path: root/lib/ansible/modules/database
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ansible/modules/database')
52 files changed, 0 insertions, 21830 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/aerospike/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/aerospike/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e368215be..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/aerospike/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-"""short_description: Check or wait for migrations between nodes"""
-# Copyright: (c) 2018, Albert Autin
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: aerospike_migrations
-short_description: Check or wait for migrations between nodes
- - This can be used to check for migrations in a cluster.
- This makes it easy to do a rolling upgrade/update on Aerospike nodes.
- - If waiting for migrations is not desired, simply just poll until
- port 3000 if available or asinfo -v status returns ok
-version_added: 2.8
-author: "Albert Autin (@Alb0t)"
- host:
- description:
- - Which host do we use as seed for info connection
- required: False
- type: str
- default: localhost
- port:
- description:
- - Which port to connect to Aerospike on (service port)
- required: False
- type: int
- default: 3000
- connect_timeout:
- description:
- - How long to try to connect before giving up (milliseconds)
- required: False
- type: int
- default: 1000
- consecutive_good_checks:
- description:
- - How many times should the cluster report "no migrations"
- consecutively before returning OK back to ansible?
- required: False
- type: int
- default: 3
- sleep_between_checks:
- description:
- - How long to sleep between each check (seconds).
- required: False
- type: int
- default: 60
- tries_limit:
- description:
- - How many times do we poll before giving up and failing?
- default: 300
- required: False
- type: int
- local_only:
- description:
- - Do you wish to only check for migrations on the local node
- before returning, or do you want all nodes in the cluster
- to finish before returning?
- required: True
- type: bool
- min_cluster_size:
- description:
- - Check will return bad until cluster size is met
- or until tries is exhausted
- required: False
- type: int
- default: 1
- fail_on_cluster_change:
- description:
- - Fail if the cluster key changes
- if something else is changing the cluster, we may want to fail
- required: False
- type: bool
- default: True
- migrate_tx_key:
- description:
- - The metric key used to determine if we have tx migrations
- remaining. Changeable due to backwards compatibility.
- required: False
- type: str
- default: migrate_tx_partitions_remaining
- migrate_rx_key:
- description:
- - The metric key used to determine if we have rx migrations
- remaining. Changeable due to backwards compatibility.
- required: False
- type: str
- default: migrate_rx_partitions_remaining
- target_cluster_size:
- description:
- - When all aerospike builds in the cluster are greater than
- version 4.3, then the C(cluster-stable) info command will be used.
- Inside this command, you can optionally specify what the target
- cluster size is - but it is not necessary. You can still rely on
- min_cluster_size if you don't want to use this option.
- - If this option is specified on a cluster that has at least 1
- host <4.3 then it will be ignored until the min version reaches
- 4.3.
- required: False
- type: int
-# check for migrations on local node
-- name: wait for migrations on local node before proceeding
- aerospike_migrations:
- host: "localhost"
- connect_timeout: 2000
- consecutive_good_checks: 5
- sleep_between_checks: 15
- tries_limit: 600
- local_only: False
-# example playbook:
-- name: upgrade aerospike
- hosts: all
- become: true
- serial: 1
- tasks:
- - name: Install dependencies
- apt:
- name:
- - python
- - python-pip
- - python-setuptools
- state: latest
- - name: setup aerospike
- pip:
- name: aerospike
-# check for migrations every (sleep_between_checks)
-# If at least (consecutive_good_checks) checks come back OK in a row, then return OK.
-# Will exit if any exception, which can be caused by bad nodes,
-# nodes not returning data, or other reasons.
-# Maximum runtime before giving up in this case will be:
-# Tries Limit * Sleep Between Checks * delay * retries
- - name: wait for aerospike migrations
- aerospike_migrations:
- local_only: True
- sleep_between_checks: 1
- tries_limit: 5
- consecutive_good_checks: 3
- fail_on_cluster_change: true
- min_cluster_size: 3
- target_cluster_size: 4
- register: migrations_check
- until: migrations_check is succeeded
- changed_when: false
- delay: 60
- retries: 120
- - name: another thing
- shell: |
- echo foo
- - name: reboot
- reboot:
-RETURN = '''
-# Returns only a success/failure result. Changed is always false.
-import traceback
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
- import aerospike
- from time import sleep
- import re
-except ImportError as ie:
- LIB_FOUND = False
- LIB_FOUND_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- LIB_FOUND = True
-def run_module():
- """run ansible module"""
- module_args = dict(
- host=dict(type='str', required=False, default='localhost'),
- port=dict(type='int', required=False, default=3000),
- connect_timeout=dict(type='int', required=False, default=1000),
- consecutive_good_checks=dict(type='int', required=False, default=3),
- sleep_between_checks=dict(type='int', required=False, default=60),
- tries_limit=dict(type='int', required=False, default=300),
- local_only=dict(type='bool', required=True),
- min_cluster_size=dict(type='int', required=False, default=1),
- target_cluster_size=dict(type='int', required=False, default=None),
- fail_on_cluster_change=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=True),
- migrate_tx_key=dict(type='str', required=False,
- default="migrate_tx_partitions_remaining"),
- migrate_rx_key=dict(type='str', required=False,
- default="migrate_rx_partitions_remaining")
- )
- result = dict(
- changed=False,
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=module_args,
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- if not LIB_FOUND:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('aerospike'),
- exception=LIB_FOUND_ERR)
- try:
- if module.check_mode:
- has_migrations, skip_reason = False, None
- else:
- migrations = Migrations(module)
- has_migrations, skip_reason = migrations.has_migs(
- module.params['local_only']
- )
- if has_migrations:
- module.fail_json(msg="Failed.", skip_reason=skip_reason)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Error: {0}".format(e))
- module.exit_json(**result)
-class Migrations:
- """ Check or wait for migrations between nodes """
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.module = module
- self._client = self._create_client().connect()
- self._nodes = {}
- self._update_nodes_list()
- self._cluster_statistics = {}
- self._update_cluster_statistics()
- self._namespaces = set()
- self._update_cluster_namespace_list()
- self._build_list = set()
- self._update_build_list()
- self._start_cluster_key = \
- self._cluster_statistics[self._nodes[0]]['cluster_key']
- def _create_client(self):
- """ TODO: add support for auth, tls, and other special features
- I won't use those features, so I'll wait until somebody complains
- or does it for me (Cross fingers)
- create the client object"""
- config = {
- 'hosts': [
- (self.module.params['host'], self.module.params['port'])
- ],
- 'policies': {
- 'timeout': self.module.params['connect_timeout']
- }
- }
- return aerospike.client(config)
- def _info_cmd_helper(self, cmd, node=None, delimiter=';'):
- """delimiter is for separate stats that come back, NOT for kv
- separation which is ="""
- if node is None: # If no node passed, use the first one (local)
- node = self._nodes[0]
- data = self._client.info_node(cmd, node)
- data = data.split("\t")
- if len(data) != 1 and len(data) != 2:
- self.module.fail_json(
- msg="Unexpected number of values returned in info command: " +
- str(len(data))
- )
- # data will be in format 'command\touput'
- data = data[-1]
- data = data.rstrip("\n\r")
- data_arr = data.split(delimiter)
- # some commands don't return in kv format
- # so we dont want a dict from those.
- if '=' in data:
- retval = dict(
- metric.split("=", 1) for metric in data_arr
- )
- else:
- # if only 1 element found, and not kv, return just the value.
- if len(data_arr) == 1:
- retval = data_arr[0]
- else:
- retval = data_arr
- return retval
- def _update_build_list(self):
- """creates self._build_list which is a unique list
- of build versions."""
- self._build_list = set()
- for node in self._nodes:
- build = self._info_cmd_helper('build', node)
- self._build_list.add(build)
- # just checks to see if the version is 4.3 or greater
- def _can_use_cluster_stable(self):
- # if version <4.3 we can't use cluster-stable info cmd
- # regex hack to check for versions beginning with 0-3 or
- # beginning with 4.0,4.1,4.2
- if'^([0-3]\.|4\.[0-2])', min(self._build_list)):
- return False
- return True
- def _update_cluster_namespace_list(self):
- """ make a unique list of namespaces
- TODO: does this work on a rolling namespace add/deletion?
- thankfully if it doesn't, we dont need this on builds >=4.3"""
- self._namespaces = set()
- for node in self._nodes:
- namespaces = self._info_cmd_helper('namespaces', node)
- for namespace in namespaces:
- self._namespaces.add(namespace)
- def _update_cluster_statistics(self):
- """create a dict of nodes with their related stats """
- self._cluster_statistics = {}
- for node in self._nodes:
- self._cluster_statistics[node] = \
- self._info_cmd_helper('statistics', node)
- def _update_nodes_list(self):
- """get a fresh list of all the nodes"""
- self._nodes = self._client.get_nodes()
- if not self._nodes:
- self.module.fail_json("Failed to retrieve at least 1 node.")
- def _namespace_has_migs(self, namespace, node=None):
- """returns a True or False.
- Does the namespace have migrations for the node passed?
- If no node passed, uses the local node or the first one in the list"""
- namespace_stats = self._info_cmd_helper("namespace/" + namespace, node)
- try:
- namespace_tx = \
- int(namespace_stats[self.module.params['migrate_tx_key']])
- namespace_rx = \
- int(namespace_stats[self.module.params['migrate_tx_key']])
- except KeyError:
- self.module.fail_json(
- msg="Did not find partition remaining key:" +
- self.module.params['migrate_tx_key'] +
- " or key:" +
- self.module.params['migrate_rx_key'] +
- " in 'namespace/" +
- namespace +
- "' output."
- )
- except TypeError:
- self.module.fail_json(
- msg="namespace stat returned was not numerical"
- )
- return namespace_tx != 0 or namespace_rx != 0
- def _node_has_migs(self, node=None):
- """just calls namespace_has_migs and
- if any namespace has migs returns true"""
- migs = 0
- self._update_cluster_namespace_list()
- for namespace in self._namespaces:
- if self._namespace_has_migs(namespace, node):
- migs += 1
- return migs != 0
- def _cluster_key_consistent(self):
- """create a dictionary to store what each node
- returns the cluster key as. we should end up with only 1 dict key,
- with the key being the cluster key."""
- cluster_keys = {}
- for node in self._nodes:
- cluster_key = self._cluster_statistics[node][
- 'cluster_key']
- if cluster_key not in cluster_keys:
- cluster_keys[cluster_key] = 1
- else:
- cluster_keys[cluster_key] += 1
- if len(cluster_keys.keys()) == 1 and \
- self._start_cluster_key in cluster_keys:
- return True
- return False
- def _cluster_migrates_allowed(self):
- """ensure all nodes have 'migrate_allowed' in their stats output"""
- for node in self._nodes:
- node_stats = self._info_cmd_helper('statistics', node)
- allowed = node_stats['migrate_allowed']
- if allowed == "false":
- return False
- return True
- def _cluster_has_migs(self):
- """calls node_has_migs for each node"""
- migs = 0
- for node in self._nodes:
- if self._node_has_migs(node):
- migs += 1
- if migs == 0:
- return False
- return True
- def _has_migs(self, local):
- if local:
- return self._local_node_has_migs()
- return self._cluster_has_migs()
- def _local_node_has_migs(self):
- return self._node_has_migs(None)
- def _is_min_cluster_size(self):
- """checks that all nodes in the cluster are returning the
- minimum cluster size specified in their statistics output"""
- sizes = set()
- for node in self._cluster_statistics:
- sizes.add(int(self._cluster_statistics[node]['cluster_size']))
- if (len(sizes)) > 1: # if we are getting more than 1 size, lets say no
- return False
- if (min(sizes)) >= self.module.params['min_cluster_size']:
- return True
- return False
- def _cluster_stable(self):
- """Added 4.3:
- cluster-stable:size=<target-cluster-size>;ignore-migrations=<yes/no>;namespace=<namespace-name>
- Returns the current 'cluster_key' when the following are satisfied:
- If 'size' is specified then the target node's 'cluster-size'
- must match size.
- If 'ignore-migrations' is either unspecified or 'false' then
- the target node's migrations counts must be zero for the provided
- 'namespace' or all namespaces if 'namespace' is not provided."""
- cluster_key = set()
- cluster_key.add(self._info_cmd_helper('statistics')['cluster_key'])
- cmd = "cluster-stable:"
- target_cluster_size = self.module.params['target_cluster_size']
- if target_cluster_size is not None:
- cmd = cmd + "size=" + str(target_cluster_size) + ";"
- for node in self._nodes:
- cluster_key.add(self._info_cmd_helper(cmd, node))
- if len(cluster_key) == 1:
- return True
- return False
- def _cluster_good_state(self):
- """checks a few things to make sure we're OK to say the cluster
- has no migs. It could be in a unhealthy condition that does not allow
- migs, or a split brain"""
- if self._cluster_key_consistent() is not True:
- return False, "Cluster key inconsistent."
- if self._is_min_cluster_size() is not True:
- return False, "Cluster min size not reached."
- if self._cluster_migrates_allowed() is not True:
- return False, "migrate_allowed is false somewhere."
- return True, "OK."
- def has_migs(self, local=True):
- """returns a boolean, False if no migrations otherwise True"""
- consecutive_good = 0
- try_num = 0
- skip_reason = list()
- while \
- try_num < int(self.module.params['tries_limit']) and \
- consecutive_good < \
- int(self.module.params['consecutive_good_checks']):
- self._update_nodes_list()
- self._update_cluster_statistics()
- # These checks are outside of the while loop because
- # we probably want to skip & sleep instead of failing entirely
- stable, reason = self._cluster_good_state()
- if stable is not True:
- skip_reason.append(
- "Skipping on try#" + str(try_num) +
- " for reason:" + reason
- )
- else:
- if self._can_use_cluster_stable():
- if self._cluster_stable():
- consecutive_good += 1
- else:
- consecutive_good = 0
- skip_reason.append(
- "Skipping on try#" + str(try_num) +
- " for reason:" + " cluster_stable"
- )
- elif self._has_migs(local):
- # print("_has_migs")
- skip_reason.append(
- "Skipping on try#" + str(try_num) +
- " for reason:" + " migrations"
- )
- consecutive_good = 0
- else:
- consecutive_good += 1
- if consecutive_good == self.module.params[
- 'consecutive_good_checks']:
- break
- try_num += 1
- sleep(self.module.params['sleep_between_checks'])
- # print(skip_reason)
- if consecutive_good == self.module.params['consecutive_good_checks']:
- return False, None
- return True, skip_reason
-def main():
- """main method for ansible module"""
- run_module()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/
deleted file mode 100644
index ae6c44b232..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: (c) 2016, Kamil Szczygiel <kamil.szczygiel ()>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: influxdb_database
-short_description: Manage InfluxDB databases
- - Manage InfluxDB databases.
-version_added: 2.1
-author: "Kamil Szczygiel (@kamsz)"
- - "python >= 2.6"
- - "influxdb >= 0.9 & <= 1.2.4"
- - requests
- database_name:
- description:
- - Name of the database.
- required: true
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - Determines if the database should be created or destroyed.
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- default: present
- type: str
-extends_documentation_fragment: influxdb
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-# Example influxdb_database command from Ansible Playbooks
-- name: Create database
- influxdb_database:
- hostname: "{{influxdb_ip_address}}"
- database_name: "{{influxdb_database_name}}"
-- name: Destroy database
- influxdb_database:
- hostname: "{{influxdb_ip_address}}"
- database_name: "{{influxdb_database_name}}"
- state: absent
-- name: Create database using custom credentials
- influxdb_database:
- hostname: "{{influxdb_ip_address}}"
- username: "{{influxdb_username}}"
- password: "{{influxdb_password}}"
- database_name: "{{influxdb_database_name}}"
- ssl: yes
- validate_certs: yes
-RETURN = r'''
-# only defaults
- import requests.exceptions
- from influxdb import exceptions
-except ImportError:
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.influxdb import InfluxDb
-def find_database(module, client, database_name):
- database = None
- try:
- databases = client.get_list_database()
- for db in databases:
- if db['name'] == database_name:
- database = db
- break
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
- return database
-def create_database(module, client, database_name):
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- client.create_database(database_name)
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=str(e))
- module.exit_json(changed=True)
-def drop_database(module, client, database_name):
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- client.drop_database(database_name)
- except exceptions.InfluxDBClientError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=e.content)
- module.exit_json(changed=True)
-def main():
- argument_spec = InfluxDb.influxdb_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- database_name=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- state=dict(default='present', type='str', choices=['present', 'absent'])
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- state = module.params['state']
- influxdb = InfluxDb(module)
- client = influxdb.connect_to_influxdb()
- database_name = influxdb.database_name
- database = find_database(module, client, database_name)
- if state == 'present':
- if database:
- module.exit_json(changed=False)
- else:
- create_database(module, client, database_name)
- if state == 'absent':
- if database:
- drop_database(module, client, database_name)
- else:
- module.exit_json(changed=False)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ecc178569..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017, René Moser <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: influxdb_query
-short_description: Query data points from InfluxDB
- - Query data points from InfluxDB.
-version_added: 2.5
-author: "René Moser (@resmo)"
- - "python >= 2.6"
- - "influxdb >= 0.9"
- query:
- description:
- - Query to be executed.
- required: true
- type: str
- database_name:
- description:
- - Name of the database.
- required: true
- type: str
-extends_documentation_fragment: influxdb
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Query connections
- influxdb_query:
- hostname: "{{ influxdb_ip_address }}"
- database_name: "{{ influxdb_database_name }}"
- query: "select mean(value) from connections"
- register: connection
-- name: Query connections with tags filters
- influxdb_query:
- hostname: "{{ influxdb_ip_address }}"
- database_name: "{{ influxdb_database_name }}"
- query: "select mean(value) from connections where region='zue01' and host='server01'"
- register: connection
-- name: Print results from the query
- debug:
- var: connection.query_results
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Result from the query
- returned: success
- type: list
- sample:
- - mean: 1245.5333333333333
- time: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-from ansible.module_utils.influxdb import InfluxDb
-class AnsibleInfluxDBRead(InfluxDb):
- def read_by_query(self, query):
- client = self.connect_to_influxdb()
- try:
- rs = client.query(query)
- if rs:
- return list(rs.get_points())
- except Exception as e:
- self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
-def main():
- argument_spec = InfluxDb.influxdb_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- query=dict(type='str', required=True),
- database_name=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- influx = AnsibleInfluxDBRead(module)
- query = module.params.get('query')
- results = influx.read_by_query(query)
- module.exit_json(changed=True, query_results=results)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a2eb697fb..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: (c) 2016, Kamil Szczygiel <kamil.szczygiel ()>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: influxdb_retention_policy
-short_description: Manage InfluxDB retention policies
- - Manage InfluxDB retention policies.
-version_added: 2.1
-author: "Kamil Szczygiel (@kamsz)"
- - "python >= 2.6"
- - "influxdb >= 0.9"
- - requests
- database_name:
- description:
- - Name of the database.
- required: true
- type: str
- policy_name:
- description:
- - Name of the retention policy.
- required: true
- type: str
- duration:
- description:
- - Determines how long InfluxDB should keep the data.
- required: true
- type: str
- replication:
- description:
- - Determines how many independent copies of each point are stored in the cluster.
- required: true
- type: int
- default:
- description:
- - Sets the retention policy as default retention policy.
- type: bool
-extends_documentation_fragment: influxdb
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-# Example influxdb_retention_policy command from Ansible Playbooks
-- name: create 1 hour retention policy
- influxdb_retention_policy:
- hostname: "{{influxdb_ip_address}}"
- database_name: "{{influxdb_database_name}}"
- policy_name: test
- duration: 1h
- replication: 1
- ssl: yes
- validate_certs: yes
-- name: create 1 day retention policy
- influxdb_retention_policy:
- hostname: "{{influxdb_ip_address}}"
- database_name: "{{influxdb_database_name}}"
- policy_name: test
- duration: 1d
- replication: 1
-- name: create 1 week retention policy
- influxdb_retention_policy:
- hostname: "{{influxdb_ip_address}}"
- database_name: "{{influxdb_database_name}}"
- policy_name: test
- duration: 1w
- replication: 1
-- name: create infinite retention policy
- influxdb_retention_policy:
- hostname: "{{influxdb_ip_address}}"
- database_name: "{{influxdb_database_name}}"
- policy_name: test
- duration: INF
- replication: 1
- ssl: no
- validate_certs: no
-RETURN = r'''
-# only defaults
-import re
- import requests.exceptions
- from influxdb import exceptions
-except ImportError:
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.influxdb import InfluxDb
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-def find_retention_policy(module, client):
- database_name = module.params['database_name']
- policy_name = module.params['policy_name']
- hostname = module.params['hostname']
- retention_policy = None
- try:
- retention_policies = client.get_list_retention_policies(database=database_name)
- for policy in retention_policies:
- if policy['name'] == policy_name:
- retention_policy = policy
- break
- except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Cannot connect to database %s on %s : %s" % (database_name, hostname, to_native(e)))
- return retention_policy
-def create_retention_policy(module, client):
- database_name = module.params['database_name']
- policy_name = module.params['policy_name']
- duration = module.params['duration']
- replication = module.params['replication']
- default = module.params['default']
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- client.create_retention_policy(policy_name, duration, replication, database_name, default)
- except exceptions.InfluxDBClientError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=e.content)
- module.exit_json(changed=True)
-def alter_retention_policy(module, client, retention_policy):
- database_name = module.params['database_name']
- policy_name = module.params['policy_name']
- duration = module.params['duration']
- replication = module.params['replication']
- default = module.params['default']
- duration_regexp = re.compile(r'(\d+)([hdw]{1})|(^INF$){1}')
- changed = False
- duration_lookup =
- if == 'h':
- influxdb_duration_format = '%s0m0s' % duration
- elif == 'd':
- influxdb_duration_format = '%sh0m0s' % (int( * 24)
- elif == 'w':
- influxdb_duration_format = '%sh0m0s' % (int( * 24 * 7)
- elif duration == 'INF':
- influxdb_duration_format = '0'
- if (not retention_policy['duration'] == influxdb_duration_format or
- not retention_policy['replicaN'] == int(replication) or
- not retention_policy['default'] == default):
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- client.alter_retention_policy(policy_name, database_name, duration, replication, default)
- except exceptions.InfluxDBClientError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=e.content)
- changed = True
- module.exit_json(changed=changed)
-def main():
- argument_spec = InfluxDb.influxdb_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- database_name=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- policy_name=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- duration=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- replication=dict(required=True, type='int'),
- default=dict(default=False, type='bool')
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- influxdb = InfluxDb(module)
- client = influxdb.connect_to_influxdb()
- retention_policy = find_retention_policy(module, client)
- if retention_policy:
- alter_retention_policy(module, client, retention_policy)
- else:
- create_retention_policy(module, client)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0651942e7a..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Vitaliy Zhhuta <zhhuta ()>
-# insipred by Kamil Szczygiel <kamil.szczygiel ()> influxdb_database module
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: influxdb_user
-short_description: Manage InfluxDB users
- - Manage InfluxDB users.
-version_added: 2.5
-author: "Vitaliy Zhhuta (@zhhuta)"
- - "python >= 2.6"
- - "influxdb >= 0.9"
- user_name:
- description:
- - Name of the user.
- required: True
- type: str
- user_password:
- description:
- - Password to be set for the user.
- required: false
- type: str
- admin:
- description:
- - Whether the user should be in the admin role or not.
- - Since version 2.8, the role will also be updated.
- default: no
- type: bool
- state:
- description:
- - State of the user.
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- default: present
- type: str
- grants:
- description:
- - Privileges to grant to this user.
- - Takes a list of dicts containing the "database" and "privilege" keys.
- - If this argument is not provided, the current grants will be left alone.
- - If an empty list is provided, all grants for the user will be removed.
- version_added: 2.8
- type: list
- elements: dict
-extends_documentation_fragment: influxdb
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Create a user on localhost using default login credentials
- influxdb_user:
- user_name: john
- user_password: s3cr3t
-- name: Create a user on localhost using custom login credentials
- influxdb_user:
- user_name: john
- user_password: s3cr3t
- login_username: "{{ influxdb_username }}"
- login_password: "{{ influxdb_password }}"
-- name: Create an admin user on a remote host using custom login credentials
- influxdb_user:
- user_name: john
- user_password: s3cr3t
- admin: yes
- hostname: "{{ influxdb_hostname }}"
- login_username: "{{ influxdb_username }}"
- login_password: "{{ influxdb_password }}"
-- name: Create a user on localhost with privileges
- influxdb_user:
- user_name: john
- user_password: s3cr3t
- login_username: "{{ influxdb_username }}"
- login_password: "{{ influxdb_password }}"
- grants:
- - database: 'collectd'
- privilege: 'WRITE'
- - database: 'graphite'
- privilege: 'READ'
-- name: Destroy a user using custom login credentials
- influxdb_user:
- user_name: john
- login_username: "{{ influxdb_username }}"
- login_password: "{{ influxdb_password }}"
- state: absent
-RETURN = r'''
-#only defaults
-from ansible.module_utils.urls import ConnectionError
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-import ansible.module_utils.influxdb as influx
-def find_user(module, client, user_name):
- user_result = None
- try:
- users = client.get_list_users()
- for user in users:
- if user['user'] == user_name:
- user_result = user
- break
- except (ConnectionError, influx.exceptions.InfluxDBClientError) as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
- return user_result
-def check_user_password(module, client, user_name, user_password):
- try:
- client.switch_user(user_name, user_password)
- client.get_list_users()
- except influx.exceptions.InfluxDBClientError as e:
- if e.code == 401:
- return False
- except ConnectionError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
- finally:
- # restore previous user
- client.switch_user(module.params['username'], module.params['password'])
- return True
-def set_user_password(module, client, user_name, user_password):
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- client.set_user_password(user_name, user_password)
- except ConnectionError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
-def create_user(module, client, user_name, user_password, admin):
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- client.create_user(user_name, user_password, admin)
- except ConnectionError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
-def drop_user(module, client, user_name):
- if not module.check_mode:
- try:
- client.drop_user(user_name)
- except influx.exceptions.InfluxDBClientError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=e.content)
- module.exit_json(changed=True)
-def set_user_grants(module, client, user_name, grants):
- changed = False
- try:
- current_grants = client.get_list_privileges(user_name)
- # Fix privileges wording
- for i, v in enumerate(current_grants):
- if v['privilege'] == 'ALL PRIVILEGES':
- v['privilege'] = 'ALL'
- current_grants[i] = v
- elif v['privilege'] == 'NO PRIVILEGES':
- del(current_grants[i])
- # check if the current grants are included in the desired ones
- for current_grant in current_grants:
- if current_grant not in grants:
- if not module.check_mode:
- client.revoke_privilege(current_grant['privilege'],
- current_grant['database'],
- user_name)
- changed = True
- # check if the desired grants are included in the current ones
- for grant in grants:
- if grant not in current_grants:
- if not module.check_mode:
- client.grant_privilege(grant['privilege'],
- grant['database'],
- user_name)
- changed = True
- except influx.exceptions.InfluxDBClientError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=e.content)
- return changed
-def main():
- argument_spec = influx.InfluxDb.influxdb_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- state=dict(default='present', type='str', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- user_name=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- user_password=dict(required=False, type='str', no_log=True),
- admin=dict(default='False', type='bool'),
- grants=dict(type='list', elements='dict'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- state = module.params['state']
- user_name = module.params['user_name']
- user_password = module.params['user_password']
- admin = module.params['admin']
- grants = module.params['grants']
- influxdb = influx.InfluxDb(module)
- client = influxdb.connect_to_influxdb()
- user = find_user(module, client, user_name)
- changed = False
- if state == 'present':
- if user:
- if not check_user_password(module, client, user_name, user_password) and user_password is not None:
- set_user_password(module, client, user_name, user_password)
- changed = True
- try:
- if admin and not user['admin']:
- client.grant_admin_privileges(user_name)
- changed = True
- elif not admin and user['admin']:
- client.revoke_admin_privileges(user_name)
- changed = True
- except influx.exceptions.InfluxDBClientError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
- else:
- user_password = user_password or ''
- create_user(module, client, user_name, user_password, admin)
- changed = True
- if grants is not None:
- if set_user_grants(module, client, user_name, grants):
- changed = True
- module.exit_json(changed=changed)
- if state == 'absent':
- if user:
- drop_user(module, client, user_name)
- else:
- module.exit_json(changed=False)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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deleted file mode 100644
index ccd462c19c..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/influxdb/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2017, René Moser <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: influxdb_write
-short_description: Write data points into InfluxDB
- - Write data points into InfluxDB.
-version_added: 2.5
-author: "René Moser (@resmo)"
- - "python >= 2.6"
- - "influxdb >= 0.9"
- data_points:
- description:
- - Data points as dict to write into the database.
- required: true
- type: list
- elements: dict
- database_name:
- description:
- - Name of the database.
- required: true
- type: str
-extends_documentation_fragment: influxdb
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Write points into database
- influxdb_write:
- hostname: "{{influxdb_ip_address}}"
- database_name: "{{influxdb_database_name}}"
- data_points:
- - measurement: connections
- tags:
- host: server01
- region: us-west
- time: "{{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}"
- fields:
- value: 2000
- - measurement: connections
- tags:
- host: server02
- region: us-east
- time: "{{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}"
- fields:
- value: 3000
-RETURN = r'''
-# only defaults
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-from ansible.module_utils.influxdb import InfluxDb
-class AnsibleInfluxDBWrite(InfluxDb):
- def write_data_point(self, data_points):
- client = self.connect_to_influxdb()
- try:
- client.write_points(data_points)
- except Exception as e:
- self.module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
-def main():
- argument_spec = InfluxDb.influxdb_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- data_points=dict(required=True, type='list', elements='dict'),
- database_name=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- )
- influx = AnsibleInfluxDBWrite(module)
- data_points = module.params.get('data_points')
- influx.write_data_point(data_points)
- module.exit_json(changed=True)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/misc/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/misc/
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf19fcf15..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/misc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2015, Mathew Davies <>
-# (c) 2017, Sam Doran <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: elasticsearch_plugin
-short_description: Manage Elasticsearch plugins
- - Manages Elasticsearch plugins.
-version_added: "2.0"
- - Mathew Davies (@ThePixelDeveloper)
- - Sam Doran (@samdoran)
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the plugin to install.
- required: True
- state:
- description:
- - Desired state of a plugin.
- choices: ["present", "absent"]
- default: present
- src:
- description:
- - Optionally set the source location to retrieve the plugin from. This can be a file://
- URL to install from a local file, or a remote URL. If this is not set, the plugin
- location is just based on the name.
- - The name parameter must match the descriptor in the plugin ZIP specified.
- - Is only used if the state would change, which is solely checked based on the name
- parameter. If, for example, the plugin is already installed, changing this has no
- effect.
- - For ES 1.x use url.
- required: False
- version_added: "2.7"
- url:
- description:
- - Set exact URL to download the plugin from (Only works for ES 1.x).
- - For ES 2.x and higher, use src.
- required: False
- timeout:
- description:
- - "Timeout setting: 30s, 1m, 1h..."
- - Only valid for Elasticsearch < 5.0. This option is ignored for Elasticsearch > 5.0.
- default: 1m
- force:
- description:
- - "Force batch mode when installing plugins. This is only necessary if a plugin requires additional permissions and console detection fails."
- default: False
- type: bool
- version_added: "2.7"
- plugin_bin:
- description:
- - Location of the plugin binary. If this file is not found, the default plugin binaries will be used.
- - The default changed in Ansible 2.4 to None.
- plugin_dir:
- description:
- - Your configured plugin directory specified in Elasticsearch
- default: /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/
- proxy_host:
- description:
- - Proxy host to use during plugin installation
- version_added: "2.1"
- proxy_port:
- description:
- - Proxy port to use during plugin installation
- version_added: "2.1"
- version:
- description:
- - Version of the plugin to be installed.
- If plugin exists with previous version, it will NOT be updated
-# Install Elasticsearch Head plugin in Elasticsearch 2.x
-- elasticsearch_plugin:
- name: mobz/elasticsearch-head
- state: present
-# Install a specific version of Elasticsearch Head in Elasticsearch 2.x
-- elasticsearch_plugin:
- name: mobz/elasticsearch-head
- version: 2.0.0
-# Uninstall Elasticsearch head plugin in Elasticsearch 2.x
-- elasticsearch_plugin:
- name: mobz/elasticsearch-head
- state: absent
-# Install a specific plugin in Elasticsearch >= 5.0
-- elasticsearch_plugin:
- name: analysis-icu
- state: present
-# Install the ingest-geoip plugin with a forced installation
-- elasticsearch_plugin:
- name: ingest-geoip
- state: present
- force: yes
-import os
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
- present="install",
- absent="remove"
- '/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin',
- '/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin'
-def parse_plugin_repo(string):
- elements = string.split("/")
- # We first consider the simplest form: pluginname
- repo = elements[0]
- # We consider the form: username/pluginname
- if len(elements) > 1:
- repo = elements[1]
- # remove elasticsearch- prefix
- # remove es- prefix
- for string in ("elasticsearch-", "es-"):
- if repo.startswith(string):
- return repo[len(string):]
- return repo
-def is_plugin_present(plugin_name, plugin_dir):
- return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(plugin_dir, plugin_name))
-def parse_error(string):
- reason = "ERROR: "
- try:
- return string[string.index(reason) + len(reason):].strip()
- except ValueError:
- return string
-def install_plugin(module, plugin_bin, plugin_name, version, src, url, proxy_host, proxy_port, timeout, force):
- cmd_args = [plugin_bin, PACKAGE_STATE_MAP["present"]]
- is_old_command = (os.path.basename(plugin_bin) == 'plugin')
- # Timeout and version are only valid for plugin, not elasticsearch-plugin
- if is_old_command:
- if timeout:
- cmd_args.append("--timeout %s" % timeout)
- if version:
- plugin_name = plugin_name + '/' + version
- cmd_args[2] = plugin_name
- if proxy_host and proxy_port:
- cmd_args.append("-DproxyHost=%s -DproxyPort=%s" % (proxy_host, proxy_port))
- # Legacy ES 1.x
- if url:
- cmd_args.append("--url %s" % url)
- if force:
- cmd_args.append("--batch")
- if src:
- cmd_args.append(src)
- else:
- cmd_args.append(plugin_name)
- cmd = " ".join(cmd_args)
- if module.check_mode:
- rc, out, err = 0, "check mode", ""
- else:
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if rc != 0:
- reason = parse_error(out)
- module.fail_json(msg="Installing plugin '%s' failed: %s" % (plugin_name, reason), err=err)
- return True, cmd, out, err
-def remove_plugin(module, plugin_bin, plugin_name):
- cmd_args = [plugin_bin, PACKAGE_STATE_MAP["absent"], parse_plugin_repo(plugin_name)]
- cmd = " ".join(cmd_args)
- if module.check_mode:
- rc, out, err = 0, "check mode", ""
- else:
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if rc != 0:
- reason = parse_error(out)
- module.fail_json(msg="Removing plugin '%s' failed: %s" % (plugin_name, reason), err=err)
- return True, cmd, out, err
-def get_plugin_bin(module, plugin_bin=None):
- # Use the plugin_bin that was supplied first before trying other options
- valid_plugin_bin = None
- if plugin_bin and os.path.isfile(plugin_bin):
- valid_plugin_bin = plugin_bin
- else:
- # Add the plugin_bin passed into the module to the top of the list of paths to test,
- # testing for that binary name first before falling back to the default paths.
- bin_paths = list(PLUGIN_BIN_PATHS)
- if plugin_bin and plugin_bin not in bin_paths:
- bin_paths.insert(0, plugin_bin)
- # Get separate lists of dirs and binary names from the full paths to the
- # plugin binaries.
- plugin_dirs = list(set([os.path.dirname(x) for x in bin_paths]))
- plugin_bins = list(set([os.path.basename(x) for x in bin_paths]))
- # Check for the binary names in the default system paths as well as the path
- # specified in the module arguments.
- for bin_file in plugin_bins:
- valid_plugin_bin = module.get_bin_path(bin_file, opt_dirs=plugin_dirs)
- if valid_plugin_bin:
- break
- if not valid_plugin_bin:
- module.fail_json(msg='%s does not exist and no other valid plugin installers were found. Make sure Elasticsearch is installed.' % plugin_bin)
- return valid_plugin_bin
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- name=dict(required=True),
- state=dict(default="present", choices=PACKAGE_STATE_MAP.keys()),
- src=dict(default=None),
- url=dict(default=None),
- timeout=dict(default="1m"),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- plugin_bin=dict(type="path"),
- plugin_dir=dict(default="/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/", type="path"),
- proxy_host=dict(default=None),
- proxy_port=dict(default=None),
- version=dict(default=None)
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=[("src", "url")],
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- name = module.params["name"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- url = module.params["url"]
- src = module.params["src"]
- timeout = module.params["timeout"]
- force = module.params["force"]
- plugin_bin = module.params["plugin_bin"]
- plugin_dir = module.params["plugin_dir"]
- proxy_host = module.params["proxy_host"]
- proxy_port = module.params["proxy_port"]
- version = module.params["version"]
- # Search provided path and system paths for valid binary
- plugin_bin = get_plugin_bin(module, plugin_bin)
- repo = parse_plugin_repo(name)
- present = is_plugin_present(repo, plugin_dir)
- # skip if the state is correct
- if (present and state == "present") or (state == "absent" and not present):
- module.exit_json(changed=False, name=name, state=state)
- if state == "present":
- changed, cmd, out, err = install_plugin(module, plugin_bin, name, version, src, url, proxy_host, proxy_port, timeout, force)
- elif state == "absent":
- changed, cmd, out, err = remove_plugin(module, plugin_bin, name)
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, cmd=cmd, name=name, state=state, url=url, timeout=timeout, stdout=out, stderr=err)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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index 3db9f88bc3..0000000000
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2016, Thierno IB. BARRY @barryib
-# Sponsored by Polyconseil
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: kibana_plugin
-short_description: Manage Kibana plugins
- - This module can be used to manage Kibana plugins.
-version_added: "2.2"
-author: Thierno IB. BARRY (@barryib)
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the plugin to install.
- required: True
- state:
- description:
- - Desired state of a plugin.
- choices: ["present", "absent"]
- default: present
- url:
- description:
- - Set exact URL to download the plugin from.
- - For local file, prefix its absolute path with file://
- timeout:
- description:
- - "Timeout setting: 30s, 1m, 1h etc."
- default: 1m
- plugin_bin:
- description:
- - Location of the Kibana binary.
- default: /opt/kibana/bin/kibana
- plugin_dir:
- description:
- - Your configured plugin directory specified in Kibana.
- default: /opt/kibana/installedPlugins/
- version:
- description:
- - Version of the plugin to be installed.
- - If plugin exists with previous version, plugin will NOT be updated unless C(force) is set to yes.
- force:
- description:
- - Delete and re-install the plugin. Can be useful for plugins update.
- type: bool
- default: 'no'
-- name: Install Elasticsearch head plugin
- kibana_plugin:
- state: present
- name: elasticsearch/marvel
-- name: Install specific version of a plugin
- kibana_plugin:
- state: present
- name: elasticsearch/marvel
- version: '2.3.3'
-- name: Uninstall Elasticsearch head plugin
- kibana_plugin:
- state: absent
- name: elasticsearch/marvel
-RETURN = '''
- description: the launched command during plugin management (install / remove)
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: the plugin name to install or remove
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: the url from where the plugin is installed from
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: the timeout for plugin download
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: the command stdout
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: the command stderr
- returned: success
- type: str
- description: the state for the managed plugin
- returned: success
- type: str
-import os
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
- present="--install",
- absent="--remove"
-def parse_plugin_repo(string):
- elements = string.split("/")
- # We first consider the simplest form: pluginname
- repo = elements[0]
- # We consider the form: username/pluginname
- if len(elements) > 1:
- repo = elements[1]
- # remove elasticsearch- prefix
- # remove es- prefix
- for string in ("elasticsearch-", "es-"):
- if repo.startswith(string):
- return repo[len(string):]
- return repo
-def is_plugin_present(plugin_dir, working_dir):
- return os.path.isdir(os.path.join(working_dir, plugin_dir))
-def parse_error(string):
- reason = "reason: "
- try:
- return string[string.index(reason) + len(reason):].strip()
- except ValueError:
- return string
-def install_plugin(module, plugin_bin, plugin_name, url, timeout, kibana_version='4.6'):
- if LooseVersion(kibana_version) > LooseVersion('4.6'):
- kibana_plugin_bin = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(plugin_bin), 'kibana-plugin')
- cmd_args = [kibana_plugin_bin, "install"]
- if url:
- cmd_args.append(url)
- else:
- cmd_args.append(plugin_name)
- else:
- cmd_args = [plugin_bin, "plugin", PACKAGE_STATE_MAP["present"], plugin_name]
- if url:
- cmd_args.append("--url %s" % url)
- if timeout:
- cmd_args.append("--timeout %s" % timeout)
- cmd = " ".join(cmd_args)
- if module.check_mode:
- return True, cmd, "check mode", ""
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if rc != 0:
- reason = parse_error(out)
- module.fail_json(msg=reason)
- return True, cmd, out, err
-def remove_plugin(module, plugin_bin, plugin_name, kibana_version='4.6'):
- if LooseVersion(kibana_version) > LooseVersion('4.6'):
- kibana_plugin_bin = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(plugin_bin), 'kibana-plugin')
- cmd_args = [kibana_plugin_bin, "remove", plugin_name]
- else:
- cmd_args = [plugin_bin, "plugin", PACKAGE_STATE_MAP["absent"], plugin_name]
- cmd = " ".join(cmd_args)
- if module.check_mode:
- return True, cmd, "check mode", ""
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if rc != 0:
- reason = parse_error(out)
- module.fail_json(msg=reason)
- return True, cmd, out, err
-def get_kibana_version(module, plugin_bin):
- cmd_args = [plugin_bin, '--version']
- cmd = " ".join(cmd_args)
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if rc != 0:
- module.fail_json(msg="Failed to get Kibana version : %s" % err)
- return out.strip()
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- name=dict(required=True),
- state=dict(default="present", choices=PACKAGE_STATE_MAP.keys()),
- url=dict(default=None),
- timeout=dict(default="1m"),
- plugin_bin=dict(default="/opt/kibana/bin/kibana", type="path"),
- plugin_dir=dict(default="/opt/kibana/installedPlugins/", type="path"),
- version=dict(default=None),
- force=dict(default="no", type="bool")
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- name = module.params["name"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- url = module.params["url"]
- timeout = module.params["timeout"]
- plugin_bin = module.params["plugin_bin"]
- plugin_dir = module.params["plugin_dir"]
- version = module.params["version"]
- force = module.params["force"]
- changed, cmd, out, err = False, '', '', ''
- kibana_version = get_kibana_version(module, plugin_bin)
- present = is_plugin_present(parse_plugin_repo(name), plugin_dir)
- # skip if the state is correct
- if (present and state == "present" and not force) or (state == "absent" and not present and not force):
- module.exit_json(changed=False, name=name, state=state)
- if version:
- name = name + '/' + version
- if state == "present":
- if force:
- remove_plugin(module, plugin_bin, name)
- changed, cmd, out, err = install_plugin(module, plugin_bin, name, url, timeout, kibana_version)
- elif state == "absent":
- changed, cmd, out, err = remove_plugin(module, plugin_bin, name, kibana_version)
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, cmd=cmd, name=name, state=state, url=url, timeout=timeout, stdout=out, stderr=err)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/misc/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/misc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 475f072892..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/misc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: redis
-short_description: Various redis commands, slave and flush
- - Unified utility to interact with redis instances.
-version_added: "1.3"
- command:
- description:
- - The selected redis command
- - C(config) (new in 1.6), ensures a configuration setting on an instance.
- - C(flush) flushes all the instance or a specified db.
- - C(slave) sets a redis instance in slave or master mode.
- required: true
- choices: [ config, flush, slave ]
- login_password:
- description:
- - The password used to authenticate with (usually not used)
- login_host:
- description:
- - The host running the database
- default: localhost
- login_port:
- description:
- - The port to connect to
- default: 6379
- master_host:
- description:
- - The host of the master instance [slave command]
- master_port:
- description:
- - The port of the master instance [slave command]
- slave_mode:
- description:
- - the mode of the redis instance [slave command]
- default: slave
- choices: [ master, slave ]
- db:
- description:
- - The database to flush (used in db mode) [flush command]
- flush_mode:
- description:
- - Type of flush (all the dbs in a redis instance or a specific one)
- [flush command]
- default: all
- choices: [ all, db ]
- name:
- description:
- - A redis config key.
- version_added: 1.6
- value:
- description:
- - A redis config value. When memory size is needed, it is possible
- to specify it in the usal form of 1KB, 2M, 400MB where the base is 1024.
- Units are case insensitive i.e. 1m = 1mb = 1M = 1MB.
- version_added: 1.6
- - Requires the redis-py Python package on the remote host. You can
- install it with pip (pip install redis) or with a package manager.
- - If the redis master instance we are making slave of is password protected
- this needs to be in the redis.conf in the masterauth variable
-requirements: [ redis ]
-author: "Xabier Larrakoetxea (@slok)"
-- name: Set local redis instance to be slave of melee.island on port 6377
- redis:
- command: slave
- master_host: melee.island
- master_port: 6377
-- name: Deactivate slave mode
- redis:
- command: slave
- slave_mode: master
-- name: Flush all the redis db
- redis:
- command: flush
- flush_mode: all
-- name: Flush only one db in a redis instance
- redis:
- command: flush
- db: 1
- flush_mode: db
-- name: Configure local redis to have 10000 max clients
- redis:
- command: config
- name: maxclients
- value: 10000
-- name: Configure local redis maxmemory to 4GB
- redis:
- command: config
- name: maxmemory
- value: 4GB
-- name: Configure local redis to have lua time limit of 100 ms
- redis:
- command: config
- name: lua-time-limit
- value: 100
-import traceback
- import redis
-except ImportError:
- REDIS_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- redis_found = False
- redis_found = True
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils.common.text.formatters import human_to_bytes
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-# Redis module specific support methods.
-def set_slave_mode(client, master_host, master_port):
- try:
- return client.slaveof(master_host, master_port)
- except Exception:
- return False
-def set_master_mode(client):
- try:
- return client.slaveof()
- except Exception:
- return False
-def flush(client, db=None):
- try:
- if not isinstance(db, int):
- return client.flushall()
- else:
- # The passed client has been connected to the database already
- return client.flushdb()
- except Exception:
- return False
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- command=dict(type='str', choices=['config', 'flush', 'slave']),
- login_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- login_host=dict(type='str', default='localhost'),
- login_port=dict(type='int', default=6379),
- master_host=dict(type='str'),
- master_port=dict(type='int'),
- slave_mode=dict(type='str', default='slave', choices=['master', 'slave']),
- db=dict(type='int'),
- flush_mode=dict(type='str', default='all', choices=['all', 'db']),
- name=dict(type='str'),
- value=dict(type='str')
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- if not redis_found:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('redis'), exception=REDIS_IMP_ERR)
- login_password = module.params['login_password']
- login_host = module.params['login_host']
- login_port = module.params['login_port']
- command = module.params['command']
- # Slave Command section -----------
- if command == "slave":
- master_host = module.params['master_host']
- master_port = module.params['master_port']
- mode = module.params['slave_mode']
- # Check if we have all the data
- if mode == "slave": # Only need data if we want to be slave
- if not master_host:
- module.fail_json(msg='In slave mode master host must be provided')
- if not master_port:
- module.fail_json(msg='In slave mode master port must be provided')
- # Connect and check
- r = redis.StrictRedis(host=login_host, port=login_port, password=login_password)
- try:
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- # Check if we are already in the mode that we want
- info =
- if mode == "master" and info["role"] == "master":
- module.exit_json(changed=False, mode=mode)
- elif mode == "slave" and info["role"] == "slave" and info["master_host"] == master_host and info["master_port"] == master_port:
- status = dict(
- status=mode,
- master_host=master_host,
- master_port=master_port,
- )
- module.exit_json(changed=False, mode=status)
- else:
- # Do the stuff
- # (Check Check_mode before commands so the commands aren't evaluated
- # if not necessary)
- if mode == "slave":
- if module.check_mode or\
- set_slave_mode(r, master_host, master_port):
- info =
- status = {
- 'status': mode,
- 'master_host': master_host,
- 'master_port': master_port,
- }
- module.exit_json(changed=True, mode=status)
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg='Unable to set slave mode')
- else:
- if module.check_mode or set_master_mode(r):
- module.exit_json(changed=True, mode=mode)
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg='Unable to set master mode')
- # flush Command section -----------
- elif command == "flush":
- db = module.params['db']
- mode = module.params['flush_mode']
- # Check if we have all the data
- if mode == "db":
- if db is None:
- module.fail_json(msg="In db mode the db number must be provided")
- # Connect and check
- r = redis.StrictRedis(host=login_host, port=login_port, password=login_password, db=db)
- try:
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- # Do the stuff
- # (Check Check_mode before commands so the commands aren't evaluated
- # if not necessary)
- if mode == "all":
- if module.check_mode or flush(r):
- module.exit_json(changed=True, flushed=True)
- else: # Flush never fails :)
- module.fail_json(msg="Unable to flush all databases")
- else:
- if module.check_mode or flush(r, db):
- module.exit_json(changed=True, flushed=True, db=db)
- else: # Flush never fails :)
- module.fail_json(msg="Unable to flush '%d' database" % db)
- elif command == 'config':
- name = module.params['name']
- try: # try to parse the value as if it were the memory size
- value = str(human_to_bytes(module.params['value'].upper()))
- except ValueError:
- value = module.params['value']
- r = redis.StrictRedis(host=login_host, port=login_port, password=login_password)
- try:
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- try:
- old_value = r.config_get(name)[name]
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to read config: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- changed = old_value != value
- if module.check_mode or not changed:
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, name=name, value=value)
- else:
- try:
- r.config_set(name, value)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to write config: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, name=name, value=value)
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg='A valid command must be provided')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/misc/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/misc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b048b834..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/misc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2013, James Martin <>, Drew Kerrigan <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: riak
-short_description: This module handles some common Riak operations
- - This module can be used to join nodes to a cluster, check
- the status of the cluster.
-version_added: "1.2"
- - "James Martin (@jsmartin)"
- - "Drew Kerrigan (@drewkerrigan)"
- command:
- description:
- - The command you would like to perform against the cluster.
- choices: ['ping', 'kv_test', 'join', 'plan', 'commit']
- config_dir:
- description:
- - The path to the riak configuration directory
- default: /etc/riak
- http_conn:
- description:
- - The ip address and port that is listening for Riak HTTP queries
- default:
- target_node:
- description:
- - The target node for certain operations (join, ping)
- default: riak@
- wait_for_handoffs:
- description:
- - Number of seconds to wait for handoffs to complete.
- wait_for_ring:
- description:
- - Number of seconds to wait for all nodes to agree on the ring.
- wait_for_service:
- description:
- - Waits for a riak service to come online before continuing.
- choices: ['kv']
- validate_certs:
- description:
- - If C(no), SSL certificates will not be validated. This should only be used
- on personally controlled sites using self-signed certificates.
- type: bool
- default: 'yes'
- version_added: 1.5.1
-# Join's a Riak node to another node
-- riak:
- command: join
- target_node: riak@
-# Wait for handoffs to finish. Use with async and poll.
-- riak:
- wait_for_handoffs: yes
-# Wait for riak_kv service to startup
-- riak:
- wait_for_service: kv
-import json
-import time
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url
-def ring_check(module, riak_admin_bin):
- cmd = '%s ringready' % riak_admin_bin
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if rc == 0 and 'TRUE All nodes agree on the ring' in out:
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- command=dict(required=False, default=None, choices=[
- 'ping', 'kv_test', 'join', 'plan', 'commit']),
- config_dir=dict(default='/etc/riak', type='path'),
- http_conn=dict(required=False, default=''),
- target_node=dict(default='riak@', required=False),
- wait_for_handoffs=dict(default=False, type='int'),
- wait_for_ring=dict(default=False, type='int'),
- wait_for_service=dict(
- required=False, default=None, choices=['kv']),
- validate_certs=dict(default='yes', type='bool'))
- )
- command = module.params.get('command')
- http_conn = module.params.get('http_conn')
- target_node = module.params.get('target_node')
- wait_for_handoffs = module.params.get('wait_for_handoffs')
- wait_for_ring = module.params.get('wait_for_ring')
- wait_for_service = module.params.get('wait_for_service')
- # make sure riak commands are on the path
- riak_bin = module.get_bin_path('riak')
- riak_admin_bin = module.get_bin_path('riak-admin')
- timeout = time.time() + 120
- while True:
- if time.time() > timeout:
- module.fail_json(msg='Timeout, could not fetch Riak stats.')
- (response, info) = fetch_url(module, 'http://%s/stats' % (http_conn), force=True, timeout=5)
- if info['status'] == 200:
- stats_raw =
- break
- time.sleep(5)
- # here we attempt to load those stats,
- try:
- stats = json.loads(stats_raw)
- except Exception:
- module.fail_json(msg='Could not parse Riak stats.')
- node_name = stats['nodename']
- nodes = stats['ring_members']
- ring_size = stats['ring_creation_size']
- rc, out, err = module.run_command([riak_bin, 'version'])
- version = out.strip()
- result = dict(node_name=node_name,
- nodes=nodes,
- ring_size=ring_size,
- version=version)
- if command == 'ping':
- cmd = '%s ping %s' % (riak_bin, target_node)
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if rc == 0:
- result['ping'] = out
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg=out)
- elif command == 'kv_test':
- cmd = '%s test' % riak_admin_bin
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if rc == 0:
- result['kv_test'] = out
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg=out)
- elif command == 'join':
- if nodes.count(node_name) == 1 and len(nodes) > 1:
- result['join'] = 'Node is already in cluster or staged to be in cluster.'
- else:
- cmd = '%s cluster join %s' % (riak_admin_bin, target_node)
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if rc == 0:
- result['join'] = out
- result['changed'] = True
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg=out)
- elif command == 'plan':
- cmd = '%s cluster plan' % riak_admin_bin
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if rc == 0:
- result['plan'] = out
- if 'Staged Changes' in out:
- result['changed'] = True
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg=out)
- elif command == 'commit':
- cmd = '%s cluster commit' % riak_admin_bin
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if rc == 0:
- result['commit'] = out
- result['changed'] = True
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg=out)
-# this could take a while, recommend to run in async mode
- if wait_for_handoffs:
- timeout = time.time() + wait_for_handoffs
- while True:
- cmd = '%s transfers' % riak_admin_bin
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- if 'No transfers active' in out:
- result['handoffs'] = 'No transfers active.'
- break
- time.sleep(10)
- if time.time() > timeout:
- module.fail_json(msg='Timeout waiting for handoffs.')
- if wait_for_service:
- cmd = [riak_admin_bin, 'wait_for_service', 'riak_%s' % wait_for_service, node_name]
- rc, out, err = module.run_command(cmd)
- result['service'] = out
- if wait_for_ring:
- timeout = time.time() + wait_for_ring
- while True:
- if ring_check(module, riak_admin_bin):
- break
- time.sleep(10)
- if time.time() > timeout:
- module.fail_json(msg='Timeout waiting for nodes to agree on ring.')
- result['ring_ready'] = ring_check(module, riak_admin_bin)
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mssql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/mssql/
deleted file mode 100644
index ac23e0be7e..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mssql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2014, Vedit Firat Arig <>
-# Outline and parts are reused from Mark Theunissen's mysql_db module
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: mssql_db
-short_description: Add or remove MSSQL databases from a remote host.
- - Add or remove MSSQL databases from a remote host.
-version_added: "2.2"
- name:
- description:
- - name of the database to add or remove
- required: true
- aliases: [ db ]
- login_user:
- description:
- - The username used to authenticate with
- login_password:
- description:
- - The password used to authenticate with
- login_host:
- description:
- - Host running the database
- login_port:
- description:
- - Port of the MSSQL server. Requires login_host be defined as other than localhost if login_port is used
- default: 1433
- state:
- description:
- - The database state
- default: present
- choices: [ "present", "absent", "import" ]
- target:
- description:
- - Location, on the remote host, of the dump file to read from or write to. Uncompressed SQL
- files (C(.sql)) files are supported.
- autocommit:
- description:
- - Automatically commit the change only if the import succeed. Sometimes it is necessary to use autocommit=true, since some content can't be changed
- within a transaction.
- type: bool
- default: 'no'
- - Requires the pymssql Python package on the remote host. For Ubuntu, this
- is as easy as pip install pymssql (See M(pip).)
- - python >= 2.7
- - pymssql
-author: Vedit Firat Arig (@vedit)
-# Create a new database with name 'jackdata'
-- mssql_db:
- name: jackdata
- state: present
-# Copy database dump file to remote host and restore it to database 'my_db'
-- copy:
- src: dump.sql
- dest: /tmp
-- mssql_db:
- name: my_db
- state: import
- target: /tmp/dump.sql
-RETURN = '''
-import os
-import traceback
- import pymssql
-except ImportError:
- PYMSSQL_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- mssql_found = False
- mssql_found = True
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-def db_exists(conn, cursor, db):
- cursor.execute("SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases WHERE name = %s", db)
- conn.commit()
- return bool(cursor.rowcount)
-def db_create(conn, cursor, db):
- cursor.execute("CREATE DATABASE [%s]" % db)
- return db_exists(conn, cursor, db)
-def db_delete(conn, cursor, db):
- try:
- cursor.execute("ALTER DATABASE [%s] SET single_user WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE" % db)
- except Exception:
- pass
- cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE [%s]" % db)
- return not db_exists(conn, cursor, db)
-def db_import(conn, cursor, module, db, target):
- if os.path.isfile(target):
- with open(target, 'r') as backup:
- sqlQuery = "USE [%s]\n" % db
- for line in backup:
- if line is None:
- break
- elif line.startswith('GO'):
- cursor.execute(sqlQuery)
- sqlQuery = "USE [%s]\n" % db
- else:
- sqlQuery += line
- cursor.execute(sqlQuery)
- conn.commit()
- return 0, "import successful", ""
- else:
- return 1, "cannot find target file", "cannot find target file"
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- name=dict(required=True, aliases=['db']),
- login_user=dict(default=''),
- login_password=dict(default='', no_log=True),
- login_host=dict(required=True),
- login_port=dict(default='1433'),
- target=dict(default=None),
- autocommit=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- state=dict(
- default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'import'])
- )
- )
- if not mssql_found:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pymssql'), exception=PYMSSQL_IMP_ERR)
- db = module.params['name']
- state = module.params['state']
- autocommit = module.params['autocommit']
- target = module.params["target"]
- login_user = module.params['login_user']
- login_password = module.params['login_password']
- login_host = module.params['login_host']
- login_port = module.params['login_port']
- login_querystring = login_host
- if login_port != "1433":
- login_querystring = "%s:%s" % (login_host, login_port)
- if login_user != "" and login_password == "":
- module.fail_json(msg="when supplying login_user arguments login_password must be provided")
- try:
- conn = pymssql.connect(user=login_user, password=login_password, host=login_querystring, database='master')
- cursor = conn.cursor()
- except Exception as e:
- if "Unknown database" in str(e):
- errno, errstr = e.args
- module.fail_json(msg="ERROR: %s %s" % (errno, errstr))
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect, check login_user and login_password are correct, or alternatively check your "
- "@sysconfdir@/freetds.conf / ${HOME}/.freetds.conf")
- conn.autocommit(True)
- changed = False
- if db_exists(conn, cursor, db):
- if state == "absent":
- try:
- changed = db_delete(conn, cursor, db)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="error deleting database: " + str(e))
- elif state == "import":
- conn.autocommit(autocommit)
- rc, stdout, stderr = db_import(conn, cursor, module, db, target)
- if rc != 0:
- module.fail_json(msg="%s" % stderr)
- else:
- module.exit_json(changed=True, db=db, msg=stdout)
- else:
- if state == "present":
- try:
- changed = db_create(conn, cursor, db)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="error creating database: " + str(e))
- elif state == "import":
- try:
- changed = db_create(conn, cursor, db)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="error creating database: " + str(e))
- conn.autocommit(autocommit)
- rc, stdout, stderr = db_import(conn, cursor, module, db, target)
- if rc != 0:
- module.fail_json(msg="%s" % stderr)
- else:
- module.exit_json(changed=True, db=db, msg=stdout)
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, db=db)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 58bcca7832..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,617 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2012, Mark Theunissen <>
-# Sponsored by Four Kitchens
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: mysql_db
-short_description: Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote host
-- Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote host.
-version_added: '0.6'
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the database to add or remove.
- - I(name=all) may only be provided if I(state) is C(dump) or C(import).
- - List of databases is provided with I(state=dump), I(state=present) and I(state=absent).
- - If I(name=all) it works like --all-databases option for mysqldump (Added in 2.0).
- required: true
- type: list
- elements: str
- aliases: [db]
- state:
- description:
- - The database state
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: ['absent', 'dump', 'import', 'present']
- collation:
- description:
- - Collation mode (sorting). This only applies to new table/databases and
- does not update existing ones, this is a limitation of MySQL.
- type: str
- default: ''
- encoding:
- description:
- - Encoding mode to use, examples include C(utf8) or C(latin1_swedish_ci),
- at creation of database, dump or importation of sql script.
- type: str
- default: ''
- target:
- description:
- - Location, on the remote host, of the dump file to read from or write to.
- - Uncompressed SQL files (C(.sql)) as well as bzip2 (C(.bz2)), gzip (C(.gz)) and
- xz (Added in 2.0) compressed files are supported.
- type: path
- single_transaction:
- description:
- - Execute the dump in a single transaction.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: '2.1'
- quick:
- description:
- - Option used for dumping large tables.
- type: bool
- default: yes
- version_added: '2.1'
- ignore_tables:
- description:
- - A list of table names that will be ignored in the dump
- of the form database_name.table_name.
- type: list
- elements: str
- required: no
- default: []
- version_added: '2.7'
- hex_blob:
- description:
- - Dump binary columns using hexadecimal notation.
- required: no
- default: no
- type: bool
- version_added: '2.10'
- force:
- description:
- - Continue dump or import even if we get an SQL error.
- - Used only when I(state) is C(dump) or C(import).
- required: no
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: '2.10'
- master_data:
- description:
- - Option to dump a master replication server to produce a dump file
- that can be used to set up another server as a slave of the master.
- - C(0) to not include master data.
- - C(1) to generate a 'CHANGE MASTER TO' statement
- required on the slave to start the replication process.
- - C(2) to generate a commented 'CHANGE MASTER TO'.
- - Can be used when I(state=dump).
- required: no
- type: int
- choices: [0, 1, 2]
- default: 0
- version_added: '2.10'
- skip_lock_tables:
- description:
- - Skip locking tables for read. Used when I(state=dump), ignored otherwise.
- required: no
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: '2.10'
- dump_extra_args:
- description:
- - Provide additional arguments for mysqldump.
- Used when I(state=dump) only, ignored otherwise.
- required: no
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
-- module: mysql_info
-- module: mysql_variables
-- module: mysql_user
-- module: mysql_replication
-- name: MySQL command-line client reference
- description: Complete reference of the MySQL command-line client documentation.
- link:
-- name: mysqldump reference
- description: Complete reference of the ``mysqldump`` client utility documentation.
- link:
-- name: CREATE DATABASE reference
- description: Complete reference of the CREATE DATABASE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: DROP DATABASE reference
- description: Complete reference of the DROP DATABASE command documentation.
- link:
-author: "Ansible Core Team"
- - mysql (command line binary)
- - mysqldump (command line binary)
- - Requires the mysql and mysqldump binaries on the remote host.
- - This module is B(not idempotent) when I(state) is C(import),
- and will import the dump file each time if run more than once.
