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-<TITLE>Running a High-Performance Web Server for BSD</TITLE>
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-<A NAME="initial">
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Running a High-Performance Web Server for BSD</H1>
-Like other OS's, the listen queue is often the <STRONG>first limit
-hit</STRONG>. The
-following are comments from "Aaron Gifford &lt;agifford@InfoWest.COM&gt;"
-on how to fix this on BSDI 1.x, 2.x, and FreeBSD 2.0 (and earlier):
-Edit the following two files:
-<BLOCKQUOTE><CODE> /usr/include/sys/socket.h <BR>
- /usr/src/sys/sys/socket.h </CODE></BLOCKQUOTE>
-In each file, look for the following:
- /*
- * Maximum queue length specifiable by listen.
- */
- #define SOMAXCONN 5
-Just change the "5" to whatever appears to work. I bumped the two
-machines I was having problems with up to 32 and haven't noticed the
-problem since.
-After the edit, recompile the kernel and recompile the Apache server
-then reboot.
-FreeBSD 2.1 seems to be perfectly happy, with SOMAXCONN
-set to 32 already.
-<A NAME="detail">
-<STRONG>Addendum for <EM>very</EM> heavily loaded BSD servers</STRONG><BR>
-from Chuck Murcko &lt;;
-If you're running a really busy BSD Apache server, the following are useful
-things to do if the system is acting sluggish:<P>
-<LI> Run vmstat to check memory usage, page/swap rates, <EM>etc.</EM>
-<LI> Run netstat -m to check mbuf usage
-<LI> Run fstat to check file descriptor usage
-These utilities give you an idea what you'll need to tune in your kernel,
-and whether it'll help to buy more RAM.
-Here are some BSD kernel config parameters (actually BSDI, but pertinent to
-FreeBSD and other 4.4-lite derivatives) from a system getting heavy usage.
-The tools mentioned above were used, and the system memory was increased to
-48 MB before these tuneups. Other system parameters remained unchanged.
-maxusers 256
-Maxusers drives a <EM>lot</EM> of other kernel parameters:
-<LI> Maximum # of processes
-<LI> Maximum # of processes per user
-<LI> System wide open files limit
-<LI> Per-process open files limit
-<LI> Maximum # of mbuf clusters
-<LI> Proc/pgrp hash table size
-The actual formulae for these derived parameters are in
-These calculated parameters can also be overridden (in part) by specifying
-your own values in the kernel configuration file:
-# Network options. NMBCLUSTERS defines the number of mbuf clusters and
-# defaults to 256. This machine is a server that handles lots of traffic,
-# so we crank that value.
-options NMBCLUSTERS=4096 # mbuf clusters at 4096
-# Misc. options
-options CHILD_MAX=512 # maximum number of child processes
-options OPEN_MAX=512 # maximum fds (breaks RPC svcs)
-In many cases, NMBCLUSTERS must be set much larger than would appear
-necessary at first glance. The reason for this is that if the browser
-disconnects in mid-transfer, the socket fd associated with that particular
-connection ends up in the TIME_WAIT state for several minutes, during
-which time its mbufs are not yet freed. Another reason is that, on server
-timeouts, some connections end up in FIN_WAIT_2 state forever, because
-this state doesn't time out on the server, and the browser never sent
-a final FIN. For more details see the
-<A HREF="fin_wait_2.html">FIN_WAIT_2</A> page.
-Some more info on mbuf clusters (from sys/mbuf.h):
- * Mbufs are of a single size, MSIZE (machine/machparam.h), which
- * includes overhead. An mbuf may add a single "mbuf cluster" of size
- * MCLBYTES (also in machine/machparam.h), which has no additional overhead
- * and is used instead of the internal data area; this is done when
- * at least MINCLSIZE of data must be stored.
- */
-CHILD_MAX and OPEN_MAX are set to allow up to 512 child processes (different
-than the maximum value for processes per user ID) and file descriptors.
-These values may change for your particular configuration (a higher OPEN_MAX
-value if you've got modules or CGI scripts opening lots of connections or
-files). If you've got a lot of other activity besides httpd on the same
-machine, you'll have to set NPROC higher still. In this example, the NPROC
-value derived from maxusers proved sufficient for our load.
-To increase the size of the <CODE>listen()</CODE> queue, you need to
-adjust the value of SOMAXCONN. SOMAXCONN is not derived from maxusers,
-so you'll always need to increase that yourself. We use a value guaranteed
-to be larger than Apache's default for the listen() of 128, currently.
-The actual value for SOMAXCONN is set in <CODE>sys/socket.h</CODE>.
-The best way to adjust this parameter is run-time, rather than changing
-it in this header file and thus hardcoding a value in the kernel and
-elsewhere. To do this, edit <CODE>/etc/rc.local</CODE> and add the
-following line:
- /usr/sbin/sysctl -w kern.somaxconn=256
-We used <CODE>256</CODE> but you can tune it for your own setup. In
-many cases, however, even the default value of <CODE>128</CODE> (for
-later versions of FreeBSD) is OK.
-Be aware that your system may not boot with a kernel that is configured
-to use more resources than you have available system RAM.
-have a known bootable kernel available when tuning your system this way,
-and use the system tools beforehand to learn if you need to buy more
-memory before tuning.
-RPC services will fail when the value of OPEN_MAX is larger than 256.
-This is a function of the original implementations of the RPC library,
-which used a byte value for holding file descriptors. BSDI has partially
-addressed this limit in its 2.1 release, but a real fix may well await
-the redesign of RPC itself.
-Finally, there's the hard limit of child processes configured in Apache.
-For versions of Apache later than 1.0.5 you'll need to change the
-definition for <STRONG>HARD_SERVER_LIMIT</STRONG> in <EM>httpd.h</EM> and
-recompile if you need to run more than the default 150 instances of httpd.
-From conf/httpd.conf-dist:
-# Limit on total number of servers running, <EM>i.e.</EM>, limit on the number
-# of clients who can simultaneously connect --- if this limit is ever
-# reached, clients will be LOCKED OUT, so it should NOT BE SET TOO LOW.
-# It is intended mainly as a brake to keep a runaway server from taking
-# Unix with it as it spirals down...
-MaxClients 150
-Know what you're doing if you bump this value up, and make sure you've
-done your system monitoring, RAM expansion, and kernel tuning beforehand.
-Then you're ready to service some serious hits!
-Thanks to <EM>Tony Sanders</EM> and <EM>Chris Torek</EM> at BSDI for their
-helpful suggestions and information.
