path: root/bin
diff options
authorJames Cammarata <>2015-05-03 21:47:26 -0500
committerJames Cammarata <>2015-05-03 21:47:26 -0500
commitce3ef7f4c16e47d5a0b5600e1c56c177b7c93f0d (patch)
treeebb90eaba034dfb4ea8a3afe746a87f9b7dee66f /bin
parent8cf4452d48e583cfd59f96e67cfd34a1c35226e7 (diff)
Making the switch to v2
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
6 files changed, 42 insertions, 2287 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ansible b/bin/ansible
index 7fec34ec81..467dd505a2 100755
--- a/bin/ansible
+++ b/bin/ansible
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+from __future__ import (absolute_import)
+__metaclass__ = type
__requires__ = ['ansible']
@@ -33,175 +35,45 @@ except Exception:
import os
import sys
-from ansible.runner import Runner
-import ansible.constants as C
-from ansible import utils
-from ansible import errors
-from ansible import callbacks
-from ansible import inventory
-class Cli(object):
- ''' code behind bin/ansible '''
- # ----------------------------------------------
- def __init__(self):
- self.stats = callbacks.AggregateStats()
- self.callbacks = callbacks.CliRunnerCallbacks()
- callbacks.load_callback_plugins()
- # ----------------------------------------------
- def parse(self):
- ''' create an options parser for bin/ansible '''
- parser = utils.base_parser(
- constants=C,
- runas_opts=True,
- subset_opts=True,
- async_opts=True,
- output_opts=True,
- connect_opts=True,
- check_opts=True,
- diff_opts=False,
- usage='%prog <host-pattern> [options]'
- )
- parser.add_option('-a', '--args', dest='module_args',
- help="module arguments", default=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_ARGS)
- parser.add_option('-m', '--module-name', dest='module_name',
- help="module name to execute (default=%s)" % C.DEFAULT_MODULE_NAME,
- options, args = parser.parse_args()
- self.callbacks.options = options
- if len(args) == 0 or len(args) > 1:
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(1)
- # privlege escalation command line arguments need to be mutually exclusive
- utils.check_mutually_exclusive_privilege(options, parser)
- if (options.ask_vault_pass and options.vault_password_file):
- parser.error("--ask-vault-pass and --vault-password-file are mutually exclusive")
- return (options, args)
- # ----------------------------------------------
- def run(self, options, args):
- ''' use Runner lib to do SSH things '''
- pattern = args[0]
- sshpass = becomepass = vault_pass = become_method = None
- # Never ask for an SSH password when we run with local connection
- if options.connection == "local":
- options.ask_pass = False
- else:
- options.ask_pass = options.ask_pass or C.DEFAULT_ASK_PASS
- options.ask_vault_pass = options.ask_vault_pass or C.DEFAULT_ASK_VAULT_PASS
- # become
- utils.normalize_become_options(options)
- prompt_method = utils.choose_pass_prompt(options)
- (sshpass, becomepass, vault_pass) = utils.ask_passwords(ask_pass=options.ask_pass, become_ask_pass=options.become_ask_pass, ask_vault_pass=options.ask_vault_pass, become_method=prompt_method)
- # read vault_pass from a file
- if not options.ask_vault_pass and options.vault_password_file:
- vault_pass = utils.read_vault_file(options.vault_password_file)
- extra_vars = utils.parse_extra_vars(options.extra_vars, vault_pass)
- inventory_manager = inventory.Inventory(options.inventory, vault_password=vault_pass)
- if options.subset:
- inventory_manager.subset(options.subset)
- hosts = inventory_manager.list_hosts(pattern)
- if len(hosts) == 0:
- callbacks.display("No hosts matched", stderr=True)
- sys.exit(0)
- if options.listhosts:
- for host in hosts:
- callbacks.display(' %s' % host)
- sys.exit(0)
- if options.module_name in ['command','shell'] and not options.module_args:
- callbacks.display("No argument passed to %s module" % options.module_name, color='red', stderr=True)
- sys.exit(1)
- if options.tree:
- utils.prepare_writeable_dir(options.tree)
- runner = Runner(
- module_name=options.module_name,
- module_path=options.module_path,
- module_args=options.module_args,
- remote_user=options.remote_user,
- remote_pass=sshpass,
- inventory=inventory_manager,
- timeout=options.timeout,
- private_key_file=options.private_key_file,
- forks=options.forks,
- pattern=pattern,
- callbacks=self.callbacks,
- transport=options.connection,
- subset=options.subset,
- check=options.check,
- diff=options.check,
- vault_pass=vault_pass,
- become=options.become,
- become_method=options.become_method,
- become_pass=becomepass,
- become_user=options.become_user,
- extra_vars=extra_vars,
- )
- if options.seconds:
- callbacks.display("background launch...\n\n", color='cyan')
- results, poller = runner.run_async(options.seconds)
- results = self.poll_while_needed(poller, options)
- else:
- results =
- return (runner, results)
- # ----------------------------------------------
- def poll_while_needed(self, poller, options):
- ''' summarize results from Runner '''
- # BACKGROUND POLL LOGIC when -B and -P are specified
- if options.seconds and options.poll_interval > 0:
- poller.wait(options.seconds, options.poll_interval)
- return poller.results
+from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleOptionsError
+from ansible.utils.display import Display
if __name__ == '__main__':
- callbacks.display("", log_only=True)
- callbacks.display(" ".join(sys.argv), log_only=True)
- callbacks.display("", log_only=True)
- cli = Cli()
- (options, args) = cli.parse()
+ cli = None
+ display = Display()
+ me = os.path.basename(__file__)
- (runner, results) =, args)
- for result in results['contacted'].values():
- if 'failed' in result or result.get('rc', 0) != 0:
- sys.exit(2)
- if results['dark']:
- sys.exit(3)
- except errors.AnsibleError, e:
- # Generic handler for ansible specific errors
- callbacks.display("ERROR: %s" % str(e), stderr=True, color='red')
- sys.exit(1)
+ if me == 'ansible-playbook':
+ from ansible.cli.playbook import PlaybookCLI as mycli
+ elif me == 'ansible':
+ from ansible.cli.adhoc import AdHocCLI as mycli
+ elif me == 'ansible-pull':
+ from ansible.cli.pull import PullCLI as mycli
+ elif me == 'ansible-doc':
+ from ansible.cli.doc import DocCLI as mycli
+ elif me == 'ansible-vault':
+ from ansible.cli.vault import VaultCLI as mycli
+ elif me == 'ansible-galaxy':
+ from ansible.cli.galaxy import GalaxyCLI as mycli
+ cli = mycli(sys.argv, display=display)
+ if cli:
+ cli.parse()
+ sys.exit(
+ else:
+ raise AnsibleError("Program not implemented: %s" % me)
+ except AnsibleOptionsError as e:
+ cli.parser.print_help()
+ display.display(str(e), stderr=True, color='red')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except AnsibleError as e:
+ display.display(str(e), stderr=True, color='red')
+ sys.exit(2)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ display.error("interrupted")
+ sys.exit(4)
diff --git a/bin/ansible-doc b/bin/ansible-doc
index dff7cecce7..cabb1f519a 100755..120000
--- a/bin/ansible-doc
+++ b/bin/ansible-doc
@@ -1,337 +1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# (c) 2012, Jan-Piet Mens <jpmens ()>
-# This file is part of Ansible
-# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
-import os
-import sys
-import textwrap
-import re
-import optparse
-import datetime
-import subprocess
-import fcntl
-import termios
-import struct
-from ansible import utils
-from ansible.utils import module_docs
-import ansible.constants as C
-from ansible.utils import version
-import traceback
-BLACKLIST_EXTS = ('.pyc', '.swp', '.bak', '~', '.rpm')
-_ITALIC = re.compile(r"I\(([^)]+)\)")
-_BOLD = re.compile(r"B\(([^)]+)\)")
-_MODULE = re.compile(r"M\(([^)]+)\)")
-_URL = re.compile(r"U\(([^)]+)\)")
-_CONST = re.compile(r"C\(([^)]+)\)")
-PAGER = 'less'
-LESS_OPTS = 'FRSX' # -F (quit-if-one-screen) -R (allow raw ansi control chars)
