diff options
authorSam Thursfield <>2013-02-20 15:55:19 +0000
committerSam Thursfield <>2013-03-13 15:20:02 +0000
commit79a6f05bbf70a4fa10b1b426ef9f223d5cbaf3ee (patch)
parent31b23c4460545bb41d5907524ff56fd272d44ffe (diff)
Remove old bootstrap mechanisms
That means that bootstrapping Baserock is currently not possible with this branch of Morph, but there's no reason it cannot be bootstrapped using an older version of Morph instead.
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 1518 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index 36d33a43..3c9fa8ab 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -254,9 +254,6 @@ more consistently across machines and developers.
See the `morphlib/` file, method `setup_env` for details.
-Until Baserock is properly bootstrapped, it's awkward that the `PATH`
-variable gets reset. To avoid that, use the `--keep-path` option.
Hacking morph
@@ -271,94 +268,6 @@ and check out the `cmdtest` utility (from <>).
Run the checks before submitting a patch, please.
-The Bootstrap Process
-The goal of the bootstrap process is to create an environment that has
-only been built with morph. It is a long boring process that can take
-a few hours.
-It can be started by running `./run-bootstrap-in-chroot $workingdir`
-with some environment variables set.
-The variables are:
-* `DEBIAN_MIRROR`; which must be a path suitable for passing to
- debootstrap; which at the time of writing allowed http://,
- file:// or ssh:// urls; **required**
-* `GIT_TARBALLS`; which must be a url to a tarballs directory;
- morph will try to fetch tarballs from here before trying the
- git-base-url; **required**
-* `snapshot`; which should be `false` (or any executable that
- exits unsuccessfully) if creating a snapshot after each stage
- of the bootstrap is not desirable; optional
-If snapshot is true or omitted then after each stage of the bootstrap
-a tarball of the working directory is created, so that if a later stage
-fails it can start from the last successful stage.
-The mirror variables allow the bootstrap to be run more quickly if the
-required files are available locally.
-The mirror variables being required and snapshotting defaulting
-to true are artefacts of the bootstrap process' development, where
-only re-running the step that failed and using local mirrors were
-essential for making fixes.
-Bootstrap stages
-The stages required for the bootstrap are to create a debian squeeze
-chroot; build a skeleton system using the linux from scratch specified
-tarballs; chroot into this system and build a system using morph with
-bootstrap mode; then build the system again but instead using morph's
---staging-chroot mode and with the linux from scratch system removed.
-The squeeze chroot (stage 0) is used so that the bootstrap process does
-not need to be supported on every available host system, but every host
-system that can run debootstrap can be indirectly supported.
-In this stage debootstrap creates a chroot with all the packages required
-to build the linux from scratch system, from then onwards every stage is
-built by running baserock-bootstrap and optionally making a snapshot.
-Stage 1 builds everything in a subdirectory of the squeeze-chroot called
-tree, and all the packages are built with --prefix=/tools, so the full
-path for `cat` would be `$workingdir/squeeze-chroot/tree/tools/bin/cat`.
-This is done so that we have a known good system to work from, that won't
-become entangled with the final system, which installed with --prefix=/usr.
-Stage 2 uses morph to build a system, while chrooted into
-`$workingdir/squeeze-chroot/tree`, this naturally required PATH to include
-Morph is used to build the `foundation.morph` and `devel-bootstrap.morph`
-strata in the `morphs` repository. `devel-bootstrap.morph` may not use the
-same morphs as `devel.morph` because the bootstrap requires some hacks that
-aren't required when a fully bootstrapped system is available.
-Morph also uses the `--bootstrap` flag to make the chunks be unpacked after
-they have been built, this is required for build-dependencies to be met as
-prerequisites are expected to be available on the system.
-After morph has finished a reasonably complete system should be available,
-so `$workingdir/squeeze-chroot/tree/tools` is removed to save space and
-make it obvious if stage 2 is missing anything needed for stage 3.
-Stage 3 builds `devel.morph` which does not need all the hacks required
-in building during the bootstrap, so it should be much more like what
-morph will finally build.
-Rather than using `--bootstrap`, stage 3 uses `--staging-chroot`, which
-builds and extracts into a chroot, rather than using anything on the host
-For this to be able to build anything `--staging-filler` is used, which
-allows for specifying the environment that chunks are built in. Stage 3
-uses the strata that were build in stage 2.
