path: root/extensions/ceph.configure
diff options
authorJavier Jardón <>2017-11-26 23:39:48 +0000
committerJavier Jardón <>2017-12-12 15:58:23 +0000
commit7df7f3b427739ff7d69da2ba218da0124822892c (patch)
tree843c75e9bede53862ab101d6a7bcd1da15a33c55 /extensions/ceph.configure
parent7aad5150f69da42b84994c353283db5daf8e967f (diff)
Remove all .morph files and files from the old format
Diffstat (limited to 'extensions/ceph.configure')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 344 deletions
diff --git a/extensions/ceph.configure b/extensions/ceph.configure
deleted file mode 100644
index 32f512ef..00000000
--- a/extensions/ceph.configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Codethink Limited
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.5
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-import os
-import shutil
-import stat
-import sys
-import re
-import writeexts
-systemd_monitor_template = """
-Description=Ceph Monitor firstboot setup
-ExecStart=/bin/sh /root/setup-ceph-head
-ExecStartPost=/bin/systemctl disable ceph-monitor-fboot.service
-systemd_monitor_fname_template = "ceph-monitor-fboot.service"
-systemd_osd_template = """
-Description=Ceph osd firstboot setup
-ExecStart=/bin/sh /root/setup-ceph-node
-ExecStartPost=/bin/systemctl disable ceph-storage-fboot.service
-systemd_osd_fname_template = "ceph-storage-fboot.service"
-ceph_monitor_config_template = """#!/bin/sh
-ceph-authtool --create-keyring /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring \
- --gen-key -n mon. --cap mon 'allow *'
-ceph-authtool /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring \
- --import-keyring /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring
-monmaptool --create --add "$hn" "$monIp" --fsid "$clustFsid" /tmp/monmap
-mkdir -p /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-"$hn"
-ceph-mon --mkfs -i "$hn" --monmap /tmp/monmap --keyring /tmp/ceph.mon.keyring
-systemctl enable ceph-mon@"$hn".service
-systemctl start ceph-mon@"$hn".service
-ceph_storage_config_template = """#!/bin/sh
-if `file -sL "$storageDisk" | grep -q ext4`; then
- echo "ext4 disk detected. Proceding..."
- echo "ERROR: ext4 disk required." \
- "Ensure $storageDisk is formated as ext4." >&2
- exit 1
-osdnum="`ceph osd create $uuid`"
-mkdir /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-"$osdnum"
-mount -o user_xattr "$storageDisk" /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-"$osdnum"
-ceph-osd -i "$osdnum" --mkfs --mkkey --osd-uuid "$uuid"
-ceph auth add osd."$osdnum" osd 'allow *' mon 'allow profile osd' \
- -i /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-"$osdnum"/keyring
-ceph osd crush add-bucket "$hn" host
-ceph osd crush move "$hn" root=default
-ceph osd crush add osd."$osdnum" 1.0 host="$hn"
-systmectl enable ceph-osd@"$osdnum".service
-systemctl start ceph-osd@"$osdnum".service
-echo "$storageDisk /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-$osdnum/ ext4 defaults 0 2" \
- >> /etc/fstab
-executable_file_permissions = (
- stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IWUSR |
- stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IXOTH |
- stat.S_IROTH )
-class CephConfigurationExtension(writeexts.Extension):
- """
- Set up ceph server daemons.
- Support for metadata server has not been tested.
- Must include the following environment variables:
- HOSTNAME - Must be defined it is used as the ID for
- the monitor and metadata daemons.
- CEPH_CONF - Provide a ceph configuration file.
- Optional environment variables:
- CEPH_CLUSTER - Cluster name, if not provided defaults to 'ceph'.
- CEPH_BOOTSTRAP_OSD - Registered key capable of generating OSD
- keys.
- CEPH_BOOTSTRAP_MDS - Registered key capable of generating MDS
- keys.
- Bootstrap keys are required for creating OSD daemons on servers
- that do not have a running monitor daemon. They are gathered
- by 'ceph-deploy gatherkeys' but can be generated and registered
- separately.
- CEPH_CLIENT_ADMIN - Key required by any ceph action that requires
- client admin authentication to run
- CEPH_MON - (Blank) Create a ceph monitor daemon on the image.
