path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
30 files changed, 0 insertions, 19793 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 215ce899ee..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/module_utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1028 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# This code is part of Ansible, but is an independent component.
-# This particular file snippet, and this file snippet only, is BSD licensed.
-# Modules you write using this snippet, which is embedded dynamically by Ansible
-# still belong to the author of the module, and may assign their own license
-# to the complete work.
-# Copyright (c), Michael Gruener <>, 2016
-# Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-import base64
-import binascii
-import copy
-import datetime
-import hashlib
-import json
-import locale
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import traceback
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text, to_bytes
-from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url
-from ansible.module_utils.compat import ipaddress as compat_ipaddress
-from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote
- import cryptography
- import cryptography.hazmat.backends
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa
- import
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils
- import cryptography.x509
- import cryptography.x509.oid
- from distutils.version import LooseVersion
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = cryptography.__version__
- _cryptography_backend = cryptography.hazmat.backends.default_backend()
-except Exception as dummy:
-class ModuleFailException(Exception):
- '''
- If raised, module.fail_json() will be called with the given parameters after cleanup.
- '''
- def __init__(self, msg, **args):
- super(ModuleFailException, self).__init__(self, msg)
- self.msg = msg
- self.module_fail_args = args
- def do_fail(self, module, **arguments):
- module.fail_json(msg=self.msg, other=self.module_fail_args, **arguments)
-def nopad_b64(data):
- return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(data).decode('utf8').replace("=", "")
-def read_file(fn, mode='b'):
- try:
- with open(fn, 'r' + mode) as f:
- return
- except Exception as e:
- raise ModuleFailException('Error while reading file "{0}": {1}'.format(fn, e))
-# function source: network/basics/
-def write_file(module, dest, content):
- '''
- Write content to destination file dest, only if the content
- has changed.
- '''
- changed = False
- # create a tempfile
- fd, tmpsrc = tempfile.mkstemp(text=False)
- f = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb')
- try:
- f.write(content)
- except Exception as err:
- try:
- f.close()
- except Exception as dummy:
- pass
- os.remove(tmpsrc)
- raise ModuleFailException("failed to create temporary content file: %s" % to_native(err), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- f.close()
- checksum_src = None
- checksum_dest = None
- # raise an error if there is no tmpsrc file
- if not os.path.exists(tmpsrc):
- try:
- os.remove(tmpsrc)
- except Exception as dummy:
- pass
- raise ModuleFailException("Source %s does not exist" % (tmpsrc))
- if not os.access(tmpsrc, os.R_OK):
- os.remove(tmpsrc)
- raise ModuleFailException("Source %s not readable" % (tmpsrc))
- checksum_src = module.sha1(tmpsrc)
- # check if there is no dest file
- if os.path.exists(dest):
- # raise an error if copy has no permission on dest
- if not os.access(dest, os.W_OK):
- os.remove(tmpsrc)
- raise ModuleFailException("Destination %s not writable" % (dest))
- if not os.access(dest, os.R_OK):
- os.remove(tmpsrc)
- raise ModuleFailException("Destination %s not readable" % (dest))
- checksum_dest = module.sha1(dest)
- else:
- dirname = os.path.dirname(dest) or '.'
- if not os.access(dirname, os.W_OK):
- os.remove(tmpsrc)
- raise ModuleFailException("Destination dir %s not writable" % (dirname))
- if checksum_src != checksum_dest:
- try:
- shutil.copyfile(tmpsrc, dest)
- changed = True
- except Exception as err:
- os.remove(tmpsrc)
- raise ModuleFailException("failed to copy %s to %s: %s" % (tmpsrc, dest, to_native(err)), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- os.remove(tmpsrc)
- return changed
-def pem_to_der(pem_filename):
- '''
- Load PEM file, and convert to DER.
- If PEM contains multiple entities, the first entity will be used.
- '''
- certificate_lines = []
- try:
- with open(pem_filename, "rt") as f:
- header_line_count = 0
- for line in f:
- if line.startswith('-----'):
- header_line_count += 1
- if header_line_count == 2:
- # If certificate file contains other certs appended
- # (like intermediate certificates), ignore these.
- break
- continue
- certificate_lines.append(line.strip())
- except Exception as err:
- raise ModuleFailException("cannot load PEM file {0}: {1}".format(pem_filename, to_native(err)), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- return base64.b64decode(''.join(certificate_lines))
-def _parse_key_openssl(openssl_binary, module, key_file=None, key_content=None):
- '''
- Parses an RSA or Elliptic Curve key file in PEM format and returns a pair
- (error, key_data).
- '''
- # If key_file isn't given, but key_content, write that to a temporary file
- if key_file is None:
- fd, tmpsrc = tempfile.mkstemp()
- module.add_cleanup_file(tmpsrc) # Ansible will delete the file on exit
- f = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb')
- try:
- f.write(key_content.encode('utf-8'))
- key_file = tmpsrc
- except Exception as err:
- try:
- f.close()
- except Exception as dummy:
- pass
- raise ModuleFailException("failed to create temporary content file: %s" % to_native(err), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- f.close()
- # Parse key
- account_key_type = None
- with open(key_file, "rt") as f:
- for line in f:
- m = re.match(r"^\s*-{5,}BEGIN\s+(EC|RSA)\s+PRIVATE\s+KEY-{5,}\s*$", line)
- if m is not None:
- account_key_type =
- break
- if account_key_type is None:
- # This happens for example if openssl_privatekey created this key
- # (as opposed to the OpenSSL binary). For now, we assume this is
- # an RSA key.
- # FIXME: add some kind of auto-detection
- account_key_type = "rsa"
- if account_key_type not in ("rsa", "ec"):
- return 'unknown key type "%s"' % account_key_type, {}
- openssl_keydump_cmd = [openssl_binary, account_key_type, "-in", key_file, "-noout", "-text"]
- dummy, out, dummy = module.run_command(openssl_keydump_cmd, check_rc=True)
- if account_key_type == 'rsa':
- pub_hex, pub_exp =
- r"modulus:\n\s+00:([a-f0-9\:\s]+?)\npublicExponent: ([0-9]+)",
- to_text(out, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).groups()
- pub_exp = "{0:x}".format(int(pub_exp))
- if len(pub_exp) % 2:
- pub_exp = "0{0}".format(pub_exp)
- return None, {
- 'key_file': key_file,
- 'type': 'rsa',
- 'alg': 'RS256',
- 'jwk': {
- "kty": "RSA",
- "e": nopad_b64(binascii.unhexlify(pub_exp.encode("utf-8"))),
- "n": nopad_b64(binascii.unhexlify(re.sub(r"(\s|:)", "", pub_hex).encode("utf-8"))),
- },
- 'hash': 'sha256',
- }
- elif account_key_type == 'ec':
- pub_data =
- r"pub:\s*\n\s+04:([a-f0-9\:\s]+?)\nASN1 OID: (\S+)(?:\nNIST CURVE: (\S+))?",
- to_text(out, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
- if pub_data is None:
- return 'cannot parse elliptic curve key', {}
- pub_hex = binascii.unhexlify(re.sub(r"(\s|:)", "","utf-8"))
- asn1_oid_curve =
- nist_curve = if else None
- if asn1_oid_curve == 'prime256v1' or nist_curve == 'p-256':
- bits = 256
- alg = 'ES256'
- hashalg = 'sha256'
- point_size = 32
- curve = 'P-256'
- elif asn1_oid_curve == 'secp384r1' or nist_curve == 'p-384':
- bits = 384
- alg = 'ES384'
- hashalg = 'sha384'
- point_size = 48
- curve = 'P-384'
- elif asn1_oid_curve == 'secp521r1' or nist_curve == 'p-521':
- # Not yet supported on Let's Encrypt side, see
- #
- bits = 521
- alg = 'ES512'
- hashalg = 'sha512'
- point_size = 66
- curve = 'P-521'
- else:
- return 'unknown elliptic curve: %s / %s' % (asn1_oid_curve, nist_curve), {}
- num_bytes = (bits + 7) // 8
- if len(pub_hex) != 2 * num_bytes:
- return 'bad elliptic curve point (%s / %s)' % (asn1_oid_curve, nist_curve), {}
- return None, {
- 'key_file': key_file,
- 'type': 'ec',
- 'alg': alg,
- 'jwk': {
- "kty": "EC",
- "crv": curve,
- "x": nopad_b64(pub_hex[:num_bytes]),
- "y": nopad_b64(pub_hex[num_bytes:]),
- },
- 'hash': hashalg,
- 'point_size': point_size,
- }
-def _sign_request_openssl(openssl_binary, module, payload64, protected64, key_data):
- openssl_sign_cmd = [openssl_binary, "dgst", "-{0}".format(key_data['hash']), "-sign", key_data['key_file']]
- sign_payload = "{0}.{1}".format(protected64, payload64).encode('utf8')
- dummy, out, dummy = module.run_command(openssl_sign_cmd, data=sign_payload, check_rc=True, binary_data=True)
- if key_data['type'] == 'ec':
- dummy, der_out, dummy = module.run_command(
- [openssl_binary, "asn1parse", "-inform", "DER"],
- data=out, binary_data=True)
- expected_len = 2 * key_data['point_size']
- sig = re.findall(
- r"prim:\s+INTEGER\s+:([0-9A-F]{1,%s})\n" % expected_len,
- to_text(der_out, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
- if len(sig) != 2:
- raise ModuleFailException(
- "failed to generate Elliptic Curve signature; cannot parse DER output: {0}".format(
- to_text(der_out, errors='surrogate_or_strict')))
- sig[0] = (expected_len - len(sig[0])) * '0' + sig[0]
- sig[1] = (expected_len - len(sig[1])) * '0' + sig[1]
- out = binascii.unhexlify(sig[0]) + binascii.unhexlify(sig[1])
- return {
- "protected": protected64,
- "payload": payload64,
- "signature": nopad_b64(to_bytes(out)),
- }
-if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- # Python 3 (and newer)
- def _count_bytes(n):
- return (n.bit_length() + 7) // 8 if n > 0 else 0
- def _convert_int_to_bytes(count, no):
- return no.to_bytes(count, byteorder='big')
- def _pad_hex(n, digits):
- res = hex(n)[2:]
- if len(res) < digits:
- res = '0' * (digits - len(res)) + res
- return res
- # Python 2
- def _count_bytes(n):
- if n <= 0:
- return 0
- h = '%x' % n
- return (len(h) + 1) // 2
- def _convert_int_to_bytes(count, n):
- h = '%x' % n
- if len(h) > 2 * count:
- raise Exception('Number {1} needs more than {0} bytes!'.format(count, n))
- return ('0' * (2 * count - len(h)) + h).decode('hex')
- def _pad_hex(n, digits):
- h = '%x' % n
- if len(h) < digits:
- h = '0' * (digits - len(h)) + h
- return h
-def _parse_key_cryptography(module, key_file=None, key_content=None):
- '''
- Parses an RSA or Elliptic Curve key file in PEM format and returns a pair
- (error, key_data).
- '''
- # If key_content isn't given, read key_file
- if key_content is None:
- key_content = read_file(key_file)
- else:
- key_content = to_bytes(key_content)
- # Parse key
- try:
- key = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_pem_private_key(key_content, password=None, backend=_cryptography_backend)
- except Exception as e:
- return 'error while loading key: {0}'.format(e), None
- if isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
- pk = key.public_key().public_numbers()
- return None, {
- 'key_obj': key,
- 'type': 'rsa',
- 'alg': 'RS256',
- 'jwk': {
- "kty": "RSA",
- "e": nopad_b64(_convert_int_to_bytes(_count_bytes(pk.e), pk.e)),
- "n": nopad_b64(_convert_int_to_bytes(_count_bytes(pk.n), pk.n)),
- },
- 'hash': 'sha256',
- }
- elif isinstance(key,
- pk = key.public_key().public_numbers()
- if == 'secp256r1':
- bits = 256
- alg = 'ES256'
- hashalg = 'sha256'
- point_size = 32
- curve = 'P-256'
- elif == 'secp384r1':
- bits = 384
- alg = 'ES384'
- hashalg = 'sha384'
- point_size = 48
- curve = 'P-384'
- elif == 'secp521r1':
- # Not yet supported on Let's Encrypt side, see
- #
- bits = 521
- alg = 'ES512'
- hashalg = 'sha512'
- point_size = 66
- curve = 'P-521'
- else:
- return 'unknown elliptic curve: {0}'.format(, {}
- num_bytes = (bits + 7) // 8
- return None, {
- 'key_obj': key,
- 'type': 'ec',
- 'alg': alg,
- 'jwk': {
- "kty": "EC",
- "crv": curve,
- "x": nopad_b64(_convert_int_to_bytes(num_bytes, pk.x)),
- "y": nopad_b64(_convert_int_to_bytes(num_bytes, pk.y)),
- },
- 'hash': hashalg,
- 'point_size': point_size,
- }
- else:
- return 'unknown key type "{0}"'.format(type(key)), {}
-def _sign_request_cryptography(module, payload64, protected64, key_data):
- sign_payload = "{0}.{1}".format(protected64, payload64).encode('utf8')
- if isinstance(key_data['key_obj'], cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
- padding = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.PKCS1v15()
- hashalg = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256
- signature = key_data['key_obj'].sign(sign_payload, padding, hashalg())
- elif isinstance(key_data['key_obj'],
- if key_data['hash'] == 'sha256':
- hashalg = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256
- elif key_data['hash'] == 'sha384':
- hashalg = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA384
- elif key_data['hash'] == 'sha512':
- hashalg = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA512
- ecdsa =
- r, s = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils.decode_dss_signature(key_data['key_obj'].sign(sign_payload, ecdsa))
- rr = _pad_hex(r, 2 * key_data['point_size'])
- ss = _pad_hex(s, 2 * key_data['point_size'])
- signature = binascii.unhexlify(rr) + binascii.unhexlify(ss)
- return {
- "protected": protected64,
- "payload": payload64,
- "signature": nopad_b64(signature),
- }
-def _assert_fetch_url_success(response, info, allow_redirect=False, allow_client_error=True, allow_server_error=True):
- if info['status'] < 0:
- raise ModuleFailException(msg="Failure downloading %s, %s" % (info['url'], info['msg']))
- if (300 <= info['status'] < 400 and not allow_redirect) or \
- (400 <= info['status'] < 500 and not allow_client_error) or \
- (info['status'] >= 500 and not allow_server_error):
- raise ModuleFailException("ACME request failed: CODE: {0} MGS: {1} RESULT: {2}".format(info['status'], info['msg'], response))
-class ACMEDirectory(object):
- '''
- The ACME server directory. Gives access to the available resources,
- and allows to obtain a Replay-Nonce. The acme_directory URL
- needs to support unauthenticated GET requests; ACME endpoints
- requiring authentication are not supported.
- '''
- def __init__(self, module, account):
- self.module = module
- self.directory_root = module.params['acme_directory']
- self.version = module.params['acme_version']
-, dummy = account.get_request(self.directory_root, get_only=True)
- # Check whether self.version matches what we expect
- if self.version == 1:
- for key in ('new-reg', 'new-authz', 'new-cert'):
- if key not in
- raise ModuleFailException("ACME directory does not seem to follow protocol ACME v1")
- if self.version == 2:
- for key in ('newNonce', 'newAccount', 'newOrder'):
- if key not in
- raise ModuleFailException("ACME directory does not seem to follow protocol ACME v2")
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return[key]
- def get_nonce(self, resource=None):
- url = self.directory_root if self.version == 1 else['newNonce']
- if resource is not None:
- url = resource
- dummy, info = fetch_url(self.module, url, method='HEAD')
- if info['status'] not in (200, 204):
- raise ModuleFailException("Failed to get replay-nonce, got status {0}".format(info['status']))
- return info['replay-nonce']
-class ACMEAccount(object):
- '''
- ACME account object. Handles the authorized communication with the
- ACME server. Provides access to account bound information like
- the currently active authorizations and valid certificates
- '''
- def __init__(self, module):
- # Set to true to enable logging of all signed requests
- self._debug = False
- self.module = module
- self.version = module.params['acme_version']
- # account_key path and content are mutually exclusive
- self.key = module.params['account_key_src']
- self.key_content = module.params['account_key_content']
- # Grab account URI from module parameters.
- # Make sure empty string is treated as None.
- self.uri = module.params.get('account_uri') or None
- self._openssl_bin = module.get_bin_path('openssl', True)
- if self.key is not None or self.key_content is not None:
- error, self.key_data = self.parse_key(self.key, self.key_content)
- if error:
- raise ModuleFailException("error while parsing account key: %s" % error)
- self.jwk = self.key_data['jwk']
- self.jws_header = {
- "alg": self.key_data['alg'],
- "jwk": self.jwk,
- }
- if self.uri:
- # Make sure self.jws_header is updated
- self.set_account_uri(self.uri)
- = ACMEDirectory(module, self)
- def get_keyauthorization(self, token):
- '''
- Returns the key authorization for the given token
- '''
- accountkey_json = json.dumps(self.jwk, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':'))
- thumbprint = nopad_b64(hashlib.sha256(accountkey_json.encode('utf8')).digest())
- return "{0}.{1}".format(token, thumbprint)
- def parse_key(self, key_file=None, key_content=None):
- '''
- Parses an RSA or Elliptic Curve key file in PEM format and returns a pair
- (error, key_data).
- '''
- if key_file is None and key_content is None:
- raise AssertionError('One of key_file and key_content must be specified!')
- return _parse_key_cryptography(self.module, key_file, key_content)
- else:
- return _parse_key_openssl(self._openssl_bin, self.module, key_file, key_content)
- def sign_request(self, protected, payload, key_data, encode_payload=True):
- try:
- if payload is None:
- # POST-as-GET
- payload64 = ''
- else:
- # POST
- if encode_payload:
- payload = self.module.jsonify(payload).encode('utf8')
- payload64 = nopad_b64(to_bytes(payload))
- protected64 = nopad_b64(self.module.jsonify(protected).encode('utf8'))
- except Exception as e:
- raise ModuleFailException("Failed to encode payload / headers as JSON: {0}".format(e))
- return _sign_request_cryptography(self.module, payload64, protected64, key_data)
- else:
- return _sign_request_openssl(self._openssl_bin, self.module, payload64, protected64, key_data)
- def _log(self, msg, data=None):
- '''
- Write arguments to acme.log when logging is enabled.
- '''
- if self._debug:
- with open('acme.log', 'ab') as f:
- f.write('[{0}] {1}\n'.format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%s'), msg).encode('utf-8'))
- if data is not None:
- f.write('{0}\n\n'.format(json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True)).encode('utf-8'))
- def send_signed_request(self, url, payload, key_data=None, jws_header=None, parse_json_result=True, encode_payload=True):
- '''
- Sends a JWS signed HTTP POST request to the ACME server and returns
- the response as dictionary
- If payload is None, a POST-as-GET is performed.
- (
- '''
- key_data = key_data or self.key_data
- jws_header = jws_header or self.jws_header
- failed_tries = 0
- while True:
- protected = copy.deepcopy(jws_header)
- protected["nonce"] =
- if self.version != 1:
- protected["url"] = url
- self._log('URL', url)
- self._log('protected', protected)
- self._log('payload', payload)
- data = self.sign_request(protected, payload, key_data, encode_payload=encode_payload)
- if self.version == 1:
- data["header"] = jws_header.copy()
- for k, v in protected.items():
- hv = data["header"].pop(k, None)
- self._log('signed request', data)
- data = self.module.jsonify(data)
- headers = {
- 'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json',
- }
- resp, info = fetch_url(self.module, url, data=data, headers=headers, method='POST')
- _assert_fetch_url_success(resp, info)
- result = {}
- try:
- content =
- except AttributeError:
- content = info.pop('body', None)
- if content or not parse_json_result:
- if (parse_json_result and info['content-type'].startswith('application/json')) or 400 <= info['status'] < 600:
- try:
- decoded_result = self.module.from_json(content.decode('utf8'))
- self._log('parsed result', decoded_result)
- # In case of badNonce error, try again (up to 5 times)
- # (
- if (400 <= info['status'] < 600 and
- decoded_result.get('type') == 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:badNonce' and
- failed_tries <= 5):
- failed_tries += 1
- continue
- if parse_json_result:
- result = decoded_result
- else:
- result = content
- except ValueError:
- raise ModuleFailException("Failed to parse the ACME response: {0} {1}".format(url, content))
- else:
- result = content
- return result, info
- def get_request(self, uri, parse_json_result=True, headers=None, get_only=False, fail_on_error=True):
- '''
- Perform a GET-like request. Will try POST-as-GET for ACMEv2, with fallback
- to GET if server replies with a status code of 405.
- '''
- if not get_only and self.version != 1:
- # Try POST-as-GET
- content, info = self.send_signed_request(uri, None, parse_json_result=False)
- if info['status'] == 405:
- # Instead, do unauthenticated GET
- get_only = True
- else:
- # Do unauthenticated GET
- get_only = True
- if get_only:
- # Perform unauthenticated GET
- resp, info = fetch_url(self.module, uri, method='GET', headers=headers)
- _assert_fetch_url_success(resp, info)
- try:
- content =
- except AttributeError:
- content = info.pop('body', None)
- # Process result
- if parse_json_result:
- result = {}
- if content:
- if info['content-type'].startswith('application/json'):
- try:
- result = self.module.from_json(content.decode('utf8'))
- except ValueError:
- raise ModuleFailException("Failed to parse the ACME response: {0} {1}".format(uri, content))
- else:
- result = content
- else:
- result = content
- if fail_on_error and (info['status'] < 200 or info['status'] >= 400):
- raise ModuleFailException("ACME request failed: CODE: {0} RESULT: {1}".format(info['status'], result))
- return result, info
- def set_account_uri(self, uri):
- '''
- Set account URI. For ACME v2, it needs to be used to sending signed
- requests.
- '''
- self.uri = uri
- if self.version != 1:
- self.jws_header.pop('jwk')
- self.jws_header['kid'] = self.uri
- def _new_reg(self, contact=None, agreement=None, terms_agreed=False, allow_creation=True):
- '''
- Registers a new ACME account. Returns a pair ``(created, data)``.
- Here, ``created`` is ``True`` if the account was created and
- ``False`` if it already existed (e.g. it was not newly created),
- or does not exist. In case the account was created or exists,
- ``data`` contains the account data; otherwise, it is ``None``.
- '''
- contact = contact or []
- if self.version == 1:
- new_reg = {
- 'resource': 'new-reg',
- 'contact': contact
- }
- if agreement:
- new_reg['agreement'] = agreement
- else:
- new_reg['agreement'] =['meta']['terms-of-service']
- url =['new-reg']
- else:
- new_reg = {
- 'contact': contact
- }
- if not allow_creation:
- #
- new_reg['onlyReturnExisting'] = True
- if terms_agreed:
- new_reg['termsOfServiceAgreed'] = True
- url =['newAccount']
- result, info = self.send_signed_request(url, new_reg)
- if info['status'] in ([200, 201] if self.version == 1 else [201]):
- # Account did not exist
- if 'location' in info:
- self.set_account_uri(info['location'])
- return True, result
- elif info['status'] == (409 if self.version == 1 else 200):
- # Account did exist
- if result.get('status') == 'deactivated':
- # A bug in Pebble ( and
- # Boulder ( this should
- # not return a valid account object according to
- #
- # "Once an account is deactivated, the server MUST NOT accept further
- # requests authorized by that account's key."
- if not allow_creation:
- return False, None
- else:
- raise ModuleFailException("Account is deactivated")
- if 'location' in info:
- self.set_account_uri(info['location'])
- return False, result
- elif info['status'] == 400 and result['type'] == 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:accountDoesNotExist' and not allow_creation:
- # Account does not exist (and we didn't try to create it)
- return False, None
- elif info['status'] == 403 and result['type'] == 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized' and 'deactivated' in (result.get('detail') or ''):
- # Account has been deactivated; currently works for Pebble; hasn't been
- # implemented for Boulder (,
- # might need adjustment in error detection.
- if not allow_creation:
- return False, None
- else:
- raise ModuleFailException("Account is deactivated")
- else:
- raise ModuleFailException("Error registering: {0} {1}".format(info['status'], result))
- def get_account_data(self):
- '''
- Retrieve account information. Can only be called when the account
- URI is already known (such as after calling setup_account).
- Return None if the account was deactivated, or a dict otherwise.
- '''
- if self.uri is None:
- raise ModuleFailException("Account URI unknown")
- if self.version == 1:
- data = {}
- data['resource'] = 'reg'
- result, info = self.send_signed_request(self.uri, data)
- else:
- # try POST-as-GET first (draft-15 or newer)
- data = None
- result, info = self.send_signed_request(self.uri, data)
- # check whether that failed with a malformed request error
- if info['status'] >= 400 and result.get('type') == 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed':
- # retry as a regular POST (with no changed data) for pre-draft-15 ACME servers
- data = {}
- result, info = self.send_signed_request(self.uri, data)
- if info['status'] in (400, 403) and result.get('type') == 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:unauthorized':
- # Returned when account is deactivated
- return None
- if info['status'] in (400, 404) and result.get('type') == 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:accountDoesNotExist':
- # Returned when account does not exist
- return None
- if info['status'] < 200 or info['status'] >= 300:
- raise ModuleFailException("Error getting account data from {2}: {0} {1}".format(info['status'], result, self.uri))
- return result
- def setup_account(self, contact=None, agreement=None, terms_agreed=False, allow_creation=True, remove_account_uri_if_not_exists=False):
- '''
- Detect or create an account on the ACME server. For ACME v1,
- as the only way (without knowing an account URI) to test if an
- account exists is to try and create one with the provided account
- key, this method will always result in an account being present
- (except on error situations). For ACME v2, a new account will
- only be created if ``allow_creation`` is set to True.
- For ACME v2, ``check_mode`` is fully respected. For ACME v1, the
- account might be created if it does not yet exist.
- Return a pair ``(created, account_data)``. Here, ``created`` will
- be ``True`` in case the account was created or would be created
- (check mode). ``account_data`` will be the current account data,
- or ``None`` if the account does not exist.
- The account URI will be stored in ``self.uri``; if it is ``None``,
- the account does not exist.
- '''
- if self.uri is not None:
- created = False
- # Verify that the account key belongs to the URI.
- # (If update_contact is True, this will be done below.)
- account_data = self.get_account_data()
- if account_data is None:
- if remove_account_uri_if_not_exists and not allow_creation:
- self.uri = None
- else:
- raise ModuleFailException("Account is deactivated or does not exist!")
- else:
- created, account_data = self._new_reg(
- contact,
- agreement=agreement,
- terms_agreed=terms_agreed,
- allow_creation=allow_creation and not self.module.check_mode
- )
- if self.module.check_mode and self.uri is None and allow_creation:
- created = True
- account_data = {
- 'contact': contact or []
- }
- return created, account_data
- def update_account(self, account_data, contact=None):
- '''
- Update an account on the ACME server. Check mode is fully respected.
- The current account data must be provided as ``account_data``.
- Return a pair ``(updated, account_data)``, where ``updated`` is
- ``True`` in case something changed (contact info updated) or
- would be changed (check mode), and ``account_data`` the updated
- account data.
- '''
- # Create request
- update_request = {}
- if contact is not None and account_data.get('contact', []) != contact:
- update_request['contact'] = list(contact)
- # No change?
- if not update_request:
- return False, dict(account_data)
- # Apply change
- if self.module.check_mode:
- account_data = dict(account_data)
- account_data.update(update_request)
- else:
- if self.version == 1:
- update_request['resource'] = 'reg'
- account_data, dummy = self.send_signed_request(self.uri, update_request)
- return True, account_data
-def _normalize_ip(ip):
- try:
- return to_native(compat_ipaddress.ip_address(to_text(ip)).compressed)
- except ValueError:
- # We don't want to error out on something IPAddress() can't parse
- return ip
-def openssl_get_csr_identifiers(openssl_binary, module, csr_filename):
- '''
- Return a set of requested identifiers (CN and SANs) for the CSR.
- Each identifier is a pair (type, identifier), where type is either
- 'dns' or 'ip'.
- '''
- openssl_csr_cmd = [openssl_binary, "req", "-in", csr_filename, "-noout", "-text"]
- dummy, out, dummy = module.run_command(openssl_csr_cmd, check_rc=True)
- identifiers = set([])
- common_name ="Subject:.* CN\s?=\s?([^\s,;/]+)", to_text(out, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
- if common_name is not None:
- identifiers.add(('dns',
- subject_alt_names =
- r"X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: (?:critical)?\n +([^\n]+)\n",
- to_text(out, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
- if subject_alt_names is not None:
- for san in", "):
- if san.lower().startswith("dns:"):
- identifiers.add(('dns', san[4:]))
- elif san.lower().startswith("ip:"):
- identifiers.add(('ip', _normalize_ip(san[3:])))
- elif san.lower().startswith("ip address:"):
- identifiers.add(('ip', _normalize_ip(san[11:])))
- else:
- raise ModuleFailException('Found unsupported SAN identifier "{0}"'.format(san))
- return identifiers
-def cryptography_get_csr_identifiers(module, csr_filename):
- '''
- Return a set of requested identifiers (CN and SANs) for the CSR.
- Each identifier is a pair (type, identifier), where type is either
- 'dns' or 'ip'.
- '''
- identifiers = set([])
- csr = cryptography.x509.load_pem_x509_csr(read_file(csr_filename), _cryptography_backend)
- for sub in csr.subject:
- if sub.oid == cryptography.x509.oid.NameOID.COMMON_NAME:
- identifiers.add(('dns', sub.value))
- for extension in csr.extensions:
- if extension.oid == cryptography.x509.oid.ExtensionOID.SUBJECT_ALTERNATIVE_NAME:
- for name in extension.value:
- if isinstance(name, cryptography.x509.DNSName):
- identifiers.add(('dns', name.value))
- elif isinstance(name, cryptography.x509.IPAddress):
- identifiers.add(('ip', name.value.compressed))
- else:
- raise ModuleFailException('Found unsupported SAN identifier {0}'.format(name))
- return identifiers
-def cryptography_get_cert_days(module, cert_file, now=None):
- '''
- Return the days the certificate in cert_file remains valid and -1
- if the file was not found. If cert_file contains more than one
- certificate, only the first one will be considered.
- '''
- if not os.path.exists(cert_file):
- return -1
- try:
- cert = cryptography.x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(read_file(cert_file), _cryptography_backend)
- except Exception as e:
- raise ModuleFailException('Cannot parse certificate {0}: {1}'.format(cert_file, e))
- if now is None:
- now =
- return (cert.not_valid_after - now).days
-def set_crypto_backend(module):
- '''
- Sets which crypto backend to use (default: auto detection).
- Does not care whether a new enough cryptoraphy is available or not. Must
- be called before any real stuff is done which might evaluate
- '''
- # Choose backend
- backend = module.params['select_crypto_backend']
- if backend == 'auto':
- pass
- elif backend == 'openssl':
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- try:
- cryptography.__version__
- except Exception as dummy:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography'))
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg='Unknown crypto backend "{0}"!'.format(backend))
- # Inform about choices
- module.debug('Using cryptography backend (library version {0})'.format(CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION))
- return 'cryptography'
- else:
- module.debug('Using OpenSSL binary backend')
- return 'openssl'
-def process_links(info, callback):
- '''
- Process link header, calls callback for every link header with the URL and relation as options.
- '''
- if 'link' in info:
- link = info['link']
- for url, relation in re.findall(r'<([^>]+)>;\s*rel="(\w+)"', link):
- callback(unquote(url), relation)
-def get_default_argspec():
- '''
- Provides default argument spec for the options documented in the acme doc fragment.
- '''
- return dict(
- account_key_src=dict(type='path', aliases=['account_key']),
- account_key_content=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- account_uri=dict(type='str'),
- acme_directory=dict(type='str'),
- acme_version=dict(type='int', choices=[1, 2]),
- validate_certs=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', default='auto', choices=['auto', 'openssl', 'cryptography']),
- )
-def handle_standard_module_arguments(module, needs_acme_v2=False):
- '''
- Do standard module setup, argument handling and warning emitting.
- '''
- backend = set_crypto_backend(module)
- if not module.params['validate_certs']:
- module.warn(
- 'Disabling certificate validation for communications with ACME endpoint. '
- 'This should only be done for testing against a local ACME server for '
- 'development purposes, but *never* for production purposes.'
- )
- if module.params['acme_version'] is None:
- module.params['acme_version'] = 1
- module.deprecate("The option 'acme_version' will be required from Ansible 2.14 on", version='2.14')
- if module.params['acme_directory'] is None:
- module.params['acme_directory'] = ''
- module.deprecate("The option 'acme_directory' will be required from Ansible 2.14 on", version='2.14')
- if needs_acme_v2 and module.params['acme_version'] < 2:
- module.fail_json(msg='The {0} module requires the ACME v2 protocol!'.format(module._name))
- # AnsibleModule() changes the locale, so change it back to C because we rely on time.strptime() when parsing certificate dates.
- module.run_command_environ_update = dict(LANG='C', LC_ALL='C', LC_MESSAGES='C', LC_CTYPE='C')
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')
- return backend
diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index e67eeff1b4..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/module_utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2125 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2016, Yanis Guenane <>
-# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# A clearly marked portion of this file is licensed under the BSD license
-# Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Paul Kehrer (@reaperhulk)
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Fraser Tweedale (@frasertweedale)
-# For more details, search for the function _obj2txt().
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-# A clearly marked portion of this file is extracted from a project that
-# is licensed under the Apache License 2.0
-# Copyright (c) the OpenSSL contributors
-# For more details, search for the function _OID_MAP.
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-import sys
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
- import OpenSSL
- from OpenSSL import crypto
-except ImportError:
- # An error will be raised in the calling class to let the end
- # user know that OpenSSL couldn't be found.
- pass
- import cryptography
- from cryptography import x509
- from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend as cryptography_backend
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
- import ipaddress
- # Older versions of cryptography (< 2.1) do not have __hash__ functions for
- # general name objects (DNSName, IPAddress, ...), while providing overloaded
- # equality and string representation operations. This makes it impossible to
- # use them in hash-based data structures such as set or dict. Since we are
- # actually doing that in openssl_certificate, and potentially in other code,
- # we need to monkey-patch __hash__ for these classes to make sure our code
- # works fine.
- if LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__) < LooseVersion('2.1'):
- # A very simply hash function which relies on the representation
- # of an object to be implemented. This is the case since at least
- # cryptography 1.0, see
- #
- def simple_hash(self):
- return hash(repr(self))
- # The hash functions for the following types were added for cryptography 2.1:
- #
- x509.DNSName.__hash__ = simple_hash
- x509.DirectoryName.__hash__ = simple_hash
- x509.GeneralName.__hash__ = simple_hash
- x509.IPAddress.__hash__ = simple_hash
- x509.OtherName.__hash__ = simple_hash
- x509.RegisteredID.__hash__ = simple_hash
- if LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__) < LooseVersion('1.2'):
- # The hash functions for the following types were added for cryptography 1.2:
- #
- #
- x509.RFC822Name.__hash__ = simple_hash
- x509.UniformResourceIdentifier.__hash__ = simple_hash
- # Test whether we have support for X25519, X448, Ed25519 and/or Ed448
- try:
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519
- try:
- cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519.X25519PrivateKey.private_bytes
- except AttributeError:
- except ImportError:
- try:
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x448
- except ImportError:
- try:
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519
- except ImportError:
- try:
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448
- except ImportError:
-except ImportError:
- # Error handled in the calling module.
-import abc
-import base64
-import binascii
-import datetime
-import errno
-import hashlib
-import os
-import re
-import tempfile
-from ansible.module_utils import six
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes, to_text
-class OpenSSLObjectError(Exception):
- pass
-class OpenSSLBadPassphraseError(OpenSSLObjectError):
- pass
-def get_fingerprint_of_bytes(source):
- """Generate the fingerprint of the given bytes."""
- fingerprint = {}
- try:
- algorithms = hashlib.algorithms
- except AttributeError:
- try:
- algorithms = hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed
- except AttributeError:
- return None
- for algo in algorithms:
- f = getattr(hashlib, algo)
- try:
- h = f(source)
- except ValueError:
- # This can happen for hash algorithms not supported in FIPS mode
- # (
- continue
- try:
- # Certain hash functions have a hexdigest() which expects a length parameter
- pubkey_digest = h.hexdigest()
- except TypeError:
- pubkey_digest = h.hexdigest(32)
- fingerprint[algo] = ':'.join(pubkey_digest[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(pubkey_digest), 2))
- return fingerprint
-def get_fingerprint(path, passphrase=None, content=None, backend='pyopenssl'):
- """Generate the fingerprint of the public key. """
- privatekey = load_privatekey(path, passphrase=passphrase, content=content, check_passphrase=False, backend=backend)
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- try:
- publickey = crypto.dump_publickey(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, privatekey)
- except AttributeError:
- # If PyOpenSSL < 16.0 crypto.dump_publickey() will fail.
- try:
- bio = crypto._new_mem_buf()
- rc = crypto._lib.i2d_PUBKEY_bio(bio, privatekey._pkey)
- if rc != 1:
- crypto._raise_current_error()
- publickey = crypto._bio_to_string(bio)
- except AttributeError:
- # By doing this we prevent the code from raising an error
- # yet we return no value in the fingerprint hash.
- return None
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- publickey = privatekey.public_key().public_bytes(
- serialization.Encoding.DER,
- serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- )
- return get_fingerprint_of_bytes(publickey)
-def load_file_if_exists(path, module=None, ignore_errors=False):
- try:
- with open(path, 'rb') as f:
- return
- except EnvironmentError as exc:
- if exc.errno == errno.ENOENT:
- return None
- if ignore_errors:
- return None
- if module is None:
- raise
- module.fail_json('Error while loading {0} - {1}'.format(path, str(exc)))
- except Exception as exc:
- if ignore_errors:
- return None
- if module is None:
- raise
- module.fail_json('Error while loading {0} - {1}'.format(path, str(exc)))
-def load_privatekey(path, passphrase=None, check_passphrase=True, content=None, backend='pyopenssl'):
- """Load the specified OpenSSL private key.
- The content can also be specified via content; in that case,
- this function will not load the key from disk.
- """
- try:
- if content is None:
- with open(path, 'rb') as b_priv_key_fh:
- priv_key_detail =
- else:
- priv_key_detail = content
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- # First try: try to load with real passphrase (resp. empty string)
- # Will work if this is the correct passphrase, or the key is not
- # password-protected.
- try:
- result = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- priv_key_detail,
- to_bytes(passphrase or ''))
- except crypto.Error as e:
- if len(e.args) > 0 and len(e.args[0]) > 0:
- if e.args[0][0][2] in ('bad decrypt', 'bad password read'):
- # This happens in case we have the wrong passphrase.
- if passphrase is not None:
- raise OpenSSLBadPassphraseError('Wrong passphrase provided for private key!')
- else:
- raise OpenSSLBadPassphraseError('No passphrase provided, but private key is password-protected!')
- raise OpenSSLObjectError('Error while deserializing key: {0}'.format(e))
- if check_passphrase:
- # Next we want to make sure that the key is actually protected by
- # a passphrase (in case we did try the empty string before, make
- # sure that the key is not protected by the empty string)
- try:
- crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- priv_key_detail,
- to_bytes('y' if passphrase == 'x' else 'x'))
- if passphrase is not None:
- # Since we can load the key without an exception, the
- # key isn't password-protected
- raise OpenSSLBadPassphraseError('Passphrase provided, but private key is not password-protected!')
- except crypto.Error as e:
- if passphrase is None and len(e.args) > 0 and len(e.args[0]) > 0:
- if e.args[0][0][2] in ('bad decrypt', 'bad password read'):
- # The key is obviously protected by the empty string.
- # Don't do this at home (if it's possible at all)...
- raise OpenSSLBadPassphraseError('No passphrase provided, but private key is password-protected!')
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- try:
- result = load_pem_private_key(priv_key_detail,
- None if passphrase is None else to_bytes(passphrase),
- cryptography_backend())
- except TypeError as dummy:
- raise OpenSSLBadPassphraseError('Wrong or empty passphrase provided for private key')
- except ValueError as dummy:
- raise OpenSSLBadPassphraseError('Wrong passphrase provided for private key')
- return result
- except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
- raise OpenSSLObjectError(exc)
-def load_certificate(path, content=None, backend='pyopenssl'):
- """Load the specified certificate."""
- try:
- if content is None:
- with open(path, 'rb') as cert_fh:
- cert_content =
- else:
- cert_content = content
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- return crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert_content)
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- return x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(cert_content, cryptography_backend())
- except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
- raise OpenSSLObjectError(exc)
-def load_certificate_request(path, content=None, backend='pyopenssl'):
- """Load the specified certificate signing request."""
- try:
- if content is None:
- with open(path, 'rb') as csr_fh:
- csr_content =
- else:
- csr_content = content
- except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
- raise OpenSSLObjectError(exc)
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- return crypto.load_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, csr_content)
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- return x509.load_pem_x509_csr(csr_content, cryptography_backend())
-def parse_name_field(input_dict):
- """Take a dict with key: value or key: list_of_values mappings and return a list of tuples"""
- result = []
- for key in input_dict:
- if isinstance(input_dict[key], list):
- for entry in input_dict[key]:
- result.append((key, entry))
- else:
- result.append((key, input_dict[key]))
- return result
-def convert_relative_to_datetime(relative_time_string):
- """Get a datetime.datetime or None from a string in the time format described in sshd_config(5)"""
- parsed_result = re.match(
- r"^(?P<prefix>[+-])((?P<weeks>\d+)[wW])?((?P<days>\d+)[dD])?((?P<hours>\d+)[hH])?((?P<minutes>\d+)[mM])?((?P<seconds>\d+)[sS]?)?$",
- relative_time_string)
- if parsed_result is None or len(relative_time_string) == 1:
- # not matched or only a single "+" or "-"
- return None
- offset = datetime.timedelta(0)
- if"weeks") is not None:
- offset += datetime.timedelta(weeks=int("weeks")))
- if"days") is not None:
- offset += datetime.timedelta(days=int("days")))
- if"hours") is not None:
- offset += datetime.timedelta(hours=int("hours")))
- if"minutes") is not None:
- offset += datetime.timedelta(
- minutes=int("minutes")))
- if"seconds") is not None:
- offset += datetime.timedelta(
- seconds=int("seconds")))
- if"prefix") == "+":
- return datetime.datetime.utcnow() + offset
- else:
- return datetime.datetime.utcnow() - offset
-def get_relative_time_option(input_string, input_name, backend='cryptography'):
- """Return an absolute timespec if a relative timespec or an ASN1 formatted
- string is provided.
- The return value will be a datetime object for the cryptography backend,
- and a ASN1 formatted string for the pyopenssl backend."""
- result = to_native(input_string)
- if result is None:
- raise OpenSSLObjectError(
- 'The timespec "%s" for %s is not valid' %
- input_string, input_name)
- # Relative time
- if result.startswith("+") or result.startswith("-"):
- result_datetime = convert_relative_to_datetime(result)
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- return result_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- return result_datetime
- # Absolute time
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- return input_string
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- for date_fmt in ['%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ', '%Y%m%d%H%MZ', '%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z', '%Y%m%d%H%M%z']:
- try:
- return datetime.datetime.strptime(result, date_fmt)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- raise OpenSSLObjectError(
- 'The time spec "%s" for %s is invalid' %
- (input_string, input_name)
- )
-def select_message_digest(digest_string):
- digest = None
- if digest_string == 'sha256':
- digest = hashes.SHA256()
- elif digest_string == 'sha384':
- digest = hashes.SHA384()
- elif digest_string == 'sha512':
- digest = hashes.SHA512()
- elif digest_string == 'sha1':
- digest = hashes.SHA1()
- elif digest_string == 'md5':
- digest = hashes.MD5()
- return digest
-def write_file(module, content, default_mode=None, path=None):
- '''
- Writes content into destination file as securely as possible.
- Uses file arguments from module.
- '''
- # Find out parameters for file
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params, path=path)
- if file_args['mode'] is None:
- file_args['mode'] = default_mode
- # Create tempfile name
- tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=b'.ansible_tmp')
- try:
- os.close(tmp_fd)
- except Exception as dummy:
- pass
- module.add_cleanup_file(tmp_name) # if we fail, let Ansible try to remove the file
- try:
- try:
- # Create tempfile
- file =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC, 0o600)
- os.write(file, content)
- os.close(file)
- except Exception as e:
- try:
- os.remove(tmp_name)
- except Exception as dummy:
- pass
- module.fail_json(msg='Error while writing result into temporary file: {0}'.format(e))
- # Update destination to wanted permissions
- if os.path.exists(file_args['path']):
- module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
- # Move tempfile to final destination
- module.atomic_move(tmp_name, file_args['path'])
- # Try to update permissions again
- module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
- except Exception as e:
- try:
- os.remove(tmp_name)
- except Exception as dummy:
- pass
- module.fail_json(msg='Error while writing result: {0}'.format(e))
-class OpenSSLObject(object):
- def __init__(self, path, state, force, check_mode):
- self.path = path
- self.state = state
- self.force = force
- = os.path.basename(path)
- self.changed = False
- self.check_mode = check_mode
- def check(self, module, perms_required=True):
- """Ensure the resource is in its desired state."""
- def _check_state():
- return os.path.exists(self.path)
- def _check_perms(module):
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- return not module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
- if not perms_required:
- return _check_state()
- return _check_state() and _check_perms(module)
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def dump(self):
- """Serialize the object into a dictionary."""
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def generate(self):
- """Generate the resource."""
- pass
- def remove(self, module):
- """Remove the resource from the filesystem."""
- try:
- os.remove(self.path)
- self.changed = True
- except OSError as exc:
- if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- raise OpenSSLObjectError(exc)
- else:
- pass
-# #####################################################################################
-# #####################################################################################
-# This has been extracted from the OpenSSL project's objects.txt:
-# Extracted with
-# In case the following data structure has any copyrightable content, note that it is licensed as follows:
-# Copyright (c) the OpenSSL contributors
-# Licensed under the Apache License 2.0
-_OID_MAP = {
- '0': ('itu-t', 'ITU-T', 'ccitt'),
- '0.3.4401.5': ('ntt-ds', ),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia', ),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-128-ecb', 'CAMELLIA-128-ECB'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-128-ofb', 'CAMELLIA-128-OFB'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-128-cfb', 'CAMELLIA-128-CFB'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-128-gcm', 'CAMELLIA-128-GCM'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-128-ccm', 'CAMELLIA-128-CCM'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-128-ctr', 'CAMELLIA-128-CTR'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-128-cmac', 'CAMELLIA-128-CMAC'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-192-ecb', 'CAMELLIA-192-ECB'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-192-ofb', 'CAMELLIA-192-OFB'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-192-cfb', 'CAMELLIA-192-CFB'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-192-gcm', 'CAMELLIA-192-GCM'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-192-ccm', 'CAMELLIA-192-CCM'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-192-ctr', 'CAMELLIA-192-CTR'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-192-cmac', 'CAMELLIA-192-CMAC'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-256-ecb', 'CAMELLIA-256-ECB'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-256-ofb', 'CAMELLIA-256-OFB'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-256-cfb', 'CAMELLIA-256-CFB'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-256-gcm', 'CAMELLIA-256-GCM'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-256-ccm', 'CAMELLIA-256-CCM'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-256-ctr', 'CAMELLIA-256-CTR'),
- '0.3.4401.': ('camellia-256-cmac', 'CAMELLIA-256-CMAC'),
- '0.9': ('data', ),
- '0.9.2342': ('pss', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300': ('ucl', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100': ('pilot', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1': ('pilotAttributeType', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1': ('userId', 'UID'),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.2': ('textEncodedORAddress', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3': ('rfc822Mailbox', 'mail'),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.4': ('info', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.5': ('favouriteDrink', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.6': ('roomNumber', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.7': ('photo', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.8': ('userClass', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.9': ('host', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.10': ('manager', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.11': ('documentIdentifier', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.12': ('documentTitle', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.13': ('documentVersion', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.14': ('documentAuthor', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.15': ('documentLocation', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.20': ('homeTelephoneNumber', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.21': ('secretary', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.22': ('otherMailbox', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.23': ('lastModifiedTime', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.24': ('lastModifiedBy', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.25': ('domainComponent', 'DC'),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.26': ('aRecord', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.27': ('pilotAttributeType27', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.28': ('mXRecord', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.29': ('nSRecord', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.30': ('sOARecord', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.31': ('cNAMERecord', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.37': ('associatedDomain', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.38': ('associatedName', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.39': ('homePostalAddress', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.40': ('personalTitle', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.41': ('mobileTelephoneNumber', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.42': ('pagerTelephoneNumber', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.43': ('friendlyCountryName', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.44': ('uniqueIdentifier', 'uid'),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.45': ('organizationalStatus', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.46': ('janetMailbox', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.47': ('mailPreferenceOption', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.48': ('buildingName', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.49': ('dSAQuality', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.50': ('singleLevelQuality', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.51': ('subtreeMinimumQuality', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.52': ('subtreeMaximumQuality', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.53': ('personalSignature', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.54': ('dITRedirect', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.55': ('audio', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.56': ('documentPublisher', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.3': ('pilotAttributeSyntax', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.3.4': ('iA5StringSyntax', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.3.5': ('caseIgnoreIA5StringSyntax', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4': ('pilotObjectClass', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.3': ('pilotObject', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.4': ('pilotPerson', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.5': ('account', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.6': ('document', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.7': ('room', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.9': ('documentSeries', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.13': ('Domain', 'domain'),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.14': ('rFC822localPart', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.15': ('dNSDomain', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.17': ('domainRelatedObject', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.18': ('friendlyCountry', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.19': ('simpleSecurityObject', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.20': ('pilotOrganization', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.21': ('pilotDSA', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.4.22': ('qualityLabelledData', ),
- '0.9.2342.19200300.100.10': ('pilotGroups', ),
- '1': ('iso', 'ISO'),
- '1.0.9797.3.4': ('gmac', 'GMAC'),
- '1.0.10118.3.0.55': ('whirlpool', ),
- '1.2': ('ISO Member Body', 'member-body'),
- '1.2.156': ('ISO CN Member Body', 'ISO-CN'),
- '': ('oscca', ),
- '': ('sm-scheme', ),
- '': ('sm4-ecb', 'SM4-ECB'),
- '': ('sm4-cbc', 'SM4-CBC'),
- '': ('sm4-ofb', 'SM4-OFB'),
- '': ('sm4-cfb', 'SM4-CFB'),
- '': ('sm4-cfb1', 'SM4-CFB1'),
- '': ('sm4-cfb8', 'SM4-CFB8'),
- '': ('sm4-ctr', 'SM4-CTR'),
- '': ('sm2', 'SM2'),
- '': ('sm3', 'SM3'),
- '': ('SM2-with-SM3', 'SM2-SM3'),
- '': ('sm3WithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-SM3'),
- '1.2.392.200011.': ('camellia-128-cbc', 'CAMELLIA-128-CBC'),
- '1.2.392.200011.': ('camellia-192-cbc', 'CAMELLIA-192-CBC'),
- '1.2.392.200011.': ('camellia-256-cbc', 'CAMELLIA-256-CBC'),
- '1.2.392.200011.': ('id-camellia128-wrap', ),
- '1.2.392.200011.': ('id-camellia192-wrap', ),
- '1.2.392.200011.': ('id-camellia256-wrap', ),
- '1.2.410.200004': ('kisa', 'KISA'),
- '1.2.410.200004.1.3': ('seed-ecb', 'SEED-ECB'),
- '1.2.410.200004.1.4': ('seed-cbc', 'SEED-CBC'),
- '1.2.410.200004.1.5': ('seed-cfb', 'SEED-CFB'),
- '1.2.410.200004.1.6': ('seed-ofb', 'SEED-OFB'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1': ('aria', ),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.1': ('aria-128-ecb', 'ARIA-128-ECB'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.2': ('aria-128-cbc', 'ARIA-128-CBC'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.3': ('aria-128-cfb', 'ARIA-128-CFB'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.4': ('aria-128-ofb', 'ARIA-128-OFB'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.5': ('aria-128-ctr', 'ARIA-128-CTR'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.6': ('aria-192-ecb', 'ARIA-192-ECB'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.7': ('aria-192-cbc', 'ARIA-192-CBC'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.8': ('aria-192-cfb', 'ARIA-192-CFB'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.9': ('aria-192-ofb', 'ARIA-192-OFB'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.10': ('aria-192-ctr', 'ARIA-192-CTR'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.11': ('aria-256-ecb', 'ARIA-256-ECB'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.12': ('aria-256-cbc', 'ARIA-256-CBC'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.13': ('aria-256-cfb', 'ARIA-256-CFB'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.14': ('aria-256-ofb', 'ARIA-256-OFB'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.15': ('aria-256-ctr', 'ARIA-256-CTR'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.34': ('aria-128-gcm', 'ARIA-128-GCM'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.35': ('aria-192-gcm', 'ARIA-192-GCM'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.36': ('aria-256-gcm', 'ARIA-256-GCM'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.37': ('aria-128-ccm', 'ARIA-128-CCM'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.38': ('aria-192-ccm', 'ARIA-192-CCM'),
- '1.2.410.200046.1.1.39': ('aria-256-ccm', 'ARIA-256-CCM'),
- '1.2.643.2.2': ('cryptopro', ),
- '1.2.643.2.2.3': ('GOST R 34.11-94 with GOST R 34.10-2001', 'id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-2001'),
- '1.2.643.2.2.4': ('GOST R 34.11-94 with GOST R 34.10-94', 'id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-94'),
- '1.2.643.2.2.9': ('GOST R 34.11-94', 'md_gost94'),
- '1.2.643.2.2.10': ('HMAC GOST 34.11-94', 'id-HMACGostR3411-94'),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-Gost28147-89-None-KeyMeshing', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-KeyMeshing', ),
- '1.2.643.2.2.19': ('GOST R 34.10-2001', 'gost2001'),
- '1.2.643.2.2.20': ('GOST R 34.10-94', 'gost94'),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-a', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-aBis', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-b', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-bBis', ),
- '1.2.643.2.2.21': ('GOST 28147-89', 'gost89'),
- '1.2.643.2.2.22': ('GOST 28147-89 MAC', 'gost-mac'),
- '1.2.643.2.2.23': ('GOST R 34.11-94 PRF', 'prf-gostr3411-94'),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3411-94-TestParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3411-94-CryptoProParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-Gost28147-89-TestParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-Oscar-1-1-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-Oscar-1-0-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-Gost28147-89-CryptoPro-RIC-1-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-TestParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-D-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-94-CryptoPro-XchC-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-2001-TestParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-A-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-B-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-C-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchA-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-GostR3410-2001-CryptoPro-XchB-ParamSet', ),
- '1.2.643.2.2.98': ('GOST R 34.10-2001 DH', 'id-GostR3410-2001DH'),
- '1.2.643.2.2.99': ('GOST R 34.10-94 DH', 'id-GostR3410-94DH'),
- '1.2.643.2.9': ('cryptocom', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.11-94 with GOST R 34.10-94 Cryptocom', 'id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-94-cc'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.11-94 with GOST R 34.10-2001 Cryptocom', 'id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-2001-cc'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST 34.10-94 Cryptocom', 'gost94cc'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST 34.10-2001 Cryptocom', 'gost2001cc'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST 28147-89 Cryptocom ParamSet', 'id-Gost28147-89-cc'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 3410-2001 Parameter Set Cryptocom', 'id-GostR3410-2001-ParamSet-cc'),
- '1.2.643.': ('INN', 'INN'),
- '1.2.643.7.1': ('id-tc26', ),
- '1.2.643.7.1.1': ('id-tc26-algorithms', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-sign', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 with 256 bit modulus', 'gost2012_256'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 with 512 bit modulus', 'gost2012_512'),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-digest', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.11-2012 with 256 bit hash', 'md_gost12_256'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.11-2012 with 512 bit hash', 'md_gost12_512'),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-signwithdigest', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 with GOST R 34.11-2012 (256 bit)', 'id-tc26-signwithdigest-gost3410-2012-256'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 with GOST R 34.11-2012 (512 bit)', 'id-tc26-signwithdigest-gost3410-2012-512'),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-mac', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('HMAC GOST 34.11-2012 256 bit', 'id-tc26-hmac-gost-3411-2012-256'),
- '1.2.643.': ('HMAC GOST 34.11-2012 512 bit', 'id-tc26-hmac-gost-3411-2012-512'),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-cipher', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-cipher-gostr3412-2015-magma', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-cipher-gostr3412-2015-magma-ctracpkm', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-cipher-gostr3412-2015-magma-ctracpkm-omac', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-cipher-gostr3412-2015-kuznyechik', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-cipher-gostr3412-2015-kuznyechik-ctracpkm', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-cipher-gostr3412-2015-kuznyechik-ctracpkm-omac', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-agreement', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-agreement-gost-3410-2012-256', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-agreement-gost-3410-2012-512', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-wrap', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-wrap-gostr3412-2015-magma', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-wrap-gostr3412-2015-magma-kexp15', 'id-tc26-wrap-gostr3412-2015-kuznyechik-kexp15'),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-wrap-gostr3412-2015-kuznyechik', ),
- '1.2.643.7.1.2': ('id-tc26-constants', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-sign-constants', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-256-constants', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 (256 bit) ParamSet A', 'id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-256-paramSetA'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 (256 bit) ParamSet B', 'id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-256-paramSetB'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 (256 bit) ParamSet C', 'id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-256-paramSetC'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 (256 bit) ParamSet D', 'id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-256-paramSetD'),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-512-constants', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 (512 bit) testing parameter set', 'id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-512-paramSetTest'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 (512 bit) ParamSet A', 'id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-512-paramSetA'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 (512 bit) ParamSet B', 'id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-512-paramSetB'),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST R 34.10-2012 (512 bit) ParamSet C', 'id-tc26-gost-3410-2012-512-paramSetC'),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-digest-constants', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-cipher-constants', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('id-tc26-gost-28147-constants', ),
- '1.2.643.': ('GOST 28147-89 TC26 parameter set', 'id-tc26-gost-28147-param-Z'),
- '1.2.643.100.1': ('OGRN', 'OGRN'),
- '1.2.643.100.3': ('SNILS', 'SNILS'),
- '1.2.643.100.111': ('Signing Tool of Subject', 'subjectSignTool'),
- '1.2.643.100.112': ('Signing Tool of Issuer', 'issuerSignTool'),
- '1.2.804': ('ISO-UA', ),
- '1.2.804.': ('ua-pki', ),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU Gost 28147-2009', 'dstu28147'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU Gost 28147-2009 OFB mode', 'dstu28147-ofb'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU Gost 28147-2009 CFB mode', 'dstu28147-cfb'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU Gost 28147-2009 key wrap', 'dstu28147-wrap'),
- '1.2.804.': ('HMAC DSTU Gost 34311-95', 'hmacWithDstu34311'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU Gost 34311-95', 'dstu34311'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU 4145-2002 little endian', 'dstu4145le'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU 4145-2002 big endian', 'dstu4145be'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU curve 0', 'uacurve0'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU curve 1', 'uacurve1'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU curve 2', 'uacurve2'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU curve 3', 'uacurve3'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU curve 4', 'uacurve4'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU curve 5', 'uacurve5'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU curve 6', 'uacurve6'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU curve 7', 'uacurve7'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU curve 8', 'uacurve8'),
- '1.2.804.': ('DSTU curve 9', 'uacurve9'),
- '1.2.840': ('ISO US Member Body', 'ISO-US'),
- '1.2.840.10040': ('X9.57', 'X9-57'),
- '1.2.840.10040.2': ('holdInstruction', ),
- '1.2.840.10040.2.1': ('Hold Instruction None', 'holdInstructionNone'),
- '1.2.840.10040.2.2': ('Hold Instruction Call Issuer', 'holdInstructionCallIssuer'),
- '1.2.840.10040.2.3': ('Hold Instruction Reject', 'holdInstructionReject'),
- '1.2.840.10040.4': ('X9.57 CM ?', 'X9cm'),
- '1.2.840.10040.4.1': ('dsaEncryption', 'DSA'),
- '1.2.840.10040.4.3': ('dsaWithSHA1', 'DSA-SHA1'),
- '1.2.840.10045': ('ANSI X9.62', 'ansi-X9-62'),
- '1.2.840.10045.1': ('id-fieldType', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.1.1': ('prime-field', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.1.2': ('characteristic-two-field', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.1.2.3': ('id-characteristic-two-basis', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.': ('onBasis', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.': ('tpBasis', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.': ('ppBasis', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.2': ('id-publicKeyType', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.2.1': ('id-ecPublicKey', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3': ('ellipticCurve', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0': ('c-TwoCurve', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.1': ('c2pnb163v1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.2': ('c2pnb163v2', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.3': ('c2pnb163v3', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.4': ('c2pnb176v1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.5': ('c2tnb191v1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.6': ('c2tnb191v2', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.7': ('c2tnb191v3', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.8': ('c2onb191v4', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.9': ('c2onb191v5', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.10': ('c2pnb208w1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.11': ('c2tnb239v1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.12': ('c2tnb239v2', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.13': ('c2tnb239v3', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.14': ('c2onb239v4', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.15': ('c2onb239v5', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.16': ('c2pnb272w1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.17': ('c2pnb304w1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.18': ('c2tnb359v1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.19': ('c2pnb368w1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.0.20': ('c2tnb431r1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.1': ('primeCurve', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.1.1': ('prime192v1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.1.2': ('prime192v2', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.1.3': ('prime192v3', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.1.4': ('prime239v1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.1.5': ('prime239v2', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.1.6': ('prime239v3', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.3.1.7': ('prime256v1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.4': ('id-ecSigType', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.4.1': ('ecdsa-with-SHA1', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.4.2': ('ecdsa-with-Recommended', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.4.3': ('ecdsa-with-Specified', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.4.3.1': ('ecdsa-with-SHA224', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.4.3.2': ('ecdsa-with-SHA256', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.4.3.3': ('ecdsa-with-SHA384', ),
- '1.2.840.10045.4.3.4': ('ecdsa-with-SHA512', ),
- '1.2.840.10046.2.1': ('X9.42 DH', 'dhpublicnumber'),
- '1.2.840.113533.7.66.10': ('cast5-cbc', 'CAST5-CBC'),
- '1.2.840.113533.7.66.12': ('pbeWithMD5AndCast5CBC', ),
- '1.2.840.113533.7.66.13': ('password based MAC', 'id-PasswordBasedMAC'),
- '1.2.840.113533.7.66.30': ('Diffie-Hellman based MAC', 'id-DHBasedMac'),
- '1.2.840.113549': ('RSA Data Security, Inc.', 'rsadsi'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1': ('RSA Data Security, Inc. PKCS', 'pkcs'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1': ('pkcs1', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1': ('rsaEncryption', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.2': ('md2WithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-MD2'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.3': ('md4WithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-MD4'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.4': ('md5WithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-MD5'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.5': ('sha1WithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-SHA1'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.6': ('rsaOAEPEncryptionSET', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.7': ('rsaesOaep', 'RSAES-OAEP'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.8': ('mgf1', 'MGF1'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.9': ('pSpecified', 'PSPECIFIED'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.10': ('rsassaPss', 'RSASSA-PSS'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.11': ('sha256WithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-SHA256'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.12': ('sha384WithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-SHA384'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.13': ('sha512WithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-SHA512'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.14': ('sha224WithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-SHA224'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.15': ('sha512-224WithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-SHA512/224'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.1.16': ('sha512-256WithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-SHA512/256'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.3': ('pkcs3', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.3.1': ('dhKeyAgreement', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.5': ('pkcs5', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.5.1': ('pbeWithMD2AndDES-CBC', 'PBE-MD2-DES'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.5.3': ('pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC', 'PBE-MD5-DES'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.5.4': ('pbeWithMD2AndRC2-CBC', 'PBE-MD2-RC2-64'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.5.6': ('pbeWithMD5AndRC2-CBC', 'PBE-MD5-RC2-64'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.5.10': ('pbeWithSHA1AndDES-CBC', 'PBE-SHA1-DES'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.5.11': ('pbeWithSHA1AndRC2-CBC', 'PBE-SHA1-RC2-64'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.5.12': ('PBKDF2', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.5.13': ('PBES2', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.5.14': ('PBMAC1', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.7': ('pkcs7', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.7.1': ('pkcs7-data', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.7.2': ('pkcs7-signedData', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.7.3': ('pkcs7-envelopedData', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.7.4': ('pkcs7-signedAndEnvelopedData', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.7.5': ('pkcs7-digestData', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.7.6': ('pkcs7-encryptedData', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9': ('pkcs9', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.1': ('emailAddress', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.2': ('unstructuredName', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.3': ('contentType', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.4': ('messageDigest', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.5': ('signingTime', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.6': ('countersignature', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.7': ('challengePassword', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.8': ('unstructuredAddress', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.9': ('extendedCertificateAttributes', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.14': ('Extension Request', 'extReq'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.15': ('S/MIME Capabilities', 'SMIME-CAPS'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.16': ('S/MIME', 'SMIME'),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-mod', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-mod-cms', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-mod-ess', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-mod-oid', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-mod-msg-v3', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-mod-ets-eSignature-88', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-mod-ets-eSignature-97', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-mod-ets-eSigPolicy-88', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-mod-ets-eSigPolicy-97', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct-receipt', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct-authData', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct-publishCert', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct-TSTInfo', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct-TDTInfo', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct-contentInfo', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct-DVCSRequestData', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct-DVCSResponseData', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct-compressedData', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct-contentCollection', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-ct-authEnvelopedData', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-ct-asciiTextWithCRLF', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-ct-xml', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-receiptRequest', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-securityLabel', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-mlExpandHistory', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-contentHint', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-msgSigDigest', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-encapContentType', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-contentIdentifier', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-macValue', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-equivalentLabels', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-contentReference', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-encrypKeyPref', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-signingCertificate', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-smimeEncryptCerts', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-timeStampToken', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-sigPolicyId', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-commitmentType', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-signerLocation', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-signerAttr', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-otherSigCert', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-contentTimestamp', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-CertificateRefs', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-RevocationRefs', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-certValues', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-revocationValues', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-escTimeStamp', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-certCRLTimestamp', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-ets-archiveTimeStamp', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-signatureType', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-dvcs-dvc', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-aa-signingCertificateV2', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-alg', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-alg-ESDHwith3DES', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-alg-ESDHwithRC2', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-alg-3DESwrap', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-alg-RC2wrap', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-alg-ESDH', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-alg-CMS3DESwrap', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-alg-CMSRC2wrap', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('zlib compression', 'ZLIB'),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-alg-PWRI-KEK', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-cd', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-cd-ldap', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-spq', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-spq-ets-sqt-uri', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-spq-ets-sqt-unotice', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-cti', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-cti-ets-proofOfOrigin', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-cti-ets-proofOfReceipt', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-cti-ets-proofOfDelivery', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-cti-ets-proofOfSender', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-cti-ets-proofOfApproval', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('id-smime-cti-ets-proofOfCreation', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.20': ('friendlyName', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.21': ('localKeyID', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.22': ('certTypes', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('x509Certificate', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('sdsiCertificate', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.9.23': ('crlTypes', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('x509Crl', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.12': ('pkcs12', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.12.1': ('pkcs12-pbeids', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('pbeWithSHA1And128BitRC4', 'PBE-SHA1-RC4-128'),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC4', 'PBE-SHA1-RC4-40'),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC', 'PBE-SHA1-3DES'),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('pbeWithSHA1And2-KeyTripleDES-CBC', 'PBE-SHA1-2DES'),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('pbeWithSHA1And128BitRC2-CBC', 'PBE-SHA1-RC2-128'),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('pbeWithSHA1And40BitRC2-CBC', 'PBE-SHA1-RC2-40'),
