path: root/morphlib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'morphlib/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 699 deletions
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 336a25b3..00000000
--- a/morphlib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,699 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Codethink Limited
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import collections
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-import time
-import morphlib
-def ldconfig(ex, rootdir): # pragma: no cover
- '''Run ldconfig for the filesystem below ``rootdir``.
- Essentially, ``rootdir`` specifies the root of a new system.
- Only directories below it are considered.
- ``etc/`` below ``rootdir`` is assumed to exist and
- be populated by the right directories, and should assume
- the root directory is ``rootdir``. Example: if ``rootdir``
- is ``/tmp/foo``, then ``/tmp/foo/etc/`` should
- contain ``/lib``, not ``/tmp/foo/lib``.
- The ldconfig found via ``$PATH`` is used, not the one in ``rootdir``,
- since in bootstrap mode that might not yet exist, the various
- implementations should be compatible enough.
- '''
- conf = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', '')
- if os.path.exists(conf):
- logging.debug('Running ldconfig for %s' % rootdir)
- cache = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', '')
- # The following trickery with $PATH is necessary during the Baserock
- # bootstrap build: we are not guaranteed that PATH contains the
- # directory (/sbin conventionally) that ldconfig is in. Then again,
- # it might, and if so, we don't want to hardware a particular
- # location. So we add the possible locations to the end of $PATH
- # and restore that aftewards.
- old_path = ex.env['PATH']
- ex.env['PATH'] = '%s:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin' % old_path
- ex.runv(['ldconfig', '-r', rootdir])
- ex.env['PATH'] = old_path
- else:
- logging.debug('No %s, not running ldconfig' % conf)
-class Factory(object):
- '''Build Baserock binaries.'''
- def __init__(self, tempdir):
- self._tempdir = tempdir
- self.staging = None
- def create_staging(self):
- '''Create the staging area.'''
- self.staging = self._tempdir.join('staging')
- os.mkdir(self.staging)
- def remove_staging(self):
- '''Remove the staging area.'''
- shutil.rmtree(self.staging)
- self.staging = None
- def _unpack_binary(self, binary, dirname):
- '''Unpack binary into a given directory.'''
- ex = morphlib.execute.Execute('/', logging.debug)
- morphlib.bins.unpack_binary(binary, dirname, ex)
- def unpack_binary_from_file(self, filename):
- '''Unpack a binary package from a file, given its name.'''
- self._unpack_binary(filename, self.staging)
- def unpack_binary_from_file_onto_system(self, filename):
- '''Unpack contents of a binary package onto the running system.
- DANGER, WILL ROBINSON! This WILL modify your running system.
- It should only be used during bootstrapping.
- '''
- self._unpack_binary(filename, '/')
- def unpack_sources(self, treeish, srcdir):
- '''Get sources from to a source directory, for building.
- The git repository and revision are given via a Treeish object.
- The source directory must not exist.
- '''
- def msg(s):
- pass
- def extract_treeish(treeish, destdir):
- logging.debug('Extracting %s into %s' % (treeish.repo, destdir))
- if not os.path.exists(destdir):
- os.mkdir(destdir)
- morphlib.git.copy_repository(treeish.repo, destdir, msg)
- morphlib.git.checkout_ref(destdir, treeish.ref, msg)
- morphlib.git.reset_workdir(destdir, msg)
- return [(sub.treeish, os.path.join(destdir, sub.path))
- for sub in treeish.submodules]
- todo = [(treeish, srcdir)]
- while todo:
- treeish, srcdir = todo.pop()
- todo += extract_treeish(treeish, srcdir)
- self.set_mtime_recursively(srcdir)
- def set_mtime_recursively(self, root):
- '''Set the mtime for every file in a directory tree to the same.
- We do this because git checkout does not set the mtime to anything,
- and some projects (binutils, gperf for example) include formatted
- documentation and try to randomly build things or not because of
- the timestamps. This should help us get more reliable builds.
