for option_string in action.option_strings:
+ if option_string in self._option_string_actions:
+ confl_optional = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
+ confl_optionals.append((option_string, confl_optional))
+ # resolve any conflicts
+ if confl_optionals:
+ conflict_handler = self._get_handler()
+ conflict_handler(action, confl_optionals)
+ def _handle_conflict_error(self, action, conflicting_actions):
+ message = _('conflicting option string(s): %s')
+ conflict_string = ', '.join([option_string
+ for option_string, action
+ in conflicting_actions])
+ raise ArgumentError(action, message % conflict_string)
+ def _handle_conflict_resolve(self, action, conflicting_actions):
+ # remove all conflicting options
+ for option_string, action in conflicting_actions:
+ # remove the conflicting option
+ action.option_strings.remove(option_string)
+ self._option_string_actions.pop(option_string, None)
+ # if the option now has no option string, remove it from the
+ # container holding it
+ if not action.option_strings:
+ action.container._remove_action(action)
+class _ArgumentGroup(_ActionsContainer):
+ def __init__(self, container, title=None, description=None, **kwargs):
+ # add any missing keyword arguments by checking the container
+ update = kwargs.setdefault
+ update('conflict_handler', container.conflict_handler)
+ update('prefix_chars', container.prefix_chars)
+ update('argument_default', container.argument_default)
+ super_init = super(_ArgumentGroup, self).__init__
+ super_init(description=description, **kwargs)
+ # group attributes
+ self.title = title
+ self._group_actions = []
+ # share most attributes with the container
+ self._registries = container._registries
+ self._actions = container._actions
+ self._option_string_actions = container._option_string_actions
+ self._defaults = container._defaults
+ self._has_negative_number_optionals = \
+ container._has_negative_number_optionals
+ def _add_action(self, action):
+ action = super(_ArgumentGroup, self)._add_action(action)
+ self._group_actions.append(action)
+ return action
+ def _remove_action(self, action):
+ super(_ArgumentGroup, self)._remove_action(action)
+ self._group_actions.remove(action)
+class _MutuallyExclusiveGroup(_ArgumentGroup):
+ def __init__(self, container, required=False):
+ super(_MutuallyExclusiveGroup, self).__init__(container)
+ self.required = required
+ self._container = container
+ def _add_action(self, action):
+ if action.required:
+ msg = _('mutually exclusive arguments must be optional')
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ action = self._container._add_action(action)
+ self._group_actions.append(action)
+ return action
+ def _remove_action(self, action):
+ self._container._remove_action(action)
+ self._group_actions.remove(action)
+class ArgumentParser(_AttributeHolder, _ActionsContainer):
+ """Object for parsing command line strings into Python objects.
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ - prog -- The name of the program (default: sys.argv[0])
+ - usage -- A usage message (default: auto-generated from arguments)
+ - description -- A description of what the program does
+ - epilog -- Text following the argument descriptions
+ - parents -- Parsers whose arguments should be copied into this one
+ - formatter_class -- HelpFormatter class for printing help messages
+ - prefix_chars -- Characters that prefix optional arguments
+ - fromfile_prefix_chars -- Characters that prefix files containing
+ additional arguments
+ - argument_default -- The default value for all arguments
+ - conflict_handler -- String indicating how to handle conflicts
+ - add_help -- Add a -h/-help option
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ prog=None,
+ usage=None,
+ description=None,
+ epilog=None,
+ version=None,
+ parents=[],
+ formatter_class=HelpFormatter,
+ prefix_chars='-',
+ fromfile_prefix_chars=None,
+ argument_default=None,
+ conflict_handler='error',
+ add_help=True):
+ if version is not None:
+ import warnings
+ warnings.warn(
+ """The "version" argument to ArgumentParser is deprecated. """
+ """Please use """
+ """"add_argument(..., action='version', version="N", ...)" """
+ """instead""", DeprecationWarning)
+ superinit = super(ArgumentParser, self).__init__
+ superinit(description=description,
+ prefix_chars=prefix_chars,
+ argument_default=argument_default,
+ conflict_handler=conflict_handler)
+ # default setting for prog
+ if prog is None:
+ prog = _os.path.basename(_sys.argv[0])
+ self.prog = prog
+ self.usage = usage
+ self.epilog = epilog
+ self.version = version
+ self.formatter_class = formatter_class
+ self.fromfile_prefix_chars = fromfile_prefix_chars
+ self.add_help = add_help
+ add_group = self.add_argument_group
+ self._positionals = add_group(_('positional arguments'))
+ self._optionals = add_group(_('optional arguments'))
+ self._subparsers = None
+ # register types
+ def identity(string):
+ return string
+ self.register('type', None, identity)
+ # add help and version arguments if necessary
+ # (using explicit default to override global argument_default)
+ default_prefix = '-' if '-' in prefix_chars else prefix_chars[0]
+ if self.add_help:
+ self.add_argument(
+ default_prefix+'h', default_prefix*2+'help',
+ action='help', default=SUPPRESS,
+ help=_('show this help message and exit'))
+ if self.version:
+ self.add_argument(
+ default_prefix+'v', default_prefix*2+'version',
+ action='version', default=SUPPRESS,
+ version=self.version,
+ help=_("show program's version number and exit"))
+ # add parent arguments and defaults
+ for parent in parents:
+ self._add_container_actions(parent)
+ try:
+ defaults = parent._defaults
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self._defaults.update(defaults)
+ # =======================
+ # Pretty __repr__ methods
+ # =======================
+ def _get_kwargs(self):
+ names = [
+ 'prog',
+ 'usage',
+ 'description',
+ 'version',
+ 'formatter_class',
+ 'conflict_handler',
+ 'add_help',
+ ]
+ return [(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in names]
+ # ==================================
+ # Optional/Positional adding methods
+ # ==================================
+ def add_subparsers(self, **kwargs):
+ if self._subparsers is not None:
+ self.error(_('cannot have multiple subparser arguments'))
+ # add the parser class to the arguments if it's not present
+ kwargs.setdefault('parser_class', type(self))
+ if 'title' in kwargs or 'description' in kwargs:
+ title = _(kwargs.pop('title', 'subcommands'))
+ description = _(kwargs.pop('description', None))
+ self._subparsers = self.add_argument_group(title, description)
+ else:
+ self._subparsers = self._positionals
+ # prog defaults to the usage message of this parser, skipping
+ # optional arguments and with no "usage:" prefix
+ if kwargs.get('prog') is None:
+ formatter = self._get_formatter()
+ positionals = self._get_positional_actions()
+ groups = self._mutually_exclusive_groups
+ formatter.add_usage(self.usage, positionals, groups, '')
+ kwargs['prog'] = formatter.format_help().strip()
+ # create the parsers action and add it to the positionals list
+ parsers_class = self._pop_action_class(kwargs, 'parsers')
+ action = parsers_class(option_strings=[], **kwargs)
+ self._subparsers._add_action(action)
+ # return the created parsers action
+ return action
+ def _add_action(self, action):
+ if action.option_strings:
+ self._optionals._add_action(action)
+ else:
+ self._positionals._add_action(action)
+ return action
+ def _get_optional_actions(self):
+ return [action
+ for action in self._actions
+ if action.option_strings]
+ def _get_positional_actions(self):
+ return [action
+ for action in self._actions
+ if not action.option_strings]
+ # =====================================
+ # Command line argument parsing methods
+ # =====================================
+ def parse_args(self, args=None, namespace=None):
+ args, argv = self.parse_known_args(args, namespace)
+ if argv:
+ msg = _('unrecognized arguments: %s')
+ self.error(msg % ' '.join(argv))
+ return args
+ def parse_known_args(self, args=None, namespace=None):
+ # args default to the system args
+ if args is None:
+ args = _sys.argv[1:]
+ # default Namespace built from parser defaults
+ if namespace is None:
+ namespace = Namespace()
+ # add any action defaults that aren't present
+ for action in self._actions:
+ if action.dest is not SUPPRESS:
+ if not hasattr(namespace, action.dest):
+ if action.default is not SUPPRESS:
+ default = action.default
+ if isinstance(action.default, basestring):
+ default = self._get_value(action, default)
+ setattr(namespace, action.dest, default)
+ # add any parser defaults that aren't present
+ for dest in self._defaults:
+ if not hasattr(namespace, dest):
+ setattr(namespace, dest, self._defaults[dest])
+ # parse the arguments and exit if there are any errors
+ try:
+ namespace, args = self._parse_known_args(args, namespace)
+ if hasattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR):
+ args.extend(getattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR))
+ delattr(namespace, _UNRECOGNIZED_ARGS_ATTR)
+ return namespace, args
+ except ArgumentError:
+ err = _sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.error(str(err))
+ def _parse_known_args(self, arg_strings, namespace):
+ # replace arg strings that are file references
+ if self.fromfile_prefix_chars is not None:
+ arg_strings = self._read_args_from_files(arg_strings)
+ # map all mutually exclusive arguments to the other arguments
+ # they can't occur with
+ action_conflicts = {}
+ for mutex_group in self._mutually_exclusive_groups:
+ group_actions = mutex_group._group_actions
+ for i, mutex_action in enumerate(mutex_group._group_actions):
+ conflicts = action_conflicts.setdefault(mutex_action, [])
+ conflicts.extend(group_actions[:i])
+ conflicts.extend(group_actions[i + 1:])
+ # find all option indices, and determine the arg_string_pattern
+ # which has an 'O' if there is an option at an index,
+ # an 'A' if there is an argument, or a '-' if there is a '--'
+ option_string_indices = {}
+ arg_string_pattern_parts = []
+ arg_strings_iter = iter(arg_strings)
+ for i, arg_string in enumerate(arg_strings_iter):
+ # all args after -- are non-options
+ if arg_string == '--':
+ arg_string_pattern_parts.append('-')
+ for arg_string in arg_strings_iter:
+ arg_string_pattern_parts.append('A')
+ # otherwise, add the arg to the arg strings
+ # and note the index if it was an option
+ else:
+ option_tuple = self._parse_optional(arg_string)
+ if option_tuple is None:
+ pattern = 'A'
+ else:
+ option_string_indices[i] = option_tuple
+ pattern = 'O'
+ arg_string_pattern_parts.append(pattern)
+ # join the pieces together to form the pattern
+ arg_strings_pattern = ''.join(arg_string_pattern_parts)
+ # converts arg strings to the appropriate and then takes the action
+ seen_actions = set()
+ seen_non_default_actions = set()
+ def take_action(action, argument_strings, option_string=None):
+ seen_actions.add(action)
+ argument_values = self._get_values(action, argument_strings)
+ # error if this argument is not allowed with other previously
+ # seen arguments, assuming that actions that use the default
+ # value don't really count as "present"
+ if argument_values is not action.default:
+ seen_non_default_actions.add(action)
+ for conflict_action in action_conflicts.get(action, []):
+ if conflict_action in seen_non_default_actions:
+ msg = _('not allowed with argument %s')
+ action_name = _get_action_name(conflict_action)
+ raise ArgumentError(action, msg % action_name)
+ # take the action if we didn't receive a SUPPRESS value
+ # (e.g. from a default)
+ if argument_values is not SUPPRESS:
+ action(self, namespace, argument_values, option_string)
+ # function to convert arg_strings into an optional action
+ def consume_optional(start_index):
+ # get the optional identified at this index
+ option_tuple = option_string_indices[start_index]
+ action, option_string, explicit_arg = option_tuple
+ # identify additional optionals in the same arg string
+ # (e.g. -xyz is the same as -x -y -z if no args are required)
+ match_argument = self._match_argument
+ action_tuples = []
+ while True:
+ # if we found no optional action, skip it
+ if action is None:
+ extras.append(arg_strings[start_index])
+ return start_index + 1
+ # if there is an explicit argument, try to match the
+ # optional's string arguments to only this
+ if explicit_arg is not None:
+ arg_count = match_argument(action, 'A')
+ # if the action is a single-dash option and takes no
+ # arguments, try to parse more single-dash options out
+ # of the tail of the option string
+ chars = self.prefix_chars
+ if arg_count == 0 and option_string[1] not in chars:
+ action_tuples.append((action, [], option_string))
+ char = option_string[0]
+ option_string = char + explicit_arg[0]
+ new_explicit_arg = explicit_arg[1:] or None
+ optionals_map = self._option_string_actions
+ if option_string in optionals_map:
+ action = optionals_map[option_string]
+ explicit_arg = new_explicit_arg
+ else:
+ msg = _('ignored explicit argument %r')
+ raise ArgumentError(action, msg % explicit_arg)
+ # if the action expect exactly one argument, we've
+ # successfully matched the option; exit the loop
+ elif arg_count == 1:
+ stop = start_index + 1
+ args = [explicit_arg]
+ action_tuples.append((action, args, option_string))
+ break
+ # error if a double-dash option did not use the
+ # explicit argument
+ else:
+ msg = _('ignored explicit argument %r')
+ raise ArgumentError(action, msg % explicit_arg)
+ # if there is no explicit argument, try to match the
+ # optional's string arguments with the following strings
+ # if successful, exit the loop
+ else:
+ start = start_index + 1
+ selected_patterns = arg_strings_pattern[start:]
+ arg_count = match_argument(action, selected_patterns)
+ stop = start + arg_count
+ args = arg_strings[start:stop]
+ action_tuples.append((action, args, option_string))
+ break
+ # add the Optional to the list and return the index at which
+ # the Optional's string args stopped
+ assert action_tuples
+ for action, args, option_string in action_tuples:
+ take_action(action, args, option_string)
+ return stop
+ # the list of Positionals left to be parsed; this is modified
+ # by consume_positionals()
+ positionals = self._get_positional_actions()
+ # function to convert arg_strings into positional actions
+ def consume_positionals(start_index):
+ # match as many Positionals as possible
+ match_partial = self._match_arguments_partial
+ selected_pattern = arg_strings_pattern[start_index:]
+ arg_counts = match_partial(positionals, selected_pattern)
+ # slice off the appropriate arg strings for each Positional
+ # and add the Positional and its args to the list
+ for action, arg_count in zip(positionals, arg_counts):
+ args = arg_strings[start_index: start_index + arg_count]
+ start_index += arg_count
+ take_action(action, args)
+ # slice off the Positionals that we just parsed and return the
+ # index at which the Positionals' string args stopped
+ positionals[:] = positionals[len(arg_counts):]
+ return start_index
+ # consume Positionals and Optionals alternately, until we have
+ # passed the last option string
+ extras = []
+ start_index = 0
+ if option_string_indices:
+ max_option_string_index = max(option_string_indices)
+ else:
+ max_option_string_index = -1
+ while start_index <= max_option_string_index:
+ # consume any Positionals preceding the next option
+ next_option_string_index = min([
+ index
+ for index in option_string_indices
+ if index >= start_index])
+ if start_index != next_option_string_index:
+ positionals_end_index = consume_positionals(start_index)
+ # only try to parse the next optional if we didn't consume
+ # the option string during the positionals parsing
+ if positionals_end_index > start_index:
+ start_index = positionals_end_index
+ continue
+ else:
+ start_index = positionals_end_index
+ # if we consumed all the positionals we could and we're not
+ # at the index of an option string, there were extra arguments
+ if start_index not in option_string_indices:
+ strings = arg_strings[start_index:next_option_string_index]
+ extras.extend(strings)
+ start_index = next_option_string_index
+ # consume the next optional and any arguments for it
+ start_index = consume_optional(start_index)
+ # consume any positionals following the last Optional
+ stop_index = consume_positionals(start_index)
+ # if we didn't consume all the argument strings, there were extras
+ extras.extend(arg_strings[stop_index:])
+ # if we didn't use all the Positional objects, there were too few
+ # arg strings supplied.
+ if positionals:
+ self.error(_('too few arguments'))
+ # make sure all required actions were present
+ for action in self._actions:
+ if action.required:
+ if action not in seen_actions:
+ name = _get_action_name(action)
+ self.error(_('argument %s is required') % name)
+ # make sure all required groups had one option present
+ for group in self._mutually_exclusive_groups:
+ if group.required:
+ for action in group._group_actions:
+ if action in seen_non_default_actions:
+ break
+ # if no actions were used, report the error
+ else:
+ names = [_get_action_name(action)
+ for action in group._group_actions
+ if is not SUPPRESS]
+ msg = _('one of the arguments %s is required')
+ self.error(msg % ' '.join(names))
+ # return the updated namespace and the extra arguments
+ return namespace, extras
+ def _read_args_from_files(self, arg_strings):
+ # expand arguments referencing files
+ new_arg_strings = []
+ for arg_string in arg_strings:
+ # for regular arguments, just add them back into the list
+ if arg_string[0] not in self.fromfile_prefix_chars:
+ new_arg_strings.append(arg_string)
+ # replace arguments referencing files with the file content
+ else:
+ try:
+ args_file = open(arg_string[1:])
+ try:
+ arg_strings = []
+ for arg_line in
+ for arg in self.convert_arg_line_to_args(arg_line):
+ arg_strings.append(arg)
+ arg_strings = self._read_args_from_files(arg_strings)
+ new_arg_strings.extend(arg_strings)
+ finally:
+ args_file.close()
+ except IOError:
+ err = _sys.exc_info()[1]
+ self.error(str(err))
+ # return the modified argument list
+ return new_arg_strings
+ def convert_arg_line_to_args(self, arg_line):
+ return [arg_line]
+ def _match_argument(self, action, arg_strings_pattern):
+ # match the pattern for this action to the arg strings
+ nargs_pattern = self._get_nargs_pattern(action)
+ match = _re.match(nargs_pattern, arg_strings_pattern)
+ # raise an exception if we weren't able to find a match
+ if match is None:
+ nargs_errors = {
+ None: _('expected one argument'),
+ OPTIONAL: _('expected at most one argument'),
+ ONE_OR_MORE: _('expected at least one argument'),
+ }
+ default = _('expected %s argument(s)') % action.nargs
+ msg = nargs_errors.get(action.nargs, default)
+ raise ArgumentError(action, msg)
+ # return the number of arguments matched
+ return len(
+ def _match_arguments_partial(self, actions, arg_strings_pattern):
+ # progressively shorten the actions list by slicing off the
+ # final actions until we find a match
+ result = []
+ for i in range(len(actions), 0, -1):
+ actions_slice = actions[:i]
+ pattern = ''.join([self._get_nargs_pattern(action)
+ for action in actions_slice])
+ match = _re.match(pattern, arg_strings_pattern)
+ if match is not None:
+ result.extend([len(string) for string in match.groups()])
+ break
+ # return the list of arg string counts
+ return result
+ def _parse_optional(self, arg_string):
+ # if it's an empty string, it was meant to be a positional
+ if not arg_string:
+ return None
+ # if it doesn't start with a prefix, it was meant to be positional
+ if not arg_string[0] in self.prefix_chars:
+ return None
+ # if the option string is present in the parser, return the action
+ if arg_string in self._option_string_actions:
+ action = self._option_string_actions[arg_string]
+ return action, arg_string, None
+ # if it's just a single character, it was meant to be positional
+ if len(arg_string) == 1:
+ return None
+ # if the option string before the "=" is present, return the action
+ if '=' in arg_string:
+ option_string, explicit_arg = arg_string.split('=', 1)
+ if option_string in self._option_string_actions:
+ action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
+ return action, option_string, explicit_arg
+ # search through all possible prefixes of the option string
+ # and all actions in the parser for possible interpretations
+ option_tuples = self._get_option_tuples(arg_string)
+ # if multiple actions match, the option string was ambiguous
+ if len(option_tuples) > 1:
+ options = ', '.join([option_string
+ for action, option_string, explicit_arg in option_tuples])
+ tup = arg_string, options
+ self.error(_('ambiguous option: %s could match %s') % tup)
+ # if exactly one action matched, this segmentation is good,
+ # so return the parsed action
+ elif len(option_tuples) == 1:
+ option_tuple, = option_tuples
+ return option_tuple
+ # if it was not found as an option, but it looks like a negative
+ # number, it was meant to be positional
+ # unless there are negative-number-like options
+ if self._negative_number_matcher.match(arg_string):
+ if not self._has_negative_number_optionals:
+ return None
+ # if it contains a space, it was meant to be a positional
+ if ' ' in arg_string:
+ return None
+ # it was meant to be an optional but there is no such option
+ # in this parser (though it might be a valid option in a subparser)
+ return None, arg_string, None
+ def _get_option_tuples(self, option_string):
+ result = []
+ # option strings starting with two prefix characters are only
+ # split at the '='
+ chars = self.prefix_chars
+ if option_string[0] in chars and option_string[1] in chars:
+ if '=' in option_string:
+ option_prefix, explicit_arg = option_string.split('=', 1)
+ else:
+ option_prefix = option_string
+ explicit_arg = None
+ for option_string in self._option_string_actions:
+ if option_string.startswith(option_prefix):
+ action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
+ tup = action, option_string, explicit_arg
+ result.append(tup)
+ # single character options can be concatenated with their arguments
+ # but multiple character options always have to have their argument
+ # separate
+ elif option_string[0] in chars and option_string[1] not in chars:
+ option_prefix = option_string
+ explicit_arg = None
+ short_option_prefix = option_string[:2]
+ short_explicit_arg = option_string[2:]
+ for option_string in self._option_string_actions:
+ if option_string == short_option_prefix:
+ action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
+ tup = action, option_string, short_explicit_arg
+ result.append(tup)
+ elif option_string.startswith(option_prefix):
+ action = self._option_string_actions[option_string]
+ tup = action, option_string, explicit_arg
+ result.append(tup)
+ # shouldn't ever get here
+ else:
+ self.error(_('unexpected option string: %s') % option_string)
+ # return the collected option tuples
+ return result
+ def _get_nargs_pattern(self, action):
+ # in all examples below, we have to allow for '--' args
+ # which are represented as '-' in the pattern
+ nargs = action.nargs
+ # the default (None) is assumed to be a single argument
+ if nargs is None:
+ nargs_pattern = '(-*A-*)'
+ # allow zero or one arguments
+ elif nargs == OPTIONAL:
+ nargs_pattern = '(-*A?-*)'
+ # allow zero or more arguments
+ elif nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE:
+ nargs_pattern = '(-*[A-]*)'
+ # allow one or more arguments
+ elif nargs == ONE_OR_MORE:
+ nargs_pattern = '(-*A[A-]*)'
+ # allow any number of options or arguments
+ elif nargs == REMAINDER:
+ nargs_pattern = '([-AO]*)'
+ # allow one argument followed by any number of options or arguments
+ elif nargs == PARSER:
+ nargs_pattern = '(-*A[-AO]*)'
+ # all others should be integers
+ else:
+ nargs_pattern = '(-*%s-*)' % '-*'.join('A' * nargs)
+ # if this is an optional action, -- is not allowed
+ if action.option_strings:
+ nargs_pattern = nargs_pattern.replace('-*', '')
+ nargs_pattern = nargs_pattern.replace('-', '')
+ # return the pattern
+ return nargs_pattern
+ # ========================
+ # Value conversion methods
+ # ========================
+ def _get_values(self, action, arg_strings):
+ # for everything but PARSER args, strip out '--'
+ if action.nargs not in [PARSER, REMAINDER]:
+ arg_strings = [s for s in arg_strings if s != '--']
+ # optional argument produces a default when not present
+ if not arg_strings and action.nargs == OPTIONAL:
+ if action.option_strings:
+ value = action.const
+ else:
+ value = action.default
+ if isinstance(value, basestring):
+ value = self._get_value(action, value)
+ self._check_value(action, value)
+ # when nargs='*' on a positional, if there were no command-line
+ # args, use the default if it is anything other than None
+ elif (not arg_strings and action.nargs == ZERO_OR_MORE and
+ not action.option_strings):
+ if action.default is not None:
+ value = action.default
+ else:
+ value = arg_strings
+ self._check_value(action, value)
+ # single argument or optional argument produces a single value
+ elif len(arg_strings) == 1 and action.nargs in [None, OPTIONAL]:
+ arg_string, = arg_strings
+ value = self._get_value(action, arg_string)
+ self._check_value(action, value)
+ # REMAINDER arguments convert all values, checking none
+ elif action.nargs == REMAINDER:
+ value = [self._get_value(action, v) for v in arg_strings]
+ # PARSER arguments convert all values, but check only the first
+ elif action.nargs == PARSER:
+ value = [self._get_value(action, v) for v in arg_strings]
+ self._check_value(action, value[0])
+ # all other types of nargs produce a list
+ else:
+ value = [self._get_value(action, v) for v in arg_strings]
+ for v in value:
+ self._check_value(action, v)
+ # return the converted value
+ return value
+ def _get_value(self, action, arg_string):
+ type_func = self._registry_get('type', action.type, action.type)
+ if not _callable(type_func):
+ msg = _('%r is not callable')
+ raise ArgumentError(action, msg % type_func)
+ # convert the value to the appropriate type
+ try:
+ result = type_func(arg_string)
+ # ArgumentTypeErrors indicate errors
+ except ArgumentTypeError:
+ name = getattr(action.type, '__name__', repr(action.type))
+ msg = str(_sys.exc_info()[1])
+ raise ArgumentError(action, msg)
+ # TypeErrors or ValueErrors also indicate errors
+ except (TypeError, ValueError):
+ name = getattr(action.type, '__name__', repr(action.type))
+ msg = _('invalid %s value: %r')
+ raise ArgumentError(action, msg % (name, arg_string))
+ # return the converted value
+ return result
+ def _check_value(self, action, value):
+ # converted value must be one of the choices (if specified)
+ if action.choices is not None and value not in action.choices:
+ tup = value, ', '.join(map(repr, action.choices))
+ msg = _('invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)') % tup
+ raise ArgumentError(action, msg)
+ # =======================
+ # Help-formatting methods
+ # =======================
+ def format_usage(self):
+ formatter = self._get_formatter()
+ formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions,
+ self._mutually_exclusive_groups)
+ return formatter.format_help()
+ def format_help(self):
+ formatter = self._get_formatter()
+ # usage
+ formatter.add_usage(self.usage, self._actions,
+ self._mutually_exclusive_groups)
+ # description
+ formatter.add_text(self.description)
+ # positionals, optionals and user-defined groups
+ for action_group in self._action_groups:
+ formatter.start_section(action_group.title)
+ formatter.add_text(action_group.description)
+ formatter.add_arguments(action_group._group_actions)
+ formatter.end_section()
+ # epilog
+ formatter.add_text(self.epilog)
+ # determine help from format above
+ return formatter.format_help()
+ def format_version(self):
+ import warnings
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'The format_version method is deprecated -- the "version" '
+ 'argument to ArgumentParser is no longer supported.',
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ formatter = self._get_formatter()
+ formatter.add_text(self.version)
+ return formatter.format_help()
+ def _get_formatter(self):
+ return self.formatter_class(prog=self.prog)
+ # =====================
+ # Help-printing methods
+ # =====================
+ def print_usage(self, file=None):
+ if file is None:
+ file = _sys.stdout
+ self._print_message(self.format_usage(), file)
+ def print_help(self, file=None):
+ if file is None:
+ file = _sys.stdout
+ self._print_message(self.format_help(), file)
+ def print_version(self, file=None):
+ import warnings
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'The print_version method is deprecated -- the "version" '
+ 'argument to ArgumentParser is no longer supported.',
+ DeprecationWarning)
+ self._print_message(self.format_version(), file)
+ def _print_message(self, message, file=None):
+ if message:
+ if file is None:
+ file = _sys.stderr
+ file.write(message)
+ # ===============
+ # Exiting methods
+ # ===============
+ def exit(self, status=0, message=None):
+ if message:
+ self._print_message(message, _sys.stderr)
+ _sys.exit(status)
+ def error(self, message):
+ """error(message: string)
+ Prints a usage message incorporating the message to stderr and
+ exits.
