path: root/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ansible/modules/network/icx')
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 6313 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
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index 086d6fdd37..0000000000
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-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_banner
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Manage multiline banners on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - This will configure both login and motd banners on remote
- ruckus ICX 7000 series switches. It allows playbooks to add or remove
- banner text from the active running configuration.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1
- banner:
- description:
- - Specifies which banner should be configured on the remote device.
- type: str
- required: true
- choices: ['motd', 'exec', 'incoming']
- text:
- description:
- - The banner text that should be
- present in the remote device running configuration.
- This argument accepts a multiline string, with no empty lines.
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - Specifies whether or not the configuration is
- present in the current devices active running configuration.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- enterkey:
- description:
- - Specifies whether or not the motd configuration should accept
- the require-enter-key
- type: bool
- default: no
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden,
- by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- default: yes
-- name: configure the motd banner
- icx_banner:
- banner: motd
- text: |
- this is my motd banner
- that contains a multiline
- string
- state: present
-- name: remove the motd banner
- icx_banner:
- banner: motd
- state: absent
-- name: configure require-enter-key for motd
- icx_banner:
- banner: motd
- enterkey: True
-- name: remove require-enter-key for motd
- icx_banner:
- banner: motd
- enterkey: False
-RETURN = """
- description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample:
- - banner motd
- - this is my motd banner
- - that contains a multiline
- - string
-import re
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import exec_command
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback
-from import load_config, get_config
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection, ConnectionError
-def map_obj_to_commands(updates, module):
- commands = list()
- state = module.params['state']
- want, have = updates
- if module.params['banner'] != 'motd' and module.params['enterkey']:
- module.fail_json(msg=module.params['banner'] + " banner can have text only, got enterkey")
- if state == 'absent':
- if 'text' in have.keys() and have['text']:
- commands.append('no banner %s' % module.params['banner'])
- if(module.params['enterkey'] is False):
- commands.append('no banner %s require-enter-key' % module.params['banner'])
- elif state == 'present':
- if module.params['text'] is None and module.params['enterkey'] is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=module.params['banner'] + " one of the following is required: text, enterkey:only if motd")
- if module.params["banner"] == "motd" and want['enterkey'] != have['enterkey']:
- if(module.params['enterkey']):
- commands.append('banner %s require-enter-key' % module.params['banner'])
- if want['text'] and (want['text'] != have.get('text')):
- module.params["enterkey"] = None
- banner_cmd = 'banner %s' % module.params['banner']
- banner_cmd += ' $\n'
- banner_cmd += module.params['text'].strip()
- banner_cmd += '\n$'
- commands.append(banner_cmd)
- return commands
-def map_config_to_obj(module):
- compare = module.params.get('check_running_config')
- obj = {'banner': module.params['banner'], 'state': 'absent', 'enterkey': False}
- exec_command(module, 'skip')
- output_text = ''
- output_re = ''
- out = get_config(module, flags=['| begin banner %s'
- % module.params['banner']], compare=module.params['check_running_config'])
- if out:
- try:
- output_re ='banner %s( require-enter-key)' % module.params['banner'], out, re.S).group(0)
- obj['enterkey'] = True
- except BaseException:
- pass
- try:
- output_text ='banner %s (\$([^\$])+\$){1}' % module.params['banner'], out, re.S).group(1).strip('$\n')
- except BaseException:
- pass
- else:
- output_text = None
- if output_text:
- obj['text'] = output_text
- obj['state'] = 'present'
- if module.params['check_running_config'] is False:
- obj = {'banner': module.params['banner'], 'state': 'absent', 'enterkey': False, 'text': 'JUNK'}
- return obj
-def map_params_to_obj(module):
- text = module.params['text']
- if text:
- text = str(text).strip()
- return {
- 'banner': module.params['banner'],
- 'text': text,
- 'state': module.params['state'],
- 'enterkey': module.params['enterkey']
- }
-def main():
- """entry point for module execution
- """
- argument_spec = dict(
- banner=dict(required=True, choices=['motd', 'exec', 'incoming']),
- text=dict(),
- enterkey=dict(type='bool'),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- check_running_config=dict(default=True, type='bool', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_CHECK_ICX_RUNNING_CONFIG']))
- )
- required_one_of = [['text', 'enterkey', 'state']]
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_one_of=required_one_of,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- warnings = list()
- results = {'changed': False}
- want = map_params_to_obj(module)
- have = map_config_to_obj(module)
- commands = map_obj_to_commands((want, have), module)
- results['commands'] = commands
- if commands:
- if not module.check_mode:
- response = load_config(module, commands)
- results['changed'] = True
- module.exit_json(**results)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_command
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Run arbitrary commands on remote Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - Sends arbitrary commands to an ICX node and returns the results
- read from the device. This module includes an
- argument that will cause the module to wait for a specific condition
- before returning or timing out if the condition is not met.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1
- commands:
- description:
- - List of commands to send to the remote ICX device over the
- configured provider. The resulting output from the command
- is returned. If the I(wait_for) argument is provided, the
- module is not returned until the condition is satisfied or
- the number of retries has expired. If a command sent to the
- device requires answering a prompt, checkall and newline if
- multiple prompts, it is possible to pass
- a dict containing I(command), I(answer), I(prompt), I(check_all)
- and I(newline).Common answers are 'y' or "\\r" (carriage return,
- must be double quotes). See examples.
- type: list
- required: true
- wait_for:
- description:
- - List of conditions to evaluate against the output of the
- command. The task will wait for each condition to be true
- before moving forward. If the conditional is not true
- within the configured number of retries, the task fails.
- See examples.
- type: list
- aliases: ['waitfor']
- match:
- description:
- - The I(match) argument is used in conjunction with the
- I(wait_for) argument to specify the match policy. Valid
- values are C(all) or C(any). If the value is set to C(all)
- then all conditionals in the wait_for must be satisfied. If
- the value is set to C(any) then only one of the values must be
- satisfied.
- type: str
- default: all
- choices: ['any', 'all']
- retries:
- description:
- - Specifies the number of times a command should by tried
- before it is considered failed. The command is run on the
- target device every retry and evaluated against the
- I(wait_for) conditions.
- type: int
- default: 10
- interval:
- description:
- - Configures the interval in seconds to wait between retries
- of the command. If the command does not pass the specified
- conditions, the interval indicates how long to wait before
- trying the command again.
- type: int
- default: 1
- - name: run show version on remote devices
- icx_command:
- commands: show version
- - name: run show version and check to see if output contains ICX
- icx_command:
- commands: show version
- wait_for: result[0] contains ICX
- - name: run multiple commands on remote nodes
- icx_command:
- commands:
- - show version
- - show interfaces
- - name: run multiple commands and evaluate the output
- icx_command:
- commands:
- - show version
- - show interfaces
- wait_for:
- - result[0] contains ICX
- - result[1] contains GigabitEthernet1/1/1
- - name: run commands that require answering a prompt
- icx_command:
- commands:
- - command: 'service password-encryption sha1'
- prompt: 'Warning: Moving to higher password-encryption type,.*'
- answer: 'y'
- - name: run commands that require answering multiple prompt
- icx_command:
- commands:
- - command: 'username qqq password qqq'
- prompt:
- - 'User already exists. Do you want to modify:.*'
- - 'To modify or remove user, enter current password:'
- answer:
- - 'y'
- - 'qqq\\\r'
- check_all: True
- newline: False
-RETURN = """
- description: The set of responses from the commands
- returned: always apart from low level errors
- type: list
- sample: ['...', '...']
- description: The value of stdout split into a list
- returned: always apart from low level errors
- type: list
- sample: [['...', '...'], ['...'], ['...']]
- description: The list of conditionals that have failed
- returned: failed
- type: list
- sample: ['...', '...']
-import re
-import time
-from import run_commands
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from import ComplexList, to_lines
-from import Conditional
-from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
-def parse_commands(module, warnings):
- command = ComplexList(dict(
- command=dict(key=True),
- prompt=dict(),
- answer=dict(),
- check_all=dict(type='bool', default='False'),
- newline=dict(type='bool', default='True')
- ), module)
- commands = command(module.params['commands'])
- for item in list(commands):
- if module.check_mode:
- if not item['command'].startswith('show'):
- warnings.append(
- 'Only show commands are supported when using check mode, not executing configure terminal')
- commands.remove(item)
- return commands
-def main():
- """main entry point for module execution
- """
- argument_spec = dict(
- commands=dict(type='list', required=True),
- wait_for=dict(type='list', aliases=['waitfor']),
- match=dict(default='all', choices=['all', 'any']),
- retries=dict(default=10, type='int'),
- interval=dict(default=1, type='int')
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- result = {'changed': False}
- warnings = list()
- run_commands(module, ['skip'])
- commands = parse_commands(module, warnings)
- result['warnings'] = warnings
- wait_for = module.params['wait_for'] or list()
- conditionals = [Conditional(c) for c in wait_for]
- retries = module.params['retries']
- interval = module.params['interval']
- match = module.params['match']
- while retries > 0:
- responses = run_commands(module, commands)
- for item in list(conditionals):
- if item(responses):
- if match == 'any':
- conditionals = list()
- break
- conditionals.remove(item)
- if not conditionals:
- break
- time.sleep(interval)
- retries -= 1
- if conditionals:
- failed_conditions = [item.raw for item in conditionals]
- msg = 'One or more conditional statements have not been satisfied'
- module.fail_json(msg=msg, failed_conditions=failed_conditions)
- result.update({
- 'changed': False,
- 'stdout': responses,
- 'stdout_lines': list(to_lines(responses))
- })
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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index 44f43b6f47..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
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-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_config
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Manage configuration sections of Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - Ruckus ICX configurations use a simple block indent file syntax
- for segmenting configuration into sections. This module provides
- an implementation for working with ICX configuration sections in
- a deterministic way.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- lines:
- description:
- - The ordered set of commands that should be configured in the
- section. The commands must be the exact same commands as found
- in the device running-config. Be sure to note the configuration
- command syntax as some commands are automatically modified by the
- device config parser.
- type: list
- aliases: ['commands']
- parents:
- description:
- - The ordered set of parents that uniquely identify the section or hierarchy
- the commands should be checked against. If the parents argument
- is omitted, the commands are checked against the set of top
- level or global commands.
- type: list
- src:
- description:
- - Specifies the source path to the file that contains the configuration
- or configuration template to load. The path to the source file can
- either be the full path on the Ansible control host or a relative
- path from the playbook or role root directory. This argument is mutually
- exclusive with I(lines), I(parents).
- type: str
- before:
- description:
- - The ordered set of commands to push on to the command stack if
- a change needs to be made. This allows the playbook designer
- the opportunity to perform configuration commands prior to pushing
- any changes without affecting how the set of commands are matched
- against the system.
- type: list
- after:
- description:
- - The ordered set of commands to append to the end of the command
- stack if a change needs to be made. Just like with I(before) this
- allows the playbook designer to append a set of commands to be
- executed after the command set.
- type: list
- match:
- description:
- - Instructs the module on the way to perform the matching of
- the set of commands against the current device config. If
- match is set to I(line), commands are matched line by line. If
- match is set to I(strict), command lines are matched with respect
- to position. If match is set to I(exact), command lines
- must be an equal match. Finally, if match is set to I(none), the
- module will not attempt to compare the source configuration with
- the running configuration on the remote device.
- type: str
- choices: ['line', 'strict', 'exact', 'none']
- default: line
- replace:
- description:
- - Instructs the module on the way to perform the configuration
- on the device. If the replace argument is set to I(line) then
- the modified lines are pushed to the device in configuration
- mode. If the replace argument is set to I(block) then the entire
- command block is pushed to the device in configuration mode if any
- line is not correct.
- type: str
- default: line
- choices: ['line', 'block']
- multiline_delimiter:
- description:
- - This argument is used when pushing a multiline configuration
- element to the ICX device. It specifies the character to use
- as the delimiting character. This only applies to the
- configuration action.
- type: str
- default: "@"
- backup:
- description:
- - This argument will cause the module to create a full backup of
- the current C(running-config) from the remote device before any
- changes are made. The backup file is written to the C(backup)
- folder in the playbook root directory or role root directory, if
- playbook is part of an ansible role. If the directory does not exist,
- it is created.
- type: bool
- default: 'no'
- defaults:
- description:
- - This argument specifies whether or not to collect all defaults
- when getting the remote device running config. When enabled,
- the module will get the current config by issuing the command
- C(show running-config all).
- type: bool
- default: 'no'
- running_config:
- description:
- - The module, by default, will connect to the remote device and
- retrieve the current running-config to use as a base for comparing
- against the contents of source. There are times when it is not
- desirable to have the task get the current running-config for
- every task in a playbook. The I(running_config) argument allows the
- implementer to pass in the configuration to use as the base
- config for comparison.
- type: str
- aliases: ['config']
- save_when:
- description:
- - When changes are made to the device running-configuration, the
- changes are not copied to non-volatile storage by default. Using
- this argument will change that before. If the argument is set to
- I(always), then the running-config will always be copied to the
- start-up configuration and the I(modified) flag will always be set to
- True. If the argument is set to I(modified), then the running-config
- will only be copied to the start-up configuration if it has changed since
- the last save to configuration. If the argument is set to
- I(never), the running-config will never be copied to the
- configuration. If the argument is set to I(changed), then the running-config
- will only be copied to the configuration if the task has made a change.
- type: str
- default: never
- choices: ['always', 'never', 'modified', 'changed']
- diff_against:
- description:
- - When using the C(ansible-playbook --diff) command line argument
- the module can generate diffs against different sources.
- - When this option is configure as I(startup), the module will return
- the diff of the running-config against the configuration.
- - When this option is configured as I(intended), the module will
- return the diff of the running-config against the configuration
- provided in the C(intended_config) argument.
- - When this option is configured as I(running), the module will
- return the before and after diff of the running-config with respect
- to any changes made to the device configuration.
- type: str
- choices: ['running', 'startup', 'intended']
- diff_ignore_lines:
- description:
- - Use this argument to specify one or more lines that should be
- ignored during the diff. This is used for lines in the configuration
- that are automatically updated by the system. This argument takes
- a list of regular expressions or exact line matches.
- type: list
- intended_config:
- description:
- - The C(intended_config) provides the master configuration that
- the node should conform to and is used to check the final
- running-config against. This argument will not modify any settings
- on the remote device and is strictly used to check the compliance
- of the current device's configuration against. When specifying this
- argument, the task should also modify the C(diff_against) value and
- set it to I(intended).
- type: str
-- name: configure top level configuration
- icx_config:
- lines: hostname {{ inventory_hostname }}
-- name: configure interface settings
- icx_config:
- lines:
- - port-name test string
- - ip address
- parents: interface ethernet 1/1/2
-- name: configure ip helpers on multiple interfaces
- icx_config:
- lines:
- - ip helper-address
- - ip helper-address
- parents: "{{ item }}"
- with_items:
- - interface ethernet 1/1/2
- - interface ethernet 1/1/3
-- name: load new acl into device
- icx_config:
- lines:
- - permit ip host any log
- - permit ip host any log
- - permit ip host any log
- - permit ip host any log
- parents: ip access-list extended test
- before: no ip access-list extended test
- match: exact
-- name: check the running-config against master config
- icx_config:
- diff_against: intended
- intended_config: "{{ lookup('file', 'master.cfg') }}"
-- name: check the configuration against the running-config
- icx_config:
- diff_against: startup
- diff_ignore_lines:
- - ntp clock .*
-- name: for idempotency, use full-form commands
- icx_config:
- lines:
- # - en
- - enable
- # parents: int eth1/0/11
- parents: interface ethernet 1/1/2
-# Set boot image based on comparison to a group_var (version) and the version
-# that is returned from the `icx_facts` module
- icx_config:
- lines:
- - no boot system
- - boot system flash bootflash:{{new_image}}
- host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
- when: ansible_net_version != version
-- name: render template onto an ICX device
- icx_config:
- backup: yes
- src: "{{ lookup('file', 'config.j2') }}"
-RETURN = """
- description: The set of commands that will be pushed to the remote device
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ['hostname foo', 'router ospf 1', 'router-id']
- description: The set of commands that will be pushed to the remote device
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ['hostname foo', 'router ospf 1', 'router-id']
- description: The full path to the backup file
- returned: when backup is yes
- type: str
- sample: /playbooks/ansible/backup/icx_config.2016-07-16@22:28:34
-import json
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import ConnectionError
-from import run_commands, get_config
-from import get_defaults_flag, get_connection
-from import check_args as icx_check_args
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from import NetworkConfig, dumps
-def check_args(module, warnings):
- icx_check_args(module, warnings)
- if module.params['multiline_delimiter']:
- if len(module.params['multiline_delimiter']) != 1:
- module.fail_json(msg='multiline_delimiter value can only be a '
- 'single character')
-def edit_config_or_macro(connection, commands):
- if "macro name" in commands[0]:
- connection.edit_macro(candidate=commands)
- else:
- if commands[0] != '':
- connection.edit_config(candidate=commands)
-def get_candidate_config(module):
- candidate = ''
- if module.params['src']:
- candidate = module.params['src']
- elif module.params['lines']:
- candidate_obj = NetworkConfig(indent=1)
- parents = module.params['parents'] or list()
- candidate_obj.add(module.params['lines'], parents=parents)
- candidate = dumps(candidate_obj, 'raw')
- return candidate
-def get_running_config(module, current_config=None, flags=None):
- running = module.params['running_config']
- if not running:
- if not module.params['defaults'] and current_config:
- running = current_config
- else:
- running = get_config(module, flags=flags)
- return running
-def save_config(module, result):
- result['changed'] = True
- if not module.check_mode:
- run_commands(module, 'write memory')
- else:
- module.warn('Skipping command `copy running-config start-up configuration` '
- 'due to check_mode. Configuration not copied to '
- 'non-volatile storage')
-def main():
- """ main entry point for module execution
- """
- argument_spec = dict(
- src=dict(),
- lines=dict(aliases=['commands'], type='list'),
- parents=dict(type='list'),
- before=dict(type='list'),
- after=dict(type='list'),
- match=dict(default='line', choices=['line', 'strict', 'exact', 'none']),
- replace=dict(default='line', choices=['line', 'block']),
- multiline_delimiter=dict(default='@'),
- running_config=dict(aliases=['config']),
- intended_config=dict(),
- defaults=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- save_when=dict(choices=['always', 'never', 'modified', 'changed'], default='never'),
- diff_against=dict(choices=['startup', 'intended', 'running']),
- diff_ignore_lines=dict(type='list'),
- )
- mutually_exclusive = [('lines', 'src'),
- ('parents', 'src')]
- required_if = [('match', 'strict', ['lines']),
- ('match', 'exact', ['lines']),
- ('replace', 'block', ['lines']),
- ('diff_against', 'intended', ['intended_config'])]
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
- required_if=required_if,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- result = {'changed': False}
- warnings = list()
- check_args(module, warnings)
- result['warnings'] = warnings
- run_commands(module, 'skip')
- diff_ignore_lines = module.params['diff_ignore_lines']
- config = None
- contents = None
- flags = None if module.params['defaults'] else []
- connection = get_connection(module)
- if module.params['backup'] or (module._diff and module.params['diff_against'] == 'running'):
- contents = get_config(module, flags=flags)
- config = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=contents)
- if module.params['backup']:
- result['__backup__'] = contents
- if any((module.params['lines'], module.params['src'])):
- match = module.params['match']
- replace = module.params['replace']
- path = module.params['parents']
- candidate = get_candidate_config(module)
- running = get_running_config(module, contents, flags=flags)
- try:
- response = connection.get_diff(candidate=candidate, running=running, diff_match=match, diff_ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines, path=path,
- diff_replace=replace)
- except ConnectionError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_text(exc, errors='surrogate_then_replace'))
- config_diff = response['config_diff']
- banner_diff = response['banner_diff']
- if config_diff or banner_diff:
- commands = config_diff.split('\n')
- if module.params['before']:
- commands[:0] = module.params['before']
- if module.params['after']:
- commands.extend(module.params['after'])
- result['commands'] = commands
- result['updates'] = commands
- result['banners'] = banner_diff
- # send the configuration commands to the device and merge
- # them with the current running config
- if not module.check_mode:
- if commands:
- edit_config_or_macro(connection, commands)
- if banner_diff:
- connection.edit_banner(candidate=json.dumps(banner_diff), multiline_delimiter=module.params['multiline_delimiter'])
- result['changed'] = True
- running_config = module.params['running_config']
- startup_config = None
- if module.params['save_when'] == 'always':
- save_config(module, result)
- elif module.params['save_when'] == 'modified':
- output = run_commands(module, ['show running-config', 'show configuration'])
- running_config = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=output[0], ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines)
- startup_config = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=output[1], ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines)
- if running_config.sha1 != startup_config.sha1:
- save_config(module, result)
- elif module.params['save_when'] == 'changed' and result['changed']:
- save_config(module, result)
- if module._diff:
- if not running_config:
- output = run_commands(module, 'show running-config')
- contents = output[0]
- else:
- contents = running_config
- # recreate the object in order to process diff_ignore_lines
- running_config = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=contents, ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines)
- if module.params['diff_against'] == 'running':
- if module.check_mode:
- module.warn("unable to perform diff against running-config due to check mode")
- contents = None
- else:
- contents = config.config_text
- elif module.params['diff_against'] == 'startup':
- if not startup_config:
- output = run_commands(module, 'show configuration')
- contents = output[0]
- else:
- contents = startup_config.config_text
- elif module.params['diff_against'] == 'intended':
- contents = module.params['intended_config']
- if contents is not None:
- base_config = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=contents, ignore_lines=diff_ignore_lines)
- if running_config.sha1 != base_config.sha1:
- if module.params['diff_against'] == 'intended':
- before = running_config
- after = base_config
- elif module.params['diff_against'] in ('startup', 'running'):
- before = base_config
- after = running_config
- result.update({
- 'changed': True,
- 'diff': {'before': str(before), 'after': str(after)}
- })
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index 08f2e8366d..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_copy
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Transfer files from or to remote Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - This module transfers files from or to remote devices running ICX.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- upload:
- description:
- - Name of the resource to be uploaded. Mutually exclusive with download.