-"M. Teterin" &lt;; writes:<P>
-<BLOCKQUOTE>It really does help if your kernel and frequently used utilities
-are fully optimized. Rebuilding the FreeBSD kernel on an AMD-133
-(486-class CPU) web-server with<BR>
-<CODE> -m486 -fexpensive-optimizations -fomit-frame-pointer -O2</CODE><BR>
-helped reduce the number of "unable" errors, because the CPU was
-often maxed out.</BLOCKQUOTE>
-<H3>More welcome!</H3>
-If you have tips to contribute, send mail to
-<A HREF=""></A>
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-<TITLE>Performance Tuning Tips for Digital Unix</TITLE>
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-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Performance Tuning Tips for Digital Unix</H1>
-Below is a set of newsgroup posts made by an engineer from DEC in
-response to queries about how to modify DEC's Digital Unix OS for more
-heavily loaded web sites. Copied with permission.
-From: Jeffrey Mogul &lt;;<BR>
-Date: Fri, 28 Jun 96 16:07:56 MDT<BR>
-<LI> The advice given in the README file regarding the
- "tcbhashsize" variable is incorrect. The largest value
- this should be set to is 1024. Setting it any higher
- will have the perverse result of disabling the hashing
- mechanism.
-<LI>Patch ID OSF350-146 has been superseded by
- Patch ID OSF350-195 for V3.2C<BR>
- Patch ID OSF360-350195 for V3.2D
- Patch IDs for V3.2E and V3.2F should be available soon.
- There is no known reason why the Patch ID OSF360-350195
- won't work on these releases, but such use is not officially
- supported by Digital. This patch kit will not be needed for
- V3.2G when it is released.
-From (Jeffrey Mogul)
-Organization DEC Western Research
-Date 30 May 1996 00:50:25 GMT
-Newsgroups <A HREF="news:comp.unix.osf.osf1">comp.unix.osf.osf1</A>
-Message-ID &lt;4oirch$;
-Subject Re: Web Site Performance
-References 1
-In article &lt;; (Jim Skoog) writes:
-&gt;Where are the performance bottlenecks for Alpha AXP running the
-&gt;Netscape Commerce Server 1.12 with high volume internet traffic?
-&gt;We are evaluating network performance for a variety of Alpha AXP
-&gt;runing DEC UNIX 3.2C, which run DEC's seal firewall and behind
-&gt;that Alpha 1000 and 2100 webservers.
-Our experience (running such Web servers as <A
- HREF=""></A>
-and <A HREF=""
- ></A>) is that there is one important kernel tuning
-knob to adjust in order to get good performance on V3.2C. You
-need to patch the kernel global variable "somaxconn" (use dbx -k
-to do this) from its default value of 8 to something much larger.
-How much larger? Well, no larger than 32767 (decimal). And
-probably no less than about 2048, if you have a really high volume
-(millions of hits per day), like AltaVista does.
-This change allows the system to maintain more than 8 TCP
-connections in the SYN_RCVD state for the HTTP server. (You
-can use "netstat -An |grep SYN_RCVD" to see how many such
-connections exist at any given instant).
-If you don't make this change, you might find that as the load gets
-high, some connection attempts take a very long time. And if a lot
-of your clients disconnect from the Internet during the process of
-TCP connection establishment (this happens a lot with dialup
-users), these "embryonic" connections might tie up your somaxconn
-quota of SYN_RCVD-state connections. Until the kernel times out
-these embryonic connections, no other connections will be accepted,
-and it will appear as if the server has died.
-The default value for somaxconn in Digital UNIX V4.0 will be quite
-a bit larger than it has been in previous versions (we inherited
-this default from 4.3BSD).
-Digital UNIX V4.0 includes some other performance-related changes
-that significantly improve its maximum HTTP connection rate. However,
-we've been using V3.2C systems to front-end for
-with no obvious performance bottlenecks at the millions-of-hits-per-day
-We have some Webstone performance results available at
-<EM>[The document referenced above is no longer at that URL -- Ed.]</EM>
-I'm not sure if these were done using V4.0 or an earlier version
-of Digital UNIX, although I suspect they were done using a test
-version of V4.0.
-From (Jeffrey Mogul)
-Organization DEC Western Research
-Date 31 May 1996 21:01:01 GMT
-Newsgroups <A HREF="news:comp.unix.osf.osf1">comp.unix.osf.osf1</A>
-Message-ID &lt;4onmmd$;
-Subject Digital UNIX V3.2C Internet tuning patch info
-Something that probably few people are aware of is that Digital
-has a patch kit available for Digital UNIX V3.2C that may improve
-Internet performance, especially for busy web servers.
-This patch kit is one way to increase the value of somaxconn,
-which I discussed in a message here a day or two ago.
-I've included in this message the revised README file for this
-patch kit below. Note that the original README file in the patch
-kit itself may be an earlier version; I'm told that the version
-below is the right one.
-Sorry, this patch kit is NOT available for other versions of Digital
-UNIX. Most (but not quite all) of these changes also made it into V4.0,
-so the description of the various tuning parameters in this README
-file might be useful to people running V4.0 systems.
-This patch kit does not appear to be available (yet?) from
- <A HREF=""
- ></A>
-so I guess you'll have to call Digital's Customer Support to get it.
-DESCRIPTION: Digital UNIX Network tuning patch
- Patch ID: OSF350-146
- This set of files improves the performance of the network
- subsystem on a system being used as a web server. There are
- additional tunable parameters included here, to be used
- cautiously by an informed system administrator.
- To tune the web server, the number of simultaneous socket
- connection requests are limited by:
- somaxconn Sets the maximum number of pending requests
- allowed to wait on a listening socket. The
- default value in Digital UNIX V3.2 is 8.
- This patch kit increases the default to 1024,
- which matches the value in Digital UNIX V4.0.
- sominconn Sets the minimum number of pending connections
- allowed on a listening socket. When a user
- process calls listen with a backlog less
- than sominconn, the backlog will be set to
- sominconn. sominconn overrides somaxconn.
- The default value is 1.
- The effectiveness of tuning these parameters can be monitored by
- the sobacklog variables available in the kernel:
- sobacklog_hiwat Tracks the maximum pending requests to any
- socket. The initial value is 0.
- sobacklog_drops Tracks the number of drops exceeding the
- socket set backlog limit. The initial
- value is 0.
- somaxconn_drops Tracks the number of drops exceeding the
- somaxconn limit. When sominconn is larger
- than somaxconn, tracks the number of drops
- exceeding sominconn. The initial value is 0.
- TCP timer parameters also affect performance. Tuning the following
- require some knowledge of the characteristics of the network.
