path: root/docs/manual/misc/FAQ-C.html
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-<!--#if expr="$FAQMASTER" -->
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- <!--#set var="INCLUDED" value="" -->
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-<!--#if expr="$STANDALONE" -->
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions</TITLE>
- </HEAD>
-<!-- Background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
- TEXT="#000000"
- LINK="#0000FF"
- VLINK="#000080"
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- >
- <!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
- <H1 ALIGN="CENTER">Apache Server Frequently Asked Questions</H1>
- <P>
- $Revision: 1.1 $ ($Date: 1999/06/24 15:02:51 $)
- </P>
- <P>
- The latest version of this FAQ is always available from the main
- Apache web site, at
- &lt;<A
- HREF=""
- REL="Help"
- ><SAMP></SAMP></A>&gt;.
- </P>
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-<!-- - Don't forget to include an HR tag after the last /P tag -->
-<!-- but before the /LI in an item. -->
- <P>
- If you are reading a text-only version of this FAQ, you may find numbers
- enclosed in brackets (such as &quot;[12]&quot;). These refer to the list of
- reference URLs to be found at the end of the document. These references
- do not appear, and are not needed, for the hypertext version.
- </P>
- <H2>The Questions</H2>
-<OL TYPE="A">
-<!--#endif -->
-<!--#if expr="$TOC || $STANDALONE" -->
- <LI VALUE="3"><STRONG>Building Apache</STRONG>
- <OL>
- <LI><A HREF="#bind8.1">Why do I get an error about an undefined
- reference to &quot;<SAMP>__inet_ntoa</SAMP>&quot; or other
- <SAMP>__inet_*</SAMP> symbols?</A>
- </LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#cantbuild">Why won't Apache compile with my
- system's <SAMP>cc</SAMP>?</A>
- </LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#linuxiovec">Why do I get complaints about redefinition
- of &quot;<CODE>struct iovec</CODE>&quot; when compiling under Linux?</A>
- </LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#broken-gcc">I'm using gcc and I get some compilation errors,
- what is wrong?</A>
- </LI>
- <LI><A HREF="#glibc-crypt">I'm using RedHat Linux 5.0, or some other
- <SAMP>glibc</SAMP>-based Linux system, and I get errors with the
- <CODE>crypt</CODE> function when I attempt to build Apache 1.2.</A>
- </LI>
- </OL>
- </LI>
-<!--#endif -->
-<!--#if expr="$STANDALONE" -->
- <H2>The Answers</H2>
-<!--#endif -->
-<!--#if expr="! $TOC" -->
- <H3>C. Building Apache</H3>
- <LI><A NAME="bind8.1">
- <STRONG>Why do I get an error about an undefined reference to
- &quot;<SAMP>__inet_ntoa</SAMP>&quot; or other
- <SAMP>__inet_*</SAMP> symbols?</STRONG>
- </A>
- <P>
- If you have installed <A HREF="">BIND-8</A>
- then this is normally due to a conflict between your include files
- and your libraries. BIND-8 installs its include files and libraries
- <CODE>/usr/local/include/</CODE> and <CODE>/usr/local/lib/</CODE>, while
- the resolver that comes with your system is probably installed in
- <CODE>/usr/include/</CODE> and <CODE>/usr/lib/</CODE>. If
- your system uses the header files in <CODE>/usr/local/include/</CODE>
- before those in <CODE>/usr/include/</CODE> but you do not use the new
- resolver library, then the two versions will conflict.
