path: root/APACHE_1_3_42/src/os/mpeix/README
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+ Using Apache With HP MPE/iX
+This document explains how to compile, install, configure and run Apache
+1.3 under HP MPE/iX.
+The bug reporting page and new-httpd mailing list are NOT provided to
+answer questions about configuration or running Apache. Before you submit a
+bug report or request, first consult this document, the Frequently Asked
+Questions page and the other relevant documentation topics. If you still
+have a question or problem, post it to the comp.sys.hp.mpe newsgroup or the
+associated HP3000-L mailing list, where many Apache users and several
+contributors are more than willing to answer new and obscure questions
+about using Apache on MPE/iX.
+'s newsgroup archives offer easy browsing of previous questions.
+Searching the newsgroup archives, you will usually find your question was
+already asked and answered by other users!
+ * Requirements
+ * Implementation Considerations
+ * Binary Distributions
+ * Create the Accounting Structure
+ * Downloading Apache
+ * Compiling Apache
+ * Installing Apache
+ * Configuring Apache
+ * Running Apache
+ * Controlling Apache
+Apache 1.3 requires MPE/iX 6.0 or greater. It will NOT run on earlier
+releases of MPE/iX. The following MPE/iX patches (or their superseding
+descendants) are relevant to Apache:
+ * MPE/iX 6.0:
+ o MPEKXT3B - fixes an MPE bug that results in transient "permission
+ denied" errors being returned by the server to the browser.
+ o MPELX36A - enhances the kill() function so that MPE users with SM
+ capability can send signals to Apache for shutdown, restart, etc.
+ o MPELX44C - fixes an MPE bug that prevents DSO modules from being
+ dynamically loaded.
+ o MPELX51C - enhances the kill() function so that Apache can use it
+ when the Apache parent UID is different from the Apache children
+ UID (strongly recommended).
+ o NSTxxxxx - the latest network transport patch should always be
+ installed when using TCP/IP applications such as Apache.
+ * MPE/iX 6.5:
+ o MPELX44D - fixes an MPE bug that prevents DSO modules from being
+ dynamically loaded.
+ o MPELX51D - enhances the kill() function so that Apache can use it
+ when the Apache parent UID is different from the Apache children
+ UID (strongly recommended).
+ o NSTxxxxx - the latest network transport patch should always be
+ installed when using TCP/IP applications such as Apache.
+Implementation Considerations
+While MPE has a very good POSIX implementation that enables fairly simple
+porting of Unix applications such as Apache, there are some Unix concepts
+which just don't exist or aren't fully implemented in MPE, and so this may
+force some functionality changes in the package being ported.
+Significant MPE vs. Unix OS differences
+ * MPE lacks the concept of a Unix UID=0 root user with special
+ privileges. Where Unix functions require a user to be executing as
+ root, MPE requires the user to be executing in priv mode, so the
+ program file must be linked with PM (Priv Mode) capability, and the
+ Unix function calls must be bracketed by GETPRIVMODE() and
+ GETUSERMODE() calls. The following Unix functions used by Apache are
+ affected:
+ o bind() for ports less than 1024
+ o setgid()
+ o setuid()
+ * MPE's support for UIDs and GIDs is more limited than Unix. Every MPE
+ account maps to a unique GID. Each MPE account can contain multiple
+ MPE users, and every MPE user maps to a unique UID (UID 0 is not
+ supported). The current UID for a process must correspond to an MPE
+ user within the MPE account that corresponds to the current GID of the
+ process.
+ * MPE child processes cannot survive the death of their parent. When
+ the parent terminates, any remaining children will be killed.
+ * MPE doesn't initialize the envp parameter when invoking the main() of
+ a new process. Use the global variable environ instead of envp.
+ * MPE link() exists, but always returns EIMPL. Use rename() or symlinks
+ instead of hard links.
+ * MPE doesn't allow the @ character in filenames.
+ * MPE lacks support for TCP_NODELAY, but that's the default anyway.
+ * MPE lacks support for SO_KEEPALIVE.
+ * MPE lacks support for process groups.
+ * MPE inetd only passes stdin (and NOT stdout) to the invoked service.
+ But you can write to stdin just fine.
+Major Apache functionality issues
+ * Beginning with HP-supported Apache 1.3.9 and HP WebWise MPE/iX Secure
+ Web Server A.01.00 (based on Apache 1.3.9), the User and Group
+ directives in httpd.conf are now unconditionally executed as
+ corresponding setuid()/setgid() calls. Previously this was only done
+ if HTTPD was being run as MANAGER.SYS. This functionality change was
+ submitted back to the 1.3.13-dev source tree at The
+ Apache for Unix behavior is to only honor User and Group if running as
+ root.
+ * Beginning with HP-supported Apache 1.3.9 and HP WebWise MPE/iX Secure
+ Web Server A.01.00 (based on Apache 1.3.9), the SVIPC shared memory
+ macros SHM_R and SHM_W have been modified from their traditional
+ owner-only-read and owner-only-write values to be owner-and-group-read
+ and owner-and-group-write on MPE/iX in order to allow increased
+ parent/child flexibility in spite of MPE's limited POSIX UID/GID
+ support. This functionality change was submitted back to the
+ 1.3.13-dev source tree at The Apache for Unix
+ behavior uses the traditional owner-only values of SHM_R and SHM_W.