- '''
- now = time.time()
- for dirname, subdirs, basenames in os.walk(root, topdown=False):
- for basename in basenames:
- pathname = os.path.join(dirname, basename)
- # we need the following check to ignore broken symlinks
- if os.path.exists(pathname):
- os.utime(pathname, (now, now))
- os.utime(dirname, (now, now))
-class BlobBuilder(object): # pragma: no cover
- def __init__(self, blob, factory, settings, cachedir, cache_key, tempdir,
- env):
- self.blob = blob
- self.factory = factory
- self.settings = settings
- self.cachedir = cachedir
- self.cache_key = cache_key
- self.tempdir = tempdir
- self.env = env
- self.logfile = None
- self.stage_items = []
- self.real_msg = lambda s: None
- self.dump_memory_profile = lambda msg: None
- self.destdir = os.path.join(self.factory.staging,
- '%s.inst' %
- self.build_watch = morphlib.stopwatch.Stopwatch()
- def msg(self, text):
- self.real_msg(text)
- if self.logfile and not self.logfile.closed:
- self.logfile.write('%s\n' % text)
- def builds(self):
- raise NotImplemented()
- def build(self):
- self.prepare_logfile()
- with self.build_watch('overall-build'):
- self.do_build()
- self.save_build_times()
- self.save_logfile()
- def filename(self, name):
- return '%s.%s.%s' % (,
- self.blob.morph.kind,
- name)
- def prepare_binary_metadata(self, blob_name):
- '''Add metadata to a binary about to be built.'''
- self.msg('Adding metadata to %s' % blob_name)
- meta = {
- 'name': blob_name,
- 'kind': self.blob.morph.kind,
- 'description': self.blob.morph.description,
- }
- dirname = os.path.join(self.destdir, 'baserock')
- if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- os.mkdir(dirname)
- filename = os.path.join(dirname, '%s.meta' % blob_name)
- with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- json.dump(meta, f, indent=4)
- f.write('\n')
- def save_build_times(self):
- meta = {
- 'build-times': {}
- }
- for stage in self.build_watch.ticks.iterkeys():
- meta['build-times'][stage] = {
- 'start': '%s' % self.build_watch.start_time(stage),
- 'stop': '%s' % self.build_watch.stop_time(stage),
- 'delta': '%.4f' % self.build_watch.start_stop_seconds(stage)
- }
- self.msg('Writing metadata to the cache')
- with, suffix='.meta') as f:
- json.dump(meta, f, indent=4)
- f.write('\n')
- def prepare_logfile(self):
- self.logfile =, suffix='.log',
- mode='w+', buffering=0)
- def save_logfile(self):
- self.logfile.close()
-class ChunkBuilder(BlobBuilder): # pragma: no cover
- def builds(self):
- ret = {}
- for chunk_name in self.blob.chunks:
- ret[chunk_name] = self.filename(chunk_name)
- return ret
- def do_build(self):
- self.builddir = os.path.join(self.factory.staging,
- '' %
- self.msg('Creating build tree at %s' % self.builddir)
- self.ex = morphlib.execute.Execute(self.builddir, self.msg)
- self.ex.env = self.env
- self.factory.unpack_sources(self.blob.morph.treeish, self.builddir)
- os.mkdir(self.destdir)
- self.build_with_system_or_commands()
- self.dump_memory_profile('after building chunk')
- chunks = self.create_chunks()
- self.dump_memory_profile('after creating build chunks')
- # install all built items to the staging area
- for name, filename in chunks:
- self.msg('Fetching cached %s %s from %s' %
- (self.blob.morph.kind, name, filename))
- self.install_chunk(name, filename)
- self.dump_memory_profile('after installing chunk')
- def install_chunk(self, chunk_name, chunk_filename):
- ex = morphlib.execute.Execute('/', self.msg)
- if self.settings['bootstrap']:
- self.msg('Unpacking item %s onto system' % chunk_name)
- self.factory.unpack_binary_from_file_onto_system(chunk_filename)
- ldconfig(ex, '/')
- else:
- self.msg('Unpacking chunk %s into staging' % chunk_name)
- self.factory.unpack_binary_from_file(chunk_filename)
- ldconfig(ex, self.factory.staging)
- def build_with_system_or_commands(self):
- '''Run explicit commands or commands from build system.
- Use explicit commands, if given, and build system commands if one
- has been specified.
