path: root/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
4 files changed, 1238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d0e64d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import yaml
+import morphlib
+''' distbuild-cluster: Build all systems in a cluster using distbuild.
+This script should be removed once Morph has grown the capability to
+build an entire cluster itself. This will require changes either to the
+distbuild component (so that a single controller can build for multiple
+architectures) or to the way Morph talks to distbuild (so that it can
+handle multiple controllers).
+controllers = {
+ 'armv7lhf': '',
+ 'x86_32': 'distbuild-x86-32',
+ 'x86_64': 'distbuild-x86-64',
+ref_to_build = 'baserock-14.22'
+def read_morph(morph_name, kind=None):
+ with open(morph_name + '.morph') as f:
+ morph = yaml.load(f)
+ if kind is not None:
+ assert morph['kind'] == kind
+ return morph
+class Build(object):
+ '''A single distbuild instance.'''
+ def __init__(self, system_name, arch):
+ self.system_name = system_name
+ self.distbuild_controller = controllers[system['arch']]
+ self.command = [
+ 'morph', 'distbuild-morphology',
+ '--controller-initiator-address=%s' % self.distbuild_controller,
+ 'baserock:baserock/definitions', ref_to_build, system_name]
+ def start(self):
+ self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.command)
+ def completed(self):
+ return (self.process.poll() is not None)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ cluster_name = morphlib.util.strip_morph_extension(sys.argv[1])
+ cluster = read_morph(cluster_name, kind='cluster')
+ system_list = [system['morph'] for system in cluster['systems']]
+ builds = []
+ for system_name in system_list:
+ system = read_morph(system_name)
+ builds.append(Build(system_name, system['arch']))
+ # Morph dumps many log files to the current directory, which I don't
+ # want to be in the root of 'definitions'.
+ if not os.path.exists('builds'):
+ os.mkdir('builds')
+ os.chdir('builds')
+ for build in builds:
+ build.start()
+ while not all(build.completed() for build in builds):
+ time.sleep(1)
+ for build in builds:
+ if build.process.returncode != 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Building failed for %s\n" % build.system_name)
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e11e6625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2014 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+import cliapp
+import morphlib
+import yaml
+import contextlib
+import gzip
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import tarfile
+import urllib2
+''' do-release: Baserock release tooling.
+See: <>.
+class config(object):
+ release_number = RELEASE NUMBER
+ build_trove = 'hawkdevtrove'
+ release_trove = ''
+ # Note that the 'location' field of the various systems in release.morph
+ # should match 'images_dir' here.
+ deploy_workspace = '/src/ws-release'
+ images_dir = '/src/release'
+ artifacts_dir = '/src/release/artifacts'
+ # These locations should be appropriate 'staging' directories on the public
+ # servers that host images and artifacts. Remember not to upload to the
+ # public directories directly, or you risk exposing partially uploaded
+ # files. Once everything has uploaded you can 'mv' the release artifacts
+ # to the public directories in one quick operation.
+ # FIXME: we should probably warn if the dir exists and is not empty.
+ images_upload_location = \
+ artifacts_upload_location = \
+ ''
+ # The Codethink Manchester office currently has 8Mbits/s upload available.
+ # This setting ensures we use no more than half of the available bandwidth.
+ bandwidth_limit_kbytes_sec = 512
+def status(message, *args):
+ sys.stdout.write(message % args)
+ sys.stdout.write('\n')
+def cwd(path):
+ '''
+ Context manager to set current working directory.'''
+ old_cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(path)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(old_cwd)
+def transfer(f_in, f_out, block_size=10*1024*1024, show_status=True):
+ '''Stream from f_in to f_out until the end of f_in is reached.
+ This function is rather like shutil.copyfileobj(), but it doesn't seem
+ possible to output progress info using that function.
+ '''
+ total_bytes = 0
+ while True:
+ data =
+ total_bytes += len(data)
+ if len(data) == 0:
+ break
+ f_out.write(data)
+ if show_status:
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ '\rProcessed %iMB ...' % (total_bytes / (1024 * 1024)))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ if show_status:
+ sys.stdout.write('\rCompleted transfer\n')
+class DeployImages(object):
+ '''Stage 1: deploy release images.'''
+ def create_deploy_workspace(self, path):
+ '''Create or enter existing workspace for deploying release images.'''
