path: root/doc
diff options
authorJaroslav Kysela <>2001-11-19 08:14:21 +0000
committerJaroslav Kysela <>2001-11-19 08:14:21 +0000
commitc39882f6021faa3b60bc36f73e0df71b741da967 (patch)
tree0406a360086c5e95622d1d4a324859fc0006b5c5 /doc
parentef035eacfe13278b303cc41d34511fb949becef6 (diff)
- changed snd_config_get_id function to follow semantic of other get functions - added snd_config_test_id - added runtime pointer type (not persistent) - added snd_config_make_pointer, snd_config_set_pointer, snd_config_get_pointer - added type/contents checking for callback functions - changed 'void *private_data' to 'snd_config_t *private_data' - renamed card_strtype functions to card_driver Control: - fixed passing parameters to snd_ctl_async Async handlers: - added public snd_async_handler_get_signo function Documentation: - moved all documentation to source files
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
5 files changed, 1 insertions, 825 deletions
diff --git a/doc/conf.doxygen b/doc/conf.doxygen
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c835c25..00000000
--- a/doc/conf.doxygen
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-/*! \page conf Configuration files
-<P>Configuration files are using a simple format allowing the modern
-data description like nesting and array assignments.</P>
-\section conf_whitespace Whitespace
-Whitespace is the collective name given to spaces (blanks), horizontal and
-vertical tabs, newline characters, and comments. Whitespace can serve to
-indicate where configuration tokens start and end, but beyond this function,
-any surplus whitespace is discarded. For example, the two sequences
- a 1 b 2
- a 1
- b 2
-are lexically equivalent and parse identically to give the four tokens:
-The ASCII characters representing whitespace can occur within literal
-strings, int which case they are protected from the normal parsing process
-(tey remain as part of the string). For example:
- name "John Smith"
-parses to two tokens, including the single literal-string token "John
-\section conf_linesplicing Line splicing with \
-A special case occurs, if the final newline character encountered is
-preceded by a backslash (\) in the string value definition. The backslash
-and new line are both discarded, allowing two physical lines of text to be
-treated as one unit.
-"John \
-is parsed as "John Smith".
-\section conf_comments Comments
-A single-line comments are defined using character #. The comment can start
-in any position, and extends until the next new line.
- a 1 # this is a comment
-\section conf_include Include another configuration file
-A new configuration file can be included using <filename> syntax. The global
-configuration directory can be referenced using <confdir:filename> syntax.
-\section conf_punctuators Punctuators
-The configuration punctuators (also known as separators) are:
- {} [] , ; = . ' " new-line form-feed carriage-return whitespace
-\subsection conf_braces Braces
-Open and close braces { } indicate the start and end of a compound
-a {
- b 1
-\subsection conf_brackets Brackets
-Open and close brackets indicate single array definition. The identificators
-are automatically generated starting with zero.
-a [
- "first"
- "second"
-Above code is equal to
-a.0 "first"
-a.1 "second"
-\subsection conf_comma_semicolon Comma and semicolon
-The comma (,) or semicolon (;) can separate the value assignments. It is not
-strictly required to use these separators, because any whitespace supplies
-a 1;
-b 1,
-\subsection conf_equal Equal sign
-The equal sign (=) separates can separate variable declarations from
-initialization lists:
-Using the equal signs is not required, because any whitespace supplies
-\section conf_assigns Assigns
-The configuration file defines id (key) and value pairs. The id (key) can be
-composed from any ASCII digits or chars from a to z or A to Z, including
-char _. The value can be either a string, integer or real number.
-\subsection conf_single Single assign
-a 1 # is equal to
-a=1 # is equal to
-a=1; # is equal to
-a 1,
-\subsection conf_compound Compound assign (definition using braces)
-a {
- b = 1
- b 1,
-\section conf_compound1 Compound assign (one key definition)
-a.b 1
-\subsection conf_array Array assign (definition using brackets)
-a [
- "first"
- "second"
-\subsection conf_array1 Array assign (one key definition)
-a.0 "first"
-a.1 "second"
-\section conf_summary Summary
-# Configuration file syntax
-# Include a new configuration file
-# Simple assign
-name [=] value [,|;]
-# Compound assign (first style)
-name [=] {
- name1 [=] value [,|;]
- ...