- tcp_msl Sets the tcp maximum segment lifetime.
- This is the maximum lifetime in half
- seconds that a packet can be in transit
- on the network. This value, when doubled,
- is the length of time a connection remains
- in the TIME_WAIT state after a incoming
- close request is processed. The unit is
- specified in 1/2 seconds, the initial
- value is 60.
- tcp_rexmit_interval_min
- Sets the minimum TCP retransmit interval.
- For some WAN networks the default value may
- be too short, causing unnecessary duplicate
- packets to be sent. The unit is specified
- in 1/2 seconds, the initial value is 1.
- tcp_keepinit This is the amount of time a partially
- established connection will sit on the listen
- queue before timing out (<EM>e.g.</EM>, if a client
- sends a SYN but never answers our SYN/ACK).
- Partially established connections tie up slots
- on the listen queue. If the queue starts to
- fill with connections in SYN_RCVD state,
- tcp_keepinit can be decreased to make those
- partial connects time out sooner. This should
- be used with caution, since there might be
- legitimate clients that are taking a while
- to respond to SYN/ACK. The unit is specified
- in 1/2 seconds, the default value is 150
- (ie. 75 seconds).
- The hashlist size for the TCP inpcb lookup table is regulated by:
- tcbhashsize The number of hash buckets used for the
- TCP connection table used in the kernel.
- The initial value is 32. For best results,
- should be specified as a power of 2. For
- busy Web servers, set this to 2048 or more.
- The hashlist size for the interface alias table is regulated by:
- inifaddr_hsize The number of hash buckets used for the
- interface alias table used in the kernel.
- The initial value is 32. For best results,
- should be specified as a power of 2.
- ipport_userreserved The maximum number of concurrent non-reserved,
- dynamically allocated ports. Default range
- is 1025-5000. The maximum value is 65535.
- This limits the numer of times you can
- simultaneously telnet or ftp out to connect
- to other systems.
- tcpnodelack Don't delay acknowledging TCP data; this
- can sometimes improve performance of locally
- run CAD packages. Default is value is 0,
- the enabled value is 1.
- Digital UNIX version:
- V3.2C
-Feature V3.2C patch V4.0
-======= ===== ===== ====
-somaxconn X X X
-sominconn - X X
-sobacklog_hiwat - X -
-sobacklog_drops - X -
-somaxconn_drops - X -
-tcpnodelack X X X
-tcp_keepidle X X X
-tcp_keepintvl X X X
-tcp_keepcnt - X X
-tcp_keepinit - X X
-TCP keepalive per-socket - - X
-tcp_msl - X -
-tcp_rexmit_interval_min - X -
-TCP inpcb hashing - X X
-tcbhashsize - X X
-interface alias hashing - X X
-inifaddr_hsize - X X
-ipport_userreserved - X -
-sysconfig -q inet - - X
-sysconfig -q socket - - X
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
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-<TITLE>Running a High-Performance Web Server on HPUX</TITLE>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
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-<A NAME="initial">&nbsp;</A>
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Running a High-Performance Web Server for HPUX</H1>
-Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 16:59:34 -0800
-From: Rick Jones &lt;<A HREF=""></A>&gt;
-Organization: Network Performance
-Subject: HP-UX tuning tips
-Here are some tuning tips for HP-UX to add to the tuning page.
-For HP-UX 9.X: Upgrade to 10.20<BR>
-For HP-UX 10.[00|01|10]: Upgrade to 10.20
-For HP-UX 10.20:
-Install the latest cumulative ARPA Transport Patch. This will allow you
-to configure the size of the TCP connection lookup hash table. The
-default is 256 buckets and must be set to a power of two. This is
-accomplished with adb against the *disc* image of the kernel. The
-variable name is tcp_hash_size.
-Notice that it's critically important that you use "W" to write a 32 bit
-quantity, not "w" to write a 16 bit value when patching the disc image because
-the tcp_hash_size variable is a 32 bit quantity.
-How to pick the value? Examine the output of
-<A HREF="">
-</A> and see how many
-total TCP connections exist on the system. You probably want that number
-divided by the hash table size to be reasonably small, say less than 10.
-Folks can look at HP's SPECweb96 disclosures for some common settings.
-These can be found at <A HREF="">
-</A>. If an HP-UX system was
-performing at 1000 SPECweb96 connections per second, the TIME_WAIT time
-of 60 seconds would mean 60,000 TCP "connections" being tracked.
-Folks can check their listen queue depths with
-<A HREF="">
-If folks are running Apache on a PA-8000 based system, they should
-consider "chatr'ing" the Apache executable to have a large page size.
-This would be "chatr +pi L &lt;BINARY&gt;." The GID of the running executable
-must have MLOCK privileges. Setprivgrp(1m) should be consulted for
-assigning MLOCK. The change can be validated by running Glance and
-examining the memory regions of the server(s) to make sure that they
-show a non-trivial fraction of the text segment being locked.
-If folks are running Apache on MP systems, they might consider writing a
-small program that uses mpctl() to bind processes to processors. A
-simple pid % numcpu algorithm is probably sufficient. This might even go
-into the source code.
-If folks are concerned about the number of FIN_WAIT_2 connections, they
-can use nettune to shrink the value of tcp_keepstart. However, they
-should be careful there - certainly do not make it less than oh two to
-four minutes. If tcp_hash_size has been set well, it is probably OK to
-let the FIN_WAIT_2's take longer to timeout (perhaps even the default
-two hours) - they will not on average have a big impact on performance.
-There are other things that could go into the code base, but that might
-be left for another email. Feel free to drop me a message if you or
-others are interested.
-rick jones<BR>
-<A HREF="">
- Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3
-<A HREF="./"><IMG SRC="../images/index.gif" ALT="Index"></A>
-<A HREF="../"><IMG SRC="../images/home.gif" ALT="Home"></A>
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-<TITLE>Hints on Running a High-Performance Web Server</TITLE>
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-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Hints on Running a High-Performance Web Server</H1>
-Running Apache on a heavily loaded web server, one often encounters
-problems related to the machine and OS configuration. "Heavy" is
-relative, of course - but if you are seeing more than a couple hits
-per second on a sustained basis you should consult the pointers on
-this page. In general the suggestions involve how to tune your kernel
-for the heavier TCP load, hardware/software conflicts that arise, <EM>etc.</EM>
-<LI><A HREF="#AUX">A/UX (Apple's UNIX)</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#BSD">BSD-based (BSDI, FreeBSD, etc)</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#DEC">Digital UNIX</A>
-<LI><A HREF="perf-hp.html">HPUX</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#Linux">Linux</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#Solaris">Solaris</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#SunOS">SunOS 4.x</A>
-<LI><A HREF="#SVR4">SVR4</A>
-<H3><A NAME="AUX">
-A/UX (Apple's UNIX)
-If you are running Apache on A/UX, a page that gives some helpful
-performance hints (concerning the <EM>listen()</EM> queue and using
-virtual hosts)
-<A HREF="">can be found here</A>
-<H3><A NAME="BSD">
-BSD-based (BSDI, FreeBSD, etc)
-<A HREF="perf-bsd44.html#initial">Quick</A> and
-<A HREF="perf-bsd44.html#detail">detailed</A>
-performance tuning hints for BSD-derived systems.