- '1.2.840.113549.1.12.10': ('pkcs12-Version1', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('pkcs12-BagIds', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('keyBag', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('pkcs8ShroudedKeyBag', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('certBag', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('crlBag', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('secretBag', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.': ('safeContentsBag', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.2.2': ('md2', 'MD2'),
- '1.2.840.113549.2.4': ('md4', 'MD4'),
- '1.2.840.113549.2.5': ('md5', 'MD5'),
- '1.2.840.113549.2.6': ('hmacWithMD5', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.2.7': ('hmacWithSHA1', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.2.8': ('hmacWithSHA224', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.2.9': ('hmacWithSHA256', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.2.10': ('hmacWithSHA384', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.2.11': ('hmacWithSHA512', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.2.12': ('hmacWithSHA512-224', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.2.13': ('hmacWithSHA512-256', ),
- '1.2.840.113549.3.2': ('rc2-cbc', 'RC2-CBC'),
- '1.2.840.113549.3.4': ('rc4', 'RC4'),
- '1.2.840.113549.3.7': ('des-ede3-cbc', 'DES-EDE3-CBC'),
- '1.2.840.113549.3.8': ('rc5-cbc', 'RC5-CBC'),
- '1.2.840.113549.3.10': ('des-cdmf', 'DES-CDMF'),
- '1.3': ('identified-organization', 'org', 'ORG'),
- '1.3.6': ('dod', 'DOD'),
- '': ('iana', 'IANA', 'internet'),
- '': ('Directory', 'directory'),
- '': ('Management', 'mgmt'),
- '': ('Experimental', 'experimental'),
- '': ('Private', 'private'),
- '': ('Enterprises', 'enterprises'),
- '': ('idea-cbc', 'IDEA-CBC'),
- '': ('Microsoft Extension Request', 'msExtReq'),
- '': ('Microsoft Individual Code Signing', 'msCodeInd'),
- '': ('Microsoft Commercial Code Signing', 'msCodeCom'),
- '': ('Microsoft Trust List Signing', 'msCTLSign'),
- '': ('Microsoft Server Gated Crypto', 'msSGC'),
- '': ('Microsoft Encrypted File System', 'msEFS'),
- '': ('Microsoft CSP Name', 'CSPName'),
- '': ('Microsoft Local Key set', 'LocalKeySet'),
- '': ('Microsoft Smartcardlogin', 'msSmartcardLogin'),
- '': ('Microsoft Universal Principal Name', 'msUPN'),
- '': ('jurisdictionLocalityName', 'jurisdictionL'),
- '': ('jurisdictionStateOrProvinceName', 'jurisdictionST'),
- '': ('jurisdictionCountryName', 'jurisdictionC'),
- '': ('dcObject', 'dcobject'),
- '': ('blake2b512', 'BLAKE2b512'),
- '': ('blake2s256', 'BLAKE2s256'),
- '': ('bf-cbc', 'BF-CBC'),
- '': ('CT Precertificate SCTs', 'ct_precert_scts'),
- '': ('CT Precertificate Poison', 'ct_precert_poison'),
- '': ('CT Precertificate Signer', 'ct_precert_signer'),
- '': ('CT Certificate SCTs', 'ct_cert_scts'),
- '': ('scrypt', 'id-scrypt'),
- '': ('Security', 'security'),
- '': ('id-pkinit', ),
- '': ('PKINIT Client Auth', 'pkInitClientAuth'),
- '': ('Signing KDC Response', 'pkInitKDC'),
- '': ('PKIX', ),
- '': ('id-pkix-mod', ),
- '': ('id-pkix1-explicit-88', ),
- '': ('id-pkix1-implicit-88', ),
- '': ('id-pkix1-explicit-93', ),
- '': ('id-pkix1-implicit-93', ),
- '': ('id-mod-crmf', ),
- '': ('id-mod-cmc', ),
- '': ('id-mod-kea-profile-88', ),
- '': ('id-mod-kea-profile-93', ),
- '': ('id-mod-cmp', ),
- '': ('id-mod-qualified-cert-88', ),
- '': ('id-mod-qualified-cert-93', ),
- '': ('id-mod-attribute-cert', ),
- '': ('id-mod-timestamp-protocol', ),
- '': ('id-mod-ocsp', ),
- '': ('id-mod-dvcs', ),
- '': ('id-mod-cmp2000', ),
- '': ('id-pe', ),
- '': ('Authority Information Access', 'authorityInfoAccess'),
- '': ('Biometric Info', 'biometricInfo'),
- '': ('qcStatements', ),
- '': ('ac-auditEntity', ),
- '': ('ac-targeting', ),
- '': ('aaControls', ),
- '': ('sbgp-ipAddrBlock', ),
- '': ('sbgp-autonomousSysNum', ),
- '': ('sbgp-routerIdentifier', ),
- '': ('ac-proxying', ),
- '': ('Subject Information Access', 'subjectInfoAccess'),
- '': ('Proxy Certificate Information', 'proxyCertInfo'),
- '': ('TLS Feature', 'tlsfeature'),
- '': ('id-qt', ),
- '': ('Policy Qualifier CPS', 'id-qt-cps'),
- '': ('Policy Qualifier User Notice', 'id-qt-unotice'),
- '': ('textNotice', ),
- '': ('id-kp', ),
- '': ('TLS Web Server Authentication', 'serverAuth'),
- '': ('TLS Web Client Authentication', 'clientAuth'),
- '': ('Code Signing', 'codeSigning'),
- '': ('E-mail Protection', 'emailProtection'),
- '': ('IPSec End System', 'ipsecEndSystem'),
- '': ('IPSec Tunnel', 'ipsecTunnel'),
- '': ('IPSec User', 'ipsecUser'),
- '': ('Time Stamping', 'timeStamping'),
- '': ('OCSP Signing', 'OCSPSigning'),
- '': ('dvcs', 'DVCS'),
- '': ('ipsec Internet Key Exchange', 'ipsecIKE'),
- '': ('Ctrl/provision WAP Access', 'capwapAC'),
- '': ('Ctrl/Provision WAP Termination', 'capwapWTP'),
- '': ('SSH Client', 'secureShellClient'),
- '': ('SSH Server', 'secureShellServer'),
- '': ('Send Router', 'sendRouter'),
- '': ('Send Proxied Router', 'sendProxiedRouter'),
- '': ('Send Owner', 'sendOwner'),
- '': ('Send Proxied Owner', 'sendProxiedOwner'),
- '': ('CMC Certificate Authority', 'cmcCA'),
- '': ('CMC Registration Authority', 'cmcRA'),
- '': ('id-it', ),
- '': ('id-it-caProtEncCert', ),
- '': ('id-it-signKeyPairTypes', ),
- '': ('id-it-encKeyPairTypes', ),
- '': ('id-it-preferredSymmAlg', ),
- '': ('id-it-caKeyUpdateInfo', ),
- '': ('id-it-currentCRL', ),
- '': ('id-it-unsupportedOIDs', ),
- '': ('id-it-subscriptionRequest', ),
- '': ('id-it-subscriptionResponse', ),
- '': ('id-it-keyPairParamReq', ),
- '': ('id-it-keyPairParamRep', ),
- '': ('id-it-revPassphrase', ),
- '': ('id-it-implicitConfirm', ),
- '': ('id-it-confirmWaitTime', ),
- '': ('id-it-origPKIMessage', ),
- '': ('id-it-suppLangTags', ),
- '': ('id-pkip', ),
- '': ('id-regCtrl', ),
- '': ('id-regCtrl-regToken', ),
- '': ('id-regCtrl-authenticator', ),
- '': ('id-regCtrl-pkiPublicationInfo', ),
- '': ('id-regCtrl-pkiArchiveOptions', ),
- '': ('id-regCtrl-oldCertID', ),
- '': ('id-regCtrl-protocolEncrKey', ),
- '': ('id-regInfo', ),
- '': ('id-regInfo-utf8Pairs', ),
- '': ('id-regInfo-certReq', ),
- '': ('id-alg', ),
- '': ('id-alg-des40', ),
- '': ('id-alg-noSignature', ),
- '': ('id-alg-dh-sig-hmac-sha1', ),
- '': ('id-alg-dh-pop', ),
- '': ('id-cmc', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-statusInfo', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-identification', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-identityProof', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-dataReturn', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-transactionId', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-senderNonce', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-recipientNonce', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-addExtensions', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-encryptedPOP', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-decryptedPOP', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-lraPOPWitness', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-getCert', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-getCRL', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-revokeRequest', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-regInfo', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-responseInfo', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-queryPending', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-popLinkRandom', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-popLinkWitness', ),
- '': ('id-cmc-confirmCertAcceptance', ),
- '': ('id-on', ),
- '': ('id-on-personalData', ),
- '': ('Permanent Identifier', 'id-on-permanentIdentifier'),
- '': ('id-pda', ),
- '': ('id-pda-dateOfBirth', ),
- '': ('id-pda-placeOfBirth', ),
- '': ('id-pda-gender', ),
- '': ('id-pda-countryOfCitizenship', ),
- '': ('id-pda-countryOfResidence', ),
- '': ('id-aca', ),
- '': ('id-aca-authenticationInfo', ),
- '': ('id-aca-accessIdentity', ),
- '': ('id-aca-chargingIdentity', ),
- '': ('id-aca-group', ),
- '': ('id-aca-role', ),
- '': ('id-aca-encAttrs', ),
- '': ('id-qcs', ),
- '': ('id-qcs-pkixQCSyntax-v1', ),
- '': ('id-cct', ),
- '': ('id-cct-crs', ),
- '': ('id-cct-PKIData', ),
- '': ('id-cct-PKIResponse', ),
- '': ('id-ppl', ),
- '': ('Any language', 'id-ppl-anyLanguage'),
- '': ('Inherit all', 'id-ppl-inheritAll'),
- '': ('Independent', 'id-ppl-independent'),
- '': ('id-ad', ),
- '': ('OCSP', 'OCSP', 'id-pkix-OCSP'),
- '': ('Basic OCSP Response', 'basicOCSPResponse'),
- '': ('OCSP Nonce', 'Nonce'),
- '': ('OCSP CRL ID', 'CrlID'),
- '': ('Acceptable OCSP Responses', 'acceptableResponses'),
- '': ('OCSP No Check', 'noCheck'),
- '': ('OCSP Archive Cutoff', 'archiveCutoff'),
- '': ('OCSP Service Locator', 'serviceLocator'),
- '': ('Extended OCSP Status', 'extendedStatus'),
- '': ('valid', ),
- '': ('path', ),
- '': ('Trust Root', 'trustRoot'),
- '': ('CA Issuers', 'caIssuers'),
- '': ('AD Time Stamping', 'ad_timestamping'),
- '': ('ad dvcs', 'AD_DVCS'),
- '': ('CA Repository', 'caRepository'),
- '': ('hmac-md5', 'HMAC-MD5'),
- '': ('hmac-sha1', 'HMAC-SHA1'),
- '': ('SNMPv2', 'snmpv2'),
- '': ('Mail', ),
- '': ('MIME MHS', 'mime-mhs'),
- '': ('mime-mhs-headings', 'mime-mhs-headings'),
- '': ('id-hex-partial-message', 'id-hex-partial-message'),
- '': ('id-hex-multipart-message', 'id-hex-multipart-message'),
- '': ('mime-mhs-bodies', 'mime-mhs-bodies'),
- '': ('algorithm', 'algorithm'),
- '': ('md5WithRSA', 'RSA-NP-MD5'),
- '': ('des-ecb', 'DES-ECB'),
- '': ('des-cbc', 'DES-CBC'),
- '': ('des-ofb', 'DES-OFB'),
- '': ('des-cfb', 'DES-CFB'),
- '': ('rsaSignature', ),
- '': ('dsaEncryption-old', 'DSA-old'),
- '': ('dsaWithSHA', 'DSA-SHA'),
- '': ('shaWithRSAEncryption', 'RSA-SHA'),
- '': ('des-ede', 'DES-EDE'),
- '': ('sha', 'SHA'),
- '': ('sha1', 'SHA1'),
- '': ('dsaWithSHA1-old', 'DSA-SHA1-old'),
- '': ('sha1WithRSA', 'RSA-SHA1-2'),
- '': ('ripemd160', 'RIPEMD160'),
- '': ('ripemd160WithRSA', 'RSA-RIPEMD160'),
- '': ('brainpoolP160r1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP160t1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP192r1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP192t1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP224r1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP224t1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP256r1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP256t1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP320r1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP320t1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP384r1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP384t1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP512r1', ),
- '': ('brainpoolP512t1', ),
- '': ('Professional Information or basis for Admission', 'x509ExtAdmission'),
- '': ('Strong Extranet ID', 'SXNetID'),
- '': ('X25519', ),
- '': ('X448', ),
- '': ('ED25519', ),
- '': ('ED448', ),
- '1.3.111': ('ieee', ),
- '': ('IEEE Security in Storage Working Group', 'ieee-siswg'),
- '': ('aes-128-xts', 'AES-128-XTS'),
- '': ('aes-256-xts', 'AES-256-XTS'),
- '1.3.132': ('certicom-arc', ),
- '': ('secg_ellipticCurve', ),
- '': ('sect163k1', ),
- '': ('sect163r1', ),
- '': ('sect239k1', ),
- '': ('sect113r1', ),
- '': ('sect113r2', ),
- '': ('secp112r1', ),
- '': ('secp112r2', ),
- '': ('secp160r1', ),
- '': ('secp160k1', ),
- '': ('secp256k1', ),
- '': ('sect163r2', ),
- '': ('sect283k1', ),
- '': ('sect283r1', ),
- '': ('sect131r1', ),
- '': ('sect131r2', ),
- '': ('sect193r1', ),
- '': ('sect193r2', ),
- '': ('sect233k1', ),
- '': ('sect233r1', ),
- '': ('secp128r1', ),
- '': ('secp128r2', ),
- '': ('secp160r2', ),
- '': ('secp192k1', ),
- '': ('secp224k1', ),
- '': ('secp224r1', ),
- '': ('secp384r1', ),
- '': ('secp521r1', ),
- '': ('sect409k1', ),
- '': ('sect409r1', ),
- '': ('sect571k1', ),
- '': ('sect571r1', ),
- '': ('secg-scheme', ),
- '': ('dhSinglePass-stdDH-sha224kdf-scheme', ),
- '': ('dhSinglePass-stdDH-sha256kdf-scheme', ),
- '': ('dhSinglePass-stdDH-sha384kdf-scheme', ),
- '': ('dhSinglePass-stdDH-sha512kdf-scheme', ),
- '': ('dhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha224kdf-scheme', ),
- '': ('dhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha256kdf-scheme', ),
- '': ('dhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha384kdf-scheme', ),
- '': ('dhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha512kdf-scheme', ),
- '': ('x9-63-scheme', ),
- '': ('dhSinglePass-stdDH-sha1kdf-scheme', ),
- '': ('dhSinglePass-cofactorDH-sha1kdf-scheme', ),
- '2': ('joint-iso-itu-t', 'JOINT-ISO-ITU-T', 'joint-iso-ccitt'),
- '2.5': ('directory services (X.500)', 'X500'),
- '': ('Selected Attribute Types', 'selected-attribute-types'),
- '': ('clearance', ),
- '2.5.4': ('X509', ),
- '': ('commonName', 'CN'),
- '': ('surname', 'SN'),
- '': ('serialNumber', ),
- '': ('countryName', 'C'),
- '': ('localityName', 'L'),
- '': ('stateOrProvinceName', 'ST'),
- '': ('streetAddress', 'street'),
- '': ('organizationName', 'O'),
- '': ('organizationalUnitName', 'OU'),
- '': ('title', 'title'),
- '': ('description', ),
- '': ('searchGuide', ),
- '': ('businessCategory', ),
- '': ('postalAddress', ),
- '': ('postalCode', ),
- '': ('postOfficeBox', ),
- '': ('physicalDeliveryOfficeName', ),
- '': ('telephoneNumber', ),
- '': ('telexNumber', ),
- '': ('teletexTerminalIdentifier', ),
- '': ('facsimileTelephoneNumber', ),
- '': ('x121Address', ),
- '': ('internationaliSDNNumber', ),
- '': ('registeredAddress', ),
- '': ('destinationIndicator', ),
- '': ('preferredDeliveryMethod', ),
- '': ('presentationAddress', ),
- '': ('supportedApplicationContext', ),
- '': ('member', ),
- '': ('owner', ),
- '': ('roleOccupant', ),
- '': ('seeAlso', ),
- '': ('userPassword', ),
- '': ('userCertificate', ),
- '': ('cACertificate', ),
- '': ('authorityRevocationList', ),
- '': ('certificateRevocationList', ),
- '': ('crossCertificatePair', ),
- '': ('name', 'name'),
- '': ('givenName', 'GN'),
- '': ('initials', 'initials'),
- '': ('generationQualifier', ),
- '': ('x500UniqueIdentifier', ),
- '': ('dnQualifier', 'dnQualifier'),
- '': ('enhancedSearchGuide', ),
- '': ('protocolInformation', ),
- '': ('distinguishedName', ),
- '': ('uniqueMember', ),
- '': ('houseIdentifier', ),
- '': ('supportedAlgorithms', ),
- '': ('deltaRevocationList', ),
- '': ('dmdName', ),
- '': ('pseudonym', ),
- '': ('role', 'role'),
- '': ('organizationIdentifier', ),
- '': ('countryCode3c', 'c3'),
- '': ('countryCode3n', 'n3'),
- '': ('dnsName', ),
- '2.5.8': ('directory services - algorithms', 'X500algorithms'),
- '': ('rsa', 'RSA'),
- '': ('mdc2WithRSA', 'RSA-MDC2'),
- '': ('mdc2', 'MDC2'),
- '2.5.29': ('id-ce', ),
- '': ('X509v3 Subject Directory Attributes', 'subjectDirectoryAttributes'),
- '': ('X509v3 Subject Key Identifier', 'subjectKeyIdentifier'),
- '': ('X509v3 Key Usage', 'keyUsage'),
- '': ('X509v3 Private Key Usage Period', 'privateKeyUsagePeriod'),
- '': ('X509v3 Subject Alternative Name', 'subjectAltName'),
- '': ('X509v3 Issuer Alternative Name', 'issuerAltName'),
- '': ('X509v3 Basic Constraints', 'basicConstraints'),
- '': ('X509v3 CRL Number', 'crlNumber'),
- '': ('X509v3 CRL Reason Code', 'CRLReason'),
- '': ('Hold Instruction Code', 'holdInstructionCode'),
- '': ('Invalidity Date', 'invalidityDate'),
- '': ('X509v3 Delta CRL Indicator', 'deltaCRL'),
- '': ('X509v3 Issuing Distribution Point', 'issuingDistributionPoint'),
- '': ('X509v3 Certificate Issuer', 'certificateIssuer'),
- '': ('X509v3 Name Constraints', 'nameConstraints'),
- '': ('X509v3 CRL Distribution Points', 'crlDistributionPoints'),
- '': ('X509v3 Certificate Policies', 'certificatePolicies'),
- '': ('X509v3 Any Policy', 'anyPolicy'),
- '': ('X509v3 Policy Mappings', 'policyMappings'),
- '': ('X509v3 Authority Key Identifier', 'authorityKeyIdentifier'),
- '': ('X509v3 Policy Constraints', 'policyConstraints'),
- '': ('X509v3 Extended Key Usage', 'extendedKeyUsage'),
- '': ('Any Extended Key Usage', 'anyExtendedKeyUsage'),
- '': ('X509v3 Freshest CRL', 'freshestCRL'),
- '': ('X509v3 Inhibit Any Policy', 'inhibitAnyPolicy'),
- '': ('X509v3 AC Targeting', 'targetInformation'),
- '': ('X509v3 No Revocation Available', 'noRevAvail'),
- '2.16.840.1.101.3': ('csor', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('nistAlgorithms', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-128-ecb', 'AES-128-ECB'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-128-cbc', 'AES-128-CBC'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-128-ofb', 'AES-128-OFB'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-128-cfb', 'AES-128-CFB'),
- '2.16.840.': ('id-aes128-wrap', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-128-gcm', 'id-aes128-GCM'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-128-ccm', 'id-aes128-CCM'),
- '2.16.840.': ('id-aes128-wrap-pad', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-192-ecb', 'AES-192-ECB'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-192-cbc', 'AES-192-CBC'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-192-ofb', 'AES-192-OFB'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-192-cfb', 'AES-192-CFB'),
- '2.16.840.': ('id-aes192-wrap', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-192-gcm', 'id-aes192-GCM'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-192-ccm', 'id-aes192-CCM'),
- '2.16.840.': ('id-aes192-wrap-pad', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-256-ecb', 'AES-256-ECB'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-256-cbc', 'AES-256-CBC'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-256-ofb', 'AES-256-OFB'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-256-cfb', 'AES-256-CFB'),
- '2.16.840.': ('id-aes256-wrap', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-256-gcm', 'id-aes256-GCM'),
- '2.16.840.': ('aes-256-ccm', 'id-aes256-CCM'),
- '2.16.840.': ('id-aes256-wrap-pad', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('nist_hashalgs', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('sha256', 'SHA256'),
- '2.16.840.': ('sha384', 'SHA384'),
- '2.16.840.': ('sha512', 'SHA512'),
- '2.16.840.': ('sha224', 'SHA224'),
- '2.16.840.': ('sha512-224', 'SHA512-224'),
- '2.16.840.': ('sha512-256', 'SHA512-256'),
- '2.16.840.': ('sha3-224', 'SHA3-224'),
- '2.16.840.': ('sha3-256', 'SHA3-256'),
- '2.16.840.': ('sha3-384', 'SHA3-384'),
- '2.16.840.': ('sha3-512', 'SHA3-512'),
- '2.16.840.': ('shake128', 'SHAKE128'),
- '2.16.840.': ('shake256', 'SHAKE256'),
- '2.16.840.': ('hmac-sha3-224', 'id-hmacWithSHA3-224'),
- '2.16.840.': ('hmac-sha3-256', 'id-hmacWithSHA3-256'),
- '2.16.840.': ('hmac-sha3-384', 'id-hmacWithSHA3-384'),
- '2.16.840.': ('hmac-sha3-512', 'id-hmacWithSHA3-512'),
- '2.16.840.': ('dsa_with_sha2', 'sigAlgs'),
- '2.16.840.': ('dsa_with_SHA224', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('dsa_with_SHA256', ),
- '2.16.840.': ('dsa_with_SHA384', 'id-dsa-with-sha384'),
- '2.16.840.': ('dsa_with_SHA512', 'id-dsa-with-sha512'),
- '2.16.840.': ('dsa_with_SHA3-224', 'id-dsa-with-sha3-224'),
- '2.16.840.': ('dsa_with_SHA3-256', 'id-dsa-with-sha3-256'),
- '2.16.840.': ('dsa_with_SHA3-384', 'id-dsa-with-sha3-384'),
- '2.16.840.': ('dsa_with_SHA3-512', 'id-dsa-with-sha3-512'),
- '2.16.840.': ('ecdsa_with_SHA3-224', 'id-ecdsa-with-sha3-224'),
- '2.16.840.': ('ecdsa_with_SHA3-256', 'id-ecdsa-with-sha3-256'),
- '2.16.840.': ('ecdsa_with_SHA3-384', 'id-ecdsa-with-sha3-384'),
- '2.16.840.': ('ecdsa_with_SHA3-512', 'id-ecdsa-with-sha3-512'),
- '2.16.840.': ('RSA-SHA3-224', 'id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-224'),
- '2.16.840.': ('RSA-SHA3-256', 'id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-256'),
- '2.16.840.': ('RSA-SHA3-384', 'id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-384'),
- '2.16.840.': ('RSA-SHA3-512', 'id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-512'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730': ('Netscape Communications Corp.', 'Netscape'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.1': ('Netscape Certificate Extension', 'nsCertExt'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.1.1': ('Netscape Cert Type', 'nsCertType'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.1.2': ('Netscape Base Url', 'nsBaseUrl'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.1.3': ('Netscape Revocation Url', 'nsRevocationUrl'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.1.4': ('Netscape CA Revocation Url', 'nsCaRevocationUrl'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.1.7': ('Netscape Renewal Url', 'nsRenewalUrl'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.1.8': ('Netscape CA Policy Url', 'nsCaPolicyUrl'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.1.12': ('Netscape SSL Server Name', 'nsSslServerName'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.1.13': ('Netscape Comment', 'nsComment'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.2': ('Netscape Data Type', 'nsDataType'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.2.5': ('Netscape Certificate Sequence', 'nsCertSequence'),
- '2.16.840.1.113730.4.1': ('Netscape Server Gated Crypto', 'nsSGC'),
- '2.23': ('International Organizations', 'international-organizations'),
- '2.23.42': ('Secure Electronic Transactions', 'id-set'),
- '': ('content types', 'set-ctype'),
- '': ('setct-PANData', ),
- '': ('setct-PANToken', ),
- '': ('setct-PANOnly', ),
- '': ('setct-OIData', ),
- '': ('setct-PI', ),
- '': ('setct-PIData', ),
- '': ('setct-PIDataUnsigned', ),
- '': ('setct-HODInput', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthResBaggage', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthRevReqBaggage', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthRevResBaggage', ),
- '': ('setct-CapTokenSeq', ),
- '': ('setct-PInitResData', ),
- '': ('setct-PI-TBS', ),
- '': ('setct-PResData', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthReqTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthResTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthResTBSX', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthTokenTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-CapTokenData', ),
- '': ('setct-CapTokenTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-AcqCardCodeMsg', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthRevReqTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthRevResData', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthRevResTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-CapReqTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-CapReqTBSX', ),
- '': ('setct-CapResData', ),
- '': ('setct-CapRevReqTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-CapRevReqTBSX', ),
- '': ('setct-CapRevResData', ),
- '': ('setct-CredReqTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-CredReqTBSX', ),
- '': ('setct-CredResData', ),
- '': ('setct-CredRevReqTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-CredRevReqTBSX', ),
- '': ('setct-CredRevResData', ),
- '': ('setct-PCertReqData', ),
- '': ('setct-PCertResTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-BatchAdminReqData', ),
- '': ('setct-BatchAdminResData', ),
- '': ('setct-CardCInitResTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-MeAqCInitResTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-RegFormResTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-CertReqData', ),
- '': ('setct-CertReqTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-CertResData', ),
- '': ('setct-CertInqReqTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-ErrorTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-PIDualSignedTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-PIUnsignedTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthReqTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthResTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthResTBEX', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthTokenTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CapTokenTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CapTokenTBEX', ),
- '': ('setct-AcqCardCodeMsgTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthRevReqTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthRevResTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-AuthRevResTBEB', ),
- '': ('setct-CapReqTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CapReqTBEX', ),
- '': ('setct-CapResTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CapRevReqTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CapRevReqTBEX', ),
- '': ('setct-CapRevResTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CredReqTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CredReqTBEX', ),
- '': ('setct-CredResTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CredRevReqTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CredRevReqTBEX', ),
- '': ('setct-CredRevResTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-BatchAdminReqTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-BatchAdminResTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-RegFormReqTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CertReqTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CertReqTBEX', ),
- '': ('setct-CertResTBE', ),
- '': ('setct-CRLNotificationTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-CRLNotificationResTBS', ),
- '': ('setct-BCIDistributionTBS', ),
- '': ('message extensions', 'set-msgExt'),
- '': ('generic cryptogram', 'setext-genCrypt'),
- '': ('merchant initiated auth', 'setext-miAuth'),
- '': ('setext-pinSecure', ),
- '': ('setext-pinAny', ),
- '': ('setext-track2', ),
- '': ('additional verification', 'setext-cv'),
- '': ('set-attr', ),
- '': ('setAttr-Cert', ),
- '': ('set-rootKeyThumb', ),
- '': ('set-addPolicy', ),
- '': ('payment gateway capabilities', 'setAttr-PGWYcap'),
- '': ('setAttr-TokenType', ),
- '': ('setAttr-Token-EMV', ),
- '': ('setAttr-Token-B0Prime', ),
- '': ('issuer capabilities', 'setAttr-IssCap'),
- '': ('setAttr-IssCap-CVM', ),
- '': ('generate cryptogram', 'setAttr-GenCryptgrm'),
- '': ('setAttr-IssCap-T2', ),
- '': ('encrypted track 2', 'setAttr-T2Enc'),
- '': ('cleartext track 2', 'setAttr-T2cleartxt'),
- '': ('setAttr-IssCap-Sig', ),
- '': ('ICC or token signature', 'setAttr-TokICCsig'),
- '': ('secure device signature', 'setAttr-SecDevSig'),
- '': ('set-policy', ),
- '': ('set-policy-root', ),
- '': ('certificate extensions', 'set-certExt'),
- '': ('setCext-hashedRoot', ),
- '': ('setCext-certType', ),
- '': ('setCext-merchData', ),
- '': ('setCext-cCertRequired', ),
- '': ('setCext-tunneling', ),
- '': ('setCext-setExt', ),
- '': ('setCext-setQualf', ),
- '': ('setCext-PGWYcapabilities', ),
- '': ('setCext-TokenIdentifier', ),
- '': ('setCext-Track2Data', ),
- '': ('setCext-TokenType', ),
- '': ('setCext-IssuerCapabilities', ),
- '': ('set-brand', ),
- '': ('set-brand-IATA-ATA', ),
- '': ('set-brand-Visa', ),
- '': ('set-brand-MasterCard', ),
- '': ('set-brand-Diners', ),
- '': ('set-brand-AmericanExpress', ),
- '': ('set-brand-JCB', ),
- '': ('set-brand-Novus', ),
- '2.23.43': ('wap', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls1', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls3', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls4', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls5', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls6', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls7', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls8', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls9', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls10', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls11', ),
- '': ('wap-wsg-idm-ecid-wtls12', ),
-# #####################################################################################
-# #####################################################################################
-_OID_LOOKUP = dict()
-for dotted, names in _OID_MAP.items():
- for name in names:
- if name in _NORMALIZE_NAMES and _OID_LOOKUP[name] != dotted:
- raise AssertionError(
- 'Name collision during setup: "{0}" for OIDs {1} and {2}'
- .format(name, dotted, _OID_LOOKUP[name])
- )
- _NORMALIZE_NAMES[name] = names[0]
- _NORMALIZE_NAMES_SHORT[name] = names[-1]
- _OID_LOOKUP[name] = dotted
-for alias, original in [('userID', 'userId')]:
- if alias in _NORMALIZE_NAMES:
- raise AssertionError(
- 'Name collision during adding aliases: "{0}" (alias for "{1}") is already mapped to OID {2}'
- .format(alias, original, _OID_LOOKUP[alias])
- )
- _NORMALIZE_NAMES[alias] = original
- _OID_LOOKUP[alias] = _OID_LOOKUP[original]
-def pyopenssl_normalize_name(name, short=False):
- nid = OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(to_bytes(name))
- if nid != 0:
- b_name = OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_nid2ln(nid)
- name = to_text(OpenSSL._util.ffi.string(b_name))
- if short:
- return _NORMALIZE_NAMES_SHORT.get(name, name)
- else:
- return _NORMALIZE_NAMES.get(name, name)
-# #####################################################################################
-# #####################################################################################
-# # This excerpt is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version
-# # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file at
-# # for complete details.
-# #
-# # Adapted from cryptography's hazmat/backends/openssl/
-# #
-# # Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Paul Kehrer (@reaperhulk)
-# # Copyright (c) 2017 Fraser Tweedale (@frasertweedale)
-# #
-# # Relevant commits from cryptography project (
-# # pyca/cryptography@719d536dd691e84e208534798f2eb4f82aaa2e07
-# # pyca/cryptography@5ab6d6a5c05572bd1c75f05baf264a2d0001894a
-# # pyca/cryptography@2e776e20eb60378e0af9b7439000d0e80da7c7e3
-# # pyca/cryptography@fb309ed24647d1be9e319b61b1f2aa8ebb87b90b
-# # pyca/cryptography@2917e460993c475c72d7146c50dc3bbc2414280d
-# # pyca/cryptography@3057f91ea9a05fb593825006d87a391286a4d828
-# # pyca/cryptography@d607dd7e5bc5c08854ec0c9baff70ba4a35be36f
-def _obj2txt(openssl_lib, openssl_ffi, obj):
- # Set to 80 on the recommendation of
- #
- #
- # But OIDs longer than this occur in real life (e.g. Active
- # Directory makes some very long OIDs). So we need to detect
- # and properly handle the case where the default buffer is not
- # big enough.
- #
- buf_len = 80
- buf ="char[]", buf_len)
- # 'res' is the number of bytes that *would* be written if the
- # buffer is large enough. If 'res' > buf_len - 1, we need to
- # alloc a big-enough buffer and go again.
- res = openssl_lib.OBJ_obj2txt(buf, buf_len, obj, 1)
- if res > buf_len - 1: # account for terminating null byte
- buf_len = res + 1
- buf ="char[]", buf_len)
- res = openssl_lib.OBJ_obj2txt(buf, buf_len, obj, 1)
- return openssl_ffi.buffer(buf, res)[:].decode()
-# #####################################################################################
-# #####################################################################################
-def cryptography_get_extensions_from_cert(cert):
- # Since cryptography won't give us the DER value for an extension
- # (that is only stored for unrecognized extensions), we have to re-do
- # the extension parsing outselves.
- result = dict()
- backend = cert._backend
- x509_obj = cert._x509
- for i in range(backend._lib.X509_get_ext_count(x509_obj)):
- ext = backend._lib.X509_get_ext(x509_obj, i)
- if ext == backend._ffi.NULL:
- continue
- crit = backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_critical(ext)
- data = backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)
- backend.openssl_assert(data != backend._ffi.NULL)
- der = backend._ffi.buffer(, data.length)[:]
- entry = dict(
- critical=(crit == 1),
- value=base64.b64encode(der),
- )
- oid = _obj2txt(backend._lib, backend._ffi, backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ext))
- result[oid] = entry
- return result
-def cryptography_get_extensions_from_csr(csr):
- # Since cryptography won't give us the DER value for an extension
- # (that is only stored for unrecognized extensions), we have to re-do
- # the extension parsing outselves.
- result = dict()
- backend = csr._backend
- extensions = backend._lib.X509_REQ_get_extensions(csr._x509_req)
- extensions = backend._ffi.gc(
- extensions,
- lambda ext: backend._lib.sk_X509_EXTENSION_pop_free(
- ext,
- backend._ffi.addressof(backend._lib._original_lib, "X509_EXTENSION_free")
- )
- )
- for i in range(backend._lib.sk_X509_EXTENSION_num(extensions)):
- ext = backend._lib.sk_X509_EXTENSION_value(extensions, i)
- if ext == backend._ffi.NULL:
- continue
- crit = backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_critical(ext)
- data = backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_data(ext)
- backend.openssl_assert(data != backend._ffi.NULL)
- der = backend._ffi.buffer(, data.length)[:]
- entry = dict(
- critical=(crit == 1),
- value=base64.b64encode(der),
- )
- oid = _obj2txt(backend._lib, backend._ffi, backend._lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ext))
- result[oid] = entry
- return result
-def pyopenssl_get_extensions_from_cert(cert):
- # While pyOpenSSL allows us to get an extension's DER value, it won't
- # give us the dotted string for an OID. So we have to do some magic to
- # get hold of it.
- result = dict()
- ext_count = cert.get_extension_count()
- for i in range(0, ext_count):
- ext = cert.get_extension(i)
- entry = dict(
- critical=bool(ext.get_critical()),
- value=base64.b64encode(ext.get_data()),
- )
- oid = _obj2txt(
- OpenSSL._util.lib,
- OpenSSL._util.ffi,
- OpenSSL._util.lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ext._extension)
- )
- # This could also be done a bit simpler:
- #
- # oid = _obj2txt(OpenSSL._util.lib, OpenSSL._util.ffi, OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_nid2obj(ext._nid))
- #
- # Unfortunately this gives the wrong result in case the linked OpenSSL
- # doesn't know the OID. That's why we have to get the OID dotted string
- # similarly to how cryptography does it.
- result[oid] = entry
- return result
-def pyopenssl_get_extensions_from_csr(csr):
- # While pyOpenSSL allows us to get an extension's DER value, it won't
- # give us the dotted string for an OID. So we have to do some magic to
- # get hold of it.
- result = dict()
- for ext in csr.get_extensions():
- entry = dict(
- critical=bool(ext.get_critical()),
- value=base64.b64encode(ext.get_data()),
- )
- oid = _obj2txt(
- OpenSSL._util.lib,
- OpenSSL._util.ffi,
- OpenSSL._util.lib.X509_EXTENSION_get_object(ext._extension)
- )
- # This could also be done a bit simpler:
- #
- # oid = _obj2txt(OpenSSL._util.lib, OpenSSL._util.ffi, OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_nid2obj(ext._nid))
- #
- # Unfortunately this gives the wrong result in case the linked OpenSSL
- # doesn't know the OID. That's why we have to get the OID dotted string
- # similarly to how cryptography does it.
- result[oid] = entry
- return result
-def cryptography_name_to_oid(name):
- dotted = _OID_LOOKUP.get(name)
- if dotted is None:
- raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot find OID for "{0}"'.format(name))
- return x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier(dotted)
-def cryptography_oid_to_name(oid, short=False):
- dotted_string = oid.dotted_string
- names = _OID_MAP.get(dotted_string)
- name = names[0] if names else oid._name
- if short:
- return _NORMALIZE_NAMES_SHORT.get(name, name)
- else:
- return _NORMALIZE_NAMES.get(name, name)
-def cryptography_get_name(name):
- '''
- Given a name string, returns a cryptography x509.Name object.
- Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if the name is unknown or cannot be parsed.
- '''
- try:
- if name.startswith('DNS:'):
- return x509.DNSName(to_text(name[4:]))
- if name.startswith('IP:'):
- return x509.IPAddress(ipaddress.ip_address(to_text(name[3:])))
- if name.startswith('email:'):
- return x509.RFC822Name(to_text(name[6:]))
- if name.startswith('URI:'):
- return x509.UniformResourceIdentifier(to_text(name[4:]))
- except Exception as e:
- raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot parse Subject Alternative Name "{0}": {1}'.format(name, e))
- if ':' not in name:
- raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot parse Subject Alternative Name "{0}" (forgot "DNS:" prefix?)'.format(name))
- raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot parse Subject Alternative Name "{0}" (potentially unsupported by cryptography backend)'.format(name))
-def _get_hex(bytesstr):
- if bytesstr is None:
- return bytesstr
- data = binascii.hexlify(bytesstr)
- data = to_text(b':'.join(data[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(data), 2)))
- return data
-def cryptography_decode_name(name):
- '''
- Given a cryptography x509.Name object, returns a string.
- Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if the name is not supported.
- '''
- if isinstance(name, x509.DNSName):
- return 'DNS:{0}'.format(name.value)
- if isinstance(name, x509.IPAddress):
- return 'IP:{0}'.format(name.value.compressed)
- if isinstance(name, x509.RFC822Name):
- return 'email:{0}'.format(name.value)
- if isinstance(name, x509.UniformResourceIdentifier):
- return 'URI:{0}'.format(name.value)
- if isinstance(name, x509.DirectoryName):
- # FIXME: test
- return 'DirName:' + ''.join(['/{0}:{1}'.format(attribute.oid._name, attribute.value) for attribute in name.value])
- if isinstance(name, x509.RegisteredID):
- # FIXME: test
- return 'RegisteredID:{0}'.format(name.value)
- if isinstance(name, x509.OtherName):
- # FIXME: test
- return '{0}:{1}'.format(name.type_id.dotted_string, _get_hex(name.value))
- raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot decode name "{0}"'.format(name))
-def _cryptography_get_keyusage(usage):
- '''
- Given a key usage identifier string, returns the parameter name used by cryptography's x509.KeyUsage().
- Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if the identifier is unknown.
- '''
- if usage in ('Digital Signature', 'digitalSignature'):
- return 'digital_signature'
- if usage in ('Non Repudiation', 'nonRepudiation'):
- return 'content_commitment'
- if usage in ('Key Encipherment', 'keyEncipherment'):
- return 'key_encipherment'
- if usage in ('Data Encipherment', 'dataEncipherment'):
- return 'data_encipherment'
- if usage in ('Key Agreement', 'keyAgreement'):
- return 'key_agreement'
- if usage in ('Certificate Sign', 'keyCertSign'):
- return 'key_cert_sign'
- if usage in ('CRL Sign', 'cRLSign'):
- return 'crl_sign'
- if usage in ('Encipher Only', 'encipherOnly'):
- return 'encipher_only'
- if usage in ('Decipher Only', 'decipherOnly'):
- return 'decipher_only'
- raise OpenSSLObjectError('Unknown key usage "{0}"'.format(usage))
-def cryptography_parse_key_usage_params(usages):
- '''
- Given a list of key usage identifier strings, returns the parameters for cryptography's x509.KeyUsage().
- Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if an identifier is unknown.
- '''
- params = dict(
- digital_signature=False,
- content_commitment=False,
- key_encipherment=False,
- data_encipherment=False,
- key_agreement=False,
- key_cert_sign=False,
- crl_sign=False,
- encipher_only=False,
- decipher_only=False,
- )
- for usage in usages:
- params[_cryptography_get_keyusage(usage)] = True
- return params
-def cryptography_get_basic_constraints(constraints):
- '''
- Given a list of constraints, returns a tuple (ca, path_length).
- Raises an OpenSSLObjectError if a constraint is unknown or cannot be parsed.
- '''
- ca = False
- path_length = None
- if constraints:
- for constraint in constraints:
- if constraint.startswith('CA:'):
- if constraint == 'CA:TRUE':
- ca = True
- elif constraint == 'CA:FALSE':
- ca = False
- else:
- raise OpenSSLObjectError('Unknown basic constraint value "{0}" for CA'.format(constraint[3:]))
- elif constraint.startswith('pathlen:'):
- v = constraint[len('pathlen:'):]
- try:
- path_length = int(v)
- except Exception as e:
- raise OpenSSLObjectError('Cannot parse path length constraint "{0}" ({1})'.format(v, e))
- else:
- raise OpenSSLObjectError('Unknown basic constraint "{0}"'.format(constraint))
- return ca, path_length
-def binary_exp_mod(f, e, m):
- '''Computes f^e mod m in O(log e) multiplications modulo m.'''
- # Compute len_e = floor(log_2(e))
- len_e = -1
- x = e
- while x > 0:
- x >>= 1
- len_e += 1
- # Compute f**e mod m
- result = 1
- for k in range(len_e, -1, -1):
- result = (result * result) % m
- if ((e >> k) & 1) != 0:
- result = (result * f) % m
- return result
-def simple_gcd(a, b):
- '''Compute GCD of its two inputs.'''
- while b != 0:
- a, b = b, a % b
- return a
-def quick_is_not_prime(n):
- '''Does some quick checks to see if we can poke a hole into the primality of n.
- A result of `False` does **not** mean that the number is prime; it just means
- that we couldn't detect quickly whether it is not prime.
- '''
- if n <= 2:
- return True
- # The constant in the next line is the product of all primes < 200
- if simple_gcd(n, 7799922041683461553249199106329813876687996789903550945093032474868511536164700810) > 1:
- return True
- # TODO: maybe do some iterations of Miller-Rabin to increase confidence
- # (
- return False
-python_version = (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])
-if python_version >= (2, 7) or python_version >= (3, 1):
- # Ansible still supports Python 2.6 on remote nodes
- def count_bits(no):
- no = abs(no)
- if no == 0:
- return 0
- return no.bit_length()
- # Slow, but works
- def count_bits(no):
- no = abs(no)
- count = 0
- while no > 0:
- no >>= 1
- count += 1
- return count
-PEM_START = '-----BEGIN '
-PEM_END = '-----'
-def identify_private_key_format(content):
- '''Given the contents of a private key file, identifies its format.'''
- # See
- # (PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey)
- # and
- try:
- lines = content.decode('utf-8').splitlines(False)
- if lines[0].startswith(PEM_START) and lines[0].endswith(PEM_END) and len(lines[0]) > len(PEM_START) + len(PEM_END):
- name = lines[0][len(PEM_START):-len(PEM_END)]
- return 'pkcs8'
- if len(name) > len(PKCS1_PRIVATEKEY_SUFFIX) and name.endswith(PKCS1_PRIVATEKEY_SUFFIX):
- return 'pkcs1'
- return 'unknown-pem'
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- pass
- return 'raw'
-def cryptography_key_needs_digest_for_signing(key):
- '''Tests whether the given private key requires a digest algorithm for signing.
- Ed25519 and Ed448 keys do not; they need None to be passed as the digest algorithm.
- '''
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED25519 and isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey):
- return False
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED448 and isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448.Ed448PrivateKey):
- return False
- return True
-def cryptography_compare_public_keys(key1, key2):
- '''Tests whether two public keys are the same.
- Needs special logic for Ed25519 and Ed448 keys, since they do not have public_numbers().
- '''
- a = isinstance(key1, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey)
- b = isinstance(key2, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey)
- if a or b:
- if not a or not b:
- return False
- a = key1.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.Raw, serialization.PublicFormat.Raw)
- b = key2.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.Raw, serialization.PublicFormat.Raw)
- return a == b
- a = isinstance(key1, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448.Ed448PublicKey)
- b = isinstance(key2, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448.Ed448PublicKey)
- if a or b:
- if not a or not b:
- return False
- a = key1.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.Raw, serialization.PublicFormat.Raw)
- b = key2.public_bytes(serialization.Encoding.Raw, serialization.PublicFormat.Raw)
- return a == b
- return key1.public_numbers() == key2.public_numbers()
- 'unspecified': x509.ReasonFlags.unspecified,
- 'key_compromise': x509.ReasonFlags.key_compromise,
- 'ca_compromise': x509.ReasonFlags.ca_compromise,
- 'affiliation_changed': x509.ReasonFlags.affiliation_changed,
- 'superseded': x509.ReasonFlags.superseded,
- 'cessation_of_operation': x509.ReasonFlags.cessation_of_operation,
- 'certificate_hold': x509.ReasonFlags.certificate_hold,
- 'privilege_withdrawn': x509.ReasonFlags.privilege_withdrawn,
- 'aa_compromise': x509.ReasonFlags.aa_compromise,
- 'remove_from_crl': x509.ReasonFlags.remove_from_crl,
- }
- for k, v in REVOCATION_REASON_MAP.items():
-def cryptography_decode_revoked_certificate(cert):
- result = {
- 'serial_number': cert.serial_number,
- 'revocation_date': cert.revocation_date,
- 'issuer': None,
- 'issuer_critical': False,
- 'reason': None,
- 'reason_critical': False,
- 'invalidity_date': None,
- 'invalidity_date_critical': False,
- }
- try:
- ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.CertificateIssuer)
- result['issuer'] = list(ext.value)
- result['issuer_critical'] = ext.critical
- except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- pass
- try:
- ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.CRLReason)
- result['reason'] = ext.value.reason
- result['reason_critical'] = ext.critical
- except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- pass
- try:
- ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.InvalidityDate)
- result['invalidity_date'] = ext.value.invalidity_date
- result['invalidity_date_critical'] = ext.critical
- except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- pass
- return result
diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/ecs/ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/ecs/
deleted file mode 100644
index d89b03330b..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/module_utils/ecs/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# This code is part of Ansible, but is an independent component.
-# This particular file snippet, and this file snippet only, is licensed under the
-# Modified BSD License. Modules you write using this snippet, which is embedded
-# dynamically by Ansible, still belong to the author of the module, and may assign
-# their own license to the complete work.
-# Copyright (c), Entrust Datacard Corporation, 2019
-# Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-# are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
-# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
-# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import time
-import traceback
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_native
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode
-from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError
-from ansible.module_utils.urls import Request
- import yaml
-except ImportError:
- YAML_FOUND = False
- YAML_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-valid_file_format = re.compile(r".*(\.)(yml|yaml|json)$")
-def ecs_client_argument_spec():
- return dict(
- entrust_api_user=dict(type='str', required=True),
- entrust_api_key=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True),
- entrust_api_client_cert_path=dict(type='path', required=True),
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path=dict(type='path', required=True, no_log=True),
- entrust_api_specification_path=dict(type='path', default=''),
- )
-class SessionConfigurationException(Exception):
- """ Raised if we cannot configure a session with the API """
- pass
-class RestOperationException(Exception):
- """ Encapsulate a REST API error """
- def __init__(self, error):
- self.status = to_native(error.get("status", None))
- self.errors = [to_native(err.get("message")) for err in error.get("errors", {})]
- self.message = to_native(" ".join(self.errors))
-def generate_docstring(operation_spec):
- """Generate a docstring for an operation defined in operation_spec (swagger)"""
- # Description of the operation
- docs = operation_spec.get("description", "No Description")
- docs += "\n\n"
- # Parameters of the operation
- parameters = operation_spec.get("parameters", [])
- if len(parameters) != 0:
- docs += "\tArguments:\n\n"
- for parameter in parameters:
- docs += "{0} ({1}:{2}): {3}\n".format(
- parameter.get("name"),
- parameter.get("type", "No Type"),
- "Required" if parameter.get("required", False) else "Not Required",
- parameter.get("description"),
- )
- return docs
-def bind(instance, method, operation_spec):
- def binding_scope_fn(*args, **kwargs):
- return method(instance, *args, **kwargs)
- # Make sure we don't confuse users; add the proper name and documentation to the function.
- # Users can use !help(<function>) to get help on the function from interactive python or pdb
- operation_name = operation_spec.get("operationId").split("Using")[0]
- binding_scope_fn.__name__ = str(operation_name)
- binding_scope_fn.__doc__ = generate_docstring(operation_spec)
- return binding_scope_fn
-class RestOperation(object):
- def __init__(self, session, uri, method, parameters=None):
- self.session = session
- self.method = method
- if parameters is None:
- self.parameters = {}
- else:
- self.parameters = parameters
- self.url = "{scheme}://{host}{base_path}{uri}".format(scheme="https", host=session._spec.get("host"), base_path=session._spec.get("basePath"), uri=uri)
- def restmethod(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """Do the hard work of making the request here"""
- # gather named path parameters and do substitution on the URL
- if self.parameters:
- path_parameters = {}
- body_parameters = {}
- query_parameters = {}
- for x in self.parameters:
- expected_location = x.get("in")
- key_name = x.get("name", None)
- key_value = kwargs.get(key_name, None)
- if expected_location == "path" and key_name and key_value:
- path_parameters.update({key_name: key_value})
- elif expected_location == "body" and key_name and key_value:
- body_parameters.update({key_name: key_value})
- elif expected_location == "query" and key_name and key_value:
- query_parameters.update({key_name: key_value})
- if len(body_parameters.keys()) >= 1:
- body_parameters = body_parameters.get(list(body_parameters.keys())[0])
- else:
- body_parameters = None
- else:
- path_parameters = {}
- query_parameters = {}
- body_parameters = None
- # This will fail if we have not set path parameters with a KeyError
- url = self.url.format(**path_parameters)
- if query_parameters:
- # modify the URL to add path parameters
- url = url + "?" + urlencode(query_parameters)
- try:
- if body_parameters:
- body_parameters_json = json.dumps(body_parameters)
- response =, url=url, data=body_parameters_json)
- else:
- response =, url=url)
- request_error = False
- except HTTPError as e:
- # An HTTPError has the same methods available as a valid response from
- response = e
- request_error = True
- # Return the result if JSON and success ({} for empty responses)
- # Raise an exception if there was a failure.
- try:
- result_code = response.getcode()
- result = json.loads(
- except ValueError:
- result = {}
- if result or result == {}:
- if result_code and result_code < 400:
- return result
- else:
- raise RestOperationException(result)
- # Raise a generic RestOperationException if this fails
- raise RestOperationException({"status": result_code, "errors": [{"message": "REST Operation Failed"}]})
-class Resource(object):
- """ Implement basic CRUD operations against a path. """
- def __init__(self, session):
- self.session = session
- self.parameters = {}
- for url in session._spec.get("paths").keys():
- methods = session._spec.get("paths").get(url)
- for method in methods.keys():
- operation_spec = methods.get(method)
- operation_name = operation_spec.get("operationId", None)
- parameters = operation_spec.get("parameters")
- if not operation_name:
- if method.lower() == "post":
- operation_name = "Create"
- elif method.lower() == "get":
- operation_name = "Get"
- elif method.lower() == "put":
- operation_name = "Update"
- elif method.lower() == "delete":
- operation_name = "Delete"
- elif method.lower() == "patch":
- operation_name = "Patch"
- else:
- raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("Invalid REST method type {0}".format(method)))
- # Get the non-parameter parts of the URL and append to the operation name
- # e.g /application/version -> GetApplicationVersion
- # e.g. /application/{id} -> GetApplication
- # This may lead to duplicates, which we must prevent.
- operation_name += re.sub(r"{(.*)}", "", url).replace("/", " ").title().replace(" ", "")
- operation_spec["operationId"] = operation_name
- op = RestOperation(session, url, method, parameters)
- setattr(self, operation_name, bind(self, op.restmethod, operation_spec))
-# Session to encapsulate the connection parameters of the module_utils Request object, the api spec, etc
-class ECSSession(object):
- def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
- """
- Initialize our session
- """
- self._set_config(name, **kwargs)
- def client(self):
- resource = Resource(self)
- return resource
- def _set_config(self, name, **kwargs):
- headers = {
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "Connection": "keep-alive",
- }
- self.request = Request(headers=headers, timeout=60)
- configurators = [self._read_config_vars]
- for configurator in configurators:
- self._config = configurator(name, **kwargs)
- if self._config:
- break
- if self._config is None:
- raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("No Configuration Found."))
- # set up auth if passed
- entrust_api_user = self.get_config("entrust_api_user")
- entrust_api_key = self.get_config("entrust_api_key")
- if entrust_api_user and entrust_api_key:
- self.request.url_username = entrust_api_user
- self.request.url_password = entrust_api_key
- else:
- raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("User and key must be provided."))
- # set up client certificate if passed (support all-in one or cert + key)
- entrust_api_cert = self.get_config("entrust_api_cert")
- entrust_api_cert_key = self.get_config("entrust_api_cert_key")
- if entrust_api_cert:
- self.request.client_cert = entrust_api_cert
- if entrust_api_cert_key:
- self.request.client_key = entrust_api_cert_key
- else:
- raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("Client certificate for authentication to the API must be provided."))
- # set up the spec
- entrust_api_specification_path = self.get_config("entrust_api_specification_path")
- if not entrust_api_specification_path.startswith("http") and not os.path.isfile(entrust_api_specification_path):
- raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("OpenAPI specification was not found at location {0}.".format(entrust_api_specification_path)))
- if not valid_file_format.match(entrust_api_specification_path):
- raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("OpenAPI specification filename must end in .json, .yml or .yaml"))
- self.verify = True
- if entrust_api_specification_path.startswith("http"):
- try:
- http_response = Request().open(method="GET", url=entrust_api_specification_path)
- http_response_contents =
- if entrust_api_specification_path.endswith(".json"):
- self._spec = json.load(http_response_contents)
- elif entrust_api_specification_path.endswith(".yml") or entrust_api_specification_path.endswith(".yaml"):
- self._spec = yaml.safe_load(http_response_contents)
- except HTTPError as e:
- raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("Error downloading specification from address '{0}', received error code '{1}'".format(
- entrust_api_specification_path, e.getcode())))
- else:
- with open(entrust_api_specification_path) as f:
- if ".json" in entrust_api_specification_path:
- self._spec = json.load(f)
- elif ".yml" in entrust_api_specification_path or ".yaml" in entrust_api_specification_path:
- self._spec = yaml.safe_load(f)
- def get_config(self, item):
- return self._config.get(item, None)
- def _read_config_vars(self, name, **kwargs):
- """ Read configuration from variables passed to the module. """
- config = {}
- entrust_api_specification_path = kwargs.get("entrust_api_specification_path")
- if not entrust_api_specification_path or (not entrust_api_specification_path.startswith("http") and not os.path.isfile(entrust_api_specification_path)):
- raise SessionConfigurationException(
- to_native(
- "Parameter provided for entrust_api_specification_path of value '{0}' was not a valid file path or HTTPS address.".format(
- entrust_api_specification_path
- )
- )
- )
- for required_file in ["entrust_api_cert", "entrust_api_cert_key"]:
- file_path = kwargs.get(required_file)
- if not file_path or not os.path.isfile(file_path):
- raise SessionConfigurationException(
- to_native("Parameter provided for {0} of value '{1}' was not a valid file path.".format(required_file, file_path))
- )
- for required_var in ["entrust_api_user", "entrust_api_key"]:
- if not kwargs.get(required_var):
- raise SessionConfigurationException(to_native("Parameter provided for {0} was missing.".format(required_var)))
- config["entrust_api_cert"] = kwargs.get("entrust_api_cert")
- config["entrust_api_cert_key"] = kwargs.get("entrust_api_cert_key")
- config["entrust_api_specification_path"] = kwargs.get("entrust_api_specification_path")
- config["entrust_api_user"] = kwargs.get("entrust_api_user")
- config["entrust_api_key"] = kwargs.get("entrust_api_key")
- return config
-def ECSClient(entrust_api_user=None, entrust_api_key=None, entrust_api_cert=None, entrust_api_cert_key=None, entrust_api_specification_path=None):
- """Create an ECS client"""
- if not YAML_FOUND:
- raise SessionConfigurationException(missing_required_lib("PyYAML"), exception=YAML_IMP_ERR)
- if entrust_api_specification_path is None:
- entrust_api_specification_path = ""
- # Not functionally necessary with current uses of this module_util, but better to be explicit for future use cases
- entrust_api_user = to_text(entrust_api_user)
- entrust_api_key = to_text(entrust_api_key)
- entrust_api_cert_key = to_text(entrust_api_cert_key)
- entrust_api_specification_path = to_text(entrust_api_specification_path)
- return ECSSession(
- "ecs",
- entrust_api_user=entrust_api_user,
- entrust_api_key=entrust_api_key,
- entrust_api_cert=entrust_api_cert,
- entrust_api_cert_key=entrust_api_cert_key,
- entrust_api_specification_path=entrust_api_specification_path,
- ).client()
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2016 Michael Gruener <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: acme_account
-author: "Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)"
-version_added: "2.6"
-short_description: Create, modify or delete ACME accounts
- - "Allows to create, modify or delete accounts with a CA supporting the
- L(ACME protocol,,
- such as L(Let's Encrypt,"
- - "This module only works with the ACME v2 protocol."
- - "The M(acme_certificate) module also allows to do basic account management.
- When using both modules, it is recommended to disable account management
- for M(acme_certificate). For that, use the C(modify_account) option of
- M(acme_certificate)."
- - name: Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)
- description: The specification of the ACME protocol (RFC 8555).
- link:
- - module: acme_account_info
- description: Retrieves facts about an ACME account.
- - module: openssl_privatekey
- description: Can be used to create a private account key.
- - module: acme_inspect
- description: Allows to debug problems.
- - acme
- state:
- description:
- - "The state of the account, to be identified by its account key."
- - "If the state is C(absent), the account will either not exist or be
- deactivated."
- - "If the state is C(changed_key), the account must exist. The account
- key will be changed; no other information will be touched."
- type: str
- required: true
- choices:
- - present
- - absent
- - changed_key
- allow_creation:
- description:
- - "Whether account creation is allowed (when state is C(present))."
- type: bool
- default: yes
- contact:
- description:
- - "A list of contact URLs."
- - "Email addresses must be prefixed with C(mailto:)."
- - "See U(
- for what is allowed."
- - "Must be specified when state is C(present). Will be ignored
- if state is C(absent) or C(changed_key)."
- type: list
- elements: str
- default: []
- terms_agreed:
- description:
- - "Boolean indicating whether you agree to the terms of service document."
- - "ACME servers can require this to be true."
- type: bool
- default: no
- new_account_key_src:
- description:
- - "Path to a file containing the ACME account RSA or Elliptic Curve key to change to."
- - "Same restrictions apply as to C(account_key_src)."
- - "Mutually exclusive with C(new_account_key_content)."
- - "Required if C(new_account_key_content) is not used and state is C(changed_key)."
- type: path
- new_account_key_content:
- description:
- - "Content of the ACME account RSA or Elliptic Curve key to change to."
- - "Same restrictions apply as to C(account_key_content)."
- - "Mutually exclusive with C(new_account_key_src)."
- - "Required if C(new_account_key_src) is not used and state is C(changed_key)."
- type: str
-- name: Make sure account exists and has given contacts. We agree to TOS.
- acme_account:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- state: present
- terms_agreed: yes
- contact:
- -
- -
-- name: Make sure account has given email address. Don't create account if it doesn't exist
- acme_account:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- state: present
- allow_creation: no
- contact:
- -
-- name: Change account's key to the one stored in the variable new_account_key
- acme_account:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- new_account_key_content: '{{ new_account_key }}'
- state: changed_key
-- name: Delete account (we have to use the new key)
- acme_account:
- account_key_content: '{{ new_account_key }}'
- state: absent
-RETURN = '''
- description: ACME account URI, or None if account does not exist.
- returned: always
- type: str
-from ansible.module_utils.acme import (
- ModuleFailException,
- ACMEAccount,
- handle_standard_module_arguments,
- get_default_argspec,
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-def main():
- argument_spec = get_default_argspec()
- argument_spec.update(dict(
- terms_agreed=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- state=dict(type='str', required=True, choices=['absent', 'present', 'changed_key']),
- allow_creation=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- contact=dict(type='list', elements='str', default=[]),
- new_account_key_src=dict(type='path'),
- new_account_key_content=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- ))
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_one_of=(
- ['account_key_src', 'account_key_content'],
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['account_key_src', 'account_key_content'],
- ['new_account_key_src', 'new_account_key_content'],
- ),
- required_if=(
- # Make sure that for state == changed_key, one of
- # new_account_key_src and new_account_key_content are specified
- ['state', 'changed_key', ['new_account_key_src', 'new_account_key_content'], True],
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- handle_standard_module_arguments(module, needs_acme_v2=True)
- try:
- account = ACMEAccount(module)
- changed = False
- state = module.params.get('state')
- diff_before = {}
- diff_after = {}
- if state == 'absent':
- created, account_data = account.setup_account(allow_creation=False)
- if account_data:
- diff_before = dict(account_data)
- diff_before['public_account_key'] = account.key_data['jwk']
- if created:
- raise AssertionError('Unwanted account creation')
- if account_data is not None:
- # Account is not yet deactivated
- if not module.check_mode:
- # Deactivate it
- payload = {
- 'status': 'deactivated'
- }
- result, info = account.send_signed_request(account.uri, payload)
- if info['status'] != 200:
- raise ModuleFailException('Error deactivating account: {0} {1}'.format(info['status'], result))
- changed = True
- elif state == 'present':
- allow_creation = module.params.get('allow_creation')
- # Make sure contact is a list of strings (unfortunately, Ansible doesn't do that for us)
- contact = [str(v) for v in module.params.get('contact')]
- terms_agreed = module.params.get('terms_agreed')
- created, account_data = account.setup_account(
- contact,
- terms_agreed=terms_agreed,
- allow_creation=allow_creation,
- )
- if account_data is None:
- raise ModuleFailException(msg='Account does not exist or is deactivated.')
- if created:
- diff_before = {}
- else:
- diff_before = dict(account_data)
- diff_before['public_account_key'] = account.key_data['jwk']
- updated = False
- if not created:
- updated, account_data = account.update_account(account_data, contact)
- changed = created or updated
- diff_after = dict(account_data)
- diff_after['public_account_key'] = account.key_data['jwk']
- elif state == 'changed_key':
- # Parse new account key
- error, new_key_data = account.parse_key(
- module.params.get('new_account_key_src'),
- module.params.get('new_account_key_content')
- )
- if error:
- raise ModuleFailException("error while parsing account key: %s" % error)
- # Verify that the account exists and has not been deactivated
- created, account_data = account.setup_account(allow_creation=False)
- if created:
- raise AssertionError('Unwanted account creation')
- if account_data is None:
- raise ModuleFailException(msg='Account does not exist or is deactivated.')
- diff_before = dict(account_data)
- diff_before['public_account_key'] = account.key_data['jwk']
- # Now we can start the account key rollover
- if not module.check_mode:
- # Compose inner signed message
- #
- url =['keyChange']
- protected = {
- "alg": new_key_data['alg'],
- "jwk": new_key_data['jwk'],
- "url": url,
- }
- payload = {
- "account": account.uri,
- "newKey": new_key_data['jwk'], # specified in draft 12 and older
- "oldKey": account.jwk, # specified in draft 13 and newer
- }
- data = account.sign_request(protected, payload, new_key_data)
- # Send request and verify result
- result, info = account.send_signed_request(url, data)
- if info['status'] != 200:
- raise ModuleFailException('Error account key rollover: {0} {1}'.format(info['status'], result))
- if module._diff:
- account.key_data = new_key_data
- account.jws_header['alg'] = new_key_data['alg']
- diff_after = account.get_account_data()
- elif module._diff:
- # Kind of fake diff_after
- diff_after = dict(diff_before)
- diff_after['public_account_key'] = new_key_data['jwk']
- changed = True
- result = {
- 'changed': changed,
- 'account_uri': account.uri,
- }
- if module._diff:
- result['diff'] = {
- 'before': diff_before,
- 'after': diff_after,
- }
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except ModuleFailException as e:
- e.do_fail(module)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/
deleted file mode 100644
index f60eb42a29..0000000000
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2018 Felix Fontein <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: acme_account_info
-author: "Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)"
-version_added: "2.7"
-short_description: Retrieves information on ACME accounts
- - "Allows to retrieve information on accounts a CA supporting the
- L(ACME protocol,,
- such as L(Let's Encrypt,"
- - "This module only works with the ACME v2 protocol."
- - "The M(acme_account) module allows to modify, create and delete ACME accounts."
- - "This module was called C(acme_account_facts) before Ansible 2.8. The usage
- did not change."
- retrieve_orders:
- description:
- - "Whether to retrieve the list of order URLs or order objects, if provided
- by the ACME server."
- - "A value of C(ignore) will not fetch the list of orders."
- - "Currently, Let's Encrypt does not return orders, so the C(orders) result
- will always be empty."
- type: str
- choices:
- - ignore
- - url_list
- - object_list
- default: ignore
- version_added: "2.9"
- - module: acme_account
- description: Allows to create, modify or delete an ACME account.
- - acme
-- name: Check whether an account with the given account key exists
- acme_account_info:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- register: account_data
-- name: Verify that account exists
- assert:
- that:
- - account_data.exists
-- name: Print account URI
- debug: var=account_data.account_uri
-- name: Print account contacts
- debug:
-- name: Check whether the account exists and is accessible with the given account key
- acme_account_info:
- account_key_content: "{{ acme_account_key }}"
- account_uri: "{{ acme_account_uri }}"
- register: account_data
-- name: Verify that account exists
- assert:
- that:
- - account_data.exists
-- name: Print account contacts
- debug:
-RETURN = '''
- description: Whether the account exists.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- description: ACME account URI, or None if account does not exist.
- returned: always
- type: str
- description: The account information, as retrieved from the ACME server.
- returned: if account exists
- type: dict
- contains:
- contact:
- description: the challenge resource that must be created for validation
- returned: always
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: "['', 'tel:00123456789']"
- status:
- description: the account's status
- returned: always
- type: str
- choices: ['valid', 'deactivated', 'revoked']
- sample: valid
- orders:
- description:
- - A URL where a list of orders can be retrieved for this account.
- - Use the I(retrieve_orders) option to query this URL and retrieve the
- complete list of orders.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample:
- public_account_key:
- description: the public account key as a L(JSON Web Key,
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: '{"kty":"EC","crv":"P-256","x":"MKBCTNIcKUSDii11ySs3526iDZ8AiTo7Tu6KPAqv7D4","y":"4Etl6SRW2YiLUrN5vfvVHuhp7x8PxltmWWlbbM4IFyM"}'
- description:
- - "The list of orders."
- - "If I(retrieve_orders) is C(url_list), this will be a list of URLs."
- - "If I(retrieve_orders) is C(object_list), this will be a list of objects."
- type: list
- #elements: ... depends on retrieve_orders
- returned: if account exists, I(retrieve_orders) is not C(ignore), and server supports order listing
- contains:
- status:
- description: The order's status.
- type: str
- choices:
- - pending
- - ready
- - processing
- - valid
- - invalid
- expires:
- description:
- - When the order expires.
- - Timestamp should be formatted as described in RFC3339.
- - Only required to be included in result when I(status) is C(pending) or C(valid).
- type: str
- returned: when server gives expiry date
- identifiers:
- description:
- - List of identifiers this order is for.
- type: list
- elements: dict
- contains:
- type:
- description: Type of identifier. C(dns) or C(ip).
- type: str
- value:
- description: Name of identifier. Hostname or IP address.
- type: str
- wildcard:
- description: "Whether I(value) is actually a wildcard. The wildcard
- prefix C(*.) is not included in I(value) if this is C(true)."
- type: bool
- returned: required to be included if the identifier is wildcarded
- notBefore:
- description:
- - The requested value of the C(notBefore) field in the certificate.
- - Date should be formatted as described in RFC3339.
- - Server is not required to return this.
- type: str
- returned: when server returns this
- notAfter:
- description:
- - The requested value of the C(notAfter) field in the certificate.
- - Date should be formatted as described in RFC3339.
- - Server is not required to return this.
- type: str
- returned: when server returns this
- error:
- description:
- - In case an error occurred during processing, this contains information about the error.
- - The field is structured as a problem document (RFC7807).
- type: dict
- returned: when an error occurred
- authorizations:
- description:
- - A list of URLs for authorizations for this order.
- type: list
- elements: str
- finalize:
- description:
- - A URL used for finalizing an ACME order.
- type: str
- certificate:
- description:
- - The URL for retrieving the certificate.
- type: str
- returned: when certificate was issued
-from ansible.module_utils.acme import (
- ModuleFailException,
- ACMEAccount,
- handle_standard_module_arguments,
- process_links,
- get_default_argspec,
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-def get_orders_list(module, account, orders_url):
- '''
- Retrieves orders list (handles pagination).
- '''
- orders = []
- while orders_url:
- # Get part of orders list
- res, info = account.get_request(orders_url, parse_json_result=True, fail_on_error=True)
- if not res.get('orders'):
- if orders:
- module.warn('When retrieving orders list part {0}, got empty result list'.format(orders_url))
- break
- # Add order URLs to result list
- orders.extend(res['orders'])
- # Extract URL of next part of results list
- new_orders_url = []
- def f(link, relation):
- if relation == 'next':
- new_orders_url.append(link)
- process_links(info, f)
- new_orders_url.append(None)
- previous_orders_url, orders_url = orders_url, new_orders_url.pop(0)
- if orders_url == previous_orders_url:
- # Prevent infinite loop
- orders_url = None
- return orders
-def get_order(account, order_url):
- '''
- Retrieve order data.
- '''
- return account.get_request(order_url, parse_json_result=True, fail_on_error=True)[0]
-def main():
- argument_spec = get_default_argspec()
- argument_spec.update(dict(
- retrieve_orders=dict(type='str', default='ignore', choices=['ignore', 'url_list', 'object_list']),
- ))
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_one_of=(
- ['account_key_src', 'account_key_content'],
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['account_key_src', 'account_key_content'],
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- if module._name == 'acme_account_facts':
- module.deprecate("The 'acme_account_facts' module has been renamed to 'acme_account_info'", version='2.12')
- handle_standard_module_arguments(module, needs_acme_v2=True)
- try:
- account = ACMEAccount(module)
- # Check whether account exists
- created, account_data = account.setup_account(
- [],
- allow_creation=False,
- remove_account_uri_if_not_exists=True,
- )
- if created:
- raise AssertionError('Unwanted account creation')
- result = {
- 'changed': False,
- 'exists': account.uri is not None,
- 'account_uri': account.uri,
- }
- if account.uri is not None:
- # Make sure promised data is there
- if 'contact' not in account_data:
- account_data['contact'] = []
- account_data['public_account_key'] = account.key_data['jwk']
- result['account'] = account_data
- # Retrieve orders list
- if account_data.get('orders') and module.params['retrieve_orders'] != 'ignore':
- orders = get_orders_list(module, account, account_data['orders'])
- if module.params['retrieve_orders'] == 'url_list':
- result['orders'] = orders
- else:
- result['orders'] = [get_order(account, order) for order in orders]
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except ModuleFailException as e:
- e.do_fail(module)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/
deleted file mode 100644
index fe0f32b653..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1265 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2016 Michael Gruener <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: acme_certificate
-author: "Michael Gruener (@mgruener)"
-version_added: "2.2"
-short_description: Create SSL/TLS certificates with the ACME protocol
- - "Create and renew SSL/TLS certificates with a CA supporting the
- L(ACME protocol,,
- such as L(Let's Encrypt, or
- L(Buypass, The current implementation
- supports the C(http-01), C(dns-01) and C(tls-alpn-01) challenges."
- - "To use this module, it has to be executed twice. Either as two
- different tasks in the same run or during two runs. Note that the output
- of the first run needs to be recorded and passed to the second run as the
- module argument C(data)."
- - "Between these two tasks you have to fulfill the required steps for the
- chosen challenge by whatever means necessary. For C(http-01) that means
- creating the necessary challenge file on the destination webserver. For
- C(dns-01) the necessary dns record has to be created. For C(tls-alpn-01)
- the necessary certificate has to be created and served.
- It is I(not) the responsibility of this module to perform these steps."
- - "For details on how to fulfill these challenges, you might have to read through
- L(the main ACME specification,
- and the L(TLS-ALPN-01 specification,
- Also, consider the examples provided for this module."
- - "The module includes experimental support for IP identifiers according to
- the L(RFC 8738,"
- - "At least one of C(dest) and C(fullchain_dest) must be specified."
- - "This module includes basic account management functionality.
- If you want to have more control over your ACME account, use the M(acme_account)
- module and disable account management for this module using the C(modify_account)
- option."
- - "This module was called C(letsencrypt) before Ansible 2.6. The usage
- did not change."
- - name: The Let's Encrypt documentation
- description: Documentation for the Let's Encrypt Certification Authority.
- Provides useful information for example on rate limits.
- link:
- - name: Buypass Go SSL
- description: Documentation for the Buypass Certification Authority.
- Provides useful information for example on rate limits.
- link:
- - name: Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)
- description: The specification of the ACME protocol (RFC 8555).
- link:
- - name: ACME TLS ALPN Challenge Extension
- description: The specification of the C(tls-alpn-01) challenge (RFC 8737).
- link:
- - module: acme_challenge_cert_helper
- description: Helps preparing C(tls-alpn-01) challenges.
- - module: openssl_privatekey
- description: Can be used to create private keys (both for certificates and accounts).
- - module: openssl_csr
- description: Can be used to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
- - module: certificate_complete_chain
- description: Allows to find the root certificate for the returned fullchain.
- - module: acme_certificate_revoke
- description: Allows to revoke certificates.
- - module: acme_account
- description: Allows to create, modify or delete an ACME account.
- - module: acme_inspect
- description: Allows to debug problems.
- - acme
- account_email:
- description:
- - "The email address associated with this account."
- - "It will be used for certificate expiration warnings."
- - "Note that when C(modify_account) is not set to C(no) and you also
- used the M(acme_account) module to specify more than one contact
- for your account, this module will update your account and restrict
- it to the (at most one) contact email address specified here."
- type: str
- agreement:
- description:
- - "URI to a terms of service document you agree to when using the
- ACME v1 service at C(acme_directory)."
- - Default is latest gathered from C(acme_directory) URL.
- - This option will only be used when C(acme_version) is 1.
- type: str
- terms_agreed:
- description:
- - "Boolean indicating whether you agree to the terms of service document."
- - "ACME servers can require this to be true."
- - This option will only be used when C(acme_version) is not 1.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.5"
- modify_account:
- description:
- - "Boolean indicating whether the module should create the account if
- necessary, and update its contact data."
- - "Set to C(no) if you want to use the M(acme_account) module to manage
- your account instead, and to avoid accidental creation of a new account
- using an old key if you changed the account key with M(acme_account)."
- - "If set to C(no), C(terms_agreed) and C(account_email) are ignored."
- type: bool
- default: yes
- version_added: "2.6"
- challenge:
- description: The challenge to be performed.
- type: str
- default: 'http-01'
- choices: [ 'http-01', 'dns-01', 'tls-alpn-01' ]
- csr:
- description:
- - "File containing the CSR for the new certificate."
- - "Can be created with C(openssl req ...)."
- - "The CSR may contain multiple Subject Alternate Names, but each one
- will lead to an individual challenge that must be fulfilled for the
- CSR to be signed."
- - "I(Note): the private key used to create the CSR I(must not) be the
- account key. This is a bad idea from a security point of view, and
- the CA should not accept the CSR. The ACME server should return an
- error in this case."
- type: path
- required: true
- aliases: ['src']
- data:
- description:
- - "The data to validate ongoing challenges. This must be specified for
- the second run of the module only."
- - "The value that must be used here will be provided by a previous use
- of this module. See the examples for more details."
- - "Note that for ACME v2, only the C(order_uri) entry of C(data) will
- be used. For ACME v1, C(data) must be non-empty to indicate the
- second stage is active; all needed data will be taken from the
- CSR."
- - "I(Note): the C(data) option was marked as C(no_log) up to
- Ansible 2.5. From Ansible 2.6 on, it is no longer marked this way
- as it causes error messages to be come unusable, and C(data) does
- not contain any information which can be used without having
- access to the account key or which are not public anyway."
- type: dict
- dest:
- description:
- - "The destination file for the certificate."
- - "Required if C(fullchain_dest) is not specified."
- type: path
- aliases: ['cert']
- fullchain_dest:
- description:
- - "The destination file for the full chain (i.e. certificate followed
- by chain of intermediate certificates)."
- - "Required if C(dest) is not specified."
- type: path
- version_added: 2.5
- aliases: ['fullchain']
- chain_dest:
- description:
- - If specified, the intermediate certificate will be written to this file.
- type: path
- version_added: 2.5
- aliases: ['chain']
- remaining_days:
- description:
- - "The number of days the certificate must have left being valid.
- If C(cert_days < remaining_days), then it will be renewed.
- If the certificate is not renewed, module return values will not
- include C(challenge_data)."
- - "To make sure that the certificate is renewed in any case, you can
- use the C(force) option."
- type: int
- default: 10
- deactivate_authzs:
- description:
- - "Deactivate authentication objects (authz) after issuing a certificate,
- or when issuing the certificate failed."
- - "Authentication objects are bound to an account key and remain valid
- for a certain amount of time, and can be used to issue certificates
- without having to re-authenticate the domain. This can be a security
- concern."
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: 2.6
- force:
- description:
- - Enforces the execution of the challenge and validation, even if an
- existing certificate is still valid for more than C(remaining_days).
- - This is especially helpful when having an updated CSR e.g. with
- additional domains for which a new certificate is desired.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: 2.6
- retrieve_all_alternates:
- description:
- - "When set to C(yes), will retrieve all alternate trust chains offered by the ACME CA.