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ status('Creating workspace %s' % path)
+ cliapp.runcmd(['morph', 'init', path])
+ else:
+ status('Reusing existing workspace %s' % path)
+ repo = 'baserock:baserock/definitions'
+ branch = 'master'
+ with cwd(path):
+ if not os.path.exists(branch):
+ status('Checking out %s branch %s' % (repo, branch))
+ cliapp.runcmd(['morph', 'checkout', repo, branch])
+ else:
+ status('Reusing checkout of %s %s' % (repo, branch))
+ definitions_dir = os.path.join(
+ config.deploy_workspace, branch, 'baserock/baserock/definitions')
+ return definitions_dir
+ def read_morph(self, filename, kind=None):
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ morph = yaml.load(f)
+ if kind is not None:
+ assert morph['kind'] == kind
+ return morph
+ def parse_release_cluster(self, release_cluster):
+ '''Validate release cluster and list the systems being released.
+ This function returns a dict mapping the system name to the location
+ of its deployed image.
+ It's an open question how we should detect and handle the case where a
+ write extension creates more than one file. ARM kernels and GENIVI
+ manifest files are possible examples of this.
+ '''
+ version_label = 'baserock-%s' % config.release_number
+ outputs = {}
+ for system in release_cluster['systems']:
+ system_morph = system['morph']
+ if 'release' not in system['deploy']:
+ raise cliapp.AppException(
+ 'In release.morph: system %s ID should be "release"' %
+ system_morph)
+ # We can't override 'location' with a different value. We must use
+ # what's already in the morphology, and check that it makes sense.
+ location = system['deploy']['release']['location']
+ if not os.path.samefile(os.path.dirname(location),
+ config.images_dir):
+ raise cliapp.AppException(
+ 'In release.morph: system location %s is not inside '
+ 'configured images_dir %s' % (location, config.images_dir))
+ if not os.path.basename(location).startswith(version_label):
+ raise cliapp.AppException(
+ 'In release.morph: system image name %s does not start '
+ 'with version label %s' % (location, version_label))
+ outputs[system_morph] = location
+ return outputs
+ def deploy_images(self, outputs):
+ '''Use `morph deploy` to create the release images.'''
+ # FIXME: once `morph deploy` supports partial deployment, this should
+ # deploy only the images which aren't already deployed... it should
+ # also check if they need redeploying based on the SHA1 they were
+ # deployed from, perhaps. That's getting fancy!
+ todo = [f for f in outputs.itervalues() if not os.path.exists(f)]
+ if len(todo) == 0:
+ status('Reusing existing release images')
+ else:
+ logging.debug('Need to deploy images: %s' % ', '.join(todo))
+ status('Creating release images from release.morph')
+ version_label = 'baserock-%s' % config.release_number
+ morph_config = ['--trove-host=%s' % config.build_trove]
+ deploy_config = ['release.VERSION_LABEL=%s' % version_label]
+ cliapp.runcmd(
+ ['morph', 'deploy', 'release.morph'] + morph_config +
+ deploy_config, stdout=sys.stdout)
+ def compress_images(self, outputs):
+ for name, source_file in outputs.iteritems():
+ target_file = source_file + '.gz'
+ if os.path.exists(target_file):
+ status('Reusing compressed image %s' % target_file)
+ else:
+ status('Compressing %s to %s', source_file, target_file)
+ with open(source_file, 'r') as f_in:
+ with, 'w', compresslevel=4) as f_out:
+ transfer(f_in, f_out)
+ outputs[name] = target_file
+ def run(self):
+ definitions_dir = self.create_deploy_workspace(config.deploy_workspace)
+ with cwd(definitions_dir):
+ release_cluster = self.read_morph('release.morph', kind='cluster')
+ outputs = self.parse_release_cluster(release_cluster)
+ with cwd(definitions_dir):
+ self.deploy_images(outputs)
+ self.compress_images(outputs)
+ return outputs
+class PrepareArtifacts(object):
+ '''Stage 2: Fetch all artifacts and archive them.
+ This includes the system artifacts. While these are large, it's very
+ helpful to have the system artifacts available in the
+ artifact cache because it allows users to deploy them with `morph deploy`.
+ If they are not available in the cache they must be built, which requires
+ access to a system of the same architecture as the target system.
+ '''
+ def get_artifact_list(self, system_morphs):
+ '''Return list of artifacts involved in the release.
+ List is also written to a file.
+ Note that this function requires the `list-artifacts` command from
+ Morph of Baserock 14.23 or later.
