path: root/swift/usr/share/swift/etc
diff options
authorRichard Ipsum <>2015-04-01 14:39:24 +0000
committerRichard Ipsum <>2015-04-10 18:32:09 +0000
commit370313b7e624f8126ddbe071e49496b8b8455fa8 (patch)
treea8305c59fc1aeaef15f540d04d53c968d1214a69 /swift/usr/share/swift/etc
parent259184abd8315109a71541ea64f613a83ac5ede4 (diff)
Add configuration for swift storage nodesbaserock/richardipsum/swift-storage-nodes-v2
Change-Id: Iad40b665edff7a3605b6600dafbcf67831e4290a
Diffstat (limited to 'swift/usr/share/swift/etc')
5 files changed, 819 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/rsyncd.j2 b/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/rsyncd.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c0657665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/rsyncd.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+uid = swift
+gid = swift
+log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
+pid file = /var/run/
+max connections = 2
+path = /srv/node/
+read only = false
+lock file = /var/lock/account.lock
+max connections = 2
+path = /srv/node/
+read only = false
+lock file = /var/lock/container.lock
+max connections = 2
+path = /srv/node/
+read only = false
+lock file = /var/lock/object.lock
diff --git a/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/account-server.j2 b/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/account-server.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d977e295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/account-server.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# bind_ip =
+bind_port = 6002
+# bind_timeout = 30
+# backlog = 4096
+user = swift
+swift_dir = /etc/swift
+devices = /srv/node
+# mount_check = true
+# disable_fallocate = false
+# Use an integer to override the number of pre-forked processes that will
+# accept connections.
+# workers = auto
+# Maximum concurrent requests per worker
+# max_clients = 1024
+# You can specify default log routing here if you want:
+# log_name = swift
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# The following caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if
+# set to 0, the default.
+# log_max_line_length = 0
+# comma separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
+# functions get passed: conf, name, log_to_console, log_route, fmt, logger,
+# adapted_logger
+# log_custom_handlers =
+# If set, log_udp_host will override log_address
+# log_udp_host =
+# log_udp_port = 514
+# You can enable StatsD logging here:
+# log_statsd_host = localhost
+# log_statsd_port = 8125
+# log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0
+# log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0
+# log_statsd_metric_prefix =
+# If you don't mind the extra disk space usage in overhead, you can turn this
+# on to preallocate disk space with SQLite databases to decrease fragmentation.
+# db_preallocation = off
+# eventlet_debug = false
+# You can set fallocate_reserve to the number of bytes you'd like fallocate to
+# reserve, whether there is space for the given file size or not.
+# fallocate_reserve = 0
+pipeline = healthcheck recon account-server
+use = egg:swift#account
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here:
+# set log_name = account-server
+# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# set log_level = INFO
+# set log_requests = true
+# set log_address = /dev/log
+# auto_create_account_prefix = .
+# Configure parameter for creating specific server
+# To handle all verbs, including replication verbs, do not specify
+# "replication_server" (this is the default). To only handle replication,
+# set to a True value (e.g. "True" or "1"). To handle only non-replication
+# verbs, set to "False". Unless you have a separate replication network, you
+# should not specify any value for "replication_server".
+# replication_server = false
+use = egg:swift#healthcheck
+# An optional filesystem path, which if present, will cause the healthcheck
+# URL to return "503 Service Unavailable" with a body of "DISABLED BY FILE"
+# disable_path =
+use = egg:swift#recon
+recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
+# log_name = account-replicator
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# vm_test_mode = no
+# per_diff = 1000
+# max_diffs = 100
+# concurrency = 8
+# interval = 30
+# How long without an error before a node's error count is reset. This will
+# also be how long before a node is reenabled after suppression is triggered.
+# error_suppression_interval = 60
+# How many errors can accumulate before a node is temporarily ignored.
+# error_suppression_limit = 10
+# node_timeout = 10
+# conn_timeout = 0.5
+# The replicator also performs reclamation
+# reclaim_age = 604800
+# Time in seconds to wait between replication passes
+# Note: if the parameter 'interval' is defined then it will be used in place
+# of run_pause.