diff --git a/baserock-bootstrap b/baserock-bootstrap
deleted file mode 100755
index 619baeb4..00000000
--- a/baserock-bootstrap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-set +h
-set -u
-BASEDIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
-export LC_ALL=C
-case "$(uname -m)" in
- export LFS_TGT=$(uname -m)-lfs-linux-gnueabi
- export TARGET_CFLAGS="-march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -O2"
- export PASS3_STRATUM="bootstrap-pass3-imx53"
- ;;
- export LFS_TGT=$(uname -m)-lfs-linux-gnueabi
- export TARGET_CFLAGS="-march=armv5 -O2"
- export PASS3_STRATUM="bootstrap-pass3-imx53"
- ;;
- export LFS_TGT=$(uname -m)-lfs-linux-gnu
- export TARGET_CFLAGS="-O2"
- export PASS3_STRATUM="bootstrap-pass3-x86_64-generic"
- ;;
-HOST_CAT=`which cat`
-HOST_CP=`which cp`
-HOST_MKDIR=`which mkdir`
-HOST_CHMOD=`which chmod`
-export CCACHE_DIR="/var/tmp/ccache"
-export PATH="$tools/lib/ccache:$tools/bin:$tools/sbin:/usr/lib/ccache:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
- $HOST_MKDIR -p "$tools"
- $HOST_MKDIR -p "$tools/bin"
- $HOST_MKDIR -p "$tools/lib"
- [ -h "$tools/sbin" ] || ln -sf "bin" "$tools/sbin"
- [ -h "$tools/lib64" ] || ln -sf "lib" "$tools/lib64"
- [ -h "$tools/libexec" ] || ln -sf "lib" "$tools/libexec"
- [ -e "$LFS/proc" ] || $HOST_MKDIR -p "$LFS/proc"
- [ -e "$LFS/sys" ] || $HOST_MKDIR -p "$LFS/sys"
- [ -e "$LFS/tmp" ] || $HOST_MKDIR -p "$LFS/tmp"
- [ -e "$LFS/dev" ] || $HOST_MKDIR -p "$LFS/dev"
- [ -e "$LFS/dev/console" ] || \
- mknod -m 600 "$LFS/dev/console" c 5 1
- [ -e "$LFS/dev/null" ] || mknod -m 666 "$LFS/dev/null" c 1 3
- [ -e "$LFS/dev/random" ] || mknod -m 644 "$LFS/dev/random" c 1 8
- [ -e "$LFS/dev/urandom" ] || \
- mknod -m 644 "$LFS/dev/urandom" c 1 9
- cd $LFS/baserock/gits/morph
- $HOST_MKDIR -p $LFS/baserock/cache
- python ./morph --verbose update-gits \
- baserock:baserock/morphs master bootstrap-pass1 \
- --cachedir=$LFS/baserock/cache \
- --log=$LFS/baserock/morph.log \
- --dump-memory-profile=none \
- --keep-path \
- --tarball-server="$GIT_TARBALLS"
- cd $LFS/baserock/gits/morph
- $HOST_MKDIR -p $LFS/baserock/cache
- $HOST_MKDIR -p $LFS/tmp
- python ./morph --verbose build-morphology \
- baserock:baserock/morphs master bootstrap-pass1 \
- --no-git-update \
- --no-distcc \
- --no-ccache \
- --bootstrap \
- --cachedir=$LFS/baserock/cache \
- --tempdir=$LFS/tmp \
- --log=$LFS/baserock/morph.log \
- --dump-memory-profile=none \
- --keep-path \
- --prefix="$tools" \
- --toolchain-target="$LFS_TGT" \
- --target-cflags="$TARGET_CFLAGS"
- echo "Dumping pass 1 build times"
- cd $LFS/baserock/gits/morph
- python ./dump-build-times $LFS/baserock/cache/artifacts
- echo "Get morph"
- if [ ! -e "$LFS/baserock/gits" ]
- then
- $HOST_MKDIR -p "$LFS/baserock/gits"
- cp -al "$HOME/baserock/gits/morph" "$LFS/baserock/gits/morph"
- fi
- echo "Preparing $LFS for chroot"
- cd "$LFS"
- if [ ! -h "$LFS/$LFS" ]
- then
- /bin/rmdir "$LFS/$LFS"
- /bin/ln -s / "$LFS/$LFS"
- fi
- if [ ! -d "$LFS/etc" ]
- then
- mkdir -p "$LFS/etc"
- chmod 777 "$LFS/etc"
- touch "$LFS/etc/"
- chmod 666 "$LFS/etc/"
- cat <<EOF > "$LFS/etc/"
- fi
-# $HOST_MKDIR -p "$LFS/etc"
- [ -e "$LFS/etc/passwd" ] || \
- echo 'root::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash' > "$LFS/etc/passwd"
- [ -e "$LFS/etc/group" ] || echo 'root::0:' > "$LFS/etc/group"
-# [ -e "$LFS/etc/hostname" ] || echo 'baserock-boot' |
-# /usr/bin/tee "$LFS/etc/hostname" > /dev/null
- # Add symlinks for common locations of specific tools
- # These are needed for #! lines in scripts
- [ -e "$LFS/bin" ] || $HOST_MKDIR -p "$LFS/bin"
- [ -e "$LFS/bin/sh" ] || ln -sf ../tools/bin/bash "$LFS/bin/sh"
- [ -e "$LFS/bin/bash" ] || \
- ln -sf ../tools/bin/bash "$LFS/bin/bash"
- [ -e "$LFS/bin/pwd" ] || ln -sf ../tools/bin/pwd "$LFS/bin/pwd"
- [ -e "$LFS/bin/echo" ] || \
- ln -sf ../tools/bin/echo "$LFS/bin/echo"
- if [ ! -e "$LFS/usr/bin/perl" ]; then
- $HOST_MKDIR -p $LFS/usr/bin
- ln -sf ../../tools/bin/perl "$LFS/usr/bin/perl"
- fi
- echo "Getting sources with morph"
- cat <<EOF > "$LFS/baserock/"
-set -e
-set -x
-cd /baserock/gits/morph
-mkdir -p /baserock/cache
-export PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:$tools/bin:$tools/sbin"
-python ./morph --verbose update-gits \
- baserock:baserock/morphs master bootstrap-pass2 \
- --bootstrap \
- --cachedir=/baserock/cache \
- --log=/baserock/morph.log \
- --dump-memory-profile=none \
- --keep-path \
- --tarball-server="$GIT_TARBALLS"
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$LFS/baserock/"
- local do_chroot="$BASEDIR/do-chroot.bash"
- $HOST_CAT <<EOF >"$do_chroot"
-trap "umount $LFS/proc $LFS/sys || true" INT TERM EXIT
-set -e
-set -x
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/proc" >/dev/null
- mount -t proc proc "$LFS/proc"
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/sys" >/dev/null
- mount -t sysfs sysfs "$LFS/sys"
-$HOST_CP -f /etc/resolv.conf "$LFS/etc/resolv.conf"
-/usr/sbin/chroot "$LFS" \\
- /tools/bin/env -i HOME=/baserock TERM=\$TERM \\
- PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/tools/bin" \\
- "\${@-\$SHELL}"
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$do_chroot"
- "$do_chroot" /baserock/