-extends_documentation_fragment: mysql
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Create a new database with name 'bobdata'
- mysql_db:
- name: bobdata
- state: present
-- name: Create new databases with names 'foo' and 'bar'
- mysql_db:
- name:
- - foo
- - bar
- state: present
-# Copy database dump file to remote host and restore it to database 'my_db'
-- name: Copy database dump file
- copy:
- src: dump.sql.bz2
- dest: /tmp
-- name: Restore database
- mysql_db:
- name: my_db
- state: import
- target: /tmp/dump.sql.bz2
-- name: Restore database ignoring errors
- mysql_db:
- name: my_db
- state: import
- target: /tmp/dump.sql.bz2
- force: yes
-- name: Dump multiple databases
- mysql_db:
- state: dump
- name: db_1,db_2
- target: /tmp/dump.sql
-- name: Dump multiple databases
- mysql_db:
- state: dump
- name:
- - db_1
- - db_2
- target: /tmp/dump.sql
-- name: Dump all databases to hostname.sql
- mysql_db:
- state: dump
- name: all
- target: /tmp/dump.sql
-- name: Dump all databases to hostname.sql including master data
- mysql_db:
- state: dump
- name: all
- target: /tmp/dump.sql
- master_data: 1
-# Import of sql script with encoding option
-- name: >
- Import dump.sql with specific latin1 encoding,
- similar to mysql -u <username> --default-character-set=latin1 -p <password> < dump.sql
- mysql_db:
- state: import
- name: all
- encoding: latin1
- target: /tmp/dump.sql
-# Dump of database with encoding option
-- name: >
- Dump of Databse with specific latin1 encoding,
- similar to mysqldump -u <username> --default-character-set=latin1 -p <password> <database>
- mysql_db:
- state: dump
- name: db_1
- encoding: latin1
- target: /tmp/dump.sql
-- name: Delete database with name 'bobdata'
- mysql_db:
- name: bobdata
- state: absent
-- name: Make sure there is neither a database with name 'foo', nor one with name 'bar'
- mysql_db:
- name:
- - foo
- - bar
- state: absent
-# Dump database with argument not directly supported by this module
-# using dump_extra_args parameter
-- name: Dump databases without including triggers
- mysql_db:
- state: dump
- name: foo
- target: /tmp/dump.sql
- dump_extra_args: --skip-triggers
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Database names in string format delimited by white space.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "foo bar"
- description: List of database names.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ["foo", "bar"]
- version_added: '2.9'
- description: List of commands which tried to run.
- returned: if executed
- type: list
- sample: ["CREATE DATABASE acme"]
- version_added: '2.10'
-import os
-import subprocess
-import traceback
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.database import mysql_quote_identifier
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
-from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-executed_commands = []
-# ===========================================
-# MySQL module specific support methods.
-def db_exists(cursor, db):
- res = 0
- for each_db in db:
- res += cursor.execute("SHOW DATABASES LIKE %s", (each_db.replace("_", r"\_"),))
- return res == len(db)
-def db_delete(cursor, db):
- if not db:
- return False
- for each_db in db:
- query = "DROP DATABASE %s" % mysql_quote_identifier(each_db, 'database')
- executed_commands.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- return True
-def db_dump(module, host, user, password, db_name, target, all_databases, port,
- config_file, socket=None, ssl_cert=None, ssl_key=None, ssl_ca=None,
- single_transaction=None, quick=None, ignore_tables=None, hex_blob=None,
- encoding=None, force=False, master_data=0, skip_lock_tables=False, dump_extra_args=None):
- cmd = module.get_bin_path('mysqldump', True)
- # If defined, mysqldump demands --defaults-extra-file be the first option
- if config_file:
- cmd += " --defaults-extra-file=%s" % shlex_quote(config_file)
- if user is not None:
- cmd += " --user=%s" % shlex_quote(user)
- if password is not None:
- cmd += " --password=%s" % shlex_quote(password)
- if ssl_cert is not None:
- cmd += " --ssl-cert=%s" % shlex_quote(ssl_cert)
- if ssl_key is not None:
- cmd += " --ssl-key=%s" % shlex_quote(ssl_key)
- if ssl_ca is not None:
- cmd += " --ssl-ca=%s" % shlex_quote(ssl_ca)
- if force:
- cmd += " --force"
- if socket is not None:
- cmd += " --socket=%s" % shlex_quote(socket)
- else:
- cmd += " --host=%s --port=%i" % (shlex_quote(host), port)
- if all_databases:
- cmd += " --all-databases"
- elif len(db_name) > 1:
- cmd += " --databases {0}".format(' '.join(db_name))
- else:
- cmd += " %s" % shlex_quote(' '.join(db_name))
- if skip_lock_tables:
- cmd += " --skip-lock-tables"
- if (encoding is not None) and (encoding != ""):
- cmd += " --default-character-set=%s" % shlex_quote(encoding)
- if single_transaction:
- cmd += " --single-transaction=true"
- if quick:
- cmd += " --quick"
- if ignore_tables:
- for an_ignored_table in ignore_tables:
- cmd += " --ignore-table={0}".format(an_ignored_table)
- if hex_blob:
- cmd += " --hex-blob"
- if master_data:
- cmd += " --master-data=%s" % master_data
- if dump_extra_args is not None:
- cmd += " " + dump_extra_args
- path = None
- if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.gz':
- path = module.get_bin_path('gzip', True)
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.bz2':
- path = module.get_bin_path('bzip2', True)
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.xz':
- path = module.get_bin_path('xz', True)
- if path:
- cmd = '%s | %s > %s' % (cmd, path, shlex_quote(target))
- else:
- cmd += " > %s" % shlex_quote(target)
- executed_commands.append(cmd)
- rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd, use_unsafe_shell=True)
- return rc, stdout, stderr
-def db_import(module, host, user, password, db_name, target, all_databases, port, config_file,
- socket=None, ssl_cert=None, ssl_key=None, ssl_ca=None, encoding=None, force=False):
- if not os.path.exists(target):
- return module.fail_json(msg="target %s does not exist on the host" % target)
- cmd = [module.get_bin_path('mysql', True)]
- # --defaults-file must go first, or errors out
- if config_file:
- cmd.append("--defaults-extra-file=%s" % shlex_quote(config_file))
- if user:
- cmd.append("--user=%s" % shlex_quote(user))
- if password:
- cmd.append("--password=%s" % shlex_quote(password))
- if ssl_cert is not None:
- cmd.append("--ssl-cert=%s" % shlex_quote(ssl_cert))
- if ssl_key is not None:
- cmd.append("--ssl-key=%s" % shlex_quote(ssl_key))
- if ssl_ca is not None:
- cmd.append("--ssl-ca=%s" % shlex_quote(ssl_ca))
- if force:
- cmd.append("-f")
- if socket is not None:
- cmd.append("--socket=%s" % shlex_quote(socket))
- else:
- cmd.append("--host=%s" % shlex_quote(host))
- cmd.append("--port=%i" % port)
- if (encoding is not None) and (encoding != ""):
- cmd.append("--default-character-set=%s" % shlex_quote(encoding))
- if not all_databases:
- cmd.append("--one-database")
- cmd.append(shlex_quote(''.join(db_name)))
- comp_prog_path = None
- if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.gz':
- comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('gzip', required=True)
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.bz2':
- comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('bzip2', required=True)
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.xz':
- comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('xz', required=True)
- if comp_prog_path:
- # The line above is for returned data only:
- executed_commands.append('%s -dc %s | %s' % (comp_prog_path, target, ' '.join(cmd)))
- p1 = subprocess.Popen([comp_prog_path, '-dc', target], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- p2 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- (stdout2, stderr2) = p2.communicate()
- p1.stdout.close()
- p1.wait()
- if p1.returncode != 0:
- stderr1 =
- return p1.returncode, '', stderr1
- else:
- return p2.returncode, stdout2, stderr2
- else:
- cmd = ' '.join(cmd)
- cmd += " < %s" % shlex_quote(target)
- executed_commands.append(cmd)
- rc, stdout, stderr = module.run_command(cmd, use_unsafe_shell=True)
- return rc, stdout, stderr
-def db_create(cursor, db, encoding, collation):
- if not db:
- return False
- query_params = dict(enc=encoding, collate=collation)
- res = 0
- for each_db in db:
- query = ['CREATE DATABASE %s' % mysql_quote_identifier(each_db, 'database')]
- if encoding:
- query.append("CHARACTER SET %(enc)s")
- if collation:
- query.append("COLLATE %(collate)s")
- query = ' '.join(query)
- res += cursor.execute(query, query_params)
- try:
- executed_commands.append(cursor.mogrify(query, query_params))
- except AttributeError:
- executed_commands.append(cursor._executed)
- except Exception:
- executed_commands.append(query)
- return res > 0
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- login_user=dict(type='str'),
- login_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- login_host=dict(type='str', default='localhost'),
- login_port=dict(type='int', default=3306),
- login_unix_socket=dict(type='str'),
- name=dict(type='list', required=True, aliases=['db']),
- encoding=dict(type='str', default=''),
- collation=dict(type='str', default=''),
- target=dict(type='path'),
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'dump', 'import', 'present']),
- client_cert=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_cert']),
- client_key=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_key']),
- ca_cert=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_ca']),
- connect_timeout=dict(type='int', default=30),
- config_file=dict(type='path', default='~/.my.cnf'),
- single_transaction=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- quick=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- ignore_tables=dict(type='list', default=[]),
- hex_blob=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
- force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- master_data=dict(type='int', default=0, choices=[0, 1, 2]),
- skip_lock_tables=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- dump_extra_args=dict(type='str'),
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
- db = module.params["name"]
- if not db:
- module.exit_json(changed=False, db=db, db_list=[])
- db = [each_db.strip() for each_db in db]
- encoding = module.params["encoding"]
- collation = module.params["collation"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- target = module.params["target"]
- socket = module.params["login_unix_socket"]
- login_port = module.params["login_port"]
- if login_port < 0 or login_port > 65535:
- module.fail_json(msg="login_port must be a valid unix port number (0-65535)")
- ssl_cert = module.params["client_cert"]
- ssl_key = module.params["client_key"]
- ssl_ca = module.params["ca_cert"]
- connect_timeout = module.params['connect_timeout']
- config_file = module.params['config_file']
- login_password = module.params["login_password"]
- login_user = module.params["login_user"]
- login_host = module.params["login_host"]
- ignore_tables = module.params["ignore_tables"]
- for a_table in ignore_tables:
- if a_table == "":
- module.fail_json(msg="Name of ignored table cannot be empty")
- single_transaction = module.params["single_transaction"]
- quick = module.params["quick"]
- hex_blob = module.params["hex_blob"]
- force = module.params["force"]
- master_data = module.params["master_data"]
- skip_lock_tables = module.params["skip_lock_tables"]
- dump_extra_args = module.params["dump_extra_args"]
- if len(db) > 1 and state == 'import':
- module.fail_json(msg="Multiple databases are not supported with state=import")
- db_name = ' '.join(db)
- all_databases = False
- if state in ['dump', 'import']:
- if target is None:
- module.fail_json(msg="with state=%s target is required" % state)
- if db == ['all']:
- all_databases = True
- else:
- if db == ['all']:
- module.fail_json(msg="name is not allowed to equal 'all' unless state equals import, or dump.")
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module, login_user, login_password, config_file, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca,
- connect_timeout=connect_timeout)
- except Exception as e:
- if os.path.exists(config_file):
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or %s has the credentials. "
- "Exception message: %s" % (config_file, to_native(e)))
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to find %s. Exception message: %s" % (config_file, to_native(e)))
- changed = False
- if not os.path.exists(config_file):
- config_file = None
- existence_list = []
- non_existence_list = []
- if not all_databases:
- for each_database in db:
- if db_exists(cursor, [each_database]):
- existence_list.append(each_database)
- else:
- non_existence_list.append(each_database)
- if state == "absent":
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(changed=bool(existence_list), db=db_name, db_list=db)
- try:
- changed = db_delete(cursor, existence_list)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="error deleting database: %s" % to_native(e))
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, db=db_name, db_list=db, executed_commands=executed_commands)
- elif state == "present":
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(changed=bool(non_existence_list), db=db_name, db_list=db)
- changed = False
- if non_existence_list:
- try:
- changed = db_create(cursor, non_existence_list, encoding, collation)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="error creating database: %s" % to_native(e),
- exception=traceback.format_exc())
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, db=db_name, db_list=db, executed_commands=executed_commands)
- elif state == "dump":
- if non_existence_list and not all_databases:
- module.fail_json(msg="Cannot dump database(s) %r - not found" % (', '.join(non_existence_list)))
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(changed=True, db=db_name, db_list=db)
- rc, stdout, stderr = db_dump(module, login_host, login_user,
- login_password, db, target, all_databases,
- login_port, config_file, socket, ssl_cert, ssl_key,
- ssl_ca, single_transaction, quick, ignore_tables,
- hex_blob, encoding, force, master_data, skip_lock_tables,
- dump_extra_args)
- if rc != 0:
- module.fail_json(msg="%s" % stderr)
- module.exit_json(changed=True, db=db_name, db_list=db, msg=stdout,
- executed_commands=executed_commands)
- elif state == "import":
- if module.check_mode:
- module.exit_json(changed=True, db=db_name, db_list=db)
- if non_existence_list and not all_databases:
- try:
- db_create(cursor, non_existence_list, encoding, collation)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="error creating database: %s" % to_native(e),
- exception=traceback.format_exc())
- rc, stdout, stderr = db_import(module, login_host, login_user,
- login_password, db, target,
- all_databases,
- login_port, config_file,
- socket, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca, encoding, force)
- if rc != 0:
- module.fail_json(msg="%s" % stderr)
- module.exit_json(changed=True, db=db_name, db_list=db, msg=stdout,
- executed_commands=executed_commands)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 503ec5e93b..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: mysql_info
-short_description: Gather information about MySQL servers
-- Gathers information about MySQL servers.
-version_added: '2.9'
- filter:
- description:
- - Limit the collected information by comma separated string or YAML list.
- - Allowable values are C(version), C(databases), C(settings), C(global_status),
- C(users), C(engines), C(master_status), C(slave_status), C(slave_hosts).
- - By default, collects all subsets.
- - You can use '!' before value (for example, C(!settings)) to exclude it from the information.
- - If you pass including and excluding values to the filter, for example, I(filter=!settings,version),
- the excluding values, C(!settings) in this case, will be ignored.
- type: list
- elements: str
- login_db:
- description:
- - Database name to connect to.
- - It makes sense if I(login_user) is allowed to connect to a specific database only.
- type: str
- exclude_fields:
- description:
- - List of fields which are not needed to collect.
- - "Supports elements: C(db_size). Unsupported elements will be ignored"
- type: list
- elements: str
- version_added: '2.10'
- return_empty_dbs:
- description:
- - Includes names of empty databases to returned dictionary.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: '2.10'
-- Calculating the size of a database might be slow, depending on the number and size of tables in it.
- To avoid this, use I(exclude_fields=db_size).
-- module: mysql_variables
-- module: mysql_db
-- module: mysql_user
-- module: mysql_replication
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: mysql
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-# Display info from mysql-hosts group (using creds from ~/.my.cnf to connect):
-# ansible mysql-hosts -m mysql_info
-# Display only databases and users info:
-# ansible mysql-hosts -m mysql_info -a 'filter=databases,users'
-# Display only slave status:
-# ansible standby -m mysql_info -a 'filter=slave_status'
-# Display all info from databases group except settings:
-# ansible databases -m mysql_info -a 'filter=!settings'
-- name: Collect all possible information using passwordless root access
- mysql_info:
- login_user: root
-- name: Get MySQL version with non-default credentials
- mysql_info:
- login_user: mysuperuser
- login_password: mysuperpass
- filter: version
-- name: Collect all info except settings and users by root
- mysql_info:
- login_user: root
- login_password: rootpass
- filter: "!settings,!users"
-- name: Collect info about databases and version using ~/.my.cnf as a credential file
- become: yes
- mysql_info:
- filter:
- - databases
- - version
-- name: Collect info about databases and version using ~alice/.my.cnf as a credential file
- become: yes
- mysql_info:
- config_file: /home/alice/.my.cnf
- filter:
- - databases
- - version
-- name: Collect info about databases including empty and excluding their sizes
- become: yes
- mysql_info:
- config_file: /home/alice/.my.cnf
- filter:
- - databases
- exclude_fields: db_size
- return_empty_dbs: yes
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Database server version.
- returned: if not excluded by filter
- type: dict
- sample: { "version": { "major": 5, "minor": 5, "release": 60 } }
- contains:
- major:
- description: Major server version.
- returned: if not excluded by filter
- type: int
- sample: 5
- minor:
- description: Minor server version.
- returned: if not excluded by filter
- type: int
- sample: 5
- release:
- description: Release server version.
- returned: if not excluded by filter
- type: int
- sample: 60
- description: Information about databases.
- returned: if not excluded by filter
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "mysql": { "size": 656594 }, "information_schema": { "size": 73728 } }
- contains:
- size:
- description: Database size in bytes.
- returned: if not excluded by filter
- type: dict
- sample: { 'size': 656594 }
- description: Global settings (variables) information.
- returned: if not excluded by filter
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "innodb_open_files": 300, innodb_page_size": 16384 }
- description: Global status information.
- returned: if not excluded by filter
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests": 123, "Innodb_buffer_pool_reads": 32 }
- version_added: "2.10"
- description: Users information.
- returned: if not excluded by filter
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "localhost": { "root": { "Alter_priv": "Y", "Alter_routine_priv": "Y" } } }
- description: Information about the server's storage engines.
- returned: if not excluded by filter
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "CSV": { "Comment": "CSV storage engine", "Savepoints": "NO", "Support": "YES", "Transactions": "NO", "XA": "NO" } }
- description: Master status information.
- returned: if master
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "Binlog_Do_DB": "", "Binlog_Ignore_DB": "mysql", "File": "mysql-bin.000001", "Position": 769 }
- description: Slave status information.
- returned: if standby
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "": { "3306": { "replication_user": { "Connect_Retry": 60, "Exec_Master_Log_Pos": 769, "Last_Errno": 0 } } } }
- description: Slave status information.
- returned: if master
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "2": { "Host": "", "Master_id": 1, "Port": 3306 } }
-from decimal import Decimal
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import (
- mysql_connect,
- mysql_common_argument_spec,
- mysql_driver,
- mysql_driver_fail_msg,
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-# ===========================================
-# MySQL module specific support methods.
-class MySQL_Info(object):
- """Class for collection MySQL instance information.
- Arguments:
- module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class.
- cursor (pymysql/mysql-python): Cursor class for interaction with
- the database.
- Note:
- If you need to add a new subset:
- 1. add a new key with the same name to attr in self.__init__()
- 2. add a new private method to get the information
- 3. add invocation of the new method to self.__collect()
- 4. add info about the new subset to the DOCUMENTATION block
- 5. add info about the new subset with an example to RETURN block
- """
- def __init__(self, module, cursor):
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- = {
- 'version': {},
- 'databases': {},
- 'settings': {},
- 'global_status': {},
- 'engines': {},
- 'users': {},
- 'master_status': {},
- 'slave_hosts': {},
- 'slave_status': {},
- }
- def get_info(self, filter_, exclude_fields, return_empty_dbs):
- """Get MySQL instance information based on filter_.
- Arguments:
- filter_ (list): List of collected subsets (e.g., databases, users, etc.),
- when it is empty, return all available information.
- """
- self.__collect(exclude_fields, return_empty_dbs)
- inc_list = []
- exc_list = []
- if filter_:
- partial_info = {}
- for fi in filter_:
- if fi.lstrip('!') not in
- self.module.warn('filter element: %s is not allowable, ignored' % fi)
- continue
- if fi[0] == '!':
- exc_list.append(fi.lstrip('!'))
- else:
- inc_list.append(fi)
- if inc_list:
- for i in
- if i in inc_list:
- partial_info[i] =[i]
- else:
- for i in
- if i not in exc_list:
- partial_info[i] =[i]
- return partial_info
- else:
- return
- def __collect(self, exclude_fields, return_empty_dbs):
- """Collect all possible subsets."""
- self.__get_databases(exclude_fields, return_empty_dbs)
- self.__get_global_variables()
- self.__get_global_status()
- self.__get_engines()
- self.__get_users()
- self.__get_master_status()
- self.__get_slave_status()
- self.__get_slaves()
- def __get_engines(self):
- """Get storage engines info."""
- res = self.__exec_sql('SHOW ENGINES')
- if res:
- for line in res:
- engine = line['Engine']
-['engines'][engine] = {}
- for vname, val in iteritems(line):
- if vname != 'Engine':
-['engines'][engine][vname] = val
- def __convert(self, val):
- """Convert unserializable data."""
- try:
- if isinstance(val, Decimal):
- val = float(val)
- else:
- val = int(val)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- except TypeError:
- pass
- return val
- def __get_global_variables(self):
- """Get global variables (instance settings)."""
- res = self.__exec_sql('SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES')
- if res:
- for var in res:
-['settings'][var['Variable_name']] = self.__convert(var['Value'])
- ver =['settings']['version'].split('.')
- release = ver[2].split('-')[0]
-['version'] = dict(
- major=int(ver[0]),
- minor=int(ver[1]),
- release=int(release),
- )
- def __get_global_status(self):
- """Get global status."""
- res = self.__exec_sql('SHOW GLOBAL STATUS')
- if res:
- for var in res:
-['global_status'][var['Variable_name']] = self.__convert(var['Value'])
- def __get_master_status(self):
- """Get master status if the instance is a master."""
- res = self.__exec_sql('SHOW MASTER STATUS')
- if res:
- for line in res:
- for vname, val in iteritems(line):
-['master_status'][vname] = self.__convert(val)
- def __get_slave_status(self):
- """Get slave status if the instance is a slave."""
- res = self.__exec_sql('SHOW SLAVE STATUS')
- if res:
- for line in res:
- host = line['Master_Host']
- if host not in['slave_status']:
-['slave_status'][host] = {}
- port = line['Master_Port']
- if port not in['slave_status'][host]:
-['slave_status'][host][port] = {}
- user = line['Master_User']
- if user not in['slave_status'][host][port]:
-['slave_status'][host][port][user] = {}
- for vname, val in iteritems(line):
- if vname not in ('Master_Host', 'Master_Port', 'Master_User'):
-['slave_status'][host][port][user][vname] = self.__convert(val)
- def __get_slaves(self):
- """Get slave hosts info if the instance is a master."""
- res = self.__exec_sql('SHOW SLAVE HOSTS')
- if res:
- for line in res:
- srv_id = line['Server_id']
- if srv_id not in['slave_hosts']:
-['slave_hosts'][srv_id] = {}
- for vname, val in iteritems(line):
- if vname != 'Server_id':
-['slave_hosts'][srv_id][vname] = self.__convert(val)
- def __get_users(self):
- """Get user info."""
- res = self.__exec_sql('SELECT * FROM mysql.user')
- if res:
- for line in res:
- host = line['Host']
- if host not in['users']:
-['users'][host] = {}
- user = line['User']
-['users'][host][user] = {}
- for vname, val in iteritems(line):
- if vname not in ('Host', 'User'):
-['users'][host][user][vname] = self.__convert(val)
- def __get_databases(self, exclude_fields, return_empty_dbs):
- """Get info about databases."""
- if not exclude_fields:
- query = ('SELECT table_schema AS "name", '
- 'SUM(data_length + index_length) AS "size" '
- 'FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema')
- else:
- if 'db_size' in exclude_fields:
- query = ('SELECT table_schema AS "name" '
- 'FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema')
- res = self.__exec_sql(query)
- if res:
- for db in res:
-['databases'][db['name']] = {}
- if not exclude_fields or 'db_size' not in exclude_fields:
-['databases'][db['name']]['size'] = int(db['size'])
- # If empty dbs are not needed in the returned dict, exit from the method
- if not return_empty_dbs:
- return None
- # Add info about empty databases (issue #65727):
- res = self.__exec_sql('SHOW DATABASES')
- if res:
- for db in res:
- if db['Database'] not in['databases']:
-['databases'][db['Database']] = {}
- if not exclude_fields or 'db_size' not in exclude_fields:
-['databases'][db['Database']]['size'] = 0
- def __exec_sql(self, query, ddl=False):
- """Execute SQL.
- Arguments:
- ddl (bool): If True, return True or False.
- Used for queries that don't return any rows
- (mainly for DDL queries) (default False).
- """
- try:
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- if not ddl:
- res = self.cursor.fetchall()
- return res
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- self.module.fail_json(msg="Cannot execute SQL '%s': %s" % (query, to_native(e)))
- return False
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = mysql_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- login_db=dict(type='str'),
- filter=dict(type='list'),
- exclude_fields=dict(type='list'),
- return_empty_dbs=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- db = module.params['login_db']
- connect_timeout = module.params['connect_timeout']
- login_user = module.params['login_user']
- login_password = module.params['login_password']
- ssl_cert = module.params['client_cert']
- ssl_key = module.params['client_key']
- ssl_ca = module.params['ca_cert']
- config_file = module.params['config_file']
- filter_ = module.params['filter']
- exclude_fields = module.params['exclude_fields']
- return_empty_dbs = module.params['return_empty_dbs']
- if filter_:
- filter_ = [f.strip() for f in filter_]
- if exclude_fields:
- exclude_fields = set([f.strip() for f in exclude_fields])
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module, login_user, login_password,
- config_file, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca, db,
- connect_timeout=connect_timeout, cursor_class='DictCursor')
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or %s has the credentials. "
- "Exception message: %s" % (config_file, to_native(e)))
- ###############################
- # Create object and do main job
- mysql = MySQL_Info(module, cursor)
- module.exit_json(changed=False, **mysql.get_info(filter_, exclude_fields, return_empty_dbs))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6921254226..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2020, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'supported_by': 'community',
- 'status': ['preview']
-module: mysql_query
-short_description: Run MySQL queries
-- Runs arbitrary MySQL queries.
-- Pay attention, the module does not support check mode!
- All queries will be executed in autocommit mode.
-version_added: '2.10'
- query:
- description:
- - SQL query to run. Multiple queries can be passed using YAML list syntax.
- type: list
- elements: str
- required: yes
- positional_args:
- description:
- - List of values to be passed as positional arguments to the query.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(named_args).
- type: list
- named_args:
- description:
- - Dictionary of key-value arguments to pass to the query.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(positional_args).
- type: dict
- login_db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to and run queries against.
- type: str
- single_transaction:
- description:
- - Where passed queries run in a single transaction (C(yes)) or commit them one-by-one (C(no)).
- type: bool
- default: no
-- To pass a query containing commas, use YAML list notation with hyphen (see EXAMPLES block).
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: mysql
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Simple select query to acme db
- mysql_query:
- login_db: acme
- query: SELECT * FROM orders
-- name: Select query to db acme with positional arguments
- mysql_query:
- login_db: acme
- query: SELECT * FROM acme WHERE id = %s AND story = %s
- positional_args:
- - 1
- - test
-- name: Select query to test_db with named_args
- mysql_query:
- login_db: test_db
- query: SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = %(id_val)s AND story = %(story_val)s
- named_args:
- id_val: 1
- story_val: test
-- name: Run several insert queries against db test_db in single transaction
- mysql_query:
- login_db: test_db
- query:
- - INSERT INTO articles (id, story) VALUES (2, 'my_long_story')
- - INSERT INTO prices (id, price) VALUES (123, '100.00')
- single_transaction: yes
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ['SELECT * FROM bar', 'UPDATE bar SET id = 1 WHERE id = 2']
- description:
- - List of lists (sublist for each query) containing dictionaries
- in column:value form representing returned rows.
- returned: changed
- type: list
- sample: [[{"Column": "Value1"},{"Column": "Value2"}], [{"ID": 1}, {"ID": 2}]]
- description: Number of affected rows for each subquery.
- returned: changed
- type: list
- sample: [5, 1]
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import (
- mysql_connect,
- mysql_common_argument_spec,
- mysql_driver,
- mysql_driver_fail_msg,
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-# TRUNCATE is not DDL query but it also returns 0 rows affected:
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = mysql_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- query=dict(type='list', elements='str', required=True),
- login_db=dict(type='str'),
- positional_args=dict(type='list'),
- named_args=dict(type='dict'),
- single_transaction=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- mutually_exclusive=(
- ('positional_args', 'named_args'),
- ),
- )
- db = module.params['login_db']
- connect_timeout = module.params['connect_timeout']
- login_user = module.params['login_user']
- login_password = module.params['login_password']
- ssl_cert = module.params['client_cert']
- ssl_key = module.params['client_key']
- ssl_ca = module.params['ca_cert']
- config_file = module.params['config_file']
- query = module.params["query"]
- if module.params["single_transaction"]:
- autocommit = False
- else:
- autocommit = True
- # Prepare args:
- if module.params.get("positional_args"):
- arguments = module.params["positional_args"]
- elif module.params.get("named_args"):
- arguments = module.params["named_args"]
- else:
- arguments = None
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
- # Connect to DB:
- try:
- cursor, db_connection = mysql_connect(module, login_user, login_password,
- config_file, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca, db,
- connect_timeout=connect_timeout,
- cursor_class='DictCursor', autocommit=autocommit)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database, check login_user and "
- "login_password are correct or %s has the credentials. "
- "Exception message: %s" % (config_file, to_native(e)))
- # Set defaults:
- changed = False
- max_keyword_len = len(max(DML_QUERY_KEYWORDS + DDL_QUERY_KEYWORDS, key=len))
- # Execute query:
- query_result = []
- executed_queries = []
- rowcount = []
- for q in query:
- try:
- cursor.execute(q, arguments)
- except Exception as e:
- if not autocommit:
- db_connection.rollback()
- cursor.close()
- module.fail_json(msg="Cannot execute SQL '%s' args [%s]: %s" % (q, arguments, to_native(e)))
- try:
- query_result.append([dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()])
- except Exception as e:
- if not autocommit:
- db_connection.rollback()
- module.fail_json(msg="Cannot fetch rows from cursor: %s" % to_native(e))
- # Check DML or DDL keywords in query and set changed accordingly:
- q = q.lstrip()[0:max_keyword_len].upper()
- for keyword in DML_QUERY_KEYWORDS:
- if keyword in q and cursor.rowcount > 0:
- changed = True
- for keyword in DDL_QUERY_KEYWORDS:
- if keyword in q:
- changed = True
- executed_queries.append(cursor._last_executed)
- rowcount.append(cursor.rowcount)
- # When the module run with the single_transaction == True:
- if not autocommit:
- db_connection.commit()
- # Create dict with returned values:
- kw = {
- 'changed': changed,
- 'executed_queries': executed_queries,
- 'query_result': query_result,
- 'rowcount': rowcount,
- }
- # Exit:
- module.exit_json(**kw)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 93620b60d7..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,579 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2013, Balazs Pocze <>
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# Certain parts are taken from Mark Theunissen's mysqldb module
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: mysql_replication
-short_description: Manage MySQL replication
-- Manages MySQL server replication, slave, master status, get and change master host.
-version_added: '1.3'
-- Balazs Pocze (@banyek)
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
- mode:
- description:
- - Module operating mode. Could be
- C(changemaster) (CHANGE MASTER TO),
- C(getmaster) (SHOW MASTER STATUS),
- C(getslave) (SHOW SLAVE STATUS),
- C(startslave) (START SLAVE),
- C(stopslave) (STOP SLAVE),
- C(resetmaster) (RESET MASTER) - supported from Ansible 2.10,
- C(resetslave) (RESET SLAVE),
- C(resetslaveall) (RESET SLAVE ALL).
- type: str
- choices:
- - changemaster
- - getmaster
- - getslave
- - startslave
- - stopslave
- - resetmaster
- - resetslave
- - resetslaveall
- default: getslave
- master_host:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: str
- master_user:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: str
- master_password:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: str
- master_port:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: int
- master_connect_retry:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: int
- master_log_file:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: str
- master_log_pos:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: int
- relay_log_file:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: str
- relay_log_pos:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: int
- master_ssl:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: bool
- master_ssl_ca:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: str
- master_ssl_capath:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: str
- master_ssl_cert:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: str
- master_ssl_key:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: str
- master_ssl_cipher:
- description:
- - Same as mysql variable.
- type: str
- master_auto_position:
- description:
- - Whether the host uses GTID based replication or not.
- type: bool
- version_added: '2.0'
- master_use_gtid:
- description:
- - Configures the slave to use the MariaDB Global Transaction ID.
- - C(disabled) equals MASTER_USE_GTID=no command.
- - To find information about available values see
- U(
- - Available since MariaDB 10.0.2.
- choices: [current_pos, slave_pos, disabled]
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
- master_delay:
- description:
- - Time lag behind the master's state (in seconds).
- - Available from MySQL 5.6.
- - For more information see U(
- type: int
- version_added: '2.10'
- connection_name:
- description:
- - Name of the master connection.
- - Supported from MariaDB 10.0.1.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(channel).
- - For more information see U(
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
- channel:
- description:
- - Name of replication channel.
- - Multi-source replication is supported from MySQL 5.7.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(connection_name).
- - For more information see U(
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
- fail_on_error:
- description:
- - Fails on error when calling mysql.
- type: bool
- default: False
- version_added: '2.10'
-- If an empty value for the parameter of string type is needed, use an empty string.
-- mysql
-- module: mysql_info
-- name: MySQL replication reference
- description: Complete reference of the MySQL replication documentation.
- link:
-- name: MariaDB replication reference
- description: Complete reference of the MariaDB replication documentation.
- link:
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Stop mysql slave thread
- mysql_replication:
- mode: stopslave
-- name: Get master binlog file name and binlog position
- mysql_replication:
- mode: getmaster
-- name: Change master to master server and use binary log 'mysql-bin.000009' with position 4578
- mysql_replication:
- mode: changemaster
- master_host:
- master_log_file: mysql-bin.000009
- master_log_pos: 4578
-- name: Check slave status using port 3308
- mysql_replication:
- mode: getslave
- login_host:
- login_port: 3308
-- name: On MariaDB change master to use GTID current_pos
- mysql_replication:
- mode: changemaster
- master_use_gtid: current_pos
-- name: Change master to use replication delay 3600 seconds
- mysql_replication:
- mode: changemaster
- master_host:
- master_delay: 3600
-- name: Start MariaDB standby with connection name master-1
- mysql_replication:
- mode: startslave
- connection_name: master-1
-- name: Stop replication in channel master-1
- mysql_replication:
- mode: stopslave
- channel: master-1
-- name: >
- Run RESET MASTER command which will delete all existing binary log files
- and reset the binary log index file on the master
- mysql_replication:
- mode: resetmaster
-- name: Run start slave and fail the task on errors
- mysql_replication:
- mode: startslave
- connection_name: master-1
- fail_on_error: yes
-- name: Change master and fail on error (like when slave thread is running)
- mysql_replication:
- mode: changemaster
- fail_on_error: yes
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of executed queries which modified DB's state.
- returned: always
- type: list
- version_added: '2.10'
-import os
-import warnings
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-executed_queries = []
-def get_master_status(cursor):
- cursor.execute("SHOW MASTER STATUS")
- masterstatus = cursor.fetchone()
- return masterstatus
-def get_slave_status(cursor, connection_name='', channel=''):
- if connection_name:
- query = "SHOW SLAVE '%s' STATUS" % connection_name
- else:
- if channel:
- query += " FOR CHANNEL '%s'" % channel
- cursor.execute(query)
- slavestatus = cursor.fetchone()
- return slavestatus
-def stop_slave(module, cursor, connection_name='', channel='', fail_on_error=False):
- if connection_name:
- query = "STOP SLAVE '%s'" % connection_name
- else:
- query = 'STOP SLAVE'
- if channel:
- query += " FOR CHANNEL '%s'" % channel
- try:
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- stopped = True
- except mysql_driver.Warning as e:
- stopped = False
- except Exception as e:
- if fail_on_error:
- module.fail_json(msg="STOP SLAVE failed: %s" % to_native(e))
- stopped = False
- return stopped
-def reset_slave(module, cursor, connection_name='', channel='', fail_on_error=False):
- if connection_name:
- query = "RESET SLAVE '%s'" % connection_name
- else:
- query = 'RESET SLAVE'
- if channel:
- query += " FOR CHANNEL '%s'" % channel
- try:
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- reset = True
- except mysql_driver.Warning as e:
- reset = False
- except Exception as e:
- if fail_on_error:
- module.fail_json(msg="RESET SLAVE failed: %s" % to_native(e))
- reset = False
- return reset
-def reset_slave_all(module, cursor, connection_name='', channel='', fail_on_error=False):
- if connection_name:
- query = "RESET SLAVE '%s' ALL" % connection_name
- else:
- query = 'RESET SLAVE ALL'
- if channel:
- query += " FOR CHANNEL '%s'" % channel
- try:
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- reset = True
- except mysql_driver.Warning as e:
- reset = False
- except Exception as e:
- if fail_on_error:
- module.fail_json(msg="RESET SLAVE ALL failed: %s" % to_native(e))
- reset = False
- return reset
-def reset_master(module, cursor, fail_on_error=False):
- query = 'RESET MASTER'
- try:
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- reset = True
- except mysql_driver.Warning as e:
- reset = False
- except Exception as e:
- if fail_on_error:
- module.fail_json(msg="RESET MASTER failed: %s" % to_native(e))
- reset = False
- return reset
-def start_slave(module, cursor, connection_name='', channel='', fail_on_error=False):
- if connection_name:
- query = "START SLAVE '%s'" % connection_name
- else:
- query = 'START SLAVE'
- if channel:
- query += " FOR CHANNEL '%s'" % channel
- try:
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- started = True
- except mysql_driver.Warning as e:
- started = False
- except Exception as e:
- if fail_on_error:
- module.fail_json(msg="START SLAVE failed: %s" % to_native(e))
- started = False
- return started
-def changemaster(cursor, chm, connection_name='', channel=''):
- if connection_name:
- query = "CHANGE MASTER '%s' TO %s" % (connection_name, ','.join(chm))
- else:
- query = 'CHANGE MASTER TO %s' % ','.join(chm)
- if channel:
- query += " FOR CHANNEL '%s'" % channel
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- login_user=dict(type='str'),
- login_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- login_host=dict(type='str', default='localhost'),
- login_port=dict(type='int', default=3306),
- login_unix_socket=dict(type='str'),
- mode=dict(type='str', default='getslave', choices=[
- 'getmaster', 'getslave', 'changemaster', 'stopslave',
- 'startslave', 'resetmaster', 'resetslave', 'resetslaveall']),
- master_auto_position=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- master_host=dict(type='str'),
- master_user=dict(type='str'),
- master_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- master_port=dict(type='int'),
- master_connect_retry=dict(type='int'),
- master_log_file=dict(type='str'),
- master_log_pos=dict(type='int'),
- relay_log_file=dict(type='str'),
- relay_log_pos=dict(type='int'),
- master_ssl=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- master_ssl_ca=dict(type='str'),
- master_ssl_capath=dict(type='str'),
- master_ssl_cert=dict(type='str'),
- master_ssl_key=dict(type='str'),
- master_ssl_cipher=dict(type='str'),
- connect_timeout=dict(type='int', default=30),
- config_file=dict(type='path', default='~/.my.cnf'),
- client_cert=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_cert']),
- client_key=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_key']),
- ca_cert=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_ca']),
- master_use_gtid=dict(type='str', choices=['current_pos', 'slave_pos', 'disabled']),
- master_delay=dict(type='int'),
- connection_name=dict(type='str'),
- channel=dict(type='str'),
- fail_on_error=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- ),
- mutually_exclusive=[
- ['connection_name', 'channel']
- ],
- )
- mode = module.params["mode"]
- master_host = module.params["master_host"]
- master_user = module.params["master_user"]
- master_password = module.params["master_password"]
- master_port = module.params["master_port"]
- master_connect_retry = module.params["master_connect_retry"]
- master_log_file = module.params["master_log_file"]
- master_log_pos = module.params["master_log_pos"]
- relay_log_file = module.params["relay_log_file"]
- relay_log_pos = module.params["relay_log_pos"]
- master_ssl = module.params["master_ssl"]
- master_ssl_ca = module.params["master_ssl_ca"]
- master_ssl_capath = module.params["master_ssl_capath"]
- master_ssl_cert = module.params["master_ssl_cert"]
- master_ssl_key = module.params["master_ssl_key"]
- master_ssl_cipher = module.params["master_ssl_cipher"]
- master_auto_position = module.params["master_auto_position"]
- ssl_cert = module.params["client_cert"]
- ssl_key = module.params["client_key"]
- ssl_ca = module.params["ca_cert"]
- connect_timeout = module.params['connect_timeout']
- config_file = module.params['config_file']
- master_delay = module.params['master_delay']
- if module.params.get("master_use_gtid") == 'disabled':
- master_use_gtid = 'no'
- else:
- master_use_gtid = module.params["master_use_gtid"]
- connection_name = module.params["connection_name"]
- channel = module.params['channel']
- fail_on_error = module.params['fail_on_error']
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
- else:
- warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=mysql_driver.Warning)
- login_password = module.params["login_password"]
- login_user = module.params["login_user"]
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module, login_user, login_password, config_file,
- ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca, None, cursor_class='DictCursor',
- connect_timeout=connect_timeout)
- except Exception as e:
- if os.path.exists(config_file):
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or %s has the credentials. "
- "Exception message: %s" % (config_file, to_native(e)))
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to find %s. Exception message: %s" % (config_file, to_native(e)))
- if mode in "getmaster":
- status = get_master_status(cursor)
- if not isinstance(status, dict):
- status = dict(Is_Master=False, msg="Server is not configured as mysql master")
- else:
- status['Is_Master'] = True
- module.exit_json(queries=executed_queries, **status)
- elif mode in "getslave":
- status = get_slave_status(cursor, connection_name, channel)
- if not isinstance(status, dict):
- status = dict(Is_Slave=False, msg="Server is not configured as mysql slave")
- else:
- status['Is_Slave'] = True
- module.exit_json(queries=executed_queries, **status)
- elif mode in "changemaster":
- chm = []
- result = {}
- if master_host is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_HOST='%s'" % master_host)
- if master_user is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_USER='%s'" % master_user)
- if master_password is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_PASSWORD='%s'" % master_password)
- if master_port is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_PORT=%s" % master_port)
- if master_connect_retry is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY=%s" % master_connect_retry)
- if master_log_file is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_LOG_FILE='%s'" % master_log_file)
- if master_log_pos is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_LOG_POS=%s" % master_log_pos)
- if master_delay is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_DELAY=%s" % master_delay)
- if relay_log_file is not None:
- chm.append("RELAY_LOG_FILE='%s'" % relay_log_file)
- if relay_log_pos is not None:
- chm.append("RELAY_LOG_POS=%s" % relay_log_pos)
- if master_ssl:
- chm.append("MASTER_SSL=1")
- if master_ssl_ca is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_SSL_CA='%s'" % master_ssl_ca)
- if master_ssl_capath is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_SSL_CAPATH='%s'" % master_ssl_capath)
- if master_ssl_cert is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_SSL_CERT='%s'" % master_ssl_cert)
- if master_ssl_key is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_SSL_KEY='%s'" % master_ssl_key)
- if master_ssl_cipher is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_SSL_CIPHER='%s'" % master_ssl_cipher)
- if master_auto_position:
- chm.append("MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=1")
- if master_use_gtid is not None:
- chm.append("MASTER_USE_GTID=%s" % master_use_gtid)
- try:
- changemaster(cursor, chm, connection_name, channel)
- except mysql_driver.Warning as e:
- result['warning'] = to_native(e)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='%s. Query == CHANGE MASTER TO %s' % (to_native(e), chm))
- result['changed'] = True
- module.exit_json(queries=executed_queries, **result)
- elif mode in "startslave":
- started = start_slave(module, cursor, connection_name, channel, fail_on_error)
- if started is True:
- module.exit_json(msg="Slave started ", changed=True, queries=executed_queries)
- else:
- module.exit_json(msg="Slave already started (Or cannot be started)", changed=False, queries=executed_queries)
- elif mode in "stopslave":
- stopped = stop_slave(module, cursor, connection_name, channel, fail_on_error)
- if stopped is True:
- module.exit_json(msg="Slave stopped", changed=True, queries=executed_queries)
- else:
- module.exit_json(msg="Slave already stopped", changed=False, queries=executed_queries)
- elif mode in "resetmaster":
- reset = reset_master(module, cursor, fail_on_error)
- if reset is True:
- module.exit_json(msg="Master reset", changed=True, queries=executed_queries)
- else:
- module.exit_json(msg="Master already reset", changed=False, queries=executed_queries)
- elif mode in "resetslave":
- reset = reset_slave(module, cursor, connection_name, channel, fail_on_error)
- if reset is True:
- module.exit_json(msg="Slave reset", changed=True, queries=executed_queries)
- else:
- module.exit_json(msg="Slave already reset", changed=False, queries=executed_queries)
- elif mode in "resetslaveall":
- reset = reset_slave_all(module, cursor, connection_name, channel, fail_on_error)
- if reset is True:
- module.exit_json(msg="Slave reset", changed=True, queries=executed_queries)
- else:
- module.exit_json(msg="Slave already reset", changed=False, queries=executed_queries)
- warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index f39982ed41..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,815 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2012, Mark Theunissen <>
-# Sponsored by Four Kitchens
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: mysql_user
-short_description: Adds or removes a user from a MySQL database
- - Adds or removes a user from a MySQL database.
-version_added: "0.6"
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the user (role) to add or remove.
- type: str
- required: true
- password:
- description:
- - Set the user's password..
- type: str
- encrypted:
- description:
- - Indicate that the 'password' field is a `mysql_native_password` hash.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.0"
- host:
- description:
- - The 'host' part of the MySQL username.
- type: str
- default: localhost
- host_all:
- description:
- - Override the host option, making ansible apply changes to all hostnames for a given user.
- - This option cannot be used when creating users.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "2.1"
- priv:
- description:
- - "MySQL privileges string in the format: C(db.table:priv1,priv2)."
- - "Multiple privileges can be specified by separating each one using
- a forward slash: C(db.table:priv/db.table:priv)."
- - The format is based on MySQL C(GRANT) statement.
- - Database and table names can be quoted, MySQL-style.
- - If column privileges are used, the C(priv1,priv2) part must be
- exactly as returned by a C(SHOW GRANT) statement. If not followed,
- the module will always report changes. It includes grouping columns
- by permission (C(SELECT(col1,col2)) instead of C(SELECT(col1),SELECT(col2))).
- - Can be passed as a dictionary (see the examples).
- type: raw
- append_privs:
- description:
- - Append the privileges defined by priv to the existing ones for this
- user instead of overwriting existing ones.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "1.4"
- sql_log_bin:
- description:
- - Whether binary logging should be enabled or disabled for the connection.
- type: bool
- default: yes
- version_added: "2.1"
- state:
- description:
- - Whether the user should exist.
- - When C(absent), removes the user.
- type: str
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- default: present
- check_implicit_admin:
- description:
- - Check if mysql allows login as root/nopassword before trying supplied credentials.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: "1.3"
- update_password:
- description:
- - C(always) will update passwords if they differ.
- - C(on_create) will only set the password for newly created users.
- type: str
- choices: [ always, on_create ]
- default: always
- version_added: "2.0"
- plugin:
- description:
- - User's plugin to authenticate (``CREATE USER user IDENTIFIED WITH plugin``).
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
- plugin_hash_string:
- description:
- - User's plugin hash string (``CREATE USER user IDENTIFIED WITH plugin AS plugin_hash_string``).
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
- plugin_auth_string:
- description:
- - User's plugin auth_string (``CREATE USER user IDENTIFIED WITH plugin BY plugin_auth_string``).
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
- - "MySQL server installs with default login_user of 'root' and no password. To secure this user
- as part of an idempotent playbook, you must create at least two tasks: the first must change the root user's password,
- without providing any login_user/login_password details. The second must drop a ~/.my.cnf file containing
- the new root credentials. Subsequent runs of the playbook will then succeed by reading the new credentials from
- the file."
- - Currently, there is only support for the `mysql_native_password` encrypted password hash module.
-- module: mysql_info
-- name: MySQL access control and account management reference
- description: Complete reference of the MySQL access control and account management documentation.
- link:
-- name: MySQL provided privileges reference
- description: Complete reference of the MySQL provided privileges documentation.
- link:
-- Jonathan Mainguy (@Jmainguy)
-- Benjamin Malynovytch (@bmalynovytch)
-- Lukasz Tomaszkiewicz (@tomaszkiewicz)
-extends_documentation_fragment: mysql
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Removes anonymous user account for localhost
- mysql_user:
- name: ''
- host: localhost
- state: absent
-- name: Removes all anonymous user accounts
- mysql_user:
- name: ''
- host_all: yes
- state: absent
-- name: Create database user with name 'bob' and password '12345' with all database privileges
- mysql_user:
- name: bob
- password: 12345
- priv: '*.*:ALL'
- state: present
-- name: Create database user using hashed password with all database privileges
- mysql_user:
- name: bob
- password: '*EE0D72C1085C46C5278932678FBE2C6A782821B4'
- encrypted: yes
- priv: '*.*:ALL'
- state: present
-- name: Create database user with password and all database privileges and 'WITH GRANT OPTION'
- mysql_user:
- name: bob
- password: 12345
- priv: '*.*:ALL,GRANT'
- state: present
-- name: Create user with password, all database privileges and 'WITH GRANT OPTION' in db1 and db2
- mysql_user:
- state: present
- name: bob
- password: 12345dd
- priv:
- 'db1.*': 'ALL,GRANT'
- 'db2.*': 'ALL,GRANT'
-# Note that REQUIRESSL is a special privilege that should only apply to *.* by itself.
-- name: Modify user to require SSL connections.
- mysql_user:
- name: bob
- append_privs: yes
- priv: '*.*:REQUIRESSL'
- state: present
-- name: Ensure no user named 'sally'@'localhost' exists, also passing in the auth credentials.
- mysql_user:
- login_user: root
- login_password: 123456
- name: sally
- state: absent
-- name: Ensure no user named 'sally' exists at all
- mysql_user:
- name: sally
- host_all: yes
- state: absent
-- name: Specify grants composed of more than one word
- mysql_user:
- name: replication
- password: 12345
- state: present
-- name: Revoke all privileges for user 'bob' and password '12345'
- mysql_user:
- name: bob
- password: 12345
- priv: "*.*:USAGE"
- state: present
-# Example privileges string format
-# mydb.*:INSERT,UPDATE/anotherdb.*:SELECT/yetanotherdb.*:ALL
-- name: Example using login_unix_socket to connect to server
- mysql_user:
- name: root
- password: abc123
- login_unix_socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
-- name: Example of skipping binary logging while adding user 'bob'
- mysql_user:
- name: bob
- password: 12345
- priv: "*.*:USAGE"
- state: present
- sql_log_bin: no
-- name: Create user 'bob' authenticated with plugin 'AWSAuthenticationPlugin'
- mysql_user:
- name: bob
- plugin: AWSAuthenticationPlugin
- plugin_hash_string: RDS
- priv: '*.*:ALL'
- state: present
-# Example .my.cnf file for setting the root password
-# [client]
-# user=root
-# password=n<_665{vS43y
-import re
-import string
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.database import SQLParseError
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-class InvalidPrivsError(Exception):
- pass
-# ===========================================
-# MySQL module specific support methods.
-# User Authentication Management changed in MySQL 5.7 and MariaDB 10.2.0
-def use_old_user_mgmt(cursor):
- cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION()")
- result = cursor.fetchone()
- version_str = result[0]
- version = version_str.split('.')
- if 'mariadb' in version_str.lower():
- # Prior to MariaDB 10.2
- if int(version[0]) * 1000 + int(version[1]) < 10002:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- else:
- # Prior to MySQL 5.7
- if int(version[0]) * 1000 + int(version[1]) < 5007:
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def get_mode(cursor):
- cursor.execute('SELECT @@GLOBAL.sql_mode')
- result = cursor.fetchone()
- mode_str = result[0]
- if 'ANSI' in mode_str:
- mode = 'ANSI'
- else:
- mode = 'NOTANSI'
- return mode
-def user_exists(cursor, user, host, host_all):
- if host_all:
- cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM mysql.user WHERE user = %s", ([user]))
- else:
- cursor.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM mysql.user WHERE user = %s AND host = %s", (user, host))
- count = cursor.fetchone()
- return count[0] > 0
-def user_add(cursor, user, host, host_all, password, encrypted,
- plugin, plugin_hash_string, plugin_auth_string, new_priv, check_mode):
- # we cannot create users without a proper hostname
- if host_all:
- return False
- if check_mode:
- return True
- if password and encrypted:
- cursor.execute("CREATE USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD %s", (user, host, password))
- elif password and not encrypted:
- cursor.execute("CREATE USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED BY %s", (user, host, password))
- elif plugin and plugin_hash_string:
- cursor.execute("CREATE USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED WITH %s AS %s", (user, host, plugin, plugin_hash_string))
- elif plugin and plugin_auth_string:
- cursor.execute("CREATE USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED WITH %s BY %s", (user, host, plugin, plugin_auth_string))
- elif plugin:
- cursor.execute("CREATE USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED WITH %s", (user, host, plugin))
- else:
- cursor.execute("CREATE USER %s@%s", (user, host))
- if new_priv is not None:
- for db_table, priv in iteritems(new_priv):
- privileges_grant(cursor, user, host, db_table, priv)
- return True
-def is_hash(password):
- ishash = False
- if len(password) == 41 and password[0] == '*':
- if frozenset(password[1:]).issubset(string.hexdigits):
- ishash = True
- return ishash
-def user_mod(cursor, user, host, host_all, password, encrypted,
- plugin, plugin_hash_string, plugin_auth_string, new_priv, append_privs, module):
- changed = False
- msg = "User unchanged"
- grant_option = False
- if host_all:
- hostnames = user_get_hostnames(cursor, [user])
- else:
- hostnames = [host]
- for host in hostnames:
- # Handle clear text and hashed passwords.
- if bool(password):
- # Determine what user management method server uses
- old_user_mgmt = use_old_user_mgmt(cursor)
- # Get a list of valid columns in mysql.user table to check if Password and/or authentication_string exist
- cursor.execute("""
- WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'user' AND COLUMN_NAME IN ('Password', 'authentication_string')
- """)
- colA = cursor.fetchone()
- cursor.execute("""
- WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'mysql' AND TABLE_NAME = 'user' AND COLUMN_NAME IN ('Password', 'authentication_string')
- """)
- colB = cursor.fetchone()
- # Select hash from either Password or authentication_string, depending which one exists and/or is filled
- cursor.execute("""
- )
- FROM mysql.user WHERE user = %%s AND host = %%s
- """ % (colA[0], colA[0], colB[0], colB[0]), (user, host))
- current_pass_hash = cursor.fetchone()[0]
- if isinstance(current_pass_hash, bytes):
- current_pass_hash = current_pass_hash.decode('ascii')
- if encrypted:
- encrypted_password = password
- if not is_hash(encrypted_password):
- module.fail_json(msg="encrypted was specified however it does not appear to be a valid hash expecting: *SHA1(SHA1(your_password))")
- else:
- if old_user_mgmt:
- cursor.execute("SELECT PASSWORD(%s)", (password,))
- else:
- cursor.execute("SELECT CONCAT('*', UCASE(SHA1(UNHEX(SHA1(%s)))))", (password,))
- encrypted_password = cursor.fetchone()[0]
- if current_pass_hash != encrypted_password:
- msg = "Password updated"
- if module.check_mode:
- return (True, msg)
- if old_user_mgmt:
- cursor.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR %s@%s = %s", (user, host, encrypted_password))
- msg = "Password updated (old style)"
- else:
- try:
- cursor.execute("ALTER USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password AS %s", (user, host, encrypted_password))
- msg = "Password updated (new style)"
- except (mysql_driver.Error) as e:
- #
- # Replacing empty root password with new authentication mechanisms fails with error 1396
- if e.args[0] == 1396:
- cursor.execute(
- "UPDATE user SET plugin = %s, authentication_string = %s, Password = '' WHERE User = %s AND Host = %s",
- ('mysql_native_password', encrypted_password, user, host)
- )
- cursor.execute("FLUSH PRIVILEGES")
- msg = "Password forced update"
- else:
- raise e
- changed = True
- # Handle plugin authentication
- if plugin:
- cursor.execute("SELECT plugin, authentication_string FROM mysql.user "
- "WHERE user = %s AND host = %s", (user, host))
- current_plugin = cursor.fetchone()
- update = False
- if current_plugin[0] != plugin:
- update = True
- if plugin_hash_string and current_plugin[1] != plugin_hash_string:
- update = True
- if plugin_auth_string and current_plugin[1] != plugin_auth_string:
- # this case can cause more updates than expected,
- # as plugin can hash auth_string in any way it wants
- # and there's no way to figure it out for
- # a check, so I prefer to update more often than never
- update = True
- if update:
- if plugin_hash_string:
- cursor.execute("ALTER USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED WITH %s AS %s", (user, host, plugin, plugin_hash_string))
- elif plugin_auth_string:
- cursor.execute("ALTER USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED WITH %s BY %s", (user, host, plugin, plugin_auth_string))
- else:
- cursor.execute("ALTER USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED WITH %s", (user, host, plugin))
- changed = True
- # Handle privileges
- if new_priv is not None:
- curr_priv = privileges_get(cursor, user, host)
- # If the user has privileges on a db.table that doesn't appear at all in
- # the new specification, then revoke all privileges on it.
- for db_table, priv in iteritems(curr_priv):
- # If the user has the GRANT OPTION on a db.table, revoke it first.
- if "GRANT" in priv:
- grant_option = True
- if db_table not in new_priv:
- if user != "root" and "PROXY" not in priv and not append_privs:
- msg = "Privileges updated"
- if module.check_mode:
- return (True, msg)
- privileges_revoke(cursor, user, host, db_table, priv, grant_option)
- changed = True
- # If the user doesn't currently have any privileges on a db.table, then
- # we can perform a straight grant operation.
- for db_table, priv in iteritems(new_priv):
- if db_table not in curr_priv:
- msg = "New privileges granted"
- if module.check_mode:
- return (True, msg)
- privileges_grant(cursor, user, host, db_table, priv)
- changed = True
- # If the db.table specification exists in both the user's current privileges
- # and in the new privileges, then we need to see if there's a difference.
- db_table_intersect = set(new_priv.keys()) & set(curr_priv.keys())
- for db_table in db_table_intersect:
- priv_diff = set(new_priv[db_table]) ^ set(curr_priv[db_table])
- if len(priv_diff) > 0:
- msg = "Privileges updated"
- if module.check_mode:
- return (True, msg)
- if not append_privs:
- privileges_revoke(cursor, user, host, db_table, curr_priv[db_table], grant_option)
- privileges_grant(cursor, user, host, db_table, new_priv[db_table])
- changed = True
- return (changed, msg)
-def user_delete(cursor, user, host, host_all, check_mode):
- if check_mode:
- return True
- if host_all:
- hostnames = user_get_hostnames(cursor, [user])
- for hostname in hostnames:
- cursor.execute("DROP USER %s@%s", (user, hostname))
- else:
- cursor.execute("DROP USER %s@%s", (user, host))
- return True
-def user_get_hostnames(cursor, user):
- cursor.execute("SELECT Host FROM mysql.user WHERE user = %s", user)
- hostnames_raw = cursor.fetchall()
- hostnames = []
- for hostname_raw in hostnames_raw:
- hostnames.append(hostname_raw[0])
- return hostnames
-def privileges_get(cursor, user, host):
- """ MySQL doesn't have a better method of getting privileges aside from the
- SHOW GRANTS query syntax, which requires us to then parse the returned string.
- Here's an example of the string that is returned from MySQL:
- GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass';
- This function makes the query and returns a dictionary containing the results.
- The dictionary format is the same as that returned by privileges_unpack() below.
- """
- output = {}
- cursor.execute("SHOW GRANTS FOR %s@%s", (user, host))
- grants = cursor.fetchall()
- def pick(x):
- if x == 'ALL PRIVILEGES':
- return 'ALL'
- else:
- return x
- for grant in grants:
- res = re.match("""GRANT (.+) ON (.+) TO (['`"]).*\\3@(['`"]).*\\4( IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD (['`"]).+\\6)? ?(.*)""", grant[0])
- if res is None:
- raise InvalidPrivsError('unable to parse the MySQL grant string: %s' % grant[0])
- privileges =", ")
- privileges = [pick(x) for x in privileges]
- privileges.append('GRANT')
- if "REQUIRE SSL" in
- privileges.append('REQUIRESSL')
- db =
- output[db] = privileges
- return output
-def privileges_unpack(priv, mode):
- """ Take a privileges string, typically passed as a parameter, and unserialize
- it into a dictionary, the same format as privileges_get() above. We have this
- custom format to avoid using YAML/JSON strings inside YAML playbooks. Example
- of a privileges string:
- mydb.*:INSERT,UPDATE/anotherdb.*:SELECT/yetanother.*:ALL
- The privilege USAGE stands for no privileges, so we add that in on *.* if it's
- not specified in the string, as MySQL will always provide this by default.
- """
- if mode == 'ANSI':
- quote = '"'
- else:
- quote = '`'
- output = {}
- privs = []
- for item in priv.strip().split('/'):
- pieces = item.strip().rsplit(':', 1)
- dbpriv = pieces[0].rsplit(".", 1)
- # Check for FUNCTION or PROCEDURE object types
- parts = dbpriv[0].split(" ", 1)
- object_type = ''
- if len(parts) > 1 and (parts[0] == 'FUNCTION' or parts[0] == 'PROCEDURE'):
- object_type = parts[0] + ' '
- dbpriv[0] = parts[1]
- # Do not escape if privilege is for database or table, i.e.
- # neither quote *. nor .*
- for i, side in enumerate(dbpriv):
- if side.strip('`') != '*':
- dbpriv[i] = '%s%s%s' % (quote, side.strip('`'), quote)
- pieces[0] = object_type + '.'.join(dbpriv)
- if '(' in pieces[1]:
- output[pieces[0]] = re.split(r',\s*(?=[^)]*(?:\(|$))', pieces[1].upper())
- for i in output[pieces[0]]:
- privs.append(re.sub(r'\s*\(.*\)', '', i))
- else:
- output[pieces[0]] = pieces[1].upper().split(',')
- privs = output[pieces[0]]
- new_privs = frozenset(privs)
- if not new_privs.issubset(VALID_PRIVS):
- raise InvalidPrivsError('Invalid privileges specified: %s' % new_privs.difference(VALID_PRIVS))
- if '*.*' not in output:
- output['*.*'] = ['USAGE']
- # if we are only specifying something like REQUIRESSL and/or GRANT (=WITH GRANT OPTION) in *.*
- # we still need to add USAGE as a privilege to avoid syntax errors
- if 'REQUIRESSL' in priv and not set(output['*.*']).difference(set(['GRANT', 'REQUIRESSL'])):
- output['*.*'].append('USAGE')
- return output
-def privileges_revoke(cursor, user, host, db_table, priv, grant_option):
- # Escape '%' since mysql db.execute() uses a format string
- db_table = db_table.replace('%', '%%')
- if grant_option:
- query = ["REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON %s" % db_table]
- query.append("FROM %s@%s")
- query = ' '.join(query)
- cursor.execute(query, (user, host))
- priv_string = ",".join([p for p in priv if p not in ('GRANT', 'REQUIRESSL')])
- query = ["REVOKE %s ON %s" % (priv_string, db_table)]
- query.append("FROM %s@%s")
- query = ' '.join(query)
- cursor.execute(query, (user, host))
-def privileges_grant(cursor, user, host, db_table, priv):
- # Escape '%' since mysql db.execute uses a format string and the
- # specification of db and table often use a % (SQL wildcard)
- db_table = db_table.replace('%', '%%')
- priv_string = ",".join([p for p in priv if p not in ('GRANT', 'REQUIRESSL')])
- query = ["GRANT %s ON %s" % (priv_string, db_table)]
- query.append("TO %s@%s")
- if 'REQUIRESSL' in priv:
- query.append("REQUIRE SSL")
- if 'GRANT' in priv:
- query.append("WITH GRANT OPTION")
- query = ' '.join(query)
- cursor.execute(query, (user, host))
-def convert_priv_dict_to_str(priv):
- """Converts privs dictionary to string of certain format.
