path: root/introspection/nm-vpn-plugin.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'introspection/nm-vpn-plugin.xml')
1 files changed, 136 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/introspection/nm-vpn-plugin.xml b/introspection/nm-vpn-plugin.xml
index ee8c69f8bf..063b842c7c 100644
--- a/introspection/nm-vpn-plugin.xml
+++ b/introspection/nm-vpn-plugin.xml
@@ -1,313 +1,203 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<node name="/">
-<node name="/" xmlns:tp="">
+ <!--
+ org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Plugin:
+ This interface is provided by plugins providing VPN services to the
+ NetworkManager daemon.
+ -->
<interface name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Plugin">
<annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.C.Name" value="VpnPlugin"/>
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- This interface is provided by plugins providing VPN services to the NetworkManager daemon.
- " />
+ <!--
+ Connect:
+ @connection: Describes the connection to be established.
- <method name="Connect">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Tells the plugin to connect. Interactive secrets requests (eg, emitting
+ Tells the plugin to connect. Interactive secrets requests (eg, emitting
the SecretsRequired signal) are not allowed.
- " />
+ -->
+ <method name="Connect">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_connect"/>
- <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Describes the connection to be established.
- " />
- </arg>
- <tp:possible-errors>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.StartingInProgress"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.AlreadyStarted"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.StoppingInProgress"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.BadArguments"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.LaunchFailed"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.WrongState"/>
- </tp:possible-errors>
+ <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in"/>
+ <!--
+ ConnectInteractive:
+ @connection: Describes the connection to be established.
+ @details: Additional details about the Connect process.
+ Tells the plugin to connect, allowing interactive secrets requests (eg the
+ plugin is allowed to emit the SecretsRequired signal if the VPN service
+ indicates that it needs additional secrets during the connect process).
+ -->
<method name="ConnectInteractive">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Tells the plugin to connect, allowing interactive secrets requests (eg
- the plugin is allowed to emit the SecretsRequired signal if the VPN
- service indicates that it needs additional secrets during the connect
- process).
- " />
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_connect_interactive"/>
- <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Describes the connection to be established.
- " />
- </arg>
- <arg name="details" type="a{sv}" direction="in" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Additional details about the Connect process.
- " />
- </arg>
- <tp:possible-errors>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.StartingInProgress"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.AlreadyStarted"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.StoppingInProgress"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.BadArguments"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.LaunchFailed"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.WrongState"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.InteractiveNotSupported"/>
- </tp:possible-errors>
+ <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in"/>
+ <arg name="details" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>
+ <!--
+ NeedSecrets:
+ @settings: Describes the connection that may need secrets.
+ @setting_name: The setting name within the provided connection that requires secrets, if any.
+ Asks the plugin whether the provided connection will require secrets to
+ connect successfully.
+ -->
<method name="NeedSecrets">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Asks the plugin whether the provided connection will require secrets to connect successfully.
- " />
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_need_secrets"/>
- <arg name="settings" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Describes the connection that may need secrets.
- " />
- </arg>
- <arg name="setting_name" type="s" direction="out">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The setting name within the provided connection that requires secrets, if any.
- " />
- </arg>
- <tp:possible-errors>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.ConnectionInvalid"/>
- </tp:possible-errors>
+ <arg name="settings" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in"/>
+ <arg name="setting_name" type="s" direction="out"/>
- <method name="Disconnect">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ Disconnect:
Disconnect the plugin.
- " />
+ -->
+ <method name="Disconnect">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_disconnect"/>
- <tp:possible-errors>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.StoppingInProgress"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.AlreadyStopped"/>
- </tp:possible-errors>
- <method name="SetConfig">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ SetConfig:
+ @config: Generic configuration details for the connection.
Set generic connection details on the connection.
- " />
+ -->
+ <method name="SetConfig">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_set_config"/>
- <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="in" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Generic configuration details for the connection.
- " />
- </arg>
+ <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>
- <method name="SetIp4Config">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ SetIp4Config:
+ @config: Ip4Config details for the connection. You must call SetConfig() before calling this.
Set IPv4 details on the connection.
- " />
+ -->
+ <method name="SetIp4Config">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_set_ip4_config"/>
- <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="in" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Ip4Config details for the connection. You must call
- SetConfig() before calling this.
- " />
- </arg>
+ <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>
- <method name="SetIp6Config">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ SetIp6Config:
+ @config: Ip6Config details for the connection. You must call SetConfig() before calling this.
Set IPv6 details on the connection.
- " />
+ -->
+ <method name="SetIp6Config">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_set_ip6_config"/>
- <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="in" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Ip6Config details for the connection. You must call
- SetConfig() before calling this.
- " />
- </arg>
+ <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" direction="in"/>
- <method name="SetFailure">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ SetFailure:
+ @reason: The reason for the failure.
Indicate a failure to the plugin.
- " />
+ -->
+ <method name="SetFailure">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_set_failure"/>
- <arg name="reason" type="s" direction="in">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The reason for the failure.
- " />
- </arg>
+ <arg name="reason" type="s" direction="in"/>
- <property name="State" type="u" access="read" tp:type="NM_VPN_SERVICE_STATE">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ State:
The state of the plugin.
- " />
- </property>
- <signal name="StateChanged">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ Returns: #NMVpnServiceState
+ -->
+ <property name="State" type="u" access="read"/>
+ <!--
+ StateChanged:
+ @state: (#NMVpnServiceState) The new state of the plugin.
Emitted when the plugin state changes.
- " />
- <arg name="state" type="u" tp:type="NM_VPN_SERVICE_STATE">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The new state of the plugin.