- echo "Building Baserock with morph"
- cat <<EOF > "$LFS/baserock/"
-set -e
-set -x
-cd /baserock/gits/morph
-mkdir -p /baserock/cache
-export PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:$tools/bin:$tools/sbin"
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib:/lib:/lib64:/tools/lib:/tools/lib64"
-python ./morph --verbose build-morphology \
- baserock:baserock/morphs master bootstrap-pass2 \
- --bootstrap \
- --no-git-update \
- --cachedir=/baserock/cache \
- --log=/baserock/morph.log \
- --dump-memory-profile=none \
- --keep-path \
- --tarball-server="$GIT_TARBALLS" \
- --target-cflags="$TARGET_CFLAGS"
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$LFS/baserock/"
- local do_chroot="$BASEDIR/do-chroot.bash"
- $HOST_CAT <<EOF >"$do_chroot"
-trap "umount $LFS/proc $LFS/sys || true" INT TERM EXIT
-set -e
-set -x
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/proc" >/dev/null
- mount -t proc proc "$LFS/proc"
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/sys" >/dev/null
- mount -t sysfs sysfs "$LFS/sys"
-$HOST_CP -f /etc/resolv.conf "$LFS/etc/resolv.conf"
-/usr/sbin/chroot "$LFS" \\
- /tools/bin/env -i HOME=/baserock TERM=\$TERM \\
- PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/tools/bin" \\
- "\${@-\$SHELL}"
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$do_chroot"
- "$do_chroot" /baserock/
- echo "Dumping pass 2 build times"
- cat <<EOF > "$LFS/baserock/"
-set -e
-set -x
-cd /baserock/gits/morph
-python ./dump-build-times /baserock/cache/artifacts
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$LFS/baserock/"
- local do_chroot="$BASEDIR/do-chroot.bash"
- $HOST_CAT <<EOF >"$do_chroot"
-trap "umount $LFS/proc $LFS/sys || true" INT TERM EXIT
-set -e
-set -x
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/proc" >/dev/null
- mount -t proc proc "$LFS/proc"
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/sys" >/dev/null
- mount -t sysfs sysfs "$LFS/sys"
-$HOST_CP -f /etc/resolv.conf "$LFS/etc/resolv.conf"
-/usr/sbin/chroot "$LFS" \\
- /tools/bin/env -i HOME=/baserock TERM=\$TERM \\
- PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/tools/bin" \\
- "\${@-\$SHELL}"
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$do_chroot"
- "$do_chroot" /baserock/
- echo "Remove unnecessary stuff at the end of pass2a"
- rm -f "$LFS/baserock/cache/gits/"*.bndl
- echo "Remove unnecessary stuff at the end of pass2b"
- rm -rf "$LFS/tools"
- echo "Removing $LFS/tools"
- rm -rf "$LFS/tools"
- echo "Getting sources with morph"
- cd "$LFS/baserock/gits/morph"
- cat <<EOF > "$LFS/baserock/"
-set -e
-set -x
-cd /baserock/gits/morph
-python ./morph --verbose update-gits \
- baserock:baserock/morphs master $PASS3_STRATUM \
- --cachedir=/baserock/cache \
- --log=/baserock/morph.log \
- --dump-memory-profile=none \
- --keep-path \
- --tarball-server="$GIT_TARBALLS"
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$LFS/baserock/"
- local do_chroot="$BASEDIR/do-chroot.bash"
- $HOST_CAT <<EOF >"$do_chroot"
-trap "umount $LFS/proc $LFS/sys || true" INT TERM EXIT
-set -e
-set -x
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/proc" >/dev/null
- mount -t proc proc "$LFS/proc"
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/sys" >/dev/null
- mount -t sysfs sysfs "$LFS/sys"
-$HOST_CP -f /etc/resolv.conf "$LFS/etc/resolv.conf"
-/usr/sbin/chroot "$LFS" \\
- /usr/bin/env -i HOME=/baserock TERM=\$TERM \\
- PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin" \\
- "\${@-\$SHELL}"
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$do_chroot"
- "$do_chroot" /baserock/
- echo "Building Baserock with morph"
- cat <<'EOF' >"$LFS/usr/bin/linux-user-chroot"
-while true; do
- case "$1" in
- --help)
- echo 'See "man linux-user-chroot"'
- exit 0
- ;;
- --version)
- echo 'Fake'
- exit 0
- ;;
- --mount-bind)
- # swallow option and arguments
- shift 3
- ;;
- --mount-readonly)
- shift 2
- ;;
- --mount-proc|--unshare-ipc|--unshare-pid)
- # swallow configure flag
- shift
- ;;
- --chdir)
- CHDIR="$2"
- shift 2
- ;;
- *)
- # terminate arg processing
- ROOTDIR="$1"
- shift
- break
- ;;
- esac
-exec chroot "$ROOTDIR" sh -c 'cd "$1" && shift && exec "$@"' -- "$CHDIR" "$@"
- chmod +x "$LFS/usr/bin/linux-user-chroot"
- cat <<EOF > "$LFS/baserock/"
-set -e
-set -x
-export PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
-cd /baserock/gits/morph
-scripts/assemble-stratum --cachedir /baserock/cache \
- "$LFS/baserock/cache/artifacts/"*.stratum.bootstrap-pass2 \
- "\$filler" bootstrap-pass2
-python ./morph --verbose build-morphology \
- baserock:baserock/morphs master $PASS3_STRATUM \
- --staging-chroot \
- --staging-filler "\$filler" \
- --no-git-update \
- --cachedir=/baserock/cache \
- --log=/baserock/morph.log \
- --dump-memory-profile=none \
- --keep-path \
- --tarball-server="$GIT_TARBALLS" \
- --target-cflags="$TARGET_CFLAGS"
-rm "\$filler"
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$LFS/baserock/"
- local do_chroot="$BASEDIR/do-chroot.bash"
- $HOST_CAT >"$do_chroot" <<EOF
-trap "umount $LFS/proc $LFS/sys || true" INT TERM EXIT
-set -e
-set -x
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/proc" >/dev/null
- mount -t proc proc "$LFS/proc"
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/sys" >/dev/null
