path: root/morphlib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'morphlib')
3 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
index b9b9924b..bcdd733b 100644
--- a/morphlib/
+++ b/morphlib/
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ import morph2
import morphologyfactory
import morph3
import morphloader
+import morphset
import remoteartifactcache
import remoterepocache
import repoaliasresolver
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..98a4b8f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morphlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# =*= License: GPL-2 =*=
+import morphlib
+class StratumNotInSystemError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, system_name, stratum_name):
+ self.msg = (
+ 'System %s does not contain %s' % (system_name, stratum_name))
+class StratumNotInSetError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, stratum_name):
+ self.msg = 'Stratum %s is not in MorphologySet' % stratum_name
+class ChunkNotInStratumError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, stratum_name, chunk_name):
+ self.msg = (
+ 'Stratum %s does not contain %s' % (stratum_name, chunk_name))
+class MorphologySet(object):
+ '''Store and manipulate a set of Morphology objects.'''
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.morphologies = []
+ def add_morphology(self, morphology):
+ '''Add a morphology object to the set, unless it's there already.'''
+ triplet = (
+ morphology.repo_url,
+ morphology.ref,
+ morphology.filename
+ )
+ for existing in self.morphologies:
+ existing_triplet = (
+ existing.repo_url,
+ existing.ref,
+ existing.filename
+ )
+ if existing_triplet == triplet:
+ return
+ self.morphologies.append(morphology)
+ def has(self, repo_url, ref, filename):
+ '''Does the set have a morphology for the given triplet?'''
+ return self._get_morphology(repo_url, ref, filename) is not None
+ def _get_morphology(self, repo_url, ref, filename):
+ for m in self.morphologies:
+ if (m.repo_url == repo_url and
+ m.ref == ref and
+ m.filename == filename):
+ return m
+ return None
+ def _find_spec(self, specs, wanted_name):
+ for spec in specs:
+ name = spec.get('morph', spec.get('name'))
+ if name == wanted_name:
+ return spec['repo'], spec['ref'], name
+ return None, None, None
+ def get_stratum_in_system(self, system_morph, stratum_name):
+ '''Return morphology for a stratum that is in a system.
+ If the stratum is not in the system, raise StratumNotInSystemError.
+ If the stratum morphology has not been added to the set,
+ raise StratumNotInSetError.
+ '''
+ repo_url, ref, morph = self._find_spec(
+ system_morph['strata'], stratum_name)
+ if repo_url is None:
+ raise StratumNotInSystemError(system_morph['name'], stratum_name)
+ m = self._get_morphology(repo_url, ref, '%s.morph' % morph)
+ if m is None:
+ raise StratumNotInSetError(stratum_name)
+ return m
+ def get_chunk_triplet(self, stratum_morph, chunk_name):
+ '''Return the repo url, ref, morph name triplet for a chunk.
+ Given a stratum morphology, find the triplet used to refer to
+ a given chunk. Note that because of how the chunk may be
+ referred to using either name or morph fields in the morphology,
+ the morph field (or its computed value) is always returned.
+ Note also that the morph field, not the filename, is returned.
+ Raise ChunkNotInStratumError if the chunk is not found in the
+ stratum.
+ '''
+ repo_url, ref, morph = self._find_spec(
+ stratum_morph['chunks'], chunk_name)
+ if repo_url is None:
+ raise ChunkNotInStratumError(stratum_morph['name'], chunk_name)
+ return repo_url, ref, morph
+ def change_ref(self, repo_url, orig_ref, morph_filename, new_ref):
+ '''Change a triplet's ref to a new one in all morphologies in a ref.
+ Change orig_ref to new_ref in any morphology that references the
+ original triplet. This includes stratum build-dependencies.
