path: root/morphlib/plugins
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authorLars Wirzenius <>2013-07-04 13:04:21 +0000
committerLars Wirzenius <>2013-07-05 14:35:45 +0000
commit02a031000e3cce7242a4bf147e58b8e6c24456fd (patch)
treef039b2ac2a2251d7d3509c44536976efbef59b66 /morphlib/plugins
parent1c1365db29168d50f9baa2e804cc893a7257bdd3 (diff)
Improve docstring for "morph deploy"
Diffstat (limited to 'morphlib/plugins')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/morphlib/plugins/ b/morphlib/plugins/
index a0ead149..f9560b91 100644
--- a/morphlib/plugins/
+++ b/morphlib/plugins/
@@ -49,16 +49,161 @@ class DeployPlugin(cliapp.Plugin):
def deploy(self, args):
'''Deploy a built system image.
- Command requires a minimum of three arguments:
+ Command line arguments:
+ * `TYPE` is the type of deployment: to a raw disk image,
+ VirtualBox, or something else. See below.
+ * `SYSTEM` is the name of the system morphology to deploy.
+ * `LOCATION` is where the deployed system should end up at. The
+ syntax depends on the deployment type. See below.
+ * `KEY=VALUE` is a configuration parameter to pass onto the
+ configuration extension. See below.
+ Morph can deploy a system image. The deployment mechanism is
+ quite flexible, and can be extended by the user. "Deployment"
+ here is quite a general concept: it covers anything where a system
+ image is taken, configured, and then put somewhere where it can
+ be run.
+ `TYPE` specifies the exact way in which the deployment happens.
+ Morph provides four deployment types:
+ * `rawdisk` where Morph builds a raw disk image at `LOCATION`,
+ and sets up the image with a bootloader and configuration
+ so that it can be booted. Disk size is set with `DISK_SIZE`
+ (see below).
+ * `virtualbox-ssh` where Morph creates a VirtualBox disk image,
+ and creates a new virtual machine on a remote host, accessed
+ over ssh. Disk and RAM size are set with `DISK_SIZE` and
+ `RAM_SIZE` (see below).
+ * `kvm`, which is similar to `virtualbox-ssh`, but uses libvirt
+ and KVM instead of VirtualBox. Disk and RAM size are set with
+ `DISK_SIZE` and `RAM_SIZE` (see below).
+ * `nfsboot` where Morph creates a system to be booted over
+ a network
+ The following `KEY=VALUE` parameters are supported for all
+ deployment types:
+ * `DISK_SIZE=X` to set the size of the disk image. `X`
+ should use a suffix of `K`, `M`, or `G` (in upper or lower
+ case) to indicate kilo-, mega-, or gigabytes. For example,
+ `DISK_SIZE=100G` would create a 100 gigabyte disk image. **This
+ parameter is mandatory**.
+ * `RAM_SIZE=X` to set the size of virtual RAM for the virtual
+ machine. `X` is interpreted in the same was as `DISK_SIZE`,
+ and defaults to `1G`.
+ The `kvm` and `virtualbox-ssh` deployment types support an
+ additional parameter:
+ * `AUTOSTART=<VALUE>` - allowed values are `yes` and `no`
+ (default)
+ The syntax of the `LOCATION` depends on the deployment types. The
+ deployment types provided by Morph use the following syntaxes:
+ * `rawdisk`: pathname to the disk image to be created; for
+ example, `/home/alice/testsystem.img`
+ * `virtualbox-ssh` and `kvm`: a custom URL scheme that
+ provides the target host machine (the one that runs
+ VirtualBox or `kvm`), the name of the new virtual machine,
+ and the location on the target host of the virtual disk
+ file. The target host is accessed over ssh. For example,
+ `vbox+ssh://alice@`
+ or `kvm+ssh://alice@`
+ where
+ * `alice@` is the target as given to ssh,
+ **from within the development host** (which may be
+ different from the target host's normal address);
+ * `testsys` is the new VM's name;
+ * `/home/alice/testsys.vdi` and `/home/alice/testys.img` are
+ the pathnames of the disk image files on the target host.
+ For the `nfsboot` write extension,
+ * LOCATION is the address of the nfsboot server. (Note this
+ is just the _address_ of the trove, _not_ `user@...`, since
+ `root@` will automatically be prepended to the server address.)
+ * the following KEY=VALUE PAIRS are mandatory
+ * NFSBOOT_CONFIGURE=yes (or any non-empty value). This
+ enables the `nfsboot` configuration extension (see
+ below) which MUST be used when using the `nfsboot`
+ write extension.
+ * HOSTNAME=<STRING> a unique identifier for that system's
+ `nfs` root when it's deployed on the nfsboot server - the
+ extension creates a directory with that name for the `nfs`
+ root, and stores kernels by that name for the tftp server.
- where
+ * the following KEY=VALUE PAIRS are optional
- * TYPE is type of deployment
- * SYSTEM is name of the system morphology to deploy
- * LOCATION is the destination of the deployed system
+ * VERSION_LABEL=<STRING> - set the name of the system
+ version being deployed, when upgrading. Defaults to
+ "factory".
+ An example command line using `morph deploy with the nfsboot`
+ type is
+ morph deploy nfsboot devel-system-x86_64-generic \
+ customer-trove \
+ HOSTNAME=test-deployment-1 \
+ VERSION_LABEL=inital-test
+ Each deployment type is implemented by a **write extension**. The
+ ones provided by Morph are listed above, but users may also
+ create their own by adding them in the same git repository
+ and branch as the system morphology. A write extension is a
+ script that does whatever is needed for the deployment. A write
+ extension is passed two command line parameters: the name of an
+ unpacked directory tree that contains the system files (after
+ configuration, see below), and the `LOCATION` argument. Any
+ additional `KEY=VALUE` arguments given to `morph deploy` are
+ set as environment variables when the write extension runs.
+ Regardless of the type of deployment, the image may be
+ configured for a specific deployment by using **configuration
+ extensions**. The extensions are listed in the system morphology
+ file:
+ ...
+ configuration-extensions:
+ - set-hostname
+ The above specifies that the extension `set-hostname` is to
+ be run. Morph will run all the configuration extensions listed
+ in the system morphology, and no others. (This way, configuration
+ is more easily tracked in git.)
+ Configuration extensions are scripts that get the unpacked
+ directory tree of the system as their parameter, and do whatever
+ is needed to configure the tree.
+ Morph provides the following configuration extension built in:
+ * `set-hostname` sets the hostname of the system to the value
+ of the `HOSTNAME` variable.
+ * `nfsboot` configures the system for nfsbooting. This MUST
+ be used when deploying with the `nfsboot` write extension.
+ Any `KEY=VALUE` parameters given to `morph deploy` are set as
+ environment variables when either the configuration or the write
+ extension runs.