diff options
authorSam Thursfield <>2014-08-14 16:50:36 +0100
committerSam Thursfield <>2014-08-19 15:11:18 +0100
commitab8f340f3f61004e1bd22779e26ab817e3824b21 (patch)
parent3a9b151b8f5b74ab4f74d87b7c4def8252349cb2 (diff)
Bake 2: add rubygem.import script
This generates a chunk morph for ONE gem defined in a given git repository. It has one known issue: where gems are nested in a source repo (as is the case in rails) they will not be found. The `bundle install` command does find them, so clearly something is up with the way I am hacking the 'bundler' library around. Also, there is lots of inheritance and method override hacking :(
1 files changed, 309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/import/rubygem.import b/import/rubygem.import
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b244d7ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/import/rubygem.import
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Create a chunk morphology to integrate a RubyGem in Baserock
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+require 'bundler'
+require 'optparse'
+require 'yaml'
+IGNORED_GROUPS = [:compat_testing, :test]
+# Ignoring the :test group isn't enough for these Gems, they are often in the
+# :development group too and thus we need to explicitly ignore them.
+ 'rspec',
+ 'rspec_junit_formatter',
+ 'rspec-core',
+ 'rspec-expectations',
+ 'rspec-mocks',
+ 'simplecov',
+def spec_is_from_current_source_tree(spec)
+ spec.source.instance_of? Bundler::Source::Path and
+ spec.source.path.fnmatch?('.')
+# Good testcases for this code:
+# qu:
+# 'qu-mongodb' shouldn't pull in any rails deps
+# rails:
+# 'activesupport' doesn't depend on any other rails components, make
+# sure the script gets this right. This is a different codepath to 'qu'.
+class Dsl < Bundler::Dsl
+ # The Bundler::Dsl class parses the Gemfile. We override a couple of
+ # methods to get extra information.
+ def to_definition(lockfile, unlock)
+ # Overridden so that our subclassed Definition is used.
+ puts "Dsl::to_definition #{lockfile}"
+ @sources << rubygems_source unless @sources.include?(rubygems_source)
+, @dependencies, @sources, unlock, @ruby_version)
+ end
+ # HO ! You should be able to *ignore* the Gems that you don't want
+ # by overriding this method!
+ # Actually, the 'gemfile' method is probably the one!
+ def gem(*args)
+ puts " Dsl::gem #{args}"
+ super
+ end
+class Resolver < Bundler::Resolver
+ # The Bundler::Resolver calculates the dependency graph. We override the
+ # `activate_gem` method to allow skipping gems from the current source tree
+ # that aren't the one specified on the commandline, to allow us to build
+ # a separate dependency graph for each gem in a repo.
+ #
+ # FIXME: lots of copy and paste from the base class needed to make this
+ # work. It would be great if there was a way to achieve this without
+ # subclassing Bundler::Resolver.
+ def self.resolve(requirements, index, source_requirements = {}, base = [], target_gem_name)
+ base = unless base.is_a?(Bundler::SpecSet)
+ resolver = new(target_gem_name, index, source_requirements, base)
+ result = resolver.start(requirements)
+ end
+ def initialize(target_gem_name, *args)
+ @target_gem_name = target_gem_name
+ super *args
+ end
+ def activate_gem(reqs, activated, requirement, current)
+ # Overridden so that we can ignore gems which come from the source repo
+ # in which we are working, but are not the current gem we care about.
+ # This is necessary because a single repo can produce multiple gems,
+ # each with their own requirements. Bundler constructs the union of all
+ # their requirements, but in order to construct everything from the
+ # original source repos (avoiding the use of premade gems) we need to
+ # separate them out so that we have a chance of constructing a build
+ # graph that isn't one giant circle.
+ #
+ # Problem IS that here the source has already been resolved, and it's
+ # been resolved WRONGLY for activesupport ... it should be '.' !
+ puts "active_gem: #{current} source #{current.source}"
+ if spec_is_from_current_source_tree(current) and != @target_gem_name
+ STDERR.puts "Ignoring #{}: #{@target_gem_name} was requested"
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+class Definition < Bundler::Definition
+ # The Bundler::Definition class holds the dependency info we need.
+ def, lockfile, unlock)
+ # Overridden so that our subclassed Dsl is used.
+ puts "Definition::build #{gemfile} #{lockfile}"
+ unlock ||= {}
+ gemfile =
+ unless gemfile.file?
+ raise GemfileNotFound, "#{gemfile} not found"
+ end
+ Dsl.evaluate(gemfile, lockfile, unlock)
+ end
+ def requested_dependencies
+ # Overridden to remove more stuff from the list: excluding certain
+ # groups using Bundler.settings.without is a good first step, but some
+ # test tools seem to be in the generic :development group and thus
+ # need to be explicitly removed from the list.
+ result = super.reject { |d| IGNORED_GEMS.member? }
+ removed = dependencies - result
+ STDERR.puts "Removed dependencies: #{removed.collect {|d|}}"
+ # Now would be a good time to remove the Gems which come from current
+ # directory but aren't the one that was requested on the commandline .
+ # EXCEPT! Since we haven't resolved them we don't yet have all of them
+ # available! For example in 'rails' there are nested Gems in the source
+ # tree which won't be discovered until the resolve is complete! By
+ # which time, it's too late ...
