path: root/lib/ansible/modules/network/cloudengine/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 493 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/cloudengine/ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/cloudengine/
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index fed10310e8..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/network/cloudengine/
+++ /dev/null
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-# This file is part of Ansible
-# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: ce_lacp
-version_added: "2.10"
-short_description: Manages Eth-Trunk interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches
- - Manages Eth-Trunk specific configuration parameters on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
-author: xuxiaowei0512 (@CloudEngine-Ansible)
- - C(state=absent) removes the Eth-Trunk config and interface if it already exists. If members to be removed are not explicitly
- passed, all existing members (if any), are removed, and Eth-Trunk removed.
- - This module requires the netconf system service be enabled on the remote device being managed.
- - Recommended connection is C(netconf).
- - This module also works with C(local) connections for legacy playbooks.
- trunk_id:
- description:
- - Eth-Trunk interface number.
- The value is an integer.
- The value range depends on the assign forward eth-trunk mode command.
- When 256 is specified, the value ranges from 0 to 255.
- When 512 is specified, the value ranges from 0 to 511.
- When 1024 is specified, the value ranges from 0 to 1023.
- type: int
- mode:
- description:
- - Specifies the working mode of an Eth-Trunk interface.
- default: null
- choices: ['Manual','Dynamic','Static']
- type: str
- preempt_enable:
- description:
- - Specifies lacp preempt enable of Eth-Trunk lacp.
- The value is an boolean 'true' or 'false'.
- type: bool
- state_flapping:
- description:
- - Lacp dampening state-flapping.
- type: bool
- port_id_extension_enable:
- description:
- - Enable the function of extending the LACP negotiation port number.
- type: bool
- unexpected_mac_disable:
- description:
- - Lacp dampening unexpected-mac disable.
- type: bool
- system_id:
- description:
- - Link Aggregation Control Protocol System ID,interface Eth-Trunk View.
- - Formate 'X-X-X',X is hex(a,aa,aaa, or aaaa)
- type: str
- timeout_type:
- description:
- - Lacp timeout type,that may be 'Fast' or 'Slow'.
- choices: ['Slow', 'Fast']
- type: str
- fast_timeout:
- description:
- - When lacp timeout type is 'Fast', user-defined time can be a number(3~90).
- type: int
- mixed_rate_link_enable:
- description:
- - Value of max active linknumber.
- type: bool
- preempt_delay:
- description:
- - Value of preemption delay time.
- type: int
- collector_delay:
- description:
- - Value of delay time in units of 10 microseconds.
- type: int
- max_active_linknumber:
- description:
- - Max active linknumber in link aggregation group.
- type: int
- select:
- description:
- - Select priority or speed to preempt.
- choices: ['Speed', 'Prority']
- type: str
- priority:
- description:
- - The priority of eth-trunk member interface.
- type: int
- global_priority:
- description:
- - Configure lacp priority on system-view.
- type: int
- state:
- description:
- - Manage the state of the resource.