- # -S (chop long lines) -X (disable termcap init and de-init)
-def pager_print(text):
- ''' just print text '''
- print text
-def pager_pipe(text, cmd):
- ''' pipe text through a pager '''
- if 'LESS' not in os.environ:
- os.environ['LESS'] = LESS_OPTS
- try:
- cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=sys.stdout)
- cmd.communicate(input=text)
- except IOError:
- pass
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
-def pager(text):
- ''' find reasonable way to display text '''
- # this is a much simpler form of what is in
- if not sys.stdout.isatty():
- pager_print(text)
- elif 'PAGER' in os.environ:
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- pager_print(text)
- else:
- pager_pipe(text, os.environ['PAGER'])
- elif'(less --version) 2> /dev/null', shell = True) == 0:
- pager_pipe(text, 'less')
- else:
- pager_print(text)
-def tty_ify(text):
- t = _ITALIC.sub("`" + r"\1" + "'", text) # I(word) => `word'
- t = _BOLD.sub("*" + r"\1" + "*", t) # B(word) => *word*
- t = _MODULE.sub("[" + r"\1" + "]", t) # M(word) => [word]
- t = _URL.sub(r"\1", t) # U(word) => word
- t = _CONST.sub("`" + r"\1" + "'", t) # C(word) => `word'
- return t
-def get_man_text(doc):
- opt_indent=" "
- text = []
- text.append("> %s\n" % doc['module'].upper())
- desc = " ".join(doc['description'])
- text.append("%s\n" % textwrap.fill(tty_ify(desc), initial_indent=" ", subsequent_indent=" "))
- if 'option_keys' in doc and len(doc['option_keys']) > 0:
- text.append("Options (= is mandatory):\n")
- for o in sorted(doc['option_keys']):
- opt = doc['options'][o]
- if opt.get('required', False):
- opt_leadin = "="
- else:
- opt_leadin = "-"
- text.append("%s %s" % (opt_leadin, o))
- desc = " ".join(opt['description'])
- if 'choices' in opt:
- choices = ", ".join(str(i) for i in opt['choices'])
- desc = desc + " (Choices: " + choices + ")"
- if 'default' in opt:
- default = str(opt['default'])
- desc = desc + " [Default: " + default + "]"
- text.append("%s\n" % textwrap.fill(tty_ify(desc), initial_indent=opt_indent,
- subsequent_indent=opt_indent))
- if 'notes' in doc and len(doc['notes']) > 0:
- notes = " ".join(doc['notes'])
- text.append("Notes:%s\n" % textwrap.fill(tty_ify(notes), initial_indent=" ",
- subsequent_indent=opt_indent))
- if 'requirements' in doc and doc['requirements'] is not None and len(doc['requirements']) > 0:
- req = ", ".join(doc['requirements'])
- text.append("Requirements:%s\n" % textwrap.fill(tty_ify(req), initial_indent=" ",
- subsequent_indent=opt_indent))
- if 'examples' in doc and len(doc['examples']) > 0:
- text.append("Example%s:\n" % ('' if len(doc['examples']) < 2 else 's'))
- for ex in doc['examples']:
- text.append("%s\n" % (ex['code']))
- if 'plainexamples' in doc and doc['plainexamples'] is not None:
- text.append("EXAMPLES:")
- text.append(doc['plainexamples'])
- if 'returndocs' in doc and doc['returndocs'] is not None:
- text.append("RETURN VALUES:")
- text.append(doc['returndocs'])
- text.append('')
- return "\n".join(text)
-def get_snippet_text(doc):
- text = []
- desc = tty_ify(" ".join(doc['short_description']))
- text.append("- name: %s" % (desc))
- text.append(" action: %s" % (doc['module']))
- for o in sorted(doc['options'].keys()):
- opt = doc['options'][o]
- desc = tty_ify(" ".join(opt['description']))
- if opt.get('required', False):
- s = o + "="
- else:
- s = o
- text.append(" %-20s # %s" % (s, desc))
- text.append('')
- return "\n".join(text)
-def get_module_list_text(module_list):
- tty_size = 0
- if os.isatty(0):
- tty_size = struct.unpack('HHHH',
- fcntl.ioctl(0, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0)))[1]
- columns = max(60, tty_size)
- displace = max(len(x) for x in module_list)
- linelimit = columns - displace - 5
- text = []
- deprecated = []
- for module in sorted(set(module_list)):
- if module in module_docs.BLACKLIST_MODULES:
- continue
- filename = utils.plugins.module_finder.find_plugin(module)
- if filename is None:
- continue
- if filename.endswith(".ps1"):
- continue
- if os.path.isdir(filename):
- continue
- try:
- doc, plainexamples, returndocs = module_docs.get_docstring(filename)
- desc = tty_ify(doc.get('short_description', '?')).strip()
- if len(desc) > linelimit:
- desc = desc[:linelimit] + '...'
- if module.startswith('_'): # Handle deprecated
- deprecated.append("%-*s %-*.*s" % (displace, module[1:], linelimit, len(desc), desc))
- else:
- text.append("%-*s %-*.*s" % (displace, module, linelimit, len(desc), desc))
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- sys.stderr.write("ERROR: module %s has a documentation error formatting or is missing documentation\n" % module)
- if len(deprecated) > 0:
- text.append("\nDEPRECATED:")
- text.extend(deprecated)
- return "\n".join(text)
-def find_modules(path, module_list):
- if os.path.isdir(path):
- for module in os.listdir(path):
- if module.startswith('.'):
- continue
- elif os.path.isdir(module):
- find_modules(module, module_list)
- elif any(module.endswith(x) for x in BLACKLIST_EXTS):
- continue
- elif module.startswith('__'):
- continue
- elif module in IGNORE_FILES:
- continue
- elif module.startswith('_'):
- fullpath = '/'.join([path,module])
- if os.path.islink(fullpath): # avoids aliases
- continue
- module = os.path.splitext(module)[0] # removes the extension
- module_list.append(module)
-def main():
- p = optparse.OptionParser(
- version=version("%prog"),
- usage='usage: %prog [options] [module...]',
- description='Show Ansible module documentation',
- )
- p.add_option("-M", "--module-path",
- action="store",
- dest="module_path",
- default=MODULEDIR,
- help="Ansible modules/ directory")
- p.add_option("-l", "--list",
- action="store_true",
- default=False,
- dest='list_dir',
- help='List available modules')
- p.add_option("-s", "--snippet",
- action="store_true",
- default=False,
- dest='show_snippet',
- help='Show playbook snippet for specified module(s)')
- p.add_option('-v', action='version', help='Show version number and exit')
- (options, args) = p.parse_args()
- if options.module_path is not None:
- for i in options.module_path.split(os.pathsep):
- utils.plugins.module_finder.add_directory(i)
- if options.list_dir:
- # list modules
- paths = utils.plugins.module_finder._get_paths()
- module_list = []
- for path in paths:
- find_modules(path, module_list)
- pager(get_module_list_text(module_list))
- sys.exit()
- if len(args) == 0:
- p.print_help()
- def print_paths(finder):
- ''' Returns a string suitable for printing of the search path '''
- # Uses a list to get the order right
- ret = []
- for i in finder._get_paths():
- if i not in ret:
- ret.append(i)
- return os.pathsep.join(ret)
- text = ''
- for module in args:
- filename = utils.plugins.module_finder.find_plugin(module)
- if filename is None:
- sys.stderr.write("module %s not found in %s\n" % (module, print_paths(utils.plugins.module_finder)))
- continue
- if any(filename.endswith(x) for x in BLACKLIST_EXTS):
- continue
- try:
- doc, plainexamples, returndocs = module_docs.get_docstring(filename)
- except:
- traceback.print_exc()
- sys.stderr.write("ERROR: module %s has a documentation error formatting or is missing documentation\n" % module)
- continue
- if doc is not None:
- all_keys = []
- for (k,v) in doc['options'].iteritems():
- all_keys.append(k)
- all_keys = sorted(all_keys)
- doc['option_keys'] = all_keys
- doc['filename'] = filename
- doc['docuri'] = doc['module'].replace('_', '-')
- doc['now_date'] ='%Y-%m-%d')
- doc['plainexamples'] = plainexamples
- doc['returndocs'] = returndocs
- if options.show_snippet:
- text += get_snippet_text(doc)
- else:
- text += get_man_text(doc)
- else:
- # this typically means we couldn't even parse the docstring, not just that the YAML is busted,
- # probably a quoting issue.
