diff options
13 files changed, 0 insertions, 288 deletions
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index ab5f4393..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration for neutron-rootwrap
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# List of directories to load filter definitions from (separated by ',').
-# These directories MUST all be only writeable by root !
-# List of directories to search executables in, in case filters do not
-# explicitely specify a full path (separated by ',')
-# If not specified, defaults to system PATH environment variable.
-# These directories MUST all be only writeable by root !
-# Enable logging to syslog
-# Default value is False
-# Which syslog facility to use.
-# Valid values include auth, authpriv, syslog, local0, local1...
-# Default value is 'syslog'
-# Which messages to log.
-# INFO means log all usage
-# ERROR means only log unsuccessful attempts
-# XenAPI configuration is only required by the L2 agent if it is to
-# target a XenServer/XCP compute host's dom0.
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/cisco-apic.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/cisco-apic.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index 69e4afcc..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/cisco-apic.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is
-# expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-# cisco-apic filters
-lldpctl: CommandFilter, lldpctl, root
-# ip_lib filters
-ip: IpFilter, ip, root
-ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/debug.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/debug.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index b61d9601..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/debug.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is
-# expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-# This is needed because we should ping
-# from inside a namespace which requires root
-ping: RegExpFilter, ping, root, ping, -w, \d+, -c, \d+, [0-9\.]+
-ping6: RegExpFilter, ping6, root, ping6, -w, \d+, -c, \d+, [0-9A-Fa-f:]+
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/dhcp.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/dhcp.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index 0712ec13..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/dhcp.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is
-# expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-# dhcp-agent
-dnsmasq: EnvFilter, dnsmasq, root, NEUTRON_NETWORK_ID=
-# dhcp-agent uses kill as well, that's handled by the generic KillFilter
-# it looks like these are the only signals needed, per
-# neutron/agent/linux/
-kill_dnsmasq: KillFilter, root, /sbin/dnsmasq, -9, -HUP
-kill_dnsmasq_usr: KillFilter, root, /usr/sbin/dnsmasq, -9, -HUP
-ovs-vsctl: CommandFilter, ovs-vsctl, root
-ivs-ctl: CommandFilter, ivs-ctl, root
-mm-ctl: CommandFilter, mm-ctl, root
-dhcp_release: CommandFilter, dhcp_release, root
-# metadata proxy
-metadata_proxy: CommandFilter, neutron-ns-metadata-proxy, root
-# If installed from source (say, by devstack), the prefix will be
-# /usr/local instead of /usr/bin.
-metadata_proxy_local: CommandFilter, /usr/local/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy, root
-# RHEL invocation of the metadata proxy will report /usr/bin/python
-kill_metadata: KillFilter, root, python, -9
-kill_metadata7: KillFilter, root, python2.7, -9
-# ip_lib
-ip: IpFilter, ip, root
-ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/ipset-firewall.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/ipset-firewall.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index 52c66373..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/ipset-firewall.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is
-# expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-# neutron/agent/linux/
-# "ipset", "-A", ...
-ipset: CommandFilter, ipset, root
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/iptables-firewall.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/iptables-firewall.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index b8a6ab5b..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/iptables-firewall.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is
-# expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-# neutron/agent/linux/
-# "iptables-save", ...
-iptables-save: CommandFilter, iptables-save, root
-iptables-restore: CommandFilter, iptables-restore, root
-ip6tables-save: CommandFilter, ip6tables-save, root
-ip6tables-restore: CommandFilter, ip6tables-restore, root
-# neutron/agent/linux/
-# "iptables", "-A", ...
-iptables: CommandFilter, iptables, root
-ip6tables: CommandFilter, ip6tables, root
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/l3.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/l3.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index be69b32c..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/l3.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is
-# expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-# arping
-arping: CommandFilter, arping, root
-# l3_agent
-sysctl: CommandFilter, sysctl, root
-route: CommandFilter, route, root
-radvd: CommandFilter, radvd, root
-# metadata proxy
-metadata_proxy: CommandFilter, neutron-ns-metadata-proxy, root
-# If installed from source (say, by devstack), the prefix will be
-# /usr/local instead of /usr/bin.