- mount -t sysfs sysfs "$LFS/sys"
-$HOST_CP -f /etc/resolv.conf "$LFS/etc/resolv.conf"
-/usr/sbin/chroot "$LFS" \\
- /usr/bin/env -i HOME=/baserock TERM=\$TERM \\
- PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin" \\
- "\${@-\$SHELL}"
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$do_chroot"
- "$do_chroot" /baserock/
- echo "Dumping pass 3 build times"
- cat <<EOF > "$LFS/baserock/"
-set -e
-set -x
-export PATH="/usr/bin:/bin"
-cd /baserock/gits/morph
-python ./dump-build-times /baserock/cache/artifacts
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$LFS/baserock/"
- local do_chroot="$BASEDIR/do-chroot.bash"
- $HOST_CAT >"$do_chroot" <<EOF
-trap "umount $LFS/proc $LFS/sys || true" INT TERM EXIT
-set -e
-set -x
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/proc" >/dev/null
- mount -t proc proc "$LFS/proc"
-if ! mount | grep "$LFS/sys" >/dev/null
- mount -t sysfs sysfs "$LFS/sys"
-$HOST_CP -f /etc/resolv.conf "$LFS/etc/resolv.conf"
-/usr/sbin/chroot "$LFS" \\
- /usr/bin/env -i HOME=/baserock TERM=\$TERM \\
- PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin" \\
- "\${@-\$SHELL}"
- $HOST_CHMOD +x "$do_chroot"
- "$do_chroot" /baserock/
-echo "Bootstrapping Baserock development environment"
-echo "LFS_TGT=$LFS_TGT"
-time pass1_directories
-case "$buildwhat" in
- pass1a)
- time pass1_get_sources_with_morph
- ;;
- pass1b)
- time pass1_build_with_morph
- time pass1_dump_build_times
- ;;
- pass2a)
- time pass2_get_morph
- time pass2_prepare_for_chroot
- time pass2_get_sources_with_morph_in_chroot
- time pass2a_cleanup_at_end
- ;;
- pass2b)
- time pass2_build_with_morph_in_chroot
- time pass2_dump_build_times
- time pass2b_cleanup_at_end
- ;;
- pass3a)
- time pass3_remove_tools
- time pass3_get_sources_with_morph_in_chroot
- ;;
- pass3b)
- time pass3_build_with_morph_in_chroot
- time pass3_dump_build_times
- ;;
- *) echo "Usage! (sorry, I'm unhelpful)" 1>&2
- exit 1
- ;;
-echo "$buildwhat finished OK"
diff --git a/check b/check
index 5e16d23e..6e02ef6b 100755
--- a/check
+++ b/check
@@ -107,8 +107,6 @@ then
case "$x" in
- baserock-bootstrap)
- ;;
if awk 'length > 79' "$x" | grep . > /dev/null
diff --git a/dump-build-times b/dump-build-times
deleted file mode 100755
index 48fdca65..00000000
--- a/dump-build-times
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Codethink Limited
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import cliapp
-import glob
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import StringIO
-class ExtractBuildTimes(cliapp.Application):
- '''Extracts build times of chunks in a morph cache directory.
- Given a morph cache directory as the first argument, this app finds all
- cached chunks, loads their meta data and prints their build times.
- '''
- def process_args(self, args):
- cachedir = args[0]
- def chunk_hash(chunk):
- short = re.split('\.', chunk)
- return os.path.basename(short[-3])
- def chunk_name(chunk):
- short = re.split('\.', chunk)
- return short[-1]
- chunks = glob.glob(os.path.join(cachedir, '*.chunk.*'))
- items = []
- for chunk in chunks:
- hash = chunk_hash(chunk)
- metafile = os.path.join(cachedir, '%s.meta' % hash)
- with open(metafile) as f:
- data =
- io = StringIO.StringIO(data)
- metainfo = json.load(io)
- time = metainfo['build-times']['overall-build']['delta']
- minutes = float(time) / 60.0
- items.append((chunk_name(chunk), minutes))
- items = sorted(items, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
- print '%s' % (43 * '-')
- print 'Build times of cached chunks in'
- print '%s' % cachedir
- print '%s' % (43 * '-')
- sum = 0.0
- for name, time in items:
- print '%30s: %6.1f mins' % (name, time)
- sum += time
- print '%s' % (43 * '-')
- print '%30s: %6.1f mins' % ('total', sum)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- ExtractBuildTimes().run()
diff --git a/run-bootstrap-in-chroot b/run-bootstrap-in-chroot
deleted file mode 100755
index fbe1e9f5..00000000
--- a/run-bootstrap-in-chroot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,199 +0,0 @@
-set -e
- umount "$1/proc" || true
- umount "$1/sys" || true
- umount "$1/tree/proc" || true
- umount "$1/tree/sys" || true
- echo -n "$snapshotdir/$1-snapshot.tar.gz"
- if [ -e $(pass_snapshot "$1") ]
- then
- return 0
- else
- return 1
- fi
- local dir="$1"
- cp baserock-bootstrap "$dir/." # update bootstrap script
- rm -rf "$dir/tree/baserock/gits/morph"
- mkdir -p "$dir/tree/baserock/gits/morph"
- # Copy everything except the target directory into the target directory.
- # The point is to be able to keep the working area for a bootstrap inside
- # the morph source directory. This is useful for Jenkins jobs.
- local base=$(basename $(basename "$dir"))
- find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 ! -name "$base" ! -name '*.tar.gz' \
- -exec cp -a '{}' "$dir/tree/baserock/gits/morph" ';'
- local dir="$1"
- local passname="$2"
- local tarball=$(pass_snapshot "$passname")
- if "$snapshot" && has_pass "$passname"
- then
- tar -C "$dir" -xhf "$tarball"
- update_morph "$dir"
- else
- update_morph "$dir"
- "./do-squeeze-chroot" bash -x baserock-bootstrap "$passname" || exit 1
- if "$snapshot"
- then
- tar -C "$dir" -caf "$tarball" .
