path: root/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 520 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/ b/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/
deleted file mode 100644
index 73f89c95e9..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/cloud/amazon/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: Ansible Project
-# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
-from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
-__metaclass__ = type
-ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
- 'status': ['stableinterface'],
- 'supported_by': 'community'}
-module: s3_lifecycle
-short_description: Manage s3 bucket lifecycle rules in AWS
- - Manage s3 bucket lifecycle rules in AWS
-version_added: "2.0"
-author: "Rob White (@wimnat)"
- - If specifying expiration time as days then transition time must also be specified in days
- - If specifying expiration time as a date then transition time must also be specified as a date
- - python-dateutil
- name:
- description:
- - "Name of the s3 bucket"
- required: true
- type: str
- expiration_date:
- description:
- - >
- Indicates the lifetime of the objects that are subject to the rule by the date they will expire. The value must be ISO-8601 format, the time must
- be midnight and a GMT timezone must be specified.
- type: str
- expiration_days:
- description:
- - "Indicates the lifetime, in days, of the objects that are subject to the rule. The value must be a non-zero positive integer."
- type: int
- prefix:
- description:
- - "Prefix identifying one or more objects to which the rule applies. If no prefix is specified, the rule will apply to the whole bucket."
- type: str
- purge_transitions:
- description:
- - >
- "Whether to replace all the current transition(s) with the new transition(s). When false, the provided transition(s)
- will be added, replacing transitions with the same storage_class. When true, existing transitions will be removed and
- replaced with the new transition(s)
- default: true
- type: bool
- version_added: 2.6
- noncurrent_version_expiration_days:
- description:
- - 'Delete noncurrent versions this many days after they become noncurrent'
- required: false
- version_added: 2.6
- type: int
- noncurrent_version_storage_class:
- description:
- - 'Transition noncurrent versions to this storage class'
- default: glacier
- choices: ['glacier', 'onezone_ia', 'standard_ia']
- required: false
- version_added: 2.6
- type: str
- noncurrent_version_transition_days:
- description:
- - 'Transition noncurrent versions this many days after they become noncurrent'
- required: false
- version_added: 2.6
- type: int
- noncurrent_version_transitions:
- description:
- - >
- A list of transition behaviors to be applied to noncurrent versions for the rule. Each storage class may be used only once. Each transition
- behavior contains these elements
- I(transition_days)
- I(storage_class)
- version_added: 2.6
- type: list
- rule_id:
- description:
- - "Unique identifier for the rule. The value cannot be longer than 255 characters. A unique value for the rule will be generated if no value is provided."
- type: str
- state:
- description:
- - "Create or remove the lifecycle rule"
- default: present
- choices: [ 'present', 'absent' ]
- type: str
- status:
- description:
- - "If 'enabled', the rule is currently being applied. If 'disabled', the rule is not currently being applied."
- default: enabled
- choices: [ 'enabled', 'disabled' ]
- type: str
- storage_class:
- description:
- - "The storage class to transition to. Currently there are two supported values - 'glacier', 'onezone_ia', or 'standard_ia'."
- - "The 'standard_ia' class is only being available from Ansible version 2.2."
- default: glacier
- choices: [ 'glacier', 'onezone_ia', 'standard_ia']
- type: str
- transition_date:
- description:
- - >
- Indicates the lifetime of the objects that are subject to the rule by the date they will transition to a different storage class.
- The value must be ISO-8601 format, the time must be midnight and a GMT timezone must be specified. If transition_days is not specified,
- this parameter is required."
- type: str
- transition_days:
- description:
- - "Indicates when, in days, an object transitions to a different storage class. If transition_date is not specified, this parameter is required."
- type: int
- transitions:
- description:
- - A list of transition behaviors to be applied to the rule. Each storage class may be used only once. Each transition
- behavior may contain these elements
- I(transition_days)
- I(transition_date)
- I(storage_class)
- version_added: 2.6
- type: list
- requester_pays:
- description:
- - The I(requester_pays) option does nothing and will be removed in Ansible 2.14.
- type: bool
- - aws
- - ec2
-# Note: These examples do not set authentication details, see the AWS Guide for details.
-# Configure a lifecycle rule on a bucket to expire (delete) items with a prefix of /logs/ after 30 days
-- s3_lifecycle:
- name: mybucket
- expiration_days: 30
- prefix: logs/
- status: enabled
- state: present
-# Configure a lifecycle rule to transition all items with a prefix of /logs/ to glacier after 7 days and then delete after 90 days
-- s3_lifecycle:
- name: mybucket
- transition_days: 7
- expiration_days: 90
- prefix: logs/
- status: enabled
- state: present
-# Configure a lifecycle rule to transition all items with a prefix of /logs/ to glacier on 31 Dec 2020 and then delete on 31 Dec 2030.