- These will not be written to disk, but will be returned together with the main
- chain as C(all_chains). See the documentation for the C(all_chains) return
- value for details."
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.9"
- select_chain:
- description:
- - "Allows to specify criteria by which an (alternate) trust chain can be selected."
- - "The list of criteria will be processed one by one until a chain is found
- matching a criterium. If such a chain is found, it will be used by the
- module instead of the default chain."
- - "If a criterium matches multiple chains, the first one matching will be
- returned. The order is determined by the ordering of the C(Link) headers
- returned by the ACME server and might not be deterministic."
- - "Every criterium can consist of multiple different conditions, like I(issuer)
- and I(subject). For the criterium to match a chain, all conditions must apply
- to the same certificate in the chain."
- - "This option can only be used with the C(cryptography) backend."
- type: list
- version_added: "2.10"
- suboptions:
- test_certificates:
- description:
- - "Determines which certificates in the chain will be tested."
- - "I(all) tests all certificates in the chain (excluding the leaf, which is
- identical in all chains)."
- - "I(last) only tests the last certificate in the chain, i.e. the one furthest
- away from the leaf. Its issuer is the root certificate of this chain."
- type: str
- default: all
- choices: [last, all]
- issuer:
- description:
- - "Allows to specify parts of the issuer of a certificate in the chain must
- have to be selected."
- - "If I(issuer) is empty, any certificate will match."
- - 'An example value would be C({"commonName": "My Preferred CA Root"}).'
- type: dict
- subject:
- description:
- - "Allows to specify parts of the subject of a certificate in the chain must
- have to be selected."
- - "If I(subject) is empty, any certificate will match."
- - 'An example value would be C({"CN": "My Preferred CA Intermediate"})'
- type: dict
- subject_key_identifier:
- description:
- - "Checks for the SubjectKeyIdentifier extension. This is an identifier based
- on the private key of the intermediate certificate."
- - "The identifier must be of the form
- C(A8:4A:6A:63:04:7D:DD:BA:E6:D1:39:B7:A6:45:65:EF:F3:A8:EC:A1)."
- type: str
- authority_key_identifier:
- description:
- - "Checks for the AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension. This is an identifier based
- on the private key of the issuer of the intermediate certificate."
- - "The identifier must be of the form
- C(C4:A7:B1:A4:7B:2C:71:FA:DB:E1:4B:90:75:FF:C4:15:60:85:89:10)."
- type: str
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-### Example with HTTP challenge ###
-- name: Create a challenge for using a account key from a variable.
- acme_certificate:
- account_key_content: "{{ account_private_key }}"
- csr: /etc/pki/cert/csr/
- dest: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- register: sample_com_challenge
-# Alternative first step:
-- name: Create a challenge for using a account key from hashi vault.
- acme_certificate:
- account_key_content: "{{ lookup('hashi_vault', 'secret=secret/account_private_key:value') }}"
- csr: /etc/pki/cert/csr/
- fullchain_dest: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- register: sample_com_challenge
-# Alternative first step:
-- name: Create a challenge for using a account key file.
- acme_certificate:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- csr: /etc/pki/cert/csr/
- dest: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- fullchain_dest: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- register: sample_com_challenge
-# perform the necessary steps to fulfill the challenge
-# for example:
-# - copy:
-# dest: /var/www/html/{{ sample_com_challenge['challenge_data']['']['http-01']['resource'] }}
-# content: "{{ sample_com_challenge['challenge_data']['']['http-01']['resource_value'] }}"
-# when: sample_com_challenge is changed
-- name: Let the challenge be validated and retrieve the cert and intermediate certificate
- acme_certificate:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- csr: /etc/pki/cert/csr/
- dest: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- fullchain_dest: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- chain_dest: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- data: "{{ sample_com_challenge }}"
-### Example with DNS challenge against production ACME server ###
-- name: Create a challenge for using a account key file.
- acme_certificate:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- account_email:
- src: /etc/pki/cert/csr/
- cert: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- challenge: dns-01
- acme_directory:
- # Renew if the certificate is at least 30 days old
- remaining_days: 60
- register: sample_com_challenge
-# perform the necessary steps to fulfill the challenge
-# for example:
-# - route53:
-# zone:
-# record: "{{ sample_com_challenge.challenge_data['']['dns-01'].record }}"
-# type: TXT
-# ttl: 60
-# state: present
-# wait: yes
-# # Note: route53 requires TXT entries to be enclosed in quotes
-# value: "{{ sample_com_challenge.challenge_data['']['dns-01'].resource_value | regex_replace('^(.*)$', '\"\\1\"') }}"
-# when: sample_com_challenge is changed
-# Alternative way:
-# - route53:
-# zone:
-# record: "{{ item.key }}"
-# type: TXT
-# ttl: 60
-# state: present
-# wait: yes
-# # Note: item.value is a list of TXT entries, and route53
-# # requires every entry to be enclosed in quotes
-# value: "{{ item.value | map('regex_replace', '^(.*)$', '\"\\1\"' ) | list }}"
-# loop: "{{ sample_com_challenge.challenge_data_dns | dictsort }}"
-# when: sample_com_challenge is changed
-- name: Let the challenge be validated and retrieve the cert and intermediate certificate
- acme_certificate:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- account_email:
- src: /etc/pki/cert/csr/
- cert: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- fullchain: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- chain: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- challenge: dns-01
- acme_directory:
- remaining_days: 60
- data: "{{ sample_com_challenge }}"
- when: sample_com_challenge is changed
-# Alternative second step:
-- name: Let the challenge be validated and retrieve the cert and intermediate certificate
- acme_certificate:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- account_email:
- src: /etc/pki/cert/csr/
- cert: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- fullchain: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- chain: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- challenge: tls-alpn-01
- remaining_days: 60
- data: "{{ sample_com_challenge }}"
- # We use Let's Encrypt's ACME v2 endpoint
- acme_directory:
- acme_version: 2
- # The following makes sure that if a chain with /CN=DST Root CA X3 in its issuer is provided
- # as an alternative, it will be selected. These are the roots cross-signed by IdenTrust.
- # As long as Let's Encrypt provides alternate chains with the cross-signed root(s) when
- # switching to their own ISRG Root X1 root, this will use the chain ending with a cross-signed
- # root. This chain is more compatible with older TLS clients.
- select_chain:
- - test_certificates: last
- issuer:
- CN: DST Root CA X3
- O: Digital Signature Trust Co.
- when: sample_com_challenge is changed
-RETURN = '''
- description: The number of days the certificate remains valid.
- returned: success
- type: int
- description:
- - Per identifier / challenge type challenge data.
- - Since Ansible 2.8.5, only challenges which are not yet valid are returned.
- returned: changed
- type: list
- elements: dict
- contains:
- resource:
- description: The challenge resource that must be created for validation.
- returned: changed
- type: str
- sample: .well-known/acme-challenge/evaGxfADs6pSRb2LAv9IZf17Dt3juxGJ-PCt92wr-oA
- resource_original:
- description:
- - The original challenge resource including type identifier for C(tls-alpn-01)
- challenges.
- returned: changed and challenge is C(tls-alpn-01)
- type: str
- sample:
- version_added: "2.8"
- resource_value:
- description:
- - The value the resource has to produce for the validation.
- - For C(http-01) and C(dns-01) challenges, the value can be used as-is.
- - "For C(tls-alpn-01) challenges, note that this return value contains a
- Base64 encoded version of the correct binary blob which has to be put
- into the acmeValidation x509 extension; see
- U(
- for details. To do this, you might need the C(b64decode) Jinja filter
- to extract the binary blob from this return value."
- returned: changed
- type: str
- sample: IlirfxKKXA...17Dt3juxGJ-PCt92wr-oA
- record:
- description: The full DNS record's name for the challenge.
- returned: changed and challenge is C(dns-01)
- type: str
- sample:
- version_added: "2.5"
- description:
- - List of TXT values per DNS record, in case challenge is C(dns-01).
- - Since Ansible 2.8.5, only challenges which are not yet valid are returned.
- returned: changed
- type: dict
- version_added: "2.5"
- description:
- - ACME authorization data.
- - Maps an identifier to ACME authorization objects. See U(
- returned: changed
- type: dict
- sample: '{"":{...}}'
- description: ACME order URI.
- returned: changed
- type: str
- version_added: "2.5"
- description: ACME finalization URI.
- returned: changed
- type: str
- version_added: "2.5"
- description: ACME account URI.
- returned: changed
- type: str
- version_added: "2.5"
- description:
- - When I(retrieve_all_alternates) is set to C(yes), the module will query the ACME server
- for alternate chains. This return value will contain a list of all chains returned,
- the first entry being the main chain returned by the server.
- - See L(Section 7.4.2 of RFC8555, for details.
- returned: when certificate was retrieved and I(retrieve_all_alternates) is set to C(yes)
- type: list
- elements: dict
- contains:
- cert:
- description:
- - The leaf certificate itself, in PEM format.
- type: str
- returned: always
- chain:
- description:
- - The certificate chain, excluding the root, as concatenated PEM certificates.
- type: str
- returned: always
- full_chain:
- description:
- - The certificate chain, excluding the root, but including the leaf certificate,
- as concatenated PEM certificates.
- type: str
- returned: always
-from ansible.module_utils.acme import (
- ModuleFailException,
- write_file,
- nopad_b64,
- pem_to_der,
- ACMEAccount,
- cryptography_get_csr_identifiers,
- openssl_get_csr_identifiers,
- cryptography_get_cert_days,
- handle_standard_module_arguments,
- process_links,
- get_default_argspec,
-import base64
-import binascii
-import hashlib
-import os
-import re
-import textwrap
-import time
-import traceback
-from datetime import datetime
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native
-from ansible.module_utils.compat import ipaddress as compat_ipaddress
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
- import cryptography
- import cryptography.hazmat.backends
- import cryptography.x509
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-def get_cert_days(module, cert_file):
- '''
- Return the days the certificate in cert_file remains valid and -1
- if the file was not found. If cert_file contains more than one
- certificate, only the first one will be considered.
- '''
- return cryptography_get_cert_days(module, cert_file)
- if not os.path.exists(cert_file):
- return -1
- openssl_bin = module.get_bin_path('openssl', True)
- openssl_cert_cmd = [openssl_bin, "x509", "-in", cert_file, "-noout", "-text"]
- dummy, out, dummy = module.run_command(openssl_cert_cmd, check_rc=True, encoding=None)
- try:
- not_after_str ="\s+Not After\s*:\s+(.*)", out.decode('utf8')).group(1)
- not_after = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(not_after_str, '%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z')))
- except AttributeError:
- raise ModuleFailException("No 'Not after' date found in {0}".format(cert_file))
- except ValueError:
- raise ModuleFailException("Failed to parse 'Not after' date of {0}".format(cert_file))
- now = datetime.utcnow()
- return (not_after - now).days
-class ACMEClient(object):
- '''
- ACME client class. Uses an ACME account object and a CSR to
- start and validate ACME challenges and download the respective
- certificates.
- '''
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.module = module
- self.version = module.params['acme_version']
- self.challenge = module.params['challenge']
- self.csr = module.params['csr']
- self.dest = module.params.get('dest')
- self.fullchain_dest = module.params.get('fullchain_dest')
- self.chain_dest = module.params.get('chain_dest')
- self.account = ACMEAccount(module)
- =
- = module.params['data']
- self.authorizations = None
- self.cert_days = -1
- self.order_uri ='order_uri') if else None
- self.finalize_uri = None
- # Make sure account exists
- modify_account = module.params['modify_account']
- if modify_account or self.version > 1:
- contact = []
- if module.params['account_email']:
- contact.append('mailto:' + module.params['account_email'])
- created, account_data = self.account.setup_account(
- contact,
- agreement=module.params.get('agreement'),
- terms_agreed=module.params.get('terms_agreed'),
- allow_creation=modify_account,
- )
- if account_data is None:
- raise ModuleFailException(msg='Account does not exist or is deactivated.')
- updated = False
- if not created and account_data and modify_account:
- updated, account_data = self.account.update_account(account_data, contact)
- self.changed = created or updated
- else:
- # This happens if modify_account is False and the ACME v1
- # protocol is used. In this case, we do not call setup_account()
- # to avoid accidental creation of an account. This is OK
- # since for ACME v1, the account URI is not needed to send a
- # signed ACME request.
- pass
- if not os.path.exists(self.csr):
- raise ModuleFailException("CSR %s not found" % (self.csr))
- self._openssl_bin = module.get_bin_path('openssl', True)
- # Extract list of identifiers from CSR
- self.identifiers = self._get_csr_identifiers()
- def _get_csr_identifiers(self):
- '''
- Parse the CSR and return the list of requested identifiers
- '''
- return cryptography_get_csr_identifiers(self.module, self.csr)
- else:
- return openssl_get_csr_identifiers(self._openssl_bin, self.module, self.csr)
- def _add_or_update_auth(self, identifier_type, identifier, auth):
- '''
- Add or update the given authorization in the global authorizations list.
- Return True if the auth was updated/added and False if no change was
- necessary.
- '''
- if self.authorizations.get(identifier_type + ':' + identifier) == auth:
- return False
- self.authorizations[identifier_type + ':' + identifier] = auth
- return True
- def _new_authz_v1(self, identifier_type, identifier):
- '''
- Create a new authorization for the given identifier.
- Return the authorization object of the new authorization
- '''
- new_authz = {
- "resource": "new-authz",
- "identifier": {"type": identifier_type, "value": identifier},
- }
- result, info = self.account.send_signed_request(['new-authz'], new_authz)
- if info['status'] not in [200, 201]:
- raise ModuleFailException("Error requesting challenges: CODE: {0} RESULT: {1}".format(info['status'], result))
- else:
- result['uri'] = info['location']
- return result
- def _get_challenge_data(self, auth, identifier_type, identifier):
- '''
- Returns a dict with the data for all proposed (and supported) challenges
- of the given authorization.
- '''
- data = {}
- # no need to choose a specific challenge here as this module
- # is not responsible for fulfilling the challenges. Calculate
- # and return the required information for each challenge.
- for challenge in auth['challenges']:
- challenge_type = challenge['type']
- token = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]", "_", challenge['token'])
- keyauthorization = self.account.get_keyauthorization(token)
- if challenge_type == 'http-01':
- #
- resource = '.well-known/acme-challenge/' + token
- data[challenge_type] = {'resource': resource, 'resource_value': keyauthorization}
- elif challenge_type == 'dns-01':
- if identifier_type != 'dns':
- continue
- #
- resource = '_acme-challenge'
- value = nopad_b64(hashlib.sha256(to_bytes(keyauthorization)).digest())
- record = (resource + identifier[1:]) if identifier.startswith('*.') else (resource + '.' + identifier)
- data[challenge_type] = {'resource': resource, 'resource_value': value, 'record': record}
- elif challenge_type == 'tls-alpn-01':
- #
- if identifier_type == 'ip':
- # IPv4/IPv6 address: use reverse mapping (RFC1034, RFC3596)
- resource = compat_ipaddress.ip_address(identifier).reverse_pointer
- if not resource.endswith('.'):
- resource += '.'
- else:
- resource = identifier
- value = base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256(to_bytes(keyauthorization)).digest())
- data[challenge_type] = {'resource': resource, 'resource_original': identifier_type + ':' + identifier, 'resource_value': value}
- else:
- continue
- return data
- def _fail_challenge(self, identifier_type, identifier, auth, error):
- '''
- Aborts with a specific error for a challenge.
- '''
- error_details = ''
- # multiple challenges could have failed at this point, gather error
- # details for all of them before failing
- for challenge in auth['challenges']:
- if challenge['status'] == 'invalid':
- error_details += ' CHALLENGE: {0}'.format(challenge['type'])
- if 'error' in challenge:
- error_details += ' DETAILS: {0};'.format(challenge['error']['detail'])
- else:
- error_details += ';'
- raise ModuleFailException("{0}: {1}".format(error.format(identifier_type + ':' + identifier), error_details))
- def _validate_challenges(self, identifier_type, identifier, auth):
- '''
- Validate the authorization provided in the auth dict. Returns True
- when the validation was successful and False when it was not.
- '''
- for challenge in auth['challenges']:
- if self.challenge != challenge['type']:
- continue
- uri = challenge['uri'] if self.version == 1 else challenge['url']
- challenge_response = {}
- if self.version == 1:
- token = re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_\-]", "_", challenge['token'])
- keyauthorization = self.account.get_keyauthorization(token)
- challenge_response["resource"] = "challenge"
- challenge_response["keyAuthorization"] = keyauthorization
- challenge_response["type"] = self.challenge
- result, info = self.account.send_signed_request(uri, challenge_response)
- if info['status'] not in [200, 202]:
- raise ModuleFailException("Error validating challenge: CODE: {0} RESULT: {1}".format(info['status'], result))
- status = ''
- while status not in ['valid', 'invalid', 'revoked']:
- result, dummy = self.account.get_request(auth['uri'])
- result['uri'] = auth['uri']
- if self._add_or_update_auth(identifier_type, identifier, result):
- self.changed = True
- #
- # "status (required, string): ...
- # If this field is missing, then the default value is "pending"."
- if self.version == 1 and 'status' not in result:
- status = 'pending'
- else:
- status = result['status']
- time.sleep(2)
- if status == 'invalid':
- self._fail_challenge(identifier_type, identifier, result, 'Authorization for {0} returned invalid')
- return status == 'valid'
- def _finalize_cert(self):
- '''
- Create a new certificate based on the csr.
- Return the certificate object as dict
- '''
- csr = pem_to_der(self.csr)
- new_cert = {
- "csr": nopad_b64(csr),
- }
- result, info = self.account.send_signed_request(self.finalize_uri, new_cert)
- if info['status'] not in [200]:
- raise ModuleFailException("Error new cert: CODE: {0} RESULT: {1}".format(info['status'], result))
- status = result['status']
- while status not in ['valid', 'invalid']:
- time.sleep(2)
- result, dummy = self.account.get_request(self.order_uri)
- status = result['status']
- if status != 'valid':
- raise ModuleFailException("Error new cert: CODE: {0} STATUS: {1} RESULT: {2}".format(info['status'], status, result))
- return result['certificate']
- def _der_to_pem(self, der_cert):
- '''
- Convert the DER format certificate in der_cert to a PEM format
- certificate and return it.
- '''
- return """-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n{0}\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n""".format(
- "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(base64.b64encode(der_cert).decode('utf8'), 64)))
- def _download_cert(self, url):
- '''
- Download and parse the certificate chain.
- '''
- content, info = self.account.get_request(url, parse_json_result=False, headers={'Accept': 'application/pem-certificate-chain'})
- if not content or not info['content-type'].startswith('application/pem-certificate-chain'):
- raise ModuleFailException("Cannot download certificate chain from {0}: {1} (headers: {2})".format(url, content, info))
- cert = None
- chain = []
- # Parse data
- lines = content.decode('utf-8').splitlines(True)
- current = []
- for line in lines:
- if line.strip():
- current.append(line)
- if line.startswith('-----END CERTIFICATE-----'):
- if cert is None:
- cert = ''.join(current)
- else:
- chain.append(''.join(current))
- current = []
- alternates = []
- def f(link, relation):
- if relation == 'up':
- # Process link-up headers if there was no chain in reply
- if not chain:
- chain_result, chain_info = self.account.get_request(link, parse_json_result=False)
- if chain_info['status'] in [200, 201]:
- chain.append(self._der_to_pem(chain_result))
- elif relation == 'alternate':
- alternates.append(link)
- process_links(info, f)
- if cert is None or current:
- raise ModuleFailException("Failed to parse certificate chain download from {0}: {1} (headers: {2})".format(url, content, info))
- return {'cert': cert, 'chain': chain, 'alternates': alternates}
- def _new_cert_v1(self):
- '''
- Create a new certificate based on the CSR (ACME v1 protocol).
- Return the certificate object as dict
- '''
- csr = pem_to_der(self.csr)
- new_cert = {
- "resource": "new-cert",
- "csr": nopad_b64(csr),
- }
- result, info = self.account.send_signed_request(['new-cert'], new_cert)
- chain = []
- def f(link, relation):
- if relation == 'up':
- chain_result, chain_info = self.account.get_request(link, parse_json_result=False)
- if chain_info['status'] in [200, 201]:
- del chain[:]
- chain.append(self._der_to_pem(chain_result))
- process_links(info, f)
- if info['status'] not in [200, 201]:
- raise ModuleFailException("Error new cert: CODE: {0} RESULT: {1}".format(info['status'], result))
- else:
- return {'cert': self._der_to_pem(result), 'uri': info['location'], 'chain': chain}
- def _new_order_v2(self):
- '''
- Start a new certificate order (ACME v2 protocol).
- '''
- identifiers = []
- for identifier_type, identifier in self.identifiers:
- identifiers.append({
- 'type': identifier_type,
- 'value': identifier,
- })
- new_order = {
- "identifiers": identifiers
- }
- result, info = self.account.send_signed_request(['newOrder'], new_order)
- if info['status'] not in [201]:
- raise ModuleFailException("Error new order: CODE: {0} RESULT: {1}".format(info['status'], result))
- for auth_uri in result['authorizations']:
- auth_data, dummy = self.account.get_request(auth_uri)
- auth_data['uri'] = auth_uri
- identifier_type = auth_data['identifier']['type']
- identifier = auth_data['identifier']['value']
- if auth_data.get('wildcard', False):
- identifier = '*.{0}'.format(identifier)
- self.authorizations[identifier_type + ':' + identifier] = auth_data
- self.order_uri = info['location']
- self.finalize_uri = result['finalize']
- def is_first_step(self):
- '''
- Return True if this is the first execution of this module, i.e. if a
- sufficient data object from a first run has not been provided.
- '''
- if is None:
- return True
- if self.version == 1:
- # As soon as is a non-empty object, we are in the second stage.
- return not
- else:
- # We are in the second stage if data.order_uri is given (which has been
- # stored in self.order_uri by the constructor).
- return self.order_uri is None
- def start_challenges(self):
- '''
- Create new authorizations for all identifiers of the CSR,
- respectively start a new order for ACME v2.
- '''
- self.authorizations = {}
- if self.version == 1:
- for identifier_type, identifier in self.identifiers:
- if identifier_type != 'dns':
- raise ModuleFailException('ACME v1 only supports DNS identifiers!')
- for identifier_type, identifier in self.identifiers:
- new_auth = self._new_authz_v1(identifier_type, identifier)
- self._add_or_update_auth(identifier_type, identifier, new_auth)
- else:
- self._new_order_v2()
- self.changed = True
- def get_challenges_data(self):
- '''
- Get challenge details for the chosen challenge type.
- Return a tuple of generic challenge details, and specialized DNS challenge details.
- '''
- # Get general challenge data
- data = {}
- for type_identifier, auth in self.authorizations.items():
- identifier_type, identifier = type_identifier.split(':', 1)
- auth = self.authorizations[type_identifier]
- # Skip valid authentications: their challenges are already valid
- # and do not need to be returned
- if auth['status'] == 'valid':
- continue
- # We drop the type from the key to preserve backwards compatibility
- data[identifier] = self._get_challenge_data(auth, identifier_type, identifier)
- # Get DNS challenge data
- data_dns = {}
- if self.challenge == 'dns-01':
- for identifier, challenges in data.items():
- if self.challenge in challenges:
- values = data_dns.get(challenges[self.challenge]['record'])
- if values is None:
- values = []
- data_dns[challenges[self.challenge]['record']] = values
- values.append(challenges[self.challenge]['resource_value'])
- return data, data_dns
- def finish_challenges(self):
- '''
- Verify challenges for all identifiers of the CSR.
- '''
- self.authorizations = {}
- # Step 1: obtain challenge information
- if self.version == 1:
- # For ACME v1, we attempt to create new authzs. Existing ones
- # will be returned instead.
- for identifier_type, identifier in self.identifiers:
- new_auth = self._new_authz_v1(identifier_type, identifier)
- self._add_or_update_auth(identifier_type, identifier, new_auth)
- else:
- # For ACME v2, we obtain the order object by fetching the
- # order URI, and extract the information from there.
- result, info = self.account.get_request(self.order_uri)
- if not result:
- raise ModuleFailException("Cannot download order from {0}: {1} (headers: {2})".format(self.order_uri, result, info))
- if info['status'] not in [200]:
- raise ModuleFailException("Error on downloading order: CODE: {0} RESULT: {1}".format(info['status'], result))
- for auth_uri in result['authorizations']:
- auth_data, dummy = self.account.get_request(auth_uri)
- auth_data['uri'] = auth_uri
- identifier_type = auth_data['identifier']['type']
- identifier = auth_data['identifier']['value']
- if auth_data.get('wildcard', False):
- identifier = '*.{0}'.format(identifier)
- self.authorizations[identifier_type + ':' + identifier] = auth_data
- self.finalize_uri = result['finalize']
- # Step 2: validate challenges
- for type_identifier, auth in self.authorizations.items():
- if auth['status'] == 'pending':
- identifier_type, identifier = type_identifier.split(':', 1)
- self._validate_challenges(identifier_type, identifier, auth)
- def _chain_matches(self, chain, criterium):
- '''
- Check whether an alternate chain matches the specified criterium.
- '''
- if criterium['test_certificates'] == 'last':
- chain = chain[-1:]
- for cert in chain:
- try:
- x509 = cryptography.x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(to_bytes(cert), cryptography.hazmat.backends.default_backend())
- matches = True
- if criterium['subject']:
- for k, v in crypto_utils.parse_name_field(criterium['subject']):
- oid = crypto_utils.cryptography_name_to_oid(k)
- value = to_native(v)
- found = False
- for attribute in x509.subject:
- if attribute.oid == oid and value == to_native(attribute.value):
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- matches = False
- break
- if criterium['issuer']:
- for k, v in crypto_utils.parse_name_field(criterium['issuer']):
- oid = crypto_utils.cryptography_name_to_oid(k)
- value = to_native(v)
- found = False
- for attribute in x509.issuer:
- if attribute.oid == oid and value == to_native(attribute.value):
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- matches = False
- break
- if criterium['subject_key_identifier']:
- try:
- ext = x509.extensions.get_extension_for_class(cryptography.x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier)
- if criterium['subject_key_identifier'] != ext.value.digest:
- matches = False
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- matches = False
- if criterium['authority_key_identifier']:
- try:
- ext = x509.extensions.get_extension_for_class(cryptography.x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier)
- if criterium['authority_key_identifier'] != ext.value.key_identifier:
- matches = False
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- matches = False
- if matches:
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- self.module.warn('Error while loading certificate {0}: {1}'.format(cert, e))
- return False
- def get_certificate(self):
- '''
- Request a new certificate and write it to the destination file.
- First verifies whether all authorizations are valid; if not, aborts
- with an error.
- '''
- for identifier_type, identifier in self.identifiers:
- auth = self.authorizations.get(identifier_type + ':' + identifier)
- if auth is None:
- raise ModuleFailException('Found no authorization information for "{0}"!'.format(identifier_type + ':' + identifier))
- if 'status' not in auth:
- self._fail_challenge(identifier_type, identifier, auth, 'Authorization for {0} returned no status')
- if auth['status'] != 'valid':
- self._fail_challenge(identifier_type, identifier, auth, 'Authorization for {0} returned status ' + str(auth['status']))
- if self.version == 1:
- cert = self._new_cert_v1()
- else:
- cert_uri = self._finalize_cert()
- cert = self._download_cert(cert_uri)
- if self.module.params['retrieve_all_alternates'] or self.module.params['select_chain']:
- # Retrieve alternate chains
- alternate_chains = []
- for alternate in cert['alternates']:
- try:
- alt_cert = self._download_cert(alternate)
- except ModuleFailException as e:
- self.module.warn('Error while downloading alternative certificate {0}: {1}'.format(alternate, e))
- continue
- alternate_chains.append(alt_cert)
- # Prepare return value for all alternate chains
- if self.module.params['retrieve_all_alternates']:
- self.all_chains = []
- def _append_all_chains(cert_data):
- self.all_chains.append(dict(
- cert=cert_data['cert'].encode('utf8'),
- chain=("\n".join(cert_data.get('chain', []))).encode('utf8'),
- full_chain=(cert_data['cert'] + "\n".join(cert_data.get('chain', []))).encode('utf8'),
- ))
- _append_all_chains(cert)
- for alt_chain in alternate_chains:
- _append_all_chains(alt_chain)
- # Try to select alternate chain depending on criteria
- if self.module.params['select_chain']:
- matching_chain = None
- all_chains = [cert] + alternate_chains
- for criterium_idx, criterium in enumerate(self.module.params['select_chain']):
- for v in ('subject_key_identifier', 'authority_key_identifier'):
- if criterium[v]:
- try:
- criterium[v] = binascii.unhexlify(criterium[v].replace(':', ''))
- except Exception:
- self.module.warn('Criterium {0} in select_chain has invalid {1} value. '
- 'Ignoring criterium.'.format(criterium_idx, v))
- continue
- for alt_chain in all_chains:
- if self._chain_matches(alt_chain.get('chain', []), criterium):
- self.module.debug('Found matching chain for criterium {0}'.format(criterium_idx))
- matching_chain = alt_chain
- break
- if matching_chain:
- break
- if matching_chain:
- cert.update(matching_chain)
- else:
- self.module.debug('Found no matching alternative chain')
- if cert['cert'] is not None:
- pem_cert = cert['cert']
- chain = [link for link in cert.get('chain', [])]
- if self.dest and write_file(self.module, self.dest, pem_cert.encode('utf8')):
- self.cert_days = get_cert_days(self.module, self.dest)
- self.changed = True
- if self.fullchain_dest and write_file(self.module, self.fullchain_dest, (pem_cert + "\n".join(chain)).encode('utf8')):
- self.cert_days = get_cert_days(self.module, self.fullchain_dest)
- self.changed = True
- if self.chain_dest and write_file(self.module, self.chain_dest, ("\n".join(chain)).encode('utf8')):
- self.changed = True
- def deactivate_authzs(self):
- '''
- Deactivates all valid authz's. Does not raise exceptions.
- '''
- authz_deactivate = {
- 'status': 'deactivated'
- }
- if self.version == 1:
- authz_deactivate['resource'] = 'authz'
- if self.authorizations:
- for identifier_type, identifier in self.identifiers:
- auth = self.authorizations.get(identifier_type + ':' + identifier)
- if auth is None or auth.get('status') != 'valid':
- continue
- try:
- result, info = self.account.send_signed_request(auth['uri'], authz_deactivate)
- if 200 <= info['status'] < 300 and result.get('status') == 'deactivated':
- auth['status'] = 'deactivated'
- except Exception as dummy:
- # Ignore errors on deactivating authzs
- pass
- if auth.get('status') != 'deactivated':
- self.module.warn(warning='Could not deactivate authz object {0}.'.format(auth['uri']))
-def main():
- argument_spec = get_default_argspec()
- argument_spec.update(dict(
- modify_account=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- account_email=dict(type='str'),
- agreement=dict(type='str'),
- terms_agreed=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- challenge=dict(type='str', default='http-01', choices=['http-01', 'dns-01', 'tls-alpn-01']),
- csr=dict(type='path', required=True, aliases=['src']),
- data=dict(type='dict'),
- dest=dict(type='path', aliases=['cert']),
- fullchain_dest=dict(type='path', aliases=['fullchain']),
- chain_dest=dict(type='path', aliases=['chain']),
- remaining_days=dict(type='int', default=10),
- deactivate_authzs=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- retrieve_all_alternates=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- select_chain=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=dict(
- test_certificates=dict(type='str', default='all', choices=['last', 'all']),
- issuer=dict(type='dict'),
- subject=dict(type='dict'),
- subject_key_identifier=dict(type='str'),
- authority_key_identifier=dict(type='str'),
- )),
- ))
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_one_of=(
- ['account_key_src', 'account_key_content'],
- ['dest', 'fullchain_dest'],
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['account_key_src', 'account_key_content'],
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- backend = handle_standard_module_arguments(module)
- if module.params['select_chain']:
- if backend != 'cryptography':
- module.fail_json(msg="The 'select_chain' can only be used with the 'cryptography' backend.")
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography'))
- try:
- if module.params.get('dest'):
- cert_days = get_cert_days(module, module.params['dest'])
- else:
- cert_days = get_cert_days(module, module.params['fullchain_dest'])
- if module.params['force'] or cert_days < module.params['remaining_days']:
- # If checkmode is active, base the changed state solely on the status
- # of the certificate file as all other actions (accessing an account, checking
- # the authorization status...) would lead to potential changes of the current
- # state
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(changed=True, authorizations={}, challenge_data={}, cert_days=cert_days)
- else:
- client = ACMEClient(module)
- client.cert_days = cert_days
- other = dict()
- if client.is_first_step():
- # First run: start challenges / start new order
- client.start_challenges()
- else:
- # Second run: finish challenges, and get certificate
- try:
- client.finish_challenges()
- client.get_certificate()
- if module.params['retrieve_all_alternates']:
- other['all_chains'] = client.all_chains
- finally:
- if module.params['deactivate_authzs']:
- client.deactivate_authzs()
- data, data_dns = client.get_challenges_data()
- auths = dict()
- for k, v in client.authorizations.items():
- # Remove "type:" from key
- auths[k.split(':', 1)[1]] = v
- module.exit_json(
- changed=client.changed,
- authorizations=auths,
- finalize_uri=client.finalize_uri,
- order_uri=client.order_uri,
- account_uri=client.account.uri,
- challenge_data=data,
- challenge_data_dns=data_dns,
- cert_days=client.cert_days,
- **other
- )
- else:
- module.exit_json(changed=False, cert_days=cert_days)
- except ModuleFailException as e:
- e.do_fail(module)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/
deleted file mode 100644
index b048e8e675..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2016 Michael Gruener <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: acme_certificate_revoke
-author: "Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)"
-version_added: "2.7"
-short_description: Revoke certificates with the ACME protocol
- - "Allows to revoke certificates issued by a CA supporting the
- L(ACME protocol,,
- such as L(Let's Encrypt,"
- - "Exactly one of C(account_key_src), C(account_key_content),
- C(private_key_src) or C(private_key_content) must be specified."
- - "Trying to revoke an already revoked certificate
- should result in an unchanged status, even if the revocation reason
- was different than the one specified here. Also, depending on the
- server, it can happen that some other error is returned if the
- certificate has already been revoked."
- - name: The Let's Encrypt documentation
- description: Documentation for the Let's Encrypt Certification Authority.
- Provides useful information for example on rate limits.
- link:
- - name: Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)
- description: The specification of the ACME protocol (RFC 8555).
- link:
- - module: acme_inspect
- description: Allows to debug problems.
- - acme
- certificate:
- description:
- - "Path to the certificate to revoke."
- type: path
- required: yes
- account_key_src:
- description:
- - "Path to a file containing the ACME account RSA or Elliptic Curve
- key."
- - "RSA keys can be created with C(openssl rsa ...). Elliptic curve keys can
- be created with C(openssl ecparam -genkey ...). Any other tool creating
- private keys in PEM format can be used as well."
- - "Mutually exclusive with C(account_key_content)."
- - "Required if C(account_key_content) is not used."
- type: path
- account_key_content:
- description:
- - "Content of the ACME account RSA or Elliptic Curve key."
- - "Note that exactly one of C(account_key_src), C(account_key_content),
- C(private_key_src) or C(private_key_content) must be specified."
- - "I(Warning): the content will be written into a temporary file, which will
- be deleted by Ansible when the module completes. Since this is an
- important private key — it can be used to change the account key,
- or to revoke your certificates without knowing their private keys
- —, this might not be acceptable."
- - "In case C(cryptography) is used, the content is not written into a
- temporary file. It can still happen that it is written to disk by
- Ansible in the process of moving the module with its argument to
- the node where it is executed."
- type: str
- private_key_src:
- description:
- - "Path to the certificate's private key."
- - "Note that exactly one of C(account_key_src), C(account_key_content),
- C(private_key_src) or C(private_key_content) must be specified."
- type: path
- private_key_content:
- description:
- - "Content of the certificate's private key."
- - "Note that exactly one of C(account_key_src), C(account_key_content),
- C(private_key_src) or C(private_key_content) must be specified."
- - "I(Warning): the content will be written into a temporary file, which will
- be deleted by Ansible when the module completes. Since this is an
- important private key — it can be used to change the account key,
- or to revoke your certificates without knowing their private keys
- —, this might not be acceptable."
- - "In case C(cryptography) is used, the content is not written into a
- temporary file. It can still happen that it is written to disk by
- Ansible in the process of moving the module with its argument to
- the node where it is executed."
- type: str
- revoke_reason:
- description:
- - "One of the revocation reasonCodes defined in
- L(Section 5.3.1 of RFC5280,"
- - "Possible values are C(0) (unspecified), C(1) (keyCompromise),
- C(2) (cACompromise), C(3) (affiliationChanged), C(4) (superseded),
- C(5) (cessationOfOperation), C(6) (certificateHold),
- C(8) (removeFromCRL), C(9) (privilegeWithdrawn),
- C(10) (aACompromise)"
- type: int
-- name: Revoke certificate with account key
- acme_certificate_revoke:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- certificate: /etc/httpd/ssl/
-- name: Revoke certificate with certificate's private key
- acme_certificate_revoke:
- private_key_src: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- certificate: /etc/httpd/ssl/
-RETURN = '''
-from ansible.module_utils.acme import (
- ModuleFailException,
- ACMEAccount,
- nopad_b64,
- pem_to_der,
- handle_standard_module_arguments,
- get_default_argspec,
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-def main():
- argument_spec = get_default_argspec()
- argument_spec.update(dict(
- private_key_src=dict(type='path'),
- private_key_content=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- certificate=dict(type='path', required=True),
- revoke_reason=dict(type='int'),
- ))
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_one_of=(
- ['account_key_src', 'account_key_content', 'private_key_src', 'private_key_content'],
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['account_key_src', 'account_key_content', 'private_key_src', 'private_key_content'],
- ),
- supports_check_mode=False,
- )
- handle_standard_module_arguments(module)
- try:
- account = ACMEAccount(module)
- # Load certificate
- certificate = pem_to_der(module.params.get('certificate'))
- certificate = nopad_b64(certificate)
- # Construct payload
- payload = {
- 'certificate': certificate
- }
- if module.params.get('revoke_reason') is not None:
- payload['reason'] = module.params.get('revoke_reason')
- # Determine endpoint
- if module.params.get('acme_version') == 1:
- endpoint =['revoke-cert']
- payload['resource'] = 'revoke-cert'
- else:
- endpoint =['revokeCert']
- # Get hold of private key (if available) and make sure it comes from disk
- private_key = module.params.get('private_key_src')
- private_key_content = module.params.get('private_key_content')
- # Revoke certificate
- if private_key or private_key_content:
- # Step 1: load and parse private key
- error, private_key_data = account.parse_key(private_key, private_key_content)
- if error:
- raise ModuleFailException("error while parsing private key: %s" % error)
- # Step 2: sign revokation request with private key
- jws_header = {
- "alg": private_key_data['alg'],
- "jwk": private_key_data['jwk'],
- }
- result, info = account.send_signed_request(endpoint, payload, key_data=private_key_data, jws_header=jws_header)
- else:
- # Step 1: get hold of account URI
- created, account_data = account.setup_account(allow_creation=False)
- if created:
- raise AssertionError('Unwanted account creation')
- if account_data is None:
- raise ModuleFailException(msg='Account does not exist or is deactivated.')
- # Step 2: sign revokation request with account key
- result, info = account.send_signed_request(endpoint, payload)
- if info['status'] != 200:
- already_revoked = False
- # Standardized error from draft 14 on (
- if result.get('type') == 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:alreadyRevoked':
- already_revoked = True
- else:
- # Hack for Boulder errors
- if module.params.get('acme_version') == 1:
- error_type = 'urn:acme:error:malformed'
- else:
- error_type = 'urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed'
- if result.get('type') == error_type and result.get('detail') == 'Certificate already revoked':
- # Fallback: boulder returns this in case the certificate was already revoked.
- already_revoked = True
- # If we know the certificate was already revoked, we don't fail,
- # but successfully terminate while indicating no change
- if already_revoked:
- module.exit_json(changed=False)
- raise ModuleFailException('Error revoking certificate: {0} {1}'.format(info['status'], result))
- module.exit_json(changed=True)
- except ModuleFailException as e:
- e.do_fail(module)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a355cb1c1..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2018 Felix Fontein <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: acme_challenge_cert_helper
-author: "Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)"
-version_added: "2.7"
-short_description: Prepare certificates required for ACME challenges such as C(tls-alpn-01)
- - "Prepares certificates for ACME challenges such as C(tls-alpn-01)."
- - "The raw data is provided by the M(acme_certificate) module, and needs to be
- converted to a certificate to be used for challenge validation. This module
- provides a simple way to generate the required certificates."
- - name: Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)
- description: The specification of the ACME protocol (RFC 8555).
- link:
- - name: ACME TLS ALPN Challenge Extension
- description: The specification of the C(tls-alpn-01) challenge (RFC 8737).
- link:
- - "cryptography >= 1.3"
- challenge:
- description:
- - "The challenge type."
- type: str
- required: yes
- choices:
- - tls-alpn-01
- challenge_data:
- description:
- - "The C(challenge_data) entry provided by M(acme_certificate) for the challenge."
- type: dict
- required: yes
- private_key_src:
- description:
- - "Path to a file containing the private key file to use for this challenge
- certificate."
- - "Mutually exclusive with C(private_key_content)."
- type: path
- private_key_content:
- description:
- - "Content of the private key to use for this challenge certificate."
- - "Mutually exclusive with C(private_key_src)."
- type: str
-- name: Create challenges for a given CRT for
- acme_certificate:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- challenge: tls-alpn-01
- csr: /etc/pki/cert/csr/
- dest: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- register: sample_com_challenge
-- name: Create certificates for challenges
- acme_challenge_cert_helper:
- challenge: tls-alpn-01
- challenge_data: "{{ item.value['tls-alpn-01'] }}"
- private_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/key/
- loop: "{{ sample_com_challenge.challenge_data | dictsort }}"
- register: sample_com_challenge_certs
-- name: Install challenge certificates
- # We need to set up HTTPS such that for the domain,
- # regular_certificate is delivered for regular connections,
- # except if ALPN selects the "acme-tls/1"; then, the
- # challenge_certificate must be delivered.
- # This can for example be achieved with very new versions
- # of NGINX; search for ssl_preread and
- # ssl_preread_alpn_protocols for information on how to
- # route by ALPN protocol.
- ...:
- domain: "{{ item.domain }}"
- challenge_certificate: "{{ item.challenge_certificate }}"
- regular_certificate: "{{ item.regular_certificate }}"
- private_key: /etc/pki/cert/key/
- loop: "{{ sample_com_challenge_certs.results }}"
-- name: Create certificate for a given CSR for
- acme_certificate:
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- challenge: tls-alpn-01
- csr: /etc/pki/cert/csr/
- dest: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- data: "{{ sample_com_challenge }}"
-RETURN = '''
- description:
- - "The domain the challenge is for. The certificate should be provided if
- this is specified in the request's the C(Host) header."
- returned: always
- type: str
- description:
- - "The identifier type for the actual resource identifier. Will be C(dns)
- or C(ip)."
- returned: always
- type: str
- version_added: "2.8"
- description:
- - "The identifier for the actual resource. Will be a domain name if the
- type is C(dns), or an IP address if the type is C(ip)."
- returned: always
- type: str
- version_added: "2.8"
- description:
- - "The challenge certificate in PEM format."
- returned: always
- type: str
- description:
- - "A self-signed certificate for the challenge domain."
- - "If no existing certificate exists, can be used to set-up
- https in the first place if that is needed for providing
- the challenge."
- returned: always
- type: str
-from ansible.module_utils.acme import (
- ModuleFailException,
- read_file,
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text
-import base64
-import datetime
-import sys
-import traceback
- import cryptography
- import cryptography.hazmat.backends
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa
- import
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils
- import cryptography.x509
- import cryptography.x509.oid
- import ipaddress
- from distutils.version import LooseVersion
- HAS_CRYPTOGRAPHY = (LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__) >= LooseVersion('1.3'))
- _cryptography_backend = cryptography.hazmat.backends.default_backend()
-except ImportError as dummy:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-# Convert byte string to ASN1 encoded octet string
-if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
- def encode_octet_string(octet_string):
- if len(octet_string) >= 128:
- raise ModuleFailException('Cannot handle octet strings with more than 128 bytes')
- return bytes([0x4, len(octet_string)]) + octet_string
- def encode_octet_string(octet_string):
- if len(octet_string) >= 128:
- raise ModuleFailException('Cannot handle octet strings with more than 128 bytes')
- return b'\x04' + chr(len(octet_string)) + octet_string
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- challenge=dict(type='str', required=True, choices=['tls-alpn-01']),
- challenge_data=dict(type='dict', required=True),
- private_key_src=dict(type='path'),
- private_key_content=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- ),
- required_one_of=(
- ['private_key_src', 'private_key_content'],
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['private_key_src', 'private_key_content'],
- ),
- )
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= 1.3'), exception=CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR)
- try:
- # Get parameters
- challenge = module.params['challenge']
- challenge_data = module.params['challenge_data']
- # Get hold of private key
- private_key_content = module.params.get('private_key_content')
- if private_key_content is None:
- private_key_content = read_file(module.params['private_key_src'])
- else:
- private_key_content = to_bytes(private_key_content)
- try:
- private_key = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_pem_private_key(private_key_content, password=None, backend=_cryptography_backend)
- except Exception as e:
- raise ModuleFailException('Error while loading private key: {0}'.format(e))
- # Some common attributes
- domain = to_text(challenge_data['resource'])
- identifier_type, identifier = to_text(challenge_data.get('resource_original', 'dns:' + challenge_data['resource'])).split(':', 1)
- subject = issuer = cryptography.x509.Name([])
- not_valid_before = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- not_valid_after = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=10)
- if identifier_type == 'dns':
- san = cryptography.x509.DNSName(identifier)
- elif identifier_type == 'ip':
- san = cryptography.x509.IPAddress(ipaddress.ip_address(identifier))
- else:
- raise ModuleFailException('Unsupported identifier type "{0}"'.format(identifier_type))
- # Generate regular self-signed certificate
- regular_certificate = cryptography.x509.CertificateBuilder().subject_name(
- subject
- ).issuer_name(
- issuer
- ).public_key(
- private_key.public_key()
- ).serial_number(
- cryptography.x509.random_serial_number()
- ).not_valid_before(
- not_valid_before
- ).not_valid_after(
- not_valid_after
- ).add_extension(
- cryptography.x509.SubjectAlternativeName([san]),
- critical=False,
- ).sign(
- private_key,
- cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256(),
- _cryptography_backend
- )
- # Process challenge
- if challenge == 'tls-alpn-01':
- value = base64.b64decode(challenge_data['resource_value'])
- challenge_certificate = cryptography.x509.CertificateBuilder().subject_name(
- subject
- ).issuer_name(
- issuer
- ).public_key(
- private_key.public_key()
- ).serial_number(
- cryptography.x509.random_serial_number()
- ).not_valid_before(
- not_valid_before
- ).not_valid_after(
- not_valid_after
- ).add_extension(
- cryptography.x509.SubjectAlternativeName([san]),
- critical=False,
- ).add_extension(
- cryptography.x509.UnrecognizedExtension(
- cryptography.x509.ObjectIdentifier(""),
- encode_octet_string(value),
- ),
- critical=True,
- ).sign(
- private_key,
- cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256(),
- _cryptography_backend
- )
- module.exit_json(
- changed=True,
- domain=domain,
- identifier_type=identifier_type,
- identifier=identifier,
- challenge_certificate=challenge_certificate.public_bytes(cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding.PEM),
- regular_certificate=regular_certificate.public_bytes(cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding.PEM)
- )
- except ModuleFailException as e:
- e.do_fail(module)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/
deleted file mode 100644
index 05ff506b20..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/acme/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2018 Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: acme_inspect
-author: "Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)"
-version_added: "2.8"
-short_description: Send direct requests to an ACME server
- - "Allows to send direct requests to an ACME server with the
- L(ACME protocol,,
- which is supported by CAs such as L(Let's Encrypt,"
- - "This module can be used to debug failed certificate request attempts,
- for example when M(acme_certificate) fails or encounters a problem which
- you wish to investigate."
- - "The module can also be used to directly access features of an ACME servers
- which are not yet supported by the Ansible ACME modules."
- - "The I(account_uri) option must be specified for properly authenticated
- ACME v2 requests (except a C(new-account) request)."
- - "Using the C(ansible) tool, M(acme_inspect) can be used to directly execute
- ACME requests without the need of writing a playbook. For example, the
- following command retrieves the ACME account with ID 1 from Let's Encrypt
- (assuming C(/path/to/key) is the correct private account key):
- C(ansible localhost -m acme_inspect -a \"account_key_src=/path/to/key
- acme_directory= acme_version=2
- account_uri= method=get
- url=\")"
- - name: Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME)
- description: The specification of the ACME protocol (RFC 8555).
- link:
- - name: ACME TLS ALPN Challenge Extension
- description: The specification of the C(tls-alpn-01) challenge (RFC 8737).
- link:
- - acme
- url:
- description:
- - "The URL to send the request to."
- - "Must be specified if I(method) is not C(directory-only)."
- type: str
- method:
- description:
- - "The method to use to access the given URL on the ACME server."
- - "The value C(post) executes an authenticated POST request. The content
- must be specified in the I(content) option."
- - "The value C(get) executes an authenticated POST-as-GET request for ACME v2,
- and a regular GET request for ACME v1."
- - "The value C(directory-only) only retrieves the directory, without doing
- a request."
- type: str
- default: get
- choices:
- - get
- - post
- - directory-only
- content:
- description:
- - "An encoded JSON object which will be sent as the content if I(method)
- is C(post)."
- - "Required when I(method) is C(post), and not allowed otherwise."
- type: str
- fail_on_acme_error:
- description:
- - "If I(method) is C(post) or C(get), make the module fail in case an ACME
- error is returned."
- type: bool
- default: yes
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Get directory
- acme_inspect:
- acme_directory:
- acme_version: 2
- method: directory-only
- register: directory
-- name: Create an account
- acme_inspect:
- acme_directory:
- acme_version: 2
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- url: "{{ directory.newAccount}}"
- method: post
- content: '{"termsOfServiceAgreed":true}'
- register: account_creation
- # account_creation.headers.location contains the account URI
- # if creation was successful
-- name: Get account information
- acme_inspect:
- acme_directory:
- acme_version: 2
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- account_uri: "{{ account_creation.headers.location }}"
- url: "{{ account_creation.headers.location }}"
- method: get
-- name: Update account contacts
- acme_inspect:
- acme_directory:
- acme_version: 2
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- account_uri: "{{ account_creation.headers.location }}"
- url: "{{ account_creation.headers.location }}"
- method: post
- content: '{{ account_info | to_json }}'
- vars:
- account_info:
- # For valid values, see
- #
- contact:
- -
-- name: Create certificate order
- acme_certificate:
- acme_directory:
- acme_version: 2
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- account_uri: "{{ account_creation.headers.location }}"
- csr: /etc/pki/cert/csr/
- fullchain_dest: /etc/httpd/ssl/
- challenge: http-01
- register: certificate_request
-# Assume something went wrong. certificate_request.order_uri contains
-# the order URI.
-- name: Get order information
- acme_inspect:
- acme_directory:
- acme_version: 2
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- account_uri: "{{ account_creation.headers.location }}"
- url: "{{ certificate_request.order_uri }}"
- method: get
- register: order
-- name: Get first authz for order
- acme_inspect:
- acme_directory:
- acme_version: 2
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- account_uri: "{{ account_creation.headers.location }}"
- url: "{{ order.output_json.authorizations[0] }}"
- method: get
- register: authz
-- name: Get HTTP-01 challenge for authz
- acme_inspect:
- acme_directory:
- acme_version: 2
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- account_uri: "{{ account_creation.headers.location }}"
- url: "{{ authz.output_json.challenges | selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'http-01') }}"
- method: get
- register: http01challenge
-- name: Activate HTTP-01 challenge manually
- acme_inspect:
- acme_directory:
- acme_version: 2
- account_key_src: /etc/pki/cert/private/account.key
- account_uri: "{{ account_creation.headers.location }}"
- url: "{{ http01challenge.url }}"
- method: post
- content: '{}'
-RETURN = '''
- description: The ACME directory's content
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: |
- {
- "a85k3x9f91A4": "",
- "keyChange": "",
- "meta": {
- "caaIdentities": [
- ""
- ],
- "termsOfService": "",
- "website": ""
- },
- "newAccount": "",
- "newNonce": "",
- "newOrder": "",
- "revokeCert": ""
- }
- description: The request's HTTP headers (with lowercase keys)
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: |
- {
- "boulder-requester": "12345",
- "cache-control": "max-age=0, no-cache, no-store",
- "connection": "close",
- "content-length": "904",
- "content-type": "application/json",
- "cookies": {},
- "cookies_string": "",
- "date": "Wed, 07 Nov 2018 12:34:56 GMT",
- "expires": "Wed, 07 Nov 2018 12:44:56 GMT",
- "link": "<>;rel=\"terms-of-service\"",
- "msg": "OK (904 bytes)",
- "pragma": "no-cache",
- "replay-nonce": "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGH",
- "server": "nginx",
- "status": 200,
- "strict-transport-security": "max-age=604800",
- "url": "",
- "x-frame-options": "DENY"
- }
- description: The raw text output
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "{\\n \\\"id\\\": 12345,\\n \\\"key\\\": {\\n \\\"kty\\\": \\\"RSA\\\",\\n ..."
- description: The output parsed as JSON
- returned: if output can be parsed as JSON
- type: dict
- sample:
- - id: 12345
- - key:
- - kty: RSA
- - ...
-from ansible.module_utils.acme import (
- ModuleFailException,
- ACMEAccount,
- handle_standard_module_arguments,
- get_default_argspec,
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes
-import json
-def main():
- argument_spec = get_default_argspec()
- argument_spec.update(dict(
- url=dict(type='str'),
- method=dict(type='str', choices=['get', 'post', 'directory-only'], default='get'),
- content=dict(type='str'),
- fail_on_acme_error=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- ))
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['account_key_src', 'account_key_content'],
- ),
- required_if=(
- ['method', 'get', ['url']],
- ['method', 'post', ['url', 'content']],
- ['method', 'get', ['account_key_src', 'account_key_content'], True],
- ['method', 'post', ['account_key_src', 'account_key_content'], True],
- ),
- )
- handle_standard_module_arguments(module)
- result = dict()
- changed = False
- try:
- # Get hold of ACMEAccount object (includes directory)
- account = ACMEAccount(module)
- method = module.params['method']
- result['directory'] =
- # Do we have to do more requests?
- if method != 'directory-only':
- url = module.params['url']
- fail_on_acme_error = module.params['fail_on_acme_error']
- # Do request
- if method == 'get':
- data, info = account.get_request(url, parse_json_result=False, fail_on_error=False)
- elif method == 'post':
- changed = True # only POSTs can change
- data, info = account.send_signed_request(url, to_bytes(module.params['content']), parse_json_result=False, encode_payload=False)
- # Update results
- result.update(dict(
- headers=info,
- output_text=to_native(data),
- ))
- # See if we can parse the result as JSON
- try:
- result['output_json'] = json.loads(data)
- except Exception as dummy:
- pass
- # Fail if error was returned
- if fail_on_acme_error and info['status'] >= 400:
- raise ModuleFailException("ACME request failed: CODE: {0} RESULT: {1}".format(info['status'], data))
- # Done!
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, **result)
- except ModuleFailException as e:
- e.do_fail(module, **result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 77fbe2ee52..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2018, Felix Fontein <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: certificate_complete_chain
-author: "Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)"
-version_added: "2.7"
-short_description: Complete certificate chain given a set of untrusted and root certificates
- - "This module completes a given chain of certificates in PEM format by finding
- intermediate certificates from a given set of certificates, until it finds a root
- certificate in another given set of certificates."
- - "This can for example be used to find the root certificate for a certificate chain
- returned by M(acme_certificate)."
- - "Note that this module does I(not) check for validity of the chains. It only
- checks that issuer and subject match, and that the signature is correct. It
- ignores validity dates and key usage completely. If you need to verify that a
- generated chain is valid, please use C(openssl verify ...)."
- - "cryptography >= 1.5"
- input_chain:
- description:
- - A concatenated set of certificates in PEM format forming a chain.
- - The module will try to complete this chain.
- type: str
- required: yes
- root_certificates:
- description:
- - "A list of filenames or directories."
- - "A filename is assumed to point to a file containing one or more certificates
- in PEM format. All certificates in this file will be added to the set of
- root certificates."
- - "If a directory name is given, all files in the directory and its
- subdirectories will be scanned and tried to be parsed as concatenated
- certificates in PEM format."
- - "Symbolic links will be followed."
- type: list
- elements: path
- required: yes
- intermediate_certificates:
- description:
- - "A list of filenames or directories."
- - "A filename is assumed to point to a file containing one or more certificates
- in PEM format. All certificates in this file will be added to the set of
- root certificates."
- - "If a directory name is given, all files in the directory and its
- subdirectories will be scanned and tried to be parsed as concatenated
- certificates in PEM format."
- - "Symbolic links will be followed."
- type: list
- elements: path
- default: []
-# Given a leaf certificate for and one or more intermediate
-# certificates, finds the associated root certificate.
-- name: Find root certificate
- certificate_complete_chain:
- input_chain: "{{ lookup('file', '/etc/ssl/csr/') }}"
- root_certificates:
- - /etc/ca-certificates/
- register: www_ansible_com
-- name: Write root certificate to disk
- copy:
- dest: /etc/ssl/csr/
- content: "{{ www_ansible_com.root }}"
-# Given a leaf certificate for, and a list of intermediate
-# certificates, finds the associated root certificate.
-- name: Find root certificate
- certificate_complete_chain:
- input_chain: "{{ lookup('file', '/etc/ssl/csr/') }}"
- intermediate_certificates:
- - /etc/ssl/csr/
- root_certificates:
- - /etc/ca-certificates/
- register: www_ansible_com
-- name: Write complete chain to disk
- copy:
- dest: /etc/ssl/csr/
- content: "{{ ''.join(www_ansible_com.complete_chain) }}"
-- name: Write root chain (intermediates and root) to disk
- copy:
- dest: /etc/ssl/csr/
- content: "{{ ''.join(www_ansible_com.chain) }}"
-RETURN = '''
- description:
- - "The root certificate in PEM format."
- returned: success
- type: str
- description:
- - "The chain added to the given input chain. Includes the root certificate."
- - "Returned as a list of PEM certificates."
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: str
- description:
- - "The completed chain, including leaf, all intermediates, and root."
- - "Returned as a list of PEM certificates."
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: str
-import os
-import traceback
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes
- import cryptography
- import cryptography.hazmat.backends
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa
- import
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils
- import cryptography.x509
- import cryptography.x509.oid
- from distutils.version import LooseVersion
- HAS_CRYPTOGRAPHY = (LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__) >= LooseVersion('1.5'))
- _cryptography_backend = cryptography.hazmat.backends.default_backend()
-except ImportError as dummy:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-class Certificate(object):
- '''
- Stores PEM with parsed certificate.
- '''
- def __init__(self, pem, cert):
- if not (pem.endswith('\n') or pem.endswith('\r')):
- pem = pem + '\n'
- self.pem = pem
- self.cert = cert
-def is_parent(module, cert, potential_parent):
- '''
- Tests whether the given certificate has been issued by the potential parent certificate.
- '''
- # Check issuer
- if cert.cert.issuer != potential_parent.cert.subject:
- return False
- # Check signature
- public_key = potential_parent.cert.public_key()
- try:
- if isinstance(public_key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPublicKey):
- public_key.verify(
- cert.cert.signature,
- cert.cert.tbs_certificate_bytes,
- cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.PKCS1v15(),
- cert.cert.signature_hash_algorithm
- )
- elif isinstance(public_key,
- public_key.verify(
- cert.cert.signature,
- cert.cert.tbs_certificate_bytes,
- )
- else:
- # Unknown public key type
- module.warn('Unknown public key type "{0}"'.format(public_key))
- return False
- return True
- except cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature as dummy:
- return False
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Unknown error on signature validation: {0}'.format(e))
-def parse_PEM_list(module, text, source, fail_on_error=True):
- '''
- Parse concatenated PEM certificates. Return list of ``Certificate`` objects.
- '''
- result = []
- lines = text.splitlines(True)
- current = None
- for line in lines:
- if line.strip():
- if line.startswith('-----BEGIN '):
- current = [line]
- elif current is not None:
- current.append(line)
- if line.startswith('-----END '):
- cert_pem = ''.join(current)
- current = None
- # Try to load PEM certificate
- try:
- cert = cryptography.x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(to_bytes(cert_pem), _cryptography_backend)
- result.append(Certificate(cert_pem, cert))
- except Exception as e:
- msg = 'Cannot parse certificate #{0} from {1}: {2}'.format(len(result) + 1, source, e)
- if fail_on_error:
- module.fail_json(msg=msg)
- else:
- module.warn(msg)
- return result
-def load_PEM_list(module, path, fail_on_error=True):
- '''
- Load concatenated PEM certificates from file. Return list of ``Certificate`` objects.
- '''
- try:
- with open(path, "rb") as f:
- return parse_PEM_list(module,'utf-8'), source=path, fail_on_error=fail_on_error)
- except Exception as e:
- msg = 'Cannot read certificate file {0}: {1}'.format(path, e)
- if fail_on_error:
- module.fail_json(msg=msg)
- else:
- module.warn(msg)
- return []
-class CertificateSet(object):
- '''
- Stores a set of certificates. Allows to search for parent (issuer of a certificate).
- '''
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.module = module
- self.certificates = set()
- self.certificate_by_issuer = dict()
- def _load_file(self, path):
- certs = load_PEM_list(self.module, path, fail_on_error=False)
- for cert in certs:
- self.certificates.add(cert)
- self.certificate_by_issuer[cert.cert.subject] = cert
- def load(self, path):
- '''
- Load lists of PEM certificates from a file or a directory.
- '''
- b_path = to_bytes(path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
- if os.path.isdir(b_path):
- for directory, dummy, files in os.walk(b_path, followlinks=True):
- for file in files:
- self._load_file(os.path.join(directory, file))
- else:
- self._load_file(b_path)
- def find_parent(self, cert):
- '''
- Search for the parent (issuer) of a certificate. Return ``None`` if none was found.
- '''
- potential_parent = self.certificate_by_issuer.get(cert.cert.issuer)
- if potential_parent is not None:
- if is_parent(self.module, cert, potential_parent):
- return potential_parent
- return None
-def format_cert(cert):
- '''
- Return human readable representation of certificate for error messages.
- '''
- return str(cert.cert)
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- input_chain=dict(type='str', required=True),
- root_certificates=dict(type='list', required=True, elements='path'),
- intermediate_certificates=dict(type='list', default=[], elements='path'),
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= 1.5'), exception=CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR)
- # Load chain
- chain = parse_PEM_list(module, module.params['input_chain'], source='input chain')
- if len(chain) == 0:
- module.fail_json(msg='Input chain must contain at least one certificate')
- # Check chain
- for i, parent in enumerate(chain):
- if i > 0:
- if not is_parent(module, chain[i - 1], parent):
- module.fail_json(msg=('Cannot verify input chain: certificate #{2}: {3} is not issuer ' +
- 'of certificate #{0}: {1}').format(i, format_cert(chain[i - 1]), i + 1, format_cert(parent)))
- # Load intermediate certificates
- intermediates = CertificateSet(module)
- for path in module.params['intermediate_certificates']:
- intermediates.load(path)
- # Load root certificates
- roots = CertificateSet(module)
- for path in module.params['root_certificates']:
- roots.load(path)
- # Try to complete chain
- current = chain[-1]
- completed = []
- while current:
- root = roots.find_parent(current)
- if root:
- completed.append(root)
- break
- intermediate = intermediates.find_parent(current)
- if intermediate:
- completed.append(intermediate)
- current = intermediate
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg='Cannot complete chain. Stuck at certificate {0}'.format(format_cert(current)))
- # Return results
- complete_chain = chain + completed
- module.exit_json(
- changed=False,
- root=complete_chain[-1].pem,
- chain=[cert.pem for cert in completed],
- complete_chain=[cert.pem for cert in complete_chain],
- )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/entrust/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/entrust/
deleted file mode 100644
index dd1330653e..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/entrust/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,952 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c), Entrust Datacard Corporation, 2019
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: ecs_certificate
- - Chris Trufan (@ctrufan)
-version_added: '2.9'
-short_description: Request SSL/TLS certificates with the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API
- - Create, reissue, and renew certificates with the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API.
- - Requires credentials for the L(Entrust Certificate Services, (ECS) API.
- - In order to request a certificate, the domain and organization used in the certificate signing request must be already
- validated in the ECS system. It is I(not) the responsibility of this module to perform those steps.
- - C(path) must be specified as the output location of the certificate.
- - cryptography >= 1.6
- backup:
- description:
- - Whether a backup should be made for the certificate in I(path).
- type: bool
- default: false
- force:
- description:
- - If force is used, a certificate is requested regardless of whether I(path) points to an existing valid certificate.
- - If C(request_type=renew), a forced renew will fail if the certificate being renewed has been issued within the past 30 days, regardless of the
- value of I(remaining_days) or the return value of I(cert_days) - the ECS API does not support the "renew" operation for certificates that are not
- at least 30 days old.
- type: bool
- default: false
- path:
- description:
- - The destination path for the generated certificate as a PEM encoded cert.
- - If the certificate at this location is not an Entrust issued certificate, a new certificate will always be requested even if the current
- certificate is technically valid.
- - If there is already an Entrust certificate at this location, whether it is replaced is depends on the I(remaining_days) calculation.
- - If an existing certificate is being replaced (see I(remaining_days), I(force), and I(tracking_id)), whether a new certificate is requested
- or the existing certificate is renewed or reissued is based on I(request_type).
- type: path
- required: true
- full_chain_path:
- description:
- - The destination path for the full certificate chain of the certificate, intermediates, and roots.
- type: path
- csr:
- description:
- - Base-64 encoded Certificate Signing Request (CSR). I(csr) is accepted with or without PEM formatting around the Base-64 string.
- - If no I(csr) is provided when C(request_type=reissue) or C(request_type=renew), the certificate will be generated with the same public key as
- the certificate being renewed or reissued.
- - If I(subject_alt_name) is specified, it will override the subject alternate names in the CSR.
- - If I(eku) is specified, it will override the extended key usage in the CSR.
- - If I(ou) is specified, it will override the organizational units "ou=" present in the subject distinguished name of the CSR, if any.
- - The organization "O=" field from the CSR will not be used. It will be replaced in the issued certificate by I(org) if present, and if not present,
- the organization tied to I(client_id).
- type: str
- tracking_id:
- description:
- - The tracking ID of the certificate to reissue or renew.
- - I(tracking_id) is invalid if C(request_type=new) or C(request_type=validate_only).
- - If there is a certificate present in I(path) and it is an ECS certificate, I(tracking_id) will be ignored.
- - If there is no certificate present in I(path) or there is but it is from another provider, the certificate represented by I(tracking_id) will
- be renewed or reissued and saved to I(path).
- - If there is no certificate present in I(path) and the I(force) and I(remaining_days) parameters do not indicate a new certificate is needed,
- the certificate referenced by I(tracking_id) certificate will be saved to I(path).
- - This can be used when a known certificate is not currently present on a server, but you want to renew or reissue it to be managed by an ansible
- playbook. For example, if you specify C(request_type=renew), I(tracking_id) of an issued certificate, and I(path) to a file that does not exist,
- the first run of a task will download the certificate specified by I(tracking_id) (assuming it is still valid). Future runs of the task will
- (if applicable - see I(force) and I(remaining_days)) renew the certificate now present in I(path).
- type: int
- remaining_days:
- description:
- - The number of days the certificate must have left being valid. If C(cert_days < remaining_days) then a new certificate will be
- obtained using I(request_type).
- - If C(request_type=renew), a renewal will fail if the certificate being renewed has been issued within the past 30 days, so do not set a
- I(remaining_days) value that is within 30 days of the full lifetime of the certificate being acted upon. (e.g. if you are requesting Certificates
- with a 90 day lifetime, do not set remaining_days to a value C(60) or higher).
- - The I(force) option may be used to ensure that a new certificate is always obtained.
- type: int
- default: 30
- request_type:
- description:
- - The operation performed if I(tracking_id) references a valid certificate to reissue, or there is already a certificate present in I(path) but
- either I(force) is specified or C(cert_days < remaining_days).
- - Specifying C(request_type=validate_only) means the request will be validated against the ECS API, but no certificate will be issued.
- - Specifying C(request_type=new) means a certificate request will always be submitted and a new certificate issued.
- - Specifying C(request_type=renew) means that an existing certificate (specified by I(tracking_id) if present, otherwise I(path)) will be renewed.
- If there is no certificate to renew, a new certificate is requested.
- - Specifying C(request_type=reissue) means that an existing certificate (specified by I(tracking_id) if present, otherwise I(path)) will be
- reissued.
- If there is no certificate to reissue, a new certificate is requested.
- - If a certificate was issued within the past 30 days, the 'renew' operation is not a valid operation and will fail.
- - Note that C(reissue) is an operation that will result in the revocation of the certificate that is reissued, be cautious with it's use.
- - I(check_mode) is only supported if C(request_type=new)
- - For example, setting C(request_type=renew) and C(remaining_days=30) and pointing to the same certificate on multiple playbook runs means that on
- the first run new certificate will be requested. It will then be left along on future runs until it is within 30 days of expiry, then the
- ECS "renew" operation will be performed.
- type: str
- choices: [ 'new', 'renew', 'reissue', 'validate_only']
- default: new
- cert_type:
- description:
- - Specify the type of certificate requested.
- - If a certificate is being reissued or renewed, this parameter is ignored, and the C(cert_type) of the initial certificate is used.
- type: str
- subject_alt_name:
- description:
- - The subject alternative name identifiers, as an array of values (applies to I(cert_type) with a value of C(STANDARD_SSL), C(ADVANTAGE_SSL),
- - If you are requesting a new SSL certificate, and you pass a I(subject_alt_name) parameter, any SAN names in the CSR are ignored.
- If no subjectAltName parameter is passed, the SAN names in the CSR are used.
- - See I(request_type) to understand more about SANs during reissues and renewals.
- - In the case of certificates of type C(STANDARD_SSL) certificates, if the CN of the certificate is <domain>.<tld> only the www.<domain>.<tld> value
- is accepted. If the CN of the certificate is www.<domain>.<tld> only the <domain>.<tld> value is accepted.
- type: list
- elements: str
- eku:
- description:
- - If specified, overrides the key usage in the I(csr).
- type: str
- ct_log:
- description:
- - In compliance with browser requirements, this certificate may be posted to the Certificate Transparency (CT) logs. This is a best practice
- technique that helps domain owners monitor certificates issued to their domains. Note that not all certificates are eligible for CT logging.
- - If I(ct_log) is not specified, the certificate uses the account default.
- - If I(ct_log) is specified and the account settings allow it, I(ct_log) overrides the account default.
- - If I(ct_log) is set to C(false), but the account settings are set to "always log", the certificate generation will fail.
- type: bool
- client_id:
- description:
- - The client ID to submit the Certificate Signing Request under.
- - If no client ID is specified, the certificate will be submitted under the primary client with ID of 1.
- - When using a client other than the primary client, the I(org) parameter cannot be specified.
- - The issued certificate will have an organization value in the subject distinguished name represented by the client.
- type: int
- default: 1
- org:
- description:
- - Organization "O=" to include in the certificate.
- - If I(org) is not specified, the organization from the client represented by I(client_id) is used.
- - Unless the I(cert_type) is C(PD_SSL), this field may not be specified if the value of I(client_id) is not "1" (the primary client).
- non-primary clients, certificates may only be issued with the organization of that client.
- type: str
- ou:
- description:
- - Organizational unit "OU=" to include in the certificate.
- - I(ou) behavior is dependent on whether organizational units are enabled for your account. If organizational unit support is disabled for your
- account, organizational units from the I(csr) and the I(ou) parameter are ignored.
- - If both I(csr) and I(ou) are specified, the value in I(ou) will override the OU fields present in the subject distinguished name in the I(csr)
- - If neither I(csr) nor I(ou) are specified for a renew or reissue operation, the OU fields in the initial certificate are reused.
- - An invalid OU from I(csr) is ignored, but any invalid organizational units in I(ou) will result in an error indicating "Unapproved OU". The I(ou)
- parameter can be used to force failure if an unapproved organizational unit is provided.
- - A maximum of one OU may be specified for current products. Multiple OUs are reserved for future products.
- type: list
- elements: str
- end_user_key_storage_agreement:
- description:
- - The end user of the Code Signing certificate must generate and store the private key for this request on cryptographically secure
- hardware to be compliant with the Entrust CSP and Subscription agreement. If requesting a certificate of type C(CODE_SIGNING) or
- C(EV_CODE_SIGNING), you must set I(end_user_key_storage_agreement) to true if and only if you acknowledge that you will inform the user of this
- requirement.
- - Applicable only to I(cert_type) of values C(CODE_SIGNING) and C(EV_CODE_SIGNING).
