path: root/docs/manual/rewrite/access.html.en
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/manual/rewrite/access.html.en')
1 files changed, 27 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/docs/manual/rewrite/access.html.en b/docs/manual/rewrite/access.html.en
index 54120b4ec5..5515ef6c7f 100644
--- a/docs/manual/rewrite/access.html.en
+++ b/docs/manual/rewrite/access.html.en
@@ -79,25 +79,25 @@ configuration.</div>
-<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
-RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ! [NC]
-RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png)$ - [F,NC]</pre>
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteCond "%{HTTP_REFERER}" "!^$"
+RewriteCond "%{HTTP_REFERER}" "!" [NC]
+RewriteRule "\.(gif|jpg|png)$" "-" [F,NC]</pre>
<p>In this second example, instead of failing the request, we display
an alternate image instead.</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
-RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ! [NC]
-RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png)$ /images/go-away.png [R,NC]</pre>
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteCond "%{HTTP_REFERER}" "!^$"
+RewriteCond "%{HTTP_REFERER}" "!" [NC]
+RewriteRule "\.(gif|jpg|png)$" "/images/go-away.png" [R,NC]</pre>
<p>In the third example, we redirect the request to an image on some
other site.</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
-RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} ! [NC]
-RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png)$ [R,NC]</pre>
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteCond "%{HTTP_REFERER}" "!^$"
+RewriteCond "%{HTTP_REFERER}" "!" [NC]
+RewriteRule "\.(gif|jpg|png)$" "" [R,NC]</pre>
<p>Of these techniques, the last two tend to be the most effective
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png)$ [R,NC]</pre>
than redirecting that request elsewhere, this can be
accomplished without the use of mod_rewrite:</p>
- <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">SetEnvIf Referer example\.com localreferer
-&lt;FilesMatch \.(jpg|png|gif)$&gt;
+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">SetEnvIf Referer "example\.com" localreferer
+&lt;FilesMatch "\.(jpg|png|gif)$"&gt;
Require env localreferer
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg|png)$ [R,NC]</pre>
range, if you are trying to block that user agent only from the
particular source.</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^NameOfBadRobot
-RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} =123\.45\.67\.[8-9]
-RewriteRule ^/secret/files/ - [F]</pre>
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteCond "%{HTTP_USER_AGENT}" "^NameOfBadRobot"
+RewriteCond "%{REMOTE_ADDR}" "=123\.45\.67\.[8-9]"
+RewriteRule "^/secret/files/" "-" [F]</pre>
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ RewriteRule ^/secret/files/ - [F]</pre>
Rather than using mod_rewrite for this, you can accomplish the
same end using alternate means, as illustrated here:
- <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent ^NameOfBadRobot goaway
-&lt;Location /secret/files&gt;
+ <pre class="prettyprint lang-config">SetEnvIfNoCase User-Agent "^NameOfBadRobot" goaway
+&lt;Location "/secret/files"&gt;
Require all granted
Require not env goaway
@@ -211,10 +211,10 @@ RewriteRule ^/secret/files/ - [F]</pre>
<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteEngine on
-RewriteMap hosts-deny txt:/path/to/hosts.deny
-RewriteCond ${hosts-deny:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|NOT-FOUND} !=NOT-FOUND [OR]
-RewriteCond ${hosts-deny:%{REMOTE_HOST}|NOT-FOUND} !=NOT-FOUND
-RewriteRule ^ - [F]</pre>
+RewriteMap hosts-deny "txt:/path/to/hosts.deny"
+RewriteCond "${hosts-deny:%{REMOTE_ADDR}|NOT-FOUND}" "!=NOT-FOUND" [OR]
+RewriteCond "${hosts-deny:%{REMOTE_HOST}|NOT-FOUND}" "!=NOT-FOUND"
+RewriteRule "^" "-" [F]</pre>
<div class="example"><p><code>
@@ -263,15 +263,15 @@ -<br />
<p>The following ruleset uses a map file to associate each Referer
with a redirection target.</p>
-<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteMap deflector txt:/path/to/
+<pre class="prettyprint lang-config">RewriteMap deflector "txt:/path/to/"
-RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !=""
-RewriteCond ${deflector:%{HTTP_REFERER}} =-
-RewriteRule ^ %{HTTP_REFERER} [R,L]
+RewriteCond "%{HTTP_REFERER}" !=""
+RewriteCond "${deflector:%{HTTP_REFERER}}" "=-"
+RewriteRule "^" "%{HTTP_REFERER}" [R,L]
-RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !=""
-RewriteCond ${deflector:%{HTTP_REFERER}|NOT-FOUND} !=NOT-FOUND
-RewriteRule ^ ${deflector:%{HTTP_REFERER}} [R,L]</pre>
+RewriteCond "%{HTTP_REFERER}" !=""
+RewriteCond "${deflector:%{HTTP_REFERER}|NOT-FOUND}" "!=NOT-FOUND"
+RewriteRule "^" "${deflector:%{HTTP_REFERER}}" [R,L]</pre>
<p>The map file lists redirection targets for each referer, or, if