-# Note that midnight GMT must be specified.
-# Be sure to quote your date strings
-- s3_lifecycle:
- name: mybucket
- transition_date: "2020-12-30T00:00:00.000Z"
- expiration_date: "2030-12-30T00:00:00.000Z"
- prefix: logs/
- status: enabled
- state: present
-# Disable the rule created above
-- s3_lifecycle:
- name: mybucket
- prefix: logs/
- status: disabled
- state: present
-# Delete the lifecycle rule created above
-- s3_lifecycle:
- name: mybucket
- prefix: logs/
- state: absent
-# Configure a lifecycle rule to transition all backup files older than 31 days in /backups/ to standard infrequent access class.
-- s3_lifecycle:
- name: mybucket
- prefix: backups/
- storage_class: standard_ia
- transition_days: 31
- state: present
- status: enabled
-# Configure a lifecycle rule to transition files to infrequent access after 30 days and glacier after 90
-- s3_lifecycle:
- name: mybucket
- prefix: logs/
- state: present
- status: enabled
- transitions:
- - transition_days: 30
- storage_class: standard_ia
- - transition_days: 90
- storage_class: glacier
-from copy import deepcopy
-import datetime
- import dateutil.parser
-except ImportError:
- from botocore.exceptions import BotoCoreError, ClientError
-except ImportError:
- pass # handled by AnsibleAwsModule
-from import AnsibleAWSModule
-def create_lifecycle_rule(client, module):
- name = module.params.get("name")
- expiration_date = module.params.get("expiration_date")
- expiration_days = module.params.get("expiration_days")
- noncurrent_version_expiration_days = module.params.get("noncurrent_version_expiration_days")
- noncurrent_version_transition_days = module.params.get("noncurrent_version_transition_days")
- noncurrent_version_transitions = module.params.get("noncurrent_version_transitions")
- noncurrent_version_storage_class = module.params.get("noncurrent_version_storage_class")
- prefix = module.params.get("prefix") or ""
- rule_id = module.params.get("rule_id")
- status = module.params.get("status")
- storage_class = module.params.get("storage_class")
- transition_date = module.params.get("transition_date")
- transition_days = module.params.get("transition_days")
- transitions = module.params.get("transitions")
- purge_transitions = module.params.get("purge_transitions")
- changed = False
- # Get the bucket's current lifecycle rules
- try:
- current_lifecycle = client.get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(Bucket=name)
- current_lifecycle_rules = current_lifecycle['Rules']
- except ClientError as e:
- if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration':
- current_lifecycle_rules = []
- else:
- module.fail_json_aws(e)
- except BotoCoreError as e:
- module.fail_json_aws(e)
- rule = dict(Filter=dict(Prefix=prefix), Status=status.title())
- if rule_id is not None:
- rule['ID'] = rule_id
- # Create expiration
- if expiration_days is not None:
- rule['Expiration'] = dict(Days=expiration_days)
- elif expiration_date is not None:
- rule['Expiration'] = dict(Date=expiration_date)
- if noncurrent_version_expiration_days is not None:
- rule['NoncurrentVersionExpiration'] = dict(NoncurrentDays=noncurrent_version_expiration_days)
- if transition_days is not None:
- rule['Transitions'] = [dict(Days=transition_days, StorageClass=storage_class.upper()), ]
- elif transition_date is not None:
- rule['Transitions'] = [dict(Date=transition_date, StorageClass=storage_class.upper()), ]
- if transitions is not None:
- if not rule.get('Transitions'):
- rule['Transitions'] = []
- for transition in transitions:
- t_out = dict()
- if transition.get('transition_date'):
- t_out['Date'] = transition['transition_date']
- elif transition.get('transition_days'):
- t_out['Days'] = transition['transition_days']
- if transition.get('storage_class'):
- t_out['StorageClass'] = transition['storage_class'].upper()
- rule['Transitions'].append(t_out)