+ If you override this in a subclass, it should not return -- it
+ should either exit or raise an exception.
+ """
+ self.print_usage(_sys.stderr)
+ self.exit(2, _('%s: error: %s\n') % (self.prog, message))
diff --git a/doc/Python-License.txt b/doc/Python-License.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cdb01e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/Python-License.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+Python was created in the early 1990s by Guido van Rossum at Stichting
+Mathematisch Centrum (CWI, see in the Netherlands
+as a successor of a language called ABC. Guido remains Python's
+principal author, although it includes many contributions from others.
+In 1995, Guido continued his work on Python at the Corporation for
+National Research Initiatives (CNRI, see
+in Reston, Virginia where he released several versions of the
+In May 2000, Guido and the Python core development team moved to to form the BeOpen PythonLabs team. In October of the same
+year, the PythonLabs team moved to Digital Creations (now Zope
+Corporation, see In 2001, the Python Software
+Foundation (PSF, see was formed, a
+non-profit organization created specifically to own Python-related
+Intellectual Property. Zope Corporation is a sponsoring member of
+the PSF.
+All Python releases are Open Source (see for
+the Open Source Definition). Historically, most, but not all, Python
+releases have also been GPL-compatible; the table below summarizes
+the various releases.
+ Release Derived Year Owner GPL-
+ from compatible? (1)
+ 0.9.0 thru 1.2 1991-1995 CWI yes
+ 1.3 thru 1.5.2 1.2 1995-1999 CNRI yes
+ 1.6 1.5.2 2000 CNRI no
+ 2.0 1.6 2000 no
+ 1.6.1 1.6 2001 CNRI yes (2)
+ 2.1 2.0+1.6.1 2001 PSF no
+ 2.0.1 2.0+1.6.1 2001 PSF yes
+ 2.1.1 2.1+2.0.1 2001 PSF yes
+ 2.2 2.1.1 2001 PSF yes
+ 2.1.2 2.1.1 2002 PSF yes
+ 2.1.3 2.1.2 2002 PSF yes
+ 2.2.1 2.2 2002 PSF yes
+ 2.2.2 2.2.1 2002 PSF yes
+ 2.2.3 2.2.2 2003 PSF yes
+ 2.3 2.2.2 2002-2003 PSF yes
+ 2.3.1 2.3 2002-2003 PSF yes
+ 2.3.2 2.3.1 2002-2003 PSF yes
+ 2.3.3 2.3.2 2002-2003 PSF yes
+ 2.3.4 2.3.3 2004 PSF yes
+ 2.3.5 2.3.4 2005 PSF yes
+ 2.4 2.3 2004 PSF yes
+ 2.4.1 2.4 2005 PSF yes
+ 2.4.2 2.4.1 2005 PSF yes
+ 2.4.3 2.4.2 2006 PSF yes
+ 2.4.4 2.4.3 2006 PSF yes
+ 2.5 2.4 2006 PSF yes
+ 2.5.1 2.5 2007 PSF yes
+ 2.5.2 2.5.1 2008 PSF yes
+ 2.5.3 2.5.2 2008 PSF yes
+ 2.6 2.5 2008 PSF yes
+ 2.6.1 2.6 2008 PSF yes
+ 2.6.2 2.6.1 2009 PSF yes
+ 2.6.3 2.6.2 2009 PSF yes
+ 2.6.4 2.6.3 2009 PSF yes
+ 2.6.5 2.6.4 2010 PSF yes
+ 2.7 2.6 2010 PSF yes
+(1) GPL-compatible doesn't mean that we're distributing Python under
+ the GPL. All Python licenses, unlike the GPL, let you distribute
+ a modified version without making your changes open source. The
+ GPL-compatible licenses make it possible to combine Python with
+ other software that is released under the GPL; the others don't.
+(2) According to Richard Stallman, 1.6.1 is not GPL-compatible,
+ because its license has a choice of law clause. According to
+ CNRI, however, Stallman's lawyer has told CNRI's lawyer that 1.6.1
+ is "not incompatible" with the GPL.
+Thanks to the many outside volunteers who have worked under Guido's
+direction to make these releases possible.
+1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between the Python Software Foundation
+("PSF"), and the Individual or Organization ("Licensee") accessing and
+otherwise using this software ("Python") in source or binary form and
+its associated documentation.
+2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, PSF hereby
+grants Licensee a nonexclusive, royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduce,
+analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works,
+distribute, and otherwise use Python alone or in any derivative version,
+provided, however, that PSF's License Agreement and PSF's notice of copyright,
+i.e., "Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
+Python Software Foundation; All Rights Reserved" are retained in Python alone or
+in any derivative version prepared by Licensee.
+3. In the event Licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on
+or incorporates Python or any part thereof, and wants to make
+the derivative work available to others as provided herein, then
+Licensee hereby agrees to include in any such work a brief summary of
+the changes made to Python.
+4. PSF is making Python available to Licensee on an "AS IS"
+6. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material
+breach of its terms and conditions.
+7. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any
+relationship of agency, partnership, or joint venture between PSF and
+Licensee. This License Agreement does not grant permission to use PSF
+trademarks or trade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote
+products or services of Licensee, or any third party.
+8. By copying, installing or otherwise using Python, Licensee
+agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License
+1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between ("BeOpen"), having an
+office at 160 Saratoga Avenue, Santa Clara, CA 95051, and the
+Individual or Organization ("Licensee") accessing and otherwise using
+this software in source or binary form and its associated
+documentation ("the Software").
+2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this BeOpen Python License
+Agreement, BeOpen hereby grants Licensee a non-exclusive,
+royalty-free, world-wide license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform
+and/or display publicly, prepare derivative works, distribute, and
+otherwise use the Software alone or in any derivative version,
+provided, however, that the BeOpen Python License is retained in the
+Software, alone or in any derivative version prepared by Licensee.
+3. BeOpen is making the Software available to Licensee on an "AS IS"
+5. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material
+breach of its terms and conditions.
+6. This License Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in all
+respects by the law of the State of California, excluding conflict of
+law provisions. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to
+create any relationship of agency, partnership, or joint venture
+between BeOpen and Licensee. This License Agreement does not grant
+permission to use BeOpen trademarks or trade names in a trademark
+sense to endorse or promote products or services of Licensee, or any
+third party. As an exception, the "BeOpen Python" logos available at
+ may be used according to the
+permissions granted on that web page.
+7. By copying, installing or otherwise using the software, Licensee
+agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License
+1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between the Corporation for National
+Research Initiatives, having an office at 1895 Preston White Drive,
+Reston, VA 20191 ("CNRI"), and the Individual or Organization
+("Licensee") accessing and otherwise using Python 1.6.1 software in
+source or binary form and its associated documentation.
+2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, CNRI
+hereby grants Licensee a nonexclusive, royalty-free, world-wide
+license to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly,
+prepare derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use Python 1.6.1
+alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that CNRI's
+License Agreement and CNRI's notice of copyright, i.e., "Copyright (c)
+1995-2001 Corporation for National Research Initiatives; All Rights
+Reserved" are retained in Python 1.6.1 alone or in any derivative
+version prepared by Licensee. Alternately, in lieu of CNRI's License
+Agreement, Licensee may substitute the following text (omitting the
+quotes): "Python 1.6.1 is made available subject to the terms and
+conditions in CNRI's License Agreement. This Agreement together with
+Python 1.6.1 may be located on the Internet using the following
+unique, persistent identifier (known as a handle): 1895.22/1013. This
+Agreement may also be obtained from a proxy server on the Internet
+using the following URL:".
+3. In the event Licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on
+or incorporates Python 1.6.1 or any part thereof, and wants to make
+the derivative work available to others as provided herein, then
+Licensee hereby agrees to include in any such work a brief summary of
+the changes made to Python 1.6.1.
+4. CNRI is making Python 1.6.1 available to Licensee on an "AS IS"
+6. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material
+breach of its terms and conditions.
+7. This License Agreement shall be governed by the federal
+intellectual property law of the United States, including without
+limitation the federal copyright law, and, to the extent such
+U.S. federal law does not apply, by the law of the Commonwealth of
+Virginia, excluding Virginia's conflict of law provisions.
+Notwithstanding the foregoing, with regard to derivative works based
+on Python 1.6.1 that incorporate non-separable material that was
+previously distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), the
+law of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall govern this License
+Agreement only as to issues arising under or with respect to
+Paragraphs 4, 5, and 7 of this License Agreement. Nothing in this
+License Agreement shall be deemed to create any relationship of
+agency, partnership, or joint venture between CNRI and Licensee. This
+License Agreement does not grant permission to use CNRI trademarks or
+trade name in a trademark sense to endorse or promote products or
+services of Licensee, or any third party.
+8. By clicking on the "ACCEPT" button where indicated, or by copying,
+installing or otherwise using Python 1.6.1, Licensee agrees to be
+bound by the terms and conditions of this License Agreement.
+Copyright (c) 1991 - 1995, Stichting Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam,
+The Netherlands. All rights reserved.
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
+provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
+both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
+supporting documentation, and that the name of Stichting Mathematisch
+Centrum or CWI not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
+distribution of the software without specific, written prior
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+:mod:`argparse` --- Parser for command line options, arguments and sub-commands
+.. module:: argparse
+ :synopsis: Command-line option and argument parsing library.
+.. moduleauthor:: Steven Bethard <>
+.. versionadded:: 2.7
+.. sectionauthor:: Steven Bethard <>
+The :mod:`argparse` module makes it easy to write user friendly command line
+interfaces. The program defines what arguments it requires, and :mod:`argparse`
+will figure out how to parse those out of :data:`sys.argv`. The :mod:`argparse`
+module also automatically generates help and usage messages and issues errors
+when users give the program invalid arguments.
+The following code is a Python program that takes a list of integers and
+produces either the sum or the max::
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.')
+ parser.add_argument('integers', metavar='N', type=int, nargs='+',
+ help='an integer for the accumulator')
+ parser.add_argument('--sum', dest='accumulate', action='store_const',
+ const=sum, default=max,
+ help='sum the integers (default: find the max)')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ print args.accumulate(args.integers)
+Assuming the Python code above is saved into a file called ````, it can
+be run at the command line and provides useful help messages::
+ $ -h
+ usage: [-h] [--sum] N [N ...]
+ Process some integers.
+ positional arguments:
+ N an integer for the accumulator
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --sum sum the integers (default: find the max)
+When run with the appropriate arguments, it prints either the sum or the max of
+the command-line integers::
+ $ 1 2 3 4
+ 4
+ $ 1 2 3 4 --sum
+ 10
+If invalid arguments are passed in, it will issue an error::
+ $ a b c
+ usage: [-h] [--sum] N [N ...]
+ error: argument N: invalid int value: 'a'
+The following sections walk you through this example.
+Creating a parser
+The first step in using the :mod:`argparse` is creating an
+:class:`ArgumentParser` object::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.')
+The :class:`ArgumentParser` object will hold all the information necessary to
+parse the command line into python data types.
+Adding arguments
+Filling an :class:`ArgumentParser` with information about program arguments is
+done by making calls to the :meth:`~ArgumentParser.add_argument` method.
+Generally, these calls tell the :class:`ArgumentParser` how to take the strings
+on the command line and turn them into objects. This information is stored and
+used when :meth:`~ArgumentParser.parse_args` is called. For example::
+ >>> parser.add_argument('integers', metavar='N', type=int, nargs='+',
+ ... help='an integer for the accumulator')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--sum', dest='accumulate', action='store_const',
+ ... const=sum, default=max,
+ ... help='sum the integers (default: find the max)')
+Later, calling :meth:`parse_args` will return an object with
+two attributes, ``integers`` and ``accumulate``. The ``integers`` attribute
+will be a list of one or more ints, and the ``accumulate`` attribute will be
+either the :func:`sum` function, if ``--sum`` was specified at the command line,
+or the :func:`max` function if it was not.
+Parsing arguments
+:class:`ArgumentParser` parses args through the
+:meth:`~ArgumentParser.parse_args` method. This will inspect the command-line,
+convert each arg to the appropriate type and then invoke the appropriate action.
+In most cases, this means a simple namespace object will be built up from
+attributes parsed out of the command-line::
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--sum', '7', '-1', '42'])
+ Namespace(accumulate=<built-in function sum>, integers=[7, -1, 42])
+In a script, :meth:`~ArgumentParser.parse_args` will typically be called with no
+arguments, and the :class:`ArgumentParser` will automatically determine the
+command-line args from :data:`sys.argv`.
+ArgumentParser objects
+.. class:: ArgumentParser([description], [epilog], [prog], [usage], [add_help], [argument_default], [parents], [prefix_chars], [conflict_handler], [formatter_class])
+ Create a new :class:`ArgumentParser` object. Each parameter has its own more
+ detailed description below, but in short they are:
+ * description_ - Text to display before the argument help.
+ * epilog_ - Text to display after the argument help.
+ * add_help_ - Add a -h/--help option to the parser. (default: ``True``)
+ * argument_default_ - Set the global default value for arguments.
+ (default: ``None``)
+ * parents_ - A list of :class:`ArgumentParser` objects whose arguments should
+ also be included.
+ * prefix_chars_ - The set of characters that prefix optional arguments.
+ (default: '-')
+ * fromfile_prefix_chars_ - The set of characters that prefix files from
+ which additional arguments should be read. (default: ``None``)
+ * formatter_class_ - A class for customizing the help output.
+ * conflict_handler_ - Usually unnecessary, defines strategy for resolving
+ conflicting optionals.
+ * prog_ - The name of the program (default:
+ :data:`sys.argv[0]`)
+ * usage_ - The string describing the program usage (default: generated)
+The following sections describe how each of these are used.
+Most calls to the :class:`ArgumentParser` constructor will use the
+``description=`` keyword argument. This argument gives a brief description of
+what the program does and how it works. In help messages, the description is
+displayed between the command-line usage string and the help messages for the
+various arguments::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A foo that bars')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: [-h]
+ A foo that bars
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+By default, the description will be line-wrapped so that it fits within the
+given space. To change this behavior, see the formatter_class_ argument.
+Some programs like to display additional description of the program after the
+description of the arguments. Such text can be specified using the ``epilog=``
+argument to :class:`ArgumentParser`::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ ... description='A foo that bars',
+ ... epilog="And that's how you'd foo a bar")
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: [-h]
+ A foo that bars
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ And that's how you'd foo a bar
+As with the description_ argument, the ``epilog=`` text is by default
+line-wrapped, but this behavior can be adjusted with the formatter_class_
+argument to :class:`ArgumentParser`.
+By default, ArgumentParser objects add an option which simply displays
+the parser's help message. For example, consider a file named
+```` containing the following code::
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--foo', help='foo help')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+If ``-h`` or ``--help`` is supplied is at the command-line, the ArgumentParser
+help will be printed::
+ $ python --help
+ usage: [-h] [--foo FOO]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO foo help
+Occasionally, it may be useful to disable the addition of this help option.
+This can be achieved by passing ``False`` as the ``add_help=`` argument to
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG', add_help=False)
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', help='foo help')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: PROG [--foo FOO]
+ optional arguments:
+ --foo FOO foo help
+The help option is typically ``-h/--help``. The exception to this is
+if the ``prefix_chars=`` is specified and does not include ``'-'``, in
+which case ``-h`` and ``--help`` are not valid options. In
+this case, the first character in ``prefix_chars`` is used to prefix
+the help options::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG', prefix_chars='+/')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: PROG [+h]
+ optional arguments:
+ +h, ++help show this help message and exit
+Most command-line options will use ``'-'`` as the prefix, e.g. ``-f/--foo``.
+Parsers that need to support different or additional prefix
+characters, e.g. for options
+like ``+f`` or ``/foo``, may specify them using the ``prefix_chars=`` argument
+to the ArgumentParser constructor::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG', prefix_chars='-+')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('+f')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('++bar')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('+f X ++bar Y'.split())
+ Namespace(bar='Y', f='X')
+The ``prefix_chars=`` argument defaults to ``'-'``. Supplying a set of
+characters that does not include ``'-'`` will cause ``-f/--foo`` options to be
+Sometimes, for example when dealing with a particularly long argument lists, it
+may make sense to keep the list of arguments in a file rather than typing it out
+at the command line. If the ``fromfile_prefix_chars=`` argument is given to the
+:class:`ArgumentParser` constructor, then arguments that start with any of the
+specified characters will be treated as files, and will be replaced by the
+arguments they contain. For example::
+ >>> with open('args.txt', 'w') as fp:
+ ... fp.write('-f\nbar')
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(fromfile_prefix_chars='@')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-f')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['-f', 'foo', '@args.txt'])
+ Namespace(f='bar')
+Arguments read from a file must by default be one per line (but see also
+:meth:`convert_arg_line_to_args`) and are treated as if they were in the same
+place as the original file referencing argument on the command line. So in the
+example above, the expression ``['-f', 'foo', '@args.txt']`` is considered
+equivalent to the expression ``['-f', 'foo', '-f', 'bar']``.
+The ``fromfile_prefix_chars=`` argument defaults to ``None``, meaning that
+arguments will never be treated as file references.
+Generally, argument defaults are specified either by passing a default to
+:meth:`add_argument` or by calling the :meth:`set_defaults` methods with a
+specific set of name-value pairs. Sometimes however, it may be useful to
+specify a single parser-wide default for arguments. This can be accomplished by
+passing the ``argument_default=`` keyword argument to :class:`ArgumentParser`.
+For example, to globally suppress attribute creation on :meth:`parse_args`
+calls, we supply ``argument_default=SUPPRESS``::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(argument_default=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', nargs='?')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--foo', '1', 'BAR'])
+ Namespace(bar='BAR', foo='1')
+ >>> parser.parse_args([])
+ Namespace()
+Sometimes, several parsers share a common set of arguments. Rather than
+repeating the definitions of these arguments, a single parser with all the
+shared arguments and passed to ``parents=`` argument to :class:`ArgumentParser`
+can be used. The ``parents=`` argument takes a list of :class:`ArgumentParser`
+objects, collects all the positional and optional actions from them, and adds
+these actions to the :class:`ArgumentParser` object being constructed::
+ >>> parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ >>> parent_parser.add_argument('--parent', type=int)
+ >>> foo_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[parent_parser])
+ >>> foo_parser.add_argument('foo')
+ >>> foo_parser.parse_args(['--parent', '2', 'XXX'])
+ Namespace(foo='XXX', parent=2)
+ >>> bar_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[parent_parser])
+ >>> bar_parser.add_argument('--bar')
+ >>> bar_parser.parse_args(['--bar', 'YYY'])
+ Namespace(bar='YYY', parent=None)
+Note that most parent parsers will specify ``add_help=False``. Otherwise, the
+:class:`ArgumentParser` will see two ``-h/--help`` options (one in the parent
+and one in the child) and raise an error.
+:class:`ArgumentParser` objects allow the help formatting to be customized by
+specifying an alternate formatting class. Currently, there are three such
+classes: :class:`argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter`,
+:class:`argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter` and
+:class:`argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter`. The first two allow more
+control over how textual descriptions are displayed, while the last
+automatically adds information about argument default values.
+By default, :class:`ArgumentParser` objects line-wrap the description_ and
+epilog_ texts in command-line help messages::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ ... prog='PROG',
+ ... description='''this description
+ ... was indented weird
+ ... but that is okay''',
+ ... epilog='''
+ ... likewise for this epilog whose whitespace will
+ ... be cleaned up and whose words will be wrapped
+ ... across a couple lines''')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: PROG [-h]
+ this description was indented weird but that is okay
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ likewise for this epilog whose whitespace will be cleaned up and whose words
+ will be wrapped across a couple lines
+Passing :class:`argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter` as ``formatter_class=``
+indicates that description_ and epilog_ are already correctly formatted and
+should not be line-wrapped::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ ... prog='PROG',
+ ... formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ ... description=textwrap.dedent('''\
+ ... Please do not mess up this text!
+ ... --------------------------------
+ ... I have indented it
+ ... exactly the way
+ ... I want it
+ ... '''))
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: PROG [-h]
+ Please do not mess up this text!
+ --------------------------------
+ I have indented it
+ exactly the way
+ I want it
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+:class:`RawTextHelpFormatter` maintains whitespace for all sorts of help text
+including argument descriptions.
+The other formatter class available, :class:`ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter`,
+will add information about the default value of each of the arguments::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ ... prog='PROG',
+ ... formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', type=int, default=42, help='FOO!')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', nargs='*', default=[1, 2, 3], help='BAR!')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo FOO] [bar [bar ...]]
