path: root/APACHE_1_3_42/htdocs/manual/ebcdic.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+<html xmlns="">
+ <head>
+ <meta name="generator" content="HTML Tidy, see" />
+ <title>The Apache EBCDIC Port</title>
+ </head>
+ <!-- background white, links blue (unvisited), navy (visited), red (active) -->
+ <body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff"
+ vlink="#000080" alink="#ff0000">
+ <!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
+ <h1 align="center">Overview of the Apache EBCDIC Port</h1>
+ <p>As of Version 1.3, the Apache HTTP Server includes a port to
+ (non-ASCII) mainframe machines which use the EBCDIC character
+ set as their native codeset.<br />
+ (Initially, that support covered only the Fujitsu-Siemens
+ family of mainframes running the <a
+ href="">
+ BS2000/OSD operating system</a>, a mainframe OS which features
+ a SVR4-derived POSIX subsystem. Later, the two IBM mainframe
+ operating systems TPF and OS/390 were added).</p>
+ <hr />
+ <h2 align="center"><a id="ebcdic" name="ebcdic">EBCDIC-related
+ conversion functions</a></h2>
+ The EBCDIC related directives <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvert">EBCDICConvert</a>, <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvertbytype">EBCDICConvertByType</a>,
+ and <a href="mod/core.html#ebcdickludge">EBCDICKludge</a> are
+ available <b>only if the platform's character set is EBCDIC</b>
+ (This is currently only the case on Fujitsu-Siemens' BS2000/OSD
+ and IBM's OS/390 and TPF operating systems). EBCDIC stands for
+ <em>Extended Binary-Coded-Decimal Interchange Code</em> and is
+ the codeset used on mainframe machines, in contrast to ASCII
+ which is ubiquitous on almost all micro computers today. ASCII
+ (or its extension <em>latin1</em>) is the basis for the HTTP
+ transfer protocol, therefore all EBCDIC-based platforms need a
+ way to configure the code set conversion rules required between
+ the EBCDIC based mainframe host and the HTTP socket
+ protocol.<br />
+ <p>On an EBCDIC based system, HTML files and other text files
+ are usually saved encoded in the native EBCDIC code set, while
+ image files and other binary data are stored with identical
+ encoding as on ASCII based machines. When the Apache server
+ accesses documents, it must therefore make a distinction
+ between text files (to be converted to/from ASCII, depending on
+ the transfer direction) and binary files (to be delivered
+ unconverted). Such a distinction can be made based on the
+ assigned MIME type, or based on the file extension
+ (<em>i.e.</em>, files sharing a common file suffix).</p>
+ <p>By default, the configuration is symmetric for input and
+ output (<em>i.e.</em>, when a PUT request is executed for a
+ document which was returned by a previous GET request, then the
+ resulting uploaded copy should be identical to the original
+ file). However, the conversion directives allow for specifying
+ different conversions for input and output.</p>
+ <p>The directives <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvert">EBCDICConvert</a> and <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvertbytype">EBCDICConvertByType</a>
+ are used to assign the conversion setting (On or Off) based on
+ file extensions or MIME types. Each configuration setting can
+ be defined for input only (<em>e.g.</em>, PUT method), output
+ only (<em>e.g.</em>, GET method), or both input and output. By
+ default, the conversion setting is applied for input and
+ output.</p>
+ <p>Note that after modifying the conversion settings for a
+ group of files, it is not sufficient to restart the server. The
+ reason for this is the fact that a cached copy of a document
+ (in a browser or proxy cache) will not get revalidated by
+ contents, but only by date. Since the modification time of the
+ document did not change, browsers will assume they can reuse
+ the cached copy.<br />
+ To recover from this situation, you must either clear all
+ cached copies (browser and proxy cache!), or update the
+ modification time of the documents (using the
+ <code>touch</code> command on the server).</p>
+ <p>Note also that server-parsed documents (CGI scripts, .shtml
+ files, and other interpreted files like PHP scripts etc.) are
+ not subject to any input conversion and must therefore be
+ stored in EBCDIC form on the server side.</p>
+ <p>In absense of any <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvertbytype">EBCDICConvertByType</a>
+ directive, and if no matching <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvert">EBCDICConvert</a> was found,
+ Apache falls back to an internal heuristic which assumes that
+ all documents with MIME types starting with
+ <samp>"text/"</samp>, <samp>"message/"</samp> or
+ <samp>"multipart/"</samp> as well as the MIME type
+ <samp>"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"</samp> are text
+ documents stored in EBCDIC, whereas all other documents are
+ binary files.</p>
+ <p>In order to provide backward compatibility with older
+ versions of apache, the <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdickludge">EBCDICKludge</a> directive
+ allows for a less powerful mechanism to control the conversion
+ of documents to and from EBCDIC.</p>
+ <p><strong>Note</strong>:</p>
+ <blockquote>
+ The EBCDICKludge directive is deprecated, since its
+ functionality is superseded by the more powerful <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvert">EBCDICConvert</a> and <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvertbytype">EBCDICConvertByType</a>
+ directives.