+ '''
+ artifact_list_file = os.path.join(
+ config.artifacts_dir, 'baserock-%s-artifacts.txt' %
+ config.release_number)
+ if os.path.exists(artifact_list_file):
+ with open(artifact_list_file) as f:
+ artifact_basenames = [line.strip() for line in f]
+ else:
+ text = cliapp.runcmd(
+ ['morph', '--quiet', '--trove-host=%s' % config.build_trove,
+ 'list-artifacts', 'baserock:baserock/definitions', 'master'] +
+ system_morphs)
+ artifact_basenames = text.strip().split('\n')
+ with morphlib.savefile.SaveFile(artifact_list_file, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(text)
+ return artifact_list_file, artifact_basenames
+ def query_remote_artifacts(self, trove, artifact_basenames):
+ url = 'http://%s:8080/1.0/artifacts' % trove
+ logging.debug('Querying %s' % url)
+ f = urllib2.urlopen(url, data=json.dumps(list(artifact_basenames)))
+ response = json.load(f)
+ return response
+ def fetch_artifact(self, remote_cache, artifact):
+ f_in = remote_cache._get_file(artifact)
+ artifact_local = os.path.join(config.artifacts_dir, artifact)
+ with morphlib.savefile.SaveFile(artifact_local, 'wb') as f_out:
+ try:
+ logging.debug('Writing to %s' % artifact_local)
+ transfer(f_in, f_out)
+ except BaseException:
+ logging.debug(
+ 'Cleaning up %s after error' % artifact_local)
+ f_out.abort()
+ raise
+ f_in.close()
+ def fetch_artifacts(self, artifact_basenames):
+ remote_cache = morphlib.remoteartifactcache.RemoteArtifactCache(
+ 'http://%s:8080' % config.build_trove)
+ found_artifacts = set()
+ artifacts_to_query = []
+ for artifact in artifact_basenames:
+ artifact_local = os.path.join(config.artifacts_dir, artifact)
+ # FIXME: no checksumming of artifacts done; we could get corruption
+ # introduced here and we would have no way of knowing. Cached
+ # artifact validation is planned for Morph; see:
+ #
+ if os.path.exists(artifact_local):
+ status('%s already cached' % artifact)
+ found_artifacts.add(artifact)
+ else:
+ artifacts_to_query.append(artifact)
+ if len(artifacts_to_query) > 0:
+ result = self.query_remote_artifacts(config.build_trove,
+ artifacts_to_query)
+ for artifact, present in result.iteritems():
+ if present:
+ status('Downloading %s from remote cache' % artifact)
+ self.fetch_artifact(remote_cache, artifact)
+ found_artifacts.add(artifact)
+ elif artifact.endswith('build-log'):
+ # For historical reasons, not all chunks have their
+ # build logs. Fixed here:
+ #
+ # We still need to work around it for now, though.
+ logging.debug('Ignoring missing build log %s' % artifact)
+ elif re.match('[0-9a-f]{64}\.meta', artifact):
+ # FIXME: We still don't seem to share the .meta files.
+ # We should. Note that *artifact* meta files
+ # (.stratum.meta files) can't be ignored, they are an
+ # essential part of the stratum and it's an error if
+ # such a file is missing.
+ logging.debug('Ignoring missing source metadata %s' %
+ artifact)
+ else:
+ raise cliapp.AppException(
+ 'Remote artifact cache is missing artifact %s' %
+ artifact)
+ return found_artifacts
+ def prepare_artifacts_archive(self, tar_name, files):
+ if os.path.exists(tar_name):
+ status('Reusing tarball of artifacts at %s', tar_name)
+ else:
+ try:
+ status('Creating tarball of artifacts at %s', tar_name)
+ tar = tarfile.TarFile.gzopen(name=tar_name, mode='w',
+ compresslevel=4)
+ n_files = len(files)
+ for i, filename in enumerate(sorted(files)):
+ logging.debug('Add %s to tar file' % filename)
+ tar.add(filename, arcname=os.path.basename(filename))
+ sys.stdout.write('\rAdded %i files of %i' % (i, n_files))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stdout.write('\rFinished creating %s\n' % tar_name)
+ tar.close()
+ except BaseException:
+ logging.debug('Cleaning up %s after error' % tar_name)
+ os.unlink(tar_name)
+ raise
+ def run(self, system_morphs):
+ if not os.path.exists(config.artifacts_dir):
+ os.makedirs(config.artifacts_dir)
+ artifact_list_file, all_artifacts = \
+ self.get_artifact_list(system_morphs)
+ found_artifacts = self.fetch_artifacts(all_artifacts)
+ tar_name = 'baserock-%s-artifacts.tar.gz' % config.release_number
+ artifacts_tar_file = os.path.join(config.artifacts_dir, tar_name)
+ artifact_files = [
+ os.path.join(config.artifacts_dir, a) for a in found_artifacts]
+ self.prepare_artifacts_archive(artifacts_tar_file, artifact_files)
+ tar_name = 'baserock-%s-new-artifacts.tar.gz' % config.release_number
+ new_artifacts_tar_file = os.path.join(config.artifacts_dir, tar_name)
+ result = self.query_remote_artifacts(config.release_trove,
+ found_artifacts)
+ new_artifacts = [a for a, present in result.iteritems() if not present]
+ new_artifact_files = [
+ os.path.join(config.artifacts_dir, a) for a in new_artifacts
+ if a.split('.')[1] != 'system']
+ self.prepare_artifacts_archive(new_artifacts_tar_file,
+ new_artifact_files)
+ return (artifact_list_file, artifacts_tar_file, new_artifacts_tar_file)
+class Upload(object):
+ '''Stage 3: upload images and artifacts to public servers.'''
