path: root/old/extensions/
diff options
authorSam Thursfield <>2017-07-07 10:01:07 +0000
committerSam Thursfield <>2017-07-07 10:01:07 +0000
commitf6046f9b54c1f14d12a67fa66ca0c881b49e8ceb (patch)
tree7c4d5b1aa87b991fecb0b2c585514069947c3f0a /old/extensions/
parentdeba555368fd21316025c5ee0eaaf517b938775e (diff)
Move old Baserock format definitions into old/ directory
Diffstat (limited to 'old/extensions/')
1 files changed, 1072 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/old/extensions/ b/old/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b79093b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/old/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,1072 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program. If not, see <>.
+import contextlib
+import errno
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import stat
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import tempfile
+import partitioning
+import pyfdisk
+import writeexts
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 3, 0):
+ import shlex
+ shell_quote = shlex.quote
+ import pipes
+ shell_quote = pipes.quote
+def get_data_path(relative_path):
+ extensions_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
+ return os.path.join(extensions_dir, relative_path)
+def get_data(relative_path):
+ with open(get_data_path(relative_path)) as f:
+ return
+def ssh_runcmd(host, args, **kwargs):
+ '''Run command over ssh'''
+ command = ['ssh', host, '--'] + [shell_quote(arg) for arg in args]
+ feed_stdin = kwargs.get('feed_stdin')
+ stdin = kwargs.get('stdin', subprocess.PIPE)
+ stdout = kwargs.get('stdout', subprocess.PIPE)
+ stderr = kwargs.get('stderr', subprocess.PIPE)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
+ out, err = p.communicate(input=feed_stdin)
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ raise ExtensionError('ssh command `%s` failed' % ' '.join(command))
+ return out
+def write_from_dict(filepath, d, validate=lambda x, y: True):
+ """Takes a dictionary and appends the contents to a file
+ An optional validation callback can be passed to perform validation on
+ each value in the dictionary.
+ e.g.
+ def validation_callback(dictionary_key, dictionary_value):
+ if not dictionary_value.isdigit():
+ raise Exception('value contains non-digit character(s)')
+ Any callback supplied to this function should raise an exception
+ if validation fails.
+ """
+ # Sort items asciibetically
+ # the output of the deployment should not depend
+ # on the locale of the machine running the deployment
+ items = sorted(d.iteritems(), key=lambda (k, v): [ord(c) for c in v])
+ for (k, v) in items:
+ validate(k, v)
+ with open(filepath, 'a') as f:
+ for (_, v) in items:
+ f.write('%s\n' % v)
+ os.fchown(f.fileno(), 0, 0)
+ os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0644)
+def parse_environment_pairs(env, pairs):
+ '''Add key=value pairs to the environment dict.
+ Given a dict and a list of strings of the form key=value,
+ set dict[key] = value, unless key is already set in the
+ environment, at which point raise an exception.
+ This does not modify the passed in dict.
+ Returns the extended dict.
+ '''
+ extra_env = dict(p.split('=', 1) for p in pairs)
+ conflicting = [k for k in extra_env if k in env]
+ if conflicting:
+ raise ExtensionError('Environment already set: %s'
+ % ', '.join(conflicting))
+ # Return a dict that is the union of the two
+ # This is not the most performant, since it creates
+ # 3 unnecessary lists, but I felt this was the most
+ # easy to read. Using itertools.chain may be more efficicent
+ return dict(env.items() + extra_env.items())
+class ExtensionError(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ self.msg = msg
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.msg
+class Fstab(object):
+ '''Small helper class for parsing and adding lines to /etc/fstab.'''
+ # There is an existing Python helper library for editing of /etc/fstab.
+ # However it is unmaintained and has an incompatible license (GPL3).
+ #
+ #
+ def __init__(self, filepath='/etc/fstab'):
+ if os.path.exists(filepath):
+ with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
+ self.text=
+ else:
+ self.text = ''
+ self.filepath = filepath
+ self.lines_added = 0
+ def get_mounts(self):
+ '''Return list of mount devices and targets in /etc/fstab.
+ Return value is a dict of target -> device.
+ '''
+ mounts = dict()
+ for line in self.text.splitlines():
+ words = line.split()
+ if len(words) >= 2 and not words[0].startswith('#'):
+ device, target = words[0:2]
+ mounts[target] = device
+ return mounts
+ def add_line(self, line):
+ '''Add a new entry to /etc/fstab.
+ Lines are appended, and separated from any entries made by configure
+ extensions with a comment.
