path: root/openstack/usr/share/openstack/neutron/plugins/vmware
diff options
authorFrancisco Redondo Marchena <>2015-04-13 15:57:48 +0000
committerFrancisco Redondo Marchena <>2015-04-13 15:57:48 +0000
commit31f8afcf80cacf8cbfffd7cbdfc75241d8e3a223 (patch)
tree8fc55cdecba638aa86b6b913be0eb869aea620ed /openstack/usr/share/openstack/neutron/plugins/vmware
parent736a9e13e5586063e7a188b6cb57e9c1aea3b6d8 (diff)
Change-Id: I882fb2ad7a4cdbbd9daf11d802b4f84d1b79b03b
Diffstat (limited to 'openstack/usr/share/openstack/neutron/plugins/vmware')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/openstack/usr/share/openstack/neutron/plugins/vmware/nsx.ini b/openstack/usr/share/openstack/neutron/plugins/vmware/nsx.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9bf5c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openstack/usr/share/openstack/neutron/plugins/vmware/nsx.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+# User name for NSX controller
+# nsx_user = admin
+# Password for NSX controller
+# nsx_password = admin
+# Time before aborting a request on an unresponsive controller (Seconds)
+# http_timeout = 75
+# Maximum number of times a particular request should be retried
+# retries = 2
+# Maximum number of times a redirect response should be followed
+# redirects = 2
+# Comma-separated list of NSX controller endpoints (<ip>:<port>). When port
+# is omitted, 443 is assumed. This option MUST be specified, e.g.:
+# nsx_controllers = xx.yy.zz.ww:443,,
+# UUID of the pre-existing default NSX Transport zone to be used for creating
+# tunneled isolated "Neutron" networks. This option MUST be specified, e.g.:
+# default_tz_uuid = 1e8e52cf-fa7f-46b0-a14a-f99835a9cb53
+# (Optional) UUID for the default l3 gateway service to use with this cluster.
+# To be specified if planning to use logical routers with external gateways.
+# default_l3_gw_service_uuid =
+# (Optional) UUID for the default l2 gateway service to use with this cluster.
+# To be specified for providing a predefined gateway tenant for connecting their networks.
+# default_l2_gw_service_uuid =
+# (Optional) UUID for the default service cluster. A service cluster is introduced to
+# represent a group of gateways and it is needed in order to use Logical Services like
+# dhcp and metadata in the logical space. NOTE: If agent_mode is set to 'agentless' this
+# config parameter *MUST BE* set to a valid pre-existent service cluster uuid.
+# default_service_cluster_uuid =
+# Name of the default interface name to be used on network-gateway. This value
+# will be used for any device associated with a network gateway for which an
+# interface name was not specified
+# default_interface_name = breth0
+# Reconnect connection to nsx if not used within this amount of time.
+# conn_idle_timeout = 900
+# number of network gateways allowed per tenant, -1 means unlimited
+# quota_network_gateway = 5
+# URL for VCNS manager
+# manager_uri = https://management_ip
+# User name for VCNS manager
+# user = admin
+# Password for VCNS manager
+# password = default
+# (Optional) Datacenter ID for Edge deployment
+# datacenter_moid =
+# (Optional) Deployment Container ID for NSX Edge deployment
+# If not specified, either a default global container will be used, or
+# the resource pool and datastore specified below will be used
+# deployment_container_id =
+# (Optional) Resource pool ID for NSX Edge deployment
+# resource_pool_id =
+# (Optional) Datastore ID for NSX Edge deployment
+# datastore_id =
+# (Required) UUID of logic switch for physical network connectivity
+# external_network =
+# (Optional) Asynchronous task status check interval
+# default is 2000 (millisecond)
+# task_status_check_interval = 2000
+# Maximum number of ports for each bridged logical switch
+# The recommended value for this parameter varies with NSX version
+# Please use:
+# NSX 2.x -> 64
+# NSX 3.0, 3.1 -> 5000
+# NSX 3.2 -> 10000
+# max_lp_per_bridged_ls = 5000
+# Maximum number of ports for each overlay (stt, gre) logical switch
+# max_lp_per_overlay_ls = 256
+# Number of connections to each controller node.
+# default is 10
+# concurrent_connections = 10
+# Number of seconds a generation id should be valid for (default -1 meaning do not time out)
+# nsx_gen_timeout = -1
+# Acceptable values for 'metadata_mode' are:
+# - 'access_network': this enables a dedicated connection to the metadata
+# proxy for metadata server access via Neutron router.