+# run_pause = 30
+# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
+# log_name = account-auditor
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# Will audit each account at most once per interval
+# interval = 1800
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# accounts_per_second = 200
+# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
+# log_name = account-reaper
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# concurrency = 25
+# interval = 3600
+# node_timeout = 10
+# conn_timeout = 0.5
+# Normally, the reaper begins deleting account information for deleted accounts
+# immediately; you can set this to delay its work however. The value is in
+# seconds; 2592000 = 30 days for example.
+# delay_reaping = 0
+# If the account fails to be be reaped due to a persistent error, the
+# account reaper will log a message such as:
+# Account <name> has not been reaped since <date>
+# You can search logs for this message if space is not being reclaimed
+# after you delete account(s).
+# Default is 2592000 seconds (30 days). This is in addition to any time
+# requested by delay_reaping.
+# reap_warn_after = 2592000
+# Note: Put it at the beginning of the pipeline to profile all middleware. But
+# it is safer to put this after healthcheck.
+use = egg:swift#xprofile
+# This option enable you to switch profilers which should inherit from python
+# standard profiler. Currently the supported value can be 'cProfile',
+# '' etc.
+# profile_module =
+# This prefix will be used to combine process ID and timestamp to name the
+# profile data file. Make sure the executing user has permission to write
+# into this path (missing path segments will be created, if necessary).
+# If you enable profiling in more than one type of daemon, you must override
+# it with an unique value like: /var/log/swift/profile/account.profile
+# log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile
+# the profile data will be dumped to local disk based on above naming rule
+# in this interval.
+# dump_interval = 5.0
+# Be careful, this option will enable profiler to dump data into the file with
+# time stamp which means there will be lots of files piled up in the directory.
+# dump_timestamp = false
+# This is the path of the URL to access the mini web UI.
+# path = /__profile__
+# Clear the data when the wsgi server shutdown.
+# flush_at_shutdown = false
+# unwind the iterator of applications
+# unwind = false
diff --git a/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/container-server.j2 b/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/container-server.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d226d016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/container-server.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# bind_ip =
+bind_port = 6001
+# bind_timeout = 30
+# backlog = 4096
+user = swift
+swift_dir = /etc/swift
+devices = /srv/node
+# mount_check = true
+# disable_fallocate = false
+# Use an integer to override the number of pre-forked processes that will
+# accept connections.
+# workers = auto
+# Maximum concurrent requests per worker
+# max_clients = 1024
+# This is a comma separated list of hosts allowed in the X-Container-Sync-To
+# field for containers. This is the old-style of using container sync. It is
+# strongly recommended to use the new style of a separate
+# container-sync-realms.conf -- see container-sync-realms.conf-sample
+# allowed_sync_hosts =
+# You can specify default log routing here if you want:
+# log_name = swift
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# The following caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if
+# set to 0, the default.
+# log_max_line_length = 0
+# comma separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
+# functions get passed: conf, name, log_to_console, log_route, fmt, logger,
+# adapted_logger
+# log_custom_handlers =
+# If set, log_udp_host will override log_address
+# log_udp_host =
+# log_udp_port = 514
+# You can enable StatsD logging here:
+# log_statsd_host = localhost
+# log_statsd_port = 8125
+# log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0
+# log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0
+# log_statsd_metric_prefix =
+# If you don't mind the extra disk space usage in overhead, you can turn this
+# on to preallocate disk space with SQLite databases to decrease fragmentation.
+# db_preallocation = off
+# eventlet_debug = false
+# You can set fallocate_reserve to the number of bytes you'd like fallocate to
+# reserve, whether there is space for the given file size or not.
+# fallocate_reserve = 0
+pipeline = healthcheck recon container-server
+use = egg:swift#container
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here:
+# set log_name = container-server
+# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# set log_level = INFO
+# set log_requests = true
+# set log_address = /dev/log
+# node_timeout = 3
+# conn_timeout = 0.5
+# allow_versions = false
+# auto_create_account_prefix = .