-# Compound assign (second style)
-name.name1 [=] value [,|;]
-# Array assign (first style)
-name [
- value0 [,|;]
- value1 [,|;]
- ...
-# Array assign (second style)
-name.0 [=] value0 [,|;]
-name.1 [=] value1 [,|;]
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-/*! \page confarg Configuration - runtime arguments
-<P>The ALSA library can accept runtime arguments for some configuration
-blocks. This extension is on top of the basic syntax of the configuration
-\section confarg_define Defining arguments
-Arguments are specified by id (key) @args and array values containing
-the string names of arguments:
-@args [ CARD ] # or
-@args.0 CARD
-\section confarg_type Defining argument type and default value
-Arguments type is specified by id (key) @args and argument name. The type
-and default value is specified in the compound:
-@args.CARD {
- type string
- default "abcd"
-\section confarg_refer Refering argument
-Arguments are refered by dollar-sign ($) and name of argument:
- card $CARD
-\section confarg_example Example
-pcm.demo {
- @args [ CARD DEVICE ]
- @args.CARD {
- type string
- default "supersonic"
- }
- @args.DEVICE {
- type integer
- default 0
- }
- type hw
- card $CARD
- device $DEVICE
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-/*! \page conffunc Configuration - runtime functions
-<P>The ALSA library accepts the runtime modification of configuration.
-The several build-in functions are available.</P>
-<P>The function is refered using id @func and function name. All other
-values in the current compound are used as configuration for the function.
-If compound func.<function_name> is defined in the root leafs, then library
-and function from this compound configuration is used, otherwise the prefix
-'snd_func_' is added to string and the code from the ALSA library is used.
-The definition of function looks like:</P>
-func.remove_first_char {
- lib "/usr/lib/"
- func "extend_remove_first_char"
-\section conffunc_getenv The getenv function
-The getenv function allows to get an environment value. The vars values
-(array) defined the order and names for the environment values. When the
-first environment value is found, then the function replaces the whole
-compound by this result. If no value is found, then the default value is
-used, if defined.
- card {
- @func getenv
- vars [ MY_CARD CARD C ]
- default 0
- }
-\section conffunc_igetenv The igetenv function
-This function is same as getenv function, but the result value is converted
-to integer.
-\section conffunc_concat The concat function
-The concat function merges all given string in the array named string into
- filename {
- @func concat
- strings [
- "/usr/share"
- "/sound"
- "/a.wav"
- ]
- }
-\section conffunc_datadir The datadir function
-This function return the configuration data directory (usually /usr/share/alsa)
-as string as result. This function requires no other values.
-\section conffunc_refer The refer function
-This function substitutes the current compound with the compound named (key
-name, value string) and filename (key file - optional, value string).
- {
- @func refer
- file /etc/my-alsa.conf
- name pcm.lastone
- }
-\section conffunc_card_strtype The card_strtype function
-This function converts the given card number (key card, value integer) to card type
-\section conffunc_card_id The card_id function
-This function returns the card id string for the given card number (key card, value
-\section conffunc_pcm_id The pcm_id function
-This function returns the pcm id string for the given PCM device (key card,
-value integer; key device, value integer; key subdevice (optional), value
-\section conffunc_private_string The private_string function
-This function returns the private data as string as result.
-\section conffunc_private_card_strtype The private_card_strtype function
-This function converts the private data (int) with card number to card type
-\section conffunc_private_pcm_subdevice The private_pcm_subdevice function
-This functions returns the subdevice number for the pcm handle specified by
-the private data.