-<H3><A NAME="DEC">
-Digital UNIX
- <LI><A
- HREF=""
- >DIGITAL UNIX Tuning Parameters for Web Servers</A>
- <LI>We have some <A HREF="perf-dec.html">newsgroup postings</A> on how
- to tune Digital UNIX 3.2 and 4.0.
-<H3><A NAME="Linux">
-There are no known problems with heavily loaded systems running Linux
-kernels 2.0.32 or later. Earlier kernels have some problems, and an
-upgrade to the latest 2.0.x is a good idea to eliminate various security
-and denial of service attacks.
-<H3><A NAME="Solaris">
-Solaris 2.4
-The Solaris 2.4 TCP implementation has a few inherent limitations that
-only became apparent under heavy loads. This has been fixed to some
-extent in 2.5 (and completely revamped in 2.6), but for now consult
-the following URL for tips on how to expand the capabilities if you
-are finding slowdowns and lags are hurting performance.
-Other links:
-<LI><A HREF="">
-World Wide Web Server Performance,
-<LI><A HREF="">
-Solaris 2.x - tuning your TCP/IP stack</A> contains some good technical
-information about tuning various Solaris TCP/IP parameters.
-<H3><A NAME="SunOS">
-SunOS 4.x
-More information on tuning SOMAXCONN on SunOS can be found at
-<A HREF="">
-<H3><A NAME="SVR4">
-Some SVR4 versions waste three system calls on every
-<SAMP>gettimeofday()</SAMP> call. Depending on the syntactic
-form of the <SAMP>TZ</SAMP> environment variable, these
-systems have several different algorithms to determine the
-local time zone (presumably <EM>compatible</EM> with
-something). The following example uses the central european
-time zone to demonstrate this:
- <DD>This form delegates the knowledge of the time zone
- information to an external compiled zoneinfo file
- (&agrave; la BSD).<BR>
- <STRONG>Caveat:</STRONG> Each time the gettimeofday()
- function is called, the external zone info is read in
- again (at least on some SVR4 systems). That results in
- three wasted system calls with every apache request
- served.<PRE>
- open("/usr/lib/locale/TZ/MET", O_RDONLY) = 3
- read(3, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 7944) = 778
- close(3) = 0</PRE>
- <DT><STRONG>TZ=MET-1MDT,M3.5.0/02:00:00,M10.5.0/03:00:00</STRONG>
- <DD>This syntax form (&agrave; la SYSV) contains all the
- knowledge about time zone beginning and ending times in
- its external representation. It has to be parsed each
- time it is evaluated, resulting in a slight computing
- overhead, but it requires no system call. Though the
- table lookup &agrave; la BSD is the more sophisticated
- technical solution, the bad SVR4 implementation makes
- this the preferred syntax on systems which otherwise
- access the external zone info file repeatedly.
-You should use the <SAMP>truss</SAMP> utility on a
-single-process apache server (started with the <SAMP>-X</SAMP>
-debugging switch) to determine whether your system can profit
-from the second form of the <SAMP>TZ</SAMP> environment
-variable. If it does, you could integrate the setting of the
-preferred <SAMP>TZ</SAMP> syntax into the httpd startup
-script, which is usually simply a copy of (or symbolic link
-to) the <SAMP>apachectl</SAMP> utility script, or into the
-system's <SAMP>/etc/TIMEZONE</SAMP> script.
-<H3>More welcome!</H3>
-If you have tips to contribute, send mail to <A
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-<TITLE>The Apache TPF Port</TITLE>
-<A NAME="top"></A>
-<H1 align="center">Overview of the Apache TPF Port</H1>
-<CENTER>[&nbsp;<A HREF="#configuration_files">Configuration Files</A>
- &nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF="#whats_available">What's Available</A>
- &nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF="#porting_notes">Porting Notes</A>&nbsp;]
- This version of Apache includes changes allowing it to run on
- IBM's EBCDIC-based
- <A HREF="">TPF</A>
- (Transaction Processing Facility) operating system.
- Unless otherwise noted TPF version 4.1 PUT08 and APAR PJ25589 are required.
- <BR><BR>
- Refer to htdocs/manual/<A HREF="install-tpf.html">install-tpf.html</A>
- for step-by-step installation instructions.
- <BR><BR>
- As this is the first cut at making Apache run on TPF,
- performance tuning has not been done.
- <BR><BR>
- This port builds upon the <A HREF="ebcdic.html">EBCDIC changes</A>
- previously made to Apache.
- <BR>
-<A NAME="configuration_files">&nbsp;</A>
-<H2 align=center>Apache Configuration Files</H2>
- The distributed configuration files (httpd.conf-dist and
- mime.types, both located in the conf subdirectory)
- work on TPF with only a couple of operating system specific changes
- to httpd.conf:<BR>
- <UL>
- <LI>ServerType needs to be "inetd" on pre-PUT09 systems.
- <LI>Performance considerations may dictate setting KeepAlive to "Off"
- (the default is "On") or lowering the Timeout value from the default
- 300 seconds (5 minutes) in order to reduce the number of active ECBs on your system.
- </UL>
-<A NAME="whats_available">&nbsp;</A>
-<H2 align=center>What's Available in this Version</H2>
- (The Apache organization provides
- <A HREF="">online documentation</A>
- describing the various modules and components of the server.)