+ def run_rsync(self, sources, target):
+ if isinstance(sources, str):
+ sources = [sources]
+ settings = [
+ '--bwlimit=%s' % config.bandwidth_limit_kbytes_sec,
+ '--partial',
+ '--progress',
+ ]
+ cliapp.runcmd(
+ ['rsync'] + settings + sources + [target], stdout=sys.stdout)
+ def upload_release_images(self, images):
+ self.run_rsync(images, config.images_upload_location)
+ def upload_artifacts(self, artifacts_list_file, artifacts_tar_file):
+ host, path = config.artifacts_upload_location.split(':', 1)
+ self.run_rsync([artifacts_list_file, artifacts_tar_file],
+ config.artifacts_upload_location)
+ # UGH! Perhaps morph-cache-server should grow an authorised-users-only
+ # API call receive artifacts, to avoid this.
+ remote_artifacts_tar = os.path.join(
+ path, os.path.basename(artifacts_tar_file))
+ extract_tar_cmd = 'cd "%s" && tar xf "%s" && chown cache:cache *' % \
+ (path, remote_artifacts_tar)
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd(
+ host, ['sh', '-c', extract_tar_cmd])
+def main():
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ deploy_images = DeployImages()
+ outputs =
+ prepare_artifacts = PrepareArtifacts()
+ artifacts_list_file, artifacts_tar_file, new_artifacts_tar_file = \
+ upload = Upload()
+ upload.upload_release_images(outputs.values())
+ upload.upload_artifacts(artifacts_list_file, new_artifacts_tar_file)
+ sys.stdout.writelines([
+ '\nPreparation for %s release complete!\n' % config.release_number,
+ 'Images uploaded to %s\n' % config.images_upload_location,
+ 'Artifacts uploaded to %s\n' % config.artifacts_upload_location
+ ])
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..180e8989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,596 @@
+# This script was originally based on the script of the same name from
+# the KDE SDK (by
+# This version is
+# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Adam D. Barratt
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Francesco Poli
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program. If not, see <>.
+=head1 NAME
+licensecheck - simple license checker for source files
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<licensecheck> B<--help>|B<--version>
+B<licensecheck> [B<--no-conf>] [B<--verbose>] [B<--copyright>]
+[B<-l>|B<--lines=>I<N>] [B<-i>|B<--ignore=>I<regex>] [B<-c>|B<--check=>I<regex>]
+[B<-m>|B<--machine>] [B<-r>|B<--recursive>]
+I<list of files and directories to check>
+B<licensecheck> attempts to determine the license that applies to each file
+passed to it, by searching the start of the file for text belonging to
+various licenses.
+If any of the arguments passed are directories, B<licensecheck> will add
+the files contained within to the list of files to process.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<--verbose>, B<--no-verbose>
+Specify whether to output the text being processed from each file before
+the corresponding license information.
+Default is to be quiet.
+=item B<-l=>I<N>, B<--lines=>I<N>
+Specify the number of lines of each file's header which should be parsed
+for license information. (Default is 60).
+=item B<-i=>I<regex>, B<--ignore=>I<regex>
+When processing the list of files and directories, the regular
+expression specified by this option will be used to indicate those which
+should not be considered (e.g. backup files, VCS metadata).
+=item B<-r>, B<--recursive>
+Specify that the contents of directories should be added
+=item B<-c=>I<regex>, B<--check=>I<regex>
+Specify a pattern against which filenames will be matched in order to
+decide which files to check the license of.
+The default includes common source files.
+=item B<--copyright>
+Also display copyright text found within the file
+=item B<-m>, B<--machine>
+Display the information in a machine readable way, i.e. in the form
+<file><tab><license>[<tab><copyright>] so that it can be easily sorted
+and/or filtered, e.g. with the B<awk> and B<sort> commands.
+Note that using the B<--verbose> option will kill the readability.
