path: root/yarns
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'yarns')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/yarns/implementations.yarn b/yarns/implementations.yarn
index 4feb8f4b..ff1971f8 100644
--- a/yarns/implementations.yarn
+++ b/yarns/implementations.yarn
@@ -522,61 +522,6 @@ We can create a new branch, off master.
if [ $MATCH_1 == "creates" ]; then run_morph "$@"
else attempt_morph "$@"; fi
-We can create a new branch, off another system branch.
- IMPLEMENTS WHEN the user creates a system branch called (\S+), based on (\S+)
- cd "$DATADIR/workspace"
- run_morph branch test:morphs "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2"
-Attempt to branch a system branch from a root that had no systems.
- IMPLEMENTS WHEN the user attempts to branch a repository with no systems
- cd "$DATADIR/workspace"
- attempt_morph branch test:test-chunk foo
-Pushing all changes in a system branch checkout to the git server.
- IMPLEMENTS WHEN the user pushes the system branch called (\S+) to the git server
- cd "$DATADIR/workspace/$MATCH_1/"
- run_morph foreach -- sh -c 'git push -u origin HEAD 2>&1'
-Report workspace path.
- IMPLEMENTS WHEN the user reports the workspace from the directory (\S+)
- cd "$DATADIR/workspace/$MATCH_1"
- run_morph workspace > "$DATADIR/workspace-reported"
- IMPLEMENTS THEN the workspace is reported correctly
- assert_equal $(cat "$DATADIR/workspace-reported") "$DATADIR/workspace"
- IMPLEMENTS WHEN the user attempts to report the workspace from a non-workspace directory
- cd "$DATADIR"
- attempt_morph workspace
-Report system branch name:
- IMPLEMENTS WHEN the user (attempts to report|reports) the system branch from the directory (\S+)
- cd "$DATADIR/workspace/$MATCH_2"
- set $DATADIR/system-branch.reported
- if [ $MATCH_1 == reports ]; then run_morph show-system-branch > "$@"
- else attempt_morph show-system-branch > "$@"; fi
- IMPLEMENTS THEN the system branch is reported as (.*)
- echo "$MATCH_1" > "$DATADIR/system-branch.actual"
- diff -u "$DATADIR/system-branch.actual" "$DATADIR/system-branch.reported"
-Report system branch root repository.
- IMPLEMENTS WHEN the user (attempts to report|reports) the system branch root repository from the directory (.*)
- cd "$DATADIR/workspace/$MATCH_2"
- set $DATADIR/branch-root.reported
- if [ $MATCH_1 == "reports" ]; then run_morph show-branch-root > "$@"
- else attempt_morph show-branch-root > "$@"; fi
- IMPLEMENTS THEN the system branch root repository is reported as (.*)
- echo "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1" > "$DATADIR/branch-root.actual"
- diff -u "$DATADIR/branch-root.actual" "$DATADIR/branch-root.reported"
Editing morphologies with `morph edit`.
IMPLEMENTS THEN in branch (\S+), stratum (\S+) refs (\S+) in (\S+)