path: root/cliapp/
diff options
authorEdward Cragg <>2016-03-27 11:56:15 +0100
committerSam Thursfield <>2016-03-31 11:43:55 +0100
commite36043737201a645897d366ba0eb44e91748d16e (patch)
tree0b7fb836cf84b8ef8c15fe91907c37ab71aec947 /cliapp/
parenta7f12476d4e7b2025a60be58027b67b9e551f31b (diff)
Add local cliapp module
Add a copy of the specific version of the cliapp module required by morph, a known version of which can't otherwise be guaranteed to be available on general Linux systems, or via PyPi. Including the module directly allows for continued development in line with morph, until a time when it may become desirable to move away from dependence on this module. With a local copy of cliapp added to morph, it has been shown that morph is capable of building Baserock images without depending on an existing Baserock system. Change-Id: Iab1f7037c7afff054a2404c0552d9b5e4d2d141f
Diffstat (limited to 'cliapp/')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cliapp/ b/cliapp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6304a488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cliapp/
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Lars Wirzenius
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import errno
+import fcntl
+import logging
+import os
+import select
+import subprocess
+import cliapp
+def runcmd(argv, *args, **kwargs):
+ '''Run external command or pipeline.
+ Example: ``runcmd(['grep', 'foo'], ['wc', '-l'],
+ feed_stdin='foo\nbar\n')``
+ Return the standard output of the command.
+ Raise ``cliapp.AppException`` if external command returns
+ non-zero exit code. ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` are passed
+ onto ``subprocess.Popen``.
+ '''
+ our_options = (
+ ('ignore_fail', False),
+ ('log_error', True),
+ )
+ opts = {}
+ for name, default in our_options:
+ opts[name] = default
+ if name in kwargs:
+ opts[name] = kwargs[name]
+ del kwargs[name]
+ exit, out, err = runcmd_unchecked(argv, *args, **kwargs)
+ if exit != 0:
+ msg = 'Command failed: %s\n%s' % (' '.join(argv), err)
+ if opts['ignore_fail']:
+ if opts['log_error']:
+ else:
+ if opts['log_error']:
+ logging.error(msg)
+ raise cliapp.AppException(msg)
+ return out
+def runcmd_unchecked(argv, *argvs, **kwargs):
+ '''Run external command or pipeline.
+ Return the exit code, and contents of standard output and error
+ of the command.
+ See also ``runcmd``.
+ '''
+ argvs = [argv] + list(argvs)
+ logging.debug('run external command: %s' % repr(argvs))
+ def pop_kwarg(name, default):
+ if name in kwargs:
+ value = kwargs[name]
+ del kwargs[name]
+ return value
+ else:
+ return default
+ feed_stdin = pop_kwarg('feed_stdin', '')
+ pipe_stdin = pop_kwarg('stdin', subprocess.PIPE)
+ pipe_stdout = pop_kwarg('stdout', subprocess.PIPE)
+ pipe_stderr = pop_kwarg('stderr', subprocess.PIPE)
+ try:
+ pipeline = _build_pipeline(argvs,
+ pipe_stdin,
+ pipe_stdout,
+ pipe_stderr,
+ kwargs)
+ return _run_pipeline(pipeline, feed_stdin, pipe_stdin,
+ pipe_stdout, pipe_stderr)
+ except OSError, e: # pragma: no cover
+ if e.errno == errno.ENOENT and e.filename is None:
+ e.filename = argv[0]
+ raise e
+ else:
+ raise
+def _build_pipeline(argvs, pipe_stdin, pipe_stdout, pipe_stderr, kwargs):
+ procs = []
+ for i, argv in enumerate(argvs):
+ if i == 0 and i == len(argvs) - 1:
+ stdin = pipe_stdin
+ stdout = pipe_stdout
+ stderr = pipe_stderr
+ elif i == 0:
+ stdin = pipe_stdin
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE
+ stderr = pipe_stderr
+ elif i == len(argvs) - 1:
+ stdin = procs[-1].stdout
+ stdout = pipe_stdout
+ stderr = pipe_stderr
+ else:
+ stdin = procs[-1].stdout
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE
+ stderr = pipe_stderr
+ p = subprocess.Popen(argv, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout,
+ stderr=stderr, close_fds=True, **kwargs)
+ procs.append(p)
+ return procs
+def _run_pipeline(procs, feed_stdin, pipe_stdin, pipe_stdout, pipe_stderr):
+ stdout_eof = False