-<H3>Components/modules tested on TPF:</H3>
- <multicol COLS=3><UL>
- <LI>alloc.c
- <LI>ap_cpystrn.c
- <LI>ap_fnmatch.c
- <LI>ap_signal.c
- <LI>ap_slack.c
- <LI>ap_snprintf.c
- <LI>buff.c
- <LI>buildmark.c
- <LI>ebcdic.c
- <LI>gen_test.char.c
- <LI>gen_uri_delims.c
- <LI>http_config.c
- <LI>http_core.c
- <LI>http_log.c
- <LI>http_main.c <A HREF="#note_1"> <i><small>(see note 1)</small></i></A>
- <LI>http_protocol.c
- <LI>http_request.c
- <LI>http_vhost.c <i><small>(requires PUT9)</small></i>
- <LI>logresolve.c <i><small>(requires PUT10)</small></i>
- <LI>mod_access.c <A HREF="#note_2"> <i><small>(see note 2)</small></i></A>
- <LI>mod_actions.c
- <LI>mod_alias.c
- <LI>mod_asis.c
- <LI>mod_auth_anon.c
- <LI>mod_autoindex.c
- <LI>mod_cern_meta.c
- <LI>mod_cgi.c <i><small>(requires PUT10)</small></i>
- <LI>mod_dir.c
- <LI>mod_env.c
- <LI>mod_example.c
- <LI>mod_expires.c
- <LI>mod_headers.c
- <LI>mod_imap.c
- <LI>mod_include.c <A HREF="#note_3"> <i><small>(see note 3)</small></i></A>
- <LI>mod_info.c
- <LI>mod_log_agent.c
- <LI>mod_log_config.c
- <LI>mod_log_referer.c
- <LI>mod_mime.c
- <LI>mod_mime_magic.c
- <LI>mod_negotiation.c
- <LI><A HREF="">mod_put.c</A>
- <LI>mod_setenvif.c
- <LI>mod_speling.c
- <LI>mod_status.c
- <LI>mod_unique_id.c <i><small>(requires PUT10)</small></i>
- <LI>mod_userdir.c
- <LI>mod_usertrack.c
- <LI>os.c
- <LI>os-inline.c
- <LI>regular expression parser
- <LI>rotatelogs.c <i><small>(requires PUT10)</small></i>
- <LI>util.c
- <LI>util_date.c
- <LI>util_script.c
- <LI>util_uri.c
- <br><b>Notes:</b>
- <A NAME="note_1">&nbsp;</A>
- <ol>
- <li>"Standalone" mode requires TPF version 4.1 PUT09
- <A NAME="note_2">&nbsp;</A>
- <li>Use of mod_access directives &quot;<tt>allow from</tt>&quot; &amp; &quot;<tt>deny from</tt>&quot;
- with host <i>names</i> (verses ip addresses) requires TPF version 4.1 PUT10
- <A NAME="note_3">&nbsp;</A>
- <li>CGI execution requires TPF version 4.1 PUT10
- </ol>
-<H3>Components/modules not yet supported on TPF:</H3>
- <multicol COLS=3><UL>
- <LI>ap_md5c.c
- <LI>htpasswd.c
- <LI>mod_auth.c
- <LI>mod_digest.c
- <LI>mod_mmap_static.c
- <LI>mod_proxy.c
- <LI>mod_rewrite.c
- <LI>proxy_cache.c
- <LI>proxy_connect.c
- <LI>proxy_ftp.c
- <LI>proxy_http.c
- <LI>proxy_util.c
- <LI>rfc1413.c
- <LI>util_md5.c
-<H3>Components/modules that don't apply or that probably won't ever be available on TPF:</H3>
- <multicol COLS=3><UL>
- <LI>mod_auth_db.c
- <LI>mod_auth_dbm.c
- <LI>mod_auth_db.module
- <LI>mod_so.c
- <LI>suexec.c
-<A NAME="porting_notes">&nbsp;</A>
-<H2 align=center>Porting Notes</H2>
- <H3>Changes made due to differences between UNIX and
- TPF's process models:</H3>
- <UL>
- <LI><STRONG>Signals</STRONG>: On TPF a signal that is sent to a process
- remains unhandled until the process explicitly requests that signals
- be handled using the <CODE>tpf_process_signals()</CODE> function.
- Additionally, the default action for an alarm on TPF is to take
- an OPR-7777 dump and exit. (On UNIX the default is the equivalent
- of <CODE>exit()</CODE> with no dump taken.)
- These differences necessitated a few modifications:
- <BR><BR>
- <UL>
- <LI>bypass the use of <CODE>ap_block_alarms()</CODE> &amp;
- <CODE>ap_unblock_alarms()</CODE>
- <LI>add <CODE>tpf_process_signals()</CODE> calls
- <LI>add <CODE>select()</CODE> calls in buff.c to prevent blocking.
- </UL>
- <BR>
- </UL>
- <H3>Find that function...</H3>
- <P>Some simple functions &amp; definitions needed to be added
- on TPF, such as <CODE>FD_SET()</CODE>.
- We've put these in src/os/tpf/os.h for now.
- </P>
- <H3>EBCDIC changes:</H3>
- <P>TPF-specific conversion tables between US-ASCII and
- EBCDIC (character set IBM-1047 to be exact) were created
- and put into ebcdic.c in the src/os/tpf directory.
- </P>
- <H3>Miscellaneous, minor changes:</H3>
- <P>Various minor changes (such as casting) were made due to
- differences in how some functions are implemented on TPF.
- </P>
-<CENTER>[&nbsp;<A HREF="#top">top</A>
- &nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF="#configuration_files">Configuration Files</A>
- &nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF="#whats_available">What's Available</A>
- &nbsp;|&nbsp;<A HREF="#porting_notes">Porting Notes</A>&nbsp;]
diff --git a/docs/manual/platform/unixware.html b/docs/manual/platform/unixware.html
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-<TITLE>Compiling Apache under UnixWare</TITLE>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
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- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
- ALINK="#FF0000"
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Compiling Apache under UnixWare</H1>
-To compile a working copy of Apache under UnixWare, there are several other
-steps you may need to take. These prevent such problems as zombie processes,
-bind errors, and accept errors, to name a few.
-<H2>UnixWare 1.x</H2>
-Make sure that USE_FCNTL_SERIALIZE_ACCEPT is defined (if not
-defined by Apache autoconfiguration). If using the UnixWare <EM>cc</EM>
-compiler, and you still see accept() errors, don't use compiler optimization,
-or get <EM>gcc</EM>.