- type: bool
- tracking_info:
- description: Free form tracking information to attach to the record for the certificate.
- type: str
- requester_name:
- description: The requester name to associate with certificate tracking information.
- type: str
- required: true
- requester_email:
- description: The requester email to associate with certificate tracking information and receive delivery and expiry notices for the certificate.
- type: str
- required: true
- requester_phone:
- description: The requester phone number to associate with certificate tracking information.
- type: str
- required: true
- additional_emails:
- description: A list of additional email addresses to receive the delivery notice and expiry notification for the certificate.
- type: list
- elements: str
- custom_fields:
- description:
- - Mapping of custom fields to associate with the certificate request and certificate.
- - Only supported if custom fields are enabled for your account.
- - Each custom field specified must be a custom field you have defined for your account.
- type: dict
- suboptions:
- text1:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text2:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text3:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text4:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text5:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text6:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text7:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text8:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text9:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text10:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text11:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text12:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text13:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text14:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- text15:
- description: Custom text field (maximum 500 characters)
- type: str
- number1:
- description: Custom number field.
- type: float
- number2:
- description: Custom number field.
- type: float
- number3:
- description: Custom number field.
- type: float
- number4:
- description: Custom number field.
- type: float
- number5:
- description: Custom number field.
- type: float
- date1:
- description: Custom date field.
- type: str
- date2:
- description: Custom date field.
- type: str
- date3:
- description: Custom date field.
- type: str
- date4:
- description: Custom date field.
- type: str
- date5:
- description: Custom date field.
- type: str
- email1:
- description: Custom email field.
- type: str
- email2:
- description: Custom email field.
- type: str
- email3:
- description: Custom email field.
- type: str
- email4:
- description: Custom email field.
- type: str
- email5:
- description: Custom email field.
- type: str
- dropdown1:
- description: Custom dropdown field.
- type: str
- dropdown2:
- description: Custom dropdown field.
- type: str
- dropdown3:
- description: Custom dropdown field.
- type: str
- dropdown4:
- description: Custom dropdown field.
- type: str
- dropdown5:
- description: Custom dropdown field.
- type: str
- cert_expiry:
- description:
- - The date the certificate should be set to expire, in RFC3339 compliant date or date-time format. For example,
- C(2020-02-23), C(2020-02-23T15:00:00.05Z).
- - I(cert_expiry) is only supported for requests of C(request_type=new) or C(request_type=renew). If C(request_type=reissue),
- I(cert_expiry) will be used for the first certificate issuance, but subsequent issuances will have the same expiry as the initial
- certificate.
- - A reissued certificate will always have the same expiry as the original certificate.
- - Note that only the date (day, month, year) is supported for specifying the expiry date. If you choose to specify an expiry time with the expiry
- date, the time will be adjusted to Eastern Standard Time (EST). This could have the unintended effect of moving your expiry date to the previous
- day.
- - Applies only to accounts with a pooling inventory model.
- - Only one of I(cert_expiry) or I(cert_lifetime) may be specified.
- type: str
- cert_lifetime:
- description:
- - The lifetime of the certificate.
- - Applies to all certificates for accounts with a non-pooling inventory model.
- - I(cert_lifetime) is only supported for requests of C(request_type=new) or C(request_type=renew). If C(request_type=reissue), I(cert_lifetime) will
- be used for the first certificate issuance, but subsequent issuances will have the same expiry as the initial certificate.
- - Applies to certificates of I(cert_type)=C(CDS_INDIVIDUAL, CDS_GROUP, CDS_ENT_LITE, CDS_ENT_PRO, SMIME_ENT) for accounts with a pooling inventory
- model.
- - C(P1Y) is a certificate with a 1 year lifetime.
- - C(P2Y) is a certificate with a 2 year lifetime.
- - C(P3Y) is a certificate with a 3 year lifetime.
- - Only one of I(cert_expiry) or I(cert_lifetime) may be specified.
- type: str
- choices: [ P1Y, P2Y, P3Y ]
- - module: openssl_privatekey
- description: Can be used to create private keys (both for certificates and accounts).
- - module: openssl_csr
- description: Can be used to create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
- - ecs_credential
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Request a new certificate from Entrust with bare minimum parameters.
- Will request a new certificate if current one is valid but within 30
- days of expiry. If replacing an existing file in path, will back it up.
- ecs_certificate:
- backup: true
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- full_chain_path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- csr: /etc/ssl/csr/
- cert_type: EV_SSL
- requester_name: Jo Doe
- requester_email:
- requester_phone: 555-555-5555
- entrust_api_user: apiusername
- entrust_api_key: a^lv*32!cd9LnT
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.crt
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.key
-- name: If there is no certificate present in path, request a new certificate
- of type EV_SSL. Otherwise, if there is an Entrust managed certificate
- in path and it is within 63 days of expiration, request a renew of that
- certificate.
- ecs_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- csr: /etc/ssl/csr/
- cert_type: EV_SSL
- cert_expiry: '2020-08-20'
- request_type: renew
- remaining_days: 63
- requester_name: Jo Doe
- requester_email:
- requester_phone: 555-555-5555
- entrust_api_user: apiusername
- entrust_api_key: a^lv*32!cd9LnT
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.crt
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.key
-- name: If there is no certificate present in path, download certificate
- specified by tracking_id if it is still valid. Otherwise, if the
- certificate is within 79 days of expiration, request a renew of that
- certificate and save it in path. This can be used to "migrate" a
- certificate to be Ansible managed.
- ecs_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- csr: /etc/ssl/csr/
- tracking_id: 2378915
- request_type: renew
- remaining_days: 79
- entrust_api_user: apiusername
- entrust_api_key: a^lv*32!cd9LnT
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.crt
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.key
-- name: Force a reissue of the certificate specified by tracking_id.
- ecs_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- force: true
- tracking_id: 2378915
- request_type: reissue
- entrust_api_user: apiusername
- entrust_api_key: a^lv*32!cd9LnT
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.crt
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.key
-- name: Request a new certificate with an alternative client. Note that the
- issued certificate will have it's Subject Distinguished Name use the
- organization details associated with that client, rather than what is
- in the CSR.
- ecs_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- csr: /etc/ssl/csr/
- client_id: 2
- requester_name: Jo Doe
- requester_email:
- requester_phone: 555-555-5555
- entrust_api_user: apiusername
- entrust_api_key: a^lv*32!cd9LnT
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.crt
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.key
-- name: Request a new certificate with a number of CSR parameters overridden
- and tracking information
- ecs_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- full_chain_path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- csr: /etc/ssl/csr/
- subject_alt_name:
- -
- -
- ct_log: true
- org: Test Organization Inc.
- ou:
- - Administration
- tracking_info: "Submitted via Ansible"
- additional_emails:
- -
- -
- custom_fields:
- text1: Admin
- text2: Invoice 25
- number1: 342
- date1: '2018-01-01'
- email1:
- dropdown1: red
- cert_expiry: '2020-08-15'
- requester_name: Jo Doe
- requester_email:
- requester_phone: 555-555-5555
- entrust_api_user: apiusername
- entrust_api_key: a^lv*32!cd9LnT
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.crt
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.key
-RETURN = '''
- description: The destination path for the generated certificate.
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /etc/ssl/crt/
- description: Name of backup file created for the certificate.
- returned: changed and if I(backup) is C(true)
- type: str
- sample: /path/to/
- description: Name of the backup file created for the certificate chain.
- returned: changed and if I(backup) is C(true) and I(full_chain_path) is set.
- type: str
- sample: /path/to/ca.chain.crt.2019-03-09@11:22~
- description: The tracking ID to reference and track the certificate in ECS.
- returned: success
- type: int
- sample: 380079
- description: The serial number of the issued certificate.
- returned: success
- type: int
- sample: 1235262234164342
- description: The number of days the certificate remains valid.
- returned: success
- type: int
- sample: 253
- description:
- - The certificate status in ECS.
- - 'Current possible values (which may be expanded in the future) are: C(ACTIVE), C(APPROVED), C(DEACTIVATED), C(DECLINED), C(EXPIRED), C(NA),
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: ACTIVE
- description:
- - The full response JSON from the Get Certificate call of the ECS API.
- - 'While the response contents are guaranteed to be forwards compatible with new ECS API releases, Entrust recommends that you do not make any
- playbooks take actions based on the content of this field. However it may be useful for debugging, logging, or auditing purposes.'
- returned: success
- type: dict
-from ansible.module_utils.ecs.api import (
- ecs_client_argument_spec,
- ECSClient,
- RestOperationException,
- SessionConfigurationException,
-import datetime
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import time
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes
- import cryptography
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-def validate_cert_expiry(cert_expiry):
- search_string_partial = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\Z')
- search_string_full = re.compile(r'^([0-9]+)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[Tt]([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):'
- r'([0-5][0-9]|60)(.[0-9]+)?(([Zz])|([+|-]([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]))\Z')
- if search_string_partial.match(cert_expiry) or search_string_full.match(cert_expiry):
- return True
- return False
-def calculate_cert_days(expires_after):
- cert_days = 0
- if expires_after:
- expires_after_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(expires_after, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
- cert_days = (expires_after_datetime -
- return cert_days
-# Populate the value of body[dict_param_name] with the JSON equivalent of
-# module parameter of param_name if that parameter is present, otherwise leave field
-# out of resulting dict
-def convert_module_param_to_json_bool(module, dict_param_name, param_name):
- body = {}
- if module.params[param_name] is not None:
- if module.params[param_name]:
- body[dict_param_name] = 'true'
- else:
- body[dict_param_name] = 'false'
- return body
-class EcsCertificate(object):
- '''
- Entrust Certificate Services certificate class.
- '''
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.path = module.params['path']
- self.full_chain_path = module.params['full_chain_path']
- self.force = module.params['force']
- self.backup = module.params['backup']
- self.request_type = module.params['request_type']
- self.csr = module.params['csr']
- # All return values
- self.changed = False
- self.filename = None
- self.tracking_id = None
- self.cert_status = None
- self.serial_number = None
- self.cert_days = None
- self.cert_details = None
- self.backup_file = None
- self.backup_full_chain_file = None
- self.cert = None
- self.ecs_client = None
- if self.path and os.path.exists(self.path):
- try:
- self.cert = crypto_utils.load_certificate(self.path, backend='cryptography')
- except Exception as dummy:
- self.cert = None
- # Instantiate the ECS client and then try a no-op connection to verify credentials are valid
- try:
- self.ecs_client = ECSClient(
- entrust_api_user=module.params['entrust_api_user'],
- entrust_api_key=module.params['entrust_api_key'],
- entrust_api_cert=module.params['entrust_api_client_cert_path'],
- entrust_api_cert_key=module.params['entrust_api_client_cert_key_path'],
- entrust_api_specification_path=module.params['entrust_api_specification_path']
- )
- except SessionConfigurationException as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Failed to initialize Entrust Provider: {0}'.format(to_native(e)))
- try:
- self.ecs_client.GetAppVersion()
- except RestOperationException as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Please verify credential information. Received exception when testing ECS connection: {0}'.format(to_native(e.message)))
- # Conversion of the fields that go into the 'tracking' parameter of the request object
- def convert_tracking_params(self, module):
- body = {}
- tracking = {}
- if module.params['requester_name']:
- tracking['requesterName'] = module.params['requester_name']
- if module.params['requester_email']:
- tracking['requesterEmail'] = module.params['requester_email']
- if module.params['requester_phone']:
- tracking['requesterPhone'] = module.params['requester_phone']
- if module.params['tracking_info']:
- tracking['trackingInfo'] = module.params['tracking_info']
- if module.params['custom_fields']:
- # Omit custom fields from submitted dict if not present, instead of submitting them with value of 'null'
- # The ECS API does technically accept null without error, but it complicates debugging user escalations and is unnecessary bandwidth.
- custom_fields = {}
- for k, v in module.params['custom_fields'].items():
- if v is not None:
- custom_fields[k] = v
- tracking['customFields'] = custom_fields
- if module.params['additional_emails']:
- tracking['additionalEmails'] = module.params['additional_emails']
- body['tracking'] = tracking
- return body
- def convert_cert_subject_params(self, module):
- body = {}
- if module.params['subject_alt_name']:
- body['subjectAltName'] = module.params['subject_alt_name']
- if module.params['org']:
- body['org'] = module.params['org']
- if module.params['ou']:
- body['ou'] = module.params['ou']
- return body
- def convert_general_params(self, module):
- body = {}
- if module.params['eku']:
- body['eku'] = module.params['eku']
- if self.request_type == 'new':
- body['certType'] = module.params['cert_type']
- body['clientId'] = module.params['client_id']
- body.update(convert_module_param_to_json_bool(module, 'ctLog', 'ct_log'))
- body.update(convert_module_param_to_json_bool(module, 'endUserKeyStorageAgreement', 'end_user_key_storage_agreement'))
- return body
- def convert_expiry_params(self, module):
- body = {}
- if module.params['cert_lifetime']:
- body['certLifetime'] = module.params['cert_lifetime']
- elif module.params['cert_expiry']:
- body['certExpiryDate'] = module.params['cert_expiry']
- # If neither cerTLifetime or certExpiryDate was specified and the request type is new, default to 365 days
- elif self.request_type != 'reissue':
- gmt_now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.gmtime()))
- expiry = gmt_now + datetime.timedelta(days=365)
- body['certExpiryDate'] = expiry.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.00Z")
- return body
- def set_tracking_id_by_serial_number(self, module):
- try:
- # Use serial_number to identify if certificate is an Entrust Certificate
- # with an associated tracking ID
- serial_number = "{0:X}".format(self.cert.serial_number)
- cert_results = self.ecs_client.GetCertificates(serialNumber=serial_number).get('certificates', {})
- if len(cert_results) == 1:
- self.tracking_id = cert_results[0].get('trackingId')
- except RestOperationException as dummy:
- # If we fail to find a cert by serial number, that's fine, we just don't set self.tracking_id
- return
- def set_cert_details(self, module):
- try:
- self.cert_details = self.ecs_client.GetCertificate(trackingId=self.tracking_id)
- self.cert_status = self.cert_details.get('status')
- self.serial_number = self.cert_details.get('serialNumber')
- self.cert_days = calculate_cert_days(self.cert_details.get('expiresAfter'))
- except RestOperationException as e:
- module.fail_json('Failed to get details of certificate with tracking_id="{0}", Error: '.format(self.tracking_id), to_native(e.message))
- def check(self, module):
- if self.cert:
- # We will only treat a certificate as valid if it is found as a managed entrust cert.
- # We will only set updated tracking ID based on certificate in "path" if it is managed by entrust.
- self.set_tracking_id_by_serial_number(module)
- if module.params['tracking_id'] and self.tracking_id and module.params['tracking_id'] != self.tracking_id:
- module.warn('tracking_id parameter of "{0}" provided, but will be ignored. Valid certificate was present in path "{1}" with '
- 'tracking_id of "{2}".'.format(module.params['tracking_id'], self.path, self.tracking_id))
- # If we did not end up setting tracking_id based on existing cert, get from module params
- if not self.tracking_id:
- self.tracking_id = module.params['tracking_id']
- if not self.tracking_id:
- return False
- self.set_cert_details(module)
- if self.cert_status == 'EXPIRED' or self.cert_status == 'SUSPENDED' or self.cert_status == 'REVOKED':
- return False
- if self.cert_days < module.params['remaining_days']:
- return False
- return True
- def request_cert(self, module):
- if not self.check(module) or self.force:
- body = {}
- # Read the CSR contents
- if self.csr and os.path.exists(self.csr):
- with open(self.csr, 'r') as csr_file:
- body['csr'] =
- # Check if the path is already a cert
- # tracking_id may be set as a parameter or by get_cert_details if an entrust cert is in 'path'. If tracking ID is null
- # We will be performing a reissue operation.
- if self.request_type != 'new' and not self.tracking_id:
- module.warn('No existing Entrust certificate found in path={0} and no tracking_id was provided, setting request_type to "new" for this task'
- 'run. Future playbook runs that point to the pathination file in {1} will use request_type={2}'
- .format(self.path, self.path, self.request_type))
- self.request_type = 'new'
- elif self.request_type == 'new' and self.tracking_id:
- module.warn('Existing certificate being acted upon, but request_type is "new", so will be a new certificate issuance rather than a'
- 'reissue or renew')
- # Use cases where request type is new and no existing certificate, or where request type is reissue/renew and a valid
- # existing certificate is found, do not need warnings.
- body.update(self.convert_tracking_params(module))
- body.update(self.convert_cert_subject_params(module))
- body.update(self.convert_general_params(module))
- body.update(self.convert_expiry_params(module))
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- if self.request_type == 'validate_only':
- body['validateOnly'] = 'true'
- result = self.ecs_client.NewCertRequest(Body=body)
- if self.request_type == 'new':
- result = self.ecs_client.NewCertRequest(Body=body)
- elif self.request_type == 'renew':
- result = self.ecs_client.RenewCertRequest(trackingId=self.tracking_id, Body=body)
- elif self.request_type == 'reissue':
- result = self.ecs_client.ReissueCertRequest(trackingId=self.tracking_id, Body=body)
- self.tracking_id = result.get('trackingId')
- self.set_cert_details(module)
- except RestOperationException as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Failed to request new certificate from Entrust (ECS) {0}'.format(e.message))
- if self.request_type != 'validate_only':
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, to_bytes(self.cert_details.get('endEntityCert')))
- if self.full_chain_path and self.cert_details.get('chainCerts'):
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_full_chain_file = module.backup_local(self.full_chain_path)
- chain_string = '\n'.join(self.cert_details.get('chainCerts')) + '\n'
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, to_bytes(chain_string), path=self.full_chain_path)
- self.changed = True
- # If there is no certificate present in path but a tracking ID was specified, save it to disk
- elif not os.path.exists(self.path) and self.tracking_id:
- if not module.check_mode:
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, to_bytes(self.cert_details.get('endEntityCert')))
- if self.full_chain_path and self.cert_details.get('chainCerts'):
- chain_string = '\n'.join(self.cert_details.get('chainCerts')) + '\n'
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, to_bytes(chain_string), path=self.full_chain_path)
- self.changed = True
- def dump(self):
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'tracking_id': self.tracking_id,
- 'cert_status': self.cert_status,
- 'serial_number': self.serial_number,
- 'cert_days': self.cert_days,
- 'cert_details': self.cert_details,
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- result['backup_full_chain_file'] = self.backup_full_chain_file
- return result
-def custom_fields_spec():
- return dict(
- text1=dict(type='str'),
- text2=dict(type='str'),
- text3=dict(type='str'),
- text4=dict(type='str'),
- text5=dict(type='str'),
- text6=dict(type='str'),
- text7=dict(type='str'),
- text8=dict(type='str'),
- text9=dict(type='str'),
- text10=dict(type='str'),
- text11=dict(type='str'),
- text12=dict(type='str'),
- text13=dict(type='str'),
- text14=dict(type='str'),
- text15=dict(type='str'),
- number1=dict(type='float'),
- number2=dict(type='float'),
- number3=dict(type='float'),
- number4=dict(type='float'),
- number5=dict(type='float'),
- date1=dict(type='str'),
- date2=dict(type='str'),
- date3=dict(type='str'),
- date4=dict(type='str'),
- date5=dict(type='str'),
- email1=dict(type='str'),
- email2=dict(type='str'),
- email3=dict(type='str'),
- email4=dict(type='str'),
- email5=dict(type='str'),
- dropdown1=dict(type='str'),
- dropdown2=dict(type='str'),
- dropdown3=dict(type='str'),
- dropdown4=dict(type='str'),
- dropdown5=dict(type='str'),
- )
-def ecs_certificate_argument_spec():
- return dict(
- backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- path=dict(type='path', required=True),
- full_chain_path=dict(type='path'),
- tracking_id=dict(type='int'),
- remaining_days=dict(type='int', default=30),
- request_type=dict(type='str', default='new', choices=['new', 'renew', 'reissue', 'validate_only']),
- cert_type=dict(type='str', choices=['STANDARD_SSL',
- 'UC_SSL',
- 'EV_SSL',
- 'PD_SSL',
- ]),
- csr=dict(type='str'),
- subject_alt_name=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- eku=dict(type='str', choices=['SERVER_AUTH', 'CLIENT_AUTH', 'SERVER_AND_CLIENT_AUTH']),
- ct_log=dict(type='bool'),
- client_id=dict(type='int', default=1),
- org=dict(type='str'),
- ou=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- end_user_key_storage_agreement=dict(type='bool'),
- tracking_info=dict(type='str'),
- requester_name=dict(type='str', required=True),
- requester_email=dict(type='str', required=True),
- requester_phone=dict(type='str', required=True),
- additional_emails=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- custom_fields=dict(type='dict', default=None, options=custom_fields_spec()),
- cert_expiry=dict(type='str'),
- cert_lifetime=dict(type='str', choices=['P1Y', 'P2Y', 'P3Y']),
- )
-def main():
- ecs_argument_spec = ecs_client_argument_spec()
- ecs_argument_spec.update(ecs_certificate_argument_spec())
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=ecs_argument_spec,
- required_if=(
- ['request_type', 'new', ['cert_type']],
- ['request_type', 'validate_only', ['cert_type']],
- ['cert_type', 'CODE_SIGNING', ['end_user_key_storage_agreement']],
- ['cert_type', 'EV_CODE_SIGNING', ['end_user_key_storage_agreement']],
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['cert_expiry', 'cert_lifetime'],
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION)),
- # If validate_only is used, pointing to an existing tracking_id is an invalid operation
- if module.params['tracking_id']:
- if module.params['request_type'] == 'new' or module.params['request_type'] == 'validate_only':
- module.fail_json(msg='The tracking_id field is invalid when request_type="{0}".'.format(module.params['request_type']))
- # A reissued request can not specify an expiration date or lifetime
- if module.params['request_type'] == 'reissue':
- if module.params['cert_expiry']:
- module.fail_json(msg='The cert_expiry field is invalid when request_type="reissue".')
- elif module.params['cert_lifetime']:
- module.fail_json(msg='The cert_lifetime field is invalid when request_type="reissue".')
- # Only a reissued request can omit the CSR
- else:
- module_params_csr = module.params['csr']
- if module_params_csr is None:
- module.fail_json(msg='The csr field is required when request_type={0}'.format(module.params['request_type']))
- elif not os.path.exists(module_params_csr):
- module.fail_json(msg='The csr field of {0} was not a valid path. csr is required when request_type={1}'.format(
- module_params_csr, module.params['request_type']))
- if module.params['ou'] and len(module.params['ou']) > 1:
- module.fail_json(msg='Multiple "ou" values are not currently supported.')
- if module.params['end_user_key_storage_agreement']:
- if module.params['cert_type'] != 'CODE_SIGNING' and module.params['cert_type'] != 'EV_CODE_SIGNING':
- module.fail_json(msg='Parameter "end_user_key_storage_agreement" is valid only for cert_types "CODE_SIGNING" and "EV_CODE_SIGNING"')
- if module.params['org'] and module.params['client_id'] != 1 and module.params['cert_type'] != 'PD_SSL':
- module.fail_json(msg='The "org" parameter is not supported when client_id parameter is set to a value other than 1, unless cert_type is "PD_SSL".')
- if module.params['cert_expiry']:
- if not validate_cert_expiry(module.params['cert_expiry']):
- module.fail_json(msg='The "cert_expiry" parameter of "{0}" is not a valid date or date-time'.format(module.params['cert_expiry']))
- certificate = EcsCertificate(module)
- certificate.request_cert(module)
- result = certificate.dump()
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/entrust/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/entrust/
deleted file mode 100644
index cda4dea53a..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/entrust/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,409 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2019 Entrust Datacard Corporation.
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: ecs_domain
- - Chris Trufan (@ctrufan)
-version_added: '2.10'
-short_description: Request validation of a domain with the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API
- - Request validation or re-validation of a domain with the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API.
- - Requires credentials for the L(Entrust Certificate Services, (ECS) API.
- - If the domain is already in the validation process, no new validation will be requested, but the validation data (if applicable) will be returned.
- - If the domain is already in the validation process but the I(verification_method) specified is different than the current I(verification_method),
- the I(verification_method) will be updated and validation data (if applicable) will be returned.
- - If the domain is an active, validated domain, the return value of I(changed) will be false, unless C(domain_status=EXPIRED), in which case a re-validation
- will be performed.
- - If C(verification_method=dns), details about the required DNS entry will be specified in the return parameters I(dns_contents), I(dns_location), and
- I(dns_resource_type).
- - If C(verification_method=web_server), details about the required file details will be specified in the return parameters I(file_contents) and
- I(file_location).
- - If C(verification_method=email), the email address(es) that the validation email(s) were sent to will be in the return parameter I(emails). This is
- purely informational. For domains requested using this module, this will always be a list of size 1.
- - There is a small delay (typically about 5 seconds, but can be as long as 60 seconds) before obtaining the random values when requesting a validation
- while C(verification_method=dns) or C(verification_method=web_server). Be aware of that if doing many domain validation requests.
- client_id:
- description:
- - The client ID to request the domain be associated with.
- - If no client ID is specified, the domain will be added under the primary client with ID of 1.
- type: int
- default: 1
- domain_name:
- description:
- - The domain name to be verified or reverified.
- type: str
- required: true
- verification_method:
- description:
- - The verification method to be used to prove control of the domain.
- - If C(verification_method=email) and the value I(verification_email) is specified, that value is used for the email validation. If
- I(verification_email) is not provided, the first value present in WHOIS data will be used. An email will be sent to the address in
- I(verification_email) with instructions on how to verify control of the domain.
- - If C(verification_method=dns), the value I(dns_contents) must be stored in location I(dns_location), with a DNS record type of
- I(verification_dns_record_type). To prove domain ownership, update your DNS records so the text string returned by I(dns_contents) is available at
- I(dns_location).
- - If C(verification_method=web_server), the contents of return value I(file_contents) must be made available on a web server accessible at location
- I(file_location).
- - If C(verification_method=manual), the domain will be validated with a manual process. This is not recommended.
- type: str
- choices: [ 'dns', 'email', 'manual', 'web_server']
- required: true
- verification_email:
- description:
- - Email address to be used to verify domain ownership.
- - 'Email address must be either an email address present in the WHOIS data for I(domain_name), or one of the following constructed emails:
- admin@I(domain_name), administrator@I(domain_name), webmaster@I(domain_name), hostmaster@I(domain_name), postmaster@I(domain_name)'
- - 'Note that if I(domain_name) includes subdomains, the top level domain should be used. For example, if requesting validation of
-, or, and you want to use the "admin" preconstructed name, the email address should be
- - If using the email values from the WHOIS data for the domain or it's top level namespace, they must be exact matches.
- - If C(verification_method=email) but I(verification_email) is not provided, the first email address found in WHOIS data for the domain will be
- used.
- - To verify domain ownership, domain owner must follow the instructions in the email they receive.
- - Only allowed if C(verification_method=email)
- type: str
- - module: openssl_certificate
- description: Can be used to request certificates from ECS, with C(provider=entrust).
- - module: ecs_certificate
- description: Can be used to request a Certificate from ECS using a verified domain.
- - ecs_credential
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Request domain validation using email validation for client ID of 2.
- ecs_domain:
- domain_name:
- client_id: 2
- verification_method: email
- verification_email:
- entrust_api_user: apiusername
- entrust_api_key: a^lv*32!cd9LnT
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.crt
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.key
-- name: Request domain validation using DNS. If domain is already valid,
- request revalidation if expires within 90 days
- ecs_domain:
- domain_name:
- verification_method: dns
- entrust_api_user: apiusername
- entrust_api_key: a^lv*32!cd9LnT
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.crt
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.key
-- name: Request domain validation using web server validation, and revalidate
- if fewer than 60 days remaining of EV eligibility.
- ecs_domain:
- domain_name:
- verification_method: web_server
- entrust_api_user: apiusername
- entrust_api_key: a^lv*32!cd9LnT
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.crt
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.key
-- name: Request domain validation using manual validation.
- ecs_domain:
- domain_name:
- verification_method: manual
- entrust_api_user: apiusername
- entrust_api_key: a^lv*32!cd9LnT
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.crt
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.key
-RETURN = '''
- description: Status of the current domain. Will be one of C(APPROVED), C(DECLINED), C(CANCELLED), C(INITIAL_VERIFICATION), C(DECLINED), C(CANCELLED),
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: APPROVED
- description: Verification method used to request the domain validation. If C(changed) will be the same as I(verification_method) input parameter.
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: dns
- description: The location that ECS will be expecting to be able to find the file for domain verification, containing the contents of I(file_contents).
- returned: I(verification_method) is C(web_server)
- type: str
- sample:
- description: The contents of the file that ECS will be expecting to find at C(file_location).
- returned: I(verification_method) is C(web_server)
- type: str
- sample: AB23CD41432522FF2526920393982FAB
- description:
- - The list of emails used to request validation of this domain.
- - Domains requested using this module will only have a list of size 1.
- returned: I(verification_method) is C(email)
- type: list
- sample: [, ]
- description: The location that ECS will be expecting to be able to find the DNS entry for domain verification, containing the contents of I(dns_contents).
- returned: changed and if I(verification_method) is C(dns)
- type: str
- sample:
- description: The value that ECS will be expecting to find in the DNS record located at I(dns_location).
- returned: changed and if I(verification_method) is C(dns)
- type: str
- sample: AB23CD41432522FF2526920393982FAB
- description: The type of resource record that ECS will be expecting for the DNS record located at I(dns_location).
- returned: changed and if I(verification_method) is C(dns)
- type: str
- sample: TXT
- description: Client ID that the domain belongs to. If the input value I(client_id) is specified, this will always be the same as I(client_id)
- returned: changed or success
- type: int
- sample: 1
- description: Whether the domain is eligible for submission of "OV" certificates. Will never be C(false) if I(ov_eligible) is C(true)
- returned: success and I(domain_status) is C(APPROVED), C(RE_VERIFICATION), C(EXPIRING), or C(EXPIRED).
- type: bool
- sample: true
- description: The number of days the domain remains eligible for submission of "OV" certificates. Will never be less than the value of I(ev_days_remaining)
- returned: success and I(ov_eligible) is C(true) and I(domain_status) is C(APPROVED), C(RE_VERIFICATION) or C(EXPIRING).
- type: int
- sample: 129
- description: Whether the domain is eligible for submission of "EV" certificates. Will never be C(true) if I(ov_eligible) is C(false)
- returned: success and I(domain_status) is C(APPROVED), C(RE_VERIFICATION) or C(EXPIRING), or C(EXPIRED).
- type: bool
- sample: true
- description: The number of days the domain remains eligible for submission of "EV" certificates. Will never be greater than the value of
- I(ov_days_remaining)
- returned: success and I(ev_eligible) is C(true) and I(domain_status) is C(APPROVED), C(RE_VERIFICATION) or C(EXPIRING).
- type: int
- sample: 94
-from ansible.module_utils.ecs.api import (
- ecs_client_argument_spec,
- ECSClient,
- RestOperationException,
- SessionConfigurationException,
-import datetime
-import time
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-def calculate_days_remaining(expiry_date):
- days_remaining = None
- if expiry_date:
- expiry_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(expiry_date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
- days_remaining = (expiry_datetime -
- return days_remaining
-class EcsDomain(object):
- '''
- Entrust Certificate Services domain class.
- '''
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.changed = False
- self.domain_status = None
- self.verification_method = None
- self.file_location = None
- self.file_contents = None
- self.dns_location = None
- self.dns_contents = None
- self.dns_resource_type = None
- self.emails = None
- self.ov_eligible = None
- self.ov_days_remaining = None
- self.ev_eligble = None
- self.ev_days_remaining = None
- # Note that verification_method is the 'current' verification
- # method of the domain, we'll use module.params when requesting a new
- # one, in case the verification method has changed.
- self.verification_method = None
- self.ecs_client = None
- # Instantiate the ECS client and then try a no-op connection to verify credentials are valid
- try:
- self.ecs_client = ECSClient(
- entrust_api_user=module.params['entrust_api_user'],
- entrust_api_key=module.params['entrust_api_key'],
- entrust_api_cert=module.params['entrust_api_client_cert_path'],
- entrust_api_cert_key=module.params['entrust_api_client_cert_key_path'],
- entrust_api_specification_path=module.params['entrust_api_specification_path']
- )
- except SessionConfigurationException as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Failed to initialize Entrust Provider: {0}'.format(to_native(e)))
- try:
- self.ecs_client.GetAppVersion()
- except RestOperationException as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Please verify credential information. Received exception when testing ECS connection: {0}'.format(to_native(e.message)))
- def set_domain_details(self, domain_details):
- if domain_details.get('verificationMethod'):
- self.verification_method = domain_details['verificationMethod'].lower()
- self.domain_status = domain_details['verificationStatus']
- self.ov_eligible = domain_details.get('ovEligible')
- self.ov_days_remaining = calculate_days_remaining(domain_details.get('ovExpiry'))
- self.ev_eligible = domain_details.get('evEligible')
- self.ev_days_remaining = calculate_days_remaining(domain_details.get('evExpiry'))
- self.client_id = domain_details['clientId']
- if self.verification_method == 'dns' and domain_details.get('dnsMethod'):
- self.dns_location = domain_details['dnsMethod']['recordDomain']
- self.dns_resource_type = domain_details['dnsMethod']['recordType']
- self.dns_contents = domain_details['dnsMethod']['recordValue']
- elif self.verification_method == 'web_server' and domain_details.get('webServerMethod'):
- self.file_location = domain_details['webServerMethod']['fileLocation']
- self.file_contents = domain_details['webServerMethod']['fileContents']
- elif self.verification_method == 'email' and domain_details.get('emailMethod'):
- self.emails = domain_details['emailMethod']
- def check(self, module):
- try:
- domain_details = self.ecs_client.GetDomain(clientId=module.params['client_id'], domain=module.params['domain_name'])
- self.set_domain_details(domain_details)
- if self.domain_status != 'APPROVED' and self.domain_status != 'INITIAL_VERIFICATION' and self.domain_status != 'RE_VERIFICATION':
- return False
- # If domain verification is in process, we want to return the random values and treat it as a valid.
- if self.domain_status == 'INITIAL_VERIFICATION' or self.domain_status == 'RE_VERIFICATION':
- # Unless the verification method has changed, in which case we need to do a reverify request.
- if self.verification_method != module.params['verification_method']:
- return False
- if self.domain_status == 'EXPIRING':
- return False
- return True
- except RestOperationException as dummy:
- return False
- def request_domain(self, module):
- if not self.check(module):
- body = {}
- body['verificationMethod'] = module.params['verification_method'].upper()
- if module.params['verification_method'] == 'email':
- emailMethod = {}
- if module.params['verification_email']:
- emailMethod['emailSource'] = 'SPECIFIED'
- emailMethod['email'] = module.params['verification_email']
- else:
- emailMethod['emailSource'] = 'INCLUDE_WHOIS'
- body['emailMethod'] = emailMethod
- # Only populate domain name in body if it is not an existing domain
- if not self.domain_status:
- body['domainName'] = module.params['domain_name']
- try:
- if not self.domain_status:
- self.ecs_client.AddDomain(clientId=module.params['client_id'], Body=body)
- else:
- self.ecs_client.ReverifyDomain(clientId=module.params['client_id'], domain=module.params['domain_name'], Body=body)
- time.sleep(5)
- result = self.ecs_client.GetDomain(clientId=module.params['client_id'], domain=module.params['domain_name'])
- # It takes a bit of time before the random values are available
- if module.params['verification_method'] == 'dns' or module.params['verification_method'] == 'web_server':
- for i in range(4):
- # Check both that random values are now available, and that they're different than were populated by previous 'check'
- if module.params['verification_method'] == 'dns':
- if result.get('dnsMethod') and result['dnsMethod']['recordValue'] != self.dns_contents:
- break
- elif module.params['verification_method'] == 'web_server':
- if result.get('webServerMethod') and result['webServerMethod']['fileContents'] != self.file_contents:
- break
- time.sleep(10)
- result = self.ecs_client.GetDomain(clientId=module.params['client_id'], domain=module.params['domain_name'])
- self.changed = True
- self.set_domain_details(result)
- except RestOperationException as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Failed to request domain validation from Entrust (ECS) {0}'.format(e.message))
- def dump(self):
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'client_id': self.client_id,
- 'domain_status': self.domain_status,
- }
- if self.verification_method:
- result['verification_method'] = self.verification_method
- if self.ov_eligible is not None:
- result['ov_eligible'] = self.ov_eligible
- if self.ov_days_remaining:
- result['ov_days_remaining'] = self.ov_days_remaining
- if self.ev_eligible is not None:
- result['ev_eligible'] = self.ev_eligible
- if self.ev_days_remaining:
- result['ev_days_remaining'] = self.ev_days_remaining
- if self.emails:
- result['emails'] = self.emails
- if self.verification_method == 'dns':
- result['dns_location'] = self.dns_location
- result['dns_contents'] = self.dns_contents
- result['dns_resource_type'] = self.dns_resource_type
- elif self.verification_method == 'web_server':
- result['file_location'] = self.file_location
- result['file_contents'] = self.file_contents
- elif self.verification_method == 'email':
- result['emails'] = self.emails
- return result
-def ecs_domain_argument_spec():
- return dict(
- client_id=dict(type='int', default=1),
- domain_name=dict(type='str', required=True),
- verification_method=dict(type='str', required=True, choices=['dns', 'email', 'manual', 'web_server']),
- verification_email=dict(type='str'),
- )
-def main():
- ecs_argument_spec = ecs_client_argument_spec()
- ecs_argument_spec.update(ecs_domain_argument_spec())
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=ecs_argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=False,
- )
- if module.params['verification_email'] and module.params['verification_method'] != 'email':
- module.fail_json(msg='The verification_email field is invalid when verification_method="{0}".'.format(module.params['verification_method']))
- domain = EcsDomain(module)
- domain.request_domain(module)
- result = domain.dump()
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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index 29b5c7ff01..0000000000
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@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8 -*-
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: get_certificate
-author: "John Westcott IV (@john-westcott-iv)"
-version_added: "2.8"
-short_description: Get a certificate from a host:port
- - Makes a secure connection and returns information about the presented certificate
- - The module can use the cryptography Python library, or the pyOpenSSL Python
- library. By default, it tries to detect which one is available. This can be
- overridden with the I(select_crypto_backend) option. Please note that the PyOpenSSL
- backend was deprecated in Ansible 2.9 and will be removed in Ansible 2.13."
- host:
- description:
- - The host to get the cert for (IP is fine)
- type: str
- required: true
- ca_cert:
- description:
- - A PEM file containing one or more root certificates; if present, the cert will be validated against these root certs.
- - Note that this only validates the certificate is signed by the chain; not that the cert is valid for the host presenting it.
- type: path
- port:
- description:
- - The port to connect to
- type: int
- required: true
- proxy_host:
- description:
- - Proxy host used when get a certificate.
- type: str
- version_added: 2.9
- proxy_port:
- description:
- - Proxy port used when get a certificate.
- type: int
- default: 8080
- version_added: 2.9
- timeout:
- description:
- - The timeout in seconds
- type: int
- default: 10
- select_crypto_backend:
- description:
- - Determines which crypto backend to use.
- - The default choice is C(auto), which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to C(pyopenssl).
- - If set to C(pyopenssl), will try to use the L(pyOpenSSL, library.
- - If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the L(cryptography, library.
- type: str
- default: auto
- choices: [ auto, cryptography, pyopenssl ]
- version_added: "2.9"
- - When using ca_cert on OS X it has been reported that in some conditions the validate will always succeed.
- - "python >= 2.7 when using C(proxy_host)"
- - "cryptography >= 1.6 or pyOpenSSL >= 0.15"
-RETURN = '''
- description: The certificate retrieved from the port
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: Boolean indicating if the cert is expired
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Extensions applied to the cert
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: dict
- contains:
- critical:
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Whether the extension is critical.
- asn1_data:
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: The Base64 encoded ASN.1 content of the extnesion.
- name:
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: The extension's name.
- description: Information about the issuer of the cert
- returned: success
- type: dict
- description: Expiration date of the cert
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: Issue date of the cert
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: The serial number of the cert
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: The algorithm used to sign the cert
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: Information about the subject of the cert (OU, CN, etc)
- returned: success
- type: dict
- description: The version number of the certificate
- returned: success
- type: str
-- name: Get the cert from an RDP port
- get_certificate:
- host: ""
- port: 3389
- delegate_to: localhost
- run_once: true
- register: cert
-- name: Get a cert from an https port
- get_certificate:
- host: ""
- port: 443
- delegate_to: localhost
- run_once: true
- register: cert
-- name: How many days until cert expires
- debug:
- msg: "cert expires in: {{ expire_days }} days."
- vars:
- expire_days: "{{ (( cert.not_after | to_datetime('%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ')) - (ansible_date_time.iso8601 | to_datetime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')) ).days }}"
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from os.path import isfile
-from socket import setdefaulttimeout, socket
-from ssl import get_server_certificate, DER_cert_to_PEM_cert, CERT_NONE, CERT_OPTIONAL
-import atexit
-import base64
-import datetime
-import traceback
- from ssl import create_default_context
-except ImportError:
- CREATE_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- import OpenSSL
- from OpenSSL import crypto
- PYOPENSSL_VERSION = LooseVersion(OpenSSL.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- import cryptography
- import cryptography.exceptions
- import cryptography.x509
- from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend as cryptography_backend
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- ca_cert=dict(type='path'),
- host=dict(type='str', required=True),
- port=dict(type='int', required=True),
- proxy_host=dict(type='str'),
- proxy_port=dict(type='int', default=8080),
- timeout=dict(type='int', default=10),
- select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', choices=['auto', 'pyopenssl', 'cryptography'], default='auto'),
- ),
- )
- ca_cert = module.params.get('ca_cert')
- host = module.params.get('host')
- port = module.params.get('port')
- proxy_host = module.params.get('proxy_host')
- proxy_port = module.params.get('proxy_port')
- timeout = module.params.get('timeout')
- backend = module.params.get('select_crypto_backend')
- if backend == 'auto':
- # Detection what is possible
- # First try cryptography, then pyOpenSSL
- if can_use_cryptography:
- backend = 'cryptography'
- elif can_use_pyopenssl:
- backend = 'pyopenssl'
- # Success?
- if backend == 'auto':
- module.fail_json(msg=("Can't detect any of the required Python libraries "
- "cryptography (>= {0}) or PyOpenSSL (>= {1})").format(
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyOpenSSL >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_PYOPENSSL_VERSION)),
- exception=PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR)
- module.deprecate('The module is using the PyOpenSSL backend. This backend has been deprecated', version='2.13')
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION)),
- result = dict(
- changed=False,
- )
- if timeout:
- setdefaulttimeout(timeout)
- if ca_cert:
- if not isfile(ca_cert):
- module.fail_json(msg="ca_cert file does not exist")
- if proxy_host:
- module.fail_json(msg='To use proxy_host, you must run the get_certificate module with Python 2.7 or newer.',
- try:
- connect = "CONNECT %s:%s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n" % (host, port)
- sock = socket()
- atexit.register(sock.close)
- sock.connect((proxy_host, proxy_port))
- sock.send(connect.encode())
- sock.recv(8192)
- ctx = create_default_context()
- ctx.check_hostname = False
- ctx.verify_mode = CERT_NONE
- if ca_cert:
- ctx.verify_mode = CERT_OPTIONAL
- ctx.load_verify_locations(cafile=ca_cert)
- cert = ctx.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=host).getpeercert(True)
- cert = DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(cert)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Failed to get cert from port with error: {0}".format(e))
- else:
- try:
- cert = get_server_certificate((host, port), ca_certs=ca_cert)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Failed to get cert from port with error: {0}".format(e))
- result['cert'] = cert
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- x509 = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert)
- result['subject'] = {}
- for component in x509.get_subject().get_components():
- result['subject'][component[0]] = component[1]
- result['expired'] = x509.has_expired()
- result['extensions'] = []
- extension_count = x509.get_extension_count()
- for index in range(0, extension_count):
- extension = x509.get_extension(index)
- result['extensions'].append({
- 'critical': extension.get_critical(),
- 'asn1_data': extension.get_data(),
- 'name': extension.get_short_name(),
- })
- result['issuer'] = {}
- for component in x509.get_issuer().get_components():
- result['issuer'][component[0]] = component[1]
- result['not_after'] = x509.get_notAfter()
- result['not_before'] = x509.get_notBefore()
- result['serial_number'] = x509.get_serial_number()
- result['signature_algorithm'] = x509.get_signature_algorithm()
- result['version'] = x509.get_version()
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- x509 = cryptography.x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(to_bytes(cert), cryptography_backend())
- result['subject'] = {}
- for attribute in x509.subject:
- result['subject'][crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(attribute.oid, short=True)] = attribute.value
- result['expired'] = x509.not_valid_after < datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- result['extensions'] = []
- for dotted_number, entry in crypto_utils.cryptography_get_extensions_from_cert(x509).items():
- oid = cryptography.x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier(dotted_number)
- result['extensions'].append({
- 'critical': entry['critical'],
- 'asn1_data': base64.b64decode(entry['value']),
- 'name': crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(oid, short=True),
- })
- result['issuer'] = {}
- for attribute in x509.issuer:
- result['issuer'][crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(attribute.oid, short=True)] = attribute.value
- result['not_after'] = x509.not_valid_after.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ')
- result['not_before'] = x509.not_valid_before.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ')
- result['serial_number'] = x509.serial_number
- result['signature_algorithm'] = crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(x509.signature_algorithm_oid)
- # We need the -1 offset to get the same values as pyOpenSSL
- if x509.version == cryptography.x509.Version.v1:
- result['version'] = 1 - 1
- elif x509.version == cryptography.x509.Version.v3:
- result['version'] = 3 - 1
- else:
- result['version'] = "unknown"
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b895db757..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,794 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2017 Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: luks_device
-short_description: Manage encrypted (LUKS) devices
-version_added: "2.8"
- - "Module manages L(LUKS,
- on given device. Supports creating, destroying, opening and closing of
- LUKS container and adding or removing new keys and passphrases."
- device:
- description:
- - "Device to work with (e.g. C(/dev/sda1)). Needed in most cases.
- Can be omitted only when I(state=closed) together with I(name)
- is provided."
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - "Desired state of the LUKS container. Based on its value creates,
- destroys, opens or closes the LUKS container on a given device."
- - "I(present) will create LUKS container unless already present.
- Requires I(device) and either I(keyfile) or I(passphrase) options
- to be provided."
- - "I(absent) will remove existing LUKS container if it exists.
- Requires I(device) or I(name) to be specified."
- - "I(opened) will unlock the LUKS container. If it does not exist
- it will be created first.
- Requires I(device) and either I(keyfile) or I(passphrase)
- to be specified. Use the I(name) option to set the name of
- the opened container. Otherwise the name will be
- generated automatically and returned as a part of the
- result."
- - "I(closed) will lock the LUKS container. However if the container
- does not exist it will be created.
- Requires I(device) and either I(keyfile) or I(passphrase)
- options to be provided. If container does already exist
- I(device) or I(name) will suffice."
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [present, absent, opened, closed]
- name:
- description:
- - "Sets container name when I(state=opened). Can be used
- instead of I(device) when closing the existing container
- (i.e. when I(state=closed))."
- type: str
- keyfile:
- description:
- - "Used to unlock the container. Either a I(keyfile) or a
- I(passphrase) is needed for most of the operations. Parameter
- value is the path to the keyfile with the passphrase."
- - "BEWARE that working with keyfiles in plaintext is dangerous.
- Make sure that they are protected."
- type: path
- passphrase:
- description:
- - "Used to unlock the container. Either a I(passphrase) or a
- I(keyfile) is needed for most of the operations. Parameter
- value is a string with the passphrase."
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
- keysize:
- description:
- - "Sets the key size only if LUKS container does not exist."
- type: int
- version_added: '2.10'
- new_keyfile:
- description:
- - "Adds additional key to given container on I(device).
- Needs I(keyfile) or I(passphrase) option for authorization.
- LUKS container supports up to 8 keyslots. Parameter value
- is the path to the keyfile with the passphrase."
- - "NOTE that adding additional keys is *not idempotent*.
- A new keyslot will be used even if another keyslot already
- exists for this keyfile."
- - "BEWARE that working with keyfiles in plaintext is dangerous.
- Make sure that they are protected."
- type: path
- new_passphrase:
- description:
- - "Adds additional passphrase to given container on I(device).
- Needs I(keyfile) or I(passphrase) option for authorization. LUKS
- container supports up to 8 keyslots. Parameter value is a string
- with the new passphrase."
- - "NOTE that adding additional passphrase is *not idempotent*. A
- new keyslot will be used even if another keyslot already exists
- for this passphrase."
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
- remove_keyfile:
- description:
- - "Removes given key from the container on I(device). Does not
- remove the keyfile from filesystem.
- Parameter value is the path to the keyfile with the passphrase."
- - "NOTE that removing keys is *not idempotent*. Trying to remove
- a key which no longer exists results in an error."
- - "NOTE that to remove the last key from a LUKS container, the
- I(force_remove_last_key) option must be set to C(yes)."
- - "BEWARE that working with keyfiles in plaintext is dangerous.
- Make sure that they are protected."
- type: path
- remove_passphrase:
- description:
- - "Removes given passphrase from the container on I(device).
- Parameter value is a string with the passphrase to remove."
- - "NOTE that removing passphrases is I(not
- idempotent). Trying to remove a passphrase which no longer
- exists results in an error."
- - "NOTE that to remove the last keyslot from a LUKS
- container, the I(force_remove_last_key) option must be set
- to C(yes)."
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
- force_remove_last_key:
- description:
- - "If set to C(yes), allows removing the last key from a container."
- - "BEWARE that when the last key has been removed from a container,
- the container can no longer be opened!"
- type: bool
- default: no
- label:
- description:
- - "This option allow the user to create a LUKS2 format container
- with label support, respectively to identify the container by
- label on later usages."
- - "Will only be used on container creation, or when I(device) is
- not specified."
- - "This cannot be specified if I(type) is set to C(luks1)."
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
- uuid:
- description:
- - "With this option user can identify the LUKS container by UUID."
- - "Will only be used when I(device) and I(label) are not specified."
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
- type:
- description:
- - "This option allow the user explicit define the format of LUKS
- container that wants to work with. Options are C(luks1) or C(luks2)"
- type: str
- choices: [luks1, luks2]
- version_added: "2.10"
- - "cryptsetup"
- - "wipefs (when I(state) is C(absent))"
- - "lsblk"
- - "blkid (when I(label) or I(uuid) options are used)"
-author: Jan Pokorny (@japokorn)
-- name: create LUKS container (remains unchanged if it already exists)
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- state: "present"
- keyfile: "/vault/keyfile"
-- name: create LUKS container with a passphrase
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- state: "present"
- passphrase: "foo"
-- name: (create and) open the LUKS container; name it "mycrypt"
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- state: "opened"
- name: "mycrypt"
- keyfile: "/vault/keyfile"
-- name: close the existing LUKS container "mycrypt"
- luks_device:
- state: "closed"
- name: "mycrypt"
-- name: make sure LUKS container exists and is closed
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- state: "closed"
- keyfile: "/vault/keyfile"
-- name: create container if it does not exist and add new key to it
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- state: "present"
- keyfile: "/vault/keyfile"
- new_keyfile: "/vault/keyfile2"
-- name: add new key to the LUKS container (container has to exist)
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- keyfile: "/vault/keyfile"
- new_keyfile: "/vault/keyfile2"
-- name: add new passphrase to the LUKS container
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- keyfile: "/vault/keyfile"
- new_passphrase: "foo"
-- name: remove existing keyfile from the LUKS container
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- remove_keyfile: "/vault/keyfile2"
-- name: remove existing passphrase from the LUKS container
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- remove_passphrase: "foo"
-- name: completely remove the LUKS container and its contents
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- state: "absent"
-- name: create a container with label
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- state: "present"
- keyfile: "/vault/keyfile"
- label: personalLabelName
-- name: open the LUKS container based on label without device; name it "mycrypt"
- luks_device:
- label: "personalLabelName"
- state: "opened"
- name: "mycrypt"
- keyfile: "/vault/keyfile"
-- name: close container based on UUID
- luks_device:
- uuid: 03ecd578-fad4-4e6c-9348-842e3e8fa340
- state: "closed"
- name: "mycrypt"
-- name: create a container using luks2 format
- luks_device:
- device: "/dev/loop0"
- state: "present"
- keyfile: "/vault/keyfile"
- type: luks2
-RETURN = '''
- description:
- When I(state=opened) returns (generated or given) name
- of LUKS container. Returns None if no name is supplied.
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: "luks-c1da9a58-2fde-4256-9d9f-6ab008b4dd1b"
-import os
-import re
-import stat
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-# used to get <luks-name> out of lsblk output in format 'crypt <luks-name>'
-# regex takes care of any possible blank characters
-LUKS_NAME_REGEX = re.compile(r'\s*crypt\s+([^\s]*)\s*')
-# used to get </luks/device> out of lsblk output
-# in format 'device: </luks/device>'
-LUKS_DEVICE_REGEX = re.compile(r'\s*device:\s+([^\s]*)\s*')
-class Handler(object):
- def __init__(self, module):
- self._module = module
- self._lsblk_bin = self._module.get_bin_path('lsblk', True)
- def _run_command(self, command, data=None):
- return self._module.run_command(command, data=data)
- def get_device_by_uuid(self, uuid):
- ''' Returns the device that holds UUID passed by user
- '''
- self._blkid_bin = self._module.get_bin_path('blkid', True)
- uuid = self._module.params['uuid']
- if uuid is None:
- return None
- result = self._run_command([self._blkid_bin, '--uuid', uuid])
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- return None
- return result[STDOUT].strip()
- def get_device_by_label(self, label):
- ''' Returns the device that holds label passed by user
- '''
- self._blkid_bin = self._module.get_bin_path('blkid', True)
- label = self._module.params['label']
- if label is None:
- return None
- result = self._run_command([self._blkid_bin, '--label', label])
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- return None
- return result[STDOUT].strip()
- def generate_luks_name(self, device):
- ''' Generate name for luks based on device UUID ('luks-<UUID>').
- Raises ValueError when obtaining of UUID fails.
- '''
- result = self._run_command([self._lsblk_bin, '-n', device, '-o', 'UUID'])
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- raise ValueError('Error while generating LUKS name for %s: %s'
- % (device, result[STDERR]))
- dev_uuid = result[STDOUT].strip()
- return 'luks-%s' % dev_uuid
-class CryptHandler(Handler):
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(CryptHandler, self).__init__(module)
- self._cryptsetup_bin = self._module.get_bin_path('cryptsetup', True)
- def get_container_name_by_device(self, device):
- ''' obtain LUKS container name based on the device where it is located
- return None if not found
- raise ValueError if lsblk command fails
- '''
- result = self._run_command([self._lsblk_bin, device, '-nlo', 'type,name'])
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- raise ValueError('Error while obtaining LUKS name for %s: %s'
- % (device, result[STDERR]))
- m =[STDOUT])
- try:
- name =
- except AttributeError:
- name = None
- return name
- def get_container_device_by_name(self, name):
- ''' obtain device name based on the LUKS container name
- return None if not found
- raise ValueError if lsblk command fails
- '''
- # apparently each device can have only one LUKS container on it
- result = self._run_command([self._cryptsetup_bin, 'status', name])
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- return None
- m =[STDOUT])
- device =
- return device
- def is_luks(self, device):
- ''' check if the LUKS container does exist
- '''
- result = self._run_command([self._cryptsetup_bin, 'isLuks', device])
- return result[RETURN_CODE] == 0
- def run_luks_create(self, device, keyfile, passphrase, keysize):
- # create a new luks container; use batch mode to auto confirm
- luks_type = self._module.params['type']
- label = self._module.params['label']
- options = []
- if keysize is not None:
- options.append('--key-size=' + str(keysize))
- if label is not None:
- options.extend(['--label', label])
- luks_type = 'luks2'
- if luks_type is not None:
- options.extend(['--type', luks_type])
- args = [self._cryptsetup_bin, 'luksFormat']
- args.extend(options)
- args.extend(['-q', device])
- if keyfile:
- args.append(keyfile)
- result = self._run_command(args, data=passphrase)
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- raise ValueError('Error while creating LUKS on %s: %s'
- % (device, result[STDERR]))
- def run_luks_open(self, device, keyfile, passphrase, name):
- args = [self._cryptsetup_bin]
- if keyfile:
- args.extend(['--key-file', keyfile])
- args.extend(['open', '--type', 'luks', device, name])
- result = self._run_command(args, data=passphrase)
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- raise ValueError('Error while opening LUKS container on %s: %s'
- % (device, result[STDERR]))
- def run_luks_close(self, name):
- result = self._run_command([self._cryptsetup_bin, 'close', name])
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- raise ValueError('Error while closing LUKS container %s' % (name))
- def run_luks_remove(self, device):
- wipefs_bin = self._module.get_bin_path('wipefs', True)
- name = self.get_container_name_by_device(device)
- if name is not None:
- self.run_luks_close(name)
- result = self._run_command([wipefs_bin, '--all', device])
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- raise ValueError('Error while wiping luks container %s: %s'
- % (device, result[STDERR]))
- def run_luks_add_key(self, device, keyfile, passphrase, new_keyfile,
- new_passphrase):
- ''' Add new key from a keyfile or passphrase to given 'device';
- authentication done using 'keyfile' or 'passphrase'.
- Raises ValueError when command fails.
- '''
- data = []
- args = [self._cryptsetup_bin, 'luksAddKey', device]
- if keyfile:
- args.extend(['--key-file', keyfile])
- else:
- data.append(passphrase)
- if new_keyfile:
- args.append(new_keyfile)
- else:
- data.extend([new_passphrase, new_passphrase])
- result = self._run_command(args, data='\n'.join(data) or None)
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- raise ValueError('Error while adding new LUKS keyslot to %s: %s'
- % (device, result[STDERR]))
- def run_luks_remove_key(self, device, keyfile, passphrase,
- force_remove_last_key=False):
- ''' Remove key from given device
- Raises ValueError when command fails
- '''
- if not force_remove_last_key:
- result = self._run_command([self._cryptsetup_bin, 'luksDump', device])
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- raise ValueError('Error while dumping LUKS header from %s'
- % (device, ))
- keyslot_count = 0
- keyslot_area = False
- keyslot_re = re.compile(r'^Key Slot [0-9]+: ENABLED')
- for line in result[STDOUT].splitlines():
- if line.startswith('Keyslots:'):
- keyslot_area = True
- elif line.startswith(' '):
- # LUKS2 header dumps use human-readable indented output.
- # Thus we have to look out for 'Keyslots:' and count the
- # number of indented keyslot numbers.
- if keyslot_area and line[2] in '0123456789':
- keyslot_count += 1
- elif line.startswith('\t'):
- pass
- elif keyslot_re.match(line):
- # LUKS1 header dumps have one line per keyslot with ENABLED
- # or DISABLED in them. We count such lines with ENABLED.
- keyslot_count += 1
- else:
- keyslot_area = False
- if keyslot_count < 2:
- self._module.fail_json(msg="LUKS device %s has less than two active keyslots. "
- "To be able to remove a key, please set "
- "`force_remove_last_key` to `yes`." % device)
- args = [self._cryptsetup_bin, 'luksRemoveKey', device, '-q']
- if keyfile:
- args.extend(['--key-file', keyfile])
- result = self._run_command(args, data=passphrase)
- if result[RETURN_CODE] != 0:
- raise ValueError('Error while removing LUKS key from %s: %s'
- % (device, result[STDERR]))
-class ConditionsHandler(Handler):
- def __init__(self, module, crypthandler):
- super(ConditionsHandler, self).__init__(module)
- self._crypthandler = crypthandler
- self.device = self.get_device_name()
- def get_device_name(self):
- device = self._module.params.get('device')
- label = self._module.params.get('label')
- uuid = self._module.params.get('uuid')
- name = self._module.params.get('name')
- if device is None and label is not None:
- device = self.get_device_by_label(label)
- elif device is None and uuid is not None:
- device = self.get_device_by_uuid(uuid)
- elif device is None and name is not None:
- device = self._crypthandler.get_container_device_by_name(name)
- return device
- def luks_create(self):
- return (self.device is not None and
- (self._module.params['keyfile'] is not None or
- self._module.params['passphrase'] is not None) and
- self._module.params['state'] in ('present',
- 'opened',
- 'closed') and
- not self._crypthandler.is_luks(self.device))
- def opened_luks_name(self):
- ''' If luks is already opened, return its name.
- If 'name' parameter is specified and differs
- from obtained value, fail.
- Return None otherwise
- '''
- if self._module.params['state'] != 'opened':
- return None
- # try to obtain luks name - it may be already opened
- name = self._crypthandler.get_container_name_by_device(self.device)
- if name is None:
- # container is not open
- return None
- if self._module.params['name'] is None:
- # container is already opened
- return name
- if name != self._module.params['name']:
- # the container is already open but with different name:
- # suspicious. back off
- self._module.fail_json(msg="LUKS container is already opened "
- "under different name '%s'." % name)
- # container is opened and the names match
- return name
- def luks_open(self):
- if ((self._module.params['keyfile'] is None and
- self._module.params['passphrase'] is None) or
- self.device is None or
- self._module.params['state'] != 'opened'):
- # conditions for open not fulfilled
- return False
- name = self.opened_luks_name()
- if name is None:
- return True
- return False
- def luks_close(self):
- if ((self._module.params['name'] is None and self.device is None) or
- self._module.params['state'] != 'closed'):
- # conditions for close not fulfilled
- return False
- if self.device is not None:
- name = self._crypthandler.get_container_name_by_device(self.device)
- # successfully getting name based on device means that luks is open
- luks_is_open = name is not None
- if self._module.params['name'] is not None:
- self.device = self._crypthandler.get_container_device_by_name(
- self._module.params['name'])
- # successfully getting device based on name means that luks is open
- luks_is_open = self.device is not None
- return luks_is_open
- def luks_add_key(self):
- if (self.device is None or
- (self._module.params['keyfile'] is None and
- self._module.params['passphrase'] is None) or
- (self._module.params['new_keyfile'] is None and
- self._module.params['new_passphrase'] is None)):
- # conditions for adding a key not fulfilled
- return False
- if self._module.params['state'] == 'absent':
- self._module.fail_json(msg="Contradiction in setup: Asking to "
- "add a key to absent LUKS.")
- return True
- def luks_remove_key(self):
- if (self.device is None or
- (self._module.params['remove_keyfile'] is None and
- self._module.params['remove_passphrase'] is None)):
- # conditions for removing a key not fulfilled
- return False
- if self._module.params['state'] == 'absent':
- self._module.fail_json(msg="Contradiction in setup: Asking to "
- "remove a key from absent LUKS.")
- return True
- def luks_remove(self):
- return (self.device is not None and
- self._module.params['state'] == 'absent' and
- self._crypthandler.is_luks(self.device))
-def run_module():
- # available arguments/parameters that a user can pass
- module_args = dict(
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'opened', 'closed']),
- device=dict(type='str'),
- name=dict(type='str'),
- keyfile=dict(type='path'),
- new_keyfile=dict(type='path'),
- remove_keyfile=dict(type='path'),
- passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- new_passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- remove_passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- force_remove_last_key=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- keysize=dict(type='int'),
- label=dict(type='str'),
- uuid=dict(type='str'),
- type=dict(type='str', choices=['luks1', 'luks2']),
- )
- mutually_exclusive = [
- ('keyfile', 'passphrase'),
- ('new_keyfile', 'new_passphrase'),
- ('remove_keyfile', 'remove_passphrase')
- ]
- # seed the result dict in the object
- result = dict(
- changed=False,
- name=None
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=module_args,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive)
- if module.params['device'] is not None:
- try:
- statinfo = os.stat(module.params['device'])
- mode = statinfo.st_mode
- if not stat.S_ISBLK(mode) and not stat.S_ISCHR(mode):
- raise Exception('{0} is not a device'.format(module.params['device']))
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
- crypt = CryptHandler(module)
- conditions = ConditionsHandler(module, crypt)
- # conditions not allowed to run
- if module.params['label'] is not None and module.params['type'] == 'luks1':
- module.fail_json(msg='You cannot combine type luks1 with the label option.')
- # The conditions are in order to allow more operations in one run.
- # (e.g. create luks and add a key to it)
- # luks create
- if conditions.luks_create():
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- crypt.run_luks_create(conditions.device,
- module.params['keyfile'],
- module.params['passphrase'],
- module.params['keysize'])
- except ValueError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="luks_device error: %s" % e)
- result['changed'] = True
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(**result)
- # luks open
- name = conditions.opened_luks_name()
- if name is not None:
- result['name'] = name
- if conditions.luks_open():
- name = module.params['name']
- if name is None:
- try:
- name = crypt.generate_luks_name(conditions.device)
- except ValueError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="luks_device error: %s" % e)
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- crypt.run_luks_open(conditions.device,
- module.params['keyfile'],
- module.params['passphrase'],
- name)
- except ValueError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="luks_device error: %s" % e)
- result['name'] = name
- result['changed'] = True
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(**result)
- # luks close
- if conditions.luks_close():
- if conditions.device is not None:
- try:
- name = crypt.get_container_name_by_device(
- conditions.device)
- except ValueError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="luks_device error: %s" % e)
- else:
- name = module.params['name']
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- crypt.run_luks_close(name)
- except ValueError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="luks_device error: %s" % e)
- result['name'] = name
- result['changed'] = True
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(**result)
- # luks add key
- if conditions.luks_add_key():
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- crypt.run_luks_add_key(conditions.device,
- module.params['keyfile'],
- module.params['passphrase'],
- module.params['new_keyfile'],
- module.params['new_passphrase'])
- except ValueError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="luks_device error: %s" % e)
- result['changed'] = True
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(**result)
- # luks remove key
- if conditions.luks_remove_key():
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- last_key = module.params['force_remove_last_key']
- crypt.run_luks_remove_key(conditions.device,
- module.params['remove_keyfile'],
- module.params['remove_passphrase'],
- force_remove_last_key=last_key)
- except ValueError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="luks_device error: %s" % e)
- result['changed'] = True
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(**result)
- # luks remove
- if conditions.luks_remove():
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- crypt.run_luks_remove(conditions.device)
- except ValueError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="luks_device error: %s" % e)
- result['changed'] = True
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(**result)
- # Success - return result
- module.exit_json(**result)
-def main():
- run_module()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index e22e27afa2..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,590 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2018, David Kainz <> <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: openssh_cert
-author: "David Kainz (@lolcube)"
-version_added: "2.8"
-short_description: Generate OpenSSH host or user certificates.
- - Generate and regenerate OpenSSH host or user certificates.
- - "ssh-keygen"
- state:
- description:
- - Whether the host or user certificate should exist or not, taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
- type: str
- default: "present"
- choices: [ 'present', 'absent' ]
- type:
- description:
- - Whether the module should generate a host or a user certificate.
- - Required if I(state) is C(present).
- type: str
- choices: ['host', 'user']
- force:
- description:
- - Should the certificate be regenerated even if it already exists and is valid.
- type: bool
- default: false
- path:
- description:
- - Path of the file containing the certificate.
- type: path
- required: true
- signing_key:
- description:
- - The path to the private openssh key that is used for signing the public key in order to generate the certificate.
- - Required if I(state) is C(present).
- type: path
- public_key:
- description:
- - The path to the public key that will be signed with the signing key in order to generate the certificate.
- - Required if I(state) is C(present).
- type: path
- valid_from:
- description:
- - "The point in time the certificate is valid from. Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
- Time will always be interpreted as UTC. Valid formats are: C([+-]timespec | YYYY-MM-DD | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | always)
- where timespec can be an integer + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h).
- Note that if using relative time this module is NOT idempotent."
- - Required if I(state) is C(present).
- type: str
- valid_to:
- description:
- - "The point in time the certificate is valid to. Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
- Time will always be interpreted as UTC. Valid formats are: C([+-]timespec | YYYY-MM-DD | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | forever)
- where timespec can be an integer + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h).
- Note that if using relative time this module is NOT idempotent."
- - Required if I(state) is C(present).
- type: str
- valid_at:
- description:
- - "Check if the certificate is valid at a certain point in time. If it is not the certificate will be regenerated.
- Time will always be interpreted as UTC. Mainly to be used with relative timespec for I(valid_from) and / or I(valid_to).
- Note that if using relative time this module is NOT idempotent."
- type: str
- principals:
- description:
- - "Certificates may be limited to be valid for a set of principal (user/host) names.
- By default, generated certificates are valid for all users or hosts."
- type: list
- elements: str
- options:
- description:
- - "Specify certificate options when signing a key. The option that are valid for user certificates are:"
- - "C(clear): Clear all enabled permissions. This is useful for clearing the default set of permissions so permissions may be added individually."
- - "C(force-command=command): Forces the execution of command instead of any shell or
- command specified by the user when the certificate is used for authentication."
- - "C(no-agent-forwarding): Disable ssh-agent forwarding (permitted by default)."
- - "C(no-port-forwarding): Disable port forwarding (permitted by default)."
- - "C(no-pty Disable): PTY allocation (permitted by default)."
- - "C(no-user-rc): Disable execution of C(~/.ssh/rc) by sshd (permitted by default)."
- - "C(no-x11-forwarding): Disable X11 forwarding (permitted by default)"
- - "C(permit-agent-forwarding): Allows ssh-agent forwarding."
- - "C(permit-port-forwarding): Allows port forwarding."
- - "C(permit-pty): Allows PTY allocation."
- - "C(permit-user-rc): Allows execution of C(~/.ssh/rc) by sshd."
- - "C(permit-x11-forwarding): Allows X11 forwarding."
- - "C(source-address=address_list): Restrict the source addresses from which the certificate is considered valid.
- The C(address_list) is a comma-separated list of one or more address/netmask pairs in CIDR format."
- - "At present, no options are valid for host keys."
- type: list
- elements: str
- identifier:
- description:
- - Specify the key identity when signing a public key. The identifier that is logged by the server when the certificate is used for authentication.
- type: str
- serial_number:
- description:
- - "Specify the certificate serial number.
- The serial number is logged by the server when the certificate is used for authentication.
- The certificate serial number may be used in a KeyRevocationList.
- The serial number may be omitted for checks, but must be specified again for a new certificate.
- Note: The default value set by ssh-keygen is 0."
- type: int
-extends_documentation_fragment: files
-# Generate an OpenSSH user certificate that is valid forever and for all users
-- openssh_cert:
- type: user
- signing_key: /path/to/private_key
- public_key: /path/to/
- path: /path/to/certificate
- valid_from: always
- valid_to: forever
-# Generate an OpenSSH host certificate that is valid for 32 weeks from now and will be regenerated
-# if it is valid for less than 2 weeks from the time the module is being run
-- openssh_cert:
- type: host
- signing_key: /path/to/private_key
- public_key: /path/to/
- path: /path/to/certificate
- valid_from: +0s
- valid_to: +32w
- valid_at: +2w
-# Generate an OpenSSH host certificate that is valid forever and only for and examplehost
-- openssh_cert:
- type: host
- signing_key: /path/to/private_key
- public_key: /path/to/
- path: /path/to/certificate
- valid_from: always
- valid_to: forever
- principals:
- -
- - examplehost
-# Generate an OpenSSH host Certificate that is valid from 21.1.2001 to 21.1.2019
-- openssh_cert:
- type: host
- signing_key: /path/to/private_key
- public_key: /path/to/
- path: /path/to/certificate
- valid_from: "2001-01-21"
- valid_to: "2019-01-21"
-# Generate an OpenSSH user Certificate with clear and force-command option:
-- openssh_cert:
- type: user
- signing_key: /path/to/private_key
- public_key: /path/to/
- path: /path/to/certificate
- valid_from: always
- valid_to: forever
- options:
- - "clear"
- - "force-command=/tmp/bla/foo"
-RETURN = '''
- description: type of the certificate (host or user)
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: host
- description: path to the certificate
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /tmp/
- description: Information about the certificate. Output of C(ssh-keygen -L -f).
- returned: change or success
- type: list
- elements: str
-import os
-import errno
-import re
-import tempfile
-from datetime import datetime
-from datetime import MINYEAR, MAXYEAR
-from shutil import copy2
-from shutil import rmtree
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.crypto import convert_relative_to_datetime
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-class CertificateError(Exception):
- pass
-class Certificate(object):
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.state = module.params['state']
- self.force = module.params['force']
- self.type = module.params['type']
- self.signing_key = module.params['signing_key']
- self.public_key = module.params['public_key']
- self.path = module.params['path']
- self.identifier = module.params['identifier']
- self.serial_number = module.params['serial_number']
- self.valid_from = module.params['valid_from']
- self.valid_to = module.params['valid_to']
- self.valid_at = module.params['valid_at']
- self.principals = module.params['principals']
- self.options = module.params['options']
- self.changed = False
- self.check_mode = module.check_mode
- self.cert_info = {}
- if self.state == 'present':
- if self.options and self.type == "host":
- module.fail_json(msg="Options can only be used with user certificates.")