+# Configure parameter for creating specific server
+# To handle all verbs, including replication verbs, do not specify
+# "replication_server" (this is the default). To only handle replication,
+# set to a True value (e.g. "True" or "1"). To handle only non-replication
+# verbs, set to "False". Unless you have a separate replication network, you
+# should not specify any value for "replication_server".
+# replication_server = false
+use = egg:swift#healthcheck
+# An optional filesystem path, which if present, will cause the healthcheck
+# URL to return "503 Service Unavailable" with a body of "DISABLED BY FILE"
+# disable_path =
+use = egg:swift#recon
+recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
+# log_name = container-replicator
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# vm_test_mode = no
+# per_diff = 1000
+# max_diffs = 100
+# concurrency = 8
+# interval = 30
+# node_timeout = 10
+# conn_timeout = 0.5
+# The replicator also performs reclamation
+# reclaim_age = 604800
+# Time in seconds to wait between replication passes
+# Note: if the parameter 'interval' is defined then it will be used in place
+# of run_pause.
+# run_pause = 30
+# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
+# log_name = container-updater
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# interval = 300
+# concurrency = 4
+# node_timeout = 3
+# conn_timeout = 0.5
+# slowdown will sleep that amount between containers
+# slowdown = 0.01
+# Seconds to suppress updating an account that has generated an error
+# account_suppression_time = 60
+# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
+# log_name = container-auditor
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# Will audit each container at most once per interval
+# interval = 1800
+# containers_per_second = 200
+# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
+# log_name = container-sync
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# If you need to use an HTTP Proxy, set it here; defaults to no proxy.
+# You can also set this to a comma separated list of HTTP Proxies and they will
+# be randomly used (simple load balancing).
+# sync_proxy =,
+# Will sync each container at most once per interval
+# interval = 300
+# Maximum amount of time to spend syncing each container per pass
+# container_time = 60
+# Note: Put it at the beginning of the pipeline to profile all middleware. But
+# it is safer to put this after healthcheck.
+use = egg:swift#xprofile
+# This option enable you to switch profilers which should inherit from python
+# standard profiler. Currently the supported value can be 'cProfile',
+# '' etc.
+# profile_module =
+# This prefix will be used to combine process ID and timestamp to name the
+# profile data file. Make sure the executing user has permission to write
+# into this path (missing path segments will be created, if necessary).
+# If you enable profiling in more than one type of daemon, you must override
+# it with an unique value like: /var/log/swift/profile/container.profile
+# log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile
+# the profile data will be dumped to local disk based on above naming rule
+# in this interval.
+# dump_interval = 5.0
+# Be careful, this option will enable profiler to dump data into the file with
+# time stamp which means there will be lots of files piled up in the directory.
+# dump_timestamp = false
+# This is the path of the URL to access the mini web UI.
+# path = /__profile__
+# Clear the data when the wsgi server shutdown.
+# flush_at_shutdown = false
+# unwind the iterator of applications
+# unwind = false
diff --git a/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/object-server.j2 b/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/object-server.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66990be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/object-server.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# bind_ip =
+bind_port = 6000
+# bind_timeout = 30
+# backlog = 4096
+user = swift
+swift_dir = /etc/swift
+devices = /srv/node
+# mount_check = true
+# disable_fallocate = false
+# expiring_objects_container_divisor = 86400
+# expiring_objects_account_name = expiring_objects
+# Use an integer to override the number of pre-forked processes that will
+# accept connections.
+# workers = auto
+# Maximum concurrent requests per worker
+# max_clients = 1024
+# You can specify default log routing here if you want:
+# log_name = swift
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# The following caps the length of log lines to the value given; no limit if
+# set to 0, the default.
+# log_max_line_length = 0
+# comma separated list of functions to call to setup custom log handlers.