- '''
- bs_name = self.blob.morph.build_system
- bs = morphlib.buildsystem.lookup_build_system(bs_name)
- def run_them(runner, what):
- attr = '%s_commands' % what
- cmds = getattr(self.blob.morph, attr, []) or bs[attr]
- runner(what, cmds)
- run_them(self.run_sequentially, 'configure')
- run_them(self.run_in_parallel, 'build')
- run_them(self.run_sequentially, 'test')
- run_them(self.run_sequentially, 'install')
- def run_in_parallel(self, what, commands):
- self.msg('commands: %s' % what)
- with self.build_watch(what):
- max_jobs = self.blob.morph.max_jobs
- if max_jobs is None:
- max_jobs = self.settings['max-jobs']
- self.ex.env['MAKEFLAGS'] = '-j%s' % max_jobs
- self.run_commands(commands)
- def run_sequentially(self, what, commands):
- self.msg ('commands: %s' % what)
- with self.build_watch(what):
- self.ex.env['MAKEFLAGS'] = '-j1'
- self.run_commands(commands)
- def run_commands(self, commands):
- if self.settings['staging-chroot']:
- ex = morphlib.execute.Execute(self.factory.staging, self.msg)
- ex.env = self.ex.env.copy()
- assert self.builddir.startswith(self.factory.staging + '/')
- assert self.destdir.startswith(self.factory.staging + '/')
- builddir = self.builddir[len(self.factory.staging):]
- destdir = self.destdir[len(self.factory.staging):]
- ex.env['DESTDIR'] = destdir
- for cmd in commands:
- ex.runv(['/usr/sbin/chroot', self.factory.staging, 'sh', '-c',
- 'cd "$1" && shift && eval "$@"', '--', builddir, cmd])
- else:
- self.ex.env['DESTDIR'] = self.destdir
- def create_chunks(self):
- chunks = []
- with self.build_watch('create-chunks'):
- for chunk_name in self.blob.chunks:
- self.msg('Creating chunk %s' % chunk_name)
- self.prepare_binary_metadata(chunk_name)
- patterns = self.blob.chunks[chunk_name]
- patterns += [r'baserock/%s\.' % chunk_name]
- filename = self.filename(chunk_name)
- self.msg('Creating binary for %s' % chunk_name)
- with as f:
- morphlib.bins.create_chunk(self.destdir, f, patterns,
- self.ex,
- self.dump_memory_profile)
- chunks.append((chunk_name, filename))
- files = os.listdir(self.destdir)
- if files:
- raise Exception('DESTDIR %s is not empty: %s' %
- (self.destdir, files))
- return chunks
-class StratumBuilder(BlobBuilder): # pragma: no cover
- def builds(self):
- filename = self.filename(
- return { filename }
- def do_build(self):
- os.mkdir(self.destdir)
- ex = morphlib.execute.Execute(self.destdir, self.msg)
- with self.build_watch('unpack-chunks'):
- for chunk_name, filename in self.stage_items:
- self.msg('Unpacking chunk %s' % chunk_name)
- morphlib.bins.unpack_binary(filename, self.destdir, ex)
- with self.build_watch('create-binary'):
- self.prepare_binary_metadata(
- self.msg('Creating binary for %s' %
- filename = self.filename(
- basename = os.path.basename(filename)
- with as f:
- morphlib.bins.create_stratum(self.destdir, f, ex)
-class SystemBuilder(BlobBuilder): # pragma: no cover
- def builds(self):
- filename = self.filename(
- return { filename }
- def do_build(self):
- logging.debug('SystemBuilder.do_build called')
- self.ex = morphlib.execute.Execute(self.tempdir.dirname, self.msg)
- image_name = self.tempdir.join('%s.img' %
- self._create_image(image_name)
- self._partition_image(image_name)
- self._install_mbr(image_name)
- partition = self._setup_device_mapping(image_name)
- mount_point = None
- try:
- self._create_fs(partition)
- mount_point = self.tempdir.join('mnt')
- self._mount(partition, mount_point)
- factory_path = os.path.join(mount_point, 'factory')
- self._create_subvolume(factory_path)
- self._unpack_strata(factory_path)
- self._create_fstab(factory_path)
- self._create_extlinux_config(factory_path)
- self._create_subvolume_snapshot(
- mount_point, 'factory', 'factory-run')
- factory_run_path = os.path.join(mount_point, 'factory-run')
- self._install_boot_files(factory_run_path, mount_point)
- self._install_extlinux(mount_point)
- self._unmount(mount_point)
- except BaseException:
- self._unmount(mount_point)
- self._undo_device_mapping(image_name)
- raise
- self._undo_device_mapping(image_name)
- self._move_image_to_cache(image_name)
- def _create_image(self, image_name):
- with self.build_watch('create-image'):
- morphlib.fsutils.create_image(self.ex, image_name,
- self.blob.morph.disk_size)
- def _partition_image(self, image_name):
