path: root/morphlib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'morphlib/')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..843c6957
--- /dev/null
+++ b/morphlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# =*= License: GPL-2 =*=
+import logging
+import StringIO
+import yaml
+import morphlib
+class MorphologySyntaxError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, morphology):
+ self.msg = 'Syntax error in morphology %s' % morphology
+class NotADictionaryError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, morphology):
+ self.msg = 'Not a dictionary: morphology %s' % morphology
+class UnknownKindError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, kind, morphology):
+ self.msg = (
+ 'Unknown kind %s in morphology %s' % (kind, morphology))
+class MissingFieldError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, field, morphology):
+ self.msg = (
+ 'Missing field %s from morphology %s' % (field, morphology))
+class InvalidFieldError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, field, morphology):
+ self.msg = (
+ 'Field %s not allowed in morphology %s' % (field, morphology))
+class UnknownArchitectureError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, arch, morphology):
+ self.msg = (
+ 'Unknown architecture %s in morphology %s' % (arch, morphology))
+class InvalidSystemKindError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, system_kind, morphology):
+ self.msg = (
+ 'system-kind %s not allowed (must be rootfs-tarball), in %s' %
+ (system_kind, morphology))
+class NoBuildDependenciesError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, stratum_name, chunk_name, morphology):
+ self.msg = (
+ 'Stratum %s has no build dependencies for chunk %s in %s' %
+ (stratum_name, chunk_name, morphology))
+class NoStratumBuildDependenciesError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, stratum_name, morphology):
+ self.msg = (
+ 'Stratum %s has no build dependencies in %s' %
+ (stratum_name, morphology))
+class EmptyStratumError(morphlib.Error):
+ def __init__(self, stratum_name, morphology):
+ self.msg = (
+ 'Stratum %s has no chunks in %s' %
+ (stratum_name, morphology))
+class MorphologyLoader(object):
+ '''Load morphologies from disk, or save them back to disk.'''
+ _required_fields = {
+ 'chunk': [
+ 'name',
+ ],
+ 'stratum': [
+ 'name',
+ ],
+ 'system': [
+ 'name',
+ 'arch',
+ ],
+ }
+ _static_defaults = {
+ 'chunk': {
+ 'description': '',
+ 'pre-configure-commands': [],
+ 'configure-commands': [],
+ 'post-configure-commands': [],
+ 'pre-build-commands': [],
+ 'build-commands': [],
+ 'post-build-commands': [],
+ 'pre-test-commands': [],
+ 'test-commands': [],
+ 'post-test-commands': [],
+ 'pre-install-commands': [],
+ 'install-commands': [],
+ 'post-install-commands': [],
+ 'devices': [],
+ 'chunks': [],
+ 'max-jobs': None,
+ 'build-system': 'manual',
+ },
+ 'stratum': {
+ 'chunks': [],
+ 'description': '',
+ 'build-depends': [],
+ },
+ 'system': {
+ 'strata': [],
+ 'description': '',
+ 'arch': None,
+ 'system-kind': 'rootfs-tarball',
+ 'configuration-extensions': [],
+ 'disk-size': '1G',
+ },
+ }
+ def parse_from_string(self, string, whence):
+ '''Parse a textual morphology.
+ Return the new Morphology object, or raise an error indicating
+ the problem. This method does minimal validation: a syntactically
+ correct morphology is fine, even if none of the fields are
+ valid. It also does not set any default values for any of the
+ fields. See validate and set_defaults.
+ whence is where the morphology text came from. It is used
+ in exception error messages.
+ '''
+ try:
+ obj = yaml.safe_load(StringIO.StringIO(string))
+ except yaml.error.YAMLError as e:
+ logging.error('Could not load morphology as YAML:\n%s' % str(e))
+ raise MorphologySyntaxError(whence)
+ if type(obj) != dict:
+ raise NotADictionaryError(whence)
+ return morphlib.morph3.Morphology(obj)
+ def load_from_string(self, string, filename='string'):
+ '''Load a morphology from a string.
+ Return the Morphology object.
+ '''
+ m = self.parse_from_string(string, filename)
+ m.filename = filename
+ self.validate(m)
+ self.set_defaults(m)
+ return m
+ def load_from_file(self, filename):
+ '''Load a morphology from a named file.
+ Return the Morphology object.
+ '''
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ text =
+ return self.load_from_string(text, filename=filename)
+ def save_to_string(self, morphology):
+ '''Return normalised textual form of morphology.'''