- default: present
- choices: ['present','absent']
- type: str
-EXAMPLES = r'''
- - name: Ensure Eth-Trunk100 is created, and set to mode lacp-static
- ce_lacp:
- trunk_id: 100
- mode: 'lacp-static'
- state: present
- - name: Ensure Eth-Trunk100 is created, add two members, and set global priority to 1231
- ce_lacp:
- trunk_id: 100
- global_priority: 1231
- state: present
- - name: Ensure Eth-Trunk100 is created, and set mode to Dynamic and configure other options
- ce_lacp:
- trunk_id: 100
- mode: Dynamic
- preempt_enable: True,
- state_flapping: True,
- port_id_extension_enable: True,
- unexpected_mac_disable: True,
- timeout_type: Fast,
- fast_timeout: 123,
- mixed_rate_link_enable: True,
- preempt_delay: 23,
- collector_delay: 33,
- state: present
-RETURN = r'''
- description: k/v pairs of parameters passed into module
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: {"trunk_id": "100", "members": ['10GE1/0/24','10GE1/0/25'], "mode": "lacp-static"}
- description: k/v pairs of existing Eth-Trunk
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: {"trunk_id": "100", "hash_type": "mac", "members_detail": [
- {"memberIfName": "10GE1/0/25", "memberIfState": "Down"}],
- "min_links": "1", "mode": "manual"}
- description: k/v pairs of Eth-Trunk info after module execution
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: {"trunk_id": "100", "hash_type": "mac", "members_detail": [
- {"memberIfName": "10GE1/0/24", "memberIfState": "Down"},
- {"memberIfName": "10GE1/0/25", "memberIfState": "Down"}],
- "min_links": "1", "mode": "lacp-static"}
- description: command sent to the device
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ["interface Eth-Trunk 100",
- "mode lacp-static",
- "interface 10GE1/0/25",
- "eth-trunk 100"]
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-import re
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-from import get_nc_config, set_nc_config
-LACP = {'trunk_id': 'ifName',
- 'mode': 'workMode',
- 'preempt_enable': 'isSupportPrmpt',
- 'state_flapping': 'dampStaFlapEn',
- 'port_id_extension_enable': 'trunkPortIdExt',
- 'unexpected_mac_disable': 'dampUnexpMacEn',
- 'system_id': 'trunkSysMac',
- 'timeout_type': 'rcvTimeoutType',
- 'fast_timeout': 'fastTimeoutUserDefinedValue',
- 'mixed_rate_link_enable': 'mixRateEnable',
- 'preempt_delay': 'promptDelay',
- 'collector_delay': 'collectMaxDelay',
- 'max_active_linknumber': 'maxActiveNum',
- 'select': 'selectPortStd',
- 'weight': 'weight',
- 'priority': 'portPriority',
- 'global_priority': 'priority'
- }
-def has_element(parent, xpath):
- """get or create a element by xpath"""
- ele = parent.find('./' + xpath)
- if ele is not None:
- return ele
- ele = parent
- lpath = xpath.split('/')
- for p in lpath:
- e = parent.find('.//' + p)
- if e is None:
- e = ET.SubElement(ele, p)
- ele = e
- return ele
-def bulid_xml(kwargs, operation='get'):
- """create a xml tree by dictionary with operation,get,merge and delete"""
- attrib = {'xmlns': "",
- 'content-version': "1.0", 'format-version': "1.0"}
- root = ET.Element('ifmtrunk')
- for key in kwargs.keys():
- if key in ('global_priority',):
- xpath = 'lacpSysInfo'
- elif key in ('priority',):
- xpath = 'TrunkIfs/TrunkIf/TrunkMemberIfs/TrunkMemberIf/lacpPortInfo/lacpPort'
- elif key in ['preempt_enable', 'timeout_type', 'fast_timeout', 'select', 'preempt_delay',
- 'max_active_linknumber', 'collector_delay', 'mixed_rate_link_enable',
- 'state_flapping', 'unexpected_mac_disable', 'system_id',
- 'port_id_extension_enable']:
- xpath = 'TrunkIfs/TrunkIf/lacpTrunk'
- elif key in ('trunk_id', 'mode'):
- xpath = 'TrunkIfs/TrunkIf'
- if xpath != '':
- parent = has_element(root, xpath)
- element = ET.SubElement(parent, LACP[key])
- if operation == 'merge':
- parent.attrib = dict(operation=operation)
- element.text = str(kwargs[key])
- if key == 'mode':
- element.text = str(kwargs[key])
- if key == 'trunk_id':
- element.text = 'Eth-Trunk' + str(kwargs[key])
- root.attrib = attrib
- config = ET.tostring(root)
- if operation == 'merge' or operation == 'delete':
- return '<config>%s</config>' % to_native(config)
- return '<filter type="subtree">%s</filter>' % to_native(config)
-def check_param(kwargs):
- """check args list,the boolean or list values cloud not be checked,because they are limit by args list in main"""
- for key in kwargs:
- if kwargs[key] is None:
- continue
- if key == 'trunk_id':
- value = int(kwargs[key])
- # maximal value is 1024,although the value is limit by command 'assign forward eth-trunk mode '
- if value < 0 or value > 1024:
- return 'Error: Wrong Value of Eth-Trunk interface number'
- elif key == 'system_id':
- # X-X-X ,X is hex(4 bit)
- if not re.match(r'[0-9a-f]{1,4}\-[0-9a-f]{1,4}\-[0-9a-f]{1,4}', kwargs[key], re.IGNORECASE):
- return 'Error: The system-id is invalid.'