- if noncurrent_version_transition_days is not None:
- rule['NoncurrentVersionTransitions'] = [dict(NoncurrentDays=noncurrent_version_transition_days,
- StorageClass=noncurrent_version_storage_class.upper()), ]
- if noncurrent_version_transitions is not None:
- if not rule.get('NoncurrentVersionTransitions'):
- rule['NoncurrentVersionTransitions'] = []
- for noncurrent_version_transition in noncurrent_version_transitions:
- t_out = dict()
- t_out['NoncurrentDays'] = noncurrent_version_transition['transition_days']
- if noncurrent_version_transition.get('storage_class'):
- t_out['StorageClass'] = noncurrent_version_transition['storage_class'].upper()
- rule['NoncurrentVersionTransitions'].append(t_out)
- lifecycle_configuration = dict(Rules=[])
- appended = False
- # If current_lifecycle_obj is not None then we have rules to compare, otherwise just add the rule
- if current_lifecycle_rules:
- # If rule ID exists, use that for comparison otherwise compare based on prefix
- for existing_rule in current_lifecycle_rules:
- if rule.get('ID') == existing_rule.get('ID') and rule['Filter']['Prefix'] != existing_rule.get('Filter', {}).get('Prefix', ''):
- existing_rule.pop('ID')
- elif rule_id is None and rule['Filter']['Prefix'] == existing_rule.get('Filter', {}).get('Prefix', ''):
- existing_rule.pop('ID')
- if rule.get('ID') == existing_rule.get('ID'):
- changed_, appended_ = update_or_append_rule(rule, existing_rule, purge_transitions, lifecycle_configuration)
- changed = changed_ or changed
- appended = appended_ or appended
- else:
- lifecycle_configuration['Rules'].append(existing_rule)
- # If nothing appended then append now as the rule must not exist
- if not appended:
- lifecycle_configuration['Rules'].append(rule)
- changed = True
- else:
- lifecycle_configuration['Rules'].append(rule)
- changed = True
- # Write lifecycle to bucket
- try:
- client.put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(Bucket=name, LifecycleConfiguration=lifecycle_configuration)
- except (BotoCoreError, ClientError) as e:
- module.fail_json_aws(e)
- module.exit_json(changed=changed)
-def update_or_append_rule(new_rule, existing_rule, purge_transitions, lifecycle_obj):
- changed = False
- if existing_rule['Status'] != new_rule['Status']:
- if not new_rule.get('Transitions') and existing_rule.get('Transitions'):
- new_rule['Transitions'] = existing_rule['Transitions']
- if not new_rule.get('Expiration') and existing_rule.get('Expiration'):
- new_rule['Expiration'] = existing_rule['Expiration']
- if not new_rule.get('NoncurrentVersionExpiration') and existing_rule.get('NoncurrentVersionExpiration'):
- new_rule['NoncurrentVersionExpiration'] = existing_rule['NoncurrentVersionExpiration']
- lifecycle_obj['Rules'].append(new_rule)
- changed = True
- appended = True
- else:
- if not purge_transitions:
- merge_transitions(new_rule, existing_rule)
- if compare_rule(new_rule, existing_rule, purge_transitions):
- lifecycle_obj['Rules'].append(new_rule)
- appended = True
- else:
- lifecycle_obj['Rules'].append(new_rule)
- changed = True
- appended = True
- return changed, appended
-def compare_rule(rule_a, rule_b, purge_transitions):
- # Copy objects
- rule1 = deepcopy(rule_a)
- rule2 = deepcopy(rule_b)
- if purge_transitions:
- return rule1 == rule2
- else:
- transitions1 = rule1.pop('Transitions', [])
- transitions2 = rule2.pop('Transitions', [])
- noncurrent_transtions1 = rule1.pop('NoncurrentVersionTransitions', [])
- noncurrent_transtions2 = rule2.pop('NoncurrentVersionTransitions', [])
- if rule1 != rule2:
- return False
- for transition in transitions1:
- if transition not in transitions2:
- return False
- for transition in noncurrent_transtions1:
- if transition not in noncurrent_transtions2:
- return False
- return True
-def merge_transitions(updated_rule, updating_rule):
- # because of the legal s3 transitions, we know only one can exist for each storage class.
