path: root/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 287 deletions
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/aliases b/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/aliases
deleted file mode 100644
index f320bbb3fb..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/aliases
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-# Not enabled due to lack of access to test environments. May be enabled using custom integration_config.yml
-# Example integation_config.yml
-# ---
-# entrust_api_user:
-# entrust_api_key:
-# entrust_api_client_cert_path: /var/integration-testing/publicCert.pem
-# entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /var/integration-testing/privateKey.pem
-# entrust_api_ip_address:
-# entrust_cloud_ip_address:
-# # Used for certificate path validation of QA environments - we chose not to support disabling path validation ever.
-# cacerts_bundle_path_local: /var/integration-testing/cacerts
-### WARNING: This test will update HOSTS file and CERTIFICATE STORE of target host, in order to be able to validate
-# to a QA environment. ###
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/defaults/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/defaults/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 86bc36c32c..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/defaults/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# defaults file for test_ecs_certificate
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/meta/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/meta/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index a35b330677..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/meta/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- - prepare_tests
- - setup_openssl
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/tasks/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cc9b8cf09..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/tasks/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-## Verify that integration_config was specified
-- block:
- - assert:
- that:
- - entrust_api_user is defined
- - entrust_api_key is defined
- - entrust_api_ip_address is defined
- - entrust_cloud_ip_address is defined
- - entrust_api_client_cert_path is defined or entrust_api_client_cert_contents is defined
- - entrust_api_client_cert_key_path is defined or entrust_api_client_cert_key_contents
- - cacerts_bundle_path_local is defined
-## SET UP TEST ENVIRONMENT ########################################################################
-- name: copy the files needed for verifying test server certificate to the host
- copy:
- src: '{{ cacerts_bundle_path_local }}/'
- dest: '{{ cacerts_bundle_path }}'
-- name: Update the CA certificates for our QA certs (collection may need updating if new QA environments used)
- command: c_rehash {{ cacerts_bundle_path }}
-- name: Update hosts file
- lineinfile:
- path: /etc/hosts
- state: present
- regexp: '$'
- line: '{{ entrust_api_ip_address }}'
-- name: Update hosts file
- lineinfile:
- path: /etc/hosts
- state: present
- regexp: '$'
- line: '{{ entrust_cloud_ip_address }}'
-- name: Clear out the temporary directory for storing the API connection information
- file:
- path: '{{ tmpdir_path }}'
- state: absent
-- name: Create a directory for storing the API connection Information
- file:
- path: '{{ tmpdir_path }}'
- state: directory
-- name: Copy the files needed for the connection to entrust API to the host
- copy:
- src: '{{ entrust_api_client_cert_path }}'
- dest: '{{ entrust_api_cert }}'
-- name: Copy the files needed for the connection to entrust API to the host
- copy:
- src: '{{ entrust_api_client_cert_key_path }}'
- dest: '{{ entrust_api_cert_key }}'
-- name: Generate a 2048 bit RSA private key
- openssl_privatekey:
- path: '{{ privatekey_path }}'
- passphrase: '{{ privatekey_passphrase }}'
- cipher: auto
- type: RSA
- size: 2048
-- name: Generate a certificate signing request using the generated key
- openssl_csr:
- path: '{{ csr_path }}'
- privatekey_path: '{{ privatekey_path }}'
- privatekey_passphrase: '{{ privatekey_passphrase }}'
- common_name: '{{ common_name }}'
- organization_name: '{{ organization_name | default(omit) }}'
- organizational_unit_name: '{{ organizational_unit_name | default(omit) }}'
- country_name: '{{ country_name | default(omit) }}'
- state_or_province_name: '{{ state_or_province_name | default(omit) }}'
- digest: sha256
-- block:
- - name: Have ECS generate a signed certificate
- ecs_certificate:
- backup: True
- path: '{{ example1_cert_path }}'
- full_chain_path: '{{ example1_chain_path }}'
- csr: '{{ csr_path }}'
- cert_type: '{{ example1_cert_type }}'
- requester_name: '{{ entrust_requester_name }}'
- requester_email: '{{ entrust_requester_email }}'
- requester_phone: '{{ entrust_requester_phone }}'
- entrust_api_user: '{{ entrust_api_user }}'
- entrust_api_key: '{{ entrust_api_key }}'
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: '{{ entrust_api_cert }}'
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: '{{ entrust_api_cert_key }}'
- register: example1_result
- - assert:
- that:
- - example1_result is not failed
- - example1_result.changed
- - example1_result.tracking_id > 0
- - example1_result.serial_number is string
- # Internal CA refuses to issue certificates with the same DN in a short time frame
- - name: Sleep for 5 seconds so we don't run into duplicate-request errors
- pause:
- seconds: 5
- - name: Attempt to have ECS generate a signed certificate, but existing one is valid
- ecs_certificate:
- backup: True
- path: '{{ example1_cert_path }}'
- full_chain_path: '{{ example1_chain_path }}'
- csr: '{{ csr_path }}'