+ positional arguments:
+ bar BAR! (default: [1, 2, 3])
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO FOO! (default: 42)
+:class:`ArgumentParser` objects do not allow two actions with the same option
+string. By default, :class:`ArgumentParser` objects raises an exception if an
+attempt is made to create an argument with an option string that is already in
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-f', '--foo', help='old foo help')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', help='new foo help')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ..
+ ArgumentError: argument --foo: conflicting option string(s): --foo
+Sometimes (e.g. when using parents_) it may be useful to simply override any
+older arguments with the same option string. To get this behavior, the value
+``'resolve'`` can be supplied to the ``conflict_handler=`` argument of
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG', conflict_handler='resolve')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-f', '--foo', help='old foo help')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', help='new foo help')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-f FOO] [--foo FOO]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -f FOO old foo help
+ --foo FOO new foo help
+Note that :class:`ArgumentParser` objects only remove an action if all of its
+option strings are overridden. So, in the example above, the old ``-f/--foo``
+action is retained as the ``-f`` action, because only the ``--foo`` option
+string was overridden.
+By default, :class:`ArgumentParser` objects uses ``sys.argv[0]`` to determine
+how to display the name of the program in help messages. This default is almost
+always desirable because it will make the help messages match how the program was
+invoked on the command line. For example, consider a file named
+```` with the following code::
+ import argparse
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--foo', help='foo help')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+The help for this program will display ```` as the program name
+(regardless of where the program was invoked from)::
+ $ python --help
+ usage: [-h] [--foo FOO]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO foo help
+ $ cd ..
+ $ python subdir\ --help
+ usage: [-h] [--foo FOO]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO foo help
+To change this default behavior, another value can be supplied using the
+``prog=`` argument to :class:`ArgumentParser`::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='myprogram')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: myprogram [-h]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+Note that the program name, whether determined from ``sys.argv[0]`` or from the
+``prog=`` argument, is available to help messages using the ``%(prog)s`` format
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='myprogram')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', help='foo of the %(prog)s program')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: myprogram [-h] [--foo FOO]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO foo of the myprogram program
+By default, :class:`ArgumentParser` calculates the usage message from the
+arguments it contains::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs='?', help='foo help')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', nargs='+', help='bar help')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo [FOO]] bar [bar ...]
+ positional arguments:
+ bar bar help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo [FOO] foo help
+The default message can be overridden with the ``usage=`` keyword argument::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG', usage='%(prog)s [options]')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs='?', help='foo help')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', nargs='+', help='bar help')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: PROG [options]
+ positional arguments:
+ bar bar help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo [FOO] foo help
+The ``%(prog)s`` format specifier is available to fill in the program name in
+your usage messages.
+The add_argument() method
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.add_argument(name or flags..., [action], [nargs], [const], [default], [type], [choices], [required], [help], [metavar], [dest])
+ Define how a single command line argument should be parsed. Each parameter
+ has its own more detailed description below, but in short they are:
+ * `name or flags`_ - Either a name or a list of option strings, e.g. ``foo``
+ or ``-f, --foo``
+ * action_ - The basic type of action to be taken when this argument is
+ encountered at the command-line.
+ * nargs_ - The number of command-line arguments that should be consumed.
+ * const_ - A constant value required by some action_ and nargs_ selections.
+ * default_ - The value produced if the argument is absent from the
+ command-line.
+ * type_ - The type to which the command-line arg should be converted.
+ * choices_ - A container of the allowable values for the argument.
+ * required_ - Whether or not the command-line option may be omitted
+ (optionals only).
+ * help_ - A brief description of what the argument does.
+ * metavar_ - A name for the argument in usage messages.
+ * dest_ - The name of the attribute to be added to the object returned by
+ :meth:`parse_args`.
+The following sections describe how each of these are used.
+name or flags
+The :meth:`add_argument` method must know whether an optional argument, like
+``-f`` or ``--foo``, or a positional argument, like a list of filenames, is
+expected. The first arguments passed to :meth:`add_argument` must therefore be
+either a series of flags, or a simple argument name. For example, an optional
+argument could be created like::
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-f', '--foo')
+while a positional argument could be created like::
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar')
+When :meth:`parse_args` is called, optional arguments will be identified by the
+``-`` prefix, and the remaining arguments will be assumed to be positional::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-f', '--foo')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['BAR'])
+ Namespace(bar='BAR', foo=None)
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['BAR', '--foo', 'FOO'])
+ Namespace(bar='BAR', foo='FOO')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--foo', 'FOO'])
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-f FOO] bar
+ PROG: error: too few arguments
+:class:`ArgumentParser` objects associate command-line args with actions. These
+actions can do just about anything with the command-line args associated with
+them, though most actions simply add an attribute to the object returned by
+:meth:`parse_args`. The ``action`` keyword argument specifies how the
+command-line args should be handled. The supported actions are:
+* ``'store'`` - This just stores the argument's value. This is the default
+ action. For example::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('--foo 1'.split())
+ Namespace(foo='1')
+* ``'store_const'`` - This stores the value specified by the const_ keyword
+ argument. (Note that the const_ keyword argument defaults to the rather
+ unhelpful ``None``.) The ``'store_const'`` action is most commonly used with
+ optional arguments that specify some sort of flag. For example::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', action='store_const', const=42)
+ >>> parser.parse_args('--foo'.split())
+ Namespace(foo=42)
+* ``'store_true'`` and ``'store_false'`` - These store the values ``True`` and
+ ``False`` respectively. These are special cases of ``'store_const'``. For
+ example::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', action='store_true')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--bar', action='store_false')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('--foo --bar'.split())
+ Namespace(bar=False, foo=True)
+* ``'append'`` - This stores a list, and appends each argument value to the
+ list. This is useful to allow an option to be specified multiple times.
+ Example usage::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', action='append')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('--foo 1 --foo 2'.split())
+ Namespace(foo=['1', '2'])
+* ``'append_const'`` - This stores a list, and appends the value specified by
+ the const_ keyword argument to the list. (Note that the const_ keyword
+ argument defaults to ``None``.) The ``'append_const'`` action is typically
+ useful when multiple arguments need to store constants to the same list. For
+ example::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--str', dest='types', action='append_const', const=str)
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--int', dest='types', action='append_const', const=int)
+ >>> parser.parse_args('--str --int'.split())
+ Namespace(types=[<type 'str'>, <type 'int'>])
+* ``'version'`` - This expects a ``version=`` keyword argument in the
+ :meth:`add_argument` call, and prints version information and exits when
+ invoked.
+ >>> import argparse
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 2.0')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--version'])
+ PROG 2.0
+You can also specify an arbitrary action by passing an object that implements
+the Action API. The easiest way to do this is to extend
+:class:`argparse.Action`, supplying an appropriate ``__call__`` method. The
+``__call__`` method should accept four parameters:
+* ``parser`` - The ArgumentParser object which contains this action.
+* ``namespace`` - The namespace object that will be returned by
+ :meth:`parse_args`. Most actions add an attribute to this object.
+* ``values`` - The associated command-line args, with any type-conversions
+ applied. (Type-conversions are specified with the type_ keyword argument to
+ :meth:`add_argument`.
+* ``option_string`` - The option string that was used to invoke this action.
+ The ``option_string`` argument is optional, and will be absent if the action
+ is associated with a positional argument.
+An example of a custom action::
+ >>> class FooAction(argparse.Action):
+ ... def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ ... print '%r %r %r' % (namespace, values, option_string)
+ ... setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
+ ...
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', action=FooAction)
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', action=FooAction)
+ >>> args = parser.parse_args('1 --foo 2'.split())
+ Namespace(bar=None, foo=None) '1' None
+ Namespace(bar='1', foo=None) '2' '--foo'
+ >>> args
+ Namespace(bar='1', foo='2')
+ArgumentParser objects usually associate a single command-line argument with a
+single action to be taken. The ``nargs`` keyword argument associates a
+different number of command-line arguments with a single action.. The supported
+values are:
+* N (an integer). N args from the command-line will be gathered together into a
+ list. For example::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs=2)
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', nargs=1)
+ >>> parser.parse_args('c --foo a b'.split())
+ Namespace(bar=['c'], foo=['a', 'b'])
+ Note that ``nargs=1`` produces a list of one item. This is different from
+ the default, in which the item is produced by itself.
+* ``'?'``. One arg will be consumed from the command-line if possible, and
+ produced as a single item. If no command-line arg is present, the value from
+ default_ will be produced. Note that for optional arguments, there is an
+ additional case - the option string is present but not followed by a
+ command-line arg. In this case the value from const_ will be produced. Some
+ examples to illustrate this::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs='?', const='c', default='d')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', nargs='?', default='d')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('XX --foo YY'.split())
+ Namespace(bar='XX', foo='YY')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('XX --foo'.split())
+ Namespace(bar='XX', foo='c')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(''.split())
+ Namespace(bar='d', foo='d')
+ One of the more common uses of ``nargs='?'`` is to allow optional input and
+ output files::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('infile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
+ ... default=sys.stdin)
+ >>> parser.add_argument('outfile', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('w'),
+ ... default=sys.stdout)
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['input.txt', 'output.txt'])
+ Namespace(infile=<open file 'input.txt', mode 'r' at 0x...>, outfile=<open file 'output.txt', mode 'w' at 0x...>)
+ >>> parser.parse_args([])
+ Namespace(infile=<open file '<stdin>', mode 'r' at 0x...>, outfile=<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w' at 0x...>)
+* ``'*'``. All command-line args present are gathered into a list. Note that
+ it generally doesn't make much sense to have more than one positional argument
+ with ``nargs='*'``, but multiple optional arguments with ``nargs='*'`` is
+ possible. For example::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs='*')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--bar', nargs='*')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('baz', nargs='*')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('a b --foo x y --bar 1 2'.split())
+ Namespace(bar=['1', '2'], baz=['a', 'b'], foo=['x', 'y'])
+* ``'+'``. Just like ``'*'``, all command-line args present are gathered into a
+ list. Additionally, an error message will be generated if there wasn't at
+ least one command-line arg present. For example::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('foo', nargs='+')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('a b'.split())
+ Namespace(foo=['a', 'b'])
+ >>> parser.parse_args(''.split())
+ usage: PROG [-h] foo [foo ...]
+ PROG: error: too few arguments
+If the ``nargs`` keyword argument is not provided, the number of args consumed
+is determined by the action_. Generally this means a single command-line arg
+will be consumed and a single item (not a list) will be produced.
+The ``const`` argument of :meth:`add_argument` is used to hold constant values
+that are not read from the command line but are required for the various
+ArgumentParser actions. The two most common uses of it are:
+* When :meth:`add_argument` is called with ``action='store_const'`` or
+ ``action='append_const'``. These actions add the ``const`` value to one of
+ the attributes of the object returned by :meth:`parse_args`. See the action_
+ description for examples.
+* When :meth:`add_argument` is called with option strings (like ``-f`` or
+ ``--foo``) and ``nargs='?'``. This creates an optional argument that can be
+ followed by zero or one command-line args. When parsing the command-line, if
+ the option string is encountered with no command-line arg following it, the
+ value of ``const`` will be assumed instead. See the nargs_ description for
+ examples.
+The ``const`` keyword argument defaults to ``None``.
+All optional arguments and some positional arguments may be omitted at the
+command-line. The ``default`` keyword argument of :meth:`add_argument`, whose
+value defaults to ``None``, specifies what value should be used if the
+command-line arg is not present. For optional arguments, the ``default`` value
+is used when the option string was not present at the command line::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', default=42)
+ >>> parser.parse_args('--foo 2'.split())
+ Namespace(foo='2')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(''.split())
+ Namespace(foo=42)
+For positional arguments with nargs_ ``='?'`` or ``'*'``, the ``default`` value
+is used when no command-line arg was present::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('foo', nargs='?', default=42)
+ >>> parser.parse_args('a'.split())
+ Namespace(foo='a')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(''.split())
+ Namespace(foo=42)
+Providing ``default=argparse.SUPPRESS`` causes no attribute to be added if the
+command-line argument was not present.::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', default=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ >>> parser.parse_args([])
+ Namespace()
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--foo', '1'])
+ Namespace(foo='1')
+By default, ArgumentParser objects read command-line args in as simple strings.
+However, quite often the command-line string should instead be interpreted as
+another type, like a :class:`float`, :class:`int` or :class:`file`. The
+``type`` keyword argument of :meth:`add_argument` allows any necessary
+type-checking and type-conversions to be performed. Many common built-in types
+can be used directly as the value of the ``type`` argument::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('foo', type=int)
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', type=file)
+ >>> parser.parse_args('2 temp.txt'.split())
+ Namespace(bar=<open file 'temp.txt', mode 'r' at 0x...>, foo=2)
+To ease the use of various types of files, the argparse module provides the
+factory FileType which takes the ``mode=`` and ``bufsize=`` arguments of the
+``file`` object. For example, ``FileType('w')`` can be used to create a
+writable file::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', type=argparse.FileType('w'))
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['out.txt'])
+ Namespace(bar=<open file 'out.txt', mode 'w' at 0x...>)
+``type=`` can take any callable that takes a single string argument and returns
+the type-converted value::
+ >>> def perfect_square(string):
+ ... value = int(string)
+ ... sqrt = math.sqrt(value)
+ ... if sqrt != int(sqrt):
+ ... msg = "%r is not a perfect square" % string
+ ... raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg)
+ ... return value
+ ...
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('foo', type=perfect_square)
+ >>> parser.parse_args('9'.split())
+ Namespace(foo=9)
+ >>> parser.parse_args('7'.split())
+ usage: PROG [-h] foo
+ PROG: error: argument foo: '7' is not a perfect square
+The choices_ keyword argument may be more convenient for type checkers that
+simply check against a range of values::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('foo', type=int, choices=xrange(5, 10))
+ >>> parser.parse_args('7'.split())
+ Namespace(foo=7)
+ >>> parser.parse_args('11'.split())
+ usage: PROG [-h] {5,6,7,8,9}
+ PROG: error: argument foo: invalid choice: 11 (choose from 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
+See the choices_ section for more details.
+Some command-line args should be selected from a restricted set of values.
+These can be handled by passing a container object as the ``choices`` keyword
+argument to :meth:`add_argument`. When the command-line is parsed, arg values
+will be checked, and an error message will be displayed if the arg was not one
+of the acceptable values::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('foo', choices='abc')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('c'.split())
+ Namespace(foo='c')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('X'.split())
+ usage: PROG [-h] {a,b,c}
+ PROG: error: argument foo: invalid choice: 'X' (choose from 'a', 'b', 'c')
+Note that inclusion in the ``choices`` container is checked after any type_
+conversions have been performed, so the type of the objects in the ``choices``
+container should match the type_ specified::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('foo', type=complex, choices=[1, 1j])
+ >>> parser.parse_args('1j'.split())
+ Namespace(foo=1j)
+ >>> parser.parse_args('-- -4'.split())
+ usage: PROG [-h] {1,1j}
+ PROG: error: argument foo: invalid choice: (-4+0j) (choose from 1, 1j)
+Any object that supports the ``in`` operator can be passed as the ``choices``
+value, so :class:`dict` objects, :class:`set` objects, custom containers,
+etc. are all supported.
+In general, the argparse module assumes that flags like ``-f`` and ``--bar``
+indicate *optional* arguments, which can always be omitted at the command-line.
+To make an option *required*, ``True`` can be specified for the ``required=``
+keyword argument to :meth:`add_argument`::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', required=True)
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--foo', 'BAR'])
+ Namespace(foo='BAR')
+ >>> parser.parse_args([])
+ usage: [-h] [--foo FOO]
+ error: option --foo is required
+As the example shows, if an option is marked as ``required``, :meth:`parse_args`
+will report an error if that option is not present at the command line.
+.. note::
+ Required options are generally considered bad form because users expect
+ *options* to be *optional*, and thus they should be avoided when possible.
+The ``help`` value is a string containing a brief description of the argument.
+When a user requests help (usually by using ``-h`` or ``--help`` at the
+command-line), these ``help`` descriptions will be displayed with each
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='frobble')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', action='store_true',
+ ... help='foo the bars before frobbling')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', nargs='+',
+ ... help='one of the bars to be frobbled')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('-h'.split())
+ usage: frobble [-h] [--foo] bar [bar ...]
+ positional arguments:
+ bar one of the bars to be frobbled
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo foo the bars before frobbling
+The ``help`` strings can include various format specifiers to avoid repetition
+of things like the program name or the argument default_. The available
+specifiers include the program name, ``%(prog)s`` and most keyword arguments to
+:meth:`add_argument`, e.g. ``%(default)s``, ``%(type)s``, etc.::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='frobble')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', nargs='?', type=int, default=42,
+ ... help='the bar to %(prog)s (default: %(default)s)')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: frobble [-h] [bar]
+ positional arguments:
+ bar the bar to frobble (default: 42)
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+When :class:`ArgumentParser` generates help messages, it need some way to refer
+to each expected argument. By default, ArgumentParser objects use the dest_
+value as the "name" of each object. By default, for positional argument
+actions, the dest_ value is used directly, and for optional argument actions,
+the dest_ value is uppercased. So, a single positional argument with
+``dest='bar'`` will that argument will be referred to as ``bar``. A single
+optional argument ``--foo`` that should be followed by a single command-line arg
+will be referred to as ``FOO``. An example::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('X --foo Y'.split())
+ Namespace(bar='X', foo='Y')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: [-h] [--foo FOO] bar
+ positional arguments:
+ bar
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO
+An alternative name can be specified with ``metavar``::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', metavar='YYY')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', metavar='XXX')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('X --foo Y'.split())
+ Namespace(bar='X', foo='Y')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: [-h] [--foo YYY] XXX
+ positional arguments:
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo YYY
+Note that ``metavar`` only changes the *displayed* name - the name of the
+attribute on the :meth:`parse_args` object is still determined by the dest_
+Different values of ``nargs`` may cause the metavar to be used multiple times.
+Providing a tuple to ``metavar`` specifies a different display for each of the
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-x', nargs=2)
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs=2, metavar=('bar', 'baz'))
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-x X X] [--foo bar baz]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -x X X
+ --foo bar baz
+Most :class:`ArgumentParser` actions add some value as an attribute of the
+object returned by :meth:`parse_args`. The name of this attribute is determined
+by the ``dest`` keyword argument of :meth:`add_argument`. For positional
+argument actions, ``dest`` is normally supplied as the first argument to
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('XXX'.split())
+ Namespace(bar='XXX')
+For optional argument actions, the value of ``dest`` is normally inferred from
+the option strings. :class:`ArgumentParser` generates the value of ``dest`` by
+taking the first long option string and stripping away the initial ``'--'``
+string. If no long option strings were supplied, ``dest`` will be derived from
+the first short option string by stripping the initial ``'-'`` character. Any
+internal ``'-'`` characters will be converted to ``'_'`` characters to make sure
+the string is a valid attribute name. The examples below illustrate this
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-f', '--foo-bar', '--foo')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-x', '-y')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('-f 1 -x 2'.split())
+ Namespace(foo_bar='1', x='2')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('--foo 1 -y 2'.split())
+ Namespace(foo_bar='1', x='2')
+``dest`` allows a custom attribute name to be provided::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', dest='bar')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('--foo XXX'.split())
+ Namespace(bar='XXX')
+The parse_args() method
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.parse_args(args=None, namespace=None)
+ Convert argument strings to objects and assign them as attributes of the
+ namespace. Return the populated namespace.
+ Previous calls to :meth:`add_argument` determine exactly what objects are
+ created and how they are assigned. See the documentation for
+ :meth:`add_argument` for details.
+ By default, the arg strings are taken from :data:`sys.argv`, and a new empty
+ :class:`Namespace` object is created for the attributes.
+Option value syntax
+The :meth:`parse_args` method supports several ways of specifying the value of
+an option (if it takes one). In the simplest case, the option and its value are
+passed as two separate arguments::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-x')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('-x X'.split())
+ Namespace(foo=None, x='X')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('--foo FOO'.split())
+ Namespace(foo='FOO', x=None)
+For long options (options with names longer than a single character), the option
+and value can also be passed as a single command line argument, using ``=`` to
+separate them::
+ >>> parser.parse_args('--foo=FOO'.split())
+ Namespace(foo='FOO', x=None)
+For short options (options only one character long), the option and its value
+can be concatenated::
+ >>> parser.parse_args('-xX'.split())
+ Namespace(foo=None, x='X')
+Several short options can be joined together, using only a single ``-`` prefix,
+as long as only the last option (or none of them) requires a value::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-x', action='store_true')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-y', action='store_true')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-z')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('-xyzZ'.split())
+ Namespace(x=True, y=True, z='Z')
+Invalid arguments
+While parsing the command-line, ``parse_args`` checks for a variety of errors,
+including ambiguous options, invalid types, invalid options, wrong number of
+positional arguments, etc. When it encounters such an error, it exits and
+prints the error along with a usage message::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', type=int)
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar', nargs='?')
+ >>> # invalid type
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--foo', 'spam'])
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo FOO] [bar]
+ PROG: error: argument --foo: invalid int value: 'spam'
+ >>> # invalid option
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--bar'])
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo FOO] [bar]
+ PROG: error: no such option: --bar
+ >>> # wrong number of arguments
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['spam', 'badger'])
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo FOO] [bar]
+ PROG: error: extra arguments found: badger
+Arguments containing ``"-"``
+The ``parse_args`` method attempts to give errors whenever the user has clearly
+made a mistake, but some situations are inherently ambiguous. For example, the
+command-line arg ``'-1'`` could either be an attempt to specify an option or an
+attempt to provide a positional argument. The ``parse_args`` method is cautious
+here: positional arguments may only begin with ``'-'`` if they look like
+negative numbers and there are no options in the parser that look like negative
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-x')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('foo', nargs='?')
+ >>> # no negative number options, so -1 is a positional argument
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['-x', '-1'])
+ Namespace(foo=None, x='-1')
+ >>> # no negative number options, so -1 and -5 are positional arguments
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['-x', '-1', '-5'])
+ Namespace(foo='-5', x='-1')
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-1', dest='one')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('foo', nargs='?')
+ >>> # negative number options present, so -1 is an option
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['-1', 'X'])
+ Namespace(foo=None, one='X')
+ >>> # negative number options present, so -2 is an option
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['-2'])
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-1 ONE] [foo]
+ PROG: error: no such option: -2
+ >>> # negative number options present, so both -1s are options
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['-1', '-1'])
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-1 ONE] [foo]
+ PROG: error: argument -1: expected one argument
+If you have positional arguments that must begin with ``'-'`` and don't look
+like negative numbers, you can insert the pseudo-argument ``'--'`` which tells
+``parse_args`` that everything after that is a positional argument::
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--', '-f'])
+ Namespace(foo='-f', one=None)
+Argument abbreviations
+The :meth:`parse_args` method allows long options to be abbreviated if the
+abbreviation is unambiguous::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-bacon')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('-badger')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('-bac MMM'.split())
+ Namespace(bacon='MMM', badger=None)
+ >>> parser.parse_args('-bad WOOD'.split())
+ Namespace(bacon=None, badger='WOOD')
+ >>> parser.parse_args('-ba BA'.split())
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-bacon BACON] [-badger BADGER]
+ PROG: error: ambiguous option: -ba could match -badger, -bacon
+An error is produced for arguments that could produce more than one options.
+Beyond ``sys.argv``
+Sometimes it may be useful to have an ArgumentParser parse args other than those
+of :data:`sys.argv`. This can be accomplished by passing a list of strings to
+``parse_args``. This is useful for testing at the interactive prompt::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument(
+ ... 'integers', metavar='int', type=int, choices=xrange(10),
+ ... nargs='+', help='an integer in the range 0..9')
+ >>> parser.add_argument(
+ ... '--sum', dest='accumulate', action='store_const', const=sum,
+ ... default=max, help='sum the integers (default: find the max)')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['1', '2', '3', '4'])
+ Namespace(accumulate=<built-in function max>, integers=[1, 2, 3, 4])
+ >>> parser.parse_args('1 2 3 4 --sum'.split())
+ Namespace(accumulate=<built-in function sum>, integers=[1, 2, 3, 4])
+Custom namespaces
+It may also be useful to have an :class:`ArgumentParser` assign attributes to an
+already existing object, rather than the newly-created :class:`Namespace` object
+that is normally used. This can be achieved by specifying the ``namespace=``
+keyword argument::
+ >>> class C(object):
+ ... pass
+ ...