- Args:
- priv (dict): Dict of privileges that needs to be converted to string.
- Returns:
- priv (str): String representation of input argument.
- """
- priv_list = ['%s:%s' % (key, val) for key, val in iteritems(priv)]
- return '/'.join(priv_list)
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- login_user=dict(type='str'),
- login_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- login_host=dict(type='str', default='localhost'),
- login_port=dict(type='int', default=3306),
- login_unix_socket=dict(type='str'),
- user=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']),
- password=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- encrypted=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- host=dict(type='str', default='localhost'),
- host_all=dict(type="bool", default=False),
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- priv=dict(type='raw'),
- append_privs=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- check_implicit_admin=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- update_password=dict(type='str', default='always', choices=['always', 'on_create']),
- connect_timeout=dict(type='int', default=30),
- config_file=dict(type='path', default='~/.my.cnf'),
- sql_log_bin=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- client_cert=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_cert']),
- client_key=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_key']),
- ca_cert=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_ca']),
- plugin=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- plugin_hash_string=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- plugin_auth_string=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- login_user = module.params["login_user"]
- login_password = module.params["login_password"]
- user = module.params["user"]
- password = module.params["password"]
- encrypted = module.boolean(module.params["encrypted"])
- host = module.params["host"].lower()
- host_all = module.params["host_all"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- priv = module.params["priv"]
- check_implicit_admin = module.params['check_implicit_admin']
- connect_timeout = module.params['connect_timeout']
- config_file = module.params['config_file']
- append_privs = module.boolean(module.params["append_privs"])
- update_password = module.params['update_password']
- ssl_cert = module.params["client_cert"]
- ssl_key = module.params["client_key"]
- ssl_ca = module.params["ca_cert"]
- db = ''
- sql_log_bin = module.params["sql_log_bin"]
- plugin = module.params["plugin"]
- plugin_hash_string = module.params["plugin_hash_string"]
- plugin_auth_string = module.params["plugin_auth_string"]
- if priv and not (isinstance(priv, str) or isinstance(priv, dict)):
- module.fail_json(msg="priv parameter must be str or dict but %s was passed" % type(priv))
- if priv and isinstance(priv, dict):
- priv = convert_priv_dict_to_str(priv)
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
- cursor = None
- try:
- if check_implicit_admin:
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module, 'root', '', config_file, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca, db,
- connect_timeout=connect_timeout)
- except Exception:
- pass
- if not cursor:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module, login_user, login_password, config_file, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca, db,
- connect_timeout=connect_timeout)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database, check login_user and login_password are correct or %s has the credentials. "
- "Exception message: %s" % (config_file, to_native(e)))
- if not sql_log_bin:
- cursor.execute("SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0;")
- if priv is not None:
- try:
- mode = get_mode(cursor)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
- try:
- priv = privileges_unpack(priv, mode)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="invalid privileges string: %s" % to_native(e))
- if state == "present":
- if user_exists(cursor, user, host, host_all):
- try:
- if update_password == 'always':
- changed, msg = user_mod(cursor, user, host, host_all, password, encrypted,
- plugin, plugin_hash_string, plugin_auth_string,
- priv, append_privs, module)
- else:
- changed, msg = user_mod(cursor, user, host, host_all, None, encrypted,
- plugin, plugin_hash_string, plugin_auth_string,
- priv, append_privs, module)
- except (SQLParseError, InvalidPrivsError, mysql_driver.Error) as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
- else:
- if host_all:
- module.fail_json(msg="host_all parameter cannot be used when adding a user")
- try:
- changed = user_add(cursor, user, host, host_all, password, encrypted,
- plugin, plugin_hash_string, plugin_auth_string,
- priv, module.check_mode)
- if changed:
- msg = "User added"
- except (SQLParseError, InvalidPrivsError, mysql_driver.Error) as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
- elif state == "absent":
- if user_exists(cursor, user, host, host_all):
- changed = user_delete(cursor, user, host, host_all, module.check_mode)
- msg = "User deleted"
- else:
- changed = False
- msg = "User doesn't exist"
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, user=user, msg=msg)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index aa03f8990a..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2013, Balazs Pocze <>
-# Certain parts are taken from Mark Theunissen's mysqldb module
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: mysql_variables
-short_description: Manage MySQL global variables
-- Query / Set MySQL variables.
-version_added: '1.3'
-- Balazs Pocze (@banyek)
- variable:
- description:
- - Variable name to operate
- type: str
- required: yes
- value:
- description:
- - If set, then sets variable value to this
- type: str
- mode:
- description:
- - C(global) assigns C(value) to a global system variable which will be changed at runtime
- but won't persist across server restarts.
- - C(persist) assigns C(value) to a global system variable and persists it to
- the mysqld-auto.cnf option file in the data directory
- (the variable will survive service restarts).
- - C(persist_only) persists C(value) to the mysqld-auto.cnf option file in the data directory
- but without setting the global variable runtime value
- (the value will be changed after the next service restart).
- - Supported by MySQL 8.0 or later.
- - For more information see U(
- type: str
- choices: ['global', 'persist', 'persist_only']
- default: global
- version_added: '2.10'
-- module: mysql_info
-- name: MySQL SET command reference
- description: Complete reference of the MySQL SET command documentation.
- link:
-- mysql
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Check for sync_binlog setting
- mysql_variables:
- variable: sync_binlog
-- name: Set read_only variable to 1 persistently
- mysql_variables:
- variable: read_only
- value: 1
- mode: persist
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of executed queries which modified DB's state.
- returned: if executed
- type: list
- sample: ["SET GLOBAL `read_only` = 1"]
- version_added: '2.10'
-import os
-import warnings
-from re import match
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.database import SQLParseError, mysql_quote_identifier
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-executed_queries = []
-def check_mysqld_auto(module, cursor, mysqlvar):
- """Check variable's value in mysqld-auto.cnf."""
- "FROM performance_schema.persisted_variables "
- try:
- cursor.execute(query, (mysqlvar,))
- res = cursor.fetchone()
- except Exception as e:
- if "Table 'performance_schema.persisted_variables' doesn't exist" in str(e):
- module.fail_json(msg='Server version must be 8.0 or greater.')
- if res:
- return res[0]
- else:
- return None
-def typedvalue(value):
- """
- Convert value to number whenever possible, return same value
- otherwise.
- >>> typedvalue('3')
- 3
- >>> typedvalue('3.0')
- 3.0
- >>> typedvalue('foobar')
- 'foobar'
- """
- try:
- return int(value)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- try:
- return float(value)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- return value
-def getvariable(cursor, mysqlvar):
- cursor.execute("SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = %s", (mysqlvar,))
- mysqlvar_val = cursor.fetchall()
- if len(mysqlvar_val) == 1:
- return mysqlvar_val[0][1]
- else:
- return None
-def setvariable(cursor, mysqlvar, value, mode='global'):
- """ Set a global mysql variable to a given value
- The DB driver will handle quoting of the given value based on its
- type, thus numeric strings like '3.0' or '8' are illegal, they
- should be passed as numeric literals.
- """
- if mode == 'persist':
- query = "SET PERSIST %s = " % mysql_quote_identifier(mysqlvar, 'vars')
- elif mode == 'global':
- query = "SET GLOBAL %s = " % mysql_quote_identifier(mysqlvar, 'vars')
- elif mode == 'persist_only':
- query = "SET PERSIST_ONLY %s = " % mysql_quote_identifier(mysqlvar, 'vars')
- try:
- cursor.execute(query + "%s", (value,))
- executed_queries.append(query + "%s" % value)
- cursor.fetchall()
- result = True
- except Exception as e:
- result = to_native(e)
- return result
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- login_user=dict(type='str'),
- login_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
- login_host=dict(type='str', default='localhost'),
- login_port=dict(type='int', default=3306),
- login_unix_socket=dict(type='str'),
- variable=dict(type='str'),
- value=dict(type='str'),
- client_cert=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_cert']),
- client_key=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_key']),
- ca_cert=dict(type='path', aliases=['ssl_ca']),
- connect_timeout=dict(type='int', default=30),
- config_file=dict(type='path', default='~/.my.cnf'),
- mode=dict(type='str', choices=['global', 'persist', 'persist_only'], default='global'),
- ),
- )
- user = module.params["login_user"]
- password = module.params["login_password"]
- connect_timeout = module.params['connect_timeout']
- ssl_cert = module.params["client_cert"]
- ssl_key = module.params["client_key"]
- ssl_ca = module.params["ca_cert"]
- config_file = module.params['config_file']
- db = 'mysql'
- mysqlvar = module.params["variable"]
- value = module.params["value"]
- mode = module.params["mode"]
- if mysqlvar is None:
- module.fail_json(msg="Cannot run without variable to operate with")
- if match('^[0-9a-z_.]+$', mysqlvar) is None:
- module.fail_json(msg="invalid variable name \"%s\"" % mysqlvar)
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
- else:
- warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=mysql_driver.Warning)
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module, user, password, config_file, ssl_cert, ssl_key, ssl_ca, db,
- connect_timeout=connect_timeout)
- except Exception as e:
- if os.path.exists(config_file):
- module.fail_json(msg=("unable to connect to database, check login_user and "
- "login_password are correct or %s has the credentials. "
- "Exception message: %s" % (config_file, to_native(e))))
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to find %s. Exception message: %s" % (config_file, to_native(e)))
- mysqlvar_val = None
- var_in_mysqld_auto_cnf = None
- mysqlvar_val = getvariable(cursor, mysqlvar)
- if mysqlvar_val is None:
- module.fail_json(msg="Variable not available \"%s\"" % mysqlvar, changed=False)
- if value is None:
- module.exit_json(msg=mysqlvar_val)
- if mode in ('persist', 'persist_only'):
- var_in_mysqld_auto_cnf = check_mysqld_auto(module, cursor, mysqlvar)
- if mode == 'persist_only':
- if var_in_mysqld_auto_cnf is None:
- mysqlvar_val = False
- else:
- mysqlvar_val = var_in_mysqld_auto_cnf
- # Type values before using them
- value_wanted = typedvalue(value)
- value_actual = typedvalue(mysqlvar_val)
- value_in_auto_cnf = None
- if var_in_mysqld_auto_cnf is not None:
- value_in_auto_cnf = typedvalue(var_in_mysqld_auto_cnf)
- if value_wanted == value_actual and mode in ('global', 'persist'):
- if mode == 'persist' and value_wanted == value_in_auto_cnf:
- module.exit_json(msg="Variable is already set to requested value globally"
- "and stored into mysqld-auto.cnf file.", changed=False)
- elif mode == 'global':
- module.exit_json(msg="Variable is already set to requested value.", changed=False)
- if mode == 'persist_only' and value_wanted == value_in_auto_cnf:
- module.exit_json(msg="Variable is already stored into mysqld-auto.cnf "
- "with requested value.", changed=False)
- try:
- result = setvariable(cursor, mysqlvar, value_wanted, mode)
- except SQLParseError as e:
- result = to_native(e)
- if result is True:
- module.exit_json(msg="Variable change succeeded prev_value=%s" % value_actual,
- changed=True, queries=executed_queries)
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg=result, changed=False)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c5a3766fb..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'supported_by': 'community',
- 'status': ['preview']
-module: postgresql_copy
-short_description: Copy data between a file/program and a PostgreSQL table
-- Copy data between a file/program and a PostgreSQL table.
-version_added: '2.9'
- copy_to:
- description:
- - Copy the contents of a table to a file.
- - Can also copy the results of a SELECT query.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(copy_from) and I(dst).
- type: path
- aliases: [ to ]
- copy_from:
- description:
- - Copy data from a file to a table (appending the data to whatever is in the table already).
- - Mutually exclusive with I(copy_to) and I(src).
- type: path
- aliases: [ from ]
- src:
- description:
- - Copy data from I(copy_from) to I(src=tablename).
- - Used with I(copy_to) only.
- type: str
- aliases: [ source ]
- dst:
- description:
- - Copy data to I(dst=tablename) from I(copy_from=/path/to/data.file).
- - Used with I(copy_from) only.
- type: str
- aliases: [ destination ]
- columns:
- description:
- - List of column names for the src/dst table to COPY FROM/TO.
- type: list
- elements: str
- aliases: [ column ]
- program:
- description:
- - Mark I(src)/I(dst) as a program. Data will be copied to/from a program.
- - See block Examples and PROGRAM arg description U(
- type: bool
- default: no
- options:
- description:
- - Options of COPY command.
- - See the full list of available options U(
- type: dict
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to.
- type: str
- aliases: [ login_db ]
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting.
- The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
-- Supports PostgreSQL version 9.4+.
-- COPY command is only allowed to database superusers.
-- if I(check_mode=yes), we just check the src/dst table availability
- and return the COPY query that actually has not been executed.
-- If i(check_mode=yes) and the source has been passed as SQL, the module
- will execute it and rolled the transaction back but pay attention
- it can affect database performance (e.g., if SQL collects a lot of data).
-- name: COPY command reference
- description: Complete reference of the COPY command documentation.
- link:
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Copy text TAB-separated data from file /tmp/data.txt to acme table
- postgresql_copy:
- copy_from: /tmp/data.txt
- dst: acme
-- name: Copy CSV (comma-separated) data from file /tmp/data.csv to columns id, name of table acme
- postgresql_copy:
- copy_from: /tmp/data.csv
- dst: acme
- columns: id,name
- options:
- format: csv
-- name: >
- Copy text vertical-bar-separated data from file /tmp/data.txt to bar table.
- The NULL values are specified as N
- postgresql_copy:
- copy_from: /tmp/data.csv
- dst: bar
- options:
- delimiter: '|'
- null: 'N'
-- name: Copy data from acme table to file /tmp/data.txt in text format, TAB-separated
- postgresql_copy:
- src: acme
- copy_to: /tmp/data.txt
-- name: Copy data from SELECT query to/tmp/data.csv in CSV format
- postgresql_copy:
- src: 'SELECT * FROM acme'
- copy_to: /tmp/data.csv
- options:
- format: csv
-- name: Copy CSV data from my_table to gzip
- postgresql_copy:
- src: my_table
- copy_to: 'gzip > /tmp/data.csv.gz'
- program: yes
- options:
- format: csv
-- name: >
- Copy data from columns id, name of table bar to /tmp/data.txt.
- Output format is text, vertical-bar-separated, NULL as N
- postgresql_copy:
- src: bar
- columns:
- - id
- - name
- copy_to: /tmp/data.csv
- options:
- delimiter: '|'
- null: 'N'
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: [ "COPY test_table FROM '/tmp/data_file.txt' (FORMAT csv, DELIMITER ',', NULL 'NULL')" ]
- description: Data source.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "mytable"
- description: Data destination.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "/tmp/data.csv"
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.database import pg_quote_identifier
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-class PgCopyData(object):
- """Implements behavior of COPY FROM, COPY TO PostgreSQL command.
- Arguments:
- module (AnsibleModule) -- object of AnsibleModule class
- cursor (cursor) -- cursor object of psycopg2 library
- Attributes:
- module (AnsibleModule) -- object of AnsibleModule class
- cursor (cursor) -- cursor object of psycopg2 library
- changed (bool) -- something was changed after execution or not
- executed_queries (list) -- executed queries
- dst (str) -- data destination table (when copy_from)
- src (str) -- data source table (when copy_to)
- opt_need_quotes (tuple) -- values of these options must be passed
- to SQL in quotes
- """
- def __init__(self, module, cursor):
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- self.executed_queries = []
- self.changed = False
- self.dst = ''
- self.src = ''
- self.opt_need_quotes = (
- 'NULL',
- 'QUOTE',
- )
- def copy_from(self):
- """Implements COPY FROM command behavior."""
- self.src = self.module.params['copy_from']
- self.dst = self.module.params['dst']
- query_fragments = ['COPY %s' % pg_quote_identifier(self.dst, 'table')]
- if self.module.params.get('columns'):
- query_fragments.append('(%s)' % ','.join(self.module.params['columns']))
- query_fragments.append('FROM')
- if self.module.params.get('program'):
- query_fragments.append('PROGRAM')
- query_fragments.append("'%s'" % self.src)
- if self.module.params.get('options'):
- query_fragments.append(self.__transform_options())
- # Note: check mode is implemented here:
- if self.module.check_mode:
- self.changed = self.__check_table(self.dst)
- if self.changed:
- self.executed_queries.append(' '.join(query_fragments))
- else:
- if exec_sql(self, ' '.join(query_fragments), ddl=True):
- self.changed = True
- def copy_to(self):
- """Implements COPY TO command behavior."""
- self.src = self.module.params['src']
- self.dst = self.module.params['copy_to']
- if 'SELECT ' in self.src.upper():
- # If src is SQL SELECT statement:
- query_fragments = ['COPY (%s)' % self.src]
- else:
- # If src is a table:
- query_fragments = ['COPY %s' % pg_quote_identifier(self.src, 'table')]
- if self.module.params.get('columns'):
- query_fragments.append('(%s)' % ','.join(self.module.params['columns']))
- query_fragments.append('TO')
- if self.module.params.get('program'):
- query_fragments.append('PROGRAM')
- query_fragments.append("'%s'" % self.dst)
- if self.module.params.get('options'):
- query_fragments.append(self.__transform_options())
- # Note: check mode is implemented here:
- if self.module.check_mode:
- self.changed = self.__check_table(self.src)
- if self.changed:
- self.executed_queries.append(' '.join(query_fragments))
- else:
- if exec_sql(self, ' '.join(query_fragments), ddl=True):
- self.changed = True
- def __transform_options(self):
- """Transform options dict into a suitable string."""
- for (key, val) in iteritems(self.module.params['options']):
- if key.upper() in self.opt_need_quotes:
- self.module.params['options'][key] = "'%s'" % val
- opt = ['%s %s' % (key, val) for (key, val) in iteritems(self.module.params['options'])]
- return '(%s)' % ', '.join(opt)
- def __check_table(self, table):
- """Check table or SQL in transaction mode for check_mode.
- Return True if it is OK.
- Arguments:
- table (str) - Table name that needs to be checked.
- It can be SQL SELECT statement that was passed
- instead of the table name.
- """
- if 'SELECT ' in table.upper():
- # In this case table is actually SQL SELECT statement.
- # If SQL fails, it's handled by exec_sql():
- exec_sql(self, table, add_to_executed=False)
- # If exec_sql was passed, it means all is OK:
- return True
- exec_sql(self, 'SELECT 1 FROM %s' % pg_quote_identifier(table, 'table'),
- add_to_executed=False)
- # If SQL was executed successfully:
- return True
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- copy_to=dict(type='path', aliases=['to']),
- copy_from=dict(type='path', aliases=['from']),
- src=dict(type='str', aliases=['source']),
- dst=dict(type='str', aliases=['destination']),
- columns=dict(type='list', elements='str', aliases=['column']),
- options=dict(type='dict'),
- program=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- mutually_exclusive=[
- ['copy_from', 'copy_to'],
- ['copy_from', 'src'],
- ['copy_to', 'dst'],
- ]
- )
- # Note: we don't need to check mutually exclusive params here, because they are
- # checked automatically by AnsibleModule (mutually_exclusive=[] list above).
- if module.params.get('copy_from') and not module.params.get('dst'):
- module.fail_json(msg='dst param is necessary with copy_from')
- elif module.params.get('copy_to') and not module.params.get('src'):
- module.fail_json(msg='src param is necessary with copy_to')
- # Connect to DB and make cursor object:
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=False)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- ##############
- # Create the object and do main job:
- data = PgCopyData(module, cursor)
- # Note: parameters like dst, src, etc. are got
- # from module object into data object of PgCopyData class.
- # Therefore not need to pass args to the methods below.
- # Note: check mode is implemented inside the methods below
- # by checking passed module.check_mode arg.
- if module.params.get('copy_to'):
- data.copy_to()
- elif module.params.get('copy_from'):
- data.copy_from()
- # Finish:
- if module.check_mode:
- db_connection.rollback()
- else:
- db_connection.commit()
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- # Return some values:
- module.exit_json(
- changed=data.changed,
- queries=data.executed_queries,
- src=data.src,
- dst=data.dst,
- )
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 40858d9974..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['stableinterface'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: postgresql_db
-short_description: Add or remove PostgreSQL databases from a remote host.
- - Add or remove PostgreSQL databases from a remote host.
-version_added: '0.6'
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the database to add or remove
- type: str
- required: true
- aliases: [ db ]
- port:
- description:
- - Database port to connect (if needed)
- type: int
- default: 5432
- aliases:
- - login_port
- owner:
- description:
- - Name of the role to set as owner of the database
- type: str
- template:
- description:
- - Template used to create the database
- type: str
- encoding:
- description:
- - Encoding of the database
- type: str
- lc_collate:
- description:
- - Collation order (LC_COLLATE) to use in the database. Must match collation order of template database unless C(template0) is used as template.
- type: str
- lc_ctype:
- description:
- - Character classification (LC_CTYPE) to use in the database (e.g. lower, upper, ...) Must match LC_CTYPE of template database unless C(template0)
- is used as template.
- type: str
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- version_added: '2.8'
- state:
- description:
- - The database state.
- - C(present) implies that the database should be created if necessary.
- - C(absent) implies that the database should be removed if present.
- - C(dump) requires a target definition to which the database will be backed up. (Added in Ansible 2.4)
- Note that in some PostgreSQL versions of pg_dump, which is an embedded PostgreSQL utility and is used by the module,
- returns rc 0 even when errors occurred (e.g. the connection is forbidden by pg_hba.conf, etc.),
- so the module returns changed=True but the dump has not actually been done. Please, be sure that your version of
- pg_dump returns rc 1 in this case.
- - C(restore) also requires a target definition from which the database will be restored. (Added in Ansible 2.4)
- - The format of the backup will be detected based on the target name.
- - Supported compression formats for dump and restore include C(.pgc), C(.bz2), C(.gz) and C(.xz)
- - Supported formats for dump and restore include C(.sql) and C(.tar)
- type: str
- choices: [ absent, dump, present, restore ]
- default: present
- target:
- description:
- - File to back up or restore from.
- - Used when I(state) is C(dump) or C(restore).
- type: path
- version_added: '2.4'
- target_opts:
- description:
- - Further arguments for pg_dump or pg_restore.
- - Used when I(state) is C(dump) or C(restore).
- type: str
- version_added: '2.4'
- maintenance_db:
- description:
- - The value specifies the initial database (which is also called as maintenance DB) that Ansible connects to.
- type: str
- default: postgres
- version_added: '2.5'
- conn_limit:
- description:
- - Specifies the database connection limit.
- type: str
- version_added: '2.8'
- tablespace:
- description:
- - The tablespace to set for the database
- U(
- - If you want to move the database back to the default tablespace,
- explicitly set this to pg_default.
- type: path
- version_added: '2.9'
- dump_extra_args:
- description:
- - Provides additional arguments when I(state) is C(dump).
- - Cannot be used with dump-file-format-related arguments like ``--format=d``.
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
-- name: CREATE DATABASE reference
- description: Complete reference of the CREATE DATABASE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: DROP DATABASE reference
- description: Complete reference of the DROP DATABASE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: pg_dump reference
- description: Complete reference of pg_dump documentation.
- link:
-- name: pg_restore reference
- description: Complete reference of pg_restore documentation.
- link:
-- module: postgresql_tablespace
-- module: postgresql_info
-- module: postgresql_ping
-- State C(dump) and C(restore) don't require I(psycopg2) since version 2.8.
-author: "Ansible Core Team"
-- postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Create a new database with name "acme"
- postgresql_db:
- name: acme
-# Note: If a template different from "template0" is specified, encoding and locale settings must match those of the template.
-- name: Create a new database with name "acme" and specific encoding and locale # settings.
- postgresql_db:
- name: acme
- encoding: UTF-8
- lc_collate: de_DE.UTF-8
- lc_ctype: de_DE.UTF-8
- template: template0
-# Note: Default limit for the number of concurrent connections to a specific database is "-1", which means "unlimited"
-- name: Create a new database with name "acme" which has a limit of 100 concurrent connections
- postgresql_db:
- name: acme
- conn_limit: "100"
-- name: Dump an existing database to a file
- postgresql_db:
- name: acme
- state: dump
- target: /tmp/acme.sql
-- name: Dump an existing database to a file excluding the test table
- postgresql_db:
- name: acme
- state: dump
- target: /tmp/acme.sql
- dump_extra_args: --exclude-table=test
-- name: Dump an existing database to a file (with compression)
- postgresql_db:
- name: acme
- state: dump
- target: /tmp/acme.sql.gz
-- name: Dump a single schema for an existing database
- postgresql_db:
- name: acme
- state: dump
- target: /tmp/acme.sql
- target_opts: "-n public"
-# Note: In the example below, if database foo exists and has another tablespace
-# the tablespace will be changed to foo. Access to the database will be locked
-# until the copying of database files is finished.
-- name: Create a new database called foo in tablespace bar
- postgresql_db:
- name: foo
- tablespace: bar
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of commands which tried to run.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ["CREATE DATABASE acme"]
- version_added: '2.10'
-import os
-import subprocess
-import traceback
- import psycopg2
- import psycopg2.extras
-except ImportError:
- HAS_PSYCOPG2 = False
-import ansible.module_utils.postgres as pgutils
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.database import SQLParseError, pg_quote_identifier
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-executed_commands = []
-class NotSupportedError(Exception):
- pass
-# ===========================================
-# PostgreSQL module specific support methods.
-def set_owner(cursor, db, owner):
- query = 'ALTER DATABASE %s OWNER TO "%s"' % (
- pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'),
- owner)
- executed_commands.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- return True
-def set_conn_limit(cursor, db, conn_limit):
- pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'),
- conn_limit)
- executed_commands.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- return True
-def get_encoding_id(cursor, encoding):
- query = "SELECT pg_char_to_encoding(%(encoding)s) AS encoding_id;"
- cursor.execute(query, {'encoding': encoding})
- return cursor.fetchone()['encoding_id']
-def get_db_info(cursor, db):
- query = """
- SELECT rolname AS owner,
- pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) AS encoding, encoding AS encoding_id,
- datcollate AS lc_collate, datctype AS lc_ctype, pg_database.datconnlimit AS conn_limit,
- spcname AS tablespace
- FROM pg_database
- JOIN pg_roles ON pg_roles.oid = pg_database.datdba
- JOIN pg_tablespace ON pg_tablespace.oid = pg_database.dattablespace
- WHERE datname = %(db)s
- """
- cursor.execute(query, {'db': db})
- return cursor.fetchone()
-def db_exists(cursor, db):
- query = "SELECT * FROM pg_database WHERE datname=%(db)s"
- cursor.execute(query, {'db': db})
- return cursor.rowcount == 1
-def db_delete(cursor, db):
- if db_exists(cursor, db):
- query = "DROP DATABASE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database')
- executed_commands.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def db_create(cursor, db, owner, template, encoding, lc_collate, lc_ctype, conn_limit, tablespace):
- params = dict(enc=encoding, collate=lc_collate, ctype=lc_ctype, conn_limit=conn_limit, tablespace=tablespace)
- if not db_exists(cursor, db):
- query_fragments = ['CREATE DATABASE %s' % pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database')]
- if owner:
- query_fragments.append('OWNER "%s"' % owner)
- if template:
- query_fragments.append('TEMPLATE %s' % pg_quote_identifier(template, 'database'))
- if encoding:
- query_fragments.append('ENCODING %(enc)s')
- if lc_collate:
- query_fragments.append('LC_COLLATE %(collate)s')
- if lc_ctype:
- query_fragments.append('LC_CTYPE %(ctype)s')
- if tablespace:
- query_fragments.append('TABLESPACE %s' % pg_quote_identifier(tablespace, 'tablespace'))
- if conn_limit:
- query_fragments.append("CONNECTION LIMIT %(conn_limit)s" % {"conn_limit": conn_limit})
- query = ' '.join(query_fragments)
- executed_commands.append(cursor.mogrify(query, params))
- cursor.execute(query, params)
- return True
- else:
- db_info = get_db_info(cursor, db)
- if (encoding and get_encoding_id(cursor, encoding) != db_info['encoding_id']):
- raise NotSupportedError(
- 'Changing database encoding is not supported. '
- 'Current encoding: %s' % db_info['encoding']
- )
- elif lc_collate and lc_collate != db_info['lc_collate']:
- raise NotSupportedError(
- 'Changing LC_COLLATE is not supported. '
- 'Current LC_COLLATE: %s' % db_info['lc_collate']
- )
- elif lc_ctype and lc_ctype != db_info['lc_ctype']:
- raise NotSupportedError(
- 'Changing LC_CTYPE is not supported.'
- 'Current LC_CTYPE: %s' % db_info['lc_ctype']
- )
- else:
- changed = False
- if owner and owner != db_info['owner']:
- changed = set_owner(cursor, db, owner)
- if conn_limit and conn_limit != str(db_info['conn_limit']):
- changed = set_conn_limit(cursor, db, conn_limit)
- if tablespace and tablespace != db_info['tablespace']:
- changed = set_tablespace(cursor, db, tablespace)
- return changed
-def db_matches(cursor, db, owner, template, encoding, lc_collate, lc_ctype, conn_limit, tablespace):
- if not db_exists(cursor, db):
- return False
- else:
- db_info = get_db_info(cursor, db)
- if (encoding and get_encoding_id(cursor, encoding) != db_info['encoding_id']):
- return False
- elif lc_collate and lc_collate != db_info['lc_collate']:
- return False
- elif lc_ctype and lc_ctype != db_info['lc_ctype']:
- return False
- elif owner and owner != db_info['owner']:
- return False
- elif conn_limit and conn_limit != str(db_info['conn_limit']):
- return False
- elif tablespace and tablespace != db_info['tablespace']:
- return False
- else:
- return True
-def db_dump(module, target, target_opts="",
- db=None,
- dump_extra_args=None,
- user=None,
- password=None,
- host=None,
- port=None,
- **kw):
- flags = login_flags(db, host, port, user, db_prefix=False)
- cmd = module.get_bin_path('pg_dump', True)
- comp_prog_path = None
- if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.tar':
- flags.append(' --format=t')
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.pgc':
- flags.append(' --format=c')
- if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.gz':
- if module.get_bin_path('pigz'):
- comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('pigz', True)
- else:
- comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('gzip', True)
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.bz2':
- comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('bzip2', True)
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.xz':
- comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('xz', True)
- cmd += "".join(flags)
- if dump_extra_args:
- cmd += " {0} ".format(dump_extra_args)
- if target_opts:
- cmd += " {0} ".format(target_opts)
- if comp_prog_path:
- # Use a fifo to be notified of an error in pg_dump
- # Using shell pipe has no way to return the code of the first command
- # in a portable way.
- fifo = os.path.join(module.tmpdir, 'pg_fifo')
- os.mkfifo(fifo)
- cmd = '{1} <{3} > {2} & {0} >{3}'.format(cmd, comp_prog_path, shlex_quote(target), fifo)
- else:
- cmd = '{0} > {1}'.format(cmd, shlex_quote(target))
- return do_with_password(module, cmd, password)
-def db_restore(module, target, target_opts="",
- db=None,
- user=None,
- password=None,
- host=None,
- port=None,
- **kw):
- flags = login_flags(db, host, port, user)
- comp_prog_path = None
- cmd = module.get_bin_path('psql', True)
- if os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.sql':
- flags.append(' --file={0}'.format(target))
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.tar':
- flags.append(' --format=Tar')
- cmd = module.get_bin_path('pg_restore', True)
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.pgc':
- flags.append(' --format=Custom')
- cmd = module.get_bin_path('pg_restore', True)
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.gz':
- comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('zcat', True)
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.bz2':
- comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('bzcat', True)
- elif os.path.splitext(target)[-1] == '.xz':
- comp_prog_path = module.get_bin_path('xzcat', True)
- cmd += "".join(flags)
- if target_opts:
- cmd += " {0} ".format(target_opts)
- if comp_prog_path:
- env = os.environ.copy()
- if password:
- env = {"PGPASSWORD": password}
- p1 = subprocess.Popen([comp_prog_path, target], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- p2 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, env=env)
- (stdout2, stderr2) = p2.communicate()
- p1.stdout.close()
- p1.wait()
- if p1.returncode != 0:
- stderr1 =
- return p1.returncode, '', stderr1, 'cmd: ****'
- else:
- return p2.returncode, '', stderr2, 'cmd: ****'
- else:
- cmd = '{0} < {1}'.format(cmd, shlex_quote(target))
- return do_with_password(module, cmd, password)
-def login_flags(db, host, port, user, db_prefix=True):
- """
- returns a list of connection argument strings each prefixed
- with a space and quoted where necessary to later be combined
- in a single shell string with `"".join(rv)`
- db_prefix determines if "--dbname" is prefixed to the db argument,
- since the argument was introduced in 9.3.
- """
- flags = []
- if db:
- if db_prefix:
- flags.append(' --dbname={0}'.format(shlex_quote(db)))
- else:
- flags.append(' {0}'.format(shlex_quote(db)))
- if host:
- flags.append(' --host={0}'.format(host))
- if port:
- flags.append(' --port={0}'.format(port))
- if user:
- flags.append(' --username={0}'.format(user))
- return flags
-def do_with_password(module, cmd, password):
- env = {}
- if password:
- env = {"PGPASSWORD": password}
- executed_commands.append(cmd)
- rc, stderr, stdout = module.run_command(cmd, use_unsafe_shell=True, environ_update=env)
- return rc, stderr, stdout, cmd
-def set_tablespace(cursor, db, tablespace):
- pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'),
- pg_quote_identifier(tablespace, 'tablespace'))
- executed_commands.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- return True
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = pgutils.postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- db=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']),
- owner=dict(type='str', default=''),
- template=dict(type='str', default=''),
- encoding=dict(type='str', default=''),
- lc_collate=dict(type='str', default=''),
- lc_ctype=dict(type='str', default=''),
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'dump', 'present', 'restore']),
- target=dict(type='path', default=''),
- target_opts=dict(type='str', default=''),
- maintenance_db=dict(type='str', default="postgres"),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- conn_limit=dict(type='str', default=''),
- tablespace=dict(type='path', default=''),
- dump_extra_args=dict(type='str', default=None),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- db = module.params["db"]
- owner = module.params["owner"]
- template = module.params["template"]
- encoding = module.params["encoding"]
- lc_collate = module.params["lc_collate"]
- lc_ctype = module.params["lc_ctype"]
- target = module.params["target"]
- target_opts = module.params["target_opts"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- changed = False
- maintenance_db = module.params['maintenance_db']
- session_role = module.params["session_role"]
- conn_limit = module.params['conn_limit']
- tablespace = module.params['tablespace']
- dump_extra_args = module.params['dump_extra_args']
- raw_connection = state in ("dump", "restore")
- if not raw_connection:
- pgutils.ensure_required_libs(module)
- # To use defaults values, keyword arguments must be absent, so
- # check which values are empty and don't include in the **kw
- # dictionary
- params_map = {
- "login_host": "host",
- "login_user": "user",
- "login_password": "password",
- "port": "port",
- "ssl_mode": "sslmode",
- "ca_cert": "sslrootcert"
- }
- kw = dict((params_map[k], v) for (k, v) in iteritems(module.params)
- if k in params_map and v != '' and v is not None)
- # If a login_unix_socket is specified, incorporate it here.
- is_localhost = "host" not in kw or kw["host"] == "" or kw["host"] == "localhost"
- if is_localhost and module.params["login_unix_socket"] != "":
- kw["host"] = module.params["login_unix_socket"]
- if target == "":
- target = "{0}/{1}.sql".format(os.getcwd(), db)
- target = os.path.expanduser(target)
- if not raw_connection:
- try:
- db_connection = psycopg2.connect(database=maintenance_db, **kw)
- # Enable autocommit so we can create databases
- if psycopg2.__version__ >= '2.4.2':
- db_connection.autocommit = True
- else:
- db_connection.set_isolation_level(psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
- except TypeError as e:
- if 'sslrootcert' in e.args[0]:
- module.fail_json(msg='Postgresql server must be at least version 8.4 to support sslrootcert. Exception: {0}'.format(to_native(e)),
- exception=traceback.format_exc())
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- if session_role:
- try:
- cursor.execute('SET ROLE "%s"' % session_role)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Could not switch role: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- try:
- if module.check_mode:
- if state == "absent":
- changed = db_exists(cursor, db)
- elif state == "present":
- changed = not db_matches(cursor, db, owner, template, encoding, lc_collate, lc_ctype, conn_limit, tablespace)
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, db=db, executed_commands=executed_commands)
- if state == "absent":
- try:
- changed = db_delete(cursor, db)
- except SQLParseError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- elif state == "present":
- try:
- changed = db_create(cursor, db, owner, template, encoding, lc_collate, lc_ctype, conn_limit, tablespace)
- except SQLParseError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- elif state in ("dump", "restore"):
- method = state == "dump" and db_dump or db_restore
- try:
- if state == 'dump':
- rc, stdout, stderr, cmd = method(module, target, target_opts, db, dump_extra_args, **kw)
- else:
- rc, stdout, stderr, cmd = method(module, target, target_opts, db, **kw)
- if rc != 0:
- module.fail_json(msg=stderr, stdout=stdout, rc=rc, cmd=cmd)
- else:
- module.exit_json(changed=True, msg=stdout, stderr=stderr, rc=rc, cmd=cmd,
- executed_commands=executed_commands)
- except SQLParseError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except NotSupportedError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except SystemExit:
- # Avoid catching this on Python 2.4
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Database query failed: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, db=db, executed_commands=executed_commands)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 80e10a60d8..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: postgresql_ext
-short_description: Add or remove PostgreSQL extensions from a database
-- Add or remove PostgreSQL extensions from a database.
-version_added: '1.9'
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the extension to add or remove.
- required: true
- type: str
- aliases:
- - ext
- db:
- description:
- - Name of the database to add or remove the extension to/from.
- required: true
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
- schema:
- description:
- - Name of the schema to add the extension to.
- version_added: '2.8'
- type: str
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting.
- - The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- version_added: '2.8'
- state:
- description:
- - The database extension state.
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- type: str
- cascade:
- description:
- - Automatically install/remove any extensions that this extension depends on
- that are not already installed/removed (supported since PostgreSQL 9.6).
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: '2.8'
- login_unix_socket:
- description:
- - Path to a Unix domain socket for local connections.
- type: str
- version_added: '2.8'
- ssl_mode:
- description:
- - Determines whether or with what priority a secure SSL TCP/IP connection will be negotiated with the server.
- - See U( for more information on the modes.
- - Default of C(prefer) matches libpq default.
- type: str
- default: prefer
- choices: [ allow, disable, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full ]
- version_added: '2.8'
- ca_cert:
- description:
- - Specifies the name of a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s).
- - If the file exists, the server's certificate will be verified to be signed by one of these authorities.
- type: str
- aliases: [ ssl_rootcert ]
- version_added: '2.8'
- version:
- description:
- - Extension version to add or update to. Has effect with I(state=present) only.
- - If not specified, the latest extension version will be created.
- - It can't downgrade an extension version.
- When version downgrade is needed, remove the extension and create new one with appropriate version.
- - Set I(version=latest) to update the extension to the latest available version.
- type: str
- version_added: '2.9'
-- name: PostgreSQL extensions
- description: General information about PostgreSQL extensions.
- link:
-- name: CREATE EXTENSION reference
- description: Complete reference of the CREATE EXTENSION command documentation.
- link:
-- name: ALTER EXTENSION reference
- description: Complete reference of the ALTER EXTENSION command documentation.
- link:
-- name: DROP EXTENSION reference
- description: Complete reference of the DROP EXTENSION command documentation.
- link:
-- The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in as
- or sudo'ing to the C(postgres) account on the host.
-- This module uses I(psycopg2), a Python PostgreSQL database adapter.
-- You must ensure that C(psycopg2) is installed on the host before using this module.
-- If the remote host is the PostgreSQL server (which is the default case),
- then PostgreSQL must also be installed on the remote host.
-- For Ubuntu-based systems, install the C(postgresql), C(libpq-dev),
- and C(python-psycopg2) packages on the remote host before using this module.
-requirements: [ psycopg2 ]
-- Daniel Schep (@dschep)
-- Thomas O'Donnell (@andytom)
-- Sandro Santilli (@strk)
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Adds postgis extension to the database acme in the schema foo
- postgresql_ext:
- name: postgis
- db: acme
- schema: foo
-- name: Removes postgis extension to the database acme
- postgresql_ext:
- name: postgis
- db: acme
- state: absent
-- name: Adds earthdistance extension to the database template1 cascade
- postgresql_ext:
- name: earthdistance
- db: template1
- cascade: true
-# In the example below, if earthdistance extension is installed,
-# it will be removed too because it depends on cube:
-- name: Removes cube extension from the database acme cascade
- postgresql_ext:
- name: cube
- db: acme
- cascade: yes
- state: absent
-- name: Create extension foo of version 1.2 or update it if it's already created
- postgresql_ext:
- db: acme
- name: foo
- version: 1.2
-- name: Assuming extension foo is created, update it to the latest version
- postgresql_ext:
- db: acme
- name: foo
- version: latest
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ["DROP EXTENSION \"acme\""]
-import traceback
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-executed_queries = []
-class NotSupportedError(Exception):
- pass
-# ===========================================
-# PostgreSQL module specific support methods.
-def ext_exists(cursor, ext):
- query = "SELECT * FROM pg_extension WHERE extname=%(ext)s"
- cursor.execute(query, {'ext': ext})
- return cursor.rowcount == 1
-def ext_delete(cursor, ext, cascade):
- if ext_exists(cursor, ext):
- query = "DROP EXTENSION \"%s\"" % ext
- if cascade:
- query += " CASCADE"
- cursor.execute(query)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def ext_update_version(cursor, ext, version):
- """Update extension version.
- Return True if success.
- Args:
- cursor (cursor) -- cursor object of psycopg2 library
- ext (str) -- extension name
- version (str) -- extension version
- """
- if version != 'latest':
- query = ("ALTER EXTENSION \"%s\"" % ext)
- cursor.execute(query + " UPDATE TO %(ver)s", {'ver': version})
- executed_queries.append(cursor.mogrify(query + " UPDATE TO %(ver)s", {'ver': version}))
- else:
- query = ("ALTER EXTENSION \"%s\" UPDATE" % ext)
- cursor.execute(query)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- return True
-def ext_create(cursor, ext, schema, cascade, version):
- query = "CREATE EXTENSION \"%s\"" % ext
- if schema:
- query += " WITH SCHEMA \"%s\"" % schema
- if version:
- query += " VERSION %(ver)s"
- if cascade:
- query += " CASCADE"
- if version:
- cursor.execute(query, {'ver': version})
- executed_queries.append(cursor.mogrify(query, {'ver': version}))
- else:
- cursor.execute(query)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- return True
-def ext_get_versions(cursor, ext):
- """
- Get the current created extension version and available versions.
- Return tuple (current_version, [list of available versions]).
- Note: the list of available versions contains only versions
- that higher than the current created version.
- If the extension is not created, this list will contain all
- available versions.
- Args:
- cursor (cursor) -- cursor object of psycopg2 library
- ext (str) -- extension name
- """
- # 1. Get the current extension version:
- query = ("SELECT extversion FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension "
- "WHERE extname = %(ext)s")
- current_version = '0'
- cursor.execute(query, {'ext': ext})
- res = cursor.fetchone()
- if res:
- current_version = res[0]
- # 2. Get available versions:
- query = ("SELECT version FROM pg_available_extension_versions "
- "WHERE name = %(ext)s")
- cursor.execute(query, {'ext': ext})
- res = cursor.fetchall()
- available_versions = []
- if res:
- # Make the list of available versions:
- for line in res:
- if LooseVersion(line[0]) > LooseVersion(current_version):
- available_versions.append(line['version'])
- if current_version == '0':
- current_version = False
- return (current_version, available_versions)
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- db=dict(type="str", required=True, aliases=["login_db"]),
- ext=dict(type="str", required=True, aliases=["name"]),
- schema=dict(type="str"),
- state=dict(type="str", default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]),
- cascade=dict(type="bool", default=False),
- session_role=dict(type="str"),
- version=dict(type="str"),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- ext = module.params["ext"]
- schema = module.params["schema"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- cascade = module.params["cascade"]
- version = module.params["version"]
- changed = False
- if version and state == 'absent':
- module.warn("Parameter version is ignored when state=absent")
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- try:
- # Get extension info and available versions:
- curr_version, available_versions = ext_get_versions(cursor, ext)
- if state == "present":
- if version == 'latest':
- if available_versions:
- version = available_versions[-1]
- else:
- version = ''
- if version:
- # If the specific version is passed and it is not available for update:
- if version not in available_versions:
- if not curr_version:
- module.fail_json(msg="Passed version '%s' is not available" % version)
- elif LooseVersion(curr_version) == LooseVersion(version):
- changed = False
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg="Passed version '%s' is lower than "
- "the current created version '%s' or "
- "the passed version is not available" % (version, curr_version))
- # If the specific version is passed and it is higher that the current version:
- if curr_version and version:
- if LooseVersion(curr_version) < LooseVersion(version):
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = True
- else:
- changed = ext_update_version(cursor, ext, version)
- # If the specific version is passed and it is created now:
- if curr_version == version:
- changed = False
- # If the ext doesn't exist and installed:
- elif not curr_version and available_versions:
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = True
- else:
- changed = ext_create(cursor, ext, schema, cascade, version)
- # If version is not passed:
- else:
- if not curr_version:
- # If the ext doesn't exist and it's installed:
- if available_versions:
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = True
- else:
- changed = ext_create(cursor, ext, schema, cascade, version)
- # If the ext doesn't exist and not installed:
- else:
- module.fail_json(msg="Extension %s is not installed" % ext)
- elif state == "absent":
- if curr_version:
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = True
- else:
- changed = ext_delete(cursor, ext, cascade)
- else:
- changed = False
- except Exception as e:
- db_connection.close()
- module.fail_json(msg="Database query failed: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- db_connection.close()
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, db=module.params["db"], ext=ext, queries=executed_queries)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index baf96e0ba3..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,586 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2018-2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: postgresql_idx
-short_description: Create or drop indexes from a PostgreSQL database
-- Create or drop indexes from a PostgreSQL database.
-version_added: '2.8'
- idxname:
- description:
- - Name of the index to create or drop.
- type: str
- required: true
- aliases:
- - name
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to and where the index will be created/dropped.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting.
- The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- schema:
- description:
- - Name of a database schema where the index will be created.
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - Index state.
- - C(present) implies the index will be created if it does not exist.
- - C(absent) implies the index will be dropped if it exists.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- table:
- description:
- - Table to create index on it.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent).
- type: str
- columns:
- description:
- - List of index columns that need to be covered by index.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent).
- type: list
- elements: str
- aliases:
- - column
- cond:
- description:
- - Index conditions.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent).
- type: str
- idxtype:
- description:
- - Index type (like btree, gist, gin, etc.).
- - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent).
- type: str
- aliases:
- - type
- concurrent:
- description:
- - Enable or disable concurrent mode (CREATE / DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY).
- - Pay attention, if I(concurrent=no), the table will be locked (ACCESS EXCLUSIVE) during the building process.
- For more information about the lock levels see U(
- - If the building process was interrupted for any reason when I(cuncurrent=yes), the index becomes invalid.
- In this case it should be dropped and created again.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(cascade=yes).
- type: bool
- default: yes
- unique:
- description:
- - Enable unique index.
- - Only btree currently supports unique indexes.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: '2.10'
- tablespace:
- description:
- - Set a tablespace for the index.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent).
- required: false
- type: str
- storage_params:
- description:
- - Storage parameters like fillfactor, vacuum_cleanup_index_scale_factor, etc.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(state=absent).
- type: list
- elements: str
- cascade:
- description:
- - Automatically drop objects that depend on the index,
- and in turn all objects that depend on those objects.
- - It used only with I(state=absent).
- - Mutually exclusive with I(concurrent=yes)
- type: bool
- default: no
-- module: postgresql_table
-- module: postgresql_tablespace
-- name: PostgreSQL indexes reference
- description: General information about PostgreSQL indexes.
- link:
-- name: CREATE INDEX reference
- description: Complete reference of the CREATE INDEX command documentation.
- link:
-- name: ALTER INDEX reference
- description: Complete reference of the ALTER INDEX command documentation.
- link:
-- name: DROP INDEX reference
- description: Complete reference of the DROP INDEX command documentation.
- link:
-- The index building process can affect database performance.
-- To avoid table locks on production databases, use I(concurrent=yes) (default behavior).
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Create btree index if not exists test_idx concurrently covering columns id and name of table products
- postgresql_idx:
- db: acme
- table: products
- columns: id,name
- name: test_idx
-- name: Create btree index test_idx concurrently with tablespace called ssd and storage parameter
- postgresql_idx:
- db: acme
- table: products
- columns:
- - id
- - name
- idxname: test_idx
- tablespace: ssd
- storage_params:
- - fillfactor=90
-- name: Create gist index test_gist_idx concurrently on column geo_data of table map
- postgresql_idx:
- db: somedb
- table: map
- idxtype: gist
- columns: geo_data
- idxname: test_gist_idx
-# Note: for the example below pg_trgm extension must be installed for gin_trgm_ops
-- name: Create gin index gin0_idx not concurrently on column comment of table test
- postgresql_idx:
- idxname: gin0_idx
- table: test
- columns: comment gin_trgm_ops
- concurrent: no
- idxtype: gin
-- name: Drop btree test_idx concurrently
- postgresql_idx:
- db: mydb
- idxname: test_idx
- state: absent
-- name: Drop test_idx cascade
- postgresql_idx:
- db: mydb
- idxname: test_idx
- state: absent
- cascade: yes
- concurrent: no
-- name: Create btree index test_idx concurrently on columns id,comment where column id > 1
- postgresql_idx:
- db: mydb
- table: test
- columns: id,comment
- idxname: test_idx
- cond: id > 1
-- name: Create unique btree index if not exists test_unique_idx on column name of table products
- postgresql_idx:
- db: acme
- table: products
- columns: name
- name: test_unique_idx
- unique: yes
- concurrent: no
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Index name.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'foo_idx'
- description: Index state.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'present'
- description: Schema where index exists.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'public'
- description: Tablespace where index exists.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'ssd'
- description: Query that was tried to be executed.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY foo_idx ON test_table USING BTREE (id)'
- description: Index storage parameters.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: [ "fillfactor=90" ]
- description: Index validity.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-# ===========================================
-# PostgreSQL module specific support methods.
-class Index(object):
- """Class for working with PostgreSQL indexes.
- 1. Add possibility to change ownership
- 2. Add possibility to change tablespace
- 3. Add list called executed_queries (executed_query should be left too)
- 4. Use self.module instead of passing arguments to the methods whenever possible
- Args:
- module (AnsibleModule) -- object of AnsibleModule class
- cursor (cursor) -- cursor object of psycopg2 library
- schema (str) -- name of the index schema
- name (str) -- name of the index
- Attrs:
- module (AnsibleModule) -- object of AnsibleModule class
- cursor (cursor) -- cursor object of psycopg2 library
- schema (str) -- name of the index schema
- name (str) -- name of the index
- exists (bool) -- flag the index exists in the DB or not
- info (dict) -- dict that contents information about the index
- executed_query (str) -- executed query
- """
- def __init__(self, module, cursor, schema, name):
- = name
- if schema:
- self.schema = schema
- else:
- self.schema = 'public'
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- = {
- 'name':,
- 'state': 'absent',
- 'schema': '',
- 'tblname': '',
- 'tblspace': '',
- 'valid': True,
- 'storage_params': [],
- }
- self.exists = False
- self.__exists_in_db()
- self.executed_query = ''
- def get_info(self):
- """Refresh index info.
- Return dict.
- """
- self.__exists_in_db()
- return
- def __exists_in_db(self):
- """Check index existence, collect info, add it to dict.
- Return True if the index exists, otherwise, return False.
- """
- query = ("SELECT i.schemaname, i.tablename, i.tablespace, "
- "pi.indisvalid, c.reloptions "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes AS i "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class AS c "
- "ON i.indexname = c.relname "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_index AS pi "
- "ON c.oid = pi.indexrelid "
- "WHERE i.indexname = %(name)s")
- res = exec_sql(self, query, query_params={'name':}, add_to_executed=False)
- if res:
- self.exists = True
- = dict(
- state='present',
- schema=res[0][0],
- tblname=res[0][1],
- tblspace=res[0][2] if res[0][2] else '',
- valid=res[0][3],
- storage_params=res[0][4] if res[0][4] else [],
- )
- return True
- else:
- self.exists = False
- return False
- def create(self, tblname, idxtype, columns, cond, tblspace, storage_params, concurrent=True, unique=False):
- """Create PostgreSQL index.
- Return True if success, otherwise, return False.
- Args:
- tblname (str) -- name of a table for the index
- idxtype (str) -- type of the index like BTREE, BRIN, etc
- columns (str) -- string of comma-separated columns that need to be covered by index
- tblspace (str) -- tablespace for storing the index
- storage_params (str) -- string of comma-separated storage parameters
- Kwargs:
- concurrent (bool) -- build index in concurrent mode, default True
- """
- if self.exists:
- return False
- if idxtype is None:
- idxtype = "BTREE"
- query = 'CREATE'
- if unique:
- query += ' UNIQUE'
- query += ' INDEX'
- if concurrent:
- query += ' CONCURRENTLY'
- query += ' %s' %
- if self.schema:
- query += ' ON %s.%s ' % (self.schema, tblname)
- else:
- query += 'public.%s ' % tblname
- query += 'USING %s (%s)' % (idxtype, columns)
- if storage_params:
- query += ' WITH (%s)' % storage_params
- if tblspace:
- query += ' TABLESPACE %s' % tblspace
- if cond:
- query += ' WHERE %s' % cond
- self.executed_query = query
- if exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True, add_to_executed=False):
- return True
- return False
- def drop(self, schema, cascade=False, concurrent=True):
- """Drop PostgreSQL index.
- Return True if success, otherwise, return False.
- Args:
- schema (str) -- name of the index schema
- Kwargs:
- cascade (bool) -- automatically drop objects that depend on the index,
- default False
- concurrent (bool) -- build index in concurrent mode, default True
- """
- if not self.exists:
- return False
- query = 'DROP INDEX'
- if concurrent:
- query += ' CONCURRENTLY'
- if not schema:
- query += ' public.%s' %
- else:
- query += ' %s.%s' % (schema,
- if cascade:
- query += ' CASCADE'
- self.executed_query = query
- if exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True, add_to_executed=False):
- return True
- return False
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- idxname=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']),
- db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']),
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- concurrent=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- unique=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- table=dict(type='str'),
- idxtype=dict(type='str', aliases=['type']),
- columns=dict(type='list', elements='str', aliases=['column']),
- cond=dict(type='str'),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- tablespace=dict(type='str'),
- storage_params=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- cascade=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- schema=dict(type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- idxname = module.params["idxname"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- concurrent = module.params["concurrent"]
- unique = module.params["unique"]
- table = module.params["table"]
- idxtype = module.params["idxtype"]
- columns = module.params["columns"]
- cond = module.params["cond"]
- tablespace = module.params["tablespace"]
- storage_params = module.params["storage_params"]
- cascade = module.params["cascade"]
- schema = module.params["schema"]
- if concurrent and cascade:
- module.fail_json(msg="Concurrent mode and cascade parameters are mutually exclusive")
- if unique and (idxtype and idxtype != 'btree'):
- module.fail_json(msg="Only btree currently supports unique indexes")
- if state == 'present':
- if not table:
- module.fail_json(msg="Table must be specified")
- if not columns:
- module.fail_json(msg="At least one column must be specified")
- else:
- if table or columns or cond or idxtype or tablespace:
- module.fail_json(msg="Index %s is going to be removed, so it does not "
- "make sense to pass a table name, columns, conditions, "
- "index type, or tablespace" % idxname)
- if cascade and state != 'absent':
- module.fail_json(msg="cascade parameter used only with state=absent")
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- # Set defaults:
- changed = False
- # Do job:
- index = Index(module, cursor, schema, idxname)
- kw = index.get_info()
- kw['query'] = ''
- #
- # check_mode start
- if module.check_mode:
- if state == 'present' and index.exists:
- kw['changed'] = False
- module.exit_json(**kw)
- elif state == 'present' and not index.exists:
- kw['changed'] = True
- module.exit_json(**kw)
- elif state == 'absent' and not index.exists:
- kw['changed'] = False
- module.exit_json(**kw)
- elif state == 'absent' and index.exists:
- kw['changed'] = True
- module.exit_json(**kw)
- # check_mode end
- #
- if state == "present":
- if idxtype and idxtype.upper() not in VALID_IDX_TYPES:
- module.fail_json(msg="Index type '%s' of %s is not in valid types" % (idxtype, idxname))
- columns = ','.join(columns)
- if storage_params:
- storage_params = ','.join(storage_params)
- changed = index.create(table, idxtype, columns, cond, tablespace, storage_params, concurrent, unique)
- if changed:
- kw = index.get_info()
- kw['state'] = 'present'
- kw['query'] = index.executed_query
- else:
- changed = index.drop(schema, cascade, concurrent)
- if changed:
- kw['state'] = 'absent'
- kw['query'] = index.executed_query
- if not kw['valid']:
- db_connection.rollback()
- module.warn("Index %s is invalid! ROLLBACK" % idxname)
- if not concurrent:
- db_connection.commit()
- kw['changed'] = changed
- db_connection.close()
- module.exit_json(**kw)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 654c2e160c..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1011 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: postgresql_info
-short_description: Gather information about PostgreSQL servers
-- Gathers information about PostgreSQL servers.
-version_added: '2.8'
- filter:
- description:
- - Limit the collected information by comma separated string or YAML list.
- - Allowable values are C(version),
- C(databases), C(settings), C(tablespaces), C(roles),
- C(replications), C(repl_slots).
- - By default, collects all subsets.
- - You can use shell-style (fnmatch) wildcard to pass groups of values (see Examples).
- - You can use '!' before value (for example, C(!settings)) to exclude it from the information.
- - If you pass including and excluding values to the filter, for example, I(filter=!settings,ver),
- the excluding values will be ignored.
- type: list
- elements: str
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must
- be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
-- module: postgresql_ping
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-# Display info from postgres hosts.
-# ansible postgres -m postgresql_info
-# Display only databases and roles info from all hosts using shell-style wildcards:
-# ansible all -m postgresql_info -a 'filter=dat*,rol*'
-# Display only replications and repl_slots info from standby hosts using shell-style wildcards:
-# ansible standby -m postgresql_info -a 'filter=repl*'
-# Display all info from databases hosts except settings:
-# ansible databases -m postgresql_info -a 'filter=!settings'
-- name: Collect PostgreSQL version and extensions
- become: yes
- become_user: postgres
- postgresql_info:
- filter: ver*,ext*
-- name: Collect all info except settings and roles
- become: yes
- become_user: postgres
- postgresql_info:
- filter: "!settings,!roles"
-# On FreeBSD with PostgreSQL 9.5 version and lower use pgsql user to become
-# and pass "postgres" as a database to connect to
-- name: Collect tablespaces and repl_slots info
- become: yes
- become_user: pgsql
- postgresql_info:
- db: postgres
- filter:
- - tablesp*
- - repl_sl*
-- name: Collect all info except databases
- become: yes
- become_user: postgres
- postgresql_info:
- filter:
- - "!databases"
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Database server version U(
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: { "version": { "major": 10, "minor": 6 } }
- contains:
- major:
- description: Major server version.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: 11
- minor:
- description: Minor server version.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: 1
- description: Information about databases.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "postgres": { "access_priv": "", "collate": "en_US.UTF-8",
- "ctype": "en_US.UTF-8", "encoding": "UTF8", "owner": "postgres", "size": "7997 kB" } }
- contains:
- database_name:
- description: Database name.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: template1
- contains:
- access_priv:
- description: Database access privileges.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "=c/postgres_npostgres=CTc/postgres"
- collate:
- description:
- - Database collation U(
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: en_US.UTF-8
- ctype:
- description:
- - Database LC_CTYPE U(
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: en_US.UTF-8
- encoding:
- description:
- - Database encoding U(
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: UTF8
- owner:
- description:
- - Database owner U(
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: postgres
- size:
- description: Database size in bytes.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 8189415
- extensions:
- description:
- - Extensions U(
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "plpgsql": { "description": "PL/pgSQL procedural language",
- "extversion": { "major": 1, "minor": 0 } } }
- contains:
- extdescription:
- description: Extension description.
- returned: if existent
- type: str
- sample: PL/pgSQL procedural language
- extversion:
- description: Extension description.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- contains:
- major:
- description: Extension major version.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: 1
- minor:
- description: Extension minor version.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: 0
- nspname:
- description: Namespace where the extension is.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: pg_catalog
- languages:
- description: Procedural languages U(
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: { "sql": { "lanacl": "", "lanowner": "postgres" } }
- contains:
- lanacl:
- description:
- - Language access privileges
- U(
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "{postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}"
- lanowner:
- description:
- - Language owner U(
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: postgres
- namespaces:
- description:
- - Namespaces (schema) U(
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: { "pg_catalog": { "nspacl": "{postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}", "nspowner": "postgres" } }
- contains:
- nspacl:
- description:
- - Access privileges U(
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "{postgres=UC/postgres,=U/postgres}"
- nspowner:
- description:
- - Schema owner U(
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: postgres
- publications:
- description:
- - Information about logical replication publications (available for PostgreSQL 10 and higher)
- U(
- - Content depends on PostgreSQL server version.
- returned: if configured
- type: dict
- version_added: "2.10"
- sample: { "pub1": { "ownername": "postgres", "puballtables": true, "pubinsert": true, "pubupdate": true } }
- subscriptions:
- description:
- - Information about replication subscriptions (available for PostgreSQL 10 and higher)
- U(
- - Content depends on PostgreSQL server version.
- returned: if configured
- type: dict
- version_added: "2.10"
- sample:
- - { "my_subscription": {"ownername": "postgres", "subenabled": true, "subpublications": ["first_publication"] } }
- description:
- - Replication slots (available in 9.4 and later)
- U(
- returned: if existent
- type: dict
- sample: { "slot0": { "active": false, "database": null, "plugin": null, "slot_type": "physical" } }
- contains:
- active:
- description:
- - True means that a receiver has connected to it, and it is currently reserving archives.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- database:
- description: Database name this slot is associated with, or null.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: acme
- plugin:
- description:
- - Base name of the shared object containing the output plugin
- this logical slot is using, or null for physical slots.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: pgoutput
- slot_type:
- description: The slot type - physical or logical.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: logical
- description:
- - Information about the current replications by process PIDs
- U(
- returned: if pg_stat_replication view existent
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { 76580: { "app_name": "standby1", "backend_start": "2019-02-03 00:14:33.908593+03",
- "client_addr": "", "client_hostname": "", "state": "streaming", "usename": "postgres" } }
- contains:
- usename:
- description:
- - Name of the user logged into this WAL sender process ('usename' is a column name in pg_stat_replication view).
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: replication_user
- app_name:
- description: Name of the application that is connected to this WAL sender.
- returned: if existent
- type: str
- sample: acme_srv
- client_addr:
- description:
- - IP address of the client connected to this WAL sender.
- - If this field is null, it indicates that the client is connected
- via a Unix socket on the server machine.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample:
- client_hostname:
- description:
- - Host name of the connected client, as reported by a reverse DNS lookup of client_addr.