- sys.stderr.write("ERROR: module %s missing documentation (or could not parse documentation)\n" % module)
- pager(text)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+ansible \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/ansible-galaxy b/bin/ansible-galaxy
index a6d625671e..cabb1f519a 100755..120000
--- a/bin/ansible-galaxy
+++ b/bin/ansible-galaxy
@@ -1,957 +1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# (C) 2013, James Cammarata <>
-# This file is part of Ansible
-# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
-import datetime
-import json
-import os
-import os.path
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tarfile
-import tempfile
-import urllib
-import urllib2
-import yaml
-from collections import defaultdict
-from distutils.version import LooseVersion
-from jinja2 import Environment
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import ansible.constants as C
-import ansible.utils
-from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
-default_meta_template = """---
- author: {{ author }}
- description: {{description}}
- company: {{ company }}
- # If the issue tracker for your role is not on github, uncomment the
- # next line and provide a value
- # issue_tracker_url: {{ issue_tracker_url }}
- # Some suggested licenses:
- # - BSD (default)
- # - MIT
- # - GPLv2
- # - GPLv3
- # - Apache
- # - CC-BY
- license: {{ license }}
- min_ansible_version: {{ min_ansible_version }}
- #
- # Below are all platforms currently available. Just uncomment
- # the ones that apply to your role. If you don't see your
- # platform on this list, let us know and we'll get it added!
- #
- #platforms:
- {%- for platform,versions in platforms.iteritems() %}
- #- name: {{ platform }}
- # versions:
- # - all
- {%- for version in versions %}
- # - {{ version }}
- {%- endfor %}
- {%- endfor %}
- #
- # Below are all categories currently available. Just as with
- # the platforms above, uncomment those that apply to your role.
- #
- #categories:
- {%- for category in categories %}
- #- {{ }}
- {%- endfor %}
-dependencies: []
- # List your role dependencies here, one per line.
- # Be sure to remove the '[]' above if you add dependencies
- # to this list.
- {% for dependency in dependencies %}
- #- {{ dependency }}
- {% endfor %}
-default_readme_template = """Role Name
-A brief description of the role goes here.
-Any pre-requisites that may not be covered by Ansible itself or the role should be mentioned here. For instance, if the role uses the EC2 module, it may be a good idea to mention in this section that the boto package is required.
-Role Variables
-A description of the settable variables for this role should go here, including any variables that are in defaults/main.yml, vars/main.yml, and any variables that can/should be set via parameters to the role. Any variables that are read from other roles and/or the global scope (ie. hostvars, group vars, etc.) should be mentioned here as well.
-A list of other roles hosted on Galaxy should go here, plus any details in regards to parameters that may need to be set for other roles, or variables that are used from other roles.
-Example Playbook
-Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- - hosts: servers
- roles:
- - { role: username.rolename, x: 42 }
-Author Information
-An optional section for the role authors to include contact information, or a website (HTML is not allowed).
-# Utility functions for parsing actions/options
-VALID_ACTIONS = ("init", "info", "install", "list", "remove")
-SKIP_INFO_KEYS = ("platforms","readme_html", "related", "summary_fields", "average_aw_composite", "average_aw_score", "url" )
-def get_action(args):
- """
- Get the action the user wants to execute from the
- sys argv list.
- """
- for i in range(0,len(args)):
- arg = args[i]
- if arg in VALID_ACTIONS:
- del args[i]
- return arg
- return None
-def build_option_parser(action):
- """
- Builds an option parser object based on the action
- the user wants to execute.
- """
- usage = "usage: %%prog [%s] [--help] [options] ..." % "|".join(VALID_ACTIONS)
- epilog = "\nSee '%s <command> --help' for more information on a specific command.\n\n" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
- OptionParser.format_epilog = lambda self, formatter: self.epilog
- parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, epilog=epilog)
- if not action:
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit()
- # options for all actions
- # - none yet
- # options specific to actions
- if action == "info":
- parser.set_usage("usage: %prog info [options] role_name[,version]")
- elif action == "init":
- parser.set_usage("usage: %prog init [options] role_name")
- parser.add_option(
- '-p', '--init-path', dest='init_path', default="./",
- help='The path in which the skeleton role will be created. '
- 'The default is the current working directory.')
- parser.add_option(
- '--offline', dest='offline', default=False, action='store_true',
- help="Don't query the galaxy API when creating roles")
- elif action == "install":
- parser.set_usage("usage: %prog install [options] [-r FILE | role_name(s)[,version] | scm+role_repo_url[,version] | tar_file(s)]")
- parser.add_option(
- '-i', '--ignore-errors', dest='ignore_errors', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Ignore errors and continue with the next specified role.')
- parser.add_option(
- '-n', '--no-deps', dest='no_deps', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Don\'t download roles listed as dependencies')
- parser.add_option(
- '-r', '--role-file', dest='role_file',
- help='A file containing a list of roles to be imported')
- elif action == "remove":
- parser.set_usage("usage: %prog remove role1 role2 ...")
- elif action == "list":
- parser.set_usage("usage: %prog list [role_name]")
- # options that apply to more than one action
- if action != "init":
- parser.add_option(
- '-p', '--roles-path', dest='roles_path', default=C.DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH,
- help='The path to the directory containing your roles. '
- 'The default is the roles_path configured in your '
- 'ansible.cfg file (/etc/ansible/roles if not configured)')
- if action in ("info","init","install"):
- parser.add_option(
- '-s', '--server', dest='api_server', default="",
- help='The API server destination')
- if action in ("init","install"):
- parser.add_option(
- '-f', '--force', dest='force', action='store_true', default=False,
- help='Force overwriting an existing role')
- # done, return the parser
- return parser
-def get_opt(options, k, defval=""):
- """
- Returns an option from an Optparse values instance.
- """
- try:
- data = getattr(options, k)
- except:
- return defval
- if k == "roles_path":
- if os.pathsep in data:
- data = data.split(os.pathsep)[0]
- return data
-def exit_without_ignore(options, rc=1):
- """
- Exits with the specified return code unless the
- option --ignore-errors was specified
- """
- if not get_opt(options, "ignore_errors", False):
- print '- you can use --ignore-errors to skip failed roles.'
- sys.exit(rc)
-# Galaxy API functions
-def api_get_config(api_server):
- """
- Fetches the Galaxy API current version to ensure
- the API server is up and reachable.
- """
- try:
- url = 'https://%s/api/' % api_server
- data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url))
- if not data.get("current_version",None):
- return None
- else:
- return data
- except:
- return None
-def api_lookup_role_by_name(api_server, role_name, notify=True):
- """
- Uses the Galaxy API to do a lookup on the role owner/name.
- """
- role_name = urllib.quote(role_name)
- try:
- parts = role_name.split(".")
- user_name = ".".join(parts[0:-1])
- role_name = parts[-1]
- if notify:
- print "- downloading role '%s', owned by %s" % (role_name, user_name)
- except:
- parser.print_help()
- print "- invalid role name (%s). Specify role as format: username.rolename" % role_name
- sys.exit(1)
- url = 'https://%s/api/v1/roles/?owner__username=%s&name=%s' % (api_server,user_name,role_name)
- try:
- data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url))
- if len(data["results"]) == 0:
- return None
- else:
- return data["results"][0]
- except:
- return None
-def api_fetch_role_related(api_server, related, role_id):
- """
- Uses the Galaxy API to fetch the list of related items for
- the given role. The url comes from the 'related' field of
- the role.
- """
- try:
- url = 'https://%s/api/v1/roles/%d/%s/?page_size=50' % (api_server, int(role_id), related)
- data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url))
- results = data['results']
- done = (data.get('next', None) == None)
- while not done:
- url = 'https://%s%s' % (api_server, data['next'])
- print url
- data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url))
- results += data['results']
- done = (data.get('next', None) == None)
- return results
- except:
- return None
-def api_get_list(api_server, what):
- """
- Uses the Galaxy API to fetch the list of items specified.
- """
- try:
- url = 'https://%s/api/v1/%s/?page_size' % (api_server, what)
- data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url))
- if "results" in data:
- results = data['results']
- else:
- results = data
- done = True
- if "next" in data:
- done = (data.get('next', None) == None)
- while not done:
- url = 'https://%s%s' % (api_server, data['next'])
- print url
- data = json.load(urllib2.urlopen(url))
- results += data['results']
- done = (data.get('next', None) == None)
- return results
- except:
- print "- failed to download the %s list" % what
- return None
-# scm repo utility functions
-def scm_archive_role(scm, role_url, role_version, role_name):
- if scm not in ['hg', 'git']:
- print "- scm %s is not currently supported" % scm
- return False
- tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- clone_cmd = [scm, 'clone', role_url, role_name]
- with open('/dev/null', 'w') as devnull:
- try:
- print "- executing: %s" % " ".join(clone_cmd)
- popen = subprocess.Popen(clone_cmd, cwd=tempdir, stdout=devnull, stderr=devnull)
- except:
- raise AnsibleError("error executing: %s" % " ".join(clone_cmd))
- rc = popen.wait()
- if rc != 0:
- print "- command %s failed" % ' '.join(clone_cmd)
- print " in directory %s" % tempdir
- return False
- temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.tar')
- if scm == 'hg':
- archive_cmd = ['hg', 'archive', '--prefix', "%s/" % role_name]
- if role_version:
- archive_cmd.extend(['-r', role_version])
- archive_cmd.append(
- if scm == 'git':
- archive_cmd = ['git', 'archive', '--prefix=%s/' % role_name, '--output=%s' %]
- if role_version:
- archive_cmd.append(role_version)
- else:
- archive_cmd.append('HEAD')
- with open('/dev/null', 'w') as devnull:
- print "- executing: %s" % " ".join(archive_cmd)
- popen = subprocess.Popen(archive_cmd, cwd=os.path.join(tempdir, role_name),
- stderr=devnull, stdout=devnull)
- rc = popen.wait()
- if rc != 0:
- print "- command %s failed" % ' '.join(archive_cmd)
- print " in directory %s" % tempdir
- return False
- shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
- return
-# Role utility functions
-def get_role_path(role_name, options):
- """
- Returns the role path based on the roles_path option
- and the role name.