+# functions get passed: conf, name, log_to_console, log_route, fmt, logger,
+# adapted_logger
+# log_custom_handlers =
+# If set, log_udp_host will override log_address
+# log_udp_host =
+# log_udp_port = 514
+# You can enable StatsD logging here:
+# log_statsd_host = localhost
+# log_statsd_port = 8125
+# log_statsd_default_sample_rate = 1.0
+# log_statsd_sample_rate_factor = 1.0
+# log_statsd_metric_prefix =
+# eventlet_debug = false
+# You can set fallocate_reserve to the number of bytes you'd like fallocate to
+# reserve, whether there is space for the given file size or not.
+# fallocate_reserve = 0
+# Time to wait while attempting to connect to another backend node.
+# conn_timeout = 0.5
+# Time to wait while sending each chunk of data to another backend node.
+# node_timeout = 3
+# Time to wait while receiving each chunk of data from a client or another
+# backend node.
+# client_timeout = 60
+# network_chunk_size = 65536
+# disk_chunk_size = 65536
+pipeline = healthcheck recon object-server
+use = egg:swift#object
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here:
+# set log_name = object-server
+# set log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# set log_level = INFO
+# set log_requests = true
+# set log_address = /dev/log
+# max_upload_time = 86400
+# slow = 0
+# Objects smaller than this are not evicted from the buffercache once read
+# keep_cache_size = 5424880
+# If true, objects for authenticated GET requests may be kept in buffer cache
+# if small enough
+# keep_cache_private = false
+# on PUTs, sync data every n MB
+# mb_per_sync = 512
+# Comma separated list of headers that can be set in metadata on an object.
+# This list is in addition to X-Object-Meta-* headers and cannot include
+# Content-Type, etag, Content-Length, or deleted
+# allowed_headers = Content-Disposition, Content-Encoding, X-Delete-At, X-Object-Manifest, X-Static-Large-Object
+# auto_create_account_prefix = .
+# A value of 0 means "don't use thread pools". A reasonable starting point is
+# 4.
+# threads_per_disk = 0
+# Configure parameter for creating specific server
+# To handle all verbs, including replication verbs, do not specify
+# "replication_server" (this is the default). To only handle replication,
+# set to a True value (e.g. "True" or "1"). To handle only non-replication
+# verbs, set to "False". Unless you have a separate replication network, you
+# should not specify any value for "replication_server".
+# replication_server = false
+# Set to restrict the number of concurrent incoming REPLICATION requests
+# Set to 0 for unlimited
+# Note that REPLICATION is currently an ssync only item
+# replication_concurrency = 4
+# Restricts incoming REPLICATION requests to one per device,
+# replication_currency above allowing. This can help control I/O to each
+# device, but you may wish to set this to False to allow multiple REPLICATION
+# requests (up to the above replication_concurrency setting) per device.
+# replication_one_per_device = True
+# Number of seconds to wait for an existing replication device lock before
+# giving up.
+# replication_lock_timeout = 15
+# These next two settings control when the REPLICATION subrequest handler will
+# abort an incoming REPLICATION attempt. An abort will occur if there are at
+# least threshold number of failures and the value of failures / successes
+# exceeds the ratio. The defaults of 100 and 1.0 means that at least 100
+# failures have to occur and there have to be more failures than successes for
+# an abort to occur.
+# replication_failure_threshold = 100
+# replication_failure_ratio = 1.0
+# Use splice() for zero-copy object GETs. This requires Linux kernel
+# version 3.0 or greater. If you set "splice = yes" but the kernel
+# does not support it, error messages will appear in the object server
+# logs at startup, but your object servers should continue to function.
+# splice = no
+use = egg:swift#healthcheck
+# An optional filesystem path, which if present, will cause the healthcheck
+# URL to return "503 Service Unavailable" with a body of "DISABLED BY FILE"
+# disable_path =
+use = egg:swift#recon
+recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
+#recon_lock_path = /var/lock
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
+# log_name = object-replicator
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# vm_test_mode = no
+# daemonize = on
+# run_pause = 30
+# concurrency = 1
+# stats_interval = 300
+# The sync method to use; default is rsync but you can use ssync to try the
+# EXPERIMENTAL all-swift-code-no-rsync-callouts method. Once ssync is verified
+# as having performance comparable to, or better than, rsync, we plan to
+# deprecate rsync so we can move on with more features for replication.