- fi
- fi
-export LC_ALL=C
-if [ "x$1" = x ]
- echo "Usage: $0 chroot-dir" 1>&2
- exit 1
-mkdir -p "$1"
-: ${snapshot:=true}
-cat >"./do-squeeze-chroot" <<EOF
-# clear the temporary directory used outside the chroot
-export TMPDIR=
-if mount -t proc proc "$dir/proc"; then
- trap "umount \"$dir/proc\"" INT TERM EXIT
- if mount -t sysfs sysfs "$dir/sys"; then
- trap "umount \"$dir/proc\" \"$dir/sys\"" INT TERM EXIT
- if [ "x$CCACHE_HOST_DIR" != "x" ]; then
- if mount --bind "$CCACHE_HOST_DIR" "$dir/var/tmp/ccache"; then
- trap "umount \"$dir/proc\" \"$dir/sys\" \"$dir/var/tmp/ccache\"" \
- chroot "$dir" "\$@"
- fi
- else
- chroot "$dir" "\$@"
- fi
- fi
-chmod +x "./do-squeeze-chroot"
-if ([ "x$DEBIAN_MIRROR" = x ] && echo DEBIAN_MIRROR is unspecified >&2) ||
- ([ "x$GIT_TARBALLS" = x ] && echo GIT_TARBALLS is unspecified >&2)
- echo You have to set DEBIAN_MIRROR and other environment variables 1>&2
- exit 1
-if ! which dpkg 2> /dev/null; then
- echo "Warning: dpkg not found -- should debootstrap fail to autodetect "
- echo "your architecture, set ARCH in the environment (probably to amd64)"
-# prepare the ccache directory in the chroot, if necessary
-if [ "x$CCACHE_HOST_DIR" = "x" ]; then
- # print a warning if the CCACHE_HOST_DIR is not set
- echo "CCACHE_HOST_DIR is unspecified, but that's ok" >&2
-unmount_virtual "$dir"
-rm -rf "$dir"
-mkdir "$dir"
-if ! "$snapshot" || ! has_pass pass1a; then
- if "$snapshot" && [ -e "$chrootsnapshot" ]
- then
- tar -C "$dir" -xhf "$chrootsnapshot"
- else
- EXTRAPACKAGES="build-essential,gawk,bison,flex,python,autoconf"
- EXTRAPACKAGES="$EXTRAPACKAGES,autopoint,automake,gettext,libtool"
- EXTRAPACKAGES="$EXTRAPACKAGES,help2man,texinfo,sudo,ccache,gperf"
- EXTRAPACKAGES="$EXTRAPACKAGES,python-pip,python-simplejson,python-yaml"
- if [ -n $ARCH]; then
- fi
- debootstrap $EXTRAARGS --include="$EXTRAPACKAGES" squeeze \
- "$dir" "$DEBIAN_MIRROR"
- mkdir -p "$dir/etc"
- hostname > "$dir/etc/hostname"
- cat <<EOF > "$dir/etc/hosts"
- localhost
- `hostname`
- # create the directory for cached ccache object files
- mkdir -p "$dir/var/tmp/ccache"
- # manually build and install cliapp
- "./do-squeeze-chroot" mkdir -p /src
- "./do-squeeze-chroot" \
- git clone git:// /src/cliapp
- "./do-squeeze-chroot" \
- sh -c 'cd /src/cliapp && "$@"' -- python build
- "./do-squeeze-chroot" \
- sh -c 'cd /src/cliapp && "$@"' -- python install
- "./do-squeeze-chroot" pip install ordereddict
- if "$snapshot"
- then
- tar -caf "$chrootsnapshot" -C "$dir" .
- fi
- fi
-# Unpack existing snapshot, or run pass1 of bootstrap and then make snapshot.
-if ! "$snapshot" || ! has_pass pass1b
- run_pass "$dir" pass1a
-if ! "$snapshot" || ! has_pass pass2a
- run_pass "$dir" pass1b
-if ! "$snapshot" || ! has_pass pass2b
- run_pass "$dir" pass2a
-if ! "$snapshot" || ! has_pass pass3a
- run_pass "$dir" pass2b
-if ! "$snapshot" || ! has_pass pass3b
- run_pass "$dir" pass3a
-snapshot=false run_pass "$dir" pass3b
-echo "Passes 1, 2, and 3 of bootstrap done (possibly cached)."
diff --git a/scripts/assemble-stratum b/scripts/assemble-stratum
deleted file mode 100755
index 9addd36d..00000000
--- a/scripts/assemble-stratum
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Codethink Limited
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# This is a program to convert the json dump of the overlaps between artifacts
-# in a format more suited to shell programs, or human reading
-import json
-import tarfile
-import os
-import cliapp
-class AssembleStratum(cliapp.Application):
- def add_settings(self):
- self.settings.string(['cachedir'],
- 'Where the cache basedir is')
- self.settings.string(['tarformat'],
- 'What format to write tar to',
- default='')
- def process_args(self, args):
- chunklist = json.load(open(args[0]))
- tarformat = 'w'
- if self.settings['tarformat'] != "":
- tarformat += self.settings['tarformat']
- outfile =[1], tarformat)
- # concatenate chunk tarballs
- for chunk in chunklist:
- path = os.path.join(self.settings['cachedir'], 'artifacts', chunk)
- chunktar =, mode='r:*')
- for tarinfo in chunktar:
- if tarinfo.isfile():
- outfile.addfile(tarinfo, chunktar.extractfile(tarinfo))
- else:
- outfile.addfile(tarinfo)
- chunktar.close()
- # add the stratum's metadata
- if os.path.exists(args[0] + '.meta'):
- outfile.add(args[0] + '.meta',
- os.path.join('baserock', '%s.meta' % args[2]))
- outfile.close()
diff --git a/scripts/bootstrap b/scripts/bootstrap
deleted file mode 100755
index 37ce6952..00000000
--- a/scripts/bootstrap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,555 +0,0 @@
-# Build an intermediate build-essential stratum using the host's tools
-# -- everything is installed into $PREFIX inside a chroot
-# -- a "cross-compiler" toolchain is built first, as suggested by LFS, and
-# this builds the actual build-essential tools.
-# -- unlike LFS, the initial toolchain goes into a separate prefix. This is
-# because programs in the target chroot cannot be executed outside of the
-# chroot without creating a symlink in the root directory of the host
-# system, which is not pleasant.
-# -- this also means we effectively always cross-compile, because nothing in
-# the chroot is executable during the build process. This is good, because
-# build-essential must be cross-compilable so that we can port Baserock
-# to new architectures.