- """
- roles_path = get_opt(options,'roles_path')
- roles_path = os.path.join(roles_path, role_name)
- roles_path = os.path.expanduser(roles_path)
- return roles_path
-def get_role_metadata(role_name, options):
- """
- Returns the metadata as YAML, if the file 'meta/main.yml'
- exists in the specified role_path
- """
- role_path = os.path.join(get_role_path(role_name, options), 'meta/main.yml')
- try:
- if os.path.isfile(role_path):
- f = open(role_path, 'r')
- meta_data = yaml.safe_load(f)
- f.close()
- return meta_data
- else:
- return None
- except:
- return None
-def get_galaxy_install_info(role_name, options):
- """
- Returns the YAML data contained in 'meta/.galaxy_install_info',
- if it exists.
- """
- try:
- info_path = os.path.join(get_role_path(role_name, options), 'meta/.galaxy_install_info')
- if os.path.isfile(info_path):
- f = open(info_path, 'r')
- info_data = yaml.safe_load(f)
- f.close()
- return info_data
- else:
- return None
- except:
- return None
-def write_galaxy_install_info(role_name, role_version, options):
- """
- Writes a YAML-formatted file to the role's meta/ directory
- (named .galaxy_install_info) which contains some information
- we can use later for commands like 'list' and 'info'.
- """
- info = dict(
- version = role_version,
- install_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%c"),
- )
- try:
- info_path = os.path.join(get_role_path(role_name, options), 'meta/.galaxy_install_info')
- f = open(info_path, 'w+')
- info_data = yaml.safe_dump(info, f)
- f.close()
- except:
- return False
- return True
-def remove_role(role_name, options):
- """
- Removes the specified role from the roles path. There is a
- sanity check to make sure there's a meta/main.yml file at this
- path so the user doesn't blow away random directories
- """
- if get_role_metadata(role_name, options):
- role_path = get_role_path(role_name, options)
- shutil.rmtree(role_path)
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def fetch_role(role_name, target, role_data, options):
- """
- Downloads the archived role from github to a temp location, extracts
- it, and then copies the extracted role to the role library path.
- """
- # first grab the file and save it to a temp location
- if '://' in role_name:
- archive_url = role_name
- else:
- archive_url = '' % (role_data["github_user"], role_data["github_repo"], target)
- print "- downloading role from %s" % archive_url
- try:
- url_file = urllib2.urlopen(archive_url)
- temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
- data =
- while data:
- temp_file.write(data)
- data =
- temp_file.close()
- return
- except Exception, e:
- # TODO: better urllib2 error handling for error
- # messages that are more exact
- print "- error: failed to download the file."
- return False
-def install_role(role_name, role_version, role_filename, options):
- # the file is a tar, so open it that way and extract it
- # to the specified (or default) roles directory
- if not tarfile.is_tarfile(role_filename):
- print "- error: the file downloaded was not a tar.gz"
- return False
- else:
- if role_filename.endswith('.gz'):
- role_tar_file =, "r:gz")
- else:
- role_tar_file =, "r")
- # verify the role's meta file
- meta_file = None
- members = role_tar_file.getmembers()
- # next find the metadata file
- for member in members:
- if "/meta/main.yml" in
- meta_file = member
- break
- if not meta_file:
- print "- error: this role does not appear to have a meta/main.yml file."
- return False
- else:
- try:
- meta_file_data = yaml.safe_load(role_tar_file.extractfile(meta_file))
- except:
- print "- error: this role does not appear to have a valid meta/main.yml file."
- return False
- # we strip off the top-level directory for all of the files contained within
- # the tar file here, since the default is 'github_repo-target', and change it
- # to the specified role's name
- role_path = os.path.join(get_opt(options, 'roles_path'), role_name)
- role_path = os.path.expanduser(role_path)
- print "- extracting %s to %s" % (role_name, role_path)
- try:
- if os.path.exists(role_path):
- if not os.path.isdir(role_path):
- print "- error: the specified roles path exists and is not a directory."
- return False
- elif not get_opt(options, "force", False):
- print "- error: the specified role %s appears to already exist. Use --force to replace it." % role_name
- return False
- else:
- # using --force, remove the old path
- if not remove_role(role_name, options):
- print "- error: %s doesn't appear to contain a role." % role_path
- print " please remove this directory manually if you really want to put the role here."
- return False
- else:
- os.makedirs(role_path)
- # now we do the actual extraction to the role_path
- for member in members:
- # we only extract files, and remove any relative path
- # bits that might be in the file for security purposes
- # and drop the leading directory, as mentioned above
- if member.isreg() or member.issym():
- parts ="/")[1:]
- final_parts = []
- for part in parts:
- if part != '..' and '~' not in part and '$' not in part:
- final_parts.append(part)
- = os.path.join(*final_parts)
- role_tar_file.extract(member, role_path)
- # write out the install info file for later use
- write_galaxy_install_info(role_name, role_version, options)
- except OSError, e:
- print "- error: you do not have permission to modify files in %s" % role_path
- return False
- # return the parsed yaml metadata
- print "- %s was installed successfully" % role_name
- return meta_file_data
-# Action functions
-def execute_init(args, options, parser):
- """
- Executes the init action, which creates the skeleton framework
- of a role that complies with the galaxy metadata format.
- """
- init_path = get_opt(options, 'init_path', './')
- api_server = get_opt(options, "api_server", "")
- force = get_opt(options, 'force', False)
- offline = get_opt(options, 'offline', False)
- if not offline:
- api_config = api_get_config(api_server)
- if not api_config:
- print "- the API server (%s) is not responding, please try again later." % api_server
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- role_name = args.pop(0).strip()
- if role_name == "":
- raise Exception("")
- role_path = os.path.join(init_path, role_name)
- if os.path.exists(role_path):
- if os.path.isfile(role_path):
- print "- the path %s already exists, but is a file - aborting" % role_path
- sys.exit(1)
- elif not force:
- print "- the directory %s already exists." % role_path
- print " you can use --force to re-initialize this directory,\n" + \
- " however it will reset any main.yml files that may have\n" + \
- " been modified there already."
- sys.exit(1)
- except Exception, e:
- parser.print_help()
- print "- no role name specified for init"
- sys.exit(1)
- ROLE_DIRS = ('defaults','files','handlers','meta','tasks','templates','vars')
- # create the default
- if not os.path.exists(role_path):
- os.makedirs(role_path)
- readme_path = os.path.join(role_path, "")
- f = open(readme_path, "wb")
- f.write(default_readme_template)
- f.close
- for dir in ROLE_DIRS:
- dir_path = os.path.join(init_path, role_name, dir)
- main_yml_path = os.path.join(dir_path, 'main.yml')
- # create the directory if it doesn't exist already
- if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
- os.makedirs(dir_path)
- # now create the main.yml file for that directory
- if dir == "meta":
- # create a skeleton meta/main.yml with a valid galaxy_info
- # datastructure in place, plus with all of the available
- # tags/platforms included (but commented out) and the
- # dependencies section
- platforms = []
- if not offline:
- platforms = api_get_list(api_server, "platforms") or []
- categories = []
- if not offline:
- categories = api_get_list(api_server, "categories") or []
- # group the list of platforms from the api based
- # on their names, with the release field being
- # appended to a list of versions
- platform_groups = defaultdict(list)
- for platform in platforms:
- platform_groups[platform['name']].append(platform['release'])
- platform_groups[platform['name']].sort()
- inject = dict(
- author = 'your name',
- company = 'your company (optional)',
- license = 'license (GPLv2, CC-BY, etc)',
- issue_tracker_url = '',
- min_ansible_version = '1.2',
- platforms = platform_groups,
- categories = categories,
- )
- rendered_meta = Environment().from_string(default_meta_template).render(inject)
- f = open(main_yml_path, 'w')
- f.write(rendered_meta)
- f.close()
- pass
- elif dir not in ('files','templates'):
- # just write a (mostly) empty YAML file for main.yml
- f = open(main_yml_path, 'w')
- f.write('---\n# %s file for %s\n' % (dir,role_name))
- f.close()
- print "- %s was created successfully" % role_name
-def execute_info(args, options, parser):
- """
- Executes the info action. This action prints out detailed
- information about an installed role as well as info available
- from the galaxy API.