+=item B<--no-conf>, B<--noconf>
+Do not read any configuration files. This can only be used as the first
+option given on the command line.
+The two configuration files F</etc/devscripts.conf> and
+F<~/.devscripts> are sourced by a shell in that order to set
+configuration variables. Command line options can be used to override
+configuration file settings. Environment variable settings are
+ignored for this purpose. The currently recognised variables are:
+=over 4
+If this is set to I<yes>, then it is the same as the B<--verbose> command
+line parameter being used. The default is I<no>.
+If this is set to a positive number then the specified number of lines
+at the start of each file will be read whilst attempting to determine
+the license(s) in use. This is equivalent to the B<--lines> command line
+=head1 LICENSE
+This code is copyright by Adam D. Barratt <I<>>,
+all rights reserved; based on a script of the same name from the KDE
+SDK, which is copyright by <I<>>.
+This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the GNU
+General Public License, version 2 or later.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Adam D. Barratt <>
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt);
+use File::Basename;
+my $progname = basename($0);
+# From dpkg-source
+my $default_ignore_regex = '
+# Ignore general backup files
+# Ignore emacs recovery files
+# Ignore vi swap files
+# Ignore baz-style junk files or directories
+# File-names that should be ignored (never directories)
+# File or directory names that should be ignored
+# Take out comments and newlines
+$default_ignore_regex =~ s/^#.*$//mg;
+$default_ignore_regex =~ s/\n//sg;
+my $default_check_regex = '\.(c(c|pp|xx)?|h(h|pp|xx)?|f(77|90)?|go|p(l|m)|xs|sh|php|py(|x)|rb|java|vala|el|sc(i|e)|cs|pas|inc|dtd|xsl|mod|m|tex|mli?)$';
+my $modified_conf_msg;
+my %OPT=(
+ verbose => '',
+ lines => '',
+ noconf => '',
+ ignore => '',
+ check => '',
+ recursive => 0,
+ copyright => 0,
+ machine => 0,
+my $def_lines = 60;
+# Read configuration files and then command line
+# This is boilerplate
+if (@ARGV and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--no-?conf$/) {
+ $modified_conf_msg = " (no configuration files read)";
+ shift;
+} else {
+ my @config_files = ('/etc/devscripts.conf', '~/.devscripts');
+ my %config_vars = (
+ );
+ my %config_default = %config_vars;
+ my $shell_cmd;
+ # Set defaults
+ foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) {
+ $shell_cmd .= qq[$var="$config_vars{$var}";\n];
+ }
+ $shell_cmd .= 'for file in ' . join(" ", @config_files) . "; do\n";
+ $shell_cmd .= '[ -f $file ] && . $file; done;' . "\n";
+ # Read back values
+ foreach my $var (keys %config_vars) { $shell_cmd .= "echo \$$var;\n" }
+ my $shell_out = `/bin/bash -c '$shell_cmd'`;
+ @config_vars{keys %config_vars} = split /\n/, $shell_out, -1;
+ # Check validity
+ $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_VERBOSE'} =~ /^(yes|no)$/
+ or $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_VERBOSE'} = 'no';
+ $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_PARSELINES'} =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/
+ or $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_PARSELINES'} = $def_lines;
+ foreach my $var (sort keys %config_vars) {
+ if ($config_vars{$var} ne $config_default{$var}) {
+ $modified_conf_msg .= " $var=$config_vars{$var}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $modified_conf_msg ||= " (none)\n";
+ chomp $modified_conf_msg;
+ $OPT{'verbose'} = $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_VERBOSE'} eq 'yes' ? 1 : 0;
+ $OPT{'lines'} = $config_vars{'LICENSECHECK_PARSELINES'};
+ "help|h",
+ "check|c=s",
+ "copyright",
+ "ignore|i=s",
+ "lines|l=i",
+ "machine|m",
+ "noconf|no-conf",
+ "recursive|r",
+ "verbose!",
+ "version|v",
+) or die "Usage: $progname [options] filelist\nRun $progname --help for more details\n";