+ dependencies.each do |dep|
+ puts "dep #{dep} source #{dep.source}"
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ def resolve_build_dependencies_for_gem(gem_name)
+ # The term "build dependencies" is my own. RubyGems seem to mostly care
+ # about "needed at runtime" (:runtime) vs. "useful during development"
+ # (:development). We actually want "needed at runtime or during `rake
+ # install`" but we have to work this out for ourselves.
+ # Note you can set ENV['DEBUG_RESOLVER'] for more debug info.
+ # FIXME: the remote update, would be nice to avoid it if possible!
+ @target_gem_name = gem_name
+ resolve_remotely!
+ end
+ def resolve
+ # Overridden so that the custom Resolver class is used ... ugly.
+ @resolve ||= begin
+ if Bundler.settings[:frozen] || (!@unlocking && nothing_changed?)
+ puts "Resolve: return @locked_specs #{@locked_specs} length #{@locked_specs.length}"
+ @locked_specs
+ else
+ last_resolve = converge_locked_specs
+ # Record the specs available in each gem's source, so that those
+ # specs will be available later when the resolver knows where to
+ # look for that gemspec (or its dependencies)
+ source_requirements = {}
+ dependencies.each do |dep|
+ next unless dep.source
+ source_requirements[] = dep.source.specs
+ end
+ # Run a resolve against the locally available gems
+ last_resolve.merge Resolver.resolve(expanded_dependencies, index, source_requirements, last_resolve, @target_gem_name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+def parse_options(arguments)
+ # No options so far ..
+ opts =
+ opts.banner = "Usage: rubygem.import SOURCE_DIR GEM_NAME"
+ opts.separator ""
+ opts.separator "This tool reads the Gemfile and optionally the " +
+ "Gemfile.lock from a Ruby project "
+ opts.separator "source tree in SOURCE_DIR. It outputs a chunk " +
+ "morphology for GEM_NAME on stdout."
+ opts.separator ""
+ opts.separator "It is intended for use with the `baserock-import` tool."
+ parsed_arguments = opts.parse!(arguments)
+ if parsed_arguments.length != 2 then
+ STDERR.puts
+ exit 1
+ end
+ parsed_arguments
+def load_definition()
+ # Load and parse the Gemfile and, if found, the Gemfile.lock file.
+ definition =
+ 'Gemfile', 'Gemfile.lock', update=false)
+rescue Bundler::GemfileNotFound
+ STDERR.puts "Did not find a Gemfile in #{dir_name}."
+ exit 1
+def get_spec_for_gem(specs, gem_name)
+ found = specs[gem_name]
+ if found.empty?
+ raise Exception,
+ "No Gemspecs found matching '#{gem_name}'"
+ elsif found.length != 1
+ raise Exception,
+ "Unsure which Gem to use for #{dep}, got #{found}"
+ end
+ found[0]
+def chunk_name_for_gemspec(spec)
+ # Chunk names are the Gem's "full name" (name + version number), so that we
+ # don't break in the rare but possible case that two different versions of
+ # the same Gem are required for something to work. It'd be nicer to only
+ # use the full_name if we detect such a conflict.
+ spec.full_name
+def generate_chunk_morph_for_gem(spec)
+ description = 'Automatically generated by rubygem.import'
+ bin_dir = "\"$DESTDIR/$PREFIX/bin\""
+ gem_dir = "\"$DESTDIR/$PREFIX/lib/ruby/gems/#{BASEROCK_RUBY_VERSION}\""
+ # There's more splitting to be done, but putting the docs in the
+ # correct artifact is the single biggest win for enabling smaller
+ # system images.
+ split_rules = [
+ {
+ 'artifact' => "#{spec.full_name}-doc",
+ 'include' => [
+ "usr/lib/ruby/gems/#{BASEROCK_RUBY_VERSION}/doc/.*"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ # FIXME: these should build from source instead!
+ install_commands = [
+ "mkdir -p #{gem_dir}",
+ "gem install --install-dir #{gem_dir} --bindir #{bin_dir} " +
+ "--ignore-dependencies --local #{spec.full_name}.gem"
+ ]
+ {
+ 'name' => chunk_name_for_gemspec(spec),
+ 'kind' => 'chunk',
+ 'description' => description,
+ 'build-system' => 'manual',
+ ##'gem-url' => "{spec.full_name}.gem",
+ 'products' => split_rules,
+ 'install-commands' => install_commands
+ }
+def write_morph(file, morph)
+ file.write(YAML.dump(morph))
+def run
+ source_dir_name, gem_name = parse_options(ARGV)
+ Dir.chdir(source_dir_name)
+ definition = load_definition()
+ specset = definition.resolve_build_dependencies_for_gem(gem_name)
+ spec = get_spec_for_gem(specset, gem_name)
+ if not spec_is_from_current_source_tree(spec)
+ STDERR.puts "Specified gem '#{}' doesn't live in the " +
+ "source in '#{source_dir_name}'"
+ exit 1
+ end
+ morph = generate_chunk_morph_for_gem(spec)
+ morph['x-rubygem-dependencies'] = specset.collect { |d| }.sort!
+ write_morph(STDOUT, morph)