+ >>> c = C()
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(args=['--foo', 'BAR'], namespace=c)
+ >>>
+ 'BAR'
+Other utilities
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.add_subparsers()
+ Many programs split up their functionality into a number of sub-commands,
+ for example, the ``svn`` program can invoke sub-commands like ``svn
+ checkout``, ``svn update``, and ``svn commit``. Splitting up functionality
+ this way can be a particularly good idea when a program performs several
+ different functions which require different kinds of command-line arguments.
+ :class:`ArgumentParser` supports the creation of such sub-commands with the
+ :meth:`add_subparsers` method. The :meth:`add_subparsers` method is normally
+ called with no arguments and returns an special action object. This object
+ has a single method, ``add_parser``, which takes a command name and any
+ :class:`ArgumentParser` constructor arguments, and returns an
+ :class:`ArgumentParser` object that can be modified as usual.
+ Some example usage::
+ >>> # create the top-level parser
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', action='store_true', help='foo help')
+ >>> subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='sub-command help')
+ >>>
+ >>> # create the parser for the "a" command
+ >>> parser_a = subparsers.add_parser('a', help='a help')
+ >>> parser_a.add_argument('bar', type=int, help='bar help')
+ >>>
+ >>> # create the parser for the "b" command
+ >>> parser_b = subparsers.add_parser('b', help='b help')
+ >>> parser_b.add_argument('--baz', choices='XYZ', help='baz help')
+ >>>
+ >>> # parse some arg lists
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['a', '12'])
+ Namespace(bar=12, foo=False)
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--foo', 'b', '--baz', 'Z'])
+ Namespace(baz='Z', foo=True)
+ Note that the object returned by :meth:`parse_args` will only contain
+ attributes for the main parser and the subparser that was selected by the
+ command line (and not any other subparsers). So in the example above, when
+ the ``"a"`` command is specified, only the ``foo`` and ``bar`` attributes are
+ present, and when the ``"b"`` command is specified, only the ``foo`` and
+ ``baz`` attributes are present.
+ Similarly, when a help message is requested from a subparser, only the help
+ for that particular parser will be printed. The help message will not
+ include parent parser or sibling parser messages. (A help message for each
+ subparser command, however, can be given by supplying the ``help=`` argument
+ to ``add_parser`` as above.)
+ ::
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--help'])
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo] {a,b} ...
+ positional arguments:
+ {a,b} sub-command help
+ a a help
+ b b help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo foo help
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['a', '--help'])
+ usage: PROG a [-h] bar
+ positional arguments:
+ bar bar help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['b', '--help'])
+ usage: PROG b [-h] [--baz {X,Y,Z}]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --baz {X,Y,Z} baz help
+ The :meth:`add_subparsers` method also supports ``title`` and ``description``
+ keyword arguments. When either is present, the subparser's commands will
+ appear in their own group in the help output. For example::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands',
+ ... description='valid subcommands',
+ ... help='additional help')
+ >>> subparsers.add_parser('foo')
+ >>> subparsers.add_parser('bar')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['-h'])
+ usage: [-h] {foo,bar} ...
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ subcommands:
+ valid subcommands
+ {foo,bar} additional help
+ One particularly effective way of handling sub-commands is to combine the use
+ of the :meth:`add_subparsers` method with calls to :meth:`set_defaults` so
+ that each subparser knows which Python function it should execute. For
+ example::
+ >>> # sub-command functions
+ >>> def foo(args):
+ ... print args.x * args.y
+ ...
+ >>> def bar(args):
+ ... print '((%s))' % args.z
+ ...
+ >>> # create the top-level parser
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
+ >>>
+ >>> # create the parser for the "foo" command
+ >>> parser_foo = subparsers.add_parser('foo')
+ >>> parser_foo.add_argument('-x', type=int, default=1)
+ >>> parser_foo.add_argument('y', type=float)
+ >>> parser_foo.set_defaults(func=foo)
+ >>>
+ >>> # create the parser for the "bar" command
+ >>> parser_bar = subparsers.add_parser('bar')
+ >>> parser_bar.add_argument('z')
+ >>> parser_bar.set_defaults(func=bar)
+ >>>
+ >>> # parse the args and call whatever function was selected
+ >>> args = parser.parse_args('foo 1 -x 2'.split())
+ >>> args.func(args)
+ 2.0
+ >>>
+ >>> # parse the args and call whatever function was selected
+ >>> args = parser.parse_args('bar XYZYX'.split())
+ >>> args.func(args)
+ ((XYZYX))
+ This way, you can let :meth:`parse_args` does the job of calling the
+ appropriate function after argument parsing is complete. Associating
+ functions with actions like this is typically the easiest way to handle the
+ different actions for each of your subparsers. However, if it is necessary
+ to check the name of the subparser that was invoked, the ``dest`` keyword
+ argument to the :meth:`add_subparsers` call will work::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subparser_name')
+ >>> subparser1 = subparsers.add_parser('1')
+ >>> subparser1.add_argument('-x')
+ >>> subparser2 = subparsers.add_parser('2')
+ >>> subparser2.add_argument('y')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['2', 'frobble'])
+ Namespace(subparser_name='2', y='frobble')
+FileType objects
+.. class:: FileType(mode='r', bufsize=None)
+ The :class:`FileType` factory creates objects that can be passed to the type
+ argument of :meth:`ArgumentParser.add_argument`. Arguments that have
+ :class:`FileType` objects as their type will open command-line args as files
+ with the requested modes and buffer sizes:
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--output', type=argparse.FileType('wb', 0))
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--output', 'out'])
+ Namespace(output=<open file 'out', mode 'wb' at 0x...>)
+ FileType objects understand the pseudo-argument ``'-'`` and automatically
+ convert this into ``sys.stdin`` for readable :class:`FileType` objects and
+ ``sys.stdout`` for writable :class:`FileType` objects:
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('infile', type=argparse.FileType('r'))
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['-'])
+ Namespace(infile=<open file '<stdin>', mode 'r' at 0x...>)
+Argument groups
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.add_argument_group(title=None, description=None)
+ By default, :class:`ArgumentParser` groups command-line arguments into
+ "positional arguments" and "optional arguments" when displaying help
+ messages. When there is a better conceptual grouping of arguments than this
+ default one, appropriate groups can be created using the
+ :meth:`add_argument_group` method::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG', add_help=False)
+ >>> group = parser.add_argument_group('group')
+ >>> group.add_argument('--foo', help='foo help')
+ >>> group.add_argument('bar', help='bar help')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: PROG [--foo FOO] bar
+ group:
+ bar bar help
+ --foo FOO foo help
+ The :meth:`add_argument_group` method returns an argument group object which
+ has an :meth:`~ArgumentParser.add_argument` method just like a regular
+ :class:`ArgumentParser`. When an argument is added to the group, the parser
+ treats it just like a normal argument, but displays the argument in a
+ separate group for help messages. The :meth:`add_argument_group` method
+ accepts *title* and *description* arguments which can be used to
+ customize this display::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG', add_help=False)
+ >>> group1 = parser.add_argument_group('group1', 'group1 description')
+ >>> group1.add_argument('foo', help='foo help')
+ >>> group2 = parser.add_argument_group('group2', 'group2 description')
+ >>> group2.add_argument('--bar', help='bar help')
+ >>> parser.print_help()
+ usage: PROG [--bar BAR] foo
+ group1:
+ group1 description
+ foo foo help
+ group2:
+ group2 description
+ --bar BAR bar help
+ Note that any arguments not your user defined groups will end up back in the
+ usual "positional arguments" and "optional arguments" sections.
+Mutual exclusion
+.. method:: add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False)
+ Create a mutually exclusive group. argparse will make sure that only one of
+ the arguments in the mutually exclusive group was present on the command
+ line::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ >>> group.add_argument('--foo', action='store_true')
+ >>> group.add_argument('--bar', action='store_false')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--foo'])
+ Namespace(bar=True, foo=True)
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--bar'])
+ Namespace(bar=False, foo=False)
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['--foo', '--bar'])
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo | --bar]
+ PROG: error: argument --bar: not allowed with argument --foo
+ The :meth:`add_mutually_exclusive_group` method also accepts a *required*
+ argument, to indicate that at least one of the mutually exclusive arguments
+ is required::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ >>> group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+ >>> group.add_argument('--foo', action='store_true')
+ >>> group.add_argument('--bar', action='store_false')
+ >>> parser.parse_args([])
+ usage: PROG [-h] (--foo | --bar)
+ PROG: error: one of the arguments --foo --bar is required
+ Note that currently mutually exclusive argument groups do not support the
+ *title* and *description* arguments of :meth:`add_argument_group`.
+Parser defaults
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.set_defaults(**kwargs)
+ Most of the time, the attributes of the object returned by :meth:`parse_args`
+ will be fully determined by inspecting the command-line args and the argument
+ actions. :meth:`ArgumentParser.set_defaults` allows some additional
+ attributes that are determined without any inspection of the command-line to
+ be added::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('foo', type=int)
+ >>> parser.set_defaults(bar=42, baz='badger')
+ >>> parser.parse_args(['736'])
+ Namespace(bar=42, baz='badger', foo=736)
+ Note that parser-level defaults always override argument-level defaults::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', default='bar')
+ >>> parser.set_defaults(foo='spam')
+ >>> parser.parse_args([])
+ Namespace(foo='spam')
+ Parser-level defaults can be particularly useful when working with multiple
+ parsers. See the :meth:`~ArgumentParser.add_subparsers` method for an
+ example of this type.
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.get_default(dest)
+ Get the default value for a namespace attribute, as set by either
+ :meth:`~ArgumentParser.add_argument` or by
+ :meth:`~ArgumentParser.set_defaults`::
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', default='badger')
+ >>> parser.get_default('foo')
+ 'badger'
+Printing help
+In most typical applications, :meth:`parse_args` will take care of formatting
+and printing any usage or error messages. However, several formatting methods
+are available:
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.print_usage(file=None)
+ Print a brief description of how the :class:`ArgumentParser` should be
+ invoked on the command line. If *file* is ``None``, :data:`sys.stderr` is
+ assumed.
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.print_help(file=None)
+ Print a help message, including the program usage and information about the
+ arguments registered with the :class:`ArgumentParser`. If *file* is
+ ``None``, :data:`sys.stderr` is assumed.
+There are also variants of these methods that simply return a string instead of
+printing it:
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.format_usage()
+ Return a string containing a brief description of how the
+ :class:`ArgumentParser` should be invoked on the command line.
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.format_help()
+ Return a string containing a help message, including the program usage and
+ information about the arguments registered with the :class:`ArgumentParser`.
+Partial parsing
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.parse_known_args(args=None, namespace=None)
+Sometimes a script may only parse a few of the command line arguments, passing
+the remaining arguments on to another script or program. In these cases, the
+:meth:`parse_known_args` method can be useful. It works much like
+:meth:`~ArgumentParser.parse_args` except that it does not produce an error when
+extra arguments are present. Instead, it returns a two item tuple containing
+the populated namespace and the list of remaining argument strings.
+ >>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ >>> parser.add_argument('--foo', action='store_true')
+ >>> parser.add_argument('bar')
+ >>> parser.parse_known_args(['--foo', '--badger', 'BAR', 'spam'])
+ (Namespace(bar='BAR', foo=True), ['--badger', 'spam'])
+Customizing file parsing
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.convert_arg_line_to_args(arg_line)
+ Arguments that are read from a file (see the *fromfile_prefix_chars*
+ keyword argument to the :class:`ArgumentParser` constructor) are read one
+ argument per line. :meth:`convert_arg_line_to_args` can be overriden for
+ fancier reading.
+ This method takes a single argument *arg_line* which is a string read from
+ the argument file. It returns a list of arguments parsed from this string.
+ The method is called once per line read from the argument file, in order.
+ A useful override of this method is one that treats each space-separated word
+ as an argument::
+ def convert_arg_line_to_args(self, arg_line):
+ for arg in arg_line.split():
+ if not arg.strip():
+ continue
+ yield arg
+Exiting methods
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.exit(status=0, message=None)
+ This method terminates the program, exiting with the specified *status*
+ and, if given, it prints a *message* before that.
+.. method:: ArgumentParser.error(message)
+ This method prints a usage message including the *message* to the
+ standard output and terminates the program with a status code of 2.
+.. _argparse-from-optparse:
+Upgrading optparse code
+Originally, the argparse module had attempted to maintain compatibility with
+optparse. However, optparse was difficult to extend transparently, particularly
+with the changes required to support the new ``nargs=`` specifiers and better
+usage messages. When most everything in optparse had either been copy-pasted
+over or monkey-patched, it no longer seemed practical to try to maintain the
+backwards compatibility.
+A partial upgrade path from optparse to argparse:
+* Replace all ``add_option()`` calls with :meth:`ArgumentParser.add_argument` calls.
+* Replace ``options, args = parser.parse_args()`` with ``args =
+ parser.parse_args()`` and add additional :meth:`ArgumentParser.add_argument` calls for the
+ positional arguments.
+* Replace callback actions and the ``callback_*`` keyword arguments with
+ ``type`` or ``action`` arguments.
+* Replace string names for ``type`` keyword arguments with the corresponding
+ type objects (e.g. int, float, complex, etc).
+* Replace :class:`optparse.Values` with :class:`Namespace` and
+ :exc:`optparse.OptionError` and :exc:`optparse.OptionValueError` with
+ :exc:`ArgumentError`.
+* Replace strings with implicit arguments such as ``%default`` or ``%prog`` with
+ the standard python syntax to use dictionaries to format strings, that is,
+ ``%(default)s`` and ``%(prog)s``.
+* Replace the OptionParser constructor ``version`` argument with a call to
+ ``parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='<the version>')``
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e71f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,4349 @@
+# Author: Steven J. Bethard <>.
+import codecs
+import inspect
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+import argparse
+from StringIO import StringIO
+class StdIOBuffer(StringIO):
+ pass
+from test import test_support
+class TestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def assertEqual(self, obj1, obj2):
+ if obj1 != obj2:
+ print('')
+ print(repr(obj1))
+ print(repr(obj2))
+ print(obj1)
+ print(obj2)
+ super(TestCase, self).assertEqual(obj1, obj2)
+ def setUp(self):
+ # The tests assume that line wrapping occurs at 80 columns, but this
+ # behaviour can be overridden by setting the COLUMNS environment
+ # variable. To ensure that this assumption is true, unset COLUMNS.
+ env = test_support.EnvironmentVarGuard()
+ env.unset("COLUMNS")
+ self.addCleanup(env.__exit__)
+class TempDirMixin(object):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ self.old_dir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(self.temp_dir)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ os.chdir(self.old_dir)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ shutil.rmtree(self.temp_dir)
+ except WindowsError:
+ continue
+ else:
+ break
+class Sig(object):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.args = args
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+class NS(object):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ sorted_items = sorted(self.__dict__.items())
+ kwarg_str = ', '.join(['%s=%r' % tup for tup in sorted_items])
+ return '%s(%s)' % (type(self).__name__, kwarg_str)
+ __hash__ = None
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return vars(self) == vars(other)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not (self == other)
+class ArgumentParserError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message, stdout=None, stderr=None, error_code=None):
+ Exception.__init__(self, message, stdout, stderr)
+ self.message = message
+ self.stdout = stdout
+ self.stderr = stderr
+ self.error_code = error_code
+def stderr_to_parser_error(parse_args, *args, **kwargs):
+ # if this is being called recursively and stderr or stdout is already being
+ # redirected, simply call the function and let the enclosing function
+ # catch the exception
+ if isinstance(sys.stderr, StdIOBuffer) or isinstance(sys.stdout, StdIOBuffer):
+ return parse_args(*args, **kwargs)
+ # if this is not being called recursively, redirect stderr and
+ # use it as the ArgumentParserError message
+ old_stdout = sys.stdout
+ old_stderr = sys.stderr
+ sys.stdout = StdIOBuffer()
+ sys.stderr = StdIOBuffer()
+ try:
+ try:
+ result = parse_args(*args, **kwargs)
+ for key in list(vars(result)):
+ if getattr(result, key) is sys.stdout:
+ setattr(result, key, old_stdout)
+ if getattr(result, key) is sys.stderr:
+ setattr(result, key, old_stderr)
+ return result
+ except SystemExit:
+ code = sys.exc_info()[1].code
+ stdout = sys.stdout.getvalue()
+ stderr = sys.stderr.getvalue()
+ raise ArgumentParserError("SystemExit", stdout, stderr, code)
+ finally:
+ sys.stdout = old_stdout
+ sys.stderr = old_stderr
+class ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
+ def parse_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ parse_args = super(ErrorRaisingArgumentParser, self).parse_args
+ return stderr_to_parser_error(parse_args, *args, **kwargs)
+ def exit(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ exit = super(ErrorRaisingArgumentParser, self).exit
+ return stderr_to_parser_error(exit, *args, **kwargs)
+ def error(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ error = super(ErrorRaisingArgumentParser, self).error
+ return stderr_to_parser_error(error, *args, **kwargs)
+class ParserTesterMetaclass(type):
+ """Adds parser tests using the class attributes.