- CEPH_MON_KEYRING - Location of monitor keyring. Required by the
- monitor if using cephx authentication.
- CEPH_MON_IP - ip address that the monitor node will have. This is required
- if CEPH_MON is set. It should also be set in the CEPH_CONF
- file too.
- CEPH_CLUSTER_FSID - A uuid for the ceph cluster. This is required if
- CEPH_MON is set. It should also be set in the
- CEPH_CONF file too.
- CEPH_OSD - (Blank) Create a ceph object storage daemon on the image.
- CEPH_OSD_X_DATA_DIR - Location of data directory for OSD.
- Create an OSD daemon on image. 'X' is an integer
- id, many osd daemons may be run on same server.
- CEPH_OSD_STORAGE_DEV - Location of the storage device to be used to host
- the osd file system. This is a required field.
- CEPH_MDS - (Blank) Create a metadata server daemon on server.
- """
- def process_args(self, args):
- if "HOSTNAME" not in os.environ:
- sys.exit( "ERROR: Need a hostname defined by 'HOSTNAME'" )
- if "CEPH_CONF" not in os.environ:
- sys.exit( "ERROR: Need a ceph conf file defined by 'CEPH_CONF'" )
- self.dest_dir = args[0]
- self.cluster_name = "ceph"
- self.hostname = os.environ["HOSTNAME"]
- self.conf_file = "/etc/ceph/{}.conf".format(self.cluster_name)
- self.admin_file = os.path.join( "/etc/ceph/",
- "{}.client.admin.keyring".format(self.cluster_name) )
- self.mon_dir = "/var/lib/ceph/mon/"
- self.osd_dir = "/var/lib/ceph/osd/"
- self.mds_dir = "/var/lib/ceph/mds/"
- self.tmp_dir = "/var/lib/ceph/tmp/"
- self.bootstrap_mds_dir = "/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mds/"
- self.bootstrap_osd_dir = "/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/"
- self.systemd_dir = "/etc/systemd/system/"
- self.systemd_multiuser_dir = \
- "/etc/systemd/system/"
- print "Copying from " + os.getcwd()
- self.copy_to_img(os.environ["CEPH_CONF"], self.conf_file)
- # If the clustername is provided set it accprdingly. Default is "ceph"
- if "CEPH_CLUSTER" in os.environ:
- self.cluster_name = os.environ["CEPH_CLUSTER"]
- # Copy over bootstrap keyrings
- if "CEPH_BOOTSTRAP_OSD" in os.environ:
- self.copy_bootstrap_osd(os.environ["CEPH_BOOTSTRAP_OSD"]);
- if "CEPH_BOOTSTRAP_MDS" in os.environ:
- self.copy_bootstrap_mds(os.environ["CEPH_BOOTSTRAP_MDS"]);
- # Copy over admin keyring
- if "CEPH_CLIENT_ADMIN" in os.environ:
- self.copy_to_img(os.environ["CEPH_CLIENT_ADMIN"], self.admin_file);
- # Configure any monitor daemons
- if "CEPH_MON" in os.environ:
- # check for and set self.mon_ip : needs static value.
- if "CEPH_MON_IP" not in os.environ:
- sys.exit("ERROR: Static ip required for the monitor node")
- else:
- self.mon_ip = os.environ["CEPH_MON_IP"]
- # Check and set for cluster fsid : can have default
- if "CEPH_CLUSTER_FSID" not in os.environ:
- sys.exit("ERROR: UUID fsid value required for cluster.")