- """
- if len(args) == 0:
- # the user needs to specify a role
- parser.print_help()
- print "- you must specify a user/role name"
- sys.exit(1)
- api_server = get_opt(options, "api_server", "")
- api_config = api_get_config(api_server)
- roles_path = get_opt(options, "roles_path")
- for role in args:
- role_info = {}
- install_info = get_galaxy_install_info(role, options)
- if install_info:
- if 'version' in install_info:
- install_info['intalled_version'] = install_info['version']
- del install_info['version']
- role_info.update(install_info)
- remote_data = api_lookup_role_by_name(api_server, role, False)
- if remote_data:
- role_info.update(remote_data)
- metadata = get_role_metadata(role, options)
- if metadata:
- role_info.update(metadata)
- role_spec = ansible.utils.role_spec_parse(role)
- if role_spec:
- role_info.update(role_spec)
- if role_info:
- print "- %s:" % (role)
- for k in sorted(role_info.keys()):
- if k in SKIP_INFO_KEYS:
- continue
- if isinstance(role_info[k], dict):
- print "\t%s: " % (k)
- for key in sorted(role_info[k].keys()):
- if key in SKIP_INFO_KEYS:
- continue
- print "\t\t%s: %s" % (key, role_info[k][key])
- else:
- print "\t%s: %s" % (k, role_info[k])
- else:
- print "- the role %s was not found" % role
-def execute_install(args, options, parser):
- """
- Executes the installation action. The args list contains the
- roles to be installed, unless -f was specified. The list of roles
- can be a name (which will be downloaded via the galaxy API and github),
- or it can be a local .tar.gz file.
- """
- role_file = get_opt(options, "role_file", None)
- if len(args) == 0 and role_file is None:
- # the user needs to specify one of either --role-file
- # or specify a single user/role name
- parser.print_help()
- print "- you must specify a user/role name or a roles file"
- sys.exit()
- elif len(args) == 1 and not role_file is None:
- # using a role file is mutually exclusive of specifying
- # the role name on the command line
- parser.print_help()
- print "- please specify a user/role name, or a roles file, but not both"
- sys.exit(1)
- api_server = get_opt(options, "api_server", "")
- no_deps = get_opt(options, "no_deps", False)
- roles_path = get_opt(options, "roles_path")
- roles_done = []
- if role_file:
- f = open(role_file, 'r')
- if role_file.endswith('.yaml') or role_file.endswith('.yml'):
- roles_left = map(ansible.utils.role_yaml_parse, yaml.safe_load(f))
- else:
- # roles listed in a file, one per line
- roles_left = map(ansible.utils.role_spec_parse, f.readlines())
- f.close()
- else:
- # roles were specified directly, so we'll just go out grab them
- # (and their dependencies, unless the user doesn't want us to).
- roles_left = map(ansible.utils.role_spec_parse, args)
- while len(roles_left) > 0:
- # query the galaxy API for the role data
- role_data = None
- role = roles_left.pop(0)
- role_src = role.get("src")
- role_scm = role.get("scm")
- role_path = role.get("path")
- if role_path:
- options.roles_path = role_path
- else:
- options.roles_path = roles_path
- if os.path.isfile(role_src):
- # installing a local tar.gz
- tmp_file = role_src
- else:
- if role_scm:
- # create tar file from scm url
- tmp_file = scm_archive_role(role_scm, role_src, role.get("version"), role.get("name"))
- elif '://' in role_src:
- # just download a URL - version will probably be in the URL
- tmp_file = fetch_role(role_src, None, None, options)
- else:
- # installing from galaxy
- api_config = api_get_config(api_server)
- if not api_config:
- print "- the API server (%s) is not responding, please try again later." % api_server
- sys.exit(1)
- role_data = api_lookup_role_by_name(api_server, role_src)
- if not role_data:
- print "- sorry, %s was not found on %s." % (role_src, api_server)
- exit_without_ignore(options)
- continue
- role_versions = api_fetch_role_related(api_server, 'versions', role_data['id'])
- if "version" not in role or role['version'] == '':
- # convert the version names to LooseVersion objects
- # and sort them to get the latest version. If there
- # are no versions in the list, we'll grab the head
- # of the master branch
- if len(role_versions) > 0:
- loose_versions = [LooseVersion(a.get('name',None)) for a in role_versions]
- loose_versions.sort()
- role["version"] = str(loose_versions[-1])
- else:
- role["version"] = 'master'
- elif role['version'] != 'master':
- if role_versions and role["version"] not in [a.get('name', None) for a in role_versions]:
- print 'role is %s' % role
- print "- the specified version (%s) was not found in the list of available versions (%s)." % (role['version'], role_versions)
- exit_without_ignore(options)
- continue
- # download the role. if --no-deps was specified, we stop here,
- # otherwise we recursively grab roles and all of their deps.
- tmp_file = fetch_role(role_src, role["version"], role_data, options)
- installed = False
- if tmp_file:
- installed = install_role(role.get("name"), role.get("version"), tmp_file, options)
- # we're done with the temp file, clean it up
- if tmp_file != role_src:
- os.unlink(tmp_file)
- # install dependencies, if we want them
- if not no_deps and installed:
- if not role_data:
- role_data = get_role_metadata(role.get("name"), options)
- role_dependencies = role_data['dependencies']
- else:
- role_dependencies = role_data['summary_fields']['dependencies'] # api_fetch_role_related(api_server, 'dependencies', role_data['id'])
- for dep in role_dependencies:
- if isinstance(dep, basestring):
- dep = ansible.utils.role_spec_parse(dep)
- else:
- dep = ansible.utils.role_yaml_parse(dep)
- if not get_role_metadata(dep["name"], options):
- if dep not in roles_left:
- print '- adding dependency: %s' % dep["name"]
- roles_left.append(dep)
- else:
- print '- dependency %s already pending installation.' % dep["name"]
- else:
- print '- dependency %s is already installed, skipping.' % dep["name"]
- if not tmp_file or not installed:
- print "- %s was NOT installed successfully." % role.get("name")
- exit_without_ignore(options)
- sys.exit(0)
-def execute_remove(args, options, parser):
- """
- Executes the remove action. The args list contains the list
- of roles to be removed. This list can contain more than one role.
- """
- if len(args) == 0:
- parser.print_help()
- print '- you must specify at least one role to remove.'
- sys.exit()
- for role in args:
- if get_role_metadata(role, options):
- if remove_role(role, options):
- print '- successfully removed %s' % role
- else:
- print "- failed to remove role: %s" % role
- else:
- print '- %s is not installed, skipping.' % role
- sys.exit(0)
-def execute_list(args, options, parser):
- """
- Executes the list action. The args list can contain zero
- or one role. If one is specified, only that role will be
- shown, otherwise all roles in the specified directory will
- be shown.