- type: str
- choices: ['running-config', 'startup-config', 'flash_primary', 'flash_secondary']
- download:
- description:
- - Name of the resource to be downloaded. Mutually exclusive with upload.
- type: str
- choices: ['running-config', 'startup-config', 'flash_primary', 'flash_secondary', 'bootrom', 'fips-primary-sig', 'fips-secondary-sig', 'fips-bootrom-sig']
- protocol:
- description:
- - Data transfer protocol to be used
- type: str
- choices: ['scp', 'https']
- required: true
- remote_server:
- description:
- - IP address of the remote server
- type: str
- required: true
- remote_port:
- description:
- - The port number of the remote host. Default values will be selected based on protocol type.
- Default scp:22, http:443
- type: str
- remote_filename:
- description:
- - The name or path of the remote file/resource to be uploaded or downloaded.
- type: str
- required: true
- remote_user:
- description:
- - remote username to be used for scp login.
- type: str
- remote_pass:
- description:
- - remote password to be used for scp login.
- type: str
- public_key:
- description:
- - public key type to be used to login to scp server
- type: str
- choices: ['rsa', 'dsa']
-- name: upload running-config to the remote scp server
- icx_copy:
- upload: running-config
- protocol: scp
- remote_server:
- remote_filename: running.conf
- remote_user: user1
- remote_pass: pass123
-- name: download running-config from the remote scp server
- icx_copy:
- download: running-config
- protocol: scp
- remote_server:
- remote_filename: running.conf
- remote_user: user1
- remote_pass: pass123
-- name: download running-config from the remote scp server using rsa public key
- icx_copy:
- download: running-config
- protocol: scp
- remote_server:
- remote_filename: running.conf
- remote_user: user1
- remote_pass: pass123
- public_key: rsa
-- name: upload startup-config to the remote https server
- icx_copy:
- upload: startup-config
- protocol: https
- remote_server:
- remote_filename: config/running.conf
- remote_user: user1
- remote_pass: pass123
-- name: upload startup-config to the remote https server
- icx_copy:
- upload: startup-config
- protocol: https
- remote_server:
- remote_filename: config/running.conf
- remote_user: user1
- remote_pass: pass123
-- name: Download OS image into the flash from remote scp ipv6 server
- icx_copy:
- download: startup-config
- protocol: scp
- remote_server: ipv6 FE80:CD00:0000:0CDE:1257:0000:211E:729C
- remote_filename: img.bin
- remote_user: user1
- remote_pass: pass123
-- name: Download OS image into the secondary flash from remote scp ipv6 server
- icx_copy:
- Download: flash_secondary
- protocol: scp
- remote_server: ipv6 FE80:CD00:0000:0CDE:1257:0000:211E:729C
- remote_filename: img.bin
- remote_user: user1
- remote_pass: pass123
-- name: Download OS image into the secondary flash from remote scp ipv6 server on port 5000
- icx_copy:
- Download: flash_secondary
- protocol: scp
- remote_server: ipv6 FE80:CD00:0000:0CDE:1257:0000:211E:729C
- remote_port: 5000
- remote_filename: img.bin
- remote_user: user1
- remote_pass: pass123
-- name: Download OS image into the primary flash from remote https ipv6 server
- icx_copy:
- Download: flash_primary
- protocol: https
- remote_server: ipv6 FE80:CD00:0000:0CDE:1257:0000:211E:729C
- remote_filename: images/img.bin
- remote_user: user1
- remote_pass: pass123
-- name: Download OS image into the primary flash from remote https ipv6 server on port 8080
- icx_copy:
- Download: flash_primary
- protocol: https
- remote_server: ipv6 FE80:CD00:0000:0CDE:1257:0000:211E:729C
- remote_port: 8080
- remote_filename: images/img.bin
- remote_user: user1
- remote_pass: pass123
-RETURN = """
- description: true when downloaded any configuration or flash. false otherwise.
- returned: always
- type: bool
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import ConnectionError, exec_command
-from import exec_scp, run_commands
-def map_params_to_obj(module):
- command = dict()
- if(module.params['protocol'] == 'scp'):
- if(module.params['upload'] is not None):
- module.params["upload"] = module.params["upload"].replace("flash_primary", "primary")
- module.params["upload"] = module.params["upload"].replace("flash_secondary", "secondary")
- if(module.params["upload"] == 'running-config' or module.params["upload"] == 'startup-config'):
- command["command"] = "copy %s scp %s%s %s%s" % (module.params['upload'],
- module.params["remote_server"],
- " " + module.params["remote_port"] if module.params["remote_port"] else "",
- module.params["remote_filename"],
- "public-key " + module.params["public_key"] if module.params["public_key"] else "")
- else:
- command["command"] = "copy flash scp %s%s %s%s %s" % (module.params["remote_server"],
- " " + module.params["remote_port"] if module.params["remote_port"] else "",
- module.params["remote_filename"],
- "public-key " + module.params["public_key"] if module.params["public_key"] else "",
- module.params["upload"])
- command["scp_user"] = module.params["remote_user"]
- command["scp_pass"] = module.params["remote_pass"]
- if(module.params['download'] is not None):
- module.params["download"] = module.params["download"].replace("flash_primary", "primary")
- module.params["download"] = module.params["download"].replace("flash_secondary", "secondary")
- if(module.params["download"] == 'running-config' or module.params["download"] == 'startup-config'):
- command["command"] = "copy scp %s %s%s %s%s" % (module.params['download'],
- module.params["remote_server"],
- " " + module.params["remote_port"] if module.params["remote_port"] else "",
- module.params["remote_filename"],
- "public-key " + module.params["public_key"] if module.params["public_key"] else "")
- else:
- command["command"] = "copy scp flash %s%s %s%s %s" % (module.params["remote_server"],
- " " + module.params["remote_port"] if module.params["remote_port"] else "",
- module.params["remote_filename"],
- "public-key " + module.params["public_key"] if module.params["public_key"] else "",
- module.params["download"])
- command["scp_user"] = module.params["remote_user"]
- command["scp_pass"] = module.params["remote_pass"]
- if(module.params['protocol'] == 'https'):
- if(module.params['upload'] is not None):
- module.params["upload"] = module.params["upload"].replace("flash_primary", "primary")
- module.params["upload"] = module.params["upload"].replace("flash_secondary", "secondary")
- if(module.params["upload"] == 'running-config' or module.params["upload"] == 'startup-config'):
- command["command"] = "copy %s https %s %s%s" % (module.params['upload'],
- module.params["remote_server"],
- module.params["remote_filename"],
- " port " + module.params["remote_port"] if module.params["remote_port"] else "")
- else:
- command["command"] = "copy https flash %s %s %s%s" % (module.params["remote_server"],
- module.params["remote_filename"],
- module.params['upload'],
- " port " + module.params["remote_port"] if module.params["remote_port"] else "")
- if(module.params['download'] is not None):
- module.params["download"] = module.params["download"].replace("flash_primary", "primary")
- module.params["download"] = module.params["download"].replace("flash_secondary", "secondary")
- if(module.params["download"] == 'running-config' or module.params["download"] == 'startup-config'):
- command["command"] = "copy https %s %s %s%s" % (module.params['download'],
- module.params["remote_server"],
- module.params["remote_filename"],
- " port " + module.params["remote_port"] if module.params["remote_port"] else "")
- else:
- command["command"] = "copy https flash %s %s %s%s" % (module.params["remote_server"],
- module.params["remote_filename"],
- module.params['download'],
- " port " + module.params["remote_port"] if module.params["remote_port"] else "")
- return command
-def checkValidations(module):
- validation = dict(
- scp=dict(
- upload=[
- 'running-config',
- 'startup-config',
- 'flash_primary',
- 'flash_secondary'],
- download=[
- 'running-config',
- 'startup-config',
- 'flash_primary',
- 'flash_secondary',
- 'bootrom',
- 'fips-primary-sig',
- 'fips-secondary-sig',
- 'fips-bootrom-sig']),
- https=dict(
- upload=[
- 'running-config',
- 'startup-config'],
- download=[
- 'flash_primary',
- 'flash_secondary',
- 'startup-config']))
- protocol = module.params['protocol']
- upload = module.params['upload']
- download = module.params['download']
- if(protocol == 'scp' and module.params['remote_user'] is None):
- module.fail_json(msg="While using scp remote_user argument is required")
- if(upload is None and download is None):
- module.fail_json(msg="Upload or download params are required.")
- if(upload is not None and download is not None):
- module.fail_json(msg="Only upload or download can be used at a time.")
- if(upload):
- if(not (upload in validation.get(protocol).get("upload"))):
- module.fail_json(msg="Specified resource '" + upload + "' can't be uploaded to '" + protocol + "'")
- if(download):
- if(not (download in validation.get(protocol).get("download"))):
- module.fail_json(msg="Specified resource '" + download + "' can't be downloaded from '" + protocol + "'")
-def main():
- """entry point for module execution
- """
- argument_spec = dict(
- upload=dict(
- type='str',
- required=False,
- choices=[
- 'running-config',
- 'flash_primary',
- 'flash_secondary',
- 'startup-config']),
- download=dict(
- type='str',
- required=False,
- choices=[
- 'running-config',
- 'startup-config',
- 'flash_primary',
- 'flash_secondary',
- 'bootrom',
- 'fips-primary-sig',
- 'fips-secondary-sig',
- 'fips-bootrom-sig']),
- protocol=dict(
- type='str',
- required=True,
- choices=[
- 'https',
- 'scp']),
- remote_server=dict(
- type='str',
- required=True),
- remote_port=dict(
- type='str',
- required=False),
- remote_filename=dict(
- type='str',
- required=True),
- remote_user=dict(
- type='str',
- required=False),
- remote_pass=dict(
- type='str',
- required=False,
- no_log=True),
- public_key=dict(
- type='str',
- required=False,
- choices=[
- 'rsa',
- 'dsa']))
- mutually_exclusive = [['upload', 'download']]
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec, supports_check_mode=False, mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive)
- checkValidations(module)
- warnings = list()
- result = {'changed': False, 'warnings': warnings}
- exec_command(module, 'skip')
- response = ''
- try:
- command = map_params_to_obj(module)
- result['commands'] = [command["command"]]
- if(module.params['protocol'] == 'scp'):
- response = exec_scp(module, command)
- else:
- response = run_commands(module, command)
- if('Response Code: 404' in response):
- module.fail_json(msg=response)
- else:
- result['response'] = "in progress..."
- if(module.params["download"] is not None):
- result['changed'] = True
- except ConnectionError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_text(exc, errors='surrogate_then_replace'))
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index d2cf9fbc97..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,549 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_facts
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Collect facts from remote Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - Collects a base set of device facts from a remote device that
- is running ICX. This module prepends all of the
- base network fact keys with C(ansible_net_<fact>). The facts
- module will always collect a base set of facts from the device
- and can enable or disable collection of additional facts.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- gather_subset:
- description:
- - When supplied, this argument will restrict the facts collected
- to a given subset. Possible values for this argument include
- all, hardware, config, and interfaces. Can specify a list of
- values to include a larger subset. Values can also be used
- with an initial C(M(!)) to specify that a specific subset should
- not be collected.