- else:
- self.cluster_fsid = os.environ["CEPH_CLUSTER_FSID"]
- self.create_mon_data_dir(os.environ.get("CEPH_MON_KEYRING"))
- # Configure any object storage daemons
- if "CEPH_OSD" in os.environ:
- # Check a osd storage device has been provided
- if "CEPH_OSD_STORAGE_DEV" not in os.environ:
- sys.exit("ERROR: Storage device required. \
- else:
- self.osd_storage_dev = os.environ["CEPH_OSD_STORAGE_DEV"]
- self.create_osd_startup_script()
- osd_re = r"CEPH_OSD_(\d+)_DATA_DIR$"
- for env in os.environ.keys():
- match = re.match(osd_re, env)
- if match:
- osd_data_dir_env =
- osd_id =
- self.create_osd_data_dir(osd_id,
- os.environ.get(osd_data_dir_env))
- # Configure any mds daemons
- if "CEPH_MDS" in os.environ:
- self.create_mds_data_dir()
- # Create a fake 'partprobe'
- fake_partprobe_filename = self.dest_dir + "/sbin/partprobe"
- fake_partprobe = open(fake_partprobe_filename, 'w')
- fake_partprobe.write("#!/bin/bash\nexit 0;\n")
- fake_partprobe.close()
- os.chmod(fake_partprobe_filename, executable_file_permissions)
- self.create_startup_scripts()
- def copy_to_img(self, src_file, dest_file):
- shutil.copy(src_file, self.dest_dir + dest_file)
- def copy_bootstrap_osd(self, src_file):
- self.copy_to_img(src_file,
- os.path.join(self.bootstrap_osd_dir,
- "{}.keyring".format(self.cluster_name)))
- def copy_bootstrap_mds(self, src_file):
- self.copy_to_img(src_file,
- os.path.join(self.bootstrap_mds_dir,
- "{}.keyring".format(self.cluster_name)))
- def symlink_to_multiuser(self, fname):
- sys.stderr.write( os.path.join("../", fname) )
- sys.stderr.write( self.dest_dir +
- os.path.join(self.systemd_multiuser_dir, fname) )
- print "Linking: %s into %s"%(fname, self.systemd_multiuser_dir)
- os.symlink(os.path.join("../", fname),
- self.dest_dir +
- os.path.join(self.systemd_multiuser_dir, fname))
- def create_mon_data_dir(self, src_keyring):
- # Create systemd file to initialize the monitor data directory
- keyring = ""
- mon_systemd_fname = systemd_monitor_fname_template
- systemd_script_name = self.dest_dir \
- + os.path.join(self.systemd_dir, mon_systemd_fname)
- print "Write monitor systemd script to " + systemd_script_name
- mon_systemd = open(systemd_script_name, 'w')
- mon_systemd.write(systemd_monitor_template)
- mon_systemd.close()
- # Create a symlink to the multi user target
- self.symlink_to_multiuser(mon_systemd_fname)
- def create_osd_data_dir(self, osd_id, data_dir):
- if not data_dir:
- data_dir = '/srv/osd' + osd_id
- # Create the osd data dir
- os.makedirs(self.dest_dir + data_dir)
- def create_osd_startup_script(self):
- osd_systemd_fname = systemd_osd_fname_template
- osd_full_name = self.dest_dir + \
- os.path.join(self.systemd_dir, osd_systemd_fname)
- print "Write Storage systemd script to " + osd_full_name
- osd_systemd = open(osd_full_name, 'w')
- osd_systemd.write(systemd_osd_template)
- osd_systemd.close()
- # Create a symlink to the multi user target
- self.symlink_to_multiuser(osd_systemd_fname)
- def create_mds_data_dir(self):
- # Create the monitor data directory
- mds_data_dir = os.path.join(self.mds_dir,
- "{}-{}".format(self.cluster_name, self.hostname))
- os.makedirs(self.dest_dir + mds_data_dir)
- # Create sysvinit file to start via sysvinit
- sysvinit_file = os.path.join(mds_data_dir, "sysvinit")
- open(self.dest_dir + sysvinit_file, 'a').close()
- def create_startup_scripts(self):
- print "Copying startup scripts to node:"
- # Write monitor script if monitor requested
- if "CEPH_MON" in os.environ:
- head_setup_file = \
- os.path.join(self.dest_dir,"root","setup-ceph-head")
- with open(head_setup_file, "w") as hs_file:
- hs_file.write( ceph_monitor_config_template.format(self=self) )
- os.chmod(head_setup_file, executable_file_permissions)
- # Write osd script if osd is requested
- elif "CEPH_OSD" in os.environ:
- osd_setup_file = \
- os.path.join(self.dest_dir, "root", "setup-ceph-node")
- with open(osd_setup_file, "w") as os_file:
- os_file.write( ceph_storage_config_template.format(self=self) )
- os.chmod(osd_setup_file, executable_file_permissions)
- else:
- print ("No valid node type defined. "
- "A generic ceph node will be created.")