path: root/nfsboot.write
diff options
authorAdam Coldrick <>2015-06-02 13:52:51 +0000
committerAdam Coldrick <>2015-06-02 13:52:51 +0000
commit0cd8880023fc65ec581da95dd49a58b5996a1279 (patch)
treeab2c40dd442b044e12b4338fd55cab2dabf031c6 /nfsboot.write
parent4f43fdd08770c113f7443fecbda43d4316091d4b (diff)
parent30cba5d9a8757f6bafc8079377aa3d6705e8364c (diff)
Put the deployment extensions from morphlib in definitions
This merge commit merges the deployment extensions and all relevant history from morphlib into definitions.
Diffstat (limited to 'nfsboot.write')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nfsboot.write b/nfsboot.write
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d928775e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nfsboot.write
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Codethink Limited
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program. If not, see <>.
+'''A Morph deployment write extension for deploying to an nfsboot server
+*** DO NOT USE ***
+- This was written before 'proper' deployment mechanisms were in place
+It is unlikely to work at all and will not work correctly
+Use the pxeboot write extension instead
+An nfsboot server is defined as a baserock system that has tftp and nfs
+servers running, the tftp server is exporting the contents of
+/srv/nfsboot/tftp/ and the user has sufficient permissions to create nfs roots
+in /srv/nfsboot/nfs/
+import cliapp
+import os
+import glob
+import morphlib.writeexts
+class NFSBootWriteExtension(morphlib.writeexts.WriteExtension):
+ '''Create an NFS root and kernel on TFTP during Morph's deployment.
+ The location command line argument is the hostname of the nfsboot server.
+ The user is expected to provide the location argument
+ using the following syntax:
+ where:
+ * HOST is the host of the nfsboot server
+ The extension will connect to root@HOST via ssh to copy the kernel and
+ rootfs, and configure the nfs server.
+ It requires root because it uses systemd, and reads/writes to /etc.
+ '''
+ _nfsboot_root = '/srv/nfsboot'
+ def process_args(self, args):
+ if len(args) != 2:
+ raise cliapp.AppException('Wrong number of command line args')
+ temp_root, location = args
+ version_label = os.getenv('VERSION_LABEL', 'factory')
+ hostname = os.environ['HOSTNAME']
+ versioned_root = os.path.join(self._nfsboot_root, hostname, 'systems',
+ version_label)
+ self.copy_rootfs(temp_root, location, versioned_root, hostname)
+ self.copy_kernel(temp_root, location, versioned_root, version_label,
+ hostname)
+ self.configure_nfs(location, hostname)
+ def create_local_state(self, location, hostname):
+ statedir = os.path.join(self._nfsboot_root, hostname, 'state')
+ subdirs = [os.path.join(statedir, 'home'),
+ os.path.join(statedir, 'opt'),
+ os.path.join(statedir, 'srv')]
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd('root@%s' % location,
+ ['mkdir', '-p'] + subdirs)
+ def copy_kernel(self, temp_root, location, versioned_root, version,
+ hostname):
+ bootdir = os.path.join(temp_root, 'boot')
+ image_names = ['vmlinuz', 'zImage', 'uImage']
+ for name in image_names:
+ try_path = os.path.join(bootdir, name)
+ if os.path.exists(try_path):
+ kernel_src = try_path
+ break
+ else:
+ raise cliapp.AppException(
+ 'Could not find a kernel in the system: none of '
+ '%s found' % ', '.join(image_names))
+ kernel_dest = os.path.join(versioned_root, 'orig', 'kernel')
+ rsync_dest = 'root@%s:%s' % (location, kernel_dest)
+ self.status(msg='Copying kernel')
+ cliapp.runcmd(
+ ['rsync', '-s', kernel_src, rsync_dest])
+ # Link the kernel to the right place
+ self.status(msg='Creating links to kernel in tftp directory')
+ tftp_dir = os.path.join(self._nfsboot_root , 'tftp')
+ versioned_kernel_name = "%s-%s" % (hostname, version)
+ kernel_name = hostname
+ try:
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd('root@%s' % location,
+ ['ln', '-f', kernel_dest,
+ os.path.join(tftp_dir, versioned_kernel_name)])
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd('root@%s' % location,
+ ['ln', '-sf', versioned_kernel_name,
+ os.path.join(tftp_dir, kernel_name)])
+ except cliapp.AppException:
+ raise cliapp.AppException('Could not create symlinks to the '
+ 'kernel at %s in %s on %s'
+ % (kernel_dest, tftp_dir, location))
+ def copy_rootfs(self, temp_root, location, versioned_root, hostname):
+ rootfs_src = temp_root + '/'
+ orig_path = os.path.join(versioned_root, 'orig')
+ run_path = os.path.join(versioned_root, 'run')
+ self.status(msg='Creating destination directories')
+ try:
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd('root@%s' % location,
+ ['mkdir', '-p', orig_path, run_path])
+ except cliapp.AppException:
+ raise cliapp.AppException('Could not create dirs %s and %s on %s'
+ % (orig_path, run_path, location))
+ self.status(msg='Creating \'orig\' rootfs')
+ cliapp.runcmd(
+ ['rsync', '-asXSPH', '--delete', rootfs_src,
+ 'root@%s:%s' % (location, orig_path)])
+ self.status(msg='Creating \'run\' rootfs')
+ try:
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd('root@%s' % location,
+ ['rm', '-rf', run_path])
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd('root@%s' % location,
+ ['cp', '-al', orig_path, run_path])
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd('root@%s' % location,
+ ['rm', '-rf', os.path.join(run_path, 'etc')])
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd('root@%s' % location,
+ ['cp', '-a', os.path.join(orig_path, 'etc'),
+ os.path.join(run_path, 'etc')])
+ except cliapp.AppException:
+ raise cliapp.AppException('Could not create \'run\' rootfs'
+ ' from \'orig\'')
+ self.status(msg='Linking \'default\' to latest system')
+ try:
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd('root@%s' % location,
+ ['ln', '-sfn', versioned_root,
+ os.path.join(self._nfsboot_root, hostname, 'systems',
+ 'default')])
+ except cliapp.AppException:
+ raise cliapp.AppException('Could not link \'default\' to %s'
+ % versioned_root)
+ def configure_nfs(self, location, hostname):
+ exported_path = os.path.join(self._nfsboot_root, hostname)
+ exports_path = '/etc/exports'
+ # If that path is not already exported:
+ try:
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd(
+ 'root@%s' % location, ['grep', '-q', exported_path,
+ exports_path])
+ except cliapp.AppException:
+ ip_mask = '*'
+ options = 'rw,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,async'
+ exports_string = '%s %s(%s)\n' % (exported_path, ip_mask, options)
+ exports_append_sh = '''\
+set -eu
+cat "$target" > "$temp"
+cat >> "$temp"
+mv "$temp" "$target"
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd(
+ 'root@%s' % location,
+ ['sh', '-c', exports_append_sh, '--', exports_path],
+ feed_stdin=exports_string)
+ cliapp.ssh_runcmd(
+ 'root@%s' % location, ['systemctl', 'restart',
+ 'nfs-server.service'])