- required: false
- type: list
- default: '!config'
-# Collect all facts from the device
-- icx_facts:
- gather_subset: all
-# Collect only the config and default facts
-- icx_facts:
- gather_subset:
- - config
-# Do not collect hardware facts
-- icx_facts:
- gather_subset:
- - "!hardware"
-RETURN = """
- description: The list of fact subsets collected from the device
- returned: always
- type: list
-# default
- description: The model name returned from the device
- returned: always
- type: str
- description: The serial number of the remote device
- returned: always
- type: str
- description: The operating system version running on the remote device
- returned: always
- type: str
- description: The configured hostname of the device
- returned: always
- type: str
- description: The image file the device is running
- returned: always
- type: str
- description: The model names of each device in the stack
- returned: when multiple devices are configured in a stack
- type: list
- description: The serial numbers of each device in the stack
- returned: when multiple devices are configured in a stack
- type: list
-# hardware
- description: All file system names available on the device
- returned: when hardware is configured
- type: list
- description: A hash of all file systems containing info about each file system (e.g. free and total space)
- returned: when hardware is configured
- type: dict
- description: The available free memory on the remote device in Mb
- returned: when hardware is configured
- type: int
- description: The total memory on the remote device in Mb
- returned: when hardware is configured
- type: int
-# config
- description: The current active config from the device
- returned: when config is configured
- type: str
-# interfaces
- description: All IPv4 addresses configured on the device
- returned: when interfaces is configured
- type: list
- description: All IPv6 addresses configured on the device
- returned: when interfaces is configured
- type: list
- description: A hash of all interfaces running on the system
- returned: when interfaces is configured
- type: dict
- description: The list of LLDP neighbors from the remote device
- returned: when interfaces is configured
- type: dict
-import re
-from import run_commands
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import zip
-class FactsBase(object):
- COMMANDS = list()
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.module = module
- self.facts = dict()
- self.responses = None
- def populate(self):
- self.responses = run_commands(self.module, commands=self.COMMANDS, check_rc=False)
- def run(self, cmd):
- return run_commands(self.module, commands=cmd, check_rc=False)
-class Default(FactsBase):
- COMMANDS = ['show version', 'show running-config | include hostname']
- def populate(self):
- super(Default, self).run(['skip'])
- super(Default, self).populate()
- data = self.responses[0]
- if data:
- self.facts['version'] = self.parse_version(data)
- self.facts['serialnum'] = self.parse_serialnum(data)
- self.facts['model'] = self.parse_model(data)
- self.facts['image'] = self.parse_image(data)
- self.facts['hostname'] = self.parse_hostname(self.responses[1])
- self.parse_stacks(data)
- def parse_version(self, data):
- match ='SW: Version ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9a-zA-Z]+)', data)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_hostname(self, data):
- match ='^hostname (\S+)', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_model(self, data):
- match ='HW: (\S+ \S+)', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_image(self, data):
- match ='\([0-9]+ bytes\) from \S+ (\S+)', data)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_serialnum(self, data):
- match ='Serial #:(\S+)', data)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_stacks(self, data):
- match = re.findall(r'UNIT [1-9]+: SL [1-9]+: (\S+)', data, re.M)
- if match:
- self.facts['stacked_models'] = match
- match = re.findall(r'^System [Ss]erial [Nn]umber\s+: (\S+)', data, re.M)
- if match:
- self.facts['stacked_serialnums'] = match
-class Hardware(FactsBase):
- 'show memory',
- 'show flash'
- ]
- def populate(self):
- super(Hardware, self).populate()
- data = self.responses[0]
- if data:
- self.facts['filesystems'] = self.parse_filesystems(data)
- self.facts['filesystems_info'] = self.parse_filesystems_info(self.responses[1])
- if data:
- if 'Invalid input detected' in data:
- warnings.append('Unable to gather memory statistics')
- else:
- match ='Dynamic memory: ([0-9]+) bytes total, ([0-9]+) bytes free, ([0-9]+%) used', data)
- if match:
- self.facts['memtotal_mb'] = int( / 1024
- self.facts['memfree_mb'] = int( / 1024
- def parse_filesystems(self, data):
- return "flash"
- def parse_filesystems_info(self, data):
- facts = dict()
- fs = ''
- for line in data.split('\n'):
- match = re.match(r'^(Stack unit \S+):', line)
- if match:
- fs =
- facts[fs] = dict()
- continue
- match = re.match(r'\W+NAND Type: Micron NAND (\S+)', line)
- if match:
- facts[fs]['spacetotal'] =
- match = re.match(r'\W+Code Flash Free Space = (\S+)', line)
- if match:
- facts[fs]['spacefree'] = int(int( / 1024)
- facts[fs]['spacefree'] = str(facts[fs]['spacefree']) + "Kb"
- return {"flash": facts}
-class Config(FactsBase):
- COMMANDS = ['skip', 'show running-config']
- def populate(self):
- super(Config, self).populate()
- data = self.responses[1]
- if data:
- self.facts['config'] = data
-class Interfaces(FactsBase):
- 'skip',
- 'show interfaces',
- 'show running-config',
- 'show lldp',
- 'show media'
- ]
- def populate(self):
- super(Interfaces, self).populate()
- self.facts['all_ipv4_addresses'] = list()
- self.facts['all_ipv6_addresses'] = list()
- data = self.responses[1]
- if data:
- interfaces = self.parse_interfaces(data)
- self.facts['interfaces'] = self.populate_interfaces(interfaces)
- data = self.responses[1]
- if data:
- data = self.parse_interfaces(data)
- self.populate_ipv4_interfaces(data)
- data = self.responses[2]
- if data:
- self.populate_ipv6_interfaces(data)
- data = self.responses[3]
- lldp_errs = ['Invalid input', 'LLDP is not enabled']
- if data and not any(err in data for err in lldp_errs):
- neighbors =['show lldp neighbors detail'])
- if neighbors:
- self.facts['neighbors'] = self.parse_neighbors(neighbors[0])
- data = self.responses[4]
- self.populate_mediatype(data)
- interfaceList = {}
- for iface in self.facts['interfaces']:
- if 'type' in self.facts['interfaces'][iface]:
- newName = self.facts['interfaces'][iface]['type'] + iface
- else:
- newName = iface
- interfaceList[newName] = self.facts['interfaces'][iface]
- self.facts['interfaces'] = interfaceList
- def populate_mediatype(self, data):
- lines = data.split("\n")
- for line in lines:
- match = re.match(r'Port (\S+):\W+Type\W+:\W+(.*)', line)
- if match:
- self.facts['interfaces'][]["mediatype"] =
- def populate_interfaces(self, interfaces):
- facts = dict()
- for key, value in iteritems(interfaces):
- intf = dict()
- intf['description'] = self.parse_description(value)
- intf['macaddress'] = self.parse_macaddress(value)
- intf['mtu'] = self.parse_mtu(value)
- intf['bandwidth'] = self.parse_bandwidth(value)
- intf['duplex'] = self.parse_duplex(value)
- intf['lineprotocol'] = self.parse_lineprotocol(value)
- intf['operstatus'] = self.parse_operstatus(value)
- intf['type'] = self.parse_type(value)
- facts[key] = intf
- return facts
- def populate_ipv4_interfaces(self, data):
- for key, value in data.items():
- self.facts['interfaces'][key]['ipv4'] = dict()
- primary_address = addresses = []
- primary_address = re.findall(r'Internet address is (\S+/\S+), .*$', value, re.M)
- addresses = re.findall(r'Secondary address (.+)$', value, re.M)
- if len(primary_address) == 0:
- continue
- addresses.append(primary_address[0])
- for address in addresses:
- addr, subnet = address.split("/")
- ipv4 = dict(address=addr.strip(), subnet=subnet.strip())
- self.add_ip_address(addr.strip(), 'ipv4')
- self.facts['interfaces'][key]['ipv4'] = ipv4
- def populate_ipv6_interfaces(self, data):
- parts = data.split("\n")
- for line in parts:
- match = re.match(r'\W*interface \S+ (\S+)', line)
- if match:
- key =
- try:
- self.facts['interfaces'][key]['ipv6'] = list()
- except KeyError:
- self.facts['interfaces'][key] = dict()
- self.facts['interfaces'][key]['ipv6'] = list()
- self.facts['interfaces'][key]['ipv6'] = {}
- continue
- match = re.match(r'\W+ipv6 address (\S+)/(\S+)', line)
- if match:
- self.add_ip_address(, "ipv6")
- self.facts['interfaces'][key]['ipv6']["address"] =
- self.facts['interfaces'][key]['ipv6']["subnet"] =
- def add_ip_address(self, address, family):
- if family == 'ipv4':
- self.facts['all_ipv4_addresses'].append(address)
- else:
- self.facts['all_ipv6_addresses'].append(address)
- def parse_neighbors(self, neighbors):
- facts = dict()
- for entry in neighbors.split('------------------------------------------------'):
- if entry == '':
- continue
- intf = self.parse_lldp_intf(entry)
- if intf not in facts:
- facts[intf] = list()
- fact = dict()
- fact['host'] = self.parse_lldp_host(entry)
- fact['port'] = self.parse_lldp_port(entry)
- facts[intf].append(fact)
- return facts
- def parse_interfaces(self, data):
- parsed = dict()
- key = ''
- for line in data.split('\n'):
- if len(line) == 0:
- continue
- elif line[0] == ' ':
- parsed[key] += '\n%s' % line
- else:
- match = re.match(r'\S+Ethernet(\S+)', line)
- if match:
- key =
- parsed[key] = line
- return parsed
- def parse_description(self, data):
- match ='Port name is ([ \S]+)', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_macaddress(self, data):
- match ='Hardware is \S+, address is (\S+)', data)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_ipv4(self, data):
- match ='Internet address is (\S+)', data)
- if match:
- addr, masklen ='/')
- return dict(address=addr, masklen=int(masklen))
- def parse_mtu(self, data):
- match ='MTU (\d+)', data)
- if match:
- return int(
- def parse_bandwidth(self, data):
- match ='Configured speed (\S+), actual (\S+)', data)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_duplex(self, data):
- match ='configured duplex (\S+), actual (\S+)', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_mediatype(self, data):
- match ='media type is (.+)$', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_type(self, data):
- match ='Hardware is (.+),', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_lineprotocol(self, data):
- match ='line protocol is (.+)$', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_operstatus(self, data):
- match ='^(?:.+) is (.+),', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_lldp_intf(self, data):
- match ='^Local Intf: (.+)$', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_lldp_host(self, data):
- match ='System Name: (.+)$', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
- def parse_lldp_port(self, data):
- match ='Port id: (.+)$', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
- default=Default,
- hardware=Hardware,
- interfaces=Interfaces,
- config=Config,
-VALID_SUBSETS = frozenset(FACT_SUBSETS.keys())
-warnings = list()
-def main():
- """main entry point for module execution
- """
- argument_spec = dict(
- gather_subset=dict(default=['!config'], type='list')
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- gather_subset = module.params['gather_subset']
- runable_subsets = set()
- exclude_subsets = set()
- for subset in gather_subset:
- if subset == 'all':
- runable_subsets.update(VALID_SUBSETS)
- continue
- if subset.startswith('!'):
- subset = subset[1:]
- if subset == 'all':
- exclude_subsets.update(VALID_SUBSETS)
- continue
- exclude = True
- else:
- exclude = False
- if subset not in VALID_SUBSETS:
- module.fail_json(msg='Bad subset')
- if exclude:
- exclude_subsets.add(subset)
- else:
- runable_subsets.add(subset)
- if not runable_subsets:
- runable_subsets.update(VALID_SUBSETS)
- runable_subsets.difference_update(exclude_subsets)
- runable_subsets.add('default')
- facts = dict()
- facts['gather_subset'] = list(runable_subsets)
- instances = list()
- for key in runable_subsets:
- instances.append(FACT_SUBSETS[key](module))
- for inst in instances:
- inst.populate()
- facts.update(inst.facts)
- ansible_facts = dict()
- for key, value in iteritems(facts):
- key = 'ansible_net_%s' % key
- ansible_facts[key] = value
- module.exit_json(ansible_facts=ansible_facts, warnings=warnings)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index 252044aaff..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_interface
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Manage Interface on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - This module provides declarative management of Interfaces
- on ruckus icx devices.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the Interface.
- type: str
- description:
- description:
- - Name of the description.
- type: str
- enabled:
- description:
- - Interface link status
- default: yes
- type: bool
- speed:
- description:
- - Interface link speed/duplex
- choices: ['10-full', '10-half', '100-full', '100-half', '1000-full', '1000-full-master',
- '1000-full-slave', '10g-full', '10g-full-master', '10g-full-slave', '2500-full', '2500-full-master',
- '2500-full-slave', '5g-full', '5g-full-master', '5g-full-slave', 'auto']
- type: str
- stp:
- description:
- - enable/disable stp for the interface
- type: bool
- tx_rate:
- description:
- - Transmit rate in bits per second (bps).
- - This is state check parameter only.
- - Supports conditionals, see L(Conditionals in Networking Modules,../network/user_guide/network_working_with_command_output.html)
- type: str
- rx_rate:
- description:
- - Receiver rate in bits per second (bps).
- - This is state check parameter only.
- - Supports conditionals, see L(Conditionals in Networking Modules,../network/user_guide/network_working_with_command_output.html)
- type: str
- neighbors:
- description:
- - Check the operational state of given interface C(name) for CDP/LLDP neighbor.
- - The following suboptions are available.
- type: list
- suboptions:
- host:
- description:
- - "CDP/LLDP neighbor host for given interface C(name)."
- type: str
- port:
- description:
- - "CDP/LLDP neighbor port to which given interface C(name) is connected."
- type: str
- delay:
- description:
- - Time in seconds to wait before checking for the operational state on remote
- device. This wait is applicable for operational state argument which are
- I(state) with values C(up)/C(down), I(tx_rate) and I(rx_rate).
- type: int
- default: 10
- state:
- description:
- - State of the Interface configuration, C(up) means present and
- operationally up and C(down) means present and operationally C(down)
- default: present
- type: str
- choices: ['present', 'absent', 'up', 'down']
- power:
- description:
- - Inline power on Power over Ethernet (PoE) ports.
- type: dict
- suboptions:
- by_class:
- description:
- - "The range is 0-4"
- - "The power limit based on class value for given interface C(name)"
- choices: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']
- type: str
- limit:
- description:
- - "The range is 1000-15400|30000mW. For PoH ports the range is 1000-95000mW"
- - "The power limit based on actual power value for given interface C(name)"
- type: str
- priority:
- description:
- - "The range is 1 (highest) to 3 (lowest)"
- - "The priority for power management or given interface C(name)"
- choices: ['1', '2', '3']
- type: str
- enabled:
- description:
- - "enable/disable the poe of the given interface C(name)"
- default: no
- type: bool
- aggregate:
- description:
- - List of Interfaces definitions.
- type: list
- suboptions:
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the Interface.
- type: str
- description:
- description:
- - Name of the description.
- type: str
- enabled:
- description:
- - Interface link status
- type: bool
- speed:
- description:
- - Interface link speed/duplex
- choices: ['10-full', '10-half', '100-full', '100-half', '1000-full', '1000-full-master',
- '1000-full-slave', '10g-full', '10g-full-master', '10g-full-slave', '2500-full', '2500-full-master',
- '2500-full-slave', '5g-full', '5g-full-master', '5g-full-slave', 'auto']
- type: str
- stp:
- description:
- - enable/disable stp for the interface
- type: bool
- tx_rate:
- description:
- - Transmit rate in bits per second (bps).
- - This is state check parameter only.
- - Supports conditionals, see L(Conditionals in Networking Modules,../network/user_guide/network_working_with_command_output.html)
- type: str
- rx_rate:
- description:
- - Receiver rate in bits per second (bps).
- - This is state check parameter only.
- - Supports conditionals, see L(Conditionals in Networking Modules,../network/user_guide/network_working_with_command_output.html)
- type: str
- neighbors:
- description:
- - Check the operational state of given interface C(name) for CDP/LLDP neighbor.
- - The following suboptions are available.
- type: list
- suboptions:
- host:
- description:
- - "CDP/LLDP neighbor host for given interface C(name)."
- type: str
- port:
- description:
- - "CDP/LLDP neighbor port to which given interface C(name) is connected."
- type: str
- delay:
- description:
- - Time in seconds to wait before checking for the operational state on remote
- device. This wait is applicable for operational state argument which are
- I(state) with values C(up)/C(down), I(tx_rate) and I(rx_rate).
- type: int
- state:
- description:
- - State of the Interface configuration, C(up) means present and
- operationally up and C(down) means present and operationally C(down)
- type: str
- choices: ['present', 'absent', 'up', 'down']
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- - Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- power:
- description:
- - Inline power on Power over Ethernet (PoE) ports.
- type: dict
- suboptions:
- by_class:
- description:
- - "The range is 0-4"
- - "The power limit based on class value for given interface C(name)"
- choices: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']
- type: str
- limit:
- description:
- - "The range is 1000-15400|30000mW. For PoH ports the range is 1000-95000mW"
- - "The power limit based on actual power value for given interface C(name)"
- type: str
- priority:
- description:
- - "The range is 1 (highest) to 3 (lowest)"
- - "The priority for power management or given interface C(name)"
- choices: ['1', '2', '3']
- type: str
- enabled:
- description:
- - "enable/disable the poe of the given interface C(name)"
- type: bool
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- - Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden,
- by specifying it as module parameter.
- default: yes
- type: bool
-- name: enable ethernet port and set name
- icx_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1
- description: interface-1
- stp: true
- enabled: true
-- name: disable ethernet port 1/1/1
- icx_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1
- enabled: false
-- name: enable ethernet port range, set name and speed.
- icx_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/10
- description: interface-1
- speed: 100-full
- enabled: true
-- name: enable poe. Set class.
- icx_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1
- power:
- by_class: 2
-- name: configure poe limit of interface
- icx_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1
- power:
- limit: 10000
-- name: disable poe of interface
- icx_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1
- power:
- enabled: false
-- name: set lag name for a range of lags
- icx_interface:
- name: lag 1 to 10
- description: test lags
-- name: Disable lag
- icx_interface:
- name: lag 1
- enabled: false
-- name: enable management interface
- icx_interface:
- name: management 1
- enabled: true
-- name: enable loopback interface
- icx_interface:
- name: loopback 10
- enabled: true
-- name: Add interface using aggregate
- icx_interface:
- aggregate:
- - { name: ethernet 1/1/1, description: test-interface-1, power: { by_class: 2 } }
- - { name: ethernet 1/1/3, description: test-interface-3}
- speed: 10-full
- enabled: true
-- name: Check tx_rate, rx_rate intent arguments
- icx_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/10
- state: up
- tx_rate: ge(0)
- rx_rate: le(0)
-- name: Check neighbors intent arguments
- icx_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/10
- neighbors:
- - port: 1/1/5
- host: netdev
-RETURN = """
- description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample:
- - interface ethernet 1/1/1
- - port-name interface-1
- - state present
- - speed-duplex 100-full
- - inline power priority 1
-import re
-from copy import deepcopy
-from time import sleep
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback
-from import NetworkConfig
-from import load_config, get_config
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection, ConnectionError, exec_command
-from import conditional, remove_default_spec
-def parse_enable(configobj, name):
- cfg = configobj['interface %s' % name]
- cfg = '\n'.join(cfg.children)
- match ='^disable', cfg, re.M)
- if match:
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def parse_power_argument(configobj, name):
- cfg = configobj['interface %s' % name]
- cfg = '\n'.join(cfg.children)
- match ='(^inline power|^inline power(.*))+$', cfg, re.M)
- if match:
- return
-def parse_config_argument(configobj, name, arg=None):
- cfg = configobj['interface %s' % name]
- cfg = '\n'.join(cfg.children)
- match ='%s (.+)$' % arg, cfg, re.M)
- if match:
- return
-def parse_stp_arguments(module, item):
- rc, out, err = exec_command(module, 'show interfaces ' + item)
- match ='STP configured to (\S+),', out, re.S)
- if match:
- return True if == "ON" else False
-def search_obj_in_list(name, lst):
- for o in lst:
- if o['name'] == name:
- return o
- return None
-def validate_power(module, power):
- count = 0
- for item in power:
- if power.get(item) is not None:
- count += 1
- if count > 1:
- module.fail_json(msg='power parameters are mutually exclusive: class,limit,priority,enabled')
-def add_command_to_interface(interface, cmd, commands):
- if interface not in commands:
- commands.append(interface)
- commands.append(cmd)
-def map_config_to_obj(module):
- compare = module.params['check_running_config']
- config = get_config(module, None, compare)
- configobj = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=config)
- match = re.findall(r'^interface (.+)$', config, re.M)
- if not match:
- return list()
- instances = list()
- for item in set(match):
