path: root/lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 377 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/
deleted file mode 100644
index de4937e25a..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/nxos/
+++ /dev/null
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-# This file is part of Ansible
-# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'network'}
-module: nxos_vxlan_vtep_vni
-extends_documentation_fragment: nxos
-version_added: "2.2"
-short_description: Creates a Virtual Network Identifier member (VNI)
- - Creates a Virtual Network Identifier member (VNI) for an NVE
- overlay interface.
-author: Gabriele Gerbino (@GGabriele)
- - Tested against NXOSv 7.3.(0)D1(1) on VIRL
- - default, where supported, restores params default value.
- interface:
- description:
- - Interface name for the VXLAN Network Virtualization Endpoint.
- required: true
- vni:
- description:
- - ID of the Virtual Network Identifier.
- required: true
- assoc_vrf:
- description:
- - This attribute is used to identify and separate processing VNIs
- that are associated with a VRF and used for routing. The VRF
- and VNI specified with this command must match the configuration
- of the VNI under the VRF.
- type: bool
- ingress_replication:
- description:
- - Specifies mechanism for host reachability advertisement.
- choices: ['bgp','static', 'default']
- multicast_group:
- description:
- - The multicast group (range) of the VNI. Valid values are
- string and keyword 'default'.
- peer_list:
- description:
- - Set the ingress-replication static peer list. Valid values
- are an array, a space-separated string of ip addresses,
- or the keyword 'default'.
- suppress_arp:
- description:
- - Suppress arp under layer 2 VNI.
- type: bool
- suppress_arp_disable:
- description:
- - Overrides the global ARP suppression config.
- This is available on NX-OS 9K series running 9.2.x or higher.
- type: bool
- version_added: "2.8"
- state:
- description:
- - Determines whether the config should be present or not
- on the device.
- default: present
- choices: ['present','absent']
-- nxos_vxlan_vtep_vni:
- interface: nve1
- vni: 6000
- ingress_replication: default
-RETURN = '''
- description: commands sent to the device
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ["interface nve1", "member vni 6000"]
-import re
-from import get_config, load_config
-from import nxos_argument_spec
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from import CustomNetworkConfig
- 'assoc_vrf',
- 'suppress_arp',
- 'suppress_arp_disable',
- 'multicast_group': '',
- 'peer_list': [],
- 'ingress_replication': '',
- 'assoc_vrf': 'associate-vrf',
- 'interface': 'interface',
- 'vni': 'member vni',
- 'ingress_replication': 'ingress-replication protocol',
- 'multicast_group': 'mcast-group',
- 'peer_list': 'peer-ip',
- 'suppress_arp': 'suppress-arp',
- 'suppress_arp_disable': 'suppress-arp disable',
-def get_value(arg, config, module):
- command = PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP[arg]
- command_val_re = re.compile(r'(?:{0}\s)(?P<value>.*)$'.format(command), re.M)
- if arg in BOOL_PARAMS:
- command_re = re.compile(r'\s+{0}\s*$'.format(command), re.M)
- value = False
- if
- value = True
- elif arg == 'peer_list':
- has_command_val = command_val_re.findall(config, re.M)
- value = []
- if has_command_val:
- value = has_command_val
- else:
- value = ''
- has_command_val =, re.M)
- if has_command_val:
- value ='value')
- return value
-def check_interface(module, netcfg):
- config = str(netcfg)
- has_interface ='(?:interface nve)(?P<value>.*)$', config, re.M)
- value = ''
- if has_interface:
- value = 'nve{0}'.format('value'))
- return value
-def get_existing(module, args):
- existing = {}
- netcfg = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=2, contents=get_config(module))
- interface_exist = check_interface(module, netcfg)
- if interface_exist:
- parents = ['interface {0}'.format(interface_exist)]
- temp_config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
- if 'member vni {0} associate-vrf'.format(module.params['vni']) in temp_config:
- parents.append('member vni {0} associate-vrf'.format(module.params['vni']))
- config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
- elif "member vni {0}".format(module.params['vni']) in temp_config:
- parents.append('member vni {0}'.format(module.params['vni']))
- config = netcfg.get_section(parents)
- else:
- config = {}
- if config:
- for arg in args:
- if arg not in ['interface', 'vni']:
- existing[arg] = get_value(arg, config, module)
- existing['interface'] = interface_exist
- existing['vni'] = module.params['vni']
- return existing, interface_exist
-def apply_key_map(key_map, table):
- new_dict = {}
- for key, value in table.items():
- new_key = key_map.get(key)
- if new_key:
- new_dict[new_key] = value
- return new_dict
-def state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate):
- commands = list()
- proposed_commands = apply_key_map(PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP, proposed)
- existing_commands = apply_key_map(PARAM_TO_COMMAND_KEYMAP, existing)
- for key, value in proposed_commands.items():
- if key == 'associate-vrf':
- command = 'member vni {0} {1}'.format(module.params['vni'], key)
- if not value:
- command = 'no {0}'.format(command)
- commands.append(command)
- elif key == 'peer-ip' and value != []:
- for peer in value:
- commands.append('{0} {1}'.format(key, peer))
- elif key == 'mcast-group' and value != existing_commands.get(key):
- commands.append('no {0}'.format(key))
- vni_command = 'member vni {0}'.format(module.params['vni'])
- if vni_command not in commands:
- commands.append('member vni {0}'.format(module.params['vni']))
- if value != PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get('multicast_group', 'default'):