-# -- we can't build g++, because since it's effectively a cross build we can't
-# bootstrap the compiler, and although theoretically we could build one in
-# the temporary toolchain, that doesn't actually work. Since the next step
-# is a native build we can get a c++ compiler in stage 2 of the bootstrap.
-# In future Morph will handle the build of build-essential that is currently
-# done by this script.
-# Disable hashing, so that newly built tools are picked up in PATH immediately
-set +h
-set -eu
-## Configuration
-# Installing to a different sysroot (e.g. /tools) is supported, but in order
-# to use the result as a staging filler Morph needs to know to create /bin and
-# /lib{64} symlinks in the staging area if not present (creating the symlinks
-# in the filler itself will conflict with the fhs-dirs chunk)
-export MAKEFLAGS="-j 4"
-export CFLAGS="-O2"
-# i686
-#export ARCH=i386
-# x86_64
-export ARCH="x86_64"
-# Little-endian ARM
-#export ARCH="arm"
-# Big-endian ARM
-# No stable GCC release as of January 2013 can default to big-endian linking.
-# You must backport a patch from trunk to make this work. See:
-# Correct linking also depends on the correct --with-arch= flag being given.
-#export ARCH="arm"
-## Setup
-if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]; then
- echo "Usage: $0 BASE_DIR"
- echo
- echo " Compiles a build-essential chroot in BASE_DIR. The directory"
- echo " BASE_DIR/gits is expected to contain checkouts of all source"
- echo " code required for the builds; you will currently have to"
- echo " assemble this yourself based on the source code of this script."
- exit 1
-if [ ! -d "$BASE_DIR" ]; then
- echo "$BASE_DIR does not exist"
- exit 1
-BASE_DIR="$(readlink -f $BASE_DIR)"
-if [ ! -d "$BASE_DIR" ]; then
- echo "$BASE_DIR does not exist"
- exit 1
-if [ ! -d "$BASE_DIR/gits" ]; then
- echo "$BASE_DIR/gits does not exist"
- exit 1
-if [ ! -d "$TOOLCHAIN_DIR" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$TOOLCHAIN_DIR"
-if [ ! -d "$CHROOT_DIR" ]; then
- mkdir -p "$CHROOT_DIR"
-## Architecture-specific hacks
-fix_chroot_for_target() {
- case "$TARGET" in
- x86_64*)
- # eglibc 2.15 is belligerant about putting things into /lib64,
- # especially when prefix is /usr. Currently if PREFIX is NOT /usr
- # we force to be in PREFIX/lib/; but eglibc installs it
- # in /lib64 anyway.
- if [ ! -e $CHROOT_DIR/lib64/ ]; then
- mkdir -p $CHROOT_DIR$PREFIX/lib64
- ln -sf $CHROOT_DIR$PREFIX/lib/ \
- fi ;;
- esac
-## Build process
-assert_branch() {
- branch="$1"
- if which git > /dev/null &&
- [ $(git rev-parse HEAD) != $(git rev-parse "$branch") ]; then
- echo "Expected to be building '$branch' branch in $(basename $(pwd))" \
- >&2
- exit 1
- fi
-touch_tree() {
- # git doesn't preserve mtimes, but this causes rebuilds of things that
- # haven't changed which breaks builds if the correct tools are not
- # available
- #date=$(date '+%C%y%m%d%H%M.%S')
- #find -type f -exec touch -m -t $date \{} \;
- return 0
-# build-essential
-build_binutils() {
- pass="$1"
- source_dir="$BASE_DIR"/gits/binutils-redhat
- build_dir="$BASE_DIR"/builds/binutils-"$pass"
- cd "$source_dir"
- assert_branch "baserock/build-essential"
- touch_tree
- rm -Rf "$build_dir" && mkdir -p "$build_dir"
- cd "$build_dir"
- # Note for shell escape purists: quotes around --with-lib-path's argument
- # do not work correctly
- if [ "$pass" == "pass1" ]; then
- extra_config="--target=$TARGET --with-sysroot=\"$CHROOT_DIR\" \
- --with-lib-path=$CHROOT_DIR$PREFIX/lib"
- elif [ "$pass" == "pass2" ]; then
- extra_config="--host=$TARGET --with-lib-path=$PREFIX/lib "
- else
- echo "Invalid pass for binutils: $pass"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Note that the root configure script's --help doesn't display the
- # arguments for sub-configure scripts, but it does pass on arguments to
- # them
- "$source_dir"/configure \
- --prefix=$PREFIX --disable-nls --disable-werror \
- $extra_config
- make
- make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install
-build_busybox() {
- source_dir="$BASE_DIR"/gits/busybox
- build_dir="$BASE_DIR"/builds/busybox
- cd "$source_dir"
- assert_branch "baserock/build-essential"
- touch_tree
- rm -Rf "$build_dir" && mkdir -p "$build_dir"
- cd "$build_dir"
- # Busybox's default config includes basically everything
- make KBUILD_SRC="$source_dir" -f "$source_dir"/Makefile defconfig
- if [ "$PREFIX" != "/usr" ]; then
- # Install everything into DESTDIR instead of putting some of it into
- # DESTDIR/usr/. For compatibility with the old Baserock staging
- # fillers, if the prefix is /usr we still do the traditional /bin vs.
- # /usr/bin split for now.
- .config
- fi
- sed -e 's/.*CONFIG_STATIC.*/CONFIG_STATIC=y/' -i .config
- # Requires stuff that was removed after eglibc 2.14
- sed -e 's/.*CONFIG_INETD.*/# CONFIG_INETD is not set/' -i .config
- # Disable all module tools. BusyBox's depmod isn't sufficient for Linux
- # builds, but Linux will build OK if depmod isn't present at all. Also, we
- # have kmod in Baserock which can do all this stuff anyway.