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--- a/doc/doxygen.cfg
+++ b/doc/doxygen.cfg
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ GENERATE_MAN = NO
-INPUT = index.doxygen conf.doxygen confarg.doxygen \
- conffunc.doxygen pcm.doxygen \
+INPUT = index.doxygen \
../include/asoundlib.h \
../include/version.h \
../include/global.h \
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--- a/doc/pcm.doxygen
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-/*! \page pcm PCM (digital audio) interface
-<P>Although abbreviation PCM stands for Pulse Code Modulation, we are
-understanding it as general digital audio processing with volume samples
-generated in continuous time periods.</P>
-<P>Digital audio is the most commonly used method of representing
-sound inside a computer. In this method sound is stored as a sequence of
-samples taken from the audio signal using constant time intervals.
-A sample represents volume of the signal at the moment when it
-was measured. In uncompressed digital audio each sample require one
-or more bytes of storage. The number of bytes required depends on number
-of channels (mono, stereo) and sample format (8 or 16 bits, mu-Law, etc.).
-The length of this interval determines the sampling rate. Commonly used
-sampling rates are between 8kHz (telephone quality) and
-48kHz (DAT tapes).</P>
-<P>The physical devices used in digital audio are called the
-ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) and DAC (Digital to Analog Converter).
-A device containing both ADC and DAC is commonly known as a codec.
-The codec device used in a Sound Blaster cards is called a DSP which
-is somewhat misleading since DSP also stands for Digital Signal Processor
-(the SB DSP chip is very limited when compared to "true" DSP chips).</P>
-<P>Sampling parameters affect the quality of sound which can be
-reproduced from the recorded signal. The most fundamental parameter
-is sampling rate which limits the highest frequency that can be stored.
-It is well known (Nyquist's Sampling Theorem) that the highest frequency
-that can be stored in a sampled signal is at most 1/2 of the sampling
-frequency. For example, an 8 kHz sampling rate permits the recording of
-a signal in which the highest frequency is less than 4 kHz. Higher frequency
-signals must be filtered out before feeding them to ADC.</P>
-<P>Sample encoding limits the dynamic range of a recorded signal
-(difference between the faintest and the loudest signal that can be
-recorded). In theory the maximum dynamic range of signal is number_of_bits *
-6dB. This means that 8 bits sampling resolution gives dynamic range of
-48dB and 16 bit resolution gives 96dB.</P>
-<P>Quality has price. The number of bytes required to store an audio
-sequence depends on sampling rate, number of channels and sampling
-resolution. For example just 8000 bytes of memory is required to store
-one second of sound using 8kHz/8 bits/mono but 48kHz/16bit/stereo takes
-192 kilobytes. A 64 kbps ISDN channel is required to transfer a
-8kHz/8bit/mono audio stream in real time, and about 1.5Mbps is required
-for DAT quality (48kHz/16bit/stereo). On the other hand it is possible
-to store just 5.46 seconds of sound in a megabyte of memory when using
-48kHz/16bit/stereo sampling. With 8kHz/8bits/mono it is possible to store
-131 seconds of sound using the same amount of memory. It is possible
-to reduce memory and communication costs by compressing the recorded
-signal but this is beyond the scope of this document. </P>
-\section pcm_general_overview General overview
-ALSA uses the ring buffer to store outgoing (playback) and incoming (capture,
-record) samples. There are two pointers being mantained to allow
-a precise communication between application and device pointing to current
-processed sample by hardware and last processed sample by application.
-The modern audio chips allow to program the transfer time periods.
-It means that the stream of samples is divided to small chunks. Device
-acknowledges to application when the transfer of a chunk is complete.
-\section pcm_transfer Transfer methods in unix environments
-In the unix environment, data chunk acknowledges are received via standard I/O
-calls or event waiting routines (poll or select function). To accomplish
-this list, the asynchronous notification of acknowledges should be listed
-here. The ALSA implementation for these methods is described in
-the \ref alsa_transfers section.