- - This field will only be non-null for IP connections, and only when log_hostname is enabled.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: dbsrv1
- backend_start:
- description: Time when this process was started, i.e., when the client connected to this WAL sender.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "2019-02-03 00:14:33.908593+03"
- state:
- description: Current WAL sender state.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: streaming
- description:
- - Information about tablespaces U(
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "test": { "spcacl": "{postgres=C/postgres,andreyk=C/postgres}", "spcoptions": [ "seq_page_cost=1" ],
- "spcowner": "postgres" } }
- contains:
- spcacl:
- description: Tablespace access privileges.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "{postgres=C/postgres,andreyk=C/postgres}"
- spcoptions:
- description: Tablespace-level options.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: [ "seq_page_cost=1" ]
- spcowner:
- description: Owner of the tablespace.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: test_user
- description:
- - Information about roles U(
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "test_role": { "canlogin": true, "member_of": [ "user_ro" ], "superuser": false,
- "valid_until": "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999+00:00" } }
- contains:
- canlogin:
- description: Login privilege U(
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- member_of:
- description:
- - Role membership U(
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: [ "read_only_users" ]
- superuser:
- description: User is a superuser or not.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: false
- valid_until:
- description:
- - Password expiration date U(
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "9999-12-31T23:59:59.999999+00:00"
- description:
- - List of settings that are pending restart to be set.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: [ "shared_buffers" ]
- description:
- - Information about run-time server parameters
- U(
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample:
- - { "work_mem": { "boot_val": "4096", "context": "user", "max_val": "2147483647",
- "min_val": "64", "setting": "8192", "sourcefile": "/var/lib/pgsql/10/data/",
- "unit": "kB", "vartype": "integer", "val_in_bytes": 4194304 } }
- contains:
- setting:
- description: Current value of the parameter.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 49152
- unit:
- description: Implicit unit of the parameter.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: kB
- boot_val:
- description:
- - Parameter value assumed at server startup if the parameter is not otherwise set.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 4096
- min_val:
- description:
- - Minimum allowed value of the parameter (null for non-numeric values).
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 64
- max_val:
- description:
- - Maximum allowed value of the parameter (null for non-numeric values).
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 2147483647
- sourcefile:
- description:
- - Configuration file the current value was set in.
- - Null for values set from sources other than configuration files,
- or when examined by a user who is neither a superuser or a member of pg_read_all_settings.
- - Helpful when using include directives in configuration files.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/
- context:
- description:
- - Context required to set the parameter's value.
- - For more information see U(
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: user
- vartype:
- description:
- - Parameter type (bool, enum, integer, real, or string).
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: integer
- val_in_bytes:
- description:
- - Current value of the parameter in bytes.
- returned: if supported
- type: int
- sample: 2147483647
- pretty_val:
- description:
- - Value presented in the pretty form.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 2MB
- pending_restart:
- description:
- - True if the value has been changed in the configuration file but needs a restart; or false otherwise.
- - Returns only if C(settings) is passed.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: false
-from fnmatch import fnmatch
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-# ===========================================
-# PostgreSQL module specific support methods.
-class PgDbConn(object):
- """Auxiliary class for working with PostgreSQL connection objects.
- Arguments:
- module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class that
- contains connection parameters.
- """
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.module = module
- self.db_conn = None
- self.cursor = None
- def connect(self):
- """Connect to a PostgreSQL database and return a cursor object.
- Note: connection parameters are passed by self.module object.
- """
- conn_params = get_conn_params(self.module, self.module.params, warn_db_default=False)
- self.db_conn = connect_to_db(self.module, conn_params)
- return self.db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- def reconnect(self, dbname):
- """Reconnect to another database and return a PostgreSQL cursor object.
- Arguments:
- dbname (string): Database name to connect to.
- """
- self.db_conn.close()
- self.module.params['database'] = dbname
- return self.connect()
-class PgClusterInfo(object):
- """Class for collection information about a PostgreSQL instance.
- Arguments:
- module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class.
- db_conn_obj (psycopg2.connect): PostgreSQL connection object.
- """
- def __init__(self, module, db_conn_obj):
- self.module = module
- self.db_obj = db_conn_obj
- self.cursor = db_conn_obj.connect()
- self.pg_info = {
- "version": {},
- "tablespaces": {},
- "databases": {},
- "replications": {},
- "repl_slots": {},
- "settings": {},
- "roles": {},
- "pending_restart_settings": [],
- }
- def collect(self, val_list=False):
- """Collect information based on 'filter' option."""
- subset_map = {
- "version": self.get_pg_version,
- "tablespaces": self.get_tablespaces,
- "databases": self.get_db_info,
- "replications": self.get_repl_info,
- "repl_slots": self.get_rslot_info,
- "settings": self.get_settings,
- "roles": self.get_role_info,
- }
- incl_list = []
- excl_list = []
- # Notice: incl_list and excl_list
- # don't make sense together, therefore,
- # if incl_list is not empty, we collect
- # only values from it:
- if val_list:
- for i in val_list:
- if i[0] != '!':
- incl_list.append(i)
- else:
- excl_list.append(i.lstrip('!'))
- if incl_list:
- for s in subset_map:
- for i in incl_list:
- if fnmatch(s, i):
- subset_map[s]()
- break
- elif excl_list:
- found = False
- # Collect info:
- for s in subset_map:
- for e in excl_list:
- if fnmatch(s, e):
- found = True
- if not found:
- subset_map[s]()
- else:
- found = False
- # Default behaviour, if include or exclude is not passed:
- else:
- # Just collect info for each item:
- for s in subset_map:
- subset_map[s]()
- return self.pg_info
- def get_pub_info(self):
- """Get publication statistics."""
- query = ("SELECT p.*, r.rolname AS ownername "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_publication AS p "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r "
- "ON p.pubowner = r.oid")
- result = self.__exec_sql(query)
- if result:
- result = [dict(row) for row in result]
- else:
- return {}
- publications = {}
- for elem in result:
- if not publications.get(elem['pubname']):
- publications[elem['pubname']] = {}
- for key, val in iteritems(elem):
- if key != 'pubname':
- publications[elem['pubname']][key] = val
- return publications
- def get_subscr_info(self):
- """Get subscription statistics."""
- query = ("SELECT s.*, r.rolname AS ownername, d.datname AS dbname "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_subscription s "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database d "
- "ON s.subdbid = d.oid "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r "
- "ON s.subowner = r.oid")
- result = self.__exec_sql(query)
- if result:
- result = [dict(row) for row in result]
- else:
- return {}
- subscr_info = {}
- for elem in result:
- if not subscr_info.get(elem['dbname']):
- subscr_info[elem['dbname']] = {}
- if not subscr_info[elem['dbname']].get(elem['subname']):
- subscr_info[elem['dbname']][elem['subname']] = {}
- for key, val in iteritems(elem):
- if key not in ('subname', 'dbname'):
- subscr_info[elem['dbname']][elem['subname']][key] = val
- return subscr_info
- def get_tablespaces(self):
- """Get information about tablespaces."""
- # Check spcoption exists:
- opt = self.__exec_sql("SELECT column_name "
- "FROM information_schema.columns "
- "WHERE table_name = 'pg_tablespace' "
- "AND column_name = 'spcoptions'")
- if not opt:
- query = ("SELECT s.spcname, a.rolname, s.spcacl "
- "FROM pg_tablespace AS s "
- "JOIN pg_authid AS a ON s.spcowner = a.oid")
- else:
- query = ("SELECT s.spcname, a.rolname, s.spcacl, s.spcoptions "
- "FROM pg_tablespace AS s "
- "JOIN pg_authid AS a ON s.spcowner = a.oid")
- res = self.__exec_sql(query)
- ts_dict = {}
- for i in res:
- ts_name = i[0]
- ts_info = dict(
- spcowner=i[1],
- spcacl=i[2] if i[2] else '',
- )
- if opt:
- ts_info['spcoptions'] = i[3] if i[3] else []
- ts_dict[ts_name] = ts_info
- self.pg_info["tablespaces"] = ts_dict
- def get_ext_info(self):
- """Get information about existing extensions."""
- # Check that pg_extension exists:
- res = self.__exec_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "
- "information_schema.tables "
- "WHERE table_name = 'pg_extension')")
- if not res[0][0]:
- return True
- query = ("SELECT e.extname, e.extversion, n.nspname, c.description "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_extension AS e "
- "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS n "
- "ON n.oid = e.extnamespace "
- "LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description AS c "
- "ON c.objoid = e.oid "
- "AND c.classoid = 'pg_catalog.pg_extension'::pg_catalog.regclass")
- res = self.__exec_sql(query)
- ext_dict = {}
- for i in res:
- ext_ver = i[1].split('.')
- ext_dict[i[0]] = dict(
- extversion=dict(
- major=int(ext_ver[0]),
- minor=int(ext_ver[1]),
- ),
- nspname=i[2],
- description=i[3],
- )
- return ext_dict
- def get_role_info(self):
- """Get information about roles (in PgSQL groups and users are roles)."""
- query = ("SELECT r.rolname, r.rolsuper, r.rolcanlogin, "
- "r.rolvaliduntil, "
- "ARRAY(SELECT b.rolname "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_auth_members AS m "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS b ON (m.roleid = b.oid) "
- "WHERE m.member = r.oid) AS memberof "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r "
- "WHERE r.rolname !~ '^pg_'")
- res = self.__exec_sql(query)
- rol_dict = {}
- for i in res:
- rol_dict[i[0]] = dict(
- superuser=i[1],
- canlogin=i[2],
- valid_until=i[3] if i[3] else '',
- member_of=i[4] if i[4] else [],
- )
- self.pg_info["roles"] = rol_dict
- def get_rslot_info(self):
- """Get information about replication slots if exist."""
- # Check that pg_replication_slots exists:
- res = self.__exec_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "
- "information_schema.tables "
- "WHERE table_name = 'pg_replication_slots')")
- if not res[0][0]:
- return True
- query = ("SELECT slot_name, plugin, slot_type, database, "
- "active FROM pg_replication_slots")
- res = self.__exec_sql(query)
- # If there is no replication:
- if not res:
- return True
- rslot_dict = {}
- for i in res:
- rslot_dict[i[0]] = dict(
- plugin=i[1],
- slot_type=i[2],
- database=i[3],
- active=i[4],
- )
- self.pg_info["repl_slots"] = rslot_dict
- def get_settings(self):
- """Get server settings."""
- # Check pending restart column exists:
- pend_rest_col_exists = self.__exec_sql("SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns "
- "WHERE table_name = 'pg_settings' "
- "AND column_name = 'pending_restart'")
- if not pend_rest_col_exists:
- query = ("SELECT name, setting, unit, context, vartype, "
- "boot_val, min_val, max_val, sourcefile "
- "FROM pg_settings")
- else:
- query = ("SELECT name, setting, unit, context, vartype, "
- "boot_val, min_val, max_val, sourcefile, pending_restart "
- "FROM pg_settings")
- res = self.__exec_sql(query)
- set_dict = {}
- for i in res:
- val_in_bytes = None
- setting = i[1]
- if i[2]:
- unit = i[2]
- else:
- unit = ''
- if unit == 'kB':
- val_in_bytes = int(setting) * 1024
- elif unit == '8kB':
- val_in_bytes = int(setting) * 1024 * 8
- elif unit == 'MB':
- val_in_bytes = int(setting) * 1024 * 1024
- if val_in_bytes is not None and val_in_bytes < 0:
- val_in_bytes = 0
- setting_name = i[0]
- pretty_val = self.__get_pretty_val(setting_name)
- pending_restart = None
- if pend_rest_col_exists:
- pending_restart = i[9]
- set_dict[setting_name] = dict(
- setting=setting,
- unit=unit,
- context=i[3],
- vartype=i[4],
- boot_val=i[5] if i[5] else '',
- min_val=i[6] if i[6] else '',
- max_val=i[7] if i[7] else '',
- sourcefile=i[8] if i[8] else '',
- pretty_val=pretty_val,
- )
- if val_in_bytes is not None:
- set_dict[setting_name]['val_in_bytes'] = val_in_bytes
- if pending_restart is not None:
- set_dict[setting_name]['pending_restart'] = pending_restart
- if pending_restart:
- self.pg_info["pending_restart_settings"].append(setting_name)
- self.pg_info["settings"] = set_dict
- def get_repl_info(self):
- """Get information about replication if the server is a master."""
- # Check that pg_replication_slots exists:
- res = self.__exec_sql("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM "
- "information_schema.tables "
- "WHERE table_name = 'pg_stat_replication')")
- if not res[0][0]:
- return True
- query = ("SELECT, a.rolname, r.application_name, r.client_addr, "
- "r.client_hostname, r.backend_start::text, r.state "
- "FROM pg_stat_replication AS r "
- "JOIN pg_authid AS a ON r.usesysid = a.oid")
- res = self.__exec_sql(query)
- # If there is no replication:
- if not res:
- return True
- repl_dict = {}
- for i in res:
- repl_dict[i[0]] = dict(
- usename=i[1],
- app_name=i[2] if i[2] else '',
- client_addr=i[3],
- client_hostname=i[4] if i[4] else '',
- backend_start=i[5],
- state=i[6],
- )
- self.pg_info["replications"] = repl_dict
- def get_lang_info(self):
- """Get information about current supported languages."""
- query = ("SELECT l.lanname, a.rolname, l.lanacl "
- "FROM pg_language AS l "
- "JOIN pg_authid AS a ON l.lanowner = a.oid")
- res = self.__exec_sql(query)
- lang_dict = {}
- for i in res:
- lang_dict[i[0]] = dict(
- lanowner=i[1],
- lanacl=i[2] if i[2] else '',
- )
- return lang_dict
- def get_namespaces(self):
- """Get information about namespaces."""
- query = ("SELECT n.nspname, a.rolname, n.nspacl "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace AS n "
- "JOIN pg_authid AS a ON a.oid = n.nspowner")
- res = self.__exec_sql(query)
- nsp_dict = {}
- for i in res:
- nsp_dict[i[0]] = dict(
- nspowner=i[1],
- nspacl=i[2] if i[2] else '',
- )
- return nsp_dict
- def get_pg_version(self):
- """Get major and minor PostgreSQL server version."""
- query = "SELECT version()"
- raw = self.__exec_sql(query)[0][0]
- raw = raw.split()[1].split('.')
- self.pg_info["version"] = dict(
- major=int(raw[0]),
- minor=int(raw[1]),
- )
- def get_db_info(self):
- """Get information about the current database."""
- # Following query returns:
- # Name, Owner, Encoding, Collate, Ctype, Access Priv, Size
- query = ("SELECT d.datname, "
- "pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba), "
- "pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding), "
- "d.datcollate, "
- "d.datctype, "
- "pg_catalog.array_to_string(d.datacl, E'\n'), "
- "CASE WHEN pg_catalog.has_database_privilege(d.datname, 'CONNECT') "
- "THEN pg_catalog.pg_database_size(d.datname)::text "
- "ELSE 'No Access' END, "
- "t.spcname "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_database AS d "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_tablespace t ON d.dattablespace = t.oid "
- "WHERE d.datname != 'template0'")
- res = self.__exec_sql(query)
- db_dict = {}
- for i in res:
- db_dict[i[0]] = dict(
- owner=i[1],
- encoding=i[2],
- collate=i[3],
- ctype=i[4],
- access_priv=i[5] if i[5] else '',
- size=i[6],
- )
- if self.cursor.connection.server_version >= 100000:
- subscr_info = self.get_subscr_info()
- for datname in db_dict:
- self.cursor = self.db_obj.reconnect(datname)
- db_dict[datname]['namespaces'] = self.get_namespaces()
- db_dict[datname]['extensions'] = self.get_ext_info()
- db_dict[datname]['languages'] = self.get_lang_info()
- if self.cursor.connection.server_version >= 100000:
- db_dict[datname]['publications'] = self.get_pub_info()
- db_dict[datname]['subscriptions'] = subscr_info.get(datname, {})
- self.pg_info["databases"] = db_dict
- def __get_pretty_val(self, setting):
- """Get setting's value represented by SHOW command."""
- return self.__exec_sql("SHOW %s" % setting)[0][0]
- def __exec_sql(self, query):
- """Execute SQL and return the result."""
- try:
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- res = self.cursor.fetchall()
- if res:
- return res
- except Exception as e:
- self.module.fail_json(msg="Cannot execute SQL '%s': %s" % (query, to_native(e)))
- self.cursor.close()
- return False
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']),
- filter=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- filter_ = module.params["filter"]
- db_conn_obj = PgDbConn(module)
- # Do job:
- pg_info = PgClusterInfo(module, db_conn_obj)
- module.exit_json(**pg_info.collect(filter_))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c85b197ce..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# (c) 2014, Jens Depuydt <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: postgresql_lang
-short_description: Adds, removes or changes procedural languages with a PostgreSQL database
-- Adds, removes or changes procedural languages with a PostgreSQL database.
-- This module allows you to add a language, remote a language or change the trust
- relationship with a PostgreSQL database.
-- The module can be used on the machine where executed or on a remote host.
-- When removing a language from a database, it is possible that dependencies prevent
- the database from being removed. In that case, you can specify I(cascade=yes) to
- automatically drop objects that depend on the language (such as functions in the
- language).
-- In case the language can't be deleted because it is required by the
- database system, you can specify I(fail_on_drop=no) to ignore the error.
-- Be careful when marking a language as trusted since this could be a potential
- security breach. Untrusted languages allow only users with the PostgreSQL superuser
- privilege to use this language to create new functions.
-version_added: '1.7'
- lang:
- description:
- - Name of the procedural language to add, remove or change.
- required: true
- type: str
- aliases:
- - name
- trust:
- description:
- - Make this language trusted for the selected db.
- type: bool
- default: 'no'
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to and where the language will be added, removed or changed.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
- required: true
- force_trust:
- description:
- - Marks the language as trusted, even if it's marked as untrusted in pg_pltemplate.
- - Use with care!
- type: bool
- default: 'no'
- fail_on_drop:
- description:
- - If C(yes), fail when removing a language. Otherwise just log and continue.
- - In some cases, it is not possible to remove a language (used by the db-system).
- - When dependencies block the removal, consider using I(cascade).
- type: bool
- default: 'yes'
- cascade:
- description:
- - When dropping a language, also delete object that depend on this language.
- - Only used when I(state=absent).
- type: bool
- default: 'no'
- session_role:
- version_added: '2.8'
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting.
- - The specified I(session_role) must be a role that the current I(login_user) is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the I(session_role) were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - The state of the language for the selected database.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- login_unix_socket:
- description:
- - Path to a Unix domain socket for local connections.
- type: str
- version_added: '2.8'
- ssl_mode:
- description:
- - Determines whether or with what priority a secure SSL TCP/IP connection will be negotiated with the server.
- - See U( for more information on the modes.
- - Default of C(prefer) matches libpq default.
- type: str
- default: prefer
- choices: [ allow, disable, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full ]
- version_added: '2.8'
- ca_cert:
- description:
- - Specifies the name of a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s).
- - If the file exists, the server's certificate will be verified to be signed by one of these authorities.
- type: str
- aliases: [ ssl_rootcert ]
- version_added: '2.8'
- owner:
- description:
- - Set an owner for the language.
- - Ignored when I(state=absent).
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
-- name: PostgreSQL languages
- description: General information about PostgreSQL languages.
- link:
-- name: CREATE LANGUAGE reference
- description: Complete reference of the CREATE LANGUAGE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: ALTER LANGUAGE reference
- description: Complete reference of the ALTER LANGUAGE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: DROP LANGUAGE reference
- description: Complete reference of the DROP LANGUAGE command documentation.
- link:
-- Jens Depuydt (@jensdepuydt)
-- Thomas O'Donnell (@andytom)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Add language pltclu to database testdb if it doesn't exist
- postgresql_lang: db=testdb lang=pltclu state=present
-# Add language pltclu to database testdb if it doesn't exist and mark it as trusted.
-# Marks the language as trusted if it exists but isn't trusted yet.
-# force_trust makes sure that the language will be marked as trusted
-- name: Add language pltclu to database testdb if it doesn't exist and mark it as trusted
- postgresql_lang:
- db: testdb
- lang: pltclu
- state: present
- trust: yes
- force_trust: yes
-- name: Remove language pltclu from database testdb
- postgresql_lang:
- db: testdb
- lang: pltclu
- state: absent
-- name: Remove language pltclu from database testdb and remove all dependencies
- postgresql_lang:
- db: testdb
- lang: pltclu
- state: absent
- cascade: yes
-- name: Remove language c from database testdb but ignore errors if something prevents the removal
- postgresql_lang:
- db: testdb
- lang: pltclu
- state: absent
- fail_on_drop: no
-- name: In testdb change owner of mylang to alice
- postgresql_lang:
- db: testdb
- lang: mylang
- owner: alice
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ['CREATE LANGUAGE "acme"']
- version_added: '2.8'
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-executed_queries = []
-def lang_exists(cursor, lang):
- """Checks if language exists for db"""
- query = "SELECT lanname FROM pg_language WHERE lanname = %(lang)s"
- cursor.execute(query, {'lang': lang})
- return cursor.rowcount > 0
-def lang_istrusted(cursor, lang):
- """Checks if language is trusted for db"""
- query = "SELECT lanpltrusted FROM pg_language WHERE lanname = %(lang)s"
- cursor.execute(query, {'lang': lang})
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def lang_altertrust(cursor, lang, trust):
- """Changes if language is trusted for db"""
- query = "UPDATE pg_language SET lanpltrusted = %(trust)s WHERE lanname = %(lang)s"
- cursor.execute(query, {'trust': trust, 'lang': lang})
- executed_queries.append(cursor.mogrify(query, {'trust': trust, 'lang': lang}))
- return True
-def lang_add(cursor, lang, trust):
- """Adds language for db"""
- if trust:
- query = 'CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE "%s"' % lang
- else:
- query = 'CREATE LANGUAGE "%s"' % lang
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- return True
-def lang_drop(cursor, lang, cascade):
- """Drops language for db"""
- cursor.execute("SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_lang_drop")
- try:
- if cascade:
- query = "DROP LANGUAGE \"%s\" CASCADE" % lang
- else:
- query = "DROP LANGUAGE \"%s\"" % lang
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- except Exception:
- cursor.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_lang_drop")
- cursor.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_lang_drop")
- return False
- cursor.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_lang_drop")
- return True
-def get_lang_owner(cursor, lang):
- """Get language owner.
- Args:
- cursor (cursor): psycopg2 cursor object.
- lang (str): language name.
- """
- query = ("SELECT r.rolname FROM pg_language l "
- "JOIN pg_roles r ON l.lanowner = r.oid "
- "WHERE l.lanname = %(lang)s")
- cursor.execute(query, {'lang': lang})
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def set_lang_owner(cursor, lang, owner):
- """Set language owner.
- Args:
- cursor (cursor): psycopg2 cursor object.
- lang (str): language name.
- owner (str): name of new owner.
- """
- query = "ALTER LANGUAGE \"%s\" OWNER TO %s" % (lang, owner)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- return True
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- db=dict(type="str", required=True, aliases=["login_db"]),
- lang=dict(type="str", required=True, aliases=["name"]),
- state=dict(type="str", default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]),
- trust=dict(type="bool", default="no"),
- force_trust=dict(type="bool", default="no"),
- cascade=dict(type="bool", default="no"),
- fail_on_drop=dict(type="bool", default="yes"),
- session_role=dict(type="str"),
- owner=dict(type="str"),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- db = module.params["db"]
- lang = module.params["lang"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- trust = module.params["trust"]
- force_trust = module.params["force_trust"]
- cascade = module.params["cascade"]
- fail_on_drop = module.params["fail_on_drop"]
- owner = module.params["owner"]
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=False)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor()
- changed = False
- kw = {'db': db, 'lang': lang, 'trust': trust}
- if state == "present":
- if lang_exists(cursor, lang):
- lang_trusted = lang_istrusted(cursor, lang)
- if (lang_trusted and not trust) or (not lang_trusted and trust):
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = True
- else:
- changed = lang_altertrust(cursor, lang, trust)
- else:
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = True
- else:
- changed = lang_add(cursor, lang, trust)
- if force_trust:
- changed = lang_altertrust(cursor, lang, trust)
- else:
- if lang_exists(cursor, lang):
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = True
- kw['lang_dropped'] = True
- else:
- changed = lang_drop(cursor, lang, cascade)
- if fail_on_drop and not changed:
- msg = ("unable to drop language, use cascade "
- "to delete dependencies or fail_on_drop=no to ignore")
- module.fail_json(msg=msg)
- kw['lang_dropped'] = changed
- if owner and state == 'present':
- if lang_exists(cursor, lang):
- if owner != get_lang_owner(cursor, lang):
- changed = set_lang_owner(cursor, lang, owner)
- if changed:
- if module.check_mode:
- db_connection.rollback()
- else:
- db_connection.commit()
- kw['changed'] = changed
- kw['queries'] = executed_queries
- db_connection.close()
- module.exit_json(**kw)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d2ba25b5e..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'supported_by': 'community',
- 'status': ['preview']
-module: postgresql_membership
-short_description: Add or remove PostgreSQL roles from groups
-- Adds or removes PostgreSQL roles from groups (other roles).
-- Users are roles with login privilege.
-- Groups are PostgreSQL roles usually without LOGIN privilege.
-- "Common use case:"
-- 1) add a new group (groups) by M(postgresql_user) module with I(role_attr_flags=NOLOGIN)
-- 2) grant them desired privileges by M(postgresql_privs) module
-- 3) add desired PostgreSQL users to the new group (groups) by this module
-version_added: '2.8'
- groups:
- description:
- - The list of groups (roles) that need to be granted to or revoked from I(target_roles).
- required: yes
- type: list
- elements: str
- aliases:
- - group
- - source_role
- - source_roles
- target_roles:
- description:
- - The list of target roles (groups will be granted to them).
- required: yes
- type: list
- elements: str
- aliases:
- - target_role
- - users
- - user
- fail_on_role:
- description:
- - If C(yes), fail when group or target_role doesn't exist. If C(no), just warn and continue.
- default: yes
- type: bool
- state:
- description:
- - Membership state.
- - I(state=present) implies the I(groups)must be granted to I(target_roles).
- - I(state=absent) implies the I(groups) must be revoked from I(target_roles).
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting.
- The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
-- module: postgresql_user
-- module: postgresql_privs
-- module: postgresql_owner
-- name: PostgreSQL role membership reference
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL role membership documentation.
- link:
-- name: PostgreSQL role attributes reference
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL role attributes documentation.
- link:
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Grant role read_only to alice and bob
- postgresql_membership:
- group: read_only
- target_roles:
- - alice
- - bob
- state: present
-# you can also use target_roles: alice,bob,etc to pass the role list
-- name: Revoke role read_only and exec_func from bob. Ignore if roles don't exist
- postgresql_membership:
- groups:
- - read_only
- - exec_func
- target_role: bob
- fail_on_role: no
- state: absent
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: [ "GRANT \"user_ro\" TO \"alice\"" ]
- description: Dict of granted groups and roles.
- returned: if I(state=present)
- type: dict
- sample: { "ro_group": [ "alice", "bob" ] }
- description: Dict of revoked groups and roles.
- returned: if I(state=absent)
- type: dict
- sample: { "ro_group": [ "alice", "bob" ] }
- description: Membership state that tried to be set.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "present"
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- PgMembership,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- groups=dict(type='list', elements='str', required=True, aliases=['group', 'source_role', 'source_roles']),
- target_roles=dict(type='list', elements='str', required=True, aliases=['target_role', 'user', 'users']),
- fail_on_role=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- groups = module.params['groups']
- target_roles = module.params['target_roles']
- fail_on_role = module.params['fail_on_role']
- state = module.params['state']
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params, warn_db_default=False)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=False)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- ##############
- # Create the object and do main job:
- pg_membership = PgMembership(module, cursor, groups, target_roles, fail_on_role)
- if state == 'present':
- pg_membership.grant()
- elif state == 'absent':
- pg_membership.revoke()
- # Rollback if it's possible and check_mode:
- if module.check_mode:
- db_connection.rollback()
- else:
- db_connection.commit()
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- # Make return values:
- return_dict = dict(
- changed=pg_membership.changed,
- state=state,
- groups=pg_membership.groups,
- target_roles=pg_membership.target_roles,
- queries=pg_membership.executed_queries,
- )
- if state == 'present':
- return_dict['granted'] = pg_membership.granted
- elif state == 'absent':
- return_dict['revoked'] = pg_membership.revoked
- module.exit_json(**return_dict)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 943ed55da7..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'supported_by': 'community',
- 'status': ['preview']
-module: postgresql_owner
-short_description: Change an owner of PostgreSQL database object
-- Change an owner of PostgreSQL database object.
-- Also allows to reassign the ownership of database objects owned by a database role to another role.
-version_added: '2.8'
- new_owner:
- description:
- - Role (user/group) to set as an I(obj_name) owner.
- type: str
- required: yes
- obj_name:
- description:
- - Name of a database object to change ownership.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(reassign_owned_by).
- type: str
- obj_type:
- description:
- - Type of a database object.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(reassign_owned_by).
- type: str
- choices: [ database, function, matview, sequence, schema, table, tablespace, view ]
- aliases:
- - type
- reassign_owned_by:
- description:
- - The list of role names. The ownership of all the objects within the current database,
- and of all shared objects (databases, tablespaces), owned by this role(s) will be reassigned to I(owner).
- - Pay attention - it reassigns all objects owned by this role(s) in the I(db)!
- - If role(s) exists, always returns changed True.
- - Cannot reassign ownership of objects that are required by the database system.
- - Mutually exclusive with C(obj_type).
- type: list
- elements: str
- fail_on_role:
- description:
- - If C(yes), fail when I(reassign_owned_by) role does not exist.
- Otherwise just warn and continue.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(obj_name) and I(obj_type).
- default: yes
- type: bool
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting.
- The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
-- module: postgresql_user
-- module: postgresql_privs
-- module: postgresql_membership
-- name: PostgreSQL REASSIGN OWNED command reference
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL REASSIGN OWNED command documentation.
- link:
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-# Set owner as alice for function myfunc in database bar by ansible ad-hoc command:
-# ansible -m postgresql_owner -a "db=bar new_owner=alice obj_name=myfunc obj_type=function"
-- name: The same as above by playbook
- postgresql_owner:
- db: bar
- new_owner: alice
- obj_name: myfunc
- obj_type: function
-- name: Set owner as bob for table acme in database bar
- postgresql_owner:
- db: bar
- new_owner: bob
- obj_name: acme
- obj_type: table
-- name: Set owner as alice for view test_view in database bar
- postgresql_owner:
- db: bar
- new_owner: alice
- obj_name: test_view
- obj_type: view
-- name: Set owner as bob for tablespace ssd in database foo
- postgresql_owner:
- db: foo
- new_owner: bob
- obj_name: ssd
- obj_type: tablespace
-- name: Reassign all object in database bar owned by bob to alice
- postgresql_owner:
- db: bar
- new_owner: alice
- reassign_owned_by: bob
-- name: Reassign all object in database bar owned by bob and bill to alice
- postgresql_owner:
- db: bar
- new_owner: alice
- reassign_owned_by:
- - bob
- - bill
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: [ 'REASSIGN OWNED BY "bob" TO "alice"' ]
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.database import pg_quote_identifier
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-class PgOwnership(object):
- """Class for changing ownership of PostgreSQL objects.
- Arguments:
- module (AnsibleModule): Object of Ansible module class.
- cursor (psycopg2.connect.cursor): Cursor object for interaction with the database.
- role (str): Role name to set as a new owner of objects.
- Important:
- If you want to add handling of a new type of database objects:
- 1. Add a specific method for this like self.__set_db_owner(), etc.
- 2. Add a condition with a check of ownership for new type objects to self.__is_owner()
- 3. Add a condition with invocation of the specific method to self.set_owner()
- 4. Add the information to the module documentation
- That's all.
- """
- def __init__(self, module, cursor, role):
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- self.check_role_exists(role)
- self.role = role
- self.changed = False
- self.executed_queries = []
- self.obj_name = ''
- self.obj_type = ''
- def check_role_exists(self, role, fail_on_role=True):
- """Check the role exists or not.
- Arguments:
- role (str): Role name.
- fail_on_role (bool): If True, fail when the role does not exist.
- Otherwise just warn and continue.
- """
- if not self.__role_exists(role):
- if fail_on_role:
- self.module.fail_json(msg="Role '%s' does not exist" % role)
- else:
- self.module.warn("Role '%s' does not exist, pass" % role)
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def reassign(self, old_owners, fail_on_role):
- """Implements REASSIGN OWNED BY command.
- If success, set self.changed as True.
- Arguments:
- old_owners (list): The ownership of all the objects within
- the current database, and of all shared objects (databases, tablespaces),
- owned by these roles will be reassigned to self.role.
- fail_on_role (bool): If True, fail when a role from old_owners does not exist.
- Otherwise just warn and continue.
- """
- roles = []
- for r in old_owners:
- if self.check_role_exists(r, fail_on_role):
- roles.append(pg_quote_identifier(r, 'role'))
- # Roles do not exist, nothing to do, exit:
- if not roles:
- return False
- old_owners = ','.join(roles)
- query = ['REASSIGN OWNED BY']
- query.append(old_owners)
- query.append('TO %s' % pg_quote_identifier(self.role, 'role'))
- query = ' '.join(query)
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def set_owner(self, obj_type, obj_name):
- """Change owner of a database object.
- Arguments:
- obj_type (str): Type of object (like database, table, view, etc.).
- obj_name (str): Object name.
- """
- self.obj_name = obj_name
- self.obj_type = obj_type
- # if a new_owner is the object owner now,
- # nothing to do:
- if self.__is_owner():
- return False
- if obj_type == 'database':
- self.__set_db_owner()
- elif obj_type == 'function':
- self.__set_func_owner()
- elif obj_type == 'sequence':
- self.__set_seq_owner()
- elif obj_type == 'schema':
- self.__set_schema_owner()
- elif obj_type == 'table':
- self.__set_table_owner()
- elif obj_type == 'tablespace':
- self.__set_tablespace_owner()
- elif obj_type == 'view':
- self.__set_view_owner()
- elif obj_type == 'matview':
- self.__set_mat_view_owner()
- def __is_owner(self):
- """Return True if self.role is the current object owner."""
- if self.obj_type == 'table':
- query = ("SELECT 1 FROM pg_tables "
- "WHERE tablename = %(obj_name)s "
- "AND tableowner = %(role)s")
- elif self.obj_type == 'database':
- query = ("SELECT 1 FROM pg_database AS d "
- "JOIN pg_roles AS r ON d.datdba = r.oid "
- "WHERE d.datname = %(obj_name)s "
- "AND r.rolname = %(role)s")
- elif self.obj_type == 'function':
- query = ("SELECT 1 FROM pg_proc AS f "
- "JOIN pg_roles AS r ON f.proowner = r.oid "
- "WHERE f.proname = %(obj_name)s "
- "AND r.rolname = %(role)s")
- elif self.obj_type == 'sequence':
- query = ("SELECT 1 FROM pg_class AS c "
- "JOIN pg_roles AS r ON c.relowner = r.oid "
- "WHERE c.relkind = 'S' AND c.relname = %(obj_name)s "
- "AND r.rolname = %(role)s")
- elif self.obj_type == 'schema':
- query = ("SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata "
- "WHERE schema_name = %(obj_name)s "
- "AND schema_owner = %(role)s")
- elif self.obj_type == 'tablespace':
- query = ("SELECT 1 FROM pg_tablespace AS t "
- "JOIN pg_roles AS r ON t.spcowner = r.oid "
- "WHERE t.spcname = %(obj_name)s "
- "AND r.rolname = %(role)s")
- elif self.obj_type == 'view':
- query = ("SELECT 1 FROM pg_views "
- "WHERE viewname = %(obj_name)s "
- "AND viewowner = %(role)s")
- elif self.obj_type == 'matview':
- query = ("SELECT 1 FROM pg_matviews "
- "WHERE matviewname = %(obj_name)s "
- "AND matviewowner = %(role)s")
- query_params = {'obj_name': self.obj_name, 'role': self.role}
- return exec_sql(self, query, query_params, add_to_executed=False)
- def __set_db_owner(self):
- """Set the database owner."""
- query = "ALTER DATABASE %s OWNER TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(self.obj_name, 'database'),
- pg_quote_identifier(self.role, 'role'))
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def __set_func_owner(self):
- """Set the function owner."""
- query = "ALTER FUNCTION %s OWNER TO %s" % (self.obj_name,
- pg_quote_identifier(self.role, 'role'))
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def __set_seq_owner(self):
- """Set the sequence owner."""
- query = "ALTER SEQUENCE %s OWNER TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(self.obj_name, 'table'),
- pg_quote_identifier(self.role, 'role'))
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def __set_schema_owner(self):
- """Set the schema owner."""
- query = "ALTER SCHEMA %s OWNER TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(self.obj_name, 'schema'),
- pg_quote_identifier(self.role, 'role'))
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def __set_table_owner(self):
- """Set the table owner."""
- query = "ALTER TABLE %s OWNER TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(self.obj_name, 'table'),
- pg_quote_identifier(self.role, 'role'))
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def __set_tablespace_owner(self):
- """Set the tablespace owner."""
- query = "ALTER TABLESPACE %s OWNER TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(self.obj_name, 'database'),
- pg_quote_identifier(self.role, 'role'))
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def __set_view_owner(self):
- """Set the view owner."""
- query = "ALTER VIEW %s OWNER TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(self.obj_name, 'table'),
- pg_quote_identifier(self.role, 'role'))
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def __set_mat_view_owner(self):
- """Set the materialized view owner."""
- query = "ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW %s OWNER TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(self.obj_name, 'table'),
- pg_quote_identifier(self.role, 'role'))
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def __role_exists(self, role):
- """Return True if role exists, otherwise return False."""
- query_params = {'role': role}
- query = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = %(role)s"
- return exec_sql(self, query, query_params, add_to_executed=False)
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- new_owner=dict(type='str', required=True),
- obj_name=dict(type='str'),
- obj_type=dict(type='str', aliases=['type'], choices=[
- 'database', 'function', 'matview', 'sequence', 'schema', 'table', 'tablespace', 'view']),
- reassign_owned_by=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- fail_on_role=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- mutually_exclusive=[
- ['obj_name', 'reassign_owned_by'],
- ['obj_type', 'reassign_owned_by'],
- ['obj_name', 'fail_on_role'],
- ['obj_type', 'fail_on_role'],
- ],
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- new_owner = module.params['new_owner']
- obj_name = module.params['obj_name']
- obj_type = module.params['obj_type']
- reassign_owned_by = module.params['reassign_owned_by']
- fail_on_role = module.params['fail_on_role']
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=False)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- ##############
- # Create the object and do main job:
- pg_ownership = PgOwnership(module, cursor, new_owner)
- # if we want to change ownership:
- if obj_name:
- pg_ownership.set_owner(obj_type, obj_name)
- # if we want to reassign objects owned by roles:
- elif reassign_owned_by:
- pg_ownership.reassign(reassign_owned_by, fail_on_role)
- # Rollback if it's possible and check_mode:
- if module.check_mode:
- db_connection.rollback()
- else:
- db_connection.commit()
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- module.exit_json(
- changed=pg_ownership.changed,
- queries=pg_ownership.executed_queries,
- )
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bba719bb7..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,749 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Sebastiaan Mannem (@sebasmannem) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-This module is used to manage postgres pg_hba files with Ansible.
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: postgresql_pg_hba
-short_description: Add, remove or modify a rule in a pg_hba file
- - The fundamental function of the module is to create, or delete lines in pg_hba files.
- - The lines in the file should be in a typical pg_hba form and lines should be unique per key (type, databases, users, source).
- If they are not unique and the SID is 'the one to change', only one for C(state=present) or none for C(state=absent) of the SID's will remain.
-extends_documentation_fragment: files
-version_added: '2.8'
- address:
- description:
- - The source address/net where the connections could come from.
- - Will not be used for entries of I(type)=C(local).
- - You can also use keywords C(all), C(samehost), and C(samenet).
- default: samehost
- type: str
- aliases: [ source, src ]
- backup:
- description:
- - If set, create a backup of the C(pg_hba) file before it is modified.
- The location of the backup is returned in the (backup) variable by this module.
- default: false
- type: bool
- backup_file:
- description:
- - Write backup to a specific backupfile rather than a temp file.
- type: str
- create:
- description:
- - Create an C(pg_hba) file if none exists.
- - When set to false, an error is raised when the C(pg_hba) file doesn't exist.
- default: false
- type: bool
- contype:
- description:
- - Type of the rule. If not set, C(postgresql_pg_hba) will only return contents.
- type: str
- choices: [ local, host, hostnossl, hostssl ]
- databases:
- description:
- - Databases this line applies to.
- default: all
- type: str
- dest:
- description:
- - Path to C(pg_hba) file to modify.
- type: path
- required: true
- method:
- description:
- - Authentication method to be used.
- type: str
- choices: [ cert, gss, ident, krb5, ldap, md5, pam, password, peer, radius, reject, scram-sha-256 , sspi, trust ]
- default: md5
- netmask:
- description:
- - The netmask of the source address.
- type: str
- options:
- description:
- - Additional options for the authentication I(method).
- type: str
- order:
- description:
- - The entries will be written out in a specific order.
- With this option you can control by which field they are ordered first, second and last.
- s=source, d=databases, u=users.
- This option is deprecated since 2.9 and will be removed in 2.11.
- Sortorder is now hardcoded to sdu.
- type: str
- default: sdu
- choices: [ sdu, sud, dsu, dus, usd, uds ]
- state:
- description:
- - The lines will be added/modified when C(state=present) and removed when C(state=absent).
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- users:
- description:
- - Users this line applies to.
- type: str
- default: all
- - The default authentication assumes that on the host, you are either logging in as or
- sudo'ing to an account with appropriate permissions to read and modify the file.
- - This module also returns the pg_hba info. You can use this module to only retrieve it by only specifying I(dest).
- The info can be found in the returned data under key pg_hba, being a list, containing a dict per rule.
- - This module will sort resulting C(pg_hba) files if a rule change is required.
- This could give unexpected results with manual created hba files, if it was improperly sorted.
- For example a rule was created for a net first and for a ip in that net range next.
- In that situation, the 'ip specific rule' will never hit, it is in the C(pg_hba) file obsolete.
- After the C(pg_hba) file is rewritten by the M(postgresql_pg_hba) module, the ip specific rule will be sorted above the range rule.
- And then it will hit, which will give unexpected results.
- - With the 'order' parameter you can control which field is used to sort first, next and last.
- - The module supports a check mode and a diff mode.
-- name: PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf file reference
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL pg_hba.conf file documentation.
- link:
- - ipaddress
-author: Sebastiaan Mannem (@sebasmannem)
-- name: Grant users joe and simon access to databases sales and logistics from ipv6 localhost ::1/128 using peer authentication.
- postgresql_pg_hba:
- dest: /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf
- contype: host
- users: joe,simon
- source: ::1
- databases: sales,logistics
- method: peer
- create: true
-- name: Grant user replication from network access for replication with client cert authentication.
- postgresql_pg_hba:
- dest: /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf
- contype: host
- users: replication
- source:
- databases: replication
- method: cert
-- name: Revoke access from local user mary on database mydb.
- postgresql_pg_hba:
- dest: /var/lib/postgres/data/pg_hba.conf
- contype: local
- users: mary
- databases: mydb
- state: absent
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of textual messages what was done
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample:
- "msgs": [
- "Removing",
- "Changed",
- "Writing"
- ]
- description: File that the original pg_hba file was backed up to
- returned: changed
- type: str
- sample: /tmp/pg_hba_jxobj_p
- description: List of the pg_hba rules as they are configured in the specified hba file
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample:
- "pg_hba": [
- {
- "db": "all",
- "method": "md5",
- "src": "samehost",
- "type": "host",
- "usr": "all"
- }
- ]
-import os
-import re
-import traceback
- import ipaddress
-except ImportError:
- IPADDRESS_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
-import tempfile
-import shutil
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-# from ansible.module_utils.postgres import postgres_common_argument_spec
-PG_HBA_METHODS = ["trust", "reject", "md5", "password", "gss", "sspi", "krb5", "ident", "peer",
- "ldap", "radius", "cert", "pam", "scram-sha-256"]
-PG_HBA_TYPES = ["local", "host", "hostssl", "hostnossl"]
-PG_HBA_ORDERS = ["sdu", "sud", "dsu", "dus", "usd", "uds"]
-PG_HBA_HDR = ['type', 'db', 'usr', 'src', 'mask', 'method', 'options']
-WHITESPACES_RE = re.compile(r'\s+')
-class PgHbaError(Exception):
- '''
- This exception is raised when parsing the pg_hba file ends in an error.
- '''
-class PgHbaRuleError(PgHbaError):
- '''
- This exception is raised when parsing the pg_hba file ends in an error.
- '''
-class PgHbaRuleChanged(PgHbaRuleError):
- '''
- This exception is raised when a new parsed rule is a changed version of an existing rule.
- '''
-class PgHbaValueError(PgHbaError):
- '''
- This exception is raised when a new parsed rule is a changed version of an existing rule.
- '''
-class PgHbaRuleValueError(PgHbaRuleError):
- '''
- This exception is raised when a new parsed rule is a changed version of an existing rule.
- '''
-class PgHba(object):
- """
- PgHba object to read/write entries to/from.
- pg_hba_file - the pg_hba file almost always /etc/pg_hba
- """
- def __init__(self, pg_hba_file=None, order="sdu", backup=False, create=False):
- if order not in PG_HBA_ORDERS:
- msg = "invalid order setting {0} (should be one of '{1}')."
- raise PgHbaError(msg.format(order, "', '".join(PG_HBA_ORDERS)))
- self.pg_hba_file = pg_hba_file
- self.rules = None
- self.comment = None
- self.order = order
- self.backup = backup
- self.last_backup = None
- self.create = create
- self.unchanged()
- # self.databases will be update by add_rule and gives some idea of the number of databases
- # (at least that are handled by this pg_hba)
- self.databases = set(['postgres', 'template0', 'template1'])
- # self.databases will be update by add_rule and gives some idea of the number of users
- # (at least that are handled by this pg_hba) since this might also be groups with multiple
- # users, this might be totally off, but at least it is some info...
- self.users = set(['postgres'])
- def unchanged(self):
- '''
- This method resets self.diff to a empty default
- '''
- self.diff = {'before': {'file': self.pg_hba_file, 'pg_hba': []},
- 'after': {'file': self.pg_hba_file, 'pg_hba': []}}
- def read(self):
- '''
- Read in the pg_hba from the system
- '''
- self.rules = {}
- self.comment = []
- # read the pg_hbafile
- try:
- with open(self.pg_hba_file, 'r') as file:
- for line in file:
- line = line.strip()
- # uncomment
- if '#' in line:
- line, comment = line.split('#', 1)
- self.comment.append('#' + comment)
- try:
- self.add_rule(PgHbaRule(line=line))
- except PgHbaRuleError:
- pass
- self.unchanged()
- except IOError:
- pass
- def write(self, backup_file=''):
- '''
- This method writes the PgHba rules (back) to a file.
- '''
- if not self.changed():
- return False
- contents = self.render()
- if self.pg_hba_file:
- if not (os.path.isfile(self.pg_hba_file) or self.create):
- raise PgHbaError("pg_hba file '{0}' doesn't exist. "
- "Use create option to autocreate.".format(self.pg_hba_file))
- if self.backup and os.path.isfile(self.pg_hba_file):
- if backup_file:
- self.last_backup = backup_file
- else:
- __backup_file_h, self.last_backup = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='pg_hba')
- shutil.copy(self.pg_hba_file, self.last_backup)
- fileh = open(self.pg_hba_file, 'w')
- else:
- filed, __path = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='pg_hba')
- fileh = os.fdopen(filed, 'w')
- fileh.write(contents)
- self.unchanged()
- fileh.close()
- return True
- def add_rule(self, rule):
- '''
- This method can be used to add a rule to the list of rules in this PgHba object
- '''
- key = rule.key()
- try:
- try:
- oldrule = self.rules[key]
- except KeyError:
- raise PgHbaRuleChanged
- ekeys = set(list(oldrule.keys()) + list(rule.keys()))
- ekeys.remove('line')
- for k in ekeys:
- if oldrule[k] != rule[k]:
- raise PgHbaRuleChanged('{0} changes {1}'.format(rule, oldrule))
- except PgHbaRuleChanged:
- self.rules[key] = rule
- self.diff['after']['pg_hba'].append(rule.line())
- if rule['db'] not in ['all', 'samerole', 'samegroup', 'replication']:
- databases = set(rule['db'].split(','))
- self.databases.update(databases)
- if rule['usr'] != 'all':
- user = rule['usr']
- if user[0] == '+':
- user = user[1:]
- self.users.add(user)
- def remove_rule(self, rule):
- '''
- This method can be used to find and remove a rule. It doesn't look for the exact rule, only
- the rule with the same key.
- '''
- keys = rule.key()
- try:
- del self.rules[keys]
- self.diff['before']['pg_hba'].append(rule.line())
- except KeyError:
- pass
- def get_rules(self, with_lines=False):
- '''
- This method returns all the rules of the PgHba object
- '''
- rules = sorted(self.rules.values())
- for rule in rules:
- ret = {}
- for key, value in rule.items():
- ret[key] = value
- if not with_lines:
- if 'line' in ret:
- del ret['line']
- else:
- ret['line'] = rule.line()
- yield ret
- def render(self):
- '''
- This method renders the content of the PgHba rules and comments.
- The returning value can be used directly to write to a new file.
- '''
- comment = '\n'.join(self.comment)
- rule_lines = '\n'.join([rule['line'] for rule in self.get_rules(with_lines=True)])
- result = comment + '\n' + rule_lines
- # End it properly with a linefeed (if not already).
- if result and result[-1] not in ['\n', '\r']:
- result += '\n'
- return result
- def changed(self):
- '''
- This method can be called to detect if the PgHba file has been changed.
- '''
- return bool(self.diff['before']['pg_hba'] or self.diff['after']['pg_hba'])
-class PgHbaRule(dict):
- '''
- This class represents one rule as defined in a line in a PgHbaFile.
- '''
- def __init__(self, contype=None, databases=None, users=None, source=None, netmask=None,
- method=None, options=None, line=None):
- '''
- This function can be called with a comma seperated list of databases and a comma seperated
- list of users and it will act as a generator that returns a expanded list of rules one by
- one.
- '''
- super(PgHbaRule, self).__init__()
- if line:
- # Read values from line if parsed
- self.fromline(line)
- # read rule cols from parsed items
- rule = dict(zip(PG_HBA_HDR, [contype, databases, users, source, netmask, method, options]))
- for key, value in rule.items():
- if value:
- self[key] = value
- # Some sanity checks
- for key in ['method', 'type']:
- if key not in self:
- raise PgHbaRuleError('Missing {0} in rule {1}'.format(key, self))
- if self['method'] not in PG_HBA_METHODS:
- msg = "invalid method {0} (should be one of '{1}')."
- raise PgHbaRuleValueError(msg.format(self['method'], "', '".join(PG_HBA_METHODS)))
- if self['type'] not in PG_HBA_TYPES:
- msg = "invalid connection type {0} (should be one of '{1}')."
- raise PgHbaRuleValueError(msg.format(self['type'], "', '".join(PG_HBA_TYPES)))
- if self['type'] == 'local':
- self.unset('src')
- self.unset('mask')
- elif 'src' not in self:
- raise PgHbaRuleError('Missing src in rule {1}'.format(self))
- elif '/' in self['src']:
- self.unset('mask')
- else:
- self['src'] = str(self.source())
- self.unset('mask')
- def unset(self, key):
- '''
- This method is used to unset certain columns if they exist
- '''
- if key in self:
- del self[key]
- def line(self):
- '''
- This method can be used to return (or generate) the line
- '''
- try:
- return self['line']
- except KeyError:
- self['line'] = "\t".join([self[k] for k in PG_HBA_HDR if k in self.keys()])
- return self['line']
- def fromline(self, line):
- '''
- split into 'type', 'db', 'usr', 'src', 'mask', 'method', 'options' cols
- '''
- if WHITESPACES_RE.sub('', line) == '':
- # empty line. skip this one...
- return
- cols = WHITESPACES_RE.split(line)
- if len(cols) < 4:
- msg = "Rule {0} has too few columns."
- raise PgHbaValueError(msg.format(line))
- if cols[0] not in PG_HBA_TYPES:
- msg = "Rule {0} has unknown type: {1}."
- raise PgHbaValueError(msg.format(line, cols[0]))
- if cols[0] == 'local':
- cols.insert(3, None) # No address
- cols.insert(3, None) # No IP-mask
- if len(cols) < 6:
- cols.insert(4, None) # No IP-mask
- elif cols[5] not in PG_HBA_METHODS:
- cols.insert(4, None) # No IP-mask
- if cols[5] not in PG_HBA_METHODS:
- raise PgHbaValueError("Rule {0} of '{1}' type has invalid auth-method '{2}'".format(line, cols[0], cols[5]))
- if len(cols) < 7:
- cols.insert(6, None) # No auth-options
- else:
- cols[6] = " ".join(cols[6:]) # combine all auth-options
- rule = dict(zip(PG_HBA_HDR, cols[:7]))
- for key, value in rule.items():
- if value:
- self[key] = value
- def key(self):
- '''
- This method can be used to get the key from a rule.
- '''
- if self['type'] == 'local':
- source = 'local'
- else:
- source = str(self.source())
- return (source, self['db'], self['usr'])
- def source(self):
- '''
- This method is used to get the source of a rule as an ipaddress object if possible.
- '''
- if 'mask' in self.keys():
- try:
- ipaddress.ip_address(u'{0}'.format(self['src']))
- except ValueError:
- raise PgHbaValueError('Mask was specified, but source "{0}" '
- 'is no valid ip'.format(self['src']))
- # ipaddress module cannot work with ipv6 netmask, so lets convert it to prefixlen
- # furthermore ipv4 with bad netmask throws 'Rule {} doesn't seem to be an ip, but has a
- # mask error that doesn't seem to describe what is going on.
- try:
- mask_as_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(u'{0}'.format(self['mask']))
- except ValueError:
- raise PgHbaValueError('Mask {0} seems to be invalid'.format(self['mask']))
- binvalue = "{0:b}".format(int(mask_as_ip))
- if '01' in binvalue:
- raise PgHbaValueError('IP mask {0} seems invalid '
- '(binary value has 1 after 0)'.format(self['mask']))
- prefixlen = binvalue.count('1')
- sourcenw = '{0}/{1}'.format(self['src'], prefixlen)
- try:
- return ipaddress.ip_network(u'{0}'.format(sourcenw), strict=False)
- except ValueError:
- raise PgHbaValueError('{0} is no valid address range'.format(sourcenw))
- try:
- return ipaddress.ip_network(u'{0}'.format(self['src']), strict=False)
- except ValueError:
- return self['src']
- def __lt__(self, other):
- """This function helps sorted to decide how to sort.
- It just checks itself against the other and decides on some key values
- if it should be sorted higher or lower in the list.
- The way it works:
- For networks, every 1 in 'netmask in binary' makes the subnet more specific.
- Therefore I chose to use prefix as the weight.
- So a single IP (/32) should have twice the weight of a /16 network.
- To keep everything in the same weight scale,
- - for ipv6, we use a weight scale of 0 (all possible ipv6 addresses) to 128 (single ip)
- - for ipv4, we use a weight scale of 0 (all possible ipv4 addresses) to 128 (single ip)
- Therefore for ipv4, we use prefixlen (0-32) * 4 for weight,
- which corresponds to ipv6 (0-128).
- """
- myweight = self.source_weight()
- hisweight = other.source_weight()
- if myweight != hisweight:
- return myweight > hisweight
- myweight = self.db_weight()
- hisweight = other.db_weight()
- if myweight != hisweight:
- return myweight < hisweight
- myweight = self.user_weight()
- hisweight = other.user_weight()
- if myweight != hisweight:
- return myweight < hisweight
- try:
- return self['src'] < other['src']
- except TypeError:
- return self.source_type_weight() < other.source_type_weight()
- except Exception:
- # When all else fails, just compare the exact line.
- return self.line() < other.line()
- def source_weight(self):
- """Report the weight of this source net.
- Basically this is the netmask, where IPv4 is normalized to IPv6
- (IPv4/32 has the same weight as IPv6/128).
- """
- if self['type'] == 'local':
- return 130
- sourceobj = self.source()
- if isinstance(sourceobj, ipaddress.IPv4Network):
- return sourceobj.prefixlen * 4
- if isinstance(sourceobj, ipaddress.IPv6Network):
- return sourceobj.prefixlen
- if isinstance(sourceobj, str):
- # You can also write all to match any IP address,
- # samehost to match any of the server's own IP addresses,
- # or samenet to match any address in any subnet that the server is connected to.
- if sourceobj == 'all':
- # (all is considered the full range of all ips, which has a weight of 0)
- return 0
- if sourceobj == 'samehost':
- # (sort samehost second after local)
- return 129
- if sourceobj == 'samenet':
- # Might write some fancy code to determine all prefix's
- # from all interfaces and find a sane value for this one.
- # For now, let's assume IPv4/24 or IPv6/96 (both have weight 96).
- return 96
- if sourceobj[0] == '.':
- # suffix matching (domain name), let's assume a very large scale
- # and therefore a very low weight IPv4/16 or IPv6/64 (both have weight 64).
- return 64
- # hostname, let's assume only one host matches, which is
- # IPv4/32 or IPv6/128 (both have weight 128)
- return 128
- raise PgHbaValueError('Cannot deduct the source weight of this source {1}'.format(sourceobj))
- def source_type_weight(self):
- """Give a weight on the type of this source.
- Basically make sure that IPv6Networks are sorted higher than IPv4Networks.
- This is a 'when all else fails' solution in __lt__.
- """
- if self['type'] == 'local':
- return 3
- sourceobj = self.source()
- if isinstance(sourceobj, ipaddress.IPv4Network):
- return 2
- if isinstance(sourceobj, ipaddress.IPv6Network):
- return 1
- if isinstance(sourceobj, str):
- return 0
- raise PgHbaValueError('This source {0} is of an unknown type...'.format(sourceobj))
- def db_weight(self):
- """Report the weight of the database.
- Normally, just 1, but for replication this is 0, and for 'all', this is more than 2.
- """
- if self['db'] == 'all':
- return 100000
- if self['db'] == 'replication':
- return 0
- if self['db'] in ['samerole', 'samegroup']:
- return 1
- return 1 + self['db'].count(',')
- def user_weight(self):
- """Report weight when comparing users."""
- if self['usr'] == 'all':
- return 1000000
- return 1
-def main():
- '''
- This function is the main function of this module
- '''
- # argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec = dict()
- argument_spec.update(
- address=dict(type='str', default='samehost', aliases=['source', 'src']),
- backup=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- backup_file=dict(type='str'),
- contype=dict(type='str', default=None, choices=PG_HBA_TYPES),
- create=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- databases=dict(type='str', default='all'),
- dest=dict(type='path', required=True),
- method=dict(type='str', default='md5', choices=PG_HBA_METHODS),
- netmask=dict(type='str'),
- options=dict(type='str'),
- order=dict(type='str', default="sdu", choices=PG_HBA_ORDERS),
- state=dict(type='str', default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]),
- users=dict(type='str', default='all')
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- add_file_common_args=True,
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- if IPADDRESS_IMP_ERR is not None:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('ipaddress'), exception=IPADDRESS_IMP_ERR)
- contype = module.params["contype"]
- create = bool(module.params["create"] or module.check_mode)
- if module.check_mode:
- backup = False
- else:
- backup = module.params['backup']
- backup_file = module.params['backup_file']
- databases = module.params["databases"]
- dest = module.params["dest"]
- method = module.params["method"]
- netmask = module.params["netmask"]
- options = module.params["options"]
- order = module.params["order"]
- source = module.params["address"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- users = module.params["users"]
- ret = {'msgs': []}
- try:
- pg_hba = PgHba(dest, order, backup=backup, create=create)
- except PgHbaError as error:
- module.fail_json(msg='Error reading file:\n{0}'.format(error))
- if contype:
- try:
- for database in databases.split(','):
- for user in users.split(','):
- rule = PgHbaRule(contype, database, user, source, netmask, method, options)
- if state == "present":
- ret['msgs'].append('Adding')
- pg_hba.add_rule(rule)
- else:
- ret['msgs'].append('Removing')
- pg_hba.remove_rule(rule)
- except PgHbaError as error:
- module.fail_json(msg='Error modifying rules:\n{0}'.format(error))
- file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
- ret['changed'] = changed = pg_hba.changed()
- if changed:
- ret['msgs'].append('Changed')
- ret['diff'] = pg_hba.diff
- if not module.check_mode:
- ret['msgs'].append('Writing')
- try:
- if pg_hba.write(backup_file):
- module.set_fs_attributes_if_different(file_args, True, pg_hba.diff,
- expand=False)
- except PgHbaError as error:
- module.fail_json(msg='Error writing file:\n{0}'.format(error))
- if pg_hba.last_backup:
- ret['backup_file'] = pg_hba.last_backup
- ret['pg_hba'] = list(pg_hba.get_rules())
- module.exit_json(**ret)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index cbd4d6e39f..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2018, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: postgresql_ping
-short_description: Check remote PostgreSQL server availability
-- Simple module to check remote PostgreSQL server availability.
-version_added: '2.8'
- db:
- description:
- - Name of a database to connect to.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
-- module: postgresql_info
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-# PostgreSQL ping dbsrv server from the shell:
-# ansible dbsrv -m postgresql_ping
-# In the example below you need to generate certificates previously.
-# See for more information.
-- name: PostgreSQL ping dbsrv server using not default credentials and ssl
- postgresql_ping:
- db: protected_db
- login_host: dbsrv
- login_user: secret
- login_password: secret_pass
- ca_cert: /root/root.crt
- ssl_mode: verify-full
-RETURN = r'''
- description: PostgreSQL server availability.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- description: PostgreSQL server version.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: { major: 10, minor: 1 }
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-# ===========================================
-# PostgreSQL module specific support methods.
-class PgPing(object):
- def __init__(self, module, cursor):
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- self.is_available = False
- self.version = {}
- def do(self):
- self.get_pg_version()
- return (self.is_available, self.version)
- def get_pg_version(self):
- query = "SELECT version()"
- raw = exec_sql(self, query, add_to_executed=False)[0][0]
- if raw:
- self.is_available = True
- raw = raw.split()[1].split('.')
- self.version = dict(
- major=int(raw[0]),
- minor=int(raw[1]),
- )
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- # Set some default values:
- cursor = False
- db_connection = False
- result = dict(
- changed=False,
- is_available=False,
- server_version=dict(),
- )
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params, warn_db_default=False)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, fail_on_conn=False)
- if db_connection is not None:
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- # Do job:
- pg_ping = PgPing(module, cursor)
- if cursor:
- # If connection established:
- result["is_available"], result["server_version"] =
- db_connection.rollback()
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index c7cffe9887..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1097 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Tobias Birkefeld (@tcraxs) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['stableinterface'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: postgresql_privs
-version_added: '1.2'
-short_description: Grant or revoke privileges on PostgreSQL database objects
-- Grant or revoke privileges on PostgreSQL database objects.
-- This module is basically a wrapper around most of the functionality of
- PostgreSQL's GRANT and REVOKE statements with detection of changes
- (GRANT/REVOKE I(privs) ON I(type) I(objs) TO/FROM I(roles)).
- database:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to.
- required: yes
- type: str
- aliases:
- - db
- - login_db
- state:
- description:
- - If C(present), the specified privileges are granted, if C(absent) they are revoked.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- privs:
- description:
- - Comma separated list of privileges to grant/revoke.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - priv
- type:
- description:
- - Type of database object to set privileges on.
- - The C(default_privs) choice is available starting at version 2.7.
- - The C(foreign_data_wrapper) and C(foreign_server) object types are available from Ansible version '2.8'.