+$OPT{'lines'} = $def_lines if $OPT{'lines'} !~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/;
+$OPT{'ignore'} = $default_ignore_regex if ! length $OPT{'ignore'};
+$OPT{'check'} = $default_check_regex if ! length $OPT{'check'};
+if ($OPT{'noconf'}) {
+ fatal("--no-conf is only acceptable as the first command-line option!");
+if ($OPT{'help'}) { help(); exit 0; }
+if ($OPT{'version'}) { version(); exit 0; }
+die "Usage: $progname [options] filelist\nRun $progname --help for more details\n" unless @ARGV;
+$OPT{'lines'} = $def_lines if not defined $OPT{'lines'};
+my @files = ();
+my @find_args = ();
+my $files_count = @ARGV;
+push @find_args, qw(-maxdepth 1) unless $OPT{'recursive'};
+push @find_args, qw(-follow -type f -print);
+while (@ARGV) {
+ my $file = shift @ARGV;
+ if (-d $file) {
+ open my $FIND, '-|', 'find', $file, @find_args
+ or die "$progname: couldn't exec find: $!\n";
+ while (<$FIND>) {
+ chomp;
+ next unless m%$OPT{'check'}%;
+ # Skip empty files
+ next if (-z $_);
+ push @files, $_ unless m%$OPT{'ignore'}%;
+ }
+ close $FIND;
+ } else {
+ next unless ($files_count == 1) or $file =~ m%$OPT{'check'}%;
+ push @files, $file unless $file =~ m%$OPT{'ignore'}%;
+ }
+while (@files) {
+ my $file = shift @files;
+ my $content = '';
+ my $copyright_match;
+ my $copyright = '';
+ my $license = '';
+ my %copyrights;
+ open (my $F, '<' ,$file) or die "Unable to access $file\n";
+ while (<$F>) {
+ last if ($. > $OPT{'lines'});
+ $content .= $_;
+ $copyright_match = parse_copyright($_);
+ if ($copyright_match) {
+ $copyrights{lc("$copyright_match")} = "$copyright_match";
+ }
+ }
+ close($F);
+ $copyright = join(" / ", values %copyrights);
+ print qq(----- $file header -----\n$content----- end header -----\n\n)
+ if $OPT{'verbose'};
+ $license = parselicense(clean_comments($content));
+ if ($OPT{'machine'}) {
+ print "$file\t$license";
+ print "\t" . ($copyright or "*No copyright*") if $OPT{'copyright'};
+ print "\n";
+ } else {
+ print "$file: ";
+ print "*No copyright* " unless $copyright;
+ print $license . "\n";
+ print " [Copyright: " . $copyright . "]\n"
+ if $copyright and $OPT{'copyright'};
+ print "\n" if $OPT{'copyright'};
+ }
+sub parse_copyright {
+ my $copyright = '';
+ my $match;
+ my $copyright_indicator_regex = '
+ (?:copyright # The full word
+ |copr\. # Legally-valid abbreviation
+ |\x{00a9} # Unicode character COPYRIGHT SIGN
+ |\xc2\xa9 # Unicode copyright sign encoded in iso8859
+ |\(c\) # Legally-null representation of sign
+ )';
+ my $copyright_disindicator_regex = '
+ \b(?:info(?:rmation)? # Discussing copyright information
+ |notice # Discussing the notice
+ |and|or # Part of a sentence
+ )\b';
+ if (m%$copyright_indicator_regex(?::\s*|\s+)(\S.*)$%ix) {
+ $match = $1;
+ # Ignore lines matching "see foo for copyright information" etc.
+ if ($match !~ m%^\s*$copyright_disindicator_regex%ix) {
+ # De-cruft
+ $match =~ s/([,.])?\s*$//;
+ $match =~ s/$copyright_indicator_regex//igx;
+ $match =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $match =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
+ $match =~ s/\\@/@/g;
+ $copyright = $match;
+ }
+ }
+ return $copyright;
+sub clean_comments {
+ local $_ = shift or return q{};
+ # Remove generic comments: look for 4 or more lines beginning with
+ # regular comment pattern and trim it. Fall back to old algorithm
+ # if no such pattern found.
+ my @matches = m/^\s*([^a-zA-Z0-9\s]{1,3})\s\w/mg;
+ if (@matches >= 4) {
+ my $comment_length = length($matches[0]);
+ my $comment_re = qr/\s*[\Q$matches[0]\E]{${comment_length}}\s*/;
+ s/^$comment_re//mg;
+ }
+ # Remove Fortran comments
+ s/^[cC] //gm;
+ tr/\t\r\n/ /;
+ # Remove C / C++ comments
+ s#(\*/|/[/*])##g;
+ tr% A-Za-z.,@;0-9\(\)/-%%cd;
+ tr/ //s;
+ return $_;
+sub help {
+ print <<"EOF";
+Usage: $progname [options] filename [filename ...]