-\subsection pcm_transfer_io Standard I/O transfers
-The standard I/O transfers are using the read (see 'man 2 read') and write
-(see 'man 2 write') C functions. There are two basic behaviours of these
-functions - blocked and non-blocked (see the O_NONBLOCK flag for the
-standard C open function - see 'man 2 open'). In non-blocked behaviour,
-these I/O functions never stops, they return -EAGAIN error code, when no
-data can be transferred (the ring buffer is full in our case). In blocked
-behaviour, these I/O functions stop and wait until there is a room in the
-ring buffer (playback) or until there are a new samples (capture). The ALSA
-implementation can be found in the \ref alsa_pcm_rw section.
-\subsection pcm_transfer_event Event waiting routines
-The poll or select functions (see 'man 2 poll' or 'man 2 select' for further
-details) allows to receive requests/events from the device while
-an application is waiting on events from other sources (like keyboard, screen,
-network etc.), too. The select function is old and deprecated in modern
-applications, so the ALSA library does not support it. The implemented
-transfer routines can be found in the \ref alsa_transfers section.
-\subsection pcm_transfer_async Asynchronous notification
-ALSA driver and library knows to handle the asynchronous notifications over
-the SIGIO signal. This signal allows to interrupt application and transfer
-data in the signal handler. For further details see the sigaction function
-('man 2 sigaction'). The section \ref pcm_async describes the ALSA API for
-this extension. The implemented transfer routines can be found in the
-\ref alsa_transfers section.
-\section pcm_open_behaviour Blocked and non-blocked open
-The ALSA PCM API uses a different behaviour when the device is opened
-with blocked or non-blocked mode. The mode can be specified with
-\a mode argument in \link ::snd_pcm_open() \endlink function.
-The blocked mode is the default (without \link ::SND_PCM_NONBLOCK \endlink mode).
-In this mode, the behaviour is that if the resources have already used
-with another application, then it blocks the caller, until resources are
-free. The non-blocked behaviour (with \link ::SND_PCM_NONBLOCK \endlink)
-doesn't block the caller in any way and returns -EBUSY error when the
-resources are not available. Note that the mode also determines the
-behaviour of standard I/O calls, returning -EAGAIN when non-blocked mode is
-used and the ring buffer is full (playback) or empty (capture).
-The operation mode for I/O calls can be changed later with
-the \link snd_pcm_nonblock() \endlink function.
-\section pcm_async Asynchronous mode
-There is also possibility to receive asynchronous notification after
-specified time periods. You may see the \link ::SND_PCM_ASYNC \endlink
-mode for \link ::snd_pcm_open() \endlink function and
-\link ::snd_async_add_pcm_handler() \endlink function for further details.
-\section pcm_handshake Handshake between application and library
-The ALSA PCM API design uses the states to determine the communication
-phase between application and library. The actual state can be determined
-using \link ::snd_pcm_state() \endlink call. There are these states:
-The PCM device is in the open state. After the \link ::snd_pcm_open() \endlink open call,
-the device is in this state. Also, when \link ::snd_pcm_hw_params() \endlink call fails,
-then this state is entered to force application calling
-\link ::snd_pcm_hw_params() \endlink function to set right communication
-The PCM device has accepted communication parameters and it is waiting
-for \link ::snd_pcm_prepare() \endlink call to prepare the hardware for
-selected operation (playback or capture).
-The PCM device is prepared for operation. Application can use
-\link ::snd_pcm_start() \endlink call, write or read data to start
-the operation.
-The PCM device is running. It processes the samples. The stream can
-be stopped using the \link ::snd_pcm_drop() \endlink or
-\link ::snd_pcm_drain \endlink calls.
-The PCM device reached overrun (capture) or underrun (playback).
-You can use the -EPIPE return code from I/O functions
-(\link ::snd_pcm_writei() \endlink, \link ::snd_pcm_writen() \endlink,
- \link ::snd_pcm_readi() \endlink, \link ::snd_pcm_readi() \endlink)
-to determine this state without checking
-the actual state via \link ::snd_pcm_state() \endlink call. You can recover from
-this state with \link ::snd_pcm_prepare() \endlink,
-\link ::snd_pcm_drop() \endlink or \link ::snd_pcm_drain() \endlink calls.
