path: root/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/ovh/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 259 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/ovh/ b/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/ovh/
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index 121d914f0e..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/ovh/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['preview'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: ovh_ip_failover
-short_description: Manage OVH IP failover address
- - Manage OVH (French European hosting provider) IP Failover Address. For now, this module can only be used to move
- an ip failover (or failover block) between services
-version_added: "2.8"
-author: "Pascal HERAUD (@pascalheraud)"
- - Uses the python OVH Api U(
- You have to create an application (a key and secret) with a consummer
- key as described into U(
- - ovh >= 0.4.8
- name:
- required: true
- description:
- - The IP address to manage (can be a single IP like
- or a block like )
- service:
- required: true
- description:
- - The name of the OVH service this IP address should be routed
- endpoint:
- required: true
- description:
- - The endpoint to use ( for instance ovh-eu)
- wait_completion:
- required: false
- default: true
- type: bool
- description:
- - If true, the module will wait for the IP address to be moved.
- If false, exit without waiting. The taskId will be returned
- in module output
- wait_task_completion:
- required: false
- default: 0
- description:
- - If not 0, the module will wait for this task id to be
- completed. Use wait_task_completion if you want to wait for
- completion of a previously executed task with
- wait_completion=false. You can execute this module repeatedly on
- a list of failover IPs using wait_completion=false (see examples)
- application_key:
- required: true
- description:
- - The applicationKey to use
- application_secret:
- required: true
- description:
- - The application secret to use
- consumer_key:
- required: true
- description:
- - The consumer key to use
- timeout:
- required: false
- default: 120
- description:
- - The timeout in seconds used to wait for a task to be
- completed. Default is 120 seconds.
-# Route an IP address to the service
-- ovh_ip_failover:
- name:
- service:
- endpoint: ovh-eu
- application_key: yourkey
- application_secret: yoursecret
- consumer_key: yourconsumerkey
-- ovh_ip_failover:
- name:
- service:
- endpoint: ovh-eu
- wait_completion: false
- application_key: yourkey
- application_secret: yoursecret
- consumer_key: yourconsumerkey
- register: moved
-- ovh_ip_failover:
- name:
- service:
- endpoint: ovh-eu
- wait_task_completion: "{{moved.taskId}}"
- application_key: yourkey
- application_secret: yoursecret
- consumer_key: yourconsumerkey
-RETURN = '''
-import time
- import ovh
- import ovh.exceptions
- from ovh.exceptions import APIError
- HAS_OVH = True
-except ImportError:
- HAS_OVH = False
-from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
-from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.parse import quote_plus
-def getOvhClient(ansibleModule):
- endpoint = ansibleModule.params.get('endpoint')
- application_key = ansibleModule.params.get('application_key')
- application_secret = ansibleModule.params.get('application_secret')
- consumer_key = ansibleModule.params.get('consumer_key')
- return ovh.Client(
- endpoint=endpoint,
- application_key=application_key,
- application_secret=application_secret,
- consumer_key=consumer_key
- )
-def waitForNoTask(client, name, timeout):
- currentTimeout = timeout
- while client.get('/ip/{0}/task'.format(quote_plus(name)),
- function='genericMoveFloatingIp',
- status='todo'):
- time.sleep(1) # Delay for 1 sec
- currentTimeout -= 1
- if currentTimeout < 0:
- return False
- return True
-def waitForTaskDone(client, name, taskId, timeout):
- currentTimeout = timeout
- while True:
- task = client.get('/ip/{0}/task/{1}'.format(quote_plus(name), taskId))
- if task['status'] == 'done':
- return True
- time.sleep(5) # Delay for 5 sec because it's long to wait completion, do not harass the API
- currentTimeout -= 5
- if currentTimeout < 0:
- return False
- return True
-def main():
- module = AnsibleModule(
- argument_spec=dict(
- name=dict(required=True),
- service=dict(required=True),
- endpoint=dict(required=True),
- wait_completion=dict(default=True, type='bool'),
- wait_task_completion=dict(default=0, type='int'),
- application_key=dict(required=True, no_log=True),
- application_secret=dict(required=True, no_log=True),
- consumer_key=dict(required=True, no_log=True),
- timeout=dict(default=120, type='int')
- ),
- supports_check_mode=True
- )
- result = dict(
- changed=False
- )
- if not HAS_OVH:
- module.fail_json(msg='ovh-api python module is required to run this module ')
- # Get parameters
- name = module.params.get('name')
- service = module.params.get('service')
- timeout = module.params.get('timeout')
- wait_completion = module.params.get('wait_completion')
- wait_task_completion = module.params.get('wait_task_completion')
- # Connect to OVH API
- client = getOvhClient(module)
- # Check that the load balancing exists
- try:
- ips = client.get('/ip', ip=name, type='failover')
- except APIError as apiError:
- module.fail_json(
- msg='Unable to call OVH api for getting the list of ips, '
- 'check application key, secret, consumerkey and parameters. '
- 'Error returned by OVH api was : {0}'.format(apiError))
- if name not in ips and '{0}/32'.format(name) not in ips:
- module.fail_json(msg='IP {0} does not exist'.format(name))
- # Check that no task is pending before going on
- try:
- if not waitForNoTask(client, name, timeout):
- module.fail_json(
- msg='Timeout of {0} seconds while waiting for no pending '
- 'tasks before executing the module '.format(timeout))
- except APIError as apiError:
- module.fail_json(
- msg='Unable to call OVH api for getting the list of pending tasks '
- 'of the ip, check application key, secret, consumerkey '
- 'and parameters. Error returned by OVH api was : {0}'
- .format(apiError))
- try:
- ipproperties = client.get('/ip/{0}'.format(quote_plus(name)))
- except APIError as apiError:
- module.fail_json(
- msg='Unable to call OVH api for getting the properties '
- 'of the ip, check application key, secret, consumerkey '
- 'and parameters. Error returned by OVH api was : {0}'
- .format(apiError))
- if ipproperties['routedTo']['serviceName'] != service:
- if not module.check_mode:
- if wait_task_completion == 0:
- # Move the IP and get the created taskId
- task ='/ip/{0}/move'.format(quote_plus(name)), to=service)
- taskId = task['taskId']
- result['moved'] = True
- else:
- # Just wait for the given taskId to be completed
- taskId = wait_task_completion
- result['moved'] = False
- result['taskId'] = taskId
- if wait_completion or wait_task_completion != 0:
- if not waitForTaskDone(client, name, taskId, timeout):
- module.fail_json(
- msg='Timeout of {0} seconds while waiting for completion '
- 'of move ip to service'.format(timeout))
- result['waited'] = True
- else:
- result['waited'] = False
- result['changed'] = True
- module.exit_json(**result)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()