- - The C(type) choice is available from Ansible version '2.10'.
- type: str
- default: table
- choices: [ database, default_privs, foreign_data_wrapper, foreign_server, function,
- group, language, table, tablespace, schema, sequence, type ]
- objs:
- description:
- - Comma separated list of database objects to set privileges on.
- - If I(type) is C(table), C(partition table), C(sequence) or C(function),
- the special valueC(ALL_IN_SCHEMA) can be provided instead to specify all
- database objects of type I(type) in the schema specified via I(schema).
- (This also works with PostgreSQL < 9.0.) (C(ALL_IN_SCHEMA) is available
- for C(function) and C(partition table) from version 2.8)
- - If I(type) is C(database), this parameter can be omitted, in which case
- privileges are set for the database specified via I(database).
- - 'If I(type) is I(function), colons (":") in object names will be
- replaced with commas (needed to specify function signatures, see examples)'
- type: str
- aliases:
- - obj
- schema:
- description:
- - Schema that contains the database objects specified via I(objs).
- - May only be provided if I(type) is C(table), C(sequence), C(function), C(type),
- or C(default_privs). Defaults to C(public) in these cases.
- - Pay attention, for embedded types when I(type=type)
- I(schema) can be C(pg_catalog) or C(information_schema) respectively.
- type: str
- roles:
- description:
- - Comma separated list of role (user/group) names to set permissions for.
- - The special value C(PUBLIC) can be provided instead to set permissions
- for the implicitly defined PUBLIC group.
- type: str
- required: yes
- aliases:
- - role
- fail_on_role:
- version_added: '2.8'
- description:
- - If C(yes), fail when target role (for whom privs need to be granted) does not exist.
- Otherwise just warn and continue.
- default: yes
- type: bool
- session_role:
- version_added: '2.8'
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting.
- - The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- target_roles:
- description:
- - A list of existing role (user/group) names to set as the
- default permissions for database objects subsequently created by them.
- - Parameter I(target_roles) is only available with C(type=default_privs).
- type: str
- version_added: '2.8'
- grant_option:
- description:
- - Whether C(role) may grant/revoke the specified privileges/group memberships to others.
- - Set to C(no) to revoke GRANT OPTION, leave unspecified to make no changes.
- - I(grant_option) only has an effect if I(state) is C(present).
- type: bool
- aliases:
- - admin_option
- host:
- description:
- - Database host address. If unspecified, connect via Unix socket.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_host
- port:
- description:
- - Database port to connect to.
- type: int
- default: 5432
- aliases:
- - login_port
- unix_socket:
- description:
- - Path to a Unix domain socket for local connections.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_unix_socket
- login:
- description:
- - The username to authenticate with.
- type: str
- default: postgres
- aliases:
- - login_user
- password:
- description:
- - The password to authenticate with.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_password
- ssl_mode:
- description:
- - Determines whether or with what priority a secure SSL TCP/IP connection will be negotiated with the server.
- - See U( for more information on the modes.
- - Default of C(prefer) matches libpq default.
- type: str
- default: prefer
- choices: [ allow, disable, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full ]
- version_added: '2.3'
- ca_cert:
- description:
- - Specifies the name of a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s).
- - If the file exists, the server's certificate will be verified to be signed by one of these authorities.
- version_added: '2.3'
- type: str
- aliases:
- - ssl_rootcert
-- Parameters that accept comma separated lists (I(privs), I(objs), I(roles))
- have singular alias names (I(priv), I(obj), I(role)).
-- To revoke only C(GRANT OPTION) for a specific object, set I(state) to
- C(present) and I(grant_option) to C(no) (see examples).
-- Note that when revoking privileges from a role R, this role may still have
- access via privileges granted to any role R is a member of including C(PUBLIC).
-- Note that when revoking privileges from a role R, you do so as the user
- specified via I(login). If R has been granted the same privileges by
- another user also, R can still access database objects via these privileges.
-- When revoking privileges, C(RESTRICT) is assumed (see PostgreSQL docs).
-- module: postgresql_user
-- module: postgresql_owner
-- module: postgresql_membership
-- name: PostgreSQL privileges
- description: General information about PostgreSQL privileges.
- link:
-- name: PostgreSQL GRANT command reference
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL GRANT command documentation.
- link:
-- name: PostgreSQL REVOKE command reference
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL REVOKE command documentation.
- link:
-- postgres
-- Bernhard Weitzhofer (@b6d)
-- Tobias Birkefeld (@tcraxs)
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-# On database "library":
-# GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE ON TABLE public.books, public.authors
-# TO librarian, reader WITH GRANT OPTION
-- name: Grant privs to librarian and reader on database library
- postgresql_privs:
- database: library
- state: present
- type: table
- objs: books,authors
- schema: public
- roles: librarian,reader
- grant_option: yes
-- name: Same as above leveraging default values
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- objs: books,authors
- roles: librarian,reader
- grant_option: yes
-# Note that role "reader" will be *granted* INSERT privilege itself if this
-# isn't already the case (since state: present).
-- name: Revoke privs from reader
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- state: present
- priv: INSERT
- obj: books
- role: reader
- grant_option: no
-# "public" is the default schema. This also works for PostgreSQL 8.x.
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- state: absent
- role: reader
-- name: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA public, math TO librarian
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- privs: ALL
- type: schema
- objs: public,math
- role: librarian
-# Note the separation of arguments with colons.
-- name: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON FUNCTION math.add(int, int) TO librarian, reader
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- privs: ALL
- type: function
- obj: add(int:int)
- schema: math
- roles: librarian,reader
-# Note that group role memberships apply cluster-wide and therefore are not
-# restricted to database "library" here.
-- name: GRANT librarian, reader TO alice, bob WITH ADMIN OPTION
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- type: group
- objs: librarian,reader
- roles: alice,bob
- admin_option: yes
-# Note that here "db: postgres" specifies the database to connect to, not the
-# database to grant privileges on (which is specified via the "objs" param)
-- name: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE library TO librarian
- postgresql_privs:
- db: postgres
- privs: ALL
- type: database
- obj: library
- role: librarian
-# If objs is omitted for type "database", it defaults to the database
-# to which the connection is established
-- name: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE library TO librarian
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- privs: ALL
- type: database
- role: librarian
-# Available since version 2.7
-# ALL_DEFAULT works only with privs=ALL
-# For specific
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- privs: ALL
- type: default_privs
- role: librarian
- grant_option: yes
-# Available since version 2.7
-# ALL_DEFAULT works only with privs=ALL
-# For specific
-- name: ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE library TO reader, step 1
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- privs: SELECT
- type: default_privs
- role: reader
-- name: ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE library TO reader, step 2
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- objs: TYPES
- privs: USAGE
- type: default_privs
- role: reader
-# Available since version 2.8
- postgresql_privs:
- db: test
- objs: fdw
- privs: ALL
- type: foreign_data_wrapper
- role: reader
-# Available since version 2.10
-- name: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TYPE customtype TO reader
- postgresql_privs:
- db: test
- objs: customtype
- privs: ALL
- type: type
- role: reader
-# Available since version 2.8
- postgresql_privs:
- db: test
- objs: fdw_server
- privs: ALL
- type: foreign_server
- role: reader
-# Available since version 2.8
-# Grant 'execute' permissions on all functions in schema 'common' to role 'caller'
- postgresql_privs:
- type: function
- state: present
- privs: EXECUTE
- roles: caller
- schema: common
-# Available since version 2.8
-# GRANT SELECT privileges for new TABLES objects created by librarian as
-# default to the role reader.
-# For specific
-- name: ALTER privs
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- schema: library
- objs: TABLES
- privs: SELECT
- type: default_privs
- role: reader
- target_roles: librarian
-# Available since version 2.8
-# REVOKE SELECT privileges for new TABLES objects created by librarian as
-# default from the role reader.
-# For specific
-- name: ALTER privs
- postgresql_privs:
- db: library
- state: absent
- schema: library
- objs: TABLES
- privs: SELECT
- type: default_privs
- role: reader
- target_roles: librarian
-# Available since version 2.10
-- name: Grant type privileges for pg_catalog.numeric type to alice
- postgresql_privs:
- type: type
- roles: alice
- privs: ALL
- objs: numeric
- schema: pg_catalog
- db: acme
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ['REVOKE GRANT OPTION FOR INSERT ON TABLE "books" FROM "reader";']
- version_added: '2.8'
-import traceback
- import psycopg2
- import psycopg2.extensions
-except ImportError:
- PSYCOPG2_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- psycopg2 = None
-# import module snippets
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils.database import pg_quote_identifier
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import postgres_common_argument_spec
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
- 'TYPES': ('ALL', 'USAGE')}
-executed_queries = []
-class Error(Exception):
- pass
-def role_exists(module, cursor, rolname):
- """Check user exists or not"""
- query = "SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname = '%s'" % rolname
- try:
- cursor.execute(query)
- return cursor.rowcount > 0
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Cannot execute SQL '%s': %s" % (query, to_native(e)))
- return False
-# We don't have functools.partial in Python < 2.5
-def partial(f, *args, **kwargs):
- """Partial function application"""
- def g(*g_args, **g_kwargs):
- new_kwargs = kwargs.copy()
- new_kwargs.update(g_kwargs)
- return f(*(args + g_args), **g_kwargs)
- g.f = f
- g.args = args
- g.kwargs = kwargs
- return g
-class Connection(object):
- """Wrapper around a psycopg2 connection with some convenience methods"""
- def __init__(self, params, module):
- self.database = params.database
- self.module = module
- # To use defaults values, keyword arguments must be absent, so
- # check which values are empty and don't include in the **kw
- # dictionary
- params_map = {
- "host": "host",
- "login": "user",
- "password": "password",
- "port": "port",
- "database": "database",
- "ssl_mode": "sslmode",
- "ca_cert": "sslrootcert"
- }
- kw = dict((params_map[k], getattr(params, k)) for k in params_map
- if getattr(params, k) != '' and getattr(params, k) is not None)
- # If a unix_socket is specified, incorporate it here.
- is_localhost = "host" not in kw or kw["host"] == "" or kw["host"] == "localhost"
- if is_localhost and params.unix_socket != "":
- kw["host"] = params.unix_socket
- sslrootcert = params.ca_cert
- if psycopg2.__version__ < '2.4.3' and sslrootcert is not None:
- raise ValueError('psycopg2 must be at least 2.4.3 in order to user the ca_cert parameter')
- self.connection = psycopg2.connect(**kw)
- self.cursor = self.connection.cursor()
- def commit(self):
- self.connection.commit()
- def rollback(self):
- self.connection.rollback()
- @property
- def encoding(self):
- """Connection encoding in Python-compatible form"""
- return psycopg2.extensions.encodings[self.connection.encoding]
- # Methods for querying database objects
- # PostgreSQL < 9.0 doesn't support "ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA schema"-like
- # phrases in GRANT or REVOKE statements, therefore alternative methods are
- # provided here.
- def schema_exists(self, schema):
- query = """SELECT count(*)
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname = %s"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (schema,))
- return self.cursor.fetchone()[0] > 0
- def get_all_tables_in_schema(self, schema):
- if not self.schema_exists(schema):
- raise Error('Schema "%s" does not exist.' % schema)
- query = """SELECT relname
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
- WHERE nspname = %s AND relkind in ('r', 'v', 'm', 'p')"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (schema,))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_all_sequences_in_schema(self, schema):
- if not self.schema_exists(schema):
- raise Error('Schema "%s" does not exist.' % schema)
- query = """SELECT relname
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
- WHERE nspname = %s AND relkind = 'S'"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (schema,))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_all_functions_in_schema(self, schema):
- if not self.schema_exists(schema):
- raise Error('Schema "%s" does not exist.' % schema)
- query = """SELECT p.proname, oidvectortypes(p.proargtypes)
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p
- JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace
- WHERE nspname = %s"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (schema,))
- return ["%s(%s)" % (t[0], t[1]) for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- # Methods for getting access control lists and group membership info
- # To determine whether anything has changed after granting/revoking
- # privileges, we compare the access control lists of the specified database
- # objects before and afterwards. Python's list/string comparison should
- # suffice for change detection, we should not actually have to parse ACLs.
- # The same should apply to group membership information.
- def get_table_acls(self, schema, tables):
- query = """SELECT relacl
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
- WHERE nspname = %s AND relkind in ('r','p','v','m') AND relname = ANY (%s)
- ORDER BY relname"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (schema, tables))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_sequence_acls(self, schema, sequences):
- query = """SELECT relacl
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
- WHERE nspname = %s AND relkind = 'S' AND relname = ANY (%s)
- ORDER BY relname"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (schema, sequences))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_function_acls(self, schema, function_signatures):
- funcnames = [f.split('(', 1)[0] for f in function_signatures]
- query = """SELECT proacl
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace
- WHERE nspname = %s AND proname = ANY (%s)
- ORDER BY proname, proargtypes"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (schema, funcnames))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_schema_acls(self, schemas):
- query = """SELECT nspacl FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace
- WHERE nspname = ANY (%s) ORDER BY nspname"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (schemas,))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_language_acls(self, languages):
- query = """SELECT lanacl FROM pg_catalog.pg_language
- WHERE lanname = ANY (%s) ORDER BY lanname"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (languages,))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_tablespace_acls(self, tablespaces):
- query = """SELECT spcacl FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace
- WHERE spcname = ANY (%s) ORDER BY spcname"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (tablespaces,))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_database_acls(self, databases):
- query = """SELECT datacl FROM pg_catalog.pg_database
- WHERE datname = ANY (%s) ORDER BY datname"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (databases,))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_group_memberships(self, groups):
- query = """SELECT roleid, grantor, member, admin_option
- FROM pg_catalog.pg_auth_members am
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles r ON r.oid = am.roleid
- WHERE r.rolname = ANY(%s)
- ORDER BY roleid, grantor, member"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (groups,))
- return self.cursor.fetchall()
- def get_default_privs(self, schema, *args):
- query = """SELECT defaclacl
- FROM pg_default_acl a
- JOIN pg_namespace b ON a.defaclnamespace=b.oid
- WHERE b.nspname = %s;"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (schema,))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_foreign_data_wrapper_acls(self, fdws):
- query = """SELECT fdwacl FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_data_wrapper
- WHERE fdwname = ANY (%s) ORDER BY fdwname"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (fdws,))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_foreign_server_acls(self, fs):
- query = """SELECT srvacl FROM pg_catalog.pg_foreign_server
- WHERE srvname = ANY (%s) ORDER BY srvname"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (fs,))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- def get_type_acls(self, schema, types):
- query = """SELECT t.typacl FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t
- JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.typnamespace
- WHERE n.nspname = %s AND t.typname = ANY (%s) ORDER BY typname"""
- self.cursor.execute(query, (schema, types))
- return [t[0] for t in self.cursor.fetchall()]
- # Manipulating privileges
- def manipulate_privs(self, obj_type, privs, objs, roles, target_roles,
- state, grant_option, schema_qualifier=None, fail_on_role=True):
- """Manipulate database object privileges.
- :param obj_type: Type of database object to grant/revoke
- privileges for.
- :param privs: Either a list of privileges to grant/revoke
- or None if type is "group".
- :param objs: List of database objects to grant/revoke
- privileges for.
- :param roles: Either a list of role names or "PUBLIC"
- for the implicitly defined "PUBLIC" group
- :param target_roles: List of role names to grant/revoke
- default privileges as.
- :param state: "present" to grant privileges, "absent" to revoke.
- :param grant_option: Only for state "present": If True, set
- grant/admin option. If False, revoke it.
- If None, don't change grant option.
- :param schema_qualifier: Some object types ("TABLE", "SEQUENCE",
- "FUNCTION") must be qualified by schema.
- Ignored for other Types.
- """
- # get_status: function to get current status
- if obj_type == 'table':
- get_status = partial(self.get_table_acls, schema_qualifier)
- elif obj_type == 'sequence':
- get_status = partial(self.get_sequence_acls, schema_qualifier)
- elif obj_type == 'function':
- get_status = partial(self.get_function_acls, schema_qualifier)
- elif obj_type == 'schema':
- get_status = self.get_schema_acls
- elif obj_type == 'language':
- get_status = self.get_language_acls
- elif obj_type == 'tablespace':
- get_status = self.get_tablespace_acls
- elif obj_type == 'database':
- get_status = self.get_database_acls
- elif obj_type == 'group':
- get_status = self.get_group_memberships
- elif obj_type == 'default_privs':
- get_status = partial(self.get_default_privs, schema_qualifier)
- elif obj_type == 'foreign_data_wrapper':
- get_status = self.get_foreign_data_wrapper_acls
- elif obj_type == 'foreign_server':
- get_status = self.get_foreign_server_acls
- elif obj_type == 'type':
- get_status = partial(self.get_type_acls, schema_qualifier)
- else:
- raise Error('Unsupported database object type "%s".' % obj_type)
- # Return False (nothing has changed) if there are no objs to work on.
- if not objs:
- return False
- # obj_ids: quoted db object identifiers (sometimes schema-qualified)
- if obj_type == 'function':
- obj_ids = []
- for obj in objs:
- try:
- f, args = obj.split('(', 1)
- except Exception:
- raise Error('Illegal function signature: "%s".' % obj)
- obj_ids.append('"%s"."%s"(%s' % (schema_qualifier, f, args))
- elif obj_type in ['table', 'sequence', 'type']:
- obj_ids = ['"%s"."%s"' % (schema_qualifier, o) for o in objs]
- else:
- obj_ids = ['"%s"' % o for o in objs]
- # set_what: SQL-fragment specifying what to set for the target roles:
- # Either group membership or privileges on objects of a certain type
- if obj_type == 'group':
- set_what = ','.join('"%s"' % i for i in obj_ids)
- elif obj_type == 'default_privs':
- # We don't want privs to be quoted here
- set_what = ','.join(privs)
- else:
- # function types are already quoted above
- if obj_type != 'function':
- obj_ids = [pg_quote_identifier(i, 'table') for i in obj_ids]
- # Note: obj_type has been checked against a set of string literals
- # and privs was escaped when it was parsed
- # Note: Underscores are replaced with spaces to support multi-word obj_type
- set_what = '%s ON %s %s' % (','.join(privs), obj_type.replace('_', ' '),
- ','.join(obj_ids))
- # for_whom: SQL-fragment specifying for whom to set the above
- if roles == 'PUBLIC':
- for_whom = 'PUBLIC'
- else:
- for_whom = []
- for r in roles:
- if not role_exists(self.module, self.cursor, r):
- if fail_on_role:
- self.module.fail_json(msg="Role '%s' does not exist" % r.strip())
- else:
- self.module.warn("Role '%s' does not exist, pass it" % r.strip())
- else:
- for_whom.append('"%s"' % r)
- if not for_whom:
- return False
- for_whom = ','.join(for_whom)
- # as_who:
- as_who = None
- if target_roles:
- as_who = ','.join('"%s"' % r for r in target_roles)
- status_before = get_status(objs)
- query = QueryBuilder(state) \
- .for_objtype(obj_type) \
- .with_grant_option(grant_option) \
- .for_whom(for_whom) \
- .as_who(as_who) \
- .for_schema(schema_qualifier) \
- .set_what(set_what) \
- .for_objs(objs) \
- .build()
- executed_queries.append(query)
- self.cursor.execute(query)
- status_after = get_status(objs)
- def nonesorted(e):
- # For python 3+ that can fail trying
- # to compare NoneType elements by sort method.
- if e is None:
- return ''
- return e
- status_before.sort(key=nonesorted)
- status_after.sort(key=nonesorted)
- return status_before != status_after
-class QueryBuilder(object):
- def __init__(self, state):
- self._grant_option = None
- self._for_whom = None
- self._as_who = None
- self._set_what = None
- self._obj_type = None
- self._state = state
- self._schema = None
- self._objs = None
- self.query = []
- def for_objs(self, objs):
- self._objs = objs
- return self
- def for_schema(self, schema):
- self._schema = schema
- return self
- def with_grant_option(self, option):
- self._grant_option = option
- return self
- def for_whom(self, who):
- self._for_whom = who
- return self
- def as_who(self, target_roles):
- self._as_who = target_roles
- return self
- def set_what(self, what):
- self._set_what = what
- return self
- def for_objtype(self, objtype):
- self._obj_type = objtype
- return self
- def build(self):
- if self._state == 'present':
- self.build_present()
- elif self._state == 'absent':
- self.build_absent()
- else:
- self.build_absent()
- return '\n'.join(self.query)
- def add_default_revoke(self):
- for obj in self._objs:
- if self._as_who:
- self.query.append(
- 'ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE {0} IN SCHEMA {1} REVOKE ALL ON {2} FROM {3};'.format(self._as_who,
- self._schema, obj,
- self._for_whom))
- else:
- self.query.append(
- 'ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA {0} REVOKE ALL ON {1} FROM {2};'.format(self._schema, obj,
- self._for_whom))
- def add_grant_option(self):
- if self._grant_option:
- if self._obj_type == 'group':
- self.query[-1] += ' WITH ADMIN OPTION;'
- else:
- self.query[-1] += ' WITH GRANT OPTION;'
- else:
- self.query[-1] += ';'
- if self._obj_type == 'group':
- self.query.append('REVOKE ADMIN OPTION FOR {0} FROM {1};'.format(self._set_what, self._for_whom))
- elif not self._obj_type == 'default_privs':
- self.query.append('REVOKE GRANT OPTION FOR {0} FROM {1};'.format(self._set_what, self._for_whom))
- def add_default_priv(self):
- for obj in self._objs:
- if self._as_who:
- self.query.append(
- 'ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE {0} IN SCHEMA {1} GRANT {2} ON {3} TO {4}'.format(self._as_who,
- self._schema,
- self._set_what,
- obj,
- self._for_whom))
- else:
- self.query.append(
- 'ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA {0} GRANT {1} ON {2} TO {3}'.format(self._schema,
- self._set_what,
- obj,
- self._for_whom))
- self.add_grant_option()
- if self._as_who:
- self.query.append(
- self._schema,
- self._for_whom))
- else:
- self.query.append(
- 'ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA {0} GRANT USAGE ON TYPES TO {1}'.format(self._schema, self._for_whom))
- self.add_grant_option()
- def build_present(self):
- if self._obj_type == 'default_privs':
- self.add_default_revoke()
- self.add_default_priv()
- else:
- self.query.append('GRANT {0} TO {1}'.format(self._set_what, self._for_whom))
- self.add_grant_option()
- def build_absent(self):
- if self._obj_type == 'default_privs':
- self.query = []
- for obj in ['TABLES', 'SEQUENCES', 'TYPES']:
- if self._as_who:
- self.query.append(
- 'ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES FOR ROLE {0} IN SCHEMA {1} REVOKE ALL ON {2} FROM {3};'.format(self._as_who,
- self._schema, obj,
- self._for_whom))
- else:
- self.query.append(
- 'ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA {0} REVOKE ALL ON {1} FROM {2};'.format(self._schema, obj,
- self._for_whom))
- else:
- self.query.append('REVOKE {0} FROM {1};'.format(self._set_what, self._for_whom))
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- database=dict(required=True, aliases=['db', 'login_db']),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- privs=dict(required=False, aliases=['priv']),
- type=dict(default='table',
- choices=['table',
- 'sequence',
- 'function',
- 'database',
- 'schema',
- 'language',
- 'tablespace',
- 'group',
- 'default_privs',
- 'foreign_data_wrapper',
- 'foreign_server',
- 'type', ]),
- objs=dict(required=False, aliases=['obj']),
- schema=dict(required=False),
- roles=dict(required=True, aliases=['role']),
- session_role=dict(required=False),
- target_roles=dict(required=False),
- grant_option=dict(required=False, type='bool',
- aliases=['admin_option']),
- host=dict(default='', aliases=['login_host']),
- unix_socket=dict(default='', aliases=['login_unix_socket']),
- login=dict(default='postgres', aliases=['login_user']),
- password=dict(default='', aliases=['login_password'], no_log=True),
- fail_on_role=dict(type='bool', default=True),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- fail_on_role = module.params['fail_on_role']
- # Create type object as namespace for module params
- p = type('Params', (), module.params)
- # param "schema": default, allowed depends on param "type"
- if p.type in ['table', 'sequence', 'function', 'type', 'default_privs']:
- p.schema = p.schema or 'public'
- elif p.schema:
- module.fail_json(msg='Argument "schema" is not allowed '
- 'for type "%s".' % p.type)
- # param "objs": default, required depends on param "type"
- if p.type == 'database':
- p.objs = p.objs or p.database
- elif not p.objs:
- module.fail_json(msg='Argument "objs" is required '
- 'for type "%s".' % p.type)
- # param "privs": allowed, required depends on param "type"
- if p.type == 'group':
- if p.privs:
- module.fail_json(msg='Argument "privs" is not allowed '
- 'for type "group".')
- elif not p.privs:
- module.fail_json(msg='Argument "privs" is required '
- 'for type "%s".' % p.type)
- # Connect to Database
- if not psycopg2:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('psycopg2'), exception=PSYCOPG2_IMP_ERR)
- try:
- conn = Connection(p, module)
- except psycopg2.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Could not connect to database: %s' % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except TypeError as e:
- if 'sslrootcert' in e.args[0]:
- module.fail_json(msg='Postgresql server must be at least version 8.4 to support sslrootcert')
- module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except ValueError as e:
- # We raise this when the psycopg library is too old
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e))
- if p.session_role:
- try:
- conn.cursor.execute('SET ROLE "%s"' % p.session_role)
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Could not switch to role %s: %s" % (p.session_role, to_native(e)), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- try:
- # privs
- if p.privs:
- privs = frozenset(pr.upper() for pr in p.privs.split(','))
- if not privs.issubset(VALID_PRIVS):
- module.fail_json(msg='Invalid privileges specified: %s' % privs.difference(VALID_PRIVS))
- else:
- privs = None
- # objs:
- if p.type == 'table' and p.objs == 'ALL_IN_SCHEMA':
- objs = conn.get_all_tables_in_schema(p.schema)
- elif p.type == 'sequence' and p.objs == 'ALL_IN_SCHEMA':
- objs = conn.get_all_sequences_in_schema(p.schema)
- elif p.type == 'function' and p.objs == 'ALL_IN_SCHEMA':
- objs = conn.get_all_functions_in_schema(p.schema)
- elif p.type == 'default_privs':
- if p.objs == 'ALL_DEFAULT':
- objs = frozenset(VALID_DEFAULT_OBJS.keys())
- else:
- objs = frozenset(obj.upper() for obj in p.objs.split(','))
- if not objs.issubset(VALID_DEFAULT_OBJS):
- module.fail_json(
- msg='Invalid Object set specified: %s' % objs.difference(VALID_DEFAULT_OBJS.keys()))
- # Again, do we have valid privs specified for object type:
- valid_objects_for_priv = frozenset(obj for obj in objs if privs.issubset(VALID_DEFAULT_OBJS[obj]))
- if not valid_objects_for_priv == objs:
- module.fail_json(
- msg='Invalid priv specified. Valid object for priv: {0}. Objects: {1}'.format(
- valid_objects_for_priv, objs))
- else:
- objs = p.objs.split(',')
- # function signatures are encoded using ':' to separate args
- if p.type == 'function':
- objs = [obj.replace(':', ',') for obj in objs]
- # roles
- if p.roles == 'PUBLIC':
- roles = 'PUBLIC'
- else:
- roles = p.roles.split(',')
- if len(roles) == 1 and not role_exists(module, conn.cursor, roles[0]):
- module.exit_json(changed=False)
- if fail_on_role:
- module.fail_json(msg="Role '%s' does not exist" % roles[0].strip())
- else:
- module.warn("Role '%s' does not exist, nothing to do" % roles[0].strip())
- # check if target_roles is set with type: default_privs
- if p.target_roles and not p.type == 'default_privs':
- module.warn('"target_roles" will be ignored '
- 'Argument "type: default_privs" is required for usage of "target_roles".')
- # target roles
- if p.target_roles:
- target_roles = p.target_roles.split(',')
- else:
- target_roles = None
- changed = conn.manipulate_privs(
- obj_type=p.type,
- privs=privs,
- objs=objs,
- roles=roles,
- target_roles=target_roles,
- state=p.state,
- grant_option=p.grant_option,
- schema_qualifier=p.schema,
- fail_on_role=fail_on_role,
- )
- except Error as e:
- conn.rollback()
- module.fail_json(msg=e.message, exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except psycopg2.Error as e:
- conn.rollback()
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e.message))
- if module.check_mode:
- conn.rollback()
- else:
- conn.commit()
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, queries=executed_queries)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 863c6fc66d..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Loic Blot (@nerzhul) <>
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: postgresql_publication
-short_description: Add, update, or remove PostgreSQL publication
-- Add, update, or remove PostgreSQL publication.
-version_added: "2.9"
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the publication to add, update, or remove.
- required: true
- type: str
- db:
- description:
- - Name of the database to connect to and where
- the publication state will be changed.
- aliases: [ login_db ]
- type: str
- tables:
- description:
- - List of tables to add to the publication.
- - If no value is set all tables are targeted.
- - If the publication already exists for specific tables and I(tables) is not passed,
- nothing will be changed. If you need to add all tables to the publication with the same name,
- drop existent and create new without passing I(tables).
- type: list
- elements: str
- state:
- description:
- - The publication state.
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- type: str
- parameters:
- description:
- - Dictionary with optional publication parameters.
- - Available parameters depend on PostgreSQL version.
- type: dict
- owner:
- description:
- - Publication owner.
- - If I(owner) is not defined, the owner will be set as I(login_user) or I(session_role).
- type: str
- cascade:
- description:
- - Drop publication dependencies. Has effect with I(state=absent) only.
- type: bool
- default: false
-- PostgreSQL version must be 10 or greater.
-- name: CREATE PUBLICATION reference
- description: Complete reference of the CREATE PUBLICATION command documentation.
- link:
-- name: ALTER PUBLICATION reference
- description: Complete reference of the ALTER PUBLICATION command documentation.
- link:
-- name: DROP PUBLICATION reference
- description: Complete reference of the DROP PUBLICATION command documentation.
- link:
-- Loic Blot (@nerzhul) <>
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-- postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Create a new publication with name "acme" targeting all tables in database "test".
- postgresql_publication:
- db: test
- name: acme
-- name: Create publication "acme" publishing only prices and vehicles tables.
- postgresql_publication:
- name: acme
- tables:
- - prices
- - vehicles
-- name: >
- Create publication "acme", set user alice as an owner, targeting all tables.
- Allowable DML operations are INSERT and UPDATE only
- postgresql_publication:
- name: acme
- owner: alice
- parameters:
- publish: 'insert,update'
-- name: >
- Assuming publication "acme" exists and there are targeted
- tables "prices" and "vehicles", add table "stores" to the publication.
- postgresql_publication:
- name: acme
- tables:
- - prices
- - vehicles
- - stores
-- name: Remove publication "acme" if exists in database "test".
- postgresql_publication:
- db: test
- name: acme
- state: absent
-RETURN = r'''
- description:
- - Flag indicates the publication exists or not at the end of runtime.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: [ 'DROP PUBLICATION "acme" CASCADE' ]
- description: Owner of the publication at the end of runtime.
- returned: if publication exists
- type: str
- sample: "alice"
- description:
- - List of tables in the publication at the end of runtime.
- - If all tables are published, returns empty list.
- returned: if publication exists
- type: list
- sample: ["\"public\".\"prices\"", "\"public\".\"vehicles\""]
- description:
- - Flag indicates that all tables are published.
- returned: if publication exists
- type: bool
- sample: false
- description: Publication parameters at the end of runtime.
- returned: if publication exists
- type: dict
- sample: {'publish': {'insert': false, 'delete': false, 'update': true}}
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.database import pg_quote_identifier
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-# Module functions and classes #
-def transform_tables_representation(tbl_list):
- """Add 'public.' to names of tables where a schema identifier is absent
- and add quotes to each element.
- Args:
- tbl_list (list): List of table names.
- Returns:
- tbl_list (list): Changed list.
- """
- for i, table in enumerate(tbl_list):
- if '.' not in table:
- tbl_list[i] = pg_quote_identifier('public.%s' % table.strip(), 'table')
- else:
- tbl_list[i] = pg_quote_identifier(table.strip(), 'table')
- return tbl_list
-class PgPublication():
- """Class to work with PostgreSQL publication.
- Args:
- module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class.
- cursor (cursor): Cursor object of psycopg2 library to work with PostgreSQL.
- name (str): The name of the publication.
- Attributes:
- module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class.
- cursor (cursor): Cursor object of psycopg2 library to work with PostgreSQL.
- name (str): Name of the publication.
- executed_queries (list): List of executed queries.
- attrs (dict): Dict with publication attributes.
- exists (bool): Flag indicates the publication exists or not.
- """
- def __init__(self, module, cursor, name):
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- = name
- self.executed_queries = []
- self.attrs = {
- 'alltables': False,
- 'tables': [],
- 'parameters': {},
- 'owner': '',
- }
- self.exists = self.check_pub()
- def get_info(self):
- """Refresh the publication information.
- Returns:
- ``self.attrs``.
- """
- self.exists = self.check_pub()
- return self.attrs
- def check_pub(self):
- """Check the publication and refresh ``self.attrs`` publication attribute.
- Returns:
- True if the publication with ```` exists, False otherwise.
- """
- pub_info = self.__get_general_pub_info()
- if not pub_info:
- # Publication does not exist:
- return False
- self.attrs['owner'] = pub_info.get('pubowner')
- # Publication DML operations:
- self.attrs['parameters']['publish'] = {}
- self.attrs['parameters']['publish']['insert'] = pub_info.get('pubinsert', False)
- self.attrs['parameters']['publish']['update'] = pub_info.get('pubupdate', False)
- self.attrs['parameters']['publish']['delete'] = pub_info.get('pubdelete', False)
- if pub_info.get('pubtruncate'):
- self.attrs['parameters']['publish']['truncate'] = pub_info.get('pubtruncate')
- # If alltables flag is False, get the list of targeted tables:
- if not pub_info.get('puballtables'):
- table_info = self.__get_tables_pub_info()
- # Join sublists [['schema', 'table'], ...] to ['schema.table', ...]
- # for better representation:
- for i, schema_and_table in enumerate(table_info):
- table_info[i] = pg_quote_identifier('.'.join(schema_and_table), 'table')
- self.attrs['tables'] = table_info
- else:
- self.attrs['alltables'] = True
- # Publication exists:
- return True
- def create(self, tables, params, owner, check_mode=True):
- """Create the publication.
- Args:
- tables (list): List with names of the tables that need to be added to the publication.
- params (dict): Dict contains optional publication parameters and their values.
- owner (str): Name of the publication owner.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- changed (bool): True if publication has been created, otherwise False.
- """
- changed = True
- query_fragments = ["CREATE PUBLICATION %s" % pg_quote_identifier(, 'publication')]
- if tables:
- query_fragments.append("FOR TABLE %s" % ', '.join(tables))
- else:
- query_fragments.append("FOR ALL TABLES")
- if params:
- params_list = []
- # Make list ["param = 'value'", ...] from params dict:
- for (key, val) in iteritems(params):
- params_list.append("%s = '%s'" % (key, val))
- # Add the list to query_fragments:
- query_fragments.append("WITH (%s)" % ', '.join(params_list))
- changed = self.__exec_sql(' '.join(query_fragments), check_mode=check_mode)
- if owner:
- # If check_mode, just add possible SQL to
- # executed_queries and return:
- self.__pub_set_owner(owner, check_mode=check_mode)
- return changed
- def update(self, tables, params, owner, check_mode=True):
- """Update the publication.
- Args:
- tables (list): List with names of the tables that need to be presented in the publication.
- params (dict): Dict contains optional publication parameters and their values.
- owner (str): Name of the publication owner.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- changed (bool): True if publication has been updated, otherwise False.
- """
- changed = False
- # Add or drop tables from published tables suit:
- if tables and not self.attrs['alltables']:
- # 1. If needs to add table to the publication:
- for tbl in tables:
- if tbl not in self.attrs['tables']:
- # If needs to add table to the publication:
- changed = self.__pub_add_table(tbl, check_mode=check_mode)
- # 2. if there is a table in targeted tables
- # that's not presented in the passed tables:
- for tbl in self.attrs['tables']:
- if tbl not in tables:
- changed = self.__pub_drop_table(tbl, check_mode=check_mode)
- elif tables and self.attrs['alltables']:
- changed = self.__pub_set_tables(tables, check_mode=check_mode)
- # Update pub parameters:
- if params:
- for key, val in iteritems(params):
- if self.attrs['parameters'].get(key):
- # In PostgreSQL 10/11 only 'publish' optional parameter is presented.
- if key == 'publish':
- # 'publish' value can be only a string with comma-separated items
- # of allowed DML operations like 'insert,update' or
- # 'insert,update,delete', etc.
- # Make dictionary to compare with current attrs later:
- val_dict = self.attrs['parameters']['publish'].copy()
- val_list = val.split(',')
- for v in val_dict:
- if v in val_list:
- val_dict[v] = True
- else:
- val_dict[v] = False
- # Compare val_dict and the dict with current 'publish' parameters,
- # if they're different, set new values:
- if val_dict != self.attrs['parameters']['publish']:
- changed = self.__pub_set_param(key, val, check_mode=check_mode)
- # Default behavior for other cases:
- elif self.attrs['parameters'][key] != val:
- changed = self.__pub_set_param(key, val, check_mode=check_mode)
- else:
- # If the parameter was not set before:
- changed = self.__pub_set_param(key, val, check_mode=check_mode)
- # Update pub owner:
- if owner:
- if owner != self.attrs['owner']:
- changed = self.__pub_set_owner(owner, check_mode=check_mode)
- return changed
- def drop(self, cascade=False, check_mode=True):
- """Drop the publication.
- Kwargs:
- cascade (bool): Flag indicates that publication needs to be deleted
- with its dependencies.
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- changed (bool): True if publication has been updated, otherwise False.
- """
- if self.exists:
- query_fragments = []
- query_fragments.append("DROP PUBLICATION %s" % pg_quote_identifier(, 'publication'))
- if cascade:
- query_fragments.append("CASCADE")
- return self.__exec_sql(' '.join(query_fragments), check_mode=check_mode)
- def __get_general_pub_info(self):
- """Get and return general publication information.
- Returns:
- Dict with publication information if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- # Check pg_publication.pubtruncate exists (supported from PostgreSQL 11):
- pgtrunc_sup = exec_sql(self, ("SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns "
- "WHERE table_name = 'pg_publication' "
- "AND column_name = 'pubtruncate'"), add_to_executed=False)
- if pgtrunc_sup:
- query = ("SELECT r.rolname AS pubowner, p.puballtables, p.pubinsert, "
- "p.pubupdate , p.pubdelete, p.pubtruncate FROM pg_publication AS p "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r "
- "ON p.pubowner = r.oid "
- "WHERE p.pubname = %(pname)s")
- else:
- query = ("SELECT r.rolname AS pubowner, p.puballtables, p.pubinsert, "
- "p.pubupdate , p.pubdelete FROM pg_publication AS p "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r "
- "ON p.pubowner = r.oid "
- "WHERE p.pubname = %(pname)s")
- result = exec_sql(self, query, query_params={'pname':}, add_to_executed=False)
- if result:
- return result[0]
- else:
- return False
- def __get_tables_pub_info(self):
- """Get and return tables that are published by the publication.
- Returns:
- List of dicts with published tables.
- """
- query = ("SELECT schemaname, tablename "
- "FROM pg_publication_tables WHERE pubname = %(pname)s")
- return exec_sql(self, query, query_params={'pname':}, add_to_executed=False)
- def __pub_add_table(self, table, check_mode=False):
- """Add a table to the publication.
- Args:
- table (str): Table name.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- query = ("ALTER PUBLICATION %s ADD TABLE %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'publication'),
- pg_quote_identifier(table, 'table')))
- return self.__exec_sql(query, check_mode=check_mode)
- def __pub_drop_table(self, table, check_mode=False):
- """Drop a table from the publication.
- Args:
- table (str): Table name.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- query = ("ALTER PUBLICATION %s DROP TABLE %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'publication'),
- pg_quote_identifier(table, 'table')))
- return self.__exec_sql(query, check_mode=check_mode)
- def __pub_set_tables(self, tables, check_mode=False):
- """Set a table suit that need to be published by the publication.
- Args:
- tables (list): List of tables.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- quoted_tables = [pg_quote_identifier(t, 'table') for t in tables]
- query = ("ALTER PUBLICATION %s SET TABLE %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'publication'),
- ', '.join(quoted_tables)))
- return self.__exec_sql(query, check_mode=check_mode)
- def __pub_set_param(self, param, value, check_mode=False):
- """Set an optional publication parameter.
- Args:
- param (str): Name of the parameter.
- value (str): Parameter value.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- query = ("ALTER PUBLICATION %s SET (%s = '%s')" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'publication'),
- param, value))
- return self.__exec_sql(query, check_mode=check_mode)
- def __pub_set_owner(self, role, check_mode=False):
- """Set a publication owner.
- Args:
- role (str): Role (user) name that needs to be set as a publication owner.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- query = ("ALTER PUBLICATION %s OWNER TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'publication'),
- pg_quote_identifier(role, 'role')))
- return self.__exec_sql(query, check_mode=check_mode)
- def __exec_sql(self, query, check_mode=False):
- """Execute SQL query.
- Note: If we need just to get information from the database,
- we use ``exec_sql`` function directly.
- Args:
- query (str): Query that needs to be executed.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just add ``query`` to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- if check_mode:
- self.executed_queries.append(query)
- return True
- else:
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- name=dict(required=True),
- db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']),
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- tables=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- parameters=dict(type='dict'),
- owner=dict(type='str'),
- cascade=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- # Parameters handling:
- name = module.params['name']
- state = module.params['state']
- tables = module.params['tables']
- params = module.params['parameters']
- owner = module.params['owner']
- cascade = module.params['cascade']
- if state == 'absent':
- if tables:
- module.warn('parameter "tables" is ignored when "state=absent"')
- if params:
- module.warn('parameter "parameters" is ignored when "state=absent"')
- if owner:
- module.warn('parameter "owner" is ignored when "state=absent"')
- if state == 'present' and cascade:
- module.warn('parameter "cascade" is ignored when "state=present"')
- # Connect to DB and make cursor object:
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- # We check publication state without DML queries execution, so set autocommit:
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- # Check version:
- if cursor.connection.server_version < SUPPORTED_PG_VERSION:
- module.fail_json(msg="PostgreSQL server version should be 10.0 or greater")
- # Nothing was changed by default:
- changed = False
- ###################################
- # Create object and do rock'n'roll:
- publication = PgPublication(module, cursor, name)
- if tables:
- tables = transform_tables_representation(tables)
- # If module.check_mode=True, nothing will be changed:
- if state == 'present':
- if not publication.exists:
- changed = publication.create(tables, params, owner, check_mode=module.check_mode)
- else:
- changed = publication.update(tables, params, owner, check_mode=module.check_mode)
- elif state == 'absent':
- changed = publication.drop(cascade=cascade, check_mode=module.check_mode)
- # Get final publication info:
- pub_fin_info = {}
- if state == 'present' or (state == 'absent' and module.check_mode):
- pub_fin_info = publication.get_info()
- elif state == 'absent' and not module.check_mode:
- publication.exists = False
- # Connection is not needed any more:
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- # Update publication info and return ret values:
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, queries=publication.executed_queries, exists=publication.exists, **pub_fin_info)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 18d63e332a..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Felix Archambault
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'supported_by': 'community',
- 'status': ['preview']
-module: postgresql_query
-short_description: Run PostgreSQL queries
-- Runs arbitrary PostgreSQL queries.
-- Can run queries from SQL script files.
-- Does not run against backup files. Use M(postgresql_db) with I(state=restore)
- to run queries on files made by pg_dump/pg_dumpall utilities.
-version_added: '2.8'
- query:
- description:
- - SQL query to run. Variables can be escaped with psycopg2 syntax
- U(
- type: str
- positional_args:
- description:
- - List of values to be passed as positional arguments to the query.
- When the value is a list, it will be converted to PostgreSQL array.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(named_args).
- type: list
- elements: raw
- named_args:
- description:
- - Dictionary of key-value arguments to pass to the query.
- When the value is a list, it will be converted to PostgreSQL array.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(positional_args).
- type: dict
- path_to_script:
- description:
- - Path to SQL script on the remote host.
- - Returns result of the last query in the script.
- - Mutually exclusive with I(query).
- type: path
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must
- be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to and run queries against.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
- autocommit:
- description:
- - Execute in autocommit mode when the query can't be run inside a transaction block
- (e.g., VACUUM).
- - Mutually exclusive with I(check_mode).
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: '2.9'
- encoding:
- description:
- - Set the client encoding for the current session (e.g. C(UTF-8)).
- - The default is the encoding defined by the database.
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
-- module: postgresql_db
-- Felix Archambault (@archf)
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-- Will Rouesnel (@wrouesnel)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Simple select query to acme db
- postgresql_query:
- db: acme
- query: SELECT version()
-- name: Select query to db acme with positional arguments and non-default credentials
- postgresql_query:
- db: acme
- login_user: django
- login_password: mysecretpass
- query: SELECT * FROM acme WHERE id = %s AND story = %s
- positional_args:
- - 1
- - test
-- name: Select query to test_db with named_args
- postgresql_query:
- db: test_db
- query: SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = %(id_val)s AND story = %(story_val)s
- named_args:
- id_val: 1
- story_val: test
-- name: Insert query to test_table in db test_db
- postgresql_query:
- db: test_db
- query: INSERT INTO test_table (id, story) VALUES (2, 'my_long_story')
-- name: Run queries from SQL script using UTF-8 client encoding for session
- postgresql_query:
- db: test_db
- path_to_script: /var/lib/pgsql/test.sql
- positional_args:
- - 1
- encoding: UTF-8
-- name: Example of using autocommit parameter
- postgresql_query:
- db: test_db
- query: VACUUM
- autocommit: yes
-- name: >
- Insert data to the column of array type using positional_args.
- Note that we use quotes here, the same as for passing JSON, etc.
- postgresql_query:
- query: INSERT INTO test_table (array_column) VALUES (%s)
- positional_args:
- - '{1,2,3}'
-# Pass list and string vars as positional_args
-- name: Set vars
- set_fact:
- my_list:
- - 1
- - 2
- - 3
- my_arr: '{1, 2, 3}'
-- name: Select from test table by passing positional_args as arrays
- postgresql_query:
- query: SELECT * FROM test_array_table WHERE arr_col1 = %s AND arr_col2 = %s
- positional_args:
- - '{{ my_list }}'
- - '{{ my_arr|string }}'
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Query that was tried to be executed.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'SELECT * FROM bar'
- description: Attribute containing the message returned by the command.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'INSERT 0 1'
- description:
- - List of dictionaries in column:value form representing returned rows.
- returned: changed
- type: list
- sample: [{"Column": "Value1"},{"Column": "Value2"}]
- description: Number of affected rows.
- returned: changed
- type: int
- sample: 5
- from psycopg2 import ProgrammingError as Psycopg2ProgrammingError
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # it is needed for checking 'no result to fetch' in main(),
- # psycopg2 availability will be checked by connect_to_db() into
- # ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def list_to_pg_array(elem):
- """Convert the passed list to PostgreSQL array
- represented as a string.
- Args:
- elem (list): List that needs to be converted.
- Returns:
- elem (str): String representation of PostgreSQL array.
- """
- elem = str(elem).strip('[]')
- elem = '{' + elem + '}'
- return elem
-def convert_elements_to_pg_arrays(obj):
- """Convert list elements of the passed object
- to PostgreSQL arrays represented as strings.
- Args:
- obj (dict or list): Object whose elements need to be converted.
- Returns:
- obj (dict or list): Object with converted elements.
- """
- if isinstance(obj, dict):
- for (key, elem) in iteritems(obj):
- if isinstance(elem, list):
- obj[key] = list_to_pg_array(elem)
- elif isinstance(obj, list):
- for i, elem in enumerate(obj):
- if isinstance(elem, list):
- obj[i] = list_to_pg_array(elem)
- return obj
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- query=dict(type='str'),
- db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']),
- positional_args=dict(type='list', elements='raw'),
- named_args=dict(type='dict'),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- path_to_script=dict(type='path'),
- autocommit=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- encoding=dict(type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- mutually_exclusive=(('positional_args', 'named_args'),),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- query = module.params["query"]
- positional_args = module.params["positional_args"]
- named_args = module.params["named_args"]
- path_to_script = module.params["path_to_script"]
- autocommit = module.params["autocommit"]
- encoding = module.params["encoding"]
- if autocommit and module.check_mode:
- module.fail_json(msg="Using autocommit is mutually exclusive with check_mode")
- if path_to_script and query:
- module.fail_json(msg="path_to_script is mutually exclusive with query")
- if positional_args:
- positional_args = convert_elements_to_pg_arrays(positional_args)
- elif named_args:
- named_args = convert_elements_to_pg_arrays(named_args)
- if path_to_script:
- try:
- with open(path_to_script, 'rb') as f:
- query = to_native(
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Cannot read file '%s' : %s" % (path_to_script, to_native(e)))
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=autocommit)
- if encoding is not None:
- db_connection.set_client_encoding(encoding)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- # Prepare args:
- if module.params.get("positional_args"):
- arguments = module.params["positional_args"]
- elif module.params.get("named_args"):
- arguments = module.params["named_args"]
- else:
- arguments = None
- # Set defaults:
- changed = False
- # Execute query:
- try:
- cursor.execute(query, arguments)
- except Exception as e:
- if not autocommit:
- db_connection.rollback()
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- module.fail_json(msg="Cannot execute SQL '%s' %s: %s" % (query, arguments, to_native(e)))
- statusmessage = cursor.statusmessage
- rowcount = cursor.rowcount
- try:
- query_result = [dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()]
- except Psycopg2ProgrammingError as e:
- if to_native(e) == 'no results to fetch':
- query_result = {}
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Cannot fetch rows from cursor: %s" % to_native(e))
- if 'SELECT' not in statusmessage:
- if 'UPDATE' in statusmessage or 'INSERT' in statusmessage or 'DELETE' in statusmessage:
- s = statusmessage.split()
- if len(s) == 3:
- if statusmessage.split()[2] != '0':
- changed = True
- elif len(s) == 2:
- if statusmessage.split()[1] != '0':
- changed = True
- else:
- changed = True
- else:
- changed = True
- if module.check_mode:
- db_connection.rollback()
- else:
- if not autocommit:
- db_connection.commit()
- kw = dict(
- changed=changed,
- query=cursor.query,
- statusmessage=statusmessage,
- query_result=query_result,
- rowcount=rowcount if rowcount >= 0 else 0,
- )
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- module.exit_json(**kw)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 531b92a70d..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2016, Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: postgresql_schema
-short_description: Add or remove PostgreSQL schema
-- Add or remove PostgreSQL schema.
-version_added: '2.3'
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the schema to add or remove.
- required: true
- type: str
- aliases:
- - schema
- database:
- description:
- - Name of the database to connect to and add or remove the schema.
- type: str
- default: postgres
- aliases:
- - db
- - login_db
- owner:
- description:
- - Name of the role to set as owner of the schema.
- type: str
- session_role:
- version_added: '2.8'
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting.
- - The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session_role
- were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - The schema state.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- cascade_drop:
- description:
- - Drop schema with CASCADE to remove child objects.
- type: bool
- default: false
- version_added: '2.8'
- ssl_mode:
- description:
- - Determines whether or with what priority a secure SSL TCP/IP connection will be negotiated with the server.
- - See U( for more information on the modes.
- - Default of C(prefer) matches libpq default.
- type: str
- default: prefer
- choices: [ allow, disable, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full ]
- version_added: '2.8'
- ca_cert:
- description:
- - Specifies the name of a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s).
- - If the file exists, the server's certificate will be verified to be signed by one of these authorities.
- type: str
- aliases: [ ssl_rootcert ]
- version_added: '2.8'
-- name: PostgreSQL schemas
- description: General information about PostgreSQL schemas.
- link:
-- name: CREATE SCHEMA reference
- description: Complete reference of the CREATE SCHEMA command documentation.
- link:
-- name: ALTER SCHEMA reference
- description: Complete reference of the ALTER SCHEMA command documentation.
- link:
-- name: DROP SCHEMA reference
- description: Complete reference of the DROP SCHEMA command documentation.
- link:
-- Flavien Chantelot (@Dorn-) <>
-- Thomas O'Donnell (@andytom)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Create a new schema with name acme in test database
- postgresql_schema:
- db: test
- name: acme
-- name: Create a new schema acme with a user bob who will own it
- postgresql_schema:
- name: acme
- owner: bob
-- name: Drop schema "acme" with cascade
- postgresql_schema:
- name: acme
- state: absent
- cascade_drop: yes
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Name of the schema.
- returned: success, changed
- type: str
- sample: "acme"
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ["CREATE SCHEMA \"acme\""]
-import traceback
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-from ansible.module_utils.database import SQLParseError, pg_quote_identifier
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-executed_queries = []
-class NotSupportedError(Exception):
- pass
-# ===========================================
-# PostgreSQL module specific support methods.
-def set_owner(cursor, schema, owner):
- query = "ALTER SCHEMA %s OWNER TO %s" % (
- pg_quote_identifier(schema, 'schema'),
- pg_quote_identifier(owner, 'role'))
- cursor.execute(query)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- return True
-def get_schema_info(cursor, schema):
- query = ("SELECT schema_owner AS owner "
- "FROM information_schema.schemata "
- "WHERE schema_name = %(schema)s")
- cursor.execute(query, {'schema': schema})
- return cursor.fetchone()
-def schema_exists(cursor, schema):
- query = ("SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata "
- "WHERE schema_name = %(schema)s")
- cursor.execute(query, {'schema': schema})
- return cursor.rowcount == 1
-def schema_delete(cursor, schema, cascade):
- if schema_exists(cursor, schema):
- query = "DROP SCHEMA %s" % pg_quote_identifier(schema, 'schema')
- if cascade:
- query += " CASCADE"
- cursor.execute(query)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def schema_create(cursor, schema, owner):
- if not schema_exists(cursor, schema):
- query_fragments = ['CREATE SCHEMA %s' % pg_quote_identifier(schema, 'schema')]
- if owner:
- query_fragments.append('AUTHORIZATION %s' % pg_quote_identifier(owner, 'role'))
- query = ' '.join(query_fragments)
- cursor.execute(query)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- return True
- else:
- schema_info = get_schema_info(cursor, schema)
- if owner and owner != schema_info['owner']:
- return set_owner(cursor, schema, owner)
- else:
- return False
-def schema_matches(cursor, schema, owner):
- if not schema_exists(cursor, schema):
- return False
- else:
- schema_info = get_schema_info(cursor, schema)
- if owner and owner != schema_info['owner']:
- return False
- else:
- return True
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- schema=dict(type="str", required=True, aliases=['name']),
- owner=dict(type="str", default=""),
- database=dict(type="str", default="postgres", aliases=["db", "login_db"]),
- cascade_drop=dict(type="bool", default=False),
- state=dict(type="str", default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]),
- session_role=dict(type="str"),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- schema = module.params["schema"]
- owner = module.params["owner"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- cascade_drop = module.params["cascade_drop"]
- changed = False
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- try:
- if module.check_mode:
- if state == "absent":
- changed = not schema_exists(cursor, schema)
- elif state == "present":
- changed = not schema_matches(cursor, schema, owner)
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, schema=schema)
- if state == "absent":
- try:
- changed = schema_delete(cursor, schema, cascade_drop)
- except SQLParseError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- elif state == "present":
- try:
- changed = schema_create(cursor, schema, owner)
- except SQLParseError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except NotSupportedError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except SystemExit:
- # Avoid catching this on Python 2.4
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Database query failed: %s" % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- db_connection.close()
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, schema=schema, queries=executed_queries)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ca0c0c1a8..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,610 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Tobias Birkefeld (@tcraxs) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: postgresql_sequence
-short_description: Create, drop, or alter a PostgreSQL sequence
-- Allows to create, drop or change the definition of a sequence generator.
-version_added: '2.9'
- sequence:
- description:
- - The name of the sequence.
- required: true
- type: str
- aliases:
- - name
- state:
- description:
- - The sequence state.
- - If I(state=absent) other options will be ignored except of I(name) and
- I(schema).
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- type: str
- data_type:
- description:
- - Specifies the data type of the sequence. Valid types are bigint, integer,
- and smallint. bigint is the default. The data type determines the default
- minimum and maximum values of the sequence. For more info see the
- documentation
- U(
- - Supported from PostgreSQL 10.
- choices: [ bigint, integer, smallint ]
- type: str
- increment:
- description:
- - Increment specifies which value is added to the current sequence value
- to create a new value.
- - A positive value will make an ascending sequence, a negative one a
- descending sequence. The default value is 1.
- type: int
- minvalue:
- description:
- - Minvalue determines the minimum value a sequence can generate. The
- default for an ascending sequence is 1. The default for a descending
- sequence is the minimum value of the data type.
- type: int
- aliases:
- - min
- maxvalue:
- description:
- - Maxvalue determines the maximum value for the sequence. The default for
- an ascending sequence is the maximum
- value of the data type. The default for a descending sequence is -1.
- type: int
- aliases:
- - max
- start:
- description:
- - Start allows the sequence to begin anywhere. The default starting value
- is I(minvalue) for ascending sequences and I(maxvalue) for descending
- ones.
- type: int
- cache:
- description:
- - Cache specifies how many sequence numbers are to be preallocated and
- stored in memory for faster access. The minimum value is 1 (only one
- value can be generated at a time, i.e., no cache), and this is also
- the default.
- type: int
- cycle:
- description:
- - The cycle option allows the sequence to wrap around when the I(maxvalue)
- or I(minvalue) has been reached by an ascending or descending sequence
- respectively. If the limit is reached, the next number generated will be
- the minvalue or maxvalue, respectively.
- - If C(false) (NO CYCLE) is specified, any calls to nextval after the sequence
- has reached its maximum value will return an error. False (NO CYCLE) is
- the default.
- type: bool
- default: no
- cascade:
- description:
- - Automatically drop objects that depend on the sequence, and in turn all
- objects that depend on those objects.
- - Ignored if I(state=present).
- - Only used with I(state=absent).
- type: bool
- default: no
- rename_to:
- description:
- - The new name for the I(sequence).
- - Works only for existing sequences.
- type: str
- owner:
- description:
- - Set the owner for the I(sequence).
- type: str
- schema:
- description:
- - The schema of the I(sequence). This is be used to create and relocate
- a I(sequence) in the given schema.
- default: public
- type: str
- newschema:
- description:
- - The new schema for the I(sequence). Will be used for moving a
- I(sequence) to another I(schema).
- - Works only for existing sequences.
- type: str
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified I(session_role)
- must be a role that the current I(login_user) is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the I(session_role) were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to and run queries against.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - database
- - login_db
-- If you do not pass db parameter, sequence will be created in the database
- named postgres.
-- module: postgresql_table
-- module: postgresql_owner
-- module: postgresql_privs
-- module: postgresql_tablespace
-- name: CREATE SEQUENCE reference
- description: Complete reference of the CREATE SEQUENCE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: ALTER SEQUENCE reference
- description: Complete reference of the ALTER SEQUENCE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: DROP SEQUENCE reference
- description: Complete reference of the DROP SEQUENCE command documentation.
- link:
-- Tobias Birkefeld (@tcraxs)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Create an ascending bigint sequence called foobar in the default
- database
- postgresql_sequence:
- name: foobar
-- name: Create an ascending integer sequence called foobar, starting at 101
- postgresql_sequence:
- name: foobar
- data_type: integer
- start: 101
-- name: Create an descending sequence called foobar, starting at 101 and
- preallocated 10 sequence numbers in cache
- postgresql_sequence:
- name: foobar
- increment: -1
- cache: 10
- start: 101
-- name: Create an ascending sequence called foobar, which cycle between 1 to 10
- postgresql_sequence:
- name: foobar
- cycle: yes
- min: 1
- max: 10
-- name: Create an ascending bigint sequence called foobar in the default
- database with owner foobar
- postgresql_sequence:
- name: foobar
- owner: foobar
-- name: Rename an existing sequence named foo to bar
- postgresql_sequence:
- name: foo
- rename_to: bar
-- name: Change the schema of an existing sequence to foobar
- postgresql_sequence:
- name: foobar
- newschema: foobar
-- name: Change the owner of an existing sequence to foobar
- postgresql_sequence:
- name: foobar
- owner: foobar
-- name: Drop a sequence called foobar
- postgresql_sequence:
- name: foobar
- state: absent
-- name: Drop a sequence called foobar with cascade
- postgresql_sequence:
- name: foobar
- cascade: yes
- state: absent
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Sequence state at the end of execution.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'present'
- description: Sequence name.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'foobar'
- description: List of queries that was tried to be executed.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: [ "CREATE SEQUENCE \"foo\"" ]
- description: Name of the schema of the sequence
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'foo'
- description: Shows the current data type of the sequence.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'bigint'
- description: The value of increment of the sequence. A positive value will
- make an ascending sequence, a negative one a descending
- sequence.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: '-1'
- description: The value of minvalue of the sequence.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: '1'
- description: The value of maxvalue of the sequence.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: '9223372036854775807'
- description: The value of start of the sequence.
- returned: always
- type: int
- sample: '12'
- description: Shows if the sequence cycle or not.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'NO'
- description: Shows the current owner of the sequence
- after the successful run of the task.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'postgres'
- description: Shows the new sequence name after rename.
- returned: on success
- type: str
- sample: 'barfoo'
- description: Shows the new schema of the sequence after schema change.
- returned: on success
- type: str
- sample: 'foobar'
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.database import pg_quote_identifier
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-class Sequence(object):
- """Implements behavior of CREATE, ALTER or DROP SEQUENCE PostgreSQL command.
- Arguments:
- module (AnsibleModule) -- object of AnsibleModule class
- cursor (cursor) -- cursor object of psycopg2 library
- Attributes:
- module (AnsibleModule) -- object of AnsibleModule class
- cursor (cursor) -- cursor object of psycopg2 library
- changed (bool) -- something was changed after execution or not
- executed_queries (list) -- executed queries
- name (str) -- name of the sequence
- owner (str) -- name of the owner of the sequence
- schema (str) -- name of the schema (default: public)
- data_type (str) -- data type of the sequence
- start_value (int) -- value of the sequence start
- minvalue (int) -- minimum value of the sequence
- maxvalue (int) -- maximum value of the sequence
- increment (int) -- increment value of the sequence
- cycle (bool) -- sequence can cycle or not
- new_name (str) -- name of the renamed sequence
- new_schema (str) -- name of the new schema
- exists (bool) -- sequence exists or not
- """
- def __init__(self, module, cursor):
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- self.executed_queries = []
- = self.module.params['sequence']
- self.owner = ''
- self.schema = self.module.params['schema']
- self.data_type = ''
- self.start_value = ''
- self.minvalue = ''
- self.maxvalue = ''
- self.increment = ''
- self.cycle = ''
- self.new_name = ''
- self.new_schema = ''
- self.exists = False
- # Collect info
- self.get_info()
- def get_info(self):
- """Getter to refresh and get sequence info"""
- query = ("SELECT "
- "s.sequence_schema AS schemaname, "
- "s.sequence_name AS sequencename, "
- "pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS sequenceowner, "
- "s.data_type::regtype AS data_type, "
- "s.start_value AS start_value, "
- "s.minimum_value AS min_value, "
- "s.maximum_value AS max_value, "
- "s.increment AS increment_by, "
- "s.cycle_option AS cycle "
- "FROM information_schema.sequences s "
- "JOIN pg_class c ON c.relname = s.sequence_name "
- "LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace "
- "WHERE NOT pg_is_other_temp_schema(n.oid) "
- "AND c.relkind = 'S'::\"char\" "
- "AND sequence_name = %(name)s "
- "AND sequence_schema = %(schema)s")
- res = exec_sql(self, query,
- query_params={'name':, 'schema': self.schema},
- add_to_executed=False)
- if not res:
- self.exists = False
- return False
- if res:
- self.exists = True
- self.schema = res[0]['schemaname']
- = res[0]['sequencename']
- self.owner = res[0]['sequenceowner']
- self.data_type = res[0]['data_type']
- self.start_value = res[0]['start_value']
- self.minvalue = res[0]['min_value']
- self.maxvalue = res[0]['max_value']
- self.increment = res[0]['increment_by']
- self.cycle = res[0]['cycle']
- def create(self):
- """Implements CREATE SEQUENCE command behavior."""