- if self.valid_at:
- self.valid_at = self.valid_at.lstrip()
- self.valid_from = self.valid_from.lstrip()
- self.valid_to = self.valid_to.lstrip()
- self.ssh_keygen = module.get_bin_path('ssh-keygen', True)
- def generate(self, module):
- if not self.is_valid(module, perms_required=False) or self.force:
- args = [
- self.ssh_keygen,
- '-s', self.signing_key
- ]
- validity = ""
- if not (self.valid_from == "always" and self.valid_to == "forever"):
- if not self.valid_from == "always":
- timeobj = self.convert_to_datetime(module, self.valid_from)
- validity += (
- str(timeobj.year).zfill(4) +
- str(timeobj.month).zfill(2) +
- str( +
- str(timeobj.hour).zfill(2) +
- str(timeobj.minute).zfill(2) +
- str(timeobj.second).zfill(2)
- )
- else:
- validity += "19700101010101"
- validity += ":"
- if self.valid_to == "forever":
- # on ssh-keygen versions that have the year 2038 bug this will cause the datetime to be 2038-01-19T04:14:07
- timeobj = datetime(MAXYEAR, 12, 31)
- else:
- timeobj = self.convert_to_datetime(module, self.valid_to)
- validity += (
- str(timeobj.year).zfill(4) +
- str(timeobj.month).zfill(2) +
- str( +
- str(timeobj.hour).zfill(2) +
- str(timeobj.minute).zfill(2) +
- str(timeobj.second).zfill(2)
- )
- args.extend(["-V", validity])
- if self.type == 'host':
- args.extend(['-h'])
- if self.identifier:
- args.extend(['-I', self.identifier])
- else:
- args.extend(['-I', ""])
- if self.serial_number is not None:
- args.extend(['-z', str(self.serial_number)])
- if self.principals:
- args.extend(['-n', ','.join(self.principals)])
- if self.options:
- for option in self.options:
- args.extend(['-O'])
- args.extend([option])
- args.extend(['-P', ''])
- try:
- temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- copy2(self.public_key, temp_directory)
- args.extend([temp_directory + "/" + os.path.basename(self.public_key)])
- module.run_command(args, environ_update=dict(TZ="UTC"), check_rc=True)
- copy2(temp_directory + "/" + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.public_key))[0] + "", self.path)
- rmtree(temp_directory, ignore_errors=True)
- proc = module.run_command([self.ssh_keygen, '-L', '-f', self.path])
- self.cert_info = proc[1].split()
- self.changed = True
- except Exception as e:
- try:
- self.remove()
- rmtree(temp_directory, ignore_errors=True)
- except OSError as exc:
- if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- raise CertificateError(exc)
- else:
- pass
- module.fail_json(msg="%s" % to_native(e))
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- def convert_to_datetime(self, module, timestring):
- if self.is_relative(timestring):
- result = convert_relative_to_datetime(timestring)
- if result is None:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="'%s' is not a valid time format." % timestring)
- else:
- return result
- else:
- formats = ["%Y-%m-%d",
- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
- "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S",
- ]
- for fmt in formats:
- try:
- return datetime.strptime(timestring, fmt)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- module.fail_json(msg="'%s' is not a valid time format" % timestring)
- def is_relative(self, timestr):
- if timestr.startswith("+") or timestr.startswith("-"):
- return True
- return False
- def is_same_datetime(self, datetime_one, datetime_two):
- # This function is for backwards compatibility only because .total_seconds() is new in python2.7
- def timedelta_total_seconds(time_delta):
- return (time_delta.microseconds + 0.0 + (time_delta.seconds + time_delta.days * 24 * 3600) * 10 ** 6) / 10 ** 6
- # try to use .total_ seconds() from python2.7
- try:
- return (datetime_one - datetime_two).total_seconds() == 0.0
- except AttributeError:
- return timedelta_total_seconds(datetime_one - datetime_two) == 0.0
- def is_valid(self, module, perms_required=True):
- def _check_state():
- return os.path.exists(self.path)
- if _check_state():
- proc = module.run_command([self.ssh_keygen, '-L', '-f', self.path], environ_update=dict(TZ="UTC"), check_rc=False)
- if proc[0] != 0:
- return False
- self.cert_info = proc[1].split()
- principals = re.findall("(?<=Principals:)(.*)(?=Critical)", proc[1], re.S)[0].split()
- principals = list(map(str.strip, principals))
- if principals == ["(none)"]:
- principals = None
- cert_type = re.findall("( user | host )", proc[1])[0].strip()
- serial_number ="Serial: (\d+)", proc[1]).group(1)
- validity = re.findall("(from (\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}(:\\d{2}){2}) to (\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}(:\\d{2}){2}))", proc[1])
- if validity:
- if validity[0][1]:
- cert_valid_from = self.convert_to_datetime(module, validity[0][1])
- if self.is_same_datetime(cert_valid_from, self.convert_to_datetime(module, "1970-01-01 01:01:01")):
- cert_valid_from = datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1)
- else:
- cert_valid_from = datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1)
- if validity[0][3]:
- cert_valid_to = self.convert_to_datetime(module, validity[0][3])
- if self.is_same_datetime(cert_valid_to, self.convert_to_datetime(module, "2038-01-19 03:14:07")):
- cert_valid_to = datetime(MAXYEAR, 12, 31)
- else:
- cert_valid_to = datetime(MAXYEAR, 12, 31)
- else:
- cert_valid_from = datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1)
- cert_valid_to = datetime(MAXYEAR, 12, 31)
- else:
- return False
- def _check_perms(module):
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- return not module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
- def _check_serial_number():
- if self.serial_number is None:
- return True
- return self.serial_number == int(serial_number)
- def _check_type():
- return self.type == cert_type
- def _check_principals():
- if not principals or not self.principals:
- return self.principals == principals
- return set(self.principals) == set(principals)
- def _check_validity(module):
- if self.valid_from == "always":
- earliest_time = datetime(MINYEAR, 1, 1)
- elif self.is_relative(self.valid_from):
- earliest_time = None
- else:
- earliest_time = self.convert_to_datetime(module, self.valid_from)
- if self.valid_to == "forever":
- last_time = datetime(MAXYEAR, 12, 31)
- elif self.is_relative(self.valid_to):
- last_time = None
- else:
- last_time = self.convert_to_datetime(module, self.valid_to)
- if earliest_time:
- if not self.is_same_datetime(earliest_time, cert_valid_from):
- return False
- if last_time:
- if not self.is_same_datetime(last_time, cert_valid_to):
- return False
- if self.valid_at:
- if cert_valid_from <= self.convert_to_datetime(module, self.valid_at) <= cert_valid_to:
- return True
- if earliest_time and last_time:
- return True
- return False
- if perms_required and not _check_perms(module):
- return False
- return _check_type() and _check_principals() and _check_validity(module) and _check_serial_number()
- def dump(self):
- """Serialize the object into a dictionary."""
- def filter_keywords(arr, keywords):
- concated = []
- string = ""
- for word in arr:
- if word in keywords:
- concated.append(string)
- string = word
- else:
- string += " " + word
- concated.append(string)
- # drop the certificate path
- concated.pop(0)
- return concated
- def format_cert_info():
- return filter_keywords(self.cert_info, [
- "Type:",
- "Public",
- "Signing",
- "Key",
- "Serial:",
- "Valid:",
- "Principals:",
- "Critical",
- "Extensions:"])
- if self.state == 'present':
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'type': self.type,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'info': format_cert_info(),
- }
- else:
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- }
- return result
- def remove(self):
- """Remove the resource from the filesystem."""
- try:
- os.remove(self.path)
- self.changed = True
- except OSError as exc:
- if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- raise CertificateError(exc)
- else:
- pass
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- type=dict(type='str', choices=['host', 'user']),
- signing_key=dict(type='path'),
- public_key=dict(type='path'),
- path=dict(type='path', required=True),
- identifier=dict(type='str'),
- serial_number=dict(type='int'),
- valid_from=dict(type='str'),
- valid_to=dict(type='str'),
- valid_at=dict(type='str'),
- principals=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- options=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- add_file_common_args=True,
- required_if=[('state', 'present', ['type', 'signing_key', 'public_key', 'valid_from', 'valid_to'])],
- )
- def isBaseDir(path):
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(path) or '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- module.fail_json(
- name=base_dir,
- msg='The directory %s does not exist or the file is not a directory' % base_dir
- )
- if module.params['state'] == "present":
- isBaseDir(module.params['signing_key'])
- isBaseDir(module.params['public_key'])
- isBaseDir(module.params['path'])
- certificate = Certificate(module)
- if certificate.state == 'present':
- if module.check_mode:
- certificate.changed = module.params['force'] or not certificate.is_valid(module)
- else:
- try:
- certificate.generate(module)
- except Exception as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
- else:
- if module.check_mode:
- certificate.changed = os.path.exists(module.params['path'])
- if certificate.changed:
- certificate.cert_info = {}
- else:
- try:
- certificate.remove()
- except Exception as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
- result = certificate.dump()
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 86667f4f93..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2018, David Kainz <> <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: openssh_keypair
-author: "David Kainz (@lolcube)"
-version_added: "2.8"
-short_description: Generate OpenSSH private and public keys.
- - "This module allows one to (re)generate OpenSSH private and public keys. It uses
- ssh-keygen to generate keys. One can generate C(rsa), C(dsa), C(rsa1), C(ed25519)
- or C(ecdsa) private keys."
- - "ssh-keygen"
- state:
- description:
- - Whether the private and public keys should exist or not, taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ present, absent ]
- size:
- description:
- - "Specifies the number of bits in the private key to create. For RSA keys, the minimum size is 1024 bits and the default is 4096 bits.
- Generally, 2048 bits is considered sufficient. DSA keys must be exactly 1024 bits as specified by FIPS 186-2.
- For ECDSA keys, size determines the key length by selecting from one of three elliptic curve sizes: 256, 384 or 521 bits.
- Attempting to use bit lengths other than these three values for ECDSA keys will cause this module to fail.
- Ed25519 keys have a fixed length and the size will be ignored."
- type: int
- type:
- description:
- - "The algorithm used to generate the SSH private key. C(rsa1) is for protocol version 1.
- C(rsa1) is deprecated and may not be supported by every version of ssh-keygen."
- type: str
- default: rsa
- choices: ['rsa', 'dsa', 'rsa1', 'ecdsa', 'ed25519']
- force:
- description:
- - Should the key be regenerated even if it already exists
- type: bool
- default: false
- path:
- description:
- - Name of the files containing the public and private key. The file containing the public key will have the extension C(.pub).
- type: path
- required: true
- comment:
- description:
- - Provides a new comment to the public key. When checking if the key is in the correct state this will be ignored.
- type: str
- version_added: "2.9"
- regenerate:
- description:
- - Allows to configure in which situations the module is allowed to regenerate private keys.
- The module will always generate a new key if the destination file does not exist.
- - By default, the key will be regenerated when it doesn't match the module's options,
- except when the key cannot be read or the passphrase does not match. Please note that
- this B(changed) for Ansible 2.10. For Ansible 2.9, the behavior was as if C(full_idempotence)
- is specified.
- - If set to C(never), the module will fail if the key cannot be read or the passphrase
- isn't matching, and will never regenerate an existing key.
- - If set to C(fail), the module will fail if the key does not correspond to the module's
- options.
- - If set to C(partial_idempotence), the key will be regenerated if it does not conform to
- the module's options. The key is B(not) regenerated if it cannot be read (broken file),
- the key is protected by an unknown passphrase, or when they key is not protected by a
- passphrase, but a passphrase is specified.
- - If set to C(full_idempotence), the key will be regenerated if it does not conform to the
- module's options. This is also the case if the key cannot be read (broken file), the key
- is protected by an unknown passphrase, or when they key is not protected by a passphrase,
- but a passphrase is specified. Make sure you have a B(backup) when using this option!
- - If set to C(always), the module will always regenerate the key. This is equivalent to
- setting I(force) to C(yes).
- - Note that adjusting the comment and the permissions can be changed without regeneration.
- Therefore, even for C(never), the task can result in changed.
- type: str
- choices:
- - never
- - fail
- - partial_idempotence
- - full_idempotence
- - always
- default: partial_idempotence
- version_added: '2.10'
- - In case the ssh key is broken or password protected, the module will fail. Set the I(force) option to C(yes) if you want to regenerate the keypair.
-extends_documentation_fragment: files
-# Generate an OpenSSH keypair with the default values (4096 bits, rsa)
-- openssh_keypair:
- path: /tmp/id_ssh_rsa
-# Generate an OpenSSH rsa keypair with a different size (2048 bits)
-- openssh_keypair:
- path: /tmp/id_ssh_rsa
- size: 2048
-# Force regenerate an OpenSSH keypair if it already exists
-- openssh_keypair:
- path: /tmp/id_ssh_rsa
- force: True
-# Generate an OpenSSH keypair with a different algorithm (dsa)
-- openssh_keypair:
- path: /tmp/id_ssh_dsa
- type: dsa
-RETURN = '''
- description: Size (in bits) of the SSH private key
- returned: changed or success
- type: int
- sample: 4096
- description: Algorithm used to generate the SSH private key
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: rsa
- description: Path to the generated SSH private key file
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /tmp/id_ssh_rsa
- description: The fingerprint of the key.
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: SHA256:r4YCZxihVjedH2OlfjVGI6Y5xAYtdCwk8VxKyzVyYfM
- description: The public key of the generated SSH private key
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza(...omitted...)veL4E3Xcw== test_key
- description: The comment of the generated key
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: test@comment
-import os
-import stat
-import errno
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-class KeypairError(Exception):
- pass
-class Keypair(object):
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.path = module.params['path']
- self.state = module.params['state']
- self.force = module.params['force']
- self.size = module.params['size']
- self.type = module.params['type']
- self.comment = module.params['comment']
- self.changed = False
- self.check_mode = module.check_mode
- self.privatekey = None
- self.fingerprint = {}
- self.public_key = {}
- self.regenerate = module.params['regenerate']
- if self.regenerate == 'always':
- self.force = True
- if self.type in ('rsa', 'rsa1'):
- self.size = 4096 if self.size is None else self.size
- if self.size < 1024:
- module.fail_json(msg=('For RSA keys, the minimum size is 1024 bits and the default is 4096 bits. '
- 'Attempting to use bit lengths under 1024 will cause the module to fail.'))
- if self.type == 'dsa':
- self.size = 1024 if self.size is None else self.size
- if self.size != 1024:
- module.fail_json(msg=('DSA keys must be exactly 1024 bits as specified by FIPS 186-2.'))
- if self.type == 'ecdsa':
- self.size = 256 if self.size is None else self.size
- if self.size not in (256, 384, 521):
- module.fail_json(msg=('For ECDSA keys, size determines the key length by selecting from '
- 'one of three elliptic curve sizes: 256, 384 or 521 bits. '
- 'Attempting to use bit lengths other than these three values for '
- 'ECDSA keys will cause this module to fail. '))
- if self.type == 'ed25519':
- self.size = 256
- def generate(self, module):
- # generate a keypair
- if self.force or not self.isPrivateKeyValid(module, perms_required=False):
- args = [
- module.get_bin_path('ssh-keygen', True),
- '-q',
- '-N', '',
- '-b', str(self.size),
- '-t', self.type,
- '-f', self.path,
- ]
- if self.comment:
- args.extend(['-C', self.comment])
- else:
- args.extend(['-C', ""])
- try:
- if os.path.exists(self.path) and not os.access(self.path, os.W_OK):
- os.chmod(self.path, stat.S_IWUSR + stat.S_IRUSR)
- self.changed = True
- stdin_data = None
- if os.path.exists(self.path):
- stdin_data = 'y'
- module.run_command(args, data=stdin_data)
- proc = module.run_command([module.get_bin_path('ssh-keygen', True), '-lf', self.path])
- self.fingerprint = proc[1].split()
- pubkey = module.run_command([module.get_bin_path('ssh-keygen', True), '-yf', self.path])
- self.public_key = pubkey[1].strip('\n')
- except Exception as e:
- self.remove()
- module.fail_json(msg="%s" % to_native(e))
- elif not self.isPublicKeyValid(module, perms_required=False):
- pubkey = module.run_command([module.get_bin_path('ssh-keygen', True), '-yf', self.path])
- pubkey = pubkey[1].strip('\n')
- try:
- self.changed = True
- with open(self.path + ".pub", "w") as pubkey_f:
- pubkey_f.write(pubkey + '\n')
- os.chmod(self.path + ".pub", stat.S_IWUSR + stat.S_IRUSR + stat.S_IRGRP + stat.S_IROTH)
- except IOError:
- module.fail_json(
- msg='The public key is missing or does not match the private key. '
- 'Unable to regenerate the public key.')
- self.public_key = pubkey
- if self.comment:
- try:
- if os.path.exists(self.path) and not os.access(self.path, os.W_OK):
- os.chmod(self.path, stat.S_IWUSR + stat.S_IRUSR)
- args = [module.get_bin_path('ssh-keygen', True),
- '-q', '-o', '-c', '-C', self.comment, '-f', self.path]
- module.run_command(args)
- except IOError:
- module.fail_json(
- msg='Unable to update the comment for the public key.')
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- file_args['path'] = file_args['path'] + '.pub'
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- def _check_pass_protected_or_broken_key(self, module):
- key_state = module.run_command([module.get_bin_path('ssh-keygen', True),
- '-P', '', '-yf', self.path], check_rc=False)
- if key_state[0] == 255 or 'is not a public key file' in key_state[2]:
- return True
- if 'incorrect passphrase' in key_state[2] or 'load failed' in key_state[2]:
- return True
- return False
- def isPrivateKeyValid(self, module, perms_required=True):
- # check if the key is correct
- def _check_state():
- return os.path.exists(self.path)
- if not _check_state():
- return False
- if self._check_pass_protected_or_broken_key(module):
- if self.regenerate in ('full_idempotence', 'always'):
- return False
- module.fail_json(msg='Unable to read the key. The key is protected with a passphrase or broken.'
- ' Will not proceed. To force regeneration, call the module with `generate`'
- ' set to `full_idempotence` or `always`, or with `force=yes`.')
- proc = module.run_command([module.get_bin_path('ssh-keygen', True), '-lf', self.path], check_rc=False)
- if not proc[0] == 0:
- if os.path.isdir(self.path):
- module.fail_json(msg='%s is a directory. Please specify a path to a file.' % (self.path))
- if self.regenerate in ('full_idempotence', 'always'):
- return False
- module.fail_json(msg='Unable to read the key. The key is protected with a passphrase or broken.'
- ' Will not proceed. To force regeneration, call the module with `generate`'
- ' set to `full_idempotence` or `always`, or with `force=yes`.')
- fingerprint = proc[1].split()
- keysize = int(fingerprint[0])
- keytype = fingerprint[-1][1:-1].lower()
- self.fingerprint = fingerprint
- if self.regenerate == 'never':
- return True
- def _check_type():
- return self.type == keytype
- def _check_size():
- return self.size == keysize
- if not (_check_type() and _check_size()):
- if self.regenerate in ('partial_idempotence', 'full_idempotence', 'always'):
- return False
- module.fail_json(msg='Key has wrong type and/or size.'
- ' Will not proceed. To force regeneration, call the module with `generate`'
- ' set to `partial_idempotence`, `full_idempotence` or `always`, or with `force=yes`.')
- def _check_perms(module):
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- return not module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
- return not perms_required or _check_perms(module)
- def isPublicKeyValid(self, module, perms_required=True):
- def _get_pubkey_content():
- if os.path.exists(self.path + ".pub"):
- with open(self.path + ".pub", "r") as pubkey_f:
- present_pubkey =' \n')
- return present_pubkey
- else:
- return False
- def _parse_pubkey(pubkey_content):
- if pubkey_content:
- parts = pubkey_content.split(' ', 2)
- if len(parts) < 2:
- return False
- return parts[0], parts[1], '' if len(parts) <= 2 else parts[2]
- return False
- def _pubkey_valid(pubkey):
- if pubkey_parts and _parse_pubkey(pubkey):
- return pubkey_parts[:2] == _parse_pubkey(pubkey)[:2]
- return False
- def _comment_valid():
- if pubkey_parts:
- return pubkey_parts[2] == self.comment
- return False
- def _check_perms(module):
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- file_args['path'] = file_args['path'] + '.pub'
- return not module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
- pubkey_parts = _parse_pubkey(_get_pubkey_content())
- pubkey = module.run_command([module.get_bin_path('ssh-keygen', True), '-yf', self.path])
- pubkey = pubkey[1].strip('\n')
- if _pubkey_valid(pubkey):
- self.public_key = pubkey
- else:
- return False
- if self.comment:
- if not _comment_valid():
- return False
- if perms_required:
- if not _check_perms(module):
- return False
- return True
- def dump(self):
- # return result as a dict
- """Serialize the object into a dictionary."""
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'size': self.size,
- 'type': self.type,
- 'filename': self.path,
- # On removal this has no value
- 'fingerprint': self.fingerprint[1] if self.fingerprint else '',
- 'public_key': self.public_key,
- 'comment': self.comment if self.comment else '',
- }
- return result
- def remove(self):
- """Remove the resource from the filesystem."""
- try:
- os.remove(self.path)
- self.changed = True
- except OSError as exc:
- if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- raise KeypairError(exc)
- else:
- pass
- if os.path.exists(self.path + ".pub"):
- try:
- os.remove(self.path + ".pub")
- self.changed = True
- except OSError as exc:
- if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT:
- raise KeypairError(exc)
- else:
- pass
-def main():
- # Define Ansible Module
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- size=dict(type='int'),
- type=dict(type='str', default='rsa', choices=['rsa', 'dsa', 'rsa1', 'ecdsa', 'ed25519']),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- path=dict(type='path', required=True),
- comment=dict(type='str'),
- regenerate=dict(
- type='str',
- default='partial_idempotence',
- choices=['never', 'fail', 'partial_idempotence', 'full_idempotence', 'always']
- ),
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- add_file_common_args=True,
- )
- # Check if Path exists
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(module.params['path']) or '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- module.fail_json(
- name=base_dir,
- msg='The directory %s does not exist or the file is not a directory' % base_dir
- )
- keypair = Keypair(module)
- if keypair.state == 'present':
- if module.check_mode:
- result = keypair.dump()
- result['changed'] = keypair.force or not keypair.isPrivateKeyValid(module) or not keypair.isPublicKeyValid(module)
- module.exit_json(**result)
- try:
- keypair.generate(module)
- except Exception as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
- else:
- if module.check_mode:
- keypair.changed = os.path.exists(module.params['path'])
- if keypair.changed:
- keypair.fingerprint = {}
- result = keypair.dump()
- module.exit_json(**result)
- try:
- keypair.remove()
- except Exception as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
- result = keypair.dump()
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bd5e5c468..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2756 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2016-2017, Yanis Guenane <>
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Markus Teufelberger <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: openssl_certificate
-version_added: "2.4"
-short_description: Generate and/or check OpenSSL certificates
- - This module allows one to (re)generate OpenSSL certificates.
- - It implements a notion of provider (ie. C(selfsigned), C(ownca), C(acme), C(assertonly), C(entrust))
- for your certificate.
- - The C(assertonly) provider is intended for use cases where one is only interested in
- checking properties of a supplied certificate. Please note that this provider has been
- deprecated in Ansible 2.9 and will be removed in Ansible 2.13. See the examples on how
- to emulate C(assertonly) usage with M(openssl_certificate_info), M(openssl_csr_info),
- M(openssl_privatekey_info) and M(assert). This also allows more flexible checks than
- the ones offered by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - The C(ownca) provider is intended for generating OpenSSL certificate signed with your own
- CA (Certificate Authority) certificate (self-signed certificate).
- - Many properties that can be specified in this module are for validation of an
- existing or newly generated certificate. The proper place to specify them, if you
- want to receive a certificate with these properties is a CSR (Certificate Signing Request).
- - "Please note that the module regenerates existing certificate if it doesn't match the module's
- options, or if it seems to be corrupt. If you are concerned that this could overwrite
- your existing certificate, consider using the I(backup) option."
- - It uses the pyOpenSSL or cryptography python library to interact with OpenSSL.
- - If both the cryptography and PyOpenSSL libraries are available (and meet the minimum version requirements)
- cryptography will be preferred as a backend over PyOpenSSL (unless the backend is forced with C(select_crypto_backend)).
- Please note that the PyOpenSSL backend was deprecated in Ansible 2.9 and will be removed in Ansible 2.13.
- - PyOpenSSL >= 0.15 or cryptography >= 1.6 (if using C(selfsigned) or C(assertonly) provider)
- - acme-tiny >= 4.0.0 (if using the C(acme) provider)
- - Yanis Guenane (@Spredzy)
- - Markus Teufelberger (@MarkusTeufelberger)
- state:
- description:
- - Whether the certificate should exist or not, taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- path:
- description:
- - Remote absolute path where the generated certificate file should be created or is already located.
- type: path
- required: true
- provider:
- description:
- - Name of the provider to use to generate/retrieve the OpenSSL certificate.
- - The C(assertonly) provider will not generate files and fail if the certificate file is missing.
- - The C(assertonly) provider has been deprecated in Ansible 2.9 and will be removed in Ansible 2.13.
- Please see the examples on how to emulate it with M(openssl_certificate_info), M(openssl_csr_info),
- M(openssl_privatekey_info) and M(assert).
- - "The C(entrust) provider was added for Ansible 2.9 and requires credentials for the
- L(Entrust Certificate Services, (ECS) API."
- - Required if I(state) is C(present).
- type: str
- choices: [ acme, assertonly, entrust, ownca, selfsigned ]
- force:
- description:
- - Generate the certificate, even if it already exists.
- type: bool
- default: no
- csr_path:
- description:
- - Path to the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) used to generate this certificate.
- - This is not required in C(assertonly) mode.
- - This is mutually exclusive with I(csr_content).
- type: path
- csr_content:
- description:
- - Content of the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) used to generate this certificate.
- - This is not required in C(assertonly) mode.
- - This is mutually exclusive with I(csr_path).
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
- privatekey_path:
- description:
- - Path to the private key to use when signing the certificate.
- - This is mutually exclusive with I(privatekey_content).
- type: path
- privatekey_content:
- description:
- - Path to the private key to use when signing the certificate.
- - This is mutually exclusive with I(privatekey_path).
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
- privatekey_passphrase:
- description:
- - The passphrase for the I(privatekey_path) resp. I(privatekey_content).
- - This is required if the private key is password protected.
- type: str
- selfsigned_version:
- description:
- - Version of the C(selfsigned) certificate.
- - Nowadays it should almost always be C(3).
- - This is only used by the C(selfsigned) provider.
- type: int
- default: 3
- version_added: "2.5"
- selfsigned_digest:
- description:
- - Digest algorithm to be used when self-signing the certificate.
- - This is only used by the C(selfsigned) provider.
- type: str
- default: sha256
- selfsigned_not_before:
- description:
- - The point in time the certificate is valid from.
- - Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
- - Time will always be interpreted as UTC.
- - Valid format is C([+-]timespec | ASN.1 TIME) where timespec can be an integer
- + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h).
- - Note that if using relative time this module is NOT idempotent.
- - If this value is not specified, the certificate will start being valid from now.
- - This is only used by the C(selfsigned) provider.
- type: str
- default: +0s
- aliases: [ selfsigned_notBefore ]
- selfsigned_not_after:
- description:
- - The point in time at which the certificate stops being valid.
- - Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
- - Time will always be interpreted as UTC.
- - Valid format is C([+-]timespec | ASN.1 TIME) where timespec can be an integer
- + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h).
- - Note that if using relative time this module is NOT idempotent.
- - If this value is not specified, the certificate will stop being valid 10 years from now.
- - This is only used by the C(selfsigned) provider.
- type: str
- default: +3650d
- aliases: [ selfsigned_notAfter ]
- selfsigned_create_subject_key_identifier:
- description:
- - Whether to create the Subject Key Identifier (SKI) from the public key.
- - A value of C(create_if_not_provided) (default) only creates a SKI when the CSR does not
- provide one.
- - A value of C(always_create) always creates a SKI. If the CSR provides one, that one is
- ignored.
- - A value of C(never_create) never creates a SKI. If the CSR provides one, that one is used.
- - This is only used by the C(selfsigned) provider.
- - Note that this is only supported if the C(cryptography) backend is used!
- type: str
- choices: [create_if_not_provided, always_create, never_create]
- default: create_if_not_provided
- version_added: "2.9"
- ownca_path:
- description:
- - Remote absolute path of the CA (Certificate Authority) certificate.
- - This is only used by the C(ownca) provider.
- - This is mutually exclusive with I(ownca_content).
- type: path
- version_added: "2.7"
- ownca_content:
- description:
- - Content of the CA (Certificate Authority) certificate.
- - This is only used by the C(ownca) provider.
- - This is mutually exclusive with I(ownca_path).
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
- ownca_privatekey_path:
- description:
- - Path to the CA (Certificate Authority) private key to use when signing the certificate.
- - This is only used by the C(ownca) provider.
- - This is mutually exclusive with I(ownca_privatekey_content).
- type: path
- version_added: "2.7"
- ownca_privatekey_content:
- description:
- - Path to the CA (Certificate Authority) private key to use when signing the certificate.
- - This is only used by the C(ownca) provider.
- - This is mutually exclusive with I(ownca_privatekey_path).
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
- ownca_privatekey_passphrase:
- description:
- - The passphrase for the I(ownca_privatekey_path) resp. I(ownca_privatekey_content).
- - This is only used by the C(ownca) provider.
- type: str
- version_added: "2.7"
- ownca_digest:
- description:
- - The digest algorithm to be used for the C(ownca) certificate.
- - This is only used by the C(ownca) provider.
- type: str
- default: sha256
- version_added: "2.7"
- ownca_version:
- description:
- - The version of the C(ownca) certificate.
- - Nowadays it should almost always be C(3).
- - This is only used by the C(ownca) provider.
- type: int
- default: 3
- version_added: "2.7"
- ownca_not_before:
- description:
- - The point in time the certificate is valid from.
- - Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
- - Time will always be interpreted as UTC.
- - Valid format is C([+-]timespec | ASN.1 TIME) where timespec can be an integer
- + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h).
- - Note that if using relative time this module is NOT idempotent.
- - If this value is not specified, the certificate will start being valid from now.
- - This is only used by the C(ownca) provider.
- type: str
- default: +0s
- version_added: "2.7"
- ownca_not_after:
- description:
- - The point in time at which the certificate stops being valid.
- - Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
- - Time will always be interpreted as UTC.
- - Valid format is C([+-]timespec | ASN.1 TIME) where timespec can be an integer
- + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h).
- - Note that if using relative time this module is NOT idempotent.
- - If this value is not specified, the certificate will stop being valid 10 years from now.
- - This is only used by the C(ownca) provider.
- type: str
- default: +3650d
- version_added: "2.7"
- ownca_create_subject_key_identifier:
- description:
- - Whether to create the Subject Key Identifier (SKI) from the public key.
- - A value of C(create_if_not_provided) (default) only creates a SKI when the CSR does not
- provide one.
- - A value of C(always_create) always creates a SKI. If the CSR provides one, that one is
- ignored.
- - A value of C(never_create) never creates a SKI. If the CSR provides one, that one is used.
- - This is only used by the C(ownca) provider.
- - Note that this is only supported if the C(cryptography) backend is used!
- type: str
- choices: [create_if_not_provided, always_create, never_create]
- default: create_if_not_provided
- version_added: "2.9"
- ownca_create_authority_key_identifier:
- description:
- - Create a Authority Key Identifier from the CA's certificate. If the CSR provided
- a authority key identifier, it is ignored.
- - The Authority Key Identifier is generated from the CA certificate's Subject Key Identifier,
- if available. If it is not available, the CA certificate's public key will be used.
- - This is only used by the C(ownca) provider.
- - Note that this is only supported if the C(cryptography) backend is used!
- type: bool
- default: yes
- version_added: "2.9"
- acme_accountkey_path:
- description:
- - The path to the accountkey for the C(acme) provider.
- - This is only used by the C(acme) provider.
- type: path
- acme_challenge_path:
- description:
- - The path to the ACME challenge directory that is served on U(http://<HOST>:80/.well-known/acme-challenge/)
- - This is only used by the C(acme) provider.
- type: path
- acme_chain:
- description:
- - Include the intermediate certificate to the generated certificate
- - This is only used by the C(acme) provider.
- - Note that this is only available for older versions of C(acme-tiny).
- New versions include the chain automatically, and setting I(acme_chain) to C(yes) results in an error.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.5"
- acme_directory:
- description:
- - "The ACME directory to use. You can use any directory that supports the ACME protocol, such as Buypass or Let's Encrypt."
- - "Let's Encrypt recommends using their staging server while developing jobs. U("
- type: str
- default:
- version_added: "2.10"
- signature_algorithms:
- description:
- - A list of algorithms that you would accept the certificate to be signed with
- (e.g. ['sha256WithRSAEncryption', 'sha512WithRSAEncryption']).
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: list
- elements: str
- issuer:
- description:
- - The key/value pairs that must be present in the issuer name field of the certificate.
- - If you need to specify more than one value with the same key, use a list as value.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: dict
- issuer_strict:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), the I(issuer) field must contain only these values.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.5"
- subject:
- description:
- - The key/value pairs that must be present in the subject name field of the certificate.
- - If you need to specify more than one value with the same key, use a list as value.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: dict
- subject_strict:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), the I(subject) field must contain only these values.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.5"
- has_expired:
- description:
- - Checks if the certificate is expired/not expired at the time the module is executed.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: bool
- default: no
- version:
- description:
- - The version of the certificate.
- - Nowadays it should almost always be 3.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: int
- valid_at:
- description:
- - The certificate must be valid at this point in time.
- - The timestamp is formatted as an ASN.1 TIME.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: str
- invalid_at:
- description:
- - The certificate must be invalid at this point in time.
- - The timestamp is formatted as an ASN.1 TIME.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: str
- not_before:
- description:
- - The certificate must start to become valid at this point in time.
- - The timestamp is formatted as an ASN.1 TIME.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: str
- aliases: [ notBefore ]
- not_after:
- description:
- - The certificate must expire at this point in time.
- - The timestamp is formatted as an ASN.1 TIME.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: str
- aliases: [ notAfter ]
- valid_in:
- description:
- - The certificate must still be valid at this relative time offset from now.
- - Valid format is C([+-]timespec | number_of_seconds) where timespec can be an integer
- + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h).
- - Note that if using this parameter, this module is NOT idempotent.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: str
- key_usage:
- description:
- - The I(key_usage) extension field must contain all these values.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: list
- elements: str
- aliases: [ keyUsage ]
- key_usage_strict:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), the I(key_usage) extension field must contain only these values.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: bool
- default: no
- aliases: [ keyUsage_strict ]
- extended_key_usage:
- description:
- - The I(extended_key_usage) extension field must contain all these values.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: list
- elements: str
- aliases: [ extendedKeyUsage ]
- extended_key_usage_strict:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), the I(extended_key_usage) extension field must contain only these values.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: bool
- default: no
- aliases: [ extendedKeyUsage_strict ]
- subject_alt_name:
- description:
- - The I(subject_alt_name) extension field must contain these values.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: list
- elements: str
- aliases: [ subjectAltName ]
- subject_alt_name_strict:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), the I(subject_alt_name) extension field must contain only these values.
- - This is only used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: bool
- default: no
- aliases: [ subjectAltName_strict ]
- select_crypto_backend:
- description:
- - Determines which crypto backend to use.
- - The default choice is C(auto), which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to C(pyopenssl).
- - If set to C(pyopenssl), will try to use the L(pyOpenSSL, library.
- - If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the L(cryptography, library.
- - Please note that the C(pyopenssl) backend has been deprecated in Ansible 2.9, and will be removed in Ansible 2.13.
- From that point on, only the C(cryptography) backend will be available.
- type: str
- default: auto
- choices: [ auto, cryptography, pyopenssl ]
- version_added: "2.8"
- backup:
- description:
- - Create a backup file including a timestamp so you can get the original
- certificate back if you overwrote it with a new one by accident.
- - This is not used by the C(assertonly) provider.
- - This option is deprecated since Ansible 2.9 and will be removed with the C(assertonly) provider in Ansible 2.13.
- For alternatives, see the example on replacing C(assertonly).
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.8"
- entrust_cert_type:
- description:
- - Specify the type of certificate requested.
- - This is only used by the C(entrust) provider.
- type: str
- default: STANDARD_SSL
- version_added: "2.9"
- entrust_requester_email:
- description:
- - The email of the requester of the certificate (for tracking purposes).
- - This is only used by the C(entrust) provider.
- - This is required if the provider is C(entrust).
- type: str
- version_added: "2.9"
- entrust_requester_name:
- description:
- - The name of the requester of the certificate (for tracking purposes).
- - This is only used by the C(entrust) provider.
- - This is required if the provider is C(entrust).
- type: str
- version_added: "2.9"
- entrust_requester_phone:
- description:
- - The phone number of the requester of the certificate (for tracking purposes).
- - This is only used by the C(entrust) provider.
- - This is required if the provider is C(entrust).
- type: str
- version_added: "2.9"
- entrust_api_user:
- description:
- - The username for authentication to the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API.
- - This is only used by the C(entrust) provider.
- - This is required if the provider is C(entrust).
- type: str
- version_added: "2.9"
- entrust_api_key:
- description:
- - The key (password) for authentication to the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API.
- - This is only used by the C(entrust) provider.
- - This is required if the provider is C(entrust).
- type: str
- version_added: "2.9"
- entrust_api_client_cert_path:
- description:
- - The path to the client certificate used to authenticate to the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API.
- - This is only used by the C(entrust) provider.
- - This is required if the provider is C(entrust).
- type: path
- version_added: "2.9"
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path:
- description:
- - The path to the private key of the client certificate used to authenticate to the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API.
- - This is only used by the C(entrust) provider.
- - This is required if the provider is C(entrust).
- type: path
- version_added: "2.9"
- entrust_not_after:
- description:
- - The point in time at which the certificate stops being valid.
- - Time can be specified either as relative time or as an absolute timestamp.
- - A valid absolute time format is C(ASN.1 TIME) such as C(2019-06-18).
- - A valid relative time format is C([+-]timespec) where timespec can be an integer + C([w | d | h | m | s]), such as C(+365d) or C(+32w1d2h)).
- - Time will always be interpreted as UTC.
- - Note that only the date (day, month, year) is supported for specifying the expiry date of the issued certificate.
- - The full date-time is adjusted to EST (GMT -5:00) before issuance, which may result in a certificate with an expiration date one day
- earlier than expected if a relative time is used.
- - The minimum certificate lifetime is 90 days, and maximum is three years.
- - If this value is not specified, the certificate will stop being valid 365 days the date of issue.
- - This is only used by the C(entrust) provider.
- type: str
- default: +365d
- version_added: "2.9"
- entrust_api_specification_path:
- description:
- - The path to the specification file defining the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API configuration.
- - You can use this to keep a local copy of the specification to avoid downloading it every time the module is used.
- - This is only used by the C(entrust) provider.
- type: path
- default:
- version_added: "2.9"
- return_content:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), will return the (current or generated) certificate's content as I(certificate).
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.10"
-extends_documentation_fragment: files
- - All ASN.1 TIME values should be specified following the YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ pattern.
- - Date specified should be UTC. Minutes and seconds are mandatory.
- - For security reason, when you use C(ownca) provider, you should NOT run M(openssl_certificate) on
- a target machine, but on a dedicated CA machine. It is recommended not to store the CA private key
- on the target machine. Once signed, the certificate can be moved to the target machine.
-- module: openssl_csr
-- module: openssl_dhparam
-- module: openssl_pkcs12
-- module: openssl_privatekey
-- module: openssl_publickey
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Generate a Self Signed OpenSSL certificate
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- csr_path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- provider: selfsigned
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL certificate signed with your own CA certificate
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- csr_path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- ownca_path: /etc/ssl/crt/ansible_CA.crt
- ownca_privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/ansible_CA.pem
- provider: ownca
-- name: Generate a Let's Encrypt Certificate
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- csr_path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- provider: acme
- acme_accountkey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- acme_challenge_path: /etc/ssl/challenges/
-- name: Force (re-)generate a new Let's Encrypt Certificate
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- csr_path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- provider: acme
- acme_accountkey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- acme_challenge_path: /etc/ssl/challenges/
- force: yes
-- name: Generate an Entrust certificate via the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- csr_path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- provider: entrust
- entrust_requester_name: Jo Doe
- entrust_requester_email:
- entrust_requester_phone: 555-555-5555
- entrust_cert_type: STANDARD_SSL
- entrust_api_user: apiusername
- entrust_api_key: a^lv*32!cd9LnT
- entrust_api_client_cert_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-client.crt
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/ecs-key.crt
- entrust_api_specification_path: /etc/ssl/entrust/api-docs/cms-api-2.1.0.yaml
-# The following example shows one assertonly usage using all existing options for
-# assertonly, and shows how to emulate the behavior with the openssl_certificate_info,
-# openssl_csr_info, openssl_privatekey_info and assert modules:
-- openssl_certificate:
- provider: assertonly
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- csr_path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- signature_algorithms:
- - sha256WithRSAEncryption
- - sha512WithRSAEncryption
- subject:
- commonName:
- subject_strict: yes
- issuer:
- commonName:
- issuer_strict: yes
- has_expired: no
- version: 3
- key_usage:
- - Data Encipherment
- key_usage_strict: yes
- extended_key_usage:
- - DVCS
- extended_key_usage_strict: yes
- subject_alt_name:
- -
- subject_alt_name_strict: yes
- not_before: 20190331202428Z
- not_after: 20190413202428Z
- valid_at: "+1d10h"
- invalid_at: 20200331202428Z
- valid_in: 10 # in ten seconds
-- openssl_certificate_info:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- # for valid_at, invalid_at and valid_in
- valid_at:
- one_day_ten_hours: "+1d10h"
- fixed_timestamp: 20200331202428Z
- ten_seconds: "+10"
- register: result
-- openssl_csr_info:
- # Verifies that the CSR signature is valid; module will fail if not
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- register: result_csr
-- openssl_privatekey_info:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- register: result_privatekey
-- assert:
- that:
- # When private key is specified for assertonly, this will be checked:
- - result.public_key == result_privatekey.public_key
- # When CSR is specified for assertonly, this will be checked:
- - result.public_key == result_csr.public_key
- - result.subject_ordered == result_csr.subject_ordered
- - result.extensions_by_oid == result_csr.extensions_by_oid
- # signature_algorithms check
- - "result.signature_algorithm == 'sha256WithRSAEncryption' or result.signature_algorithm == 'sha512WithRSAEncryption'"
- # subject and subject_strict
- - "result.subject.commonName == ''"
- - "result.subject | length == 1" # the number must be the number of entries you check for
- # issuer and issuer_strict
- - "result.issuer.commonName == ''"
- - "result.issuer | length == 1" # the number must be the number of entries you check for
- # has_expired
- - not result.expired
- # version
- - result.version == 3
- # key_usage and key_usage_strict
- - "'Data Encipherment' in result.key_usage"
- - "result.key_usage | length == 1" # the number must be the number of entries you check for
- # extended_key_usage and extended_key_usage_strict
- - "'DVCS' in result.extended_key_usage"
- - "result.extended_key_usage | length == 1" # the number must be the number of entries you check for
- # subject_alt_name and subject_alt_name_strict
- - "'' in result.subject_alt_name"
- - "result.subject_alt_name | length == 1" # the number must be the number of entries you check for
- # not_before and not_after
- - "result.not_before == '20190331202428Z'"
- - "result.not_after == '20190413202428Z'"
- # valid_at, invalid_at and valid_in
- - "result.valid_at.one_day_ten_hours" # for valid_at
- - "not result.valid_at.fixed_timestamp" # for invalid_at
- - "result.valid_at.ten_seconds" # for valid_in
-# Examples for some checks one could use the assertonly provider for:
-# (Please note that assertonly has been deprecated!)
-# How to use the assertonly provider to implement and trigger your own custom certificate generation workflow:
-- name: Check if a certificate is currently still valid, ignoring failures
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- provider: assertonly
- has_expired: no
- ignore_errors: yes
- register: validity_check
-- name: Run custom task(s) to get a new, valid certificate in case the initial check failed
- command: superspecialSSL recreate /etc/ssl/crt/
- when: validity_check.failed
-- name: Check the new certificate again for validity with the same parameters, this time failing the play if it is still invalid
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- provider: assertonly
- has_expired: no
- when: validity_check.failed
-# Some other checks that assertonly could be used for:
-- name: Verify that an existing certificate was issued by the Let's Encrypt CA and is currently still valid
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- provider: assertonly
- issuer:
- O: Let's Encrypt
- has_expired: no
-- name: Ensure that a certificate uses a modern signature algorithm (no SHA1, MD5 or DSA)
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- provider: assertonly
- signature_algorithms:
- - sha224WithRSAEncryption
- - sha256WithRSAEncryption
- - sha384WithRSAEncryption
- - sha512WithRSAEncryption
- - sha224WithECDSAEncryption
- - sha256WithECDSAEncryption
- - sha384WithECDSAEncryption
- - sha512WithECDSAEncryption
-- name: Ensure that the existing certificate belongs to the specified private key
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- provider: assertonly
-- name: Ensure that the existing certificate is still valid at the winter solstice 2017
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- provider: assertonly
- valid_at: 20171221162800Z
-- name: Ensure that the existing certificate is still valid 2 weeks (1209600 seconds) from now
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- provider: assertonly
- valid_in: 1209600
-- name: Ensure that the existing certificate is only used for digital signatures and encrypting other keys
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- provider: assertonly
- key_usage:
- - digitalSignature
- - keyEncipherment
- key_usage_strict: true
-- name: Ensure that the existing certificate can be used for client authentication
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- provider: assertonly
- extended_key_usage:
- - clientAuth
-- name: Ensure that the existing certificate can only be used for client authentication and time stamping
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- provider: assertonly
- extended_key_usage:
- - clientAuth
- -
- extended_key_usage_strict: true
-- name: Ensure that the existing certificate has a certain domain in its subjectAltName
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- provider: assertonly
- subject_alt_name:
- -
- -
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Path to the generated certificate.
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /etc/ssl/crt/
- description: Name of backup file created.
- returned: changed and if I(backup) is C(yes)
- type: str
- sample: /path/to/
- description: The (current or generated) certificate's content.
- returned: if I(state) is C(present) and I(return_content) is C(yes)
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
-from random import randint
-import abc
-import datetime
-import time
-import os
-import tempfile
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes, to_text
-from ansible.module_utils.compat import ipaddress as compat_ipaddress
-from ansible.module_utils.ecs.api import ECSClient, RestOperationException, SessionConfigurationException
- import OpenSSL
- from OpenSSL import crypto
- PYOPENSSL_VERSION = LooseVersion(OpenSSL.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- import cryptography
- from cryptography import x509
- from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding
- from cryptography.x509 import NameAttribute, Name
- from cryptography.x509.oid import NameOID
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-class CertificateError(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError):
- pass
-class Certificate(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject):
- def __init__(self, module, backend):
- super(Certificate, self).__init__(
- module.params['path'],
- module.params['state'],
- module.params['force'],
- module.check_mode
- )
- self.provider = module.params['provider']
- self.privatekey_path = module.params['privatekey_path']
- self.privatekey_content = module.params['privatekey_content']
- if self.privatekey_content is not None:
- self.privatekey_content = self.privatekey_content.encode('utf-8')
- self.privatekey_passphrase = module.params['privatekey_passphrase']
- self.csr_path = module.params['csr_path']
- self.csr_content = module.params['csr_content']
- if self.csr_content is not None:
- self.csr_content = self.csr_content.encode('utf-8')
- self.cert = None
- self.privatekey = None
- self.csr = None
- self.backend = backend
- self.module = module
- self.return_content = module.params['return_content']
- # The following are default values which make sure check() works as
- # before if providers do not explicitly change these properties.
- self.create_subject_key_identifier = 'never_create'
- self.create_authority_key_identifier = False
- self.backup = module.params['backup']
- self.backup_file = None
- def _validate_privatekey(self):
- if self.backend == 'pyopenssl':
- ctx = OpenSSL.SSL.Context(OpenSSL.SSL.TLSv1_2_METHOD)
- ctx.use_privatekey(self.privatekey)
- ctx.use_certificate(self.cert)
- try:
- ctx.check_privatekey()
- return True
- except OpenSSL.SSL.Error:
- return False
- elif self.backend == 'cryptography':
- return crypto_utils.cryptography_compare_public_keys(self.cert.public_key(), self.privatekey.public_key())
- def _validate_csr(self):
- if self.backend == 'pyopenssl':
- # Verify that CSR is signed by certificate's private key
- try:
- self.csr.verify(self.cert.get_pubkey())
- except OpenSSL.crypto.Error:
- return False
- # Check subject
- if self.csr.get_subject() != self.cert.get_subject():
- return False
- # Check extensions
- csr_extensions = self.csr.get_extensions()
- cert_extension_count = self.cert.get_extension_count()
- if len(csr_extensions) != cert_extension_count:
- return False
- for extension_number in range(0, cert_extension_count):
- cert_extension = self.cert.get_extension(extension_number)
- csr_extension = filter(lambda extension: extension.get_short_name() == cert_extension.get_short_name(), csr_extensions)
- if cert_extension.get_data() != list(csr_extension)[0].get_data():
- return False
- return True
- elif self.backend == 'cryptography':
- # Verify that CSR is signed by certificate's private key
- if not self.csr.is_signature_valid:
- return False
- if not crypto_utils.cryptography_compare_public_keys(self.csr.public_key(), self.cert.public_key()):
- return False
- # Check subject
- if self.csr.subject != self.cert.subject:
- return False
- # Check extensions
- cert_exts = list(self.cert.extensions)
- csr_exts = list(self.csr.extensions)
- if self.create_subject_key_identifier != 'never_create':
- # Filter out SubjectKeyIdentifier extension before comparison
- cert_exts = list(filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x.value, x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier), cert_exts))
- csr_exts = list(filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x.value, x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier), csr_exts))
- if self.create_authority_key_identifier:
- # Filter out AuthorityKeyIdentifier extension before comparison
- cert_exts = list(filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x.value, x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier), cert_exts))
- csr_exts = list(filter(lambda x: not isinstance(x.value, x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier), csr_exts))
- if len(cert_exts) != len(csr_exts):
- return False
- for cert_ext in cert_exts:
- try:
- csr_ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(cert_ext.oid)
- if cert_ext != csr_ext:
- return False
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound as dummy:
- return False
- return True
- def remove(self, module):
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- super(Certificate, self).remove(module)
- def check(self, module, perms_required=True):
- """Ensure the resource is in its desired state."""
- state_and_perms = super(Certificate, self).check(module, perms_required)
- if not state_and_perms:
- return False
- try:
- self.cert = crypto_utils.load_certificate(self.path, backend=self.backend)
- except Exception as dummy:
- return False
- if self.privatekey_path or self.privatekey_content:
- try:
- self.privatekey = crypto_utils.load_privatekey(
- path=self.privatekey_path,
- content=self.privatekey_content,
- passphrase=self.privatekey_passphrase,
- backend=self.backend
- )
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- raise CertificateError(exc)
- if not self._validate_privatekey():
- return False
- if self.csr_path or self.csr_content:
- self.csr = crypto_utils.load_certificate_request(
- path=self.csr_path,
- content=self.csr_content,
- backend=self.backend
- )
- if not self._validate_csr():
- return False
- # Check SubjectKeyIdentifier
- if self.backend == 'cryptography' and self.create_subject_key_identifier != 'never_create':
- # Get hold of certificate's SKI
- try:
- ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier)
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound as dummy:
- return False
- # Get hold of CSR's SKI for 'create_if_not_provided'
- csr_ext = None
- if self.create_subject_key_identifier == 'create_if_not_provided':
- try:
- csr_ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier)
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound as dummy:
- pass
- if csr_ext is None:
- # If CSR had no SKI, or we chose to ignore it ('always_create'), compare with created SKI
- if ext.value.digest != x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier.from_public_key(self.cert.public_key()).digest:
- return False
- else:
- # If CSR had SKI and we didn't ignore it ('create_if_not_provided'), compare SKIs
- if ext.value.digest != csr_ext.value.digest:
- return False
- return True
-class CertificateAbsent(Certificate):
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(CertificateAbsent, self).__init__(module, 'cryptography') # backend doesn't matter
- def generate(self, module):
- pass
- def dump(self, check_mode=False):
- # Use only for absent
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'privatekey': self.privatekey_path,
- 'csr': self.csr_path
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- result['certificate'] = None
- return result
-class SelfSignedCertificateCryptography(Certificate):
- """Generate the self-signed certificate, using the cryptography backend"""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(SelfSignedCertificateCryptography, self).__init__(module, 'cryptography')
- self.create_subject_key_identifier = module.params['selfsigned_create_subject_key_identifier']
- self.notBefore = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(module.params['selfsigned_not_before'], 'selfsigned_not_before', backend=self.backend)
- self.notAfter = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(module.params['selfsigned_not_after'], 'selfsigned_not_after', backend=self.backend)
- self.digest = crypto_utils.select_message_digest(module.params['selfsigned_digest'])
- self.version = module.params['selfsigned_version']
- self.serial_number = x509.random_serial_number()
- if self.csr_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.csr_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The certificate signing request file {0} does not exist'.format(self.csr_path)
- )
- if self.privatekey_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.privatekey_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The private key file {0} does not exist'.format(self.privatekey_path)
- )
- self.csr = crypto_utils.load_certificate_request(
- path=self.csr_path,
- content=self.csr_content,
- backend=self.backend
- )
- self._module = module
- try:
- self.privatekey = crypto_utils.load_privatekey(
- path=self.privatekey_path,
- content=self.privatekey_content,
- passphrase=self.privatekey_passphrase,
- backend=self.backend
- )
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
- if crypto_utils.cryptography_key_needs_digest_for_signing(self.privatekey):
- if self.digest is None:
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The digest %s is not supported with the cryptography backend' % module.params['selfsigned_digest']
- )
- else:
- self.digest = None
- def generate(self, module):
- if self.privatekey_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.privatekey_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The private key %s does not exist' % self.privatekey_path
- )
- if self.csr_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.csr_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The certificate signing request file %s does not exist' % self.csr_path
- )
- if not self.check(module, perms_required=False) or self.force:
- try:
- cert_builder = x509.CertificateBuilder()
- cert_builder = cert_builder.subject_name(self.csr.subject)
- cert_builder = cert_builder.issuer_name(self.csr.subject)
- cert_builder = cert_builder.serial_number(self.serial_number)
- cert_builder = cert_builder.not_valid_before(self.notBefore)
- cert_builder = cert_builder.not_valid_after(self.notAfter)
- cert_builder = cert_builder.public_key(self.privatekey.public_key())
- has_ski = False
- for extension in self.csr.extensions:
- if isinstance(extension.value, x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier):
- if self.create_subject_key_identifier == 'always_create':
- continue
- has_ski = True
- cert_builder = cert_builder.add_extension(extension.value, critical=extension.critical)
- if not has_ski and self.create_subject_key_identifier != 'never_create':
- cert_builder = cert_builder.add_extension(
- x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier.from_public_key(self.privatekey.public_key()),
- critical=False
- )
- except ValueError as e:
- raise CertificateError(str(e))
- try:
- certificate = cert_builder.sign(
- private_key=self.privatekey, algorithm=self.digest,
- backend=default_backend()
- )
- except TypeError as e:
- if str(e) == 'Algorithm must be a registered hash algorithm.' and self.digest is None:
- module.fail_json(msg='Signing with Ed25519 and Ed448 keys requires cryptography 2.8 or newer.')
- raise
- self.cert = certificate
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, certificate.public_bytes(Encoding.PEM))
- self.changed = True
- else:
- self.cert = crypto_utils.load_certificate(self.path, backend=self.backend)
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- def dump(self, check_mode=False):
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'privatekey': self.privatekey_path,
- 'csr': self.csr_path
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- content = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- result['certificate'] = content.decode('utf-8') if content else None
- if check_mode:
- result.update({
- 'notBefore': self.notBefore.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"),
- 'notAfter': self.notAfter.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"),
- 'serial_number': self.serial_number,
- })
- else:
- result.update({
- 'notBefore': self.cert.not_valid_before.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"),
- 'notAfter': self.cert.not_valid_after.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"),
- 'serial_number': self.cert.serial_number,
- })
- return result
-class SelfSignedCertificate(Certificate):
- """Generate the self-signed certificate."""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(SelfSignedCertificate, self).__init__(module, 'pyopenssl')
- if module.params['selfsigned_create_subject_key_identifier'] != 'create_if_not_provided':
- module.fail_json(msg='selfsigned_create_subject_key_identifier cannot be used with the pyOpenSSL backend!')
- self.notBefore = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(module.params['selfsigned_not_before'], 'selfsigned_not_before', backend=self.backend)
- self.notAfter = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(module.params['selfsigned_not_after'], 'selfsigned_not_after', backend=self.backend)
- self.digest = module.params['selfsigned_digest']
- self.version = module.params['selfsigned_version']
- self.serial_number = randint(1000, 99999)
- if self.csr_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.csr_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The certificate signing request file {0} does not exist'.format(self.csr_path)
- )
- if self.privatekey_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.privatekey_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The private key file {0} does not exist'.format(self.privatekey_path)
- )
- self.csr = crypto_utils.load_certificate_request(
- path=self.csr_path,
- content=self.csr_content,
- )
- try:
- self.privatekey = crypto_utils.load_privatekey(
- path=self.privatekey_path,
- content=self.privatekey_content,
- passphrase=self.privatekey_passphrase,
- )
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=str(exc))
- def generate(self, module):
- if self.privatekey_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.privatekey_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The private key %s does not exist' % self.privatekey_path
- )
- if self.csr_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.csr_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The certificate signing request file %s does not exist' % self.csr_path
- )
- if not self.check(module, perms_required=False) or self.force:
- cert = crypto.X509()
- cert.set_serial_number(self.serial_number)
- cert.set_notBefore(to_bytes(self.notBefore))
- cert.set_notAfter(to_bytes(self.notAfter))
- cert.set_subject(self.csr.get_subject())
- cert.set_issuer(self.csr.get_subject())
- cert.set_version(self.version - 1)
- cert.set_pubkey(self.csr.get_pubkey())
- cert.add_extensions(self.csr.get_extensions())
- cert.sign(self.privatekey, self.digest)
- self.cert = cert
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.cert))
- self.changed = True
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- def dump(self, check_mode=False):
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'privatekey': self.privatekey_path,
- 'csr': self.csr_path
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- content = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- result['certificate'] = content.decode('utf-8') if content else None
- if check_mode:
- result.update({
- 'notBefore': self.notBefore,
- 'notAfter': self.notAfter,
- 'serial_number': self.serial_number,
- })
- else:
- result.update({
- 'notBefore': self.cert.get_notBefore(),
- 'notAfter': self.cert.get_notAfter(),
- 'serial_number': self.cert.get_serial_number(),
- })
- return result
-class OwnCACertificateCryptography(Certificate):
- """Generate the own CA certificate. Using the cryptography backend"""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(OwnCACertificateCryptography, self).__init__(module, 'cryptography')
- self.create_subject_key_identifier = module.params['ownca_create_subject_key_identifier']
- self.create_authority_key_identifier = module.params['ownca_create_authority_key_identifier']
- self.notBefore = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(module.params['ownca_not_before'], 'ownca_not_before', backend=self.backend)
- self.notAfter = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(module.params['ownca_not_after'], 'ownca_not_after', backend=self.backend)
- self.digest = crypto_utils.select_message_digest(module.params['ownca_digest'])
- self.version = module.params['ownca_version']
- self.serial_number = x509.random_serial_number()
- self.ca_cert_path = module.params['ownca_path']
- self.ca_cert_content = module.params['ownca_content']
- if self.ca_cert_content is not None:
- self.ca_cert_content = self.ca_cert_content.encode('utf-8')
- self.ca_privatekey_path = module.params['ownca_privatekey_path']
- self.ca_privatekey_content = module.params['ownca_privatekey_content']
- if self.ca_privatekey_content is not None:
- self.ca_privatekey_content = self.ca_privatekey_content.encode('utf-8')
- self.ca_privatekey_passphrase = module.params['ownca_privatekey_passphrase']
- if self.csr_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.csr_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The certificate signing request file {0} does not exist'.format(self.csr_path)
- )
- if self.ca_cert_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.ca_cert_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The CA certificate file {0} does not exist'.format(self.ca_cert_path)
- )
- if self.ca_privatekey_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.ca_privatekey_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The CA private key file {0} does not exist'.format(self.ca_privatekey_path)
- )
- self.csr = crypto_utils.load_certificate_request(
- path=self.csr_path,
- content=self.csr_content,
- backend=self.backend
- )
- self.ca_cert = crypto_utils.load_certificate(
- path=self.ca_cert_path,
- content=self.ca_cert_content,
- backend=self.backend
- )
- try:
- self.ca_private_key = crypto_utils.load_privatekey(
- path=self.ca_privatekey_path,
- content=self.ca_privatekey_content,
- passphrase=self.ca_privatekey_passphrase,
- backend=self.backend
- )
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=str(exc))
- if crypto_utils.cryptography_key_needs_digest_for_signing(self.ca_private_key):
- if self.digest is None:
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The digest %s is not supported with the cryptography backend' % module.params['ownca_digest']
- )
- else:
- self.digest = None
- def generate(self, module):
- if self.ca_cert_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.ca_cert_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The CA certificate %s does not exist' % self.ca_cert_path
- )
- if self.ca_privatekey_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.ca_privatekey_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The CA private key %s does not exist' % self.ca_privatekey_path
- )
- if self.csr_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.csr_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The certificate signing request file %s does not exist' % self.csr_path
- )
- if not self.check(module, perms_required=False) or self.force:
- cert_builder = x509.CertificateBuilder()
- cert_builder = cert_builder.subject_name(self.csr.subject)
- cert_builder = cert_builder.issuer_name(self.ca_cert.subject)
- cert_builder = cert_builder.serial_number(self.serial_number)
- cert_builder = cert_builder.not_valid_before(self.notBefore)
- cert_builder = cert_builder.not_valid_after(self.notAfter)
- cert_builder = cert_builder.public_key(self.csr.public_key())
- has_ski = False
- for extension in self.csr.extensions:
- if isinstance(extension.value, x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier):
- if self.create_subject_key_identifier == 'always_create':
- continue
- has_ski = True
- if self.create_authority_key_identifier and isinstance(extension.value, x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier):
- continue
- cert_builder = cert_builder.add_extension(extension.value, critical=extension.critical)
- if not has_ski and self.create_subject_key_identifier != 'never_create':
- cert_builder = cert_builder.add_extension(
- x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier.from_public_key(self.csr.public_key()),
- critical=False
- )
- if self.create_authority_key_identifier:
- try:
- ext = self.ca_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier)
- cert_builder = cert_builder.add_extension(
- x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier.from_issuer_subject_key_identifier(ext.value)
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION >= LooseVersion('2.7') else
- x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier.from_issuer_subject_key_identifier(ext),
- critical=False
- )
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- cert_builder = cert_builder.add_extension(
- x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier.from_issuer_public_key(self.ca_cert.public_key()),
- critical=False
- )
- try:
- certificate = cert_builder.sign(
- private_key=self.ca_private_key, algorithm=self.digest,
- backend=default_backend()
- )
- except TypeError as e:
- if str(e) == 'Algorithm must be a registered hash algorithm.' and self.digest is None:
- module.fail_json(msg='Signing with Ed25519 and Ed448 keys requires cryptography 2.8 or newer.')
- raise
- self.cert = certificate
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, certificate.public_bytes(Encoding.PEM))
- self.changed = True
- else:
- self.cert = crypto_utils.load_certificate(self.path, backend=self.backend)
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- def check(self, module, perms_required=True):
- """Ensure the resource is in its desired state."""
- if not super(OwnCACertificateCryptography, self).check(module, perms_required):
- return False
- # Check AuthorityKeyIdentifier
- if self.create_authority_key_identifier:
- try:
- ext = self.ca_cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier)
- expected_ext = (
- x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier.from_issuer_subject_key_identifier(ext.value)
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION >= LooseVersion('2.7') else
- x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier.from_issuer_subject_key_identifier(ext)
- )
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- expected_ext = x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier.from_issuer_public_key(self.ca_cert.public_key())
- try:
- ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier)
- if ext.value != expected_ext:
- return False
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound as dummy:
- return False
- return True
- def dump(self, check_mode=False):
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'privatekey': self.privatekey_path,
- 'csr': self.csr_path,
- 'ca_cert': self.ca_cert_path,
- 'ca_privatekey': self.ca_privatekey_path
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- content = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- result['certificate'] = content.decode('utf-8') if content else None
- if check_mode:
- result.update({
- 'notBefore': self.notBefore.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"),
- 'notAfter': self.notAfter.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"),
- 'serial_number': self.serial_number,
- })
- else:
- result.update({
- 'notBefore': self.cert.not_valid_before.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"),
- 'notAfter': self.cert.not_valid_after.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ"),
- 'serial_number': self.cert.serial_number,
- })
- return result
-class OwnCACertificate(Certificate):
- """Generate the own CA certificate."""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(OwnCACertificate, self).__init__(module, 'pyopenssl')
- self.notBefore = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(module.params['ownca_not_before'], 'ownca_not_before', backend=self.backend)
- self.notAfter = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(module.params['ownca_not_after'], 'ownca_not_after', backend=self.backend)
- self.digest = module.params['ownca_digest']
- self.version = module.params['ownca_version']
- self.serial_number = randint(1000, 99999)
- if module.params['ownca_create_subject_key_identifier'] != 'create_if_not_provided':
- module.fail_json(msg='ownca_create_subject_key_identifier cannot be used with the pyOpenSSL backend!')
- if module.params['ownca_create_authority_key_identifier']:
- module.warn('ownca_create_authority_key_identifier is ignored by the pyOpenSSL backend!')
- self.ca_cert_path = module.params['ownca_path']
- self.ca_cert_content = module.params['ownca_content']
- if self.ca_cert_content is not None:
- self.ca_cert_content = self.ca_cert_content.encode('utf-8')
- self.ca_privatekey_path = module.params['ownca_privatekey_path']
- self.ca_privatekey_content = module.params['ownca_privatekey_content']
- if self.ca_privatekey_content is not None:
- self.ca_privatekey_content = self.ca_privatekey_content.encode('utf-8')
- self.ca_privatekey_passphrase = module.params['ownca_privatekey_passphrase']
- if self.csr_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.csr_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The certificate signing request file {0} does not exist'.format(self.csr_path)
- )
- if self.ca_cert_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.ca_cert_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The CA certificate file {0} does not exist'.format(self.ca_cert_path)
- )
- if self.ca_privatekey_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.ca_privatekey_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The CA private key file {0} does not exist'.format(self.ca_privatekey_path)
- )
- self.csr = crypto_utils.load_certificate_request(
- path=self.csr_path,
- content=self.csr_content,
- )
- self.ca_cert = crypto_utils.load_certificate(
- path=self.ca_cert_path,
- content=self.ca_cert_content,
- )
- try:
- self.ca_privatekey = crypto_utils.load_privatekey(
- path=self.ca_privatekey_path,
- content=self.ca_privatekey_content,
- passphrase=self.ca_privatekey_passphrase
- )
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=str(exc))
- def generate(self, module):
- if self.ca_cert_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.ca_cert_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The CA certificate %s does not exist' % self.ca_cert_path
- )
- if self.ca_privatekey_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.ca_privatekey_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The CA private key %s does not exist' % self.ca_privatekey_path
- )
- if self.csr_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.csr_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The certificate signing request file %s does not exist' % self.csr_path
- )
- if not self.check(module, perms_required=False) or self.force:
- cert = crypto.X509()
- cert.set_serial_number(self.serial_number)
- cert.set_notBefore(to_bytes(self.notBefore))
- cert.set_notAfter(to_bytes(self.notAfter))
- cert.set_subject(self.csr.get_subject())
- cert.set_issuer(self.ca_cert.get_subject())
- cert.set_version(self.version - 1)
- cert.set_pubkey(self.csr.get_pubkey())
- cert.add_extensions(self.csr.get_extensions())
- cert.sign(self.ca_privatekey, self.digest)
- self.cert = cert
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.cert))
- self.changed = True
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- def dump(self, check_mode=False):
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'privatekey': self.privatekey_path,
- 'csr': self.csr_path,
- 'ca_cert': self.ca_cert_path,
- 'ca_privatekey': self.ca_privatekey_path
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- content = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- result['certificate'] = content.decode('utf-8') if content else None
- if check_mode:
- result.update({
- 'notBefore': self.notBefore,
- 'notAfter': self.notAfter,
- 'serial_number': self.serial_number,
- })
- else:
- result.update({
- 'notBefore': self.cert.get_notBefore(),
- 'notAfter': self.cert.get_notAfter(),
- 'serial_number': self.cert.get_serial_number(),
- })
- return result
-def compare_sets(subset, superset, equality=False):
- if equality:
- return set(subset) == set(superset)
- else:
- return all(x in superset for x in subset)
-def compare_dicts(subset, superset, equality=False):
- if equality:
- return subset == superset
- else:
- return all(superset.get(x) == v for x, v in subset.items())
-NO_EXTENSION = 'no extension'
-class AssertOnlyCertificateBase(Certificate):
- def __init__(self, module, backend):
- super(AssertOnlyCertificateBase, self).__init__(module, backend)
- self.signature_algorithms = module.params['signature_algorithms']
- if module.params['subject']:
- self.subject = crypto_utils.parse_name_field(module.params['subject'])
- else:
- self.subject = []
- self.subject_strict = module.params['subject_strict']
- if module.params['issuer']:
- self.issuer = crypto_utils.parse_name_field(module.params['issuer'])
- else:
- self.issuer = []
- self.issuer_strict = module.params['issuer_strict']
- self.has_expired = module.params['has_expired']
- self.version = module.params['version']
- self.key_usage = module.params['key_usage']
- self.key_usage_strict = module.params['key_usage_strict']
- self.extended_key_usage = module.params['extended_key_usage']
- self.extended_key_usage_strict = module.params['extended_key_usage_strict']
- self.subject_alt_name = module.params['subject_alt_name']
- self.subject_alt_name_strict = module.params['subject_alt_name_strict']
- self.not_before = module.params['not_before']
- self.not_after = module.params['not_after']
- self.valid_at = module.params['valid_at']
- self.invalid_at = module.params['invalid_at']
- self.valid_in = module.params['valid_in']
- if self.valid_in and not self.valid_in.startswith("+") and not self.valid_in.startswith("-"):
- try:
- int(self.valid_in)
- except ValueError:
- module.fail_json(msg='The supplied value for "valid_in" (%s) is not an integer or a valid timespec' % self.valid_in)
- self.valid_in = "+" + self.valid_in + "s"
- # Load objects
- self.cert = crypto_utils.load_certificate(self.path, backend=self.backend)
- if self.privatekey_path is not None or self.privatekey_content is not None:
- try:
- self.privatekey = crypto_utils.load_privatekey(
- path=self.privatekey_path,
- content=self.privatekey_content,
- passphrase=self.privatekey_passphrase,
- backend=self.backend
- )
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- raise CertificateError(exc)
- if self.csr_path is not None or self.csr_content is not None:
- self.csr = crypto_utils.load_certificate_request(
- path=self.csr_path,
- content=self.csr_content,
- backend=self.backend
- )
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_privatekey(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_csr_signature(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_csr_subject(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_csr_extensions(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_signature_algorithms(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_subject(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_issuer(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_has_expired(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_version(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_key_usage(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_extended_key_usage(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_subject_alt_name(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_not_before(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_not_after(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_valid_at(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_invalid_at(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _validate_valid_in(self):
- pass
- def assertonly(self, module):
- messages = []
- if self.privatekey_path is not None or self.privatekey_content is not None:
- if not self._validate_privatekey():
- messages.append(
- 'Certificate %s and private key %s do not match' %
- (self.path, self.privatekey_path or '(provided in module options)')
- )
- if self.csr_path is not None or self.csr_content is not None:
- if not self._validate_csr_signature():
- messages.append(
- 'Certificate %s and CSR %s do not match: private key mismatch' %
- (self.path, self.csr_path or '(provided in module options)')
- )
- if not self._validate_csr_subject():
- messages.append(
- 'Certificate %s and CSR %s do not match: subject mismatch' %
- (self.path, self.csr_path or '(provided in module options)')
- )
- if not self._validate_csr_extensions():
- messages.append(
- 'Certificate %s and CSR %s do not match: extensions mismatch' %
- (self.path, self.csr_path or '(provided in module options)')
- )
- if self.signature_algorithms is not None:
- wrong_alg = self._validate_signature_algorithms()
- if wrong_alg:
- messages.append(
- 'Invalid signature algorithm (got %s, expected one of %s)' %
- (wrong_alg, self.signature_algorithms)
- )
- if self.subject is not None:
- failure = self._validate_subject()
- if failure:
- dummy, cert_subject = failure
- messages.append(
- 'Invalid subject component (got %s, expected all of %s to be present)' %
- (cert_subject, self.subject)
- )
- if self.issuer is not None:
- failure = self._validate_issuer()
- if failure:
- dummy, cert_issuer = failure
- messages.append(
- 'Invalid issuer component (got %s, expected all of %s to be present)' % (cert_issuer, self.issuer)
- )
- if self.has_expired is not None:
- cert_expired = self._validate_has_expired()
- if cert_expired != self.has_expired:
- messages.append(
- 'Certificate expiration check failed (certificate expiration is %s, expected %s)' %
- (cert_expired, self.has_expired)
- )
- if self.version is not None:
- cert_version = self._validate_version()
- if cert_version != self.version:
- messages.append(
- 'Invalid certificate version number (got %s, expected %s)' %
- (cert_version, self.version)
- )
- if self.key_usage is not None:
- failure = self._validate_key_usage()
- if failure == NO_EXTENSION:
- messages.append('Found no keyUsage extension')
- elif failure:
- dummy, cert_key_usage = failure
- messages.append(
- 'Invalid keyUsage components (got %s, expected all of %s to be present)' %
- (cert_key_usage, self.key_usage)
- )
- if self.extended_key_usage is not None:
- failure = self._validate_extended_key_usage()
- if failure == NO_EXTENSION:
- messages.append('Found no extendedKeyUsage extension')
- elif failure:
- dummy, ext_cert_key_usage = failure
- messages.append(
- 'Invalid extendedKeyUsage component (got %s, expected all of %s to be present)' % (ext_cert_key_usage, self.extended_key_usage)
- )
- if self.subject_alt_name is not None:
- failure = self._validate_subject_alt_name()
- if failure == NO_EXTENSION:
- messages.append('Found no subjectAltName extension')
- elif failure:
- dummy, cert_san = failure
- messages.append(
- 'Invalid subjectAltName component (got %s, expected all of %s to be present)' %
- (cert_san, self.subject_alt_name)
- )
- if self.not_before is not None:
- cert_not_valid_before = self._validate_not_before()
- if cert_not_valid_before != crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(self.not_before, 'not_before', backend=self.backend):
- messages.append(
- 'Invalid not_before component (got %s, expected %s to be present)' %
- (cert_not_valid_before, self.not_before)
- )
- if self.not_after is not None:
- cert_not_valid_after = self._validate_not_after()
- if cert_not_valid_after != crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(self.not_after, 'not_after', backend=self.backend):
- messages.append(
- 'Invalid not_after component (got %s, expected %s to be present)' %
- (cert_not_valid_after, self.not_after)
- )
- if self.valid_at is not None:
- not_before, valid_at, not_after = self._validate_valid_at()
- if not (not_before <= valid_at <= not_after):
- messages.append(
- 'Certificate is not valid for the specified date (%s) - not_before: %s - not_after: %s' %
- (self.valid_at, not_before, not_after)
- )
- if self.invalid_at is not None:
- not_before, invalid_at, not_after = self._validate_invalid_at()
- if not_before <= invalid_at <= not_after:
- messages.append(
- 'Certificate is not invalid for the specified date (%s) - not_before: %s - not_after: %s' %
- (self.invalid_at, not_before, not_after)
- )
- if self.valid_in is not None:
- not_before, valid_in, not_after = self._validate_valid_in()
- if not not_before <= valid_in <= not_after:
- messages.append(
- 'Certificate is not valid in %s from now (that would be %s) - not_before: %s - not_after: %s' %
- (self.valid_in, valid_in, not_before, not_after)
- )
- return messages
- def generate(self, module):
- """Don't generate anything - only assert"""
- messages = self.assertonly(module)
- if messages:
- module.fail_json(msg=' | '.join(messages))
- def check(self, module, perms_required=False):
- """Ensure the resource is in its desired state."""