+ </blockquote>
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ <p>The directives are applied in the following order:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>First, the configured <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvert">EBCDICConvert</a>
+ directives in the current context are evaluated in
+ configuration file order. As soon as a matching file
+ extension is found, the search stops and the configured
+ conversion is applied.<br />
+ EBCDICConvert settings inherited from parent directories are
+ tested after the more specific (deeper) directory
+ levels.</li>
+ <li>If the <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdickludge">EBCDICKludge</a> is in
+ effect, the next step tests for a MIME type of the format
+ <samp><i>type/</i><b>x-ascii-</b><i>subtype</i></samp>. If
+ the document has such a type, then the
+ <samp>"<b>x-ascii-</b>"</samp> substring is removed and the
+ conversion set to <samp>Off</samp>.</li>
+ <li>In the next step, the configured <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvertbytype">EBCDICConvertByType</a>
+ directives are evaluated in configuration file order. If the
+ document has a matching MIME type, the search stops and the
+ configured conversion is applied.<br />
+ EBCDICConvertByType settings inherited from parent
+ directories are tested after the more specific (deeper)
+ directory levels.<br />
+ If no <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvertbytype">EBCDICConvertByType</a>
+ directive at all exists in the current context, the server
+ falls back to the simple heuristics which assume that MIME
+ types starting with "text/", "message/" or "multipart/" (plus
+ the special type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" used in
+ simple POST requests) imply a conversion, while all the rest
+ is delivered unconverted (<em>i.e.</em>, binary).</li>
+ </ol>
+ <br />
+ <br />
+ <hr />
+ <h2 align="center"><a id="tech" name="tech">Technical
+ Details</a></h2>
+ <p>Since all Apache input and output is based upon the BUFF
+ data type and its methods, the easiest solution was to add the
+ actual conversion to the BUFF handling routines. The conversion
+ must be settable at any time, so BUFF flags were added which
+ define whether a BUFF object has currently enabled conversion
+ or not. Two such flags exist: one for data read from the client
+ (ASCII to EBCDIC conversion) and one for data returned to the
+ client (EBCDIC to ASCII conversion).</p>
+ <p>During sending of the header, Apache determines (based on
+ the returned MIME type for the request) whether conversion
+ should be used or the document returned unconverted. It uses
+ this decision to initialize the BUFF flag when the response
+ output begins. Modules should therefore determine the MIME type
+ for the current request before initiating the response by
+ calling ap_send_http_headers().</p>
+ <p>The BUFF flag is modified at several points in the HTTP
+ protocol:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><strong>set</strong> (In and Out) before a request is
+ received (because the request and the request header lines
+ are always in ASCII format)</li>
+ <li><strong>set/unset</strong> (for Input data) when the
+ request body is received - depending on the content type of
+ the request body (because the request body may contain ASCII
+ text or a binary file)</li>
+ <li><strong>set</strong> (for returned Output) before a
+ response header is sent (because the response header lines
+ are always in ASCII format)</li>
+ <li><strong>set/unset</strong> (for returned Output) when the
+ response body is sent - depending on the content type of the
+ response body (because the response body may contain text or
+ a binary file)</li>
+ </ul>
+ Additional transparent transitions may occur for
+ extracting/inserting the HTTP/1.1 chunking information
+ from/into the input/output body data stream, and for generating
+ <em>multipart</em> headers for <em>range</em> requests. (See
+ RFC2616 and src/main/http_protocol.c for details.)
+ <hr />
+ <h2 align="center"><a id="port" name="port">Porting
+ Notes</a></h2>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ The relevant changes in the source are #ifdef'ed into two
+ categories:
+ <dl>
+ <dt><code><strong>#ifdef
+ CHARSET_EBCDIC</strong></code></dt>
+ <dd>Code which is needed for any EBCDIC based machine.