- obj = {
- 'name': item,
- 'port-name': parse_config_argument(configobj, item, 'port-name'),
- 'speed-duplex': parse_config_argument(configobj, item, 'speed-duplex'),
- 'stp': parse_stp_arguments(module, item),
- 'disable': True if parse_enable(configobj, item) else False,
- 'power': parse_power_argument(configobj, item),
- 'state': 'present'
- }
- instances.append(obj)
- return instances
-def parse_poe_config(poe, power):
- if poe.get('by_class') is not None:
- power += 'power-by-class %s' % poe.get('by_class')
- elif poe.get('limit') is not None:
- power += 'power-limit %s' % poe.get('limit')
- elif poe.get('priority') is not None:
- power += 'priority %s' % poe.get('priority')
- elif poe.get('enabled'):
- power = 'inline power'
- elif poe.get('enabled') is False:
- power = 'no inline power'
- return power
-def map_params_to_obj(module):
- obj = []
- aggregate = module.params.get('aggregate')
- if aggregate:
- for item in aggregate:
- for key in item:
- if item.get(key) is None:
- item[key] = module.params[key]
- item['port-name'] = item.pop('description')
- item['speed-duplex'] = item.pop('speed')
- poe = item.get('power')
- if poe:
- validate_power(module, poe)
- power = 'inline power' + ' '
- power_arg = parse_poe_config(poe, power)
- item.update({'power': power_arg})
- d = item.copy()
- if d['enabled']:
- d['disable'] = False
- else:
- d['disable'] = True
- obj.append(d)
- else:
- params = {
- 'name': module.params['name'],
- 'port-name': module.params['description'],
- 'speed-duplex': module.params['speed'],
- 'stp': module.params['stp'],
- 'delay': module.params['delay'],
- 'state': module.params['state'],
- 'tx_rate': module.params['tx_rate'],
- 'rx_rate': module.params['rx_rate'],
- 'neighbors': module.params['neighbors']
- }
- poe = module.params.get('power')
- if poe:
- validate_power(module, poe)
- power = 'inline power' + ' '
- power_arg = parse_poe_config(poe, power)
- params.update({'power': power_arg})
- if module.params['enabled']:
- params.update({'disable': False})
- else:
- params.update({'disable': True})
- obj.append(params)
- return obj
-def map_obj_to_commands(updates):
- commands = list()
- want, have = updates
- args = ('speed-duplex', 'port-name', 'power', 'stp')
- for w in want:
- name = w['name']
- disable = w['disable']
- state = w['state']
- obj_in_have = search_obj_in_list(name, have)
- interface = 'interface ' + name
- if state == 'absent' and have == []:
- commands.append('no ' + interface)
- elif state == 'absent' and obj_in_have:
- commands.append('no ' + interface)
- elif state in ('present', 'up', 'down'):
- if obj_in_have:
- for item in args:
- candidate = w.get(item)
- running = obj_in_have.get(item)
- if candidate == 'no inline power' and running is None:
- candidate = None
- if candidate != running:
- if candidate:
- if item == 'power':
- cmd = str(candidate)
- elif item == 'stp':
- cmd = 'spanning-tree' if candidate else 'no spanning-tree'
- else:
- cmd = item + ' ' + str(candidate)
- add_command_to_interface(interface, cmd, commands)
- if disable and not obj_in_have.get('disable', False):
- add_command_to_interface(interface, 'disable', commands)
- elif not disable and obj_in_have.get('disable', False):
- add_command_to_interface(interface, 'enable', commands)
- else:
- commands.append(interface)
- for item in args:
- value = w.get(item)
- if value:
- if item == 'power':
- commands.append(str(value))
- elif item == 'stp':
- cmd = 'spanning-tree' if item else 'no spanning-tree'
- else:
- commands.append(item + ' ' + str(value))
- if disable:
- commands.append('disable')
- if disable is False:
- commands.append('enable')
- return commands
-def check_declarative_intent_params(module, want, result):
- failed_conditions = []
- have_neighbors_lldp = None
- have_neighbors_cdp = None
- for w in want:
- want_state = w.get('state')
- want_tx_rate = w.get('tx_rate')
- want_rx_rate = w.get('rx_rate')
- want_neighbors = w.get('neighbors')
- if want_state not in ('up', 'down') and not want_tx_rate and not want_rx_rate and not want_neighbors:
- continue
- if result['changed']:
- sleep(w['delay'])
- command = 'show interfaces %s' % w['name']
- rc, out, err = exec_command(module, command)
- if rc != 0:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_text(err, errors='surrogate_then_replace'), command=command, rc=rc)
- if want_state in ('up', 'down'):
- match ='%s (\w+)' % 'line protocol is', out, re.M)
- have_state = None
- if match:
- have_state =
- if have_state is None or not conditional(want_state, have_state.strip()):
- failed_conditions.append('state ' + 'eq(%s)' % want_state)
- if want_tx_rate:
- match ='%s (\d+)' % 'output rate:', out, re.M)
- have_tx_rate = None
- if match:
- have_tx_rate =
- if have_tx_rate is None or not conditional(want_tx_rate, have_tx_rate.strip(), cast=int):
- failed_conditions.append('tx_rate ' + want_tx_rate)
- if want_rx_rate:
- match ='%s (\d+)' % 'input rate:', out, re.M)
- have_rx_rate = None
- if match:
- have_rx_rate =
- if have_rx_rate is None or not conditional(want_rx_rate, have_rx_rate.strip(), cast=int):
- failed_conditions.append('rx_rate ' + want_rx_rate)
- if want_neighbors:
- have_host = []
- have_port = []
- if have_neighbors_lldp is None:
- rc, have_neighbors_lldp, err = exec_command(module, 'show lldp neighbors detail')
- if rc != 0:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_text(err, errors='surrogate_then_replace'), command=command, rc=rc)
- if have_neighbors_lldp:
- lines = have_neighbors_lldp.strip().split('Local port: ')
- for line in lines:
- field = line.split('\n')
- if field[0].strip() == w['name'].split(' ')[1]:
- for item in field:
- match ='\s*\+\s+System name\s+:\s+"(.*)"', item, re.M)
- if match:
- have_host.append(
- match ='\s*\+\s+Port description\s+:\s+"(.*)"', item, re.M)
- if match:
- have_port.append(
- for item in want_neighbors:
- host = item.get('host')
- port = item.get('port')
- if host and host not in have_host:
- failed_conditions.append('host ' + host)
- if port and port not in have_port:
- failed_conditions.append('port ' + port)
- return failed_conditions
-def main():
- """ main entry point for module execution
- """
- power_spec = dict(
- by_class=dict(choices=['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']),
- limit=dict(type='str'),
- priority=dict(choices=['1', '2', '3']),
- enabled=dict(type='bool')
- )
- neighbors_spec = dict(
- host=dict(),
- port=dict()
- )
- element_spec = dict(
- name=dict(),
- description=dict(),
- enabled=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- speed=dict(type='str', choices=['10-full', '10-half', '100-full', '100-half', '1000-full', '1000-full-master',
- '1000-full-slave', '10g-full', '10g-full-master', '10g-full-slave', '2500-full', '2500-full-master',
- '2500-full-slave', '5g-full', '5g-full-master', '5g-full-slave', 'auto']),
- stp=dict(type='bool'),
- tx_rate=dict(),
- rx_rate=dict(),
- neighbors=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=neighbors_spec),
- delay=dict(default=10, type='int'),
- state=dict(default='present',
- choices=['present', 'absent', 'up', 'down']),
- power=dict(type='dict', options=power_spec),
- check_running_config=dict(default=True, type='bool', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_CHECK_ICX_RUNNING_CONFIG']))
- )
- aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec)
- aggregate_spec['name'] = dict(required=True)
- remove_default_spec(aggregate_spec)
- argument_spec = dict(
- aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec),
- )
- argument_spec.update(element_spec)
- required_one_of = [['name', 'aggregate']]
- mutually_exclusive = [['name', 'aggregate']]
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_one_of=required_one_of,
- mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- warnings = list()
- result = {}
- result['changed'] = False
- if warnings:
- result['warnings'] = warnings
- exec_command(module, 'skip')
- want = map_params_to_obj(module)
- have = map_config_to_obj(module)
- commands = map_obj_to_commands((want, have))
- result['commands'] = commands
- if commands:
- if not module.check_mode:
- load_config(module, commands)
- result['changed'] = True
- failed_conditions = check_declarative_intent_params(module, want, result)
- if failed_conditions:
- msg = 'One or more conditional statements have not been satisfied'
- module.fail_json(msg=msg, failed_conditions=failed_conditions)
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index eb3f127aa3..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_l3_interface
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Manage Layer-3 interfaces on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - This module provides declarative management of Layer-3 interfaces
- on ICX network devices.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the Layer-3 interface to be configured eg. GigabitEthernet0/2, ve 10, ethernet 1/1/1
- type: str
- ipv4:
- description:
- - IPv4 address to be set for the Layer-3 interface mentioned in I(name) option.
- The address format is <ipv4 address>/<mask>, the mask is number
- in range 0-32 eg.
- type: str
- ipv6:
- description:
- - IPv6 address to be set for the Layer-3 interface mentioned in I(name) option.
- The address format is <ipv6 address>/<mask>, the mask is number
- in range 0-128 eg. fd5d:12c9:2201:1::1/64.
- type: str
- mode:
- description:
- - Specifies if ipv4 address should be dynamic/advertise to ospf/not advertise to ospf.
- This should be specified only if ipv4 address is configured and if it is not secondary IP address.
- choices: ['dynamic', 'ospf-ignore', 'ospf-passive']
- type: str
- replace:
- description:
- - Replaces the configured primary IP address on the interface.
- choices: ['yes', 'no']
- type: str
- secondary:
- description:
- - Specifies that the configured address is a secondary IP address.
- If this keyword is omitted, the configured address is the primary IP address.
- choices: ['yes', 'no']
- type: str
- aggregate:
- description:
- - List of Layer-3 interfaces definitions. Each of the entry in aggregate list should
- define name of interface C(name) and a optional C(ipv4) or C(ipv6) address.
- type: list
- suboptions:
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the Layer-3 interface to be configured eg. GigabitEthernet0/2, ve 10, ethernet 1/1/1
- type: str
- ipv4:
- description:
- - IPv4 address to be set for the Layer-3 interface mentioned in I(name) option.
- The address format is <ipv4 address>/<mask>, the mask is number
- in range 0-32 eg.
- type: str
- ipv6:
- description:
- - IPv6 address to be set for the Layer-3 interface mentioned in I(name) option.
- The address format is <ipv6 address>/<mask>, the mask is number
- in range 0-128 eg. fd5d:12c9:2201:1::1/64.
- type: str
- mode:
- description:
- - Specifies if ipv4 address should be dynamic/advertise to ospf/not advertise to ospf.
- This should be specified only if ipv4 address is configured and if it is not secondary IP address.
- choices: ['dynamic', 'ospf-ignore', 'ospf-passive']
- type: str
- replace:
- description:
- - Replaces the configured primary IP address on the interface.
- choices: ['yes', 'no']
- type: str
- secondary:
- description:
- - Specifies that the configured address is a secondary IP address.
- If this keyword is omitted, the configured address is the primary IP address.
- choices: ['yes', 'no']
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - State of the Layer-3 interface configuration. It indicates if the configuration should
- be present or absent on remote device.
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- type: str
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- state:
- description:
- - State of the Layer-3 interface configuration. It indicates if the configuration should
- be present or absent on remote device.
- default: present
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- type: str
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- default: yes
-- name: Remove ethernet 1/1/1 IPv4 and IPv6 address
- icx_l3_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1
- ipv4:
- ipv6: "fd5d:12c9:2201:1::1/64"
- state: absent
-- name: Replace ethernet 1/1/1 primary IPv4 address
- icx_l3_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1
- ipv4:
- replace: yes
- state: absent
-- name: Replace ethernet 1/1/1 dynamic IPv4 address
- icx_l3_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1
- ipv4:
- mode: dynamic
- state: absent
-- name: Set ethernet 1/1/1 secondary IPv4 address
- icx_l3_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1
- ipv4:
- secondary: yes
- state: absent
-- name: Set ethernet 1/1/1 IPv4 address
- icx_l3_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1
- ipv4:
-- name: Set ethernet 1/1/1 IPv6 address
- icx_l3_interface:
- name: ethernet 1/1/1
- ipv6: "fd5d:12c9:2201:1::1/64"
-- name: Set IP addresses on aggregate
- icx_l3_interface:
- aggregate:
- - { name: GigabitEthernet0/3, ipv4: }
- - { name: GigabitEthernet0/3, ipv4:, ipv6: "fd5d:12c9:2201:1::1/64" }
-- name: Remove IP addresses on aggregate
- icx_l3_interface:
- aggregate:
- - { name: GigabitEthernet0/3, ipv4: }
- - { name: GigabitEthernet0/3, ipv4:, ipv6: "fd5d:12c9:2201:1::1/64" }
- state: absent
-- name: Set the ipv4 and ipv6 of a virtual ethernet(ve)
- icx_l3_interface:
- name: ve 100
- ipv4:
- ipv6: "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334"
-RETURN = """
- description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device
- returned: always, except for the platforms that use Netconf transport to manage the device.
- type: list
- sample:
- - interface ethernet 1/1/1
- - ip address
- - ipv6 address fd5d:12c9:2201:1::1/64
-import re
-from copy import deepcopy
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import exec_command
-from import get_config, load_config
-from import NetworkConfig
-from import remove_default_spec
-from import is_netmask, is_masklen, to_netmask, to_masklen
-def validate_ipv4(value, module):
- if value:
- address = value.split('/')
- if len(address) != 2:
- module.fail_json(msg='address format is <ipv4 address>/<mask>, got invalid format %s' % value)
- else:
- if not is_masklen(address[1]):
- module.fail_json(msg='invalid value for mask: %s, mask should be in range 0-32' % address[1])
-def validate_ipv6(value, module):
- if value:
- address = value.split('/')
- if len(address) != 2:
- module.fail_json(msg='address format is <ipv6 address>/<mask>, got invalid format %s' % value)
- else:
- if not 0 <= int(address[1]) <= 128:
- module.fail_json(msg='invalid value for mask: %s, mask should be in range 0-128' % address[1])
-def validate_param_values(module, obj, param=None):
- if param is None:
- param = module.params
- for key in obj:
- validator = globals().get('validate_%s' % key)
- if callable(validator):
- validator(param.get(key), module)
-def map_params_to_obj(module):
- obj = []
- aggregate = module.params.get('aggregate')
- if aggregate:
- for item in aggregate:
- for key in item:
- if item.get(key) is None:
- item[key] = module.params[key]
- validate_param_values(module, item, item)
- obj.append(item.copy())
- else:
- obj.append({
- 'name': module.params['name'],
- 'ipv4': module.params['ipv4'],
- 'ipv6': module.params['ipv6'],
- 'state': module.params['state'],
- 'replace': module.params['replace'],
- 'mode': module.params['mode'],
- 'secondary': module.params['secondary'],
- })
- validate_param_values(module, obj)
- return obj
-def parse_config_argument(configobj, name, arg=None):
- cfg = configobj['interface %s' % name]
- cfg = '\n'.join(cfg.children)
- values = []
- matches = re.finditer(r'%s (.+)$' % arg, cfg, re.M)
- for match in matches:
- match_str =
- if arg == 'ipv6 address':
- values.append(match_str)
- else:
- values = match_str
- break
- return values or None
-def search_obj_in_list(name, lst):
- for o in lst:
- if o['name'] == name:
- return o
- return None
-def map_config_to_obj(module):
- compare = module.params['check_running_config']
- config = get_config(module, flags=['| begin interface'], compare=compare)
- configobj = NetworkConfig(indent=1, contents=config)
- match = re.findall(r'^interface (\S+ \S+)', config, re.M)
- if not match:
- return list()
- instances = list()
- for item in set(match):
- ipv4 = parse_config_argument(configobj, item, 'ip address')
- if ipv4:
- address = ipv4.strip().split(' ')
- if len(address) == 2 and is_netmask(address[1]):
- ipv4 = '{0}/{1}'.format(address[0], to_text(to_masklen(address[1])))
- obj = {
- 'name': item,
- 'ipv4': ipv4,
- 'ipv6': parse_config_argument(configobj, item, 'ipv6 address'),
- 'state': 'present'
- }
- instances.append(obj)
- return instances
-def map_obj_to_commands(updates, module):
- commands = list()
- want, have = updates
- for w in want:
- name = w['name']
- ipv4 = w['ipv4']
- ipv6 = w['ipv6']
- state = w['state']
- if 'replace' in w:
- replace = w['replace'] == 'yes'
- else:
- replace = False
- if w['mode'] is not None:
- mode = ' ' + w['mode']
- else:
- mode = ''
- if w['secondary'] is not None:
- secondary = w['secondary'] == 'yes'
- else:
- secondary = False
- interface = 'interface ' + name
- commands.append(interface)
- obj_in_have = search_obj_in_list(name, have)
- if state == 'absent' and have == []:
- if ipv4:
- address = ipv4.split('/')
- if len(address) == 2:
- ipv4 = '{addr} {mask}'.format(addr=address[0], mask=to_netmask(address[1]))
- commands.append('no ip address {ip}'.format(ip=ipv4))
- if ipv6:
- commands.append('no ipv6 address {ip}'.format(ip=ipv6))
- elif state == 'absent' and obj_in_have:
- if obj_in_have['ipv4']:
- if ipv4:
- address = ipv4.split('/')
- if len(address) == 2:
- ipv4 = '{addr} {mask}'.format(addr=address[0], mask=to_netmask(address[1]))
- commands.append('no ip address {ip}'.format(ip=ipv4))
- if obj_in_have['ipv6']:
- if ipv6:
- commands.append('no ipv6 address {ip}'.format(ip=ipv6))
- elif state == 'present':
- if ipv4:
- if obj_in_have is None or obj_in_have.get('ipv4') is None or ipv4 != obj_in_have['ipv4']:
- address = ipv4.split('/')
- if len(address) == 2:
- ipv4 = '{0} {1}'.format(address[0], to_netmask(address[1]))
- commands.append('ip address %s%s%s%s' % (format(ipv4), mode, ' replace' if (replace) else '', ' secondary' if (secondary) else ''))
- if ipv6:
- if obj_in_have is None or obj_in_have.get('ipv6') is None or ipv6.lower() not in [addr.lower() for addr in obj_in_have['ipv6']]:
- commands.append('ipv6 address {ip}'.format(ip=ipv6))
- if commands[-1] == interface:
- commands.pop(-1)
- else:
- commands.append("exit")
- return commands
-def main():
- """ main entry point for module execution
- """
- element_spec = dict(
- name=dict(),
- ipv4=dict(),
- ipv6=dict(),
- replace=dict(choices=['yes', 'no']),
- mode=dict(choices=['dynamic', 'ospf-ignore', 'ospf-passive']),
- secondary=dict(choices=['yes', 'no']),
- check_running_config=dict(default=True, type='bool', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_CHECK_ICX_RUNNING_CONFIG'])),
- state=dict(default='present',
- choices=['present', 'absent']),
- )
- aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec)
- aggregate_spec['name'] = dict(required=True)
- remove_default_spec(aggregate_spec)
- argument_spec = dict(
- aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec)
- )
- argument_spec.update(element_spec)
- required_one_of = [['name', 'aggregate']]
- mutually_exclusive = [['name', 'aggregate'], ['secondary', 'replace'], ['secondary', 'mode']]
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_one_of=required_one_of,
- mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- warnings = list()
- result = {'changed': False}
- exec_command(module, 'skip')
- want = map_params_to_obj(module)
- have = map_config_to_obj(module)
- commands = map_obj_to_commands((want, have), module)
- if commands:
- if not module.check_mode:
- resp = load_config(module, commands)
- warnings.extend((out for out in resp if out))
- result['changed'] = True
- if warnings:
- result['warnings'] = warnings
- result['commands'] = commands
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5bca77ade5..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_linkagg
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Manage link aggregation groups on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - This module provides declarative management of link aggregation groups
- on Ruckus ICX network devices.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- group:
- description:
- - Channel-group number for the port-channel
- Link aggregation group. Range 1-255 or set to 'auto' to auto-generates a LAG ID
- type: int
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the LAG
- type: str
- mode:
- description:
- - Mode of the link aggregation group.
- type: str
- choices: ['dynamic', 'static']
- members:
- description:
- - List of port members or ranges of the link aggregation group.
- type: list
- state:
- description:
- - State of the link aggregation group.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- default: yes
- aggregate:
- description:
- - List of link aggregation definitions.
- type: list
- suboptions:
- group:
- description:
- - Channel-group number for the port-channel
- Link aggregation group. Range 1-255 or set to 'auto' to auto-generates a LAG ID
- type: int
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the LAG
- type: str
- mode:
- description:
- - Mode of the link aggregation group.
- type: str
- choices: ['dynamic', 'static']
- members:
- description:
- - List of port members or ranges of the link aggregation group.
- type: list
- state:
- description:
- - State of the link aggregation group.
- type: str
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- purge:
- description:
- - Purge links not defined in the I(aggregate) parameter.
- type: bool
- default: no
-- name: create static link aggregation group
- icx_linkagg:
- group: 10
- mode: static
- name: LAG1
-- name: create link aggregation group with auto id
- icx_linkagg:
- group: auto
- mode: dynamic
- name: LAG2
-- name: delete link aggregation group
- icx_linkagg:
- group: 10
- state: absent
-- name: Set members to LAG
- icx_linkagg:
- group: 200
- mode: static
- members:
- - ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/6
- - ethernet 1/1/10
-- name: Remove links other then LAG id 100 and 3 using purge
- icx_linkagg:
- aggregate:
- - { group: 3}
- - { group: 100}
- purge: true
-RETURN = """
- description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device
- returned: always, except for the platforms that use Netconf transport to manage the device.