- with self.build_watch('partition-image'):
- morphlib.fsutils.partition_image(self.ex, image_name)
- def _install_mbr(self, image_name):
- with self.build_watch('install-mbr'):
- morphlib.fsutils.install_mbr(self.ex, image_name)
- def _setup_device_mapping(self, image_name):
- with self.build_watch('setup-device-mapper'):
- return morphlib.fsutils.setup_device_mapping(self.ex, image_name)
- def _create_fs(self, partition):
- with self.build_watch('create-filesystem'):
- morphlib.fsutils.create_fs(self.ex, partition)
- def _mount(self, partition, mount_point):
- with self.build_watch('mount-filesystem'):
- morphlib.fsutils.mount(self.ex, partition, mount_point)
- def _create_subvolume(self, path):
- with self.build_watch('create-factory-subvolume'):
- self.ex.runv(['btrfs', 'subvolume', 'create', path])
- def _unpack_strata(self, path):
- with self.build_watch('unpack-strata'):
- for name, filename in self.stage_items:
- self.msg('unpack %s from %s' % (name, filename))
- self.ex.runv(['tar', '-C', path, '-xhf', filename])
- ldconfig(self.ex, path)
- def _create_fstab(self, path):
- with self.build_watch('create-fstab'):
- fstab = os.path.join(path, 'etc', 'fstab')
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fstab)):
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fstab))
- with open(fstab, 'w') as f:
- f.write('proc /proc proc defaults 0 0\n')
- f.write('sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0\n')
- f.write('/dev/sda1 / btrfs errors=remount-ro 0 1\n')
- def _create_extlinux_config(self, path):
- config = os.path.join(path, 'extlinux.conf')
- with open(config, 'w') as f:
- f.write('default linux\n')
- f.write('timeout 1\n')
- f.write('label linux\n')
- f.write('kernel /boot/vmlinuz\n')
- f.write('append root=/dev/sda1 rootflags=subvol=factory-run '
- 'init=/sbin/init quiet rw\n')
- def _create_subvolume_snapshot(self, path, source, target):
- with self.build_watch('create-subvolume-snapshot'):
- self.ex.runv(['btrfs', 'subvolume', 'snapshot', source, target],
- cwd=path)
- def _install_boot_files(self, sourcefs, targetfs):
- with self.build_watch('install-boot-files'):
- logging.debug('installing boot files into root volume')
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(sourcefs, 'extlinux.conf'),
- os.path.join(targetfs, 'extlinux.conf'))
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(targetfs, 'boot'))
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(sourcefs, 'boot', 'vmlinuz'),
- os.path.join(targetfs, 'boot', 'vmlinuz'))
- shutil.copy2(os.path.join(sourcefs, 'boot', ''),
- os.path.join(targetfs, 'boot', ''))
- def _install_extlinux(self, path):
- with self.build_watch('install-bootloader'):
- self.ex.runv(['extlinux', '--install', path])
- # FIXME this hack seems to be necessary to let extlinux finish
- self.ex.runv(['sync'])
- time.sleep(2)
- def _unmount(self, mount_point):
- if mount_point is not None:
- with self.build_watch('unmount-filesystem'):
- morphlib.fsutils.unmount(self.ex, mount_point)
- def _undo_device_mapping(self, image_name):
- with self.build_watch('undo-device-mapper'):
- morphlib.fsutils.undo_device_mapping(self.ex, image_name)
- def _move_image_to_cache(self, image_name):
- with self.build_watch('cache-image'):
- filename = self.filename(
- self.ex.runv(['mv', image_name, filename])
-class Builder(object): # pragma: no cover
- '''Build binary objects for Baserock.
- The objects may be chunks or strata.'''
- def __init__(self, tempdir, app, morph_loader, source_manager, factory):
- self.tempdir = tempdir
- = app
- self.real_msg = app.msg
- self.dump_memory_profile = app.dump_memory_profile
- self.cachedir = morphlib.cachedir.CacheDir(
- self.morph_loader = morph_loader
- self.source_manager = source_manager
- self.factory = factory
- self.indent = 0
- # create build environment string in advance
- env_names = ("USER", "USERNAME", "LOGNAME",
- env = app.clean_env()
- self.build_env = ''.join(k + env[k] for k in env_names)
- def msg(self, text):
- spaces = ' ' * self.indent
- self.real_msg('%s%s' % (spaces, text))
- def indent_more(self):
- self.indent += 1
- def indent_less(self):
- self.indent -= 1
- def build(self, build_order):
- '''Build a list of groups of morphologies. Items in a group
- can be built in parallel.'''