+ This includes character translations, differences in
+ contiguity of the two character sets, flags which
+ indicate which part of the HTTP protocol has to be
+ converted and which part doesn't <em>etc.</em></dd>
+ <dt><code><strong>#ifdef _OSD_POSIX | TPF |
+ OS390</strong></code></dt>
+ <dd>Code which is needed for the Fujitsu-Siemens
+ BS2000/OSD | IBM TPF | IBM OS390 mainframe platforms
+ only. This deals with include file differences and socket
+ and fork implementation topics which are only required on
+ the respective platform.<br />
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ </li>
+ <li>The possibility to translate between ASCII and EBCDIC at
+ the socket level (on BS2000 POSIX, there is a socket option
+ which supports this) was intentionally <em>not</em> chosen,
+ because the byte stream at the HTTP protocol level consists
+ of a mixture of protocol related strings and non-protocol
+ related raw file data. HTTP protocol strings are always
+ encoded in ASCII (the GET request, any Header: lines, the
+ chunking information <em>etc.</em>) whereas the file transfer
+ parts (<em>i.e.</em>, GIF images, CGI output <em>etc.</em>)
+ should usually be just "passed through" by the server. This
+ separation between "protocol string" and "raw data" is
+ reflected in the server code by functions like bgets() or
+ rvputs() for strings, and functions like bwrite() for binary
+ data. A global translation of everything would therefore be
+ inadequate.<br />
+ (In the case of text files of course, provisions must be
+ made so that EBCDIC documents are always served in
+ ASCII)<br />
+ This port therefore features a built-in protocol level
+ conversion for the server-internal strings (which the
+ compiler translated to EBCDIC strings) and thus for all
+ server-generated documents.<br />
+ </li>
+ <li>By examining the call hierarchy for the BUFF management
+ routines, I added an "ebcdic/ascii conversion layer" which
+ would be crossed on every puts/write/get/gets, and conversion
+ flags which allowed enabling/disabling the conversions
+ on-the-fly. Usually, a document crosses this layer twice from
+ its origin source (a file or CGI output) to its destination
+ (the requesting client): <samp>file -&gt; Apache</samp>, and
+ <samp>Apache -&gt; client</samp>.<br />
+ The server can now read the header lines of a CGI-script
+ output in EBCDIC format, and then find out that the remainder
+ of the script's output is in ASCII (like in the case of the
+ output of a WWW Counter program: the document body contains a
+ GIF image). All header processing is done in the native
+ EBCDIC format; the server then determines, based on the type
+ of document being served, whether the document body (except
+ for the chunking information, of course) is in ASCII already
+ or must be converted from EBCDIC.<br />
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ By default, Apache assumes that documents with the MIME
+ types "text/*", "message/*", "multipart/*" and
+ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" are text documents and
+ are stored as EBCDIC files, whereas all other files are
+ binary files (and stored in a byte-identical encoding as on
+ an ASCII machine).<br />
+ These defaults can be overridden on a <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvertbytype">by-MIME-type</a>
+ and/or <a
+ href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvert">by-file-extension</a>
+ basis, using the directives
+ <a
+href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvertbytype">EBCDICConvertByType</a> {On|Off}[={In|Out|InOut}] <em>mimetype</em> [...]
+ <a
+href="mod/core.html#ebcdicconvert">EBCDICConvert</a> {On|Off}[={In|Out|InOut}] <em>fileext</em> [...]
+ where the <em>mimetype</em> argument may contain
+ wildcards.<br />
+ </li>
+ <li>Before adding the flexible conversion, non-text documents
+ were always served "binary" without conversion. This seemed
+ to be the most sensible choice for, .<em>e.g.</em>,
+ GIF/ZIP/AU file types (It of course requires the user to copy
+ them to the mainframe host using the "rcp -b" binary switch),
+ but proved to be inadequate for MIME types like
+ <samp>model/vrml</samp>, <samp>application/postscript</samp>
+ and <samp>application/x-javascript</samp>.<br />
+ </li>
+ <li>Server parsed files are always assumed to be in native
+ (<em>i.e.</em>, EBCDIC) format as used on the machine
+ (because they do not cross the conversion layer when being
+ read), and are converted after processing.<br />
+ </li>
+ <li>For CGI output, the CGI script determines whether a
+ conversion is needed or not: by setting the appropriate
+ Content-Type, text files can be converted, or GIF output can
+ be passed through unmodified (depending on the conversion
+ configured in the script's context).<br />
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <hr />
+ <h2 align="center"><a id="store" name="store">Document Storage
+ Notes</a></h2>
+ <h3 align="center">Binary Files</h3>
+ <p>When exchanging binary files between the mainframe host and
+ a Unix machine or Windows PC, be sure to use the ftp "binary"
+ (<samp>TYPE I</samp>) command, or use the
+ <samp>rcp&nbsp;-b</samp> command from the mainframe host (the
+ -b switch is not supported in unix rcp's).</p>
+ <h3 align="center">Text Documents</h3>
+ <p>The default assumption of the server is that Text Files
+ (<em>i.e.</em>, all files whose <samp>Content-Type:</samp>
+ starts with <samp>text/</samp>) are stored in the native
+ character set of the host, EBCDIC.</p>
+ <h3 align="center">Server Side Included Documents</h3>
+ <p>SSI documents must currently be stored in EBCDIC only. No
+ provision is made to convert them from ASCII before processing.
+ The same holds for other interpreted languages, like mod_perl
+ or mod_php.</p>
+ <!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
+ </body>