- type: list
- sample:
- - lag LAG1 dynamic id 11
- - ports ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/6
- - no ports ethernet 1/1/10
- - no lag LAG1 dynamic id 12
-import re
-from copy import deepcopy
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import ConnectionError, exec_command
-from import run_commands, get_config, load_config
-from import CustomNetworkConfig
-from import remove_default_spec
-def range_to_members(ranges, prefix=""):
- match = re.findall(r'(ethe[a-z]* [0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9]+)( to [0-9]/[0-9]/[0-9]+)?', ranges)
- members = list()
- for m in match:
- start, end = m
- if(end == ''):
- start = start.replace("ethe ", "ethernet ")
- members.append("%s%s" % (prefix, start))
- else:
- start_tmp ='[0-9]/[0-9]/([0-9]+)', start)
- end_tmp ='[0-9]/[0-9]/([0-9]+)', end)
- start = int(
- end = int( + 1
- for num in range(start, end):
- members.append("%sethernet 1/1/%s" % (prefix, num))
- return members
-def map_config_to_obj(module):
- objs = dict()
- compare = module.params['check_running_config']
- config = get_config(module, None, compare=compare)
- obj = None
- for line in config.split('\n'):
- l = line.strip()
- match1 ='lag (\S+) (\S+) id (\S+)', l, re.M)
- if match1:
- obj = dict()
- obj['name'] =
- obj['mode'] =
- obj['group'] =
- obj['state'] = 'present'
- obj['members'] = list()
- else:
- match2 ='ports .*', l, re.M)
- if match2 and obj is not None:
- obj['members'].extend(range_to_members(
- elif obj is not None:
- objs[obj['group']] = obj
- obj = None
- return objs
-def map_params_to_obj(module):
- obj = []
- aggregate = module.params.get('aggregate')
- if aggregate:
- for item in aggregate:
- for key in item:
- if item.get(key) is None:
- item[key] = module.params[key]
- d = item.copy()
- d['group'] = str(d['group'])
- obj.append(d)
- else:
- obj.append({
- 'group': str(module.params['group']),
- 'mode': module.params['mode'],
- 'members': module.params['members'],
- 'state': module.params['state'],
- 'name': module.params['name']
- })
- return obj
-def search_obj_in_list(group, lst):
- for o in lst:
- if o['group'] == group:
- return o
- return None
-def is_member(member, lst):
- for li in lst:
- ml = range_to_members(li)
- if member in ml:
- return True
- return False
-def map_obj_to_commands(updates, module):
- commands = list()
- want, have = updates
- purge = module.params['purge']
- for w in want:
- if have == {} and w['state'] == 'absent':
- commands.append("%slag %s %s id %s" % ('no ' if w['state'] == 'absent' else '', w['name'], w['mode'], w['group']))
- elif have.get(w['group']) is None:
- commands.append("%slag %s %s id %s" % ('no ' if w['state'] == 'absent' else '', w['name'], w['mode'], w['group']))
- if(w.get('members') is not None and w['state'] == 'present'):
- for m in w['members']:
- commands.append("ports %s" % (m))
- if w['state'] == 'present':
- commands.append("exit")
- else:
- commands.append("%slag %s %s id %s" % ('no ' if w['state'] == 'absent' else '', w['name'], w['mode'], w['group']))
- if(w.get('members') is not None and w['state'] == 'present'):
- for m in have[w['group']]['members']:
- if not is_member(m, w['members']):
- commands.append("no ports %s" % (m))
- for m in w['members']:
- sm = range_to_members(ranges=m)
- for smm in sm:
- if smm not in have[w['group']]['members']:
- commands.append("ports %s" % (smm))
- if w['state'] == 'present':
- commands.append("exit")
- if purge:
- for h in have:
- if search_obj_in_list(have[h]['group'], want) is None:
- commands.append("no lag %s %s id %s" % (have[h]['name'], have[h]['mode'], have[h]['group']))
- return commands
-def main():
- element_spec = dict(
- group=dict(type='int'),
- name=dict(type='str'),
- mode=dict(choices=['dynamic', 'static']),
- members=dict(type='list'),
- state=dict(default='present',
- choices=['present', 'absent']),
- check_running_config=dict(default=True, type='bool', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_CHECK_ICX_RUNNING_CONFIG']))
- )
- aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec)
- aggregate_spec['group'] = dict(required=True, type='int')
- required_one_of = [['group', 'aggregate']]
- required_together = [['name', 'group']]
- mutually_exclusive = [['group', 'aggregate']]
- remove_default_spec(aggregate_spec)
- argument_spec = dict(
- aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec, required_together=required_together),
- purge=dict(default=False, type='bool')
- )
- argument_spec.update(element_spec)
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_one_of=required_one_of,
- required_together=required_together,
- mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- warnings = list()
- result = {'changed': False}
- exec_command(module, 'skip')
- if warnings:
- result['warnings'] = warnings
- want = map_params_to_obj(module)
- have = map_config_to_obj(module)
- commands = map_obj_to_commands((want, have), module)
- result["commands"] = commands
- if commands:
- if not module.check_mode:
- load_config(module, commands)
- result['changed'] = True
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index 972d4a5937..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_lldp
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Manage LLDP configuration on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - This module provides declarative management of LLDP service on ICX network devices.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- interfaces:
- description:
- - specify interfaces
- suboptions:
- name:
- description:
- - List of ethernet ports to enable lldp. To add a range of ports use 'to' keyword. See the example.
- type: list
- state:
- description:
- - State of lldp configuration for interfaces
- type: str
- choices: ['present', 'absent', 'enabled', 'disabled']
- type: list
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- default: yes
- state:
- description:
- - Enables the receipt and transmission of Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) globally.
- type: str
- choices: ['present', 'absent', 'enabled', 'disabled']
-- name: Disable LLDP
- icx_lldp:
- state: absent
-- name: Enable LLDP
- icx_lldp:
- state: present
-- name: Disable LLDP on ports 1/1/1 - 1/1/10, 1/1/20
- icx_lldp:
- interfaces:
- - name:
- - ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/10
- - ethernet 1/1/20
- state: absent
- state: present
-- name: Enable LLDP on ports 1/1/5 - 1/1/10
- icx_lldp:
- interfaces:
- - name:
- - ethernet 1/1/1 to 1/1/10
-RETURN = """
- description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device
- returned: always, except for the platforms that use Netconf transport to manage the device.
- type: list
- sample:
- - lldp run
- - no lldp run
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback
-from import load_config, run_commands
-def has_lldp(module):
- run_commands(module, ['skip'])
- output = run_commands(module, ['show lldp'])
- is_lldp_enable = False
- if len(output) > 0 and "LLDP is not running" not in output[0]:
- is_lldp_enable = True
- return is_lldp_enable
-def map_obj_to_commands(module, commands):
- interfaces = module.params.get('interfaces')
- for item in interfaces:
- state = item.get('state')
- if state == 'present':
- for port in item.get('name'):
- if 'all' in port:
- module.fail_json(msg='cannot enable on all the ports')
- else:
- commands.append('lldp enable ports {0}'.format(str(port)))
- elif state == 'absent':
- for port in item.get('name'):
- if 'all' in port:
- module.fail_json(msg='cannot enable on all the ports')
- else:
- commands.append('no lldp enable ports {0}'.format(str(port)))
-def main():
- """ main entry point for module execution
- """
- interfaces_spec = dict(
- name=dict(type='list'),
- state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent',
- 'enabled', 'disabled'])
- )
- argument_spec = dict(
- interfaces=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=interfaces_spec),
- state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent',
- 'enabled', 'disabled']),
- check_running_config=dict(default=True, type='bool', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_CHECK_ICX_RUNNING_CONFIG']))
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- warnings = list()
- result = {'changed': False}
- if warnings:
- result['warnings'] = warnings
- if module.params['check_running_config'] is False:
- HAS_LLDP = None
- else:
- HAS_LLDP = has_lldp(module)
- commands = []
- state = module.params['state']
- if state is None:
- if HAS_LLDP:
- map_obj_to_commands(module, commands)
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg='LLDP is not running')
- else:
- if state == 'absent' and HAS_LLDP is None:
- commands.append('no lldp run')
- if state == 'absent' and HAS_LLDP:
- commands.append('no lldp run')
- elif state == 'present':
- if not HAS_LLDP:
- commands.append('lldp run')
- if module.params.get('interfaces'):
- map_obj_to_commands(module, commands)
- result['commands'] = commands
- if commands:
- if not module.check_mode:
- load_config(module, commands)
- result['changed'] = True
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7566445ae0..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,582 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_logging
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Manage logging on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - This module provides declarative management of logging
- on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- dest:
- description:
- - Destination of the logs.
- choices: ['on', 'host', 'console', 'buffered', 'persistence', 'rfc5424']
- type: str
- name:
- description:
- - ipv4 address/ipv6 address/name of syslog server.
- type: str
- udp_port:
- description:
- - UDP port of destination host(syslog server).
- type: str
- facility:
- description:
- - Specifies log facility to log messages from the device.
- choices: ['auth','cron','daemon','kern','local0', 'local1', 'local2', 'local3', 'local4', 'local5', 'local6', 'local7', 'user',
- 'lpr','mail','news','syslog','sys9','sys10','sys11','sys12','sys13','sys14','user','uucp']
- type: str
- level:
- description:
- - Specifies the message level.
- type: list
- choices: ['alerts', 'critical', 'debugging', 'emergencies', 'errors', 'informational',
- 'notifications', 'warnings']
- aggregate:
- description:
- - List of logging definitions.
- type: list
- suboptions:
- dest:
- description:
- - Destination of the logs.
- choices: ['on', 'host', 'console', 'buffered', 'persistence', 'rfc5424']
- type: str
- name:
- description:
- - ipv4 address/ipv6 address/name of syslog server.
- type: str
- udp_port:
- description:
- - UDP port of destination host(syslog server).
- type: str
- facility:
- description:
- - Specifies log facility to log messages from the device.
- choices: ['auth','cron','daemon','kern','local0', 'local1', 'local2', 'local3', 'local4', 'local5', 'local6', 'local7', 'user',
- 'lpr','mail','news','syslog','sys9','sys10','sys11','sys12','sys13','sys14','user','uucp']
- type: str
- level:
- description:
- - Specifies the message level.
- type: list
- choices: ['alerts', 'critical', 'debugging', 'emergencies', 'errors', 'informational',
- 'notifications', 'warnings']
- state:
- description:
- - State of the logging configuration.
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- type: str
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- state:
- description:
- - State of the logging configuration.
- default: present
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- type: str
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- default: yes
-- name: Configure host logging.
- icx_logging:
- dest: host
- name:
- udp_port: 5555
-- name: Remove host logging configuration.
- icx_logging:
- dest: host
- name:
- udp_port: 5555
- state: absent
-- name: Disables the real-time display of syslog messages.
- icx_logging:
- dest: console
- state: absent
-- name: Enables local syslog logging.
- icx_logging:
- dest : on
- state: present
-- name: configure buffer level.
- icx_logging:
- dest: buffered
- level: critical
-- name: Configure logging using aggregate
- icx_logging:
- aggregate:
- - { dest: buffered, level: ['notifications','errors'] }
-- name: remove logging using aggregate
- icx_logging:
- aggregate:
- - { dest: console }
- - { dest: host, name:, udp_port: 5555 }
- state: absent
-RETURN = """
- description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample:
- - logging host
- - logging console
-import re
-from copy import deepcopy
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection, ConnectionError, exec_command
-from import remove_default_spec, validate_ip_v6_address
-from import get_config, load_config
-def search_obj_in_list(name, lst):
- for o in lst:
- if o['name'] == name:
- return o
-def diff_in_list(want, have):
- adds = set()
- removes = set()
- for w in want:
- if w['dest'] == 'buffered':
- for h in have:
- if h['dest'] == 'buffered':
- adds = w['level'] - h['level']
- removes = h['level'] - w['level']
- return adds, removes
- return adds, removes
-def map_obj_to_commands(updates):
- dest_group = ('host', 'console', 'persistence', 'enable')
- commands = list()
- want, have = updates
- for w in want:
- dest = w['dest']
- name = w['name']
- level = w['level']
- state = w['state']
- udp_port = w['udp_port']
- facility = w['facility']
- del w['state']
- del w['facility']
- facility_name = ''
- facility_level = ''
- if name is not None and validate_ip_v6_address(name):
- name = 'ipv6 ' + name
- if facility:
- for item in have:
- if item['dest'] == 'facility':
- facility_name = item['dest']
- facility_level = item['facility']
- if state == 'absent':
- if have == []:
- if facility:
- commands.append('no logging facility')
- if dest == 'buffered':
- for item in have:
- if item['dest'] == 'buffered':
- want_level = level
- have_level = item['level']
- for item in want_level:
- commands.append('no logging buffered {0}'.format(item))
- if dest == 'host':
- if name and udp_port:
- commands.append('no logging host {0} udp-port {1}'.format(name, udp_port))
- elif name:
- commands.append('no logging host {0}'.format(name))
- else:
- if dest == 'rfc5424':
- commands.append('no logging enable {0}'.format(dest))
- else:
- if dest != 'buffered':
- commands.append('no logging {0}'.format(dest))
- if facility:
- if facility_name == 'facility' and facility_level != 'user':
- commands.append('no logging facility')
- if dest == 'buffered':
- for item in have:
- if item['dest'] == 'buffered':
- want_level = level
- have_level = item['level']
- for item in want_level:
- if item in have_level:
- commands.append('no logging buffered {0}'.format(item))
- if w in have:
- if dest == 'host':
- if name and udp_port:
- commands.append('no logging host {0} udp-port {1}'.format(name, udp_port))
- elif name:
- commands.append('no logging host {0}'.format(name))
- else:
- if dest == 'rfc5424':
- commands.append('no logging enable {0}'.format(dest))
- else:
- if dest != 'buffered':
- commands.append('no logging {0}'.format(dest))
- if state == 'present':
- if facility:
- if facility != facility_level:
- commands.append('logging facility {0}'.format(facility))
- if w not in have:
- if dest == 'host':
- if name and udp_port:
- commands.append('logging host {0} udp-port {1}'.format(name, udp_port))
- elif name:
- commands.append('logging host {0}'.format(name))
- elif dest == 'buffered':
- adds, removes = diff_in_list(want, have)
- for item in adds:
- commands.append('logging buffered {0}'.format(item))
- for item in removes:
- commands.append('no logging buffered {0}'.format(item))
- elif dest == 'rfc5424':
- commands.append('logging enable {0}'.format(dest))
- else:
- commands.append('logging {0}'.format(dest))
- return commands
-def parse_port(line, dest):
- port = None
- if dest == 'host':
- match ='logging host \S+\s+udp-port\s+(\d+)', line, re.M)
- if match:
- port =
- else:
- match_port ='logging host ipv6 \S+\s+udp-port\s+(\d+)', line, re.M)
- if match_port:
- port =
- return port
-def parse_name(line, dest):
- name = None
- if dest == 'host':
- match ='logging host (\S+)', line, re.M)
- if match:
- if == 'ipv6':
- ipv6_add ='logging host ipv6 (\S+)', line, re.M)
- name =
- else:
- name =
- return name
-def parse_address(line, dest):
- if dest == 'host':
- match ='^logging host ipv6 (\S+)', line.strip(), re.M)
- if match:
- return True
- return False
-def map_config_to_obj(module):
- obj = []
- facility = ''
- addr6 = False
- dest_group = ('host', 'console', 'buffered', 'persistence', 'enable')
- dest_level = ('alerts', 'critical', 'debugging', 'emergencies', 'errors', 'informational', 'notifications', 'warnings')
- buff_level = list()
- if module.params['check_running_config'] is False:
- return []
- data = get_config(module, flags=['| include logging'])
- facility_match ='^logging facility (\S+)', data, re.M)
- if facility_match:
- facility =
- obj.append({
- 'dest': 'facility',
- 'facility': facility
- })
- else:
- obj.append({
- 'dest': 'facility',
- 'facility': 'user'
- })
- for line in data.split('\n'):
- match ='^logging (\S+)', line.strip(), re.M)
- if match:
- if in dest_group:
- dest =
- if dest == 'host':
- obj.append({
- 'dest': dest,
- 'name': parse_name(line.strip(), dest),
- 'udp_port': parse_port(line, dest),
- 'level': None,
- 'addr6': parse_address(line, dest)
- })
- elif dest == 'buffered':
- obj.append({
- 'dest': dest,
- 'level': None,
- 'name': None,
- 'udp_port': None,
- 'addr6': False
- })
- else:
- if dest == 'enable':
- dest = 'rfc5424'
- obj.append({
- 'dest': dest,
- 'level': None,
- 'name': None,
- 'udp_port': None,
- 'addr6': False
- })
- else:
- ip_match ='^no logging buffered (\S+)', line, re.M)
- if ip_match:
- dest = 'buffered'
- buff_level.append(
- if 'no logging on' not in data:
- obj.append({
- 'dest': 'on',
- 'level': None,
- 'name': None,
- 'udp_port': None,
- 'addr6': False
- })
- levels = set()
- for items in dest_level:
- if items not in buff_level:
- levels.add(items)
- obj.append({
- 'dest': 'buffered',
- 'level': levels,
- 'name': None,
- 'udp_port': None,
- 'addr6': False
- })
- return obj
-def count_terms(check, param=None):
- count = 0
- for term in check:
- if param[term] is not None:
- count += 1
- return count
-def check_required_if(module, spec, param):
- for sp in spec:
- missing = []
- max_missing_count = 0
- is_one_of = False
- if len(sp) == 4:
- key, val, requirements, is_one_of = sp
- else:
- key, val, requirements = sp
- if is_one_of:
- max_missing_count = len(requirements)
- term = 'any'
- else:
- term = 'all'
- if key in param and param[key] == val:
- for check in requirements:
- count = count_terms((check,), param)
- if count == 0:
- missing.append(check)
- if len(missing) and len(missing) >= max_missing_count:
- msg = "%s is %s but %s of the following are missing: %s" % (key, val, term, ', '.join(missing))
- module.fail_json(msg=msg)
-def map_params_to_obj(module, required_if=None):
- obj = []
- addr6 = False
- aggregate = module.params.get('aggregate')
- if aggregate:
- for item in aggregate:
- if item['name'] is not None and validate_ip_v6_address(item['name']):
- addr6 = True
- for key in item:
- if item.get(key) is None:
- item[key] = module.params[key]
- check_required_if(module, required_if, item)
- item.update({'addr6': addr6})
- d = item.copy()
- d['level'] = set(d['level']) if d['level'] is not None else None
- if d['dest'] != 'host':
- d['name'] = None
- d['udp_port'] = None
- if d['dest'] != 'buffered':
- d['level'] = None
- del d['check_running_config']
- obj.append(d)
- else:
- if module.params['name'] is not None and validate_ip_v6_address(module.params['name']):
- addr6 = True
- if module.params['dest'] != 'host':
- module.params['name'] = None
- module.params['udp_port'] = None
- if module.params['dest'] != 'buffered':
- module.params['level'] = None
- obj.append({
- 'dest': module.params['dest'],
- 'name': module.params['name'],
- 'udp_port': module.params['udp_port'],
- 'level': set(module.params['level']) if module.params['level'] else None,
- 'facility': module.params['facility'],
- 'state': module.params['state'],
- 'addr6': addr6
- })
- return obj
-def main():
- """ main entry point for module execution
- """
- element_spec = dict(
- dest=dict(
- type='str',
- choices=[
- 'on',
- 'host',
- 'console',
- 'buffered',
- 'persistence',
- 'rfc5424']),
- name=dict(
- type='str'),
- udp_port=dict(),
- level=dict(
- type='list',
- choices=[
- 'alerts',
- 'critical',
- 'debugging',
- 'emergencies',
- 'errors',
- 'informational',
- 'notifications',
- 'warnings']),
- facility=dict(
- type='str',
- choices=[
- 'auth',
- 'cron',
- 'daemon',
- 'kern',
- 'local0',
- 'local1',
- 'local2',
- 'local3',
- 'local4',
- 'local5',
- 'local6',
- 'local7',
- 'user',
- 'lpr',
- 'mail',
- 'news',
- 'syslog',
- 'sys9',
- 'sys10',
- 'sys11',
- 'sys12',
- 'sys13',
- 'sys14',
- 'user',
- 'uucp']),
- state=dict(
- default='present',
- choices=[
- 'present',
- 'absent']),
- check_running_config=dict(default=True, type='bool', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_CHECK_ICX_RUNNING_CONFIG'])))
- aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec)
- remove_default_spec(aggregate_spec)
- argument_spec = dict(
- aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec),
- )
- argument_spec.update(element_spec)
- required_if = [('dest', 'host', ['name']),
- ('dest', 'buffered', ['level'])]
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_if=required_if,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- result = {'changed': False}
- warnings = list()
- exec_command(module, 'skip')
- if warnings:
- result['warnings'] = warnings
- want = map_params_to_obj(module, required_if=required_if)
- have = map_config_to_obj(module)
- result['want'] = want
- result['have'] = have
- commands = map_obj_to_commands((want, have))
- result['commands'] = commands
- if commands:
- if not module.check_mode:
- load_config(module, commands)
- result['changed'] = True
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c9c262aeb..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_ping
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Tests reachability using ping from Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - Tests reachability using ping from switch to a remote destination.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1
- count:
- description:
- - Number of packets to send. Default is 1.