-The device is in this state when application using the capture mode
-called \link ::snd_pcm_drain() \endlink function. Until all data are
-read from the internal ring buffer using I/O routines
-(\link ::snd_pcm_readi() \endlink, \link ::snd_pcm_readn() \endlink),
-then the device stays in this state.
-The device is in this state when application called
-the \link ::snd_pcm_pause() \endlink function until the pause is released.
-Not all hardware supports this feature. Application should check the
-capability with the \link ::snd_pcm_hw_params_can_pause() \endlink.
-The device is in the suspend state provoked with the power management
-system. The stream can be resumed using \link ::snd_pcm_resume() \endlink
-call, but not all hardware supports this feature. Application should check
-the capability with the \link ::snd_pcm_hw_params_can_resume() \endlink.
-In other case, the calls \link ::snd_pcm_prepare() \endlink,
-\link ::snd_pcm_drop() \endlink, \link ::snd_pcm_drain() \endlink can be used
-to leave this state.
-\section pcm_formats PCM formats
-The full list of formats present the \link ::snd_pcm_format_t \endlink type.
-The 24-bit linear samples uses 32-bit physical space, but the sample is
-stored in low three bits. Some hardware does not support processing of full
-range, thus you may get the significative bits for linear samples via
-\link ::snd_pcm_hw_params_get_sbits \endlink function. The example: ICE1712
-chips support 32-bit sample processing, but low byte is ignored (playback)
-or zero (capture). The function \link ::snd_pcm_hw_params_get_sbits() \endlink
-returns 24 in the case.
-\section alsa_transfers ALSA transfers
-There are two methods to transfer samples in application. The first method
-is the standard read / write one. The second method, uses the direct audio
-buffer to communicate with the device while ALSA library manages this space
-itself. You can find examples of all communication schemes for playback
-in \ref example_test_pcm "Sine-wave generator example". To complete the
-list, we should note that \link ::snd_pcm_wait \endlink function contains
-embedded poll waiting implementation.
-\subsection alsa_pcm_rw Read / Write transfer
-There are two versions of read / write routines. The first expects the
-interleaved samples at input, and the second one expects non-interleaved
-(samples in separated buffers) at input. There are these functions for
-interleaved transfers: \link ::snd_pcm_writei \endlink,
-\link ::snd_pcm_readi \endlink. For non-interleaved transfers, there are
-these functions: \link ::snd_pcm_writen \endlink and \link ::snd_pcm_readn
-\subsection alsa_mmap_rw Direct Read / Write transfer (via mmaped areas)
-There are two functions for this kind of transfer. Application can get an
-access to memory areas via \link ::snd_pcm_mmap_begin \endlink function.
-This functions returns the areas (single area is equal to a channel)
-containing the direct pointers to memory and sample position description
-in \link ::snd_pcm_channel_area_t \endlink structure. After application
-transfers the data in the memory areas, then it must be acknowledged
-the end of transfer via \link ::snd_pcm_mmap_commit() \endlink function
-to allow the ALSA library update the pointers to ring buffer. This sort of
-communication is also called "zero-copy", because the device does not require
-to copy the samples from application to another place in system memory.
-If you like to use the compatibility functions in mmap mode, there are
-read / write routines equaling to standard read / write transfers. Using
-these functions discards the benefits of direct access to memory region.
-See the \link ::snd_pcm_mmap_readi() \endlink,
-\link ::snd_pcm_writei() \endlink, \link ::snd_pcm_readn() \endlink
-and \link ::snd_pcm_writen() \endlink functions.
-\section pcm_params Managing parameters
-The ALSA PCM device uses two groups of PCM related parameters. The hardware
-parameters contains the stream description like format, rate, count of
-channels, ring buffer size etc. The software parameters contains the
-software (driver) related parameters. The communicatino behaviour can be
-controlled via these parameters, like automatic start, automatic stop,
-interrupting (chunk acknowledge) etc. The software parameters can be
-modified at any time (when valid hardware parameters are set). It includes
-the running state as well.