+ '''
+ if self.lines_added == 0:
+ if len(self.text) == 0 or self.text[-1] is not '\n':
+ self.text += '\n'
+ self.text += '# Morph default system layout\n'
+ self.lines_added += 1
+ self.text += line + '\n'
+ def write(self):
+ '''Rewrite the fstab file to include all new entries.'''
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f:
+ f.write(self.text)
+ tmp =
+ shutil.move(os.path.abspath(tmp), os.path.abspath(self.filepath))
+class Extension(object):
+ '''A base class for deployment extensions.
+ A subclass should subclass this class, and add a
+ ``process_args`` method.
+ Note that it is not necessary to subclass this class for write
+ extensions. This class is here just to collect common code for
+ write extensions.
+ '''
+ def setup_logging(self):
+ '''Direct all logging output to MORPH_LOG_FD, if set.
+ This file descriptor is read by Morph and written into its own log
+ file.
+ '''
+ log_write_fd = int(os.environ.get('MORPH_LOG_FD', 0))
+ if log_write_fd == 0:
+ return
+ formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler(os.fdopen(log_write_fd, 'w'))
+ handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+ logger = logging.getLogger()
+ logger.addHandler(handler)
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ def process_args(self, args):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def run(self, args=None):
+ if args is None:
+ args = sys.argv[1:]
+ try:
+ self.setup_logging()
+ self.process_args(args)
+ except ExtensionError as e:
+ sys.stdout.write('ERROR: %s\n' % e)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ @staticmethod
+ def status(**kwargs):
+ '''Provide status output.
+ The ``msg`` keyword argument is the actual message,
+ the rest are values for fields in the message as interpolated
+ by %.
+ '''
+ sys.stdout.write('%s\n' % (kwargs['msg'] % kwargs))
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+class WriteExtension(Extension):
+ '''A base class for deployment write extensions.
+ A subclass should subclass this class, and add a
+ ``process_args`` method.
+ Note that it is not necessary to subclass this class for write
+ extensions. This class is here just to collect common code for
+ write extensions.
+ '''
+ def check_for_btrfs_in_deployment_host_kernel(self):
+ with open('/proc/filesystems') as f:
+ text =
+ return '\tbtrfs\n' in text
+ def require_btrfs_in_deployment_host_kernel(self):
+ if not self.check_for_btrfs_in_deployment_host_kernel():
+ raise ExtensionError(
+ 'Error: Btrfs is required for this deployment, but was not '
+ 'detected in the kernel of the machine that is running Morph.')
+ def create_local_system(self, temp_root, location):
+ '''Create a raw system image locally.'''
+ with self.created_disk_image(location):
+ self.create_baserock_system(temp_root, location)
+ def create_baserock_system(self, temp_root, location):
+ if self.get_environment_boolean('USE_PARTITIONING', 'no'):
+ self.create_partitioned_system(temp_root, location)
+ else:
+ self.format_btrfs(location)
+ self.create_unpartitioned_system(temp_root, location)
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def created_disk_image(self, location):
+ size = self.get_disk_size()
+ if not size:
+ raise ExtensionError('DISK_SIZE is not defined')
+ self.create_raw_disk_image(location, size)
+ try:
+ yield
+ except BaseException:
+ os.unlink(location)
+ raise
+ def format_btrfs(self, raw_disk):
+ try:
+ self.mkfs_btrfs(raw_disk)
+ except BaseException:
+ sys.stderr.write('Error creating disk image')
+ raise
+ def create_unpartitioned_system(self, temp_root, raw_disk):
+ '''Deploy a bootable Baserock system within a single Btrfs filesystem.
+ Called if USE_PARTITIONING=no (the default) is set in the deployment
+ options.
+ '''
+ with self.mount(raw_disk) as mp:
+ try:
+ self.create_versioned_layout(mp, version_label='factory')
+ self.create_btrfs_system_rootfs(
+ temp_root, mp, version_label='factory',
+ rootfs_uuid=self.get_uuid(raw_disk))
+ if self.bootloader_config_is_wanted():
+ self.create_bootloader_config(
+ temp_root, mp, version_label='factory',
+ rootfs_uuid=self.get_uuid(raw_disk))
+ except BaseException:
+ sys.stderr.write('Error creating Btrfs system layout')
+ raise
+ def _parse_size(self, size):
+ '''Parse a size from a string.
+ Return size in bytes.
+ '''
+ m = re.match('^(\d+)([kmgKMG]?)$', size)
+ if not m:
+ return None
+ factors = {
+ '': 1,
+ 'k': 1024,
+ 'm': 1024**2,
+ 'g': 1024**3,
+ }
+ factor = factors[]
+ return int( * factor
+ def _parse_size_from_environment(self, env_var, default):
+ '''Parse a size from an environment variable.'''