- messages = self.assertonly(module)
- return len(messages) == 0
- def dump(self, check_mode=False):
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'privatekey': self.privatekey_path,
- 'csr': self.csr_path,
- }
- if self.return_content:
- content = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- result['certificate'] = content.decode('utf-8') if content else None
- return result
-class AssertOnlyCertificateCryptography(AssertOnlyCertificateBase):
- """Validate the supplied cert, using the cryptography backend"""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(AssertOnlyCertificateCryptography, self).__init__(module, 'cryptography')
- def _validate_privatekey(self):
- return crypto_utils.cryptography_compare_public_keys(self.cert.public_key(), self.privatekey.public_key())
- def _validate_csr_signature(self):
- if not self.csr.is_signature_valid:
- return False
- return crypto_utils.cryptography_compare_public_keys(self.csr.public_key(), self.cert.public_key())
- def _validate_csr_subject(self):
- return self.csr.subject == self.cert.subject
- def _validate_csr_extensions(self):
- cert_exts = self.cert.extensions
- csr_exts = self.csr.extensions
- if len(cert_exts) != len(csr_exts):
- return False
- for cert_ext in cert_exts:
- try:
- csr_ext = csr_exts.get_extension_for_oid(cert_ext.oid)
- if cert_ext != csr_ext:
- return False
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound as dummy:
- return False
- return True
- def _validate_signature_algorithms(self):
- if self.cert.signature_algorithm_oid._name not in self.signature_algorithms:
- return self.cert.signature_algorithm_oid._name
- def _validate_subject(self):
- expected_subject = Name([NameAttribute(oid=crypto_utils.cryptography_name_to_oid(sub[0]), value=to_text(sub[1]))
- for sub in self.subject])
- cert_subject = self.cert.subject
- if not compare_sets(expected_subject, cert_subject, self.subject_strict):
- return expected_subject, cert_subject
- def _validate_issuer(self):
- expected_issuer = Name([NameAttribute(oid=crypto_utils.cryptography_name_to_oid(iss[0]), value=to_text(iss[1]))
- for iss in self.issuer])
- cert_issuer = self.cert.issuer
- if not compare_sets(expected_issuer, cert_issuer, self.issuer_strict):
- return self.issuer, cert_issuer
- def _validate_has_expired(self):
- cert_not_after = self.cert.not_valid_after
- cert_expired = cert_not_after < datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- return cert_expired
- def _validate_version(self):
- if self.cert.version == x509.Version.v1:
- return 1
- if self.cert.version == x509.Version.v3:
- return 3
- return "unknown"
- def _validate_key_usage(self):
- try:
- current_key_usage = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.KeyUsage).value
- test_key_usage = dict(
- digital_signature=current_key_usage.digital_signature,
- content_commitment=current_key_usage.content_commitment,
- key_encipherment=current_key_usage.key_encipherment,
- data_encipherment=current_key_usage.data_encipherment,
- key_agreement=current_key_usage.key_agreement,
- key_cert_sign=current_key_usage.key_cert_sign,
- crl_sign=current_key_usage.crl_sign,
- encipher_only=False,
- decipher_only=False
- )
- if test_key_usage['key_agreement']:
- test_key_usage.update(dict(
- encipher_only=current_key_usage.encipher_only,
- decipher_only=current_key_usage.decipher_only
- ))
- key_usages = crypto_utils.cryptography_parse_key_usage_params(self.key_usage)
- if not compare_dicts(key_usages, test_key_usage, self.key_usage_strict):
- return self.key_usage, [k for k, v in test_key_usage.items() if v is True]
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- # This is only bad if the user specified a non-empty list
- if self.key_usage:
- def _validate_extended_key_usage(self):
- try:
- current_ext_keyusage = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.ExtendedKeyUsage).value
- usages = [crypto_utils.cryptography_name_to_oid(usage) for usage in self.extended_key_usage]
- expected_ext_keyusage = x509.ExtendedKeyUsage(usages)
- if not compare_sets(expected_ext_keyusage, current_ext_keyusage, self.extended_key_usage_strict):
- return [eku.value for eku in expected_ext_keyusage], [eku.value for eku in current_ext_keyusage]
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- # This is only bad if the user specified a non-empty list
- if self.extended_key_usage:
- def _validate_subject_alt_name(self):
- try:
- current_san = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value
- expected_san = [crypto_utils.cryptography_get_name(san) for san in self.subject_alt_name]
- if not compare_sets(expected_san, current_san, self.subject_alt_name_strict):
- return self.subject_alt_name, current_san
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- # This is only bad if the user specified a non-empty list
- if self.subject_alt_name:
- def _validate_not_before(self):
- return self.cert.not_valid_before
- def _validate_not_after(self):
- return self.cert.not_valid_after
- def _validate_valid_at(self):
- rt = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(self.valid_at, 'valid_at', backend=self.backend)
- return self.cert.not_valid_before, rt, self.cert.not_valid_after
- def _validate_invalid_at(self):
- rt = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(self.invalid_at, 'invalid_at', backend=self.backend)
- return self.cert.not_valid_before, rt, self.cert.not_valid_after
- def _validate_valid_in(self):
- valid_in_date = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(self.valid_in, "valid_in", backend=self.backend)
- return self.cert.not_valid_before, valid_in_date, self.cert.not_valid_after
-class AssertOnlyCertificate(AssertOnlyCertificateBase):
- """validate the supplied certificate."""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(AssertOnlyCertificate, self).__init__(module, 'pyopenssl')
- # Ensure inputs are properly sanitized before comparison.
- for param in ['signature_algorithms', 'key_usage', 'extended_key_usage',
- 'subject_alt_name', 'subject', 'issuer', 'not_before',
- 'not_after', 'valid_at', 'invalid_at']:
- attr = getattr(self, param)
- if isinstance(attr, list) and attr:
- if isinstance(attr[0], str):
- setattr(self, param, [to_bytes(item) for item in attr])
- elif isinstance(attr[0], tuple):
- setattr(self, param, [(to_bytes(item[0]), to_bytes(item[1])) for item in attr])
- elif isinstance(attr, tuple):
- setattr(self, param, dict((to_bytes(k), to_bytes(v)) for (k, v) in attr.items()))
- elif isinstance(attr, dict):
- setattr(self, param, dict((to_bytes(k), to_bytes(v)) for (k, v) in attr.items()))
- elif isinstance(attr, str):
- setattr(self, param, to_bytes(attr))
- def _validate_privatekey(self):
- ctx = OpenSSL.SSL.Context(OpenSSL.SSL.TLSv1_2_METHOD)
- ctx.use_privatekey(self.privatekey)
- ctx.use_certificate(self.cert)
- try:
- ctx.check_privatekey()
- return True
- except OpenSSL.SSL.Error:
- return False
- def _validate_csr_signature(self):
- try:
- self.csr.verify(self.cert.get_pubkey())
- except OpenSSL.crypto.Error:
- return False
- def _validate_csr_subject(self):
- if self.csr.get_subject() != self.cert.get_subject():
- return False
- def _validate_csr_extensions(self):
- csr_extensions = self.csr.get_extensions()
- cert_extension_count = self.cert.get_extension_count()
- if len(csr_extensions) != cert_extension_count:
- return False
- for extension_number in range(0, cert_extension_count):
- cert_extension = self.cert.get_extension(extension_number)
- csr_extension = filter(lambda extension: extension.get_short_name() == cert_extension.get_short_name(), csr_extensions)
- if cert_extension.get_data() != list(csr_extension)[0].get_data():
- return False
- return True
- def _validate_signature_algorithms(self):
- if self.cert.get_signature_algorithm() not in self.signature_algorithms:
- return self.cert.get_signature_algorithm()
- def _validate_subject(self):
- expected_subject = [(OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(sub[0]), sub[1]) for sub in self.subject]
- cert_subject = self.cert.get_subject().get_components()
- current_subject = [(OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(sub[0]), sub[1]) for sub in cert_subject]
- if not compare_sets(expected_subject, current_subject, self.subject_strict):
- return expected_subject, current_subject
- def _validate_issuer(self):
- expected_issuer = [(OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(iss[0]), iss[1]) for iss in self.issuer]
- cert_issuer = self.cert.get_issuer().get_components()
- current_issuer = [(OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(iss[0]), iss[1]) for iss in cert_issuer]
- if not compare_sets(expected_issuer, current_issuer, self.issuer_strict):
- return self.issuer, cert_issuer
- def _validate_has_expired(self):
- # The following 3 lines are the same as the current PyOpenSSL code for cert.has_expired().
- # Older version of PyOpenSSL have a buggy implementation,
- # to avoid issues with those we added the code from a more recent release here.
- time_string = to_native(self.cert.get_notAfter())
- not_after = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_string, "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
- cert_expired = not_after < datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- return cert_expired
- def _validate_version(self):
- # Version numbers in certs are off by one:
- # v1: 0, v2: 1, v3: 2 ...
- return self.cert.get_version() + 1
- def _validate_key_usage(self):
- found = False
- for extension_idx in range(0, self.cert.get_extension_count()):
- extension = self.cert.get_extension(extension_idx)
- if extension.get_short_name() == b'keyUsage':
- found = True
- expected_extension = crypto.X509Extension(b"keyUsage", False, b', '.join(self.key_usage))
- key_usage = [usage.strip() for usage in to_text(expected_extension, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split(',')]
- current_ku = [usage.strip() for usage in to_text(extension, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split(',')]
- if not compare_sets(key_usage, current_ku, self.key_usage_strict):
- return self.key_usage, str(extension).split(', ')
- if not found:
- # This is only bad if the user specified a non-empty list
- if self.key_usage:
- def _validate_extended_key_usage(self):
- found = False
- for extension_idx in range(0, self.cert.get_extension_count()):
- extension = self.cert.get_extension(extension_idx)
- if extension.get_short_name() == b'extendedKeyUsage':
- found = True
- extKeyUsage = [OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(keyUsage) for keyUsage in self.extended_key_usage]
- current_xku = [OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(usage.strip()) for usage in
- to_bytes(extension, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split(b',')]
- if not compare_sets(extKeyUsage, current_xku, self.extended_key_usage_strict):
- return self.extended_key_usage, str(extension).split(', ')
- if not found:
- # This is only bad if the user specified a non-empty list
- if self.extended_key_usage:
- def _normalize_san(self, san):
- # Apparently OpenSSL returns 'IP address' not 'IP' as specifier when converting the subjectAltName to string
- # although it won't accept this specifier when generating the CSR. (
- if san.startswith('IP Address:'):
- san = 'IP:' + san[len('IP Address:'):]
- if san.startswith('IP:'):
- ip = compat_ipaddress.ip_address(san[3:])
- san = 'IP:{0}'.format(ip.compressed)
- return san
- def _validate_subject_alt_name(self):
- found = False
- for extension_idx in range(0, self.cert.get_extension_count()):
- extension = self.cert.get_extension(extension_idx)
- if extension.get_short_name() == b'subjectAltName':
- found = True
- l_altnames = [self._normalize_san(altname.strip()) for altname in
- to_text(extension, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split(', ')]
- sans = [self._normalize_san(to_text(san, errors='surrogate_or_strict')) for san in self.subject_alt_name]
- if not compare_sets(sans, l_altnames, self.subject_alt_name_strict):
- return self.subject_alt_name, l_altnames
- if not found:
- # This is only bad if the user specified a non-empty list
- if self.subject_alt_name:
- def _validate_not_before(self):
- return self.cert.get_notBefore()
- def _validate_not_after(self):
- return self.cert.get_notAfter()
- def _validate_valid_at(self):
- rt = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(self.valid_at, "valid_at", backend=self.backend)
- rt = to_bytes(rt, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
- return self.cert.get_notBefore(), rt, self.cert.get_notAfter()
- def _validate_invalid_at(self):
- rt = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(self.invalid_at, "invalid_at", backend=self.backend)
- rt = to_bytes(rt, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
- return self.cert.get_notBefore(), rt, self.cert.get_notAfter()
- def _validate_valid_in(self):
- valid_in_asn1 = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(self.valid_in, "valid_in", backend=self.backend)
- valid_in_date = to_bytes(valid_in_asn1, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
- return self.cert.get_notBefore(), valid_in_date, self.cert.get_notAfter()
-class EntrustCertificate(Certificate):
- """Retrieve a certificate using Entrust (ECS)."""
- def __init__(self, module, backend):
- super(EntrustCertificate, self).__init__(module, backend)
- self.trackingId = None
- self.notAfter = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(module.params['entrust_not_after'], 'entrust_not_after', backend=self.backend)
- if self.csr_content is None or not os.path.exists(self.csr_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The certificate signing request file {0} does not exist'.format(self.csr_path)
- )
- self.csr = crypto_utils.load_certificate_request(
- path=self.csr_path,
- content=self.csr_content,
- backend=self.backend,
- )
- # ECS API defaults to using the validated organization tied to the account.
- # We want to always force behavior of trying to use the organization provided in the CSR.
- # To that end we need to parse out the organization from the CSR.
- self.csr_org = None
- if self.backend == 'pyopenssl':
- csr_subject = self.csr.get_subject()
- csr_subject_components = csr_subject.get_components()
- for k, v in csr_subject_components:
- if k.upper() == 'O':
- # Entrust does not support multiple validated organizations in a single certificate
- if self.csr_org is not None:
- module.fail_json(msg=("Entrust provider does not currently support multiple validated organizations. Multiple organizations found in "
- "Subject DN: '{0}'. ".format(csr_subject)))
- else:
- self.csr_org = v
- elif self.backend == 'cryptography':
- csr_subject_orgs = self.csr.subject.get_attributes_for_oid(NameOID.ORGANIZATION_NAME)
- if len(csr_subject_orgs) == 1:
- self.csr_org = csr_subject_orgs[0].value
- elif len(csr_subject_orgs) > 1:
- module.fail_json(msg=("Entrust provider does not currently support multiple validated organizations. Multiple organizations found in "
- "Subject DN: '{0}'. ".format(self.csr.subject)))
- # If no organization in the CSR, explicitly tell ECS that it should be blank in issued cert, not defaulted to
- # organization tied to the account.
- if self.csr_org is None:
- self.csr_org = ''
- try:
- self.ecs_client = ECSClient(
- entrust_api_user=module.params.get('entrust_api_user'),
- entrust_api_key=module.params.get('entrust_api_key'),
- entrust_api_cert=module.params.get('entrust_api_client_cert_path'),
- entrust_api_cert_key=module.params.get('entrust_api_client_cert_key_path'),
- entrust_api_specification_path=module.params.get('entrust_api_specification_path')
- )
- except SessionConfigurationException as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Failed to initialize Entrust Provider: {0}'.format(to_native(e.message)))
- def generate(self, module):
- if not self.check(module, perms_required=False) or self.force:
- # Read the CSR that was generated for us
- body = {}
- if self.csr_content is not None:
- body['csr'] = self.csr_content
- else:
- with open(self.csr_path, 'r') as csr_file:
- body['csr'] =
- body['certType'] = module.params['entrust_cert_type']
- # Handle expiration (30 days if not specified)
- expiry = self.notAfter
- if not expiry:
- gmt_now = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.gmtime()))
- expiry = gmt_now + datetime.timedelta(days=365)
- expiry_iso3339 = expiry.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.00Z")
- body['certExpiryDate'] = expiry_iso3339
- body['org'] = self.csr_org
- body['tracking'] = {
- 'requesterName': module.params['entrust_requester_name'],
- 'requesterEmail': module.params['entrust_requester_email'],
- 'requesterPhone': module.params['entrust_requester_phone'],
- }
- try:
- result = self.ecs_client.NewCertRequest(Body=body)
- self.trackingId = result.get('trackingId')
- except RestOperationException as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Failed to request new certificate from Entrust Certificate Services (ECS): {0}'.format(to_native(e.message)))
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, to_bytes(result.get('endEntityCert')))
- self.cert = crypto_utils.load_certificate(self.path, backend=self.backend)
- self.changed = True
- def check(self, module, perms_required=True):
- """Ensure the resource is in its desired state."""
- parent_check = super(EntrustCertificate, self).check(module, perms_required)
- try:
- cert_details = self._get_cert_details()
- except RestOperationException as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Failed to get status of existing certificate from Entrust Certificate Services (ECS): {0}.'.format(to_native(e.message)))
- # Always issue a new certificate if the certificate is expired, suspended or revoked
- status = cert_details.get('status', False)
- if status == 'EXPIRED' or status == 'SUSPENDED' or status == 'REVOKED':
- return False
- # If the requested cert type was specified and it is for a different certificate type than the initial certificate, a new one is needed
- if module.params['entrust_cert_type'] and cert_details.get('certType') and module.params['entrust_cert_type'] != cert_details.get('certType'):
- return False
- return parent_check
- def _get_cert_details(self):
- cert_details = {}
- if self.cert:
- serial_number = None
- expiry = None
- if self.backend == 'pyopenssl':
- serial_number = "{0:X}".format(self.cert.get_serial_number())
- time_string = to_native(self.cert.get_notAfter())
- expiry = datetime.datetime.strptime(time_string, "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
- elif self.backend == 'cryptography':
- serial_number = "{0:X}".format(self.cert.serial_number)
- expiry = self.cert.not_valid_after
- # get some information about the expiry of this certificate
- expiry_iso3339 = expiry.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.00Z")
- cert_details['expiresAfter'] = expiry_iso3339
- # If a trackingId is not already defined (from the result of a generate)
- # use the serial number to identify the tracking Id
- if self.trackingId is None and serial_number is not None:
- cert_results = self.ecs_client.GetCertificates(serialNumber=serial_number).get('certificates', {})
- # Finding 0 or more than 1 result is a very unlikely use case, it simply means we cannot perform additional checks
- # on the 'state' as returned by Entrust Certificate Services (ECS). The general certificate validity is
- # still checked as it is in the rest of the module.
- if len(cert_results) == 1:
- self.trackingId = cert_results[0].get('trackingId')
- if self.trackingId is not None:
- cert_details.update(self.ecs_client.GetCertificate(trackingId=self.trackingId))
- return cert_details
- def dump(self, check_mode=False):
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'privatekey': self.privatekey_path,
- 'csr': self.csr_path,
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- content = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- result['certificate'] = content.decode('utf-8') if content else None
- result.update(self._get_cert_details())
- return result
-class AcmeCertificate(Certificate):
- """Retrieve a certificate using the ACME protocol."""
- # Since there's no real use of the backend,
- # other than the 'self.check' function, we just pass the backend to the constructor
- def __init__(self, module, backend):
- super(AcmeCertificate, self).__init__(module, backend)
- self.accountkey_path = module.params['acme_accountkey_path']
- self.challenge_path = module.params['acme_challenge_path']
- self.use_chain = module.params['acme_chain']
- self.acme_directory = module.params['acme_directory']
- def generate(self, module):
- if self.csr_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.csr_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The certificate signing request file %s does not exist' % self.csr_path
- )
- if not os.path.exists(self.accountkey_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The account key %s does not exist' % self.accountkey_path
- )
- if not os.path.exists(self.challenge_path):
- raise CertificateError(
- 'The challenge path %s does not exist' % self.challenge_path
- )
- if not self.check(module, perms_required=False) or self.force:
- acme_tiny_path = self.module.get_bin_path('acme-tiny', required=True)
- command = [acme_tiny_path]
- if self.use_chain:
- command.append('--chain')
- command.extend(['--account-key', self.accountkey_path])
- if self.csr_content is not None:
- # We need to temporarily write the CSR to disk
- fd, tmpsrc = tempfile.mkstemp()
- module.add_cleanup_file(tmpsrc) # Ansible will delete the file on exit
- f = os.fdopen(fd, 'wb')
- try:
- f.write(self.csr_content)
- except Exception as err:
- try:
- f.close()
- except Exception as dummy:
- pass
- module.fail_json(
- msg="failed to create temporary CSR file: %s" % to_native(err),
- exception=traceback.format_exc()
- )
- f.close()
- command.extend(['--csr', tmpsrc])
- else:
- command.extend(['--csr', self.csr_path])
- command.extend(['--acme-dir', self.challenge_path])
- command.extend(['--directory-url', self.acme_directory])
- try:
- crt = module.run_command(command, check_rc=True)[1]
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, to_bytes(crt))
- self.changed = True
- except OSError as exc:
- raise CertificateError(exc)
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- def dump(self, check_mode=False):
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'privatekey': self.privatekey_path,
- 'accountkey': self.accountkey_path,
- 'csr': self.csr_path,
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- content = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- result['certificate'] = content.decode('utf-8') if content else None
- return result
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- path=dict(type='path', required=True),
- provider=dict(type='str', choices=['acme', 'assertonly', 'entrust', 'ownca', 'selfsigned']),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False,),
- csr_path=dict(type='path'),
- csr_content=dict(type='str'),
- backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', default='auto', choices=['auto', 'cryptography', 'pyopenssl']),
- return_content=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- # General properties of a certificate
- privatekey_path=dict(type='path'),
- privatekey_content=dict(type='str'),
- privatekey_passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- # provider: assertonly
- signature_algorithms=dict(type='list', elements='str', removed_in_version='2.13'),
- subject=dict(type='dict', removed_in_version='2.13'),
- subject_strict=dict(type='bool', default=False, removed_in_version='2.13'),
- issuer=dict(type='dict', removed_in_version='2.13'),
- issuer_strict=dict(type='bool', default=False, removed_in_version='2.13'),
- has_expired=dict(type='bool', default=False, removed_in_version='2.13'),
- version=dict(type='int', removed_in_version='2.13'),
- key_usage=dict(type='list', elements='str', aliases=['keyUsage'], removed_in_version='2.13'),
- key_usage_strict=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['keyUsage_strict'], removed_in_version='2.13'),
- extended_key_usage=dict(type='list', elements='str', aliases=['extendedKeyUsage'], removed_in_version='2.13'),
- extended_key_usage_strict=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['extendedKeyUsage_strict'], removed_in_version='2.13'),
- subject_alt_name=dict(type='list', elements='str', aliases=['subjectAltName'], removed_in_version='2.13'),
- subject_alt_name_strict=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['subjectAltName_strict'], removed_in_version='2.13'),
- not_before=dict(type='str', aliases=['notBefore'], removed_in_version='2.13'),
- not_after=dict(type='str', aliases=['notAfter'], removed_in_version='2.13'),
- valid_at=dict(type='str', removed_in_version='2.13'),
- invalid_at=dict(type='str', removed_in_version='2.13'),
- valid_in=dict(type='str', removed_in_version='2.13'),
- # provider: selfsigned
- selfsigned_version=dict(type='int', default=3),
- selfsigned_digest=dict(type='str', default='sha256'),
- selfsigned_not_before=dict(type='str', default='+0s', aliases=['selfsigned_notBefore']),
- selfsigned_not_after=dict(type='str', default='+3650d', aliases=['selfsigned_notAfter']),
- selfsigned_create_subject_key_identifier=dict(
- type='str',
- default='create_if_not_provided',
- choices=['create_if_not_provided', 'always_create', 'never_create']
- ),
- # provider: ownca
- ownca_path=dict(type='path'),
- ownca_content=dict(type='str'),
- ownca_privatekey_path=dict(type='path'),
- ownca_privatekey_content=dict(type='str'),
- ownca_privatekey_passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- ownca_digest=dict(type='str', default='sha256'),
- ownca_version=dict(type='int', default=3),
- ownca_not_before=dict(type='str', default='+0s'),
- ownca_not_after=dict(type='str', default='+3650d'),
- ownca_create_subject_key_identifier=dict(
- type='str',
- default='create_if_not_provided',
- choices=['create_if_not_provided', 'always_create', 'never_create']
- ),
- ownca_create_authority_key_identifier=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- # provider: acme
- acme_accountkey_path=dict(type='path'),
- acme_challenge_path=dict(type='path'),
- acme_chain=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- acme_directory=dict(type='str', default=""),
- # provider: entrust
- entrust_cert_type=dict(type='str', default='STANDARD_SSL',
- entrust_requester_email=dict(type='str'),
- entrust_requester_name=dict(type='str'),
- entrust_requester_phone=dict(type='str'),
- entrust_api_user=dict(type='str'),
- entrust_api_key=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- entrust_api_client_cert_path=dict(type='path'),
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path=dict(type='path', no_log=True),
- entrust_api_specification_path=dict(type='path', default=''),
- entrust_not_after=dict(type='str', default='+365d'),
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- add_file_common_args=True,
- required_if=[
- ['state', 'present', ['provider']],
- ['provider', 'entrust', ['entrust_requester_email', 'entrust_requester_name', 'entrust_requester_phone',
- 'entrust_api_user', 'entrust_api_key', 'entrust_api_client_cert_path',
- 'entrust_api_client_cert_key_path']],
- ],
- mutually_exclusive=[
- ['csr_path', 'csr_content'],
- ['privatekey_path', 'privatekey_content'],
- ['ownca_path', 'ownca_content'],
- ['ownca_privatekey_path', 'ownca_privatekey_content'],
- ],
- )
- try:
- if module.params['state'] == 'absent':
- certificate = CertificateAbsent(module)
- else:
- if module.params['provider'] != 'assertonly' and module.params['csr_path'] is None and module.params['csr_content'] is None:
- module.fail_json(msg='csr_path or csr_content is required when provider is not assertonly')
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(module.params['path']) or '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- module.fail_json(
- name=base_dir,
- msg='The directory %s does not exist or the file is not a directory' % base_dir
- )
- provider = module.params['provider']
- if provider == 'assertonly':
- module.deprecate("The 'assertonly' provider is deprecated; please see the examples of "
- "the 'openssl_certificate' module on how to replace it with other modules",
- version='2.13')
- elif provider == 'selfsigned':
- if module.params['privatekey_path'] is None and module.params['privatekey_content'] is None:
- module.fail_json(msg='One of privatekey_path and privatekey_content must be specified for the selfsigned provider.')
- elif provider == 'acme':
- if module.params['acme_accountkey_path'] is None:
- module.fail_json(msg='The acme_accountkey_path option must be specified for the acme provider.')
- if module.params['acme_challenge_path'] is None:
- module.fail_json(msg='The acme_challenge_path option must be specified for the acme provider.')
- elif provider == 'ownca':
- if module.params['ownca_path'] is None and module.params['ownca_content'] is None:
- module.fail_json(msg='One of ownca_path and ownca_content must be specified for the ownca provider.')
- if module.params['ownca_privatekey_path'] is None and module.params['ownca_privatekey_content'] is None:
- module.fail_json(msg='One of ownca_privatekey_path and ownca_privatekey_content must be specified for the ownca provider.')
- backend = module.params['select_crypto_backend']
- if backend == 'auto':
- # Detect what backend we can use
- # If cryptography is available we'll use it
- if can_use_cryptography:
- backend = 'cryptography'
- elif can_use_pyopenssl:
- backend = 'pyopenssl'
- if module.params['selfsigned_version'] == 2 or module.params['ownca_version'] == 2:
- module.warn('crypto backend forced to pyopenssl. The cryptography library does not support v2 certificates')
- backend = 'pyopenssl'
- # Fail if no backend has been found
- if backend == 'auto':
- module.fail_json(msg=("Can't detect any of the required Python libraries "
- "cryptography (>= {0}) or PyOpenSSL (>= {1})").format(
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyOpenSSL >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_PYOPENSSL_VERSION)),
- exception=PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR)
- if module.params['provider'] in ['selfsigned', 'ownca', 'assertonly']:
- try:
- getattr(crypto.X509Req, 'get_extensions')
- except AttributeError:
- module.fail_json(msg='You need to have PyOpenSSL>=0.15')
- module.deprecate('The module is using the PyOpenSSL backend. This backend has been deprecated', version='2.13')
- if provider == 'selfsigned':
- certificate = SelfSignedCertificate(module)
- elif provider == 'acme':
- certificate = AcmeCertificate(module, 'pyopenssl')
- elif provider == 'ownca':
- certificate = OwnCACertificate(module)
- elif provider == 'entrust':
- certificate = EntrustCertificate(module, 'pyopenssl')
- else:
- certificate = AssertOnlyCertificate(module)
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION)),
- if module.params['selfsigned_version'] == 2 or module.params['ownca_version'] == 2:
- module.fail_json(msg='The cryptography backend does not support v2 certificates, '
- 'use select_crypto_backend=pyopenssl for v2 certificates')
- if provider == 'selfsigned':
- certificate = SelfSignedCertificateCryptography(module)
- elif provider == 'acme':
- certificate = AcmeCertificate(module, 'cryptography')
- elif provider == 'ownca':
- certificate = OwnCACertificateCryptography(module)
- elif provider == 'entrust':
- certificate = EntrustCertificate(module, 'cryptography')
- else:
- certificate = AssertOnlyCertificateCryptography(module)
- if module.params['state'] == 'present':
- if module.check_mode:
- result = certificate.dump(check_mode=True)
- result['changed'] = module.params['force'] or not certificate.check(module)
- module.exit_json(**result)
- certificate.generate(module)
- else:
- if module.check_mode:
- result = certificate.dump(check_mode=True)
- result['changed'] = os.path.exists(module.params['path'])
- module.exit_json(**result)
- certificate.remove(module)
- result = certificate.dump()
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d7459ae9d..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,863 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2016-2017, Yanis Guenane <>
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Markus Teufelberger <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: openssl_certificate_info
-version_added: '2.8'
-short_description: Provide information of OpenSSL X.509 certificates
- - This module allows one to query information on OpenSSL certificates.
- - It uses the pyOpenSSL or cryptography python library to interact with OpenSSL. If both the
- cryptography and PyOpenSSL libraries are available (and meet the minimum version requirements)
- cryptography will be preferred as a backend over PyOpenSSL (unless the backend is forced with
- C(select_crypto_backend)). Please note that the PyOpenSSL backend was deprecated in Ansible 2.9
- and will be removed in Ansible 2.13.
- - PyOpenSSL >= 0.15 or cryptography >= 1.6
- - Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)
- - Yanis Guenane (@Spredzy)
- - Markus Teufelberger (@MarkusTeufelberger)
- path:
- description:
- - Remote absolute path where the certificate file is loaded from.
- - Either I(path) or I(content) must be specified, but not both.
- type: path
- content:
- description:
- - Content of the X.509 certificate in PEM format.
- - Either I(path) or I(content) must be specified, but not both.
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
- valid_at:
- description:
- - A dict of names mapping to time specifications. Every time specified here
- will be checked whether the certificate is valid at this point. See the
- C(valid_at) return value for informations on the result.
- - Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
- - Time will always be interpreted as UTC.
- - Valid format is C([+-]timespec | ASN.1 TIME) where timespec can be an integer
- + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h), and ASN.1 TIME (i.e. pattern C(YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ)).
- Note that all timestamps will be treated as being in UTC.
- type: dict
- select_crypto_backend:
- description:
- - Determines which crypto backend to use.
- - The default choice is C(auto), which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to C(pyopenssl).
- - If set to C(pyopenssl), will try to use the L(pyOpenSSL, library.
- - If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the L(cryptography, library.
- - Please note that the C(pyopenssl) backend has been deprecated in Ansible 2.9, and will be removed in Ansible 2.13.
- From that point on, only the C(cryptography) backend will be available.
- type: str
- default: auto
- choices: [ auto, cryptography, pyopenssl ]
- - All timestamp values are provided in ASN.1 TIME format, i.e. following the C(YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ) pattern.
- They are all in UTC.
-- module: openssl_certificate
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Generate a Self Signed OpenSSL certificate
- openssl_certificate:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- csr_path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- provider: selfsigned
-# Get information on the certificate
-- name: Get information on generated certificate
- openssl_certificate_info:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- register: result
-- name: Dump information
- debug:
- var: result
-# Check whether the certificate is valid or not valid at certain times, fail
-# if this is not the case. The first task (openssl_certificate_info) collects
-# the information, and the second task (assert) validates the result and
-# makes the playbook fail in case something is not as expected.
-- name: Test whether that certificate is valid tomorrow and/or in three weeks
- openssl_certificate_info:
- path: /etc/ssl/crt/
- valid_at:
- point_1: "+1d"
- point_2: "+3w"
- register: result
-- name: Validate that certificate is valid tomorrow, but not in three weeks
- assert:
- that:
- - result.valid_at.point_1 # valid in one day
- - not result.valid_at.point_2 # not valid in three weeks
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Whether the certificate is expired (i.e. C(notAfter) is in the past)
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Entries in the C(basic_constraints) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: "[CA:TRUE, pathlen:1]"
- description: Whether the C(basic_constraints) extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Entries in the C(extended_key_usage) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: "[Biometric Info, DVCS, Time Stamping]"
- description: Whether the C(extended_key_usage) extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Returns a dictionary for every extension OID
- returned: success
- type: dict
- contains:
- critical:
- description: Whether the extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- value:
- description: The Base64 encoded value (in DER format) of the extension
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: "MAMCAQU="
- sample: '{"": { "critical": false, "value": "MAMCAQU="}}'
- description: Entries in the C(key_usage) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: "[Key Agreement, Data Encipherment]"
- description: Whether the C(key_usage) extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Entries in the C(subject_alt_name) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: "[, IP:]"
- description: Whether the C(subject_alt_name) extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: C(yes) if the OCSP Must Staple extension is present, C(none) otherwise.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Whether the C(ocsp_must_staple) extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description:
- - The certificate's issuer.
- - Note that for repeated values, only the last one will be returned.
- returned: success
- type: dict
- sample: '{"organizationName": "Ansible", "commonName": ""}'
- description: The certificate's issuer as an ordered list of tuples.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: list
- sample: '[["organizationName", "Ansible"], ["commonName": ""]]'
- version_added: "2.9"
- description:
- - The certificate's subject as a dictionary.
- - Note that for repeated values, only the last one will be returned.
- returned: success
- type: dict
- sample: '{"commonName": "", "emailAddress": ""}'
- description: The certificate's subject as an ordered list of tuples.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: list
- sample: '[["commonName", ""], ["emailAddress": ""]]'
- version_added: "2.9"
- description: C(notAfter) date as ASN.1 TIME
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: 20190413202428Z
- description: C(notBefore) date as ASN.1 TIME
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: 20190331202428Z
- description: Certificate's public key in PEM format
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8A..."
- description:
- - Fingerprints of certificate's public key.
- - For every hash algorithm available, the fingerprint is computed.
- returned: success
- type: dict
- sample: "{'sha256': 'd4:b3:aa:6d:c8:04:ce:4e:ba:f6:29:4d:92:a3:94:b0:c2:ff:bd:bf:33:63:11:43:34:0f:51:b0:95:09:2f:63',
- 'sha512': 'f7:07:4a:f0:b0:f0:e6:8b:95:5f:f9:e6:61:0a:32:68:f1..."
- description: The signature algorithm used to sign the certificate.
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: sha256WithRSAEncryption
- description: The certificate's serial number.
- returned: success
- type: int
- sample: 1234
- description: The certificate version.
- returned: success
- type: int
- sample: 3
- description: For every time stamp provided in the I(valid_at) option, a
- boolean whether the certificate is valid at that point in time
- or not.
- returned: success
- type: dict
- description:
- - The certificate's subject key identifier.
- - The identifier is returned in hexadecimal, with C(:) used to separate bytes.
- - Is C(none) if the C(SubjectKeyIdentifier) extension is not present.
- returned: success and if the pyOpenSSL backend is I(not) used
- type: str
- sample: '00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33'
- version_added: "2.9"
- description:
- - The certificate's authority key identifier.
- - The identifier is returned in hexadecimal, with C(:) used to separate bytes.
- - Is C(none) if the C(AuthorityKeyIdentifier) extension is not present.
- returned: success and if the pyOpenSSL backend is I(not) used
- type: str
- sample: '00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33'
- version_added: "2.9"
- description:
- - The certificate's authority cert issuer as a list of general names.
- - Is C(none) if the C(AuthorityKeyIdentifier) extension is not present.
- returned: success and if the pyOpenSSL backend is I(not) used
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: "[, IP:]"
- version_added: "2.9"
- description:
- - The certificate's authority cert serial number.
- - Is C(none) if the C(AuthorityKeyIdentifier) extension is not present.
- returned: success and if the pyOpenSSL backend is I(not) used
- type: int
- sample: '12345'
- version_added: "2.9"
- description: The OCSP responder URI, if included in the certificate. Will be
- C(none) if no OCSP responder URI is included.
- returned: success
- type: str
- version_added: "2.9"
-import abc
-import binascii
-import datetime
-import os
-import re
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text, to_bytes
-from ansible.module_utils.compat import ipaddress as compat_ipaddress
- import OpenSSL
- from OpenSSL import crypto
- PYOPENSSL_VERSION = LooseVersion(OpenSSL.__version__)
- if OpenSSL.SSL.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000:
- # OpenSSL 1.1.0 or newer
- OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_NAME = b"tlsfeature"
- OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE = b"status_request"
- else:
- # OpenSSL 1.0.x or older
- OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE = b"DER:30:03:02:01:05"
-except ImportError:
- PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- import cryptography
- from cryptography import x509
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-class CertificateInfo(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject):
- def __init__(self, module, backend):
- super(CertificateInfo, self).__init__(
- module.params['path'] or '',
- 'present',
- False,
- module.check_mode,
- )
- self.backend = backend
- self.module = module
- self.content = module.params['content']
- if self.content is not None:
- self.content = self.content.encode('utf-8')
- self.valid_at = module.params['valid_at']
- if self.valid_at:
- for k, v in self.valid_at.items():
- if not isinstance(v, string_types):
- self.module.fail_json(
- msg='The value for valid_at.{0} must be of type string (got {1})'.format(k, type(v))
- )
- self.valid_at[k] = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(v, 'valid_at.{0}'.format(k))
- def generate(self):
- # Empty method because crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject wants this
- pass
- def dump(self):
- # Empty method because crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject wants this
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_signature_algorithm(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_subject_ordered(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_issuer_ordered(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_version(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_key_usage(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_extended_key_usage(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_basic_constraints(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_ocsp_must_staple(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_subject_alt_name(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_not_before(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_not_after(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_public_key(self, binary):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_subject_key_identifier(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_authority_key_identifier(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_serial_number(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_all_extensions(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_ocsp_uri(self):
- pass
- def get_info(self):
- result = dict()
- self.cert = crypto_utils.load_certificate(self.path, content=self.content, backend=self.backend)
- result['signature_algorithm'] = self._get_signature_algorithm()
- subject = self._get_subject_ordered()
- issuer = self._get_issuer_ordered()
- result['subject'] = dict()
- for k, v in subject:
- result['subject'][k] = v
- result['subject_ordered'] = subject
- result['issuer'] = dict()
- for k, v in issuer:
- result['issuer'][k] = v
- result['issuer_ordered'] = issuer
- result['version'] = self._get_version()
- result['key_usage'], result['key_usage_critical'] = self._get_key_usage()
- result['extended_key_usage'], result['extended_key_usage_critical'] = self._get_extended_key_usage()
- result['basic_constraints'], result['basic_constraints_critical'] = self._get_basic_constraints()
- result['ocsp_must_staple'], result['ocsp_must_staple_critical'] = self._get_ocsp_must_staple()
- result['subject_alt_name'], result['subject_alt_name_critical'] = self._get_subject_alt_name()
- not_before = self._get_not_before()
- not_after = self._get_not_after()
- result['not_before'] = not_before.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
- result['not_after'] = not_after.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
- result['expired'] = not_after < datetime.datetime.utcnow()
- result['valid_at'] = dict()
- if self.valid_at:
- for k, v in self.valid_at.items():
- result['valid_at'][k] = not_before <= v <= not_after
- result['public_key'] = self._get_public_key(binary=False)
- pk = self._get_public_key(binary=True)
- result['public_key_fingerprints'] = crypto_utils.get_fingerprint_of_bytes(pk) if pk is not None else dict()
- if self.backend != 'pyopenssl':
- ski = self._get_subject_key_identifier()
- if ski is not None:
- ski = to_native(binascii.hexlify(ski))
- ski = ':'.join([ski[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(ski), 2)])
- result['subject_key_identifier'] = ski
- aki, aci, acsn = self._get_authority_key_identifier()
- if aki is not None:
- aki = to_native(binascii.hexlify(aki))
- aki = ':'.join([aki[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(aki), 2)])
- result['authority_key_identifier'] = aki
- result['authority_cert_issuer'] = aci
- result['authority_cert_serial_number'] = acsn
- result['serial_number'] = self._get_serial_number()
- result['extensions_by_oid'] = self._get_all_extensions()
- result['ocsp_uri'] = self._get_ocsp_uri()
- return result
-class CertificateInfoCryptography(CertificateInfo):
- """Validate the supplied cert, using the cryptography backend"""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(CertificateInfoCryptography, self).__init__(module, 'cryptography')
- def _get_signature_algorithm(self):
- return crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(self.cert.signature_algorithm_oid)
- def _get_subject_ordered(self):
- result = []
- for attribute in self.cert.subject:
- result.append([crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(attribute.oid), attribute.value])
- return result
- def _get_issuer_ordered(self):
- result = []
- for attribute in self.cert.issuer:
- result.append([crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(attribute.oid), attribute.value])
- return result
- def _get_version(self):
- if self.cert.version == x509.Version.v1:
- return 1
- if self.cert.version == x509.Version.v3:
- return 3
- return "unknown"
- def _get_key_usage(self):
- try:
- current_key_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.KeyUsage)
- current_key_usage = current_key_ext.value
- key_usage = dict(
- digital_signature=current_key_usage.digital_signature,
- content_commitment=current_key_usage.content_commitment,
- key_encipherment=current_key_usage.key_encipherment,
- data_encipherment=current_key_usage.data_encipherment,
- key_agreement=current_key_usage.key_agreement,
- key_cert_sign=current_key_usage.key_cert_sign,
- crl_sign=current_key_usage.crl_sign,
- encipher_only=False,
- decipher_only=False,
- )
- if key_usage['key_agreement']:
- key_usage.update(dict(
- encipher_only=current_key_usage.encipher_only,
- decipher_only=current_key_usage.decipher_only
- ))
- key_usage_names = dict(
- digital_signature='Digital Signature',
- content_commitment='Non Repudiation',
- key_encipherment='Key Encipherment',
- data_encipherment='Data Encipherment',
- key_agreement='Key Agreement',
- key_cert_sign='Certificate Sign',
- crl_sign='CRL Sign',
- encipher_only='Encipher Only',
- decipher_only='Decipher Only',
- )
- return sorted([
- key_usage_names[name] for name, value in key_usage.items() if value
- ]), current_key_ext.critical
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, False
- def _get_extended_key_usage(self):
- try:
- ext_keyusage_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.ExtendedKeyUsage)
- return sorted([
- crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(eku) for eku in ext_keyusage_ext.value
- ]), ext_keyusage_ext.critical
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, False
- def _get_basic_constraints(self):
- try:
- ext_keyusage_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.BasicConstraints)
- result = []
- result.append('CA:{0}'.format('TRUE' if else 'FALSE'))
- if ext_keyusage_ext.value.path_length is not None:
- result.append('pathlen:{0}'.format(ext_keyusage_ext.value.path_length))
- return sorted(result), ext_keyusage_ext.critical
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, False
- def _get_ocsp_must_staple(self):
- try:
- try:
- # This only works with cryptography >= 2.1
- tlsfeature_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.TLSFeature)
- value = cryptography.x509.TLSFeatureType.status_request in tlsfeature_ext.value
- except AttributeError as dummy:
- # Fallback for cryptography < 2.1
- oid = x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier("")
- tlsfeature_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(oid)
- value = tlsfeature_ext.value.value == b"\x30\x03\x02\x01\x05"
- return value, tlsfeature_ext.critical
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, False
- def _get_subject_alt_name(self):
- try:
- san_ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName)
- result = [crypto_utils.cryptography_decode_name(san) for san in san_ext.value]
- return result, san_ext.critical
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, False
- def _get_not_before(self):
- return self.cert.not_valid_before
- def _get_not_after(self):
- return self.cert.not_valid_after
- def _get_public_key(self, binary):
- return self.cert.public_key().public_bytes(
- serialization.Encoding.DER if binary else serialization.Encoding.PEM,
- serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- )
- def _get_subject_key_identifier(self):
- try:
- ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier)
- return ext.value.digest
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None
- def _get_authority_key_identifier(self):
- try:
- ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier)
- issuer = None
- if ext.value.authority_cert_issuer is not None:
- issuer = [crypto_utils.cryptography_decode_name(san) for san in ext.value.authority_cert_issuer]
- return ext.value.key_identifier, issuer, ext.value.authority_cert_serial_number
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, None, None
- def _get_serial_number(self):
- return self.cert.serial_number
- def _get_all_extensions(self):
- return crypto_utils.cryptography_get_extensions_from_cert(self.cert)
- def _get_ocsp_uri(self):
- try:
- ext = self.cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.AuthorityInformationAccess)
- for desc in ext.value:
- if desc.access_method == x509.oid.AuthorityInformationAccessOID.OCSP:
- if isinstance(desc.access_location, x509.UniformResourceIdentifier):
- return desc.access_location.value
- except x509.ExtensionNotFound as dummy:
- pass
- return None
-class CertificateInfoPyOpenSSL(CertificateInfo):
- """validate the supplied certificate."""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(CertificateInfoPyOpenSSL, self).__init__(module, 'pyopenssl')
- def _get_signature_algorithm(self):
- return to_text(self.cert.get_signature_algorithm())
- def __get_name(self, name):
- result = []
- for sub in name.get_components():
- result.append([crypto_utils.pyopenssl_normalize_name(sub[0]), to_text(sub[1])])
- return result
- def _get_subject_ordered(self):
- return self.__get_name(self.cert.get_subject())
- def _get_issuer_ordered(self):
- return self.__get_name(self.cert.get_issuer())
- def _get_version(self):
- # Version numbers in certs are off by one:
- # v1: 0, v2: 1, v3: 2 ...
- return self.cert.get_version() + 1
- def _get_extension(self, short_name):
- for extension_idx in range(0, self.cert.get_extension_count()):
- extension = self.cert.get_extension(extension_idx)
- if extension.get_short_name() == short_name:
- result = [
- crypto_utils.pyopenssl_normalize_name(usage.strip()) for usage in to_text(extension, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split(',')
- ]
- return sorted(result), bool(extension.get_critical())
- return None, False
- def _get_key_usage(self):
- return self._get_extension(b'keyUsage')
- def _get_extended_key_usage(self):
- return self._get_extension(b'extendedKeyUsage')
- def _get_basic_constraints(self):
- return self._get_extension(b'basicConstraints')
- def _get_ocsp_must_staple(self):
- extensions = [self.cert.get_extension(i) for i in range(0, self.cert.get_extension_count())]
- oms_ext = [
- ext for ext in extensions
- if to_bytes(ext.get_short_name()) == OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_NAME and to_bytes(ext) == OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE
- ]
- # Older versions of libssl don't know about OCSP Must Staple
- oms_ext.extend([ext for ext in extensions if ext.get_short_name() == b'UNDEF' and ext.get_data() == b'\x30\x03\x02\x01\x05'])
- if oms_ext:
- return True, bool(oms_ext[0].get_critical())
- else:
- return None, False
- def _normalize_san(self, san):
- if san.startswith('IP Address:'):
- san = 'IP:' + san[len('IP Address:'):]
- if san.startswith('IP:'):
- ip = compat_ipaddress.ip_address(san[3:])
- san = 'IP:{0}'.format(ip.compressed)
- return san
- def _get_subject_alt_name(self):
- for extension_idx in range(0, self.cert.get_extension_count()):
- extension = self.cert.get_extension(extension_idx)
- if extension.get_short_name() == b'subjectAltName':
- result = [self._normalize_san(altname.strip()) for altname in
- to_text(extension, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split(', ')]
- return result, bool(extension.get_critical())
- return None, False
- def _get_not_before(self):
- time_string = to_native(self.cert.get_notBefore())
- return datetime.datetime.strptime(time_string, "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
- def _get_not_after(self):
- time_string = to_native(self.cert.get_notAfter())
- return datetime.datetime.strptime(time_string, "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
- def _get_public_key(self, binary):
- try:
- return crypto.dump_publickey(
- crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1 if binary else crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- self.cert.get_pubkey()
- )
- except AttributeError:
- try:
- # pyOpenSSL < 16.0:
- bio = crypto._new_mem_buf()
- if binary:
- rc = crypto._lib.i2d_PUBKEY_bio(bio, self.cert.get_pubkey()._pkey)
- else:
- rc = crypto._lib.PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bio, self.cert.get_pubkey()._pkey)
- if rc != 1:
- crypto._raise_current_error()
- return crypto._bio_to_string(bio)
- except AttributeError:
- self.module.warn('Your pyOpenSSL version does not support dumping public keys. '
- 'Please upgrade to version 16.0 or newer, or use the cryptography backend.')
- def _get_subject_key_identifier(self):
- # Won't be implemented
- return None
- def _get_authority_key_identifier(self):
- # Won't be implemented
- return None, None, None
- def _get_serial_number(self):
- return self.cert.get_serial_number()
- def _get_all_extensions(self):
- return crypto_utils.pyopenssl_get_extensions_from_cert(self.cert)
- def _get_ocsp_uri(self):
- for i in range(self.cert.get_extension_count()):
- ext = self.cert.get_extension(i)
- if ext.get_short_name() == b'authorityInfoAccess':
- v = str(ext)
- m ='^OCSP - URI:(.*)$', v, flags=re.MULTILINE)
- if m:
- return
- return None
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- path=dict(type='path'),
- content=dict(type='str'),
- valid_at=dict(type='dict'),
- select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', default='auto', choices=['auto', 'cryptography', 'pyopenssl']),
- ),
- required_one_of=(
- ['path', 'content'],
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['path', 'content'],
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- try:
- if module.params['path'] is not None:
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(module.params['path']) or '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- module.fail_json(
- name=base_dir,
- msg='The directory %s does not exist or the file is not a directory' % base_dir
- )
- backend = module.params['select_crypto_backend']
- if backend == 'auto':
- # Detect what backend we can use
- # If cryptography is available we'll use it
- if can_use_cryptography:
- backend = 'cryptography'
- elif can_use_pyopenssl:
- backend = 'pyopenssl'
- # Fail if no backend has been found
- if backend == 'auto':
- module.fail_json(msg=("Can't detect any of the required Python libraries "
- "cryptography (>= {0}) or PyOpenSSL (>= {1})").format(
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyOpenSSL >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_PYOPENSSL_VERSION)),
- exception=PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR)
- try:
- getattr(crypto.X509Req, 'get_extensions')
- except AttributeError:
- module.fail_json(msg='You need to have PyOpenSSL>=0.15')
- module.deprecate('The module is using the PyOpenSSL backend. This backend has been deprecated', version='2.13')
- certificate = CertificateInfoPyOpenSSL(module)
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION)),
- certificate = CertificateInfoCryptography(module)
- result = certificate.get_info()
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index ea2cf68c2a..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1159 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyrigt: (c) 2017, Yanis Guenane <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: openssl_csr
-version_added: '2.4'
-short_description: Generate OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
- - This module allows one to (re)generate OpenSSL certificate signing requests.
- - It uses the pyOpenSSL python library to interact with openssl. This module supports
- the subjectAltName, keyUsage, extendedKeyUsage, basicConstraints and OCSP Must Staple
- extensions.
- - "Please note that the module regenerates existing CSR if it doesn't match the module's
- options, or if it seems to be corrupt. If you are concerned that this could overwrite
- your existing CSR, consider using the I(backup) option."
- - The module can use the cryptography Python library, or the pyOpenSSL Python
- library. By default, it tries to detect which one is available. This can be
- overridden with the I(select_crypto_backend) option. Please note that the
- PyOpenSSL backend was deprecated in Ansible 2.9 and will be removed in Ansible 2.13."
- - Either cryptography >= 1.3
- - Or pyOpenSSL >= 0.15
-- Yanis Guenane (@Spredzy)
- state:
- description:
- - Whether the certificate signing request should exist or not, taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- digest:
- description:
- - The digest used when signing the certificate signing request with the private key.
- type: str
- default: sha256
- privatekey_path:
- description:
- - The path to the private key to use when signing the certificate signing request.
- - Either I(privatekey_path) or I(privatekey_content) must be specified if I(state) is C(present), but not both.
- type: path
- privatekey_content:
- description:
- - The content of the private key to use when signing the certificate signing request.
- - Either I(privatekey_path) or I(privatekey_content) must be specified if I(state) is C(present), but not both.
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
- privatekey_passphrase:
- description:
- - The passphrase for the private key.
- - This is required if the private key is password protected.
- type: str
- version:
- description:
- - The version of the certificate signing request.
- - "The only allowed value according to L(RFC 2986,
- is 1."
- - This option will no longer accept unsupported values from Ansible 2.14 on.
- type: int
- default: 1
- force:
- description:
- - Should the certificate signing request be forced regenerated by this ansible module.
- type: bool
- default: no
- path:
- description:
- - The name of the file into which the generated OpenSSL certificate signing request will be written.
- type: path
- required: true
- subject:
- description:
- - Key/value pairs that will be present in the subject name field of the certificate signing request.
- - If you need to specify more than one value with the same key, use a list as value.
- type: dict
- version_added: '2.5'
- country_name:
- description:
- - The countryName field of the certificate signing request subject.
- type: str
- aliases: [ C, countryName ]
- state_or_province_name:
- description:
- - The stateOrProvinceName field of the certificate signing request subject.
- type: str
- aliases: [ ST, stateOrProvinceName ]
- locality_name:
- description:
- - The localityName field of the certificate signing request subject.
- type: str
- aliases: [ L, localityName ]
- organization_name:
- description:
- - The organizationName field of the certificate signing request subject.
- type: str
- aliases: [ O, organizationName ]
- organizational_unit_name:
- description:
- - The organizationalUnitName field of the certificate signing request subject.
- type: str
- aliases: [ OU, organizationalUnitName ]
- common_name:
- description:
- - The commonName field of the certificate signing request subject.
- type: str
- aliases: [ CN, commonName ]
- email_address:
- description:
- - The emailAddress field of the certificate signing request subject.
- type: str
- aliases: [ E, emailAddress ]
- subject_alt_name:
- description:
- - SAN extension to attach to the certificate signing request.
- - This can either be a 'comma separated string' or a YAML list.
- - Values must be prefixed by their options. (i.e., C(email), C(URI), C(DNS), C(RID), C(IP), C(dirName),
- C(otherName) and the ones specific to your CA)
- - Note that if no SAN is specified, but a common name, the common
- name will be added as a SAN except if C(useCommonNameForSAN) is
- set to I(false).
- - More at U(
- type: list
- elements: str
- aliases: [ subjectAltName ]
- subject_alt_name_critical:
- description:
- - Should the subjectAltName extension be considered as critical.
- type: bool
- aliases: [ subjectAltName_critical ]
- use_common_name_for_san:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), the module will fill the common name in for
- C(subject_alt_name) with C(DNS:) prefix if no SAN is specified.
- type: bool
- default: yes
- version_added: '2.8'
- aliases: [ useCommonNameForSAN ]
- key_usage:
- description:
- - This defines the purpose (e.g. encipherment, signature, certificate signing)
- of the key contained in the certificate.
- type: list
- elements: str
- aliases: [ keyUsage ]
- key_usage_critical:
- description:
- - Should the keyUsage extension be considered as critical.
- type: bool
- aliases: [ keyUsage_critical ]
- extended_key_usage:
- description:
- - Additional restrictions (e.g. client authentication, server authentication)
- on the allowed purposes for which the public key may be used.
- type: list
- elements: str
- aliases: [ extKeyUsage, extendedKeyUsage ]
- extended_key_usage_critical:
- description:
- - Should the extkeyUsage extension be considered as critical.
- type: bool
- aliases: [ extKeyUsage_critical, extendedKeyUsage_critical ]
- basic_constraints:
- description:
- - Indicates basic constraints, such as if the certificate is a CA.
- type: list
- elements: str
- version_added: '2.5'
- aliases: [ basicConstraints ]
- basic_constraints_critical:
- description:
- - Should the basicConstraints extension be considered as critical.
- type: bool
- version_added: '2.5'
- aliases: [ basicConstraints_critical ]
- ocsp_must_staple:
- description:
- - Indicates that the certificate should contain the OCSP Must Staple
- extension (U(
- type: bool
- version_added: '2.5'
- aliases: [ ocspMustStaple ]
- ocsp_must_staple_critical:
- description:
- - Should the OCSP Must Staple extension be considered as critical
- - Note that according to the RFC, this extension should not be marked
- as critical, as old clients not knowing about OCSP Must Staple
- are required to reject such certificates
- (see U(
- type: bool
- version_added: '2.5'
- aliases: [ ocspMustStaple_critical ]
- select_crypto_backend:
- description:
- - Determines which crypto backend to use.
- - The default choice is C(auto), which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to C(pyopenssl).
- - If set to C(pyopenssl), will try to use the L(pyOpenSSL, library.
- - If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the L(cryptography, library.
- - Please note that the C(pyopenssl) backend has been deprecated in Ansible 2.9, and will be removed in Ansible 2.13.
- From that point on, only the C(cryptography) backend will be available.
- type: str
- default: auto
- choices: [ auto, cryptography, pyopenssl ]
- version_added: '2.8'
- backup:
- description:
- - Create a backup file including a timestamp so you can get the original
- CSR back if you overwrote it with a new one by accident.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.8"
- create_subject_key_identifier:
- description:
- - Create the Subject Key Identifier from the public key.
- - "Please note that commercial CAs can ignore the value, respectively use a value of
- their own choice instead. Specifying this option is mostly useful for self-signed
- certificates or for own CAs."
- - Note that this is only supported if the C(cryptography) backend is used!
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.9"
- subject_key_identifier:
- description:
- - The subject key identifier as a hex string, where two bytes are separated by colons.
- - "Example: C(00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33)"
- - "Please note that commercial CAs ignore this value, respectively use a value of their
- own choice. Specifying this option is mostly useful for self-signed certificates
- or for own CAs."
- - Note that this option can only be used if I(create_subject_key_identifier) is C(no).
- - Note that this is only supported if the C(cryptography) backend is used!
- type: str
- version_added: "2.9"
- authority_key_identifier:
- description:
- - The authority key identifier as a hex string, where two bytes are separated by colons.
- - "Example: C(00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33)"
- - If specified, I(authority_cert_issuer) must also be specified.
- - "Please note that commercial CAs ignore this value, respectively use a value of their
- own choice. Specifying this option is mostly useful for self-signed certificates
- or for own CAs."
- - Note that this is only supported if the C(cryptography) backend is used!
- - The C(AuthorityKeyIdentifier) will only be added if at least one of I(authority_key_identifier),
- I(authority_cert_issuer) and I(authority_cert_serial_number) is specified.
- type: str
- version_added: "2.9"
- authority_cert_issuer:
- description:
- - Names that will be present in the authority cert issuer field of the certificate signing request.
- - Values must be prefixed by their options. (i.e., C(email), C(URI), C(DNS), C(RID), C(IP), C(dirName),
- C(otherName) and the ones specific to your CA)
- - "Example: C("
- - If specified, I(authority_key_identifier) must also be specified.
- - "Please note that commercial CAs ignore this value, respectively use a value of their
- own choice. Specifying this option is mostly useful for self-signed certificates
- or for own CAs."
- - Note that this is only supported if the C(cryptography) backend is used!
- - The C(AuthorityKeyIdentifier) will only be added if at least one of I(authority_key_identifier),
- I(authority_cert_issuer) and I(authority_cert_serial_number) is specified.
- type: list
- elements: str
- version_added: "2.9"
- authority_cert_serial_number:
- description:
- - The authority cert serial number.
- - Note that this is only supported if the C(cryptography) backend is used!
- - "Please note that commercial CAs ignore this value, respectively use a value of their
- own choice. Specifying this option is mostly useful for self-signed certificates
- or for own CAs."
- - The C(AuthorityKeyIdentifier) will only be added if at least one of I(authority_key_identifier),
- I(authority_cert_issuer) and I(authority_cert_serial_number) is specified.
- type: int
- version_added: "2.9"
- return_content:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), will return the (current or generated) CSR's content as I(csr).
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.10"
-- files
- - If the certificate signing request already exists it will be checked whether subjectAltName,
- keyUsage, extendedKeyUsage and basicConstraints only contain the requested values, whether
- OCSP Must Staple is as requested, and if the request was signed by the given private key.
-- module: openssl_certificate
-- module: openssl_dhparam
-- module: openssl_pkcs12
-- module: openssl_privatekey
-- module: openssl_publickey
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request
- openssl_csr:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- common_name:
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request with an inline key
- openssl_csr:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- privatekey_content: "{{ private_key_content }}"
- common_name:
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request with a passphrase protected private key
- openssl_csr:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- privatekey_passphrase: ansible
- common_name:
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request with Subject information
- openssl_csr:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- country_name: FR
- organization_name: Ansible
- email_address:
- common_name:
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request with subjectAltName extension
- openssl_csr:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- subject_alt_name: ','
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL CSR with subjectAltName extension with dynamic list
- openssl_csr:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- subject_alt_name: "{{ item.value | map('regex_replace', '^', 'DNS:') | list }}"
- with_dict:
- dns_server:
- -
- -
-- name: Force regenerate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request
- openssl_csr:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- force: yes
- common_name:
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request with special key usages
- openssl_csr:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- common_name:
- key_usage:
- - digitalSignature
- - keyAgreement
- extended_key_usage:
- - clientAuth
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request with OCSP Must Staple
- openssl_csr:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- common_name:
- ocsp_must_staple: yes
-RETURN = r'''
- description:
- - Path to the TLS/SSL private key the CSR was generated for
- - Will be C(none) if the private key has been provided in I(privatekey_content).
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /etc/ssl/private/
- description: Path to the generated Certificate Signing Request
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /etc/ssl/csr/
- description: A list of the subject tuples attached to the CSR
- returned: changed or success
- type: list
- elements: list
- sample: "[('CN', ''), ('O', 'Ansible')]"
- description: The alternative names this CSR is valid for
- returned: changed or success
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: [ '', '' ]
- description: Purpose for which the public key may be used
- returned: changed or success
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: [ 'digitalSignature', 'keyAgreement' ]
- description: Additional restriction on the public key purposes
- returned: changed or success
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: [ 'clientAuth' ]
- description: Indicates if the certificate belongs to a CA
- returned: changed or success
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: ['CA:TRUE', 'pathLenConstraint:0']
- description: Indicates whether the certificate has the OCSP
- Must Staple feature enabled
- returned: changed or success
- type: bool
- sample: false
- description: Name of backup file created.
- returned: changed and if I(backup) is C(yes)
- type: str
- sample: /path/to/
- description: The (current or generated) CSR's content.
- returned: if I(state) is C(present) and I(return_content) is C(yes)
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
-import abc
-import binascii
-import os
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes, to_text
-from ansible.module_utils.compat import ipaddress as compat_ipaddress
- import OpenSSL
- from OpenSSL import crypto
- PYOPENSSL_VERSION = LooseVersion(OpenSSL.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- if OpenSSL.SSL.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000:
- # OpenSSL 1.1.0 or newer
- OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_NAME = b"tlsfeature"
- OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE = b"status_request"
- else:
- # OpenSSL 1.0.x or older
- OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE = b"DER:30:03:02:01:05"
- import cryptography
- import cryptography.x509
- import cryptography.x509.oid
- import cryptography.exceptions
- import cryptography.hazmat.backends
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_MUST_STAPLE_NAME = cryptography.x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier("")
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE = b"\x30\x03\x02\x01\x05"
-class CertificateSigningRequestError(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError):
- pass
-class CertificateSigningRequestBase(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject):
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(CertificateSigningRequestBase, self).__init__(
- module.params['path'],
- module.params['state'],
- module.params['force'],
- module.check_mode
- )
- self.digest = module.params['digest']
- self.privatekey_path = module.params['privatekey_path']
- self.privatekey_content = module.params['privatekey_content']
- if self.privatekey_content is not None:
- self.privatekey_content = self.privatekey_content.encode('utf-8')
- self.privatekey_passphrase = module.params['privatekey_passphrase']
- self.version = module.params['version']
- self.subjectAltName = module.params['subject_alt_name']
- self.subjectAltName_critical = module.params['subject_alt_name_critical']
- self.keyUsage = module.params['key_usage']
- self.keyUsage_critical = module.params['key_usage_critical']
- self.extendedKeyUsage = module.params['extended_key_usage']
- self.extendedKeyUsage_critical = module.params['extended_key_usage_critical']
- self.basicConstraints = module.params['basic_constraints']
- self.basicConstraints_critical = module.params['basic_constraints_critical']
- self.ocspMustStaple = module.params['ocsp_must_staple']
- self.ocspMustStaple_critical = module.params['ocsp_must_staple_critical']
- self.create_subject_key_identifier = module.params['create_subject_key_identifier']
- self.subject_key_identifier = module.params['subject_key_identifier']
- self.authority_key_identifier = module.params['authority_key_identifier']
- self.authority_cert_issuer = module.params['authority_cert_issuer']
- self.authority_cert_serial_number = module.params['authority_cert_serial_number']
- self.request = None
- self.privatekey = None
- self.csr_bytes = None
- self.return_content = module.params['return_content']
- if self.create_subject_key_identifier and self.subject_key_identifier is not None:
- module.fail_json(msg='subject_key_identifier cannot be specified if create_subject_key_identifier is true')
- self.backup = module.params['backup']
- self.backup_file = None
- self.subject = [
- ('C', module.params['country_name']),
- ('ST', module.params['state_or_province_name']),
- ('L', module.params['locality_name']),
- ('O', module.params['organization_name']),
- ('OU', module.params['organizational_unit_name']),
- ('CN', module.params['common_name']),
- ('emailAddress', module.params['email_address']),
- ]
- if module.params['subject']:
- self.subject = self.subject + crypto_utils.parse_name_field(module.params['subject'])
- self.subject = [(entry[0], entry[1]) for entry in self.subject if entry[1]]
- if not self.subjectAltName and module.params['use_common_name_for_san']:
- for sub in self.subject:
- if sub[0] in ('commonName', 'CN'):
- self.subjectAltName = ['DNS:%s' % sub[1]]
- break
- if self.subject_key_identifier is not None:
- try:
- self.subject_key_identifier = binascii.unhexlify(self.subject_key_identifier.replace(':', ''))
- except Exception as e:
- raise CertificateSigningRequestError('Cannot parse subject_key_identifier: {0}'.format(e))
- if self.authority_key_identifier is not None:
- try:
- self.authority_key_identifier = binascii.unhexlify(self.authority_key_identifier.replace(':', ''))
- except Exception as e:
- raise CertificateSigningRequestError('Cannot parse authority_key_identifier: {0}'.format(e))
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _generate_csr(self):
- pass
- def generate(self, module):
- '''Generate the certificate signing request.'''
- if not self.check(module, perms_required=False) or self.force:
- result = self._generate_csr()
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- if self.return_content:
- self.csr_bytes = result
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, result)
- self.changed = True
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _load_private_key(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _check_csr(self):
- pass
- def check(self, module, perms_required=True):
- """Ensure the resource is in its desired state."""
- state_and_perms = super(CertificateSigningRequestBase, self).check(module, perms_required)
- self._load_private_key()
- if not state_and_perms:
- return False
- return self._check_csr()
- def remove(self, module):
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- super(CertificateSigningRequestBase, self).remove(module)
- def dump(self):
- '''Serialize the object into a dictionary.'''
- result = {
- 'privatekey': self.privatekey_path,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'subject': self.subject,
- 'subjectAltName': self.subjectAltName,
- 'keyUsage': self.keyUsage,
- 'extendedKeyUsage': self.extendedKeyUsage,
- 'basicConstraints': self.basicConstraints,
- 'ocspMustStaple': self.ocspMustStaple,
- 'changed': self.changed
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- if self.csr_bytes is None:
- self.csr_bytes = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- result['csr'] = self.csr_bytes.decode('utf-8') if self.csr_bytes else None
- return result
-class CertificateSigningRequestPyOpenSSL(CertificateSigningRequestBase):
- def __init__(self, module):
- if module.params['create_subject_key_identifier']:
- module.fail_json(msg='You cannot use create_subject_key_identifier with the pyOpenSSL backend!')
