path: root/lib/ansible/modules/network/f5/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ansible/modules/network/f5/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 645 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/f5/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/f5/
deleted file mode 100644
index dc2edaad93..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/f5/
+++ /dev/null
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, F5 Networks Inc.
-# GNU General Public License v3.0 (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'certified'}
-module: bigiq_utility_license_assignment
-short_description: Manage utility license assignment on BIG-IPs from a BIG-IQ
- - Manages the assignment of utility licenses on a BIG-IQ. Assignment means that
- the license is assigned to a BIG-IP, or, it needs to be assigned to a BIG-IP.
- Additionally, this module supported revoking the assignments from BIG-IP devices.
-version_added: 2.7
- unit_of_measure:
- description:
- - Sets the rate at which this license usage is billed.
- - Depending on your license, you may have different units of measures
- available to you. If a particular unit is not available to you, the module
- will notify you at licensing time.
- type: str
- choices:
- - hourly
- - daily
- - monthly
- - yearly
- default: hourly
- key:
- description:
- - The registration key that you want choose an offering from.
- type: str
- required: True
- offering:
- description:
- - Name of the license offering to assign to the device.
- type: str
- device:
- description:
- - When C(managed) is C(no), specifies the address, or hostname, where the BIG-IQ
- can reach the remote device to register.
- - When C(managed) is C(yes), specifies the managed device, or device UUID, that
- you want to register.
- - If C(managed) is C(yes), it is very important that you do not have more than
- one device with the same name. BIG-IQ internally recognizes devices by their ID,
- and therefore, this module's cannot guarantee that the correct device will be
- registered. The device returned is the device that will be used.
- type: str
- managed:
- description:
- - Whether the specified device is a managed or un-managed device.
- - When C(state) is C(present), this parameter is required.
- type: bool
- device_port:
- description:
- - Specifies the port of the remote device to connect to.
- - If this parameter is not specified, the default of C(443) will be used.
- type: int
- default: 443
- device_username:
- description:
- - The username used to connect to the remote device.
- - This username should be one that has sufficient privileges on the remote device
- to do licensing. Usually this is the C(Administrator) role.
- - When C(managed) is C(no), this parameter is required.
- type: str
- device_password:
- description:
- - The password of the C(device_username).
- - When C(managed) is C(no), this parameter is required.
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - When C(present), ensures that the device is assigned the specified license.
- - When C(absent), ensures the license is revokes from the remote device and freed
- on the BIG-IQ.
- type: str
- choices:
- - present
- - absent
- default: present
-extends_documentation_fragment: f5
- - Tim Rupp (@caphrim007)
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Register an unmanaged device
- bigiq_utility_license_assignment:
- offering: F5-BIG-MSP-AFM-10G-LIC
- device:
- managed: no
- device_username: admin
- device_password: secret
- state: present
- provider:
- password: secret
- server:
- user: admin
- delegate_to: localhost
-- name: Register a managed device, by name
- bigiq_utility_license_assignment:
- offering: F5-BIG-MSP-AFM-10G-LIC
- device:
- managed: yes
- state: present
- provider:
- password: secret
- server:
- user: admin
- delegate_to: localhost
-- name: Register a managed device, by UUID
- bigiq_utility_license_assignment:
- offering: F5-BIG-MSP-AFM-10G-LIC
- device: 7141a063-7cf8-423f-9829-9d40599fa3e0
- managed: yes
- state: present
- provider:
- password: secret
- server:
- user: admin
- delegate_to: localhost
-RETURN = r'''
-# only common fields returned
-import re
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
- from import F5RestClient
- from import F5ModuleError
- from import AnsibleF5Parameters
- from import f5_argument_spec