- values = kwargs[key].split('-')
- flag = 0
- # all 'X' is 0,that is invalid value
- for v in values:
- if len(v.strip('0')) < 1:
- flag += 1
- if flag == 3:
- return 'Error: The system-id is invalid.'
- elif key == 'timeout_type':
- # select a value from choices, choices=['Slow','Fast'],it's checked by AnsibleModule
- pass
- elif key == 'fast_timeout':
- value = int(kwargs[key])
- if value < 3 or value > 90:
- return 'Error: Wrong Value of timeout,fast user-defined value<3-90>'
- rtype = str(kwargs.get('timeout_type'))
- if rtype == 'Slow':
- return 'Error: Short timeout period for receiving packets is need,when user define the time.'
- elif key == 'preempt_delay':
- value = int(kwargs[key])
- if value < 0 or value > 180:
- return 'Error: Value of preemption delay time is from 0 to 180'
- elif key == 'collector_delay':
- value = int(kwargs[key])
- if value < 0 or value > 65535:
- return 'Error: Value of collector delay time is from 0 to 65535'
- elif key == 'max_active_linknumber':
- value = int(kwargs[key])
- if value < 0 or value > 64:
- return 'Error: Value of collector delay time is from 0 to 64'
- elif key == 'priority' or key == 'global_priority':
- value = int(kwargs[key])
- if value < 0 or value > 65535:
- return 'Error: Value of priority is from 0 to 65535'
- return 'ok'
-def xml_to_dict(args):
- """transfer xml string into dict """
- rdict = dict()
- args = re.sub(r'xmlns=\".+?\"', '', args)
- root = ET.fromstring(args)
- ifmtrunk = root.find('.//ifmtrunk')
- if ifmtrunk is not None:
- try:
- ifmtrunk_iter = ET.Element.iter(ifmtrunk)
- except AttributeError:
- ifmtrunk_iter = ifmtrunk.getiterator()
- for ele in ifmtrunk_iter:
- if ele.text is not None and len(ele.text.strip()) > 0:
- rdict[ele.tag] = ele.text
- return rdict
-def compare_config(module, kwarg_exist, kwarg_end):
- """compare config between exist and end"""
- dic_command = {'isSupportPrmpt': 'lacp preempt enable',
- 'rcvTimeoutType': 'lacp timeout', # lacp timeout fast user-defined 23
- 'fastTimeoutUserDefinedValue': 'lacp timeout user-defined',
- 'selectPortStd': 'lacp select',
- 'promptDelay': 'lacp preempt delay',
- 'maxActiveNum': 'lacp max active-linknumber',
- 'collectMaxDelay': 'lacp collector delay',
- 'mixRateEnable': 'lacp mixed-rate link enable',
- 'dampStaFlapEn': 'lacp dampening state-flapping',
- 'dampUnexpMacEn': 'lacp dampening unexpected-mac disable',
- 'trunkSysMac': 'lacp system-id',
- 'trunkPortIdExt': 'lacp port-id-extension enable',
- 'portPriority': 'lacp priority', # interface 10GE1/0/1
- 'lacpMlagPriority': 'lacp m-lag priority',
- 'lacpMlagSysId': 'lacp m-lag system-id',
- 'priority': 'lacp priority'
- }
- rlist = list()
- exist = set(kwarg_exist.keys())
- end = set(kwarg_end.keys())
- undo = exist - end
- add = end - exist
- update = end & exist
- for key in undo:
- if key in dic_command:
- rlist.append('undo ' + dic_command[key])
- for key in add:
- if key in dic_command:
- rlist.append(dic_command[key] + ' ' + kwarg_end[key])
- for key in update:
- if kwarg_exist[key] != kwarg_end[key] and key in dic_command:
- if kwarg_exist[key] == 'true' and kwarg_end[key] == 'false':
- rlist.append('undo ' + dic_command[key])
- elif kwarg_exist[key] == 'false' and kwarg_end[key] == 'true':
- rlist.append(dic_command[key])
- else:
- rlist.append(dic_command[key] + ' ' + kwarg_end[key].lower())
- return rlist
-class Lacp(object):
- """
- Manages Eth-Trunk interfaces LACP.