- """
- if len(args) > 1:
- print "- please specify only one role to list, or specify no roles to see a full list"
- sys.exit(1)
- if len(args) == 1:
- # show only the request role, if it exists
- role_name = args[0]
- metadata = get_role_metadata(role_name, options)
- if metadata:
- install_info = get_galaxy_install_info(role_name, options)
- version = None
- if install_info:
- version = install_info.get("version", None)
- if not version:
- version = "(unknown version)"
- # show some more info about single roles here
- print "- %s, %s" % (role_name, version)
- else:
- print "- the role %s was not found" % role_name
- else:
- # show all valid roles in the roles_path directory
- roles_path = get_opt(options, 'roles_path')
- roles_path = os.path.expanduser(roles_path)
- if not os.path.exists(roles_path):
- parser.print_help()
- print "- the path %s does not exist. Please specify a valid path with --roles-path" % roles_path
- sys.exit(1)
- elif not os.path.isdir(roles_path):
- print "- %s exists, but it is not a directory. Please specify a valid path with --roles-path" % roles_path
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit(1)
- path_files = os.listdir(roles_path)
- for path_file in path_files:
- if get_role_metadata(path_file, options):
- install_info = get_galaxy_install_info(path_file, options)
- version = None
- if install_info:
- version = install_info.get("version", None)
- if not version:
- version = "(unknown version)"
- print "- %s, %s" % (path_file, version)
- sys.exit(0)
-# The main entry point
-def main():
- # parse the CLI options
- action = get_action(sys.argv)
- parser = build_option_parser(action)
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- # execute the desired action
- if 1: #try:
- fn = globals()["execute_%s" % action]
- fn(args, options, parser)
- #except KeyError, e:
- # print "- error: %s is not a valid action. Valid actions are: %s" % (action, ", ".join(VALID_ACTIONS))
- # sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
+ansible \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/ansible-playbook b/bin/ansible-playbook
index 3d6e1f9f40..cabb1f519a 100755..120000
--- a/bin/ansible-playbook
+++ b/bin/ansible-playbook
@@ -1,330 +1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# (C) 2012, Michael DeHaan, <>
-# This file is part of Ansible
-# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
-__requires__ = ['ansible']
- import pkg_resources
-except Exception:
- # Use pkg_resources to find the correct versions of libraries and set
- # sys.path appropriately when there are multiversion installs. But we
- # have code that better expresses the errors in the places where the code
- # is actually used (the deps are optional for many code paths) so we don't
- # want to fail here.
- pass
-import sys
-import os
-import stat
-# Augment PYTHONPATH to find Python modules relative to this file path
-# This is so that we can find the modules when running from a local checkout
-# installed as editable with `pip install -e ...` or `python develop`
-local_module_path = os.path.abspath(
- os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'lib')
-import ansible.playbook
-import ansible.constants as C
-import ansible.utils.template
-from ansible import errors
-from ansible import callbacks
-from ansible import utils
-from ansible.color import ANSIBLE_COLOR, stringc
-from ansible.callbacks import display
-def colorize(lead, num, color):
- """ Print 'lead' = 'num' in 'color' """
- if num != 0 and ANSIBLE_COLOR and color is not None:
- return "%s%s%-15s" % (stringc(lead, color), stringc("=", color), stringc(str(num), color))
- else:
- return "%s=%-4s" % (lead, str(num))
-def hostcolor(host, stats, color=True):
- if ANSIBLE_COLOR and color:
- if stats['failures'] != 0 or stats['unreachable'] != 0:
- return "%-37s" % stringc(host, 'red')
- elif stats['changed'] != 0:
- return "%-37s" % stringc(host, 'yellow')
- else:
- return "%-37s" % stringc(host, 'green')
- return "%-26s" % host
-def main(args):
- ''' run ansible-playbook operations '''
- # create parser for CLI options
- parser = utils.base_parser(
- constants=C,
- usage = "%prog playbook.yml",
- connect_opts=True,
- runas_opts=True,
- subset_opts=True,
- check_opts=True,
- diff_opts=True
- )
- #parser.add_option('--vault-password', dest="vault_password",
- # help="password for vault encrypted files")
- parser.add_option('-t', '--tags', dest='tags', default='all',
- help="only run plays and tasks tagged with these values")
- parser.add_option('--skip-tags', dest='skip_tags',
- help="only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values")
- parser.add_option('--syntax-check', dest='syntax', action='store_true',
- help="perform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it")
- parser.add_option('--list-tasks', dest='listtasks', action='store_true',
- help="list all tasks that would be executed")
- parser.add_option('--list-tags', dest='listtags', action='store_true',
- help="list all available tags")
- parser.add_option('--step', dest='step', action='store_true',
- help="one-step-at-a-time: confirm each task before running")
- parser.add_option('--start-at-task', dest='start_at',
- help="start the playbook at the task matching this name")
- parser.add_option('--force-handlers', dest='force_handlers',
- default=C.DEFAULT_FORCE_HANDLERS, action='store_true',
- help="run handlers even if a task fails")
- parser.add_option('--flush-cache', dest='flush_cache', action='store_true',
- help="clear the fact cache")
- options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
- if len(args) == 0:
- parser.print_help(file=sys.stderr)
- return 1
- # privlege escalation command line arguments need to be mutually exclusive
- utils.check_mutually_exclusive_privilege(options, parser)
- if (options.ask_vault_pass and options.vault_password_file):
- parser.error("--ask-vault-pass and --vault-password-file are mutually exclusive")
- sshpass = None
- becomepass = None
- vault_pass = None
- options.ask_vault_pass = options.ask_vault_pass or C.DEFAULT_ASK_VAULT_PASS
- if options.listhosts or options.syntax or options.listtasks or options.listtags:
- (_, _, vault_pass) = utils.ask_passwords(ask_vault_pass=options.ask_vault_pass)
- else:
- options.ask_pass = options.ask_pass or C.DEFAULT_ASK_PASS
- # Never ask for an SSH password when we run with local connection
- if options.connection == "local":
- options.ask_pass = False
- # set pe options
- utils.normalize_become_options(options)
- prompt_method = utils.choose_pass_prompt(options)
- (sshpass, becomepass, vault_pass) = utils.ask_passwords(ask_pass=options.ask_pass,
- become_ask_pass=options.become_ask_pass,
- ask_vault_pass=options.ask_vault_pass,
- become_method=prompt_method)
- # read vault_pass from a file
- if not options.ask_vault_pass and options.vault_password_file:
- vault_pass = utils.read_vault_file(options.vault_password_file)
- extra_vars = utils.parse_extra_vars(options.extra_vars, vault_pass)
- only_tags = options.tags.split(",")
- skip_tags = options.skip_tags
- if options.skip_tags is not None:
- skip_tags = options.skip_tags.split(",")
- for playbook in args:
- if not os.path.exists(playbook):
- raise errors.AnsibleError("the playbook: %s could not be found" % playbook)
- if not (os.path.isfile(playbook) or stat.S_ISFIFO(os.stat(playbook).st_mode)):
- raise errors.AnsibleError("the playbook: %s does not appear to be a file" % playbook)
- inventory = ansible.inventory.Inventory(options.inventory, vault_password=vault_pass)
- # Note: slightly wrong, this is written so that implicit localhost
- # (which is not returned in list_hosts()) is taken into account for
- # warning if inventory is empty. But it can't be taken into account for
- # checking if limit doesn't match any hosts. Instead we don't worry about
- # limit if only implicit localhost was in inventory to start with.
- #
- # Fix this in v2
- no_hosts = False
- if len(inventory.list_hosts()) == 0:
- # Empty inventory
- utils.warning("provided hosts list is empty, only localhost is available")
- no_hosts = True
- inventory.subset(options.subset)
- if len(inventory.list_hosts()) == 0 and no_hosts is False:
- # Invalid limit
- raise errors.AnsibleError("Specified --limit does not match any hosts")
- # run all playbooks specified on the command line
- for playbook in args:
- stats = callbacks.AggregateStats()
- playbook_cb = callbacks.PlaybookCallbacks(verbose=utils.VERBOSITY)
- if options.step:
- playbook_cb.step = options.step
- if options.start_at:
- playbook_cb.start_at = options.start_at
- runner_cb = callbacks.PlaybookRunnerCallbacks(stats, verbose=utils.VERBOSITY)
- pb = ansible.playbook.PlayBook(
- playbook=playbook,
- module_path=options.module_path,
- inventory=inventory,
- forks=options.forks,
- remote_user=options.remote_user,
- remote_pass=sshpass,
- callbacks=playbook_cb,
- runner_callbacks=runner_cb,
- stats=stats,
- timeout=options.timeout,
- transport=options.connection,
- become=options.become,
- become_method=options.become_method,
- become_user=options.become_user,
- become_pass=becomepass,
- extra_vars=extra_vars,
- private_key_file=options.private_key_file,
- only_tags=only_tags,
- skip_tags=skip_tags,
- check=options.check,
- diff=options.diff,
- vault_password=vault_pass,
- force_handlers=options.force_handlers,
- )
- if options.flush_cache:
- display(callbacks.banner("FLUSHING FACT CACHE"))
- pb.SETUP_CACHE.flush()
- if options.listhosts or options.listtasks or options.syntax or options.listtags:
- print ''
- print 'playbook: %s' % playbook
- print ''
- playnum = 0
- for (play_ds, play_basedir) in zip(pb.playbook, pb.play_basedirs):
- playnum += 1
- play = ansible.playbook.Play(pb, play_ds, play_basedir,
- vault_password=pb.vault_password)
- label =
- hosts = pb.inventory.list_hosts(play.hosts)
- if options.listhosts:
- print ' play #%d (%s): host count=%d' % (playnum, label, len(hosts))
- for host in hosts:
- print ' %s' % host
- if options.listtags or options.listtasks:
- print ' play #%d (%s):\tTAGS: [%s]' % (playnum, label,','.join(sorted(set(play.tags))))
- if options.listtags:
- tags = []
- for task in pb.tasks_to_run_in_play(play):
- tags.extend(task.tags)
- print ' TASK TAGS: [%s]' % (', '.join(sorted(set(tags).difference(['untagged']))))
- if options.listtasks:
- for task in pb.tasks_to_run_in_play(play):
- if getattr(task, 'name', None) is not None:
- # meta tasks have no names
- print ' %s\tTAGS: [%s]' % (, ', '.join(sorted(set(task.tags).difference(['untagged']))))
- if options.listhosts or options.listtasks or options.listtags:
- print ''
- continue
- if options.syntax:
- # if we've not exited by now then we are fine.