+ size = os.environ.get(env_var, default)
+ if size is None:
+ return None
+ bytes = self._parse_size(size)
+ if bytes is None:
+ raise ExtensionError('Cannot parse %s value %s'
+ % (env_var, size))
+ return bytes
+ def get_disk_size(self):
+ '''Parse disk size from environment.'''
+ return self._parse_size_from_environment('DISK_SIZE', None)
+ def get_ram_size(self):
+ '''Parse RAM size from environment.'''
+ return self._parse_size_from_environment('RAM_SIZE', '1G')
+ def get_vcpu_count(self):
+ '''Parse the virtual cpu count from environment.'''
+ return self._parse_size_from_environment('VCPUS', '1')
+ def create_raw_disk_image(self, filename, size):
+ '''Create a raw disk image.'''
+ self.status(msg='Creating empty disk image')
+ with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
+ if size > 0:
+ f.write('\0')
+ def mkfs_btrfs(self, location):
+ '''Create a btrfs filesystem on the disk.'''
+ self.status(msg='Creating btrfs filesystem')
+ try:
+ # The following command disables some new filesystem features. We
+ # need to do this because at the time of writing, SYSLINUX has not
+ # been updated to understand these new features and will fail to
+ # boot if the kernel is on a filesystem where they are enabled.
+ subprocess.check_output(
+ ['mkfs.btrfs','-f', '-L', 'baserock',
+ '--features', '^extref',
+ '--features', '^skinny-metadata',
+ '--features', '^mixed-bg',
+ '--nodesize', '4096',
+ location], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ if 'unrecognized option \'--features\'' in e.output:
+ # Old versions of mkfs.btrfs (including v0.20, present in many
+ # Baserock releases) don't support the --features option, but
+ # also don't enable the new features by default. So we can
+ # still create a bootable system in this situation.
+ logging.debug(
+ 'Assuming mkfs.btrfs failure was because the tool is too '
+ 'old to have --features flag.')
+ subprocess.check_call(['mkfs.btrfs','-f',
+ '-L', 'baserock', location])
+ else:
+ raise
+ def get_uuid(self, location, offset=0):
+ '''Get the filesystem UUID of a block device's file system.
+ Requires util-linux blkid; the busybox version ignores options and
+ lies by exiting successfully.
+ Args:
+ location: Path of device or image to inspect
+ offset: A byte offset - which should point to the start of a
+ partition containing a filesystem
+ '''
+ return subprocess.check_output(['blkid', '-s', 'UUID', '-o',
+ 'value', '-p', '-O', str(offset),
+ location]).strip()
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def mount(self, location):
+ self.status(msg='Mounting filesystem')
+ try:
+ mount_point = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ if self.is_device(location):
+ subprocess.check_call(['mount', location, mount_point])
+ else:
+ subprocess.check_call(['mount', '-o', 'loop',
+ location, mount_point])
+ except BaseException:
+ sys.stderr.write('Error mounting filesystem')
+ os.rmdir(mount_point)
+ raise
+ try:
+ yield mount_point
+ finally:
+ self.status(msg='Unmounting filesystem')
+ subprocess.check_call(['umount', mount_point])
+ os.rmdir(mount_point)
+ def create_versioned_layout(self, mountpoint, version_label):
+ '''Create a versioned directory structure within a partition.
+ The Baserock project has defined a 'reference upgrade mechanism'. This
+ mandates a specific directory layout. It consists of a toplevel
+ '/systems' directory, containing subdirectories named with a 'version
+ label'. These subdirectories contain the actual OS content.
+ For the root file system, a Btrfs partition must be used. For each
+ version, two subvolumes are created: 'orig' and 'run'. This is handled
+ in create_btrfs_system_rootfs().
+ Other partitions (e.g. /boot) can also follow the same layout. In the
+ case of /boot, content goes directly in the version directory. That
+ means there are no 'orig' and 'run' subvolumes, which avoids the
+ need to use Btrfs.
+ The `system-version-manager` tool from tbdiff.git is responsible for
+ deploying live upgrades, and it understands this layout.
+ '''
+ version_root = os.path.join(mountpoint, 'systems', version_label)
+ os.makedirs(version_root)
+ os.symlink(
+ version_label, os.path.join(mountpoint, 'systems', 'default'))
+ def create_btrfs_system_rootfs(self, temp_root, mountpoint, version_label,
+ rootfs_uuid, device=None):
+ '''Separate base OS versions from state using subvolumes.
+ The 'device' parameter should be a pyfdisk.Device instance,
+ as returned by partitioning.do_partitioning(), that describes the
+ partition layout of the target device. This is used to set up
+ mountpoints in the root partition for the other partitions.