- query = ['CREATE SEQUENCE']
- query.append(self.__add_schema())
- if self.module.params.get('data_type'):
- query.append('AS %s' % self.module.params['data_type'])
- if self.module.params.get('increment'):
- query.append('INCREMENT BY %s' % self.module.params['increment'])
- if self.module.params.get('minvalue'):
- query.append('MINVALUE %s' % self.module.params['minvalue'])
- if self.module.params.get('maxvalue'):
- query.append('MAXVALUE %s' % self.module.params['maxvalue'])
- if self.module.params.get('start'):
- query.append('START WITH %s' % self.module.params['start'])
- if self.module.params.get('cache'):
- query.append('CACHE %s' % self.module.params['cache'])
- if self.module.params.get('cycle'):
- query.append('CYCLE')
- return exec_sql(self, ' '.join(query), ddl=True)
- def drop(self):
- """Implements DROP SEQUENCE command behavior."""
- query = ['DROP SEQUENCE']
- query.append(self.__add_schema())
- if self.module.params.get('cascade'):
- query.append('CASCADE')
- return exec_sql(self, ' '.join(query), ddl=True)
- def rename(self):
- """Implements ALTER SEQUENCE RENAME TO command behavior."""
- query = ['ALTER SEQUENCE']
- query.append(self.__add_schema())
- query.append('RENAME TO %s' % pg_quote_identifier(self.module.params['rename_to'], 'sequence'))
- return exec_sql(self, ' '.join(query), ddl=True)
- def set_owner(self):
- """Implements ALTER SEQUENCE OWNER TO command behavior."""
- query = ['ALTER SEQUENCE']
- query.append(self.__add_schema())
- query.append('OWNER TO %s' % pg_quote_identifier(self.module.params['owner'], 'role'))
- return exec_sql(self, ' '.join(query), ddl=True)
- def set_schema(self):
- """Implements ALTER SEQUENCE SET SCHEMA command behavior."""
- query = ['ALTER SEQUENCE']
- query.append(self.__add_schema())
- query.append('SET SCHEMA %s' % pg_quote_identifier(self.module.params['newschema'], 'schema'))
- return exec_sql(self, ' '.join(query), ddl=True)
- def __add_schema(self):
- return '.'.join([pg_quote_identifier(self.schema, 'schema'),
- pg_quote_identifier(, 'sequence')])
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- sequence=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']),
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- data_type=dict(type='str', choices=['bigint', 'integer', 'smallint']),
- increment=dict(type='int'),
- minvalue=dict(type='int', aliases=['min']),
- maxvalue=dict(type='int', aliases=['max']),
- start=dict(type='int'),
- cache=dict(type='int'),
- cycle=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- schema=dict(type='str', default='public'),
- cascade=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- rename_to=dict(type='str'),
- owner=dict(type='str'),
- newschema=dict(type='str'),
- db=dict(type='str', default='', aliases=['login_db', 'database']),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- mutually_exclusive=[
- ['rename_to', 'data_type'],
- ['rename_to', 'increment'],
- ['rename_to', 'minvalue'],
- ['rename_to', 'maxvalue'],
- ['rename_to', 'start'],
- ['rename_to', 'cache'],
- ['rename_to', 'cycle'],
- ['rename_to', 'cascade'],
- ['rename_to', 'owner'],
- ['rename_to', 'newschema'],
- ['cascade', 'data_type'],
- ['cascade', 'increment'],
- ['cascade', 'minvalue'],
- ['cascade', 'maxvalue'],
- ['cascade', 'start'],
- ['cascade', 'cache'],
- ['cascade', 'cycle'],
- ['cascade', 'owner'],
- ['cascade', 'newschema'],
- ]
- )
- # Note: we don't need to check mutually exclusive params here, because they are
- # checked automatically by AnsibleModule (mutually_exclusive=[] list above).
- # Change autocommit to False if check_mode:
- autocommit = not module.check_mode
- # Connect to DB and make cursor object:
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=autocommit)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- ##############
- # Create the object and do main job:
- data = Sequence(module, cursor)
- # Set defaults:
- changed = False
- # Create new sequence
- if not data.exists and module.params['state'] == 'present':
- if module.params.get('rename_to'):
- module.fail_json(msg="Sequence '%s' does not exist, nothing to rename" % module.params['sequence'])
- if module.params.get('newschema'):
- module.fail_json(msg="Sequence '%s' does not exist, change of schema not possible" % module.params['sequence'])
- changed = data.create()
- # Drop non-existing sequence
- elif not data.exists and module.params['state'] == 'absent':
- # Nothing to do
- changed = False
- # Drop existing sequence
- elif data.exists and module.params['state'] == 'absent':
- changed = data.drop()
- # Rename sequence
- if data.exists and module.params.get('rename_to'):
- if != module.params['rename_to']:
- changed = data.rename()
- if changed:
- data.new_name = module.params['rename_to']
- # Refresh information
- if module.params['state'] == 'present':
- data.get_info()
- # Change owner, schema and settings
- if module.params['state'] == 'present' and data.exists:
- # change owner
- if module.params.get('owner'):
- if data.owner != module.params['owner']:
- changed = data.set_owner()
- # Set schema
- if module.params.get('newschema'):
- if data.schema != module.params['newschema']:
- changed = data.set_schema()
- if changed:
- data.new_schema = module.params['newschema']
- # Rollback if it's possible and check_mode:
- if module.check_mode:
- db_connection.rollback()
- else:
- db_connection.commit()
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- # Make return values:
- kw = dict(
- changed=changed,
- state='present',
- queries=data.executed_queries,
- schema=data.schema,
- data_type=data.data_type,
- increment=data.increment,
- minvalue=data.minvalue,
- maxvalue=data.maxvalue,
- start=data.start_value,
- cycle=data.cycle,
- owner=data.owner,
- )
- if module.params['state'] == 'present':
- if data.new_name:
- kw['newname'] = data.new_name
- if data.new_schema:
- kw['newschema'] = data.new_schema
- elif module.params['state'] == 'absent':
- kw['state'] = 'absent'
- module.exit_json(**kw)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5593b4312f..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2018, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: postgresql_set
-short_description: Change a PostgreSQL server configuration parameter
- - Allows to change a PostgreSQL server configuration parameter.
- - The module uses ALTER SYSTEM command and applies changes by reload server configuration.
- - ALTER SYSTEM is used for changing server configuration parameters across the entire database cluster.
- - It can be more convenient and safe than the traditional method of manually editing the postgresql.conf file.
- - ALTER SYSTEM writes the given parameter setting to the $PGDATA/ file,
- which is read in addition to postgresql.conf.
- - The module allows to reset parameter to boot_val (cluster initial value) by I(reset=yes) or remove parameter
- string from and reload I(value=default) (for settings with postmaster context restart is required).
- - After change you can see in the ansible output the previous and
- the new parameter value and other information using returned values and M(debug) module.
-version_added: '2.8'
- name:
- description:
- - Name of PostgreSQL server parameter.
- type: str
- required: true
- value:
- description:
- - Parameter value to set.
- - To remove parameter string from and
- reload the server configuration you must pass I(value=default).
- With I(value=default) the playbook always returns changed is true.
- type: str
- reset:
- description:
- - Restore parameter to initial state (boot_val). Mutually exclusive with I(value).
- type: bool
- default: false
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must
- be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
-- Supported version of PostgreSQL is 9.4 and later.
-- Pay attention, change setting with 'postmaster' context can return changed is true
- when actually nothing changes because the same value may be presented in
- several different form, for example, 1024MB, 1GB, etc. However in pg_settings
- system view it can be defined like 131072 number of 8kB pages.
- The final check of the parameter value cannot compare it because the server was
- not restarted and the value in pg_settings is not updated yet.
-- For some parameters restart of PostgreSQL server is required.
- See official documentation U(
-- module: postgresql_info
-- name: PostgreSQL server configuration
- description: General information about PostgreSQL server configuration.
- link:
-- name: PostgreSQL view pg_settings reference
- description: Complete reference of the pg_settings view documentation.
- link:
-- name: PostgreSQL ALTER SYSTEM command reference
- description: Complete reference of the ALTER SYSTEM command documentation.
- link:
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Restore wal_keep_segments parameter to initial state
- postgresql_set:
- name: wal_keep_segments
- reset: yes
-# Set work_mem parameter to 32MB and show what's been changed and restart is required or not
-# (output example: "msg": "work_mem 4MB >> 64MB restart_req: False")
-- name: Set work mem parameter
- postgresql_set:
- name: work_mem
- value: 32mb
- register: set
-- debug:
- msg: "{{ }} {{ set.prev_val_pretty }} >> {{ set.value_pretty }} restart_req: {{ set.restart_required }}"
- when: set.changed
-# Ensure that the restart of PostgreSQL server must be required for some parameters.
-# In this situation you see the same parameter in prev_val_pretty and value_pretty, but 'changed=True'
-# (If you passed the value that was different from the current server setting).
-- name: Set log_min_duration_statement parameter to 1 second
- postgresql_set:
- name: log_min_duration_statement
- value: 1s
-- name: Set wal_log_hints parameter to default value (remove parameter from
- postgresql_set:
- name: wal_log_hints
- value: default
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Name of PostgreSQL server parameter.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'shared_buffers'
- description: Information about parameter current state.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- description: Information about previous state of the parameter.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: '4MB'
- description: Information about current state of the parameter.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: '64MB'
- description:
- - Dictionary that contains the current parameter value (at the time of playbook finish).
- - Pay attention that for real change some parameters restart of PostgreSQL server is required.
- - Returns the current value in the check mode.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: { "value": 67108864, "unit": "b" }
- description:
- - PostgreSQL setting context.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: user
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except Exception:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from copy import deepcopy
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-PG_REQ_VER = 90400
-# To allow to set value like 1mb instead of 1MB, etc:
-POSSIBLE_SIZE_UNITS = ("mb", "gb", "tb")
-# ===========================================
-# PostgreSQL module specific support methods.
-def param_get(cursor, module, name):
- query = ("SELECT name, setting, unit, context, boot_val "
- "FROM pg_settings WHERE name = %(name)s")
- try:
- cursor.execute(query, {'name': name})
- info = cursor.fetchall()
- cursor.execute("SHOW %s" % name)
- val = cursor.fetchone()
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Unable to get %s value due to : %s" % (name, to_native(e)))
- raw_val = info[0][1]
- unit = info[0][2]
- context = info[0][3]
- boot_val = info[0][4]
- if val[0] == 'True':
- val[0] = 'on'
- elif val[0] == 'False':
- val[0] = 'off'
- if unit == 'kB':
- if int(raw_val) > 0:
- raw_val = int(raw_val) * 1024
- if int(boot_val) > 0:
- boot_val = int(boot_val) * 1024
- unit = 'b'
- elif unit == 'MB':
- if int(raw_val) > 0:
- raw_val = int(raw_val) * 1024 * 1024
- if int(boot_val) > 0:
- boot_val = int(boot_val) * 1024 * 1024
- unit = 'b'
- return (val[0], raw_val, unit, boot_val, context)
-def pretty_to_bytes(pretty_val):
- # The function returns a value in bytes
- # if the value contains 'B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'.
- # Otherwise it returns the passed argument.
- val_in_bytes = None
- if 'kB' in pretty_val:
- num_part = int(''.join(d for d in pretty_val if d.isdigit()))
- val_in_bytes = num_part * 1024
- elif 'MB' in pretty_val.upper():
- num_part = int(''.join(d for d in pretty_val if d.isdigit()))
- val_in_bytes = num_part * 1024 * 1024
- elif 'GB' in pretty_val.upper():
- num_part = int(''.join(d for d in pretty_val if d.isdigit()))
- val_in_bytes = num_part * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
- elif 'TB' in pretty_val.upper():
- num_part = int(''.join(d for d in pretty_val if d.isdigit()))
- val_in_bytes = num_part * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
- elif 'B' in pretty_val.upper():
- num_part = int(''.join(d for d in pretty_val if d.isdigit()))
- val_in_bytes = num_part
- else:
- return pretty_val
- return val_in_bytes
-def param_set(cursor, module, name, value, context):
- try:
- if str(value).lower() == 'default':
- query = "ALTER SYSTEM SET %s = DEFAULT" % name
- else:
- query = "ALTER SYSTEM SET %s = '%s'" % (name, value)
- cursor.execute(query)
- if context != 'postmaster':
- cursor.execute("SELECT pg_reload_conf()")
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Unable to get %s value due to : %s" % (name, to_native(e)))
- return True
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- name=dict(type='str', required=True),
- db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']),
- value=dict(type='str'),
- reset=dict(type='bool'),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- name = module.params["name"]
- value = module.params["value"]
- reset = module.params["reset"]
- # Allow to pass values like 1mb instead of 1MB, etc:
- if value:
- for unit in POSSIBLE_SIZE_UNITS:
- if value[:-2].isdigit() and unit in value[-2:]:
- value = value.upper()
- if value and reset:
- module.fail_json(msg="%s: value and reset params are mutually exclusive" % name)
- if not value and not reset:
- module.fail_json(msg="%s: at least one of value or reset param must be specified" % name)
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params, warn_db_default=False)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- kw = {}
- # Check server version (needs 9.4 or later):
- ver = db_connection.server_version
- if ver < PG_REQ_VER:
- module.warn("PostgreSQL is %s version but %s or later is required" % (ver, PG_REQ_VER))
- kw = dict(
- changed=False,
- restart_required=False,
- value_pretty="",
- prev_val_pretty="",
- value={"value": "", "unit": ""},
- )
- kw['name'] = name
- db_connection.close()
- module.exit_json(**kw)
- # Set default returned values:
- restart_required = False
- changed = False
- kw['name'] = name
- kw['restart_required'] = False
- # Get info about param state:
- res = param_get(cursor, module, name)
- current_value = res[0]
- raw_val = res[1]
- unit = res[2]
- boot_val = res[3]
- context = res[4]
- if value == 'True':
- value = 'on'
- elif value == 'False':
- value = 'off'
- kw['prev_val_pretty'] = current_value
- kw['value_pretty'] = deepcopy(kw['prev_val_pretty'])
- kw['context'] = context
- # Do job
- if context == "internal":
- module.fail_json(msg="%s: cannot be changed (internal context). See "
- "" % name)
- if context == "postmaster":
- restart_required = True
- # If check_mode, just compare and exit:
- if module.check_mode:
- if pretty_to_bytes(value) == pretty_to_bytes(current_value):
- kw['changed'] = False
- else:
- kw['value_pretty'] = value
- kw['changed'] = True
- # Anyway returns current raw value in the check_mode:
- kw['value'] = dict(
- value=raw_val,
- unit=unit,
- )
- kw['restart_required'] = restart_required
- module.exit_json(**kw)
- # Set param:
- if value and value != current_value:
- changed = param_set(cursor, module, name, value, context)
- kw['value_pretty'] = value
- # Reset param:
- elif reset:
- if raw_val == boot_val:
- # nothing to change, exit:
- kw['value'] = dict(
- value=raw_val,
- unit=unit,
- )
- module.exit_json(**kw)
- changed = param_set(cursor, module, name, boot_val, context)
- if restart_required:
- module.warn("Restart of PostgreSQL is required for setting %s" % name)
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- # Reconnect and recheck current value:
- if context in ('sighup', 'superuser-backend', 'backend', 'superuser', 'user'):
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- res = param_get(cursor, module, name)
- # f_ means 'final'
- f_value = res[0]
- f_raw_val = res[1]
- if raw_val == f_raw_val:
- changed = False
- else:
- changed = True
- kw['value_pretty'] = f_value
- kw['value'] = dict(
- value=f_raw_val,
- unit=unit,
- )
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- kw['changed'] = changed
- kw['restart_required'] = restart_required
- module.exit_json(**kw)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 30aaf39458..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, John Scalia (@jscalia), Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: postgresql_slot
-short_description: Add or remove replication slots from a PostgreSQL database
-- Add or remove physical or logical replication slots from a PostgreSQL database.
-version_added: '2.8'
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the replication slot to add or remove.
- type: str
- required: yes
- aliases:
- - slot_name
- slot_type:
- description:
- - Slot type.
- type: str
- default: physical
- choices: [ logical, physical ]
- state:
- description:
- - The slot state.
- - I(state=present) implies the slot must be present in the system.
- - I(state=absent) implies the I(groups) must be revoked from I(target_roles).
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- immediately_reserve:
- description:
- - Optional parameter that when C(yes) specifies that the LSN for this replication slot be reserved
- immediately, otherwise the default, C(no), specifies that the LSN is reserved on the first connection
- from a streaming replication client.
- - Is available from PostgreSQL version 9.6.
- - Uses only with I(slot_type=physical).
- - Mutually exclusive with I(slot_type=logical).
- type: bool
- default: no
- output_plugin:
- description:
- - All logical slots must indicate which output plugin decoder they're using.
- - This parameter does not apply to physical slots.
- - It will be ignored with I(slot_type=physical).
- type: str
- default: "test_decoding"
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting.
- The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
-- Physical replication slots were introduced to PostgreSQL with version 9.4,
- while logical replication slots were added beginning with version 10.0.
-- name: PostgreSQL pg_replication_slots view reference
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL pg_replication_slots view.
- link:
-- name: PostgreSQL streaming replication protocol reference
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL streaming replication protocol documentation.
- link:
-- name: PostgreSQL logical replication protocol reference
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL logical replication protocol documentation.
- link:
-- John Scalia (@jscalia)
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Create physical_one physical slot if doesn't exist
- become_user: postgres
- postgresql_slot:
- slot_name: physical_one
- db: ansible
-- name: Remove physical_one slot if exists
- become_user: postgres
- postgresql_slot:
- slot_name: physical_one
- db: ansible
- state: absent
-- name: Create logical_one logical slot to the database acme if doesn't exist
- postgresql_slot:
- name: logical_slot_one
- slot_type: logical
- state: present
- output_plugin: custom_decoder_one
- db: "acme"
-- name: Remove logical_one slot if exists from the cluster running on another host and non-standard port
- postgresql_slot:
- name: logical_one
- login_host:
- port: 5433
- login_user: ourSuperuser
- login_password: thePassword
- state: absent
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Name of the slot
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: "physical_one"
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: [ "SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot('physical_one', False, False)" ]
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-# ===========================================
-# PostgreSQL module specific support methods.
-class PgSlot(object):
- def __init__(self, module, cursor, name):
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- = name
- self.exists = False
- self.kind = ''
- self.__slot_exists()
- self.changed = False
- self.executed_queries = []
- def create(self, kind='physical', immediately_reserve=False, output_plugin=False, just_check=False):
- if self.exists:
- if self.kind == kind:
- return False
- else:
- self.module.warn("slot with name '%s' already exists "
- "but has another type '%s'" % (, self.kind))
- return False
- if just_check:
- return None
- if kind == 'physical':
- # Check server version (needs for immedately_reserverd needs 9.6+):
- if self.cursor.connection.server_version < 96000:
- query = "SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot(%(name)s)"
- else:
- query = "SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot(%(name)s, %(i_reserve)s)"
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query,
- query_params={'name':, 'i_reserve': immediately_reserve},
- ddl=True)
- elif kind == 'logical':
- query = "SELECT pg_create_logical_replication_slot(%(name)s, %(o_plugin)s)"
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query,
- query_params={'name':, 'o_plugin': output_plugin}, ddl=True)
- def drop(self):
- if not self.exists:
- return False
- query = "SELECT pg_drop_replication_slot(%(name)s)"
- self.changed = exec_sql(self, query, query_params={'name':}, ddl=True)
- def __slot_exists(self):
- query = "SELECT slot_type FROM pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_name = %(name)s"
- res = exec_sql(self, query, query_params={'name':}, add_to_executed=False)
- if res:
- self.exists = True
- self.kind = res[0][0]
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- db=dict(type="str", aliases=["login_db"]),
- name=dict(type="str", required=True, aliases=["slot_name"]),
- slot_type=dict(type="str", default="physical", choices=["logical", "physical"]),
- immediately_reserve=dict(type="bool", default=False),
- session_role=dict(type="str"),
- output_plugin=dict(type="str", default="test_decoding"),
- state=dict(type="str", default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- name = module.params["name"]
- slot_type = module.params["slot_type"]
- immediately_reserve = module.params["immediately_reserve"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- output_plugin = module.params["output_plugin"]
- if immediately_reserve and slot_type == 'logical':
- module.fail_json(msg="Module parameters immediately_reserve and slot_type=logical are mutually exclusive")
- # When slot_type is logical and parameter db is not passed,
- # the default database will be used to create the slot and
- # the user should know about this.
- # When the slot type is physical,
- # it doesn't matter which database will be used
- # because physical slots are global objects.
- if slot_type == 'logical':
- warn_db_default = True
- else:
- warn_db_default = False
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params, warn_db_default=warn_db_default)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- ##################################
- # Create an object and do main job
- pg_slot = PgSlot(module, cursor, name)
- changed = False
- if module.check_mode:
- if state == "present":
- if not pg_slot.exists:
- changed = True
- pg_slot.create(slot_type, immediately_reserve, output_plugin, just_check=True)
- elif state == "absent":
- if pg_slot.exists:
- changed = True
- else:
- if state == "absent":
- pg_slot.drop()
- elif state == "present":
- pg_slot.create(slot_type, immediately_reserve, output_plugin)
- changed = pg_slot.changed
- db_connection.close()
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, name=name, queries=pg_slot.executed_queries)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index ba32e1c0a8..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,685 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: postgresql_subscription
-short_description: Add, update, or remove PostgreSQL subscription
-- Add, update, or remove PostgreSQL subscription.
-version_added: '2.10'
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the subscription to add, update, or remove.
- type: str
- required: yes
- db:
- description:
- - Name of the database to connect to and where
- the subscription state will be changed.
- aliases: [ login_db ]
- type: str
- required: yes
- state:
- description:
- - The subscription state.
- - C(present) implies that if I(name) subscription doesn't exist, it will be created.
- - C(absent) implies that if I(name) subscription exists, it will be removed.
- - C(refresh) implies that if I(name) subscription exists, it will be refreshed.
- Fetch missing table information from publisher. Always returns ``changed`` is ``True``.
- This will start replication of tables that were added to the subscribed-to publications
- since the last invocation of REFRESH PUBLICATION or since CREATE SUBSCRIPTION.
- The existing data in the publications that are being subscribed to
- should be copied once the replication starts.
- - For more information about C(refresh) see U(
- type: str
- choices: [ absent, present, refresh ]
- default: present
- owner:
- description:
- - Subscription owner.
- - If I(owner) is not defined, the owner will be set as I(login_user) or I(session_role).
- - Ignored when I(state) is not C(present).
- type: str
- publications:
- description:
- - The publication names on the publisher to use for the subscription.
- - Ignored when I(state) is not C(present).
- type: list
- elements: str
- connparams:
- description:
- - The connection dict param-value to connect to the publisher.
- - For more information see U(
- - Ignored when I(state) is not C(present).
- type: dict
- cascade:
- description:
- - Drop subscription dependencies. Has effect with I(state=absent) only.
- - Ignored when I(state) is not C(absent).
- type: bool
- default: false
- subsparams:
- description:
- - Dictionary of optional parameters for a subscription, e.g. copy_data, enabled, create_slot, etc.
- - For update the subscription allowed keys are C(enabled), C(slot_name), C(synchronous_commit), C(publication_name).
- - See available parameters to create a new subscription
- on U(
- - Ignored when I(state) is not C(present).
- type: dict
-- PostgreSQL version must be 10 or greater.
-- module: postgresql_publication
-- module: postgresql_info
-- name: CREATE SUBSCRIPTION reference
- description: Complete reference of the CREATE SUBSCRIPTION command documentation.
- link:
-- name: ALTER SUBSCRIPTION reference
- description: Complete reference of the ALTER SUBSCRIPTION command documentation.
- link:
-- name: DROP SUBSCRIPTION reference
- description: Complete reference of the DROP SUBSCRIPTION command documentation.
- link:
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-- postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: >
- Create acme subscription in mydb database using acme_publication and
- the following connection parameters to connect to the publisher.
- Set the subscription owner as alice.
- postgresql_subscription:
- db: mydb
- name: acme
- state: present
- publications: acme_publication
- owner: alice
- connparams:
- host:
- port: 5432
- user: repl
- password: replpass
- dbname: mydb
-- name: Assuming that acme subscription exists, try to change conn parameters
- postgresql_subscription:
- db: mydb
- name: acme
- connparams:
- host:
- port: 5432
- user: repl
- password: replpass
- connect_timeout: 100
-- name: Refresh acme publication
- postgresql_subscription:
- db: mydb
- name: acme
- state: refresh
-- name: Drop acme subscription from mydb with dependencies (cascade=yes)
- postgresql_subscription:
- db: mydb
- name: acme
- state: absent
- cascade: yes
-- name: Assuming that acme subscription exists and enabled, disable the subscription
- postgresql_subscription:
- db: mydb
- name: acme
- state: present
- subsparams:
- enabled: no
-RETURN = r'''
- description:
- - Name of the subscription.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: acme
- description:
- - Flag indicates the subscription exists or not at the end of runtime.
- returned: always
- type: bool
- sample: true
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: [ 'DROP SUBSCRIPTION "mysubscription"' ]
- description: Subscription configuration at the beginning of runtime.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: {"conninfo": {}, "enabled": true, "owner": "postgres", "slotname": "test", "synccommit": true}
- description: Subscription configuration at the end of runtime.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: {"conninfo": {}, "enabled": true, "owner": "postgres", "slotname": "test", "synccommit": true}
-from copy import deepcopy
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-SUBSPARAMS_KEYS_FOR_UPDATE = ('enabled', 'synchronous_commit', 'slot_name')
-# Module functions and classes #
-def convert_conn_params(conn_dict):
- """Converts the passed connection dictionary to string.
- Args:
- conn_dict (list): Dictionary which needs to be converted.
- Returns:
- Connection string.
- """
- conn_list = []
- for (param, val) in iteritems(conn_dict):
- conn_list.append('%s=%s' % (param, val))
- return ' '.join(conn_list)
-def convert_subscr_params(params_dict):
- """Converts the passed params dictionary to string.
- Args:
- params_dict (list): Dictionary which needs to be converted.
- Returns:
- Parameters string.
- """
- params_list = []
- for (param, val) in iteritems(params_dict):
- if val is False:
- val = 'false'
- elif val is True:
- val = 'true'
- params_list.append('%s = %s' % (param, val))
- return ', '.join(params_list)
-class PgSubscription():
- """Class to work with PostgreSQL subscription.
- Args:
- module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class.
- cursor (cursor): Cursor object of psycopg2 library to work with PostgreSQL.
- name (str): The name of the subscription.
- db (str): The database name the subscription will be associated with.
- Attributes:
- module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class.
- cursor (cursor): Cursor object of psycopg2 library to work with PostgreSQL.
- name (str): Name of subscription.
- executed_queries (list): List of executed queries.
- attrs (dict): Dict with subscription attributes.
- exists (bool): Flag indicates the subscription exists or not.
- """
- def __init__(self, module, cursor, name, db):
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- = name
- self.db = db
- self.executed_queries = []
- self.attrs = {
- 'owner': None,
- 'enabled': None,
- 'synccommit': None,
- 'conninfo': {},
- 'slotname': None,
- 'publications': [],
- }
- self.empty_attrs = deepcopy(self.attrs)
- self.exists = self.check_subscr()
- def get_info(self):
- """Refresh the subscription information.
- Returns:
- ``self.attrs``.
- """
- self.exists = self.check_subscr()
- return self.attrs
- def check_subscr(self):
- """Check the subscription and refresh ``self.attrs`` subscription attribute.
- Returns:
- True if the subscription with ```` exists, False otherwise.
- """
- subscr_info = self.__get_general_subscr_info()
- if not subscr_info:
- # The subscription does not exist:
- self.attrs = deepcopy(self.empty_attrs)
- return False
- self.attrs['owner'] = subscr_info.get('rolname')
- self.attrs['enabled'] = subscr_info.get('subenabled')
- self.attrs['synccommit'] = subscr_info.get('subenabled')
- self.attrs['slotname'] = subscr_info.get('subslotname')
- self.attrs['publications'] = subscr_info.get('subpublications')
- if subscr_info.get('subconninfo'):
- for param in subscr_info['subconninfo'].split(' '):
- tmp = param.split('=')
- try:
- self.attrs['conninfo'][tmp[0]] = int(tmp[1])
- except ValueError:
- self.attrs['conninfo'][tmp[0]] = tmp[1]
- return True
- def create(self, connparams, publications, subsparams, check_mode=True):
- """Create the subscription.
- Args:
- connparams (str): Connection string in libpq style.
- publications (list): Publications on the master to use.
- subsparams (str): Parameters string in WITH () clause style.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- changed (bool): True if the subscription has been created, otherwise False.
- """
- query_fragments = []
- query_fragments.append("CREATE SUBSCRIPTION %s CONNECTION '%s' "
- "PUBLICATION %s" % (, connparams, ', '.join(publications)))
- if subsparams:
- query_fragments.append("WITH (%s)" % subsparams)
- changed = self.__exec_sql(' '.join(query_fragments), check_mode=check_mode)
- return changed
- def update(self, connparams, publications, subsparams, check_mode=True):
- """Update the subscription.
- Args:
- connparams (str): Connection string in libpq style.
- publications (list): Publications on the master to use.
- subsparams (dict): Dictionary of optional parameters.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- changed (bool): True if subscription has been updated, otherwise False.
- """
- changed = False
- if connparams:
- if connparams != self.attrs['conninfo']:
- changed = self.__set_conn_params(convert_conn_params(connparams),
- check_mode=check_mode)
- if publications:
- if sorted(self.attrs['publications']) != sorted(publications):
- changed = self.__set_publications(publications, check_mode=check_mode)
- if subsparams:
- params_to_update = []
- for (param, value) in iteritems(subsparams):
- if param == 'enabled':
- if self.attrs['enabled'] and value is False:
- changed = self.enable(enabled=False, check_mode=check_mode)
- elif not self.attrs['enabled'] and value is True:
- changed = self.enable(enabled=True, check_mode=check_mode)
- elif param == 'synchronous_commit':
- if self.attrs['synccommit'] is True and value is False:
- params_to_update.append("%s = false" % param)
- elif self.attrs['synccommit'] is False and value is True:
- params_to_update.append("%s = true" % param)
- elif param == 'slot_name':
- if self.attrs['slotname'] and self.attrs['slotname'] != value:
- params_to_update.append("%s = %s" % (param, value))
- else:
- self.module.warn("Parameter '%s' is not in params supported "
- "for update '%s', ignored..." % (param, SUBSPARAMS_KEYS_FOR_UPDATE))
- if params_to_update:
- changed = self.__set_params(params_to_update, check_mode=check_mode)
- return changed
- def drop(self, cascade=False, check_mode=True):
- """Drop the subscription.
- Kwargs:
- cascade (bool): Flag indicates that the subscription needs to be deleted
- with its dependencies.
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- changed (bool): True if the subscription has been removed, otherwise False.
- """
- if self.exists:
- query_fragments = ["DROP SUBSCRIPTION %s" %]
- if cascade:
- query_fragments.append("CASCADE")
- return self.__exec_sql(' '.join(query_fragments), check_mode=check_mode)
- def set_owner(self, role, check_mode=True):
- """Set a subscription owner.
- Args:
- role (str): Role (user) name that needs to be set as a subscription owner.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- query = 'ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s OWNER TO "%s"' % (, role)
- return self.__exec_sql(query, check_mode=check_mode)
- def refresh(self, check_mode=True):
- """Refresh publication.
- Fetches missing table info from publisher.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- return self.__exec_sql(query, check_mode=check_mode)
- def __set_params(self, params_to_update, check_mode=True):
- """Update optional subscription parameters.
- Args:
- params_to_update (list): Parameters with values to update.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- query = 'ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s SET (%s)' % (, ', '.join(params_to_update))
- return self.__exec_sql(query, check_mode=check_mode)
- def __set_conn_params(self, connparams, check_mode=True):
- """Update connection parameters.
- Args:
- connparams (str): Connection string in libpq style.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- query = "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s CONNECTION '%s'" % (, connparams)
- return self.__exec_sql(query, check_mode=check_mode)
- def __set_publications(self, publications, check_mode=True):
- """Update publications.
- Args:
- publications (list): Publications on the master to use.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- query = 'ALTER SUBSCRIPTION %s SET PUBLICATION %s' % (, ', '.join(publications))
- return self.__exec_sql(query, check_mode=check_mode)
- def enable(self, enabled=True, check_mode=True):
- """Enable or disable the subscription.
- Kwargs:
- enable (bool): Flag indicates that the subscription needs
- to be enabled or disabled.
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just make SQL, add it to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- if enabled:
- else:
- return self.__exec_sql(query, check_mode=check_mode)
- def __get_general_subscr_info(self):
- """Get and return general subscription information.
- Returns:
- Dict with subscription information if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- query = ("SELECT d.datname, r.rolname, s.subenabled, "
- "s.subconninfo, s.subslotname, s.subsynccommit, "
- "s.subpublications FROM pg_catalog.pg_subscription s "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_database d "
- "ON s.subdbid = d.oid "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r "
- "ON s.subowner = r.oid "
- "WHERE s.subname = %(name)s AND d.datname = %(db)s")
- result = exec_sql(self, query, query_params={'name':, 'db': self.db}, add_to_executed=False)
- if result:
- return result[0]
- else:
- return False
- def __exec_sql(self, query, check_mode=False):
- """Execute SQL query.
- Note: If we need just to get information from the database,
- we use ``exec_sql`` function directly.
- Args:
- query (str): Query that needs to be executed.
- Kwargs:
- check_mode (bool): If True, don't actually change anything,
- just add ``query`` to ``self.executed_queries`` and return True.
- Returns:
- True if successful, False otherwise.
- """
- if check_mode:
- self.executed_queries.append(query)
- return True
- else:
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- name=dict(type='str', required=True),
- db=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['login_db']),
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present', 'refresh']),
- publications=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- connparams=dict(type='dict'),
- cascade=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- owner=dict(type='str'),
- subsparams=dict(type='dict'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- # Parameters handling:
- db = module.params['db']
- name = module.params['name']
- state = module.params['state']
- publications = module.params['publications']
- cascade = module.params['cascade']
- owner = module.params['owner']
- subsparams = module.params['subsparams']
- connparams = module.params['connparams']
- if state == 'present' and cascade:
- module.warn('parameter "cascade" is ignored when state is not absent')
- if state != 'present':
- if owner:
- module.warn("parameter 'owner' is ignored when state is not 'present'")
- if publications:
- module.warn("parameter 'publications' is ignored when state is not 'present'")
- if connparams:
- module.warn("parameter 'connparams' is ignored when state is not 'present'")
- if subsparams:
- module.warn("parameter 'subsparams' is ignored when state is not 'present'")
- # Connect to DB and make cursor object:
- pg_conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- # We check subscription state without DML queries execution, so set autocommit:
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, pg_conn_params, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- # Check version:
- if cursor.connection.server_version < SUPPORTED_PG_VERSION:
- module.fail_json(msg="PostgreSQL server version should be 10.0 or greater")
- # Set defaults:
- changed = False
- initial_state = {}
- final_state = {}
- ###################################
- # Create object and do rock'n'roll:
- subscription = PgSubscription(module, cursor, name, db)
- if subscription.exists:
- initial_state = deepcopy(subscription.attrs)
- final_state = deepcopy(initial_state)
- if state == 'present':
- if not subscription.exists:
- if subsparams:
- subsparams = convert_subscr_params(subsparams)
- if connparams:
- connparams = convert_conn_params(connparams)
- changed = subscription.create(connparams,
- publications,
- subsparams,
- check_mode=module.check_mode)
- else:
- changed = subscription.update(connparams,
- publications,
- subsparams,
- check_mode=module.check_mode)
- if owner and subscription.attrs['owner'] != owner:
- changed = subscription.set_owner(owner, check_mode=module.check_mode) or changed
- elif state == 'absent':
- changed = subscription.drop(cascade, check_mode=module.check_mode)
- elif state == 'refresh':
- if not subscription.exists:
- module.fail_json(msg="Refresh failed: subscription '%s' does not exist" % name)
- # Always returns True:
- changed = subscription.refresh(check_mode=module.check_mode)
- # Get final subscription info:
- final_state = subscription.get_info()
- # Connection is not needed any more:
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- # Return ret values and exit:
- module.exit_json(changed=changed,
- name=name,
- exists=subscription.exists,
- queries=subscription.executed_queries,
- initial_state=initial_state,
- final_state=final_state)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3bef03b08f..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: postgresql_table
-short_description: Create, drop, or modify a PostgreSQL table
-- Allows to create, drop, rename, truncate a table, or change some table attributes.
-version_added: '2.8'
- table:
- description:
- - Table name.
- required: true
- aliases:
- - name
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - The table state. I(state=absent) is mutually exclusive with I(tablespace), I(owner), I(unlogged),
- I(like), I(including), I(columns), I(truncate), I(storage_params) and, I(rename).
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- tablespace:
- description:
- - Set a tablespace for the table.
- required: false
- type: str
- owner:
- description:
- - Set a table owner.
- type: str
- unlogged:
- description:
- - Create an unlogged table.
- type: bool
- default: no
- like:
- description:
- - Create a table like another table (with similar DDL).
- Mutually exclusive with I(columns), I(rename), and I(truncate).
- type: str
- including:
- description:
- - Keywords that are used with like parameter, may be DEFAULTS, CONSTRAINTS, INDEXES, STORAGE, COMMENTS or ALL.
- Needs I(like) specified. Mutually exclusive with I(columns), I(rename), and I(truncate).
- type: str
- columns:
- description:
- - Columns that are needed.
- type: list
- elements: str
- rename:
- description:
- - New table name. Mutually exclusive with I(tablespace), I(owner),
- I(unlogged), I(like), I(including), I(columns), I(truncate), and I(storage_params).
- type: str
- truncate:
- description:
- - Truncate a table. Mutually exclusive with I(tablespace), I(owner), I(unlogged),
- I(like), I(including), I(columns), I(rename), and I(storage_params).
- type: bool
- default: no
- storage_params:
- description:
- - Storage parameters like fillfactor, autovacuum_vacuum_treshold, etc.
- Mutually exclusive with I(rename) and I(truncate).
- type: list
- elements: str
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect and where the table will be created.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting.
- The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- cascade:
- description:
- - Automatically drop objects that depend on the table (such as views).
- Used with I(state=absent) only.
- type: bool
- default: no
- version_added: '2.9'
-- If you do not pass db parameter, tables will be created in the database
- named postgres.
-- PostgreSQL allows to create columnless table, so columns param is optional.
-- Unlogged tables are available from PostgreSQL server version 9.1.
-- module: postgresql_sequence
-- module: postgresql_idx
-- module: postgresql_info
-- module: postgresql_tablespace
-- module: postgresql_owner
-- module: postgresql_privs
-- module: postgresql_copy
-- name: CREATE TABLE reference
- description: Complete reference of the CREATE TABLE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: ALTER TABLE reference
- description: Complete reference of the ALTER TABLE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: DROP TABLE reference
- description: Complete reference of the DROP TABLE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: PostgreSQL data types
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL data types documentation.
- link:
-- Andrei Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Create tbl2 in the acme database with the DDL like tbl1 with testuser as an owner
- postgresql_table:
- db: acme
- name: tbl2
- like: tbl1
- owner: testuser
-- name: Create tbl2 in the acme database and tablespace ssd with the DDL like tbl1 including comments and indexes
- postgresql_table:
- db: acme
- table: tbl2
- like: tbl1
- including: comments, indexes
- tablespace: ssd
-- name: Create test_table with several columns in ssd tablespace with fillfactor=10 and autovacuum_analyze_threshold=1
- postgresql_table:
- name: test_table
- columns:
- - id bigserial primary key
- - num bigint
- - stories text
- tablespace: ssd
- storage_params:
- - fillfactor=10
- - autovacuum_analyze_threshold=1
-- name: Create an unlogged table in schema acme
- postgresql_table:
- name: acme.useless_data
- columns: waste_id int
- unlogged: true
-- name: Rename table foo to bar
- postgresql_table:
- table: foo
- rename: bar
-- name: Rename table foo from schema acme to bar
- postgresql_table:
- name:
- rename: bar
-- name: Set owner to someuser
- postgresql_table:
- name: foo
- owner: someuser
-- name: Change tablespace of foo table to new_tablespace and set owner to new_user
- postgresql_table:
- name: foo
- tablespace: new_tablespace
- owner: new_user
-- name: Truncate table foo
- postgresql_table:
- name: foo
- truncate: yes
-- name: Drop table foo from schema acme
- postgresql_table:
- name:
- state: absent
-- name: Drop table bar cascade
- postgresql_table:
- name: bar
- state: absent
- cascade: yes
-RETURN = r'''
- description: Name of a table.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'foo'
- description: Table state.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'present'
- description: Table owner.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'postgres'
- description: Tablespace.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'ssd_tablespace'
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: [ 'CREATE TABLE "test_table" (id bigint)' ]
- description: Storage parameters.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: [ "fillfactor=100", "autovacuum_analyze_threshold=1" ]
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.database import pg_quote_identifier
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-# ===========================================
-# PostgreSQL module specific support methods.
-class Table(object):
- def __init__(self, name, module, cursor):
- = name
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- = {
- 'owner': '',
- 'tblspace': '',
- 'storage_params': [],
- }
- self.exists = False
- self.__exists_in_db()
- self.executed_queries = []
- def get_info(self):
- """Getter to refresh and get table info"""
- self.__exists_in_db()
- def __exists_in_db(self):
- """Check table exists and refresh info"""
- if "." in
- schema ='.')[-2]
- tblname ='.')[-1]
- else:
- schema = 'public'
- tblname =
- query = ("SELECT t.tableowner, t.tablespace, c.reloptions "
- "FROM pg_tables AS t "
- "INNER JOIN pg_class AS c ON c.relname = t.tablename "
- "INNER JOIN pg_namespace AS n ON c.relnamespace = n.oid "
- "WHERE t.tablename = %(tblname)s "
- "AND n.nspname = %(schema)s")
- res = exec_sql(self, query, query_params={'tblname': tblname, 'schema': schema},
- add_to_executed=False)
- if res:
- self.exists = True
- = dict(
- owner=res[0][0],
- tblspace=res[0][1] if res[0][1] else '',
- storage_params=res[0][2] if res[0][2] else [],
- )
- return True
- else:
- self.exists = False
- return False
- def create(self, columns='', params='', tblspace='',
- unlogged=False, owner=''):
- """
- Create table.
- If table exists, check passed args (params, tblspace, owner) and,
- if they're different from current, change them.
- Arguments:
- params - storage params (passed by "WITH (...)" in SQL),
- comma separated.
- tblspace - tablespace.
- owner - table owner.
- unlogged - create unlogged table.
- columns - column string (comma separated).
- """
- name = pg_quote_identifier(, 'table')
- changed = False
- if self.exists:
- if tblspace == 'pg_default' and['tblspace'] is None:
- pass # Because they have the same meaning
- elif tblspace and['tblspace'] != tblspace:
- self.set_tblspace(tblspace)
- changed = True
- if owner and['owner'] != owner:
- self.set_owner(owner)
- changed = True
- if params:
- param_list = [p.strip(' ') for p in params.split(',')]
- new_param = False
- for p in param_list:
- if p not in['storage_params']:
- new_param = True
- if new_param:
- self.set_stor_params(params)
- changed = True
- if changed:
- return True
- return False
- query = "CREATE"
- if unlogged:
- query += " UNLOGGED TABLE %s" % name
- else:
- query += " TABLE %s" % name
- if columns:
- query += " (%s)" % columns
- else:
- query += " ()"
- if params:
- query += " WITH (%s)" % params
- if tblspace:
- query += " TABLESPACE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(tblspace, 'database')
- if exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True):
- changed = True
- if owner:
- changed = self.set_owner(owner)
- return changed
- def create_like(self, src_table, including='', tblspace='',
- unlogged=False, params='', owner=''):
- """
- Create table like another table (with similar DDL).
- Arguments:
- src_table - source table.
- including - corresponds to optional INCLUDING expression
- in CREATE TABLE ... LIKE statement.
- params - storage params (passed by "WITH (...)" in SQL),
- comma separated.
- tblspace - tablespace.
- owner - table owner.
- unlogged - create unlogged table.
- """
- changed = False
- name = pg_quote_identifier(, 'table')
- query = "CREATE"
- if unlogged:
- query += " UNLOGGED TABLE %s" % name
- else:
- query += " TABLE %s" % name
- query += " (LIKE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(src_table, 'table')
- if including:
- including = including.split(',')
- for i in including:
- query += " INCLUDING %s" % i
- query += ')'
- if params:
- query += " WITH (%s)" % params
- if tblspace:
- query += " TABLESPACE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(tblspace, 'database')
- if exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True):
- changed = True
- if owner:
- changed = self.set_owner(owner)
- return changed
- def truncate(self):
- query = "TRUNCATE TABLE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(, 'table')
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def rename(self, newname):
- query = "ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'table'),
- pg_quote_identifier(newname, 'table'))
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def set_owner(self, username):
- query = "ALTER TABLE %s OWNER TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'table'),
- pg_quote_identifier(username, 'role'))
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def drop(self, cascade=False):
- if not self.exists:
- return False
- query = "DROP TABLE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(, 'table')
- if cascade:
- query += " CASCADE"
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def set_tblspace(self, tblspace):
- query = "ALTER TABLE %s SET TABLESPACE %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'table'),
- pg_quote_identifier(tblspace, 'database'))
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def set_stor_params(self, params):
- query = "ALTER TABLE %s SET (%s)" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'table'), params)
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- table=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']),
- state=dict(type='str', default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]),
- db=dict(type='str', default='', aliases=['login_db']),
- tablespace=dict(type='str'),
- owner=dict(type='str'),
- unlogged=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- like=dict(type='str'),
- including=dict(type='str'),
- rename=dict(type='str'),
- truncate=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- columns=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- storage_params=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- cascade=dict(type='bool', default=False),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- table = module.params["table"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- tablespace = module.params["tablespace"]
- owner = module.params["owner"]
- unlogged = module.params["unlogged"]
- like = module.params["like"]
- including = module.params["including"]
- newname = module.params["rename"]
- storage_params = module.params["storage_params"]
- truncate = module.params["truncate"]
- columns = module.params["columns"]
- cascade = module.params["cascade"]
- if state == 'present' and cascade:
- module.warn("cascade=true is ignored when state=present")
- # Check mutual exclusive parameters:
- if state == 'absent' and (truncate or newname or columns or tablespace or like or storage_params or unlogged or owner or including):
- module.fail_json(msg="%s: state=absent is mutually exclusive with: "
- "truncate, rename, columns, tablespace, "
- "including, like, storage_params, unlogged, owner" % table)
- if truncate and (newname or columns or like or unlogged or storage_params or owner or tablespace or including):
- module.fail_json(msg="%s: truncate is mutually exclusive with: "
- "rename, columns, like, unlogged, including, "
- "storage_params, owner, tablespace" % table)
- if newname and (columns or like or unlogged or storage_params or owner or tablespace or including):
- module.fail_json(msg="%s: rename is mutually exclusive with: "
- "columns, like, unlogged, including, "
- "storage_params, owner, tablespace" % table)
- if like and columns:
- module.fail_json(msg="%s: like and columns params are mutually exclusive" % table)
- if including and not like:
- module.fail_json(msg="%s: including param needs like param specified" % table)
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=False)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- if storage_params:
- storage_params = ','.join(storage_params)
- if columns:
- columns = ','.join(columns)
- ##############
- # Do main job:
- table_obj = Table(table, module, cursor)
- # Set default returned values:
- changed = False
- kw = {}
- kw['table'] = table
- kw['state'] = ''
- if table_obj.exists:
- kw = dict(
- table=table,
- state='present',
- )
- if state == 'absent':
- changed = table_obj.drop(cascade=cascade)
- elif truncate:
- changed = table_obj.truncate()
- elif newname:
- changed = table_obj.rename(newname)
- q = table_obj.executed_queries
- table_obj = Table(newname, module, cursor)
- table_obj.executed_queries = q
- elif state == 'present' and not like:
- changed = table_obj.create(columns, storage_params,
- tablespace, unlogged, owner)
- elif state == 'present' and like:
- changed = table_obj.create_like(like, including, tablespace,
- unlogged, storage_params)
- if changed:
- if module.check_mode:
- db_connection.rollback()
- else:
- db_connection.commit()
- # Refresh table info for RETURN.
- # Note, if table has been renamed, it gets info by newname:
- table_obj.get_info()
- db_connection.commit()
- if table_obj.exists:
- kw = dict(
- table=table,
- state='present',
- )
- else:
- # We just change the table state here
- # to keep other information about the dropped table:
- kw['state'] = 'absent'
- kw['queries'] = table_obj.executed_queries
- kw['changed'] = changed
- db_connection.close()
- module.exit_json(**kw)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index aceced98af..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Flavien Chantelot (@Dorn-)
-# Copyright: (c) 2018, Antoine Levy-Lambert (@antoinell)
-# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'supported_by': 'community',
- 'status': ['preview']
-module: postgresql_tablespace
-short_description: Add or remove PostgreSQL tablespaces from remote hosts
-- Adds or removes PostgreSQL tablespaces from remote hosts.
-version_added: '2.8'
- tablespace:
- description:
- - Name of the tablespace to add or remove.
- required: true
- type: str
- aliases:
- - name
- location:
- description:
- - Path to the tablespace directory in the file system.
- - Ensure that the location exists and has right privileges.
- type: path
- aliases:
- - path
- state:
- description:
- - Tablespace state.
- - I(state=present) implies the tablespace must be created if it doesn't exist.
- - I(state=absent) implies the tablespace must be removed if present.
- I(state=absent) is mutually exclusive with I(location), I(owner), i(set).
- - See the Notes section for information about check mode restrictions.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- owner:
- description:
- - Name of the role to set as an owner of the tablespace.
- - If this option is not specified, the tablespace owner is a role that creates the tablespace.
- type: str
- set:
- description:
- - Dict of tablespace options to set. Supported from PostgreSQL 9.0.
- - For more information see U(
- - When reset is passed as an option's value, if the option was set previously, it will be removed.
- type: dict
- rename_to:
- description:
- - New name of the tablespace.
- - The new name cannot begin with pg_, as such names are reserved for system tablespaces.
- type: str
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must
- be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to and run queries against.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
-- I(state=absent) and I(state=present) (the second one if the tablespace doesn't exist) do not
- support check mode because the corresponding PostgreSQL DROP and CREATE TABLESPACE commands
- can not be run inside the transaction block.
-- name: PostgreSQL tablespaces
- description: General information about PostgreSQL tablespaces.
- link:
-- name: CREATE TABLESPACE reference
- description: Complete reference of the CREATE TABLESPACE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: ALTER TABLESPACE reference
- description: Complete reference of the ALTER TABLESPACE command documentation.
- link:
-- name: DROP TABLESPACE reference
- description: Complete reference of the DROP TABLESPACE command documentation.
- link:
-- Flavien Chantelot (@Dorn-)
-- Antoine Levy-Lambert (@antoinell)
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Create a new tablespace called acme and set bob as an its owner
- postgresql_tablespace:
- name: acme
- owner: bob
- location: /data/foo
-- name: Create a new tablespace called bar with tablespace options
- postgresql_tablespace:
- name: bar
- set:
- random_page_cost: 1
- seq_page_cost: 1
-- name: Reset random_page_cost option
- postgresql_tablespace:
- name: bar
- set:
- random_page_cost: reset
-- name: Rename the tablespace from bar to pcie_ssd
- postgresql_tablespace:
- name: bar
- rename_to: pcie_ssd
-- name: Drop tablespace called bloat
- postgresql_tablespace:
- name: bloat
- state: absent
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of queries that was tried to be executed.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: [ "CREATE TABLESPACE bar LOCATION '/incredible/ssd'" ]
- description: Tablespace name.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'ssd'
- description: Tablespace owner.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'Bob'
- description: Tablespace options.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: { 'random_page_cost': 1, 'seq_page_cost': 1 }
- description: Path to the tablespace in the file system.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: '/incredible/fast/ssd'
- description: New tablespace name
- returned: if existent
- type: str
- sample: new_ssd
- description: Tablespace state at the end of execution.
- returned: always
- type: str
- sample: 'present'
- from psycopg2 import __version__ as PSYCOPG2_VERSION
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
- from psycopg2.extensions import ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT as AUTOCOMMIT
- from psycopg2.extensions import ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_COMMITTED as READ_COMMITTED
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.database import pg_quote_identifier
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-class PgTablespace(object):
- """Class for working with PostgreSQL tablespaces.
- Args:
- module (AnsibleModule) -- object of AnsibleModule class
- cursor (cursor) -- cursor object of psycopg2 library
- name (str) -- name of the tablespace
- Attrs:
- module (AnsibleModule) -- object of AnsibleModule class
- cursor (cursor) -- cursor object of psycopg2 library
- name (str) -- name of the tablespace
- exists (bool) -- flag the tablespace exists in the DB or not
- owner (str) -- tablespace owner
- location (str) -- path to the tablespace directory in the file system
- executed_queries (list) -- list of executed queries
- new_name (str) -- new name for the tablespace
- opt_not_supported (bool) -- flag indicates a tablespace option is supported or not
- """
- def __init__(self, module, cursor, name):
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- = name
- self.exists = False
- self.owner = ''
- self.settings = {}
- self.location = ''
- self.executed_queries = []
- self.new_name = ''
- self.opt_not_supported = False
- # Collect info:
- self.get_info()
- def get_info(self):
- """Get tablespace information."""
- # Check that spcoptions exists:
- opt = exec_sql(self, "SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns "
- "WHERE table_name = 'pg_tablespace' "
- "AND column_name = 'spcoptions'", add_to_executed=False)
- # For 9.1 version and earlier:
- location = exec_sql(self, "SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.columns "
- "WHERE table_name = 'pg_tablespace' "
- "AND column_name = 'spclocation'", add_to_executed=False)
- if location:
- location = 'spclocation'
- else:
- location = 'pg_tablespace_location(t.oid)'
- if not opt:
- self.opt_not_supported = True
- query = ("SELECT r.rolname, (SELECT Null), %s "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace AS t "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r "
- "ON t.spcowner = r.oid " % location)
- else:
- query = ("SELECT r.rolname, t.spcoptions, %s "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_tablespace AS t "
- "JOIN pg_catalog.pg_roles AS r "
- "ON t.spcowner = r.oid " % location)
- res = exec_sql(self, query + "WHERE t.spcname = %(name)s",
- query_params={'name':}, add_to_executed=False)
- if not res:
- self.exists = False
- return False
- if res[0][0]:
- self.exists = True
- self.owner = res[0][0]
- if res[0][1]:
- # Options exist:
- for i in res[0][1]:
- i = i.split('=')
- self.settings[i[0]] = i[1]
- if res[0][2]:
- # Location exists:
- self.location = res[0][2]
- def create(self, location):
- """Create tablespace.
- Return True if success, otherwise, return False.
- args:
- location (str) -- tablespace directory path in the FS
- """
- query = ("CREATE TABLESPACE %s LOCATION '%s'" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'database'), location))
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def drop(self):
- """Drop tablespace.
- Return True if success, otherwise, return False.
- """
- return exec_sql(self, "DROP TABLESPACE %s" % pg_quote_identifier(, 'database'), ddl=True)
- def set_owner(self, new_owner):
- """Set tablespace owner.
- Return True if success, otherwise, return False.
- args:
- new_owner (str) -- name of a new owner for the tablespace"
- """
- if new_owner == self.owner:
- return False
- query = "ALTER TABLESPACE %s OWNER TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'database'), new_owner)
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def rename(self, newname):
- """Rename tablespace.
- Return True if success, otherwise, return False.
- args:
- newname (str) -- new name for the tablespace"
- """
- query = "ALTER TABLESPACE %s RENAME TO %s" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'database'), newname)
- self.new_name = newname
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def set_settings(self, new_settings):
- """Set tablespace settings (options).
- If some setting has been changed, set changed = True.
- After all settings list is handling, return changed.
- args:
- new_settings (list) -- list of new settings
- """
- # settings must be a dict {'key': 'value'}
- if self.opt_not_supported:
- return False
- changed = False
- # Apply new settings:
- for i in new_settings:
- if new_settings[i] == 'reset':
- if i in self.settings:
- changed = self.__reset_setting(i)
- self.settings[i] = None
- elif (i not in self.settings) or (str(new_settings[i]) != self.settings[i]):
- changed = self.__set_setting("%s = '%s'" % (i, new_settings[i]))
- return changed
- def __reset_setting(self, setting):
- """Reset tablespace setting.
- Return True if success, otherwise, return False.
- args:
- setting (str) -- string in format "setting_name = 'setting_value'"
- """
- query = "ALTER TABLESPACE %s RESET (%s)" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'database'), setting)
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
- def __set_setting(self, setting):
- """Set tablespace setting.
- Return True if success, otherwise, return False.
- args:
- setting (str) -- string in format "setting_name = 'setting_value'"
- """
- query = "ALTER TABLESPACE %s SET (%s)" % (pg_quote_identifier(, 'database'), setting)
- return exec_sql(self, query, ddl=True)
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- tablespace=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']),
- state=dict(type='str', default="present", choices=["absent", "present"]),
- location=dict(type='path', aliases=['path']),
- owner=dict(type='str'),
- set=dict(type='dict'),
- rename_to=dict(type='str'),
- db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- mutually_exclusive=(('positional_args', 'named_args'),),
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- tablespace = module.params["tablespace"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- location = module.params["location"]
- owner = module.params["owner"]
- rename_to = module.params["rename_to"]
- settings = module.params["set"]
- if state == 'absent' and (location or owner or rename_to or settings):
- module.fail_json(msg="state=absent is mutually exclusive location, "
- "owner, rename_to, and set")
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params, warn_db_default=False)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- # Change autocommit to False if check_mode:
- if module.check_mode:
- if PSYCOPG2_VERSION >= '2.4.2':
- db_connection.set_session(autocommit=False)
- else:
- db_connection.set_isolation_level(READ_COMMITTED)
- # Set defaults:
- autocommit = False
- changed = False
- ##############
- # Create PgTablespace object and do main job:
- tblspace = PgTablespace(module, cursor, tablespace)
- # If tablespace exists with different location, exit:
- if tblspace.exists and location and location != tblspace.location:
- module.fail_json(msg="Tablespace '%s' exists with different location '%s'" % (, tblspace.location))
- # Create new tablespace:
- if not tblspace.exists and state == 'present':
- if rename_to:
- module.fail_json(msg="Tablespace %s does not exist, nothing to rename" % tablespace)
- if not location:
- module.fail_json(msg="'location' parameter must be passed with "
- "state=present if the tablespace doesn't exist")
- # Because CREATE TABLESPACE can not be run inside the transaction block:
- autocommit = True
- if PSYCOPG2_VERSION >= '2.4.2':
- db_connection.set_session(autocommit=True)
- else:
- db_connection.set_isolation_level(AUTOCOMMIT)
- changed = tblspace.create(location)
- # Drop non-existing tablespace:
- elif not tblspace.exists and state == 'absent':
- # Nothing to do:
- module.fail_json(msg="Tries to drop nonexistent tablespace '%s'" %
- # Drop existing tablespace:
- elif tblspace.exists and state == 'absent':
- # Because DROP TABLESPACE can not be run inside the transaction block:
- autocommit = True
- if PSYCOPG2_VERSION >= '2.4.2':
- db_connection.set_session(autocommit=True)
- else:
- db_connection.set_isolation_level(AUTOCOMMIT)
- changed = tblspace.drop()
- # Rename tablespace:
- elif tblspace.exists and rename_to:
- if != rename_to:
- changed = tblspace.rename(rename_to)
- if state == 'present':
- # Refresh information:
- tblspace.get_info()
- # Change owner and settings:
- if state == 'present' and tblspace.exists:
- if owner:
- changed = tblspace.set_owner(owner)
- if settings:
- changed = tblspace.set_settings(settings)
- tblspace.get_info()
- # Rollback if it's possible and check_mode:
- if not autocommit:
- if module.check_mode:
- db_connection.rollback()
- else:
- db_connection.commit()
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- # Make return values:
- kw = dict(
- changed=changed,
- state='present',
- owner=tblspace.owner,
- queries=tblspace.executed_queries,
- options=tblspace.settings,
- location=tblspace.location,
- )
- if state == 'present':
- kw['state'] = 'present'
- if tblspace.new_name:
- kw['newname'] = tblspace.new_name
- elif state == 'absent':
- kw['state'] = 'absent'
- module.exit_json(**kw)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index dc1b6a17b2..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,927 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['stableinterface'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: postgresql_user
-short_description: Add or remove a user (role) from a PostgreSQL server instance
-- Adds or removes a user (role) from a PostgreSQL server instance
- ("cluster" in PostgreSQL terminology) and, optionally,
- grants the user access to an existing database or tables.
-- A user is a role with login privilege.
-- The fundamental function of the module is to create, or delete, users from
- a PostgreSQL instances. Privilege assignment, or removal, is an optional
- step, which works on one database at a time. This allows for the module to
- be called several times in the same module to modify the permissions on
- different databases, or to grant permissions to already existing users.
-- A user cannot be removed until all the privileges have been stripped from
- the user. In such situation, if the module tries to remove the user it
- will fail. To avoid this from happening the fail_on_user option signals
- the module to try to remove the user, but if not possible keep going; the
- module will report if changes happened and separately if the user was
- removed or not.
-version_added: '0.6'
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the user (role) to add or remove.
- type: str
- required: true
- aliases:
- - user
- password:
- description:
- - Set the user's password, before 1.4 this was required.
- - Password can be passed unhashed or hashed (MD5-hashed).
- - Unhashed password will automatically be hashed when saved into the
- database if C(encrypted) parameter is set, otherwise it will be save in
- plain text format.
- - When passing a hashed password it must be generated with the format
- C('str["md5"] + md5[ password + username ]'), resulting in a total of
- 35 characters. An easy way to do this is C(echo "md5$(echo -n
- 'verysecretpasswordJOE' | md5sum | awk '{print $1}')").
- - Note that if the provided password string is already in MD5-hashed
- format, then it is used as-is, regardless of C(encrypted) parameter.
- type: str
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect to and where user's permissions will be granted.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
- fail_on_user:
- description:
- - If C(yes), fail when user (role) can't be removed. Otherwise just log and continue.
- default: 'yes'
- type: bool
- aliases:
- - fail_on_role
- priv:
- description:
- - "Slash-separated PostgreSQL privileges string: C(priv1/priv2), where
- privileges can be defined for database ( allowed options - 'CREATE',
- 'CONNECT', 'TEMPORARY', 'TEMP', 'ALL'. For example C(CONNECT) ) or
- for table ( allowed options - 'SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE',
- C(table:SELECT) ). Mixed example of this string:
- type: str
- role_attr_flags:
- description:
- - "PostgreSQL user attributes string in the format: CREATEDB,CREATEROLE,SUPERUSER."
- - Note that '[NO]CREATEUSER' is deprecated.
- - To create a simple role for using it like a group, use C(NOLOGIN) flag.
- type: str
- session_role:
- version_added: '2.8'
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting.
- - The specified session_role must be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - The user (role) state.