-<H2>UnixWare 2.0.x</H2>
-SCO patch <A HREF="">tf2163</A> is required
-in order for Apache to work correctly on UnixWare 2.0.x. See
-<A HREF=""></A>
-for UnixWare patch information.<P>
-In addition, make sure that USE_FCNTL_SERIALIZE_ACCEPT is defined (if not
-defined by Apache autoconfiguration). To reduce instances of connections
-in FIN_WAIT_2 state, you may also want to define NO_LINGCLOSE (Apache 1.2
-<H2>UnixWare 2.1.x</H2>
-SCO patch <A HREF="">ptf3123</A> is required
-in order for Apache to work correctly on UnixWare 2.1.x. See
-<A HREF=""></A>
-for UnixWare patch information.<P>
-<STRONG>NOTE:</STRONG> Unixware 2.1.2 and later already have patch ptf3123
-In addition, make sure that USE_FCNTL_SERIALIZE_ACCEPT is defined (if not
-defined by Apache autoconfiguration). To reduce instances of connections
-in FIN_WAIT_2 state, you may also want to define NO_LINGCLOSE (Apache 1.2
-Thanks to Joe Doupnik &lt;; and Rich Vaughn
-&lt;; for additional info for UnixWare builds.<P>
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
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-<TITLE>Using Apache with Microsoft Windows</TITLE>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
- ALINK="#FF0000"
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
-<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Using Apache With Microsoft Windows</H1>
-<P>This document explains how to install, configure and run
- Apache 1.3 under Microsoft Windows. Please note that at
- this time, Windows support is entirely experimental, and is
- recommended only for experienced users. The Apache Group does not
- guarantee that this software will work as documented, or even at
- all. If you find any bugs, or wish to contribute in other ways, please
- use our <A HREF="">bug reporting
- page.</A></P>
-<P><STRONG>Warning: Apache on NT has not yet been optimized for performance.
-Apache still performs best, and is most reliable on Unix platforms. Over
-time we will improve NT performance. Folks doing comparative reviews
-of webserver performance are asked to compare against Apache
-on a Unix platform such as Solaris, FreeBSD, or Linux.</STRONG></P>
-Most of this document assumes that you are installing Windows from a
-binary distribution. If you want to compile Apache yourself (possibly
-to help with development, or to track down bugs), see the section on
-<A HREF="#comp">Compiling Apache for Windows</A> below.
- <LI><A HREF="#req">Requirements</A>
- <LI><A HREF="#down">Downloading Apache for Windows</A>
- <LI><A HREF="#inst">Installing Apache for Windows (binary install)</A>
- <LI><A HREF="#run">Running Apache for Windows</A>
- <LI><A HREF="#use">Using Apache for Windows</A>
- <LI><A HREF="#cmdline">Running Apache for Windows from the Command Line</A>
- <LI><A HREF="#service">Running Apache for Windows as a Service</A>
- <LI><A HREF="#signal">Signalling Console Apache when running</A>
- <LI><A HREF="#signalsrv">Signalling Service Apache when running</A>
- <LI><A HREF="#comp">Compiling Apache for Windows</A>
-<H2><A NAME="req">Requirements</A></H2>
-Apache 1.3 is designed to run on Windows NT 4.0. The binary installer
-will only work in Intel processors. Apache may also run on Windows 95,
-Windows 98 and Windows NT 3.5.1, but these have not been tested. In
-all cases TCP/IP networking must be installed.
-If running on Windows 95, using the "Winsock2" upgrade is recommended
-but may not be necessary. If running on NT 4.0, installing Service Pack 2
-is recommended.
-<H2><A NAME="down">Downloading Apache for Windows</A></H2>
-<P>Information on the latest version of Apache can be found on the
-Apache web server at <A
-HREF=""></A>. This will
-list the current release, any more recent alpha or beta-test releases,
-together with details of mirror web and anonymous ftp sites.</P>
-You should download the version of Apache for Windows with the
-<CODE>.exe</CODE> extension. This is a single file containing Apache,
-ready to install and run. There may also be a <CODE>.zip</CODE> file
-containing the source code, to compile Apache yourself. (If there is
-no <SAMP>.zip</SAMP> file, the source will be available in a
-<SAMP>.tar.gz</SAMP> file but this will contain Unix line endings. You
-will have to convert at least the <SAMP>.mak</SAMP> and
-<SAMP>.dsp</SAMP> files to have DOS line endings before MSVC will
-understand them).
-<H2><A NAME="inst">Installing Apache for Windows</A></H2>
-Run the Apache <SAMP>.exe</SAMP> file you downloaded above. This will
-ask for:
- <LI>the directory to install Apache into (the default is
- <CODE>\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache</CODE> although you can
- change this to any other directory)
- <LI>the start menu name (default is "Apache Web Server")
- <LI>the installation type. The "Typical" option installs
- everything except the source code. The "Minimum" option does not
- install the manuals or source code. Choose the "Custom" install if
- you want to install the source code.
-During the installation, Apache will configure the files in the
-<SAMP>conf</SAMP> directory for your chosen installation
-directory. However if any of the files in this directory already exist
-they will <STRONG>not</STRONG> be overwritten. Instead the new copy of
-the corresponding file will be left with the extension
-<SAMP>.default</SAMP>. So, for example, if
-<SAMP>conf\httpd.conf</SAMP> already exists it will not be altered,
-but the version which would have been installed will be left in
-<SAMP>conf\httpd.conf.default</SAMP>. After the installation has
-finished you should manually check to see what in new in the
-<SAMP>.default</SAMP> file, and if necessary update your existing
-configuration files.
-Also, if you already have a file called <SAMP>htdocs\index.html</SAMP>
-then it will not be overwritten (no <SAMP>index.html.default</SAMP>
-file will be installed either). This should mean it a safe to install
-Apache over an existing installation (but you will have to stop the
-existing server running before doing the installation, then start the
-new one after the installation is finished).
-After installing Apache, you should edit the configuration files in
-the <SAMP>conf</SAMP> directory as required. These files will be
-configured during the install ready for Apache to be run from the
-directory where it was installed, with the documents served from the
-subdirectory <SAMP>htdocs</SAMP>. There are lots of other options
-which should be set before you start really using Apache. However to
-get started quickly the files should work as installed.
-<H2><A NAME="run">Running Apache for Windows</A></H2>
-There are two ways you can run Apache:
- <LI>As a <A HREF="#service">"service"</A> (available on NT only). This is the best option if
- you want Apache to automatically start when you machine boots, and to
- keep Apache running when you log-off.
- <LI>From a <A HREF="#cmdline">console window</A>. This is the only option
- available for
- Windows 95 users.
-To start Apache as a service, you first need to install it as a
-service. Multiple Apache services can be installed, each with a
-different name and configuration. To install the default Apache
-service named "Apache", run the "Install Apache as Service (NT only)"
-option from the Start menu. Once this is done you can start the "Apache"
-service by opening the Services window (in the Control Panel), selecting Apache,
-then clicking on Start. Apache will now be running in the background. You
-can later stop Apache by clicking on Stop. As an alternative to using
-the Services window, you can start and stop the "Apache" service from the control
-line with
-See <A HREF="#signalsrv">Signalling Service Apache when Running</A>
-for more information on installing and controlling Apache services.