- print 'Playbook Syntax is fine'
- return 0
- failed_hosts = []
- unreachable_hosts = []
- try:
- hosts = sorted(pb.stats.processed.keys())
- display(callbacks.banner("PLAY RECAP"))
- playbook_cb.on_stats(pb.stats)
- for h in hosts:
- t = pb.stats.summarize(h)
- if t['failures'] > 0:
- failed_hosts.append(h)
- if t['unreachable'] > 0:
- unreachable_hosts.append(h)
- retries = failed_hosts + unreachable_hosts
- if C.RETRY_FILES_ENABLED and len(retries) > 0:
- filename = pb.generate_retry_inventory(retries)
- if filename:
- display(" to retry, use: --limit @%s\n" % filename)
- for h in hosts:
- t = pb.stats.summarize(h)
- display("%s : %s %s %s %s" % (
- hostcolor(h, t),
- colorize('ok', t['ok'], 'green'),
- colorize('changed', t['changed'], 'yellow'),
- colorize('unreachable', t['unreachable'], 'red'),
- colorize('failed', t['failures'], 'red')),
- screen_only=True
- )
- display("%s : %s %s %s %s" % (
- hostcolor(h, t, False),
- colorize('ok', t['ok'], None),
- colorize('changed', t['changed'], None),
- colorize('unreachable', t['unreachable'], None),
- colorize('failed', t['failures'], None)),
- log_only=True
- )
- print ""
- if len(failed_hosts) > 0:
- return 2
- if len(unreachable_hosts) > 0:
- return 3
- except errors.AnsibleError, e:
- display("ERROR: %s" % e, color='red')
- return 1
- return 0
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- display(" ", log_only=True)
- display(" ".join(sys.argv), log_only=True)
- display(" ", log_only=True)
- try:
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
- except errors.AnsibleError, e:
- display("ERROR: %s" % e, color='red', stderr=True)
- sys.exit(1)
- except KeyboardInterrupt, ke:
- display("ERROR: interrupted", color='red', stderr=True)
- sys.exit(1)
+ansible \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/ansible-pull b/bin/ansible-pull
index d4887631e0..cabb1f519a 100755..120000
--- a/bin/ansible-pull
+++ b/bin/ansible-pull
@@ -1,257 +1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# (c) 2012, Stephen Fromm <>
-# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
-# ansible-pull is a script that runs ansible in local mode
-# after checking out a playbooks directory from source repo. There is an
-# example playbook to bootstrap this script in the examples/ dir which
-# installs ansible and sets it up to run on cron.
-# usage:
-# ansible-pull -d /var/lib/ansible \
-# -U [-C production] \
-# [path/playbook.yml]
-# the -d and -U arguments are required; the -C argument is optional.
-# ansible-pull accepts an optional argument to specify a playbook
-# location underneath the workdir and then searches the source repo
-# for playbooks in the following order, stopping at the first match:
-# 1. $workdir/path/playbook.yml, if specified
-# 2. $workdir/$fqdn.yml
-# 3. $workdir/$hostname.yml
-# 4. $workdir/local.yml
-# the source repo must contain at least one of these playbooks.
-import os
-import shutil
-import sys
-import datetime
-import socket
-import random
-import time
-from ansible import utils
-from ansible.utils import cmd_functions
-from ansible import errors
-from ansible import inventory
-DEFAULT_PLAYBOOK = 'local.yml'
-PLAYBOOK_ERRORS = {1: 'File does not exist',
- 2: 'File is not readable'}
-def increment_debug(option, opt, value, parser):
- global VERBOSITY
-def try_playbook(path):
- if not os.path.exists(path):
- return 1
- if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
- return 2
- return 0
-def select_playbook(path, args):
- playbook = None
- if len(args) > 0 and args[0] is not None:
- playbook = "%s/%s" % (path, args[0])
- rc = try_playbook(playbook)
- if rc != 0:
- print >>sys.stderr, "%s: %s" % (playbook, PLAYBOOK_ERRORS[rc])
- return None
- return playbook
- else:
- fqdn = socket.getfqdn()
- hostpb = "%s/%s.yml" % (path, fqdn)
- shorthostpb = "%s/%s.yml" % (path, fqdn.split('.')[0])
- localpb = "%s/%s" % (path, DEFAULT_PLAYBOOK)
- errors = []
- for pb in [hostpb, shorthostpb, localpb]:
- rc = try_playbook(pb)
- if rc == 0:
- playbook = pb
- break
- else:
- errors.append("%s: %s" % (pb, PLAYBOOK_ERRORS[rc]))
- if playbook is None:
- print >>sys.stderr, "\n".join(errors)
- return playbook
-def main(args):
- """ Set up and run a local playbook """
- usage = "%prog [options] [playbook.yml]"
- parser = utils.SortedOptParser(usage=usage)
- parser.add_option('--purge', default=False, action='store_true',
- help='purge checkout after playbook run')
- parser.add_option('-o', '--only-if-changed', dest='ifchanged', default=False, action='store_true',
- help='only run the playbook if the repository has been updated')
- parser.add_option('-s', '--sleep', dest='sleep', default=None,
- help='sleep for random interval (between 0 and n number of seconds) before starting. this is a useful way to disperse git requests')
- parser.add_option('-f', '--force', dest='force', default=False,
- action='store_true',
- help='run the playbook even if the repository could '
- 'not be updated')
- parser.add_option('-d', '--directory', dest='dest', default=None,
- help='directory to checkout repository to')
- #parser.add_option('-l', '--live', default=True, action='store_live',
- # help='Print the ansible-playbook output while running')
- parser.add_option('-U', '--url', dest='url', default=None,
- help='URL of the playbook repository')
- parser.add_option('-C', '--checkout', dest='checkout',
- help='branch/tag/commit to checkout. '
- 'Defaults to behavior of repository module.')
- parser.add_option('-i', '--inventory-file', dest='inventory',
- help="location of the inventory host file")
- parser.add_option('-e', '--extra-vars', dest="extra_vars", action="append",
- help="set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON", default=[])
- parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', default=False, action="callback",
- callback=increment_debug,
- help='Pass -vvvv to ansible-playbook')
- parser.add_option('-m', '--module-name', dest='module_name',
- help='Module name used to check out repository. '
- 'Default is %s.' % DEFAULT_REPO_TYPE)
- parser.add_option('--vault-password-file', dest='vault_password_file',
- help="vault password file")
- parser.add_option('-K', '--ask-sudo-pass', default=False, dest='ask_sudo_pass', action='store_true',
- help='ask for sudo password')
- parser.add_option('-t', '--tags', dest='tags', default=False,
- help='only run plays and tasks tagged with these values')
- parser.add_option('--accept-host-key', default=False, dest='accept_host_key', action='store_true',
- help='adds the hostkey for the repo url if not already added')
- parser.add_option('--key-file', dest='key_file',
- help="Pass '-i <key_file>' to the SSH arguments used by git.")