- type: int
- dest:
- description:
- - ip-addr | host-name | vrf vrf-name | ipv6 [ ipv6-addr | host-name | vrf vrf-name] (resolvable by switch) of the remote node.
- required: true
- type: str
- timeout:
- description:
- - Specifies the time, in milliseconds for which the device waits for a reply from the pinged device.
- The value can range from 1 to 4294967296. The default is 5000 (5 seconds).
- type: int
- ttl:
- description:
- - Specifies the time to live as a maximum number of hops. The value can range from 1 to 255. The default is 64.
- type: int
- size:
- description:
- - Specifies the size of the ICMP data portion of the packet, in bytes. This is the payload and does not include the header.
- The value can range from 0 to 10000. The default is 16..
- type: int
- source:
- description:
- - IP address to be used as the origin of the ping packets.
- type: str
- vrf:
- description:
- - Specifies the Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instance of the device to be pinged.
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - Determines if the expected result is success or fail.
- type: str
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- default: present
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Test reachability to
- icx_ping:
- dest:
-- name: Test reachability to ipv6 address from source with timeout
- icx_ping:
- dest: ipv6 2001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652
- source:
- timeout: 100000
-- name: Test reachability to through vrf using 5 packets
- icx_ping:
- dest:
- vrf: x.x.x.x
- count: 5
-- name: Test unreachability to
- icx_ping:
- dest:
- state: absent
-- name: Test reachability to ipv4 with ttl and packet size
- icx_ping:
- dest:
- ttl: 20
- size: 500
-RETURN = '''
- description: Show the command sent.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ["ping count 20 source loopback0", "ping"]
- description: Percentage of packets lost.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "0%"
- description: Packets successfully received.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: 20
- description: Packets successfully transmitted.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: 20
- description: Show RTT stats.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: {"avg": 2, "max": 8, "min": 1}
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
-from import run_commands
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection, ConnectionError
-import re
-def build_ping(dest, count=None, source=None, timeout=None, ttl=None, size=None, vrf=None):
- """
- Function to build the command to send to the terminal for the switch
- to execute. All args come from the module's unique params.
- """
- if vrf is not None:
- cmd = "ping vrf {0} {1}".format(vrf, dest)
- else:
- cmd = "ping {0}".format(dest)
- if count is not None:
- cmd += " count {0}".format(str(count))
- if timeout is not None:
- cmd += " timeout {0}".format(str(timeout))
- if ttl is not None:
- cmd += " ttl {0}".format(str(ttl))
- if size is not None:
- cmd += " size {0}".format(str(size))
- if source is not None:
- cmd += " source {0}".format(source)
- return cmd
-def parse_ping(ping_stats):
- """
- Function used to parse the statistical information from the ping response.
- Example: "Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max=40/51/55 ms."
- Returns the percent of packet loss, received packets, transmitted packets, and RTT dict.
- """
- if ping_stats.startswith('Success'):
- rate_re = re.compile(r"^\w+\s+\w+\s+\w+\s+(?P<pct>\d+)\s+\w+\s+\((?P<rx>\d+)/(?P<tx>\d+)\)")
- rtt_re = re.compile(r".*,\s+\S+\s+\S+=(?P<min>\d+)/(?P<avg>\d+)/(?P<max>\d+)\s+\w+\.+\s*$|.*\s*$")
- rate = rate_re.match(ping_stats)
- rtt = rtt_re.match(ping_stats)
- return"pct"),"rx"),"tx"), rtt.groupdict()
- else:
- rate_re = re.compile(r"^Sending+\s+(?P<tx>\d+),")
- rate = rate_re.match(ping_stats)
- rtt = {'avg': 0, 'max': 0, 'min': 0}
- return 0, 0,'tx'), rtt
-def validate_results(module, loss, results):
- """
- This function is used to validate whether the ping results were unexpected per "state" param.
- """
- state = module.params["state"]
- if state == "present" and loss == 100:
- module.fail_json(msg="Ping failed unexpectedly", **results)
- elif state == "absent" and loss < 100:
- module.fail_json(msg="Ping succeeded unexpectedly", **results)
-def validate_fail(module, responses):
- if ("Success" in responses or "No reply" in responses) is False:
- module.fail_json(msg=responses)
-def validate_parameters(module, timeout, count):
- if timeout and not 1 <= int(timeout) <= 4294967294:
- module.fail_json(msg="bad value for timeout - valid range (1-4294967294)")
- if count and not 1 <= int(count) <= 4294967294:
- module.fail_json(msg="bad value for count - valid range (1-4294967294)")
-def main():
- """ main entry point for module execution
- """
- argument_spec = dict(
- count=dict(type="int"),
- dest=dict(type="str", required=True),
- timeout=dict(type="int"),
- ttl=dict(type="int"),
- size=dict(type="int"),
- source=dict(type="str"),
- state=dict(type="str", choices=["absent", "present"], default="present"),
- vrf=dict(type="str")
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec)
- count = module.params["count"]
- dest = module.params["dest"]
- source = module.params["source"]
- timeout = module.params["timeout"]
- ttl = module.params["ttl"]
- size = module.params["size"]
- vrf = module.params["vrf"]
- results = {}
- warnings = list()
- if warnings:
- results["warnings"] = warnings
- response = ''
- try:
- validate_parameters(module, timeout, count)
- results["commands"] = [build_ping(dest, count, source, timeout, ttl, size, vrf)]
- ping_results = run_commands(module, commands=results["commands"])
- ping_results_list = ping_results[0].split("\n")
- except ConnectionError as exc:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_text(exc, errors='surrogate_then_replace'))
- validate_fail(module, ping_results[0])
- stats = ""
- statserror = ''
- for line in ping_results_list:
- if line.startswith('Sending'):
- statserror = line
- if line.startswith('Success'):
- stats = line
- elif line.startswith('No reply'):
- stats = statserror
- success, rx, tx, rtt = parse_ping(stats)
- loss = abs(100 - int(success))
- results["packet_loss"] = str(loss) + "%"
- results["packets_rx"] = int(rx)
- results["packets_tx"] = int(tx)
- # Convert rtt values to int
- for k, v in rtt.items():
- if rtt[k] is not None:
- rtt[k] = int(v)
- results["rtt"] = rtt
- validate_results(module, loss, results)
- module.exit_json(**results)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index bffa2130aa..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_static_route
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Manage static IP routes on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - This module provides declarative management of static
- IP routes on Ruckus ICX network devices.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- prefix:
- description:
- - Network prefix of the static route.
- type: str
- mask:
- description:
- - Network prefix mask of the static route.
- type: str
- next_hop:
- description:
- - Next hop IP of the static route.
- type: str
- admin_distance:
- description:
- - Admin distance of the static route. Range is 1 to 255.
- type: int
- aggregate:
- description: List of static route definitions.
- type: list
- suboptions:
- prefix:
- description:
- - Network prefix of the static route.
- type: str
- mask:
- description:
- - Network prefix mask of the static route.
- type: str
- next_hop:
- description:
- - Next hop IP of the static route.
- type: str
- admin_distance:
- description:
- - Admin distance of the static route. Range is 1 to 255.
- type: int
- state:
- description:
- - State of the static route configuration.
- type: str
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- purge:
- description:
- - Purge routes not defined in the I(aggregate) parameter.
- default: no
- type: bool
- state:
- description:
- - State of the static route configuration.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- default: yes
-- name: configure static route
- icx_static_route:
- prefix:
- next_hop:
-- name: remove configuration
- icx_static_route:
- prefix:
- mask:
- next_hop:
- state: absent
-- name: Add static route aggregates
- icx_static_route:
- aggregate:
- - { prefix:, mask:, next_hop: }
- - { prefix:, mask:, next_hop: }
-- name: remove static route aggregates
- icx_static_route:
- aggregate:
- - { prefix:, mask:, next_hop: }
- - { prefix:, mask:, next_hop: }
- state: absent
-RETURN = """
- description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample:
- - ip route
-from copy import deepcopy
-import re
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import ConnectionError
-from import remove_default_spec
-from import get_config, load_config
- from ipaddress import ip_network
-except ImportError:
-def map_obj_to_commands(want, have, module):
- commands = list()
- purge = module.params['purge']
- for w in want:
- for h in have:
- for key in ['prefix', 'mask', 'next_hop']:
- if w[key] != h[key]:
- break
- else:
- break
- else:
- h = None
- prefix = w['prefix']
- mask = w['mask']
- next_hop = w['next_hop']
- admin_distance = w.get('admin_distance')
- if not admin_distance and h:
- w['admin_distance'] = admin_distance = h['admin_distance']
- state = w['state']
- del w['state']
- if state == 'absent' and have == []:
- commands.append('no ip route %s %s %s' % (prefix, mask, next_hop))
- if state == 'absent' and w in have:
- commands.append('no ip route %s %s %s' % (prefix, mask, next_hop))
- elif state == 'present' and w not in have:
- if admin_distance:
- commands.append('ip route %s %s %s distance %s' % (prefix, mask, next_hop, admin_distance))
- else:
- commands.append('ip route %s %s %s' % (prefix, mask, next_hop))
- if purge:
- commands = []
- for h in have:
- if h not in want:
- commands.append('no ip route %s %s %s' % (prefix, mask, next_hop))
- return commands
-def map_config_to_obj(module):
- obj = []
- compare = module.params['check_running_config']
- out = get_config(module, flags='| include ip route', compare=compare)
- for line in out.splitlines():
- splitted_line = line.split()
- if len(splitted_line) not in (4, 5, 6):
- continue
- cidr = ip_network(to_text(splitted_line[2]))
- prefix = str(cidr.network_address)
- mask = str(cidr.netmask)
- next_hop = splitted_line[3]
- if len(splitted_line) == 6:
- admin_distance = splitted_line[5]
- else:
- admin_distance = '1'
- obj.append({
- 'prefix': prefix, 'mask': mask, 'next_hop': next_hop,
- 'admin_distance': admin_distance
- })
- return obj
-def prefix_length_parser(prefix, mask, module):
- if '/' in prefix and mask is not None:
- module.fail_json(msg='Ambigous, specifed both length and mask')
- if '/' in prefix:
- cidr = ip_network(to_text(prefix))
- prefix = str(cidr.network_address)
- mask = str(cidr.netmask)
- return prefix, mask
-def map_params_to_obj(module, required_together=None):
- keys = ['prefix', 'mask', 'next_hop', 'admin_distance', 'state']
- obj = []
- aggregate = module.params.get('aggregate')
- if aggregate:
- for item in aggregate:
- route = item.copy()
- for key in keys:
- if route.get(key) is None:
- route[key] = module.params.get(key)
- module._check_required_together(required_together, route)
- prefix, mask = prefix_length_parser(route['prefix'], route['mask'], module)
- route.update({'prefix': prefix, 'mask': mask})
- obj.append(route)
- else:
- module._check_required_together(required_together, module.params)
- prefix, mask = prefix_length_parser(module.params['prefix'], module.params['mask'], module)
- obj.append({
- 'prefix': prefix,
- 'mask': mask,
- 'next_hop': module.params['next_hop'].strip(),
- 'admin_distance': module.params.get('admin_distance'),
- 'state': module.params['state'],
- })
- for route in obj:
- if route['admin_distance']:
- route['admin_distance'] = str(route['admin_distance'])
- return obj
-def main():
- """ main entry point for module execution
- """
- element_spec = dict(
- prefix=dict(type='str'),
- mask=dict(type='str'),
- next_hop=dict(type='str'),
- admin_distance=dict(type='int'),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- check_running_config=dict(default=True, type='bool', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_CHECK_ICX_RUNNING_CONFIG']))
- )
- aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec)
- aggregate_spec['prefix'] = dict(required=True)
- remove_default_spec(aggregate_spec)
- argument_spec = dict(
- aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec),
- purge=dict(default=False, type='bool')
- )
- argument_spec.update(element_spec)
- required_one_of = [['aggregate', 'prefix']]
- required_together = [['prefix', 'next_hop']]
- mutually_exclusive = [['aggregate', 'prefix']]
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_one_of=required_one_of,
- mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- module.fail_json(msg="ipaddress python package is required")
- warnings = list()
- result = {'changed': False}
- if warnings:
- result['warnings'] = warnings
- want = map_params_to_obj(module, required_together=required_together)
- have = map_config_to_obj(module)
- commands = map_obj_to_commands(want, have, module)
- result['commands'] = commands
- if commands:
- if not module.check_mode:
- load_config(module, commands)
- result['changed'] = True
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index 449601fd7b..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_system
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Manage the system attributes on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - This module provides declarative management of node system attributes
- on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches. It provides an option to configure host system
- parameters or remove those parameters from the device active
- configuration.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- hostname:
- description:
- - Configure the device hostname parameter. This option takes an ASCII string value.
- type: str
- domain_name:
- description:
- - Configure the IP domain name on the remote device to the provided value.
- Value should be in the dotted name form and
- will be appended to the hostname to create a fully-qualified domain name.
- type: list
- domain_search:
- description:
- - Provides the list of domain names to
- append to the hostname for the purpose of doing name resolution.
- This argument accepts a list of names and will be reconciled
- with the current active configuration on the running node.
- type: list
- name_servers:
- description:
- - List of DNS name servers by IP address to use to perform name resolution
- lookups.
- type: list
- aaa_servers:
- description:
- - Configures radius/tacacs server
- type: list
- suboptions:
- type:
- description:
- - specify the type of the server
- type: str
- choices: ['radius','tacacs']
- hostname:
- description:
- - Configures the host name of the RADIUS server
- type: str
- auth_port_type:
- description:
- - specifies the type of the authentication port
- type: str
- choices: ['auth-port']
- auth_port_num:
- description:
- - Configures the authentication UDP port. The default value is 1812.
- type: str
- acct_port_num:
- description:
- - Configures the accounting UDP port. The default value is 1813.
- type: str
- acct_type:
- description:
- - Usage of the accounting port.