+Valid options are:
+ --help, -h Display this message
+ --version, -v Display version and copyright info
+ --no-conf, --noconf Don't read devscripts config files; must be
+ the first option given
+ --verbose Display the header of each file before its
+ license information
+ --lines, -l Specify how many lines of the file header
+ should be parsed for license information
+ (Default: $def_lines)
+ --check, -c Specify a pattern indicating which files should
+ be checked
+ (Default: '$default_check_regex')
+ --machine, -m Display in a machine readable way (good for awk)
+ --recursive, -r Add the contents of directories recursively
+ --copyright Also display the file's copyright
+ --ignore, -i Specify that files / directories matching the
+ regular expression should be ignored when
+ checking files
+ (Default: '$default_ignore_regex')
+Default settings modified by devscripts configuration files:
+sub version {
+ print <<"EOF";
+This is $progname, from the Debian devscripts package, version ###VERSION###
+Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 by Adam D. Barratt <adam\>; based
+on a script of the same name from the KDE SDK by <dfaure\>.
+This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+You are free to redistribute this code under the terms of the
+GNU General Public License, version 2, or (at your option) any
+later version.
+sub parselicense {
+ my ($licensetext) = @_;
+ my $gplver = "";
+ my $extrainfo = "";
+ my $license = "";
+ if ($licensetext =~ /version ([^, ]+?)[.,]? (?:\(?only\)?.? )?(?:of the GNU (Affero )?(Lesser |Library )?General Public License )?(as )?published by the Free Software Foundation/i or
+ $licensetext =~ /GNU (?:Affero )?(?:Lesser |Library )?General Public License (?:as )?published by the Free Software Foundation[;,] version ([^, ]+?)[.,]? /i) {
+ $gplver = " (v$1)";
+ } elsif ($licensetext =~ /GNU (?:Affero )?(?:Lesser |Library )?General Public License, version (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)[ \.]/) {
+ $gplver = " (v$1)";
+ } elsif ($licensetext =~ /either version ([^ ]+)(?: of the License)?, or \(at your option\) any later version/) {
+ $gplver = " (v$1 or later)";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /(?:675 Mass Ave|59 Temple Place|51 Franklin Steet|02139|02111-1307)/i) {
+ $extrainfo = " (with incorrect FSF address)$extrainfo";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /permission (?:is (also granted|given))? to link (the code of )?this program with (any edition of )?(Qt|the Qt library)/i) {
+ $extrainfo = " (with Qt exception)$extrainfo"
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /(All changes made in this file will be lost|DO NOT (EDIT|delete this file)|Generated (automatically|by|from)|generated.*file)/i) {
+ $license = "GENERATED FILE";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /((is free software.? )?you can redistribute (it|them) and\/or modify (it|them)|is licensed) under the terms of (version [^ ]+ of )?the (GNU (Library |Lesser )General Public License|LGPL)/i) {
+ $license = "LGPL$gplver$extrainfo $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /is free software.? you can redistribute (it|them) and\/or modify (it|them) under the terms of the (GNU Affero General Public License|AGPL)/i) {
+ $license = "AGPL$gplver$extrainfo $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /(is free software.? )?you (can|may) redistribute (it|them) and\/or modify (it|them) under the terms of (?:version [^ ]+ (?:\(?only\)? )?of )?the GNU General Public License/i) {
+ $license = "GPL$gplver$extrainfo $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License,/
+ and length $gplver) {
+ $license = "GPL$gplver$extrainfo $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /is distributed.*terms.*GPL/) {
+ $license = "GPL (unversioned/unknown version) $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /This file is part of the .*Qt GUI Toolkit. This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License as defined/) {
+ $license = "QPL (part of Qt) $license";
+ } elsif ($licensetext =~ /may (be distributed|redistribute it) under the terms of the Q Public License/) {
+ $license = "QPL $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /opensource\.org\/licenses\/mit-license\.php/) {
+ $license = "MIT/X11 (BSD like) $license";
+ } elsif ($licensetext =~ /Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and(\/or)? associated documentation files \(the (Software|Materials)\), to deal in the (Software|Materials)/) {
+ $license = "MIT/X11 (BSD like) $license";
+ } elsif ($licensetext =~ /Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose/) {
+ $license = "MIT/X11 (BSD like) $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /Permission to use, copy, modify, and(\/or)? distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided.*copyright notice.*permission notice.*all copies/) {
+ $license = "ISC $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software must display the following acknowledge?ment.*This product includes software developed by/i) {
+ $license = "BSD (4 clause) $license";