- type: str
- default: present
- choices: [ absent, present ]
- encrypted:
- description:
- - Whether the password is stored hashed in the database.
- - Passwords can be passed already hashed or unhashed, and postgresql
- ensures the stored password is hashed when C(encrypted) is set.
- - "Note: Postgresql 10 and newer doesn't support unhashed passwords."
- - Previous to Ansible 2.6, this was C(no) by default.
- default: 'yes'
- type: bool
- version_added: '1.4'
- expires:
- description:
- - The date at which the user's password is to expire.
- - If set to C('infinity'), user's password never expire.
- - Note that this value should be a valid SQL date and time type.
- type: str
- version_added: '1.4'
- no_password_changes:
- description:
- - If C(yes), don't inspect database for password changes. Effective when
- C(pg_authid) is not accessible (such as AWS RDS). Otherwise, make
- password changes as necessary.
- default: 'no'
- type: bool
- version_added: '2.0'
- conn_limit:
- description:
- - Specifies the user (role) connection limit.
- type: int
- version_added: '2.4'
- ssl_mode:
- description:
- - Determines whether or with what priority a secure SSL TCP/IP connection will be negotiated with the server.
- - See U( for more information on the modes.
- - Default of C(prefer) matches libpq default.
- type: str
- default: prefer
- choices: [ allow, disable, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full ]
- version_added: '2.3'
- ca_cert:
- description:
- - Specifies the name of a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA) certificate(s).
- - If the file exists, the server's certificate will be verified to be signed by one of these authorities.
- type: str
- aliases: [ ssl_rootcert ]
- version_added: '2.3'
- groups:
- description:
- - The list of groups (roles) that need to be granted to the user.
- type: list
- elements: str
- version_added: '2.9'
- comment:
- description:
- - Add a comment on the user (equal to the COMMENT ON ROLE statement result).
- type: str
- version_added: '2.10'
-- The module creates a user (role) with login privilege by default.
- Use NOLOGIN role_attr_flags to change this behaviour.
-- If you specify PUBLIC as the user (role), then the privilege changes will apply to all users (roles).
- You may not specify password or role_attr_flags when the PUBLIC user is specified.
-- module: postgresql_privs
-- module: postgresql_membership
-- module: postgresql_owner
-- name: PostgreSQL database roles
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL database roles documentation.
- link:
-- Ansible Core Team
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Connect to acme database, create django user, and grant access to database and products table
- postgresql_user:
- db: acme
- name: django
- password: ceec4eif7ya
- priv: "CONNECT/products:ALL"
- expires: "Jan 31 2020"
-- name: Add a comment on django user
- postgresql_user:
- db: acme
- name: django
- comment: This is a test user
-# Connect to default database, create rails user, set its password (MD5-hashed),
-# and grant privilege to create other databases and demote rails from super user status if user exists
-- name: Create rails user, set MD5-hashed password, grant privs
- postgresql_user:
- name: rails
- password: md59543f1d82624df2b31672ec0f7050460
- role_attr_flags: CREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER
-- name: Connect to acme database and remove test user privileges from there
- postgresql_user:
- db: acme
- name: test
- priv: "ALL/products:ALL"
- state: absent
- fail_on_user: no
-- name: Connect to test database, remove test user from cluster
- postgresql_user:
- db: test
- name: test
- priv: ALL
- state: absent
-- name: Connect to acme database and set user's password with no expire date
- postgresql_user:
- db: acme
- name: django
- password: mysupersecretword
- priv: "CONNECT/products:ALL"
- expires: infinity
-# Example privileges string format
-# INSERT,UPDATE/table:SELECT/anothertable:ALL
-- name: Connect to test database and remove an existing user's password
- postgresql_user:
- db: test
- user: test
- password: ""
-- name: Create user test and grant group user_ro and user_rw to it
- postgresql_user:
- name: test
- groups:
- - user_ro
- - user_rw
-RETURN = r'''
- description: List of executed queries.
- returned: always
- type: list
- sample: ['CREATE USER "alice"', 'GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE "acme" TO "alice"']
- version_added: '2.8'
-import itertools
-import re
-import traceback
-from hashlib import md5
- import psycopg2
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.database import pg_quote_identifier, SQLParseError
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- get_conn_params,
- PgMembership,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
- database=frozenset(
- )
-# map to cope with idiosyncracies of SUPERUSER and LOGIN
-PRIV_TO_AUTHID_COLUMN = dict(SUPERUSER='rolsuper', CREATEROLE='rolcreaterole',
- CREATEDB='rolcreatedb', INHERIT='rolinherit', LOGIN='rolcanlogin',
- REPLICATION='rolreplication', BYPASSRLS='rolbypassrls')
-executed_queries = []
-class InvalidFlagsError(Exception):
- pass
-class InvalidPrivsError(Exception):
- pass
-# ===========================================
-# PostgreSQL module specific support methods.
-def user_exists(cursor, user):
- # The PUBLIC user is a special case that is always there
- if user == 'PUBLIC':
- return True
- query = "SELECT rolname FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname=%(user)s"
- cursor.execute(query, {'user': user})
- return cursor.rowcount > 0
-def user_add(cursor, user, password, role_attr_flags, encrypted, expires, conn_limit):
- """Create a new database user (role)."""
- # Note: role_attr_flags escaped by parse_role_attrs and encrypted is a
- # literal
- query_password_data = dict(password=password, expires=expires)
- query = ['CREATE USER "%(user)s"' %
- {"user": user}]
- if password is not None and password != '':
- query.append("WITH %(crypt)s" % {"crypt": encrypted})
- query.append("PASSWORD %(password)s")
- if expires is not None:
- query.append("VALID UNTIL %(expires)s")
- if conn_limit is not None:
- query.append("CONNECTION LIMIT %(conn_limit)s" % {"conn_limit": conn_limit})
- query.append(role_attr_flags)
- query = ' '.join(query)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query, query_password_data)
- return True
-def user_should_we_change_password(current_role_attrs, user, password, encrypted):
- """Check if we should change the user's password.
- Compare the proposed password with the existing one, comparing
- hashes if encrypted. If we can't access it assume yes.
- """
- if current_role_attrs is None:
- # on some databases, E.g. AWS RDS instances, there is no access to
- # the pg_authid relation to check the pre-existing password, so we
- # just assume password is different
- return True
- # Do we actually need to do anything?
- pwchanging = False
- if password is not None:
- # Empty password means that the role shouldn't have a password, which
- # means we need to check if the current password is None.
- if password == '':
- if current_role_attrs['rolpassword'] is not None:
- pwchanging = True
- # 32: MD5 hashes are represented as a sequence of 32 hexadecimal digits
- # 3: The size of the 'md5' prefix
- # When the provided password looks like a MD5-hash, value of
- # 'encrypted' is ignored.
- elif (password.startswith('md5') and len(password) == 32 + 3) or encrypted == 'UNENCRYPTED':
- if password != current_role_attrs['rolpassword']:
- pwchanging = True
- elif encrypted == 'ENCRYPTED':
- hashed_password = 'md5{0}'.format(md5(to_bytes(password) + to_bytes(user)).hexdigest())
- if hashed_password != current_role_attrs['rolpassword']:
- pwchanging = True
- return pwchanging
-def user_alter(db_connection, module, user, password, role_attr_flags, encrypted, expires, no_password_changes, conn_limit):
- """Change user password and/or attributes. Return True if changed, False otherwise."""
- changed = False
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- # Note: role_attr_flags escaped by parse_role_attrs and encrypted is a
- # literal
- if user == 'PUBLIC':
- if password is not None:
- module.fail_json(msg="cannot change the password for PUBLIC user")
- elif role_attr_flags != '':
- module.fail_json(msg="cannot change the role_attr_flags for PUBLIC user")
- else:
- return False
- # Handle passwords.
- if not no_password_changes and (password is not None or role_attr_flags != '' or expires is not None or conn_limit is not None):
- # Select password and all flag-like columns in order to verify changes.
- try:
- select = "SELECT * FROM pg_authid where rolname=%(user)s"
- cursor.execute(select, {"user": user})
- # Grab current role attributes.
- current_role_attrs = cursor.fetchone()
- except psycopg2.ProgrammingError:
- current_role_attrs = None
- db_connection.rollback()
- pwchanging = user_should_we_change_password(current_role_attrs, user, password, encrypted)
- if current_role_attrs is None:
- try:
- # AWS RDS instances does not allow user to access pg_authid
- # so try to get current_role_attrs from pg_roles tables
- select = "SELECT * FROM pg_roles where rolname=%(user)s"
- cursor.execute(select, {"user": user})
- # Grab current role attributes from pg_roles
- current_role_attrs = cursor.fetchone()
- except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e:
- db_connection.rollback()
- module.fail_json(msg="Failed to get role details for current user %s: %s" % (user, e))
- role_attr_flags_changing = False
- if role_attr_flags:
- role_attr_flags_dict = {}
- for r in role_attr_flags.split(' '):
- if r.startswith('NO'):
- role_attr_flags_dict[r.replace('NO', '', 1)] = False
- else:
- role_attr_flags_dict[r] = True
- for role_attr_name, role_attr_value in role_attr_flags_dict.items():
- if current_role_attrs[PRIV_TO_AUTHID_COLUMN[role_attr_name]] != role_attr_value:
- role_attr_flags_changing = True
- if expires is not None:
- cursor.execute("SELECT %s::timestamptz;", (expires,))
- expires_with_tz = cursor.fetchone()[0]
- expires_changing = expires_with_tz != current_role_attrs.get('rolvaliduntil')
- else:
- expires_changing = False
- conn_limit_changing = (conn_limit is not None and conn_limit != current_role_attrs['rolconnlimit'])
- if not pwchanging and not role_attr_flags_changing and not expires_changing and not conn_limit_changing:
- return False
- alter = ['ALTER USER "%(user)s"' % {"user": user}]
- if pwchanging:
- if password != '':
- alter.append("WITH %(crypt)s" % {"crypt": encrypted})
- alter.append("PASSWORD %(password)s")
- else:
- alter.append("WITH PASSWORD NULL")
- alter.append(role_attr_flags)
- elif role_attr_flags:
- alter.append('WITH %s' % role_attr_flags)
- if expires is not None:
- alter.append("VALID UNTIL %(expires)s")
- if conn_limit is not None:
- alter.append("CONNECTION LIMIT %(conn_limit)s" % {"conn_limit": conn_limit})
- query_password_data = dict(password=password, expires=expires)
- try:
- cursor.execute(' '.join(alter), query_password_data)
- changed = True
- except psycopg2.InternalError as e:
- if e.pgcode == '25006':
- # Handle errors due to read-only transactions indicated by pgcode 25006
- # ERROR: cannot execute ALTER ROLE in a read-only transaction
- changed = False
- module.fail_json(msg=e.pgerror, exception=traceback.format_exc())
- return changed
- else:
- raise psycopg2.InternalError(e)
- except psycopg2.NotSupportedError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=e.pgerror, exception=traceback.format_exc())
- elif no_password_changes and role_attr_flags != '':
- # Grab role information from pg_roles instead of pg_authid
- select = "SELECT * FROM pg_roles where rolname=%(user)s"
- cursor.execute(select, {"user": user})
- # Grab current role attributes.
- current_role_attrs = cursor.fetchone()
- role_attr_flags_changing = False
- if role_attr_flags:
- role_attr_flags_dict = {}
- for r in role_attr_flags.split(' '):
- if r.startswith('NO'):
- role_attr_flags_dict[r.replace('NO', '', 1)] = False
- else:
- role_attr_flags_dict[r] = True
- for role_attr_name, role_attr_value in role_attr_flags_dict.items():
- if current_role_attrs[PRIV_TO_AUTHID_COLUMN[role_attr_name]] != role_attr_value:
- role_attr_flags_changing = True
- if not role_attr_flags_changing:
- return False
- alter = ['ALTER USER "%(user)s"' %
- {"user": user}]
- if role_attr_flags:
- alter.append('WITH %s' % role_attr_flags)
- try:
- cursor.execute(' '.join(alter))
- except psycopg2.InternalError as e:
- if e.pgcode == '25006':
- # Handle errors due to read-only transactions indicated by pgcode 25006
- # ERROR: cannot execute ALTER ROLE in a read-only transaction
- changed = False
- module.fail_json(msg=e.pgerror, exception=traceback.format_exc())
- return changed
- else:
- raise psycopg2.InternalError(e)
- # Grab new role attributes.
- cursor.execute(select, {"user": user})
- new_role_attrs = cursor.fetchone()
- # Detect any differences between current_ and new_role_attrs.
- changed = current_role_attrs != new_role_attrs
- return changed
-def user_delete(cursor, user):
- """Try to remove a user. Returns True if successful otherwise False"""
- cursor.execute("SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_user_delete")
- try:
- query = 'DROP USER "%s"' % user
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
- except Exception:
- cursor.execute("ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_user_delete")
- cursor.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_user_delete")
- return False
- cursor.execute("RELEASE SAVEPOINT ansible_pgsql_user_delete")
- return True
-def has_table_privileges(cursor, user, table, privs):
- """
- Return the difference between the privileges that a user already has and
- the privileges that they desire to have.
- :returns: tuple of:
- * privileges that they have and were requested
- * privileges they currently hold but were not requested
- * privileges requested that they do not hold
- """
- cur_privs = get_table_privileges(cursor, user, table)
- have_currently = cur_privs.intersection(privs)
- other_current = cur_privs.difference(privs)
- desired = privs.difference(cur_privs)
- return (have_currently, other_current, desired)
-def get_table_privileges(cursor, user, table):
- if '.' in table:
- schema, table = table.split('.', 1)
- else:
- schema = 'public'
- query = ("SELECT privilege_type FROM information_schema.role_table_grants "
- "WHERE grantee=%(user)s AND table_name=%(table)s AND table_schema=%(schema)s")
- cursor.execute(query, {'user': user, 'table': table, 'schema': schema})
- return frozenset([x[0] for x in cursor.fetchall()])
-def grant_table_privileges(cursor, user, table, privs):
- # Note: priv escaped by parse_privs
- privs = ', '.join(privs)
- query = 'GRANT %s ON TABLE %s TO "%s"' % (
- privs, pg_quote_identifier(table, 'table'), user)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
-def revoke_table_privileges(cursor, user, table, privs):
- # Note: priv escaped by parse_privs
- privs = ', '.join(privs)
- query = 'REVOKE %s ON TABLE %s FROM "%s"' % (
- privs, pg_quote_identifier(table, 'table'), user)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
-def get_database_privileges(cursor, user, db):
- priv_map = {
- 'C': 'CREATE',
- 'c': 'CONNECT',
- }
- query = 'SELECT datacl FROM pg_database WHERE datname = %s'
- cursor.execute(query, (db,))
- datacl = cursor.fetchone()[0]
- if datacl is None:
- return set()
- r ='%s\\?"?=(C?T?c?)/[^,]+,?' % user, datacl)
- if r is None:
- return set()
- o = set()
- for v in
- o.add(priv_map[v])
- return normalize_privileges(o, 'database')
-def has_database_privileges(cursor, user, db, privs):
- """
- Return the difference between the privileges that a user already has and
- the privileges that they desire to have.
- :returns: tuple of:
- * privileges that they have and were requested
- * privileges they currently hold but were not requested
- * privileges requested that they do not hold
- """
- cur_privs = get_database_privileges(cursor, user, db)
- have_currently = cur_privs.intersection(privs)
- other_current = cur_privs.difference(privs)
- desired = privs.difference(cur_privs)
- return (have_currently, other_current, desired)
-def grant_database_privileges(cursor, user, db, privs):
- # Note: priv escaped by parse_privs
- privs = ', '.join(privs)
- if user == "PUBLIC":
- query = 'GRANT %s ON DATABASE %s TO PUBLIC' % (
- privs, pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'))
- else:
- query = 'GRANT %s ON DATABASE %s TO "%s"' % (
- privs, pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'), user)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
-def revoke_database_privileges(cursor, user, db, privs):
- # Note: priv escaped by parse_privs
- privs = ', '.join(privs)
- if user == "PUBLIC":
- query = 'REVOKE %s ON DATABASE %s FROM PUBLIC' % (
- privs, pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'))
- else:
- query = 'REVOKE %s ON DATABASE %s FROM "%s"' % (
- privs, pg_quote_identifier(db, 'database'), user)
- executed_queries.append(query)
- cursor.execute(query)
-def revoke_privileges(cursor, user, privs):
- if privs is None:
- return False
- revoke_funcs = dict(table=revoke_table_privileges,
- database=revoke_database_privileges)
- check_funcs = dict(table=has_table_privileges,
- database=has_database_privileges)
- changed = False
- for type_ in privs:
- for name, privileges in iteritems(privs[type_]):
- # Check that any of the privileges requested to be removed are
- # currently granted to the user
- differences = check_funcs[type_](cursor, user, name, privileges)
- if differences[0]:
- revoke_funcs[type_](cursor, user, name, privileges)
- changed = True
- return changed
-def grant_privileges(cursor, user, privs):
- if privs is None:
- return False
- grant_funcs = dict(table=grant_table_privileges,
- database=grant_database_privileges)
- check_funcs = dict(table=has_table_privileges,
- database=has_database_privileges)
- changed = False
- for type_ in privs:
- for name, privileges in iteritems(privs[type_]):
- # Check that any of the privileges requested for the user are
- # currently missing
- differences = check_funcs[type_](cursor, user, name, privileges)
- if differences[2]:
- grant_funcs[type_](cursor, user, name, privileges)
- changed = True
- return changed
-def parse_role_attrs(cursor, role_attr_flags):
- """
- Parse role attributes string for user creation.
- Format:
- attributes[,attributes,...]
- Where:
- Note: "[NO]BYPASSRLS" role attribute introduced in 9.5
- Note: "[NO]CREATEUSER" role attribute is deprecated.
- """
- flags = frozenset(role.upper() for role in role_attr_flags.split(',') if role)
- valid_flags = frozenset(itertools.chain(FLAGS, get_valid_flags_by_version(cursor)))
- valid_flags = frozenset(itertools.chain(valid_flags, ('NO%s' % flag for flag in valid_flags)))
- if not flags.issubset(valid_flags):
- raise InvalidFlagsError('Invalid role_attr_flags specified: %s' %
- ' '.join(flags.difference(valid_flags)))
- return ' '.join(flags)
-def normalize_privileges(privs, type_):
- new_privs = set(privs)
- if 'ALL' in new_privs:
- new_privs.update(VALID_PRIVS[type_])
- new_privs.remove('ALL')
- if 'TEMP' in new_privs:
- new_privs.add('TEMPORARY')
- new_privs.remove('TEMP')
- return new_privs
-def parse_privs(privs, db):
- """
- Parse privilege string to determine permissions for database db.
- Format:
- privileges[/privileges/...]
- Where:
- """
- if privs is None:
- return privs
- o_privs = {
- 'database': {},
- 'table': {}
- }
- for token in privs.split('/'):
- if ':' not in token:
- type_ = 'database'
- name = db
- priv_set = frozenset(x.strip().upper()
- for x in token.split(',') if x.strip())
- else:
- type_ = 'table'
- name, privileges = token.split(':', 1)
- priv_set = frozenset(x.strip().upper()
- for x in privileges.split(',') if x.strip())
- if not priv_set.issubset(VALID_PRIVS[type_]):
- raise InvalidPrivsError('Invalid privs specified for %s: %s' %
- (type_, ' '.join(priv_set.difference(VALID_PRIVS[type_]))))
- priv_set = normalize_privileges(priv_set, type_)
- o_privs[type_][name] = priv_set
- return o_privs
-def get_valid_flags_by_version(cursor):
- """
- Some role attributes were introduced after certain versions. We want to
- compile a list of valid flags against the current Postgres version.
- """
- current_version = cursor.connection.server_version
- return [
- flag
- for flag, version_introduced in FLAGS_BY_VERSION.items()
- if current_version >= version_introduced
- ]
-def get_comment(cursor, user):
- """Get user's comment."""
- query = ("SELECT pg_catalog.shobj_description(r.oid, 'pg_authid') "
- "FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles r "
- "WHERE r.rolname = %(user)s")
- cursor.execute(query, {'user': user})
- return cursor.fetchone()[0]
-def add_comment(cursor, user, comment):
- """Add comment on user."""
- if comment != get_comment(cursor, user):
- query = 'COMMENT ON ROLE "%s" IS ' % user
- cursor.execute(query + '%(comment)s', {'comment': comment})
- executed_queries.append(cursor.mogrify(query + '%(comment)s', {'comment': comment}))
- return True
- else:
- return False
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- user=dict(type='str', required=True, aliases=['name']),
- password=dict(type='str', default=None, no_log=True),
- state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- priv=dict(type='str', default=None),
- db=dict(type='str', default='', aliases=['login_db']),
- fail_on_user=dict(type='bool', default='yes', aliases=['fail_on_role']),
- role_attr_flags=dict(type='str', default=''),
- encrypted=dict(type='bool', default='yes'),
- no_password_changes=dict(type='bool', default='no'),
- expires=dict(type='str', default=None),
- conn_limit=dict(type='int', default=None),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- groups=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- comment=dict(type='str', default=None),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- user = module.params["user"]
- password = module.params["password"]
- state = module.params["state"]
- fail_on_user = module.params["fail_on_user"]
- if module.params['db'] == '' and module.params["priv"] is not None:
- module.fail_json(msg="privileges require a database to be specified")
- privs = parse_privs(module.params["priv"], module.params["db"])
- no_password_changes = module.params["no_password_changes"]
- if module.params["encrypted"]:
- encrypted = "ENCRYPTED"
- else:
- encrypted = "UNENCRYPTED"
- expires = module.params["expires"]
- conn_limit = module.params["conn_limit"]
- role_attr_flags = module.params["role_attr_flags"]
- groups = module.params["groups"]
- if groups:
- groups = [e.strip() for e in groups]
- comment = module.params["comment"]
- conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params, warn_db_default=False)
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, conn_params)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- try:
- role_attr_flags = parse_role_attrs(cursor, role_attr_flags)
- except InvalidFlagsError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- kw = dict(user=user)
- changed = False
- user_removed = False
- if state == "present":
- if user_exists(cursor, user):
- try:
- changed = user_alter(db_connection, module, user, password,
- role_attr_flags, encrypted, expires, no_password_changes, conn_limit)
- except SQLParseError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- else:
- try:
- changed = user_add(cursor, user, password,
- role_attr_flags, encrypted, expires, conn_limit)
- except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Unable to add user with given requirement "
- "due to : %s" % to_native(e),
- exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except SQLParseError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- try:
- changed = grant_privileges(cursor, user, privs) or changed
- except SQLParseError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- if groups:
- target_roles = []
- target_roles.append(user)
- pg_membership = PgMembership(module, cursor, groups, target_roles)
- changed = pg_membership.grant() or changed
- executed_queries.extend(pg_membership.executed_queries)
- if comment is not None:
- try:
- changed = add_comment(cursor, user, comment) or changed
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg='Unable to add comment on role: %s' % to_native(e),
- exception=traceback.format_exc())
- else:
- if user_exists(cursor, user):
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = True
- kw['user_removed'] = True
- else:
- try:
- changed = revoke_privileges(cursor, user, privs)
- user_removed = user_delete(cursor, user)
- except SQLParseError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- changed = changed or user_removed
- if fail_on_user and not user_removed:
- msg = "Unable to remove user"
- module.fail_json(msg=msg)
- kw['user_removed'] = user_removed
- if changed:
- if module.check_mode:
- db_connection.rollback()
- else:
- db_connection.commit()
- kw['changed'] = changed
- kw['queries'] = executed_queries
- module.exit_json(**kw)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb1aed02bd..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2020, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
- 'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'
-module: postgresql_user_obj_stat_info
-short_description: Gather statistics about PostgreSQL user objects
-- Gathers statistics about PostgreSQL user objects.
-version_added: '2.10'
- filter:
- description:
- - Limit the collected information by comma separated string or YAML list.
- - Allowable values are C(functions), C(indexes), C(tables).
- - By default, collects all subsets.
- - Unsupported values are ignored.
- type: list
- elements: str
- schema:
- description:
- - Restrict the output by certain schema.
- type: str
- db:
- description:
- - Name of database to connect.
- type: str
- aliases:
- - login_db
- session_role:
- description:
- - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must
- be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
- - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
- the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
- type: str
-- C(size) and C(total_size) returned values are presented in bytes.
-- For tracking function statistics the PostgreSQL C(track_functions) parameter must be enabled.
- See U( for more information.
-- module: postgresql_info
-- module: postgresql_ping
-- name: PostgreSQL statistics collector reference
- description: Complete reference of the PostgreSQL statistics collector documentation.
- link:
-- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
-extends_documentation_fragment: postgres
-EXAMPLES = r'''
-- name: Collect information about all supported user objects of the acme database
- postgresql_user_obj_stat_info:
- db: acme
-- name: Collect information about all supported user objects in the custom schema of the acme database
- postgresql_user_obj_stat_info:
- db: acme
- schema: custom
-- name: Collect information about user tables and indexes in the acme database
- postgresql_user_obj_stat_info:
- db: acme
- filter: tables, indexes
-RETURN = r'''
- description: User index statistics
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: {"public": {"test_id_idx": {"idx_scan": 0, "idx_tup_fetch": 0, "idx_tup_read": 0, "relname": "test", "size": 8192, ...}}}
- description: User table statistics.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: {"public": {"test": {"analyze_count": 3, "n_dead_tup": 0, "n_live_tup": 0, "seq_scan": 2, "size": 0, "total_size": 8192, ...}}}
- description: User function statistics.
- returned: always
- type: dict
- sample: {"public": {"inc": {"calls": 1, "funcid": 26722, "self_time": 0.23, "total_time": 0.23}}}
- from psycopg2.extras import DictCursor
-except ImportError:
- # psycopg2 is checked by connect_to_db()
- # from ansible.module_utils.postgres
- pass
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.postgres import (
- connect_to_db,
- exec_sql,
- get_conn_params,
- postgres_common_argument_spec,
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-# ===========================================
-# PostgreSQL module specific support methods.
-class PgUserObjStatInfo():
- """Class to collect information about PostgreSQL user objects.
- Args:
- module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class.
- cursor (cursor): Cursor object of psycopg2 library to work with PostgreSQL.
- Attributes:
- module (AnsibleModule): Object of AnsibleModule class.
- cursor (cursor): Cursor object of psycopg2 library to work with PostgreSQL.
- executed_queries (list): List of executed queries.
- info (dict): Statistics dictionary.
- obj_func_mapping (dict): Mapping of object types to corresponding functions.
- schema (str): Name of a schema to restrict stat collecting.
- """
- def __init__(self, module, cursor):
- self.module = module
- self.cursor = cursor
- = {
- 'functions': {},
- 'indexes': {},
- 'tables': {},
- }
- self.obj_func_mapping = {
- 'functions': self.get_func_stat,
- 'indexes': self.get_idx_stat,
- 'tables': self.get_tbl_stat,
- }
- self.schema = None
- def collect(self, filter_=None, schema=None):
- """Collect statistics information of user objects.
- Kwargs:
- filter_ (list): List of subsets which need to be collected.
- schema (str): Restrict stat collecting by certain schema.
- Returns:
- ````.
- """
- if schema:
- self.set_schema(schema)
- if filter_:
- for obj_type in filter_:
- obj_type = obj_type.strip()
- obj_func = self.obj_func_mapping.get(obj_type)
- if obj_func is not None:
- obj_func()
- else:
- self.module.warn("Unknown filter option '%s'" % obj_type)
- else:
- for obj_func in self.obj_func_mapping.values():
- obj_func()
- return
- def get_func_stat(self):
- """Get function statistics and fill out dictionary."""
- if not self.schema:
- query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_functions"
- result = exec_sql(self, query, add_to_executed=False)
- else:
- query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_functions WHERE schemaname = %s"
- result = exec_sql(self, query, query_params=(self.schema,),
- add_to_executed=False)
- if not result:
- return
- self.__fill_out_info(result,
- info_key='functions',
- schema_key='schemaname',
- name_key='funcname')
- def get_idx_stat(self):
- """Get index statistics and fill out dictionary."""
- if not self.schema:
- query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_indexes"
- result = exec_sql(self, query, add_to_executed=False)
- else:
- query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_indexes WHERE schemaname = %s"
- result = exec_sql(self, query, query_params=(self.schema,),
- add_to_executed=False)
- if not result:
- return
- self.__fill_out_info(result,
- info_key='indexes',
- schema_key='schemaname',
- name_key='indexrelname')
- def get_tbl_stat(self):
- """Get table statistics and fill out dictionary."""
- if not self.schema:
- query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_tables"
- result = exec_sql(self, query, add_to_executed=False)
- else:
- query = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_user_tables WHERE schemaname = %s"
- result = exec_sql(self, query, query_params=(self.schema,),
- add_to_executed=False)
- if not result:
- return
- self.__fill_out_info(result,
- info_key='tables',
- schema_key='schemaname',
- name_key='relname')
- def __fill_out_info(self, result, info_key=None, schema_key=None, name_key=None):
- # Convert result to list of dicts to handle it easier:
- result = [dict(row) for row in result]
- for elem in result:
- # Add schema name as a key if not presented:
- if not[info_key].get(elem[schema_key]):
-[info_key][elem[schema_key]] = {}
- # Add object name key as a subkey
- # (they must be uniq over a schema, so no need additional checks):
-[info_key][elem[schema_key]][elem[name_key]] = {}
- # Add other other attributes to a certain index:
- for key, val in iteritems(elem):
- if key not in (schema_key, name_key):
-[info_key][elem[schema_key]][elem[name_key]][key] = val
- if info_key in ('tables', 'indexes'):
- relname = elem[name_key]
- schemaname = elem[schema_key]
- if not self.schema:
- result = exec_sql(self, "SELECT pg_relation_size ('%s.%s')" % (schemaname, relname),
- add_to_executed=False)
- else:
- relname = '%s.%s' % (self.schema, relname)
- result = exec_sql(self, "SELECT pg_relation_size (%s)",
- query_params=(relname,),
- add_to_executed=False)
-[info_key][elem[schema_key]][elem[name_key]]['size'] = result[0][0]
- if info_key == 'tables':
- relname = elem[name_key]
- schemaname = elem[schema_key]
- if not self.schema:
- result = exec_sql(self, "SELECT pg_total_relation_size ('%s.%s')" % (schemaname, relname),
- add_to_executed=False)
- else:
- relname = '%s.%s' % (self.schema, relname)
- result = exec_sql(self, "SELECT pg_total_relation_size (%s)",
- query_params=(relname,),
- add_to_executed=False)
-[info_key][elem[schema_key]][elem[name_key]]['total_size'] = result[0][0]
- def set_schema(self, schema):
- """If schema exists, sets self.schema, otherwise fails."""
- query = ("SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.schemata "
- "WHERE schema_name = %s")
- result = exec_sql(self, query, query_params=(schema,),
- add_to_executed=False)
- if result and result[0][0]:
- self.schema = schema
- else:
- self.module.fail_json(msg="Schema '%s' does not exist" % (schema))
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
- argument_spec.update(
- db=dict(type='str', aliases=['login_db']),
- filter=dict(type='list', elements='str'),
- session_role=dict(type='str'),
- schema=dict(type='str'),
- )
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=argument_spec,
- supports_check_mode=True,
- )
- filter_ = module.params["filter"]
- schema = module.params["schema"]
- # Connect to DB and make cursor object:
- pg_conn_params = get_conn_params(module, module.params)
- # We don't need to commit anything, so, set it to False:
- db_connection = connect_to_db(module, pg_conn_params, autocommit=False)
- cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor)
- ############################
- # Create object and do work:
- pg_obj_info = PgUserObjStatInfo(module, cursor)
- info_dict = pg_obj_info.collect(filter_, schema)
- # Clean up:
- cursor.close()
- db_connection.close()
- # Return information:
- module.exit_json(**info_dict)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 04a8de2962..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,509 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-module: proxysql_backend_servers
-version_added: "2.3"
-author: "Ben Mildren (@bmildren)"
-short_description: Adds or removes mysql hosts from proxysql admin interface.
- - The M(proxysql_backend_servers) module adds or removes mysql hosts using
- the proxysql admin interface.
- hostgroup_id:
- description:
- - The hostgroup in which this mysqld instance is included. An instance
- can be part of one or more hostgroups.
- default: 0
- hostname:
- description:
- - The ip address at which the mysqld instance can be contacted.
- required: True
- port:
- description:
- - The port at which the mysqld instance can be contacted.
- default: 3306
- status:
- description:
- - ONLINE - Backend server is fully operational.
- OFFLINE_SOFT - When a server is put into C(OFFLINE_SOFT) mode,
- connections are kept in use until the current
- transaction is completed. This allows to gracefully
- detach a backend.
- OFFLINE_HARD - When a server is put into C(OFFLINE_HARD) mode, the
- existing connections are dropped, while new incoming
- connections aren't accepted either.
- If omitted the proxysql database default for I(status) is C(ONLINE).
- weight:
- description:
- - The bigger the weight of a server relative to other weights, the higher
- the probability of the server being chosen from the hostgroup. If
- omitted the proxysql database default for I(weight) is 1.
- compression:
- description:
- - If the value of I(compression) is greater than 0, new connections to
- that server will use compression. If omitted the proxysql database
- default for I(compression) is 0.
- max_connections:
- description:
- - The maximum number of connections ProxySQL will open to this backend
- server. If omitted the proxysql database default for I(max_connections)
- is 1000.
- max_replication_lag:
- description:
- - If greater than 0, ProxySQL will regularly monitor replication lag. If
- replication lag goes above I(max_replication_lag), proxysql will
- temporarily shun the server until replication catches up. If omitted
- the proxysql database default for I(max_replication_lag) is 0.
- use_ssl:
- description:
- - If I(use_ssl) is set to C(True), connections to this server will be
- made using SSL connections. If omitted the proxysql database default
- for I(use_ssl) is C(False).
- type: bool
- max_latency_ms:
- description:
- - Ping time is monitored regularly. If a host has a ping time greater
- than I(max_latency_ms) it is excluded from the connection pool
- (although the server stays ONLINE). If omitted the proxysql database
- default for I(max_latency_ms) is 0.
- comment:
- description:
- - Text field that can be used for any purposed defined by the user.
- Could be a description of what the host stores, a reminder of when the
- host was added or disabled, or a JSON processed by some checker script.
- default: ''
- state:
- description:
- - When C(present) - adds the host, when C(absent) - removes the host.
- choices: [ "present", "absent" ]
- default: present
- - proxysql.managing_config
- - proxysql.connectivity
-# This example adds a server, it saves the mysql server config to disk, but
-# avoids loading the mysql server config to runtime (this might be because
-# several servers are being added and the user wants to push the config to
-# runtime in a single batch using the M(proxysql_manage_config) module). It
-# uses supplied credentials to connect to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_backend_servers:
- login_user: 'admin'
- login_password: 'admin'
- hostname: 'mysql01'
- state: present
- load_to_runtime: False
-# This example removes a server, saves the mysql server config to disk, and
-# dynamically loads the mysql server config to runtime. It uses credentials
-# in a supplied config file to connect to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_backend_servers:
- config_file: '~/proxysql.cnf'
- hostname: 'mysql02'
- state: absent
-RETURN = '''
- description: The mysql host modified or removed from proxysql
- returned: On create/update will return the newly modified host, on delete
- it will return the deleted record.
- type: dict
- "sample": {
- "changed": true,
- "hostname": "",
- "msg": "Added server to mysql_hosts",
- "server": {
- "comment": "",
- "compression": "0",
- "hostgroup_id": "1",
- "hostname": "",
- "max_connections": "1000",
- "max_latency_ms": "0",
- "max_replication_lag": "0",
- "port": "3306",
- "status": "ONLINE",
- "use_ssl": "0",
- "weight": "1"
- },
- "state": "present"
- }
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['stableinterface'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-# ===========================================
-# proxysql module specific support methods.
-def perform_checks(module):
- if module.params["login_port"] < 0 \
- or module.params["login_port"] > 65535:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="login_port must be a valid unix port number (0-65535)"
- )
- if module.params["port"] < 0 \
- or module.params["port"] > 65535:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="port must be a valid unix port number (0-65535)"
- )
- if module.params["compression"]:
- if module.params["compression"] < 0 \
- or module.params["compression"] > 102400:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="compression must be set between 0 and 102400"
- )
- if module.params["max_replication_lag"]:
- if module.params["max_replication_lag"] < 0 \
- or module.params["max_replication_lag"] > 126144000:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="max_replication_lag must be set between 0 and 102400"
- )
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
-def save_config_to_disk(cursor):
- cursor.execute("SAVE MYSQL SERVERS TO DISK")
- return True
-def load_config_to_runtime(cursor):
- return True
-class ProxySQLServer(object):
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.state = module.params["state"]
- self.save_to_disk = module.params["save_to_disk"]
- self.load_to_runtime = module.params["load_to_runtime"]
- self.hostgroup_id = module.params["hostgroup_id"]
- self.hostname = module.params["hostname"]
- self.port = module.params["port"]
- config_data_keys = ["status",
- "weight",
- "compression",
- "max_connections",
- "max_replication_lag",
- "use_ssl",
- "max_latency_ms",
- "comment"]
- self.config_data = dict((k, module.params[k])
- for k in config_data_keys)
- def check_server_config_exists(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT count(*) AS `host_count`
- FROM mysql_servers
- WHERE hostgroup_id = %s
- AND hostname = %s
- AND port = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.hostgroup_id,
- self.hostname,
- self.port]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- check_count = cursor.fetchone()
- return (int(check_count['host_count']) > 0)
- def check_server_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT count(*) AS `host_count`
- FROM mysql_servers
- WHERE hostgroup_id = %s
- AND hostname = %s
- AND port = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.hostgroup_id,
- self.hostname,
- self.port]
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- query_data.append(val)
- query_string += "\n AND " + col + " = %s"
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- check_count = cursor.fetchone()
- if isinstance(check_count, tuple):
- return int(check_count[0]) > 0
- return (int(check_count['host_count']) > 0)
- def get_server_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT *
- FROM mysql_servers
- WHERE hostgroup_id = %s
- AND hostname = %s
- AND port = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.hostgroup_id,
- self.hostname,
- self.port]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- server = cursor.fetchone()
- return server
- def create_server_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """INSERT INTO mysql_servers (
- hostgroup_id,
- hostname,
- port"""
- cols = 3
- query_data = \
- [self.hostgroup_id,
- self.hostname,
- self.port]
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- cols += 1
- query_data.append(val)
- query_string += ",\n" + col
- query_string += \
- (")\n" +
- "VALUES (" +
- "%s ," * cols)
- query_string = query_string[:-2]
- query_string += ")"
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
- def update_server_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = """UPDATE mysql_servers"""
- cols = 0
- query_data = []
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- cols += 1
- query_data.append(val)
- if cols == 1:
- query_string += "\nSET " + col + "= %s,"
- else:
- query_string += "\n " + col + " = %s,"
- query_string = query_string[:-1]
- query_string += ("\nWHERE hostgroup_id = %s\n AND hostname = %s" +
- "\n AND port = %s")
- query_data.append(self.hostgroup_id)
- query_data.append(self.hostname)
- query_data.append(self.port)
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
- def delete_server_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """DELETE FROM mysql_servers
- WHERE hostgroup_id = %s
- AND hostname = %s
- AND port = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.hostgroup_id,
- self.hostname,
- self.port]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
- def manage_config(self, cursor, state):
- if state:
- if self.save_to_disk:
- save_config_to_disk(cursor)
- if self.load_to_runtime:
- load_config_to_runtime(cursor)
- def create_server(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['changed'] = \
- self.create_server_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Added server to mysql_hosts"
- result['server'] = \
- self.get_server_config(cursor)
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Server would have been added to" +
- " mysql_hosts, however check_mode" +
- " is enabled.")
- def update_server(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['changed'] = \
- self.update_server_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Updated server in mysql_hosts"
- result['server'] = \
- self.get_server_config(cursor)
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Server would have been updated in" +
- " mysql_hosts, however check_mode" +
- " is enabled.")
- def delete_server(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['server'] = \
- self.get_server_config(cursor)
- result['changed'] = \
- self.delete_server_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Deleted server from mysql_hosts"
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Server would have been deleted from" +
- " mysql_hosts, however check_mode is" +
- " enabled.")
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- login_user=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True, type='str'),
- login_host=dict(default=''),
- login_unix_socket=dict(default=None),
- login_port=dict(default=6032, type='int'),
- config_file=dict(default='', type='path'),
- hostgroup_id=dict(default=0, type='int'),
- hostname=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- port=dict(default=3306, type='int'),
- status=dict(choices=['ONLINE',
- weight=dict(type='int'),
- compression=dict(type='int'),
- max_connections=dict(type='int'),
- max_replication_lag=dict(type='int'),
- use_ssl=dict(type='bool'),
- max_latency_ms=dict(type='int'),
- comment=dict(default='', type='str'),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present',
- 'absent']),
- save_to_disk=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- load_to_runtime=dict(default=True, type='bool')
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- perform_checks(module)
- login_user = module.params["login_user"]
- login_password = module.params["login_password"]
- config_file = module.params["config_file"]
- cursor = None
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module,
- login_user,
- login_password,
- config_file,
- cursor_class='DictCursor')
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to connect to ProxySQL Admin Module.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- proxysql_server = ProxySQLServer(module)
- result = {}
- result['state'] = proxysql_server.state
- if proxysql_server.hostname:
- result['hostname'] = proxysql_server.hostname
- if proxysql_server.state == "present":
- try:
- if not proxysql_server.check_server_config(cursor):
- if not proxysql_server.check_server_config_exists(cursor):
- proxysql_server.create_server(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- proxysql_server.update_server(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = ("The server already exists in mysql_hosts" +
- " and doesn't need to be updated.")
- result['server'] = \
- proxysql_server.get_server_config(cursor)
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to modify server.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- elif proxysql_server.state == "absent":
- try:
- if proxysql_server.check_server_config_exists(cursor):
- proxysql_server.delete_server(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = ("The server is already absent from the" +
- " mysql_hosts memory configuration")
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to remove server.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8436a76d62..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-module: proxysql_global_variables
-version_added: "2.3"
-author: "Ben Mildren (@bmildren)"
-short_description: Gets or sets the proxysql global variables.
- - The M(proxysql_global_variables) module gets or sets the proxysql global
- variables.
- variable:
- description:
- - Defines which variable should be returned, or if I(value) is specified
- which variable should be updated.
- required: True
- value:
- description:
- - Defines a value the variable specified using I(variable) should be set
- to.
- - proxysql.managing_config
- - proxysql.connectivity
-# This example sets the value of a variable, saves the mysql admin variables
-# config to disk, and dynamically loads the mysql admin variables config to
-# runtime. It uses supplied credentials to connect to the proxysql admin
-# interface.
-- proxysql_global_variables:
- login_user: 'admin'
- login_password: 'admin'
- variable: 'mysql-max_connections'
- value: 4096
-# This example gets the value of a variable. It uses credentials in a
-# supplied config file to connect to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_global_variables:
- config_file: '~/proxysql.cnf'
- variable: 'mysql-default_query_delay'
-RETURN = '''
- description: Returns the mysql variable supplied with it's associated value.
- returned: Returns the current variable and value, or the newly set value
- for the variable supplied..
- type: dict
- "sample": {
- "changed": false,
- "msg": "The variable is already been set to the supplied value",
- "var": {
- "variable_name": "mysql-poll_timeout",
- "variable_value": "3000"
- }
- }
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['stableinterface'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-# ===========================================
-# proxysql module specific support methods.
-def perform_checks(module):
- if module.params["login_port"] < 0 \
- or module.params["login_port"] > 65535:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="login_port must be a valid unix port number (0-65535)"
- )
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
-def save_config_to_disk(variable, cursor):
- if variable.startswith("admin"):
- cursor.execute("SAVE ADMIN VARIABLES TO DISK")
- else:
- cursor.execute("SAVE MYSQL VARIABLES TO DISK")
- return True
-def load_config_to_runtime(variable, cursor):
- if variable.startswith("admin"):
- else:
- return True
-def check_config(variable, value, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT count(*) AS `variable_count`
- FROM global_variables
- WHERE variable_name = %s and variable_value = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [variable, value]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- check_count = cursor.fetchone()
- if isinstance(check_count, tuple):
- return int(check_count[0]) > 0
- return (int(check_count['variable_count']) > 0)
-def get_config(variable, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT *
- FROM global_variables
- WHERE variable_name = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [variable, ]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- row_count = cursor.rowcount
- resultset = cursor.fetchone()
- if row_count > 0:
- return resultset
- else:
- return False
-def set_config(variable, value, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """UPDATE global_variables
- SET variable_value = %s
- WHERE variable_name = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [value, variable]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
-def manage_config(variable, save_to_disk, load_to_runtime, cursor, state):
- if state:
- if save_to_disk:
- save_config_to_disk(variable, cursor)
- if load_to_runtime:
- load_config_to_runtime(variable, cursor)
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- login_user=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True, type='str'),
- login_host=dict(default=""),
- login_unix_socket=dict(default=None),
- login_port=dict(default=6032, type='int'),
- config_file=dict(default="", type='path'),
- variable=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- value=dict(),
- save_to_disk=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- load_to_runtime=dict(default=True, type='bool')
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- perform_checks(module)
- login_user = module.params["login_user"]
- login_password = module.params["login_password"]
- config_file = module.params["config_file"]
- variable = module.params["variable"]
- value = module.params["value"]
- save_to_disk = module.params["save_to_disk"]
- load_to_runtime = module.params["load_to_runtime"]
- cursor = None
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module,
- login_user,
- login_password,
- config_file,
- cursor_class='DictCursor')
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to connect to ProxySQL Admin Module.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- result = {}
- if not value:
- try:
- if get_config(variable, cursor):
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = \
- "Returned the variable and it's current value"
- result['var'] = get_config(variable, cursor)
- else:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="The variable \"%s\" was not found" % variable
- )
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to get config.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- else:
- try:
- if get_config(variable, cursor):
- if not check_config(variable, value, cursor):
- if not module.check_mode:
- result['changed'] = set_config(variable, value, cursor)
- result['msg'] = \
- "Set the variable to the supplied value"
- result['var'] = get_config(variable, cursor)
- manage_config(variable,
- save_to_disk,
- load_to_runtime,
- cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Variable would have been set to" +
- " the supplied value, however" +
- " check_mode is enabled.")
- else:
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = ("The variable is already been set to" +
- " the supplied value")
- result['var'] = get_config(variable, cursor)
- else:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="The variable \"%s\" was not found" % variable
- )
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to set config.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index b1d471dbf4..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-module: proxysql_manage_config
-version_added: "2.3"
-author: "Ben Mildren (@bmildren)"
-short_description: Writes the proxysql configuration settings between layers.
- - The M(proxysql_global_variables) module writes the proxysql configuration
- settings between layers. Currently this module will always report a
- changed state, so should typically be used with WHEN however this will
- change in a future version when the CHECKSUM table commands are available
- for all tables in proxysql.
- action:
- description:
- - The supplied I(action) combines with the supplied I(direction) to
- provide the semantics of how we want to move the I(config_settings)
- between the I(config_layers).
- choices: [ "LOAD", "SAVE" ]
- required: True
- config_settings:
- description:
- - The I(config_settings) specifies which configuration we're writing.
- required: True
- direction:
- description:
- - FROM - denotes we're reading values FROM the supplied I(config_layer)
- and writing to the next layer.
- TO - denotes we're reading from the previous layer and writing TO the
- supplied I(config_layer)."
- choices: [ "FROM", "TO" ]
- required: True
- config_layer:
- description:
- - RUNTIME - represents the in-memory data structures of ProxySQL used by
- the threads that are handling the requests.
- MEMORY - (sometimes also referred as main) represents the in-memory
- SQLite3 database.
- DISK - represents the on-disk SQLite3 database.
- CONFIG - is the classical config file. You can only LOAD FROM the
- config file.
- choices: [ "MEMORY", "DISK", "RUNTIME", "CONFIG" ]
- required: True
- - proxysql.connectivity
-# This example saves the mysql users config from memory to disk. It uses
-# supplied credentials to connect to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_manage_config:
- login_user: 'admin'
- login_password: 'admin'
- action: "SAVE"
- config_settings: "MYSQL USERS"
- direction: "FROM"
- config_layer: "MEMORY"
-# This example loads the mysql query rules config from memory to to runtime. It
-# uses supplied credentials to connect to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_manage_config:
- config_file: '~/proxysql.cnf'
- action: "LOAD"
- config_settings: "MYSQL QUERY RULES"
- direction: "TO"
- config_layer: "RUNTIME"
-RETURN = '''
- description: Simply reports whether the action reported a change.
- returned: Currently the returned value with always be changed=True.
- type: dict
- "sample": {
- "changed": true
- }
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['stableinterface'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-# ===========================================
-# proxysql module specific support methods.
-def perform_checks(module):
- if module.params["login_port"] < 0 \
- or module.params["login_port"] > 65535:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="login_port must be a valid unix port number (0-65535)"
- )
- if module.params["config_layer"] == 'CONFIG' and \
- (module.params["action"] != 'LOAD' or
- module.params["direction"] != 'FROM'):
- if (module.params["action"] != 'LOAD' and
- module.params["direction"] != 'FROM'):
- msg_string = ("Neither the action \"%s\" nor the direction" +
- " \"%s\" are valid combination with the CONFIG" +
- " config_layer")
- module.fail_json(msg=msg_string % (module.params["action"],
- module.params["direction"]))
- elif module.params["action"] != 'LOAD':
- msg_string = ("The action \"%s\" is not a valid combination" +
- " with the CONFIG config_layer")
- module.fail_json(msg=msg_string % module.params["action"])
- else:
- msg_string = ("The direction \"%s\" is not a valid combination" +
- " with the CONFIG config_layer")
- module.fail_json(msg=msg_string % module.params["direction"])
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
-def manage_config(manage_config_settings, cursor):
- query_string = "%s" % ' '.join(manage_config_settings)
- cursor.execute(query_string)
- return True
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- login_user=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True, type='str'),
- login_host=dict(default=""),
- login_unix_socket=dict(default=None),
- login_port=dict(default=6032, type='int'),
- config_file=dict(default="", type='path'),
- action=dict(required=True, choices=['LOAD',
- 'SAVE']),
- config_settings=dict(required=True, choices=['MYSQL USERS',
- direction=dict(required=True, choices=['FROM',
- 'TO']),
- config_layer=dict(required=True, choices=['MEMORY',
- 'DISK',
- 'CONFIG'])
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- perform_checks(module)
- login_user = module.params["login_user"]
- login_password = module.params["login_password"]
- config_file = module.params["config_file"]
- action = module.params["action"]
- config_settings = module.params["config_settings"]
- direction = module.params["direction"]
- config_layer = module.params["config_layer"]
- cursor = None
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module,
- login_user,
- login_password,
- config_file)
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to connect to ProxySQL Admin Module.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- result = {}
- manage_config_settings = \
- [action, config_settings, direction, config_layer]
- try:
- result['changed'] = manage_config(manage_config_settings,
- cursor)
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to manage config.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0c7f5ff9a..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-module: proxysql_mysql_users
-version_added: "2.3"
-author: "Ben Mildren (@bmildren)"
-short_description: Adds or removes mysql users from proxysql admin interface.
- - The M(proxysql_mysql_users) module adds or removes mysql users using the
- proxysql admin interface.
- username:
- description:
- - Name of the user connecting to the mysqld or ProxySQL instance.
- required: True
- password:
- description:
- - Password of the user connecting to the mysqld or ProxySQL instance.
- active:
- description:
- - A user with I(active) set to C(False) will be tracked in the database,
- but will be never loaded in the in-memory data structures. If omitted
- the proxysql database default for I(active) is C(True).
- type: bool
- use_ssl:
- description:
- - If I(use_ssl) is set to C(True), connections by this user will be made
- using SSL connections. If omitted the proxysql database default for
- I(use_ssl) is C(False).
- type: bool
- default_hostgroup:
- description:
- - If there is no matching rule for the queries sent by this user, the
- traffic it generates is sent to the specified hostgroup.
- If omitted the proxysql database default for I(use_ssl) is 0.
- default_schema:
- description:
- - The schema to which the connection should change to by default.
- transaction_persistent:
- description:
- - If this is set for the user with which the MySQL client is connecting
- to ProxySQL (thus a "frontend" user), transactions started within a
- hostgroup will remain within that hostgroup regardless of any other
- rules.
- If omitted the proxysql database default for I(transaction_persistent)
- is C(False).
- type: bool
- fast_forward:
- description:
- - If I(fast_forward) is set to C(True), I(fast_forward) will bypass the
- query processing layer (rewriting, caching) and pass through the query
- directly as is to the backend server. If omitted the proxysql database
- default for I(fast_forward) is C(False).
- type: bool
- backend:
- description:
- - If I(backend) is set to C(True), this (username, password) pair is
- used for authenticating to the ProxySQL instance.
- default: True
- type: bool
- frontend:
- description:
- - If I(frontend) is set to C(True), this (username, password) pair is
- used for authenticating to the mysqld servers against any hostgroup.
- default: True
- type: bool
- max_connections:
- description:
- - The maximum number of connections ProxySQL will open to the backend for
- this user. If omitted the proxysql database default for
- I(max_connections) is 10000.
- state:
- description:
- - When C(present) - adds the user, when C(absent) - removes the user.
- choices: [ "present", "absent" ]
- default: present
- - proxysql.managing_config
- - proxysql.connectivity
-# This example adds a user, it saves the mysql user config to disk, but
-# avoids loading the mysql user config to runtime (this might be because
-# several users are being added and the user wants to push the config to
-# runtime in a single batch using the M(proxysql_manage_config) module). It
-# uses supplied credentials to connect to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_mysql_users:
- login_user: 'admin'
- login_password: 'admin'
- username: 'productiondba'
- state: present
- load_to_runtime: False
-# This example removes a user, saves the mysql user config to disk, and
-# dynamically loads the mysql user config to runtime. It uses credentials
-# in a supplied config file to connect to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_mysql_users:
- config_file: '~/proxysql.cnf'
- username: 'mysqlboy'
- state: absent
-RETURN = '''
- description: The mysql user modified or removed from proxysql
- returned: On create/update will return the newly modified user, on delete
- it will return the deleted record.
- type: dict
- sample:
- changed: true
- msg: Added user to mysql_users
- state: present
- user:
- active: 1
- backend: 1
- default_hostgroup: 1
- default_schema: null
- fast_forward: 0
- frontend: 1
- max_connections: 10000
- schema_locked: 0
- transaction_persistent: 0
- use_ssl: 0
- username: guest_ro
- username: guest_ro
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['stableinterface'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-# ===========================================
-# proxysql module specific support methods.
-def perform_checks(module):
- if module.params["login_port"] < 0 \
- or module.params["login_port"] > 65535:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="login_port must be a valid unix port number (0-65535)"
- )
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
-def save_config_to_disk(cursor):
- cursor.execute("SAVE MYSQL USERS TO DISK")
- return True
-def load_config_to_runtime(cursor):
- cursor.execute("LOAD MYSQL USERS TO RUNTIME")
- return True
-class ProxySQLUser(object):
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.state = module.params["state"]
- self.save_to_disk = module.params["save_to_disk"]
- self.load_to_runtime = module.params["load_to_runtime"]
- self.username = module.params["username"]
- self.backend = module.params["backend"]
- self.frontend = module.params["frontend"]
- config_data_keys = ["password",
- "active",
- "use_ssl",
- "default_hostgroup",
- "default_schema",
- "transaction_persistent",
- "fast_forward",
- "max_connections"]
- self.config_data = dict((k, module.params[k])
- for k in config_data_keys)
- def check_user_config_exists(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT count(*) AS `user_count`
- FROM mysql_users
- WHERE username = %s
- AND backend = %s
- AND frontend = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.username,
- self.backend,
- self.frontend]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- check_count = cursor.fetchone()
- return (int(check_count['user_count']) > 0)
- def check_user_privs(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT count(*) AS `user_count`
- FROM mysql_users
- WHERE username = %s
- AND backend = %s
- AND frontend = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.username,
- self.backend,
- self.frontend]
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- query_data.append(val)
- query_string += "\n AND " + col + " = %s"
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- check_count = cursor.fetchone()
- return (int(check_count['user_count']) > 0)
- def get_user_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT *
- FROM mysql_users
- WHERE username = %s
- AND backend = %s
- AND frontend = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.username,
- self.backend,
- self.frontend]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- user = cursor.fetchone()
- return user
- def create_user_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """INSERT INTO mysql_users (
- username,
- backend,
- frontend"""
- cols = 3
- query_data = \
- [self.username,
- self.backend,
- self.frontend]
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- cols += 1
- query_data.append(val)
- query_string += ",\n" + col
- query_string += \
- (")\n" +
- "VALUES (" +
- "%s ," * cols)
- query_string = query_string[:-2]
- query_string += ")"
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
- def update_user_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = """UPDATE mysql_users"""
- cols = 0
- query_data = []
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- cols += 1
- query_data.append(val)
- if cols == 1:
- query_string += "\nSET " + col + "= %s,"
- else:
- query_string += "\n " + col + " = %s,"
- query_string = query_string[:-1]
- query_string += ("\nWHERE username = %s\n AND backend = %s" +
- "\n AND frontend = %s")
- query_data.append(self.username)
- query_data.append(self.backend)
- query_data.append(self.frontend)
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
- def delete_user_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """DELETE FROM mysql_users
- WHERE username = %s
- AND backend = %s
- AND frontend = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.username,
- self.backend,
- self.frontend]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
- def manage_config(self, cursor, state):
- if state:
- if self.save_to_disk:
- save_config_to_disk(cursor)
- if self.load_to_runtime:
- load_config_to_runtime(cursor)
- def create_user(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['changed'] = \
- self.create_user_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Added user to mysql_users"
- result['user'] = \
- self.get_user_config(cursor)
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("User would have been added to" +
- " mysql_users, however check_mode" +
- " is enabled.")
- def update_user(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['changed'] = \
- self.update_user_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Updated user in mysql_users"
- result['user'] = \
- self.get_user_config(cursor)
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("User would have been updated in" +
- " mysql_users, however check_mode" +
- " is enabled.")
- def delete_user(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['user'] = \
- self.get_user_config(cursor)
- result['changed'] = \
- self.delete_user_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Deleted user from mysql_users"
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("User would have been deleted from" +
- " mysql_users, however check_mode is" +
- " enabled.")
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- login_user=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True, type='str'),
- login_host=dict(default=""),
- login_unix_socket=dict(default=None),
- login_port=dict(default=6032, type='int'),
- config_file=dict(default='', type='path'),
- username=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- password=dict(no_log=True, type='str'),
- active=dict(type='bool'),
- use_ssl=dict(type='bool'),
- default_hostgroup=dict(type='int'),
- default_schema=dict(type='str'),
- transaction_persistent=dict(type='bool'),
- fast_forward=dict(type='bool'),
- backend=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- frontend=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- max_connections=dict(type='int'),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present',
- 'absent']),
- save_to_disk=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- load_to_runtime=dict(default=True, type='bool')
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- perform_checks(module)
- login_user = module.params["login_user"]
- login_password = module.params["login_password"]
- config_file = module.params["config_file"]
- cursor = None
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module,
- login_user,
- login_password,
- config_file,
- cursor_class='DictCursor')
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to connect to ProxySQL Admin Module.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- proxysql_user = ProxySQLUser(module)
- result = {}
- result['state'] = proxysql_user.state
- if proxysql_user.username:
- result['username'] = proxysql_user.username
- if proxysql_user.state == "present":
- try:
- if not proxysql_user.check_user_privs(cursor):
- if not proxysql_user.check_user_config_exists(cursor):
- proxysql_user.create_user(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- proxysql_user.update_user(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = ("The user already exists in mysql_users" +
- " and doesn't need to be updated.")
- result['user'] = \
- proxysql_user.get_user_config(cursor)
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to modify user.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- elif proxysql_user.state == "absent":
- try:
- if proxysql_user.check_user_config_exists(cursor):
- proxysql_user.delete_user(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = ("The user is already absent from the" +
- " mysql_users memory configuration")
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to remove user.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index f40617ad63..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-module: proxysql_query_rules
-version_added: "2.3"
-author: "Ben Mildren (@bmildren)"
-short_description: Modifies query rules using the proxysql admin interface.
- - The M(proxysql_query_rules) module modifies query rules using the
- proxysql admin interface.
- rule_id:
- description:
- - The unique id of the rule. Rules are processed in rule_id order.
- active:
- description:
- - A rule with I(active) set to C(False) will be tracked in the database,
- but will be never loaded in the in-memory data structures.
- type: bool
- username:
- description:
- - Filtering criteria matching username. If I(username) is non-NULL, a
- query will match only if the connection is made with the correct
- username.
- schemaname:
- description:
- - Filtering criteria matching schemaname. If I(schemaname) is non-NULL, a
- query will match only if the connection uses schemaname as its default
- schema.
- flagIN:
- description:
- - Used in combination with I(flagOUT) and I(apply) to create chains of
- rules.
- client_addr:
- description:
- - Match traffic from a specific source.
- proxy_addr:
- description:
- - Match incoming traffic on a specific local IP.
- proxy_port:
- description:
- - Match incoming traffic on a specific local port.
- digest:
- description:
- - Match queries with a specific digest, as returned by
- stats_mysql_query_digest.digest.
- match_digest:
- description:
- - Regular expression that matches the query digest. The dialect of
- regular expressions used is that of re2 -
- match_pattern:
- description:
- - Regular expression that matches the query text. The dialect of regular
- expressions used is that of re2 -
- negate_match_pattern:
- description:
- - If I(negate_match_pattern) is set to C(True), only queries not matching
- the query text will be considered as a match. This acts as a NOT
- operator in front of the regular expression matching against
- match_pattern.
- type: bool
- flagOUT:
- description:
- - Used in combination with I(flagIN) and apply to create chains of rules.
- When set, I(flagOUT) signifies the I(flagIN) to be used in the next
- chain of rules.
- replace_pattern:
- description:
- - This is the pattern with which to replace the matched pattern. Note
- that this is optional, and when omitted, the query processor will only
- cache, route, or set other parameters without rewriting.
- destination_hostgroup:
- description:
- - Route matched queries to this hostgroup. This happens unless there is a
- started transaction and the logged in user has
- I(transaction_persistent) set to C(True) (see M(proxysql_mysql_users)).
- cache_ttl:
- description:
- - The number of milliseconds for which to cache the result of the query.
- Note in ProxySQL 1.1 I(cache_ttl) was in seconds.
- timeout:
- description:
- - The maximum timeout in milliseconds with which the matched or rewritten
- query should be executed. If a query run for longer than the specific
- threshold, the query is automatically killed. If timeout is not
- specified, the global variable mysql-default_query_timeout applies.
- retries:
- description:
- - The maximum number of times a query needs to be re-executed in case of
- detected failure during the execution of the query. If retries is not
- specified, the global variable mysql-query_retries_on_failure applies.
- delay:
- description:
- - Number of milliseconds to delay the execution of the query. This is
- essentially a throttling mechanism and QoS, and allows a way to give
- priority to queries over others. This value is added to the
- mysql-default_query_delay global variable that applies to all queries.
- mirror_flagOUT:
- description:
- - Enables query mirroring. If set I(mirror_flagOUT) can be used to
- evaluates the mirrored query against the specified chain of rules.
- mirror_hostgroup:
- description:
- - Enables query mirroring. If set I(mirror_hostgroup) can be used to
- mirror queries to the same or different hostgroup.
- error_msg:
- description:
- - Query will be blocked, and the specified error_msg will be returned to
- the client.
- log:
- description:
- - Query will be logged.
- type: bool
- apply:
- description:
- - Used in combination with I(flagIN) and I(flagOUT) to create chains of
- rules. Setting apply to True signifies the last rule to be applied.