- type: str
- choices: ['accounting-only', 'authentication-only','authorization-only', default]
- auth_key:
- description:
- - Configure the key for the server
- type: str
- auth_key_type:
- description:
- - List of authentication level specified in the choices
- type: list
- choices: ['dot1x','mac-auth','web-auth']
- state:
- description:
- - State of the configuration
- values in the device's current active configuration. When set
- to I(present), the values should be configured in the device active
- configuration and when set to I(absent) the values should not be
- in the device active configuration
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- default: yes
-- name: configure hostname and domain name
- icx_system:
- hostname: icx
- domain_search:
- -
- -
- -
-- name: configure radius server of type auth-port
- icx_system:
- aaa_servers:
- - type: radius
- hostname: radius-server
- auth_port_type: auth-port
- auth_port_num: 1821
- acct_port_num: 1321
- acct_type: accounting-only
- auth_key: abc
- auth_key_type:
- - dot1x
- - mac-auth
-- name: configure tacacs server
- icx_system:
- aaa_servers:
- - type: tacacs
- hostname: tacacs-server
- auth_port_type: auth-port
- auth_port_num: 1821
- acct_port_num: 1321
- acct_type: accounting-only
- auth_key: xyz
-- name: configure name servers
- icx_system:
- name_servers:
- -
- -
-RETURN = """
- description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample:
- - hostname icx
- - ip domain name
- - radius-server host auth-port 2083 acct-port 1850 default key abc dot1x mac-auth
- - tacacs-server host auth-port 4058 authorization-only key xyz
-import re
-from copy import deepcopy
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback
-from import get_config, load_config
-from import ComplexList, validate_ip_v6_address
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection, ConnectionError, exec_command
-def diff_list(want, have):
- adds = [w for w in want if w not in have]
- removes = [h for h in have if h not in want]
- return (adds, removes)
-def map_obj_to_commands(want, have, module):
- commands = list()
- state = module.params['state']
- def needs_update(x):
- return want.get(x) is not None and (want.get(x) != have.get(x))
- if state == 'absent':
- if have['name_servers'] == [] and have['aaa_servers'] == [] and have['domain_search'] == [] and have['hostname'] is None:
- if want['hostname']:
- commands.append('no hostname')
- if want['domain_search']:
- for item in want['domain_search']:
- commands.append('no ip dns domain-list %s' % item)
- if want['name_servers']:
- for item in want['name_servers']:
- commands.append('no ip dns server-address %s' % item)
- if want['aaa_servers']:
- want_servers = []
- want_server = want['aaa_servers']
- if want_server:
- want_list = deepcopy(want_server)
- for items in want_list:
- items['auth_key'] = None
- want_servers.append(items)
- for item in want_servers:
- ipv6addr = validate_ip_v6_address(item['hostname'])
- if ipv6addr:
- commands.append('no ' + item['type'] + '-server host ipv6 ' + item['hostname'])
- else:
- commands.append('no ' + item['type'] + '-server host ' + item['hostname'])
- if want['hostname']:
- if have['hostname'] == want['hostname']:
- commands.append('no hostname')
- if want['domain_search']:
- for item in want['domain_search']:
- if item in have['domain_search']:
- commands.append('no ip dns domain-list %s' % item)
- if want['name_servers']:
- for item in want['name_servers']:
- if item in have['name_servers']:
- commands.append('no ip dns server-address %s' % item)
- if want['aaa_servers']:
- want_servers = []
- want_server = want['aaa_servers']
- have_server = have['aaa_servers']
- if want_server:
- want_list = deepcopy(want_server)
- for items in want_list:
- items['auth_key'] = None
- want_servers.append(items)
- for item in want_servers:
- if item in have_server:
- ipv6addr = validate_ip_v6_address(item['hostname'])
- if ipv6addr:
- commands.append('no ' + item['type'] + '-server host ipv6 ' + item['hostname'])
- else:
- commands.append('no ' + item['type'] + '-server host ' + item['hostname'])
- elif state == 'present':
- if needs_update('hostname'):
- commands.append('hostname %s' % want['hostname'])
- if want['domain_search']:
- adds, removes = diff_list(want['domain_search'], have['domain_search'])
- for item in removes:
- commands.append('no ip dns domain-list %s' % item)
- for item in adds:
- commands.append('ip dns domain-list %s' % item)
- if want['name_servers']:
- adds, removes = diff_list(want['name_servers'], have['name_servers'])
- for item in removes:
- commands.append('no ip dns server-address %s' % item)
- for item in adds:
- commands.append('ip dns server-address %s' % item)
- if want['aaa_servers']:
- want_servers = []
- want_server = want['aaa_servers']
- have_server = have['aaa_servers']
- want_list = deepcopy(want_server)
- for items in want_list:
- items['auth_key'] = None
- want_servers.append(items)
- adds, removes = diff_list(want_servers, have_server)
- for item in removes:
- ip6addr = validate_ip_v6_address(item['hostname'])
- if ip6addr:
- cmd = 'no ' + item['type'] + '-server host ipv6 ' + item['hostname']
- else:
- cmd = 'no ' + item['type'] + '-server host ' + item['hostname']
- commands.append(cmd)
- for w_item in adds:
- for item in want_server:
- if item['hostname'] == w_item['hostname'] and item['type'] == w_item['type']:
- auth_key = item['auth_key']
- ip6addr = validate_ip_v6_address(w_item['hostname'])
- if ip6addr:
- cmd = w_item['type'] + '-server host ipv6 ' + w_item['hostname']
- else:
- cmd = w_item['type'] + '-server host ' + w_item['hostname']
- if w_item['auth_port_type']:
- cmd += ' ' + w_item['auth_port_type'] + ' ' + w_item['auth_port_num']
- if w_item['acct_port_num'] and w_item['type'] == 'radius':
- cmd += ' acct-port ' + w_item['acct_port_num']
- if w_item['type'] == 'tacacs':
- if any((w_item['acct_port_num'], w_item['auth_key_type'])):
- module.fail_json(msg='acct_port and auth_key_type is not applicable for tacacs server')
- if w_item['acct_type']:
- cmd += ' ' + w_item['acct_type']
- if auth_key is not None:
- cmd += ' key ' + auth_key
- if w_item['auth_key_type'] and w_item['type'] == 'radius':
- val = ''
- for y in w_item['auth_key_type']:
- val = val + ' ' + y
- cmd += val
- commands.append(cmd)
- return commands
-def parse_hostname(config):
- match ='^hostname (\S+)', config, re.M)
- if match:
- return
-def parse_domain_search(config):
- match = re.findall(r'^ip dns domain[- ]list (\S+)', config, re.M)
- matches = list()
- for name in match:
- matches.append(name)
- return matches
-def parse_name_servers(config):
- matches = list()
- values = list()
- lines = config.split('\n')
- for line in lines:
- if 'ip dns server-address' in line:
- values = line.split(' ')
- for val in values:
- match ='([0-9.]+)', val)
- if match:
- matches.append(
- return matches
-def parse_aaa_servers(config):
- configlines = config.split('\n')
- obj = []
- for line in configlines:
- auth_key_type = []
- if 'radius-server' in line or 'tacacs-server' in line:
- aaa_type = 'radius' if 'radius-server' in line else 'tacacs'
- match ='(host ipv6 (\S+))|(host (\S+))', line)
- if match:
- hostname = if is not None else
- match ='auth-port ([0-9]+)', line)
- if match:
- auth_port_num =
- else:
- auth_port_num = None
- match ='acct-port ([0-9]+)', line)
- if match:
- acct_port_num =
- else:
- acct_port_num = None
- match ='acct-port [0-9]+ (\S+)', line)
- if match:
- acct_type =
- else:
- acct_type = None
- if aaa_type == 'tacacs':
- match ='auth-port [0-9]+ (\S+)', line)
- if match:
- acct_type =
- else:
- acct_type = None
- match ='(dot1x)', line)
- if match:
- auth_key_type.append('dot1x')
- match ='(mac-auth)', line)
- if match:
- auth_key_type.append('mac-auth')
- match ='(web-auth)', line)
- if match:
- auth_key_type.append('web-auth')
- obj.append({
- 'type': aaa_type,
- 'hostname': hostname,
- 'auth_port_type': 'auth-port',
- 'auth_port_num': auth_port_num,
- 'acct_port_num': acct_port_num,
- 'acct_type': acct_type,
- 'auth_key': None,
- 'auth_key_type': set(auth_key_type) if len(auth_key_type) > 0 else None
- })
- return obj
-def map_config_to_obj(module):
- compare = module.params['check_running_config']
- config = get_config(module, None, compare=compare)
- return {
- 'hostname': parse_hostname(config),
- 'domain_search': parse_domain_search(config),
- 'name_servers': parse_name_servers(config),
- 'aaa_servers': parse_aaa_servers(config)
- }
-def map_params_to_obj(module):
- if module.params['aaa_servers']:
- for item in module.params['aaa_servers']:
- if item['auth_key_type']:
- item['auth_key_type'] = set(item['auth_key_type'])
- obj = {
- 'hostname': module.params['hostname'],
- 'domain_name': module.params['domain_name'],
- 'domain_search': module.params['domain_search'],
- 'name_servers': module.params['name_servers'],
- 'state': module.params['state'],
- 'aaa_servers': module.params['aaa_servers']
- }
- return obj
-def main():
- """ Main entry point for Ansible module execution
- """
- server_spec = dict(
- type=dict(choices=['radius', 'tacacs']),
- hostname=dict(),
- auth_port_type=dict(choices=['auth-port']),
- auth_port_num=dict(),
- acct_port_num=dict(),
- acct_type=dict(choices=['accounting-only', 'authentication-only', 'authorization-only', 'default']),
- auth_key=dict(),
- auth_key_type=dict(type='list', choices=['dot1x', 'mac-auth', 'web-auth'])
- )
- argument_spec = dict(
- hostname=dict(),
- domain_name=dict(type='list'),
- domain_search=dict(type='list'),
- name_servers=dict(type='list'),
- aaa_servers=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=server_spec),
- state=dict(choices=['present', 'absent'], default='present'),
- check_running_config=dict(default=True, type='bool', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_CHECK_ICX_RUNNING_CONFIG']))
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- result = {'changed': False}
- warnings = list()
- result['warnings'] = warnings
- exec_command(module, 'skip')
- want = map_params_to_obj(module)
- have = map_config_to_obj(module)
- commands = map_obj_to_commands(want, have, module)
- result['commands'] = commands
- if commands:
- if not module.check_mode:
- load_config(module, commands)
- result['changed'] = True
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a92cf79cd..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_user
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Manage the user accounts on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches.
- - This module creates or updates user account on network devices. It allows playbooks to manage
- either individual usernames or the aggregate of usernames in the
- current running config. It also supports purging usernames from the
- configuration that are not explicitly defined.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- aggregate:
- description:
- - The set of username objects to be configured on the remote
- ICX device. The list entries can either be the username
- or a hash of username and properties. This argument is mutually
- exclusive with the C(name) argument.
- aliases: ['users', 'collection']
- type: list
- suboptions:
- name:
- description:
- - The username to be configured on the ICX device.
- required: true
- type: str
- configured_password:
- description: The password to be configured on the ICX device.
- type: str
- update_password:
- description:
- - This argument will instruct the module when to change the password. When
- set to C(always), the password will always be updated in the device
- and when set to C(on_create) the password will be updated only if
- the username is created.
- choices: ['on_create', 'always']
- type: str
- privilege:
- description:
- - The privilege level to be granted to the user
- choices: ['0', '4', '5']
- type: str
- nopassword:
- description:
- - Defines the username without assigning
- a password. This will allow the user to login to the system
- without being authenticated by a password.
- type: bool
- state:
- description:
- - Configures the state of the username definition
- as it relates to the device operational configuration. When set
- to I(present), the username(s) should be configured in the device active
- configuration and when set to I(absent) the username(s) should not be
- in the device active configuration
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- type: str
- access_time:
- description:
- - This parameter indicates the time the file's access time should be set to.
- Should be preserve when no modification is required, YYYYMMDDHHMM.SS when using default time format, or now.
- Default is None meaning that preserve is the default for state=[file,directory,link,hard] and now is default for state=touch
- type: str
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- name:
- description:
- - The username to be configured on the ICX device.
- required: true
- type: str
- configured_password:
- description: The password to be configured on the ICX device.
- type: str
- update_password:
- description:
- - This argument will instruct the module when to change the password. When
- set to C(always), the password will always be updated in the device
- and when set to C(on_create) the password will be updated only if
- the username is created.
- default: always
- choices: ['on_create', 'always']
- type: str
- privilege:
- description:
- - The privilege level to be granted to the user
- default: 0
- choices: ['0', '4', '5']
- type: str
- nopassword:
- description:
- - Defines the username without assigning
- a password. This will allow the user to login to the system
- without being authenticated by a password.
- type: bool
- purge:
- description:
- - If set to true module will remove any previously
- configured usernames on the device except the current defined set of users.
- type: bool
- default: false
- state:
- description:
- - Configures the state of the username definition
- as it relates to the device operational configuration. When set
- to I(present), the username(s) should be configured in the device active
- configuration and when set to I(absent) the username(s) should not be
- in the device active configuration
- default: present
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- type: str
- access_time:
- description:
- - This parameter indicates the time the file's access time should be set to.
- Should be preserve when no modification is required, YYYYMMDDHHMM.SS when using default time format, or now.
- Default is None meaning that preserve is the default for state=[file,directory,link,hard] and now is default for state=touch
- type: str
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- default: yes
-- name: create a new user without password
- icx_user:
- name: user1
- nopassword: true
-- name: create a new user with password
- icx_user:
- name: user1
- configured_password: 'newpassword'
-- name: remove users
- icx_user:
- name: user1
- state: absent
-- name: set user privilege level to 5
- icx_user:
- name: user1
- privilege: 5
-RETURN = """
- description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample:
- - username ansible nopassword
- - username ansible password-string alethea123
- - no username ansible
- - username ansible privilege 5
- - username ansible enable
-from copy import deepcopy
-import re
-import base64
-import hashlib
-from functools import partial
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback
-from import remove_default_spec
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import exec_command
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-from import get_config, load_config
-def get_param_value(key, item, module):
- if not item.get(key):
- value = module.params[key]
- else:
- value_type = module.argument_spec[key].get('type', 'str')
- type_checker = module._CHECK_ARGUMENT_TYPES_DISPATCHER[value_type]
- type_checker(item[key])
- value = item[key]
- validator = globals().get('validate_%s' % key)
- if all((value, validator)):
- validator(value, module)
- return value
-def map_params_to_obj(module):
- users = module.params['aggregate']
- if not users:
- if not module.params['name'] and module.params['purge']:
- return list()
- elif not module.params['name']:
- module.fail_json(msg='username is required')
- else:
- aggregate = [{'name': module.params['name']}]
- else:
- aggregate = list()
- for item in users:
- if not isinstance(item, dict):
- aggregate.append({'name': item})
- elif 'name' not in item:
- module.fail_json(msg='name is required')
- else:
- aggregate.append(item)
- objects = list()
- for item in aggregate:
- get_value = partial(get_param_value, item=item, module=module)
- item['configured_password'] = get_value('configured_password')
- item['nopassword'] = get_value('nopassword')
- item['privilege'] = get_value('privilege')
- item['state'] = get_value('state')
- objects.append(item)
- return objects
-def parse_privilege(data):
- match ='privilege (\S)', data, re.M)
- if match:
- return
-def map_config_to_obj(module):
- compare = module.params['check_running_config']
- data = get_config(module, flags=['| include username'], compare=compare)
- match = re.findall(r'(?:^(?:u|\s{2}u))sername (\S+)', data, re.M)
- if not match:
- return list()
- instances = list()
- for user in set(match):
- regex = r'username %s .+$' % user
- cfg = re.findall(regex, data, re.M)
- cfg = '\n'.join(cfg)
- obj = {
- 'name': user,
- 'state': 'present',
- 'nopassword': 'nopassword' in cfg,
- 'configured_password': None,
- 'privilege': parse_privilege(cfg)
- }
- instances.append(obj)
- return instances
-def map_obj_to_commands(updates, module):
- commands = list()
- state = module.params['state']
- update_password = module.params['update_password']
- def needs_update(want, have, x):
- return want.get(x) and (want.get(x) != have.get(x))
- def add(command, want, x):
- command.append('username %s %s' % (want['name'], x))
- for update in updates:
- want, have = update
- if want['state'] == 'absent':
- commands.append(user_del_cmd(want['name']))
- if needs_update(want, have, 'privilege'):
- add(commands, want, 'privilege %s password %s' % (want['privilege'], want['configured_password']))
- else:
- if needs_update(want, have, 'configured_password'):
- if update_password == 'always' or not have:
- add(commands, want, '%spassword %s' % ('privilege ' + str(have.get('privilege')) +
- " " if have.get('privilege') is not None else '', want['configured_password']))
- if needs_update(want, have, 'nopassword'):
- if want['nopassword']:
- add(commands, want, 'nopassword')
- if needs_update(want, have, 'access_time'):
- add(commands, want, 'access-time %s' % want['access_time'])
- if needs_update(want, have, 'expiry_days'):
- add(commands, want, 'expires %s' % want['expiry_days'])
- return commands
-def update_objects(want, have):
- updates = list()
- for entry in want:
- item = next((i for i in have if i['name'] == entry['name']), None)
- if all((item is None, entry['state'] == 'present')):
- updates.append((entry, {}))
- elif all((have == [], entry['state'] == 'absent')):
- for key, value in iteritems(entry):
- if key not in ['update_password']:
- updates.append((entry, item))
- break
- elif item:
- for key, value in iteritems(entry):
- if key not in ['update_password']:
- if value is not None and value != item.get(key):
- updates.append((entry, item))
- break
- return updates
-def user_del_cmd(username):
- return 'no username %s' % username
-def main():
- """entry point for module execution
- """
- element_spec = dict(
- name=dict(),
- configured_password=dict(no_log=True),
- nopassword=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- update_password=dict(default='always', choices=['on_create', 'always']),
- privilege=dict(type='str', choices=['0', '4', '5']),
- access_time=dict(type='str'),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- check_running_config=dict(default=True, type='bool', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_CHECK_ICX_RUNNING_CONFIG']))
- )
- aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec)
- aggregate_spec['name'] = dict(required=True)
- remove_default_spec(aggregate_spec)
- argument_spec = dict(
- aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec, aliases=['users', 'collection']),
- purge=dict(type='bool', default=False)
- )
- argument_spec.update(element_spec)
- mutually_exclusive = [('name', 'aggregate')]
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- result = {'changed': False}
- exec_command(module, 'skip')
- want = map_params_to_obj(module)
- have = map_config_to_obj(module)
- commands = map_obj_to_commands(update_objects(want, have), module)
- if module.params['purge']:
- want_users = [x['name'] for x in want]
- have_users = [x['name'] for x in have]
- for item in set(have_users).difference(want_users):
- if item != 'admin':
- commands.append(user_del_cmd(item))
- result["commands"] = commands
- if commands:
- if not module.check_mode:
- load_config(module, commands)
- result['changed'] = True
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
deleted file mode 100644
index cb2a83d800..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/icx/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: icx_vlan
-version_added: "2.9"
-author: "Ruckus Wireless (@Commscope)"
-short_description: Manage VLANs on Ruckus ICX 7000 series switches
- - This module provides declarative management of VLANs
- on ICX network devices.
- - Tested against ICX 10.1.
- - For information on using ICX platform, see L(the ICX OS Platform Options guide,../network/user_guide/platform_icx.html).
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the VLAN.
- type: str
- vlan_id:
- description:
- - ID of the VLAN. Range 1-4094.
- required: true
- type: int
- interfaces:
- description:
- - List of ethernet ports or LAGS to be added as access(untagged) ports to the vlan.
- To add a range of ports use 'to' keyword. See the example.
- suboptions:
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the interface or lag
- type: list
- purge:
- description:
- - Purge interfaces not defined in the I(name)
- type: bool
- type: dict
- tagged:
- description:
- - List of ethernet ports or LAGS to be added as trunk(tagged) ports to the vlan.
- To add a range of ports use 'to' keyword. See the example.
- suboptions:
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the interface or lag
- type: list
- purge:
- description:
- - Purge interfaces not defined in the I(name)
- type: bool
- type: dict
- ip_dhcp_snooping:
- description:
- - Enables DHCP snooping on a VLAN.
- type: bool
- ip_arp_inspection:
- description:
- - Enables dynamic ARP inspection on a VLAN.
- type: bool
- associated_interfaces:
- description:
- - This is a intent option and checks the operational state of the for given vlan C(name)
- for associated interfaces. If the value in the C(associated_interfaces) does not match with
- the operational state of vlan interfaces on device it will result in failure.
- type: list
- associated_tagged:
- description:
- - This is a intent option and checks the operational state of given vlan C(name)
- for associated tagged ports and lags. If the value in the C(associated_tagged) does not match with
- the operational state of vlan interfaces on device it will result in failure.
- type: list
- delay:
- description:
- - Delay the play should wait to check for declarative intent params values.
- default: 10
- type: int
- stp:
- description:
- - Enable spanning-tree 802-1w/rstp for this vlan.
- suboptions:
- type:
- description:
- - Specify the type of spanning-tree
- type: str
- default: 802-1w
- choices: ['802-1w','rstp']
- priority:
- description:
- - Configures the priority of the bridge. The value ranges from
- 0 through 65535. A lower numerical value means the bridge has
- a higher priority. Thus, the highest priority is 0. The default is 32768.