+ Classes of this type should specify the following attributes:
+ argument_signatures -- a list of Sig objects which specify
+ the signatures of Argument objects to be created
+ failures -- a list of args lists that should cause the parser
+ to fail
+ successes -- a list of (initial_args, options, remaining_args) tuples
+ where initial_args specifies the string args to be parsed,
+ options is a dict that should match the vars() of the options
+ parsed out of initial_args, and remaining_args should be any
+ remaining unparsed arguments
+ """
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, bodydict):
+ if name == 'ParserTestCase':
+ return
+ # default parser signature is empty
+ if not hasattr(cls, 'parser_signature'):
+ cls.parser_signature = Sig()
+ if not hasattr(cls, 'parser_class'):
+ cls.parser_class = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ # functions for adding optional arguments
+ # ---------------------------------------
+ def no_groups(parser, argument_signatures):
+ """Add all arguments directly to the parser"""
+ for sig in argument_signatures:
+ parser.add_argument(*sig.args, **sig.kwargs)
+ def one_group(parser, argument_signatures):
+ """Add all arguments under a single group in the parser"""
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('foo')
+ for sig in argument_signatures:
+ group.add_argument(*sig.args, **sig.kwargs)
+ def many_groups(parser, argument_signatures):
+ """Add each argument in its own group to the parser"""
+ for i, sig in enumerate(argument_signatures):
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('foo:%i' % i)
+ group.add_argument(*sig.args, **sig.kwargs)
+ # --------------------------
+ # functions for parsing args
+ # --------------------------
+ def listargs(parser, args):
+ """Parse the args by passing in a list"""
+ return parser.parse_args(args)
+ def sysargs(parser, args):
+ """Parse the args by defaulting to sys.argv"""
+ old_sys_argv = sys.argv
+ sys.argv = [old_sys_argv[0]] + args
+ try:
+ return parser.parse_args()
+ finally:
+ sys.argv = old_sys_argv
+ # class that holds the combination of one optional argument
+ # addition method and one arg parsing method
+ class AddTests(object):
+ def __init__(self, tester_cls, add_arguments, parse_args):
+ self._add_arguments = add_arguments
+ self._parse_args = parse_args
+ add_arguments_name = self._add_arguments.__name__
+ parse_args_name = self._parse_args.__name__
+ for test_func in [self.test_failures, self.test_successes]:
+ func_name = test_func.__name__
+ names = func_name, add_arguments_name, parse_args_name
+ test_name = '_'.join(names)
+ def wrapper(self, test_func=test_func):
+ test_func(self)
+ try:
+ wrapper.__name__ = test_name
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ setattr(tester_cls, test_name, wrapper)
+ def _get_parser(self, tester):
+ args = tester.parser_signature.args
+ kwargs = tester.parser_signature.kwargs
+ parser = tester.parser_class(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._add_arguments(parser, tester.argument_signatures)
+ return parser
+ def test_failures(self, tester):
+ parser = self._get_parser(tester)
+ for args_str in tester.failures:
+ args = args_str.split()
+ raises = tester.assertRaises
+ raises(ArgumentParserError, parser.parse_args, args)
+ def test_successes(self, tester):
+ parser = self._get_parser(tester)
+ for args, expected_ns in tester.successes:
+ if isinstance(args, str):
+ args = args.split()
+ result_ns = self._parse_args(parser, args)
+ tester.assertEqual(expected_ns, result_ns)
+ # add tests for each combination of an optionals adding method
+ # and an arg parsing method
+ for add_arguments in [no_groups, one_group, many_groups]:
+ for parse_args in [listargs, sysargs]:
+ AddTests(cls, add_arguments, parse_args)
+bases = TestCase,
+ParserTestCase = ParserTesterMetaclass('ParserTestCase', bases, {})
+# ===============
+# Optionals tests
+# ===============
+class TestOptionalsSingleDash(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test an Optional with a single-dash option string"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-x')]
+ failures = ['-x', 'a', '--foo', '-x --foo', '-x -y']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None)),
+ ('-x a', NS(x='a')),
+ ('-xa', NS(x='a')),
+ ('-x -1', NS(x='-1')),
+ ('-x-1', NS(x='-1')),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsSingleDashCombined(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test an Optional with a single-dash option string"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', action='store_true'),
+ Sig('-yyy', action='store_const', const=42),
+ Sig('-z'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['a', '--foo', '-xa', '-x --foo', '-x -z', '-z -x',
+ '-yx', '-yz a', '-yyyx', '-yyyza', '-xyza']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=False, yyy=None, z=None)),
+ ('-x', NS(x=True, yyy=None, z=None)),
+ ('-za', NS(x=False, yyy=None, z='a')),
+ ('-z a', NS(x=False, yyy=None, z='a')),
+ ('-xza', NS(x=True, yyy=None, z='a')),
+ ('-xz a', NS(x=True, yyy=None, z='a')),
+ ('-x -za', NS(x=True, yyy=None, z='a')),
+ ('-x -z a', NS(x=True, yyy=None, z='a')),
+ ('-y', NS(x=False, yyy=42, z=None)),
+ ('-yyy', NS(x=False, yyy=42, z=None)),
+ ('-x -yyy -za', NS(x=True, yyy=42, z='a')),
+ ('-x -yyy -z a', NS(x=True, yyy=42, z='a')),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsSingleDashLong(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test an Optional with a multi-character single-dash option string"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-foo')]
+ failures = ['-foo', 'a', '--foo', '-foo --foo', '-foo -y', '-fooa']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(foo=None)),
+ ('-foo a', NS(foo='a')),
+ ('-foo -1', NS(foo='-1')),
+ ('-fo a', NS(foo='a')),
+ ('-f a', NS(foo='a')),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsSingleDashSubsetAmbiguous(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test Optionals where option strings are subsets of each other"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-f'), Sig('-foobar'), Sig('-foorab')]
+ failures = ['-f', '-foo', '-fo', '-foo b', '-foob', '-fooba', '-foora']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(f=None, foobar=None, foorab=None)),
+ ('-f a', NS(f='a', foobar=None, foorab=None)),
+ ('-fa', NS(f='a', foobar=None, foorab=None)),
+ ('-foa', NS(f='oa', foobar=None, foorab=None)),
+ ('-fooa', NS(f='ooa', foobar=None, foorab=None)),
+ ('-foobar a', NS(f=None, foobar='a', foorab=None)),
+ ('-foorab a', NS(f=None, foobar=None, foorab='a')),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsSingleDashAmbiguous(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test Optionals that partially match but are not subsets"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-foobar'), Sig('-foorab')]
+ failures = ['-f', '-f a', '-fa', '-foa', '-foo', '-fo', '-foo b']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(foobar=None, foorab=None)),
+ ('-foob a', NS(foobar='a', foorab=None)),
+ ('-foor a', NS(foobar=None, foorab='a')),
+ ('-fooba a', NS(foobar='a', foorab=None)),
+ ('-foora a', NS(foobar=None, foorab='a')),
+ ('-foobar a', NS(foobar='a', foorab=None)),
+ ('-foorab a', NS(foobar=None, foorab='a')),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsNumeric(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test an Optional with a short opt string"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-1', dest='one')]
+ failures = ['-1', 'a', '-1 --foo', '-1 -y', '-1 -1', '-1 -2']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(one=None)),
+ ('-1 a', NS(one='a')),
+ ('-1a', NS(one='a')),
+ ('-1-2', NS(one='-2')),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsDoubleDash(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test an Optional with a double-dash option string"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('--foo')]
+ failures = ['--foo', '-f', '-f a', 'a', '--foo -x', '--foo --bar']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(foo=None)),
+ ('--foo a', NS(foo='a')),
+ ('--foo=a', NS(foo='a')),
+ ('--foo -2.5', NS(foo='-2.5')),
+ ('--foo=-2.5', NS(foo='-2.5')),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsDoubleDashPartialMatch(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests partial matching with a double-dash option string"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--badger', action='store_true'),
+ Sig('--bat'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['--bar', '--b', '--ba', '--b=2', '--ba=4', '--badge 5']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(badger=False, bat=None)),
+ ('--bat X', NS(badger=False, bat='X')),
+ ('--bad', NS(badger=True, bat=None)),
+ ('--badg', NS(badger=True, bat=None)),
+ ('--badge', NS(badger=True, bat=None)),
+ ('--badger', NS(badger=True, bat=None)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsDoubleDashPrefixMatch(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests when one double-dash option string is a prefix of another"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--badger', action='store_true'),
+ Sig('--ba'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['--bar', '--b', '--ba', '--b=2', '--badge 5']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(badger=False, ba=None)),
+ ('--ba X', NS(badger=False, ba='X')),
+ ('--ba=X', NS(badger=False, ba='X')),
+ ('--bad', NS(badger=True, ba=None)),
+ ('--badg', NS(badger=True, ba=None)),
+ ('--badge', NS(badger=True, ba=None)),
+ ('--badger', NS(badger=True, ba=None)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsSingleDoubleDash(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test an Optional with single- and double-dash option strings"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-f', action='store_true'),
+ Sig('--bar'),
+ Sig('-baz', action='store_const', const=42),
+ ]
+ failures = ['--bar', '-fbar', '-fbaz', '-bazf', '-b B', 'B']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(f=False, bar=None, baz=None)),
+ ('-f', NS(f=True, bar=None, baz=None)),
+ ('--ba B', NS(f=False, bar='B', baz=None)),
+ ('-f --bar B', NS(f=True, bar='B', baz=None)),
+ ('-f -b', NS(f=True, bar=None, baz=42)),
+ ('-ba -f', NS(f=True, bar=None, baz=42)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixChars(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test an Optional with option strings with custom prefixes"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prefix_chars='+:/', add_help=False)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('+f', action='store_true'),
+ Sig('::bar'),
+ Sig('/baz', action='store_const', const=42),
+ ]
+ failures = ['--bar', '-fbar', '-b B', 'B', '-f', '--bar B', '-baz', '-h', '--help', '+h', '::help', '/help']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(f=False, bar=None, baz=None)),
+ ('+f', NS(f=True, bar=None, baz=None)),
+ ('::ba B', NS(f=False, bar='B', baz=None)),
+ ('+f ::bar B', NS(f=True, bar='B', baz=None)),
+ ('+f /b', NS(f=True, bar=None, baz=42)),
+ ('/ba +f', NS(f=True, bar=None, baz=42)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsAddedHelp(ParserTestCase):
+ """When ``-`` not in prefix_chars, default operators created for help
+ should use the prefix_chars in use rather than - or --
+ parser_signature = Sig(prefix_chars='+:/', add_help=True)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('+f', action='store_true'),
+ Sig('::bar'),
+ Sig('/baz', action='store_const', const=42),
+ ]
+ failures = ['--bar', '-fbar', '-b B', 'B', '-f', '--bar B', '-baz']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(f=False, bar=None, baz=None)),
+ ('+f', NS(f=True, bar=None, baz=None)),
+ ('::ba B', NS(f=False, bar='B', baz=None)),
+ ('+f ::bar B', NS(f=True, bar='B', baz=None)),
+ ('+f /b', NS(f=True, bar=None, baz=42)),
+ ('/ba +f', NS(f=True, bar=None, baz=42))
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsAlternatePrefixCharsMultipleShortArgs(ParserTestCase):
+ """Verify that Optionals must be called with their defined prefixes"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prefix_chars='+-', add_help=False)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', action='store_true'),
+ Sig('+y', action='store_true'),
+ Sig('+z', action='store_true'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-w',
+ '-xyz',
+ '+x',
+ '-y',
+ '+xyz',
+ ]
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=False, y=False, z=False)),
+ ('-x', NS(x=True, y=False, z=False)),
+ ('+y -x', NS(x=True, y=True, z=False)),
+ ('+yz -x', NS(x=True, y=True, z=True)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsShortLong(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a combination of single- and double-dash option strings"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-v', '--verbose', '-n', '--noisy', action='store_true'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['--x --verbose', '-N', 'a', '-v x']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(verbose=False)),
+ ('-v', NS(verbose=True)),
+ ('--verbose', NS(verbose=True)),
+ ('-n', NS(verbose=True)),
+ ('--noisy', NS(verbose=True)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsDest(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests various means of setting destination"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('--foo-bar'), Sig('--baz', dest='zabbaz')]
+ failures = ['a']
+ successes = [
+ ('--foo-bar f', NS(foo_bar='f', zabbaz=None)),
+ ('--baz g', NS(foo_bar=None, zabbaz='g')),
+ ('--foo-bar h --baz i', NS(foo_bar='h', zabbaz='i')),
+ ('--baz j --foo-bar k', NS(foo_bar='k', zabbaz='j')),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsDefault(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests specifying a default for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-x'), Sig('-y', default=42)]
+ failures = ['a']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None, y=42)),
+ ('-xx', NS(x='x', y=42)),
+ ('-yy', NS(x=None, y='y')),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsNargsDefault(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests not specifying the number of args for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-x')]
+ failures = ['a', '-x']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None)),
+ ('-x a', NS(x='a')),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsNargs1(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests specifying the 1 arg for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-x', nargs=1)]
+ failures = ['a', '-x']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None)),
+ ('-x a', NS(x=['a'])),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsNargs3(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests specifying the 3 args for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-x', nargs=3)]
+ failures = ['a', '-x', '-x a', '-x a b', 'a -x', 'a -x b']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None)),
+ ('-x a b c', NS(x=['a', 'b', 'c'])),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsNargsOptional(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests specifying an Optional arg for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-w', nargs='?'),
+ Sig('-x', nargs='?', const=42),
+ Sig('-y', nargs='?', default='spam'),
+ Sig('-z', nargs='?', type=int, const='42', default='84'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['2']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(w=None, x=None, y='spam', z=84)),
+ ('-w', NS(w=None, x=None, y='spam', z=84)),
+ ('-w 2', NS(w='2', x=None, y='spam', z=84)),
+ ('-x', NS(w=None, x=42, y='spam', z=84)),
+ ('-x 2', NS(w=None, x='2', y='spam', z=84)),
+ ('-y', NS(w=None, x=None, y=None, z=84)),
+ ('-y 2', NS(w=None, x=None, y='2', z=84)),
+ ('-z', NS(w=None, x=None, y='spam', z=42)),
+ ('-z 2', NS(w=None, x=None, y='spam', z=2)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsNargsZeroOrMore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests specifying an args for an Optional that accepts zero or more"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', nargs='*'),
+ Sig('-y', nargs='*', default='spam'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['a']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None, y='spam')),
+ ('-x', NS(x=[], y='spam')),
+ ('-x a', NS(x=['a'], y='spam')),
+ ('-x a b', NS(x=['a', 'b'], y='spam')),
+ ('-y', NS(x=None, y=[])),
+ ('-y a', NS(x=None, y=['a'])),
+ ('-y a b', NS(x=None, y=['a', 'b'])),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsNargsOneOrMore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests specifying an args for an Optional that accepts one or more"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', nargs='+'),
+ Sig('-y', nargs='+', default='spam'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['a', '-x', '-y', 'a -x', 'a -y b']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None, y='spam')),
+ ('-x a', NS(x=['a'], y='spam')),
+ ('-x a b', NS(x=['a', 'b'], y='spam')),
+ ('-y a', NS(x=None, y=['a'])),
+ ('-y a b', NS(x=None, y=['a', 'b'])),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsChoices(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests specifying the choices for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-f', choices='abc'),
+ Sig('-g', type=int, choices=range(5))]
+ failures = ['a', '-f d', '-fad', '-ga', '-g 6']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(f=None, g=None)),
+ ('-f a', NS(f='a', g=None)),
+ ('-f c', NS(f='c', g=None)),
+ ('-g 0', NS(f=None, g=0)),
+ ('-g 03', NS(f=None, g=3)),
+ ('-fb -g4', NS(f='b', g=4)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsRequired(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests the an optional action that is required"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', type=int, required=True),
+ ]
+ failures = ['a', '']
+ successes = [
+ ('-x 1', NS(x=1)),
+ ('-x42', NS(x=42)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsActionStore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests the store action for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-x', action='store')]
+ failures = ['a', 'a -x']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None)),
+ ('-xfoo', NS(x='foo')),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsActionStoreConst(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests the store_const action for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-y', action='store_const', const=object)]
+ failures = ['a']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(y=None)),
+ ('-y', NS(y=object)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsActionStoreFalse(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests the store_false action for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-z', action='store_false')]
+ failures = ['a', '-za', '-z a']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(z=True)),
+ ('-z', NS(z=False)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsActionStoreTrue(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests the store_true action for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('--apple', action='store_true')]
+ failures = ['a', '--apple=b', '--apple b']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(apple=False)),
+ ('--apple', NS(apple=True)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsActionAppend(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests the append action for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('--baz', action='append')]
+ failures = ['a', '--baz', 'a --baz', '--baz a b']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(baz=None)),
+ ('--baz a', NS(baz=['a'])),
+ ('--baz a --baz b', NS(baz=['a', 'b'])),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsActionAppendWithDefault(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests the append action for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('--baz', action='append', default=['X'])]
+ failures = ['a', '--baz', 'a --baz', '--baz a b']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(baz=['X'])),
+ ('--baz a', NS(baz=['X', 'a'])),
+ ('--baz a --baz b', NS(baz=['X', 'a', 'b'])),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsActionAppendConst(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests the append_const action for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-b', action='append_const', const=Exception),
+ Sig('-c', action='append', dest='b'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['a', '-c', 'a -c', '-bx', '-b x']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(b=None)),
+ ('-b', NS(b=[Exception])),
+ ('-b -cx -b -cyz', NS(b=[Exception, 'x', Exception, 'yz'])),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsActionAppendConstWithDefault(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests the append_const action for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-b', action='append_const', const=Exception, default=['X']),
+ Sig('-c', action='append', dest='b'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['a', '-c', 'a -c', '-bx', '-b x']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(b=['X'])),
+ ('-b', NS(b=['X', Exception])),
+ ('-b -cx -b -cyz', NS(b=['X', Exception, 'x', Exception, 'yz'])),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsActionCount(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests the count action for an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-x', action='count')]
+ failures = ['a', '-x a', '-x b', '-x a -x b']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None)),
+ ('-x', NS(x=1)),
+ ]
+# ================
+# Positional tests
+# ================
+class TestPositionalsNargsNone(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional that doesn't specify nargs"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo')]
+ failures = ['', '-x', 'a b']
+ successes = [
+ ('a', NS(foo='a')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargs1(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional that specifies an nargs of 1"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs=1)]
+ failures = ['', '-x', 'a b']
+ successes = [
+ ('a', NS(foo=['a'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargs2(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional that specifies an nargs of 2"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs=2)]
+ failures = ['', 'a', '-x', 'a b c']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b', NS(foo=['a', 'b'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional that specifies unlimited nargs"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='*')]
+ failures = ['-x']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(foo=[])),
+ ('a', NS(foo=['a'])),
+ ('a b', NS(foo=['a', 'b'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreDefault(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional that specifies unlimited nargs and a default"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='*', default='bar')]
+ failures = ['-x']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(foo='bar')),
+ ('a', NS(foo=['a'])),
+ ('a b', NS(foo=['a', 'b'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional that specifies one or more nargs"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='+')]
+ failures = ['', '-x']
+ successes = [
+ ('a', NS(foo=['a'])),
+ ('a b', NS(foo=['a', 'b'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsOptional(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests an Optional Positional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='?')]
+ failures = ['-x', 'a b']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(foo=None)),
+ ('a', NS(foo='a')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsOptionalDefault(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests an Optional Positional with a default value"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='?', default=42)]
+ failures = ['-x', 'a b']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(foo=42)),
+ ('a', NS(foo='a')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsOptionalConvertedDefault(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests an Optional Positional with a default value
+ that needs to be converted to the appropriate type.
+ """
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('foo', nargs='?', type=int, default='42'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-x', 'a b', '1 2']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(foo=42)),
+ ('1', NS(foo=1)),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsNoneNone(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test two Positionals that don't specify nargs"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo'), Sig('bar')]
+ failures = ['', '-x', 'a', 'a b c']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar='b')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsNone1(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with no nargs followed by one with 1"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo'), Sig('bar', nargs=1)]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a', 'a b c']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargs2None(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with 2 nargs followed by one with none"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs=2), Sig('bar')]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a', 'a b', 'a b c d']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b c', NS(foo=['a', 'b'], bar='c')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with no nargs followed by one with unlimited"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo'), Sig('bar', nargs='*')]
+ failures = ['', '--foo']
+ successes = [
+ ('a', NS(foo='a', bar=[])),
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'])),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo='a', bar=['b', 'c'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with no nargs followed by one with one or more"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo'), Sig('bar', nargs='+')]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'])),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo='a', bar=['b', 'c'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with no nargs followed by one with an Optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo'), Sig('bar', nargs='?')]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a b c']
+ successes = [
+ ('a', NS(foo='a', bar=None)),
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar='b')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMoreNone(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with unlimited nargs followed by one with none"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='*'), Sig('bar')]
+ failures = ['', '--foo']
+ successes = [
+ ('a', NS(foo=[], bar='a')),
+ ('a b', NS(foo=['a'], bar='b')),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo=['a', 'b'], bar='c')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMoreNone(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with one or more nargs followed by one with none"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='+'), Sig('bar')]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b', NS(foo=['a'], bar='b')),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo=['a', 'b'], bar='c')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsOptionalNone(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with an Optional nargs followed by one with none"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='?', default=42), Sig('bar')]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a b c']
+ successes = [
+ ('a', NS(foo=42, bar='a')),
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar='b')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargs2ZeroOrMore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with 2 nargs followed by one with unlimited"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs=2), Sig('bar', nargs='*')]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b', NS(foo=['a', 'b'], bar=[])),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo=['a', 'b'], bar=['c'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargs2OneOrMore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with 2 nargs followed by one with one or more"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs=2), Sig('bar', nargs='+')]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a', 'a b']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b c', NS(foo=['a', 'b'], bar=['c'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargs2Optional(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with 2 nargs followed by one optional"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs=2), Sig('bar', nargs='?')]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a', 'a b c d']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b', NS(foo=['a', 'b'], bar=None)),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo=['a', 'b'], bar='c')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsZeroOrMore1(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with unlimited nargs followed by one with 1"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='*'), Sig('bar', nargs=1)]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', ]
+ successes = [
+ ('a', NS(foo=[], bar=['a'])),
+ ('a b', NS(foo=['a'], bar=['b'])),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo=['a', 'b'], bar=['c'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsOneOrMore1(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with one or more nargs followed by one with 1"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='+'), Sig('bar', nargs=1)]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b', NS(foo=['a'], bar=['b'])),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo=['a', 'b'], bar=['c'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsOptional1(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a Positional with an Optional nargs followed by one with 1"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='?'), Sig('bar', nargs=1)]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a b c']
+ successes = [
+ ('a', NS(foo=None, bar=['a'])),
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsNoneZeroOrMore1(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test three Positionals: no nargs, unlimited nargs and 1 nargs"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('foo'),
+ Sig('bar', nargs='*'),
+ Sig('baz', nargs=1),
+ ]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=[], baz=['b'])),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'], baz=['c'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsNoneOneOrMore1(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test three Positionals: no nargs, one or more nargs and 1 nargs"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('foo'),
+ Sig('bar', nargs='+'),
+ Sig('baz', nargs=1),
+ ]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a', 'b']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b c', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'], baz=['c'])),
+ ('a b c d', NS(foo='a', bar=['b', 'c'], baz=['d'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsNoneOptional1(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test three Positionals: no nargs, optional narg and 1 nargs"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('foo'),
+ Sig('bar', nargs='?', default=0.625),
+ Sig('baz', nargs=1),
+ ]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=0.625, baz=['b'])),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo='a', bar='b', baz=['c'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOptional(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test two optional nargs"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('foo', nargs='?'),
+ Sig('bar', nargs='?', default=42),
+ ]
+ failures = ['--foo', 'a b c']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(foo=None, bar=42)),
+ ('a', NS(foo='a', bar=42)),
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar='b')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsOptionalZeroOrMore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test an Optional narg followed by unlimited nargs"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='?'), Sig('bar', nargs='*')]
+ failures = ['--foo']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(foo=None, bar=[])),
+ ('a', NS(foo='a', bar=[])),
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'])),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo='a', bar=['b', 'c'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsNargsOptionalOneOrMore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test an Optional narg followed by one or more nargs"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('foo', nargs='?'), Sig('bar', nargs='+')]
+ failures = ['', '--foo']
+ successes = [
+ ('a', NS(foo=None, bar=['a'])),
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'])),
+ ('a b c', NS(foo='a', bar=['b', 'c'])),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsChoicesString(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a set of single-character choices"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('spam', choices=set('abcdefg'))]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'h', '42', 'ef']
+ successes = [
+ ('a', NS(spam='a')),
+ ('g', NS(spam='g')),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsChoicesInt(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a set of integer choices"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('spam', type=int, choices=range(20))]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'h', '42', 'ef']
+ successes = [
+ ('4', NS(spam=4)),
+ ('15', NS(spam=15)),
+ ]
+class TestPositionalsActionAppend(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test the 'append' action"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('spam', action='append'),
+ Sig('spam', action='append', nargs=2),
+ ]
+ failures = ['', '--foo', 'a', 'a b', 'a b c d']
+ successes = [
+ ('a b c', NS(spam=['a', ['b', 'c']])),
+ ]
+# ========================================
+# Combined optionals and positionals tests
+# ========================================
+class TestOptionalsNumericAndPositionals(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests negative number args when numeric options are present"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('x', nargs='?'),
+ Sig('-4', dest='y', action='store_true'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-2', '-315']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None, y=False)),
+ ('a', NS(x='a', y=False)),
+ ('-4', NS(x=None, y=True)),
+ ('-4 a', NS(x='a', y=True)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionalsAlmostNumericAndPositionals(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests negative number args when almost numeric options are present"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('x', nargs='?'),
+ Sig('-k4', dest='y', action='store_true'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-k3']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None, y=False)),
+ ('-2', NS(x='-2', y=False)),
+ ('a', NS(x='a', y=False)),
+ ('-k4', NS(x=None, y=True)),
+ ('-k4 a', NS(x='a', y=True)),
+ ]
+class TestEmptyAndSpaceContainingArguments(ParserTestCase):
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('x', nargs='?'),
+ Sig('-y', '--yyy', dest='y'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-y']
+ successes = [
+ ([''], NS(x='', y=None)),
+ (['a badger'], NS(x='a badger', y=None)),
+ (['-a badger'], NS(x='-a badger', y=None)),
+ (['-y', ''], NS(x=None, y='')),
+ (['-y', 'a badger'], NS(x=None, y='a badger')),
+ (['-y', '-a badger'], NS(x=None, y='-a badger')),
+ (['--yyy=a badger'], NS(x=None, y='a badger')),
+ (['--yyy=-a badger'], NS(x=None, y='-a badger')),
+ ]
+class TestPrefixCharacterOnlyArguments(ParserTestCase):
+ parser_signature = Sig(prefix_chars='-+')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-', dest='x', nargs='?', const='badger'),
+ Sig('+', dest='y', type=int, default=42),
+ Sig('-+-', dest='z', action='store_true'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-y', '+ -']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None, y=42, z=False)),
+ ('-', NS(x='badger', y=42, z=False)),
+ ('- X', NS(x='X', y=42, z=False)),
+ ('+ -3', NS(x=None, y=-3, z=False)),
+ ('-+-', NS(x=None, y=42, z=True)),
+ ('- ===', NS(x='===', y=42, z=False)),
+ ]
+class TestNargsZeroOrMore(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests specifying an args for an Optional that accepts zero or more"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-x', nargs='*'), Sig('y', nargs='*')]
+ failures = []
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None, y=[])),
+ ('-x', NS(x=[], y=[])),
+ ('-x a', NS(x=['a'], y=[])),
+ ('-x a -- b', NS(x=['a'], y=['b'])),
+ ('a', NS(x=None, y=['a'])),
+ ('a -x', NS(x=[], y=['a'])),
+ ('a -x b', NS(x=['b'], y=['a'])),
+ ]
+class TestNargsRemainder(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests specifying a positional with nargs=REMAINDER"""
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('x'), Sig('y', nargs='...'), Sig('-z')]
+ failures = ['', '-z', '-z Z']
+ successes = [
+ ('X', NS(x='X', y=[], z=None)),
+ ('-z Z X', NS(x='X', y=[], z='Z')),
+ ('X A B -z Z', NS(x='X', y=['A', 'B', '-z', 'Z'], z=None)),
+ ('X Y --foo', NS(x='X', y=['Y', '--foo'], z=None)),
+ ]
+class TestOptionLike(ParserTestCase):
+ """Tests options that may or may not be arguments"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', type=float),
+ Sig('-3', type=float, dest='y'),
+ Sig('z', nargs='*'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-x', '-y2.5', '-xa', '-x -a',
+ '-x -3', '-x -3.5', '-3 -3.5',
+ '-x -2.5', '-x -2.5 a', '-3 -.5',
+ 'a x -1', '-x -1 a', '-3 -1 a']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(x=None, y=None, z=[])),
+ ('-x 2.5', NS(x=2.5, y=None, z=[])),
+ ('-x 2.5 a', NS(x=2.5, y=None, z=['a'])),
+ ('-3.5', NS(x=None, y=0.5, z=[])),
+ ('-3-.5', NS(x=None, y=-0.5, z=[])),
+ ('-3 .5', NS(x=None, y=0.5, z=[])),
+ ('a -3.5', NS(x=None, y=0.5, z=['a'])),
+ ('a', NS(x=None, y=None, z=['a'])),
+ ('a -x 1', NS(x=1.0, y=None, z=['a'])),
+ ('-x 1 a', NS(x=1.0, y=None, z=['a'])),
+ ('-3 1 a', NS(x=None, y=1.0, z=['a'])),
+ ]
+class TestDefaultSuppress(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test actions with suppressed defaults"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('foo', nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS),
+ Sig('bar', nargs='*', default=argparse.SUPPRESS),
+ Sig('--baz', action='store_true', default=argparse.SUPPRESS),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-x']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS()),
+ ('a', NS(foo='a')),
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'])),
+ ('--baz', NS(baz=True)),
+ ('a --baz', NS(foo='a', baz=True)),
+ ('--baz a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'], baz=True)),
+ ]
+class TestParserDefaultSuppress(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test actions with a parser-level default of SUPPRESS"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(argument_default=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('foo', nargs='?'),
+ Sig('bar', nargs='*'),
+ Sig('--baz', action='store_true'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-x']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS()),
+ ('a', NS(foo='a')),
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'])),
+ ('--baz', NS(baz=True)),
+ ('a --baz', NS(foo='a', baz=True)),
+ ('--baz a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'], baz=True)),
+ ]
+class TestParserDefault42(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test actions with a parser-level default of 42"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(argument_default=42, version='1.0')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('foo', nargs='?'),
+ Sig('bar', nargs='*'),
+ Sig('--baz', action='store_true'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-x']
+ successes = [
+ ('', NS(foo=42, bar=42, baz=42)),
+ ('a', NS(foo='a', bar=42, baz=42)),
+ ('a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'], baz=42)),
+ ('--baz', NS(foo=42, bar=42, baz=True)),
+ ('a --baz', NS(foo='a', bar=42, baz=True)),
+ ('--baz a b', NS(foo='a', bar=['b'], baz=True)),
+ ]
+class TestArgumentsFromFile(TempDirMixin, ParserTestCase):
+ """Test reading arguments from a file"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestArgumentsFromFile, self).setUp()
+ file_texts = [
+ ('hello', 'hello world!\n'),
+ ('recursive', '-a\n'
+ 'A\n'
+ '@hello'),
+ ('invalid', '@no-such-path\n'),
+ ]
+ for path, text in file_texts:
+ file = open(path, 'w')
+ file.write(text)
+ file.close()
+ parser_signature = Sig(fromfile_prefix_chars='@')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-a'),
+ Sig('x'),
+ Sig('y', nargs='+'),
+ ]
+ failures = ['', '-b', 'X', '@invalid', '@missing']
+ successes = [
+ ('X Y', NS(a=None, x='X', y=['Y'])),
+ ('X -a A Y Z', NS(a='A', x='X', y=['Y', 'Z'])),
+ ('@hello X', NS(a=None, x='hello world!', y=['X'])),
+ ('X @hello', NS(a=None, x='X', y=['hello world!'])),
+ ('-a B @recursive Y Z', NS(a='A', x='hello world!', y=['Y', 'Z'])),
+ ('X @recursive Z -a B', NS(a='B', x='X', y=['hello world!', 'Z'])),
+ ]
+class TestArgumentsFromFileConverter(TempDirMixin, ParserTestCase):
+ """Test reading arguments from a file"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestArgumentsFromFileConverter, self).setUp()
+ file_texts = [
+ ('hello', 'hello world!\n'),
+ ]
+ for path, text in file_texts:
+ file = open(path, 'w')
+ file.write(text)
+ file.close()
+ class FromFileConverterArgumentParser(ErrorRaisingArgumentParser):
+ def convert_arg_line_to_args(self, arg_line):
+ for arg in arg_line.split():
+ if not arg.strip():
+ continue
+ yield arg
+ parser_class = FromFileConverterArgumentParser
+ parser_signature = Sig(fromfile_prefix_chars='@')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('y', nargs='+'),
+ ]
+ failures = []
+ successes = [
+ ('@hello X', NS(y=['hello', 'world!', 'X'])),
+ ]
+# =====================
+# Type conversion tests
+# =====================
+class TestFileTypeRepr(TestCase):
+ def test_r(self):
+ type = argparse.FileType('r')
+ self.assertEqual("FileType('r')", repr(type))
+ def test_wb_1(self):
+ type = argparse.FileType('wb', 1)
+ self.assertEqual("FileType('wb', 1)", repr(type))
+class RFile(object):
+ seen = {}
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+ __hash__ = None
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if other in self.seen:
+ text = self.seen[other]
+ else:
+ text = self.seen[other] =
+ other.close()
+ if not isinstance(text, str):
+ text = text.decode('ascii')
+ return == == text
+class TestFileTypeR(TempDirMixin, ParserTestCase):
+ """Test the FileType option/argument type for reading files"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestFileTypeR, self).setUp()
+ for file_name in ['foo', 'bar']:
+ file = open(os.path.join(self.temp_dir, file_name), 'w')
+ file.write(file_name)
+ file.close()
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', type=argparse.FileType()),
+ Sig('spam', type=argparse.FileType('r')),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-x', '-x bar']
+ successes = [
+ ('foo', NS(x=None, spam=RFile('foo'))),
+ ('-x foo bar', NS(x=RFile('foo'), spam=RFile('bar'))),
+ ('bar -x foo', NS(x=RFile('foo'), spam=RFile('bar'))),
+ ('-x - -', NS(x=sys.stdin, spam=sys.stdin)),
+ ]
+class TestFileTypeRB(TempDirMixin, ParserTestCase):
+ """Test the FileType option/argument type for reading files"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestFileTypeRB, self).setUp()
+ for file_name in ['foo', 'bar']:
+ file = open(os.path.join(self.temp_dir, file_name), 'w')
+ file.write(file_name)
+ file.close()
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', type=argparse.FileType('rb')),
+ Sig('spam', type=argparse.FileType('rb')),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-x', '-x bar']
+ successes = [
+ ('foo', NS(x=None, spam=RFile('foo'))),
+ ('-x foo bar', NS(x=RFile('foo'), spam=RFile('bar'))),
+ ('bar -x foo', NS(x=RFile('foo'), spam=RFile('bar'))),
+ ('-x - -', NS(x=sys.stdin, spam=sys.stdin)),
+ ]
+class WFile(object):
+ seen = set()
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+ __hash__ = None
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if other not in self.seen:
+ text = 'Check that file is writable.'
