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+<TITLE>Performance Tuning Tips for Digital Unix</TITLE>
+<H1>Performance Tuning Tips for Digital Unix</H1>
+Below is a set of newsgroup posts made by an engineer from DEC in
+response to queries about how to modify DEC's Digital Unix OS for more
+heavily loaded web sites. Copied with permission.
+From: Jeffrey Mogul <><BR>
+Date: Fri, 28 Jun 96 16:07:56 MDT<BR>
+<LI> The advice given in the README file regarding the
+ "tcbhashsize" variable is incorrect. The largest value
+ this should be set to is 1024. Setting it any higher
+ will have the perverse result of disabling the hashing
+ mechanism.
+<LI>Patch ID OSF350-146 has been superseded by
+ Patch ID OSF350-195 for V3.2C<BR>
+ Patch ID OSF360-350195 for V3.2D
+ Patch IDs for V3.2E and V3.2F should be available soon.
+ There is no known reason why the Patch ID OSF360-350195
+ won't work on these releases, but such use is not officially
+ supported by Digital. This patch kit will not be needed for
+ V3.2G when it is released.
+From (Jeffrey Mogul)
+Organization DEC Western Research
+Date 30 May 1996 00:50:25 GMT
+Newsgroups <A HREF="news:comp.unix.osf.osf1">comp.unix.osf.osf1</A>
+Message-ID <A HREF="news:4oirch$">&lt;4oirch$;</A>
+Subject Re: Web Site Performance
+References 1
+In article &lt;; (Jim Skoog) writes:
+&gt;Where are the performance bottlenecks for Alpha AXP running the
+&gt;Netscape Commerce Server 1.12 with high volume internet traffic?
+&gt;We are evaluating network performance for a variety of Alpha AXP
+&gt;runing DEC UNIX 3.2C, which run DEC's seal firewall and behind
+&gt;that Alpha 1000 and 2100 webservers.
+Our experience (running such Web servers as <A HREF=""></A>
+and <A HREF=""></A>) is that there is one important kernel tuning
+knob to adjust in order to get good performance on V3.2C. You
+need to patch the kernel global variable "somaxconn" (use dbx -k
+to do this) from its default value of 8 to something much larger.
+How much larger? Well, no larger than 32767 (decimal). And
+probably no less than about 2048, if you have a really high volume
+(millions of hits per day), like AltaVista does.
+This change allows the system to maintain more than 8 TCP
+connections in the SYN_RCVD state for the HTTP server. (You
+can use "netstat -An |grep SYN_RCVD" to see how many such
+connections exist at any given instant).
+If you don't make this change, you might find that as the load gets
+high, some connection attempts take a very long time. And if a lot
+of your clients disconnect from the Internet during the process of
+TCP connection establishment (this happens a lot with dialup
+users), these "embryonic" connections might tie up your somaxconn
+quota of SYN_RCVD-state connections. Until the kernel times out
+these embryonic connections, no other connections will be accepted,
+and it will appear as if the server has died.
+The default value for somaxconn in Digital UNIX V4.0 will be quite
+a bit larger than it has been in previous versions (we inherited
+this default from 4.3BSD).
+Digital UNIX V4.0 includes some other performance-related changes
+that significantly improve its maximum HTTP connection rate. However,
+we've been using V3.2C systems to front-end for
+with no obvious performance bottlenecks at the millions-of-hits-per-day
+We have some Webstone performance results available at
+ <A HREF=""></A>
+I'm not sure if these were done using V4.0 or an earlier version
+of Digital UNIX, although I suspect they were done using a test
+version of V4.0.
+From (Jeffrey Mogul)
+Organization DEC Western Research
+Date 31 May 1996 21:01:01 GMT
+Newsgroups <A HREF="news:comp.unix.osf.osf1">comp.unix.osf.osf1</A>
+Message-ID <A HREF="news:4onmmd$">&lt;4onmmd$;</A>
+Subject Digital UNIX V3.2C Internet tuning patch info
+Something that probably few people are aware of is that Digital
+has a patch kit available for Digital UNIX V3.2C that may improve
+Internet performance, especially for busy web servers.
+This patch kit is one way to increase the value of somaxconn,
+which I discussed in a message here a day or two ago.
+I've included in this message the revised README file for this
+patch kit below. Note that the original README file in the patch
+kit itself may be an earlier version; I'm told that the version
+below is the right one.
+Sorry, this patch kit is NOT available for other versions of Digital
+UNIX. Most (but not quite all) of these changes also made it into V4.0,
+so the description of the various tuning parameters in this README
+file might be useful to people running V4.0 systems.