- " />
- </arg>
+ -->
+ <signal name="StateChanged">
+ <arg name="state" type="u"/>
+ <!--
+ SecretsRequired:
+ @message: Informational message, if any, about the request. For example, if a second PIN is required, could indicate to the user to wait for the token code to change until entering the next PIN.
+ @secrets: Array of strings of VPN secret names which the plugin thinks secrets may be required for, or other VPN-specific data to be processed by the VPN's front-end.
+ Emitted during an ongoing ConnectInteractive() request when the plugin has
+ determined that new secrets are required. NetworkManager will then call
+ the NewSecrets() method with a connection hash including the new secrets.
+ -->
<signal name="SecretsRequired">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Emitted during an ongoing ConnectInteractive() request when the plugin
- has determined that new secrets are required. NetworkManager will then
- call the NewSecrets() method with a connection hash including the new
- secrets.
- " />
- <arg name="message" type="s" direction="out">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Informational message, if any, about the request. For example, if
- a second PIN is required, could indicate to the user to wait for
- the token code to change until entering the next PIN.
- " />
- </arg>
- <arg name="secrets" type="as" direction="out">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Array of strings of VPN secret names which the plugin thinks
- secrets may be required for, or other VPN-specific data to be
- processed by the VPN's front-end.
- " />
- </arg>
+ <arg name="message" type="s" direction="out"/>
+ <arg name="secrets" type="as" direction="out"/>
- <method name="NewSecrets">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ NewSecrets:
+ @connection: Describes the connection including the new secrets.
Called in response to a SecretsRequired signal to deliver updated secrets
or other information to the plugin.
- " />
+ -->
+ <method name="NewSecrets">
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.GLib.CSymbol" value="impl_vpn_plugin_new_secrets"/>
- <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in" tp:type="String_String_Variant_Map_Map">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Describes the connection including the new secrets.
- " />
- </arg>
- <tp:possible-errors>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.WrongState"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.BadArguments"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.LaunchFailed"/>
- <tp:error name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.VPN.Error.InteractiveNotSupported"/>
- </tp:possible-errors>
+ <arg name="connection" type="a{sa{sv}}" direction="in"/>
- <signal name="Config">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ Config:
+ @config: The configuration information.
The plugin obtained generic configuration information.
- " />
- <arg name="config" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The configuration information.
- " />
- </arg>
+ -->
+ <signal name="Config">
+ <arg name="config" type="a{sv}"/>
- <signal name="Ip4Config">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ Ip4Config:
+ @ip4config: The IPv4 configuration.
The plugin obtained an IPv4 configuration.
- " />
- <arg name="ip4config" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The IPv4 configuration.
- " />
- </arg>
+ -->
+ <signal name="Ip4Config">
+ <arg name="ip4config" type="a{sv}"/>
- <signal name="Ip6Config">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ Ip6Config:
+ @ip6config: The IPv6 configuration.
The plugin obtained an IPv6 configuration.
- " />
- <arg name="ip6config" type="a{sv}" tp:type="String_Variant_Map">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The IPv6 configuration.
- " />
- </arg>
+ -->
+ <signal name="Ip6Config">
+ <arg name="ip6config" type="a{sv}"/>
- <signal name="LoginBanner">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ LoginBanner:
+ @banner: The login banner string.
Emitted when the plugin receives a login banner from the VPN service.
- " />
- <arg name="banner" type="s">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The login banner string.
- " />
- </arg>
+ -->
+ <signal name="LoginBanner">
+ <arg name="banner" type="s"/>
- <signal name="Failure">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
+ <!--
+ Failure:
+ @reason: (#NMVpnPluginFailure) Reason code for the failure.
Emitted when a failure in the VPN plugin occurs.
- " />
- <arg name="reason" type="u" tp:type="NM_VPN_PLUGIN_FAILURE">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Reason code for the failure.
- " />
- </arg>
+ -->
+ <signal name="Failure">
+ <arg name="reason" type="u"/>
- <tp:enum name="NM_VPN_SERVICE_STATE" type="u">
- <tp:enumvalue suffix="UNKNOWN" value="0">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The state of the VPN plugin is unknown.
- " />
- </tp:enumvalue>
- <tp:enumvalue suffix="INIT" value="1">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The VPN plugin is initialized.
- " />
- </tp:enumvalue>
- <tp:enumvalue suffix="SHUTDOWN" value="2">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- (Not used.)
- " />
- </tp:enumvalue>
- <tp:enumvalue suffix="STARTING" value="3">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The plugin is attempting to connect to a VPN server.
- " />
- </tp:enumvalue>
- <tp:enumvalue suffix="STARTED" value="4">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The plugin has connected to a VPN server.
- " />
- </tp:enumvalue>
- <tp:enumvalue suffix="STOPPING" value="5">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The plugin is disconnecting from the VPN server.
- " />
- </tp:enumvalue>
- <tp:enumvalue suffix="STOPPED" value="6">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- The plugin has disconnected from the VPN server.
- " />
- </tp:enumvalue>
- </tp:enum>
- <tp:enum name="NM_VPN_PLUGIN_FAILURE" type="u">
- <tp:enumvalue suffix="LOGIN_FAILED" value="0">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Login failed.
- " />
- </tp:enumvalue>
- <tp:enumvalue suffix="CONNECT_FAILED" value="1">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Connect failed.
- " />
- </tp:enumvalue>
- <tp:enumvalue suffix="BAD_IP_CONFIG" value="2">
- <annotation name="org.gtk.GDBus.DocString" value="
- Invalid IP configuration returned from the VPN plugin.
- " />
- </tp:enumvalue>
- </tp:enum>