- cert_type: '{{ example1_cert_type }}'
- requester_name: '{{ entrust_requester_name }}'
- requester_email: '{{ entrust_requester_email }}'
- requester_phone: '{{ entrust_requester_phone }}'
- entrust_api_user: '{{ entrust_api_user }}'
- entrust_api_key: '{{ entrust_api_key }}'
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: '{{ entrust_api_cert }}'
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: '{{ entrust_api_cert_key }}'
- register: example2_result
- - assert:
- that:
- - example2_result is not failed
- - not example2_result.changed
- - example2_result.backup_file is undefined
- - example2_result.backup_full_chain_file is undefined
- - example2_result.serial_number == example1_result.serial_number
- - example2_result.tracking_id == example1_result.tracking_id
- # Internal CA refuses to issue certificates with the same DN in a short time frame
- - name: Sleep for 5 seconds so we don't run into duplicate-request errors
- pause:
- seconds: 5
- - name: Force a reissue with no CSR, verify that contents changed
- ecs_certificate:
- backup: True
- force: True
- path: '{{ example1_cert_path }}'
- full_chain_path: '{{ example1_chain_path }}'
- cert_type: '{{ example1_cert_type }}'
- request_type: reissue
- requester_name: '{{ entrust_requester_name }}'
- requester_email: '{{ entrust_requester_email }}'
- requester_phone: '{{ entrust_requester_phone }}'
- entrust_api_user: '{{ entrust_api_user }}'
- entrust_api_key: '{{ entrust_api_key }}'
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: '{{ entrust_api_cert }}'
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: '{{ entrust_api_cert_key }}'
- register: example3_result
- - assert:
- that:
- - example3_result is not failed
- - example3_result.changed
- - example3_result.backup_file is string
- - example3_result.backup_full_chain_file is string
- - example3_result.tracking_id > 0
- - example3_result.tracking_id != example1_result.tracking_id
- - example3_result.serial_number != example1_result.serial_number
- # Internal CA refuses to issue certificates with the same DN in a short time frame
- - name: Sleep for 5 seconds so we don't run into duplicate-request errors
- pause:
- seconds: 5
- - name: Test a request with all of the various optional possible fields populated
- ecs_certificate:
- path: '{{ example4_cert_path }}'
- full_chain_path: '{{ example4_full_chain_path }}'
- csr: '{{ csr_path }}'
- subject_alt_name: '{{ example4_subject_alt_name }}'
- eku: '{{ example4_eku }}'
- ct_log: True
- cert_type: '{{ example4_cert_type }}'
- org: '{{ example4_org }}'
- ou: '{{ example4_ou }}'
- tracking_info: '{{ example4_tracking_info }}'
- additional_emails: '{{ example4_additional_emails }}'
- custom_fields: '{{ example4_custom_fields }}'
- cert_expiry: '{{ example4_cert_expiry }}'
- requester_name: '{{ entrust_requester_name }}'
- requester_email: '{{ entrust_requester_email }}'
- requester_phone: '{{ entrust_requester_phone }}'
- entrust_api_user: '{{ entrust_api_user }}'
- entrust_api_key: '{{ entrust_api_key }}'
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: '{{ entrust_api_cert }}'
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: '{{ entrust_api_cert_key }}'
- register: example4_result
- - assert:
- that:
- - example4_result is not failed
- - example4_result.changed
- - example4_result.backup_file is undefined
- - example4_result.backup_full_chain_file is undefined
- - example4_result.tracking_id > 0
- - example4_result.serial_number is string
- # For bug 61738, verify that the full chain is valid
- - name: Verify that the full chain path can be successfully imported
- command: openssl verify "{{ example4_full_chain_path }}"
- register: openssl_result
- - assert:
- that:
- - "' OK' in openssl_result.stdout_lines[0]"
- always:
- - name: clean-up temporary folder
- file:
- path: '{{ tmpdir_path }}'
- state: absent
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/vars/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/vars/main.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e61761849..0000000000
--- a/test/integration/targets/ecs_certificate/vars/main.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# vars file for test_ecs_certificate
-# Path on various hosts that cacerts need to be put as a prerequisite to API server cert validation.
-# May need to be customized for some environments based on SSL implementations
-# that ansible "urls" module utility is using as a backing.
-cacerts_bundle_path: /etc/pki/tls/certs
-common_name: '{{ ansible_date_time.epoch }}'
-organization_name: CMS API, Inc.
-organizational_unit_name: RSA
-country_name: US
-state_or_province_name: MA
-privatekey_passphrase: Passphrase452!
-tmpdir_path: /tmp/ecs_cert_test/{{ ansible_date_time.epoch }}
-privatekey_path: '{{ tmpdir_path }}/testcertificates.key'
-entrust_api_cert: '{{ tmpdir_path }}/authcert.cer'
-entrust_api_cert_key: '{{ tmpdir_path }}/authkey.cer'
-csr_path: '{{ tmpdir_path }}/request.csr'
-entrust_requester_name: C Trufan
-entrust_requester_phone: 1-555-555-5555 # e.g. 15555555555
-# TEST 1
-example1_cert_path: '{{ tmpdir_path }}/issuedcert_1.pem'
-example1_chain_path: '{{ tmpdir_path }}/issuedcert_1_chain.pem'
-example1_cert_type: EV_SSL
-example4_cert_path: '{{ tmpdir_path }}/issuedcert_2.pem'
- -
- -
-example4_cert_type: UC_SSL
-# Test a secondary org and special characters
-example4_org: CaƱon City, Inc.
- - StringrsaString
-example4_tracking_info: Submitted via Ansible Integration
- -
- -
- text1: Admin
- text2: Invoice 25
- number1: 342
- date3: '2018-01-01'
- email2:
- dropdown2: Dropdown 2 Value 1
-example4_cert_expiry: 2020-08-15
-example4_full_chain_path: '{{ tmpdir_path }}/issuedcert_2_chain.pem'