- options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
- hostname = socket.getfqdn()
- if not options.dest:
- # use a hostname dependent directory, in case of $HOME on nfs
- options.dest = utils.prepare_writeable_dir('~/.ansible/pull/%s' % hostname)
- options.dest = os.path.abspath(options.dest)
- if not options.url:
- parser.error("URL for repository not specified, use -h for help")
- return 1
- now =
- print now.strftime("Starting ansible-pull at %F %T")
- # Attempt to use the inventory passed in as an argument
- # It might not yet have been downloaded so use localhost if note
- if not options.inventory or not os.path.exists(options.inventory):
- inv_opts = 'localhost,'
- else:
- inv_opts = options.inventory
- limit_opts = 'localhost:%s:' % hostname
- repo_opts = "name=%s dest=%s" % (options.url, options.dest)
- if VERBOSITY == 0:
- base_opts = '-c local --limit "%s"' % limit_opts
- elif VERBOSITY > 0:
- debug_level = ''.join([ "v" for x in range(0, VERBOSITY) ])
- base_opts = '-%s -c local --limit "%s"' % (debug_level, limit_opts)
- if options.checkout:
- repo_opts += ' version=%s' % options.checkout
- # Only git module is supported
- if options.module_name == DEFAULT_REPO_TYPE:
- if options.accept_host_key:
- repo_opts += ' accept_hostkey=yes'
- if options.key_file:
- repo_opts += ' key_file=%s' % options.key_file
- path = utils.plugins.module_finder.find_plugin(options.module_name)
- if path is None:
- sys.stderr.write("module '%s' not found.\n" % options.module_name)
- return 1
- bin_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- cmd = '%s/ansible localhost -i "%s" %s -m %s -a "%s"' % (
- bin_path, inv_opts, base_opts, options.module_name, repo_opts
- )
- for ev in options.extra_vars:
- cmd += ' -e "%s"' % ev
- if options.sleep:
- try:
- secs = random.randint(0,int(options.sleep));
- except ValueError:
- parser.error("%s is not a number." % options.sleep)
- return 1
- print >>sys.stderr, "Sleeping for %d seconds..." % secs
- time.sleep(secs);
- rc, out, err = cmd_functions.run_cmd(cmd, live=True)
- if rc != 0:
- if options.force:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Unable to update repository. Continuing with (forced) run of playbook."
- else:
- return rc
- elif options.ifchanged and '"changed": true' not in out:
- print "Repository has not changed, quitting."
- return 0
- playbook = select_playbook(options.dest, args)
- if playbook is None:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Could not find a playbook to run."
- return 1
- cmd = '%s/ansible-playbook %s %s' % (bin_path, base_opts, playbook)
- if options.vault_password_file:
- cmd += " --vault-password-file=%s" % options.vault_password_file
- if options.inventory:
- cmd += ' -i "%s"' % options.inventory
- for ev in options.extra_vars:
- cmd += ' -e "%s"' % ev
- if options.ask_sudo_pass:
- cmd += ' -K'
- if options.tags:
- cmd += ' -t "%s"' % options.tags
- os.chdir(options.dest)
- rc, out, err = cmd_functions.run_cmd(cmd, live=True)
- if options.purge:
- os.chdir('/')
- try:
- shutil.rmtree(options.dest)
- except Exception, e:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Failed to remove %s: %s" % (options.dest, str(e))
- return rc
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
- except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Exit on user request.\n"
- sys.exit(1)
+ansible \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/ansible-vault b/bin/ansible-vault
index 22cfc0e148..cabb1f519a 100755..120000
--- a/bin/ansible-vault
+++ b/bin/ansible-vault
@@ -1,241 +1 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# (c) 2014, James Tanner <>
-# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
-# ansible-vault is a script that encrypts/decrypts YAML files. See
-# for more details.
-__requires__ = ['ansible']
- import pkg_resources
-except Exception:
- # Use pkg_resources to find the correct versions of libraries and set
- # sys.path appropriately when there are multiversion installs. But we
- # have code that better expresses the errors in the places where the code
- # is actually used (the deps are optional for many code paths) so we don't
- # want to fail here.
- pass
-import os
-import sys
-import traceback
-import ansible.constants as C
-from ansible import utils
-from ansible import errors
-from ansible.utils.vault import VaultEditor
-from optparse import OptionParser
-# Utility functions for parsing actions/options
-VALID_ACTIONS = ("create", "decrypt", "edit", "encrypt", "rekey", "view")
-def build_option_parser(action):
- """
- Builds an option parser object based on the action
- the user wants to execute.
- """
- usage = "usage: %%prog [%s] [--help] [options] file_name" % "|".join(VALID_ACTIONS)
- epilog = "\nSee '%s <command> --help' for more information on a specific command.\n\n" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
- OptionParser.format_epilog = lambda self, formatter: self.epilog
- parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, epilog=epilog)
- if not action:
- parser.print_help()
- sys.exit()
- # options for all actions
- #parser.add_option('-c', '--cipher', dest='cipher', default="AES256", help="cipher to use")
- parser.add_option('--debug', dest='debug', action="store_true", help="debug")
- parser.add_option('--vault-password-file', dest='password_file',
- help="vault password file", default=C.DEFAULT_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE)
- # options specific to actions
- if action == "create":
- parser.set_usage("usage: %prog create [options] file_name")
- elif action == "decrypt":
- parser.set_usage("usage: %prog decrypt [options] file_name")
- elif action == "edit":
- parser.set_usage("usage: %prog edit [options] file_name")
- elif action == "view":
- parser.set_usage("usage: %prog view [options] file_name")
- elif action == "encrypt":
- parser.set_usage("usage: %prog encrypt [options] file_name")
- elif action == "rekey":
- parser.set_usage("usage: %prog rekey [options] file_name")
- # done, return the parser
- return parser
-def get_action(args):
- """
- Get the action the user wants to execute from the
- sys argv list.
- """
- for i in range(0,len(args)):
- arg = args[i]
- if arg in VALID_ACTIONS:
- del args[i]
- return arg
- return None
-def get_opt(options, k, defval=""):
- """
- Returns an option from an Optparse values instance.
- """
- try:
- data = getattr(options, k)
- except:
- return defval
- if k == "roles_path":
- if os.pathsep in data:
- data = data.split(os.pathsep)[0]
- return data
-# Command functions
-def execute_create(args, options, parser):
- if len(args) > 1:
- raise errors.AnsibleError("'create' does not accept more than one filename")
- if not options.password_file:
- password, new_password = utils.ask_vault_passwords(ask_vault_pass=True, confirm_vault=True)
- else:
- password = utils.read_vault_file(options.password_file)
- cipher = 'AES256'
- if hasattr(options, 'cipher'):
- cipher = options.cipher
- this_editor = VaultEditor(cipher, password, args[0])
- this_editor.create_file()
-def execute_decrypt(args, options, parser):
- if not options.password_file:
- password, new_password = utils.ask_vault_passwords(ask_vault_pass=True)
- else:
- password = utils.read_vault_file(options.password_file)
- cipher = 'AES256'
- if hasattr(options, 'cipher'):
- cipher = options.cipher
- for f in args:
- this_editor = VaultEditor(cipher, password, f)
- this_editor.decrypt_file()
- print "Decryption successful"
-def execute_edit(args, options, parser):
- if len(args) > 1:
- raise errors.AnsibleError("edit does not accept more than one filename")
- if not options.password_file:
- password, new_password = utils.ask_vault_passwords(ask_vault_pass=True)
- else:
- password = utils.read_vault_file(options.password_file)
- cipher = None
- for f in args:
- this_editor = VaultEditor(cipher, password, f)
- this_editor.edit_file()
-def execute_view(args, options, parser):
- if len(args) > 1:
- raise errors.AnsibleError("view does not accept more than one filename")
- if not options.password_file:
- password, new_password = utils.ask_vault_passwords(ask_vault_pass=True)
- else:
- password = utils.read_vault_file(options.password_file)
- cipher = None
- for f in args:
- this_editor = VaultEditor(cipher, password, f)
- this_editor.view_file()
-def execute_encrypt(args, options, parser):
- if not options.password_file:
- password, new_password = utils.ask_vault_passwords(ask_vault_pass=True, confirm_vault=True)
- else:
- password = utils.read_vault_file(options.password_file)
- cipher = 'AES256'
- if hasattr(options, 'cipher'):
- cipher = options.cipher
- for f in args:
- this_editor = VaultEditor(cipher, password, f)
- this_editor.encrypt_file()
- print "Encryption successful"
-def execute_rekey(args, options, parser):
- if not options.password_file:
- password, __ = utils.ask_vault_passwords(ask_vault_pass=True)
- else:
- password = utils.read_vault_file(options.password_file)
- __, new_password = utils.ask_vault_passwords(ask_vault_pass=False, ask_new_vault_pass=True, confirm_new=True)
- cipher = None
- for f in args:
- this_editor = VaultEditor(cipher, password, f)
- this_editor.rekey_file(new_password)
- print "Rekey successful"
-def main():
- action = get_action(sys.argv)
- parser = build_option_parser(action)
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not len(args):
- raise errors.AnsibleError(
- "The '%s' command requires a filename as the first argument" % action
- )
- # execute the desired action
- try:
- fn = globals()["execute_%s" % action]
- fn(args, options, parser)
- except Exception, err:
- if options.debug:
- print traceback.format_exc()
- print "ERROR:",err
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
+ansible \ No newline at end of file