-metadata_proxy_local: CommandFilter, /usr/local/bin/neutron-ns-metadata-proxy, root
-# RHEL invocation of the metadata proxy will report /usr/bin/python
-kill_metadata: KillFilter, root, python, -9
-kill_metadata7: KillFilter, root, python2.7, -9
-kill_radvd_usr: KillFilter, root, /usr/sbin/radvd, -9, -HUP
-kill_radvd: KillFilter, root, /sbin/radvd, -9, -HUP
-# ip_lib
-ip: IpFilter, ip, root
-ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root
-# ovs_lib (if OVSInterfaceDriver is used)
-ovs-vsctl: CommandFilter, ovs-vsctl, root
-# iptables_manager
-iptables-save: CommandFilter, iptables-save, root
-iptables-restore: CommandFilter, iptables-restore, root
-ip6tables-save: CommandFilter, ip6tables-save, root
-ip6tables-restore: CommandFilter, ip6tables-restore, root
-# Keepalived
-keepalived: CommandFilter, keepalived, root
-kill_keepalived: KillFilter, root, /usr/sbin/keepalived, -HUP, -15, -9
-# l3 agent to delete floatingip's conntrack state
-conntrack: CommandFilter, conntrack, root
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/lbaas-haproxy.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/lbaas-haproxy.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index b4e1ecba..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/lbaas-haproxy.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is
-# expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-# haproxy
-haproxy: CommandFilter, haproxy, root
-# lbaas-agent uses kill as well, that's handled by the generic KillFilter
-kill_haproxy_usr: KillFilter, root, /usr/sbin/haproxy, -9, -HUP
-ovs-vsctl: CommandFilter, ovs-vsctl, root
-mm-ctl: CommandFilter, mm-ctl, root
-# ip_lib
-ip: IpFilter, ip, root
-ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root
-route: CommandFilter, route, root
-# arping
-arping: CommandFilter, arping, root
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/linuxbridge-plugin.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/linuxbridge-plugin.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index 03df3959..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/linuxbridge-plugin.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is
-# expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-# linuxbridge-agent
-# unclear whether both variants are necessary, but I'm transliterating
-# from the old mechanism
-brctl: CommandFilter, brctl, root
-bridge: CommandFilter, bridge, root
-# ip_lib
-ip: IpFilter, ip, root
-ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/nec-plugin.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/nec-plugin.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index 89c4cfe3..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/nec-plugin.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is
-# expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-# nec_neutron_agent
-ovs-vsctl: CommandFilter, ovs-vsctl, root
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/ofagent.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/ofagent.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index 11e42564..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/ofagent.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which
-# neutron-ofagent-agent is expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-# ovs_lib
-ovs-vsctl: CommandFilter, ovs-vsctl, root
-# ip_lib
-ip: IpFilter, ip, root
-ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/openvswitch-plugin.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/openvswitch-plugin.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index b63a83b9..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/openvswitch-plugin.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is
-# expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-# openvswitch-agent
-# unclear whether both variants are necessary, but I'm transliterating
-# from the old mechanism
-ovs-vsctl: CommandFilter, ovs-vsctl, root
-ovs-ofctl: CommandFilter, ovs-ofctl, root
-kill_ovsdb_client: KillFilter, root, /usr/bin/ovsdb-client, -9
-ovsdb-client: CommandFilter, ovsdb-client, root
-xe: CommandFilter, xe, root
-# ip_lib
-ip: IpFilter, ip, root
-ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root
diff --git a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/vpnaas.filters b/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/vpnaas.filters
deleted file mode 100644
index 7848136b..00000000
--- a/openstack/etc/neutron/rootwrap.d/vpnaas.filters
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-# neutron-rootwrap command filters for nodes on which neutron is
-# expected to control network
-# This file should be owned by (and only-writeable by) the root user
-# format seems to be
-# cmd-name: filter-name, raw-command, user, args
-ip: IpFilter, ip, root
-ip_exec: IpNetnsExecFilter, ip, root
-openswan: CommandFilter, ipsec, root