-To run Apache from a console window, select the "Start Apache as
-console app" option from the Start menu (in Apache 1.3.4 and earlier,
-this option was called "Apache Server"). This will open a console
-window and start Apache running inside it. The window will remain
-active until you stop Apache. To stop Apache running, either select
-the "Shutdown Apache console app" icon option from the Start menu
-(this is not available in Apache 1.3.4 or earlier), or see <A
-HREF="#signal">Signalling Console Apache when Running</A> for how
-to control Apache from the command line.
-After starting Apache running (either in a console window or as a
-service) if will be listening to port 80 (unless you changed the
-<SAMP>Port</SAMP>, <SAMP>Listen</SAMP> or <SAMP>BindAddress</SAMP>
-directives in the configuration files). To connect to the server and
-access the default page, launch a browser and enter this URL:
- http://localhost/
-This should respond with a welcome page, and a link to the Apache
-manual. If nothing happens or you get an error, look in the
-<SAMP>error_log</SAMP> file in the <SAMP>logs</SAMP> directory.
-If your host isn't connected to the net, you may have to use
-this URL:
-Once your basic installation is working, you should configure it
-properly by editing the files in the <SAMP>conf</SAMP> directory.
-<H2><A NAME="use">Configuring Apache for Windows</A></H2>
-Apache is configured by files in the <SAMP>conf</SAMP>
-directory. These are the same as files used to configure the Unix
-version, but there are a few different directives for Apache on
-Windows. See the <A HREF="./">Apache documentation</A> for all the
-available directives.
-The main differences in Apache for Windows are:
- <LI><P>Because Apache for Windows is multithreaded, it does not use a
- separate process for each request, as Apache does with
- Unix. Instead there are usually only two Apache processes running:
- a parent process, and a child which handles the requests. Within
- the child each request is handled by a separate thread.
- <P>
- So the "process"-management directives are different:
- <P><A
- HREF="mod/core.html#maxrequestsperchild">MaxRequestsPerChild</A>
- - Like the Unix directive, this controls how many requests a
- process will serve before exiting. However, unlike Unix, a
- process serves all the requests at once, not just one, so if
- this is set, it is recommended that a very high number is
- used. The recommended default, <CODE>MaxRequestsPerChild
- 0</CODE>, does not cause the process to ever exit.
- <P><A HREF="mod/core.html#threadsperchild">ThreadsPerChild</A> -
- This directive is new, and tells the server how many threads it
- should use. This is the maximum number of connections the server
- can handle at once; be sure and set this number high enough for
- your site if you get a lot of hits. The recommended default is
- <CODE>ThreadsPerChild 50</CODE>.</P>
- <LI><P>The directives that accept filenames as arguments now must use
- Windows filenames instead of Unix ones. However, because Apache
- uses Unix-style names internally, you must use forward slashes, not
- backslashes. Drive letters can be used; if omitted, the drive with
- the Apache executable will be assumed.</P>
- <LI><P>Apache for Windows contains the ability to load modules at runtime,
- without recompiling the server. If Apache is compiled normally, it
- will install a number of optional modules in the
- <CODE>\Apache\modules</CODE> directory. To activate these, or other
- modules, the new <A HREF="mod/mod_so.html#loadmodule">LoadModule</A>
- directive must be used. For example, to active the status module,
- use the following (in addition to the status-activating directives
- in <CODE>access.conf</CODE>):</P>
- LoadModule status_module modules/ApacheModuleStatus.dll
- <P>Information on <A HREF="mod/mod_so.html#creating">creating loadable
- modules</A> is also available.</P>
- <LI><P>Apache can also load ISAPI Extensions (<EM>i.e.</EM>, Internet Server
- Applications), such as those used by Microsoft's IIS, and other
- Windows servers. <A HREF="mod/mod_isapi.html">More information
- is available.</A>
-<H2><A NAME="service">Running Apache for Windows as a Service</A></H2>
-You can install Apache as a Windows NT service as follows:
- apache -i -n "service name"
-To install a service to use a particular configuration, specify the
-configuration file when the service is installed:
- apache -i -n "service name" -f "\my server\conf\my.conf"
-To remove an Apache service, use
- apache -u -n "service name"
-The default "service name", if one is not specified, is "Apache".
-Once a service is installed, you can use the <SAMP>-n</SAMP> option, in conjunction
-with other options, to refer to a service's configuration file. For example:<br>
-To test a service's configuration file:
- apache -n "service name" -t
-To start a console Apache using a service's configuration file:
- apache -n "service name"
-<H2><A NAME="cmdline">Running Apache for Windows from the Command Line</A></H2>
-The Start menu icons and the NT Service manager can provide a simple
-interface for administering Apache. But in some cases it is easier to
-work from the command line.
-When working with Apache it is important to know how it will find the
-configuration files. You can specify a configuration file on the command line
-in two ways:
-<LI>-f specifies a path to a particular configuration file
-<PRE> apache -f "c:\my server\conf\my.conf"</PRE>
-<PRE> apache -f test\test.conf</PRE>
-<LI>-n specifies the configuration file of an installed Apache service
-<PRE> apache -n "service name"</PRE>
-In these cases, the proper ServerRoot should be set in the configuration file.
-If you don't specify a configuration file name with -f or -n, Apache will
-use the file name compiled into the server, usually "conf/httpd.conf". Invoking
-Apache with the -V switch will display this value labeled as SERVER_CONFIG_FILE.
-Apache will then determine it's ServerRoot by trying the following, in this order:
-<LI>A ServerRoot directive via a -C switch.
-<LI>The -d switch on the command line.
-<LI>Current working directory
-<LI>A registry entry, created if you did a binary install.
-<LI>The server root compiled into the server.
-The server root compiled into the server is usually "/apache".
-invoking apache with the -V switch will display this value
-labeled as HTTPD_ROOT.
-When invoked from the start menu, Apache is usually passed no arguments,
-so using the registry entry is the preferred technique for console Apache.
-During a binary installation, a registry key will have
-been installed, for example:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Apache Group\Apache\1.3.4\ServerRoot
-This key is compiled into the server and can enable you to test
-new versions without affecting the current version. Of course
-you must take care not to install the new version on top of the
-old version in the file system.
-If you did not do a binary install then Apache will in some
-scenarios complain that about the missing registry key. This
-warning can be ignored if it otherwise was able to find it's
-configuration files.