+ if 'b' in other.mode:
+ text = text.encode('ascii')
+ other.write(text)
+ other.close()
+ self.seen.add(other)
+ return ==
+class TestFileTypeW(TempDirMixin, ParserTestCase):
+ """Test the FileType option/argument type for writing files"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', type=argparse.FileType('w')),
+ Sig('spam', type=argparse.FileType('w')),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-x', '-x bar']
+ successes = [
+ ('foo', NS(x=None, spam=WFile('foo'))),
+ ('-x foo bar', NS(x=WFile('foo'), spam=WFile('bar'))),
+ ('bar -x foo', NS(x=WFile('foo'), spam=WFile('bar'))),
+ ('-x - -', NS(x=sys.stdout, spam=sys.stdout)),
+ ]
+class TestFileTypeWB(TempDirMixin, ParserTestCase):
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', type=argparse.FileType('wb')),
+ Sig('spam', type=argparse.FileType('wb')),
+ ]
+ failures = ['-x', '-x bar']
+ successes = [
+ ('foo', NS(x=None, spam=WFile('foo'))),
+ ('-x foo bar', NS(x=WFile('foo'), spam=WFile('bar'))),
+ ('bar -x foo', NS(x=WFile('foo'), spam=WFile('bar'))),
+ ('-x - -', NS(x=sys.stdout, spam=sys.stdout)),
+ ]
+class TestTypeCallable(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test some callables as option/argument types"""
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--eggs', type=complex),
+ Sig('spam', type=float),
+ ]
+ failures = ['a', '42j', '--eggs a', '--eggs 2i']
+ successes = [
+ ('--eggs=42 42', NS(eggs=42, spam=42.0)),
+ ('--eggs 2j -- -1.5', NS(eggs=2j, spam=-1.5)),
+ ('1024.675', NS(eggs=None, spam=1024.675)),
+ ]
+class TestTypeUserDefined(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a user-defined option/argument type"""
+ class MyType(TestCase):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ __hash__ = None
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (type(self), self.value) == (type(other), other.value)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', type=MyType),
+ Sig('spam', type=MyType),
+ ]
+ failures = []
+ successes = [
+ ('a -x b', NS(x=MyType('b'), spam=MyType('a'))),
+ ('-xf g', NS(x=MyType('f'), spam=MyType('g'))),
+ ]
+class TestTypeClassicClass(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a classic class type"""
+ class C:
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ __hash__ = None
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return (type(self), self.value) == (type(other), other.value)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', type=C),
+ Sig('spam', type=C),
+ ]
+ failures = []
+ successes = [
+ ('a -x b', NS(x=C('b'), spam=C('a'))),
+ ('-xf g', NS(x=C('f'), spam=C('g'))),
+ ]
+class TestTypeRegistration(TestCase):
+ """Test a user-defined type by registering it"""
+ def test(self):
+ def get_my_type(string):
+ return 'my_type{%s}' % string
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.register('type', 'my_type', get_my_type)
+ parser.add_argument('-x', type='my_type')
+ parser.add_argument('y', type='my_type')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.parse_args('1'.split()),
+ NS(x=None, y='my_type{1}'))
+ self.assertEqual(parser.parse_args('-x 1 42'.split()),
+ NS(x='my_type{1}', y='my_type{42}'))
+# ============
+# Action tests
+# ============
+class TestActionUserDefined(ParserTestCase):
+ """Test a user-defined option/argument action"""
+ class OptionalAction(argparse.Action):
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None):
+ try:
+ # check destination and option string
+ assert self.dest == 'spam', 'dest: %s' % self.dest
+ assert option_string == '-s', 'flag: %s' % option_string
+ # when option is before argument, badger=2, and when
+ # option is after argument, badger=<whatever was set>
+ expected_ns = NS(spam=0.25)
+ if value in [0.125, 0.625]:
+ expected_ns.badger = 2
+ elif value in [2.0]:
+ expected_ns.badger = 84
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError('value: %s' % value)
+ assert expected_ns == namespace, ('expected %s, got %s' %
+ (expected_ns, namespace))
+ except AssertionError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ raise ArgumentParserError('opt_action failed: %s' % e)
+ setattr(namespace, 'spam', value)
+ class PositionalAction(argparse.Action):
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, value, option_string=None):
+ try:
+ assert option_string is None, ('option_string: %s' %
+ option_string)
+ # check destination
+ assert self.dest == 'badger', 'dest: %s' % self.dest
+ # when argument is before option, spam=0.25, and when
+ # option is after argument, spam=<whatever was set>
+ expected_ns = NS(badger=2)
+ if value in [42, 84]:
+ expected_ns.spam = 0.25
+ elif value in [1]:
+ expected_ns.spam = 0.625
+ elif value in [2]:
+ expected_ns.spam = 0.125
+ else:
+ raise AssertionError('value: %s' % value)
+ assert expected_ns == namespace, ('expected %s, got %s' %
+ (expected_ns, namespace))
+ except AssertionError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ raise ArgumentParserError('arg_action failed: %s' % e)
+ setattr(namespace, 'badger', value)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-s', dest='spam', action=OptionalAction,
+ type=float, default=0.25),
+ Sig('badger', action=PositionalAction,
+ type=int, nargs='?', default=2),
+ ]
+ failures = []
+ successes = [
+ ('-s0.125', NS(spam=0.125, badger=2)),
+ ('42', NS(spam=0.25, badger=42)),
+ ('-s 0.625 1', NS(spam=0.625, badger=1)),
+ ('84 -s2', NS(spam=2.0, badger=84)),
+ ]
+class TestActionRegistration(TestCase):
+ """Test a user-defined action supplied by registering it"""
+ class MyAction(argparse.Action):
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, 'foo[%s]' % values)
+ def test(self):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.register('action', 'my_action', self.MyAction)
+ parser.add_argument('badger', action='my_action')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.parse_args(['1']), NS(badger='foo[1]'))
+ self.assertEqual(parser.parse_args(['42']), NS(badger='foo[42]'))
+# ================
+# Subparsers tests
+# ================
+class TestAddSubparsers(TestCase):
+ """Test the add_subparsers method"""
+ def assertArgumentParserError(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.assertRaises(ArgumentParserError, *args, **kwargs)
+ def _get_parser(self, subparser_help=False, prefix_chars=None):
+ # create a parser with a subparsers argument
+ if prefix_chars:
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(
+ prog='PROG', description='main description', prefix_chars=prefix_chars)
+ parser.add_argument(
+ prefix_chars[0] * 2 + 'foo', action='store_true', help='foo help')
+ else:
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(
+ prog='PROG', description='main description')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--foo', action='store_true', help='foo help')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'bar', type=float, help='bar help')
+ # check that only one subparsers argument can be added
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(help='command help')
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parser.add_subparsers)
+ # add first sub-parser
+ parser1_kwargs = dict(description='1 description')
+ if subparser_help:
+ parser1_kwargs['help'] = '1 help'
+ parser1 = subparsers.add_parser('1', **parser1_kwargs)
+ parser1.add_argument('-w', type=int, help='w help')
+ parser1.add_argument('x', choices='abc', help='x help')
+ # add second sub-parser
+ parser2_kwargs = dict(description='2 description')
+ if subparser_help:
+ parser2_kwargs['help'] = '2 help'
+ parser2 = subparsers.add_parser('2', **parser2_kwargs)
+ parser2.add_argument('-y', choices='123', help='y help')
+ parser2.add_argument('z', type=complex, nargs='*', help='z help')
+ # return the main parser
+ return parser
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestAddSubparsers, self).setUp()
+ self.parser = self._get_parser()
+ self.command_help_parser = self._get_parser(subparser_help=True)
+ def test_parse_args_failures(self):
+ # check some failure cases:
+ for args_str in ['', 'a', 'a a', '0.5 a', '0.5 1',
+ '0.5 1 -y', '0.5 2 -w']:
+ args = args_str.split()
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(self.parser.parse_args, args)
+ def test_parse_args(self):
+ # check some non-failure cases:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.parser.parse_args('0.5 1 b -w 7'.split()),
+ NS(foo=False, bar=0.5, w=7, x='b'),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.parser.parse_args('0.25 --foo 2 -y 2 3j -- -1j'.split()),
+ NS(foo=True, bar=0.25, y='2', z=[3j, -1j]),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.parser.parse_args('--foo 0.125 1 c'.split()),
+ NS(foo=True, bar=0.125, w=None, x='c'),
+ )
+ def test_parse_known_args(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.parser.parse_known_args('0.5 1 b -w 7'.split()),
+ (NS(foo=False, bar=0.5, w=7, x='b'), []),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.parser.parse_known_args('0.5 -p 1 b -w 7'.split()),
+ (NS(foo=False, bar=0.5, w=7, x='b'), ['-p']),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.parser.parse_known_args('0.5 1 b -w 7 -p'.split()),
+ (NS(foo=False, bar=0.5, w=7, x='b'), ['-p']),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.parser.parse_known_args('0.5 1 b -q -rs -w 7'.split()),
+ (NS(foo=False, bar=0.5, w=7, x='b'), ['-q', '-rs']),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.parser.parse_known_args('0.5 -W 1 b -X Y -w 7 Z'.split()),
+ (NS(foo=False, bar=0.5, w=7, x='b'), ['-W', '-X', 'Y', 'Z']),
+ )
+ def test_dest(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--foo', action='store_true')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='bar')
+ parser1 = subparsers.add_parser('1')
+ parser1.add_argument('baz')
+ self.assertEqual(NS(foo=False, bar='1', baz='2'),
+ parser.parse_args('1 2'.split()))
+ def test_help(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.parser.format_usage(),
+ 'usage: PROG [-h] [--foo] bar {1,2} ...\n')
+ self.assertEqual(self.parser.format_help(), textwrap.dedent('''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo] bar {1,2} ...
+ main description
+ positional arguments:
+ bar bar help
+ {1,2} command help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo foo help
+ '''))
+ def test_help_extra_prefix_chars(self):
+ # Make sure - is still used for help if it is a non-first prefix char
+ parser = self._get_parser(prefix_chars='+:-')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.format_usage(),
+ 'usage: PROG [-h] [++foo] bar {1,2} ...\n')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.format_help(), textwrap.dedent('''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [++foo] bar {1,2} ...
+ main description
+ positional arguments:
+ bar bar help
+ {1,2} command help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ ++foo foo help
+ '''))
+ def test_help_alternate_prefix_chars(self):
+ parser = self._get_parser(prefix_chars='+:/')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.format_usage(),
+ 'usage: PROG [+h] [++foo] bar {1,2} ...\n')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.format_help(), textwrap.dedent('''\
+ usage: PROG [+h] [++foo] bar {1,2} ...
+ main description
+ positional arguments:
+ bar bar help
+ {1,2} command help
+ optional arguments:
+ +h, ++help show this help message and exit
+ ++foo foo help
+ '''))
+ def test_parser_command_help(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.command_help_parser.format_usage(),
+ 'usage: PROG [-h] [--foo] bar {1,2} ...\n')
+ self.assertEqual(self.command_help_parser.format_help(),
+ textwrap.dedent('''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo] bar {1,2} ...
+ main description
+ positional arguments:
+ bar bar help
+ {1,2} command help
+ 1 1 help
+ 2 2 help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo foo help
+ '''))
+ def test_subparser_title_help(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PROG',
+ description='main description')
+ parser.add_argument('--foo', action='store_true', help='foo help')
+ parser.add_argument('bar', help='bar help')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands',
+ description='command help',
+ help='additional text')
+ parser1 = subparsers.add_parser('1')
+ parser2 = subparsers.add_parser('2')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.format_usage(),
+ 'usage: PROG [-h] [--foo] bar {1,2} ...\n')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.format_help(), textwrap.dedent('''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo] bar {1,2} ...
+ main description
+ positional arguments:
+ bar bar help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo foo help
+ subcommands:
+ command help
+ {1,2} additional text
+ '''))
+ def _test_subparser_help(self, args_str, expected_help):
+ try:
+ self.parser.parse_args(args_str.split())
+ except ArgumentParserError:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ if err.stdout != expected_help:
+ print(repr(expected_help))
+ print(repr(err.stdout))
+ self.assertEqual(err.stdout, expected_help)
+ def test_subparser1_help(self):
+ self._test_subparser_help('5.0 1 -h', textwrap.dedent('''\
+ usage: PROG bar 1 [-h] [-w W] {a,b,c}
+ 1 description
+ positional arguments:
+ {a,b,c} x help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -w W w help
+ '''))
+ def test_subparser2_help(self):
+ self._test_subparser_help('5.0 2 -h', textwrap.dedent('''\
+ usage: PROG bar 2 [-h] [-y {1,2,3}] [z [z ...]]