-\subsection pcm_hw_params Hardware related parameters
-The ALSA PCM devices use the parameter refining system for hardware
-parameters - \link ::snd_pcm_hw_params_t \endlink. It means, that
-application choose the full-range of configurations at first and then
-application sets single parameters until all parameters are elementary
-\par Access modes
-ALSA knows about five access modes. The first three can be used for direct
-communication. The access mode \link ::SND_PCM_ACCESS_MMAP_INTERLEAVED \endlink
-determines the direct memory area and interleaved sample organization.
-Interleaved organization means, that samples from channels are mixed together.
-The access mode \link ::SND_PCM_ACCESS_MMAP_NONINTERLEAVED \endlink
-determines the direct memory area and non-interleaved sample organization.
-Each channel has a separate buffer in the case. The complex direct memory
-organization represents the \link ::SND_PCM_ACCESS_MMAP_COMPLEX \endlink
-access mode. The sample organization does not fit the interleaved or
-non-interleaved access modes in the case. The last two access modes
-describes the read / write access methods.
-The \link ::SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED \endlink access represents the read /
-write interleaved access and the \link ::SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_NONINTERLEAVED \endlink
-represents the non-interleaved access.
-\par Formats
-The full list of formats is available in \link ::snd_pcm_format_t \endlink
-\subsection pcm_sw_params Software related parameters
-These parameters - \link ::snd_pcm_sw_params_t \endlink can be modified at
-any time including the running state.
-\par Minimum available count of samples
-This parameter controls the wakeup point. If the count of available samples
-is equal or greater than this value, then application will be activated.
-\par Timestamp mode
-The timestamp mode specifies, if timestamps are activated. Currently, only
-\link ::SND_PCM_TSTAMP_NONE \endlink and \link ::SND_PCM_TSTAMP_MMAP
-\endlink modes are known. The mmap mode means that timestamp is taken
-on every period time boundary.
-\par Minimal sleep
-This parameters means the minimum of ticks to sleep using a standalone
-timer (usually the system timer). The tick resolution can be obtained
-via the function \link ::snd_pcm_hw_params_get_tick_time \endlink. This
-function can be used to fine-tune the transfer acknowledge process. It could
-be useful especially when some hardware does not support small transfer
-\par Transfer align
-The read / write transfers can be aligned to this sample count. The modulo
-is ignored by device. Usually, this value is set to one (no align).
-\par Start threshold
-The start threshold parameter is used to determine the start point in
-stream. For playback, if samples in ring buffer is equal or greater than
-the start threshold parameters and the stream is not running, the stream will
-be started automatically from the device. For capture, if the application wants
-to read count of samples equal or greater then the stream will be started.
-If you want to use explicit start (\link ::snd_pcm_start \endlink), you can
-set this value greater than ring buffer size (in samples), but use the
-constant MAXINT is not a bad idea.
-\par Stop threshold
-Similarly, the stop threshold parameter is used to automatically stop
-the running stream, when the available samples crosses this boundary.
-It means, for playback, the empty samples in ring buffer and for capture,
-the filled (used) samples in ring buffer.
-\par Silence threshold
-The silence threshold specifies count of samples filled with silence
-ahead of the current application pointer for playback. It is useable
-for applications when an overrun is possible (like tasks depending on
-network I/O etc.). If application wants to manage the ahead samples itself,
-the \link ::snd_pcm_rewind() \endlink function allows to forget the last
-samples in the stream.
-\section pcm_status Obtaining device status
-The device status is stored in \link ::snd_pcm_status_t \endlink structure.