- type: str
- enabled:
- description:
- - Manage the state(Enable/Disable) of the spanning_tree_802_1w in the current vlan
- type: bool
- type: dict
- aggregate:
- description:
- - List of VLANs definitions.
- type: list
- suboptions:
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the VLAN.
- type: str
- vlan_id:
- description:
- - ID of the VLAN. Range 1-4094.
- required: true
- type: str
- ip_dhcp_snooping:
- description:
- - Enables DHCP snooping on a VLAN.
- type: bool
- ip_arp_inspection:
- description:
- - Enables dynamic ARP inspection on a VLAN.
- type: bool
- tagged:
- description:
- - List of ethernet ports or LAGS to be added as trunk(tagged) ports to the vlan.
- To add a range of ports use 'to' keyword. See the example.
- suboptions:
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the interface or lag
- type: list
- purge:
- description:
- - Purge interfaces not defined in the I(name)
- type: bool
- type: dict
- interfaces:
- description:
- - List of ethernet ports or LAGS to be added as access(untagged) ports to the vlan.
- To add a range of ports use 'to' keyword. See the example.
- suboptions:
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the interface or lag
- type: list
- purge:
- description:
- - Purge interfaces not defined in the I(name)
- type: bool
- type: dict
- delay:
- description:
- - Delay the play should wait to check for declarative intent params values.
- type: int
- stp:
- description:
- - Enable spanning-tree 802-1w/rstp for this vlan.
- suboptions:
- type:
- description:
- - Specify the type of spanning-tree
- type: str
- default: 802-1w
- choices: ['802-1w','rstp']
- priority:
- description:
- - Configures the priority of the bridge. The value ranges from
- 0 through 65535. A lower numerical value means the bridge has
- a higher priority. Thus, the highest priority is 0. The default is 32768.
- type: str
- enabled:
- description:
- - Manage the state(Enable/Disable) of the spanning_tree_802_1w in the current vlan
- type: bool
- type: dict
- state:
- description:
- - State of the VLAN configuration.
- type: str
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- associated_interfaces:
- description:
- - This is a intent option and checks the operational state of the for given vlan C(name)
- for associated interfaces. If the value in the C(associated_interfaces) does not match with
- the operational state of vlan interfaces on device it will result in failure.
- type: list
- associated_tagged:
- description:
- - This is a intent option and checks the operational state of given vlan C(name)
- for associated tagged ports and lags. If the value in the C(associated_tagged) does not match with
- the operational state of vlan interfaces on device it will result in failure.
- type: list
- purge:
- description:
- - Purge VLANs not defined in the I(aggregate) parameter.
- default: no
- type: bool
- state:
- description:
- - State of the VLAN configuration.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- check_running_config:
- description:
- - Check running configuration. This can be set as environment variable.
- Module will use environment variable value(default:True), unless it is overridden, by specifying it as module parameter.
- type: bool
- default: yes
-- name: Add a single ethernet 1/1/48 as access(untagged) port to vlan 20
- icx_vlan:
- name: test-vlan
- vlan_id: 20
- interfaces:
- name:
- - ethernet 1/1/48
-- name: Add a single LAG 10 as access(untagged) port to vlan 20
- icx_vlan:
- vlan_id: 20
- interfaces:
- name:
- - lag 10
-- name: Add a range of ethernet ports as trunk(tagged) ports to vlan 20 by port
- icx_vlan:
- vlan_id: 20
- tagged:
- name:
- - ethernet 1/1/40 to 1/1/48
-- name: Add discontinuous lags, ethernet ports as access(untagged) and trunk(tagged) port to vlan 20.
- icx_vlan:
- vlan_id: 20
- interfaces:
- name:
- - ethernet 1/1/40 to 1/1/48
- - ethernet 2/1/1
- - lag 1
- - lag 3 to 5
- tagged:
- name:
- - ethernet 1/1/20 to 1/1/25
- - lag 1 to 3
-- name: Remove an access and range of trunk ports from vlan
- icx_vlan:
- vlan_id: 20
- interfaces:
- name:
- - ethernet 1/1/40
- tagged:
- name:
- - ethernet 1/1/39 to 1/1/70
-- name: Enable dhcp snooping, disable arp inspection in vlan
- icx_vlan:
- vlan_id: 20
- ip_dhcp_snooping: present
- ip_arp_inspection: absent
-- name: Create vlan 20. Enable arp inspection in vlan. Purge all other vlans.
- icx_vlan:
- vlan_id: 20
- ip_arp_inspection: present
- purge: present
-- name: Remove vlan 20.
- icx_vlan:
- vlan_id: 20
- state: absent
-RETURN = """
- description: The list of configuration mode commands to send to the device
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample:
- - vlan 100
- - name test-vlan
-import re
-from time import sleep
-import itertools
-from copy import deepcopy
-from time import sleep
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, env_fallback
-from import NetworkConfig
-from import load_config, get_config
-from ansible.module_utils.connection import Connection, ConnectionError, exec_command
-from import conditional, remove_default_spec
-def search_obj_in_list(vlan_id, lst):
- obj = list()
- for o in lst:
- if str(o['vlan_id']) == vlan_id:
- return o
-def parse_vlan_brief(module, vlan_id):
- command = 'show run vlan %s' % vlan_id
- rc, out, err = exec_command(module, command)
- lines = out.split('\n')
- untagged_ports = list()
- untagged_lags = list()
- tagged_ports = list()
- tagged_lags = list()
- for line in lines:
- if 'tagged' in line.split():
- lags = line.split(" lag ")
- ports = lags[0].split(" ethe ")
- del ports[0]
- del lags[0]
- for port in ports:
- if "to" in port:
- p = port.split(" to ")
- pr = int(p[1].split('/')[2]) - int(p[0].split('/')[2])
- for i in range(0, pr + 1):
- tagged_ports.append((int(p[0].split('/')[2]) + i))
- else:
- tagged_ports.append(int(port.split('/')[2]))
- for lag in lags:
- if "to" in lag:
- l = lag.split(" to ")
- lr = int(l[1]) - int(l[0])
- for i in range(0, lr + 1):
- tagged_lags.append((int(l[0]) + i))
- else:
- tagged_lags.append(int(lag))
- if 'untagged' in line.split():
- lags = line.split(" lag ")
- ports = lags[0].split(" ethe ")
- del ports[0]
- del lags[0]
- for port in ports:
- if "to" in port:
- p = port.split(" to ")
- pr = int(p[1].split('/')[2]) - int(p[0].split('/')[2])
- for i in range(0, pr + 1):
- untagged_ports.append((int(p[0].split('/')[2]) + i))
- else:
- untagged_ports.append(int(port.split('/')[2]))
- for lag in lags:
- if "to" in lag:
- l = lag.split(" to ")
- lr = int(l[1]) - int(l[0])
- for i in range(0, lr + 1):
- untagged_lags.append((int(l[0]) + i))
- else:
- untagged_lags.append(int(lag))
- return untagged_ports, untagged_lags, tagged_ports, tagged_lags
-def extract_list_from_interface(interface):
- if 'ethernet' in interface:
- if 'to' in interface:
- s ="\d+\/\d+/(?P<low>\d+)\sto\s+\d+\/\d+/(?P<high>\d+)", interface)
- low = int('low'))
- high = int('high'))
- else:
- s ="\d+\/\d+/(?P<low>\d+)", interface)
- low = int('low'))
- high = int('low'))
- elif 'lag' in interface:
- if 'to' in interface:
- s ="(?P<low>\d+)\sto\s(?P<high>\d+)", interface)
- low = int('low'))
- high = int('high'))
- else:
- s ="(?P<low>\d+)", interface)
- low = int('low'))
- high = int('low'))
- return low, high
-def parse_vlan_id(module):
- vlans = []
- command = 'show vlan brief'
- rc, out, err = exec_command(module, command)
- lines = out.split('\n')
- for line in lines:
- if 'VLANs Configured :' in line:
- values = line.split(':')[1]
- vlans = [s for s in values.split() if s.isdigit()]
- s = re.findall(r"(?P<low>\d+)\sto\s(?P<high>\d+)", values)
- for ranges in s:
- low = int(ranges[0]) + 1
- high = int(ranges[1])
- while(high > low):
- vlans.append(str(low))
- low = low + 1
- return vlans
-def spanning_tree(module, stp):
- stp_cmd = list()
- if stp.get('enabled') is False:
- if stp.get('type') == '802-1w':
- stp_cmd.append('no spanning-tree' + ' ' + stp.get('type'))
- stp_cmd.append('no spanning-tree')
- elif stp.get('type'):
- stp_cmd.append('spanning-tree' + ' ' + stp.get('type'))
- if stp.get('priority') and stp.get('type') == 'rstp':
- module.fail_json(msg='spanning-tree 802-1w only can have priority')
- elif stp.get('priority'):
- stp_cmd.append('spanning-tree' + ' ' + stp.get('type') + ' ' + 'priority' + ' ' + stp.get('priority'))
- return stp_cmd
-def map_params_to_obj(module):
- obj = []
- aggregate = module.params.get('aggregate')
- if aggregate:
- for item in aggregate:
- for key in item:
- if item.get(key) is None:
- item[key] = module.params[key]
- stp = item.get('stp')
- if stp:
- stp_cmd = spanning_tree(module, stp)
- item.update({'stp': stp_cmd})
- d = item.copy()
- obj.append(d)
- else:
- params = {
- 'name': module.params['name'],
- 'vlan_id': module.params['vlan_id'],
- 'interfaces': module.params['interfaces'],
- 'tagged': module.params['tagged'],
- 'associated_interfaces': module.params['associated_interfaces'],
- 'associated_tagged': module.params['associated_tagged'],
- 'delay': module.params['delay'],
- 'ip_dhcp_snooping': module.params['ip_dhcp_snooping'],
- 'ip_arp_inspection': module.params['ip_arp_inspection'],
- 'state': module.params['state'],
- }
- stp = module.params.get('stp')
- if stp:
- stp_cmd = spanning_tree(module, stp)
- params.update({'stp': stp_cmd})
- obj.append(params)
- return obj
-def map_obj_to_commands(updates, module):
- commands = list()
- want, have = updates
- purge = module.params['purge']
- for w in want:
- vlan_id = w['vlan_id']
- state = w['state']
- name = w['name']
- interfaces = w.get('interfaces')
- tagged = w.get('tagged')
- dhcp = w.get('ip_dhcp_snooping')
- arp = w.get('ip_arp_inspection')
- stp = w.get('stp')
- obj_in_have = search_obj_in_list(str(vlan_id), have)
- if state == 'absent':
- if have == []:
- commands.append('no vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- if obj_in_have:
- commands.append('no vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- elif state == 'present':
- if not obj_in_have:
- commands.append('vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- if name:
- commands.append('vlan {0} name {1}'.format(vlan_id, name))
- if interfaces:
- if interfaces['name']:
- for item in interfaces['name']:
- commands.append('untagged {0}'.format(item))
- if tagged:
- if tagged['name']:
- for item in tagged['name']:
- commands.append('tagged {0}'.format(item))
- if dhcp is True:
- commands.append('ip dhcp snooping vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- elif dhcp is False:
- commands.append('no ip dhcp snooping vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- if arp is True:
- commands.append('ip arp inspection vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- elif dhcp is False:
- commands.append('no ip arp inspection vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- if stp:
- if w.get('stp'):
- [commands.append(cmd) for cmd in w['stp']]
- else:
- commands.append('vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- if name:
- if name != obj_in_have['name']:
- commands.append('vlan {0} name {1}'.format(vlan_id, name))
- if interfaces:
- if interfaces['name']:
- have_interfaces = list()
- for interface in interfaces['name']:
- low, high = extract_list_from_interface(interface)
- while(high >= low):
- if 'ethernet' in interface:
- have_interfaces.append('ethernet 1/1/{0}'.format(low))
- if 'lag' in interface:
- have_interfaces.append('lag {0}'.format(low))
- low = low + 1
- if interfaces['purge'] is True:
- remove_interfaces = list(set(obj_in_have['interfaces']) - set(have_interfaces))
- for item in remove_interfaces:
- commands.append('no untagged {0}'.format(item))
- if interfaces['name']:
- add_interfaces = list(set(have_interfaces) - set(obj_in_have['interfaces']))
- for item in add_interfaces:
- commands.append('untagged {0}'.format(item))
- if tagged:
- if tagged['name']:
- have_tagged = list()
- for tag in tagged['name']:
- low, high = extract_list_from_interface(tag)
- while(high >= low):
- if 'ethernet' in tag:
- have_tagged.append('ethernet 1/1/{0}'.format(low))
- if 'lag' in tag:
- have_tagged.append('lag {0}'.format(low))
- low = low + 1
- if tagged['purge'] is True:
- remove_tagged = list(set(obj_in_have['tagged']) - set(have_tagged))
- for item in remove_tagged:
- commands.append('no tagged {0}'.format(item))
- if tagged['name']:
- add_tagged = list(set(have_tagged) - set(obj_in_have['tagged']))
- for item in add_tagged:
- commands.append('tagged {0}'.format(item))
- if dhcp != obj_in_have['ip_dhcp_snooping']:
- if dhcp is True:
- commands.append('ip dhcp snooping vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- elif dhcp is False:
- commands.append('no ip dhcp snooping vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- if arp != obj_in_have['ip_arp_inspection']:
- if arp is True:
- commands.append('ip arp inspection vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- elif arp is False:
- commands.append('no ip arp inspection vlan {0}'.format(vlan_id))
- if stp:
- if w.get('stp'):
- [commands.append(cmd) for cmd in w['stp']]
- if len(commands) == 1 and 'vlan ' + str(vlan_id) in commands:
- commands = []
- if purge:
- commands = []
- vlans = parse_vlan_id(module)
- for h in vlans:
- obj_in_want = search_obj_in_list(h, want)
- if not obj_in_want and h != '1':
- commands.append('no vlan {0}'.format(h))
- return commands
-def parse_name_argument(module, item):
- command = 'show vlan {0}'.format(item)
- rc, out, err = exec_command(module, command)
- match ="Name (\S+),", out)
- if match:
- return
-def parse_interfaces_argument(module, item, port_type):
- untagged_ports, untagged_lags, tagged_ports, tagged_lags = parse_vlan_brief(module, item)
- ports = list()
- if port_type == "interfaces":
- if untagged_ports:
- for port in untagged_ports:
- ports.append('ethernet 1/1/' + str(port))
- if untagged_lags:
- for port in untagged_lags:
- ports.append('lag ' + str(port))
- elif port_type == "tagged":
- if tagged_ports:
- for port in tagged_ports:
- ports.append('ethernet 1/1/' + str(port))
- if tagged_lags:
- for port in tagged_lags:
- ports.append('lag ' + str(port))
- return ports
-def parse_config_argument(config, arg):
- match =, config, re.M)
- if match:
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def map_config_to_obj(module):
- config = get_config(module)
- vlans = parse_vlan_id(module)
- instance = list()
- for item in set(vlans):
- obj = {
- 'vlan_id': item,
- 'name': parse_name_argument(module, item),
- 'interfaces': parse_interfaces_argument(module, item, 'interfaces'),
- 'tagged': parse_interfaces_argument(module, item, 'tagged'),
- 'ip_dhcp_snooping': parse_config_argument(config, 'ip dhcp snooping vlan {0}'.format(item)),
- 'ip_arp_inspection': parse_config_argument(config, 'ip arp inspection vlan {0}'.format(item)),
- }
- instance.append(obj)
- return instance
-def check_fail(module, output):
- error = [
- re.compile(r"^error", re.I)
- ]
- for x in output:
- for regex in error:
- if
- module.fail_json(msg=x)
-def check_declarative_intent_params(want, module, result):
- def parse_ports(interfaces, ports, lags):
- for interface in interfaces:
- low, high = extract_list_from_interface(interface)
- while(high >= low):
- if 'ethernet' in interface:
- if not (low in ports):
- module.fail_json(msg='One or more conditional statements have not been satisfied ' + interface)
- if 'lag' in interface:
- if not (low in lags):
- module.fail_json(msg='One or more conditional statements have not been satisfied ' + interface)
- low = low + 1
- is_delay = False
- low = 0
- high = 0
- for w in want:
- if w.get('associated_interfaces') is None and w.get('associated_tagged') is None:
- continue
- if result['changed'] and not is_delay:
- sleep(module.params['delay'])
- is_delay = True
- untagged_ports, untagged_lags, tagged_ports, tagged_lags = parse_vlan_brief(module, w['vlan_id'])
- if w['associated_interfaces']:
- parse_ports(w.get('associated_interfaces'), untagged_ports, untagged_lags)
- if w['associated_tagged']:
- parse_ports(w.get('associated_tagged'), tagged_ports, tagged_lags)
-def main():
- """ main entry point for module execution
- """
- stp_spec = dict(
- type=dict(default='802-1w', choices=['802-1w', 'rstp']),
- priority=dict(),
- enabled=dict(type='bool'),
- )
- inter_spec = dict(
- name=dict(type='list'),
- purge=dict(type='bool')
- )
- tagged_spec = dict(
- name=dict(type='list'),
- purge=dict(type='bool')
- )
- element_spec = dict(
- vlan_id=dict(type='int'),
- name=dict(),
- interfaces=dict(type='dict', options=inter_spec),
- tagged=dict(type='dict', options=tagged_spec),
- ip_dhcp_snooping=dict(type='bool'),
- ip_arp_inspection=dict(type='bool'),
- associated_interfaces=dict(type='list'),
- associated_tagged=dict(type='list'),
- delay=dict(default=10, type='int'),
- stp=dict(type='dict', options=stp_spec),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- check_running_config=dict(default=True, type='bool', fallback=(env_fallback, ['ANSIBLE_CHECK_ICX_RUNNING_CONFIG']))
- )
- aggregate_spec = deepcopy(element_spec)
- aggregate_spec['vlan_id'] = dict(required=True)
- remove_default_spec(aggregate_spec)
- argument_spec = dict(
- aggregate=dict(type='list', elements='dict', options=aggregate_spec),
- purge=dict(default=False, type='bool')
- )
- argument_spec.update(element_spec)
- required_one_of = [['vlan_id', 'aggregate']]
- mutually_exclusive = [['vlan_id', 'aggregate']]
- module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- required_one_of=required_one_of,
- mutually_exclusive=mutually_exclusive,
- supports_check_mode=True)
- warnings = list()
- result = {}
- result['changed'] = False
- if warnings:
- result['warnings'] = warnings
- exec_command(module, 'skip')
- want = map_params_to_obj(module)
- if module.params['check_running_config'] is False:
- have = []
- else:
- have = map_config_to_obj(module)
- commands = map_obj_to_commands((want, have), module)
- result['commands'] = commands
- if commands:
- if not module.check_mode:
- output = load_config(module, commands)
- if output:
- check_fail(module, output)
- result['output'] = output
- result['changed'] = True
- check_declarative_intent_params(want, module, result)
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()