+ 2 description
+ positional arguments:
+ z z help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -y {1,2,3} y help
+ '''))
+# ============
+# Groups tests
+# ============
+class TestPositionalsGroups(TestCase):
+ """Tests that order of group positionals matches construction order"""
+ def test_nongroup_first(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('foo')
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('g')
+ group.add_argument('bar')
+ parser.add_argument('baz')
+ expected = NS(foo='1', bar='2', baz='3')
+ result = parser.parse_args('1 2 3'.split())
+ self.assertEqual(expected, result)
+ def test_group_first(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('xxx')
+ group.add_argument('foo')
+ parser.add_argument('bar')
+ parser.add_argument('baz')
+ expected = NS(foo='1', bar='2', baz='3')
+ result = parser.parse_args('1 2 3'.split())
+ self.assertEqual(expected, result)
+ def test_interleaved_groups(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('xxx')
+ parser.add_argument('foo')
+ group.add_argument('bar')
+ parser.add_argument('baz')
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('yyy')
+ group.add_argument('frell')
+ expected = NS(foo='1', bar='2', baz='3', frell='4')
+ result = parser.parse_args('1 2 3 4'.split())
+ self.assertEqual(expected, result)
+# ===================
+# Parent parser tests
+# ===================
+class TestParentParsers(TestCase):
+ """Tests that parsers can be created with parent parsers"""
+ def assertArgumentParserError(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.assertRaises(ArgumentParserError, *args, **kwargs)
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestParentParsers, self).setUp()
+ self.wxyz_parent = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ self.wxyz_parent.add_argument('--w')
+ x_group = self.wxyz_parent.add_argument_group('x')
+ x_group.add_argument('-y')
+ self.wxyz_parent.add_argument('z')
+ self.abcd_parent = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ self.abcd_parent.add_argument('a')
+ self.abcd_parent.add_argument('-b')
+ c_group = self.abcd_parent.add_argument_group('c')
+ c_group.add_argument('--d')
+ self.w_parent = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ self.w_parent.add_argument('--w')
+ self.z_parent = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ self.z_parent.add_argument('z')
+ # parents with mutually exclusive groups
+ self.ab_mutex_parent = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ group = self.ab_mutex_parent.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ group.add_argument('-a', action='store_true')
+ group.add_argument('-b', action='store_true')
+ self.main_program = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+ def test_single_parent(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(parents=[self.wxyz_parent])
+ self.assertEqual(parser.parse_args('-y 1 2 --w 3'.split()),
+ NS(w='3', y='1', z='2'))
+ def test_single_parent_mutex(self):
+ self._test_mutex_ab(self.ab_mutex_parent.parse_args)
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(parents=[self.ab_mutex_parent])
+ self._test_mutex_ab(parser.parse_args)
+ def test_single_granparent_mutex(self):
+ parents = [self.ab_mutex_parent]
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False, parents=parents)
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(parents=[parser])
+ self._test_mutex_ab(parser.parse_args)
+ def _test_mutex_ab(self, parse_args):
+ self.assertEqual(parse_args([]), NS(a=False, b=False))
+ self.assertEqual(parse_args(['-a']), NS(a=True, b=False))
+ self.assertEqual(parse_args(['-b']), NS(a=False, b=True))
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parse_args, ['-a', '-b'])
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parse_args, ['-b', '-a'])
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parse_args, ['-c'])
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parse_args, ['-a', '-c'])
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parse_args, ['-b', '-c'])
+ def test_multiple_parents(self):
+ parents = [self.abcd_parent, self.wxyz_parent]
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(parents=parents)
+ self.assertEqual(parser.parse_args('--d 1 --w 2 3 4'.split()),
+ NS(a='3', b=None, d='1', w='2', y=None, z='4'))
+ def test_multiple_parents_mutex(self):
+ parents = [self.ab_mutex_parent, self.wxyz_parent]
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(parents=parents)
+ self.assertEqual(parser.parse_args('-a --w 2 3'.split()),
+ NS(a=True, b=False, w='2', y=None, z='3'))
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(
+ parser.parse_args, '-a --w 2 3 -b'.split())
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(
+ parser.parse_args, '-a -b --w 2 3'.split())
+ def test_conflicting_parents(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ argparse.ArgumentError,
+ argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ parents=[self.w_parent, self.wxyz_parent])
+ def test_conflicting_parents_mutex(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ argparse.ArgumentError,
+ argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ parents=[self.abcd_parent, self.ab_mutex_parent])
+ def test_same_argument_name_parents(self):
+ parents = [self.wxyz_parent, self.z_parent]
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(parents=parents)
+ self.assertEqual(parser.parse_args('1 2'.split()),
+ NS(w=None, y=None, z='2'))
+ def test_subparser_parents(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
+ abcde_parser = subparsers.add_parser('bar', parents=[self.abcd_parent])
+ abcde_parser.add_argument('e')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.parse_args('bar -b 1 --d 2 3 4'.split()),
+ NS(a='3', b='1', d='2', e='4'))
+ def test_subparser_parents_mutex(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
+ parents = [self.ab_mutex_parent]
+ abc_parser = subparsers.add_parser('foo', parents=parents)
+ c_group = abc_parser.add_argument_group('c_group')
+ c_group.add_argument('c')
+ parents = [self.wxyz_parent, self.ab_mutex_parent]
+ wxyzabe_parser = subparsers.add_parser('bar', parents=parents)
+ wxyzabe_parser.add_argument('e')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.parse_args('foo -a 4'.split()),
+ NS(a=True, b=False, c='4'))
+ self.assertEqual(parser.parse_args('bar -b --w 2 3 4'.split()),
+ NS(a=False, b=True, w='2', y=None, z='3', e='4'))
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(
+ parser.parse_args, 'foo -a -b 4'.split())
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(
+ parser.parse_args, 'bar -b -a 4'.split())
+ def test_parent_help(self):
+ parents = [self.abcd_parent, self.wxyz_parent]
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(parents=parents)
+ parser_help = parser.format_help()
+ self.assertEqual(parser_help, textwrap.dedent('''\
+ usage: {} [-h] [-b B] [--d D] [--w W] [-y Y] a z
+ positional arguments:
+ a
+ z
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -b B
+ --w W
+ c:
+ --d D
+ x:
+ -y Y
+ '''.format(self.main_program)))
+ def test_groups_parents(self):
+ parent = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ g = parent.add_argument_group(title='g', description='gd')
+ g.add_argument('-w')
+ g.add_argument('-x')
+ m = parent.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ m.add_argument('-y')
+ m.add_argument('-z')
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(parents=[parent])
+ self.assertRaises(ArgumentParserError, parser.parse_args,
+ ['-y', 'Y', '-z', 'Z'])
+ parser_help = parser.format_help()
+ self.assertEqual(parser_help, textwrap.dedent('''\
+ usage: {} [-h] [-w W] [-x X] [-y Y | -z Z]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -y Y
+ -z Z
+ g:
+ gd
+ -w W
+ -x X
+ '''.format(self.main_program)))
+# ==============================
+# Mutually exclusive group tests
+# ==============================
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrors(TestCase):
+ def test_invalid_add_argument_group(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ raises = self.assertRaises
+ raises(TypeError, parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group, title='foo')
+ def test_invalid_add_argument(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ add_argument = group.add_argument
+ raises = self.assertRaises
+ raises(ValueError, add_argument, '--foo', required=True)
+ raises(ValueError, add_argument, 'bar')
+ raises(ValueError, add_argument, 'bar', nargs='+')
+ raises(ValueError, add_argument, 'bar', nargs=1)
+ raises(ValueError, add_argument, 'bar', nargs=argparse.PARSER)
+ def test_help(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ group1 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ group1.add_argument('--foo', action='store_true')
+ group1.add_argument('--bar', action='store_false')
+ group2 = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ group2.add_argument('--soup', action='store_true')
+ group2.add_argument('--nuts', action='store_false')
+ expected = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo | --bar] [--soup | --nuts]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo
+ --bar
+ --soup
+ --nuts
+ '''
+ self.assertEqual(parser.format_help(), textwrap.dedent(expected))
+class MEMixin(object):
+ def test_failures_when_not_required(self):
+ parse_args = self.get_parser(required=False).parse_args
+ error = ArgumentParserError
+ for args_string in self.failures:
+ self.assertRaises(error, parse_args, args_string.split())
+ def test_failures_when_required(self):
+ parse_args = self.get_parser(required=True).parse_args
+ error = ArgumentParserError
+ for args_string in self.failures + ['']:
+ self.assertRaises(error, parse_args, args_string.split())
+ def test_successes_when_not_required(self):
+ parse_args = self.get_parser(required=False).parse_args
+ successes = self.successes + self.successes_when_not_required
+ for args_string, expected_ns in successes:
+ actual_ns = parse_args(args_string.split())
+ self.assertEqual(actual_ns, expected_ns)
+ def test_successes_when_required(self):
+ parse_args = self.get_parser(required=True).parse_args
+ for args_string, expected_ns in self.successes:
+ actual_ns = parse_args(args_string.split())
+ self.assertEqual(actual_ns, expected_ns)
+ def test_usage_when_not_required(self):
+ format_usage = self.get_parser(required=False).format_usage
+ expected_usage = self.usage_when_not_required
+ self.assertEqual(format_usage(), textwrap.dedent(expected_usage))
+ def test_usage_when_required(self):
+ format_usage = self.get_parser(required=True).format_usage
+ expected_usage = self.usage_when_required
+ self.assertEqual(format_usage(), textwrap.dedent(expected_usage))
+ def test_help_when_not_required(self):
+ format_help = self.get_parser(required=False).format_help
+ help = self.usage_when_not_required +
+ self.assertEqual(format_help(), textwrap.dedent(help))
+ def test_help_when_required(self):
+ format_help = self.get_parser(required=True).format_help
+ help = self.usage_when_required +
+ self.assertEqual(format_help(), textwrap.dedent(help))
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple(MEMixin, TestCase):
+ def get_parser(self, required=None):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=required)
+ group.add_argument('--bar', help='bar help')
+ group.add_argument('--baz', nargs='?', const='Z', help='baz help')
+ return parser
+ failures = ['--bar X --baz Y', '--bar X --baz']
+ successes = [
+ ('--bar X', NS(bar='X', baz=None)),
+ ('--bar X --bar Z', NS(bar='Z', baz=None)),
+ ('--baz Y', NS(bar=None, baz='Y')),
+ ('--baz', NS(bar=None, baz='Z')),
+ ]
+ successes_when_not_required = [
+ ('', NS(bar=None, baz=None)),
+ ]
+ usage_when_not_required = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--bar BAR | --baz [BAZ]]
+ '''
+ usage_when_required = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] (--bar BAR | --baz [BAZ])
+ '''
+ help = '''\
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --bar BAR bar help
+ --baz [BAZ] baz help
+ '''
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveLong(MEMixin, TestCase):
+ def get_parser(self, required=None):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ parser.add_argument('--abcde', help='abcde help')
+ parser.add_argument('--fghij', help='fghij help')
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=required)
+ group.add_argument('--klmno', help='klmno help')
+ group.add_argument('--pqrst', help='pqrst help')
+ return parser
+ failures = ['--klmno X --pqrst Y']
+ successes = [
+ ('--klmno X', NS(abcde=None, fghij=None, klmno='X', pqrst=None)),
+ ('--abcde Y --klmno X',
+ NS(abcde='Y', fghij=None, klmno='X', pqrst=None)),
+ ('--pqrst X', NS(abcde=None, fghij=None, klmno=None, pqrst='X')),
+ ('--pqrst X --fghij Y',
+ NS(abcde=None, fghij='Y', klmno=None, pqrst='X')),
+ ]
+ successes_when_not_required = [
+ ('', NS(abcde=None, fghij=None, klmno=None, pqrst=None)),
+ ]
+ usage_when_not_required = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--abcde ABCDE] [--fghij FGHIJ]
+ [--klmno KLMNO | --pqrst PQRST]
+ '''
+ usage_when_required = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--abcde ABCDE] [--fghij FGHIJ]
+ (--klmno KLMNO | --pqrst PQRST)
+ '''
+ help = '''\
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --abcde ABCDE abcde help
+ --fghij FGHIJ fghij help
+ --klmno KLMNO klmno help
+ --pqrst PQRST pqrst help
+ '''
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed(MEMixin, TestCase):
+ def get_parser(self, required):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=required)
+ group.add_argument('-x', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ group.add_argument('-y', action='store_false', help='y help')
+ return parser
+ failures = ['-x X -y']
+ successes = [
+ ('-x X', NS(x='X', y=True)),
+ ('-x X -x Y', NS(x='Y', y=True)),
+ ('-y', NS(x=None, y=False)),
+ ]
+ successes_when_not_required = [
+ ('', NS(x=None, y=True)),
+ ]
+ usage_when_not_required = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-y]
+ '''
+ usage_when_required = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] -y
+ '''
+ help = '''\
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -y y help
+ '''
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed(MEMixin, TestCase):
+ def get_parser(self, required):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=required)
+ add = group.add_argument
+ add('--spam', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ add('--badger', action='store_false', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ add('--bladder', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ return parser
+ failures = [
+ '--spam --badger',
+ '--badger --bladder B',
+ '--bladder B --spam',
+ ]
+ successes = [
+ ('--spam', NS(spam=True, badger=True, bladder=None)),
+ ('--badger', NS(spam=False, badger=False, bladder=None)),
+ ('--bladder B', NS(spam=False, badger=True, bladder='B')),
+ ('--spam --spam', NS(spam=True, badger=True, bladder=None)),
+ ]
+ successes_when_not_required = [
+ ('', NS(spam=False, badger=True, bladder=None)),
+ ]
+ usage_when_required = usage_when_not_required = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h]
+ '''
+ help = '''\
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ '''
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional(MEMixin, TestCase):
+ def get_parser(self, required):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=required)
+ group.add_argument('--foo', action='store_true', help='FOO')
+ group.add_argument('--spam', help='SPAM')
+ group.add_argument('badger', nargs='*', default='X', help='BADGER')
+ return parser
+ failures = [
+ '--foo --spam S',
+ '--spam S X',
+ 'X --foo',
+ 'X Y Z --spam S',
+ '--foo X Y',
+ ]
+ successes = [
+ ('--foo', NS(foo=True, spam=None, badger='X')),
+ ('--spam S', NS(foo=False, spam='S', badger='X')),
+ ('X', NS(foo=False, spam=None, badger=['X'])),
+ ('X Y Z', NS(foo=False, spam=None, badger=['X', 'Y', 'Z'])),
+ ]
+ successes_when_not_required = [
+ ('', NS(foo=False, spam=None, badger='X')),
+ ]
+ usage_when_not_required = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo | --spam SPAM | badger [badger ...]]
+ '''
+ usage_when_required = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] (--foo | --spam SPAM | badger [badger ...])
+ '''
+ help = '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ badger BADGER
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO
+ --spam SPAM SPAM
+ '''
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed(MEMixin, TestCase):
+ def get_parser(self, required):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ parser.add_argument('-x', action='store_true', help='x help')
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=required)
+ group.add_argument('-a', action='store_true', help='a help')
+ group.add_argument('-b', action='store_true', help='b help')
+ parser.add_argument('-y', action='store_true', help='y help')
+ group.add_argument('-c', action='store_true', help='c help')
+ return parser
+ failures = ['-a -b', '-b -c', '-a -c', '-a -b -c']
+ successes = [
+ ('-a', NS(a=True, b=False, c=False, x=False, y=False)),
+ ('-b', NS(a=False, b=True, c=False, x=False, y=False)),
+ ('-c', NS(a=False, b=False, c=True, x=False, y=False)),
+ ('-a -x', NS(a=True, b=False, c=False, x=True, y=False)),
+ ('-y -b', NS(a=False, b=True, c=False, x=False, y=True)),
+ ('-x -y -c', NS(a=False, b=False, c=True, x=True, y=True)),
+ ]
+ successes_when_not_required = [
+ ('', NS(a=False, b=False, c=False, x=False, y=False)),
+ ('-x', NS(a=False, b=False, c=False, x=True, y=False)),
+ ('-y', NS(a=False, b=False, c=False, x=False, y=True)),
+ ]
+ usage_when_required = usage_when_not_required = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-x] [-a] [-b] [-y] [-c]
+ '''
+ help = '''\
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -x x help
+ -a a help
+ -b b help
+ -y y help
+ -c c help
+ '''
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed(MEMixin, TestCase):
+ def get_parser(self, required):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ parser.add_argument('x', help='x help')
+ parser.add_argument('-y', action='store_true', help='y help')
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=required)
+ group.add_argument('a', nargs='?', help='a help')
+ group.add_argument('-b', action='store_true', help='b help')
+ group.add_argument('-c', action='store_true', help='c help')
+ return parser
+ failures = ['X A -b', '-b -c', '-c X A']
+ successes = [
+ ('X A', NS(a='A', b=False, c=False, x='X', y=False)),
+ ('X -b', NS(a=None, b=True, c=False, x='X', y=False)),
+ ('X -c', NS(a=None, b=False, c=True, x='X', y=False)),
+ ('X A -y', NS(a='A', b=False, c=False, x='X', y=True)),
+ ('X -y -b', NS(a=None, b=True, c=False, x='X', y=True)),
+ ]
+ successes_when_not_required = [
+ ('X', NS(a=None, b=False, c=False, x='X', y=False)),
+ ('X -y', NS(a=None, b=False, c=False, x='X', y=True)),
+ ]
+ usage_when_required = usage_when_not_required = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-y] [-b] [-c] x [a]
+ '''
+ help = '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ x x help
+ a a help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -y y help
+ -b b help
+ -c c help
+ '''
+# =================================================
+# Mutually exclusive group in parent parser tests
+# =================================================
+class MEPBase(object):
+ def get_parser(self, required=None):
+ parent = super(MEPBase, self).get_parser(required=required)
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(
+ prog=parent.prog, add_help=False, parents=[parent])
+ return parser
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrorsParent(
+ MEPBase, TestMutuallyExclusiveGroupErrors):
+ pass
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveSimpleParent(
+ MEPBase, TestMutuallyExclusiveSimple):
+ pass
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveLongParent(
+ MEPBase, TestMutuallyExclusiveLong):
+ pass
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressedParent(
+ MEPBase, TestMutuallyExclusiveFirstSuppressed):
+ pass
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressedParent(
+ MEPBase, TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed):
+ pass
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositionalParent(
+ MEPBase, TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalAndPositional):
+ pass
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixedParent(
+ MEPBase, TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsMixed):
+ pass
+class TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixedParent(
+ MEPBase, TestMutuallyExclusiveOptionalsAndPositionalsMixed):
+ pass
+# =================
+# Set default tests
+# =================
+class TestSetDefaults(TestCase):
+ def test_set_defaults_no_args(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ parser.set_defaults(x='foo')
+ parser.set_defaults(y='bar', z=1)
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='foo', y='bar', z=1),
+ parser.parse_args([]))
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='foo', y='bar', z=1),
+ parser.parse_args([], NS()))
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='baz', y='bar', z=1),
+ parser.parse_args([], NS(x='baz')))
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='baz', y='bar', z=2),
+ parser.parse_args([], NS(x='baz', z=2)))
+ def test_set_defaults_with_args(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ parser.set_defaults(x='foo', y='bar')
+ parser.add_argument('-x', default='xfoox')
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='xfoox', y='bar'),
+ parser.parse_args([]))
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='xfoox', y='bar'),
+ parser.parse_args([], NS()))
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='baz', y='bar'),
+ parser.parse_args([], NS(x='baz')))
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='1', y='bar'),
+ parser.parse_args('-x 1'.split()))
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='1', y='bar'),
+ parser.parse_args('-x 1'.split(), NS()))
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='1', y='bar'),
+ parser.parse_args('-x 1'.split(), NS(x='baz')))
+ def test_set_defaults_subparsers(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ parser.set_defaults(x='foo')
+ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
+ parser_a = subparsers.add_parser('a')
+ parser_a.set_defaults(y='bar')
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='foo', y='bar'),
+ parser.parse_args('a'.split()))
+ def test_set_defaults_parents(self):
+ parent = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ parent.set_defaults(x='foo')
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(parents=[parent])
+ self.assertEqual(NS(x='foo'), parser.parse_args([]))
+ def test_set_defaults_same_as_add_argument(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ parser.set_defaults(w='W', x='X', y='Y', z='Z')
+ parser.add_argument('-w')
+ parser.add_argument('-x', default='XX')
+ parser.add_argument('y', nargs='?')
+ parser.add_argument('z', nargs='?', default='ZZ')
+ # defaults set previously
+ self.assertEqual(NS(w='W', x='XX', y='Y', z='ZZ'),
+ parser.parse_args([]))
+ # reset defaults
+ parser.set_defaults(w='WW', x='X', y='YY', z='Z')
+ self.assertEqual(NS(w='WW', x='X', y='YY', z='Z'),
+ parser.parse_args([]))
+ def test_set_defaults_same_as_add_argument_group(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ parser.set_defaults(w='W', x='X', y='Y', z='Z')
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('foo')
+ group.add_argument('-w')
+ group.add_argument('-x', default='XX')
+ group.add_argument('y', nargs='?')
+ group.add_argument('z', nargs='?', default='ZZ')
+ # defaults set previously
+ self.assertEqual(NS(w='W', x='XX', y='Y', z='ZZ'),
+ parser.parse_args([]))
+ # reset defaults
+ parser.set_defaults(w='WW', x='X', y='YY', z='Z')
+ self.assertEqual(NS(w='WW', x='X', y='YY', z='Z'),
+ parser.parse_args([]))
+# =================
+# Get default tests
+# =================
+class TestGetDefault(TestCase):
+ def test_get_default(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ self.assertEqual(None, parser.get_default("foo"))
+ self.assertEqual(None, parser.get_default("bar"))
+ parser.add_argument("--foo")
+ self.assertEqual(None, parser.get_default("foo"))
+ self.assertEqual(None, parser.get_default("bar"))
+ parser.add_argument("--bar", type=int, default=42)
+ self.assertEqual(None, parser.get_default("foo"))
+ self.assertEqual(42, parser.get_default("bar"))
+ parser.set_defaults(foo="badger")
+ self.assertEqual("badger", parser.get_default("foo"))
+ self.assertEqual(42, parser.get_default("bar"))
+# ==========================
+# Namespace 'contains' tests
+# ==========================
+class TestNamespaceContainsSimple(TestCase):
+ def test_empty(self):
+ ns = argparse.Namespace()
+ self.assertEqual('' in ns, False)
+ self.assertEqual('' not in ns, True)
+ self.assertEqual('x' in ns, False)
+ def test_non_empty(self):
+ ns = argparse.Namespace(x=1, y=2)
+ self.assertEqual('x' in ns, True)
+ self.assertEqual('x' not in ns, False)
+ self.assertEqual('y' in ns, True)
+ self.assertEqual('' in ns, False)
+ self.assertEqual('xx' in ns, False)
+ self.assertEqual('z' in ns, False)
+# =====================
+# Help formatting tests
+# =====================
+class TestHelpFormattingMetaclass(type):
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, bodydict):
+ if name == 'HelpTestCase':
+ return
+ class AddTests(object):
+ def __init__(self, test_class, func_suffix, std_name):
+ self.func_suffix = func_suffix
+ self.std_name = std_name
+ for test_func in [self.test_format,
+ self.test_print,
+ self.test_print_file]:
+ test_name = '%s_%s' % (test_func.__name__, func_suffix)
+ def test_wrapper(self, test_func=test_func):
+ test_func(self)
+ try:
+ test_wrapper.__name__ = test_name
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ setattr(test_class, test_name, test_wrapper)
+ def _get_parser(self, tester):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ *tester.parser_signature.args,
+ **tester.parser_signature.kwargs)
+ for argument_sig in tester.argument_signatures:
+ parser.add_argument(*argument_sig.args,
+ **argument_sig.kwargs)
+ group_signatures = tester.argument_group_signatures
+ for group_sig, argument_sigs in group_signatures:
+ group = parser.add_argument_group(*group_sig.args,
+ **group_sig.kwargs)
+ for argument_sig in argument_sigs:
+ group.add_argument(*argument_sig.args,
+ **argument_sig.kwargs)
+ return parser
+ def _test(self, tester, parser_text):
+ expected_text = getattr(tester, self.func_suffix)
+ expected_text = textwrap.dedent(expected_text)
+ if expected_text != parser_text:
+ print(repr(expected_text))
+ print(repr(parser_text))
+ for char1, char2 in zip(expected_text, parser_text):
+ if char1 != char2:
+ print('first diff: %r %r' % (char1, char2))
+ break
+ tester.assertEqual(expected_text, parser_text)
+ def test_format(self, tester):
+ parser = self._get_parser(tester)
+ format = getattr(parser, 'format_%s' % self.func_suffix)
+ self._test(tester, format())
+ def test_print(self, tester):
+ parser = self._get_parser(tester)
+ print_ = getattr(parser, 'print_%s' % self.func_suffix)
+ old_stream = getattr(sys, self.std_name)
+ setattr(sys, self.std_name, StdIOBuffer())
+ try:
+ print_()
+ parser_text = getattr(sys, self.std_name).getvalue()
+ finally:
+ setattr(sys, self.std_name, old_stream)
+ self._test(tester, parser_text)
+ def test_print_file(self, tester):
+ parser = self._get_parser(tester)
+ print_ = getattr(parser, 'print_%s' % self.func_suffix)
+ sfile = StdIOBuffer()
+ print_(sfile)
+ parser_text = sfile.getvalue()
+ self._test(tester, parser_text)
+ # add tests for {format,print}_{usage,help,version}
+ for func_suffix, std_name in [('usage', 'stdout'),
+ ('help', 'stdout'),
+ ('version', 'stderr')]:
+ AddTests(cls, func_suffix, std_name)
+bases = TestCase,
+HelpTestCase = TestHelpFormattingMetaclass('HelpTestCase', bases, {})
+class TestHelpBiggerOptionals(HelpTestCase):
+ """Make sure that argument help aligns when options are longer"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', description='DESCRIPTION',
+ epilog='EPILOG', version='0.1')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', action='store_true', help='X HELP'),
+ Sig('--y', help='Y HELP'),
+ Sig('foo', help='FOO HELP'),
+ Sig('bar', help='BAR HELP'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-v] [-x] [--y Y] foo bar
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ foo FOO HELP
+ bar BAR HELP
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -v, --version show program's version number and exit
+ -x X HELP
+ --y Y Y HELP
+ '''
+ version = '''\
+ 0.1
+ '''
+class TestHelpBiggerOptionalGroups(HelpTestCase):
+ """Make sure that argument help aligns when options are longer"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', description='DESCRIPTION',
+ epilog='EPILOG', version='0.1')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', action='store_true', help='X HELP'),
+ Sig('--y', help='Y HELP'),
+ Sig('foo', help='FOO HELP'),
+ Sig('bar', help='BAR HELP'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = [
+ (Sig('GROUP TITLE', description='GROUP DESCRIPTION'), [
+ Sig('baz', help='BAZ HELP'),
+ Sig('-z', nargs='+', help='Z HELP')]),
+ ]
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-v] [-x] [--y Y] [-z Z [Z ...]] foo bar baz
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ foo FOO HELP
+ bar BAR HELP
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -v, --version show program's version number and exit
+ -x X HELP
+ --y Y Y HELP
+ baz BAZ HELP
+ -z Z [Z ...] Z HELP
+ '''
+ version = '''\
+ 0.1
+ '''
+class TestHelpBiggerPositionals(HelpTestCase):
+ """Make sure that help aligns when arguments are longer"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(usage='USAGE', description='DESCRIPTION')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', action='store_true', help='X HELP'),
+ Sig('--y', help='Y HELP'),
+ Sig('ekiekiekifekang', help='EKI HELP'),
+ Sig('bar', help='BAR HELP'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: USAGE
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ ekiekiekifekang EKI HELP
+ bar BAR HELP
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -x X HELP
+ --y Y Y HELP
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpReformatting(HelpTestCase):
+ """Make sure that text after short names starts on the first line"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(
+ prog='PROG',
+ description=' oddly formatted\n'
+ 'description\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'that is so long that it should go onto multiple '
+ 'lines when wrapped')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', metavar='XX', help='oddly\n'
+ ' formatted -x help'),
+ Sig('y', metavar='yyy', help='normal y help'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = [
+ (Sig('title', description='\n'
+ ' oddly formatted group\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'description'),
+ [Sig('-a', action='store_true',
+ help=' oddly \n'
+ 'formatted -a help \n'
+ ' again, so long that it should be wrapped over '
+ 'multiple lines')]),
+ ]
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-x XX] [-a] yyy
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ oddly formatted description that is so long that it should go onto \
+ lines when wrapped
+ positional arguments:
+ yyy normal y help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -x XX oddly formatted -x help
+ title:
+ oddly formatted group description
+ -a oddly formatted -a help again, so long that it should \
+be wrapped
+ over multiple lines
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpWrappingShortNames(HelpTestCase):
+ """Make sure that text after short names starts on the first line"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', description= 'D\nD' * 30)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', metavar='XX', help='XHH HX' * 20),
+ Sig('y', metavar='yyy', help='YH YH' * 20),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = [
+ (Sig('ALPHAS'), [
+ Sig('-a', action='store_true', help='AHHH HHA' * 10)]),
+ ]
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-x XX] [-a] yyy
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpWrappingLongNames(HelpTestCase):
+ """Make sure that text after long names starts on the next line"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(usage='USAGE', description= 'D D' * 30,
+ version='V V'*30)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', metavar='X' * 25, help='XH XH' * 20),
+ Sig('y', metavar='y' * 25, help='YH YH' * 20),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = [
+ (Sig('ALPHAS'), [
+ Sig('-a', metavar='A' * 25, help='AH AH' * 20),
+ Sig('z', metavar='z' * 25, help='ZH ZH' * 20)]),
+ ]
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: USAGE
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -v, --version show program's version number and exit
+ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
+ '''
+ version = '''\
+ '''
+class TestHelpUsage(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test basic usage messages"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-w', nargs='+', help='w'),
+ Sig('-x', nargs='*', help='x'),
+ Sig('a', help='a'),
+ Sig('b', help='b', nargs=2),
+ Sig('c', help='c', nargs='?'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = [
+ (Sig('group'), [
+ Sig('-y', nargs='?', help='y'),
+ Sig('-z', nargs=3, help='z'),
+ Sig('d', help='d', nargs='*'),
+ Sig('e', help='e', nargs='+'),
+ ])
+ ]
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-w W [W ...]] [-x [X [X ...]]] [-y [Y]] [-z Z Z Z]
+ a b b [c] [d [d ...]] e [e ...]