+ '''
+ def wanted_spec(spec):
+ return (spec['repo'] == repo_url and
+ spec['ref'] == orig_ref and
+ spec['morph'] + '.morph' == morph_filename)
+ def change_specs(specs):
+ for spec in specs:
+ if wanted_spec(spec):
+ spec['ref'] = new_ref
+ m.dirty = True
+ def change(m):
+ if m['kind'] == 'system':
+ change_specs(m['strata'])
+ elif m['kind'] == 'stratum':
+ change_specs(m['chunks'])
+ change_specs(m['build-depends'])
+ for m in self.morphologies:
+ change(m)
+ m = self._get_morphology(repo_url, orig_ref, morph_filename)
+ if m and m.ref != new_ref:
+ m.ref = new_ref
+ m.dirty = True
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7dbc861a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morphlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# =*= License: GPL-2 =*=
+import unittest
+import morphlib
+class MorphologySetTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.morphs = morphlib.morphset.MorphologySet()
+ self.system = morphlib.morph3.Morphology({
+ 'kind': 'system',
+ 'name': 'foo-system',
+ 'strata': [
+ {
+ 'repo': 'test:morphs',
+ 'ref': 'master',
+ 'morph': 'foo-stratum',
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ self.system.repo_url = 'test:morphs'
+ self.system.ref = 'master'
+ self.system.filename = 'foo-system.morph'
+ self.stratum = morphlib.morph3.Morphology({
+ 'kind': 'stratum',
+ 'name': 'foo-stratum',
+ 'chunks': [
+ {
+ 'repo': 'test:foo-chunk',
+ 'ref': 'master',
+ 'morph': 'foo-chunk',
+ },
+ ],
+ 'build-depends': [],
+ })
+ self.stratum.repo_url = 'test:morphs'
+ self.stratum.ref = 'master'
+ self.stratum.filename = 'foo-stratum.morph'
+ def test_is_empty_initially(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.morphs.morphologies, [])
+ self.assertFalse(
+ self.morphs.has(
+ self.system.repo_url, self.system.ref, self.system.filename))
+ def test_adds_morphology(self):
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.system)
+ self.assertEqual(self.morphs.morphologies, [self.system])
+ self.assertTrue(
+ self.morphs.has(
+ self.system.repo_url, self.system.ref, self.system.filename))
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.stratum)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.morphs.morphologies,
+ [self.system, self.stratum])
+ def test_does_not_add_morphology_twice(self):
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.system)
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.system)
+ self.assertEqual(self.morphs.morphologies, [self.system])
+ def test_get_stratum_in_system(self):
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.system)
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.stratum)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.morphs.get_stratum_in_system(
+ self.system, self.stratum['name']),
+ self.stratum)
+ def test_raises_stratum_not_in_system_error(self):
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.system)
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.stratum)
+ self.assertRaises(
+ morphlib.morphset.StratumNotInSystemError,
+ self.morphs.get_stratum_in_system, self.system, 'unknown-stratum')
+ def test_raises_stratum_not_in_set_error(self):
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.system)
+ self.assertRaises(
+ morphlib.morphset.StratumNotInSetError,
+ self.morphs.get_stratum_in_system, self.system, 'foo-stratum')
+ def test_get_chunk_triplet(self):
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.system)
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.stratum)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.morphs.get_chunk_triplet(self.stratum, 'foo-chunk'),
+ ('test:foo-chunk', 'master', 'foo-chunk'))
+ def test_raises_chunk_not_in_stratum_error(self):
+ self.assertRaises(
+ morphlib.morphset.ChunkNotInStratumError,
+ self.morphs.get_chunk_triplet, self.stratum, 'wrong')
+ def test_changes_stratum_ref(self):
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.system)
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.stratum)
+ self.morphs.change_ref(
+ self.stratum.repo_url,
+ self.stratum.ref,
+ self.stratum.filename,
+ 'new-ref')
+ self.assertEqual(self.stratum.ref, 'new-ref')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.system['strata'][0],
+ {
+ 'repo': 'test:morphs',
+ 'ref': 'new-ref',
+ 'morph': 'foo-stratum'
+ })
+ def test_changes_stratum_ref_in_build_depends(self):
+ other_stratum = morphlib.morph3.Morphology({
+ 'name': 'other-stratum',
+ 'kind': 'stratum',
+ 'chunks': [],
+ 'build-depends': [
+ {
+ 'repo': self.stratum.repo_url,
+ 'ref': self.stratum.ref,
+ 'morph': self.stratum['name'],
+ },
+ ]
+ })
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.system)
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.stratum)
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(other_stratum)
+ self.morphs.change_ref(
+ self.stratum.repo_url,
+ self.stratum.ref,
+ self.stratum.filename,
+ 'new-ref')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ other_stratum['build-depends'][0],
+ {
+ 'repo': 'test:morphs',
+ 'ref': 'new-ref',
+ 'morph': 'foo-stratum'
+ })
+ def test_changes_chunk_ref(self):
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.system)
+ self.morphs.add_morphology(self.stratum)
+ self.morphs.change_ref(
+ 'test:foo-chunk',
+ 'master',
+ 'foo-chunk.morph',
+ 'new-ref')
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.stratum['chunks'],
+ [
+ {
+ 'repo': 'test:foo-chunk',
+ 'ref': 'new-ref',
+ 'morph': 'foo-chunk',
+ }
+ ])