- from import is_valid_ip
-except ImportError:
- from import F5RestClient
- from import F5ModuleError
- from import AnsibleF5Parameters
- from import f5_argument_spec
- from import is_valid_ip
-class Parameters(AnsibleF5Parameters):
- api_map = {
- 'deviceReference': 'device_reference',
- 'deviceAddress': 'device_address',
- 'httpsPort': 'device_port',
- 'unitOfMeasure': 'unit_of_measure'
- }
- api_attributes = [
- 'deviceReference', 'deviceAddress', 'httpsPort', 'managed', 'unitOfMeasure'
- ]
- returnables = [
- 'device_address', 'device_reference', 'device_username', 'device_password',
- 'device_port', 'managed', 'unit_of_measure'
- ]
- updatables = [
- 'device_reference', 'device_address', 'device_username', 'device_password',
- 'device_port', 'managed', 'unit_of_measure'
- ]
- def to_return(self):
- result = {}
- try:
- for returnable in self.returnables:
- result[returnable] = getattr(self, returnable)
- result = self._filter_params(result)
- except Exception:
- pass
- return result
-class ApiParameters(Parameters):
- pass
-class ModuleParameters(Parameters):
- @property
- def device_password(self):
- if self._values['device_password'] is None:
- return None
- return self._values['device_password']
- @property
- def device_username(self):
- if self._values['device_username'] is None:
- return None
- return self._values['device_username']
- @property
- def device_address(self):
- if self.device_is_address:
- return self._values['device']
- @property
- def device_port(self):
- if self._values['device_port'] is None:
- return None
- return int(self._values['device_port'])
- @property
- def device_is_address(self):
- if is_valid_ip(self.device):
- return True
- return False
- @property
- def device_is_id(self):
- pattern = r'[A-Za-z0-9]{8}-[A-Za-z0-9]{4}-[A-Za-z0-9]{4}-[A-Za-z0-9]{4}-[A-Za-z0-9]{12}'
- if re.match(pattern, self.device):
- return True
- return False
- @property
- def device_is_name(self):
- if not self.device_is_address and not self.device_is_id:
- return True
- return False
- @property
- def device_reference(self):
- if not self.managed:
- return None
- if self.device_is_address:
- # This range lookup is how you do lookups for single IP addresses. Weird.
- filter = "address+eq+'{0}...{0}'".format(self.device)
- elif self.device_is_name:
- filter = "hostname+eq+'{0}'".format(self.device)
- elif self.device_is_id:
- filter = "uuid+eq+'{0}'".format(self.device)
- else:
- raise F5ModuleError(
- "Unknown device format '{0}'".format(self.device)
- )
- uri = "https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-bigip-allBigIpDevices/devices/?$filter={2}&$top=1".format(
- self.client.provider['server'],
- self.client.provider['server_port'],
- filter
- )
- resp = self.client.api.get(uri)
- try:
- response = resp.json()
- except ValueError as ex:
- raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
- if resp.status == 200 and response['totalItems'] == 0:
- raise F5ModuleError(
- "No device with the specified address was found."
- )
- elif 'code' in response and response['code'] == 400:
- if 'message' in response:
- raise F5ModuleError(response['message'])
- else:
- raise F5ModuleError(resp._content)
- id = response['items'][0]['uuid']
- result = dict(
- link='https://localhost/mgmt/shared/resolver/device-groups/cm-bigip-allBigIpDevices/devices/{0}'.format(id)
- )
- return result
- @property
- def offering_id(self):
- filter = "(name+eq+'{0}')".format(self.offering)
- uri = 'https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/cm/device/licensing/pool/utility/licenses/{2}/offerings?$filter={3}&$top=1'.format(
- self.client.provider['server'],
- self.client.provider['server_port'],
- self.key,
- filter
- )
- resp = self.client.api.get(uri)
- try:
- response = resp.json()
- except ValueError as ex:
- raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
- if resp.status == 200 and response['totalItems'] == 0:
- raise F5ModuleError(
- "No offering with the specified name was found."
- )
- elif 'code' in response and response['code'] == 400:
- if 'message' in response:
- raise F5ModuleError(response['message'])
- else:
- raise F5ModuleError(resp._content)
- return response['items'][0]['id']
- @property
- def member_id(self):
- if self.device_is_address:
- # This range lookup is how you do lookups for single IP addresses. Weird.