- """
- def __init__(self, argument_spec):
- self.spec = argument_spec
- self.module = None
- self.init_module()
- # module input info
- self.trunk_id = self.module.params['trunk_id']
- self.mode = self.module.params['mode']
- self.param = dict()
- self.state = self.module.params['state']
- # state
- self.changed = False
- self.updates_cmd = list()
- self.results = dict()
- self.proposed = dict()
- self.existing = dict()
- self.end_state = dict()
- def init_module(self):
- """ init AnsibleModule """
- self.module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=self.spec,
- mutually_exclusive=[['trunk_id', 'global_priority']],
- required_one_of=[['trunk_id', 'global_priority']],
- supports_check_mode=True)
- def check_params(self):
- """check module params """
- for key in self.module.params.keys():
- if key in LACP.keys() and self.module.params[key] is not None:
- self.param[key] = self.module.params[key]
- if isinstance(self.module.params[key], bool):
- self.param[key] = str(self.module.params[key]).lower()
- msg = check_param(self.param)
- if msg != 'ok':
- self.module.fail_json(msg=msg)
- def get_existing(self):
- """get existing"""
- xml_str = bulid_xml(self.param)
- xml = get_nc_config(self.module, xml_str)
- return xml_to_dict(xml)
- def get_proposed(self):
- """get proposed"""
- proposed = dict(state=self.state)
- proposed.update(self.param)
- return proposed
- def get_end_state(self):
- """ get end_state"""
- xml_str = bulid_xml(self.param)
- xml = get_nc_config(self.module, xml_str)
- return xml_to_dict(xml)
- def work(self):
- """worker"""
- self.check_params()
- existing = self.get_existing()
- proposed = self.get_proposed()
- # deal present or absent
- if self.state == "present":
- operation = 'merge'
- else:
- operation = 'delete'
- xml_str = bulid_xml(self.param, operation=operation)
- set_nc_config(self.module, xml_str)
- end_state = self.get_end_state()
- self.results['proposed'] = proposed
- self.results['existing'] = existing
- self.results['end_state'] = end_state
- updates_cmd = compare_config(self.module, existing, end_state)
- self.results['updates'] = updates_cmd
- if updates_cmd:
- self.results['changed'] = True
- else:
- self.results['changed'] = False
- self.module.exit_json(**self.results)
-def main():
- argument_spec = dict(
- mode=dict(required=False,
- choices=['Manual', 'Dynamic', 'Static'],
- type='str'),
- trunk_id=dict(required=False, type='int'),
- preempt_enable=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
- state_flapping=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
- port_id_extension_enable=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
- unexpected_mac_disable=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
- system_id=dict(required=False, type='str'),
- timeout_type=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['Slow', 'Fast']),
- fast_timeout=dict(required=False, type='int'),
- mixed_rate_link_enable=dict(required=False, type='bool'),
- preempt_delay=dict(required=False, type='int'),
- collector_delay=dict(required=False, type='int'),
- max_active_linknumber=dict(required=False, type='int'),
- select=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=['Speed', 'Prority']),
- priority=dict(required=False, type='int'),
- global_priority=dict(required=False, type='int'),
- state=dict(required=False, default='present',
- choices=['present', 'absent'])
- )
- module = Lacp(argument_spec)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()