- for o in ('subject_key_identifier', 'authority_key_identifier', 'authority_cert_issuer', 'authority_cert_serial_number'):
- if module.params[o] is not None:
- module.fail_json(msg='You cannot use {0} with the pyOpenSSL backend!'.format(o))
- super(CertificateSigningRequestPyOpenSSL, self).__init__(module)
- def _generate_csr(self):
- req = crypto.X509Req()
- req.set_version(self.version - 1)
- subject = req.get_subject()
- for entry in self.subject:
- if entry[1] is not None:
- # Workaround for
- nid = OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(to_bytes(entry[0]))
- if nid == 0:
- raise CertificateSigningRequestError('Unknown subject field identifier "{0}"'.format(entry[0]))
- res = OpenSSL._util.lib.X509_NAME_add_entry_by_NID(subject._name, nid, OpenSSL._util.lib.MBSTRING_UTF8, to_bytes(entry[1]), -1, -1, 0)
- if res == 0:
- raise CertificateSigningRequestError('Invalid value for subject field identifier "{0}": {1}'.format(entry[0], entry[1]))
- extensions = []
- if self.subjectAltName:
- altnames = ', '.join(self.subjectAltName)
- try:
- extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension(b"subjectAltName", self.subjectAltName_critical, altnames.encode('ascii')))
- except OpenSSL.crypto.Error as e:
- raise CertificateSigningRequestError(
- 'Error while parsing Subject Alternative Names {0} (check for missing type prefix, such as "DNS:"!): {1}'.format(
- ', '.join(["{0}".format(san) for san in self.subjectAltName]), str(e)
- )
- )
- if self.keyUsage:
- usages = ', '.join(self.keyUsage)
- extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension(b"keyUsage", self.keyUsage_critical, usages.encode('ascii')))
- if self.extendedKeyUsage:
- usages = ', '.join(self.extendedKeyUsage)
- extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension(b"extendedKeyUsage", self.extendedKeyUsage_critical, usages.encode('ascii')))
- if self.basicConstraints:
- usages = ', '.join(self.basicConstraints)
- extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension(b"basicConstraints", self.basicConstraints_critical, usages.encode('ascii')))
- if self.ocspMustStaple:
- extensions.append(crypto.X509Extension(OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_NAME, self.ocspMustStaple_critical, OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE))
- if extensions:
- req.add_extensions(extensions)
- req.set_pubkey(self.privatekey)
- req.sign(self.privatekey, self.digest)
- self.request = req
- return crypto.dump_certificate_request(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.request)
- def _load_private_key(self):
- try:
- self.privatekey = crypto_utils.load_privatekey(
- path=self.privatekey_path,
- content=self.privatekey_content,
- passphrase=self.privatekey_passphrase
- )
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- raise CertificateSigningRequestError(exc)
- def _normalize_san(self, san):
- # Apparently OpenSSL returns 'IP address' not 'IP' as specifier when converting the subjectAltName to string
- # although it won't accept this specifier when generating the CSR. (
- if san.startswith('IP Address:'):
- san = 'IP:' + san[len('IP Address:'):]
- if san.startswith('IP:'):
- ip = compat_ipaddress.ip_address(san[3:])
- san = 'IP:{0}'.format(ip.compressed)
- return san
- def _check_csr(self):
- def _check_subject(csr):
- subject = [(OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(to_bytes(sub[0])), to_bytes(sub[1])) for sub in self.subject]
- current_subject = [(OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(to_bytes(sub[0])), to_bytes(sub[1])) for sub in csr.get_subject().get_components()]
- if not set(subject) == set(current_subject):
- return False
- return True
- def _check_subjectAltName(extensions):
- altnames_ext = next((ext for ext in extensions if ext.get_short_name() == b'subjectAltName'), '')
- altnames = [self._normalize_san(altname.strip()) for altname in
- to_text(altnames_ext, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split(',') if altname.strip()]
- if self.subjectAltName:
- if (set(altnames) != set([self._normalize_san(to_text(name)) for name in self.subjectAltName]) or
- altnames_ext.get_critical() != self.subjectAltName_critical):
- return False
- else:
- if altnames:
- return False
- return True
- def _check_keyUsage_(extensions, extName, expected, critical):
- usages_ext = [ext for ext in extensions if ext.get_short_name() == extName]
- if (not usages_ext and expected) or (usages_ext and not expected):
- return False
- elif not usages_ext and not expected:
- return True
- else:
- current = [OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(to_bytes(usage.strip())) for usage in str(usages_ext[0]).split(',')]
- expected = [OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid(to_bytes(usage)) for usage in expected]
- return set(current) == set(expected) and usages_ext[0].get_critical() == critical
- def _check_keyUsage(extensions):
- usages_ext = [ext for ext in extensions if ext.get_short_name() == b'keyUsage']
- if (not usages_ext and self.keyUsage) or (usages_ext and not self.keyUsage):
- return False
- elif not usages_ext and not self.keyUsage:
- return True
- else:
- # OpenSSL._util.lib.OBJ_txt2nid() always returns 0 for all keyUsage values
- # (since keyUsage has a fixed bitfield for these values and is not extensible).
- # Therefore, we create an extension for the wanted values, and compare the
- # data of the extensions (which is the serialized bitfield).
- expected_ext = crypto.X509Extension(b"keyUsage", False, ', '.join(self.keyUsage).encode('ascii'))
- return usages_ext[0].get_data() == expected_ext.get_data() and usages_ext[0].get_critical() == self.keyUsage_critical
- def _check_extenededKeyUsage(extensions):
- return _check_keyUsage_(extensions, b'extendedKeyUsage', self.extendedKeyUsage, self.extendedKeyUsage_critical)
- def _check_basicConstraints(extensions):
- return _check_keyUsage_(extensions, b'basicConstraints', self.basicConstraints, self.basicConstraints_critical)
- def _check_ocspMustStaple(extensions):
- oms_ext = [ext for ext in extensions if to_bytes(ext.get_short_name()) == OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_NAME and to_bytes(ext) == OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE]
- # Older versions of libssl don't know about OCSP Must Staple
- oms_ext.extend([ext for ext in extensions if ext.get_short_name() == b'UNDEF' and ext.get_data() == b'\x30\x03\x02\x01\x05'])
- if self.ocspMustStaple:
- return len(oms_ext) > 0 and oms_ext[0].get_critical() == self.ocspMustStaple_critical
- else:
- return len(oms_ext) == 0
- def _check_extensions(csr):
- extensions = csr.get_extensions()
- return (_check_subjectAltName(extensions) and _check_keyUsage(extensions) and
- _check_extenededKeyUsage(extensions) and _check_basicConstraints(extensions) and
- _check_ocspMustStaple(extensions))
- def _check_signature(csr):
- try:
- return csr.verify(self.privatekey)
- except crypto.Error:
- return False
- try:
- csr = crypto_utils.load_certificate_request(self.path, backend='pyopenssl')
- except Exception as dummy:
- return False
- return _check_subject(csr) and _check_extensions(csr) and _check_signature(csr)
-class CertificateSigningRequestCryptography(CertificateSigningRequestBase):
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(CertificateSigningRequestCryptography, self).__init__(module)
- self.cryptography_backend = cryptography.hazmat.backends.default_backend()
- self.module = module
- if self.version != 1:
- module.warn('The cryptography backend only supports version 1. (The only valid value according to RFC 2986.)')
- def _generate_csr(self):
- csr = cryptography.x509.CertificateSigningRequestBuilder()
- try:
- csr = csr.subject_name(cryptography.x509.Name([
- cryptography.x509.NameAttribute(crypto_utils.cryptography_name_to_oid(entry[0]), to_text(entry[1])) for entry in self.subject
- ]))
- except ValueError as e:
- raise CertificateSigningRequestError(e)
- if self.subjectAltName:
- csr = csr.add_extension(cryptography.x509.SubjectAlternativeName([
- crypto_utils.cryptography_get_name(name) for name in self.subjectAltName
- ]), critical=self.subjectAltName_critical)
- if self.keyUsage:
- params = crypto_utils.cryptography_parse_key_usage_params(self.keyUsage)
- csr = csr.add_extension(cryptography.x509.KeyUsage(**params), critical=self.keyUsage_critical)
- if self.extendedKeyUsage:
- usages = [crypto_utils.cryptography_name_to_oid(usage) for usage in self.extendedKeyUsage]
- csr = csr.add_extension(cryptography.x509.ExtendedKeyUsage(usages), critical=self.extendedKeyUsage_critical)
- if self.basicConstraints:
- params = {}
- ca, path_length = crypto_utils.cryptography_get_basic_constraints(self.basicConstraints)
- csr = csr.add_extension(cryptography.x509.BasicConstraints(ca, path_length), critical=self.basicConstraints_critical)
- if self.ocspMustStaple:
- try:
- # This only works with cryptography >= 2.1
- csr = csr.add_extension(cryptography.x509.TLSFeature([cryptography.x509.TLSFeatureType.status_request]), critical=self.ocspMustStaple_critical)
- except AttributeError as dummy:
- csr = csr.add_extension(
- critical=self.ocspMustStaple_critical
- )
- if self.create_subject_key_identifier:
- csr = csr.add_extension(
- cryptography.x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier.from_public_key(self.privatekey.public_key()),
- critical=False
- )
- elif self.subject_key_identifier is not None:
- csr = csr.add_extension(cryptography.x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier(self.subject_key_identifier), critical=False)
- if self.authority_key_identifier is not None or self.authority_cert_issuer is not None or self.authority_cert_serial_number is not None:
- issuers = None
- if self.authority_cert_issuer is not None:
- issuers = [crypto_utils.cryptography_get_name(n) for n in self.authority_cert_issuer]
- csr = csr.add_extension(
- cryptography.x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier(self.authority_key_identifier, issuers, self.authority_cert_serial_number),
- critical=False
- )
- digest = None
- if crypto_utils.cryptography_key_needs_digest_for_signing(self.privatekey):
- if self.digest == 'sha256':
- digest = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256()
- elif self.digest == 'sha384':
- digest = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA384()
- elif self.digest == 'sha512':
- digest = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA512()
- elif self.digest == 'sha1':
- digest = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA1()
- elif self.digest == 'md5':
- digest = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.MD5()
- else:
- raise CertificateSigningRequestError('Unsupported digest "{0}"'.format(self.digest))
- try:
- self.request = csr.sign(self.privatekey, digest, self.cryptography_backend)
- except TypeError as e:
- if str(e) == 'Algorithm must be a registered hash algorithm.' and digest is None:
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Signing with Ed25519 and Ed448 keys requires cryptography 2.8 or newer.')
- raise
- return self.request.public_bytes(cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding.PEM)
- def _load_private_key(self):
- try:
- if self.privatekey_content is not None:
- content = self.privatekey_content
- else:
- with open(self.privatekey_path, 'rb') as f:
- content =
- self.privatekey = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_pem_private_key(
- content,
- None if self.privatekey_passphrase is None else to_bytes(self.privatekey_passphrase),
- backend=self.cryptography_backend
- )
- except Exception as e:
- raise CertificateSigningRequestError(e)
- def _check_csr(self):
- def _check_subject(csr):
- subject = [(crypto_utils.cryptography_name_to_oid(entry[0]), entry[1]) for entry in self.subject]
- current_subject = [(sub.oid, sub.value) for sub in csr.subject]
- return set(subject) == set(current_subject)
- def _find_extension(extensions, exttype):
- return next(
- (ext for ext in extensions if isinstance(ext.value, exttype)),
- None
- )
- def _check_subjectAltName(extensions):
- current_altnames_ext = _find_extension(extensions, cryptography.x509.SubjectAlternativeName)
- current_altnames = [str(altname) for altname in current_altnames_ext.value] if current_altnames_ext else []
- altnames = [str(crypto_utils.cryptography_get_name(altname)) for altname in self.subjectAltName] if self.subjectAltName else []
- if set(altnames) != set(current_altnames):
- return False
- if altnames:
- if current_altnames_ext.critical != self.subjectAltName_critical:
- return False
- return True
- def _check_keyUsage(extensions):
- current_keyusage_ext = _find_extension(extensions, cryptography.x509.KeyUsage)
- if not self.keyUsage:
- return current_keyusage_ext is None
- elif current_keyusage_ext is None:
- return False
- params = crypto_utils.cryptography_parse_key_usage_params(self.keyUsage)
- for param in params:
- if getattr(current_keyusage_ext.value, '_' + param) != params[param]:
- return False
- if current_keyusage_ext.critical != self.keyUsage_critical:
- return False
- return True
- def _check_extenededKeyUsage(extensions):
- current_usages_ext = _find_extension(extensions, cryptography.x509.ExtendedKeyUsage)
- current_usages = [str(usage) for usage in current_usages_ext.value] if current_usages_ext else []
- usages = [str(crypto_utils.cryptography_name_to_oid(usage)) for usage in self.extendedKeyUsage] if self.extendedKeyUsage else []
- if set(current_usages) != set(usages):
- return False
- if usages:
- if current_usages_ext.critical != self.extendedKeyUsage_critical:
- return False
- return True
- def _check_basicConstraints(extensions):
- bc_ext = _find_extension(extensions, cryptography.x509.BasicConstraints)
- current_ca = if bc_ext else False
- current_path_length = bc_ext.value.path_length if bc_ext else None
- ca, path_length = crypto_utils.cryptography_get_basic_constraints(self.basicConstraints)
- # Check CA flag
- if ca != current_ca:
- return False
- # Check path length
- if path_length != current_path_length:
- return False
- # Check criticality
- if self.basicConstraints:
- if bc_ext.critical != self.basicConstraints_critical:
- return False
- return True
- def _check_ocspMustStaple(extensions):
- try:
- # This only works with cryptography >= 2.1
- tlsfeature_ext = _find_extension(extensions, cryptography.x509.TLSFeature)
- has_tlsfeature = True
- except AttributeError as dummy:
- tlsfeature_ext = next(
- (ext for ext in extensions if ext.value.oid == CRYPTOGRAPHY_MUST_STAPLE_NAME),
- None
- )
- has_tlsfeature = False
- if self.ocspMustStaple:
- if not tlsfeature_ext or tlsfeature_ext.critical != self.ocspMustStaple_critical:
- return False
- if has_tlsfeature:
- return cryptography.x509.TLSFeatureType.status_request in tlsfeature_ext.value
- else:
- return tlsfeature_ext.value.value == CRYPTOGRAPHY_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE
- else:
- return tlsfeature_ext is None
- def _check_subject_key_identifier(extensions):
- ext = _find_extension(extensions, cryptography.x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier)
- if self.create_subject_key_identifier or self.subject_key_identifier is not None:
- if not ext or ext.critical:
- return False
- if self.create_subject_key_identifier:
- digest = cryptography.x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier.from_public_key(self.privatekey.public_key()).digest
- return ext.value.digest == digest
- else:
- return ext.value.digest == self.subject_key_identifier
- else:
- return ext is None
- def _check_authority_key_identifier(extensions):
- ext = _find_extension(extensions, cryptography.x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier)
- if self.authority_key_identifier is not None or self.authority_cert_issuer is not None or self.authority_cert_serial_number is not None:
- if not ext or ext.critical:
- return False
- aci = None
- csr_aci = None
- if self.authority_cert_issuer is not None:
- aci = [str(crypto_utils.cryptography_get_name(n)) for n in self.authority_cert_issuer]
- if ext.value.authority_cert_issuer is not None:
- csr_aci = [str(n) for n in ext.value.authority_cert_issuer]
- return (ext.value.key_identifier == self.authority_key_identifier
- and csr_aci == aci
- and ext.value.authority_cert_serial_number == self.authority_cert_serial_number)
- else:
- return ext is None
- def _check_extensions(csr):
- extensions = csr.extensions
- return (_check_subjectAltName(extensions) and _check_keyUsage(extensions) and
- _check_extenededKeyUsage(extensions) and _check_basicConstraints(extensions) and
- _check_ocspMustStaple(extensions) and _check_subject_key_identifier(extensions) and
- _check_authority_key_identifier(extensions))
- def _check_signature(csr):
- if not csr.is_signature_valid:
- return False
- # To check whether public key of CSR belongs to private key,
- # encode both public keys and compare PEMs.
- key_a = csr.public_key().public_bytes(
- cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding.PEM,
- cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- )
- key_b = self.privatekey.public_key().public_bytes(
- cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding.PEM,
- cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- )
- return key_a == key_b
- try:
- csr = crypto_utils.load_certificate_request(self.path, backend='cryptography')
- except Exception as dummy:
- return False
- return _check_subject(csr) and _check_extensions(csr) and _check_signature(csr)
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- digest=dict(type='str', default='sha256'),
- privatekey_path=dict(type='path'),
- privatekey_content=dict(type='str'),
- privatekey_passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- version=dict(type='int', default=1),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- path=dict(type='path', required=True),
- subject=dict(type='dict'),
- country_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['C', 'countryName']),
- state_or_province_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['ST', 'stateOrProvinceName']),
- locality_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['L', 'localityName']),
- organization_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['O', 'organizationName']),
- organizational_unit_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['OU', 'organizationalUnitName']),
- common_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['CN', 'commonName']),
- email_address=dict(type='str', aliases=['E', 'emailAddress']),
- subject_alt_name=dict(type='list', elements='str', aliases=['subjectAltName']),
- subject_alt_name_critical=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['subjectAltName_critical']),
- use_common_name_for_san=dict(type='bool', default=True, aliases=['useCommonNameForSAN']),
- key_usage=dict(type='list', elements='str', aliases=['keyUsage']),
- key_usage_critical=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['keyUsage_critical']),
- extended_key_usage=dict(type='list', elements='str', aliases=['extKeyUsage', 'extendedKeyUsage']),
- extended_key_usage_critical=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['extKeyUsage_critical', 'extendedKeyUsage_critical']),
- basic_constraints=dict(type='list', elements='str', aliases=['basicConstraints']),
- basic_constraints_critical=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['basicConstraints_critical']),
- ocsp_must_staple=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['ocspMustStaple']),
- ocsp_must_staple_critical=dict(type='bool', default=False, aliases=['ocspMustStaple_critical']),
- backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- create_subject_key_identifier=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- subject_key_identifier=dict(type='str'),
- authority_key_identifier=dict(type='str'),
- authority_cert_issuer=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- authority_cert_serial_number=dict(type='int'),
- select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', default='auto', choices=['auto', 'cryptography', 'pyopenssl']),
- return_content=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- ),
- required_together=[('authority_cert_issuer', 'authority_cert_serial_number')],
- required_if=[('state', 'present', ['privatekey_path', 'privatekey_content'], True)],
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['privatekey_path', 'privatekey_content'],
- ),
- add_file_common_args=True,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- if module.params['version'] != 1:
- module.deprecate('The version option will only support allowed values from Ansible 2.14 on. '
- 'Currently, only the value 1 is allowed by RFC 2986', version='2.14')
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(module.params['path']) or '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- module.fail_json(name=base_dir, msg='The directory %s does not exist or the file is not a directory' % base_dir)
- backend = module.params['select_crypto_backend']
- if backend == 'auto':
- # Detection what is possible
- # First try cryptography, then pyOpenSSL
- if can_use_cryptography:
- backend = 'cryptography'
- elif can_use_pyopenssl:
- backend = 'pyopenssl'
- # Success?
- if backend == 'auto':
- module.fail_json(msg=("Can't detect any of the required Python libraries "
- "cryptography (>= {0}) or PyOpenSSL (>= {1})").format(
- try:
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyOpenSSL >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_PYOPENSSL_VERSION)),
- exception=PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR)
- try:
- getattr(crypto.X509Req, 'get_extensions')
- except AttributeError:
- module.fail_json(msg='You need to have PyOpenSSL>=0.15 to generate CSRs')
- module.deprecate('The module is using the PyOpenSSL backend. This backend has been deprecated', version='2.13')
- csr = CertificateSigningRequestPyOpenSSL(module)
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION)),
- csr = CertificateSigningRequestCryptography(module)
- if module.params['state'] == 'present':
- if module.check_mode:
- result = csr.dump()
- result['changed'] = module.params['force'] or not csr.check(module)
- module.exit_json(**result)
- csr.generate(module)
- else:
- if module.check_mode:
- result = csr.dump()
- result['changed'] = os.path.exists(module.params['path'])
- module.exit_json(**result)
- csr.remove(module)
- result = csr.dump()
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 713ee33808..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,667 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2016-2017, Yanis Guenane <>
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Markus Teufelberger <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: openssl_csr_info
-version_added: '2.8'
-short_description: Provide information of OpenSSL Certificate Signing Requests (CSR)
- - This module allows one to query information on OpenSSL Certificate Signing Requests (CSR).
- - In case the CSR signature cannot be validated, the module will fail. In this case, all return
- variables are still returned.
- - It uses the pyOpenSSL or cryptography python library to interact with OpenSSL. If both the
- cryptography and PyOpenSSL libraries are available (and meet the minimum version requirements)
- cryptography will be preferred as a backend over PyOpenSSL (unless the backend is forced with
- C(select_crypto_backend)). Please note that the PyOpenSSL backend was deprecated in Ansible 2.9
- and will be removed in Ansible 2.13.
- - PyOpenSSL >= 0.15 or cryptography >= 1.3
- - Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)
- - Yanis Guenane (@Spredzy)
- path:
- description:
- - Remote absolute path where the CSR file is loaded from.
- - Either I(path) or I(content) must be specified, but not both.
- type: path
- content:
- description:
- - Content of the CSR file.
- - Either I(path) or I(content) must be specified, but not both.
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
- select_crypto_backend:
- description:
- - Determines which crypto backend to use.
- - The default choice is C(auto), which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to C(pyopenssl).
- - If set to C(pyopenssl), will try to use the L(pyOpenSSL, library.
- - If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the L(cryptography, library.
- - Please note that the C(pyopenssl) backend has been deprecated in Ansible 2.9, and will be removed in Ansible 2.13.
- From that point on, only the C(cryptography) backend will be available.
- type: str
- default: auto
- choices: [ auto, cryptography, pyopenssl ]
-- module: openssl_csr
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL Certificate Signing Request
- openssl_csr:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- common_name:
-- name: Get information on the CSR
- openssl_csr_info:
- path: /etc/ssl/csr/
- register: result
-- name: Dump information
- debug:
- var: result
-RETURN = r'''
- description:
- - Whether the CSR's signature is valid.
- - In case the check returns C(no), the module will fail.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Entries in the C(basic_constraints) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: "[CA:TRUE, pathlen:1]"
- description: Whether the C(basic_constraints) extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Entries in the C(extended_key_usage) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: "[Biometric Info, DVCS, Time Stamping]"
- description: Whether the C(extended_key_usage) extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Returns a dictionary for every extension OID
- returned: success
- type: dict
- contains:
- critical:
- description: Whether the extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- value:
- description: The Base64 encoded value (in DER format) of the extension
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: "MAMCAQU="
- sample: '{"": { "critical": false, "value": "MAMCAQU="}}'
- description: Entries in the C(key_usage) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: "[Key Agreement, Data Encipherment]"
- description: Whether the C(key_usage) extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Entries in the C(subject_alt_name) extension, or C(none) if extension is not present.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: "[, IP:]"
- description: Whether the C(subject_alt_name) extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: C(yes) if the OCSP Must Staple extension is present, C(none) otherwise.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description: Whether the C(ocsp_must_staple) extension is critical.
- returned: success
- type: bool
- description:
- - The CSR's subject as a dictionary.
- - Note that for repeated values, only the last one will be returned.
- returned: success
- type: dict
- sample: '{"commonName": "", "emailAddress": ""}'
- description: The CSR's subject as an ordered list of tuples.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: list
- sample: '[["commonName", ""], ["emailAddress": ""]]'
- version_added: "2.9"
- description: CSR's public key in PEM format
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8A..."
- description:
- - Fingerprints of CSR's public key.
- - For every hash algorithm available, the fingerprint is computed.
- returned: success
- type: dict
- sample: "{'sha256': 'd4:b3:aa:6d:c8:04:ce:4e:ba:f6:29:4d:92:a3:94:b0:c2:ff:bd:bf:33:63:11:43:34:0f:51:b0:95:09:2f:63',
- 'sha512': 'f7:07:4a:f0:b0:f0:e6:8b:95:5f:f9:e6:61:0a:32:68:f1..."
- description:
- - The CSR's subject key identifier.
- - The identifier is returned in hexadecimal, with C(:) used to separate bytes.
- - Is C(none) if the C(SubjectKeyIdentifier) extension is not present.
- returned: success and if the pyOpenSSL backend is I(not) used
- type: str
- sample: '00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33'
- version_added: "2.9"
- description:
- - The CSR's authority key identifier.
- - The identifier is returned in hexadecimal, with C(:) used to separate bytes.
- - Is C(none) if the C(AuthorityKeyIdentifier) extension is not present.
- returned: success and if the pyOpenSSL backend is I(not) used
- type: str
- sample: '00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:00:11:22:33'
- version_added: "2.9"
- description:
- - The CSR's authority cert issuer as a list of general names.
- - Is C(none) if the C(AuthorityKeyIdentifier) extension is not present.
- returned: success and if the pyOpenSSL backend is I(not) used
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: "[, IP:]"
- version_added: "2.9"
- description:
- - The CSR's authority cert serial number.
- - Is C(none) if the C(AuthorityKeyIdentifier) extension is not present.
- returned: success and if the pyOpenSSL backend is I(not) used
- type: int
- sample: '12345'
- version_added: "2.9"
-import abc
-import binascii
-import os
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text, to_bytes
-from ansible.module_utils.compat import ipaddress as compat_ipaddress
- import OpenSSL
- from OpenSSL import crypto
- PYOPENSSL_VERSION = LooseVersion(OpenSSL.__version__)
- if OpenSSL.SSL.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000:
- # OpenSSL 1.1.0 or newer
- OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_NAME = b"tlsfeature"
- OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE = b"status_request"
- else:
- # OpenSSL 1.0.x or older
- OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE = b"DER:30:03:02:01:05"
-except ImportError:
- PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- import cryptography
- from cryptography import x509
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-class CertificateSigningRequestInfo(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject):
- def __init__(self, module, backend):
- super(CertificateSigningRequestInfo, self).__init__(
- module.params['path'] or '',
- 'present',
- False,
- module.check_mode,
- )
- self.backend = backend
- self.module = module
- self.content = module.params['content']
- if self.content is not None:
- self.content = self.content.encode('utf-8')
- def generate(self):
- # Empty method because crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject wants this
- pass
- def dump(self):
- # Empty method because crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject wants this
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_subject_ordered(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_key_usage(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_extended_key_usage(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_basic_constraints(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_ocsp_must_staple(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_subject_alt_name(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_public_key(self, binary):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_subject_key_identifier(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_authority_key_identifier(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_all_extensions(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _is_signature_valid(self):
- pass
- def get_info(self):
- result = dict()
- self.csr = crypto_utils.load_certificate_request(self.path, content=self.content, backend=self.backend)
- subject = self._get_subject_ordered()
- result['subject'] = dict()
- for k, v in subject:
- result['subject'][k] = v
- result['subject_ordered'] = subject
- result['key_usage'], result['key_usage_critical'] = self._get_key_usage()
- result['extended_key_usage'], result['extended_key_usage_critical'] = self._get_extended_key_usage()
- result['basic_constraints'], result['basic_constraints_critical'] = self._get_basic_constraints()
- result['ocsp_must_staple'], result['ocsp_must_staple_critical'] = self._get_ocsp_must_staple()
- result['subject_alt_name'], result['subject_alt_name_critical'] = self._get_subject_alt_name()
- result['public_key'] = self._get_public_key(binary=False)
- pk = self._get_public_key(binary=True)
- result['public_key_fingerprints'] = crypto_utils.get_fingerprint_of_bytes(pk) if pk is not None else dict()
- if self.backend != 'pyopenssl':
- ski = self._get_subject_key_identifier()
- if ski is not None:
- ski = to_native(binascii.hexlify(ski))
- ski = ':'.join([ski[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(ski), 2)])
- result['subject_key_identifier'] = ski
- aki, aci, acsn = self._get_authority_key_identifier()
- if aki is not None:
- aki = to_native(binascii.hexlify(aki))
- aki = ':'.join([aki[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(aki), 2)])
- result['authority_key_identifier'] = aki
- result['authority_cert_issuer'] = aci
- result['authority_cert_serial_number'] = acsn
- result['extensions_by_oid'] = self._get_all_extensions()
- result['signature_valid'] = self._is_signature_valid()
- if not result['signature_valid']:
- self.module.fail_json(
- msg='CSR signature is invalid!',
- **result
- )
- return result
-class CertificateSigningRequestInfoCryptography(CertificateSigningRequestInfo):
- """Validate the supplied CSR, using the cryptography backend"""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(CertificateSigningRequestInfoCryptography, self).__init__(module, 'cryptography')
- def _get_subject_ordered(self):
- result = []
- for attribute in self.csr.subject:
- result.append([crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(attribute.oid), attribute.value])
- return result
- def _get_key_usage(self):
- try:
- current_key_ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.KeyUsage)
- current_key_usage = current_key_ext.value
- key_usage = dict(
- digital_signature=current_key_usage.digital_signature,
- content_commitment=current_key_usage.content_commitment,
- key_encipherment=current_key_usage.key_encipherment,
- data_encipherment=current_key_usage.data_encipherment,
- key_agreement=current_key_usage.key_agreement,
- key_cert_sign=current_key_usage.key_cert_sign,
- crl_sign=current_key_usage.crl_sign,
- encipher_only=False,
- decipher_only=False,
- )
- if key_usage['key_agreement']:
- key_usage.update(dict(
- encipher_only=current_key_usage.encipher_only,
- decipher_only=current_key_usage.decipher_only
- ))
- key_usage_names = dict(
- digital_signature='Digital Signature',
- content_commitment='Non Repudiation',
- key_encipherment='Key Encipherment',
- data_encipherment='Data Encipherment',
- key_agreement='Key Agreement',
- key_cert_sign='Certificate Sign',
- crl_sign='CRL Sign',
- encipher_only='Encipher Only',
- decipher_only='Decipher Only',
- )
- return sorted([
- key_usage_names[name] for name, value in key_usage.items() if value
- ]), current_key_ext.critical
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, False
- def _get_extended_key_usage(self):
- try:
- ext_keyusage_ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.ExtendedKeyUsage)
- return sorted([
- crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(eku) for eku in ext_keyusage_ext.value
- ]), ext_keyusage_ext.critical
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, False
- def _get_basic_constraints(self):
- try:
- ext_keyusage_ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.BasicConstraints)
- result = []
- result.append('CA:{0}'.format('TRUE' if else 'FALSE'))
- if ext_keyusage_ext.value.path_length is not None:
- result.append('pathlen:{0}'.format(ext_keyusage_ext.value.path_length))
- return sorted(result), ext_keyusage_ext.critical
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, False
- def _get_ocsp_must_staple(self):
- try:
- try:
- # This only works with cryptography >= 2.1
- tlsfeature_ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.TLSFeature)
- value = cryptography.x509.TLSFeatureType.status_request in tlsfeature_ext.value
- except AttributeError as dummy:
- # Fallback for cryptography < 2.1
- oid = x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier("")
- tlsfeature_ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(oid)
- value = tlsfeature_ext.value.value == b"\x30\x03\x02\x01\x05"
- return value, tlsfeature_ext.critical
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, False
- def _get_subject_alt_name(self):
- try:
- san_ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName)
- result = [crypto_utils.cryptography_decode_name(san) for san in san_ext.value]
- return result, san_ext.critical
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, False
- def _get_public_key(self, binary):
- return self.csr.public_key().public_bytes(
- serialization.Encoding.DER if binary else serialization.Encoding.PEM,
- serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- )
- def _get_subject_key_identifier(self):
- try:
- ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectKeyIdentifier)
- return ext.value.digest
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None
- def _get_authority_key_identifier(self):
- try:
- ext = self.csr.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier)
- issuer = None
- if ext.value.authority_cert_issuer is not None:
- issuer = [crypto_utils.cryptography_decode_name(san) for san in ext.value.authority_cert_issuer]
- return ext.value.key_identifier, issuer, ext.value.authority_cert_serial_number
- except cryptography.x509.ExtensionNotFound:
- return None, None, None
- def _get_all_extensions(self):
- return crypto_utils.cryptography_get_extensions_from_csr(self.csr)
- def _is_signature_valid(self):
- return self.csr.is_signature_valid
-class CertificateSigningRequestInfoPyOpenSSL(CertificateSigningRequestInfo):
- """validate the supplied CSR."""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(CertificateSigningRequestInfoPyOpenSSL, self).__init__(module, 'pyopenssl')
- def __get_name(self, name):
- result = []
- for sub in name.get_components():
- result.append([crypto_utils.pyopenssl_normalize_name(sub[0]), to_text(sub[1])])
- return result
- def _get_subject_ordered(self):
- return self.__get_name(self.csr.get_subject())
- def _get_extension(self, short_name):
- for extension in self.csr.get_extensions():
- if extension.get_short_name() == short_name:
- result = [
- crypto_utils.pyopenssl_normalize_name(usage.strip()) for usage in to_text(extension, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split(',')
- ]
- return sorted(result), bool(extension.get_critical())
- return None, False
- def _get_key_usage(self):
- return self._get_extension(b'keyUsage')
- def _get_extended_key_usage(self):
- return self._get_extension(b'extendedKeyUsage')
- def _get_basic_constraints(self):
- return self._get_extension(b'basicConstraints')
- def _get_ocsp_must_staple(self):
- extensions = self.csr.get_extensions()
- oms_ext = [
- ext for ext in extensions
- if to_bytes(ext.get_short_name()) == OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_NAME and to_bytes(ext) == OPENSSL_MUST_STAPLE_VALUE
- ]
- # Older versions of libssl don't know about OCSP Must Staple
- oms_ext.extend([ext for ext in extensions if ext.get_short_name() == b'UNDEF' and ext.get_data() == b'\x30\x03\x02\x01\x05'])
- if oms_ext:
- return True, bool(oms_ext[0].get_critical())
- else:
- return None, False
- def _normalize_san(self, san):
- # apparently openssl returns 'IP address' not 'IP' as specifier when converting the subjectAltName to string
- # although it won't accept this specifier when generating the CSR. (
- if san.startswith('IP Address:'):
- san = 'IP:' + san[len('IP Address:'):]
- if san.startswith('IP:'):
- ip = compat_ipaddress.ip_address(san[3:])
- san = 'IP:{0}'.format(ip.compressed)
- return san
- def _get_subject_alt_name(self):
- for extension in self.csr.get_extensions():
- if extension.get_short_name() == b'subjectAltName':
- result = [self._normalize_san(altname.strip()) for altname in
- to_text(extension, errors='surrogate_or_strict').split(', ')]
- return result, bool(extension.get_critical())
- return None, False
- def _get_public_key(self, binary):
- try:
- return crypto.dump_publickey(
- crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1 if binary else crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- self.csr.get_pubkey()
- )
- except AttributeError:
- try:
- bio = crypto._new_mem_buf()
- if binary:
- rc = crypto._lib.i2d_PUBKEY_bio(bio, self.csr.get_pubkey()._pkey)
- else:
- rc = crypto._lib.PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bio, self.csr.get_pubkey()._pkey)
- if rc != 1:
- crypto._raise_current_error()
- return crypto._bio_to_string(bio)
- except AttributeError:
- self.module.warn('Your pyOpenSSL version does not support dumping public keys. '
- 'Please upgrade to version 16.0 or newer, or use the cryptography backend.')
- def _get_subject_key_identifier(self):
- # Won't be implemented
- return None
- def _get_authority_key_identifier(self):
- # Won't be implemented
- return None, None, None
- def _get_all_extensions(self):
- return crypto_utils.pyopenssl_get_extensions_from_csr(self.csr)
- def _is_signature_valid(self):
- try:
- return bool(self.csr.verify(self.csr.get_pubkey()))
- except crypto.Error:
- # OpenSSL error means that key is not consistent
- return False
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- path=dict(type='path'),
- content=dict(type='str'),
- select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', default='auto', choices=['auto', 'cryptography', 'pyopenssl']),
- ),
- required_one_of=(
- ['path', 'content'],
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['path', 'content'],
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- try:
- if module.params['path'] is not None:
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(module.params['path']) or '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- module.fail_json(
- name=base_dir,
- msg='The directory %s does not exist or the file is not a directory' % base_dir
- )
- backend = module.params['select_crypto_backend']
- if backend == 'auto':
- # Detect what backend we can use
- # If cryptography is available we'll use it
- if can_use_cryptography:
- backend = 'cryptography'
- elif can_use_pyopenssl:
- backend = 'pyopenssl'
- # Fail if no backend has been found
- if backend == 'auto':
- module.fail_json(msg=("Can't detect any of the required Python libraries "
- "cryptography (>= {0}) or PyOpenSSL (>= {1})").format(
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyOpenSSL >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_PYOPENSSL_VERSION)),
- exception=PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR)
- try:
- getattr(crypto.X509Req, 'get_extensions')
- except AttributeError:
- module.fail_json(msg='You need to have PyOpenSSL>=0.15')
- module.deprecate('The module is using the PyOpenSSL backend. This backend has been deprecated', version='2.13')
- certificate = CertificateSigningRequestInfoPyOpenSSL(module)
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION)),
- certificate = CertificateSigningRequestInfoCryptography(module)
- result = certificate.get_info()
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e06db9717..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,418 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Thom Wiggers <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: openssl_dhparam
-version_added: "2.5"
-short_description: Generate OpenSSL Diffie-Hellman Parameters
- - This module allows one to (re)generate OpenSSL DH-params.
- - This module uses file common arguments to specify generated file permissions.
- - "Please note that the module regenerates existing DH params if they don't
- match the module's options. If you are concerned that this could overwrite
- your existing DH params, consider using the I(backup) option."
- - The module can use the cryptography Python library, or the C(openssl) executable.
- By default, it tries to detect which one is available. This can be overridden
- with the I(select_crypto_backend) option.
- - Either cryptography >= 2.0
- - Or OpenSSL binary C(openssl)
- - Thom Wiggers (@thomwiggers)
- state:
- description:
- - Whether the parameters should exist or not,
- taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- size:
- description:
- - Size (in bits) of the generated DH-params.
- type: int
- default: 4096
- force:
- description:
- - Should the parameters be regenerated even it it already exists.
- type: bool
- default: no
- path:
- description:
- - Name of the file in which the generated parameters will be saved.
- type: path
- required: true
- backup:
- description:
- - Create a backup file including a timestamp so you can get the original
- DH params back if you overwrote them with new ones by accident.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.8"
- select_crypto_backend:
- description:
- - Determines which crypto backend to use.
- - The default choice is C(auto), which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to C(openssl).
- - If set to C(openssl), will try to use the OpenSSL C(openssl) executable.
- - If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the L(cryptography, library.
- type: str
- default: auto
- choices: [ auto, cryptography, openssl ]
- version_added: '2.10'
- return_content:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), will return the (current or generated) DH params' content as I(dhparams).
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.10"
-- files
-- module: openssl_certificate
-- module: openssl_csr
-- module: openssl_pkcs12
-- module: openssl_privatekey
-- module: openssl_publickey
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Generate Diffie-Hellman parameters with the default size (4096 bits)
- openssl_dhparam:
- path: /etc/ssl/dhparams.pem
-- name: Generate DH Parameters with a different size (2048 bits)
- openssl_dhparam:
- path: /etc/ssl/dhparams.pem
- size: 2048
-- name: Force regenerate an DH parameters if they already exist
- openssl_dhparam:
- path: /etc/ssl/dhparams.pem
- force: yes
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Size (in bits) of the Diffie-Hellman parameters.
- returned: changed or success
- type: int
- sample: 4096
- description: Path to the generated Diffie-Hellman parameters.
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /etc/ssl/dhparams.pem
- description: Name of backup file created.
- returned: changed and if I(backup) is C(yes)
- type: str
- sample: /path/to/dhparams.pem.2019-03-09@11:22~
- description: The (current or generated) DH params' content.
- returned: if I(state) is C(present) and I(return_content) is C(yes)
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
-import abc
-import os
-import re
-import tempfile
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
- import cryptography
- import cryptography.exceptions
- import cryptography.hazmat.backends
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dh
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-class DHParameterError(Exception):
- pass
-class DHParameterBase(object):
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.state = module.params['state']
- self.path = module.params['path']
- self.size = module.params['size']
- self.force = module.params['force']
- self.changed = False
- self.return_content = module.params['return_content']
- self.backup = module.params['backup']
- self.backup_file = None
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _do_generate(self, module):
- """Actually generate the DH params."""
- pass
- def generate(self, module):
- """Generate DH params."""
- changed = False
- # ony generate when necessary
- if self.force or not self._check_params_valid(module):
- self._do_generate(module)
- changed = True
- # fix permissions (checking force not necessary as done above)
- if not self._check_fs_attributes(module):
- # Fix done implicitly by
- # AnsibleModule.set_fs_attributes_if_different
- changed = True
- self.changed = changed
- def remove(self, module):
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- try:
- os.remove(self.path)
- self.changed = True
- except OSError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
- def check(self, module):
- """Ensure the resource is in its desired state."""
- if self.force:
- return False
- return self._check_params_valid(module) and self._check_fs_attributes(module)
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _check_params_valid(self, module):
- """Check if the params are in the correct state"""
- pass
- def _check_fs_attributes(self, module):
- """Checks (and changes if not in check mode!) fs attributes"""
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- attrs_changed = module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False)
- return not attrs_changed
- def dump(self):
- """Serialize the object into a dictionary."""
- result = {
- 'size': self.size,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'changed': self.changed,
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- content = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- result['dhparams'] = content.decode('utf-8') if content else None
- return result
-class DHParameterAbsent(DHParameterBase):
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(DHParameterAbsent, self).__init__(module)
- def _do_generate(self, module):
- """Actually generate the DH params."""
- pass
- def _check_params_valid(self, module):
- """Check if the params are in the correct state"""
- pass
-class DHParameterOpenSSL(DHParameterBase):
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(DHParameterOpenSSL, self).__init__(module)
- self.openssl_bin = module.get_bin_path('openssl', True)
- def _do_generate(self, module):
- """Actually generate the DH params."""
- # create a tempfile
- fd, tmpsrc = tempfile.mkstemp()
- os.close(fd)
- module.add_cleanup_file(tmpsrc) # Ansible will delete the file on exit
- # openssl dhparam -out <path> <bits>
- command = [self.openssl_bin, 'dhparam', '-out', tmpsrc, str(self.size)]
- rc, dummy, err = module.run_command(command, check_rc=False)
- if rc != 0:
- raise DHParameterError(to_native(err))
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- try:
- module.atomic_move(tmpsrc, self.path)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Failed to write to file %s: %s" % (self.path, str(e)))
- def _check_params_valid(self, module):
- """Check if the params are in the correct state"""
- command = [self.openssl_bin, 'dhparam', '-check', '-text', '-noout', '-in', self.path]
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(command, check_rc=False)
- result = to_native(out)
- if rc != 0:
- # If the call failed the file probably doesn't exist or is
- # unreadable
- return False
- # output contains "(xxxx bit)"
- match ="Parameters:\s+\((\d+) bit\).*", result)
- if not match:
- return False # No "xxxx bit" in output
- bits = int(
- # if output contains "WARNING" we've got a problem
- if "WARNING" in result or "WARNING" in to_native(err):
- return False
- return bits == self.size
-class DHParameterCryptography(DHParameterBase):
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(DHParameterCryptography, self).__init__(module)
- self.crypto_backend = cryptography.hazmat.backends.default_backend()
- def _do_generate(self, module):
- """Actually generate the DH params."""
- # Generate parameters
- params = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dh.generate_parameters(
- generator=2,
- key_size=self.size,
- backend=self.crypto_backend,
- )
- # Serialize parameters
- result = params.parameter_bytes(
- encoding=cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding.PEM,
- format=cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.ParameterFormat.PKCS3,
- )
- # Write result
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, result)
- def _check_params_valid(self, module):
- """Check if the params are in the correct state"""
- # Load parameters
- try:
- with open(self.path, 'rb') as f:
- data =
- params = self.crypto_backend.load_pem_parameters(data)
- except Exception as dummy:
- return False
- # Check parameters
- bits = crypto_utils.count_bits(params.parameter_numbers().p)
- return bits == self.size
-def main():
- """Main function"""
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- size=dict(type='int', default=4096),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- path=dict(type='path', required=True),
- backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', default='auto', choices=['auto', 'cryptography', 'openssl']),
- return_content=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- add_file_common_args=True,
- )
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(module.params['path']) or '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- module.fail_json(
- name=base_dir,
- msg="The directory '%s' does not exist or the file is not a directory" % base_dir
- )
- if module.params['state'] == 'present':
- backend = module.params['select_crypto_backend']
- if backend == 'auto':
- # Detection what is possible
- can_use_openssl = module.get_bin_path('openssl', False) is not None
- # First try cryptography, then OpenSSL
- if can_use_cryptography:
- backend = 'cryptography'
- elif can_use_openssl:
- backend = 'openssl'
- # Success?
- if backend == 'auto':
- module.fail_json(msg=("Can't detect either the required Python library cryptography (>= {0}) "
- "or the OpenSSL binary openssl").format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION))
- if backend == 'openssl':
- dhparam = DHParameterOpenSSL(module)
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION)),
- dhparam = DHParameterCryptography(module)
- if module.check_mode:
- result = dhparam.dump()
- result['changed'] = module.params['force'] or not dhparam.check(module)
- module.exit_json(**result)
- try:
- dhparam.generate(module)
- except DHParameterError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
- else:
- dhparam = DHParameterAbsent(module)
- if module.check_mode:
- result = dhparam.dump()
- result['changed'] = os.path.exists(module.params['path'])
- module.exit_json(**result)
- if os.path.exists(module.params['path']):
- try:
- dhparam.remove(module)
- except Exception as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
- result = dhparam.dump()
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index c80e616ef7..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Guillaume Delpierre <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: openssl_pkcs12
-- Guillaume Delpierre (@gdelpierre)
-version_added: "2.7"
-short_description: Generate OpenSSL PKCS#12 archive
- - This module allows one to (re-)generate PKCS#12.
- - python-pyOpenSSL
- action:
- description:
- - C(export) or C(parse) a PKCS#12.
- type: str
- default: export
- choices: [ export, parse ]
- other_certificates:
- description:
- - List of other certificates to include. Pre 2.8 this parameter was called C(ca_certificates)
- type: list
- elements: path
- aliases: [ ca_certificates ]
- certificate_path:
- description:
- - The path to read certificates and private keys from.
- - Must be in PEM format.
- type: path
- force:
- description:
- - Should the file be regenerated even if it already exists.
- type: bool
- default: no
- friendly_name:
- description:
- - Specifies the friendly name for the certificate and private key.
- type: str
- aliases: [ name ]
- iter_size:
- description:
- - Number of times to repeat the encryption step.
- type: int
- default: 2048
- maciter_size:
- description:
- - Number of times to repeat the MAC step.
- type: int
- default: 1
- passphrase:
- description:
- - The PKCS#12 password.
- type: str
- path:
- description:
- - Filename to write the PKCS#12 file to.
- type: path
- required: true
- privatekey_passphrase:
- description:
- - Passphrase source to decrypt any input private keys with.
- type: str
- privatekey_path:
- description:
- - File to read private key from.
- type: path
- state:
- description:
- - Whether the file should exist or not.
- All parameters except C(path) are ignored when state is C(absent).
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- default: present
- type: str
- src:
- description:
- - PKCS#12 file path to parse.
- type: path
- backup:
- description:
- - Create a backup file including a timestamp so you can get the original
- output file back if you overwrote it with a new one by accident.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.8"
- return_content:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), will return the (current or generated) PKCS#12's content as I(pkcs12).
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.10"
- - files
-- module: openssl_certificate
-- module: openssl_csr
-- module: openssl_dhparam
-- module: openssl_privatekey
-- module: openssl_publickey
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Generate PKCS#12 file
- openssl_pkcs12:
- action: export
- path: /opt/certs/ansible.p12
- friendly_name: raclette
- privatekey_path: /opt/certs/keys/key.pem
- certificate_path: /opt/certs/cert.pem
- other_certificates: /opt/certs/ca.pem
- state: present
-- name: Change PKCS#12 file permission
- openssl_pkcs12:
- action: export
- path: /opt/certs/ansible.p12
- friendly_name: raclette
- privatekey_path: /opt/certs/keys/key.pem
- certificate_path: /opt/certs/cert.pem
- other_certificates: /opt/certs/ca.pem
- state: present
- mode: '0600'
-- name: Regen PKCS#12 file
- openssl_pkcs12:
- action: export
- src: /opt/certs/ansible.p12
- path: /opt/certs/ansible.p12
- friendly_name: raclette
- privatekey_path: /opt/certs/keys/key.pem
- certificate_path: /opt/certs/cert.pem
- other_certificates: /opt/certs/ca.pem
- state: present
- mode: '0600'
- force: yes
-- name: Dump/Parse PKCS#12 file
- openssl_pkcs12:
- action: parse
- src: /opt/certs/ansible.p12
- path: /opt/certs/ansible.pem
- state: present
-- name: Remove PKCS#12 file
- openssl_pkcs12:
- path: /opt/certs/ansible.p12
- state: absent
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Path to the generate PKCS#12 file.
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /opt/certs/ansible.p12
- description: Path to the TLS/SSL private key the public key was generated from.
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /etc/ssl/private/
- description: Name of backup file created.
- returned: changed and if I(backup) is C(yes)
- type: str
- sample: /path/to/
- description: The (current or generated) PKCS#12's content Base64 encoded.
- returned: if I(state) is C(present) and I(return_content) is C(yes)
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
-import base64
-import stat
-import os
-import traceback
- from OpenSSL import crypto
-except ImportError:
- PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- pyopenssl_found = False
- pyopenssl_found = True
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native
-class PkcsError(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError):
- pass
-class Pkcs(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject):
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(Pkcs, self).__init__(
- module.params['path'],
- module.params['state'],
- module.params['force'],
- module.check_mode
- )
- self.action = module.params['action']
- self.other_certificates = module.params['other_certificates']
- self.certificate_path = module.params['certificate_path']
- self.friendly_name = module.params['friendly_name']
- self.iter_size = module.params['iter_size']
- self.maciter_size = module.params['maciter_size']
- self.passphrase = module.params['passphrase']
- self.pkcs12 = None
- self.privatekey_passphrase = module.params['privatekey_passphrase']
- self.privatekey_path = module.params['privatekey_path']
- self.pkcs12_bytes = None
- self.return_content = module.params['return_content']
- self.src = module.params['src']
- if module.params['mode'] is None:
- module.params['mode'] = '0400'
- self.backup = module.params['backup']
- self.backup_file = None
- def check(self, module, perms_required=True):
- """Ensure the resource is in its desired state."""
- state_and_perms = super(Pkcs, self).check(module, perms_required)
- def _check_pkey_passphrase():
- if self.privatekey_passphrase:
- try:
- crypto_utils.load_privatekey(self.privatekey_path,
- self.privatekey_passphrase)
- except crypto.Error:
- return False
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError:
- return False
- return True
- if not state_and_perms:
- return state_and_perms
- if os.path.exists(self.path) and module.params['action'] == 'export':
- dummy = self.generate(module)
- self.src = self.path
- try:
- pkcs12_privatekey, pkcs12_certificate, pkcs12_other_certificates, pkcs12_friendly_name = self.parse()
- except crypto.Error:
- return False
- if (pkcs12_privatekey is not None) and (self.privatekey_path is not None):
- expected_pkey = crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- self.pkcs12.get_privatekey())
- if pkcs12_privatekey != expected_pkey:
- return False
- elif bool(pkcs12_privatekey) != bool(self.privatekey_path):
- return False
- if (pkcs12_certificate is not None) and (self.certificate_path is not None):
- expected_cert = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- self.pkcs12.get_certificate())
- if pkcs12_certificate != expected_cert:
- return False
- elif bool(pkcs12_certificate) != bool(self.certificate_path):
- return False
- if (pkcs12_other_certificates is not None) and (self.other_certificates is not None):
- expected_other_certs = [crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- other_cert) for other_cert in self.pkcs12.get_ca_certificates()]
- if set(pkcs12_other_certificates) != set(expected_other_certs):
- return False
- elif bool(pkcs12_other_certificates) != bool(self.other_certificates):
- return False
- if pkcs12_privatekey:
- # This check is required because pyOpenSSL will not return a friendly name
- # if the private key is not set in the file
- if ((self.pkcs12.get_friendlyname() is not None) and (pkcs12_friendly_name is not None)):
- if self.pkcs12.get_friendlyname() != pkcs12_friendly_name:
- return False
- elif bool(self.pkcs12.get_friendlyname()) != bool(pkcs12_friendly_name):
- return False
- else:
- return False
- return _check_pkey_passphrase()
- def dump(self):
- """Serialize the object into a dictionary."""
- result = {
- 'filename': self.path,
- }
- if self.privatekey_path:
- result['privatekey_path'] = self.privatekey_path
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- if self.pkcs12_bytes is None:
- self.pkcs12_bytes = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- result['pkcs12'] = base64.b64encode(self.pkcs12_bytes) if self.pkcs12_bytes else None
- return result
- def generate(self, module):
- """Generate PKCS#12 file archive."""
- self.pkcs12 = crypto.PKCS12()
- if self.other_certificates:
- other_certs = [crypto_utils.load_certificate(other_cert) for other_cert
- in self.other_certificates]
- self.pkcs12.set_ca_certificates(other_certs)
- if self.certificate_path:
- self.pkcs12.set_certificate(crypto_utils.load_certificate(
- self.certificate_path))
- if self.friendly_name:
- self.pkcs12.set_friendlyname(to_bytes(self.friendly_name))
- if self.privatekey_path:
- try:
- self.pkcs12.set_privatekey(crypto_utils.load_privatekey(
- self.privatekey_path,
- self.privatekey_passphrase)
- )
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- raise PkcsError(exc)
- return self.pkcs12.export(self.passphrase, self.iter_size, self.maciter_size)
- def remove(self, module):
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- super(Pkcs, self).remove(module)
- def parse(self):
- """Read PKCS#12 file."""
- try:
- with open(self.src, 'rb') as pkcs12_fh:
- pkcs12_content =
- p12 = crypto.load_pkcs12(pkcs12_content,
- self.passphrase)
- pkey = crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- p12.get_privatekey())
- crt = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- p12.get_certificate())
- other_certs = []
- if p12.get_ca_certificates() is not None:
- other_certs = [crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- other_cert) for other_cert in p12.get_ca_certificates()]
- friendly_name = p12.get_friendlyname()
- return (pkey, crt, other_certs, friendly_name)
- except IOError as exc:
- raise PkcsError(exc)
- def write(self, module, content, mode=None):
- """Write the PKCS#12 file."""
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, content, mode)
- if self.return_content:
- self.pkcs12_bytes = content
-def main():
- argument_spec = dict(
- action=dict(type='str', default='export', choices=['export', 'parse']),
- other_certificates=dict(type='list', elements='path', aliases=['ca_certificates']),
- certificate_path=dict(type='path'),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- friendly_name=dict(type='str', aliases=['name']),
- iter_size=dict(type='int', default=2048),
- maciter_size=dict(type='int', default=1),
- passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- path=dict(type='path', required=True),
- privatekey_passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- privatekey_path=dict(type='path'),
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- src=dict(type='path'),
- backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- return_content=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- )
- required_if = [
- ['action', 'parse', ['src']],
- ]
- module = AnsibleModule(
- add_file_common_args=True,
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_if=required_if,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- if not pyopenssl_found:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyOpenSSL'), exception=PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR)
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(module.params['path']) or '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- module.fail_json(
- name=base_dir,
- msg="The directory '%s' does not exist or the path is not a directory" % base_dir
- )
- try:
- pkcs12 = Pkcs(module)
- changed = False
- if module.params['state'] == 'present':
- if module.check_mode:
- result = pkcs12.dump()
- result['changed'] = module.params['force'] or not pkcs12.check(module)
- module.exit_json(**result)
- if not pkcs12.check(module, perms_required=False) or module.params['force']:
- if module.params['action'] == 'export':
- if not module.params['friendly_name']:
- module.fail_json(msg='Friendly_name is required')
- pkcs12_content = pkcs12.generate(module)
- pkcs12.write(module, pkcs12_content, 0o600)
- changed = True
- else:
- pkey, cert, other_certs, friendly_name = pkcs12.parse()
- dump_content = '%s%s%s' % (to_native(pkey), to_native(cert), to_native(b''.join(other_certs)))
- pkcs12.write(module, to_bytes(dump_content))
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, changed):
- changed = True
- else:
- if module.check_mode:
- result = pkcs12.dump()
- result['changed'] = os.path.exists(module.params['path'])
- module.exit_json(**result)
- if os.path.exists(module.params['path']):
- pkcs12.remove(module)
- changed = True
- result = pkcs12.dump()
- result['changed'] = changed
- if os.path.exists(module.params['path']):
- file_mode = "%04o" % stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(module.params['path']).st_mode)
- result['mode'] = file_mode
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fdfdab10c..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,943 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2016, Yanis Guenane <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: openssl_privatekey
-version_added: "2.3"
-short_description: Generate OpenSSL private keys
- - This module allows one to (re)generate OpenSSL private keys.
- - One can generate L(RSA,,
- L(DSA,,
- L(ECC, or
- L(EdDSA, private keys.
- - Keys are generated in PEM format.
- - "Please note that the module regenerates private keys if they don't match
- the module's options. In particular, if you provide another passphrase
- (or specify none), change the keysize, etc., the private key will be
- regenerated. If you are concerned that this could **overwrite your private key**,
- consider using the I(backup) option."
- - The module can use the cryptography Python library, or the pyOpenSSL Python
- library. By default, it tries to detect which one is available. This can be
- overridden with the I(select_crypto_backend) option. Please note that the
- PyOpenSSL backend was deprecated in Ansible 2.9 and will be removed in Ansible 2.13."
- - Either cryptography >= 1.2.3 (older versions might work as well)
- - Or pyOpenSSL
- - Yanis Guenane (@Spredzy)
- - Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)
- state:
- description:
- - Whether the private key should exist or not, taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- size:
- description:
- - Size (in bits) of the TLS/SSL key to generate.
- type: int
- default: 4096
- type:
- description:
- - The algorithm used to generate the TLS/SSL private key.
- - Note that C(ECC), C(X25519), C(X448), C(Ed25519) and C(Ed448) require the C(cryptography) backend.
- C(X25519) needs cryptography 2.5 or newer, while C(X448), C(Ed25519) and C(Ed448) require
- cryptography 2.6 or newer. For C(ECC), the minimal cryptography version required depends on the
- I(curve) option.
- type: str
- default: RSA
- choices: [ DSA, ECC, Ed25519, Ed448, RSA, X25519, X448 ]
- curve:
- description:
- - Note that not all curves are supported by all versions of C(cryptography).
- - For maximal interoperability, C(secp384r1) or C(secp256r1) should be used.
- - We use the curve names as defined in the
- L(IANA registry for TLS,
- type: str
- choices:
- - secp384r1
- - secp521r1
- - secp224r1
- - secp192r1
- - secp256r1
- - secp256k1
- - brainpoolP256r1
- - brainpoolP384r1
- - brainpoolP512r1
- - sect571k1
- - sect409k1
- - sect283k1
- - sect233k1
- - sect163k1
- - sect571r1
- - sect409r1
- - sect283r1
- - sect233r1
- - sect163r2
- version_added: "2.8"
- force:
- description:
- - Should the key be regenerated even if it already exists.
- type: bool
- default: no
- path:
- description:
- - Name of the file in which the generated TLS/SSL private key will be written. It will have 0600 mode.
- type: path
- required: true
- passphrase:
- description:
- - The passphrase for the private key.
- type: str
- version_added: "2.4"
- cipher:
- description:
- - The cipher to encrypt the private key. (Valid values can be found by
- running `openssl list -cipher-algorithms` or `openssl list-cipher-algorithms`,
- depending on your OpenSSL version.)
- - When using the C(cryptography) backend, use C(auto).
- type: str
- version_added: "2.4"
- select_crypto_backend:
- description:
- - Determines which crypto backend to use.
- - The default choice is C(auto), which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to C(pyopenssl).
- - If set to C(pyopenssl), will try to use the L(pyOpenSSL, library.
- - If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the L(cryptography, library.
- - Please note that the C(pyopenssl) backend has been deprecated in Ansible 2.9, and will be removed in Ansible 2.13.
- From that point on, only the C(cryptography) backend will be available.
- type: str
- default: auto
- choices: [ auto, cryptography, pyopenssl ]
- version_added: "2.8"
- format:
- description:
- - Determines which format the private key is written in. By default, PKCS1 (traditional OpenSSL format)
- is used for all keys which support it. Please note that not every key can be exported in any format.
- - The value C(auto) selects a fromat based on the key format. The value C(auto_ignore) does the same,
- but for existing private key files, it will not force a regenerate when its format is not the automatically
- selected one for generation.
- - Note that if the format for an existing private key mismatches, the key is *regenerated* by default.
- To change this behavior, use the I(format_mismatch) option.
- - The I(format) option is only supported by the C(cryptography) backend. The C(pyopenssl) backend will
- fail if a value different from C(auto_ignore) is used.
- type: str
- default: auto_ignore
- choices: [ pkcs1, pkcs8, raw, auto, auto_ignore ]
- version_added: "2.10"
- format_mismatch:
- description:
- - Determines behavior of the module if the format of a private key does not match the expected format, but all
- other parameters are as expected.
- - If set to C(regenerate) (default), generates a new private key.
- - If set to C(convert), the key will be converted to the new format instead.
- - Only supported by the C(cryptography) backend.
- type: str
- default: regenerate
- choices: [ regenerate, convert ]
- version_added: "2.10"
- backup:
- description:
- - Create a backup file including a timestamp so you can get
- the original private key back if you overwrote it with a new one by accident.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.8"
- return_content:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), will return the (current or generated) private key's content as I(privatekey).
- - Note that especially if the private key is not encrypted, you have to make sure that the returned
- value is treated appropriately and not accidentally written to logs etc.! Use with care!
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.10"
- regenerate:
- description:
- - Allows to configure in which situations the module is allowed to regenerate private keys.
- The module will always generate a new key if the destination file does not exist.
- - By default, the key will be regenerated when it doesn't match the module's options,
- except when the key cannot be read or the passphrase does not match. Please note that
- this B(changed) for Ansible 2.10. For Ansible 2.9, the behavior was as if C(full_idempotence)
- is specified.
- - If set to C(never), the module will fail if the key cannot be read or the passphrase
- isn't matching, and will never regenerate an existing key.
- - If set to C(fail), the module will fail if the key does not correspond to the module's
- options.
- - If set to C(partial_idempotence), the key will be regenerated if it does not conform to
- the module's options. The key is B(not) regenerated if it cannot be read (broken file),
- the key is protected by an unknown passphrase, or when they key is not protected by a
- passphrase, but a passphrase is specified.
- - If set to C(full_idempotence), the key will be regenerated if it does not conform to the
- module's options. This is also the case if the key cannot be read (broken file), the key
- is protected by an unknown passphrase, or when they key is not protected by a passphrase,
- but a passphrase is specified. Make sure you have a B(backup) when using this option!
- - If set to C(always), the module will always regenerate the key. This is equivalent to
- setting I(force) to C(yes).
- - Note that if I(format_mismatch) is set to C(convert) and everything matches except the
- format, the key will always be converted, except if I(regenerate) is set to C(always).
- type: str
- choices:
- - never
- - fail
- - partial_idempotence
- - full_idempotence
- - always
- default: full_idempotence
- version_added: '2.10'
-- files
-- module: openssl_certificate
-- module: openssl_csr
-- module: openssl_dhparam
-- module: openssl_pkcs12
-- module: openssl_publickey
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL private key with the default values (4096 bits, RSA)
- openssl_privatekey:
- path: /etc/ssl/private/
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL private key with the default values (4096 bits, RSA) and a passphrase
- openssl_privatekey:
- path: /etc/ssl/private/
- passphrase: ansible
- cipher: aes256
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL private key with a different size (2048 bits)
- openssl_privatekey:
- path: /etc/ssl/private/
- size: 2048
-- name: Force regenerate an OpenSSL private key if it already exists
- openssl_privatekey:
- path: /etc/ssl/private/
- force: yes
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL private key with a different algorithm (DSA)
- openssl_privatekey:
- path: /etc/ssl/private/
- type: DSA
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Size (in bits) of the TLS/SSL private key.
- returned: changed or success
- type: int
- sample: 4096
- description: Algorithm used to generate the TLS/SSL private key.
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: RSA
- description: Elliptic curve used to generate the TLS/SSL private key.
- returned: changed or success, and I(type) is C(ECC)
- type: str
- sample: secp256r1
- description: Path to the generated TLS/SSL private key file.
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /etc/ssl/private/
- description:
- - The fingerprint of the public key. Fingerprint will be generated for each C(hashlib.algorithms) available.
- - The PyOpenSSL backend requires PyOpenSSL >= 16.0 for meaningful output.
- returned: changed or success
- type: dict
- sample:
- md5: "84:75:71:72:8d:04:b5:6c:4d:37:6d:66:83:f5:4c:29"
- sha1: "51:cc:7c:68:5d:eb:41:43:88:7e:1a:ae:c7:f8:24:72:ee:71:f6:10"
- sha224: "b1:19:a6:6c:14:ac:33:1d:ed:18:50:d3:06:5c:b2:32:91:f1:f1:52:8c:cb:d5:75:e9:f5:9b:46"
- sha256: "41:ab:c7:cb:d5:5f:30:60:46:99:ac:d4:00:70:cf:a1:76:4f:24:5d:10:24:57:5d:51:6e:09:97:df:2f:de:c7"
- sha384: "85:39:50:4e:de:d9:19:33:40:70:ae:10:ab:59:24:19:51:c3:a2:e4:0b:1c:b1:6e:dd:b3:0c:d9:9e:6a:46:af:da:18:f8:ef:ae:2e:c0:9a:75:2c:9b:b3:0f:3a:5f:3d"
- sha512: "fd:ed:5e:39:48:5f:9f:fe:7f:25:06:3f:79:08:cd:ee:a5:e7:b3:3d:13:82:87:1f:84:e1:f5:c7:28:77:53:94:86:56:38:69:f0:d9:35:22:01:1e:a6:60:...:0f:9b"
- description: Name of backup file created.
- returned: changed and if I(backup) is C(yes)
- type: str
- sample: /path/to/privatekey.pem.2019-03-09@11:22~
- description:
- - The (current or generated) private key's content.
- - Will be Base64-encoded if the key is in raw format.
- returned: if I(state) is C(present) and I(return_content) is C(yes)
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
-import abc
-import base64
-import os
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
- import OpenSSL
- from OpenSSL import crypto
- PYOPENSSL_VERSION = LooseVersion(OpenSSL.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- import cryptography
- import cryptography.exceptions
- import cryptography.hazmat.backends
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa
- import
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-from ansible.module_utils.crypto import (
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-class PrivateKeyError(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError):
- pass
-class PrivateKeyBase(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject):
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(PrivateKeyBase, self).__init__(
- module.params['path'],
- module.params['state'],
- module.params['force'],
- module.check_mode
- )
- self.size = module.params['size']
- self.passphrase = module.params['passphrase']
- self.cipher = module.params['cipher']
- self.privatekey = None
- self.fingerprint = {}
- self.format = module.params['format']
- self.format_mismatch = module.params['format_mismatch']
- self.privatekey_bytes = None
- self.return_content = module.params['return_content']
- self.regenerate = module.params['regenerate']
- if self.regenerate == 'always':
- self.force = True
- self.backup = module.params['backup']
- self.backup_file = None
- if module.params['mode'] is None:
- module.params['mode'] = '0600'
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _generate_private_key(self):
- """(Re-)Generate private key."""
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _ensure_private_key_loaded(self):
- """Make sure that the private key has been loaded."""
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_private_key_data(self):
- """Return bytes for self.privatekey"""
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_fingerprint(self):
- pass
- def generate(self, module):
- """Generate a keypair."""
- if not self.check(module, perms_required=False, ignore_conversion=True) or self.force:
- # Regenerate
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- self._generate_private_key()
- privatekey_data = self._get_private_key_data()
- if self.return_content:
- self.privatekey_bytes = privatekey_data
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, privatekey_data, 0o600)
- self.changed = True
- elif not self.check(module, perms_required=False, ignore_conversion=False):
- # Convert
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- self._ensure_private_key_loaded()
- privatekey_data = self._get_private_key_data()
- if self.return_content:
- self.privatekey_bytes = privatekey_data
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, privatekey_data, 0o600)
- self.changed = True
- self.fingerprint = self._get_fingerprint()
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- def remove(self, module):
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- super(PrivateKeyBase, self).remove(module)
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _check_passphrase(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _check_size_and_type(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _check_format(self):
- pass
- def check(self, module, perms_required=True, ignore_conversion=True):
- """Ensure the resource is in its desired state."""
- state_and_perms = super(PrivateKeyBase, self).check(module, perms_required=False)
- if not state_and_perms:
- # key does not exist
- return False
- if not self._check_passphrase():
- if self.regenerate in ('full_idempotence', 'always'):
- return False
- module.fail_json(msg='Unable to read the key. The key is protected with a another passphrase / no passphrase or broken.'
- ' Will not proceed. To force regeneration, call the module with `generate`'
- ' set to `full_idempotence` or `always`, or with `force=yes`.')
- if self.regenerate != 'never':
- if not self._check_size_and_type():
- if self.regenerate in ('partial_idempotence', 'full_idempotence', 'always'):
- return False
- module.fail_json(msg='Key has wrong type and/or size.'
- ' Will not proceed. To force regeneration, call the module with `generate`'
- ' set to `partial_idempotence`, `full_idempotence` or `always`, or with `force=yes`.')
- if not self._check_format():
- # During conversion step, convert if format does not match and format_mismatch == 'convert'
- if not ignore_conversion and self.format_mismatch == 'convert':
- return False
- # During generation step, regenerate if format does not match and format_mismatch == 'regenerate'
- if ignore_conversion and self.format_mismatch == 'regenerate' and self.regenerate != 'never':
- if not ignore_conversion or self.regenerate in ('partial_idempotence', 'full_idempotence', 'always'):
- return False
- module.fail_json(msg='Key has wrong format.'
- ' Will not proceed. To force regeneration, call the module with `generate`'
- ' set to `partial_idempotence`, `full_idempotence` or `always`, or with `force=yes`.'
- ' To convert the key, set `format_mismatch` to `convert`.')
- # check whether permissions are correct (in case that needs to be checked)
- return not perms_required or super(PrivateKeyBase, self).check(module, perms_required=perms_required)
- def dump(self):
- """Serialize the object into a dictionary."""
- result = {
- 'size': self.size,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'fingerprint': self.fingerprint,
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- if self.privatekey_bytes is None:
- self.privatekey_bytes = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- if self.privatekey_bytes:
- if crypto_utils.identify_private_key_format(self.privatekey_bytes) == 'raw':
- result['privatekey'] = base64.b64encode(self.privatekey_bytes)
- else:
- result['privatekey'] = self.privatekey_bytes.decode('utf-8')
- else:
- result['privatekey'] = None
- return result
-# Implementation with using pyOpenSSL
-class PrivateKeyPyOpenSSL(PrivateKeyBase):
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(PrivateKeyPyOpenSSL, self).__init__(module)
- if module.params['type'] == 'RSA':
- self.type = crypto.TYPE_RSA
- elif module.params['type'] == 'DSA':
- self.type = crypto.TYPE_DSA
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg="PyOpenSSL backend only supports RSA and DSA keys.")
- if self.format != 'auto_ignore':
- module.fail_json(msg="PyOpenSSL backend only supports auto_ignore format.")
- def _generate_private_key(self):
- """(Re-)Generate private key."""
- self.privatekey = crypto.PKey()
- try:
- self.privatekey.generate_key(self.type, self.size)
- except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc:
- raise PrivateKeyError(exc)
- def _ensure_private_key_loaded(self):
- """Make sure that the private key has been loaded."""
- if self.privatekey is None:
- try:
- self.privatekey = privatekey = crypto_utils.load_privatekey(self.path, self.passphrase)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- raise PrivateKeyError(exc)
- def _get_private_key_data(self):
- """Return bytes for self.privatekey"""
- if self.cipher and self.passphrase:
- return crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.privatekey,
- self.cipher, to_bytes(self.passphrase))
- else:
- return crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.privatekey)
- def _get_fingerprint(self):
- return crypto_utils.get_fingerprint(self.path, self.passphrase)
- def _check_passphrase(self):
- try:
- crypto_utils.load_privatekey(self.path, self.passphrase)
- return True
- except Exception as dummy:
- return False
- def _check_size_and_type(self):
- def _check_size(privatekey):
- return self.size == privatekey.bits()
- def _check_type(privatekey):
- return self.type == privatekey.type()
- self._ensure_private_key_loaded()
- return _check_size(self.privatekey) and _check_type(self.privatekey)
- def _check_format(self):
- # Not supported by this backend
- return True
- def dump(self):
- """Serialize the object into a dictionary."""
- result = super(PrivateKeyPyOpenSSL, self).dump()
- if self.type == crypto.TYPE_RSA:
- result['type'] = 'RSA'
- else:
- result['type'] = 'DSA'
- return result
-# Implementation with using cryptography
-class PrivateKeyCryptography(PrivateKeyBase):
- def _get_ec_class(self, ectype):
- ecclass =
- if ecclass is None:
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Your cryptography version does not support {0}'.format(ectype))
- return ecclass
- def _add_curve(self, name, ectype, deprecated=False):
- def create(size):
- ecclass = self._get_ec_class(ectype)
- return ecclass()
- def verify(privatekey):
- ecclass = self._get_ec_class(ectype)
- return isinstance(privatekey.private_numbers().public_numbers.curve, ecclass)
- self.curves[name] = {
- 'create': create,
- 'verify': verify,
- 'deprecated': deprecated,
- }
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(PrivateKeyCryptography, self).__init__(module)
- self.curves = dict()
- self._add_curve('secp384r1', 'SECP384R1')
- self._add_curve('secp521r1', 'SECP521R1')
- self._add_curve('secp224r1', 'SECP224R1')
- self._add_curve('secp192r1', 'SECP192R1')
- self._add_curve('secp256r1', 'SECP256R1')
- self._add_curve('secp256k1', 'SECP256K1')
- self._add_curve('brainpoolP256r1', 'BrainpoolP256R1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('brainpoolP384r1', 'BrainpoolP384R1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('brainpoolP512r1', 'BrainpoolP512R1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('sect571k1', 'SECT571K1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('sect409k1', 'SECT409K1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('sect283k1', 'SECT283K1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('sect233k1', 'SECT233K1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('sect163k1', 'SECT163K1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('sect571r1', 'SECT571R1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('sect409r1', 'SECT409R1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('sect283r1', 'SECT283R1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('sect233r1', 'SECT233R1', deprecated=True)
- self._add_curve('sect163r2', 'SECT163R2', deprecated=True)
- self.module = module
- self.cryptography_backend = cryptography.hazmat.backends.default_backend()
- self.type = module.params['type']
- self.curve = module.params['curve']
- if not CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X25519 and self.type == 'X25519':
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Your cryptography version does not support X25519')
- if not CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X25519_FULL and self.type == 'X25519':
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Your cryptography version does not support X25519 serialization')
- if not CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X448 and self.type == 'X448':
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Your cryptography version does not support X448')
- if not CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED25519 and self.type == 'Ed25519':
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Your cryptography version does not support Ed25519')
- if not CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED448 and self.type == 'Ed448':
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Your cryptography version does not support Ed448')
- def _get_wanted_format(self):
- if self.format not in ('auto', 'auto_ignore'):
- return self.format
- if self.type in ('X25519', 'X448', 'Ed25519', 'Ed448'):
- return 'pkcs8'
- else:
- return 'pkcs1'
- def _generate_private_key(self):
- """(Re-)Generate private key."""
