path: root/test/integration/targets/win_scheduled_task_stat
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/integration/targets/win_scheduled_task_stat')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/win_scheduled_task_stat/aliases b/test/integration/targets/win_scheduled_task_stat/aliases
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd27b3cb2..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/win_scheduled_task_stat/aliases
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/win_scheduled_task_stat/defaults/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/win_scheduled_task_stat/defaults/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 24efaf0de7..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/win_scheduled_task_stat/defaults/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-test_scheduled_task_stat_name: Test Task
-test_scheduled_task_stat_path: \test path
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/win_scheduled_task_stat/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/win_scheduled_task_stat/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index ee78abb0c0..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/win_scheduled_task_stat/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-- name: Look up built-in Administrator account name (-500 user whose domain == computer name)
- raw: $machine_sid = (Get-CimInstance Win32_UserAccount -Filter "Domain='$env:COMPUTERNAME'")[0].SID -replace '(S-1-5-21-\d+-\d+-\d+)-\d+', '$1'; (Get-CimInstance Win32_UserAccount -Filter "SID='$machine_sid-500'").Name
- check_mode: no
- register: admin_account_result
-- set_fact:
- admin_account_name: "{{ admin_account_result.stdout_lines[0] }}"
-- name: ensure task is deleted before test
- win_scheduled_task:
- name: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_name}}'
- path: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_path}}'
- state: absent
-# folder stat tests
-- name: get stat of a folder that is missing
- win_scheduled_task_stat:
- path: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_path}}'
- register: stat_folder_missing
-- name: assert get stat of a folder that is missing
- assert:
- that:
- - stat_folder_missing.folder_exists == False
-- name: get stat of existing folder
- win_scheduled_task_stat:
- path: \
- register: stat_folder_present
-- name: assert get stat of existing folder
- assert:
- that:
- - stat_folder_present.folder_exists == True
- - stat_folder_present.folder_task_count is defined
- - stat_folder_present.folder_task_names is defined
-- name: create scheduled task in folder
- win_scheduled_task:
- path: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_path}}'
- name: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_name}}'
- state: present
- logon_type: interactive_token
- username: '{{ admin_account_name }}'
- author: Ansible Author
- description: Fake description
- execution_time_limit: PT23H
- disallow_start_if_on_batteries: false
- restart_count: 3
- restart_interval: PT15M
- actions:
- - path: cmd.exe
- - path: C:\temp\some.exe
- arguments: --help
- working_directory: C:\temp
- triggers:
- - type: boot
- delay: PT15M
- - type: monthly
- days_of_month: 5,15,30
- months_of_year: june,december
- run_on_last_day_of_month: true
- start_boundary: '2017-09-20T03:44:38'
-- name: get stat of existing folder with task
- win_scheduled_task_stat:
- path: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_path}}'
- register: stat_folder_with_task
-- name: assert get stat of existing folder with task
- assert:
- that:
- - stat_folder_with_task.folder_exists == True
- - stat_folder_with_task.folder_task_count == 1
- - stat_folder_with_task.folder_task_names[0] == "Test Task"
- - stat_folder_with_task.task_exists is not defined
-# task stat tests
-- name: get stat of missing task with invalid folder
- win_scheduled_task_stat:
- path: fake path
- name: fake task
- register: stat_task_missing_folder
-- name: assert get stat of missing task with invalid folder
- assert:
- that:
- - stat_task_missing_folder.folder_exists == False
- - stat_task_missing_folder.task_exists == False
-- name: get stat of missing task
- win_scheduled_task_stat:
- path: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_path}}'
- name: fake task
- register: stat_task_missing
-- name: assert get stat of missing task
- assert:
- that:
- - stat_task_missing.task_exists == False
-- name: get stat of existing task
- win_scheduled_task_stat:
- path: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_path}}'
- name: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_name}}'
- register: stat_task_present
-- name: assert get stat of existing task
- assert:
- that:
- - stat_task_present.task_exists == True
- - stat_task_present.actions|count == 2
- - stat_task_present.actions[0].path == "cmd.exe"
- - stat_task_present.actions[0].type == "TASK_ACTION_EXEC"
- - stat_task_present.actions[0].working_directory == None
- - stat_task_present.actions[1].arguments == "--help"
- - stat_task_present.actions[1].path == "C:\\temp\some.exe"
- - stat_task_present.actions[1].type == "TASK_ACTION_EXEC"
- - stat_task_present.actions[1].working_directory == "C:\\temp"
- - stat_task_present.principal.display_name == None
- - stat_task_present.principal.group_id == None
- - stat_task_present.principal.logon_type == "TASK_LOGON_INTERACTIVE_TOKEN"
- - stat_task_present.principal.run_level == "TASK_RUNLEVEL_LUA"
- - stat_task_present.principal.user_id.endswith(admin_account_name)
- - == "Ansible Author"
- - is defined
- - stat_task_present.registration_info.description == "Fake description"
- - stat_task_present.settings.disallow_start_if_on_batteries == False
- - stat_task_present.settings.execution_time_limit == "PT23H"
- - stat_task_present.settings.restart_count == 3
- - stat_task_present.settings.restart_interval == "PT15M"
- - stat_task_present.state.status == "TASK_STATE_READY"
- - stat_task_present.triggers|count == 2
- - stat_task_present.triggers[0].delay == "PT15M"
- - stat_task_present.triggers[0].type == "TASK_TRIGGER_BOOT"
- - stat_task_present.triggers[0].repetition.stop_at_duration_end == False
- - stat_task_present.triggers[0].repetition.duration == None
- - stat_task_present.triggers[0].repetition.interval == None
- - stat_task_present.triggers[1].days_of_month == "5,15,30"
- - stat_task_present.triggers[1].months_of_year == "june,december"
- - stat_task_present.triggers[1].run_on_last_day_of_month == True
- - stat_task_present.triggers[1].start_boundary == "2017-09-20T03:44:38"
- - stat_task_present.triggers[1].type == "TASK_TRIGGER_MONTHLY"
- - stat_task_present.triggers[1].repetition.stop_at_duration_end == False
- - stat_task_present.triggers[1].repetition.duration == None
- - stat_task_present.triggers[1].repetition.interval == None
-- name: change principal to system account so it will run in the next step
- win_scheduled_task:
- name: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_name}}'
- path: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_path}}'
- username: SYSTEM
-- name: start the scheduled task
- win_command: schtasks.exe /Run /TN "{{test_scheduled_task_stat_path}}\{{test_scheduled_task_stat_name}}"
-- name: get stat of running task
- win_scheduled_task_stat:
- path: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_path}}'
- name: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_name}}'
- register: stat_task_running
-- name: assert stat of running task
- assert:
- that:
- - stat_task_running.state.status == "TASK_STATE_RUNNING"
-- name: stop the scheduled task
- win_command: schtasks.exe /End /TN "{{test_scheduled_task_stat_path}}\{{test_scheduled_task_stat_name}}"
-- name: ensure task is delete after test
- win_scheduled_task:
- name: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_name}}'
- path: '{{test_scheduled_task_stat_path}}'
- state: absent