path: root/morphlib/
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Diffstat (limited to 'morphlib/')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/morphlib/ b/morphlib/
index 74bcbab0..6b7a9983 100644
--- a/morphlib/
+++ b/morphlib/
@@ -450,54 +450,27 @@ class SystemBuilder(BlobBuilder): # pragma: no cover
def _create_image(self, image_name):
with self.build_watch('create-image'):
- # FIXME: This could be done in pure python, no need to run dd
- self.ex.runv(['dd', 'if=/dev/zero', 'of=' + image_name, 'bs=1',
- 'seek=%d' % self.blob.morph.disk_size,
- 'count=0'])
+ morphlib.fsutils.create_image(self.ex, image_name, self.blob.morph.disk_size)
def _partition_image(self, image_name):
with self.build_watch('partition-image'):
- self.ex.runv(['sfdisk', image_name], feed_stdin='1,,83,*\n')
+ morphlib.fsutils.partition_image(self.ex, image_name)
def _install_mbr(self, image_name):
with self.build_watch('install-mbr'):
- for path in ['/usr/lib/extlinux/mbr.bin',
- '/usr/share/syslinux/mbr.bin']:
- if os.path.exists(path):
- self.ex.runv(['dd', 'if=' + path, 'of=' + image_name,
- 'conv=notrunc'])
- break
+ morphlib.fsutils.install_mbr(self.ex, image_name)
def _setup_device_mapping(self, image_name):
with self.build_watch('setup-device-mapper'):
- out = self.ex.runv(['sfdisk', '-d', image_name])
- for line in out.splitlines():
- words = line.split()
- if (len(words) >= 4 and
- words[2] == 'start=' and
- words[3] != '0,'):
- n = int(words[3][:-1]) # skip trailing comma
- start = n * 512
- break
- self.ex.runv(['losetup', '-o', str(start), '-f', image_name])
- out = self.ex.runv(['losetup', '-j', image_name])
- line = out.strip()
- i = line.find(':')
- return line[:i]
+ morphlib.fsutils.setup_device_mapping(self.ex, image_name)
def _create_fs(self, partition):
with self.build_watch('create-filesystem'):
- # FIXME: the hardcoded size of 4GB is icky but the default broke
- # when we used mkfs -t ext4
- self.ex.runv(['mkfs', '-t', 'btrfs', '-L', 'baserock',
- '-b', '4294967296', partition])
+ morphlib.fsutils.create_fs(self.ex, partition)
def _mount(self, partition, mount_point):
with self.build_watch('mount-filesystem'):
- os.mkdir(mount_point)
- self.ex.runv(['mount', partition, mount_point])
+ morphlib.fsutils.mount(self.ex, partition, mount_point)
def _create_subvolume(self, path):
with self.build_watch('create-factory-subvolume'):
@@ -556,15 +529,11 @@ class SystemBuilder(BlobBuilder): # pragma: no cover
def _unmount(self, mount_point):
if mount_point is not None:
with self.build_watch('unmount-filesystem'):
- self.ex.runv(['umount', mount_point])
+ morphlib.fsutils.unmount(self.ex, mount_point)
def _undo_device_mapping(self, image_name):
with self.build_watch('undo-device-mapper'):
- out = self.ex.runv(['losetup', '-j', image_name])
- for line in out.splitlines():
- i = line.find(':')
- device = line[:i]
- self.ex.runv(['losetup', '-d', device])
+ morphlib.fsutils.undo_device_mapping(self.ex, image_name)
def _move_image_to_cache(self, image_name):
with self.build_watch('cache-image'):