- commands.append('{0} {1}'.format(key, value))
- elif key == 'ingress-replication protocol' and value != existing_commands.get(key):
- evalue = existing_commands.get(key)
- dvalue = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get('ingress_replication', 'default')
- if value != dvalue:
- if evalue and evalue != dvalue:
- commands.append('no {0} {1}'.format(key, evalue))
- commands.append('{0} {1}'.format(key, value))
- else:
- if evalue:
- commands.append('no {0} {1}'.format(key, evalue))
- elif value is True:
- commands.append(key)
- elif value is False:
- commands.append('no {0}'.format(key))
- elif value == 'default' or value == []:
- if existing_commands.get(key):
- existing_value = existing_commands.get(key)
- if key == 'peer-ip':
- for peer in existing_value:
- commands.append('no {0} {1}'.format(key, peer))
- else:
- commands.append('no {0} {1}'.format(key, existing_value))
- else:
- if key.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_') in BOOL_PARAMS:
- commands.append('no {0}'.format(key.lower()))
- else:
- command = '{0} {1}'.format(key, value.lower())
- commands.append(command)
- if commands:
- vni_command = 'member vni {0}'.format(module.params['vni'])
- ingress_replications_command = 'ingress-replication protocol static'
- ingress_replicationb_command = 'ingress-replication protocol bgp'
- ingress_replicationns_command = 'no ingress-replication protocol static'
- ingress_replicationnb_command = 'no ingress-replication protocol bgp'
- interface_command = 'interface {0}'.format(module.params['interface'])
- if any(c in commands for c in (ingress_replications_command, ingress_replicationb_command,
- ingress_replicationnb_command, ingress_replicationns_command)):
- static_level_cmds = [cmd for cmd in commands if 'peer' in cmd]
- parents = [interface_command, vni_command]
- commands = [cmd for cmd in commands if 'peer' not in cmd]
- for cmd in commands:
- parents.append(cmd)
- candidate.add(static_level_cmds, parents=parents)
- elif 'peer-ip' in commands[0]:
- static_level_cmds = [cmd for cmd in commands]
- parents = [interface_command, vni_command, ingress_replications_command]
- candidate.add(static_level_cmds, parents=parents)
- if vni_command in commands:
- parents = [interface_command]
- commands.remove(vni_command)
- if module.params['assoc_vrf'] is None:
- parents.append(vni_command)
- candidate.add(commands, parents=parents)
-def state_absent(module, existing, proposed, candidate):
- if existing['assoc_vrf']:
- commands = ['no member vni {0} associate-vrf'.format(
- module.params['vni'])]
- else:
- commands = ['no member vni {0}'.format(module.params['vni'])]
- parents = ['interface {0}'.format(module.params['interface'])]
- candidate.add(commands, parents=parents)
-def main():
- argument_spec = dict(
- interface=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- vni=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- assoc_vrf=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
- multicast_group=dict(required=False, type='str'),
- peer_list=dict(required=False, type='list'),
- suppress_arp=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
- suppress_arp_disable=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
- ingress_replication=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['bgp', 'static', 'default']),
- state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present', required=False),
- )
- argument_spec.update(nxos_argument_spec)
- mutually_exclusive = [('suppress_arp', 'suppress_arp_disable'),
- ('assoc_vrf', 'multicast_group'),
- ('assoc_vrf', 'suppress_arp'),
- ('assoc_vrf', 'suppress_arp_disable'),
- ('assoc_vrf', 'ingress_replication')]
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- warnings = list()
- result = {'changed': False, 'commands': [], 'warnings': warnings}
- if module.params['peer_list']:
- if module.params['peer_list'][0] != 'default' and module.params['ingress_replication'] != 'static':
- module.fail_json(msg='ingress_replication=static is required '
- 'when using peer_list param')
- else:
- peer_list = module.params['peer_list']
- if peer_list[0] == 'default':
- module.params['peer_list'] = 'default'
- else:
- stripped_peer_list = list(map(str.strip, peer_list))
- module.params['peer_list'] = stripped_peer_list
- state = module.params['state']
- existing, interface_exist = get_existing(module, args)
- if state == 'present':
- if not interface_exist:
- module.fail_json(msg="The proposed NVE interface does not exist. Use nxos_interface to create it first.")
- elif interface_exist != module.params['interface']:
- module.fail_json(msg='Only 1 NVE interface is allowed on the switch.')
- elif state == 'absent':
- if interface_exist != module.params['interface']:
- module.exit_json(**result)
- elif existing and existing['vni'] != module.params['vni']:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="ERROR: VNI delete failed: Could not find vni node for {0}".format(module.params['vni']),
- existing_vni=existing['vni']
- )
- proposed_args = dict((k, v) for k, v in module.params.items()
- if v is not None and k in args)
- proposed = {}
- for key, value in proposed_args.items():
- if key in ['multicast_group', 'peer_list', 'ingress_replication']:
- if str(value).lower() == 'default':
- value = PARAM_TO_DEFAULT_KEYMAP.get(key, 'default')
- if key != 'interface' and existing.get(key) != value:
- proposed[key] = value
- candidate = CustomNetworkConfig(indent=3)
- if state == 'present':
- state_present(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
- elif existing and state == 'absent':
- state_absent(module, existing, proposed, candidate)
- if candidate:
- candidate = candidate.items_text()
- result['changed'] = True
- result['commands'] = candidate
- if not module.check_mode:
- load_config(module, candidate)
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()