path: root/plugin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugin')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 240 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/ b/plugin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e2eb4..0000000
--- a/plugin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2014 Codethink Limited
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import cliapp
-from contextlib import closing, contextmanager
-from fs.tempfs import TempFS
-import os
-import re
-from firehose.config import FirehoseConfig
-import morphlib
-from debian.debian_support import Version
-def firehose_git(app):
- try:
- username = (app.runcmd_unchecked(["git", "config", "--global", ""]))[1].strip()
- email = (app.runcmd_unchecked(["git", "config", "--global", ""]))[1].strip()
- app.runcmd(["git", "config", "--global", "", "Firehose merge bot"])
- app.runcmd(["git", "config", "--global", "", ""])
- yield ()
- finally:
- app.runcmd(["git", "config", "--global", "", username])
- app.runcmd(["git", "config", "--global", "", email])
-class FirehosePlugin(cliapp.Plugin):
- def enable(self):
-'firehose', self.firehose_cmd,
- arg_synopsis='some-firehose.yaml...')
- def disable(self):
- pass
- def firehose_cmd(self, args):
- confs = []
- if len(args) == 0:
- raise cliapp.AppException("Expected list of firehoses on command line")
- for fname in args:
- with open(fname, "r") as fh:
- confs.append(FirehoseConfig(fname, fh))
- # Ensure all incoming configurations are based on, and landing in, the
- # same repository. This is because we're only supporting an aggregated
- # integration mode for now.
- if len(set(c.landing_repo for c in confs)) > 1:
- raise cliapp.AppException("Not all firehoses have the same landing repo")
- if len(set(c.landing_baseref for c in confs)) > 1:
- raise cliapp.AppException("Not all firehoses have the same landing baseref")
- if len(set(c.landing_myref for c in confs)) > 1:
- raise cliapp.AppException("Not all firehoses have the same landing myref")
- # Ensure that all incoming configurations have unique things they are
- # integrating into. Note: this allows for the same upstream to be
- # tracked in multiple configs, providing they are all targetting a
- # different part of the system. (e.g. linux kernels for multiple BSPs)
- if len(set("%s:%s" % (c.landing_stratum,
- c.landing_chunk) for c in confs)) != len(confs):
- raise cliapp.AppException("Not all firehoses have unique landing locations")
- with closing(TempFS(['tempdir'])) as tfs, \
- firehose_git(
- self.base_path = tfs.getsyspath("/")
- self.make_workspace()
- self.make_branch(confs[0].landing)
- self.reset_to_tracking(confs[0].landing)
- self.load_morphologies()
- for c in confs:
- self.update_for_conf(c)
- if self.updated_morphologies():
- self.commit_and_push()
- def make_path(self, *subpath):
- return os.path.join(self.base_path, *subpath)
- def make_workspace(self):
- def make_branch(self, root):
- os.chdir(self.make_path("ws"))
- try:
-['branch']([root['repo'], root['myref'], root['baseref']])
- except cliapp.AppException, ae:
- if "already exists in" in str(ae):
-['checkout']([root['repo'], root['myref']])
- else:
- raise
- repopath = root['repo'].replace(':', '/')
- self.gitpath = self.make_path("ws", root['myref'], repopath)
- def reset_to_tracking(self, root):
- branch_head_sha =['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'],
- cwd=self.gitpath).strip()
-['git', 'reset', '--hard', 'origin/%s' % root['baseref']],
- cwd=self.gitpath)
-['git', 'reset', '--soft', branch_head_sha],
- cwd=self.gitpath)
- def load_morphologies(self):
- ws =
- sb = morphlib.sysbranchdir.open_from_within(self.gitpath)