+ stderr_eof = False
+ out = []
+ err = []
+ pos = 0
+ io_size = 1024
+ def set_nonblocking(fd):
+ flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL, 0)
+ flags = flags | os.O_NONBLOCK
+ fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags)
+ if feed_stdin and pipe_stdin == subprocess.PIPE:
+ set_nonblocking(procs[0].stdin.fileno())
+ if pipe_stdout == subprocess.PIPE:
+ set_nonblocking(procs[-1].stdout.fileno())
+ if pipe_stderr == subprocess.PIPE:
+ set_nonblocking(procs[-1].stderr.fileno())
+ def still_running():
+ for p in procs:
+ p.poll()
+ for p in procs:
+ if p.returncode is None:
+ return True
+ if pipe_stdout == subprocess.PIPE and not stdout_eof:
+ return True
+ if pipe_stderr == subprocess.PIPE and not stderr_eof:
+ return True # pragma: no cover
+ return False
+ while still_running():
+ rlist = []
+ if not stdout_eof and pipe_stdout == subprocess.PIPE:
+ rlist.append(procs[-1].stdout)
+ if not stderr_eof and pipe_stderr == subprocess.PIPE:
+ rlist.append(procs[-1].stderr)
+ wlist = []
+ if pipe_stdin == subprocess.PIPE and pos < len(feed_stdin):
+ wlist.append(procs[0].stdin)
+ if rlist or wlist:
+ try:
+ r, w, x =, wlist, [])
+ except select.error, e: # pragma: no cover
+ err, msg = e.args
+ if err == errno.EINTR:
+ break
+ raise
+ else:
+ break # Let's not busywait waiting for processes to die.
+ if procs[0].stdin in w and pos < len(feed_stdin):
+ data = feed_stdin[pos : pos+io_size]
+ procs[0].stdin.write(data)
+ pos += len(data)
+ if pos >= len(feed_stdin):
+ procs[0].stdin.close()
+ if procs[-1].stdout in r:
+ data = procs[-1]
+ if data:
+ out.append(data)
+ else:
+ stdout_eof = True
+ if procs[-1].stderr in r:
+ data = procs[-1]
+ if data:
+ err.append(data)
+ else:
+ stderr_eof = True
+ while still_running():
+ for p in procs:
+ if p.returncode is None:
+ p.wait()
+ errorcodes = [p.returncode for p in procs if p.returncode != 0] or [0]
+ return errorcodes[-1], ''.join(out), ''.join(err)
+def shell_quote(s):
+ '''Return a shell-quoted version of s.'''
+ lower_ascii = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+ digits = '0123456789'
+ punctuation = '-_/=.,:'
+ safe = set(lower_ascii + upper_ascii + digits + punctuation)
+ quoted = []
+ for c in s:
+ if c in safe:
+ quoted.append(c)
+ elif c == "'":
+ quoted.append('"\'"')
+ else:
+ quoted.append("'%c'" % c)
+ return ''.join(quoted)
+def ssh_runcmd(target, argv, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover
+ '''Run command in argv on remote host target.
+ This is similar to runcmd, but the command is run on the remote
+ machine. The command is given as an argv array; elements in the
+ array are automatically quoted so they get passed to the other
+ side correctly.
+ An optional ``tty=`` parameter can be passed to ``ssh_runcmd`` in
+ order to force or disable pseudo-tty allocation. This is often
+ required to run ``sudo`` on another machine and might be useful
+ in other situations as well. Supported values are ``tty=True`` for
+ forcing tty allocation, ``tty=False`` for disabling it and
+ ``tty=None`` for not passing anything tty related to ssh.
+ With the ``tty`` option,
+ ``cliapp.runcmd(['ssh', '-tt', 'user@host', '--', 'sudo', 'ls'])``
+ can be written as
+ ``cliapp.ssh_runcmd('user@host', ['sudo', 'ls'], tty=True)``
+ which is more intuitive.
+ The target is given as-is to ssh, and may use any syntax ssh
+ accepts.
+ Environment variables may or may not be passed to the remote
+ machine: this is dependent on the ssh and sshd configurations.
+ Invoke env(1) explicitly to pass in the variables you need to
+ exist on the other end.
+ Pipelines are not supported.
+ '''
+ tty = kwargs.get('tty', None)
+ if tty:
+ ssh_cmd = ['ssh', '-tt', target, '--']
+ elif tty is False:
+ ssh_cmd = ['ssh', '-T', target, '--']
+ else:
+ ssh_cmd = ['ssh', target, '--']
+ if 'tty' in kwargs:
+ del kwargs['tty']
+ local_argv = ssh_cmd + map(shell_quote, argv)
+ return runcmd(local_argv, **kwargs)