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ a a
+ b b
+ c c
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -w W [W ...] w
+ -x [X [X ...]] x
+ group:
+ -y [Y] y
+ -z Z Z Z z
+ d d
+ e e
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpOnlyUserGroups(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test basic usage messages"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', add_help=False)
+ argument_signatures = []
+ argument_group_signatures = [
+ (Sig('xxxx'), [
+ Sig('-x', help='x'),
+ Sig('a', help='a'),
+ ]),
+ (Sig('yyyy'), [
+ Sig('b', help='b'),
+ Sig('-y', help='y'),
+ ]),
+ ]
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-x X] [-y Y] a b
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ xxxx:
+ -x X x
+ a a
+ yyyy:
+ b b
+ -y Y y
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpUsageLongProg(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test usage messages where the prog is long"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='P' * 60)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-w', metavar='W'),
+ Sig('-x', metavar='X'),
+ Sig('a'),
+ Sig('b'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ [-h] [-w W] [-x X] a b
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ a
+ b
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -w W
+ -x X
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpUsageLongProgOptionsWrap(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test usage messages where the prog is long and the optionals wrap"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='P' * 60)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-w', metavar='W' * 25),
+ Sig('-x', metavar='X' * 25),
+ Sig('-y', metavar='Y' * 25),
+ Sig('-z', metavar='Z' * 25),
+ Sig('a'),
+ Sig('b'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ a b
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ a
+ b
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpUsageLongProgPositionalsWrap(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test usage messages where the prog is long and the positionals wrap"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='P' * 60, add_help=False)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('a' * 25),
+ Sig('b' * 25),
+ Sig('c' * 25),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+ ccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+ ccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpUsageOptionalsWrap(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test usage messages where the optionals wrap"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-w', metavar='W' * 25),
+ Sig('-x', metavar='X' * 25),
+ Sig('-y', metavar='Y' * 25),
+ Sig('-z', metavar='Z' * 25),
+ Sig('a'),
+ Sig('b'),
+ Sig('c'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ a b c
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ a
+ b
+ c
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpUsagePositionalsWrap(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test usage messages where the positionals wrap"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x'),
+ Sig('-y'),
+ Sig('-z'),
+ Sig('a' * 25),
+ Sig('b' * 25),
+ Sig('c' * 25),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-x X] [-y Y] [-z Z]
+ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+ ccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+ ccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -x X
+ -y Y
+ -z Z
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpUsageOptionalsPositionalsWrap(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test usage messages where the optionals and positionals wrap"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', metavar='X' * 25),
+ Sig('-y', metavar='Y' * 25),
+ Sig('-z', metavar='Z' * 25),
+ Sig('a' * 25),
+ Sig('b' * 25),
+ Sig('c' * 25),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+ ccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+ ccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpUsageOptionalsOnlyWrap(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test usage messages where there are only optionals and they wrap"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', metavar='X' * 25),
+ Sig('-y', metavar='Y' * 25),
+ Sig('-z', metavar='Z' * 25),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpUsagePositionalsOnlyWrap(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test usage messages where there are only positionals and they wrap"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', add_help=False)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('a' * 25),
+ Sig('b' * 25),
+ Sig('c' * 25),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+ ccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
+ ccccccccccccccccccccccccc
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpVariableExpansion(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that variables are expanded properly in help messages"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-x', type=int,
+ help='x %(prog)s %(default)s %(type)s %%'),
+ Sig('-y', action='store_const', default=42, const='XXX',
+ help='y %(prog)s %(default)s %(const)s'),
+ Sig('--foo', choices='abc',
+ help='foo %(prog)s %(default)s %(choices)s'),
+ Sig('--bar', default='baz', choices=[1, 2], metavar='BBB',
+ help='bar %(prog)s %(default)s %(dest)s'),
+ Sig('spam', help='spam %(prog)s %(default)s'),
+ Sig('badger', default=0.5, help='badger %(prog)s %(default)s'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = [
+ (Sig('group'), [
+ Sig('-a', help='a %(prog)s %(default)s'),
+ Sig('-b', default=-1, help='b %(prog)s %(default)s'),
+ ])
+ ]
+ usage = ('''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-x X] [-y] [--foo {a,b,c}] [--bar BBB] [-a A] [-b B]
+ spam badger
+ ''')
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ spam spam PROG None
+ badger badger PROG 0.5
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -x X x PROG None int %
+ -y y PROG 42 XXX
+ --foo {a,b,c} foo PROG None a, b, c
+ --bar BBB bar PROG baz bar
+ group:
+ -a A a PROG None
+ -b B b PROG -1
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpVariableExpansionUsageSupplied(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that variables are expanded properly when usage= is present"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', usage='%(prog)s FOO')
+ argument_signatures = []
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = ('''\
+ usage: PROG FOO
+ ''')
+ help = usage + '''\
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpVariableExpansionNoArguments(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that variables are expanded properly with no arguments"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', add_help=False)
+ argument_signatures = []
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = ('''\
+ usage: PROG
+ ''')
+ help = usage
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpSuppressUsage(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that items can be suppressed in usage messages"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', usage=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--foo', help='foo help'),
+ Sig('spam', help='spam help'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ help = '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ spam spam help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO foo help
+ '''
+ usage = ''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpSuppressOptional(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that optional arguments can be suppressed in help messages"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', add_help=False)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--foo', help=argparse.SUPPRESS),
+ Sig('spam', help='spam help'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG spam
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ spam spam help
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpSuppressOptionalGroup(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that optional groups can be suppressed in help messages"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--foo', help='foo help'),
+ Sig('spam', help='spam help'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = [
+ (Sig('group'), [Sig('--bar', help=argparse.SUPPRESS)]),
+ ]
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo FOO] spam
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ spam spam help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO foo help
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpSuppressPositional(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that positional arguments can be suppressed in help messages"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--foo', help='foo help'),
+ Sig('spam', help=argparse.SUPPRESS),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo FOO]
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO foo help
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpRequiredOptional(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that required options don't look optional"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--foo', required=True, help='foo help'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] --foo FOO
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO foo help
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpAlternatePrefixChars(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that options display with different prefix characters"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', prefix_chars='^;', add_help=False)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('^^foo', action='store_true', help='foo help'),
+ Sig(';b', ';;bar', help='bar help'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [^^foo] [;b BAR]
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ optional arguments:
+ ^^foo foo help
+ ;b BAR, ;;bar BAR bar help
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpNoHelpOptional(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that the --help argument can be suppressed help messages"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', add_help=False)
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--foo', help='foo help'),
+ Sig('spam', help='spam help'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [--foo FOO] spam
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ spam spam help
+ optional arguments:
+ --foo FOO foo help
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpVersionOptional(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that the --version argument can be suppressed help messages"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', version='1.0')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--foo', help='foo help'),
+ Sig('spam', help='spam help'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-v] [--foo FOO] spam
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ spam spam help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -v, --version show program's version number and exit
+ --foo FOO foo help
+ '''
+ version = '''\
+ 1.0
+ '''
+class TestHelpNone(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test that no errors occur if no help is specified"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--foo'),
+ Sig('spam'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo FOO] spam
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ positional arguments:
+ spam
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpTupleMetavar(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test specifying metavar as a tuple"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('-w', help='w', nargs='+', metavar=('W1', 'W2')),
+ Sig('-x', help='x', nargs='*', metavar=('X1', 'X2')),
+ Sig('-y', help='y', nargs=3, metavar=('Y1', 'Y2', 'Y3')),
+ Sig('-z', help='z', nargs='?', metavar=('Z1', )),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-w W1 [W2 ...]] [-x [X1 [X2 ...]]] [-y Y1 Y2 Y3] \
+[-z [Z1]]
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -w W1 [W2 ...] w
+ -x [X1 [X2 ...]] x
+ -y Y1 Y2 Y3 y
+ -z [Z1] z
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpRawText(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test the RawTextHelpFormatter"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(
+ prog='PROG', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
+ description='Keep the formatting\n'
+ ' exactly as it is written\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'here\n')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--foo', help=' foo help should also\n'
+ 'appear as given here'),
+ Sig('spam', help='spam help'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = [
+ (Sig('title', description=' This text\n'
+ ' should be indented\n'
+ ' exactly like it is here\n'),
+ [Sig('--bar', help='bar help')]),
+ ]
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo FOO] [--bar BAR] spam
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ Keep the formatting
+ exactly as it is written
+ here
+ positional arguments:
+ spam spam help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO foo help should also
+ appear as given here
+ title:
+ This text
+ should be indented
+ exactly like it is here
+ --bar BAR bar help
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpRawDescription(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test the RawTextHelpFormatter"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(
+ prog='PROG', formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+ description='Keep the formatting\n'
+ ' exactly as it is written\n'
+ '\n'
+ 'here\n')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--foo', help=' foo help should not\n'
+ ' retain this odd formatting'),
+ Sig('spam', help='spam help'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = [
+ (Sig('title', description=' This text\n'
+ ' should be indented\n'
+ ' exactly like it is here\n'),
+ [Sig('--bar', help='bar help')]),
+ ]
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo FOO] [--bar BAR] spam
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ Keep the formatting
+ exactly as it is written
+ here
+ positional arguments:
+ spam spam help
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO foo help should not retain this odd formatting
+ title:
+ This text
+ should be indented
+ exactly like it is here
+ --bar BAR bar help
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpArgumentDefaults(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test the ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(
+ prog='PROG', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
+ description='description')
+ argument_signatures = [
+ Sig('--foo', help='foo help - oh and by the way, %(default)s'),
+ Sig('--bar', action='store_true', help='bar help'),
+ Sig('spam', help='spam help'),
+ Sig('badger', nargs='?', default='wooden', help='badger help'),
+ ]
+ argument_group_signatures = [
+ (Sig('title', description='description'),
+ [Sig('--baz', type=int, default=42, help='baz help')]),
+ ]
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [--foo FOO] [--bar] [--baz BAZ] spam [badger]
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ description
+ positional arguments:
+ spam spam help
+ badger badger help (default: wooden)
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ --foo FOO foo help - oh and by the way, None
+ --bar bar help (default: False)
+ title:
+ description
+ --baz BAZ baz help (default: 42)
+ '''
+ version = ''
+class TestHelpVersionAction(HelpTestCase):
+ """Test the default help for the version action"""
+ parser_signature = Sig(prog='PROG', description='description')
+ argument_signatures = [Sig('-V', '--version', action='version', version='3.6')]
+ argument_group_signatures = []
+ usage = '''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-V]
+ '''
+ help = usage + '''\
+ description
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -V, --version show program's version number and exit
+ '''
+ version = ''
+# =====================================
+# Optional/Positional constructor tests
+# =====================================
+class TestInvalidArgumentConstructors(TestCase):
+ """Test a bunch of invalid Argument constructors"""
+ def assertTypeError(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, parser.add_argument,
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ def assertValueError(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, parser.add_argument,
+ *args, **kwargs)
+ def test_invalid_keyword_arguments(self):
+ self.assertTypeError('-x', bar=None)
+ self.assertTypeError('-y', callback='foo')
+ self.assertTypeError('-y', callback_args=())
+ self.assertTypeError('-y', callback_kwargs={})
+ def test_missing_destination(self):
+ self.assertTypeError()
+ for action in ['append', 'store']:
+ self.assertTypeError(action=action)
+ def test_invalid_option_strings(self):
+ self.assertValueError('--')
+ self.assertValueError('---')
+ def test_invalid_type(self):
+ self.assertValueError('--foo', type='int')
+ def test_invalid_action(self):
+ self.assertValueError('-x', action='foo')
+ self.assertValueError('foo', action='baz')
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ try:
+ parser.add_argument("--foo", action="store-true")
+ except ValueError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ expected = 'unknown action'
+ msg = 'expected %r, found %r' % (expected, e)
+ self.assertTrue(expected in str(e), msg)
+ def test_multiple_dest(self):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(dest='foo')
+ try:
+ parser.add_argument('bar', dest='baz')
+ except ValueError:
+ e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ expected = 'dest supplied twice for positional argument'
+ msg = 'expected %r, found %r' % (expected, e)
+ self.assertTrue(expected in str(e), msg)
+ def test_no_argument_actions(self):
+ for action in ['store_const', 'store_true', 'store_false',
+ 'append_const', 'count']:
+ for attrs in [dict(type=int), dict(nargs='+'),
+ dict(choices='ab')]:
+ self.assertTypeError('-x', action=action, **attrs)
+ def test_no_argument_no_const_actions(self):
+ # options with zero arguments
+ for action in ['store_true', 'store_false', 'count']:
+ # const is always disallowed
+ self.assertTypeError('-x', const='foo', action=action)
+ # nargs is always disallowed
+ self.assertTypeError('-x', nargs='*', action=action)
+ def test_more_than_one_argument_actions(self):
+ for action in ['store', 'append']:
+ # nargs=0 is disallowed
+ self.assertValueError('-x', nargs=0, action=action)
+ self.assertValueError('spam', nargs=0, action=action)
+ # const is disallowed with non-optional arguments
+ for nargs in [1, '*', '+']:
+ self.assertValueError('-x', const='foo',
+ nargs=nargs, action=action)
+ self.assertValueError('spam', const='foo',
+ nargs=nargs, action=action)
+ def test_required_const_actions(self):
+ for action in ['store_const', 'append_const']:
+ # nargs is always disallowed
+ self.assertTypeError('-x', nargs='+', action=action)
+ def test_parsers_action_missing_params(self):
+ self.assertTypeError('command', action='parsers')
+ self.assertTypeError('command', action='parsers', prog='PROG')
+ self.assertTypeError('command', action='parsers',
+ parser_class=argparse.ArgumentParser)
+ def test_required_positional(self):
+ self.assertTypeError('foo', required=True)
+ def test_user_defined_action(self):
+ class Success(Exception):
+ pass
+ class Action(object):
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ dest,
+ const,
+ default,
+ required=False):
+ if dest == 'spam':
+ if const is Success:
+ if default is Success:
+ raise Success()
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ self.assertRaises(Success, parser.add_argument, '--spam',
+ action=Action, default=Success, const=Success)
+ self.assertRaises(Success, parser.add_argument, 'spam',
+ action=Action, default=Success, const=Success)
+# ================================
+# Actions returned by add_argument
+# ================================
+class TestActionsReturned(TestCase):
+ def test_dest(self):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ action = parser.add_argument('--foo')
+ self.assertEqual(action.dest, 'foo')
+ action = parser.add_argument('-b', '--bar')
+ self.assertEqual(action.dest, 'bar')
+ action = parser.add_argument('-x', '-y')
+ self.assertEqual(action.dest, 'x')
+ def test_misc(self):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ action = parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs='?', const=42,
+ default=84, type=int, choices=[1, 2],
+ help='FOO', metavar='BAR', dest='baz')
+ self.assertEqual(action.nargs, '?')
+ self.assertEqual(action.const, 42)
+ self.assertEqual(action.default, 84)
+ self.assertEqual(action.type, int)
+ self.assertEqual(action.choices, [1, 2])
+ self.assertEqual(, 'FOO')
+ self.assertEqual(action.metavar, 'BAR')
+ self.assertEqual(action.dest, 'baz')
+# ================================
+# Argument conflict handling tests
+# ================================
+class TestConflictHandling(TestCase):
+ def test_bad_type(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, argparse.ArgumentParser,
+ conflict_handler='foo')
+ def test_conflict_error(self):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('-x')
+ self.assertRaises(argparse.ArgumentError,
+ parser.add_argument, '-x')
+ parser.add_argument('--spam')
+ self.assertRaises(argparse.ArgumentError,
+ parser.add_argument, '--spam')
+ def test_resolve_error(self):
+ get_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser
+ parser = get_parser(prog='PROG', conflict_handler='resolve')
+ parser.add_argument('-x', help='OLD X')
+ parser.add_argument('-x', help='NEW X')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.format_help(), textwrap.dedent('''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-x X]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -x X NEW X
+ '''))
+ parser.add_argument('--spam', metavar='OLD_SPAM')
+ parser.add_argument('--spam', metavar='NEW_SPAM')
+ self.assertEqual(parser.format_help(), textwrap.dedent('''\
+ usage: PROG [-h] [-x X] [--spam NEW_SPAM]
+ optional arguments:
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -x X NEW X
+ --spam NEW_SPAM
+ '''))
+# =============================
+# Help and Version option tests
+# =============================
+class TestOptionalsHelpVersionActions(TestCase):
+ """Test the help and version actions"""
+ def _get_error(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ func(*args, **kwargs)
+ except ArgumentParserError:
+ return sys.exc_info()[1]
+ else:
+ self.assertRaises(ArgumentParserError, func, *args, **kwargs)
+ def assertPrintHelpExit(self, parser, args_str):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ parser.format_help(),
+ self._get_error(parser.parse_args, args_str.split()).stdout)
+ def assertPrintVersionExit(self, parser, args_str):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ parser.format_version(),
+ self._get_error(parser.parse_args, args_str.split()).stderr)
+ def assertArgumentParserError(self, parser, *args):
+ self.assertRaises(ArgumentParserError, parser.parse_args, args)
+ def test_version(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(version='1.0')
+ self.assertPrintHelpExit(parser, '-h')
+ self.assertPrintHelpExit(parser, '--help')
+ self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, '-v')
+ self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, '--version')
+ def test_version_format(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PPP', version='%(prog)s 3.5')
+ msg = self._get_error(parser.parse_args, ['-v']).stderr
+ self.assertEqual('PPP 3.5\n', msg)
+ def test_version_no_help(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False, version='1.0')
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '-h')
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '--help')
+ self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, '-v')
+ self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, '--version')
+ def test_version_action(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='XXX')
+ parser.add_argument('-V', action='version', version='%(prog)s 3.7')
+ msg = self._get_error(parser.parse_args, ['-V']).stderr
+ self.assertEqual('XXX 3.7\n', msg)
+ def test_no_help(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(add_help=False)
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '-h')
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '--help')
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '-v')
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '--version')
+ def test_alternate_help_version(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('-x', action='help')
+ parser.add_argument('-y', action='version')
+ self.assertPrintHelpExit(parser, '-x')
+ self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, '-y')
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '-v')
+ self.assertArgumentParserError(parser, '--version')
+ def test_help_version_extra_arguments(self):
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(version='1.0')
+ parser.add_argument('-x', action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('y')
+ # try all combinations of valid prefixes and suffixes
+ valid_prefixes = ['', '-x', 'foo', '-x bar', 'baz -x']
+ valid_suffixes = valid_prefixes + ['--bad-option', 'foo bar baz']
+ for prefix in valid_prefixes:
+ for suffix in valid_suffixes:
+ format = '%s %%s %s' % (prefix, suffix)
+ self.assertPrintHelpExit(parser, format % '-h')
+ self.assertPrintHelpExit(parser, format % '--help')
+ self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, format % '-v')
+ self.assertPrintVersionExit(parser, format % '--version')
+# ======================
+# str() and repr() tests
+# ======================
+class TestStrings(TestCase):
+ """Test str() and repr() on Optionals and Positionals"""
+ def assertStringEqual(self, obj, result_string):
+ for func in [str, repr]:
+ self.assertEqual(func(obj), result_string)
+ def test_optional(self):
+ option = argparse.Action(
+ option_strings=['--foo', '-a', '-b'],
+ dest='b',
+ type='int',
+ nargs='+',
+ default=42,
+ choices=[1, 2, 3],
+ help='HELP',
+ metavar='METAVAR')
+ string = (
+ "Action(option_strings=['--foo', '-a', '-b'], dest='b', "
+ "nargs='+', const=None, default=42, type='int', "
+ "choices=[1, 2, 3], help='HELP', metavar='METAVAR')")
+ self.assertStringEqual(option, string)
+ def test_argument(self):
+ argument = argparse.Action(
+ option_strings=[],
+ dest='x',
+ type=float,
+ nargs='?',
+ default=2.5,
+ choices=[0.5, 1.5, 2.5],
+ help='H HH H',
+ metavar='MV MV MV')
+ string = (
+ "Action(option_strings=[], dest='x', nargs='?', "
+ "const=None, default=2.5, type=%r, choices=[0.5, 1.5, 2.5], "
+ "help='H HH H', metavar='MV MV MV')" % float)
+ self.assertStringEqual(argument, string)
+ def test_namespace(self):
+ ns = argparse.Namespace(foo=42, bar='spam')
+ string = "Namespace(bar='spam', foo=42)"
+ self.assertStringEqual(ns, string)
+ def test_parser(self):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
+ string = (
+ "ArgumentParser(prog='PROG', usage=None, description=None, "
+ "version=None, formatter_class=%r, conflict_handler='error', "
+ "add_help=True)" % argparse.HelpFormatter)
+ self.assertStringEqual(parser, string)
+# ===============
+# Namespace tests
+# ===============
+class TestNamespace(TestCase):
+ def test_constructor(self):
+ ns = argparse.Namespace()
+ self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, ns, 'x')
+ ns = argparse.Namespace(a=42, b='spam')
+ self.assertEqual(ns.a, 42)
+ self.assertEqual(ns.b, 'spam')
+ def test_equality(self):
+ ns1 = argparse.Namespace(a=1, b=2)
+ ns2 = argparse.Namespace(b=2, a=1)
+ ns3 = argparse.Namespace(a=1)
+ ns4 = argparse.Namespace(b=2)
+ self.assertEqual(ns1, ns2)
+ self.assertNotEqual(ns1, ns3)
+ self.assertNotEqual(ns1, ns4)
+ self.assertNotEqual(ns2, ns3)
+ self.assertNotEqual(ns2, ns4)
+ self.assertTrue(ns1 != ns3)
+ self.assertTrue(ns1 != ns4)
+ self.assertTrue(ns2 != ns3)
+ self.assertTrue(ns2 != ns4)
+# ===================
+# File encoding tests
+# ===================
+class TestEncoding(TestCase):
+ def _test_module_encoding(self, path):
+ path, _ = os.path.splitext(path)
+ path += ".py"
+ with, 'r', 'utf8') as f:
+ def test_argparse_module_encoding(self):
+ self._test_module_encoding(argparse.__file__)
+ def test_test_argparse_module_encoding(self):
+ self._test_module_encoding(__file__)
+# ===================
+# ArgumentError tests
+# ===================
+class TestArgumentError(TestCase):
+ def test_argument_error(self):
+ msg = "my error here"
+ error = argparse.ArgumentError(None, msg)
+ self.assertEqual(str(error), msg)
+# =======================
+# ArgumentTypeError tests
+# =======================
+class TestArgumentError(TestCase):
+ def test_argument_type_error(self):
+ def spam(string):
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('spam!')
+ parser = ErrorRaisingArgumentParser(prog='PROG', add_help=False)
+ parser.add_argument('x', type=spam)
+ try:
+ parser.parse_args(['XXX'])
+ except ArgumentParserError:
+ expected = 'usage: PROG x\nPROG: error: argument x: spam!\n'
+ msg = sys.exc_info()[1].stderr
+ self.assertEqual(expected, msg)
+ else:
+# ======================
+# parse_known_args tests
+# ======================
+class TestParseKnownArgs(TestCase):
+ def test_optionals(self):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('--foo')
+ args, extras = parser.parse_known_args('--foo F --bar --baz'.split())
+ self.assertEqual(NS(foo='F'), args)
+ self.assertEqual(['--bar', '--baz'], extras)
+ def test_mixed(self):
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('-v', nargs='?', const=1, type=int)
+ parser.add_argument('--spam', action='store_false')
+ parser.add_argument('badger')
+ argv = ["B", "C", "--foo", "-v", "3", "4"]
+ args, extras = parser.parse_known_args(argv)
+ self.assertEqual(NS(v=3, spam=True, badger="B"), args)
+ self.assertEqual(["C", "--foo", "4"], extras)
+# ============================
+# from argparse import * tests
+# ============================
+class TestImportStar(TestCase):
+ def test(self):
+ for name in argparse.__all__:
+ self.assertTrue(hasattr(argparse, name))
+ def test_all_exports_everything_but_modules(self):
+ items = [
+ name
+ for name, value in vars(argparse).items()
+ if not name.startswith("_")
+ if not inspect.ismodule(value)
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(items), sorted(argparse.__all__))
+def test_main():
+ # silence warnings about version argument - these are expected
+ with test_support.check_warnings(
+ ('The "version" argument to ArgumentParser is deprecated.',
+ DeprecationWarning),
+ ('The (format|print)_version method is deprecated',
+ DeprecationWarning)):
+ test_support.run_unittest(__name__)
+ # Remove global references to avoid looking like we have refleaks.
+ RFile.seen = {}
+ WFile.seen = set()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_main()