+ If no 'device' instance is passed, no mountpoints are set up in the
+ rootfs.
+ '''
+ version_root = os.path.join(mountpoint, 'systems', version_label)
+ state_root = os.path.join(mountpoint, 'state')
+ os.makedirs(state_root)
+ system_dir = self.create_orig(version_root, temp_root)
+ state_dirs = self.complete_fstab_for_btrfs_layout(system_dir,
+ rootfs_uuid, device)
+ for state_dir in state_dirs:
+ self.create_state_subvolume(system_dir, mountpoint, state_dir)
+ self.create_run(version_root)
+ if device:
+ self.create_partition_mountpoints(device, system_dir)
+ def create_bootloader_config(self, temp_root, mountpoint, version_label,
+ rootfs_uuid, device=None):
+ '''Setup the bootloader.
+ '''
+ initramfs = self.find_initramfs(temp_root)
+ version_root = os.path.join(mountpoint, 'systems', version_label)
+ self.install_kernel(version_root, temp_root)
+ if self.get_dtb_path() != '':
+ self.install_dtb(version_root, temp_root)
+ self.install_syslinux_menu(mountpoint, temp_root)
+ if initramfs is not None:
+ # Using initramfs - can boot a rootfs with a filesystem UUID
+ self.install_initramfs(initramfs, version_root)
+ self.generate_bootloader_config(mountpoint,
+ rootfs_uuid=rootfs_uuid)
+ else:
+ if device:
+ # A partitioned disk or image - boot with partition UUID
+ root_part = device.get_partition_by_mountpoint('/')
+ root_guid = device.get_partition_uuid(root_part)
+ self.generate_bootloader_config(mountpoint,
+ root_guid=root_guid)
+ else:
+ # Unpartitioned and no initramfs - cannot boot with a UUID
+ self.generate_bootloader_config(mountpoint)
+ self.install_bootloader(mountpoint)
+ def create_partition_mountpoints(self, device, system_dir):
+ '''Create (or empty) partition mountpoints in the root filesystem
+ Delete contents of partition mountpoints in the rootfs to leave an
+ empty mount drectory (files are copied to the actual partition in
+ create_partitioned_system()), or create an empty mount directory in
+ the rootfs if the mount path doesn't exist.
+ Args:
+ device: A Device object describing the partitioning
+ system_dir: A path to the Baserock rootfs to be modified
+ '''
+ for part in device.partitionlist:
+ if hasattr(part, 'mountpoint') and part.mountpoint != '/':
+ part_mount_dir = os.path.join(system_dir,
+ re.sub('^/', '', part.mountpoint))
+ if os.path.exists(part_mount_dir):
+ self.status(msg='Deleting files in mountpoint '
+ 'for %s partition' % part.mountpoint)
+ self.empty_dir(part_mount_dir)
+ else:
+ self.status(msg='Creating empty mount directory '
+ 'for %s partition' % part.mountpoint)
+ os.mkdir(part_mount_dir)
+ def create_orig(self, version_root, temp_root):
+ '''Create the default "factory" system.'''
+ orig = os.path.join(version_root, 'orig')
+ self.status(msg='Creating orig subvolume')
+ subprocess.check_call(['btrfs', 'subvolume', 'create', orig])
+ self.status(msg='Copying files to orig subvolume')
+ subprocess.check_call(['cp', '-a', temp_root + '/.', orig + '/.'])
+ return orig
+ def create_run(self, version_root):
+ '''Create the 'run' snapshot.'''
+ self.status(msg='Creating run subvolume')
+ orig = os.path.join(version_root, 'orig')
+ run = os.path.join(version_root, 'run')
+ subprocess.check_call(
+ ['btrfs', 'subvolume', 'snapshot', orig, run])
+ def create_state_subvolume(self, system_dir, mountpoint, state_subdir):
+ '''Create a shared state subvolume.
+ We need to move any files added to the temporary rootfs by the
+ configure extensions to their correct home. For example, they might
+ have added keys in `/root/.ssh` which we now need to transfer to
+ `/state/root/.ssh`.