- try:
- if self.type == 'RSA':
- self.privatekey = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.generate_private_key(
- public_exponent=65537, # OpenSSL always uses this
- key_size=self.size,
- backend=self.cryptography_backend
- )
- if self.type == 'DSA':
- self.privatekey = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa.generate_private_key(
- key_size=self.size,
- backend=self.cryptography_backend
- )
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X25519_FULL and self.type == 'X25519':
- self.privatekey = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519.X25519PrivateKey.generate()
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X448 and self.type == 'X448':
- self.privatekey = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x448.X448PrivateKey.generate()
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED25519 and self.type == 'Ed25519':
- self.privatekey = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.generate()
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED448 and self.type == 'Ed448':
- self.privatekey = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448.Ed448PrivateKey.generate()
- if self.type == 'ECC' and self.curve in self.curves:
- if self.curves[self.curve]['deprecated']:
- self.module.warn('Elliptic curves of type {0} should not be used for new keys!'.format(self.curve))
- self.privatekey =
- curve=self.curves[self.curve]['create'](self.size),
- backend=self.cryptography_backend
- )
- except cryptography.exceptions.UnsupportedAlgorithm as dummy:
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Cryptography backend does not support the algorithm required for {0}'.format(self.type))
- def _ensure_private_key_loaded(self):
- """Make sure that the private key has been loaded."""
- if self.privatekey is None:
- self.privatekey = self._load_privatekey()
- def _get_private_key_data(self):
- """Return bytes for self.privatekey"""
- # Select export format and encoding
- try:
- export_format = self._get_wanted_format()
- export_encoding = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding.PEM
- if export_format == 'pkcs1':
- # "TraditionalOpenSSL" format is PKCS1
- export_format = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.PrivateFormat.TraditionalOpenSSL
- elif export_format == 'pkcs8':
- export_format = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8
- elif export_format == 'raw':
- export_format = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.PrivateFormat.Raw
- export_encoding = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding.Raw
- except AttributeError:
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Cryptography backend does not support the selected output format "{0}"'.format(self.format))
- # Select key encryption
- encryption_algorithm = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.NoEncryption()
- if self.cipher and self.passphrase:
- if self.cipher == 'auto':
- encryption_algorithm = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.BestAvailableEncryption(to_bytes(self.passphrase))
- else:
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Cryptography backend can only use "auto" for cipher option.')
- # Serialize key
- try:
- return self.privatekey.private_bytes(
- encoding=export_encoding,
- format=export_format,
- encryption_algorithm=encryption_algorithm
- )
- except ValueError as dummy:
- self.module.fail_json(
- msg='Cryptography backend cannot serialize the private key in the required format "{0}"'.format(self.format)
- )
- except Exception as dummy:
- self.module.fail_json(
- msg='Error while serializing the private key in the required format "{0}"'.format(self.format),
- exception=traceback.format_exc()
- )
- def _load_privatekey(self):
- try:
- # Read bytes
- with open(self.path, 'rb') as f:
- data =
- # Interpret bytes depending on format.
- format = crypto_utils.identify_private_key_format(data)
- if format == 'raw':
- if len(data) == 56 and CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X448:
- return cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x448.X448PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(data)
- if len(data) == 57 and CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED448:
- return cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448.Ed448PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(data)
- if len(data) == 32:
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X25519 and (self.type == 'X25519' or not CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED25519):
- return cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519.X25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(data)
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED25519 and (self.type == 'Ed25519' or not CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X25519):
- return cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(data)
- try:
- return cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519.X25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(data)
- except Exception:
- return cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(data)
- raise PrivateKeyError('Cannot load raw key')
- else:
- return cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_pem_private_key(
- data,
- None if self.passphrase is None else to_bytes(self.passphrase),
- backend=self.cryptography_backend
- )
- except Exception as e:
- raise PrivateKeyError(e)
- def _get_fingerprint(self):
- # Get bytes of public key
- private_key = self._load_privatekey()
- public_key = private_key.public_key()
- public_key_bytes = public_key.public_bytes(
- cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.Encoding.DER,
- cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- )
- # Get fingerprints of public_key_bytes
- return crypto_utils.get_fingerprint_of_bytes(public_key_bytes)
- def _check_passphrase(self):
- try:
- with open(self.path, 'rb') as f:
- data =
- format = crypto_utils.identify_private_key_format(data)
- if format == 'raw':
- # Raw keys cannot be encrypted. To avoid incompatibilities, we try to
- # actually load the key (and return False when this fails).
- self._load_privatekey()
- # Loading the key succeeded. Only return True when no passphrase was
- # provided.
- return self.passphrase is None
- else:
- return cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization.load_pem_private_key(
- data,
- None if self.passphrase is None else to_bytes(self.passphrase),
- backend=self.cryptography_backend
- )
- except Exception as dummy:
- return False
- def _check_size_and_type(self):
- self._ensure_private_key_loaded()
- if isinstance(self.privatekey, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
- return self.type == 'RSA' and self.size == self.privatekey.key_size
- if isinstance(self.privatekey, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa.DSAPrivateKey):
- return self.type == 'DSA' and self.size == self.privatekey.key_size
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X25519 and isinstance(self.privatekey, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519.X25519PrivateKey):
- return self.type == 'X25519'
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X448 and isinstance(self.privatekey, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x448.X448PrivateKey):
- return self.type == 'X448'
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED25519 and isinstance(self.privatekey, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey):
- return self.type == 'Ed25519'
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED448 and isinstance(self.privatekey, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448.Ed448PrivateKey):
- return self.type == 'Ed448'
- if isinstance(self.privatekey,
- if self.type != 'ECC':
- return False
- if self.curve not in self.curves:
- return False
- return self.curves[self.curve]['verify'](self.privatekey)
- return False
- def _check_format(self):
- if self.format == 'auto_ignore':
- return True
- try:
- with open(self.path, 'rb') as f:
- content =
- format = crypto_utils.identify_private_key_format(content)
- return format == self._get_wanted_format()
- except Exception as dummy:
- return False
- def dump(self):
- """Serialize the object into a dictionary."""
- result = super(PrivateKeyCryptography, self).dump()
- result['type'] = self.type
- if self.type == 'ECC':
- result['curve'] = self.curve
- return result
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- size=dict(type='int', default=4096),
- type=dict(type='str', default='RSA', choices=[
- 'DSA', 'ECC', 'Ed25519', 'Ed448', 'RSA', 'X25519', 'X448'
- ]),
- curve=dict(type='str', choices=[
- 'secp384r1', 'secp521r1', 'secp224r1', 'secp192r1', 'secp256r1',
- 'secp256k1', 'brainpoolP256r1', 'brainpoolP384r1', 'brainpoolP512r1',
- 'sect571k1', 'sect409k1', 'sect283k1', 'sect233k1', 'sect163k1',
- 'sect571r1', 'sect409r1', 'sect283r1', 'sect233r1', 'sect163r2',
- ]),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- path=dict(type='path', required=True),
- passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- cipher=dict(type='str'),
- backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- format=dict(type='str', default='auto_ignore', choices=['pkcs1', 'pkcs8', 'raw', 'auto', 'auto_ignore']),
- format_mismatch=dict(type='str', default='regenerate', choices=['regenerate', 'convert']),
- select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', choices=['auto', 'pyopenssl', 'cryptography'], default='auto'),
- return_content=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- regenerate=dict(
- type='str',
- default='full_idempotence',
- choices=['never', 'fail', 'partial_idempotence', 'full_idempotence', 'always']
- ),
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- add_file_common_args=True,
- required_together=[
- ['cipher', 'passphrase']
- ],
- required_if=[
- ['type', 'ECC', ['curve']],
- ],
- )
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(module.params['path']) or '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- module.fail_json(
- name=base_dir,
- msg='The directory %s does not exist or the file is not a directory' % base_dir
- )
- backend = module.params['select_crypto_backend']
- if backend == 'auto':
- # Detection what is possible
- # Decision
- if module.params['cipher'] and module.params['passphrase'] and module.params['cipher'] != 'auto':
- # First try pyOpenSSL, then cryptography
- if can_use_pyopenssl:
- backend = 'pyopenssl'
- elif can_use_cryptography:
- backend = 'cryptography'
- else:
- # First try cryptography, then pyOpenSSL
- if can_use_cryptography:
- backend = 'cryptography'
- elif can_use_pyopenssl:
- backend = 'pyopenssl'
- # Success?
- if backend == 'auto':
- module.fail_json(msg=("Can't detect any of the required Python libraries "
- "cryptography (>= {0}) or PyOpenSSL (>= {1})").format(
- try:
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyOpenSSL >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_PYOPENSSL_VERSION)),
- exception=PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR)
- module.deprecate('The module is using the PyOpenSSL backend. This backend has been deprecated', version='2.13')
- private_key = PrivateKeyPyOpenSSL(module)
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION)),
- private_key = PrivateKeyCryptography(module)
- if private_key.state == 'present':
- if module.check_mode:
- result = private_key.dump()
- result['changed'] = private_key.force \
- or not private_key.check(module, ignore_conversion=True) \
- or not private_key.check(module, ignore_conversion=False)
- module.exit_json(**result)
- private_key.generate(module)
- else:
- if module.check_mode:
- result = private_key.dump()
- result['changed'] = os.path.exists(module.params['path'])
- module.exit_json(**result)
- private_key.remove(module)
- result = private_key.dump()
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index c3f2b16dad..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,651 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2016-2017, Yanis Guenane <>
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Markus Teufelberger <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: openssl_privatekey_info
-version_added: '2.8'
-short_description: Provide information for OpenSSL private keys
- - This module allows one to query information on OpenSSL private keys.
- - In case the key consistency checks fail, the module will fail as this indicates a faked
- private key. In this case, all return variables are still returned. Note that key consistency
- checks are not available all key types; if none is available, C(none) is returned for
- C(key_is_consistent).
- - It uses the pyOpenSSL or cryptography python library to interact with OpenSSL. If both the
- cryptography and PyOpenSSL libraries are available (and meet the minimum version requirements)
- cryptography will be preferred as a backend over PyOpenSSL (unless the backend is forced with
- C(select_crypto_backend)). Please note that the PyOpenSSL backend was deprecated in Ansible 2.9
- and will be removed in Ansible 2.13.
- - PyOpenSSL >= 0.15 or cryptography >= 1.2.3
- - Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)
- - Yanis Guenane (@Spredzy)
- path:
- description:
- - Remote absolute path where the private key file is loaded from.
- type: path
- content:
- description:
- - Content of the private key file.
- - Either I(path) or I(content) must be specified, but not both.
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
- passphrase:
- description:
- - The passphrase for the private key.
- type: str
- return_private_key_data:
- description:
- - Whether to return private key data.
- - Only set this to C(yes) when you want private information about this key to
- leave the remote machine.
- - "WARNING: you have to make sure that private key data isn't accidentally logged!"
- type: bool
- default: no
- select_crypto_backend:
- description:
- - Determines which crypto backend to use.
- - The default choice is C(auto), which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to C(pyopenssl).
- - If set to C(pyopenssl), will try to use the L(pyOpenSSL, library.
- - If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the L(cryptography, library.
- - Please note that the C(pyopenssl) backend has been deprecated in Ansible 2.9, and will be removed in Ansible 2.13.
- From that point on, only the C(cryptography) backend will be available.
- type: str
- default: auto
- choices: [ auto, cryptography, pyopenssl ]
-- module: openssl_privatekey
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL private key with the default values (4096 bits, RSA)
- openssl_privatekey:
- path: /etc/ssl/private/
-- name: Get information on generated key
- openssl_privatekey_info:
- path: /etc/ssl/private/
- register: result
-- name: Dump information
- debug:
- var: result
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Whether the module was able to load the private key from disk
- returned: always
- type: bool
- description: Whether the module was able to parse the private key
- returned: always
- type: bool
- description:
- - Whether the key is consistent. Can also return C(none) next to C(yes) and
- C(no), to indicate that consistency couldn't be checked.
- - In case the check returns C(no), the module will fail.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- description: Private key's public key in PEM format
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8A..."
- description:
- - Fingerprints of private key's public key.
- - For every hash algorithm available, the fingerprint is computed.
- returned: success
- type: dict
- sample: "{'sha256': 'd4:b3:aa:6d:c8:04:ce:4e:ba:f6:29:4d:92:a3:94:b0:c2:ff:bd:bf:33:63:11:43:34:0f:51:b0:95:09:2f:63',
- 'sha512': 'f7:07:4a:f0:b0:f0:e6:8b:95:5f:f9:e6:61:0a:32:68:f1..."
- description:
- - The key's type.
- - One of C(RSA), C(DSA), C(ECC), C(Ed25519), C(X25519), C(Ed448), or C(X448).
- - Will start with C(unknown) if the key type cannot be determined.
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: RSA
- description:
- - Public key data. Depends on key type.
- returned: success
- type: dict
- description:
- - Private key data. Depends on key type.
- returned: success and when I(return_private_key_data) is set to C(yes)
- type: dict
-import abc
-import os
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_bytes
- import OpenSSL
- from OpenSSL import crypto
- PYOPENSSL_VERSION = LooseVersion(OpenSSL.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- import cryptography
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
- try:
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519
- except ImportError:
- try:
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x448
- except ImportError:
- try:
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519
- except ImportError:
- try:
- import cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448
- except ImportError:
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-def _get_cryptography_key_info(key):
- key_public_data = dict()
- key_private_data = dict()
- if isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
- key_type = 'RSA'
- key_public_data['size'] = key.key_size
- key_public_data['modulus'] = key.public_key().public_numbers().n
- key_public_data['exponent'] = key.public_key().public_numbers().e
- key_private_data['p'] = key.private_numbers().p
- key_private_data['q'] = key.private_numbers().q
- key_private_data['exponent'] = key.private_numbers().d
- elif isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa.DSAPrivateKey):
- key_type = 'DSA'
- key_public_data['size'] = key.key_size
- key_public_data['p'] = key.parameters().parameter_numbers().p
- key_public_data['q'] = key.parameters().parameter_numbers().q
- key_public_data['g'] = key.parameters().parameter_numbers().g
- key_public_data['y'] = key.public_key().public_numbers().y
- key_private_data['x'] = key.private_numbers().x
- elif CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X25519 and isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x25519.X25519PrivateKey):
- key_type = 'X25519'
- elif CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_X448 and isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.x448.X448PrivateKey):
- key_type = 'X448'
- elif CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED25519 and isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey):
- key_type = 'Ed25519'
- elif CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED448 and isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448.Ed448PrivateKey):
- key_type = 'Ed448'
- elif isinstance(key,
- key_type = 'ECC'
- key_public_data['curve'] = key.public_key()
- key_public_data['x'] = key.public_key().public_numbers().x
- key_public_data['y'] = key.public_key().public_numbers().y
- key_public_data['exponent_size'] = key.public_key().curve.key_size
- key_private_data['multiplier'] = key.private_numbers().private_value
- else:
- key_type = 'unknown ({0})'.format(type(key))
- return key_type, key_public_data, key_private_data
-def _check_dsa_consistency(key_public_data, key_private_data):
- # Get parameters
- p = key_public_data.get('p')
- q = key_public_data.get('q')
- g = key_public_data.get('g')
- y = key_public_data.get('y')
- x = key_private_data.get('x')
- for v in (p, q, g, y, x):
- if v is None:
- return None
- # Make sure that g is not 0, 1 or -1 in Z/pZ
- if g < 2 or g >= p - 1:
- return False
- # Make sure that x is in range
- if x < 1 or x >= q:
- return False
- # Check whether q divides p-1
- if (p - 1) % q != 0:
- return False
- # Check that g**q mod p == 1
- if crypto_utils.binary_exp_mod(g, q, p) != 1:
- return False
- # Check whether g**x mod p == y
- if crypto_utils.binary_exp_mod(g, x, p) != y:
- return False
- # Check (quickly) whether p or q are not primes
- if crypto_utils.quick_is_not_prime(q) or crypto_utils.quick_is_not_prime(p):
- return False
- return True
-def _is_cryptography_key_consistent(key, key_public_data, key_private_data):
- if isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.rsa.RSAPrivateKey):
- return bool(key._backend._lib.RSA_check_key(key._rsa_cdata))
- if isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.dsa.DSAPrivateKey):
- result = _check_dsa_consistency(key_public_data, key_private_data)
- if result is not None:
- return result
- try:
- signature = key.sign(SIGNATURE_TEST_DATA, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256())
- except AttributeError:
- # sign() was added in cryptography 1.5, but we support older versions
- return None
- try:
- key.public_key().verify(
- signature,
- cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256()
- )
- return True
- except cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature:
- return False
- if isinstance(key,
- try:
- signature = key.sign(
- )
- except AttributeError:
- # sign() was added in cryptography 1.5, but we support older versions
- return None
- try:
- key.public_key().verify(
- signature,
- )
- return True
- except cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature:
- return False
- has_simple_sign_function = False
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED25519 and isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey):
- has_simple_sign_function = True
- if CRYPTOGRAPHY_HAS_ED448 and isinstance(key, cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448.Ed448PrivateKey):
- has_simple_sign_function = True
- if has_simple_sign_function:
- signature = key.sign(SIGNATURE_TEST_DATA)
- try:
- key.public_key().verify(signature, SIGNATURE_TEST_DATA)
- return True
- except cryptography.exceptions.InvalidSignature:
- return False
- # For X25519 and X448, there's no test yet.
- return None
-class PrivateKeyInfo(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject):
- def __init__(self, module, backend):
- super(PrivateKeyInfo, self).__init__(
- module.params['path'] or '',
- 'present',
- False,
- module.check_mode,
- )
- self.backend = backend
- self.module = module
- self.content = module.params['content']
- self.passphrase = module.params['passphrase']
- self.return_private_key_data = module.params['return_private_key_data']
- def generate(self):
- # Empty method because crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject wants this
- pass
- def dump(self):
- # Empty method because crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject wants this
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_public_key(self, binary):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _get_key_info(self):
- pass
- @abc.abstractmethod
- def _is_key_consistent(self, key_public_data, key_private_data):
- pass
- def get_info(self):
- result = dict(
- can_load_key=False,
- can_parse_key=False,
- key_is_consistent=None,
- )
- if self.content is not None:
- priv_key_detail = self.content.encode('utf-8')
- result['can_load_key'] = True
- else:
- try:
- with open(self.path, 'rb') as b_priv_key_fh:
- priv_key_detail =
- result['can_load_key'] = True
- except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
- self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc), **result)
- try:
- self.key = crypto_utils.load_privatekey(
- path=None,
- content=priv_key_detail,
- passphrase=to_bytes(self.passphrase) if self.passphrase is not None else self.passphrase,
- backend=self.backend
- )
- result['can_parse_key'] = True
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as exc:
- self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc), **result)
- result['public_key'] = self._get_public_key(binary=False)
- pk = self._get_public_key(binary=True)
- result['public_key_fingerprints'] = crypto_utils.get_fingerprint_of_bytes(pk) if pk is not None else dict()
- key_type, key_public_data, key_private_data = self._get_key_info()
- result['type'] = key_type
- result['public_data'] = key_public_data
- if self.return_private_key_data:
- result['private_data'] = key_private_data
- result['key_is_consistent'] = self._is_key_consistent(key_public_data, key_private_data)
- if result['key_is_consistent'] is False:
- # Only fail when it is False, to avoid to fail on None (which means "we don't know")
- result['key_is_consistent'] = False
- self.module.fail_json(
- msg="Private key is not consistent! (See "
- "",
- **result
- )
- return result
-class PrivateKeyInfoCryptography(PrivateKeyInfo):
- """Validate the supplied private key, using the cryptography backend"""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(PrivateKeyInfoCryptography, self).__init__(module, 'cryptography')
- def _get_public_key(self, binary):
- return self.key.public_key().public_bytes(
- serialization.Encoding.DER if binary else serialization.Encoding.PEM,
- serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- )
- def _get_key_info(self):
- return _get_cryptography_key_info(self.key)
- def _is_key_consistent(self, key_public_data, key_private_data):
- return _is_cryptography_key_consistent(self.key, key_public_data, key_private_data)
-class PrivateKeyInfoPyOpenSSL(PrivateKeyInfo):
- """validate the supplied private key."""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(PrivateKeyInfoPyOpenSSL, self).__init__(module, 'pyopenssl')
- def _get_public_key(self, binary):
- try:
- return crypto.dump_publickey(
- crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1 if binary else crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- self.key
- )
- except AttributeError:
- try:
- # pyOpenSSL < 16.0:
- bio = crypto._new_mem_buf()
- if binary:
- rc = crypto._lib.i2d_PUBKEY_bio(bio, self.key._pkey)
- else:
- rc = crypto._lib.PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY(bio, self.key._pkey)
- if rc != 1:
- crypto._raise_current_error()
- return crypto._bio_to_string(bio)
- except AttributeError:
- self.module.warn('Your pyOpenSSL version does not support dumping public keys. '
- 'Please upgrade to version 16.0 or newer, or use the cryptography backend.')
- def bigint_to_int(self, bn):
- '''Convert OpenSSL BIGINT to Python integer'''
- if bn == OpenSSL._util.ffi.NULL:
- return None
- hexstr = OpenSSL._util.lib.BN_bn2hex(bn)
- try:
- return int(OpenSSL._util.ffi.string(hexstr), 16)
- finally:
- OpenSSL._util.lib.OPENSSL_free(hexstr)
- def _get_key_info(self):
- key_public_data = dict()
- key_private_data = dict()
- openssl_key_type = self.key.type()
- try_fallback = True
- if crypto.TYPE_RSA == openssl_key_type:
- key_type = 'RSA'
- key_public_data['size'] = self.key.bits()
- try:
- # Use OpenSSL directly to extract key data
- key = OpenSSL._util.lib.EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(self.key._pkey)
- key = OpenSSL._util.ffi.gc(key, OpenSSL._util.lib.RSA_free)
- # OpenSSL 1.1 and newer have functions to extract the parameters
- # from the EVP PKEY data structures. Older versions didn't have
- # these getters, and it was common use to simply access the values
- # directly. Since there's no guarantee that these data structures
- # will still be accessible in the future, we use the getters for
- # 1.1 and later, and directly access the values for 1.0.x and
- # earlier.
- if OpenSSL.SSL.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000:
- # Get modulus and exponents
- n ="BIGNUM **")
- e ="BIGNUM **")
- d ="BIGNUM **")
- OpenSSL._util.lib.RSA_get0_key(key, n, e, d)
- key_public_data['modulus'] = self.bigint_to_int(n[0])
- key_public_data['exponent'] = self.bigint_to_int(e[0])
- key_private_data['exponent'] = self.bigint_to_int(d[0])
- # Get factors
- p ="BIGNUM **")
- q ="BIGNUM **")
- OpenSSL._util.lib.RSA_get0_factors(key, p, q)
- key_private_data['p'] = self.bigint_to_int(p[0])
- key_private_data['q'] = self.bigint_to_int(q[0])
- else:
- # Get modulus and exponents
- key_public_data['modulus'] = self.bigint_to_int(key.n)
- key_public_data['exponent'] = self.bigint_to_int(key.e)
- key_private_data['exponent'] = self.bigint_to_int(key.d)
- # Get factors
- key_private_data['p'] = self.bigint_to_int(key.p)
- key_private_data['q'] = self.bigint_to_int(key.q)
- try_fallback = False
- except AttributeError:
- # Use fallback if available
- pass
- elif crypto.TYPE_DSA == openssl_key_type:
- key_type = 'DSA'
- key_public_data['size'] = self.key.bits()
- try:
- # Use OpenSSL directly to extract key data
- key = OpenSSL._util.lib.EVP_PKEY_get1_DSA(self.key._pkey)
- key = OpenSSL._util.ffi.gc(key, OpenSSL._util.lib.DSA_free)
- # OpenSSL 1.1 and newer have functions to extract the parameters
- # from the EVP PKEY data structures. Older versions didn't have
- # these getters, and it was common use to simply access the values
- # directly. Since there's no guarantee that these data structures
- # will still be accessible in the future, we use the getters for
- # 1.1 and later, and directly access the values for 1.0.x and
- # earlier.
- if OpenSSL.SSL.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000:
- # Get public parameters (primes and group element)
- p ="BIGNUM **")
- q ="BIGNUM **")
- g ="BIGNUM **")
- OpenSSL._util.lib.DSA_get0_pqg(key, p, q, g)
- key_public_data['p'] = self.bigint_to_int(p[0])
- key_public_data['q'] = self.bigint_to_int(q[0])
- key_public_data['g'] = self.bigint_to_int(g[0])
- # Get public and private key exponents
- y ="BIGNUM **")
- x ="BIGNUM **")
- OpenSSL._util.lib.DSA_get0_key(key, y, x)
- key_public_data['y'] = self.bigint_to_int(y[0])
- key_private_data['x'] = self.bigint_to_int(x[0])
- else:
- # Get public parameters (primes and group element)
- key_public_data['p'] = self.bigint_to_int(key.p)
- key_public_data['q'] = self.bigint_to_int(key.q)
- key_public_data['g'] = self.bigint_to_int(key.g)
- # Get public and private key exponents
- key_public_data['y'] = self.bigint_to_int(key.pub_key)
- key_private_data['x'] = self.bigint_to_int(key.priv_key)
- try_fallback = False
- except AttributeError:
- # Use fallback if available
- pass
- else:
- # Return 'unknown'
- key_type = 'unknown ({0})'.format(self.key.type())
- # If needed and if possible, fall back to cryptography
- if try_fallback and PYOPENSSL_VERSION >= LooseVersion('16.1.0') and CRYPTOGRAPHY_FOUND:
- return _get_cryptography_key_info(self.key.to_cryptography_key())
- return key_type, key_public_data, key_private_data
- def _is_key_consistent(self, key_public_data, key_private_data):
- openssl_key_type = self.key.type()
- if crypto.TYPE_RSA == openssl_key_type:
- try:
- return self.key.check()
- except crypto.Error:
- # OpenSSL error means that key is not consistent
- return False
- if crypto.TYPE_DSA == openssl_key_type:
- result = _check_dsa_consistency(key_public_data, key_private_data)
- if result is not None:
- return result
- signature = crypto.sign(self.key, SIGNATURE_TEST_DATA, 'sha256')
- # Verify wants a cert (where it can get the public key from)
- cert = crypto.X509()
- cert.set_pubkey(self.key)
- try:
- crypto.verify(cert, signature, SIGNATURE_TEST_DATA, 'sha256')
- return True
- except crypto.Error:
- return False
- # If needed and if possible, fall back to cryptography
- if PYOPENSSL_VERSION >= LooseVersion('16.1.0') and CRYPTOGRAPHY_FOUND:
- return _is_cryptography_key_consistent(self.key.to_cryptography_key(), key_public_data, key_private_data)
- return None
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- path=dict(type='path'),
- content=dict(type='str'),
- passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- return_private_key_data=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', default='auto', choices=['auto', 'cryptography', 'pyopenssl']),
- ),
- required_one_of=(
- ['path', 'content'],
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['path', 'content'],
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- try:
- if module.params['path'] is not None:
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(module.params['path']) or '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- module.fail_json(
- name=base_dir,
- msg='The directory %s does not exist or the file is not a directory' % base_dir
- )
- backend = module.params['select_crypto_backend']
- if backend == 'auto':
- # Detect what backend we can use
- # If cryptography is available we'll use it
- if can_use_cryptography:
- backend = 'cryptography'
- elif can_use_pyopenssl:
- backend = 'pyopenssl'
- # Fail if no backend has been found
- if backend == 'auto':
- module.fail_json(msg=("Can't detect any of the required Python libraries "
- "cryptography (>= {0}) or PyOpenSSL (>= {1})").format(
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyOpenSSL >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_PYOPENSSL_VERSION)),
- exception=PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR)
- module.deprecate('The module is using the PyOpenSSL backend. This backend has been deprecated', version='2.13')
- privatekey = PrivateKeyInfoPyOpenSSL(module)
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION)),
- privatekey = PrivateKeyInfoCryptography(module)
- result = privatekey.get_info()
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6526b6fe93..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2016, Yanis Guenane <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: openssl_publickey
-version_added: "2.3"
-short_description: Generate an OpenSSL public key from its private key.
- - This module allows one to (re)generate OpenSSL public keys from their private keys.
- - Keys are generated in PEM or OpenSSH format.
- - The module can use the cryptography Python library, or the pyOpenSSL Python
- library. By default, it tries to detect which one is available. This can be
- overridden with the I(select_crypto_backend) option. When I(format) is C(OpenSSH),
- the C(cryptography) backend has to be used. Please note that the PyOpenSSL backend
- was deprecated in Ansible 2.9 and will be removed in Ansible 2.13."
- - Either cryptography >= 1.2.3 (older versions might work as well)
- - Or pyOpenSSL >= 16.0.0
- - Needs cryptography >= 1.4 if I(format) is C(OpenSSH)
- - Yanis Guenane (@Spredzy)
- - Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)
- state:
- description:
- - Whether the public key should exist or not, taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- force:
- description:
- - Should the key be regenerated even it it already exists.
- type: bool
- default: no
- format:
- description:
- - The format of the public key.
- type: str
- default: PEM
- choices: [ OpenSSH, PEM ]
- version_added: "2.4"
- path:
- description:
- - Name of the file in which the generated TLS/SSL public key will be written.
- type: path
- required: true
- privatekey_path:
- description:
- - Path to the TLS/SSL private key from which to generate the public key.
- - Either I(privatekey_path) or I(privatekey_content) must be specified, but not both.
- If I(state) is C(present), one of them is required.
- type: path
- privatekey_content:
- description:
- - The content of the TLS/SSL private key from which to generate the public key.
- - Either I(privatekey_path) or I(privatekey_content) must be specified, but not both.
- If I(state) is C(present), one of them is required.
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
- privatekey_passphrase:
- description:
- - The passphrase for the private key.
- type: str
- version_added: "2.4"
- backup:
- description:
- - Create a backup file including a timestamp so you can get the original
- public key back if you overwrote it with a different one by accident.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.8"
- select_crypto_backend:
- description:
- - Determines which crypto backend to use.
- - The default choice is C(auto), which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to C(pyopenssl).
- - If set to C(pyopenssl), will try to use the L(pyOpenSSL, library.
- - If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the L(cryptography, library.
- type: str
- default: auto
- choices: [ auto, cryptography, pyopenssl ]
- version_added: "2.9"
- return_content:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), will return the (current or generated) public key's content as I(publickey).
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.10"
-- files
-- module: openssl_certificate
-- module: openssl_csr
-- module: openssl_dhparam
-- module: openssl_pkcs12
-- module: openssl_privatekey
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL public key in PEM format
- openssl_publickey:
- path: /etc/ssl/public/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL public key in PEM format from an inline key
- openssl_publickey:
- path: /etc/ssl/public/
- privatekey_content: "{{ private_key_content }}"
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL public key in OpenSSH v2 format
- openssl_publickey:
- path: /etc/ssl/public/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- format: OpenSSH
-- name: Generate an OpenSSL public key with a passphrase protected private key
- openssl_publickey:
- path: /etc/ssl/public/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- privatekey_passphrase: ansible
-- name: Force regenerate an OpenSSL public key if it already exists
- openssl_publickey:
- path: /etc/ssl/public/
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/
- force: yes
-- name: Remove an OpenSSL public key
- openssl_publickey:
- path: /etc/ssl/public/
- state: absent
-RETURN = r'''
- description:
- - Path to the TLS/SSL private key the public key was generated from.
- - Will be C(none) if the private key has been provided in I(privatekey_content).
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /etc/ssl/private/
- description: The format of the public key (PEM, OpenSSH, ...).
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: PEM
- description: Path to the generated TLS/SSL public key file.
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /etc/ssl/public/
- description:
- - The fingerprint of the public key. Fingerprint will be generated for each hashlib.algorithms available.
- - Requires PyOpenSSL >= 16.0 for meaningful output.
- returned: changed or success
- type: dict
- sample:
- md5: "84:75:71:72:8d:04:b5:6c:4d:37:6d:66:83:f5:4c:29"
- sha1: "51:cc:7c:68:5d:eb:41:43:88:7e:1a:ae:c7:f8:24:72:ee:71:f6:10"
- sha224: "b1:19:a6:6c:14:ac:33:1d:ed:18:50:d3:06:5c:b2:32:91:f1:f1:52:8c:cb:d5:75:e9:f5:9b:46"
- sha256: "41:ab:c7:cb:d5:5f:30:60:46:99:ac:d4:00:70:cf:a1:76:4f:24:5d:10:24:57:5d:51:6e:09:97:df:2f:de:c7"
- sha384: "85:39:50:4e:de:d9:19:33:40:70:ae:10:ab:59:24:19:51:c3:a2:e4:0b:1c:b1:6e:dd:b3:0c:d9:9e:6a:46:af:da:18:f8:ef:ae:2e:c0:9a:75:2c:9b:b3:0f:3a:5f:3d"
- sha512: "fd:ed:5e:39:48:5f:9f:fe:7f:25:06:3f:79:08:cd:ee:a5:e7:b3:3d:13:82:87:1f:84:e1:f5:c7:28:77:53:94:86:56:38:69:f0:d9:35:22:01:1e:a6:60:...:0f:9b"
- description: Name of backup file created.
- returned: changed and if I(backup) is C(yes)
- type: str
- sample: /path/to/publickey.pem.2019-03-09@11:22~
- description: The (current or generated) public key's content.
- returned: if I(state) is C(present) and I(return_content) is C(yes)
- type: str
- version_added: "2.10"
-import os
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
- import OpenSSL
- from OpenSSL import crypto
- PYOPENSSL_VERSION = LooseVersion(OpenSSL.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- import cryptography
- from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization as crypto_serialization
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-class PublicKeyError(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError):
- pass
-class PublicKey(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject):
- def __init__(self, module, backend):
- super(PublicKey, self).__init__(
- module.params['path'],
- module.params['state'],
- module.params['force'],
- module.check_mode
- )
- self.format = module.params['format']
- self.privatekey_path = module.params['privatekey_path']
- self.privatekey_content = module.params['privatekey_content']
- if self.privatekey_content is not None:
- self.privatekey_content = self.privatekey_content.encode('utf-8')
- self.privatekey_passphrase = module.params['privatekey_passphrase']
- self.privatekey = None
- self.publickey_bytes = None
- self.return_content = module.params['return_content']
- self.fingerprint = {}
- self.backend = backend
- self.backup = module.params['backup']
- self.backup_file = None
- def _create_publickey(self, module):
- self.privatekey = crypto_utils.load_privatekey(
- path=self.privatekey_path,
- content=self.privatekey_content,
- passphrase=self.privatekey_passphrase,
- backend=self.backend
- )
- if self.backend == 'cryptography':
- if self.format == 'OpenSSH':
- return self.privatekey.public_key().public_bytes(
- crypto_serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH,
- crypto_serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH
- )
- else:
- return self.privatekey.public_key().public_bytes(
- crypto_serialization.Encoding.PEM,
- crypto_serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- )
- else:
- try:
- return crypto.dump_publickey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, self.privatekey)
- except AttributeError as dummy:
- raise PublicKeyError('You need to have PyOpenSSL>=16.0.0 to generate public keys')
- def generate(self, module):
- """Generate the public key."""
- if self.privatekey_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.privatekey_path):
- raise PublicKeyError(
- 'The private key %s does not exist' % self.privatekey_path
- )
- if not self.check(module, perms_required=False) or self.force:
- try:
- publickey_content = self._create_publickey(module)
- if self.return_content:
- self.publickey_bytes = publickey_content
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- crypto_utils.write_file(module, publickey_content)
- self.changed = True
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- raise PublicKeyError(exc)
- except (IOError, OSError) as exc:
- raise PublicKeyError(exc)
- self.fingerprint = crypto_utils.get_fingerprint(
- path=self.privatekey_path,
- content=self.privatekey_content,
- passphrase=self.privatekey_passphrase,
- backend=self.backend,
- )
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- if module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- def check(self, module, perms_required=True):
- """Ensure the resource is in its desired state."""
- state_and_perms = super(PublicKey, self).check(module, perms_required)
- def _check_privatekey():
- if self.privatekey_content is None and not os.path.exists(self.privatekey_path):
- return False
- try:
- with open(self.path, 'rb') as public_key_fh:
- publickey_content =
- if self.return_content:
- self.publickey_bytes = publickey_content
- if self.backend == 'cryptography':
- if self.format == 'OpenSSH':
- # Read and dump public key. Makes sure that the comment is stripped off.
- current_publickey = crypto_serialization.load_ssh_public_key(publickey_content, backend=default_backend())
- publickey_content = current_publickey.public_bytes(
- crypto_serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH,
- crypto_serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH
- )
- else:
- current_publickey = crypto_serialization.load_pem_public_key(publickey_content, backend=default_backend())
- publickey_content = current_publickey.public_bytes(
- crypto_serialization.Encoding.PEM,
- crypto_serialization.PublicFormat.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
- )
- else:
- publickey_content = crypto.dump_publickey(
- crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
- crypto.load_publickey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, publickey_content)
- )
- except Exception as dummy:
- return False
- try:
- desired_publickey = self._create_publickey(module)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- raise PublicKeyError(exc)
- return publickey_content == desired_publickey
- if not state_and_perms:
- return state_and_perms
- return _check_privatekey()
- def remove(self, module):
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = module.backup_local(self.path)
- super(PublicKey, self).remove(module)
- def dump(self):
- """Serialize the object into a dictionary."""
- result = {
- 'privatekey': self.privatekey_path,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'format': self.format,
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'fingerprint': self.fingerprint,
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if self.return_content:
- if self.publickey_bytes is None:
- self.publickey_bytes = crypto_utils.load_file_if_exists(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
- result['publickey'] = self.publickey_bytes.decode('utf-8') if self.publickey_bytes else None
- return result
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- path=dict(type='path', required=True),
- privatekey_path=dict(type='path'),
- privatekey_content=dict(type='str'),
- format=dict(type='str', default='PEM', choices=['OpenSSH', 'PEM']),
- privatekey_passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- select_crypto_backend=dict(type='str', choices=['auto', 'pyopenssl', 'cryptography'], default='auto'),
- return_content=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- add_file_common_args=True,
- required_if=[('state', 'present', ['privatekey_path', 'privatekey_content'], True)],
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['privatekey_path', 'privatekey_content'],
- ),
- )
- minimal_cryptography_version = MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION
- if module.params['format'] == 'OpenSSH':
- minimal_cryptography_version = MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION_OPENSSH
- backend = module.params['select_crypto_backend']
- if backend == 'auto':
- # Detection what is possible
- can_use_cryptography = CRYPTOGRAPHY_FOUND and CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION >= LooseVersion(minimal_cryptography_version)
- # Decision
- if can_use_cryptography:
- backend = 'cryptography'
- elif can_use_pyopenssl:
- if module.params['format'] == 'OpenSSH':
- module.fail_json(
- msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION_OPENSSH)),
- )
- backend = 'pyopenssl'
- # Success?
- if backend == 'auto':
- module.fail_json(msg=("Can't detect any of the required Python libraries "
- "cryptography (>= {0}) or PyOpenSSL (>= {1})").format(
- minimal_cryptography_version,
- if module.params['format'] == 'OpenSSH' and backend != 'cryptography':
- module.fail_json(msg="Format OpenSSH requires the cryptography backend.")
- if backend == 'pyopenssl':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyOpenSSL >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_PYOPENSSL_VERSION)),
- exception=PYOPENSSL_IMP_ERR)
- module.deprecate('The module is using the PyOpenSSL backend. This backend has been deprecated', version='2.13')
- elif backend == 'cryptography':
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(minimal_cryptography_version)),
- base_dir = os.path.dirname(module.params['path']) or '.'
- if not os.path.isdir(base_dir):
- module.fail_json(
- name=base_dir,
- msg="The directory '%s' does not exist or the file is not a directory" % base_dir
- )
- try:
- public_key = PublicKey(module, backend)
- if public_key.state == 'present':
- if module.check_mode:
- result = public_key.dump()
- result['changed'] = module.params['force'] or not public_key.check(module)
- module.exit_json(**result)
- public_key.generate(module)
- else:
- if module.check_mode:
- result = public_key.dump()
- result['changed'] = os.path.exists(module.params['path'])
- module.exit_json(**result)
- public_key.remove(module)
- result = public_key.dump()
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index ef601edadc..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,783 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Felix Fontein <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: x509_crl
-version_added: "2.10"
-short_description: Generate Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
- - This module allows one to (re)generate or update Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).
- - Certificates on the revocation list can be either specified via serial number and (optionally) their issuer,
- or as a path to a certificate file in PEM format.
- - cryptography >= 1.2
- - Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)
- state:
- description:
- - Whether the CRL file should exist or not, taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- mode:
- description:
- - Defines how to process entries of existing CRLs.
- - If set to C(generate), makes sure that the CRL has the exact set of revoked certificates
- as specified in I(revoked_certificates).
- - If set to C(update), makes sure that the CRL contains the revoked certificates from
- I(revoked_certificates), but can also contain other revoked certificates. If the CRL file
- already exists, all entries from the existing CRL will also be included in the new CRL.
- When using C(update), you might be interested in setting I(ignore_timestamps) to C(yes).
- type: str
- default: generate
- choices: [ generate, update ]
- force:
- description:
- - Should the CRL be forced to be regenerated.
- type: bool
- default: no
- backup:
- description:
- - Create a backup file including a timestamp so you can get the original
- CRL back if you overwrote it with a new one by accident.
- type: bool
- default: no
- path:
- description:
- - Remote absolute path where the generated CRL file should be created or is already located.
- type: path
- required: yes
- privatekey_path:
- description:
- - Path to the CA's private key to use when signing the CRL.
- - Either I(privatekey_path) or I(privatekey_content) must be specified if I(state) is C(present), but not both.
- type: path
- privatekey_content:
- description:
- - The content of the CA's private key to use when signing the CRL.
- - Either I(privatekey_path) or I(privatekey_content) must be specified if I(state) is C(present), but not both.
- type: str
- privatekey_passphrase:
- description:
- - The passphrase for the I(privatekey_path).
- - This is required if the private key is password protected.
- type: str
- issuer:
- description:
- - Key/value pairs that will be present in the issuer name field of the CRL.
- - If you need to specify more than one value with the same key, use a list as value.
- - Required if I(state) is C(present).
- type: dict
- last_update:
- description:
- - The point in time from which this CRL can be trusted.
- - Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
- - Time will always be interpreted as UTC.
- - Valid format is C([+-]timespec | ASN.1 TIME) where timespec can be an integer
- + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h).
- - Note that if using relative time this module is NOT idempotent, except when
- I(ignore_timestamps) is set to C(yes).
- type: str
- default: "+0s"
- next_update:
- description:
- - "The absolute latest point in time by which this I(issuer) is expected to have issued
- another CRL. Many clients will treat a CRL as expired once I(next_update) occurs."
- - Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
- - Time will always be interpreted as UTC.
- - Valid format is C([+-]timespec | ASN.1 TIME) where timespec can be an integer
- + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h).
- - Note that if using relative time this module is NOT idempotent, except when
- I(ignore_timestamps) is set to C(yes).
- - Required if I(state) is C(present).
- type: str
- digest:
- description:
- - Digest algorithm to be used when signing the CRL.
- type: str
- default: sha256
- revoked_certificates:
- description:
- - List of certificates to be revoked.
- - Required if I(state) is C(present).
- type: list
- elements: dict
- suboptions:
- path:
- description:
- - Path to a certificate in PEM format.
- - The serial number and issuer will be extracted from the certificate.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(content) and I(serial_number). One of these three options
- must be specified.
- type: path
- content:
- description:
- - Content of a certificate in PEM format.
- - The serial number and issuer will be extracted from the certificate.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(path) and I(serial_number). One of these three options
- must be specified.
- type: str
- serial_number:
- description:
- - Serial number of the certificate.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(path) and I(content). One of these three options must
- be specified.
- type: int
- revocation_date:
- description:
- - The point in time the certificate was revoked.
- - Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
- - Time will always be interpreted as UTC.
- - Valid format is C([+-]timespec | ASN.1 TIME) where timespec can be an integer
- + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h).
- - Note that if using relative time this module is NOT idempotent, except when
- I(ignore_timestamps) is set to C(yes).
- type: str
- default: "+0s"
- issuer:
- description:
- - The certificate's issuer.
- - "Example: C("
- type: list
- elements: str
- issuer_critical:
- description:
- - Whether the certificate issuer extension should be critical.
- type: bool
- default: no
- reason:
- description:
- - The value for the revocation reason extension.
- type: str
- choices:
- - unspecified
- - key_compromise
- - ca_compromise
- - affiliation_changed
- - superseded
- - cessation_of_operation
- - certificate_hold
- - privilege_withdrawn
- - aa_compromise
- - remove_from_crl
- reason_critical:
- description:
- - Whether the revocation reason extension should be critical.
- type: bool
- default: no
- invalidity_date:
- description:
- - The point in time it was known/suspected that the private key was compromised
- or that the certificate otherwise became invalid.
- - Time can be specified either as relative time or as absolute timestamp.
- - Time will always be interpreted as UTC.
- - Valid format is C([+-]timespec | ASN.1 TIME) where timespec can be an integer
- + C([w | d | h | m | s]) (e.g. C(+32w1d2h).
- - Note that if using relative time this module is NOT idempotent. This will NOT
- change when I(ignore_timestamps) is set to C(yes).
- type: str
- invalidity_date_critical:
- description:
- - Whether the invalidity date extension should be critical.
- type: bool
- default: no
- ignore_timestamps:
- description:
- - Whether the timestamps I(last_update), I(next_update) and I(revocation_date) (in
- I(revoked_certificates)) should be ignored for idempotency checks. The timestamp
- I(invalidity_date) in I(revoked_certificates) will never be ignored.
- - Use this in combination with relative timestamps for these values to get idempotency.
- type: bool
- default: no
- return_content:
- description:
- - If set to C(yes), will return the (current or generated) CRL's content as I(crl).
- type: bool
- default: no
- - files
- - All ASN.1 TIME values should be specified following the YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ pattern.
- - Date specified should be UTC. Minutes and seconds are mandatory.
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Generate a CRL
- x509_crl:
- path: /etc/ssl/my-ca.crl
- privatekey_path: /etc/ssl/private/my-ca.pem
- issuer:
- CN: My CA
- last_update: "+0s"
- next_update: "+7d"
- revoked_certificates:
- - serial_number: 1234
- revocation_date: 20190331202428Z
- issuer:
- CN: My CA
- - serial_number: 2345
- revocation_date: 20191013152910Z
- reason: affiliation_changed
- invalidity_date: 20191001000000Z
- - path: /etc/ssl/crt/revoked-cert.pem
- revocation_date: 20191010010203Z
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Path to the generated CRL
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /path/to/my-ca.crl
- description: Name of backup file created.
- returned: changed and if I(backup) is C(yes)
- type: str
- sample: /path/to/my-ca.crl.2019-03-09@11:22~
- description: Path to the private CA key
- returned: changed or success
- type: str
- sample: /path/to/my-ca.pem
- description:
- - The CRL's issuer.
- - Note that for repeated values, only the last one will be returned.
- returned: success
- type: dict
- sample: '{"organizationName": "Ansible", "commonName": ""}'
- description: The CRL's issuer as an ordered list of tuples.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: list
- sample: '[["organizationName", "Ansible"], ["commonName": ""]]'
- description: The point in time from which this CRL can be trusted as ASN.1 TIME.
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: 20190413202428Z
- description: The point in time from which a new CRL will be issued and the client has to check for it as ASN.1 TIME.
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: 20190413202428Z
- description: The signature algorithm used to sign the CRL.
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: sha256WithRSAEncryption
- description: List of certificates to be revoked.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: dict
- contains:
- serial_number:
- description: Serial number of the certificate.
- type: int
- sample: 1234
- revocation_date:
- description: The point in time the certificate was revoked as ASN.1 TIME.
- type: str
- sample: 20190413202428Z
- issuer:
- description: The certificate's issuer.
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: '[""]'
- issuer_critical:
- description: Whether the certificate issuer extension is critical.
- type: bool
- sample: no
- reason:
- description:
- - The value for the revocation reason extension.
- - One of C(unspecified), C(key_compromise), C(ca_compromise), C(affiliation_changed), C(superseded),
- C(cessation_of_operation), C(certificate_hold), C(privilege_withdrawn), C(aa_compromise), and
- C(remove_from_crl).
- type: str
- sample: key_compromise
- reason_critical:
- description: Whether the revocation reason extension is critical.
- type: bool
- sample: no
- invalidity_date:
- description: |
- The point in time it was known/suspected that the private key was compromised
- or that the certificate otherwise became invalid as ASN.1 TIME.
- type: str
- sample: 20190413202428Z
- invalidity_date_critical:
- description: Whether the invalidity date extension is critical.
- type: bool
- sample: no
- description: The (current or generated) CRL's content.
- returned: if I(state) is C(present) and I(return_content) is C(yes)
- type: str
-import os
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native, to_text
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
- import cryptography
- from cryptography import x509
- from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import Encoding
- from cryptography.x509 import (
- CertificateRevocationListBuilder,
- RevokedCertificateBuilder,
- NameAttribute,
- Name,
- )
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-class CRLError(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError):
- pass
-class CRL(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject):
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(CRL, self).__init__(
- module.params['path'],
- module.params['state'],
- module.params['force'],
- module.check_mode
- )
- self.update = module.params['mode'] == 'update'
- self.ignore_timestamps = module.params['ignore_timestamps']
- self.return_content = module.params['return_content']
- self.crl_content = None
- self.privatekey_path = module.params['privatekey_path']
- self.privatekey_content = module.params['privatekey_content']
- if self.privatekey_content is not None:
- self.privatekey_content = self.privatekey_content.encode('utf-8')
- self.privatekey_passphrase = module.params['privatekey_passphrase']
- self.issuer = crypto_utils.parse_name_field(module.params['issuer'])
- self.issuer = [(entry[0], entry[1]) for entry in self.issuer if entry[1]]
- self.last_update = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(module.params['last_update'], 'last_update')
- self.next_update = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(module.params['next_update'], 'next_update')
- self.digest = crypto_utils.select_message_digest(module.params['digest'])
- if self.digest is None:
- raise CRLError('The digest "{0}" is not supported'.format(module.params['digest']))
- self.revoked_certificates = []
- for i, rc in enumerate(module.params['revoked_certificates']):
- result = {
- 'serial_number': None,
- 'revocation_date': None,
- 'issuer': None,
- 'issuer_critical': False,
- 'reason': None,
- 'reason_critical': False,
- 'invalidity_date': None,
- 'invalidity_date_critical': False,
- }
- path_prefix = 'revoked_certificates[{0}].'.format(i)
- if rc['path'] is not None or rc['content'] is not None:
- # Load certificate from file or content
- try:
- if rc['content'] is not None:
- rc['content'] = rc['content'].encode('utf-8')
- cert = crypto_utils.load_certificate(rc['path'], content=rc['content'], backend='cryptography')
- try:
- result['serial_number'] = cert.serial_number
- except AttributeError:
- # The property was called "serial" before cryptography 1.4
- result['serial_number'] = cert.serial
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as e:
- if rc['content'] is not None:
- module.fail_json(
- msg='Cannot parse certificate from {0}content: {1}'.format(path_prefix, to_native(e))
- )
- else:
- module.fail_json(
- msg='Cannot read certificate "{1}" from {0}path: {2}'.format(path_prefix, rc['path'], to_native(e))
- )
- else:
- # Specify serial_number (and potentially issuer) directly
- result['serial_number'] = rc['serial_number']
- # All other options
- if rc['issuer']:
- result['issuer'] = [crypto_utils.cryptography_get_name(issuer) for issuer in rc['issuer']]
- result['issuer_critical'] = rc['issuer_critical']
- result['revocation_date'] = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(
- rc['revocation_date'],
- path_prefix + 'revocation_date'
- )
- if rc['reason']:
- result['reason'] = crypto_utils.REVOCATION_REASON_MAP[rc['reason']]
- result['reason_critical'] = rc['reason_critical']
- if rc['invalidity_date']:
- result['invalidity_date'] = crypto_utils.get_relative_time_option(
- rc['invalidity_date'],
- path_prefix + 'invalidity_date'
- )
- result['invalidity_date_critical'] = rc['invalidity_date_critical']
- self.revoked_certificates.append(result)
- self.module = module
- self.backup = module.params['backup']
- self.backup_file = None
- try:
- self.privatekey = crypto_utils.load_privatekey(
- path=self.privatekey_path,
- content=self.privatekey_content,
- passphrase=self.privatekey_passphrase,
- backend='cryptography'
- )
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLBadPassphraseError as exc:
- raise CRLError(exc)
- self.crl = None
- try:
- with open(self.path, 'rb') as f:
- data =
- self.crl = x509.load_pem_x509_crl(data, default_backend())
- if self.return_content:
- self.crl_content = data
- except Exception as dummy:
- self.crl_content = None
- def remove(self):
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = self.module.backup_local(self.path)
- super(CRL, self).remove(self.module)
- def _compress_entry(self, entry):
- if self.ignore_timestamps:
- # Throw out revocation_date
- return (
- entry['serial_number'],
- tuple(entry['issuer']) if entry['issuer'] is not None else None,
- entry['issuer_critical'],
- entry['reason'],
- entry['reason_critical'],
- entry['invalidity_date'],
- entry['invalidity_date_critical'],
- )
- else:
- return (
- entry['serial_number'],
- entry['revocation_date'],
- tuple(entry['issuer']) if entry['issuer'] is not None else None,
- entry['issuer_critical'],
- entry['reason'],
- entry['reason_critical'],
- entry['invalidity_date'],
- entry['invalidity_date_critical'],
- )
- def check(self, perms_required=True):
- """Ensure the resource is in its desired state."""
- state_and_perms = super(CRL, self).check(self.module, perms_required)
- if not state_and_perms:
- return False
- if self.crl is None:
- return False
- if self.last_update != self.crl.last_update and not self.ignore_timestamps:
- return False
- if self.next_update != self.crl.next_update and not self.ignore_timestamps:
- return False
- if !=
- return False
- want_issuer = [(crypto_utils.cryptography_name_to_oid(entry[0]), entry[1]) for entry in self.issuer]
- if want_issuer != [(sub.oid, sub.value) for sub in self.crl.issuer]:
- return False
- old_entries = [self._compress_entry(crypto_utils.cryptography_decode_revoked_certificate(cert)) for cert in self.crl]
- new_entries = [self._compress_entry(cert) for cert in self.revoked_certificates]
- if self.update:
- # We don't simply use a set so that duplicate entries are treated correctly
- for entry in new_entries:
- try:
- old_entries.remove(entry)
- except ValueError:
- return False
- else:
- if old_entries != new_entries:
- return False
- return True
- def _generate_crl(self):
- backend = default_backend()
- crl = CertificateRevocationListBuilder()
- try:
- crl = crl.issuer_name(Name([
- NameAttribute(crypto_utils.cryptography_name_to_oid(entry[0]), to_text(entry[1]))
- for entry in self.issuer
- ]))
- except ValueError as e:
- raise CRLError(e)
- crl = crl.last_update(self.last_update)
- crl = crl.next_update(self.next_update)
- if self.update and self.crl:
- new_entries = set([self._compress_entry(entry) for entry in self.revoked_certificates])
- for entry in self.crl:
- decoded_entry = self._compress_entry(crypto_utils.cryptography_decode_revoked_certificate(entry))
- if decoded_entry not in new_entries:
- crl = crl.add_revoked_certificate(entry)
- for entry in self.revoked_certificates:
- revoked_cert = RevokedCertificateBuilder()
- revoked_cert = revoked_cert.serial_number(entry['serial_number'])
- revoked_cert = revoked_cert.revocation_date(entry['revocation_date'])
- if entry['issuer'] is not None:
- revoked_cert = revoked_cert.add_extension(
- x509.CertificateIssuer([
- crypto_utils.cryptography_get_name(name) for name in self.entry['issuer']
- ]),
- entry['issuer_critical']
- )
- if entry['reason'] is not None:
- revoked_cert = revoked_cert.add_extension(
- x509.CRLReason(entry['reason']),
- entry['reason_critical']
- )
- if entry['invalidity_date'] is not None:
- revoked_cert = revoked_cert.add_extension(
- x509.InvalidityDate(entry['invalidity_date']),
- entry['invalidity_date_critical']
- )
- crl = crl.add_revoked_certificate(
- self.crl = crl.sign(self.privatekey, self.digest, backend=backend)
- return self.crl.public_bytes(Encoding.PEM)
- def generate(self):
- if not self.check(perms_required=False) or self.force:
- result = self._generate_crl()
- if self.return_content:
- self.crl_content = result
- if self.backup:
- self.backup_file = self.module.backup_local(self.path)
- crypto_utils.write_file(self.module, result)
- self.changed = True
- file_args = self.module.load_file_common_arguments(self.module.params)
- if self.module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
- self.changed = True
- def _dump_revoked(self, entry):
- return {
- 'serial_number': entry['serial_number'],
- 'revocation_date': entry['revocation_date'].strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT),
- 'issuer':
- [crypto_utils.cryptography_decode_name(issuer) for issuer in entry['issuer']]
- if entry['issuer'] is not None else None,
- 'issuer_critical': entry['issuer_critical'],
- 'reason': crypto_utils.REVOCATION_REASON_MAP_INVERSE.get(entry['reason']) if entry['reason'] is not None else None,
- 'reason_critical': entry['reason_critical'],
- 'invalidity_date':
- entry['invalidity_date'].strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
- if entry['invalidity_date'] is not None else None,
- 'invalidity_date_critical': entry['invalidity_date_critical'],
- }
- def dump(self, check_mode=False):
- result = {
- 'changed': self.changed,
- 'filename': self.path,
- 'privatekey': self.privatekey_path,
- 'last_update': None,
- 'next_update': None,
- 'digest': None,
- 'issuer_ordered': None,
- 'issuer': None,
- 'revoked_certificates': [],
- }
- if self.backup_file:
- result['backup_file'] = self.backup_file
- if check_mode:
- result['last_update'] = self.last_update.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
- result['next_update'] = self.next_update.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
- # result['digest'] = crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(self.crl.signature_algorithm_oid)
- result['digest'] = self.module.params['digest']
- result['issuer_ordered'] = self.issuer
- result['issuer'] = {}
- for k, v in self.issuer:
- result['issuer'][k] = v
- result['revoked_certificates'] = []
- for entry in self.revoked_certificates:
- result['revoked_certificates'].append(self._dump_revoked(entry))
- elif self.crl:
- result['last_update'] = self.crl.last_update.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
- result['next_update'] = self.crl.next_update.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
- try:
- result['digest'] = crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(self.crl.signature_algorithm_oid)
- except AttributeError:
- # Older cryptography versions don't have signature_algorithm_oid yet
- dotted = crypto_utils._obj2txt(
- self.crl._backend._lib,
- self.crl._backend._ffi,
- self.crl._x509_crl.sig_alg.algorithm
- )
- oid = x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier(dotted)
- result['digest'] = crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(oid)
- issuer = []
- for attribute in self.crl.issuer:
- issuer.append([crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(attribute.oid), attribute.value])
- result['issuer_ordered'] = issuer
- result['issuer'] = {}
- for k, v in issuer:
- result['issuer'][k] = v
- result['revoked_certificates'] = []
- for cert in self.crl:
- entry = crypto_utils.cryptography_decode_revoked_certificate(cert)
- result['revoked_certificates'].append(self._dump_revoked(entry))
- if self.return_content:
- result['crl'] = self.crl_content
- return result
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- mode=dict(type='str', default='generate', choices=['generate', 'update']),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- path=dict(type='path', required=True),
- privatekey_path=dict(type='path'),
- privatekey_content=dict(type='str'),
- privatekey_passphrase=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- issuer=dict(type='dict'),
- last_update=dict(type='str', default='+0s'),
- next_update=dict(type='str'),
- digest=dict(type='str', default='sha256'),
- ignore_timestamps=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- return_content=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- revoked_certificates=dict(
- type='list',
- elements='dict',
- options=dict(
- path=dict(type='path'),
- content=dict(type='str'),
- serial_number=dict(type='int'),
- revocation_date=dict(type='str', default='+0s'),
- issuer=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- issuer_critical=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- reason=dict(
- type='str',
- choices=[
- 'unspecified', 'key_compromise', 'ca_compromise', 'affiliation_changed',
- 'superseded', 'cessation_of_operation', 'certificate_hold',
- 'privilege_withdrawn', 'aa_compromise', 'remove_from_crl'
- ]
- ),
- reason_critical=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- invalidity_date=dict(type='str'),
- invalidity_date_critical=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- ),
- required_one_of=[['path', 'content', 'serial_number']],
- mutually_exclusive=[['path', 'content', 'serial_number']],
- ),
- ),
- required_if=[
- ('state', 'present', ['privatekey_path', 'privatekey_content'], True),
- ('state', 'present', ['issuer', 'next_update', 'revoked_certificates'], False),
- ],
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['privatekey_path', 'privatekey_content'],
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- add_file_common_args=True,
- )
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION)),
- try:
- crl = CRL(module)
- if module.params['state'] == 'present':
- if module.check_mode:
- result = crl.dump(check_mode=True)
- result['changed'] = module.params['force'] or not crl.check()
- module.exit_json(**result)
- crl.generate()
- else:
- if module.check_mode:
- result = crl.dump(check_mode=True)
- result['changed'] = os.path.exists(module.params['path'])
- module.exit_json(**result)
- crl.remove()
- result = crl.dump()
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(exc))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/ b/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
deleted file mode 100644
index b61db26ff1..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/crypto/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2020, Felix Fontein <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: x509_crl_info
-version_added: "2.10"
-short_description: Retrieve information on Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs)
- - This module allows one to retrieve information on Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).
- - cryptography >= 1.2
- - Felix Fontein (@felixfontein)
- path:
- description:
- - Remote absolute path where the generated CRL file should be created or is already located.
- - Either I(path) or I(content) must be specified, but not both.
- type: path
- content:
- description:
- - Content of the X.509 certificate in PEM format.
- - Either I(path) or I(content) must be specified, but not both.
- type: str
- - All timestamp values are provided in ASN.1 TIME format, i.e. following the C(YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ) pattern.
- They are all in UTC.
- - module: x509_crl
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Get information on CRL
- x509_crl_info:
- path: /etc/ssl/my-ca.crl
- register: result
-- debug:
- msg: "{{ result }}"
-RETURN = r'''
- description:
- - The CRL's issuer.
- - Note that for repeated values, only the last one will be returned.
- returned: success
- type: dict
- sample: '{"organizationName": "Ansible", "commonName": ""}'
- description: The CRL's issuer as an ordered list of tuples.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: list
- sample: '[["organizationName", "Ansible"], ["commonName": ""]]'
- description: The point in time from which this CRL can be trusted as ASN.1 TIME.
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: 20190413202428Z
- description: The point in time from which a new CRL will be issued and the client has to check for it as ASN.1 TIME.
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: 20190413202428Z
- description: The signature algorithm used to sign the CRL.
- returned: success
- type: str
- sample: sha256WithRSAEncryption
- description: List of certificates to be revoked.
- returned: success
- type: list
- elements: dict
- contains:
- serial_number:
- description: Serial number of the certificate.
- type: int
- sample: 1234
- revocation_date:
- description: The point in time the certificate was revoked as ASN.1 TIME.
- type: str
- sample: 20190413202428Z
- issuer:
- description: The certificate's issuer.
- type: list
- elements: str
- sample: '[""]'
- issuer_critical:
- description: Whether the certificate issuer extension is critical.
- type: bool
- sample: no
- reason:
- description:
- - The value for the revocation reason extension.
- - One of C(unspecified), C(key_compromise), C(ca_compromise), C(affiliation_changed), C(superseded),
- C(cessation_of_operation), C(certificate_hold), C(privilege_withdrawn), C(aa_compromise), and
- C(remove_from_crl).
- type: str
- sample: key_compromise
- reason_critical:
- description: Whether the revocation reason extension is critical.
- type: bool
- sample: no
- invalidity_date:
- description: |
- The point in time it was known/suspected that the private key was compromised
- or that the certificate otherwise became invalid as ASN.1 TIME.
- type: str
- sample: 20190413202428Z
- invalidity_date_critical:
- description: Whether the invalidity date extension is critical.
- type: bool
- sample: no
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils import crypto as crypto_utils
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
- import cryptography
- from cryptography import x509
- from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION = LooseVersion(cryptography.__version__)
-except ImportError:
- CRYPTOGRAPHY_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-class CRLError(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError):
- pass
-class CRLInfo(crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject):
- """The main module implementation."""
- def __init__(self, module):
- super(CRLInfo, self).__init__(
- module.params['path'] or '',
- 'present',
- False,
- module.check_mode
- )
- self.content = module.params['content']
- self.module = module
- self.crl = None
- if self.content is None:
- try:
- with open(self.path, 'rb') as f:
- data =
- except Exception as e:
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Error while reading CRL file from disk: {0}'.format(e))
- else:
- data = self.content.encode('utf-8')
- try:
- self.crl = x509.load_pem_x509_crl(data, default_backend())
- except Exception as e:
- self.module.fail_json(msg='Error while decoding CRL: {0}'.format(e))
- def _dump_revoked(self, entry):
- return {
- 'serial_number': entry['serial_number'],
- 'revocation_date': entry['revocation_date'].strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT),
- 'issuer':
- [crypto_utils.cryptography_decode_name(issuer) for issuer in entry['issuer']]
- if entry['issuer'] is not None else None,
- 'issuer_critical': entry['issuer_critical'],
- 'reason': crypto_utils.REVOCATION_REASON_MAP_INVERSE.get(entry['reason']) if entry['reason'] is not None else None,
- 'reason_critical': entry['reason_critical'],
- 'invalidity_date':
- entry['invalidity_date'].strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
- if entry['invalidity_date'] is not None else None,
- 'invalidity_date_critical': entry['invalidity_date_critical'],
- }
- def get_info(self):
- result = {
- 'changed': False,
- 'last_update': None,
- 'next_update': None,
- 'digest': None,
- 'issuer_ordered': None,
- 'issuer': None,
- 'revoked_certificates': [],
- }
- result['last_update'] = self.crl.last_update.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
- result['next_update'] = self.crl.next_update.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FORMAT)
- try:
- result['digest'] = crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(self.crl.signature_algorithm_oid)
- except AttributeError:
- # Older cryptography versions don't have signature_algorithm_oid yet
- dotted = crypto_utils._obj2txt(
- self.crl._backend._lib,
- self.crl._backend._ffi,
- self.crl._x509_crl.sig_alg.algorithm
- )
- oid = x509.oid.ObjectIdentifier(dotted)
- result['digest'] = crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(oid)
- issuer = []
- for attribute in self.crl.issuer:
- issuer.append([crypto_utils.cryptography_oid_to_name(attribute.oid), attribute.value])
- result['issuer_ordered'] = issuer
- result['issuer'] = {}
- for k, v in issuer:
- result['issuer'][k] = v
- result['revoked_certificates'] = []
- for cert in self.crl:
- entry = crypto_utils.cryptography_decode_revoked_certificate(cert)
- result['revoked_certificates'].append(self._dump_revoked(entry))
- return result
- def generate(self):
- # Empty method because crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject wants this
- pass
- def dump(self):
- # Empty method because crypto_utils.OpenSSLObject wants this
- pass
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- path=dict(type='path'),
- content=dict(type='str'),
- ),
- required_one_of=(
- ['path', 'content'],
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ['path', 'content'],
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('cryptography >= {0}'.format(MINIMAL_CRYPTOGRAPHY_VERSION)),
- try:
- crl = CRLInfo(module)
- result = crl.get_info()
- module.exit_json(**result)
- except crypto_utils.OpenSSLObjectError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/ b/lib/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8802a7499b..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2016 Michael Gruener <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-class ModuleDocFragment(object):
- # Standard files documentation fragment
- - "If a new enough version of the C(cryptography) library
- is available (see Requirements for details), it will be used
- instead of the C(openssl) binary. This can be explicitly disabled
- or enabled with the C(select_crypto_backend) option. Note that using
- the C(openssl) binary will be slower and less secure, as private key
- contents always have to be stored on disk (see
- C(account_key_content))."
- - "Although the defaults are chosen so that the module can be used with
- the L(Let's Encrypt, CA, the module can in
- principle be used with any CA providing an ACME endpoint, such as
- L(Buypass Go SSL,"
- - python >= 2.6
- - either openssl or L(cryptography, >= 1.5
- account_key_src:
- description:
- - "Path to a file containing the ACME account RSA or Elliptic Curve
- key."
- - "RSA keys can be created with C(openssl genrsa ...). Elliptic curve keys can
- be created with C(openssl ecparam -genkey ...). Any other tool creating
- private keys in PEM format can be used as well."
- - "Mutually exclusive with C(account_key_content)."
- - "Required if C(account_key_content) is not used."
- type: path
- aliases: [ account_key ]
- account_key_content:
- description:
- - "Content of the ACME account RSA or Elliptic Curve key."
- - "Mutually exclusive with C(account_key_src)."
- - "Required if C(account_key_src) is not used."
- - "*Warning:* the content will be written into a temporary file, which will
- be deleted by Ansible when the module completes. Since this is an
- important private key — it can be used to change the account key,
- or to revoke your certificates without knowing their private keys
- —, this might not be acceptable."
- - "In case C(cryptography) is used, the content is not written into a
- temporary file. It can still happen that it is written to disk by
- Ansible in the process of moving the module with its argument to
- the node where it is executed."
- type: str
- version_added: "2.5"
- account_uri:
- description:
- - "If specified, assumes that the account URI is as given. If the
- account key does not match this account, or an account with this
- URI does not exist, the module fails."
- type: str
- version_added: "2.7"
- acme_version:
- description:
- - "The ACME version of the endpoint."
- - "Must be 1 for the classic Let's Encrypt and Buypass ACME endpoints,
- or 2 for standardized ACME v2 endpoints."
- - "The default value is 1. Note that in Ansible 2.14, this option *will
- be required* and will no longer have a default."
- - "Please also note that we will deprecate ACME v1 support eventually."
- type: int
- choices: [ 1, 2 ]
- version_added: "2.5"
- acme_directory:
- description:
- - "The ACME directory to use. This is the entry point URL to access
- CA server API."
- - "For safety reasons the default is set to the Let's Encrypt staging
- server (for the ACME v1 protocol). This will create technically correct,
- but untrusted certificates."
- - "The default value is U(
- Note that in Ansible 2.14, this option *will be required* and will no longer
- have a default."
- - "For Let's Encrypt, all staging endpoints can be found here:
- U( For Buypass, all
- endpoints can be found here:
- U("
- - "For Let's Encrypt, the production directory URL for ACME v1 is
- U(, and the production
- directory URL for ACME v2 is U("
- - "For Buypass, the production directory URL for ACME v2 and v1 is
- U("
- - "*Warning:* So far, the module has only been tested against Let's Encrypt
- (staging and production), Buypass (staging and production), and
- L(Pebble testing server,"
- type: str
- validate_certs:
- description:
- - Whether calls to the ACME directory will validate TLS certificates.
- - "*Warning:* Should *only ever* be set to C(no) for testing purposes,
- for example when testing against a local Pebble server."
- type: bool
- default: yes
- version_added: "2.5"
- select_crypto_backend:
- description:
- - Determines which crypto backend to use.
- - The default choice is C(auto), which tries to use C(cryptography) if available, and falls back to
- C(openssl).
- - If set to C(openssl), will try to use the C(openssl) binary.
- - If set to C(cryptography), will try to use the
- L(cryptography, library.
- type: str
- default: auto
- choices: [ auto, cryptography, openssl ]
- version_added: "2.7"
diff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/ b/lib/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f20fc7fd5..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c), Entrust Datacard Corporation, 2019
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
-class ModuleDocFragment(object):
- # Plugin options for Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) credentials
- entrust_api_user:
- description:
- - The username for authentication to the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API.
- type: str
- required: true
- entrust_api_key:
- description:
- - The key (password) for authentication to the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API.
- type: str
- required: true
- entrust_api_client_cert_path:
- description:
- - The path to the client certificate used to authenticate to the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API.
- type: path
- required: true
- entrust_api_client_cert_key_path:
- description:
- - The path to the key for the client certificate used to authenticate to the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API.
- type: path
- required: true
- entrust_api_specification_path:
- description:
- - The path to the specification file defining the Entrust Certificate Services (ECS) API configuration.
- - You can use this to keep a local copy of the specification to avoid downloading it every time the module is used.
- type: path
- default:
- - "PyYAML >= 3.11"