+# sync_method = rsync
+# max duration of a partition rsync
+# rsync_timeout = 900
+# bandwidth limit for rsync in kB/s. 0 means unlimited
+# rsync_bwlimit = 0
+# passed to rsync for io op timeout
+# rsync_io_timeout = 30
+# node_timeout = <whatever's in the DEFAULT section or 10>
+# max duration of an http request; this is for REPLICATE finalization calls and
+# so should be longer than node_timeout
+# http_timeout = 60
+# attempts to kill all workers if nothing replicates for lockup_timeout seconds
+# lockup_timeout = 1800
+# The replicator also performs reclamation
+# reclaim_age = 604800
+# ring_check_interval = 15
+# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
+# limits how long rsync error log lines are
+# 0 means to log the entire line
+# rsync_error_log_line_length = 0
+# handoffs_first and handoff_delete are options for a special case
+# such as disk full in the cluster. These two options SHOULD NOT BE
+# CHANGED, except for such an extreme situations. (e.g. disks filled up
+# or are about to fill up. Anyway, DO NOT let your drives fill up)
+# handoffs_first is the flag to replicate handoffs prior to canonical
+# partitions. It allows to force syncing and deleting handoffs quickly.
+# If set to a True value(e.g. "True" or "1"), partitions
+# that are not supposed to be on the node will be replicated first.
+# handoffs_first = False
+# handoff_delete is the number of replicas which are ensured in swift.
+# If the number less than the number of replicas is set, object-replicator
+# could delete local handoffs even if all replicas are not ensured in the
+# cluster. Object-replicator would remove local handoff partition directories
+# after syncing partition when the number of successful responses is greater
+# than or equal to this number. By default(auto), handoff partitions will be
+# removed when it has successfully replicated to all the canonical nodes.
+# handoff_delete = auto
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
+# log_name = object-updater
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# interval = 300
+# concurrency = 1
+# node_timeout = <whatever's in the DEFAULT section or 10>
+# slowdown will sleep that amount between objects
+# slowdown = 0.01
+# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
+# You can override the default log routing for this app here (don't use set!):
+# log_name = object-auditor
+# log_facility = LOG_LOCAL0
+# log_level = INFO
+# log_address = /dev/log
+# You can set the disk chunk size that the auditor uses making it larger if
+# you like for more efficient local auditing of larger objects
+# disk_chunk_size = 65536
+# files_per_second = 20
+# concurrency = 1
+# bytes_per_second = 10000000
+# log_time = 3600
+# zero_byte_files_per_second = 50
+# recon_cache_path = /var/cache/swift
+# Takes a comma separated list of ints. If set, the object auditor will
+# increment a counter for every object whose size is <= to the given break
+# points and report the result after a full scan.
+# object_size_stats =
+# Note: Put it at the beginning of the pipleline to profile all middleware. But
+# it is safer to put this after healthcheck.
+use = egg:swift#xprofile
+# This option enable you to switch profilers which should inherit from python
+# standard profiler. Currently the supported value can be 'cProfile',
+# '' etc.
+# profile_module =
+# This prefix will be used to combine process ID and timestamp to name the
+# profile data file. Make sure the executing user has permission to write
+# into this path (missing path segments will be created, if necessary).
+# If you enable profiling in more than one type of daemon, you must override
+# it with an unique value like: /var/log/swift/profile/object.profile
+# log_filename_prefix = /tmp/log/swift/profile/default.profile
+# the profile data will be dumped to local disk based on above naming rule
+# in this interval.
+# dump_interval = 5.0
+# Be careful, this option will enable profiler to dump data into the file with
+# time stamp which means there will be lots of files piled up in the directory.