+ '''
+ self.status(msg='Creating %s subvolume' % state_subdir)
+ subvolume = os.path.join(mountpoint, 'state', state_subdir)
+ subprocess.check_call(['btrfs', 'subvolume', 'create', subvolume])
+ os.chmod(subvolume, 0o755)
+ existing_state_dir = os.path.join(system_dir, state_subdir)
+ self.move_dir_contents(existing_state_dir, subvolume)
+ def move_dir_contents(self, source_dir, target_dir):
+ '''Move all files source_dir, to target_dir'''
+ n = self.__cmd_files_in_dir(['mv'], source_dir, target_dir)
+ if n:
+ self.status(msg='Moved %d files to %s' % (n, target_dir))
+ def copy_dir_contents(self, source_dir, target_dir):
+ '''Copy all files source_dir, to target_dir'''
+ n = self.__cmd_files_in_dir(['cp', '-a', '-r'], source_dir, target_dir)
+ if n:
+ self.status(msg='Copied %d files to %s' % (n, target_dir))
+ def empty_dir(self, directory):
+ '''Empty the contents of a directory, but not the directory itself'''
+ n = self.__cmd_files_in_dir(['rm', '-rf'], directory)
+ if n:
+ self.status(msg='Deleted %d files in %s' % (n, directory))
+ def __cmd_files_in_dir(self, cmd, source_dir, target_dir=None):
+ files = []
+ if os.path.exists(source_dir):
+ files = os.listdir(source_dir)
+ for filename in files:
+ filepath = os.path.join(source_dir, filename)
+ add_params = [filepath, target_dir] if target_dir else [filepath]
+ subprocess.check_call(cmd + add_params)
+ return len(files)
+ def complete_fstab_for_btrfs_layout(self, system_dir,
+ rootfs_uuid=None, device=None):
+ '''Fill in /etc/fstab entries for the default Btrfs disk layout.
+ In the future we should move this code out of the write extension and
+ in to a configure extension. To do that, though, we need some way of
+ informing the configure extension what layout should be used. Right now
+ a configure extension doesn't know if the system is going to end up as
+ a Btrfs disk image, a tarfile or something else and so it can't come
+ up with a sensible default fstab.
+ Configuration extensions can already create any /etc/fstab that they
+ like. This function only fills in entries that are missing, so if for
+ example the user configured /home to be on a separate partition, that
+ decision will be honoured and /state/home will not be created.
+ '''
+ shared_state_dirs = {'home', 'root', 'opt', 'srv', 'var'}
+ fstab = Fstab(os.path.join(system_dir, 'etc', 'fstab'))
+ existing_mounts = fstab.get_mounts()
+ if '/' in existing_mounts:
+ root_device = existing_mounts['/']
+ else:
+ root_device = (self.get_root_device() if rootfs_uuid is None else
+ 'UUID=%s' % rootfs_uuid)
+ fstab.add_line('%s / btrfs defaults,rw,noatime 0 1' % root_device)
+ # Add fstab entries for partitions
+ part_mountpoints = set()
+ if device:
+ mount_parts = set(p for p in device.partitionlist
+ if hasattr(p, 'mountpoint') and p.mountpoint != '/')
+ for part in mount_parts:
+ if part.mountpoint not in existing_mounts:
+ # Get filesystem UUID
+ part_uuid = self.get_uuid(device.location,
+ part.extent.start *
+ device.sector_size)
+ self.status(msg='Adding fstab entry for %s '
+ 'partition' % part.mountpoint)
+ fstab.add_line('UUID=%s %s %s defaults,rw,noatime '
+ '0 2' % (part_uuid, part.mountpoint,
+ part.filesystem))
+ part_mountpoints.add(part.mountpoint)
+ else:
+ self.status(msg='WARNING: an entry already exists in '
+ 'fstab for %s partition, skipping' %
+ part.mountpoint)
+ # Add entries for state dirs
+ all_mountpoints = set(existing_mounts.keys()) | part_mountpoints
+ state_dirs_to_create = set()
+ for state_dir in shared_state_dirs:
+ mp = '/' + state_dir
+ if mp not in all_mountpoints:
+ state_dirs_to_create.add(state_dir)
+ state_subvol = os.path.join('/state', state_dir)
+ fstab.add_line(
+ '%s /%s btrfs subvol=%s,defaults,rw,noatime 0 2' %
+ (root_device, state_dir, state_subvol))
+ fstab.write()
+ return state_dirs_to_create
+ def find_initramfs(self, temp_root):
+ '''Check whether the rootfs has an initramfs.
+ Uses the INITRAMFS_PATH option to locate it.
+ '''
+ if 'INITRAMFS_PATH' in os.environ:
+ initramfs = os.path.join(temp_root, os.environ['INITRAMFS_PATH'])
+ if not os.path.exists(initramfs):
+ raise ExtensionError('INITRAMFS_PATH specified, '
+ 'but file does not exist')
+ return initramfs
+ return None
+ def install_initramfs(self, initramfs_path, version_root):
+ '''Install the initramfs outside of 'orig' or 'run' subvolumes.
+ This is required because syslinux doesn't traverse subvolumes when
+ loading the kernel or initramfs.
