path: root/APACHE_1_3_42/htdocs/manual/mod/mod_speling.html.en
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+<html xmlns="">
+ <head>
+ <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see" />
+ <title>Apache module mod_speling</title>
+ </head>
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+ <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0000FF"
+ vlink="#000080" alink="#FF0000">
+ <!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
+ <h1 align="CENTER">Module mod_speling</h1>
+ <p>This module attempts to correct misspellings of URLs that
+ users might have entered, by ignoring capitalization and by
+ allowing up to one misspelling.</p>
+ <p><a href="module-dict.html#Status"
+ rel="Help"><strong>Status:</strong></a> Extension<br />
+ <a href="module-dict.html#SourceFile"
+ rel="Help"><strong>Source File:</strong></a>
+ mod_speling.c<br />
+ <a href="module-dict.html#ModuleIdentifier"
+ rel="Help"><strong>Module Identifier:</strong></a>
+ speling_module<br />
+ <a href="module-dict.html#Compatibility"
+ rel="Help"><strong>Compatibility:</strong></a> Available in
+ Apache 1.3 and later. Available as an External module in Apache
+ 1.1 and later.</p>
+ <h2>Summary</h2>
+ <p>Requests to documents sometimes cannot be served by the core
+ apache server because the request was misspelled or
+ miscapitalized. This module addresses this problem by trying to
+ find a matching document, even after all other modules gave up.
+ It does its work by comparing each document name in the
+ requested directory against the requested document name
+ <strong>without regard to case</strong>, and allowing
+ <strong>up to one misspelling</strong> (character insertion /
+ omission / transposition or wrong character). A list is built
+ with all document names which were matched using this
+ strategy.</p>
+ <p>If, after scanning the directory,</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>no matching document was found, Apache will proceed as
+ usual and return a "document not found" error.</li>
+ <li>only one document is found that "almost" matches the
+ request, then it is returned in the form of a redirection
+ response.</li>
+ <li>more than one document with a close match was found, then
+ the list of the matches is returned to the client, and the
+ client can select the correct candidate.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Directives</h2>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#checkspelling">CheckSpelling</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <hr />
+ <!-- the HR is part of the directive description -->
+ <h2><a id="checkspelling"
+ name="checkspelling">CheckSpelling</a> directive</h2>
+ <a href="directive-dict.html#Syntax"
+ rel="Help"><strong>Syntax:</strong></a> CheckSpelling
+ on|off<br />
+ <a href="directive-dict.html#Default"
+ rel="Help"><strong>Default:</strong></a> <code>CheckSpelling
+ Off</code><br />
+ <a href="directive-dict.html#Context"
+ rel="Help"><strong>Context:</strong></a> server config, virtual
+ host, directory, .htaccess<br />
+ <a href="directive-dict.html#Override"
+ rel="Help"><strong>Override:</strong></a> Options <br />
+ <a href="directive-dict.html#Status"
+ rel="Help"><strong>Status:</strong></a> Base<br />
+ <a href="directive-dict.html#Module"
+ rel="Help"><strong>Module:</strong></a> mod_speling<br />
+ <a href="directive-dict.html#Compatibility"
+ rel="Help"><strong>Compatibility:</strong></a> CheckSpelling
+ was available as a separately available module for Apache 1.1,
+ but was limited to miscapitalizations. As of Apache 1.3, it is
+ part of the Apache distribution. Prior to Apache 1.3.2, the
+ <samp>CheckSpelling</samp> directive was only available in the
+ "server" and "virtual host" contexts.
+ <p>This directive enables or disables the spelling module. When
+ enabled, keep in mind that</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>the directory scan which is necessary for the spelling
+ correction will have an impact on the server's performance
+ when many spelling corrections have to be performed at the
+ same time.</li>
+ <li>the document trees should not contain sensitive files
+ which could be matched inadvertently by a spelling
+ "correction".</li>
+ <li>the module is unable to correct misspelled user names (as
+ in <code></code>), just file names or
+ directory names.</li>
+ <li>spelling corrections apply strictly to existing files, so
+ a request for the <samp>&lt;Location /status&gt;</samp> may
+ get incorrectly treated as the negotiated file
+ "<samp>/stats.html</samp>".</li>
+ </ul>
+ <!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
+ </body>