+# - 'dhcp_host_route': this enables host route injection via the dhcp agent.
+# This option is only useful if running on a host that does not support
+# namespaces otherwise access_network should be used.
+# metadata_mode = access_network
+# The default network transport type to use (stt, gre, bridge, ipsec_gre, or ipsec_stt)
+# default_transport_type = stt
+# Specifies in which mode the plugin needs to operate in order to provide DHCP and
+# metadata proxy services to tenant instances. If 'agent' is chosen (default)
+# the NSX plugin relies on external RPC agents (i.e. dhcp and metadata agents) to
+# provide such services. In this mode, the plugin supports API extensions 'agent'
+# and 'dhcp_agent_scheduler'. If 'agentless' is chosen (experimental in Icehouse),
+# the plugin will use NSX logical services for DHCP and metadata proxy. This
+# simplifies the deployment model for Neutron, in that the plugin no longer requires
+# the RPC agents to operate. When 'agentless' is chosen, the config option metadata_mode
+# becomes ineffective. The 'agentless' mode is supported from NSX 4.2 or above.
+# Furthermore, a 'combined' mode is also provided and is used to support existing
+# deployments that want to adopt the agentless mode going forward. With this mode,
+# existing networks keep being served by the existing infrastructure (thus preserving
+# backward compatibility, whereas new networks will be served by the new infrastructure.
+# Migration tools are provided to 'move' one network from one model to another; with
+# agent_mode set to 'combined', option 'network_auto_schedule' in neutron.conf is
+# ignored, as new networks will no longer be scheduled to existing dhcp agents.
+# agent_mode = agent
+# Specifies which mode packet replication should be done in. If set to service
+# a service node is required in order to perform packet replication. This can
+# also be set to source if one wants replication to be performed locally (NOTE:
+# usually only useful for testing if one does not want to deploy a service node).
+# In order to leverage distributed routers, replication_mode should be set to
+# "service".
+# replication_mode = service
+# Interval in seconds between runs of the status synchronization task.
+# The plugin will aim at resynchronizing operational status for all
+# resources in this interval, and it should be therefore large enough
+# to ensure the task is feasible. Otherwise the plugin will be
+# constantly synchronizing resource status, ie: a new task is started
+# as soon as the previous is completed.
+# If this value is set to 0, the state synchronization thread for this
+# Neutron instance will be disabled.
+# state_sync_interval = 10
+# Random additional delay between two runs of the state synchronization task.
+# An additional wait time between 0 and max_random_sync_delay seconds
+# will be added on top of state_sync_interval.
+# max_random_sync_delay = 0
+# Minimum delay, in seconds, between two status synchronization requests for NSX.
+# Depending on chunk size, controller load, and other factors, state
+# synchronization requests might be pretty heavy. This means the
+# controller might take time to respond, and its load might be quite
+# increased by them. This parameter allows to specify a minimum
+# interval between two subsequent requests.
+# The value for this parameter must never exceed state_sync_interval.
+# If this does, an error will be raised at startup.
+# min_sync_req_delay = 1
+# Minimum number of resources to be retrieved from NSX in a single status
+# synchronization request.
+# The actual size of the chunk will increase if the number of resources is such
+# that using the minimum chunk size will cause the interval between two
+# requests to be less than min_sync_req_delay
+# min_chunk_size = 500
+# Enable this option to allow punctual state synchronization on show
+# operations. In this way, show operations will always fetch the operational
+# status of the resource from the NSX backend, and this might have
+# a considerable impact on overall performance.
+# always_read_status = False
+# Pull LSN information from NSX in case it is missing from the local
+# data store. This is useful to rebuild the local store in case of
+# server recovery
+# sync_on_missing_data = False
+# (Optional) Comma separated list of additional dns servers. Default is an empty list
+# extra_domain_name_servers =
+# Domain to use for building the hostnames
+# domain_name = openstacklocal
+# Default DHCP lease time
+# default_lease_time = 43200
+# IP address used by Metadata server
+# metadata_server_address =
+# TCP Port used by Metadata server
+# metadata_server_port = 8775
+# When proxying metadata requests, Neutron signs the Instance-ID header with a
+# shared secret to prevent spoofing. You may select any string for a secret,
+# but it MUST match with the configuration used by the Metadata server
+# metadata_shared_secret =