+ '''
+ self.status(msg='Installing initramfs')
+ initramfs_dest = os.path.join(version_root, 'initramfs')
+ subprocess.check_call(['cp', '-a', initramfs_path, initramfs_dest])
+ def install_kernel(self, version_root, temp_root):
+ '''Install the kernel outside of 'orig' or 'run' subvolumes'''
+ self.status(msg='Installing kernel')
+ image_names = ['vmlinuz', 'zImage', 'uImage']
+ kernel_dest = os.path.join(version_root, 'kernel')
+ for name in image_names:
+ try_path = os.path.join(temp_root, 'boot', name)
+ if os.path.exists(try_path):
+ subprocess.check_call(['cp', '-a', try_path, kernel_dest])
+ break
+ def install_dtb(self, version_root, temp_root):
+ '''Install the device tree outside of 'orig' or 'run' subvolumes'''
+ self.status(msg='Installing devicetree')
+ device_tree_path = self.get_dtb_path()
+ dtb_dest = os.path.join(version_root, 'dtb')
+ try_path = os.path.join(temp_root, device_tree_path)
+ if os.path.exists(try_path):
+ subprocess.check_call(['cp', '-a', try_path, dtb_dest])
+ else:
+ logging.error("Failed to find device tree %s", device_tree_path)
+ raise ExtensionError(
+ 'Failed to find device tree %s' % device_tree_path)
+ def get_dtb_path(self):
+ return os.environ.get('DTB_PATH', '')
+ def get_bootloader_install(self):
+ # Do we actually want to install the bootloader?
+ # Set this to "none" to prevent the install
+ return os.environ.get('BOOTLOADER_INSTALL', 'extlinux')
+ def get_bootloader_config_format(self):
+ # The config format for the bootloader,
+ # if not set we default to extlinux for x86
+ return os.environ.get('BOOTLOADER_CONFIG_FORMAT', 'extlinux')
+ def get_extra_kernel_args(self):
+ return os.environ.get('KERNEL_ARGS', '')
+ def get_root_device(self):
+ return os.environ.get('ROOT_DEVICE', '/dev/sda')
+ def generate_bootloader_config(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ '''Install extlinux on the newly created disk image.'''
+ config_function_dict = {
+ 'extlinux': self.generate_extlinux_config,
+ }
+ config_type = self.get_bootloader_config_format()
+ if config_type in config_function_dict:
+ config_function_dict[config_type](*args, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise ExtensionError(
+ 'Invalid BOOTLOADER_CONFIG_FORMAT %s' % config_type)
+ def generate_extlinux_config(self, real_root,
+ rootfs_uuid=None, root_guid=None):
+ '''Generate the extlinux configuration file
+ Args:
+ real_root: Path to the mounted top level of the root filesystem
+ rootfs_uuid: Specify a filesystem UUID which can be loaded using
+ an initramfs aware of filesystems
+ root_guid: Specify a partition GUID, can be used without an
+ initramfs
+ '''
+ self.status(msg='Creating extlinux.conf')
+ # To be compatible with u-boot, create the extlinux.conf file in
+ # /extlinux/ rather than /
+ # Syslinux, however, requires this to be in /, so create a symlink
+ # as well
+ config_path = os.path.join(real_root, 'extlinux')
+ os.makedirs(config_path)
+ config = os.path.join(config_path, 'extlinux.conf')
+ os.symlink('extlinux/extlinux.conf', os.path.join(real_root,
+ 'extlinux.conf'))
+ ''' Please also update the documentation in the following files
+ if you change these default kernel args:
+ -
+ -
+ - '''
+ kernel_args = (
+ 'rw ' # ro ought to work, but we don't test that regularly
+ 'init=/sbin/init ' # default, but it doesn't hurt to be explicit
+ 'rootfstype=btrfs ' # required when using initramfs, also boots
+ # faster when specified without initramfs
+ 'rootflags=subvol=systems/default/run ') # boot runtime subvol
+ # See init/do_mounts.c:182 in the kernel source, in the comment above
+ # function name_to_dev_t(), for an explanation of the available
+ # options for the kernel parameter 'root', particularly when using
+ if rootfs_uuid:
+ root_device = 'UUID=%s' % rootfs_uuid
+ elif root_guid:
+ root_device = 'PARTUUID=%s' % root_guid
+ else:
+ # Fall back to the root partition named in the cluster
+ root_device = self.get_root_device()
+ kernel_args += 'root=%s ' % root_device
+ kernel_args += self.get_extra_kernel_args()
+ with open(config, 'w') as f:
+ f.write('default linux\n')
+ f.write('timeout 1\n')
+ f.write('label linux\n')
+ f.write('kernel /systems/default/kernel\n')
+ if rootfs_uuid is not None:
+ f.write('initrd /systems/default/initramfs\n')
+ if self.get_dtb_path() != '':