+# dump_timestamp = false
+# This is the path of the URL to access the mini web UI.
+# path = /__profile__
+# Clear the data when the wsgi server shutdown.
+# flush_at_shutdown = false
+# unwind the iterator of applications
+# unwind = false
diff --git a/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/swift.j2 b/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/swift.j2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d76215a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swift/usr/share/swift/etc/swift/swift.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# swift_hash_path_suffix and swift_hash_path_prefix are used as part of the
+# the hashing algorithm when determining data placement in the cluster.
+# These values should remain secret and MUST NOT change
+# once a cluster has been deployed.
+swift_hash_path_suffix = {{ SWIFT_HASH_PATH_SUFFIX }}
+swift_hash_path_prefix = {{ SWIFT_HASH_PATH_PREFIX }}
+# storage policies are defined here and determine various characteristics
+# about how objects are stored and treated. Policies are specified by name on
+# a per container basis. Names are case-insensitive. The policy index is
+# specified in the section header and is used internally. The policy with
+# index 0 is always used for legacy containers and can be given a name for use
+# in metadata however the ring file name will always be 'object.ring.gz' for
+# backwards compatibility. If no policies are defined a policy with index 0
+# will be automatically created for backwards compatibility and given the name
+# Policy-0. A default policy is used when creating new containers when no
+# policy is specified in the request. If no other policies are defined the
+# policy with index 0 will be declared the default. If multiple policies are
+# defined you must define a policy with index 0 and you must specify a
+# default. It is recommended you always define a section for
+# storage-policy:0.
+name = Policy-0
+default = yes
+# the following section would declare a policy called 'silver', the number of
+# replicas will be determined by how the ring is built. In this example the
+# 'silver' policy could have a lower or higher # of replicas than the
+# 'Policy-0' policy above. The ring filename will be 'object-1.ring.gz'. You
+# may only specify one storage policy section as the default. If you changed
+# this section to specify 'silver' as the default, when a client created a new
+# container w/o a policy specified, it will get the 'silver' policy because
+# this config has specified it as the default. However if a legacy container
+# (one created with a pre-policy version of swift) is accessed, it is known
+# implicitly to be assigned to the policy with index 0 as opposed to the
+# current default.
+#name = silver
+# The swift-constraints section sets the basic constraints on data
+# saved in the swift cluster. These constraints are automatically
+# published by the proxy server in responses to /info requests.
+# max_file_size is the largest "normal" object that can be saved in
+# the cluster. This is also the limit on the size of each segment of
+# a "large" object when using the large object manifest support.
+# This value is set in bytes. Setting it to lower than 1MiB will cause
+# some tests to fail. It is STRONGLY recommended to leave this value at
+# the default (5 * 2**30 + 2).
+#max_file_size = 5368709122
+# max_meta_name_length is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
+# of the name portion of a metadata header.
+#max_meta_name_length = 128
+# max_meta_value_length is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
+# of a metadata value
+#max_meta_value_length = 256
+# max_meta_count is the max number of metadata keys that can be stored
+# on a single account, container, or object
+#max_meta_count = 90
+# max_meta_overall_size is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
+# of the metadata (keys + values)
+#max_meta_overall_size = 4096
+# max_header_size is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding of each
+# header. Using 8192 as default because eventlet use 8192 as max size of
+# header line. This value may need to be increased when using identity
+# v3 API tokens including more than 7 catalog entries.
+# See also include_service_catalog in proxy-server.conf-sample
+# (documented in overview_auth.rst)
+#max_header_size = 8192
+# max_object_name_length is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
+# of an object name
+#max_object_name_length = 1024
+# container_listing_limit is the default (and max) number of items
+# returned for a container listing request
+#container_listing_limit = 10000
+# account_listing_limit is the default (and max) number of items returned
+# for an account listing request
+#account_listing_limit = 10000
+# max_account_name_length is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
+# of an account name
+#max_account_name_length = 256
+# max_container_name_length is the max number of bytes in the utf8 encoding
+# of a container name
+#max_container_name_length = 256