-These parameters can be obtained: the current stream state -
-\link ::snd_pcm_status_get_state \endlink, timestamp of trigger -
-\link ::snd_pcm_status_get_trigger_tstamp \endlink, timestamp of last
-update \link ::snd_pcm_status_get_tstamp \endlink, delay in samples -
-\link ::snd_pcm_status_get_delay \endlink, available count in samples -
-\link ::snd_pcm_status_get_avail \endlink, maximum available samples -
-\link ::snd_pcm_status_get_avail_max \endlink, ADC overrange count in
-samples - \link ::snd_pcm_status_get_overrange \endlink. The last two
-parameters - avail_max and overrange are reset to zero after the status
-\subsection pcm_status_fast Obtaining fast device status
-The function \link ::snd_pcm_avail_update \endlink updates the current
-available count of samples for writting (playback) or filled samples for
-reading (capture).
-The function \link ::snd_pcm_delay \endlink returns the delay in samples.
-For playback, it means count of samples in the ring buffer before
-the next sample will be sent to DAC. For capture, it means count of samples
-in the ring buffer before the next sample will be captured from ADC.
-\section pcm_action Managing the stream state
-These functions directly and indirectly affecting the stream state:
-\par snd_pcm_hw_params
-The \link ::snd_pcm_hw_params \endlink function brings the stream state
-to \link ::SND_PCM_STATE_SETUP \endlink
-if successfully finishes, otherwise the state \link ::SND_PCM_STATE_OPEN
-\endlink is entered.
-\par snd_pcm_prepare
-The \link ::snd_pcm_prepare \endlink function enters the
-\link ::SND_PCM_STATE_PREPARED \endlink after a successfull finish.
-\par snd_pcm_start
-The \link ::snd_pcm_start \endlink function enters
-the \link ::SND_PCM_STATE_RUNNING \endlink after a successfull finish.
-\par snd_pcm_drop
-The \link ::snd_pcm_drop \endlink function enters the
-\link ::SND_PCM_STATE_SETUP \endlink state.
-\par snd_pcm_drain
-The \link ::snd_pcm_drain \endlink function enters the
-\link ::SND_PCM_STATE_DRAINING \endlink, if
-the capture device has some samples in the ring buffer otherwise
-\link ::SND_PCM_STATE_SETUP \endlink state is entered.
-\par snd_pcm_pause
-The \link ::snd_pcm_pause \endlink function enters the
-\link ::SND_PCM_STATE_PAUSED \endlink or
-\link ::SND_PCM_STATE_RUNNING \endlink.
-\par snd_pcm_writei, snd_pcm_writen
-The \link ::snd_pcm_writei \endlink and \link ::snd_pcm_writen \endlink
-functions can conditionally start the stream -
-\link ::SND_PCM_STATE_RUNNING \endlink. They depend on the start threshold
-software parameter.
-\par snd_pcm_readi, snd_pcm_readn
-The \link ::snd_pcm_readi \endlink and \link ::snd_pcm_readn \endlink
-functions can conditionally start the stream -
-\link ::SND_PCM_STATE_RUNNING \endlink. They depend on the start threshold
-software parameter.
-\section pcm_sync Streams synchronization
-There are two functions allowing link multiple streams together. In the
-case, the linking means that all operations are synchronized. Because the
-drivers cannot guarantee the synchronization (sample resolution) on hardware
-lacking this feature, the \link ::snd_pcm_info_get_sync \endlink function
-returns synchronization ID - \link ::snd_pcm_sync_id_t \endlink, which is equal
-for hardware synchronizated streams. When the \link ::snd_pcm_link \endlink
-function is called, all operations managing the stream state for these two
-streams are joined. The oposite function is \link ::snd_pcm_unlink \endlink.
-\section pcm_examples Examples
-The full featured examples with cross-links:
-\par Sine-wave generator
-\ref example_test_pcm "example code"
-This example shows various transfer methods for the playback direction.
-\par Latency measuring tool
-\ref example_test_latency "example code"
-This example shows the measuring of minimal latency between capture and
-playback devices.
- * \example ../test/pcm.c
- * \anchor example_test_pcm
- */
- * \example ../test/latency.c
- * \anchor example_test_latency
- */