+This patch kit does not appear to be available (yet?) from
+ <A HREF=""></A>
+so I guess you'll have to call Digital's Customer Support to get it.
+DESCRIPTION: Digital UNIX Network tuning patch
+ Patch ID: OSF350-146
+ This set of files improves the performance of the network
+ subsystem on a system being used as a web server. There are
+ additional tunable parameters included here, to be used
+ cautiously by an informed system administrator.
+ To tune the web server, the number of simultaneous socket
+ connection requests are limited by:
+ somaxconn Sets the maximum number of pending requests
+ allowed to wait on a listening socket. The
+ default value in Digital UNIX V3.2 is 8.
+ This patch kit increases the default to 1024,
+ which matches the value in Digital UNIX V4.0.
+ sominconn Sets the minimum number of pending connections
+ allowed on a listening socket. When a user
+ process calls listen with a backlog less
+ than sominconn, the backlog will be set to
+ sominconn. sominconn overrides somaxconn.
+ The default value is 1.
+ The effectiveness of tuning these parameters can be monitored by
+ the sobacklog variables available in the kernel:
+ sobacklog_hiwat Tracks the maximum pending requests to any
+ socket. The initial value is 0.
+ sobacklog_drops Tracks the number of drops exceeding the
+ socket set backlog limit. The initial
+ value is 0.
+ somaxconn_drops Tracks the number of drops exceeding the
+ somaxconn limit. When sominconn is larger
+ than somaxconn, tracks the number of drops
+ exceeding sominconn. The initial value is 0.
+ TCP timer parameters also affect performance. Tuning the following
+ require some knowledge of the characteristics of the network.
+ tcp_msl Sets the tcp maximum segment lifetime.
+ This is the maximum lifetime in half
+ seconds that a packet can be in transit
+ on the network. This value, when doubled,
+ is the length of time a connection remains
+ in the TIME_WAIT state after a incoming
+ close request is processed. The unit is
+ specified in 1/2 seconds, the initial
+ value is 60.
+ tcp_rexmit_interval_min
+ Sets the minimum TCP retransmit interval.
+ For some WAN networks the default value may
+ be too short, causing unnecessary duplicate
+ packets to be sent. The unit is specified
+ in 1/2 seconds, the initial value is 1.
+ tcp_keepinit This is the amount of time a partially
+ established connection will sit on the listen
+ queue before timing out (e.g. if a client
+ sends a SYN but never answers our SYN/ACK).
+ Partially established connections tie up slots
+ on the listen queue. If the queue starts to
+ fill with connections in SYN_RCVD state,
+ tcp_keepinit can be decreased to make those
+ partial connects time out sooner. This should
+ be used with caution, since there might be
+ legitimate clients that are taking a while
+ to respond to SYN/ACK. The unit is specified
+ in 1/2 seconds, the default value is 150
+ (ie. 75 seconds).
+ The hashlist size for the TCP inpcb lookup table is regulated by:
+ tcbhashsize The number of hash buckets used for the
+ TCP connection table used in the kernel.
+ The initial value is 32. For best results,
+ should be specified as a power of 2. For
+ busy Web servers, set this to 2048 or more.
+ The hashlist size for the interface alias table is regulated by:
+ inifaddr_hsize The number of hash buckets used for the
+ interface alias table used in the kernel.
+ The initial value is 32. For best results,
+ should be specified as a power of 2.
+ ipport_userreserved The maximum number of concurrent non-reserved,
+ dynamically allocated ports. Default range
+ is 1025-5000. The maximum value is 65535.
+ This limits the numer of times you can
+ simultaneously telnet or ftp out to connect
+ to other systems.
+ tcpnodelack Don't delay acknowledging TCP data; this
+ can sometimes improve performance of locally
+ run CAD packages. Default is value is 0,
+ the enabled value is 1.
+ Digital UNIX version:
+ V3.2C
+Feature V3.2C patch V4.0
+ ======= ===== ===== ====
+somaxconn X X X
+sominconn - X X
+sobacklog_hiwat - X -
+sobacklog_drops - X -
+somaxconn_drops - X -
+tcpnodelack X X X
+tcp_keepidle X X X
+tcp_keepintvl X X X
+tcp_keepcnt - X X
+tcp_keepinit - X X
+TCP keepalive per-socket - - X
+tcp_msl - X -
+tcp_rexmit_interval_min - X -
+TCP inpcb hashing - X X
+tcbhashsize - X X
+interface alias hashing - X X
+inifaddr_hsize - X X
+ipport_userreserved - X -
+sysconfig -q inet - - X
+sysconfig -q socket - - X