- loader = morphlib.morphloader.MorphologyLoader()
- morphs = morphlib.morphset.MorphologySet()
- for morph in sb.load_all_morphologies(loader):
- morphs.add_morphology(morph)
- = ws
- = sb
- self.loader = loader
- self.morphs = morphs
- self.lrc, self.rrc = morphlib.util.new_repo_caches(
- def find_cached_repo(self, stratum, chunk):
- urls = []
- def wanted_spec(m, kind, spec):
- if not m['kind'] == 'stratum' and kind == 'chunks':
- return False
- if m.get('name') == stratum and spec.get('name') == chunk:
- return True
- def process_spec(m, kind, spec):
- urls.append(spec['repo'])
- return False
- self.morphs.traverse_specs(process_spec, wanted_spec)
- if len(urls) != 1:
- raise cliapp.AppException(
- "Woah! expected 1 chunk matching %s:%s (got %d)" % (
- stratum, chunk, len(urls)))
- return self.lrc.get_updated_repo(urls[0])
- def git_in_repo_unchecked(self, repo, *args):
- args = list(args)
- args.insert(0, "git")
- return, cwd=repo.path)
- def git_in_repo(self, repo, *args):
- args = list(args)
- args.insert(0, "git")
- return, cwd=repo.path)
- def all_shas_for_refs(self, repo):
- all_lines = self.git_in_repo(repo, "for-each-ref").strip().split("\n")
- for refline in all_lines:
- (sha, objtype, name) = refline.split(None, 2)
- if objtype == 'tag':
- sha = self.git_in_repo(repo, "rev-list", "-1", sha).strip()
- yield name, sha
- def interested_in_ref(self, conf, refname):
- if conf.tracking_mode == 'follow-tip':
- return refname == conf.tracking_ref
- elif conf.tracking_mode == 'refs':
- return any(re.match(filterstr, refname)
- for filterstr in conf.tracking_filters)
- else:
- raise FirehoseConfigError(conf, "Unknown value: %s" %
- conf.tracking_mode, ["tracking", "mode"])
- def rewrite_ref(self, conf, ref):
- if conf.tracking_mode == 'refs':
- for transform in conf.tracking_transforms:
- ref = re.sub(transform['match'], transform['replacement'], ref)
- return ref
- def compare_refs(self, ref1, ref2):
- if ref1[0] == ref2[0]:
- return 0
- v1 = Version(ref1[0].replace("/", "-"))
- v2 = Version(ref2[0].replace("/", "-"))
- if v1 < v2:
- return -1
- return 1
- def sanitise_refname(self, refname):
- if refname.startswith("refs/"):
- return "/".join((refname.split("/"))[2:])
- else:
- return refname
- def update_refs(self, stratum, chunk, sha, refname):
- def wanted_spec(m, kind, spec):
- if not m['kind'] == 'stratum' and kind == 'chunks':
- return False
- if m.get('name') == stratum and spec.get('name') == chunk:
- return True
- def process_spec(m, kind, spec):
- spec['ref'] = sha
- spec['unpetrify-ref'] = refname
- return True
- self.morphs.traverse_specs(process_spec, wanted_spec)
- def update_for_conf(self, conf):
- stratum = conf.landing_stratum
- chunk = conf.landing_chunk
- crc = self.find_cached_repo(stratum, chunk)
- interesting_refs = [
- (self.rewrite_ref(conf, name), name, sha)
- for (name, sha) in self.all_shas_for_refs(crc)
- if self.interested_in_ref(conf, name)]
- interesting_refs.sort(self.compare_refs)
- (_, refname, sha) = interesting_refs.pop()
- refname = self.sanitise_refname(refname)
- self.update_refs(stratum, chunk, sha, refname)
- def updated_morphologies(self):
- if not any(m.dirty for m in self.morphs.morphologies):
- return False
- for morph in self.morphs.morphologies:
- if morph.dirty:
- self.loader.unset_defaults(morph)
- self.loader.save_to_file(
-, morph.filename), morph)
- morph.dirty = False
- return True
- def commit_and_push(self):
- (code, out, err) =
- ['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'Firehose test commit'],
- cwd=self.gitpath)
- if code == 0:
-['git', 'push', 'origin', 'HEAD'],
- cwd=self.gitpath)