+ } elsif ($licensetext =~ /(The name .*? may not|Neither the names? .*? nor the names of (its|their|other) contributors may) be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software/i) {
+ $license = "BSD (3 clause) $license";
+ } elsif ($licensetext =~ /Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice/i) {
+ $license = "BSD (2 clause) $license";
+ } else {
+ $license = "BSD $license";
+ }
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /Mozilla Public License,? (Version|v\.) (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/) {
+ $license = "MPL (v$2) $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /Released under the terms of the Artistic License ([^ ]+)/) {
+ $license = "Artistic (v$1) $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /is free software under the Artistic [Ll]icense/) {
+ $license = "Artistic $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /This program is free software; you can redistribute it and\/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself/) {
+ $license = "Perl $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /under the Apache License, Version ([^ ]+)/) {
+ $license = "Apache (v$1) $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /(THE BEER-WARE LICENSE)/i) {
+ $license = "Beerware $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /This source file is subject to version ([^ ]+) of the PHP license/) {
+ $license = "PHP (v$1) $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /under the terms of the CeCILL /) {
+ $license = "CeCILL $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /under the terms of the CeCILL-([^ ]+) /) {
+ $license = "CeCILL-$1 $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /under the SGI Free Software License B/) {
+ $license = "SGI Free Software License B $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /is in the public domain/i) {
+ $license = "Public domain $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /terms of the Common Development and Distribution License(, Version ([^(]+))? \(the License\)/) {
+ $license = "CDDL " . ($1 ? "(v$2) " : '') . $license;
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /Microsoft Permissive License \(Ms-PL\)/) {
+ $license = "Ms-PL $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person or organization obtaining a copy of the software and accompanying documentation covered by this license \(the \"Software\"\)/ or
+ $licensetext =~ /Boost Software License([ ,-]+Version ([^ ]+)?(\.))/i) {
+ $license = "BSL " . ($1 ? "(v$2) " : '') . $license;
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /PYTHON SOFTWARE FOUNDATION LICENSE (VERSION ([^ ]+))/i) {
+ $license = "PSF " . ($1 ? "(v$2) " : '') . $license;
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /The origin of this software must not be misrepresented.*Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such.*This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution/ or
+ $licensetext =~ /see copyright notice in zlib\.h/) {
+ $license = "zlib/libpng $license";
+ } elsif ($licensetext =~ /This code is released under the libpng license/) {
+ $license = "libpng $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version ([^, ]+)/i) {
+ $license = "WTFPL (v$1) $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /Do what The Fuck You Want To Public License/i) {
+ $license = "WTFPL $license";
+ }
+ if ($licensetext =~ /(License WTFPL|Under (the|a) WTFPL)/i) {
+ $license = "WTFPL $license";
+ }
+ $license = "UNKNOWN" if (!length($license));
+ # Remove trailing spaces.
+ $license =~ s/\s+$//;
+ return $license;
+sub fatal {
+ my ($pack,$file,$line);
+ ($pack,$file,$line) = caller();
+ (my $msg = "$progname: fatal error at line $line:\n@_\n") =~ tr/\0//d;
+ $msg =~ s/\n\n$/\n/;
+ die $msg;
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..a39e62da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+set -e
+usage() {
+ echo "Usage: license-check your-system"
+ echo
+ echo "This checks license info for all the chunks in your-system"
+ echo "It's re-runnable, and does morph edit to get each chunk."
+ echo "The process can take a while."
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ usage
+ exit 1
+autoconf \
+automake \
+bash \
+binutils \
+bison \
+ccache \
+cmake \
+flex \
+gawk \
+gcc \
+gdbm \
+gettext \
+gperf \
+groff \
+libtool \
+m4 \
+make \
+nano \
+for f in *.morph; do
+ cp "$f" "$f.bak"
+strata=`grep "morph.*: *" "$system.morph" | cut -d: -f2-`
+for stratum in $strata; do
+ chunks=`grep "name.*: *" "$stratum.morph" | cut -d: -f2-`
+ for chunk in $chunks; do
+ if [ "$chunk" != "$stratum" ]; then
+ if ! (echo $gplv3_chunks | grep -wq "$chunk"); then
+ morph edit $chunk 1>&2
+ else
+ repo=`grep "name.*: *$chunk" "$stratum.morph" -A1 | \
+ tail -n1 | cut -d: -f3-`
+ gplv3_repos="$gplv3_repos $repo"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+repos=`for stratum in $strata; do
+ grep "repo.*: *" "$stratum.morph" | cut -d: -f3-
+ done | sort -u`
+for repo in $repos; do
+ if ! (echo $gplv3_repos | grep -wq "$repo") && \
+ [ -d "$workspace/upstream/$repo" ] ; then
+ echo "$repo"
+ perl -r "$workspace/upstream/$repo" | \
+ cut -d: -f2- | sort -u
+ echo
+ fi
+for f in *.morph.bak; do
+ mv "$f" "${f%.bak}"