- sed -e 's/.*MODPROBE_SMALL=.*/# CONFIG_MODPROBE_SMALL is not set/' \
- -i .config
- sed -e 's/.*INSMOD=.*/CONFIG_INSMOD=y/' -i .config
- sed -e 's/.*RMMOD=.*/CONFIG_RMMOD=y/' -i .config
- sed -e 's/.*LSMOD=.*/CONFIG_LSMOD=y/' -i .config
- sed -e 's/.*DEPMOD=.*/CONFIG_DEPMOD=y/' -i .config
- sed -e 's/.*MODPROBE=.*/CONFIG_MODPROBE=y/' -i .config
- sed -e 's/.*CONFIG_INETD.*/# CONFIG_INETD is not set/' -i .config
- if [ "$PREFIX" != "/usr" ]; then
- else
- fi
-build_eglibc() {
- source_dir="$BASE_DIR"/gits/eglibc2
- build_dir="$BASE_DIR"/builds/eglibc
- # Necessary for ARM port.
- if [ ! -e "$source_dir/libc/ports" ]; then
- ln -s "$source_dir/ports" "$source_dir/libc/ports"
- fi
- cd "$source_dir"
- assert_branch "baserock/2.15-build-essential"
- touch_tree
- rm -Rf "$build_dir" && mkdir -p "$build_dir"
- cd "$build_dir"
- # If prefix is set to /usr, eglibc otherwise decides to install its
- # libraries in /usr/lib64 on some Linux
- extra_config="--libdir=$PREFIX/lib"
- # Suggested by Linux From Scratch. Is the default really to build with
- # profiling??
- extra_config="--disable-profile $extra_config"
- # Minimum kernel version that this eglibc will be usable with.
- extra_config="--enable-kernel=2.6.25 $extra_config"
- # Location of headers
- extra_config="--with-headers=$CHROOT_DIR$PREFIX/include $extra_config"
- # Force configure flags of certain things that can't be detected in a
- # cross-compile.
- extra_config="$extra_config \
- libc_cv_c_cleanup=yes libc_cv_ctors_header=yes \
- libc_cv_forced_unwind=yes libc_cv_ssp=no"
- # + --without-fp for ARM
- "$source_dir"/libc/configure --prefix=$PREFIX --host="$TARGET" \
- --build=$("$source_dir"/libc/scripts/config.guess) \
- --enable-add-ons=nptl,ports $extra_config
- make
- make "install_root=$DESTDIR" install
-build_gcc() {
- pass="$1"
- source_dir="$BASE_DIR"/gits/gcc-tarball
- build_dir="$BASE_DIR"/builds/gcc-"$pass"
- cd "$source_dir"
- assert_branch "baserock/build-essential"
- touch_tree
- # This hack is to prevent the multilib configuration of the host OS
- # leaking into Baserock, which does not use multilib at all. Without this,
- # the pass2 gcc will install its libraries into $PREFIX/lib64 instead of
- # $PREFIX/lib, because its configure script decides ${toolexeclibdir}
- # based on the output of gcc -print-multi-os-directory
- if [ "$(echo $TARGET | cut -c -6)" = "x86_64" ]; then
- sed -i "$source_dir/gcc/config/i386/t-linux64" \
- fi
- rm -Rf "$build_dir" && mkdir -p "$build_dir"
- cd "$build_dir"
- if [ "$pass" == "pass1" ]; then
- # In pass 1 we build a crosscompiler for $TARGET.
- extra_config="--target=$TARGET"
- # The pass 1 compiler needs to find the libraries we build in pass 2.
- # Include path must be set explicility, because it defaults to
- # $CHROOT_DIR/usr/include.
- extra_config="$extra_config \
- --with-sysroot="$CHROOT_DIR" \
- --with-native-system-header-dir=\"$CHROOT_DIR$PREFIX/include\""
- # Disable stuff that doesn't work when building a cross compiler
- # without an existing libc, and generally try to keep this build as
- # simple as possible.
- extra_config="$extra_config \
- --enable-languages=c \
- --disable-decimal-float --disable-libmudflap \
- --disable-libquadmath --disable-libssp --disable-shared \
- --disable-threads --disable-target-libiberty \
- --disable-target-zlib --without-headers --with-newlib \
- --with-system-zlib"
- # way too slow with this, but it maybe a good idea / required
- extra_config="--disable-bootstrap $extra_config"
- elif [ "$pass" == "pass2" ]; then
- # Pass 1 gcc's fixincludes process created a limits.h before there was
- # a real limits.h available for the target. This step (taken from
- # Linux From Scratch) creates a better one so gcc can compile.
- libgcc_dir=$(dirname $($TARGET-gcc -print-libgcc-file-name))
- cat "$source_dir/gcc/limitx.h" "$source_dir/gcc/glimits.h" \
- "$source_dir/gcc/limity.h" \
- > "$libgcc_dir/include-fixed/limits.h"
- # This time we are creating a native compiler running on $TARGET
- extra_config="--host=$TARGET"
- # I'm not sure why this is needed. target should default to host,
- # but if we don't pass this explicitly some of the files that should
- # go in $PREFIX/lib/gcc/$TARGET/4.6.2 end up in
- # $PREFIX/lib/gcc/$TARGET/4.6.3 instead. Weird.
- extra_config="--target=$TARGET $extra_config"
- # The two-step compiler process means we don't need to bootstrap now
- # (and couldn't anyway, since build != host for pass 2).
- extra_config="--disable-bootstrap $extra_config"
- # C++ doesn't build without a C++ compiler, I think, so we still
- # can't have that yet. We don't need one anyway.
- extra_config="$extra_config \
- --enable-clocale=gnu \
- --enable-languages=c --enable-shared \
- --enable-threads=posix"
- else
- echo "Invalid pass for gcc: $pass"
- exit 1
- fi
- # An attempt to stop anything going in $PREFIX/lib64
- extra_config=" --libdir=$PREFIX/lib $extra_config"
- # Disable searching /usr/local/include for headers
- extra_config="--with-local-prefix=$PREFIX $extra_config"
- # It makes no sense for Baserock to use multilib.
- extra_config="--disable-multilib $extra_config"
- # General stuff that we don't need / won't work right now
- extra_config="$extra_config \
- --disable-libgomp --without-cloog --without-ppl"
- # mpfr is built as part of gcc, but we need to point latter components
- # to the result of this build.
