path: root/modules/ssl/README
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 163 deletions
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- _ _
- _ __ ___ ___ __| | ___ ___| |
- | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` | / __/ __| |
- | | | | | | (_) | (_| | \__ \__ \ | ``mod_ssl combines the flexibility of
- |_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|___|___/___/_| Apache with the security of OpenSSL.''
- |_____|
- mod_ssl ``Ralf Engelschall has released an
- Apache Interface to OpenSSL excellent module that integrates
- Apache and SSLeay.''
- Version 2.8 -- Tim J. Hudson
- This Apache module provides strong cryptography for the Apache 1.3 webserver
- via the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS
- v1) protocols by the help of the SSL/TLS implementation library OpenSSL which
- is based on SSLeay from Eric A. Young and Tim J. Hudson. The mod_ssl package
- was created in April 1998 by Ralf S. Engelschall and was originally derived
- from software developed by Ben Laurie for use in the Apache-SSL HTTP server
- project.
- Here is a short overview of the source files:
- Makefile.libdir ......... dummy for Apache config mechanism
- Makefile.tmpl ........... Makefile template for Unix platform
- Makefile.win32 .......... Makefile template for Win32 platform
- libssl.module ........... stub called from the Apache config mechanism
- libssl.version .......... file containing the mod_ssl version information
- mod_ssl.c ............... main source file containing API structures
- mod_ssl.h ............... common header file of mod_ssl
- ssl_engine_compat.c ..... backward compatibility support
- ssl_engine_config.c ..... module configuration handling
- ssl_engine_dh.c ......... DSA/DH support
- ssl_engine_ds.c ......... data structures
- ssl_engine_ext.c ........ Extensions to other Apache parts
- ssl_engine_init.c ....... module initialization
- ssl_engine_io.c ......... I/O support
- ssl_engine_kernel.c ..... SSL engine kernel
- ssl_engine_log.c ........ logfile support
- ssl_engine_mutex.c ...... mutual exclusion support
- ssl_engine_pphrase.c .... pass-phrase handling
- ssl_engine_rand.c ....... PRNG support
- ssl_engine_vars.c ....... Variable Expansion support
- ssl_expr.c .............. expression handling main source
- ssl_expr.h .............. expression handling common header
- ssl_expr_scan.c ......... expression scanner automaton (pre-generated)
- ssl_expr_scan.l ......... expression scanner source
- ssl_expr_parse.c ........ expression parser automaton (pre-generated)
- ssl_expr_parse.h ........ expression parser header (pre-generated)
- ssl_expr_parse.y ........ expression parser source
- ssl_expr_eval.c ......... expression machine evaluation
- ssl_scache.c ............ session cache abstraction layer
- ssl_scache_dbm.c ........ session cache via DBM file
- ssl_scache_shmcb.c ...... session cache via shared memory cyclic buffer
- ssl_scache_shmht.c ...... session cache via shared memory hash table
- ssl_util.c .............. utility functions
- ssl_util_ssl.c .......... the OpenSSL companion source
- ssl_util_ssl.h .......... the OpenSSL companion header
- ssl_util_sdbm.c ......... the SDBM library source
- ssl_util_sdbm.h ......... the SDBM library header
- ssl_util_table.c ........ the hash table library source
- ssl_util_table.h ........ the hash table library header
- The source files are written in clean ANSI C and pass the ``gcc -O -g
- -ggdb3 -Wall -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wmissing-prototypes
- -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -Winline'' compiler test
- (assuming `gcc' is GCC 2.95.2 or newer) without any complains. When
- you make changes or additions make sure the source still passes this
- compiler test.
- Inside the source code you will be confronted with the following types of
- functions which can be identified by their prefixes:
- ap_xxxx() ............... Apache API function
- ssl_xxxx() .............. mod_ssl function
- SSL_xxxx() .............. OpenSSL function (SSL library)
- OpenSSL_xxxx() .......... OpenSSL function (SSL library)
- X509_xxxx() ............. OpenSSL function (Crypto library)
- PEM_xxxx() .............. OpenSSL function (Crypto library)
- EVP_xxxx() .............. OpenSSL function (Crypto library)
- RSA_xxxx() .............. OpenSSL function (Crypto library)
- Inside the source code you will be confronted with the following
- data structures:
- ap_ctx .................. Apache EAPI Context
- server_rec .............. Apache (Virtual) Server
- conn_rec ................ Apache Connection
- BUFF .................... Apache Connection Buffer
- request_rec ............. Apache Request
- SSLModConfig ............ mod_ssl (Global) Module Configuration
- SSLSrvConfig ............ mod_ssl (Virtual) Server Configuration
- SSLDirConfig ............ mod_ssl Directory Configuration
- SSL_CTX ................. OpenSSL Context
- SSL_METHOD .............. OpenSSL Protocol Method
- SSL_CIPHER .............. OpenSSL Cipher
- SSL_SESSION ............. OpenSSL Session
- SSL ..................... OpenSSL Connection
- BIO ..................... OpenSSL Connection Buffer
- For an overview how these are related and chained together have a look at the
- page in README.dsov.{fig,ps}. It contains overview diagrams for those data
- structures. It's designed for DIN A4 paper size, but you can easily generate
- a smaller version inside XFig by specifing a magnification on the Export
- panel.
- Experimental code is always encapsulated as following:
- | #ifdef SSL_EXPERIMENTAL_xxxx
- | ...
- | #endif
- This way it is only compiled in when this define is enabled with
- the APACI --enable-rule=SSL_EXPERIMENTAL option and as long as the
- C pre-processor variable SSL_EXPERIMENTAL_xxxx_IGNORE is _NOT_
- defined (via CFLAGS). Or in other words: SSL_EXPERIMENTAL enables all
- SSL_EXPERIMENTAL_xxxx variables, except if SSL_EXPERIMENTAL_xxxx_IGNORE
- is already defined. Currently the following features are experimental:
- The ability to use SSLCACertificateFile and SSLCACertificatePath
- in a per-directory context (.htaccess). This is provided by some nasty
- reconfiguration hacks until OpenSSL has better support for this. It
- should work on non-multithreaded platforms (all but Win32).
- The ability to use various additional SSLProxyXXX directives in
- oder to control extended client functionality in the HTTPS proxy
- code.
- The ability to support the new forthcoming OpenSSL ENGINE stuff.
- Until this development branch of OpenSSL is merged into the main
- stream, you have to use openssl-engine-0.9.x.tar.gz for this.
- mod_ssl automatically recognizes this OpenSSL variant and then can
- activate external crypto devices through SSLCryptoDevice directive.
- Inside the mod_ssl sources you can enable various EAPI vendor hooks
- (`ap::mod_ssl::vendor::xxxx') by using the APACI --enable-rule=SSL_VENDOR
- option. These hooks can be used to change or extend mod_ssl by a vendor
- without patching the source code. Grep for `ap::mod_ssl::vendor::'.
- Additionally vendors can add their own source code to files named
- ssl_vendor.c, ssl_vendor_XXX.c, etc. The libssl.module script automatically
- picks these up under configuration time and mod_ssl under run-time calls the
- functions `void ssl_vendor_register(void)' and `void
- ssl_vendor_unregister(void)' inside these objects to bootstrap them.
- An ssl_vendor.c should at least contain the following contents:
- | #include "mod_ssl.h"
- | void ssl_vendor_register(void) { return; }
- | void ssl_vendor_unregister(void) { return; }