path: root/APACHE_1_3_42/htdocs/manual/misc/howto.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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+ <head>
+ <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see" />
+ <meta name="description"
+ content="Some 'how to' tips for the Apache httpd server" />
+ <meta name="keywords"
+ content="apache,redirect,robots,rotate,logfiles" />
+ <title>Apache HOWTO documentation</title>
+ </head>
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+ <h1 align="CENTER">Apache HOWTO documentation</h1>
+ How to:
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="#redirect">redirect an entire server or
+ directory to a single URL</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#logreset">reset your log files</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#stoprob">stop/restrict robots</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#proxyssl">proxy SSL requests <em>through</em>
+ your non-SSL server</a></li>
+ </ul>
+ <hr />
+ <h2><a id="redirect" name="redirect">How to redirect an entire
+ server or directory to a single URL</a></h2>
+ <p>There are two chief ways to redirect all requests for an
+ entire server to a single location: one which requires the use
+ of <code>mod_rewrite</code>, and another which uses a CGI
+ script.</p>
+ <p>First: if all you need to do is migrate a server from one
+ name to another, simply use the <code>Redirect</code>
+ directive, as supplied by <code>mod_alias</code>:</p>
+ <blockquote>
+ Redirect /
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>Since <code>Redirect</code> will forward along the complete
+ path, however, it may not be appropriate - for example, when
+ the directory structure has changed after the move, and you
+ simply want to direct people to the home page.</p>
+ <p>The best option is to use the standard Apache module
+ <code>mod_rewrite</code>. If that module is compiled in, the
+ following lines</p>
+ <blockquote>
+RewriteEngine On
+RewriteRule /.* [R]
+ </blockquote>
+ will send an HTTP 302 Redirect back to the client, and no
+ matter what they gave in the original URL, they'll be sent to
+ "".
+ <p>The second option is to set up a <code>ScriptAlias</code>
+ pointing to a <strong>CGI script</strong> which outputs a 301
+ or 302 status and the location of the other server.</p>
+ <p>By using a <strong>CGI script</strong> you can intercept
+ various requests and treat them specially, <em>e.g.</em>, you
+ might want to intercept <strong>POST</strong> requests, so that
+ the client isn't redirected to a script on the other server
+ which expects POST information (a redirect will lose the POST
+ information.) You might also want to use a CGI script if you
+ don't want to compile mod_rewrite into your server.</p>
+ <p>Here's how to redirect all requests to a script... In the
+ server configuration file,</p>
+ <blockquote>
+ScriptAlias / /usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin/redirect_script/
+ </blockquote>
+ and here's a simple perl script to redirect requests:
+ <blockquote>
+print "Status: 302 Moved Temporarily\r\n" .
+ "Location:\r\n" .
+ "\r\n";
+ </blockquote>
+ <hr />
+ <h2><a id="logreset" name="logreset">How to reset your log
+ files</a></h2>
+ <p>Sooner or later, you'll want to reset your log files
+ (access_log and error_log) because they are too big, or full of
+ old information you don't need.</p>
+ <p><code>access.log</code> typically grows by 1Mb for each
+ 10,000 requests.</p>
+ <p>Most people's first attempt at replacing the logfile is to
+ just move the logfile or remove the logfile. This doesn't
+ work.</p>
+ <p>Apache will continue writing to the logfile at the same
+ offset as before the logfile moved. This results in a new
+ logfile being created which is just as big as the old one, but
+ it now contains thousands (or millions) of null characters.</p>
+ <p>The correct procedure is to move the logfile, then signal
+ Apache to tell it to reopen the logfiles.</p>
+ <p>Apache is signaled using the <strong>SIGHUP</strong> (-1)
+ signal. <em>e.g.</em></p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <code>mv access_log access_log.old<br />
+ kill -1 `cat`</code>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>Note: <code></code> is a file containing the
+ <strong>p</strong>rocess <strong>id</strong> of the Apache
+ httpd daemon, Apache saves this in the same directory as the
+ log files.</p>
+ <p>Many people use this method to replace (and backup) their
+ logfiles on a nightly or weekly basis.</p>
+ <hr />
+ <h2><a id="stoprob" name="stoprob">How to stop or restrict
+ robots</a></h2>
+ <p>Ever wondered why so many clients are interested in a file
+ called <code>robots.txt</code> which you don't have, and never
+ did have?</p>
+ <p>These clients are called <strong>robots</strong> (also known
+ as crawlers, spiders and other cute names) - special automated
+ clients which wander around the web looking for interesting
+ resources.</p>
+ <p>Most robots are used to generate some kind of <em>web
+ index</em> which is then used by a <em>search engine</em> to
+ help locate information.</p>
+ <p><code>robots.txt</code> provides a means to request that
+ robots limit their activities at the site, or more often than
+ not, to leave the site alone.</p>
+ <p>When the first robots were developed, they had a bad
+ reputation for sending hundreds/thousands of requests to each
+ site, often resulting in the site being overloaded. Things have
+ improved dramatically since then, thanks to <a
+ href="">
+ Guidelines for Robot Writers</a>, but even so, some robots may
+ exhibit unfriendly behavior which the webmaster isn't willing
+ to tolerate, and will want to stop.</p>
+ <p>Another reason some webmasters want to block access to
+ robots, is to stop them indexing dynamic information. Many
+ search engines will use the data collected from your pages for
+ months to come - not much use if you're serving stock quotes,
+ news, weather reports or anything else that will be stale by
+ the time people find it in a search engine.</p>
+ <p>If you decide to exclude robots completely, or just limit
+ the areas in which they can roam, create a
+ <code>robots.txt</code> file; refer to the <a
+ href="">
+ robot information pages</a> provided by Martijn Koster for the
+ syntax.</p>
+ <hr />
+ <h2><a id="proxyssl" name="proxyssl">How to proxy SSL requests
+ <em>through</em> your non-SSL Apache server</a><br />
+ <small>(<em>submitted by David Sedlock</em>)</small></h2>
+ <p>SSL uses port 443 for requests for secure pages. If your
+ browser just sits there for a long time when you attempt to
+ access a secure page over your Apache proxy, then the proxy may
+ not be configured to handle SSL. You need to instruct Apache to
+ listen on port 443 in addition to any of the ports on which it
+ is already listening:</p>
+ Listen 80
+ Listen 443
+ <p>Then set the security proxy in your browser to 443. That
+ might be it!</p>
+ <p>If your proxy is sending requests to another proxy, then you
+ may have to set the directive ProxyRemote differently. Here are
+ my settings:</p>
+ ProxyRemote http://nicklas:80/
+ ProxyRemote http://nicklas:443/
+ <p>Requests on port 80 of my proxy <samp>nicklas</samp> are
+ forwarded to <samp></samp>, while
+ requests on port 443 are forwarded to
+ <samp></samp>. If the remote proxy is
+ not set up to handle port 443, then the last directive can be
+ left out. SSL requests will only go over the first proxy.</p>
+ <p>Note that your Apache does NOT have to be set up to serve
+ secure pages with SSL. Proxying SSL is a different thing from
+ using it.</p>
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