+ f.write('devicetree /systems/default/dtb\n')
+ f.write('append %s\n' % kernel_args)
+ def install_bootloader(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ install_function_dict = {
+ 'extlinux': self.install_bootloader_extlinux,
+ }
+ install_type = self.get_bootloader_install()
+ if install_type in install_function_dict:
+ install_function_dict[install_type](*args, **kwargs)
+ elif install_type != 'none':
+ raise ExtensionError(
+ 'Invalid BOOTLOADER_INSTALL %s' % install_type)
+ def install_bootloader_extlinux(self, real_root):
+ self.status(msg='Installing extlinux')
+ subprocess.check_call(['extlinux', '--install', real_root])
+ # FIXME this hack seems to be necessary to let extlinux finish
+ subprocess.check_call(['sync'])
+ time.sleep(2)
+ def install_syslinux_blob(self, device, orig_root):
+ '''Install Syslinux MBR blob
+ This is the first stage of boot (for partitioned images) on x86
+ machines. It is not required where there is no partition table. The
+ syslinux bootloader is written to the MBR, and is capable of loading
+ extlinux. This only works when the partition is set as bootable (MBR),
+ or the legacy boot flag is set (GPT). The blob is built with extlinux,
+ and found in the rootfs'''
+ pt_format = device.partition_table_format.lower()
+ if pt_format in ('gpb', 'mbr'):
+ blob = 'mbr.bin'
+ elif pt_format == 'gpt':
+ blob = 'gptmbr.bin'
+ blob_name = 'usr/share/syslinux/' + blob
+ self.status(msg='Installing syslinux %s blob' % pt_format.upper())
+ blob_location = os.path.join(orig_root, blob_name)
+ if os.path.exists(blob_location):
+ subprocess.check_call(['dd', 'if=%s' % blob_location,
+ 'of=%s' % device.location,
+ 'bs=440', 'count=1', 'conv=notrunc'])
+ else:
+ raise ExtensionError('MBR blob not found. Is this the correct'
+ 'architecture? The MBR blob will only be built for x86'
+ 'systems. You may wish to configure BOOTLOADER_INSTALL')
+ def install_syslinux_menu(self, real_root, temp_root):
+ '''Make syslinux/extlinux menu binary available.
+ The syslinux boot menu is compiled to a file named menu.c32. Extlinux
+ searches a few places for this file but it does not know to look inside
+ our subvolume, so we copy it to the filesystem root.
+ If the file is not available, the bootloader will still work but will
+ not be able to show a menu.
+ '''
+ menu_file = os.path.join(temp_root, 'usr', 'share', 'syslinux',
+ 'menu.c32')
+ if os.path.isfile(menu_file):
+ self.status(msg='Copying menu.c32')
+ shutil.copy(menu_file, real_root)
+ def parse_attach_disks(self):
+ '''Parse $ATTACH_DISKS into list of disks to attach.'''
+ if 'ATTACH_DISKS' in os.environ:
+ s = os.environ['ATTACH_DISKS']
+ return s.split(':')
+ else:
+ return []
+ def bootloader_config_is_wanted(self):
+ '''Does the user want to generate a bootloader config?
+ The user may set $BOOTLOADER_CONFIG_FORMAT to the desired
+ format. 'extlinux' is the only allowed value, and is the default
+ value for x86-32 and x86-64.
+ '''
+ def is_x86(arch):
+ return (arch == 'x86_64' or
+ (arch.startswith('i') and arch.endswith('86')))
+ value = os.environ.get('BOOTLOADER_CONFIG_FORMAT', '')
+ if value == '':
+ if not is_x86(os.uname()[-1]):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def get_environment_boolean(self, variable, default='no'):
+ '''Parse a yes/no boolean passed through the environment.'''
+ value = os.environ.get(variable, default).lower()
+ if value in ('no', '0', 'false'):
+ return False
+ elif value in ('yes', '1', 'true'):
+ return True
+ else:
+ raise ExtensionError('Unexpected value for %s: %s' %
+ (variable, value))
+ def check_ssh_connectivity(self, ssh_host):
+ try:
+ output = ssh_runcmd(ssh_host, ['echo', 'test'])
+ except ExtensionError as e:
+ logging.error("Error checking SSH connectivity: %s", str(e))
+ raise ExtensionError(
+ 'Unable to SSH to %s: %s' % (ssh_host, e))
+ if output.strip() != 'test':
+ raise ExtensionError(
+ 'Unexpected output from remote machine: %s' % output.strip())
+ def is_device(self, location):
+ try:
+ st = os.stat(location)
+ return stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode)
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+ return False
+ raise
+ def create_partitioned_system(self, temp_root, location):
+ '''Deploy a bootable Baserock system with a custom partition layout.