- </P>
- <P>
- To resolve this, you can either make sure you use the include files
- and libraries that came with your system or make sure to use the
- new include files and libraries. Adding <CODE>-lbind</CODE> to the
- <CODE>EXTRA_LDFLAGS</CODE> line in your <SAMP>Configuration</SAMP>
- file, then re-running <SAMP>Configure</SAMP>, should resolve the
- problem. (Apache versions 1.2.* and earlier use
- </P>
- <P>
- <STRONG>Note:</STRONG>As of BIND 8.1.1, the bind libraries and files are
- installed under <SAMP>/usr/local/bind</SAMP> by default, so you
- should not run into this problem. Should you want to use the bind
- resolvers you'll have to add the following to the respective lines:
- </P>
- <P>
- <DL>
- <DD><CODE>EXTRA_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/bind/include
- <BR>
- EXTRA_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/bind/lib
- <BR>
- EXTRA_LIBS=-lbind</CODE>
- </DD>
- </DL>
- <P></P>
- <HR>
- </LI>
- <LI><A NAME="cantbuild">
- <STRONG>Why won't Apache compile with my system's
- </A>
- <P>
- If the server won't compile on your system, it is probably due to one
- of the following causes:
- </P>
- <UL>
- <LI><STRONG>The <SAMP>Configure</SAMP> script doesn't recognize your system
- environment.</STRONG>
- <BR>
- This might be either because it's completely unknown or because
- the specific environment (include files, OS version, <EM>et
- cetera</EM>) isn't explicitly handled. If this happens, you may
- need to port the server to your OS yourself.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>Your system's C compiler is garbage.</STRONG>
- <BR>
- Some operating systems include a default C compiler that is either
- not ANSI C-compliant or suffers from other deficiencies. The usual
- recommendation in cases like this is to acquire, install, and use
- <SAMP>gcc</SAMP>.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>Your <SAMP>include</SAMP> files may be confused.</STRONG>
- <BR>
- In some cases, we have found that a compiler installation or system
- upgrade has left the C header files in an inconsistent state. Make
- sure that your include directory tree is in sync with the compiler and
- the operating system.
- </LI>
- <LI><STRONG>Your operating system or compiler may be out of
- revision.</STRONG>
- <BR>
- Software vendors (including those that develop operating systems)
- issue new releases for a reason; sometimes to add functionality, but
- more often to fix bugs that have been discovered. Try upgrading
- your compiler and/or your operating system.
- </LI>
- </UL>
- <P>
- The Apache Group tests the ability to build the server on many
- different platforms. Unfortunately, we can't test all of the OS
- platforms there are. If you have verified that none of the above
- issues is the cause of your problem, and it hasn't been reported
- before, please submit a
- <A HREF="">problem report</A>.
- Be sure to include <EM>complete</EM> details, such as the compiler
- &amp; OS versions and exact error messages.
- </P>
- <HR>
- </LI>
- <LI><A NAME="linuxiovec">
- <STRONG>Why do I get complaints about redefinition
- of &quot;<CODE>struct iovec</CODE>&quot; when
- compiling under Linux?</STRONG>
- </A>
- <P>
- This is a conflict between your C library includes and your kernel
- includes. You need to make sure that the versions of both are matched
- properly. There are two workarounds, either one will solve the problem:
- </P>
- <P>
- <UL>
- <LI>Remove the definition of <CODE>struct iovec</CODE> from your C
- library includes. It is located in <CODE>/usr/include/sys/uio.h</CODE>.
- </LI>
- line in your <SAMP>Configuration</SAMP> and reconfigure/rebuild.
- This hurts performance and should only be used as a last resort.
- </LI>
- </UL>
- <P></P>
- <HR>
- </LI>
- <LI><A NAME="broken-gcc"><STRONG>I'm using gcc and I get some
- compilation errors, what is wrong?</STRONG></A>
- <P>
- GCC parses your system header files and produces a modified subset which
- it uses for compiling. This behaviour ties GCC tightly to the version
- of your operating system. So, for example, if you were running IRIX 5.3
- when you built GCC and then upgrade to IRIX 6.2 later, you will have to
- rebuild GCC. Similarly for Solaris 2.4, 2.5, or 2.5.1 when you upgrade
- to 2.6. Sometimes you can type "gcc -v" and it will tell you the version
- of the operating system it was built against.
- </P>
- <P>
- If you fail to do this, then it is very likely that Apache will fail
- to build. One of the most common errors is with <CODE>readv</CODE>,
- <CODE>writev</CODE>, or <CODE>uio.h</CODE>. This is <STRONG>not</STRONG> a
- bug with Apache. You will need to re-install GCC.
- </P>
- <HR>
- </LI>
- <LI><A NAME="glibc-crypt">
- <STRONG>I'm using RedHat Linux 5.0, or some other
- <SAMP>glibc</SAMP>-based Linux system, and I get errors with the
- <CODE>crypt</CODE> function when I attempt to build Apache 1.2.</STRONG>
- </A>
- <P>
- <SAMP>glibc</SAMP> puts the <CODE>crypt</CODE> function into a separate
- library. Edit your <CODE>src/Configuration</CODE> file and set this:
- </P>
- <DL>
- </DD>
- </DL>
- <P>
- Then re-run <SAMP>src/Configure</SAMP> and re-execute the make.
- </P>
- <HR>
- </LI>
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