- # So, our strategy is build some dicts, keyed on storage class and add the storage class transitions that are only
- # in updating_rule to updated_rule
- updated_transitions = {}
- updating_transitions = {}
- for transition in updated_rule.get('Transitions', []):
- updated_transitions[transition['StorageClass']] = transition
- for transition in updating_rule.get('Transitions', []):
- updating_transitions[transition['StorageClass']] = transition
- for storage_class, transition in updating_transitions.items():
- if updated_transitions.get(storage_class) is None:
- updated_rule['Transitions'].append(transition)
-def destroy_lifecycle_rule(client, module):
- name = module.params.get("name")
- prefix = module.params.get("prefix")
- rule_id = module.params.get("rule_id")
- changed = False
- if prefix is None:
- prefix = ""
- # Get the bucket's current lifecycle rules
- try:
- current_lifecycle_rules = client.get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(Bucket=name)['Rules']
- except ClientError as e:
- if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'NoSuchLifecycleConfiguration':
- current_lifecycle_rules = []
- else:
- module.fail_json_aws(e)
- except BotoCoreError as e:
- module.fail_json_aws(e)
- # Create lifecycle
- lifecycle_obj = dict(Rules=[])
- # Check if rule exists
- # If an ID exists, use that otherwise compare based on prefix
- if rule_id is not None:
- for existing_rule in current_lifecycle_rules:
- if rule_id == existing_rule['ID']:
- # We're not keeping the rule (i.e. deleting) so mark as changed
- changed = True
- else:
- lifecycle_obj['Rules'].append(existing_rule)
- else:
- for existing_rule in current_lifecycle_rules:
- if prefix == existing_rule['Filter']['Prefix']:
- # We're not keeping the rule (i.e. deleting) so mark as changed
- changed = True
- else:
- lifecycle_obj['Rules'].append(existing_rule)
- # Write lifecycle to bucket or, if there no rules left, delete lifecycle configuration
- try:
- if lifecycle_obj['Rules']:
- client.put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(Bucket=name, LifecycleConfiguration=lifecycle_obj)
- elif current_lifecycle_rules:
- changed = True
- client.delete_bucket_lifecycle(Bucket=name)
- except (ClientError, BotoCoreError) as e:
- module.fail_json_aws(e)
- module.exit_json(changed=changed)
-def main():
- argument_spec = dict(
- name=dict(required=True, type='str'),
- expiration_days=dict(type='int'),
- expiration_date=dict(),
- noncurrent_version_expiration_days=dict(type='int'),
- noncurrent_version_storage_class=dict(default='glacier', type='str', choices=['glacier', 'onezone_ia', 'standard_ia']),
- noncurrent_version_transition_days=dict(type='int'),
- noncurrent_version_transitions=dict(type='list'),
- prefix=dict(),
- requester_pays=dict(type='bool', removed_in_version='2.14'),
- rule_id=dict(),
- state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']),
- status=dict(default='enabled', choices=['enabled', 'disabled']),
- storage_class=dict(default='glacier', type='str', choices=['glacier', 'onezone_ia', 'standard_ia']),
- transition_days=dict(type='int'),
- transition_date=dict(),
- transitions=dict(type='list'),
- purge_transitions=dict(default='yes', type='bool')
- )
- module = AnsibleAWSModule(argument_spec=argument_spec,
- mutually_exclusive=[
- ['expiration_days', 'expiration_date'],
- ['expiration_days', 'transition_date'],
- ['transition_days', 'transition_date'],
- ['transition_days', 'expiration_date'],
- ['transition_days', 'transitions'],
- ['transition_date', 'transitions'],
- ['noncurrent_version_transition_days', 'noncurrent_version_transitions'],
- ],)
- if not HAS_DATEUTIL:
- module.fail_json(msg='dateutil required for this module')
- client = module.client('s3')
- expiration_date = module.params.get("expiration_date")
- transition_date = module.params.get("transition_date")
- state = module.params.get("state")
- if state == 'present' and module.params["status"] == "enabled": # allow deleting/disabling a rule by id/prefix
- required_when_present = ('expiration_date', 'expiration_days', 'transition_date',
- 'transition_days', 'transitions', 'noncurrent_version_expiration_days',
- 'noncurrent_version_transition_days',
- 'noncurrent_version_transitions')
- for param in required_when_present:
- if module.params.get(param):
- break
- else:
- msg = "one of the following is required when 'state' is 'present': %s" % ', '.join(required_when_present)
- module.fail_json(msg=msg)
- # If expiration_date set, check string is valid
- if expiration_date is not None:
- try:
- datetime.datetime.strptime(expiration_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")
- except ValueError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="expiration_date is not a valid ISO-8601 format. The time must be midnight and a timezone of GMT must be included")
- if transition_date is not None:
- try:
- datetime.datetime.strptime(transition_date, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z")
- except ValueError as e:
- module.fail_json(msg="expiration_date is not a valid ISO-8601 format. The time must be midnight and a timezone of GMT must be included")
- if state == 'present':
- create_lifecycle_rule(client, module)
- elif state == 'absent':
- destroy_lifecycle_rule(client, module)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()