+ Called if USE_PARTITIONING=yes is set in the deployment options.
+ '''
+ part_spec = os.environ.get('PARTITION_FILE', 'partitioning/default')
+ disk_size = self.get_disk_size()
+ if not disk_size:
+ raise writeexts.ExtensionError('DISK_SIZE is not defined')
+ dev = partitioning.do_partitioning(location, disk_size,
+ temp_root, part_spec)
+ boot_partition_available = dev.get_partition_by_mountpoint('/boot')
+ for part in dev.partitionlist:
+ if not hasattr(part, 'mountpoint'):
+ continue
+ if part.mountpoint == '/':
+ # Re-format the rootfs, to include needed extra features
+ with pyfdisk.create_loopback(location,
+ part.extent.start *
+ dev.sector_size, part.size) as l:
+ self.mkfs_btrfs(l)
+ self.status(msg='Mounting partition %d' % part.number)
+ offset = part.extent.start * dev.sector_size
+ with self.mount_partition(location,
+ offset, part.size) as part_mount_dir:
+ if part.mountpoint == '/':
+ # Install root filesystem
+ rfs_uuid = self.get_uuid(location, part.extent.start *
+ dev.sector_size)
+ self.create_versioned_layout(part_mount_dir, 'factory')
+ self.create_btrfs_system_rootfs(temp_root, part_mount_dir,
+ 'factory', rfs_uuid, dev)
+ # If there's no /boot partition, but we do need to generate
+ # a bootloader configuration file, then it needs to go in
+ # the root partition.
+ if (boot_partition_available is False
+ and self.bootloader_config_is_wanted()):
+ self.create_bootloader_config(
+ temp_root, part_mount_dir, 'factory', rfs_uuid,
+ dev)
+ if self.get_bootloader_install() == 'extlinux':
+ # The extlinux/syslinux MBR blob always needs to be
+ # installed in the root partition.
+ self.install_syslinux_blob(dev, temp_root)
+ else:
+ # Copy files to partition from unpacked rootfs
+ src_dir = os.path.join(temp_root,
+ re.sub('^/', '', part.mountpoint))
+ self.status(msg='Copying files to %s partition' %
+ part.mountpoint)
+ self.copy_dir_contents(src_dir, part_mount_dir)
+ if (part.mountpoint == '/boot' and
+ self.bootloader_config_is_wanted()):
+ # We need to mirror the layout of the root partition in the
+ # /boot partition. Each kernel lives in its own
+ # systems/$version_label/ directory within the /boot
+ # partition.
+ self.create_versioned_layout(part_mount_dir, 'factory')
+ self.create_bootloader_config(temp_root, part_mount_dir,
+ 'factory', None, dev)
+ # Write raw files to disk with dd
+ partitioning.process_raw_files(dev, temp_root)
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def mount_partition(self, location, offset_bytes, size_bytes):
+ '''Mount a partition in a partitioned device or image'''
+ with pyfdisk.create_loopback(location, offset=offset_bytes,
+ size=size_bytes) as loop:
+ with self.mount(loop) as mountpoint:
+ yield mountpoint
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def find_and_mount_rootfs(self, location):
+ '''
+ Mount a Baserock rootfs inside a partitioned device or image
+ This function searches a disk image or device, with unknown
+ partitioning scheme, for a Baserock rootfs. This is done by finding
+ offsets and sizes of partitions in the partition table, mounting each
+ partition, and checking whether a known path exists in the mount.
+ Args:
+ location: the location of the disk image or device to search
+ Returns:
+ A path to the mount point of the mounted Baserock rootfs
+ '''
+ if pyfdisk.get_pt_type(location) == 'none':
+ with self.mount(location) as mountpoint:
+ yield mountpoint
+ sector_size = pyfdisk.get_sector_size(location)
+ partn_sizes = pyfdisk.get_partition_sector_sizes(location)
+ for i, offset in enumerate(pyfdisk.get_partition_offsets(location)):
+ try:
+ with self.mount_partition(location, offset * sector_size,
+ partn_sizes[i] * sector_size) as mp:
+ path = os.path.join(mp, 'systems/default/orig/baserock')
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ self.status(msg='Found a Baserock rootfs at '
+ 'offset %d sectors/%d bytes' %
+ (offset, offset * sector_size))
+ yield mp
+ except BaseException:
+ # Probably a partition without a filesystem, carry on
+ pass