+Minor Apache functionality issues
+ * Apache for Unix must be run as root to bind to TCP ports 1-1023.
+ Apache for MPE must call GETPRIVMODE() to bind to TCP ports 1-1023; PM
+ is not used for ports greater than 1023. The standard web server HTTP
+ port is 80.
+ * Apache for Unix in standalone mode will detach itself and run in the
+ background as a system-type process. Apache for MPE in standalone mode
+ cannot detach itself and run in the background because MPE POSIX
+ doesn't allow this (the detached child would be killed when the parent
+ terminated). Therefore you must use an MPE batch job to run Apache in
+ standalone mode.
+ * Apache for Unix uses process groups to manage child processes. Apache
+ for MPE cannot use process groups because MPE POSIX doesn't support
+ this. The implications of this are unknown.
+ * Apache for Unix uses the setsockopt() option TCP_NODELAY. Apache for
+ MPE does not, because MPE doesn't support it. But TCP_NODELAY is the
+ default MPE behavior anyway.
+ * Apache for Unix uses the setsockopt() option SO_KEEPALIVE. Apache for
+ MPE does not, because MPE doesn't support it.
+ * Apache for Unix under inetd reads from the socket via stdin and writes
+ via stdout. Apache for MPE under inetd reads *AND* writes the socket
+ via stdin. I consider MPE 5.5 inetd to be broken and poorly
+ documented, so I submitted SR 5003355016 to address this. If HP ever
+ alters the MPE inetd to pass the socket the way HPUX inetd does (not
+ likely in the grand scheme of things), the existing Apache for MPE
+ code will break.
+ * Apache for Unix will use the @ character in proxy cache filenames, but
+ since @ is illegal in MPE filenames, Apache for MPE uses the %
+ character instead.
+Binary Distributions
+HP ships a fully supported Apache binary distribution with the Fundamental
+Operating System (FOS) in MPE/iX 6.5 and later. This distribution can be
+found in the APACHE account.
+HP supplies fully supported Apache binary distributions for MPE/iX 6.0 or
+later available for downloading from
+Mark Bixby supplies Apache binary distributions for MPE/iX available for
+downloading from Binaries from are NOT supported by HP. HP only supports binaries distributed
+by HP.
+All of the binary distributions mentioned above may possibly include
+functionality that hasn't yet been submitted back to the Apache Software
+Foundation (though submitting back is the intended goal). Please read the
+documentation that comes with these binaries in order to determine
+functionality differences (if any) compared to the latest sources available
+from the ASF.
+If you will be using one of these binary distributions, please stop reading
+this document and start reading the specific distribution documentation for
+installation details.
+Create the Accounting Structure
+Apache can be installed under the account of your choice. For the purposes
+of this document, the APACHE account will be used:
+Downloading Apache
+Use your web browser to download the Apache source tarball from
+ Then ftp upload the tarball to your e3000 as
+show below:
+Connected to
+220 HP ARPA FTP Server [A0009H09] (C) Hewlett-Packard Co. 1990
+331 Password required for MGR.APACHE. Syntax: acctpass
+230 User logged on
+ftp> quote type L 8
+200 Type set to L (byte size 8).
+ftp> put apache_v.u.ff.tar.Z /tmp/apache.tar.Z
+200 PORT command ok.
+150 File: /tmp/apache.tar.Z opened; data connection will be opened
+226 Transfer complete.
+ftp: 2685572 bytes sent in 2.75Seconds 976.57Kbytes/sec.
+ftp> quit
+221 Server is closing command connection
+Unpack the tarball:
+ 3. $ mkdir src
+ 4. $ chmod 700 src
+ 5. $ cd src
+ 6. $ tar xvfopz /tmp/apache.tar.Z
+Compiling Apache
+It is STRONGLY recommended to use gcc instead of the HP C/iX compiler. You
+can obtain gcc from
+ 1. $ cd apache_v.uu.ff
+ 2. $ ./configure --prefix=/APACHE/PUB --enable-module=xxx
+ --enable-module=yyy ...etc...
+ 3. $ make
+Installing Apache
+ 1. $ make install
+ 2. $ cd /APACHE/PUB
+ 3. $ mv bin/httpd HTTPD
+ 4. $ ln -s HTTPD bin/httpd
+ 5. $ callci "xeq 'altprog HTTPD;cap=ia,ba,ph,pm'"
+Configuring Apache
+Edit /APACHE/PUB/conf/httpd.conf and customize as needed for your
+environment. Be sure to make the following mandatory changes:
+ * Group APACHE
+Running Apache
+Simply create and :STREAM the following standalone server job in order to
+start Apache:
+!XEQ SH.HPBIN.SYS "-c 'umask 007; ./HTTPD -f /APACHE/PUB/conf/httpd.conf'"
+Controlling Apache
+Log on as MGR.APACHE (or MANAGER.SYS or any other SM user if you've
+installed MPELX36A on 6.0) in order to shutdown or restart Apache via the
+use of signals.
+To shut down Apache from the POSIX shell:
+$ kill `cat /APACHE/PUB/logs/`
+To shut down Apache from the CI:
+:XEQ SH.HPBIN.SYS '-c "kill `cat /APACHE/PUB/logs/`"'