+ f = StringIO.StringIO()
+ yaml.safe_dump(, stream=f, default_flow_style=False)
+ return f.getvalue()
+ def save_to_file(self, filename, morphology):
+ '''Save a morphology object to a named file.'''
+ text = self.save_to_string(morphology)
+ with morphlib.savefile.SaveFile(filename, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(text)
+ def validate(self, morph):
+ '''Validate a morphology.'''
+ # Validate that the kind field is there.
+ self._require_field('kind', morph)
+ # The rest of the validation is dependent on the kind.
+ kind = morph['kind']
+ if kind not in ('system', 'stratum', 'chunk'):
+ raise UnknownKindError(morph['kind'], morph.filename)
+ required = ['kind'] + self._required_fields[kind]
+ allowed = self._static_defaults[kind].keys()
+ self._require_fields(required, morph)
+ self._deny_unknown_fields(required + allowed, morph)
+ if kind == 'system':
+ self._validate_system(morph)
+ elif kind == 'stratum':
+ self._validate_stratum(morph)
+ else:
+ assert kind == 'chunk'
+ self._validate_chunk(morph)
+ def _validate_system(self, morph):
+ # All stratum names should be unique within a system.
+ names = set()
+ for info in morph['strata']:
+ name = info.get('alias', info['morph'])
+ if name in names:
+ raise ValueError('Duplicate stratum "%s"' % name)
+ names.add(name)
+ # We allow the ARMv7 little-endian architecture to be specified
+ # as armv7 and armv7l. Normalise.
+ if morph['arch'] == 'armv7':
+ morph['arch'] = 'armv7l'
+ # Architecture name must be known.
+ if morph['arch'] not in morphlib.valid_archs:
+ raise UnknownArchitectureError(morph['arch'], morph.filename)
+ # If system-kind is present, it must be rootfs-tarball.
+ if 'system-kind' in morph:
+ if morph['system-kind'] not in (None, 'rootfs-tarball'):
+ raise InvalidSystemKindError(
+ morph['system-kind'], morph.filename)
+ def _validate_stratum(self, morph):
+ # All chunk names must be unique within a stratum.
+ names = set()
+ for info in morph['chunks']:
+ name = info.get('alias', info['name'])
+ if name in names:
+ raise ValueError('Duplicate chunk "%s"' % name)
+ names.add(name)
+ # Require build-dependencies for the stratum itself, unless
+ # it has chunks built in bootstrap mode.
+ if 'build-depends' not in morph:
+ for spec in morph['chunks']:
+ if spec.get('build-mode') == 'bootstrap':
+ break
+ else:
+ raise NoStratumBuildDependenciesError(
+ morph['name'], morph.filename)
+ # Require build-dependencies for each chunk.
+ for spec in morph['chunks']:
+ if 'build-depends' not in spec:
+ raise NoBuildDependenciesError(
+ morph['name'],
+ spec.get('alias', spec['name']),
+ morph.filename)
+ # Require at least one chunk.
+ if len(morph.get('chunks', [])) == 0:
+ raise EmptyStratumError(morph['name'], morph.filename)
+ def _validate_chunk(self, morph):
+ pass
+ def _require_field(self, field, morphology):
+ if field not in morphology:
+ raise MissingFieldError(field, morphology.filename)
+ def _require_fields(self, fields, morphology):
+ for field in fields:
+ self._require_field(field, morphology)
+ def _deny_unknown_fields(self, allowed, morphology):
+ for field in morphology:
+ if field not in allowed:
+ raise InvalidFieldError(field, morphology.filename)
+ def set_defaults(self, morphology):
+ '''Set all missing fields in the morpholoy to their defaults.
+ The morphology is assumed to be valid.
+ '''
+ kind = morphology['kind']
+ defaults = self._static_defaults[kind]
+ for key in defaults:
+ if key not in morphology:
+ morphology[key] = defaults[key]
+ if kind == 'system':
+ self._set_system_defaults(morphology)
+ elif kind == 'stratum':
+ self._set_stratum_defaults(morphology)
+ else:
+ assert kind == 'chunk'
+ self._set_chunk_defaults(morphology)
+ def _set_system_defaults(self, morph):
+ pass
+ def _set_stratum_defaults(self, morph):
+ for spec in morph['chunks']:
+ if 'repo' not in spec:
+ spec['repo'] = spec['name']
+ if 'morph' not in spec:
+ spec['morph'] = spec['name']
+ def _set_chunk_defaults(self, morph):
+ if morph['max-jobs'] is not None:
+ morph['max-jobs'] = int(morph['max-jobs'])