- logging.debug(' called')
- self.indent_more()
- # first pass: create builders for all blobs
- builders = {}
- for group in build_order:
- for blob in group:
- builder = self.create_blob_builder(blob)
- builders[blob] = builder
- # second pass: build group by group, item after item
- for group in build_order:
- for blob in group:
- logging.debug('Building blob %s' % repr(blob))
- self.msg('Building %s' % blob)
- self.indent_more()
- ## TODO this needs to be done recursively
- ## make sure all dependencies are in the staging area
- #for dependency in blob.dependencies:
- # depbuilder = builders[dependency]
- # depbuilder.stage()
- ## TODO this needs the set of recursively collected
- ## dependencies
- ## make sure all non-dependencies are not staged
- #for nondependency in (blobs - blob.dependencies):
- # depbuilder = builders[nondependency]
- # depbuilder.unstage()
- builder = builders[blob]
- logging.debug('builder = %s' % repr(builder))
- # get a list of all the items we have to build for this blob
- builds = builder.builds()
- logging.debug('builds = %s' % repr(builds))
- # if not all build items are in the cache, rebuild the blob
- if not self.all_built(builds):
- logging.debug('calling builders build method')
- builders[blob].build()
- # check again, fail if not all build items were actually built
- if not self.all_built(builds):
- raise Exception('Not all builds results expected from %s '
- 'were actually built' % blob)
- for parent in blob.parents:
- for item, filename in builds.iteritems():
- self.msg('Marking %s to be staged for %s' %
- (item, parent))
- parent_builder = builders[parent]
- parent_builder.stage_items += builds.items()
- self.indent_less()
- self.indent_less()
- def all_built(self, builds):
- return all(os.path.isfile(builds[name]) for name in builds)
- def build_single(self, blob, build_order):
- self.indent_more()
- # first pass: create builders for all blobs
- builders = {}
- for group in build_order:
- for b in group:
- builder = self.create_blob_builder(b)
- builders[b] = builder
- # second pass: mark all dependencies for staging
- queue = collections.deque()
- visited = set()
- for dependency in blob.dependencies:
- queue.append(dependency)
- visited.add(dependency)
- while len(queue) > 0:
- dependency = queue.popleft()
- built_items = builders[dependency].builds()
- for name, filename in built_items.iteritems():
- self.msg('Marking %s to be staged for %s' % (name, blob))
- builders[blob].stage_items.append((name, filename))
- for dep in dependency.dependencies:
- if (dependency.morph.kind == 'stratum' and
- not dep.morph.kind == 'chunk'):
- if dep not in visited:
- queue.append(dep)
- visited.add(dep)
- # build the single blob now
- builders[blob].build()
- self.indent_less()
- def create_blob_builder(self, blob):
- if isinstance(blob, morphlib.blobs.Stratum):
- klass = StratumBuilder
- elif isinstance(blob, morphlib.blobs.Chunk):
- klass = ChunkBuilder
- elif isinstance(blob, morphlib.blobs.System):
- klass = SystemBuilder
- else:
- raise TypeError('Blob %s has unknown type %s' %
- (str(blob), type(blob)))
- builder = klass(blob, self.factory,, self.cachedir,
- self.get_cache_id(blob.morph), self.tempdir,
- builder.real_msg = self.msg
- builder.dump_memory_profile = self.dump_memory_profile
- return builder
- def get_cache_id(self, morph):
- logging.debug('get_cache_id(%s)' % morph)
- if morph.kind == 'chunk':
- kids = []
- elif morph.kind == 'stratum':
- kids = []
- for source in morph.sources:
- repo = source['repo']
- ref = source['ref']
- treeish = self.source_manager.get_treeish(repo, ref)
- filename = (source['morph']
- if 'morph' in source
- else source['name'])
- filename = '%s.morph' % filename
- chunk = self.morph_loader.load(treeish, filename,
- chunk_name=source['name'])
- cache_id = self.get_cache_id(chunk)
- kids.append(cache_id)
- elif morph.kind == 'system':
- kids = []
- for stratum_name in morph.strata:
- filename = '%s.morph' % stratum_name
- stratum = self.morph_loader.load(morph.treeish, filename)
- cache_id = self.get_cache_id(stratum)
- kids.append(cache_id)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError('unknown morph kind %s' %
- morph.kind)
- dict_key = {
- 'filename': morph.filename,
- 'arch': morphlib.util.arch(),
- 'ref': morph.treeish.sha1,
- 'kids': ''.join(self.cachedir.key(k) for k in kids),
- 'env': self.build_env,
- }
- return dict_key