-The value of this key is the "ServerRoot" directory, containing the
-<SAMP>conf</SAMP> directory. When Apache starts it will read the
-<SAMP>httpd.conf</SAMP> file from this directory. If this file
-contains a <SAMP>ServerRoot</SAMP> directive which is different from
-the directory obtained from the registry key above, Apache will forget
-the registry key and use the directory from the configuration file.
-If you copy the Apache directory or configuration files to a new
-location it is vital that you update the <SAMP>ServerRoot</SAMP>
-directory in the <SAMP>httpd.conf</SAMP> file to the new location.
-To run Apache from the command line as a console application, use the
-following command:
- apache
-Apache will execute, and will remain running until it is stopped by pressing
-<H2><A NAME="signalsrv">Signalling Service Apache when running</A></H2>
-On Windows NT, multiple instances of Apache can be run as services.
-Signal an Apache service to start, restart, or shutdown as follows:
- apache -n "service name" -k start
- apache -n "service name" -k restart
- apache -n "service name" -k shutdown
-In addition, you can use the native NT NET command to
-start and stop Apache services as follows:
- NET START "service name"
- NET STOP "service name"
-<H2><A NAME="signal">Signalling Console Apache when running</A></H2>
-On Windows 95, Apache runs as a console application. You can tell a
-running Apache to stop by opening another console window and running
- apache -k shutdown
- <STRONG>Note: This option is only available with Apache 1.3.3 and
- later. For earlier versions, you need to use Control-C in the
- Apache console window to shut down the server.</STRONG>
-This should be used instead of pressing Control-C in the running
-Apache console window, because it lets Apache end any current
-transactions and cleanup gracefully.
-You can also tell Apache to restart. This makes it re-read the
-configuration files. Any transactions in progress are allowed to
-complete without interruption. To restart Apache, run
- apache -k restart
- <STRONG>Note: This option is only available with Apache 1.3.3 and
- later. For earlier versions, you need to use Control-C in the
- Apache console window to shut down the server.</STRONG>
-Note for people familiar with the Unix version of Apache: these
-commands provide a Windows equivalent to <CODE>kill -TERM
-<EM>pid</EM></CODE> and <CODE>kill -USR1 <EM>pid</EM></CODE>. The command
-line option used, <CODE>-k</CODE>, was chosen as a reminder of the
-"kill" command used on Unix.
-<H2><A NAME="comp">Compiling Apache for Windows</A></H2>
-<P>Compiling Apache requires Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 to be properly
- installed. It is easiest to compile with the command-line tools
- (nmake, <EM>etc.</EM>..). Consult the VC++ manual to determine how to install
- them.</P>
-<P>First, unpack the Apache distribution into an appropriate
- directory. Open a command-line prompt, and change to the
- <CODE>src</CODE> subdirectory of the Apache distribution.</P>
-<P>The master Apache makefile instructions are contained in the
- <CODE>Makefile.nt</CODE> file. To compile Apache on Windows NT, simply
- use one of the following commands:
-<LI><CODE>nmake /f Makefile.nt _apacher</CODE> (release build)
-<LI><CODE>nmake /f Makefile.nt _apached</CODE> (debug build)
-<P><em>(1.3.4 and later)</em> To compile Apache on Windows 95, use one of
-<LI><CODE>nmake /f Makefile_win32.txt</CODE> (release build)
-<LI><CODE>nmake /f Makefile_win32_debug.txt</CODE> (debug build)
-<P>These will both compile Apache. The latter will include debugging
- information in the resulting files, making it easier to find bugs and
- track down problems.</P>
-<P>Apache can also be compiled using VC++'s Visual Studio development
- environment. Although compiling Apache in this manner is not as
- simple, it makes it possible to easily modify the Apache source, or
- to compile Apache if the command-line tools are not installed.
- Project files (<CODE>.DSP</CODE>) are included for each of the
- portions of Apache. To build Apache from the these projects files
- you will need to build the following projects <EM>in this order</EM>:
- <OL>
- <LI><CODE>os\win32\ApacheOS.dsp</CODE>
- <LI><CODE>regex\regex.dsp</CODE>
- <LI><CODE>ap\ap.dsp</CODE>
- <LI><CODE>main\gen_uri_delims.dsp</CODE>
- <LI><CODE>main\gen_test_char.dsp</CODE>
- <LI><CODE>ApacheCore.dsp</CODE>
- <LI><CODE>Apache.dsp</CODE>
- </OL>
- In addition, the <CODE>src\os\win32</CODE> subdirectory contains
- project files for the optional modules (see below).</P>
-<P>Once Apache has been compiled, it needs to be installed in its server
- root directory. The default is the <CODE>\Apache</CODE>
- directory, on the current hard drive. </P>
-<P>To install the files into the <CODE>\Apache</CODE> directory
- automatically, use one the following nmake commands (see above):</P>
-<LI><CODE>nmake /f Makefile.nt installr INSTDIR=<EM>dir</EM></CODE>
- (for release build)
-<LI><CODE>nmake /f Makefile.nt installd INSTDIR=<EM>dir</EM></CODE>
- (for debug build)
-or, for Windows 95 (1.3.4 and later), use one of:
-<LI><CODE>nmake /f Makefile_win32.txt install INSTDIR=<EM>dir</EM></CODE>
- (for release build)
-<LI><CODE>nmake /f Makefile_win32_debug.txt install INSTDIR=<EM>dir</EM></CODE>
- (for debug build)
-The dir argument to INSTDIR gives the installation directory; it can
-be omitted if Apache is to be installed into <SAMP>\Apache</SAMP>.
-<P>This will install the following:</P>
- <LI><CODE><EM>dir</EM>\Apache.exe</CODE> - Apache executable
- <LI><CODE><EM>dir</EM>\ApacheCore.dll</CODE> - Main Apache shared library
- <LI><CODE><EM>dir</EM>\modules\ApacheModule*.dll</CODE> - Optional Apache
- modules (7 files)
- <LI><CODE><EM>dir</EM>\conf</CODE> - Empty configuration directory
- <LI><CODE><EM>dir</EM>\logs</CODE> - Empty logging directory
-<P>If you do not have nmake, or wish to install in a different directory,
- be sure to use a similar naming scheme.</P>
-Before running the server you must fill out the conf directory.
-Copy the *.conf-dist-win from the distribution conf directory
-and rename *.conf. Edit the @@ServerRoot@@ entries to your
-actual server root (for example "C:\apache"). Copy over
-the conf/magic and conf/mime.types files as well.
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