- extra_config="$extra_config \
- --with-mpfr-include="$source_dir"/mpfr/src \
- --with-mpfr-lib="$build_dir"/mpfr/src/.libs"
- "$source_dir"/configure --prefix=$PREFIX --disable-nls \
- $TARGET_GCC_CONFIG $extra_config
- make
- make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install
-build_linux_api_headers() {
- source_dir="$BASE_DIR"/gits/linux
- build_dir="$BASE_DIR"/builds/linux-api-headers
- cd "$source_dir"
- assert_branch "baserock/build-essential"
- touch_tree
- rm -Rf "$build_dir" && mkdir -p "$build_dir"
- # We don't achieve a real out of tree build here :(
- make O="$build_dir" mrproper
- #make O="$build_dir" headers_check
- make O="$build_dir" INSTALL_HDR_PATH="$DESTDIR$PREFIX" headers_install
-# build-essential-plus
-build_gawk() {
- source_dir="$BASE_DIR"/gits/gawk
- build_dir="$BASE_DIR"/builds/gawk
- cd "$source_dir"
- assert_branch "baserock/build-essential"
- touch_tree
- rm -Rf "$build_dir" && mkdir -p "$build_dir"
- cd "$build_dir"
- $source_dir/configure --prefix=$PREFIX --host=$TARGET --disable-nls
- make
- make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install
-build_make() {
- source_dir="$BASE_DIR"/gits/make
- build_dir="$BASE_DIR"/builds/make
- cd "$source_dir"
- assert_branch "baserock/build-essential"
- touch_tree
- rm -Rf "$build_dir" && mkdir -p "$build_dir"
- cd "$build_dir"
- $source_dir/configure --prefix=$PREFIX --host=$TARGET --disable-nls
- make
- make DESTDIR="$DESTDIR" install
-## 1. Build a "cross-compiler"
-# We always do two builds of the compiler for now; hopefully the rebootstrap
-# process in Baserock will allow us to optimise this out when not
-# cross-compiling (we will never be cross-compiling except when bootstrapping
-# a new architecture).
-export CC="gcc"
-build_binutils pass1
-build_gcc pass1
-if ! [ -x "$(which $TARGET-gcc)" ]; then
- echo "Missing $TARGET-gcc in PATH: something went wrong"
- exit 1
-# A hack so that we can build eglibc with a no-shared-libs gcc; libgcc_eh is
-# referenced in the eglibc build, but its static version contains all of the
-# necessary symbols anyway.
-for f in `find "$TOOLCHAIN_DIR" -name libgcc.a`; do \
- EH="`echo "$f" | sed 's/libgcc/&_eh/'`" && if [ ! -e "$EH" ]; then
- ln -s libgcc.a "$EH";
- fi;
-## 2. Build the actual intermediate build-essential chroot
-export CC=
-# We don't want to customise the specs until we actually have eglibc installed.
-specs_dir="$(dirname $($TARGET-gcc --print-libgcc-file-name))"
-rm -f "$specs_dir/specs"
-# Passing --with-lib-path to our pass1 linker gives it the correct library
-# search path, but this doesn't work for the startup files. The startup files
-# (crt*.o) are searched for by gcc itself, and passed to ld as absolute paths
-# if found or just filenames if not (in which case, ld will not search for
-# them either because they are .o files, not libraries).
-# One alternative to this hack is to pass -B $CHROOT_DIR$PREFIX/lib to gcc, but
-# that option often gets eaten by libtool and by gcc's nested configure
-# scripts so it's not fully effective.
-$TARGET-gcc -dumpspecs | \
-sed -e "s@\(crt1\|gcrt1\|Scrt1\|crti\|crtn\)\.o@$CHROOT_DIR$PREFIX/lib/&@g" \
- > "$specs_dir/specs"
-if [ "$PREFIX" != "/usr" ]; then
- # eglibc (in sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/configure) puts some files in /lib64
- # if PREFIX is /usr, so for now we go with this and avoid doing any fixups.
- # For other prefixes, everything is installed correctly into the sysroot.
- #
- # In the future we should fix eglibc to put all files into PREFIX/lib at
- # which point this fix will always be necessary, until GCC grows a better
- # way to specify the location of
- sed -i "$specs_dir/specs" -e "s@/lib\(64\)\?/ld@$PREFIX/&@g"
-echo "Testing pass 1 compiler and chroot ..."
-cat <<EOF > $CHROOT_DIR/build-test.c
-#include <stdio.h>
-int main() { printf("OK"); return 0; }
-$TARGET-gcc $CFLAGS "$CHROOT_DIR/build-test.c" -o "$CHROOT_DIR/build-test"
-if [ "$PREFIX" != "/usr" ]; then
- # Check that we successfully forced use of the inside the sysroot
- if ! readelf -l "$CHROOT_DIR"/build-test | grep -q "interpreter: $PREFIX" ;
- then
- echo "Wrong interpreter in output of pass 1 C compiler"
- exit 1
- fi
-rm "$CHROOT_DIR/build-test" "$CHROOT_DIR/build-test.c"
-export CC=$TARGET-gcc
-export AR=$TARGET-ar
-export RANLIB=$TARGET-ranlib
-build_binutils pass2
-# This is hardcoded into gcc as NATIVE_SYSTEM_HEADERS. It's used only when
-# running fixincludes, which only makes sense when cross-compiling anyway.
-# Compilation fails if this directory is missing anyway, unfortunately.
-if [ ! -d /usr/include ]; then
- mkdir -p /usr/include
- created_native_system_header_dir="yes"
-build_gcc pass2
-if [ ! -e "$DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/cc" ]; then
- ln -s gcc "$DESTDIR$PREFIX/bin/cc"
-if [ "$created_native_system_header_dir" == "yes" ]; then
- rm /usr/include
- rm /usr
-echo "Complete! You now have a build-essential for $TARGET in "
-echo "$CHROOT_DIR."
-echo "Before it can be used as a staging filler for Morph, you need to "
-echo "manually run the install-commands from the 'fhs-dirs' chunk as root to "
-echo "set up the necessary files and device nodes."