- filter = "deviceAddress+eq+'{0}...{0}'".format(self.device)
- elif self.device_is_name:
- filter = "deviceName+eq+'{0}'".format(self.device)
- elif self.device_is_id:
- filter = "deviceMachineId+eq+'{0}'".format(self.device)
- else:
- raise F5ModuleError(
- "Unknown device format '{0}'".format(self.device)
- )
- uri = 'https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/cm/device/licensing/pool/utility/licenses/{2}/offerings/{3}/members/?$filter={4}'.format(
- self.client.provider['server'],
- self.client.provider['server_port'],
- self.key,
- self.offering_id,
- filter
- )
- resp = self.client.api.get(uri)
- try:
- response = resp.json()
- except ValueError as ex:
- raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
- if resp.status == 200 and response['totalItems'] == 0:
- return None
- elif 'code' in response and response['code'] == 400:
- if 'message' in response:
- raise F5ModuleError(response['message'])
- else:
- raise F5ModuleError(resp._content)
- result = response['items'][0]['id']
- return result
-class Changes(Parameters):
- pass
-class UsableChanges(Changes):
- @property
- def device_port(self):
- if self._values['managed']:
- return None
- return self._values['device_port']
- @property
- def device_username(self):
- if self._values['managed']:
- return None
- return self._values['device_username']
- @property
- def device_password(self):
- if self._values['managed']:
- return None
- return self._values['device_password']
- @property
- def device_reference(self):
- if not self._values['managed']:
- return None
- return self._values['device_reference']
- @property
- def device_address(self):
- if self._values['managed']:
- return None
- return self._values['device_address']
- @property
- def managed(self):
- return None
-class ReportableChanges(Changes):
- pass
-class Difference(object):
- def __init__(self, want, have=None):
- self.want = want
- self.have = have
- def compare(self, param):
- try:
- result = getattr(self, param)
- return result
- except AttributeError:
- return self.__default(param)
- def __default(self, param):
- attr1 = getattr(self.want, param)
- try:
- attr2 = getattr(self.have, param)
- if attr1 != attr2:
- return attr1
- except AttributeError:
- return attr1
-class ModuleManager(object):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- self.module = kwargs.get('module', None)
- self.client = F5RestClient(**self.module.params)
- self.want = ModuleParameters(params=self.module.params, client=self.client)
- self.have = ApiParameters()
- self.changes = UsableChanges()
- def _set_changed_options(self):
- changed = {}
- for key in Parameters.returnables:
- if getattr(self.want, key) is not None:
- changed[key] = getattr(self.want, key)
- if changed:
- self.changes = Changes(params=changed)
- def _update_changed_options(self):
- diff = Difference(self.want, self.have)
- updatables = Parameters.updatables
- changed = dict()
- for k in updatables:
- change =
- if change is None:
- continue
- else:
- if isinstance(change, dict):
- changed.update(change)
- else:
- changed[k] = change
- if changed:
- self.changes = Changes(params=changed)
- return True
- return False
- def should_update(self):
- result = self._update_changed_options()
- if result:
- return True
- return False
- def exec_module(self):
- changed = False
- result = dict()
- state = self.want.state
- if state == "present":
- changed = self.present()
- elif state == "absent":
- changed = self.absent()
- reportable = ReportableChanges(params=self.changes.to_return())
- changes = reportable.to_return()
- result.update(**changes)
- result.update(dict(changed=changed))
- self._announce_deprecations(result)
- return result
- def _announce_deprecations(self, result):
- warnings = result.pop('__warnings', [])
- for warning in warnings:
- self.module.deprecate(
- msg=warning['msg'],
- version=warning['version']
- )
- def present(self):
- if self.exists():
- return False
- return self.create()
- def exists(self):
- if self.want.member_id is None:
- return False
- uri = 'https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/cm/device/licensing/pool/utility/licenses/{2}/offerings/{3}/members/{4}'.format(
- self.client.provider['server'],
- self.client.provider['server_port'],
- self.want.key,
- self.want.offering_id,
- self.want.member_id
- )
- resp = self.client.api.get(uri)
- if resp.status == 200:
- return True
- return False
- def remove(self):
- self._set_changed_options()
- if self.module.check_mode:
- return True
- self.remove_from_device()
- if self.exists():
- raise F5ModuleError("Failed to delete the resource.")