- type: bool
- comment:
- description:
- - Free form text field, usable for a descriptive comment of the query
- rule.
- state:
- description:
- - When C(present) - adds the rule, when C(absent) - removes the rule.
- choices: [ "present", "absent" ]
- default: present
- force_delete:
- description:
- - By default we avoid deleting more than one schedule in a single batch,
- however if you need this behaviour and you're not concerned about the
- schedules deleted, you can set I(force_delete) to C(True).
- default: False
- type: bool
- - proxysql.managing_config
- - proxysql.connectivity
-# This example adds a rule to redirect queries from a specific user to another
-# hostgroup, it saves the mysql query rule config to disk, but avoids loading
-# the mysql query config config to runtime (this might be because several
-# rules are being added and the user wants to push the config to runtime in a
-# single batch using the M(proxysql_manage_config) module). It uses supplied
-# credentials to connect to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_query_rules:
- login_user: admin
- login_password: admin
- username: 'guest_ro'
- match_pattern: "^SELECT.*"
- destination_hostgroup: 1
- active: 1
- retries: 3
- state: present
- load_to_runtime: False
-# This example removes all rules that use the username 'guest_ro', saves the
-# mysql query rule config to disk, and dynamically loads the mysql query rule
-# config to runtime. It uses credentials in a supplied config file to connect
-# to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_query_rules:
- config_file: '~/proxysql.cnf'
- username: 'guest_ro'
- state: absent
- force_delete: true
-RETURN = '''
- description: The mysql user modified or removed from proxysql
- returned: On create/update will return the newly modified rule, in all
- other cases will return a list of rules that match the supplied
- criteria.
- type: dict
- "sample": {
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "Added rule to mysql_query_rules",
- "rules": [
- {
- "active": "0",
- "apply": "0",
- "cache_ttl": null,
- "client_addr": null,
- "comment": null,
- "delay": null,
- "destination_hostgroup": 1,
- "digest": null,
- "error_msg": null,
- "flagIN": "0",
- "flagOUT": null,
- "log": null,
- "match_digest": null,
- "match_pattern": null,
- "mirror_flagOUT": null,
- "mirror_hostgroup": null,
- "negate_match_pattern": "0",
- "proxy_addr": null,
- "proxy_port": null,
- "reconnect": null,
- "replace_pattern": null,
- "retries": null,
- "rule_id": "1",
- "schemaname": null,
- "timeout": null,
- "username": "guest_ro"
- }
- ],
- "state": "present"
- }
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['stableinterface'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-# ===========================================
-# proxysql module specific support methods.
-def perform_checks(module):
- if module.params["login_port"] < 0 \
- or module.params["login_port"] > 65535:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="login_port must be a valid unix port number (0-65535)"
- )
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
-def save_config_to_disk(cursor):
- cursor.execute("SAVE MYSQL QUERY RULES TO DISK")
- return True
-def load_config_to_runtime(cursor):
- return True
-class ProxyQueryRule(object):
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.state = module.params["state"]
- self.force_delete = module.params["force_delete"]
- self.save_to_disk = module.params["save_to_disk"]
- self.load_to_runtime = module.params["load_to_runtime"]
- config_data_keys = ["rule_id",
- "active",
- "username",
- "schemaname",
- "flagIN",
- "client_addr",
- "proxy_addr",
- "proxy_port",
- "digest",
- "match_digest",
- "match_pattern",
- "negate_match_pattern",
- "flagOUT",
- "replace_pattern",
- "destination_hostgroup",
- "cache_ttl",
- "timeout",
- "retries",
- "delay",
- "mirror_flagOUT",
- "mirror_hostgroup",
- "error_msg",
- "log",
- "apply",
- "comment"]
- self.config_data = dict((k, module.params[k])
- for k in config_data_keys)
- def check_rule_pk_exists(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT count(*) AS `rule_count`
- FROM mysql_query_rules
- WHERE rule_id = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.config_data["rule_id"]]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- check_count = cursor.fetchone()
- return (int(check_count['rule_count']) > 0)
- def check_rule_cfg_exists(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT count(*) AS `rule_count`
- FROM mysql_query_rules"""
- cols = 0
- query_data = []
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- cols += 1
- query_data.append(val)
- if cols == 1:
- query_string += "\n WHERE " + col + " = %s"
- else:
- query_string += "\n AND " + col + " = %s"
- if cols > 0:
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- else:
- cursor.execute(query_string)
- check_count = cursor.fetchone()
- return int(check_count['rule_count'])
- def get_rule_config(self, cursor, created_rule_id=None):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT *
- FROM mysql_query_rules"""
- if created_rule_id:
- query_data = [created_rule_id, ]
- query_string += "\nWHERE rule_id = %s"
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- rule = cursor.fetchone()
- else:
- cols = 0
- query_data = []
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- cols += 1
- query_data.append(val)
- if cols == 1:
- query_string += "\n WHERE " + col + " = %s"
- else:
- query_string += "\n AND " + col + " = %s"
- if cols > 0:
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- else:
- cursor.execute(query_string)
- rule = cursor.fetchall()
- return rule
- def create_rule_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """INSERT INTO mysql_query_rules ("""
- cols = 0
- query_data = []
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- cols += 1
- query_data.append(val)
- query_string += "\n" + col + ","
- query_string = query_string[:-1]
- query_string += \
- (")\n" +
- "VALUES (" +
- "%s ," * cols)
- query_string = query_string[:-2]
- query_string += ")"
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- new_rule_id = cursor.lastrowid
- return True, new_rule_id
- def update_rule_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = """UPDATE mysql_query_rules"""
- cols = 0
- query_data = []
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None and col != "rule_id":
- cols += 1
- query_data.append(val)
- if cols == 1:
- query_string += "\nSET " + col + "= %s,"
- else:
- query_string += "\n " + col + " = %s,"
- query_string = query_string[:-1]
- query_string += "\nWHERE rule_id = %s"
- query_data.append(self.config_data["rule_id"])
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
- def delete_rule_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """DELETE FROM mysql_query_rules"""
- cols = 0
- query_data = []
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- cols += 1
- query_data.append(val)
- if cols == 1:
- query_string += "\n WHERE " + col + " = %s"
- else:
- query_string += "\n AND " + col + " = %s"
- if cols > 0:
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- else:
- cursor.execute(query_string)
- check_count = cursor.rowcount
- return True, int(check_count)
- def manage_config(self, cursor, state):
- if state:
- if self.save_to_disk:
- save_config_to_disk(cursor)
- if self.load_to_runtime:
- load_config_to_runtime(cursor)
- def create_rule(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['changed'], new_rule_id = \
- self.create_rule_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Added rule to mysql_query_rules"
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- result['rules'] = \
- self.get_rule_config(cursor, new_rule_id)
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Rule would have been added to" +
- " mysql_query_rules, however" +
- " check_mode is enabled.")
- def update_rule(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['changed'] = \
- self.update_rule_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Updated rule in mysql_query_rules"
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- result['rules'] = \
- self.get_rule_config(cursor)
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Rule would have been updated in" +
- " mysql_query_rules, however" +
- " check_mode is enabled.")
- def delete_rule(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['rules'] = \
- self.get_rule_config(cursor)
- result['changed'], result['rows_affected'] = \
- self.delete_rule_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Deleted rule from mysql_query_rules"
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Rule would have been deleted from" +
- " mysql_query_rules, however" +
- " check_mode is enabled.")
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- login_user=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True, type='str'),
- login_host=dict(default=""),
- login_unix_socket=dict(default=None),
- login_port=dict(default=6032, type='int'),
- config_file=dict(default="", type='path'),
- rule_id=dict(type='int'),
- active=dict(type='bool'),
- username=dict(type='str'),
- schemaname=dict(type='str'),
- flagIN=dict(type='int'),
- client_addr=dict(type='str'),
- proxy_addr=dict(type='str'),
- proxy_port=dict(type='int'),
- digest=dict(type='str'),
- match_digest=dict(type='str'),
- match_pattern=dict(type='str'),
- negate_match_pattern=dict(type='bool'),
- flagOUT=dict(type='int'),
- replace_pattern=dict(type='str'),
- destination_hostgroup=dict(type='int'),
- cache_ttl=dict(type='int'),
- timeout=dict(type='int'),
- retries=dict(type='int'),
- delay=dict(type='int'),
- mirror_flagOUT=dict(type='int'),
- mirror_hostgroup=dict(type='int'),
- error_msg=dict(type='str'),
- log=dict(type='bool'),
- apply=dict(type='bool'),
- comment=dict(type='str'),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present',
- 'absent']),
- force_delete=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
- save_to_disk=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- load_to_runtime=dict(default=True, type='bool')
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- perform_checks(module)
- login_user = module.params["login_user"]
- login_password = module.params["login_password"]
- config_file = module.params["config_file"]
- cursor = None
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module,
- login_user,
- login_password,
- config_file,
- cursor_class='DictCursor')
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to connect to ProxySQL Admin Module.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- proxysql_query_rule = ProxyQueryRule(module)
- result = {}
- result['state'] = proxysql_query_rule.state
- if proxysql_query_rule.state == "present":
- try:
- if not proxysql_query_rule.check_rule_cfg_exists(cursor):
- if proxysql_query_rule.config_data["rule_id"] and \
- proxysql_query_rule.check_rule_pk_exists(cursor):
- proxysql_query_rule.update_rule(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- proxysql_query_rule.create_rule(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = ("The rule already exists in" +
- " mysql_query_rules and doesn't need to be" +
- " updated.")
- result['rules'] = \
- proxysql_query_rule.get_rule_config(cursor)
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to modify rule.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- elif proxysql_query_rule.state == "absent":
- try:
- existing_rules = proxysql_query_rule.check_rule_cfg_exists(cursor)
- if existing_rules > 0:
- if existing_rules == 1 or \
- proxysql_query_rule.force_delete:
- proxysql_query_rule.delete_rule(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- module.fail_json(
- msg=("Operation would delete multiple rules" +
- " use force_delete to override this")
- )
- else:
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = ("The rule is already absent from the" +
- " mysql_query_rules memory configuration")
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to remove rule.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index c685f0863a..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-module: proxysql_replication_hostgroups
-version_added: "2.3"
-author: "Ben Mildren (@bmildren)"
-short_description: Manages replication hostgroups using the proxysql admin
- interface.
- - Each row in mysql_replication_hostgroups represent a pair of
- writer_hostgroup and reader_hostgroup. ProxySQL will monitor the value of
- read_only for all the servers in specified hostgroups, and based on the
- value of read_only will assign the server to the writer or reader
- hostgroups.
- writer_hostgroup:
- description:
- - Id of the writer hostgroup.
- required: True
- reader_hostgroup:
- description:
- - Id of the reader hostgroup.
- required: True
- comment:
- description:
- - Text field that can be used for any purposes defined by the user.
- state:
- description:
- - When C(present) - adds the replication hostgroup, when C(absent) -
- removes the replication hostgroup.
- choices: [ "present", "absent" ]
- default: present
- - proxysql.managing_config
- - proxysql.connectivity
-# This example adds a replication hostgroup, it saves the mysql server config
-# to disk, but avoids loading the mysql server config to runtime (this might be
-# because several replication hostgroup are being added and the user wants to
-# push the config to runtime in a single batch using the
-# M(proxysql_manage_config) module). It uses supplied credentials to connect
-# to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_replication_hostgroups:
- login_user: 'admin'
- login_password: 'admin'
- writer_hostgroup: 1
- reader_hostgroup: 2
- state: present
- load_to_runtime: False
-# This example removes a replication hostgroup, saves the mysql server config
-# to disk, and dynamically loads the mysql server config to runtime. It uses
-# credentials in a supplied config file to connect to the proxysql admin
-# interface.
-- proxysql_replication_hostgroups:
- config_file: '~/proxysql.cnf'
- writer_hostgroup: 3
- reader_hostgroup: 4
- state: absent
-RETURN = '''
- description: The replication hostgroup modified or removed from proxysql
- returned: On create/update will return the newly modified group, on delete
- it will return the deleted record.
- type: dict
- "sample": {
- "changed": true,
- "msg": "Added server to mysql_hosts",
- "repl_group": {
- "comment": "",
- "reader_hostgroup": "1",
- "writer_hostgroup": "2"
- },
- "state": "present"
- }
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['stableinterface'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-# ===========================================
-# proxysql module specific support methods.
-def perform_checks(module):
- if module.params["login_port"] < 0 \
- or module.params["login_port"] > 65535:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="login_port must be a valid unix port number (0-65535)"
- )
- if not module.params["writer_hostgroup"] >= 0:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="writer_hostgroup must be a integer greater than or equal to 0"
- )
- if not module.params["reader_hostgroup"] == \
- module.params["writer_hostgroup"]:
- if not module.params["reader_hostgroup"] > 0:
- module.fail_json(
- msg=("writer_hostgroup must be a integer greater than" +
- " or equal to 0")
- )
- else:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="reader_hostgroup cannot equal writer_hostgroup"
- )
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
-def save_config_to_disk(cursor):
- cursor.execute("SAVE MYSQL SERVERS TO DISK")
- return True
-def load_config_to_runtime(cursor):
- return True
-class ProxySQLReplicationHostgroup(object):
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.state = module.params["state"]
- self.save_to_disk = module.params["save_to_disk"]
- self.load_to_runtime = module.params["load_to_runtime"]
- self.writer_hostgroup = module.params["writer_hostgroup"]
- self.reader_hostgroup = module.params["reader_hostgroup"]
- self.comment = module.params["comment"]
- def check_repl_group_config(self, cursor, keys):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT count(*) AS `repl_groups`
- FROM mysql_replication_hostgroups
- WHERE writer_hostgroup = %s
- AND reader_hostgroup = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.writer_hostgroup,
- self.reader_hostgroup]
- if self.comment and not keys:
- query_string += "\n AND comment = %s"
- query_data.append(self.comment)
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- check_count = cursor.fetchone()
- return (int(check_count['repl_groups']) > 0)
- def get_repl_group_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT *
- FROM mysql_replication_hostgroups
- WHERE writer_hostgroup = %s
- AND reader_hostgroup = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.writer_hostgroup,
- self.reader_hostgroup]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- repl_group = cursor.fetchone()
- return repl_group
- def create_repl_group_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """INSERT INTO mysql_replication_hostgroups (
- writer_hostgroup,
- reader_hostgroup,
- comment)
- VALUES (%s, %s, %s)"""
- query_data = \
- [self.writer_hostgroup,
- self.reader_hostgroup,
- self.comment or '']
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
- def update_repl_group_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """UPDATE mysql_replication_hostgroups
- SET comment = %s
- WHERE writer_hostgroup = %s
- AND reader_hostgroup = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.comment,
- self.writer_hostgroup,
- self.reader_hostgroup]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
- def delete_repl_group_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """DELETE FROM mysql_replication_hostgroups
- WHERE writer_hostgroup = %s
- AND reader_hostgroup = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [self.writer_hostgroup,
- self.reader_hostgroup]
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
- def manage_config(self, cursor, state):
- if state:
- if self.save_to_disk:
- save_config_to_disk(cursor)
- if self.load_to_runtime:
- load_config_to_runtime(cursor)
- def create_repl_group(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['changed'] = \
- self.create_repl_group_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Added server to mysql_hosts"
- result['repl_group'] = \
- self.get_repl_group_config(cursor)
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Repl group would have been added to" +
- " mysql_replication_hostgroups, however" +
- " check_mode is enabled.")
- def update_repl_group(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['changed'] = \
- self.update_repl_group_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Updated server in mysql_hosts"
- result['repl_group'] = \
- self.get_repl_group_config(cursor)
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Repl group would have been updated in" +
- " mysql_replication_hostgroups, however" +
- " check_mode is enabled.")
- def delete_repl_group(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['repl_group'] = \
- self.get_repl_group_config(cursor)
- result['changed'] = \
- self.delete_repl_group_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Deleted server from mysql_hosts"
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Repl group would have been deleted from" +
- " mysql_replication_hostgroups, however" +
- " check_mode is enabled.")
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- login_user=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True, type='str'),
- login_host=dict(default=""),
- login_unix_socket=dict(default=None),
- login_port=dict(default=6032, type='int'),
- config_file=dict(default="", type='path'),
- writer_hostgroup=dict(required=True, type='int'),
- reader_hostgroup=dict(required=True, type='int'),
- comment=dict(type='str'),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present',
- 'absent']),
- save_to_disk=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- load_to_runtime=dict(default=True, type='bool')
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- perform_checks(module)
- login_user = module.params["login_user"]
- login_password = module.params["login_password"]
- config_file = module.params["config_file"]
- cursor = None
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module,
- login_user,
- login_password,
- config_file,
- cursor_class='DictCursor')
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to connect to ProxySQL Admin Module.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- proxysql_repl_group = ProxySQLReplicationHostgroup(module)
- result = {}
- result['state'] = proxysql_repl_group.state
- if proxysql_repl_group.state == "present":
- try:
- if not proxysql_repl_group.check_repl_group_config(cursor,
- keys=True):
- proxysql_repl_group.create_repl_group(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- if not proxysql_repl_group.check_repl_group_config(cursor,
- keys=False):
- proxysql_repl_group.update_repl_group(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = ("The repl group already exists in" +
- " mysql_replication_hostgroups and" +
- " doesn't need to be updated.")
- result['repl_group'] = \
- proxysql_repl_group.get_repl_group_config(cursor)
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to modify replication hostgroup.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- elif proxysql_repl_group.state == "absent":
- try:
- if proxysql_repl_group.check_repl_group_config(cursor,
- keys=True):
- proxysql_repl_group.delete_repl_group(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = ("The repl group is already absent from the" +
- " mysql_replication_hostgroups memory" +
- " configuration")
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to delete replication hostgroup.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ba7b67864..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/proxysql/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-module: proxysql_scheduler
-version_added: "2.3"
-author: "Ben Mildren (@bmildren)"
-short_description: Adds or removes schedules from proxysql admin interface.
- - The M(proxysql_scheduler) module adds or removes schedules using the
- proxysql admin interface.
- active:
- description:
- - A schedule with I(active) set to C(False) will be tracked in the
- database, but will be never loaded in the in-memory data structures.
- default: True
- type: bool
- interval_ms:
- description:
- - How often (in millisecond) the job will be started. The minimum value
- for I(interval_ms) is 100 milliseconds.
- default: 10000
- filename:
- description:
- - Full path of the executable to be executed.
- required: True
- arg1:
- description:
- - Argument that can be passed to the job.
- arg2:
- description:
- - Argument that can be passed to the job.
- arg3:
- description:
- - Argument that can be passed to the job.
- arg4:
- description:
- - Argument that can be passed to the job.
- arg5:
- description:
- - Argument that can be passed to the job.
- comment:
- description:
- - Text field that can be used for any purposed defined by the user.
- state:
- description:
- - When C(present) - adds the schedule, when C(absent) - removes the
- schedule.
- choices: [ "present", "absent" ]
- default: present
- force_delete:
- description:
- - By default we avoid deleting more than one schedule in a single batch,
- however if you need this behaviour and you're not concerned about the
- schedules deleted, you can set I(force_delete) to C(True).
- default: False
- type: bool
- - proxysql.managing_config
- - proxysql.connectivity
-# This example adds a schedule, it saves the scheduler config to disk, but
-# avoids loading the scheduler config to runtime (this might be because
-# several servers are being added and the user wants to push the config to
-# runtime in a single batch using the M(proxysql_manage_config) module). It
-# uses supplied credentials to connect to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_scheduler:
- login_user: 'admin'
- login_password: 'admin'
- interval_ms: 1000
- filename: "/opt/"
- state: present
- load_to_runtime: False
-# This example removes a schedule, saves the scheduler config to disk, and
-# dynamically loads the scheduler config to runtime. It uses credentials
-# in a supplied config file to connect to the proxysql admin interface.
-- proxysql_scheduler:
- config_file: '~/proxysql.cnf'
- filename: "/opt/"
- state: absent
-RETURN = '''
- description: The schedule modified or removed from proxysql
- returned: On create/update will return the newly modified schedule, on
- delete it will return the deleted record.
- type: dict
- "sample": {
- "changed": true,
- "filename": "/opt/",
- "msg": "Added schedule to scheduler",
- "schedules": [
- {
- "active": "1",
- "arg1": null,
- "arg2": null,
- "arg3": null,
- "arg4": null,
- "arg5": null,
- "comment": "",
- "filename": "/opt/",
- "id": "1",
- "interval_ms": "10000"
- }
- ],
- "state": "present"
- }
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['stableinterface'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.mysql import mysql_connect, mysql_driver, mysql_driver_fail_msg
-from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-# ===========================================
-# proxysql module specific support methods.
-def perform_checks(module):
- if module.params["login_port"] < 0 \
- or module.params["login_port"] > 65535:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="login_port must be a valid unix port number (0-65535)"
- )
- if module.params["interval_ms"] < 100 \
- or module.params["interval_ms"] > 100000000:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="interval_ms must between 100ms & 100000000ms"
- )
- if mysql_driver is None:
- module.fail_json(msg=mysql_driver_fail_msg)
-def save_config_to_disk(cursor):
- cursor.execute("SAVE SCHEDULER TO DISK")
- return True
-def load_config_to_runtime(cursor):
- cursor.execute("LOAD SCHEDULER TO RUNTIME")
- return True
-class ProxySQLSchedule(object):
- def __init__(self, module):
- self.state = module.params["state"]
- self.force_delete = module.params["force_delete"]
- self.save_to_disk = module.params["save_to_disk"]
- self.load_to_runtime = module.params["load_to_runtime"]
- = module.params["active"]
- self.interval_ms = module.params["interval_ms"]
- self.filename = module.params["filename"]
- config_data_keys = ["arg1",
- "arg2",
- "arg3",
- "arg4",
- "arg5",
- "comment"]
- self.config_data = dict((k, module.params[k])
- for k in config_data_keys)
- def check_schedule_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT count(*) AS `schedule_count`
- FROM scheduler
- WHERE active = %s
- AND interval_ms = %s
- AND filename = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [,
- self.interval_ms,
- self.filename]
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- query_data.append(val)
- query_string += "\n AND " + col + " = %s"
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- check_count = cursor.fetchone()
- return int(check_count['schedule_count'])
- def get_schedule_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """SELECT *
- FROM scheduler
- WHERE active = %s
- AND interval_ms = %s
- AND filename = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [,
- self.interval_ms,
- self.filename]
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- query_data.append(val)
- query_string += "\n AND " + col + " = %s"
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- schedule = cursor.fetchall()
- return schedule
- def create_schedule_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """INSERT INTO scheduler (
- active,
- interval_ms,
- filename"""
- cols = 0
- query_data = \
- [,
- self.interval_ms,
- self.filename]
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- cols += 1
- query_data.append(val)
- query_string += ",\n" + col
- query_string += \
- (")\n" +
- "VALUES (%s, %s, %s" +
- ", %s" * cols +
- ")")
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- return True
- def delete_schedule_config(self, cursor):
- query_string = \
- """DELETE FROM scheduler
- WHERE active = %s
- AND interval_ms = %s
- AND filename = %s"""
- query_data = \
- [,
- self.interval_ms,
- self.filename]
- for col, val in iteritems(self.config_data):
- if val is not None:
- query_data.append(val)
- query_string += "\n AND " + col + " = %s"
- cursor.execute(query_string, query_data)
- check_count = cursor.rowcount
- return True, int(check_count)
- def manage_config(self, cursor, state):
- if state:
- if self.save_to_disk:
- save_config_to_disk(cursor)
- if self.load_to_runtime:
- load_config_to_runtime(cursor)
- def create_schedule(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['changed'] = \
- self.create_schedule_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Added schedule to scheduler"
- result['schedules'] = \
- self.get_schedule_config(cursor)
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Schedule would have been added to" +
- " scheduler, however check_mode" +
- " is enabled.")
- def delete_schedule(self, check_mode, result, cursor):
- if not check_mode:
- result['schedules'] = \
- self.get_schedule_config(cursor)
- result['changed'] = \
- self.delete_schedule_config(cursor)
- result['msg'] = "Deleted schedule from scheduler"
- self.manage_config(cursor,
- result['changed'])
- else:
- result['changed'] = True
- result['msg'] = ("Schedule would have been deleted from" +
- " scheduler, however check_mode is" +
- " enabled.")
-# ===========================================
-# Module execution.
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- login_user=dict(default=None, type='str'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True, type='str'),
- login_host=dict(default=""),
- login_unix_socket=dict(default=None),
- login_port=dict(default=6032, type='int'),
- config_file=dict(default="", type='path'),
- active=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- interval_ms=dict(default=10000, type='int'),
- filename=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- arg1=dict(type='str'),
- arg2=dict(type='str'),
- arg3=dict(type='str'),
- arg4=dict(type='str'),
- arg5=dict(type='str'),
- comment=dict(type='str'),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present',
- 'absent']),
- force_delete=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
- save_to_disk=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- load_to_runtime=dict(default=True, type='bool')
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- perform_checks(module)
- login_user = module.params["login_user"]
- login_password = module.params["login_password"]
- config_file = module.params["config_file"]
- cursor = None
- try:
- cursor, db_conn = mysql_connect(module,
- login_user,
- login_password,
- config_file,
- cursor_class='DictCursor')
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to connect to ProxySQL Admin Module.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- proxysql_schedule = ProxySQLSchedule(module)
- result = {}
- result['state'] = proxysql_schedule.state
- result['filename'] = proxysql_schedule.filename
- if proxysql_schedule.state == "present":
- try:
- if proxysql_schedule.check_schedule_config(cursor) <= 0:
- proxysql_schedule.create_schedule(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = ("The schedule already exists and doesn't" +
- " need to be updated.")
- result['schedules'] = \
- proxysql_schedule.get_schedule_config(cursor)
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to modify schedule.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- elif proxysql_schedule.state == "absent":
- try:
- existing_schedules = \
- proxysql_schedule.check_schedule_config(cursor)
- if existing_schedules > 0:
- if existing_schedules == 1 or proxysql_schedule.force_delete:
- proxysql_schedule.delete_schedule(module.check_mode,
- result,
- cursor)
- else:
- module.fail_json(
- msg=("Operation would delete multiple records" +
- " use force_delete to override this")
- )
- else:
- result['changed'] = False
- result['msg'] = ("The schedule is already absent from the" +
- " memory configuration")
- except mysql_driver.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(
- msg="unable to remove schedule.. %s" % to_native(e)
- )
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/
deleted file mode 120000
index bf964af0ae..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@ \ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1e4958b6d3..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: vertica_configuration
-version_added: '2.0'
-short_description: Updates Vertica configuration parameters.
- - Updates Vertica configuration parameters.
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the parameter to update.
- required: true
- aliases: [parameter]
- value:
- description:
- - Value of the parameter to be set.
- required: true
- db:
- description:
- - Name of the Vertica database.
- cluster:
- description:
- - Name of the Vertica cluster.
- default: localhost
- port:
- description:
- - Vertica cluster port to connect to.
- default: 5433
- login_user:
- description:
- - The username used to authenticate with.
- default: dbadmin
- login_password:
- description:
- - The password used to authenticate with.
- - The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in as or sudo'ing
- to the C(dbadmin) account on the host.
- - This module uses C(pyodbc), a Python ODBC database adapter. You must ensure
- that C(unixODBC) and C(pyodbc) is installed on the host and properly configured.
- - Configuring C(unixODBC) for Vertica requires C(Driver = /opt/vertica/lib64/
- to be added to the C(Vertica) section of either C(/etc/odbcinst.ini) or C($HOME/.odbcinst.ini)
- and both C(ErrorMessagesPath = /opt/vertica/lib64) and C(DriverManagerEncoding = UTF-16)
- to be added to the C(Driver) section of either C(/etc/vertica.ini) or C($HOME/.vertica.ini).
-requirements: [ 'unixODBC', 'pyodbc' ]
-author: "Dariusz Owczarek (@dareko)"
-- name: updating load_balance_policy
- vertica_configuration: name=failovertostandbyafter value='8 hours'
-import traceback
- import pyodbc
-except ImportError:
- PYODBC_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- pyodbc_found = False
- pyodbc_found = True
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-class NotSupportedError(Exception):
- pass
-class CannotDropError(Exception):
- pass
-# module specific functions
-def get_configuration_facts(cursor, parameter_name=''):
- facts = {}
- cursor.execute("""
- select c.parameter_name, c.current_value, c.default_value
- from configuration_parameters c
- where c.node_name = 'ALL'
- and (? = '' or c.parameter_name ilike ?)
- """, parameter_name, parameter_name)
- while True:
- rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
- if not rows:
- break
- for row in rows:
- facts[row.parameter_name.lower()] = {
- 'parameter_name': row.parameter_name,
- 'current_value': row.current_value,
- 'default_value': row.default_value}
- return facts
-def check(configuration_facts, parameter_name, current_value):
- parameter_key = parameter_name.lower()
- if current_value and current_value.lower() != configuration_facts[parameter_key]['current_value'].lower():
- return False
- return True
-def present(configuration_facts, cursor, parameter_name, current_value):
- parameter_key = parameter_name.lower()
- changed = False
- if current_value and current_value.lower() != configuration_facts[parameter_key]['current_value'].lower():
- cursor.execute("select set_config_parameter('{0}', '{1}')".format(parameter_name, current_value))
- changed = True
- if changed:
- configuration_facts.update(get_configuration_facts(cursor, parameter_name))
- return changed
-# module logic
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- parameter=dict(required=True, aliases=['name']),
- value=dict(default=None),
- db=dict(default=None),
- cluster=dict(default='localhost'),
- port=dict(default='5433'),
- login_user=dict(default='dbadmin'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True),
- ), supports_check_mode=True)
- if not pyodbc_found:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyodbc'), exception=PYODBC_IMP_ERR)
- parameter_name = module.params['parameter']
- current_value = module.params['value']
- db = ''
- if module.params['db']:
- db = module.params['db']
- changed = False
- try:
- dsn = (
- "Driver=Vertica;"
- "Server={0};"
- "Port={1};"
- "Database={2};"
- "User={3};"
- "Password={4};"
- "ConnectionLoadBalance={5}"
- ).format(module.params['cluster'], module.params['port'], db,
- module.params['login_user'], module.params['login_password'], 'true')
- db_conn = pyodbc.connect(dsn, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_conn.cursor()
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Unable to connect to database: {0}.".format(to_native(e)),
- exception=traceback.format_exc())
- try:
- configuration_facts = get_configuration_facts(cursor)
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = not check(configuration_facts, parameter_name, current_value)
- else:
- try:
- changed = present(configuration_facts, cursor, parameter_name, current_value)
- except pyodbc.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except NotSupportedError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), ansible_facts={'vertica_configuration': configuration_facts})
- except CannotDropError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), ansible_facts={'vertica_configuration': configuration_facts})
- except SystemExit:
- # avoid catching this on python 2.4
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, parameter=parameter_name, ansible_facts={'vertica_configuration': configuration_facts})
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/
deleted file mode 100644
index 18cc99c72d..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: vertica_info
-version_added: '2.0'
-short_description: Gathers Vertica database facts.
- - Gathers Vertica database information.
- - This module was called C(vertica_facts) before Ansible 2.9, returning C(ansible_facts).
- Note that the M(vertica_info) module no longer returns C(ansible_facts)!
- cluster:
- description:
- - Name of the cluster running the schema.
- default: localhost
- port:
- description:
- Database port to connect to.
- default: 5433
- db:
- description:
- - Name of the database running the schema.
- login_user:
- description:
- - The username used to authenticate with.
- default: dbadmin
- login_password:
- description:
- - The password used to authenticate with.
- - The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in as or sudo'ing
- to the C(dbadmin) account on the host.
- - This module uses C(pyodbc), a Python ODBC database adapter. You must ensure
- that C(unixODBC) and C(pyodbc) is installed on the host and properly configured.
- - Configuring C(unixODBC) for Vertica requires C(Driver = /opt/vertica/lib64/
- to be added to the C(Vertica) section of either C(/etc/odbcinst.ini) or C($HOME/.odbcinst.ini)
- and both C(ErrorMessagesPath = /opt/vertica/lib64) and C(DriverManagerEncoding = UTF-16)
- to be added to the C(Driver) section of either C(/etc/vertica.ini) or C($HOME/.vertica.ini).
-requirements: [ 'unixODBC', 'pyodbc' ]
-author: "Dariusz Owczarek (@dareko)"
-- name: gathering vertica facts
- vertica_info: db=db_name
- register: result
-- name: Print schemas
- debug:
- msg: "{{ result.vertica_schemas }}"
-import traceback
- import pyodbc
-except ImportError:
- PYODBC_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- pyodbc_found = False
- pyodbc_found = True
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-class NotSupportedError(Exception):
- pass
-# module specific functions
-def get_schema_facts(cursor, schema=''):
- facts = {}
- cursor.execute("""
- select schema_name, schema_owner, create_time
- from schemata
- where not is_system_schema and schema_name not in ('public')
- and (? = '' or schema_name ilike ?)
- """, schema, schema)
- while True:
- rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
- if not rows:
- break
- for row in rows:
- facts[row.schema_name.lower()] = {
- 'name': row.schema_name,
- 'owner': row.schema_owner,
- 'create_time': str(row.create_time),
- 'usage_roles': [],
- 'create_roles': []}
- cursor.execute("""
- select g.object_name as schema_name, as role_name,
- lower(g.privileges_description) privileges_description
- from roles r join grants g
- on g.grantee = and g.object_type='SCHEMA'
- and g.privileges_description like '%USAGE%'
- and g.grantee not in ('public', 'dbadmin')
- and (? = '' or g.object_name ilike ?)
- """, schema, schema)
- while True:
- rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
- if not rows:
- break
- for row in rows:
- schema_key = row.schema_name.lower()
- if 'create' in row.privileges_description:
- facts[schema_key]['create_roles'].append(row.role_name)
- else:
- facts[schema_key]['usage_roles'].append(row.role_name)
- return facts
-def get_user_facts(cursor, user=''):
- facts = {}
- cursor.execute("""
- select u.user_name, u.is_locked, u.lock_time,
- p.password, p.acctexpired as is_expired,
- u.profile_name, u.resource_pool,
- u.all_roles, u.default_roles
- from users u join password_auditor p on p.user_id = u.user_id
- where not u.is_super_user
- and (? = '' or u.user_name ilike ?)
- """, user, user)
- while True:
- rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
- if not rows:
- break
- for row in rows:
- user_key = row.user_name.lower()
- facts[user_key] = {
- 'name': row.user_name,
- 'locked': str(row.is_locked),
- 'password': row.password,
- 'expired': str(row.is_expired),
- 'profile': row.profile_name,
- 'resource_pool': row.resource_pool,
- 'roles': [],
- 'default_roles': []}
- if row.is_locked:
- facts[user_key]['locked_time'] = str(row.lock_time)
- if row.all_roles:
- facts[user_key]['roles'] = row.all_roles.replace(' ', '').split(',')
- if row.default_roles:
- facts[user_key]['default_roles'] = row.default_roles.replace(' ', '').split(',')
- return facts
-def get_role_facts(cursor, role=''):
- facts = {}
- cursor.execute("""
- select, r.assigned_roles
- from roles r
- where (? = '' or ilike ?)
- """, role, role)
- while True:
- rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
- if not rows:
- break
- for row in rows:
- role_key =
- facts[role_key] = {
- 'name':,
- 'assigned_roles': []}
- if row.assigned_roles:
- facts[role_key]['assigned_roles'] = row.assigned_roles.replace(' ', '').split(',')
- return facts
-def get_configuration_facts(cursor, parameter=''):
- facts = {}
- cursor.execute("""
- select c.parameter_name, c.current_value, c.default_value
- from configuration_parameters c
- where c.node_name = 'ALL'
- and (? = '' or c.parameter_name ilike ?)
- """, parameter, parameter)
- while True:
- rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
- if not rows:
- break
- for row in rows:
- facts[row.parameter_name.lower()] = {
- 'parameter_name': row.parameter_name,
- 'current_value': row.current_value,
- 'default_value': row.default_value}
- return facts
-def get_node_facts(cursor, schema=''):
- facts = {}
- cursor.execute("""
- select node_name, node_address, export_address, node_state, node_type,
- catalog_path
- from nodes
- """)
- while True:
- rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
- if not rows:
- break
- for row in rows:
- facts[row.node_address] = {
- 'node_name': row.node_name,
- 'export_address': row.export_address,
- 'node_state': row.node_state,
- 'node_type': row.node_type,
- 'catalog_path': row.catalog_path}
- return facts
-# module logic
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- cluster=dict(default='localhost'),
- port=dict(default='5433'),
- db=dict(default=None),
- login_user=dict(default='dbadmin'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True),
- ), supports_check_mode=True)
- is_old_facts = module._name == 'vertica_facts'
- if is_old_facts:
- module.deprecate("The 'vertica_facts' module has been renamed to 'vertica_info', "
- "and the renamed one no longer returns ansible_facts", version='2.13')
- if not pyodbc_found:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyodbc'), exception=PYODBC_IMP_ERR)
- db = ''
- if module.params['db']:
- db = module.params['db']
- try:
- dsn = (
- "Driver=Vertica;"
- "Server=%s;"
- "Port=%s;"
- "Database=%s;"
- "User=%s;"
- "Password=%s;"
- "ConnectionLoadBalance=%s"
- ) % (module.params['cluster'], module.params['port'], db,
- module.params['login_user'], module.params['login_password'], 'true')
- db_conn = pyodbc.connect(dsn, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_conn.cursor()
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Unable to connect to database: %s." % to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- try:
- schema_facts = get_schema_facts(cursor)
- user_facts = get_user_facts(cursor)
- role_facts = get_role_facts(cursor)
- configuration_facts = get_configuration_facts(cursor)
- node_facts = get_node_facts(cursor)
- if is_old_facts:
- module.exit_json(changed=False,
- ansible_facts={'vertica_schemas': schema_facts,
- 'vertica_users': user_facts,
- 'vertica_roles': role_facts,
- 'vertica_configuration': configuration_facts,
- 'vertica_nodes': node_facts})
- else:
- module.exit_json(changed=False,
- vertica_schemas=schema_facts,
- vertica_users=user_facts,
- vertica_roles=role_facts,
- vertica_configuration=configuration_facts,
- vertica_nodes=node_facts)
- except NotSupportedError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except SystemExit:
- # avoid catching this on python 2.4
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/
deleted file mode 100644
index ec419a0ebd..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: vertica_role
-version_added: '2.0'
-short_description: Adds or removes Vertica database roles and assigns roles to them.
- - Adds or removes Vertica database role and, optionally, assign other roles.
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the role to add or remove.
- required: true
- assigned_roles:
- description:
- - Comma separated list of roles to assign to the role.
- aliases: ['assigned_role']
- state:
- description:
- - Whether to create C(present), drop C(absent) or lock C(locked) a role.
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- default: present
- db:
- description:
- - Name of the Vertica database.
- cluster:
- description:
- - Name of the Vertica cluster.
- default: localhost
- port:
- description:
- - Vertica cluster port to connect to.
- default: 5433
- login_user:
- description:
- - The username used to authenticate with.
- default: dbadmin
- login_password:
- description:
- - The password used to authenticate with.
- - The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in as or sudo'ing
- to the C(dbadmin) account on the host.
- - This module uses C(pyodbc), a Python ODBC database adapter. You must ensure
- that C(unixODBC) and C(pyodbc) is installed on the host and properly configured.
- - Configuring C(unixODBC) for Vertica requires C(Driver = /opt/vertica/lib64/
- to be added to the C(Vertica) section of either C(/etc/odbcinst.ini) or C($HOME/.odbcinst.ini)
- and both C(ErrorMessagesPath = /opt/vertica/lib64) and C(DriverManagerEncoding = UTF-16)
- to be added to the C(Driver) section of either C(/etc/vertica.ini) or C($HOME/.vertica.ini).
-requirements: [ 'unixODBC', 'pyodbc' ]
-author: "Dariusz Owczarek (@dareko)"
-- name: creating a new vertica role
- vertica_role: name=role_name db=db_name state=present
-- name: creating a new vertica role with other role assigned
- vertica_role: name=role_name assigned_role=other_role_name state=present
-import traceback
- import pyodbc
-except ImportError:
- PYODBC_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- pyodbc_found = False
- pyodbc_found = True
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-class NotSupportedError(Exception):
- pass
-class CannotDropError(Exception):
- pass
-# module specific functions
-def get_role_facts(cursor, role=''):
- facts = {}
- cursor.execute("""
- select, r.assigned_roles
- from roles r
- where (? = '' or ilike ?)
- """, role, role)
- while True:
- rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
- if not rows:
- break
- for row in rows:
- role_key =
- facts[role_key] = {
- 'name':,
- 'assigned_roles': []}
- if row.assigned_roles:
- facts[role_key]['assigned_roles'] = row.assigned_roles.replace(' ', '').split(',')
- return facts
-def update_roles(role_facts, cursor, role,
- existing, required):
- for assigned_role in set(existing) - set(required):
- cursor.execute("revoke {0} from {1}".format(assigned_role, role))
- for assigned_role in set(required) - set(existing):
- cursor.execute("grant {0} to {1}".format(assigned_role, role))
-def check(role_facts, role, assigned_roles):
- role_key = role.lower()
- if role_key not in role_facts:
- return False
- if assigned_roles and sorted(assigned_roles) != sorted(role_facts[role_key]['assigned_roles']):
- return False
- return True
-def present(role_facts, cursor, role, assigned_roles):
- role_key = role.lower()
- if role_key not in role_facts:
- cursor.execute("create role {0}".format(role))
- update_roles(role_facts, cursor, role, [], assigned_roles)
- role_facts.update(get_role_facts(cursor, role))
- return True
- else:
- changed = False
- if assigned_roles and (sorted(assigned_roles) != sorted(role_facts[role_key]['assigned_roles'])):
- update_roles(role_facts, cursor, role,
- role_facts[role_key]['assigned_roles'], assigned_roles)
- changed = True
- if changed:
- role_facts.update(get_role_facts(cursor, role))
- return changed
-def absent(role_facts, cursor, role, assigned_roles):
- role_key = role.lower()
- if role_key in role_facts:
- update_roles(role_facts, cursor, role,
- role_facts[role_key]['assigned_roles'], [])
- cursor.execute("drop role {0} cascade".format(role_facts[role_key]['name']))
- del role_facts[role_key]
- return True
- else:
- return False
-# module logic
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- role=dict(required=True, aliases=['name']),
- assigned_roles=dict(default=None, aliases=['assigned_role']),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- db=dict(default=None),
- cluster=dict(default='localhost'),
- port=dict(default='5433'),
- login_user=dict(default='dbadmin'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True),
- ), supports_check_mode=True)
- if not pyodbc_found:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyodbc'), exception=PYODBC_IMP_ERR)
- role = module.params['role']
- assigned_roles = []
- if module.params['assigned_roles']:
- assigned_roles = module.params['assigned_roles'].split(',')
- assigned_roles = filter(None, assigned_roles)
- state = module.params['state']
- db = ''
- if module.params['db']:
- db = module.params['db']
- changed = False
- try:
- dsn = (
- "Driver=Vertica;"
- "Server={0};"
- "Port={1};"
- "Database={2};"
- "User={3};"
- "Password={4};"
- "ConnectionLoadBalance={5}"
- ).format(module.params['cluster'], module.params['port'], db,
- module.params['login_user'], module.params['login_password'], 'true')
- db_conn = pyodbc.connect(dsn, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_conn.cursor()
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Unable to connect to database: {0}.".format(to_native(e)))
- try:
- role_facts = get_role_facts(cursor)
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = not check(role_facts, role, assigned_roles)
- elif state == 'absent':
- try:
- changed = absent(role_facts, cursor, role, assigned_roles)
- except pyodbc.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- elif state == 'present':
- try:
- changed = present(role_facts, cursor, role, assigned_roles)
- except pyodbc.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except NotSupportedError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), ansible_facts={'vertica_roles': role_facts})
- except CannotDropError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), ansible_facts={'vertica_roles': role_facts})
- except SystemExit:
- # avoid catching this on python 2.4
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, role=role, ansible_facts={'vertica_roles': role_facts})
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3465c4d95c..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: vertica_schema
-version_added: '2.0'
-short_description: Adds or removes Vertica database schema and roles.
- - Adds or removes Vertica database schema and, optionally, roles
- with schema access privileges.
- - A schema will not be removed until all the objects have been dropped.
- - In such a situation, if the module tries to remove the schema it
- will fail and only remove roles created for the schema if they have
- no dependencies.
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the schema to add or remove.
- required: true
- usage_roles:
- description:
- - Comma separated list of roles to create and grant usage access to the schema.
- aliases: ['usage_role']
- create_roles:
- description:
- - Comma separated list of roles to create and grant usage and create access to the schema.
- aliases: ['create_role']
- owner:
- description:
- - Name of the user to set as owner of the schema.
- state:
- description:
- - Whether to create C(present), or drop C(absent) a schema.
- default: present
- choices: ['present', 'absent']
- db:
- description:
- - Name of the Vertica database.
- cluster:
- description:
- - Name of the Vertica cluster.
- default: localhost
- port:
- description:
- - Vertica cluster port to connect to.
- default: 5433
- login_user:
- description:
- - The username used to authenticate with.
- default: dbadmin
- login_password:
- description:
- - The password used to authenticate with.
- - The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in as or sudo'ing
- to the C(dbadmin) account on the host.
- - This module uses C(pyodbc), a Python ODBC database adapter. You must ensure
- that C(unixODBC) and C(pyodbc) is installed on the host and properly configured.
- - Configuring C(unixODBC) for Vertica requires C(Driver = /opt/vertica/lib64/
- to be added to the C(Vertica) section of either C(/etc/odbcinst.ini) or C($HOME/.odbcinst.ini)
- and both C(ErrorMessagesPath = /opt/vertica/lib64) and C(DriverManagerEncoding = UTF-16)
- to be added to the C(Driver) section of either C(/etc/vertica.ini) or C($HOME/.vertica.ini).
-requirements: [ 'unixODBC', 'pyodbc' ]
-author: "Dariusz Owczarek (@dareko)"
-- name: creating a new vertica schema
- vertica_schema: name=schema_name db=db_name state=present
-- name: creating a new schema with specific schema owner
- vertica_schema: name=schema_name owner=dbowner db=db_name state=present
-- name: creating a new schema with roles
- vertica_schema:
- name=schema_name
- create_roles=schema_name_all
- usage_roles=schema_name_ro,schema_name_rw
- db=db_name
- state=present
-import traceback
- import pyodbc
-except ImportError:
- PYODBC_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- pyodbc_found = False
- pyodbc_found = True
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-class NotSupportedError(Exception):
- pass
-class CannotDropError(Exception):
- pass
-# module specific functions
-def get_schema_facts(cursor, schema=''):
- facts = {}
- cursor.execute("""
- select schema_name, schema_owner, create_time
- from schemata
- where not is_system_schema and schema_name not in ('public', 'TxtIndex')
- and (? = '' or schema_name ilike ?)
- """, schema, schema)
- while True:
- rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
- if not rows:
- break
- for row in rows:
- facts[row.schema_name.lower()] = {
- 'name': row.schema_name,
- 'owner': row.schema_owner,
- 'create_time': str(row.create_time),
- 'usage_roles': [],
- 'create_roles': []}
- cursor.execute("""
- select g.object_name as schema_name, as role_name,
- lower(g.privileges_description) privileges_description
- from roles r join grants g
- on g.grantee_id = r.role_id and g.object_type='SCHEMA'
- and g.privileges_description like '%USAGE%'
- and g.grantee not in ('public', 'dbadmin')
- and (? = '' or g.object_name ilike ?)
- """, schema, schema)
- while True:
- rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
- if not rows:
- break
- for row in rows:
- schema_key = row.schema_name.lower()
- if 'create' in row.privileges_description:
- facts[schema_key]['create_roles'].append(row.role_name)
- else:
- facts[schema_key]['usage_roles'].append(row.role_name)
- return facts
-def update_roles(schema_facts, cursor, schema,
- existing, required,
- create_existing, create_required):
- for role in set(existing + create_existing) - set(required + create_required):
- cursor.execute("drop role {0} cascade".format(role))
- for role in set(create_existing) - set(create_required):
- cursor.execute("revoke create on schema {0} from {1}".format(schema, role))
- for role in set(required + create_required) - set(existing + create_existing):
- cursor.execute("create role {0}".format(role))
- cursor.execute("grant usage on schema {0} to {1}".format(schema, role))
- for role in set(create_required) - set(create_existing):
- cursor.execute("grant create on schema {0} to {1}".format(schema, role))
-def check(schema_facts, schema, usage_roles, create_roles, owner):
- schema_key = schema.lower()
- if schema_key not in schema_facts:
- return False
- if owner and owner.lower() == schema_facts[schema_key]['owner'].lower():
- return False
- if sorted(usage_roles) != sorted(schema_facts[schema_key]['usage_roles']):
- return False
- if sorted(create_roles) != sorted(schema_facts[schema_key]['create_roles']):
- return False
- return True
-def present(schema_facts, cursor, schema, usage_roles, create_roles, owner):
- schema_key = schema.lower()
- if schema_key not in schema_facts:
- query_fragments = ["create schema {0}".format(schema)]
- if owner:
- query_fragments.append("authorization {0}".format(owner))
- cursor.execute(' '.join(query_fragments))
- update_roles(schema_facts, cursor, schema, [], usage_roles, [], create_roles)
- schema_facts.update(get_schema_facts(cursor, schema))
- return True
- else:
- changed = False
- if owner and owner.lower() != schema_facts[schema_key]['owner'].lower():
- raise NotSupportedError((
- "Changing schema owner is not supported. "
- "Current owner: {0}."
- ).format(schema_facts[schema_key]['owner']))
- if sorted(usage_roles) != sorted(schema_facts[schema_key]['usage_roles']) or \
- sorted(create_roles) != sorted(schema_facts[schema_key]['create_roles']):
- update_roles(schema_facts, cursor, schema,
- schema_facts[schema_key]['usage_roles'], usage_roles,
- schema_facts[schema_key]['create_roles'], create_roles)
- changed = True
- if changed:
- schema_facts.update(get_schema_facts(cursor, schema))
- return changed
-def absent(schema_facts, cursor, schema, usage_roles, create_roles):
- schema_key = schema.lower()
- if schema_key in schema_facts:
- update_roles(schema_facts, cursor, schema,
- schema_facts[schema_key]['usage_roles'], [], schema_facts[schema_key]['create_roles'], [])
- try:
- cursor.execute("drop schema {0} restrict".format(schema_facts[schema_key]['name']))
- except pyodbc.Error:
- raise CannotDropError("Dropping schema failed due to dependencies.")
- del schema_facts[schema_key]
- return True
- else:
- return False
-# module logic
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- schema=dict(required=True, aliases=['name']),
- usage_roles=dict(default=None, aliases=['usage_role']),
- create_roles=dict(default=None, aliases=['create_role']),
- owner=dict(default=None),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
- db=dict(default=None),
- cluster=dict(default='localhost'),
- port=dict(default='5433'),
- login_user=dict(default='dbadmin'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True),
- ), supports_check_mode=True)
- if not pyodbc_found:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyodbc'), exception=PYODBC_IMP_ERR)
- schema = module.params['schema']
- usage_roles = []
- if module.params['usage_roles']:
- usage_roles = module.params['usage_roles'].split(',')
- usage_roles = filter(None, usage_roles)
- create_roles = []
- if module.params['create_roles']:
- create_roles = module.params['create_roles'].split(',')
- create_roles = filter(None, create_roles)
- owner = module.params['owner']
- state = module.params['state']
- db = ''
- if module.params['db']:
- db = module.params['db']
- changed = False
- try:
- dsn = (
- "Driver=Vertica;"
- "Server={0};"
- "Port={1};"
- "Database={2};"
- "User={3};"
- "Password={4};"
- "ConnectionLoadBalance={5}"
- ).format(module.params['cluster'], module.params['port'], db,
- module.params['login_user'], module.params['login_password'], 'true')
- db_conn = pyodbc.connect(dsn, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_conn.cursor()
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Unable to connect to database: {0}.".format(to_native(e)))
- try:
- schema_facts = get_schema_facts(cursor)
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = not check(schema_facts, schema, usage_roles, create_roles, owner)
- elif state == 'absent':
- try:
- changed = absent(schema_facts, cursor, schema, usage_roles, create_roles)
- except pyodbc.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- elif state == 'present':
- try:
- changed = present(schema_facts, cursor, schema, usage_roles, create_roles, owner)
- except pyodbc.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except NotSupportedError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), ansible_facts={'vertica_schemas': schema_facts})
- except CannotDropError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), ansible_facts={'vertica_schemas': schema_facts})
- except SystemExit:
- # avoid catching this on python 2.4
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, schema=schema, ansible_facts={'vertica_schemas': schema_facts})
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/
deleted file mode 100644
index 53202537ce..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/database/vertica/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: vertica_user
-version_added: '2.0'
-short_description: Adds or removes Vertica database users and assigns roles.
- - Adds or removes Vertica database user and, optionally, assigns roles.
- - A user will not be removed until all the dependencies have been dropped.
- - In such a situation, if the module tries to remove the user it
- will fail and only remove roles granted to the user.
- name:
- description:
- - Name of the user to add or remove.
- required: true
- profile:
- description:
- - Sets the user's profile.
- resource_pool:
- description:
- - Sets the user's resource pool.
- password:
- description:
- - The user's password encrypted by the MD5 algorithm.
- - The password must be generated with the format C("md5" + md5[password + username]),
- resulting in a total of 35 characters. An easy way to do this is by querying
- the Vertica database with select 'md5'||md5('<user_password><user_name>').
- expired:
- description:
- - Sets the user's password expiration.
- type: bool
- ldap:
- description:
- - Set to true if users are authenticated via LDAP.
- - The user will be created with password expired and set to I($ldap$).
- type: bool
- roles:
- description:
- - Comma separated list of roles to assign to the user.
- aliases: ['role']
- state:
- description:
- - Whether to create C(present), drop C(absent) or lock C(locked) a user.
- choices: ['present', 'absent', 'locked']
- default: present
- db:
- description:
- - Name of the Vertica database.
- cluster:
- description:
- - Name of the Vertica cluster.
- default: localhost
- port:
- description:
- - Vertica cluster port to connect to.
- default: 5433
- login_user:
- description:
- - The username used to authenticate with.
- default: dbadmin
- login_password:
- description:
- - The password used to authenticate with.
- - The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in as or sudo'ing
- to the C(dbadmin) account on the host.
- - This module uses C(pyodbc), a Python ODBC database adapter. You must ensure
- that C(unixODBC) and C(pyodbc) is installed on the host and properly configured.
- - Configuring C(unixODBC) for Vertica requires C(Driver = /opt/vertica/lib64/
- to be added to the C(Vertica) section of either C(/etc/odbcinst.ini) or C($HOME/.odbcinst.ini)
- and both C(ErrorMessagesPath = /opt/vertica/lib64) and C(DriverManagerEncoding = UTF-16)
- to be added to the C(Driver) section of either C(/etc/vertica.ini) or C($HOME/.vertica.ini).
-requirements: [ 'unixODBC', 'pyodbc' ]
-author: "Dariusz Owczarek (@dareko)"
-- name: creating a new vertica user with password
- vertica_user: name=user_name password=md5<encrypted_password> db=db_name state=present
-- name: creating a new vertica user authenticated via ldap with roles assigned
- vertica_user:
- name=user_name
- ldap=true
- db=db_name
- roles=schema_name_ro
- state=present
-import traceback
- import pyodbc
-except ImportError:
- PYODBC_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
- pyodbc_found = False
- pyodbc_found = True
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
-from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
-class NotSupportedError(Exception):
- pass
-class CannotDropError(Exception):
- pass
-# module specific functions
-def get_user_facts(cursor, user=''):
- facts = {}
- cursor.execute("""
- select u.user_name, u.is_locked, u.lock_time,
- p.password, p.acctexpired as is_expired,
- u.profile_name, u.resource_pool,
- u.all_roles, u.default_roles
- from users u join password_auditor p on p.user_id = u.user_id
- where not u.is_super_user
- and (? = '' or u.user_name ilike ?)
- """, user, user)
- while True:
- rows = cursor.fetchmany(100)
- if not rows:
- break
- for row in rows:
- user_key = row.user_name.lower()
- facts[user_key] = {
- 'name': row.user_name,
- 'locked': str(row.is_locked),
- 'password': row.password,
- 'expired': str(row.is_expired),
- 'profile': row.profile_name,
- 'resource_pool': row.resource_pool,
- 'roles': [],
- 'default_roles': []}
- if row.is_locked:
- facts[user_key]['locked_time'] = str(row.lock_time)
- if row.all_roles:
- facts[user_key]['roles'] = row.all_roles.replace(' ', '').split(',')
- if row.default_roles:
- facts[user_key]['default_roles'] = row.default_roles.replace(' ', '').split(',')
- return facts
-def update_roles(user_facts, cursor, user,
- existing_all, existing_default, required):
- del_roles = list(set(existing_all) - set(required))
- if del_roles:
- cursor.execute("revoke {0} from {1}".format(','.join(del_roles), user))
- new_roles = list(set(required) - set(existing_all))
- if new_roles:
- cursor.execute("grant {0} to {1}".format(','.join(new_roles), user))
- if required:
- cursor.execute("alter user {0} default role {1}".format(user, ','.join(required)))
-def check(user_facts, user, profile, resource_pool,
- locked, password, expired, ldap, roles):
- user_key = user.lower()
- if user_key not in user_facts:
- return False
- if profile and profile != user_facts[user_key]['profile']:
- return False
- if resource_pool and resource_pool != user_facts[user_key]['resource_pool']:
- return False
- if locked != (user_facts[user_key]['locked'] == 'True'):
- return False
- if password and password != user_facts[user_key]['password']:
- return False
- if (expired is not None and expired != (user_facts[user_key]['expired'] == 'True') or
- ldap is not None and ldap != (user_facts[user_key]['expired'] == 'True')):
- return False
- if roles and (sorted(roles) != sorted(user_facts[user_key]['roles']) or
- sorted(roles) != sorted(user_facts[user_key]['default_roles'])):
- return False
- return True
-def present(user_facts, cursor, user, profile, resource_pool,
- locked, password, expired, ldap, roles):
- user_key = user.lower()
- if user_key not in user_facts:
- query_fragments = ["create user {0}".format(user)]
- if locked:
- query_fragments.append("account lock")
- if password or ldap:
- if password:
- query_fragments.append("identified by '{0}'".format(password))
- else:
- query_fragments.append("identified by '$ldap$'")
- if expired or ldap:
- query_fragments.append("password expire")
- if profile:
- query_fragments.append("profile {0}".format(profile))
- if resource_pool:
- query_fragments.append("resource pool {0}".format(resource_pool))
- cursor.execute(' '.join(query_fragments))
- if resource_pool and resource_pool != 'general':
- cursor.execute("grant usage on resource pool {0} to {1}".format(
- resource_pool, user))
- update_roles(user_facts, cursor, user, [], [], roles)
- user_facts.update(get_user_facts(cursor, user))
- return True
- else:
- changed = False
- query_fragments = ["alter user {0}".format(user)]
- if locked is not None and locked != (user_facts[user_key]['locked'] == 'True'):
- if locked:
- state = 'lock'
- else:
- state = 'unlock'
- query_fragments.append("account {0}".format(state))
- changed = True
- if password and password != user_facts[user_key]['password']:
- query_fragments.append("identified by '{0}'".format(password))
- changed = True
- if ldap:
- if ldap != (user_facts[user_key]['expired'] == 'True'):
- query_fragments.append("password expire")
- changed = True
- elif expired is not None and expired != (user_facts[user_key]['expired'] == 'True'):
- if expired:
- query_fragments.append("password expire")
- changed = True
- else:
- raise NotSupportedError("Unexpiring user password is not supported.")
- if profile and profile != user_facts[user_key]['profile']:
- query_fragments.append("profile {0}".format(profile))
- changed = True
- if resource_pool and resource_pool != user_facts[user_key]['resource_pool']:
- query_fragments.append("resource pool {0}".format(resource_pool))
- if user_facts[user_key]['resource_pool'] != 'general':
- cursor.execute("revoke usage on resource pool {0} from {1}".format(
- user_facts[user_key]['resource_pool'], user))
- if resource_pool != 'general':
- cursor.execute("grant usage on resource pool {0} to {1}".format(
- resource_pool, user))
- changed = True
- if changed:
- cursor.execute(' '.join(query_fragments))
- if roles and (sorted(roles) != sorted(user_facts[user_key]['roles']) or
- sorted(roles) != sorted(user_facts[user_key]['default_roles'])):
- update_roles(user_facts, cursor, user,
- user_facts[user_key]['roles'], user_facts[user_key]['default_roles'], roles)
- changed = True
- if changed:
- user_facts.update(get_user_facts(cursor, user))
- return changed
-def absent(user_facts, cursor, user, roles):
- user_key = user.lower()
- if user_key in user_facts:
- update_roles(user_facts, cursor, user,
- user_facts[user_key]['roles'], user_facts[user_key]['default_roles'], [])
- try:
- cursor.execute("drop user {0}".format(user_facts[user_key]['name']))
- except pyodbc.Error:
- raise CannotDropError("Dropping user failed due to dependencies.")
- del user_facts[user_key]
- return True
- else:
- return False
-# module logic
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- user=dict(required=True, aliases=['name']),
- profile=dict(default=None),
- resource_pool=dict(default=None),
- password=dict(default=None, no_log=True),
- expired=dict(type='bool', default=None),
- ldap=dict(type='bool', default=None),
- roles=dict(default=None, aliases=['role']),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present', 'locked']),
- db=dict(default=None),
- cluster=dict(default='localhost'),
- port=dict(default='5433'),
- login_user=dict(default='dbadmin'),
- login_password=dict(default=None, no_log=True),
- ), supports_check_mode=True)
- if not pyodbc_found:
- module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('pyodbc'), exception=PYODBC_IMP_ERR)
- user = module.params['user']
- profile = module.params['profile']
- if profile:
- profile = profile.lower()
- resource_pool = module.params['resource_pool']
- if resource_pool:
- resource_pool = resource_pool.lower()
- password = module.params['password']
- expired = module.params['expired']
- ldap = module.params['ldap']
- roles = []
- if module.params['roles']:
- roles = module.params['roles'].split(',')
- roles = filter(None, roles)
- state = module.params['state']
- if state == 'locked':
- locked = True
- else:
- locked = False
- db = ''
- if module.params['db']:
- db = module.params['db']
- changed = False
- try:
- dsn = (
- "Driver=Vertica;"
- "Server={0};"
- "Port={1};"
- "Database={2};"
- "User={3};"
- "Password={4};"
- "ConnectionLoadBalance={5}"
- ).format(module.params['cluster'], module.params['port'], db,
- module.params['login_user'], module.params['login_password'], 'true')
- db_conn = pyodbc.connect(dsn, autocommit=True)
- cursor = db_conn.cursor()
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="Unable to connect to database: {0}.".format(e))
- try:
- user_facts = get_user_facts(cursor)
- if module.check_mode:
- changed = not check(user_facts, user, profile, resource_pool,
- locked, password, expired, ldap, roles)
- elif state == 'absent':
- try:
- changed = absent(user_facts, cursor, user, roles)
- except pyodbc.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- elif state in ['present', 'locked']:
- try:
- changed = present(user_facts, cursor, user, profile, resource_pool,
- locked, password, expired, ldap, roles)
- except pyodbc.Error as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- except NotSupportedError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), ansible_facts={'vertica_users': user_facts})
- except CannotDropError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), ansible_facts={'vertica_users': user_facts})
- except SystemExit:
- # avoid catching this on python 2.4
- raise
- except Exception as e:
- module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), exception=traceback.format_exc())
- module.exit_json(changed=changed, user=user, ansible_facts={'vertica_users': user_facts})
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()