- return True
- def create(self):
- self._set_changed_options()
- if not self.want.managed:
- if self.want.device_username is None:
- raise F5ModuleError(
- "You must specify a 'device_username' when working with unmanaged devices."
- )
- if self.want.device_password is None:
- raise F5ModuleError(
- "You must specify a 'device_password' when working with unmanaged devices."
- )
- if self.module.check_mode:
- return True
- self.create_on_device()
- if not self.exists():
- raise F5ModuleError(
- "Failed to license the remote device."
- )
- self.wait_for_device_to_be_licensed()
- return True
- def create_on_device(self):
- params = self.changes.api_params()
- uri = 'https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/cm/device/licensing/pool/utility/licenses/{2}/offerings/{3}/members/'.format(
- self.client.provider['server'],
- self.client.provider['server_port'],
- self.want.key,
- self.want.offering_id,
- )
- if not self.want.managed:
- params['username'] = self.want.device_username
- params['password'] = self.want.device_password
- resp =, json=params)
- try:
- response = resp.json()
- except ValueError as ex:
- raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
- if 'code' in response and response['code'] == 400:
- if 'message' in response:
- raise F5ModuleError(response['message'])
- else:
- raise F5ModuleError(resp.content)
- def wait_for_device_to_be_licensed(self):
- count = 0
- uri = 'https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/cm/device/licensing/pool/utility/licenses/{2}/offerings/{3}/members/{4}'.format(
- self.client.provider['server'],
- self.client.provider['server_port'],
- self.want.key,
- self.want.offering_id,
- self.want.member_id,
- )
- while count < 3:
- resp = self.client.api.get(uri)
- try:
- response = resp.json()
- except ValueError as ex:
- raise F5ModuleError(str(ex))
- if 'code' in response and response['code'] == 400:
- if 'message' in response:
- raise F5ModuleError(response['message'])
- else:
- raise F5ModuleError(resp.content)
- if response['status'] == 'LICENSED':
- count += 1
- else:
- count = 0
- def absent(self):
- if self.exists():
- return self.remove()
- return False
- def remove_from_device(self):
- uri = 'https://{0}:{1}/mgmt/cm/device/licensing/pool/utility/licenses/{2}/offerings/{3}/members/{4}'.format(
- self.client.provider['server'],
- self.client.provider['server_port'],
- self.want.key,
- self.want.offering_id,
- self.want.member_id
- )
- params = {}
- if not self.want.managed:
- params.update(self.changes.api_params())
- params['id'] = self.want.member_id
- params['username'] = self.want.device_username
- params['password'] = self.want.device_password
- self.client.api.delete(uri, json=params)
-class ArgumentSpec(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.supports_check_mode = True
- argument_spec = dict(
- offering=dict(required=True),
- unit_of_measure=dict(
- default='hourly',
- choices=[
- 'hourly', 'daily', 'monthly', 'yearly'
- ]
- ),
- key=dict(required=True, no_log=True),
- device=dict(required=True),
- managed=dict(type='bool'),
- device_port=dict(type='int', default=443),
- device_username=dict(no_log=True),
- device_password=dict(no_log=True),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present'])
- )
- self.argument_spec = {}
- self.argument_spec.update(f5_argument_spec)
- self.argument_spec.update(argument_spec)
- self.required_if = [
- ['state', 'present', ['key', 'managed']],
- ['managed', False, ['device', 'device_username', 'device_password']],
- ['managed', True, ['device']]
- ]
-def main():
- spec = ArgumentSpec()
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=spec.argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=spec.supports_check_mode,
- required_if=spec.required_if
- )
- try:
- mm = ModuleManager(module=module)
- results = mm.exec_module()
- module.exit_json(**results)
- except F5ModuleError as ex:
- module.fail_json(msg=str(ex))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()